#androidtwin answers
androidtwin · 4 years
Nosy asks 6, 24 and 50?
6. Describe your dream home.
The exterior is not a big deal for me but the interior should be open without being a loft; spacious, with at least 3 rooms so one can be converted into a library. A nice backyard and maybe a deck where I can sit and watch the world from.
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Italy for sure, maybe Australia and somewhere far far North where I can see the Aurora Borealis
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
I like warm weather, I also lived in a tropical island until several months ago. So I like when it's warm out but there is a nice breeze to soothe the heat.
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bloody-bee-tea · 6 years
Stiles Stilinski and 12 for the headcanon asks?
12. Grudges and vendettas 
Oh boy. You better believe that Stiles still holds a grudge for a thing that happened in elementary school. He remembers all the people who wronged him or the ones he loves and he holds grudges like no one else. Once you’re on his shit list, you better hope that there is someone on a higher position than you, so you won’t have to suffer immediately. Then again, the waiting for the revenge might be worse. Because Stiles will get back at you for whatever you did. No one else remembers anymore, but you better believe that Stiles does. And he has a plan for all of the people on his list.
[Send me a character and a number]
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I call you Muffin because it's an angry sweet, because is a sign of affection and you feed me salt but also adorable sweetness with your content. I love youuuu, Donut Fairy!
My light, my love, my cupcake. I am happy to be your angry, salty Muffin for as long as you shall keep me. And at some point I’m totally gonna be your real life, in person Donut Fairy.
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You're very, very welcome, @androidtwin! This one was so much fun. And I could actually do it, unlike the last one, hahaha. 😂😚
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aurumacadicus · 6 years
The OT3 Owl™
My slogan is “Angst, fluff, and smut, guaranteed!”
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marvelingjules · 7 years
Hiya, Jules! For the Fanfic Writer Ask: J & Z?
Heya! :D
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it? 
Oh man another pick a favorite question lol. I love a bunch of tropes tbh. Some I’m picky about and others I’ll take anything for. I love any kind of werewolves AU, I’m an absolute sucker for that - not sure it’d count as a “trope” though!
De-aged tropes are fun. I like the chances for the H/C and/or angst. Also the fluff. I’ve not WRITTEN it, officially. Moon and I kind of did, though, for one of our verses that hasn’t been published yet. It was a ton of fun, in a verse that we already have a lot of fun in. (It’s an AU where Peggy and Daniel adopt Tony. We call it Ripples verse.)
I love most kinds of AUs, tbh. For Teen Wolf I can be tempted by a good Alpha!Stiles trope, and I’m definitely a sucker for the Pack Feels trope in that fandom. For Marvel I am all about that H/C, insecure!Tony when I’m in a certain mood, the basically avengers-sitcom-living-together-found-family trope….
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love? 
Hm. I guess some of my fics on here don’t? But those are short drabbles going out into the big wide internet so like, I don’t really have high expectations for them. (Like, the Alex Plot and Hope Romance Plot for my B&F verse don’t get much love, but that’s probably because it focuses more on OCs.) My most recent story for a WinterIron exchange has not gotten much love at all, compared to the others. I struggled with it this year, though, so maybe that just came across strongly in the writing? *shrugs*
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Tag Game
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 other people who you want to get to know better. 
I got tagged by the loviest of the lovely, @eirlyssa. Thank you!
Nickname: I have no IRL nicknames, but online I've been called Journey, Rain, Jo, Jellybean and CJ (those last two courtesy of @the-flightoficarus <3)
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 156cm/5′1″
Last movie I watched: Into the Spiderverse! And I loved it!
Last thing I googled: How to avoid plaquing when baking polymer clay. I've gone and gotten myself a a new hobby.
Favorite musicians: Uuuuuhhh it varies a lot? But some I really like the sound of in general are Maria Mena, Marit Larsen and Katzenjammer.
Song stuck in my head: Hyrule Field Theme from OoT, since I've been watching a let's play and it has burrowed into my mind.
Other blogs: Nope
Do I get asks: Some, occationally. I don't mind them at all, especially if I've reblogged an ask game lately!
Blogs following: I'm following 75 currently, some more active than others
Amount of sleep: ....................... too little
Lucky number: multiples of 3 and 5, prime numbers (esp 13 and 17)
What I‘m wearing: Wool. It's cold.
Dream job: Teacher to a small group of students
Dream trip: Uuuhh. Good question.
Favorite food: I'm fond of homemade pizza, but also like, moose and reindeer steaks. Chocolate ice cream for dessert is the best
Play any instruments: I did play mthe saxophone for one year when I was... ten, I think? And I've taught myself some videogame soundtrack melodies, but I've mostly forgotten them by now... I do have a keyboard though, so I could always try to relearn them
Languages: Norwegian and English. I can probably understand some basic Spanish, but not speak it
Favorite songs: Varies a lot, though I'm particularly fond of listening to videogame soundtracks. And song that make me cry. Ooh, Gabriellas sång from "Så som i himmelen", I love that one. Also songs about love that's not romantic love.
Random fact: Despite having watched close to every episode of QI, I cannot for the life of me remember any random facts.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: what does this even mean help Uuh. Hm. Shelves filled with various knick-knack and oddly shaped bottles, reading books curled up in a chair in front of the fireplace, the quiet hours in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep, watching the sun set from the rooftops, watching a favorite movie with blankets and cocoa when it's storming outside. Is that how you do this??
I'm gonna tag (and as always, feel free to ignore (especially if you’ve already done it)): @androidtwin, @the-flightoficarus, @theavengers-chef, @lovinthepizzalife, @arboreal-elm-ash-oak, @ali-aliska, @summerpipedream, @cheshire-cassiel, @gottalovethatstark, @toriisahunter, and everyone else that thinks it looks fun to do - consider this a tag!
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creepingsoul · 7 years
5 Things Tag
Thank you for tagging me @perfectlikegold <3 
rules: answer five questions and tag 5 people 
five things you’ll find in my bag: 
1. My wallet (i always carry extra money in case of emergency (you can never be too prepared) 
2. My phone charger :D (that’s my lifeline peeps) 
3. My keys 
4. A shit-ton of spare change (it weighs a lot bc of all the coins i squirrel away)
5. Pens (to doodle or write all of those sudden prompts that catch me unawares) 
five things you’ll find in my bedroom: 
1. Dirty laundry 
2. A whole lot of books 
3. Plushies :3 
4. Sketchbooks 
5. A half-unpacked suitcase 
five things I've always wanted to do: 
1. Travel alone 
2. Finish painting my room 
3. Get a tattoo (I'm getting one this year!! yay!) 
4. Finish my career ;w; 
5. Learn how to sleep a decent amount of time (it’s either 3 hours or 13, no in between)
 five things I'm currently into: 
1. Drawing 
2. Updating my stories (after months/years of inaction TT-TT forgiveme)
3. Learning how to study 
4. Creating Pinterest boards like crazy 
5. Trying to set a schedule for my life (a constant failure) 
five things on my to-do list: 
1. Transcribe all of my sudden-prompts from napkins and torn pieces of paper to the Official Notebook of Ideas 
3. Shave (I haven’t done it in like 6 months I'm not even kidding c:) 
4. Dye my hair again 
5. Cut my hair again 
I’m tagging @mitochondrials @androidtwin @tonystarktogo @levi-delrey @one-piece-of-harry 
(feel free to ignore it!! :D) 
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androidtwin · 5 years
Combining 14. Bodyguard fic with 24. Soulmates?
... I forgot a ship. Winteriron, please?
For you, Rain? Always!
On Pepper’s insistence and at the risk of facing Tony’s Wrath™, Rhodey reaches an old contact and sets an interview up. He can’t be part of it, but between Pepper’s no-nonsense business approach, Happy’s willingness to throw hands while wearing a suit and JARVIS’ terrifying ability to unearth even analog copies of your kindergarten report cards, Rhodey is not as worried as he could have been in the wake of Stane’s betrayal.
The Bodyguard, an Army Veteran named James Barnes, lands on California at 7300, his interview is at 1130 by Pepper stipulation, they try to make the man sweat bullets by JARVIS’ incident report (JARVIS is his favorite well of gossip.) The man remains unruffled and no wonder he was a decorated sniper.
Tony is, predictably pissed off, so so angry he refuses to talk to Barnes at all. He tries his damnest to lose his tail, just to find Barnes waiting for him. He is so intent on being the most inconvenient charge in Barnes’ resume, it takes him a month to notice his mark changing colors; from red and gold to silver and red.
“I’ve been so focused on shaking you loose I missed meeting my soulmate.” Tony huffs into his coffee.
Barnes is stiff as a board, eyes wide and flesh hand going to the shoulder where his prosthetic is moored on. When Tony stares, Barnes seems to shake himself, “You’ve been so busy trying that you totally missed me, yeah.”
Tony’s feels the mark settle and his eyes go impossibly wide. The coffee cup shatters but they’re too busy staring.
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bloody-bee-tea · 7 years
I love reading your works, the one I reread most it's Meet Me Again, Time After Time, I love it and I wanted to thank you for sharing it with us.
Awww, thank you! It’s great to hear that you love it enough to even reread it, especially since it’s already so old. This really made my day!
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Muffin de mi corazón!!!!! Happy birthday, babe! Many many blessings to you!😘😘😘😘
Ahhh, il mio amore! Thank you!!
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androidtwin · 6 years
5 11 20 Tony and _________
Ok anon, how about I give you Iron Family?
Tony + Guilty pleasures
{in a previous ask I went for food and music}
Cocktails! Tony LOVES cocktails, nowadays he’d make them more than drink them but he is weak for them; he avoids the ones attributed to hypermasculine characters but dive in headfirst into frilly and colorful because much like venomous creatures in the wild, they will fuck you up. Happy is also guilty of this, so when Tony was unrepentant with alcohol consumption he’d let Tony practice his cocktail making skills on him. Happy is a classy bitch and Tony puts spins of “manly” drinks to make them all colorful for him, they have a book and everything.
Tony + Bad or petty habits
Tony has learned a ton from his friendship with Rhodey, he stopped biting his nails and learned the art of petty revenge from one James Rupert Rhodes. Rhodey who had his future mapped out, meaning he couldn’t get into big trouble. The Art of Subterfuge, Rhodey proved with a few prodding questions that one of their professors had copied and plagiarized some students research, while the professor was presenting the book. He helped Tony to stand for himself and that flashy didn’t always have to be the way to go about things. Is how more than 20 years later nobody knows who filled the dorms with a substance that expanded until it was inhabitable. They also enjoy watching reality shows and reading everybody to filth. Later, Harley joins them and drags Peter into it too. 
Tony + What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
When he meets Harley, the kid is 5. Big Eyes, floppy hair and he is dirty and bruised. Tony takes one look at him and decides “You’re mine now.” He takes Harley Keener, an orphan whose widowed father is an abusive fuck and he becomes Harley Stark. Tony limits his drinking to 2 tumblers of whiskey while in business meetings and not much else. When Obadiah sees the change, he starts trying to manipulate Tony into giving Harley back, Tony sees through it cuts Obie off and that’s when Afghanistan happens. He has to get back to his boy.
While Maria loved Howard, she couldn’t stand one more day beside him; she packed up and took Tony with her. California was sun-soaked and as far as she could take her little Antonio. He was so excited for MIT and she couldn’t drag him away. Away from Howard’s toxic and controlling influence, Tony seemed more willing to have fun and relax and dream. He took the world by a storm and never failed to make it home for the holidays like a proper Italian son. Until the day he was taken from a lecture hall in Cambridge and Maria’s world came crashing down. Her little Antonio was brought back to her, three months later but he looked haunted and not even hearing her play would bring him out of his head.
Bucky couldn’t help but be horrified at the amount of paranormal in Rhodes’ best friends house. The place was filled with ghosts and other creatures invisible to the normal human eye. Anthony “call me Tony” was either oblivious or had a fucking deathwish. 
Turns out the answer was both, he was both. “you’re house is really freaking haunted”
“So what? It was cheap as hell. After my falling out with my father, this was my only option. Besides it’s not like I believe in ghosts.”
“They’re literally behind you, Tony!” 
“I’m the one keeping a roof over their heads, if something happens to me, my mother will probably come here and then where will they be? Evicted on their ectoplasmic asses because Maria might not practice but she’s Italian, an old school Priest will be called.”
Bucky decides to move in, and what if he has to buy sage in bulk? What about it?
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androidtwin · 6 years
6, 17, 28 for the writer's asks?
6. Single or multiple POV?
I like single POV. Mostly because I can’t get too chaotic with it, allows me to focus on what I’m trying to convey. Sometimes tho, multiple POV’s let me explore motivation a little more.
17. What writing habits or rituals do you have?
I like making notes and talking things out, but mostly I just pull on a thought and let it unravel. I like making playlists that go with the stories, like a soundtrack of what might be playing on the radio when the action is going on.
28. Favourite side character
Like one? I would go with Dum-E, since he is so expressive and also the one with most screentime. We tend to ping pong U’s and Butterfingers from little snippets of canon and the wonderful fanon imagery. But Dum-E, sweet disaster that  he is.
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androidtwin · 6 years
12, 22, 33, 71, 150 for the cute asks?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Beautiful Lies - Birdy
Flowers - Bastile ft. James Arthur, Rationale
Decidiste Dejarme - Camila
A Little Wicked - Valerie Broussard
Oxford Blood - Autoheart
22. Where would you like to travel? 
Italy is still my top destination. 
33. Spell your name with your chin. 
71. Craving something? What?
Untill yesterday I was craving McDonald’s pancakes, but I finally gave in and ate some.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“Algiers - had been found with the right kidney surgically removed.”
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androidtwin · 6 years
Let Us Love, In Reverse: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11
Last but not least, for my monumental WIP,[Note: Yes, I’m still working on it.]
Let Us Love, In Reverse:
2) What scene did you first put down?
I have two scenes that are neck to neck on which one came first but by structure; the first scene is the one where Tony is thinking about contingency plans. I’m gonna paste it here because the final product is different from this one:
[When your only back up consists of a synthetic man that used to be your AI and a sixteen year-old with arachnid powers, you plan ahead, you plan like that time you took on the terrorist group that shoved you headfirst into the ugly side of your creations. You have contingency plans for your contingency plans, damn it, you used the alphabet and then the periodic table to name them, ‘cause there’s no one else to do the job.
But there’s no strategy or premeditated action or anything really, when you walk into a lab full of tanks; tanks full of fetuses in various degrees of gestation, floating and developing in front of nefarious men.
Tony exits the suit, as the kid keeps watch from above, and really it was heeding his distress that had brought him to this part.]
3) What’s your favorite line of narration?
Just one? Uffff, LULIR is one of my most ambitious projects just by the sheer growth of it through writing. I mean this is a fic where I started screaming “Where’s Bucky?!” every 500 words past the 5k mark…ok let me see:
“His hands are shaking a little as he holds her to his chest -one hand over her head, the other on her naked rump,- for an endless moment nothing happens but then… She squirms a little, clenches her fists and moves her head, -it feels soft against Tony’s hand- pulls back a bit, Tony does the same to gauge her reactions and then…she opens her eyes.
And Tony?
Tony falls irrevocably in love.”
4) What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Again, there are so many to choose from, I’m gonna change this up a little and give you 3, because this is like picking my favorite Stark baby, impossible;
“Who are you talking to in Italian, Tony?” Rhodey’s voice was tinny in his ear and his tone was full of suspicion. “Why aren’t you showing me your face?”
How to phrase: “Went to investigate an old military base, came out with three lab made kids. They’re mine by the way and now I’m taking refuge in my childhood home that I had turned into a safe house after the Malibu Debacle and I don’t have enough hands.”? Tony looked at the scrunched up brow of the baby in his arms and sighed. “I can show you better than I can tell you, Honeybear.”
“I never thought I’d see the Self-rescuing Princess Tony Stark, be so good with babies.”
“You faith astounds me, Happy. No, really, I’m floored.” Tony snarked, one arm holding onto his baby girl and reaching for the coffeepot with the other. His blue eyed wonder seemed enraptured by the snark-fest going on.
“Oh, give her to me.” At Tony’s quirked brow, Happy elaborated. “You’re under caffeinated and too distracted by the beautiful little poppy on your arm.”
Tony whipped his head to the side, eyes wide, staring directly at the kid and grinned. “You hear that, kiddo? How does Fiorella sound, hm?” The enthusiastic little hands pulling at his shirt were a positive sign in his books. “You like it? Fiorella.”
“Oh shit!” Happy’s hands are around Fiorella just as quick as Tony’s hold slackens, and he has never been gladder for the man. His shock must be more than evident if the little smile Happy has is anything to go by. “ Cosa ?”
“Tony, why didn’t you tell me?” Steve’s voice cut through the chaos of the room and Bucky knew that whatever came next was not going to be pretty. “I mean, yes you called, but…”
“I. Don’t. Trust. You.” Tony enunciates plainly and continues before he falters, like he can’t give Steve an inch, like he won’t. “A man who had the gall to call himself my friend and demand my transparency; who looked me in the eyes for two whole years without telling me the truth about how I became an orphan. I don’t trust you, much less with something as important as the wellfare of my children, Captain .”
Steve set his jaw in that stubborn way of his, ready to defend himself tooth and nail, if possible. “I told you–”
“Don’t.” There’s such finality in Tony’s voice. Steve closes his mouth and refuses to break eye contact with Tony, “I read what you had to say, “Faith in individuals” and clearly I was never one to you.”
I have tones of lines from this one, if I don’t stop at 3, this post will be endless.
5) What part was the hardest to write?
Bucky??? It felt like it was never a good time to introduce Bucky into the story. It was difficult to make it flow naturally. How to get Bucky to New York without going through bureaucratic channels. To make him look genuine in both his wariness of Tony and his internal conflict.
6) What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
The length? I’m partly joking. This fic is at around 17k words in length and still not done. It’s massive in my world (it has to do with how English is not my mother tongue) I usually stick with short works. But I love this story, LULIR is very special because it was a tiny idea, fed on by certain bits of headcanons and MCU canon and 616 characteristics. I spent hours researching abandoned military bases and going over what I learned in my Italian courses. I love this concept that has turned into an universe by its own volition.
7) Where did the title come from?
Partly from NEEDTOBREATHE’s Let Us Love:“Let us loveLike we were childrenMake us feelLike we’re still livingIn a world I know that’s burning to the groundGive us timeTo beat the systemMake us findWhat we’ve been missingIn a world I know that’s burning to the ground”
After the comma, it’s about how Tony and Bucky find their way to each other. They’re going at it out of order so to speak. The endgame it’s them together with their kids, in a loving, trusting and fulfilling relationship but instead of kissing and marriage and baby carriage, it’s them going from “enemies” to parents, to “friends” to lovers. The title is the indicative that this story has no real concept of linear courtship. Their gonna do it backwards.
9) Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Yesss! There is this post:
And the follow up:
Besides that, I've toyed with the idea of "What If", what if it had been Bucky and the others that found the babies and Tony only found out because the babies had been abducted? What if there had been a older Winteriron child, one that had been aged and his body had deteriorated before Tony could stumble upon the base? [That one is very sad and tragic.]
There are also a couple of timestamps of things that don't fit the main story. Like what happened between Rhodey and Pepper's arrival to the mansion and the drinks scene. Doctor check ups, what happened after the initial confrontation at the end of the first chapter. Natasha. Tons and tons of stuff.
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androidtwin · 6 years
For the man who has everything: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9
For the man who has everything:
1)What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Oooooh, I’ll forever blame Ariana Grande’s One Last Time for this one. [So many tears so many] I re-watch Iron Man at least once a year, and one line that always breaks my heart is “So you’re a man that has everything and nothing?”
Tony’s little pause before he answers Yinsen and then this line had me whirling, plus the song on a loop. What if Tony and Bucky had met before? What if Tony broke his heart and Bucky’s and then Afghanistan happens and the Palladium poisoning happens? What would Tony do between Monaco and his birthday disaster party? He goes to New York to say goodbye of course. But then I wrote it from Bucky’s perspective [to break my own heart really]
3) What’s your favorite line of narration?
Bucky’s inner struggle between loving Tony and leaving. Look, the man is still hurt, Tony fucking broke his heart, he’s allowed!
“Lord above this asshole! Bucky wants to punch him, Hell, Bucky should fucking punch him and then leave and never again turn to look Tony Stark’s way. He should let out all his anger on the brown eyed motherfucking asshole that walked out on him a year prior like it was the easiest thing in the world. He should, he…”
4) What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Tony trying to do small talk with his ex, hilarious and heartbreaking;
“How have you been?” Tony asks at last, small talk. Tony Stark didn’t do small talk. “I mean…”
“I’ve been great, Anthony. Same can’t be said from you, I bet.”
“Could be better, I’ll admit.” Tony shrugs, there is something about him that nags at Bucky and he mentally stomps on it, viciously.
6) What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
I don’t know to be honest. Every time I write a new story I try to innovate myself with the narration and the approach to the story. If I had to pick something from this one, I guess all the crying that went into writing it; I wasn’t lying about listening to the song on a loop for hours until I was done with this fic. I cried a lot while typing.
9) Were there any alternate version of this fic?
No. This particular fic was left kinda open ended for the possibility of a sequel, one that takes place in California post birthday disaster. I’ve pictured Bucky on the rooftop talking with Rhodes when Tony and Pepper arrive. Maybe some “holy shit you’re alive” kissing and Pepper and Rhodey mocking them or something.
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