#angel of death nanowrimo
kirsten-is-writing · 11 months
nanowrimo day 2: 3.4k words
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rowanwriting · 9 months
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— about;
hello, writeblr! my name is Rowan. I'm 32, bisexual, aro/acespec, nonbinary, transmasc (they/them), and an aspiring novelist. I'm also a part-time english undergrad and hopefully a future teacher.
I enjoy writing in quite a few genres, from contemporary romance to sci-fi to horror to fantasy, and I love trying new things in my work. my biggest challenge is actually finishing a wip, but I hope to get better at that with motivation from tumblr. I also enjoy dabbling in some fanfiction, especially when my original stories hit writer’s block. 
please feel free to join me on other social media, linked below. I look forward to getting to know more people in the writeblr community!
about // wip page // twitter // instagram // wattpad // archive of our own // gaming twitter // spotify // pinterest // nanowrimo
— works in progress;
lost in death —
Cassidy Sullivan is dead.
He's been dead for five years, watching his girlfriend move on without him. He's been dead for ten years, watching his parents mourn. He's been dead for thirty years, as the world changes around him and he remains the same, in the small apartment he died in. He's been dead for fifty years, and everyone has forgotten him.
Tristan Kent is a psychic.
More of a curse than a blessing, their so-called gift has ruined their life. Unable to go to school or work, they eke out a meager existence be exploiting their abilities from a small metaphysical shop. They don't believe in most of the things they sell, neither gods nor demons nor angels, but they know that something must be real, else they wouldn't be haunted.
When a regular client of Tristan’s volunteers them for a local ghost hunting reality show on the extremely haunted Wentworth Street House, Tristan takes the job only for the money. They have no interest in proving the supernatural to be real — they already know that it is. But the presence that haunts the house is like none they’ve ever sensed before, and their not sure what to make of that, save to find out more.
As the reality show commences, the ten so-called psychics come to exorcise the house. Tristan must discover who is genuine, who is faking it, and whether to help Cassidy resist expulsion. But there is more to the Wentworth Street House than even Cassidy knows, and soon he’s the only thing between Tristan and a sinister force that has remained hidden from his sight all these years.
the kraken —
Fifteen years ago, the love of Marisolle’s young life was discovered and brutally executed by her father, the Prince-Regent, for crimes against the Crown. Hardening her heart, the princess swore never to love again.
Now queen in her own right, married, and with children of her own, Marisolle is content, if not happy. She rules well and is beloved by her people, and her country is more prosperous than ever. But there are enemies on the horizon, and Marisolle soon must seek desperate help if her rule is to survive.
Theovold left his home almost ten years ago to join the queen of Mavacia in an arranged marriage. He loves his children, and adores his wife, even as he feels the deep chasm between them, the pain of a love lost. But his attempts at wooing her may come to a stop when Mavacia is attacked, and a new man comes into her life.
Vincenze is a pirate, nothing more and nothing less. When the Queen of Mavacia offers him a Letter of Marque, permission to sail under her name and banner, in return for his aid in the coming war, he knows that he cannot run from his past any longer.
And as Marisolle, Theovold, and Vincenze come together to face their enemies, the Sea Witch watches, pieces falling into place.
the beyond —
The year is 2284. Humanity has long ago risen to the stars, joining a galactic community of ascended species. No longer alone in the universe, the Helios Accord brought the countries of Earth together into one united government, The Sol Federation.
Emelyn Kane is a washed up soldier, a mercenary working solo. Born far from Earth, she spends most of her time on her ship, going from job to job and trying not to think about how she ended up disgraced and discharged from the human military.
When her ship crash lands on an uncharted planet, Emelyn believes her life, such as it is, has ended. But the planet is life bearing, inhabited by a sentient species. And the indigenous people, the Vescai, have strange abilities — abilities that have kept their massive empire hidden from the rest of the universe.
Even when she gets used to life on the beautiful planet she is now stranded on, Emelyn knows that she is the last person who should be seen as a vanguard of humanity, let alone an ambassador for the entire ascended galaxy.
As the Vescai debate her very appearance on one of their planets, Emelyn must decide if she wished to remain with them, or allow them to wipe her memory or send her home. But her choice might be taken out of her hands, as she soon begins to develop the very abilities the Vescai treasure.
the prince of stars —
A cursed prince must find and kill the fallen star that foretold his doom before his twentieth birthday.
Prince Riavyn is born under a falling star, cursing both him and the realm he is one day meant to rule. If he is ever crowned king, he will bring war and ruin to his country. At least, so long as the star lives. Now nearing his nineteenth birthday, Riavyn is more determined to be king than ever, despite being removed from the line of succession by his mother, the queen.
His only chance to regain his standing in the royal family and redeem himself is to seek out the living star, and kill it before nightfall on his twentieth birthday, when the astromancers say the curse will become everlasting.
Along with the captain of his guard, Riavyn sets out to hunt the star down, knowing that it’s his only chance to become king. But the curse is more powerful than he knows, and breaking it might have consequences he never imagined.
A star is not meant to die, after all.
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itsawhumpsideblog · 13 days
The New York Volunteers Masterpost
Summary: Micheál and Patrick emigrate from Ireland to New York City shortly before the American Civil War. They enlist in the Union Army and fight with the 69th New York, part of the famous Irish Brigade. There, they make friends with tentmates Jack, Ted, and Rory, forming a found family that will stick together through everything.
These novels were a NaNoWriMo project over the course of several years and written quite a while ago. They were read by one or two of my friends, but I liked the idea of sharing them and they are pretty whumpy.
Author's notes
The characters are each based on a Civil War-era song and when relevant, chapters will come with links to the music that goes with them.
Content Warnings for the series overall are: violence, guns, major injury, character death (it's set during a war, so expect the kinds of things that the setting will necessarily entail), physical abuse of a child (but there's Comfort as well as Hurt). Other content warnings will be included by chapter.
Click here to head Back to the Library!
Book 1:
To America Sailed O'er
For America's Bright Starry Banner
In The Ranks Of Death You Will Find Him
And Guide Their Way Home
Mister, Here's Your Mule
Soon With Angels I'll Be Marching
In The Prison Cell I Sit
I'd Rather My Son As He Used To Be
Be It Ever So Humble
Shall We Never More Behold Thee?
Historical note: Despite the time and place, there's no racism or sexism in this story and thus no warnings for either. Although both would be historically present, this was a for-fun project I did and frankly, writing racist and sexist characters isn't very fun. There is eventually a single Confederate character who is portrayed sympathetically as an individual, but his cause is not portrayed sympathetically. Since this is the internet and you don't know me, I want it on record that I do not condone anything that the Confederacy stood for.
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The Not Yet Grown Works [ 01 ]
hello and how are you?
Welcome to the Masterlist for NaNoWriMo! This will be the main post to wander around and over before and during and after November hits! With the month coming for our lives soon enough, we hope to have all of our prep come into light!
We will be going the Rebel Route this NaNoWriMo, once again! So that means multiple projects, more goals than just the traditional 50k Words, and probably other stuff that we'll blame being a Rebel on to get away with!
NaNoWriMo Site | Event Tag | Secret Third Thing
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The Goals
Traditional NaNoWriMo | 50,000 Words In the true spirit of November, we will be aiming to hit our beloved number of writing at least 50k Words within the confines of the month, but that is just one of many goals!
Hit The Mark | 5,000 Words a Day Stepping it up a little this year, we want to aim to hit at least 5k a day, and since we are pulling out multiple projects for this, it will be averaging around 1k Words for every project, every day.
All Month Long | 150,000 Words When everything is said and done, we ultimately want to hit 150k Words for the entire month! So hitting our 5k Daily mark and then going at it for the full 30 days! This will be the biggest goal for us, and it is a good strive for ultimate bragging.
Drowning The Drafts | 30,000 a Project Since we are going to be drafting out a lot of our projects - most of them being first drafts and a few of them being the start of a second - we want to add 30k words to each Project, give or take! That would be if we manage to split things super evenly, but this one is just nice to think about and not a hard definition of success for us!
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The Works
A Magician And A Curse Intro Post | Writing Tag First Drafts | 50k Word Aspirations | Brainrot First Drafts ○ Original Work, Standalone Novel ○ Fantasy, Horror ○ Dual Perspectives, Third Person Present Tense ○ Mature Content: Murder, Body Mutilation, Violence
Bentley's Resolve Intro Post | Writing Tag Second Drafts | 30k Word Goal | Easy Sequel ○ Original Work, Standalone Novel ○ Science Fiction, Steampunk, Horror Elements ○ Dual Perspectives, Third Person Present Tense ○ Mature Content: Death, Blood, Violence, Demons, Monsters
Constellations By Orion Intro Post | Writing Tag Second Drafts | 30k Word Goal | Broken Scene Draft ○ Original Work, Standalone Novel ○ High Fantasy, Action and Adventure ○ Third Person Present Tense ○ No Mature Content
Grayland's Shadow Intro Post | Writing Tag Second Drafts | 40k Word Aspirations | Veteran Beginning ○ Original Work, Standalone Novel ○ Low Fantasy, Horror ○ First, Second, Third Person Present Tense ○ Mature Content: Death, Violence, Blood, Implied Gore
To Fall Without Angel Wings Intro Post | Writing Tag First Drafts | 50k Word Aspirations | Personal Gains ○ Original Work, Standalone Novel ○ Low Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, Mature Elements ○ Third Person Present Tense ○ Mature Content: Suicide [ multiple aspects ]
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The Extras
The Great Motivation Experiment | Post Here! We will be reinstating our claim on this wonderful Writing Experiment that was started and spread by the wonderful @did-i-do-this-write! You can find the participant list in the link and hey, if you wanna join in, then you can! We think this is a good back burner motivation for November, especially with just getting us through some words if we ever end up lacking or feeling lazy.
Old Concepts / Posts | Poll Here! We have / had a poll going that would be extra background content while we do our NaNoWriMo updates and writings! These are more concept words and posts that are coming from our Main Blog. They have been mostly abandoned over there, so we are hoping to bring and expand them over here!
NaNoWriMo Updates | Poll Here! We definitely will be aiming to get updates going! Probably will not be a daily occurrence like last year - unless the poll decides our fate - but we do wanna let you all come along on this journey! Depending on everything, we will try to not just disappear off the face of the planet completely!
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All in all, we hope this NaNoWriMo is just as magical and filled with words as everything else and all the other months. We also just want to say that our goals and works and set up is made to be for us and not at all should be a template. We have been doing a lot of writing these last years and hey, we tend to put a lot of effort into NaNo, bc we love to!
Happy Preptober and NaNoWriMo Everyone! ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧
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josiebelladonna · 11 months
me: *makes art that i’ve been making since i was a kid that’s only matured and developed with me and has gotten praise from incredible people*
“nope, this just isn’t good.”
me: *writes erotica that is true to me and my personal kinks in all its wordiness and complexity*
“nope, this isn’t sexy. this 100 word x reader drabble with breeder kink with very little description, horrible grammar, and no indication of what the author is feeling other than ‘i’m having fun’ is 100000000x sexier and is the best writer ever.”
me: *has a weather station, keeps a weather journal because it’s interesting and regular journaling just enrages and eventually breaks me*
“why? we have advanced instruments for forecasting, why bother?”
me: *attempts to show my drawing process, through video and photographs*
me: *bakes fucking bread and a cake, makes meatballs; first loaf was spot-on; rye bread was underproved but delicious and warm; meatballs and cake were heavenly and i’m being sincere about that*
“cool. thx for sharing.”
me: *talks about stuff i want to learn how to bake like spanakopita and soufflés*
me: *shares testament’s sharing of the ginger snap cartoon i made of them*
me: *shares soundgarden’s sharing of a cartoon i made during a bad time in my life—i actually wound up disliking that one because of the time period but it was still something special*
me: *talks about gary holt and rob cavestany liking my exodus and death angel drawings*
me: *talks about chris, lars, joey, alex, eric, and jeff, and how i love these men with all my heart for their kindness to me, especially chris and alex*
me: *does three art challenges for october, one of which was something particularly challenging (goretober)—goretober and witchtober were my own prompts, too!*
me: *writes 1.1 million words*
me: *goes on a weight-loss journey*
me: *does own illustrations to accompany my writing, by hand, no less*
me: *participates in nanowrimo every year since 2018 except last year, and wins every single one—hell, the 2018 one, i was literally traveling while i was writing it*
me: *Irish exits out of all social media except ig because i am literally giving you motherfucking imbeciles the world and i’m lucky to get a thank you*
“awww, what’s the matterrrrr, are you feewing negwected? are you making money? hey, where are you going? come back. are you okay? we need you. are you okay? ARE YOU OKAY?” *starts throwing shit* “ARE YOU OKAY???!!??!?!?!?? YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL!!!!!! get a job, loser. you don’t care, do you, little bitch.”
i also get this nonsense a lot:
“check out this artist! reminds me of your art!”
*looks absolutely nothing like my art, or it does sort of, like i can see the logic*
“sorry, what does this do for me besides cheapen art, mine as well as that person”
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syn4k · 1 year
Established Ideas For Writing Projects That Will Probably Also Be Quite Large And Time Consuming That Ive Been Idly Rotating for Months While Working On Ashes
That one play that the theatre kids in the Emhec Café universe are working on (untitled)
Formatted as a script for a play; will need to do additional research on how plays are created and formatted
Because I'm me, will also include some metadata (i.e annotations, scribble marks as allowed by ao3 formatting, might have to make a whole work skin for it dear lord i hope it doesn't come to that) from the three authors (Ren, Sausage, and also Wilbur Soot because he's here too)
Play is about a werewolf knight who receives an order from the king to hunt down and kill a werewolf that has been spotted in a nearby forest, which also happens to be the werewolf.
Sausage and Ren are writing the play as a comedy/drama with a healthy bit of gay subtext interjected because why on earth would they not; Wilbur is using it as an outlet to vent about his recent divorce and mostly just adds dramatic angsty monologues that are NOT in line with the tone of the rest of the play at all but the other two let him keep helping because 1. it's funny and 2. nobody knows how or where wilbur lives and they're worried that if he doesnt come to these meetings anymore rhen he might just straight up die.
none of my ideas for this are actually written down anywhere, all of them were brainstormed on a call with a friend like five months ago
immensely ambitious project but would also be fun as hell to write
The Odyssey but make it a modern day roadtrip AU- working title atm is "Took a Wrong Turn at a 7-11 (The Modyssey)"
(original idea by @ wolfythewitch here on Tumblr)
yes, i am going to attempt to interpret a millennia old classic work that has become a part of western literary canon. no, i have not actually read the odyssey before.
everyone has the same name and im like 90% sure that nobody dies. dunno how anything will work again i havent read the odyssey
instead of the argo being a ship, it is a camper van.
i literally have no idea how this is going to work but trust me okay i will do it eventually and it will be glorious and it will be posted to ao3.
Writing Projects That I Need To Actually Complete Before Starting Anything Else Mentioned Above
Echoes in the Halls of the Deeps
Arsenic Tea (or Death and her Angel)
this one's been shoved way down the priority list i'll get to it someday but i started it for nanowrimo 2022 and burnt out so bad that i had to just scrap it and do something else to get a grade because i did it for a grade. it's a great concept! i was just in the trenches at the time
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dirtsaint · 2 years
— ✦ the low guard ;; wip introduction
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— details ;;
genre. urban fantasy, horror pov. third person limited status. outlining length. duology, part i content warnings. death, body horror, necromancy, suicidal ideation, discussions of religion (real & fictional), graphic depictions of violence this work is for nanowrimo 2022.
— synopsis ;;
After years of rejected applications, Damaris North is ecstatic to finally be joining the Low Guard; a coven of witches dedicated to protecting Los Angeles and the surrounding realms. When she's apprenticed to Charlie Sanchez- a reviled necromancer and cursemarked witch -she thinks her career is ending before it begins. However, when a strand of killings tear through the city, Damaris finds herself following Charlie deeper and deeper into LA's magical underworld. As the killers circle ever-closer, she finds herself having to choose who she is- who she wants to be.
— characters ;;
damaris north — human & fae, witch, she/her, twenty-one charlie sanchez — human, necromancer, she/they, twenty-nine nate bishop — fae, mortician, he/him, ??? mercy alnwick — vampire, witch, they/them, ??? parker ivanov — werewolf, clan head, they/them, thirty-two ian abraham — human, witch, she/her, thirty, vivian — djinn, she/her, ???
— vibes ;;
this is a crime novel, but urban fantasy- i've affectionately been calling the genre 'necronoir' ever since i had the idea. be prepared for death, gore, and a whole gamut of horror tropes. there'll be themes of feeling disconnected from your heritage, cultural identity in the face of oppression and violence, mental health issues, and 'good' not always being good. these characters are very near and dear to my heart, and i hope those of you who are with me on this ride will love them just as much as i do.
— more information ;;
work in progress tag nanowrimo page spotify playlist
— taglist ;;
ask/reply to be added or removed! @cactusmotif @linaswritingcorner @thearchangelwrites
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thepancakelady · 2 years
so @theflagscene did an ao3 wrapped and i really wanted to do it too because it seemed fun so i've simply hijacked the idea
AO3 name: pancakelady
Works Published: 17
Total Word Count: 89,748
Hits: 13,493
Bookmarks: 182
Most Popular by Kudos: love and eggs are best when they are fresh {181 kudos} (Not Me ; seanwhite)
Most Hits: off on a hero's journey {1,634 hits} (Not Me ; seanwhite)
Longest: off on a hero's journey {32,237 words} (Not Me, seanwhite)
Shortest: this broken mask {1,216 words} (Not Me, toddwhite but it's complicated)
Most Comments: off on a hero's journey {39 comment threads} (Not Me, seanwhite)
Fic that made me cry: Duplicate Parts by JessicaMDawn
Fic that made me smile: a lot of them but there's a word for it by smyx made me laugh so hard
Gifts: technically none but i wrote love and eggs are best when they are fresh because @ablazenqueen suggested the idea so that almost counts?
Collaborations: none
Events participated in: Not Me Week, Not Me Prompt Month, Kinktober 2022, NaNoWriMo, One Year of Not Me
Most Underrated Fic: can't keep my hands off you {50 hits} (P.S. I Hate You ; pukhun)
Coming in 2023:
ugh i have an endless list of wips but these are a priority and i sure fucking hope they will come out in 2023 and not in 2024
p.s. i hate you fic in which pu and prae actually get married but it's all for show because pu is gay and prae is dating meen so there's mlm & wlw solidarity
not me femme swap manner of death au
khaithird on a farm in which khai's parents send him to live with his grandma in the countryside for 3 months where he reconnects with his childhood best friend
another sequel to the zorro seanwhite au. there will be even more plot in the pwp universe
blackgenenamo 3 will be free au
not me angel beats au. everything will be horrible so pretend tissues
kinktober leftovers featuring maerex, khaithird twice, singhgap, more depressing toddwhite
tagging @ablazenqueen @7nessasaryevils @smyx @rares-posts and @xagan if they want to do it
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vvatchword · 10 months
I cannot get over how much media there was of Named Investigators in the 30s-40s. I just watched one with some guy called... shit I can't remember now, they all run together after a while. The Shadow, The Falcon, The uh. The Guy
But this one particular film was good for other reasons: it showed me a period-typical bar with period-typical Bar Behavior and some Rich People Nonsense, which is all important for what I'm writing. At one point there was a weird costume party. The theme was Surrealism. The main character gets in by ripping flowering branches off of a tree and entering the door as Primeval Spring. His romantic foil came to the party wearing a... rose mask? As in a WHOLE FUCKING BALL of roses around her entire head. You couldn't see her face or hair. She was just enveloped. It was legitimately creepy. As in, if I saw that thing coming toward me in Silent Hill, I would be like: ah yes, Roseface. She will beat me to death with her roseface
Yesterday I watched a film called Three Husbands from 193-whatever. Some old British rake kicks the bucket and as part of his last will and testament leaves a letter to each of his friends claiming to be boinking each of their wives. The film is framed by the rake telling the story up in heaven. Three divorces nearly happen because of this guy and the marriages come back together for absolutely no reason that I understand. This movie was sold as a comedy and begins and ends with angels laughing their asses off.
"Why isn't god sending him to hell" was my first question. My next question was, "why not send them all to hell while you're at it" because the characters were all so terrible. Well. All of them except for the Lucy proxy. She was pretty great. She'd do things like bet on horses and belch. Every time I see a woman in an old film who isn't a demure little housewife I get excited.
I tried watching Please Murder Me!, which featured Angela Lansbury and Perry Mason, but unfortunately, the title was the only good part.
Alias John Preston was also enjoyed. It features a very young Saruman (Christopher Lee). Lee's performance is excellent and he perfectly illustrates PTSD. I was deeply impressed. The movie itself is a huge letdown. It builds and builds and builds anddddd sputters out.
I fell way behind on NaNoWriMo so I should work on that today. I'm reinstating a human schedule. I shall be so very human. I decided to treat myself to Horny Gay Man section. God it's a fun section.
Also, I got four more African dwarf frogs from that breeder. I was worried for a sec that Auntie (the oldest frog, The Frog Who Lived) had perished, but she showed up last night and ate some plankton. Still no sign of Mr. Murder. I'm so frightened that I may have accidentally killed him during the move.
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zavianglorywrites · 11 months
What am I working on for NaNoWriMo?
For NaNoWriMo 2023 I'm planning to finish the first book in what I *plan* to be a 15-book paranormal romance series. (I'm less than 10k words in to begin with and it will be done when it's done.)
The premise: Two guys who are lifelong best friends and long-distance boyfriends turn 30 and inherit the neighboring houses where they grew up, ten years after the "accidental" death of each of their parents, and also learn they are descendents of archangels and that their family lines have been specifically created to be the frontline defense against an immensely powerful demon expected to crawl out of Hell very soon. Now they need to learn how to master their angelic powers and build their army from all the partners they had in the last twelve years while in an open relationship, who have all inherited angelic power from them.
Side Plot: Figuring out all the Weird Stuff about the house(s) and property, and learning about the nephilim generations that came before them.
The working title for the series is The Angel Blood Chronicles, with each book focused on one of the partners and titled after them.
Partners include humans, a vampire, a werewolf, my version of hellhounds (large dog shifters), an angel, demons, a fairy, an incubus, and another nephilim.
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kirsten-is-writing · 11 months
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google, please
i don’t care if it’s pRoPeR eNgLiSh or not, but jesus christ — a lot of people (myself included) TALK LIKE THIS
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rowanwriting · 2 years
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— about;
since I’ve changed the url of my writeblr as well as my pen name, I thought I’d create a new intro post with links and the like. so here we are! I’m Rowan. I’m 31, gray aro/ace, non-binary (she/they), and I’m an aspiring novelist. I’m also a part time student. I’ve got adhd and I’m exploring a possible autism self-dx, and I deal with chronic pain and anxiety.
I love writing all sorts of genres, from fantasy to science fiction to horror, and I love trying new concepts. my biggest challenge is actually finishing a wip, but I hope to get better at that with motivation from tumblr. I also enjoy dabbling in fanfiction, especially when my original stories hit writer’s block. 
please feel free to join me on other social media, linked below, and I look forward to getting to know more people in the writeblr community!
— links;
about // wip page // twitter // instagram // wattpad // archive of our own // gaming twitter // spotify // pinterest // nanowrimo
— works in progress;
lost in death —
Cassidy Sullivan is dead.
He's  been dead for five years, watching his girlfriend move on without him. He's been dead for ten years, watching his parents mourn. He's been dead  for thirty years, as the world changes around him and he remains the  same, in the small apartment he died in. He's been dead for fifty years,  and everyone has forgotten him.
Tristan Kent is a psychic.
More  of a curse than a blessing, their so-called gift has ruined their life.  Unable to go to school or work, they eke out a meager existence be  exploiting their abilities from a small metaphysical shop. They don't believe in most of the things they sell, neither gods nor demons nor angels, but they know that something must be real, else they wouldn't be haunted.
When a regular client of Tristan’s volunteers them for a local ghost hunting reality show on the extremely haunted Wentworth Street House, Tristan takes the job only for the money. They have no interest in proving the supernatural to be real — they already know that it is. But the presence that haunts the house is like none they’ve ever sensed before, and their not sure what to make of that, save to find out more.
As the reality show commences, the ten so-called psychics come to exorcise the house. Tristan must discover who is genuine, who is faking it, and whether to  help Cassidy resist expulsion. But there is more to the Wentworth Street House than even Cassidy knows, and soon he’s the only thing between  Tristan and a sinister force that has remained hidden from his sight all these years.
the kraken —
Fifteen years ago, the love of Marisolle’s young life was discovered and brutally executed by her father, the Prince-Regent, for crimes against the Crown. Hardening her heart, the princess swore never to love again.
Now queen in her own right, married, and with children of her own, Marisolle is content, if not happy. She rules well and is beloved by her people, and her country is more prosperous than ever. But there are enemies on the horizon, and Marisolle soon must seek desperate help if her rule is to survive.
Theovold left his home almost ten years ago to join the queen of Mavacia in an arranged marriage. He loves his children, and adores his wife, even as he feels the deep chasm between them, the pain of a love lost. But his attempts at wooing her may come to a stop when Mavacia is attacked, and a new man comes into her life.
Vincenze is a pirate, nothing more and nothing less. When the Queen of Mavacia offers him a Letter of Marque, permission to sail under her name and banner, in return for his aid in the coming war, he knows that he cannot run from his past any longer.
And as Marisolle, Theovold, and Vincenze come together to face their enemies, the Sea Witch watches, pieces falling into place.
the beyond —
The year is 2284. Humanity has long ago risen to the stars, joining a galactic community of ascended species. No longer alone in the universe, the Helios Accord brought the countries of Earth together into one united government, The Sol Federation.
Emelyn Kane is a washed up soldier, a mercenary working solo. Born far from Earth, she spends most of her time on her ship, going from job to job and trying not to think about how she ended up disgraced and discharged from the human military.
When her ship crash lands on an uncharted planet, Emelyn believes her life, such as it is, has ended. But the planet is life bearing, inhabited by a sentient species. And the indigenous people, the Vescai, have strange abilities — abilities that have kept their massive empire hidden from the rest of the universe.
Even when she gets used to life on the beautiful planet she is now stranded on, Emelyn knows that she is the last person who should be seen as a vanguard of humanity, let alone an ambassador for the entire ascended galaxy.
As the Vescai debate her very appearance on one of their planets, Emelyn must decide if she wished to remain with them, or allow them to wipe her memory or send her home. But her choice might be taken out of her hands, as she soon begins to develop the very abilities the Vescai treasure.
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darqx · 6 years
And you’re hoping that this night wont end
In which there’s a number of qs because i have a backlog from when i was doing my prior animatic |D Some angel-ish doodles inside...
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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I’m assuming this is for the main characs of BTD and BTD2 so here ya go!
Me: Rire Gato: Strade, Ren, Law EP: Sano, Akira, Vincent, Cain
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i mean it doesnt really have a storyline to end per say so i’m not sure how you want me to do this XD
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Not at all i like him like that too sometimes.
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His behaviour probably wouldnt change too much aside from since he is not just looking for entertainment, he’d probably be like way more possessive than he already is and more likely to mark someone and keep them. And although he might then turn his more murderous “entertain me” attention on any competitors, lets just say that people still don’t tend to last very long...
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They’d still be arguing
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(Picking out potential MCs lol)
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Rire’s parents were around when he was younger! Well, then his father died at some point and he got a step-father, then his step-father died at some point so now it’s just his mother that’s still around. I’ve never actually drawn them so i dont know who he takes after more :B
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Sure lay it on me!
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-pats- I’m sorry you are getting that reaction with your particular ship of choice :< , i’m sure you will eventually find someone out there who likes it too! Or at least someone who doesnt mind so much and you can have fun and chat about your respective ships with.
I dont think i really have an “unpopular” ship per say...my more shippy stuff tends to be either strire or caire and people tend to be into those |D
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There is the usual of course - jealousy over power, which is something he’s a little less likely to experience now as a Royal lol. Also yes Rire is rather possessive over things (or even the very occasional person) that he’s deemed as “his” - on the very high end of the scale if he’s ever marked someone that’s what category they’d fall under (as something “owned” by him).
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"for i bring you good news. You shall all be with the Lord very shortly.”
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What makes you think he wouldnt “”””cheat”“““
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I dont understand the question sorry o_o
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There was a really funny one someone else did where the two of them were fusing and they were like “no, nope, not doing this” but unfortunately i dont know where it is but that would honestly be the most legitimate of their reactions XD
If i were to do it properly though maybe something like this
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He could theoretically give you some ichor related “medical attention” but a completely detached limb he would require some third party help to reattach to be functioning again as that is not within his power scope.
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He likes jazz and classical music so i guess if any bands mostly did that or modern versions (like electroswing) then he would like them lol. He’d probably find Voltaire stuff amusing.
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There actually is a human!Rire (who existed before demon!Rire came into conception lol). He’s a relatively young headmaster in an all boys boarding school and prior to that he was an English teacher.
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
Writblr Intro 2: Electric Boogaloo
My name is Nico, my pronouns are he/him and it/its, and I'm a queer teen writer. I write mostly fantasy, with a dash of sci-fi and thriller.
Most of what I write is YA/teen, though I have ideas for other things (specifically middle grade & perhaps a NA story) that I may work on in the future.
I'm OK with adults following, but don't be creepy, and don't follow if your blog is specifically 18+.
This tumblr will be mostly writing content, along with some art, memes, social justice, and posts I just generally like. I also post writing advice, and my masterpost can be found here.
Some things: I am a queer inclusionist of all good-faith identities. I am autistic and am very passionate about disability activism, especially in regards to making writblr a more welcoming place for my fellow disabled & mentally ill people. I will not tolerate any sort of bigotry and am quick to block, though I will take questions in good faith and am glad to answer them.
about and fandoms
My Writing
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[ID: a discord screenshot of something said by my friend, Mika. The sentence reads "tjis is so sick you are so twisted nciko". /end ID.]
I write mostly fantasy, often heavily featuring mental health, queerness, friendship, and morality. And as the lovely review above shows, I am not hesitant toward angst <3
Speaking of Mika, aka @strawberrystarcake: we run a short story event each month. I post a prompt, and then people write stories based on them. (I've written 2 so far.) The masterlist of all stories people have written for it (including me!) is here.
Now for my works-in-progress :D under the cut, for the sake of dashboards.
Gay Fairytale Series/GFS: This is a 5-book YA fantasy series that is a loose retelling of a few fairytales (mainly Cinderella). The books are, currently: Moonlit Blood, and... the other 4, lmao. I don't put titles online. (Summary for books 1 and 2 is below.)
Moonlit Blood, aka GFW1: When Angel Lavoie accidentally cons their way into having to do work, they must team up with four other dysfunctional criminals in order to crash a royal masquerade and steal the cage that houses the soul of a vengeful god-monster. Features themes of family, friendship, and self-worth. (intro)
GFS book 2, aka GFW2: Rowan never meant to be drawn into anything. But when, instead of dying like they were supposed to, Angel and their friends literally break magic, she doesn't really have a choice. Features themes of trust, betrayal, and doing the right thing.
The Rose Librarians: Eleanor finds a magic library in the middle of nowhere. It's all good at first, but when the library's secrets turn out to be darker than expected, she must team up with Charlie--the strange but knowing librarian--in order to keep herself alive. Features themes of depression, self worth, and coping mechanisms. (Intro.)
MOSTLY ACTIVE/SEMI-HIATUS WIPs (not currently being written, but are posted about semi-frequently):
Valarie Saintly is Totally Normal: Val saved the world 4 years ago. Now, she's running off with some sketchy new friends so she doesn't need to do it again. (Mack has just met this girl. She wants to use his car for her road trip. What could go wrong?) Urban fantasy, features themes of anxiety, pressure to be perfect, and self care. (Intro.)
The Intriguing Death of Thalia May/NT21: my NaNoWriMo 2021 project. Ace Acker has just been accepted into the best academy the country has to offer. But when people start disappearing and his ex-girlfriend's ghost comes back to yell at him about it, he realizes this will not be a normal senior year. (Intro.)
If you've read this far, that's very nice of you :D have a great day and drink some water!
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Angel Whumpee, bound and gagged. Demon Whumper. Human caretaker who doesn’t know what they are doing because they didn’t know their angel buddy/friend/lover was a cosmic being until they were kidnapped.
I am so sorry that this took so long, you sent this right as Nanowrimo started! But, at long last, here we are. I really hope it’s okay, I’ve never done anything like this before. Enjoy!
CW//Suffocation, restraints, gags, death threats
Whumpee was burning.
That was the only possible explanation in Caretaker's mind as they burst through the doors of the abandoned warehouse. Though the air was clear of smoke, the scent of flame still hung heavy, threatening to singe at their eyes nonetheless.
Scorch marks along the walls seemed to serve almost as rudimentary arrows, all pointing towards the same, horrid thing. No, not thing. Caretaker shook their head at the very thought. At the end of the warehouse was not a thing.
No, it was a victim. More than that, it was their friend.
Whumpee... They didn't know where to start. Their body did, however, as, a moment later, Caretaker found themself kneeling at their friend's side before they had even realized they were running.
Whumpee was hurt. That was the first coherent word that came to mind once the fury and flame behind their eyes had worn off. Hurt.
The burns were the first thing that Caretaker noticed, though they weren't entirely sure why. Perhaps it was because of the horrid, overwhelming smell, or the sheer disgust they felt upon seeing the wounds. Along Whumpee's side, and on their cheek, skin had peeled away, leaving only singed edges and furious, bleeding flesh beneath.
The second thing that they noticed was the ropes. Perhaps the restraints were even more egregious than the horrid, bleeding injuries. In a sense, they served only to put salt in said wounds.
Little did Caretaker know, Whumpee would have done just about anything for some salt in that moment. A circle of it, ideally.
However, there wasn't much at all they could do. Not with the way they were bound— A rough, cloth gag shoved into their mouth and tied behind their head, with their limbs uncaringly hogtied. Clearly, they'd be left in the position for far too long, given the way their knees and elbows quivered.
"Whumpee?" It was only after several moments of horrified staring that Caretaker regained enough common sense to think to speak. "Whumpee, what happened? Who... Who did this?"
When their friend had disappeared a few days prior, they hadn't known what to expect. Running from the law, perhaps, from debt? They'd always been quiet about their past. A mental break was always possible, too, of course.
The idea of a kidnapping had never so much as crossed their mind. Yet, sitting before them, trussed up like a turkey, was all the proof they could ever need.
With the gag leaving them speechless, Whumpee could only look up at their friend, eyes wide and quivering.
"R-Right." Caretaker barely managed to stammer. "Okay, I- Let me just-"
They couldn't believe that their very first thought hadn't been releasing their friend from their bindings. But, it wasn't as though their mind was working all too well. Hands trembling something awful, they reached first for the knot holding the gag in place.
With a yelp, Caretaker yanked their hands back. Flame. When they had attempted to untie the knot, there had been flame.
Flame from a cloth gag. In what world did that make sense?
Sense had no place at that moment, however. Instead, Caretaker's attention was drawn to Whumpee, who now furiously shook their head.
"Hey, hey." Soothing had never been their strong suit, but they supposed they could at least give it a try. "I don't know what's going on, and I'm not going to pretend that I do. But I'm going to get you out of here, okay?"
The shaking of their head grew only more furious. Caretaker quirked a brow.
"You... Don't want to leave? You're- You- You should see yourself in a mirror, I don't know how you're even alive-"
Whumpee had been warning them.
Caretaker hadn't caught on. Not until it was too late. Not until the door at the front of the warehouse had opened once more, letting in the barest shreds of light from the outside.
A stranger. In Caretaker's mind, that was who entered through the door and into the building. A complete stranger.
Whumpee, on the other hand, went as white as a ghost.
The approaching figure was intimidating in all the ways one wouldn't expect. Their stature was far from impressive, with wiry limbs attached to a torso that was just a little bit too long. Short, black hair disguised all but the barest glimpses of their eyes as they moved forth, shrouded in a plaid suit and an air of grandeur.
"Now." Every step the stranger made sent a great, resounding click through the warehouse, as though they wore tap shoes. "Isn't this strange? If I remember correctly, when I left this place, I only had one prisoner.
Now I have two. Would anyone care to explain that?"
Calm as the stranger's voice was, Caretaker felt as though their lungs had just been stolen of their air. Why did everything feel so very hot, all of a sudden?
More importantly, why couldn’t they move?
Caretaker, a puppet on strings, stood to their feet, arms quivering at their sides.
The nearer the stranger got, the hotter the room seemed to become. By the time that they reached forward to touch their prey’s chin, cup it in their hand, force them to look upwards, Caretaker’s clothes had become soaked through with sweat.
“I’m a busy man.”
The stranger’s smile was too wide.
“I simply don’t have time for two of you. Especially with how fussy your little friend is. I think that means, unfortunately, that I’m the one here who has to make the hard choice.”
Caretaker’s jaw quivered in their attacker’s grasp.
“What... Are... You...” That was all they could manage. Three choked-out words.
Three choked out words had elicited only a barking laugh from the stranger.
“Call me Whumper, dear, not that you will need to call me much of anything for long.”
That was when the real choking began.
Whumper’s hand shot to their throat, gripping their windpipe and crushing it, as easily as a bug. Caretaker felt a cough coming on, but it came out only as a desperate wheeze.
This was it.
Checking on a friend. They’d only been checking on a friend. Now, this was it. There was no fighting they could do. No, their killer was a coward. Too much of a coward to allow them to move.
Their vision went out just as the scream sounded. Whumper’s scream. An instant later, their breath was returned to them, just as it was taken by their captor-- they heard as they were slammed against a wall on the other side of the room.
Caretaker’s vision filtered back to their mind.
Before them did not stand Whumpee.
Rather, shaking and panting, stood an angel, wings and all. Now, Caretaker had the same question to ask them.
“What are you?”
“I- I would think that’s- Pretty clear now-”
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Though wounded by the gag, Whumpee’s mouth still managed to form into a smirk.
“We aren’t allowed to tell our charges what we are, Caretaker.”
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cloverfieldswrites · 3 years
Neither of Us Will Be Missed: My D&D Character That Turned Into An Actual Entire Novel
Picture this. You are me, a 15-year-old high school junior. It is April 4, 2021, 4 days before you turn sixteen. You have spent the past year in quarantine playing a maniacal amount of D&D, fifth edition, and your DM asks you for a short backstory for one of your favorite characters, a paladin whose defining features are being very short and very righteous. She has no allies in the church. She’s an ex-Devotion paladin in the literal middle of Hell, fighting alongside an actual skeleton who is trying to drink himself to a second death and a spoiled god who’s found himself mortal after getting kicked off of Daddy’s prayer roll. There is a massive, massive gap between the upbringing you already know she had (because you seriously don’t get to that level of indoctrination without eating, breathing, and sleeping religion) and where she is now. Your two best friends, the ones who play the skeleton and the god, workshop her with you. You have always had a strong intuition, have always just known things an instant before they materialize. You think it’s what makes you a writer. You think, My name is Alina Vesperlin. Who am I? What keeps me up at night? once, for fun, and you stumble across an awful love story, the worst kind, the kind that never dies.
You start to think, this could be two thousand words. Three thousand words. You make up a few side characters. You ask your DM for permission. You write the three thousand words in two days, and you’re not even close to beginning. You name the document “a cold open and heteroerotic swordfighting”, and you already know how it ends. The trouble is getting there. You feel like an amnesia patient, filling in a life by the outlines of what you remember, except you keep waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because they’re not your memories, they’re not memories at all. This character is just a character, but she’s leaped off of your computer screen- a study in black and white, harsh lines drawn in the sand- and out at you and demanded, voice ragged, to have her story told. And you decide that maybe this person you voice is someone whose book you should take a page out of- maybe you should have a little faith and write the damn book to begin with. So.
My upcoming New Adult fantasy novel, Neither of Us Will Be Missed, began in April of 2021 and is set to finish drafting by November of 2022. The summary?
Alina Vesperlin, a half-angel orphan bastard, trains to become a deeply religious divine warrior, part of an extremely selective order that upholds and protects the lawful tenets of Tyr. But blind belief, no matter how instilled, can’t protect her forever, and her sins eventually catch up to her. Her faith in her own divinity under Tyr, so crucial to the oath of devotion she swore so young in exchange for divine power, starts to dwindle and then disappear. Upon breaking her oath, she leaves behind her noble order, an outcast unable to believe in the stark truths she’s upheld her whole life, with her worst secret hot on her heels. She falls in with a ragtag group of adventurers to stay alive. Her only marketable skills are still to kill and conquer, and by god, do infestations of the undead need killing and conquering. (If one of her companions is as damned and infernal as the beasts she’s hunting.. she never saw anything but a gun spinning in the air.) Along the way, the group’s unlikely friendship blooms; but it’s all arrested when Alina is forced to face the destiny she was conceived for.
Ah, well. All things end in divine wrath or absolution, anyway. Come along and find out! There’s a live word count spreadsheet here and a link to my NaNoWriMo page for the novel here (not updated because the website is buggy as hell). Plus a Spotify playlist! And a Pinterest board! And, finally, the big boy, the mother of all links: the current Google Doc where I am drafting this monster.
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