rookclan · 10 months
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Finally made a clangen after months of watching others play,,
gonna be documenting it on this blog, posting allegiances soon!
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zzombiecclan · 6 months
Will probably most Zombieclan ‘headcanons’ in the meantime (mostly just small facts since they are my characters so I can’t really make headcanons lol)
Anemonepaw’s voice gets his deep voice from his father, just as his sister got her fathers accent. (Of course an accent isn’t an inherited trait, she spent her childhood with him which is why she has a Greek accent)
Longlunge has a fear of heights and almost fainted when he was first taught how to climb a tree
Flashnose’s parents names are Maddash and Fiercehowl, both renowned warriors of Moorclan who passed in battle when Flashnose was a kit.
Longlunge was raised by his single mother Floppyears, she is alive and well. (As of moon 0 day 1)
Shinycoral, Tickcrawl, and Cinnamonwhisker all grew up together as they were all outsiders of the clan (Tick and Cinnamon being kits from rouges and Shiny being a kit from a former kittypet)
Anemonepaw often wonders if he really knows his sister, he sometimes wonders if she blames him for their parents passing
Anemonekit was saved from a hawk by his father, who then died, his mother ran to help and was killed too, Anemonekit being the lone survivor of the incident as Shinycoral was able to quickly pick him up and flee
Shinycoral, though charismatic and cheerful, is quiet and protective when around her little brother.
Tickcrawl and Cinnamonwhisker were rouge kits, being given up to Moorclan as their caretaker could no longer look after them. The two are not related but they might as well be, having strikingly similar appearances.
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fwoggys-second-chance · 4 months
Tiny suns (Moon 47) Part 1.
Streamstar leaps onto the driftwood rock. Calling the clan to her.
"Bristlepaw please come up."
He does so happily.
"I, Streamstar, leader of Littoralclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, I promise."
"Then you will be called Bristlefur."
"Peonykit please come up."
She does so eagerly.
"You have asked to become a medicine cat. Iceshimmer has asked to be your mentor. So you will be called Peonypaw and Iceshimmer will mentor you."
He comes up and touches their noses together.
"Anemonekit please come up."
She bounces up, spins in a circle, and chirps excitedly.
"You are ready to be an apprentice, you will be called Anemonepaw, your mentor will be Goldenwillow."
She comes up to touch their noses together.
"Daisykit, come up."
She does so.
"You have asked to become a mediator apprentice, so i have asked them and Lilybreeze has told me that she is happy to mentor you. You will be called Daisypaw, and Lilybreeze will be your mentor."
She comes up to touch their noses.
"Thistlekit please come up."
He does so.
"You will be called Thistlepaw, and your mentor will be Thunderheart."
She comes up to touch their noses together.
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floodclanblog · 1 year
Moons 4-6
Moon Four-
-Cinnamonsmoke has whitecough and Hornetpaw's broken bone seems to be getting infected (fuck)
-The new kits, Crowkit, Wrenkit, Anemonekit, Downykit, and Torrentkit are now apprentices to Elmleap (lol her mom), Chestnutstar (damn, the leader), Troutbud (for both Anemonepaw and Downypaw), and Galetiger
-Literally one moon into being an apprentice Downypaw got stuck in a fucking trap and now their leg is seriously injured
-Oh and now Torrentpaw has fucking whitecough as well! yippe!
Moon five-
-Cinnamonsmoke has recovered from whitecough aswell and Torrentpaw
-Horrnetpaw's pelt has healed at least but still not their broken fucking bone which is getting infected
-Rabbitpaw has been made a warrior and has now been named Rabbitthorn, making him the first out of the original three apprentices to become a warrior. I'm sure Tumblepaw and Hornetpaw are jealous.
-Elmleap has been made a medicinecat due to her strong connection to starclan and her interest in herbs, making Crowpaw's new mentor Cinnamonsmoke
Moon six-
-And just like that Tumblepaw has been made a warrior and is now named Tumblefreckle.
-Hornetpaw's infection has finally gone away aswell! But now it seems Downypaw's mangled leg is becoming infected...
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windclan — year seven — leaffall
boulderpaw dies in a fight with a badger.
cypresspaw and oakpaw are apprenticed to echofang and juniperbird.
anemonekit dies.
baylight has six kits, ashkit (grey she-cat), crouchkit, fiddlekit (golden-red, mottled tom), greykit (white tom with green eyes), juniperkit (dusty she-cat), and thriftkit (white tom with striped red patches and gold eyes).
dewspots has two kits, hopkit (light grey tom with darker spots and amber eyes) and oatkit. she dies in childbirth, and baylight adopts the two.
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I made her. She's a tall, fluffy calico with green eyes named Lilyseed. She had a kit, Anemonekit, an balck she with green eyes, who became Anemonefur, but in a battle, Lilyseed got a scar that wouldn't allow her to have more kits. She was sad, but eventually, moved into the nursery and helped the other queens. When Anemonefur had kits, she also moved into the hursery, even when her kits became apprentices. When Lilyseed died of an infection, Anemonefur (☆1/2)
(☆2/2) Anemonefur made it so no one could touch her old nest. Eventually, Anemonefur died protecting the nursery against a fox. Lilyseed, in StarClan, adopted all the orphaned kits.
O shot i forgot to add something, Lilyseedd also thinks all flowers are pretty and her nest is always covered in flowers given to her, she named Anemonefur when she saw an anemone flower and thought it was pretty and she also thought Anemonefur was pretty (not romanticly)
good mamas who take care of the ghost children nice
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fwoggys-second-chance · 5 months
Updated sprites and the new cat (Moon 42)
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fwoggys-second-chance · 5 months
Sprite updates, kits, and newcomers (41 moons)
Tuftprickle (Cis tom, he/him, 54 moons.)
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Foxpaw (Cis tom, he/him, 7 moons.)
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Peonykit (Molly)
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Anemonekit (Molly)
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Daisykit (Molly)
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Thistlekit (Tom)
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floodclanblog · 1 year
First 3 moons
Moon One-
-Not much, Scratchgoose has an herb covered pelt now, and and Troutbud has fleas lol. -Also when Tumblepaw and Chestnutstar were training apparently Tumblepaw wasn't acting normal and just didn't wanna talk about it with Chestnutstar. -Apparently Horentpaw was getting annoyed with Tumblepaw, so maybe it was that
Moon Two-
-Troutbud doesn't have fleas anymore yippe!
-Galetiger is developing some slight romantic feelings for Cinnamonsmoke which are both gay, and unreciprocated at the moment.
-Scratchgoose has some romantic feelings for Chestnutstar, which is also gay
-On a training patrol with Galetiger, Cinnamonsmoke explained they had a vision from starclan and they talked about it together (gay) (also Rabbitpaw thirdwheeled)
-Chestnutstar and Tumblepaw went on a borderpatrol and met a kittypet with a little of kits who have now joined the clan. The mother, now Elmleap, Crowkit, Anemonekit, Wrenkit, Downykit, and Torrent kit
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all the new kits are soooo cute but why are Anemonekit and Wrenkit bullies ;-;
Moon Three-
-Troutbud got fleas again lol
-A sand dune fucking collapsed under Hornetpaw and he fucking broke a bone?!?
-Elmleap followed Scratchgoose to gather herbs and tried to tell her about a vision she had from starclan, but Scratchgoose couldn't make out what it meant
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windclan — year seven — greenleaf
sedgewhisker becomes a warrior, and after, owlwhisker retires.
boulderpaw, sugarpaw, and thunderpaw are apprenticed to sequoiabird, baylight, and tawnystar.
brightshore has eight kits:
anemonekit: lithe white tom with dark ears.
baykit: white tom with dark grey patches and hazel eyes.
blizzardkit: mostly white tom with flecked grey patches and teal eyes.
hurricanekit: clumsy, white tom with mottled grey patches with darker flecks and green eyes.
juniperkit: partially paralyzed tom.
maplekit: mottled she-cat with teal eyes.
skykit: white tom.
thriftkit: white she-cat.
ryestalk dies.
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shadowclan �� year twelve — leaffall
birchbark gets back! he doesn't know where sparrowtail is! rip!
lightleap becomes a warrior. congrats, tigerdove, you have one living kit. they. wait ik they had kits before hold on. uh yeah congrats tigerdove you have one living kit!
hoppaw is held back a season, tho. fails his assessment. dovewing feels bad.
twilightpaw dies.
larchpaw, tallpaw, podpaw, droughtpaw, and agoserispaw are apprenticed to crowstar, skyfrost, nightflower, slatefur, and yarrowleaf, respectively.
needlekit dies, as do bushkit and anemonekit.
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shadowclan — year four — greenleaf
have you noticed that shadowclan is massive? that's not like negative foreshadowing it's just a comment. riverclan has like 5 warriors and shadowclan has like 13.
anyway icekit and anemonekit die. scorchwind dies.
smokepaw is apprenticed to brownthorn (since oakfur, canon mentor, is dead), and talonpaw to rowanclaw.
applefur moves into the elders den due to illness.
tallpoppy has her litter of kits, applekit, marshkit, and toadkit.
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shadowclan — year four — newleaf
galepaw is apprenticed to ratscar, sleetpaw is apprenticed to stumpytail.
tangleburr has a litter of kits: anemonekit (pale cream tom with a white belly and long fur) and redkit (calico she-cat with a mottled pelt)
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shadowclan — year twelve — greenleaf
tigerheart returns, although he got separated from sparrowtail and birchbark and doesn't know where they are. he bears the rest of the cure, although there are numerous deaths in shadowclan as well: tawnypelt, spirepaw, flaxpaw, onionsong, gustkit, and silverkit.
lightpaw's new mentor is slatefur.
twilightpaw is apprenticed to dawnpelt.
berryheart has three kits with shadecloud: bushkit (small, silver tom with black spots), tracekit (dark tabby and white tom), and anemonekit (she-cat with yellow eyes).
(dovewing is very happy to see her husband again. he's quite upset to know pouncekit and shadowkit died when he was gone.)
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