#angel cradle
wordsinhaled · 11 months
just little tiny things i’m noticing that are sending me into a tailspin:
even with the entire range of emotion his facial expression went through at first - aziraphale’s eyes are closed when crowley pulls back from kissing him
his bowtie is askew from how crowley was crushed against him and yet prim-and-proper aziraphale doesn’t have the presence of mind to care one bit
when aziraphale touches his lips his hand is literally shaking violently. listen… what in the brideshead revisited self-denying repression. boy has he got it BAD for crowley
he also tries like three times to back out once metatron comes back because he’s realized he fucked up - asks about the bookshop and tries to stay, eyes darting toward the window, starts to say he thinks he needs to go
part of me is sure nothing would’ve worked to get him to change his mind but i’m also half-convinced if metatron hadn’t come back at that precise moment aziraphale might’ve gone after crowley after all because [tenth doctor voice] what. what. what
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cvmcicle · 1 month
do you guys think i'd get put into jail for claiming these as my ocs
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misc. stufd
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lepetitdragonvert · 8 months
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The Cradle Ship by Edith Howes
Published by Cassell & Co. Ltd.
Artist: Florence Mary Anderson
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prickly-pickle-cat · 10 months
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Yeehawgust Day 4: Hold Your Horses
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grind-core666-fan · 2 months
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certifiablyinsanez · 8 months
Broke: the “I was wrong dance” scene was funny and cute.
Woke: the “I was wrong dance” scene was actually fucked up and wrong. It was a culmination of everything wrong in their relationship, how the dynamics that they’re used to are unsustainable even if they’ve “worked” for thousands of years. Crowley was thrown into a situation that would easily overwhelm and frighten anyone, and was expected to play along to Aziraphale’s whims likes he’s always done. Instead of having proper lines of communication about it, Aziraphale uses a tactic that is very angel of him. Not as in Crowley’s angel, but as in Heavens angel. This is how Heaven functions, through passive aggression, and manipulative movements. Crowley, in an effort to protect Aziraphale, gives in to a show of humiliation and control. It’s something that Heaven has done to Aziraphale for eons and now he does it to Crowley. Anger towards aziraphale for this scene is a natural reaction but holding this against him takes this take back to broke. Aziraphale has {not really} escaped a timeless abusive relationship with heaven. 4 years of “freedom” after eons of abuse is not enough to undo the damage. And sadly, we know all too well that not only is love from others not enough to do that, it’s common for us to do the same things to the ones we love. It’s tragic, it’s painful, and it’s so tragically human. You don’t have to worry about Crowley getting payback or thinking about Aziraphale doing the dance when he comes back. He is ABSOLUTELY about to pay the price and learn in the most painful way possible. And even if you’re absolutely pissed with him over this, the price he’s paying isn’t really worth it. It would basically be saying the same thing as “you hurt me, so I don’t feel bad that you’re gonna learn why and how you hurt me by going back to your abusers”. Aziraphale needs to unlearn so much, but he deserves to learn it in a safe environment. Aziraphale can be both the victim and victimizer. He can hurt people and still deserve love and security. It’s all just a fucking travesty.
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dramoor · 6 months
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THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIFT OF MARY "Jesus, my sweet Lamb, that my heart might be your cradle. I hold Him and will not let Him go because I chose Him for all my Good." ~Lataille
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vltravoilence · 3 months
Sometimes the characters that make u feel "I could be a good motherrr" happen to be WWII airmen ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ ·
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notwithd · 8 months
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Suptober Day 9: Starlight
We took a gamble with this love
Like sailing to the storm
With the waves rushing over to take us
We were battling against the tide
You were my beacon of salvation
I was your starlight.
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 4 months
I didn't thought of vaggie saying something homophobic.
But crackwhore was definitely said at least a few times, and probably something like how it's not because he like being fucked by 20 guys than it mean he should make the Hotel reek from it.
Because let's be honest, Vaggie is one to go for the throat, and I can see this happening.
Also, I'm pretty sure sometimes vaggie gave him looks murderous enough for Angel to feel freaked out, especially since I wouldn't be surprised if, when angry, Vaggie would give off an angelic aura or something.
Though it make me wonder if Angel worried if she wasn't in some kind of commies or fascist death squad when alive.
After all, highly judgemental military gal in hell doesn't give off reassuring signs.
I wouldn't be surprised if Vaggie once revealed to Charlie that the stuff she said when angry was "stupid shit my mom believed".
Obviously she never talked of it after, but I can see this happening.
Sidenote, but Charlie probably have the habit of bringing stuff that are on high shelves/place etc to Vaggie without prompting, because with the loss of her wings, Vaggie must have felt really shitty whenever she saw high places and just couldn't reach them, probably with some phantom pains when she instinctively tried using her wings,so Charlie took the stuff for her when she noticed that.
Vaggie is absolutely able to give off a sort of "angelic" aura when she wants to, though she obviously does her best to not use that "ability" very often because she wants to hide the fact that she's actually an Angel from everyone, for a variety of reasons.
And her aura could be especially intense when she was angry, because while it was supposed to be a secret (not that everyone basically didn't already know the truth) that Adam was her father, the fact was that he was, and Vaggie did inherit some of his high levels of angelic power, which she never actively uses, but it shows itself through the intensity of her aura when she actually allows it to show.
Vaggie rarely ever actually talked about her past to any, even Charlie. She did technically create a "background" for herself, a story to tell if anyone needed to know who she'd been before she ended up in Hell, to help sell the story that she was just another Sinner. But sometimes, when it was just her and Charlie, she would slip the tiniest bit and very, very briefly mention something about her mother. Like how some of the cruel things she said were things her mother had taught her, both directly and indirectly, as she was growing up. But she never wanted to say more, and Charlie, of course, never pushed, seeing it was difficult for Vaggie to remember her life before Hell, even if she didn't fully know why.
One of the things Vaggie had taken for granted most of her life was the fact that, because she could fly, she never had to worry about the fact that she's honestly not that all. After she lost her wings, and the initial pain was gone, she took a while to fully adjust to the fact that they were gone, and whenever she wanted to try and reach something on a high shelf, or something just too far out of her reach, her first instinct was to just try and fly up to grab it...only to obviously find herself still on the ground and feeling a bit of phantom pain from her missing wings.
It took her a long time to be willing to actually ask Charlie to help her get things from the higher shelves, but Charlie noticed sooner that she was struggling and started just usually putting things lower without being asked anyway.
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civilight-eterna · 2 months
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François Boucher (French, 1703 - 1770) Cupid a Captive, Detail, ca. 1754 The Wallace Collection
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marioumafrauda · 3 months
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imweepin · 1 year
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wings of nightmares
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grind-core666-fan · 4 months
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
Was listening to Poets of the Fall while writing and got hit hard by this song's lyrics just... perfectly describing my feelings for Kuaidul. (Song is Angel by Poets of the Fall):
"This tear I cry Falls like healing rain Softly soothes my pain This surrender it feels like I'll Kiss the feathers of a hummingbird in flight Breaking up into a million specks of light Take the shape of an angel in the night Carry you to peaceful fields"
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