#angry goat woman
another-heroine · 1 year
sharing a dessert for andrine and octavia!
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy
Aaaaa so cute!
Thanks for sending a prompt, here we go:
Sweet Tooth
Andrine knew her wife very well. Those random outbursts could be nothing but one thing: period days were coming.
She took a time to understand that since they met. Octavia usually was a cheering person, flirtatious and light-hearted, but some days she just closed herself from the world, got more impatient and became a big eater.
Before became a queen, Andrine didn't know what she could do, since they were always on the road, and with their pockets light. She understood Octavia's frustration about don't have any luxuries or at least a bit of comfort.
But those times were left behind. There was the Queen of Solovey on her way, carrying a lidded cake pan. She knocked softly on the study's door and listened from inside, "Who's there?"
"Irovetti's ghost, wearing a hearts underwear," Andrine replied most serious that she could.
Octavia dragged the chair. "Why do you do that? What an awful vision!"
Andrine laughed and opened the door. "Just kidding, it's me, your favorite girl in the world!"
Octavia gave a half-smile. She was behind piles of documents. The shelves of her study were full of arcane artifacts, from statues to odd scrolls.
"How are you doing?" Andrine asked, letting the pan on a side desk.
Octavia sighed, looking at the mess in front of her. "I don't know, to be honest. I'm about to start drooling over the documents for real. Or drawing butterflies on the margins."
"Take a pause with me. You shouldn't push yourself hard." Andrine called, kissing the crown of her head.
Octavia glanced at the cake pan, with curiosity. "What did you bring?"
Andrine grinned mischievously. "Why don't you check?"
The princess consort got up and uncovered the dessert. Her eyes glistened. "Wait... Is that..."
"Is... Is the same recipe?"
"I hope so or heads will roll!" Andrine mocked.
Octavia giggled. "Oh no, I don't want to watch a public execution because of a blueberry cake!"
The dessert was already cut in slices. The crystallized fruits were sprinkled with sugar, and the cake dough was soft and in the right point. Octavia ate like a happy child, hopping on the place. Andrine took her chance to eat some as well, stealing the icing on the corners of Octavia's lips with her finger.
"Do you want mine so bad, huh?" Octavia narrowed her eyes.
"Yours are always more tasty," Andrine teased.
The princess bit her inferior lip, looking at her cake slice. "Later, Your Highness..."
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he11swinter · 1 year
Three things (first off thank you so much for the last ask it was a blessing)
1 I have a song I want to show you that I believe fits Isabella, George and Jimmy but can't decide which one I should draw/animate to
2 This is a fic my friend is writing for a collage class (I'll maybe send a doc if I get permission and you want to read) but it's basically Horace and Dana bonding with Horace being the first guy to not stare lustful at Dana or harm her in anyway while she's not scared of his appearance so the two find some sort of ground to step on and open up together. She said she's trying to write it in a way that Horace will wonder if he would ever had a life with her in it if they were alive (cause we argue what years these two are from cause there's literally NO HINT in clothes/items that help unlike the others)
3 As promised I want to a somewhat happy ask, What are you headcanons of the ghost being "imaginary friends" for some kid? It's a known fact for children to have friends no one else sees as well as it known a chance is the friend is actually a spirit or ghoul. I like to picture George was the most happy to be a little kid's friend since he was a dad before death
You’re so welcome! It was fun, and thank you so much for this one! Pleeeease keep ‘em coming! :D
My vote is George for the song, because he had the revenge arc. The energy feels most like him, maybe? (I want to see the art/animation when it’s done, sounds exciting.)
If you wanna send me stories feel free! I don’t always get to them (I’m not much of a fanfic reader, maybe just quick things) but I certainly try. 😁
As for the times Dana and Horace lived, I THINK there were newspaper clippings in Damon’s shop that hinted or even gave dates, if that helps. I’m almost certain Dana died in the mid-late 90s, making her the second newest ghost after Jean. I always imagined Horace dying earlier, but not by too far. The scrapyard shut down at his death, right? I think…!? What was left of the car models could date him if so, and if identified, but I’m not a car person. 😂
Now see, THIS is adorable. I’m sure George would be a great imaginary friend to a kid, and one that would freak the parents out every time the child referenced him. He’d certainly be the best at the job, too, because…
Billy: He’d be a bossy jerk. Imaginary friend? More like imaginary bully, making them do what he wants and play exactly how he plays all the time. (Cowboys and Indians, of course.) He’d criticize them and do things the kid would get in trouble for constantly. Good luck to them trying to explain their imaginary friend did it… :/
Jimmy: I think he’d be uncomfortable. He doesn’t hate kids, he just doesn’t understand them and thinks they can be kind of irritating. He doesn’t enjoy explaining everything while they ask, “Why, why, why?” over and over. Like, “Why do you roll your head around instead of wearing it?” and he’d be like, “Jeez…”
Susan: She likes kids! Remember her with Bobby? Her favourite game to play with kids is see if she can startle them into tears. It’s great fun (for her). Evidently she’s not very responsible.
Royce: Royce doesn’t want to babysit, and that’s all that’s coming to me right now. Maybe somehow he could warm up to them, however, and treat them like a little brother or sister? (Sometimes I headcanon he had one, but I’ll save that explanation for another day because I did get an ask about it.)
Dana: No tender feelings towards the little gremlin at all; she just wants everyone to leave her the heck alone and stop staring. Frankly, the kid would be in some danger potentially.
Margaret and Harold: They don’t want to hang out near kids, either. Margaret only loves and has time for her son, and Harold would get outrageously jealous anyway.
Ryan: Oh gosh, he’s so unpredictable even to himself. There’s no way in hell he’d be comfortable around a child, but I’m in love with the idea of him gritting his teeth through it and then secretly growing fond. I think there would have to be a certain degree of himself he sees in them in order to be curious and connect; Ryan’s one to seek out familiarity.
Horace: Horace would kick the child. I’m sorry, there’s no hope.
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sword-and-lance · 2 years
((anyway yeah sure I COULD headbutt people even without horns if I didn’t need to like
and keep a roof over my head and shit
but also it would be more satisfying to even be able to think about headbutting people like mad goat ngl))
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miss-celestial-being · 3 months
jake peralta going on a blind date that boyle set up but she’s actually completely his type
literally the love of my life tysm for the request
"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. And did I mention, no!" Jake says exasperatedly. "You see, I knew you would say that which is why I already set up the date with her." Charles rebuttals. He tells him your name as he taps rhythmically on Jake's desk. "She's thirty-two, she loves herself some Tay-Tay, and her favorite soup is crab bisque. I met her in my hot goat yoga class." "Ew, what." "Yeah, I'm hearing how that sounds now. But still, I think you'd like her. Who knows, by the end of the night you may just be smushing booties." Jake groans, "God, Boyle, don't say smushing booties." "Right, yeah, yep," He picks up the file from Jake's desk, turning to the man as he walks away, "Shaw's Bar, 8 o'clock."
Charles turns back around and bumps into Terry as he walks to his desk. He groans as he crushes his yogurt cup in his hand, "Damnnit, Boyle." "Sorry," He says as he backs toward the exit of the bullpen. He rapidly clicks the close button once inside the elevator, evading Terry's angry gaze. "Jake sighs as he looks back at his computer.
"So, hot date tonight, huh?" Amy asks as she leans around their computers to smirk smugly at him. "Uhm, no. I'm not going," He says, his eyes not leaving the screen as he types mindlessly. "What? Why not? Charles says she's perfect for you." "Exactly: Charles thinks she's perfect for me. Knowing him she's either some hot goat yoga-loving freak, or-" "Or actually perfect for you. I think you should give it a shot. I mean, you're constantly complaining about how horribly dull your love life is," Jake frowns, "Hey, now, I wouldn't say horrible dull-" "Yes you would, and you have. Now no more fighting, you have a date to get ready for." Jake looks at the time at the bottom right corner of his monitor and sighs, "All right, fine. But when this all goes to total shit, I'm blaming you." Amy rolls her eyes with a grin and opens the next file from her stack as Jake makes his way to the elevator.
The bell rings as Jake opens the door to Shaw's Bar, his free hand shoved in his jacket pocket. The warm, boozy bar air fills his nostrils as he steps toward the bar, the glass door closing slowly behind him. He looks around the bar, hoping to instantly recognize the mystery woman, to no avail.
The bell rings again as Jake asks Hank for an orange soda on the rocks. The bartender sighs exhaustedly as he pulls the Crush can out of the mini fridge from behind the bar. "Jake?" A voice asks as someone taps him on the shoulder. He turns around, and his mouth opens and closes like a fish as his brain short-circuits. "Or not?" You laugh awkwardly, "I'm really sorry about this, I was told someone would be here, but it looks like he stood me up." You sit one chair over at the bartop, sighing as you rest your chin on your fist.
"Hi," Jake says as he hold out his hand, "I'm Jake." "Oh," You breathe, "Sorry. You didn't say anything and I just thought- Y'know what, never mind, I'm probably not what you were expecting." Jake smiles, "Well, you're right there. Charles told me he met you in a 'hot goat yoga class'." You cringe slightly, "I honestly didn't even know his name, I walked into the wrong building and he started talking to me about his friend Jake." "Sounds about right." You both laugh and he moves to the chair between you.
"So, my weird friend tells me you like Taylor Swift," Jake starts and the conversation lasts hours, the orange soda on the countertop left completely ignored. "All right, time to wrap it up. The bar's closing." Hank says as he wipes the counter. "Oh my god, how long have we been here?" Jake asks him, surprised. The bartender ignores him as he moves on to another part of the bar. You look around to find the bar completely empty.
You laugh quietly, "This was fun," You say softly as you exit the bar, "We should do this again-" You're cut off by a sudden surprising kiss, Jake's hands holding your cheeks gently to keep you close. Your eyes flutter closed and take the collar of his shirt in your fists. He pulls away, mumbling out a quick 'noice' before getting pulled back into a kiss that leaves him gasping for breath.
ik this ended abruptly but its a school night and i have to go to bed so this is as good as we're getting today
i really hope you liked this bc jake has been on my mind for ages and i couldnt find many fics here sadly
dont hesitate to request more
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
I have notice that you are giving the kwamis different and more uniques personalities. How you imagened their unique emotions and how they react with the holders?
For sure, there are very few instances where the Zodiac Kwami get to show their individualism except for Sass or when they briefly interact with their new holders, so I really grabbed on to any little bit I could see and held tight.
Mullo - In the story of the Chinese Zodiac, the Rat rides the Ox and jumps off at the last minute in order to arrive first, so I thought it'd make sense for Mullo to be mischievous - also because Marinette uses it first for some cheeky misdirection. I got lucky that Mullo turned out to be a bit of a prankster when "Mega Leech" came out.
Stompp - As one of the Leftover 4, Stompp didn't get a lot of expression when they were shown in "PenalTeam", but I kinda ended up working with how calm they were. The way they addressed Chloe not knowing the kwamis names gave her a Disapproving Mother vibe, so I went with them being a nurturer. I picture them wanting to watch over their holder, particularly children ones, and watch them grow into full grown Oxes.
Roarr - So this one was easy cuz they've been very consistent in the show, and since the kwamis default to loud and bratty when they're in Mob Mode (ie, when all the kwamis act in sync instead of in line with their personalities), Roarr was simply a too rambunctious child. An extrovert to the extreme. Their name is very appropriate.
Fluff - This one is pretty established in canon, so I guess I'll just extend my headcanon. Fluff is easily confused and babbles a lot, and I think it's because they're being constantly bombarded with information from so many timelines. Existence is a prison and Fluff just comes across as dumb because all their brain power is overheating from a massive influx of information, so they have nothing else to offer in the Present.
Longg - "Ikari Gozen" makes them out to be a Long Winded Old Man/Woman (depending on the dub lol), but aside from them being pretty polite later, they don't hold on to it. I am. Longg is old as shit and just wants these damn kids to hear out their long ass stories, but they just don't know how to edit because it's been forever since they've been out of the box (a nod to how Dragons are now "mythical"). They don't know how to talk to the youngins anymore.
Sass - Okay, c'mon, we all know Sass. Sass is the only one we know definitively. They're the leader and being level headed and calm is the thing that distinguishes him from the rest. He is mildly cursed like Fluff to recall every remade time line, remembering what happened the other times that needed a second chance, but it's less of a burden than it is for Fluff.
Kaalki - I opted to lean in to her being a Diva, obviously thanks to her attitude in "Startrain". You'd think that'd clash with Max, so the struggle was more about making them work together despite that, so I also gave her a fascination with innovation. She's not very technologically literate, but she's interested in what humans have been able to do, especially when it comes to exploration. But in the end, she's still pretty vain lol.
Ziggy - since they were very upset at how mean Chloe was in "Miracle Queen" as opposed to angry like Stompp and Roarr, I felt Ziggy was probably younger and a bit sensitive. I also leaned into some goat traits, having them eat paper and headbutt Nathaniel.
Xuppu - Xuppu can easily become very annoying, especially in "Destruction" where they're trying to be helpful, but uhhhh...they aren't. So I just stuck with how they were portrayed in their canon debut episode. Like Roarr, Xuppu is very much like A Child, so even in Mob Mode they feel in character - getting into stuff and making a mess.
Orikko - I made them very patient, which you gotta be when your powers are bullshit and you constantly have to give a tutorial on how they work. They could talk all day with their holder trying to find loopholes.
Barkk - So they have two standout moments where they're allowed individuality - in "Furious Fu" and "Risk". In the former, they are stubbornly staying behind to guard the house and the Miracle Box, and in the latter, they're super excited at getting a new holder and getting to "play". So both a guard dog and a puppy. I met in the middle where they DO really want to play, but also want everyone to be as excited as them which takes a little coaxing. Like an Extrovery adopting Introverts.
Daizzi - They're just very sweet. Almost just like Rose but soft spoken. They feel very much but like to focus on the things they like, no matter how simple they are.
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hvaneyflowers · 6 months
Christmas Vacation! *********************
Pierre Gasly x femreader!
You and Pierre go on your first Christmas vacation together, but unexpectedly, you lose Pierre in the city.
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liked by pierregasly, f1wags, charles_leclerc, and 30.000 more.
tagged: pierregasly
yourusername: London at Christmas is just magical!
view all 100 comments.
username1: favorite couple in my favorite city!
username5: you look so cute together! please, never break up!
username3: would you take Pierre to your hometown?
username12: SO CUTE!!!!
username9: I need a photo of Pierre and y/n at Buckingham Palace ASAP!
username4: I swear, you're the cutest couple in the whole world!
username6: YES!! MY PARENTS!!!
pierregasly: love you!❤️
yourusername: love you, too! ❤️
username90: Power couple!
username7: best couple!
username8: love you!!!
username29: beautiful as always!
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liked by pierregasly
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, and 500.000 more.
tagged: yourusername
pierregasly: Have you seen this woman? She's short and has brown long hair. Also, she responds to the name y/n, and she can be a little angry. I lost her at the city's market... but I found this cool friend!😎
view all 400 comments.
username1: Not Pierre posting on Instagram but answering y/n's texts!
username8: he's a dead man.
username2: Not Pierre taking a photo with Lewi's wax figure and y/n freaking out 'cause she can't find him😂
username4: that's why they're the best couple!
lewishamilton: not tag?
lewishamilton: 🧍‍♂️
username5: yep, Pierre's dead. Lewis and y/n will kill him.
username10: 'not tag?' - lewis hamilton.
username71: Pierre committed a crime. He must pay for it.
yourusername: PIERRE GASLY!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!
username8: what have I said? He's dead. username6: 100% confirm. username34: Pierre, run! pierregasly: 🙀🏃
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liked by yourusername
"PIERRE GASLY, I WILL KILL YOU!" you screamed while opening the door of your hotel room.
You were angry at Pierre and Lord, he will be dead. You both were shopping at the city's market when you got distracted for only one second, and Pierre disappeared. You searched and searched for almost two hours, but you didn't find him. You also sent him texts and called him many times but without a response. You were so pissed off. This is beyond a joke! You were desperately looking for him, and he was in the wax museum taking photos with Lewis! You'll kill him without a doubt.
"Honey... how are you?" he asked with a nervous smile.
"I hate you!" you told him, falling on the bed.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to happen, but while you were distracted by that salesman, I got distracted too by a baby goat," he explained, sitting by your side.
"A goat?" you asked him.
"Yes. It was the cutest goat I've ever seen. Look, I took a photo," he said happily while showing you the photo.
"I can't believe it. I freaked out because you got distracted by a goat?" you said in disbelief.
"It was a cute goat!" he tried to defend himself.
"Alright. It was a cute goat," you rolled your eyes. "But, why didn't you answer my texts and calls? Do you have any idea of how worried I was? I almost have a heart attack!"
He gave you a little smile and hugged you. You relaxed in his arms and started exhaling his smell. Thank God for putting him in your way. You loved him more than anything in the world.
"I'm so sorry, mon amour, but my cell phone died after my photos in the wax museum. I know I should've called or texted you, but I was so happy to see everything that I completely forgot about you. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again. It's a promise." he kissed your forehead.
"I forget you, baby. I love you, too. I was so scared to lose you." you said rubbing your nose against his cheek.
"Let me make up to you. We'll have fun tonight," he gave you one of his smiles that tells you you won't sleep.
"Merry Christmas, lover of goats!" you laughed while pulling him near your body.
"Merry Christmas, my future killer." he kissed you.
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 8)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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“Mom!” Everest screams, tearing down the hallway at the sight of her.
“Mommy!” Arista follows.
Causing Y/N to lose her balance, toppling backwards from her crouched position, with both children in her arms. “I missed you.” She murmurs, kissing each of their heads in turn.
Haymitch is a few feet behind, Y/N ran all the way from the train. He picks up pace at the sound of their voices.
“What are you doing down there?” Haymitch chuckles at the sight. “Should I just get on top here?”
“Ahh!” Everest giggles, “he’s gonna crush us.”
“Do not jump.” Y/N warns.
“I think your mother wants me to jump.” Haymitch teases.
“No, dad.”
“Ooof,” Haymitch grunts, carefully joining his family.
“And I’m back to being chopped liver.” Madge laughs at the dog pile forming on the sitting room floor.
“Get in here, Madge.” Y/N insists.
“I’m good.”
“Come on, Madge.” Haymitch says.
“What do you want me to do?” Madge raises a brow, “I’m not holding you.”
“Well someone’s got to.”
“Hold him, Madge.”
“Aunt Madge, Aunt Madge, Aunt Madge!” The kids begin chanting.
“This is ridiculous.” The woman sighs, pushing hair back behind her ears, preparing to mount her sister’s husband.
“There she is.”
“Welcome home.” Madge says, staring down at her sister, the only one facing upward in all the chaos.
It’s odd; the first few weeks of seeing the other houses in victor’s village lit up at night. Odd that there are other victors after being alone for so long.
Katniss falls into her old routine, hunting, visiting the hob and spending time with Prim. Even Gale. She hides her struggles as best she can.
Prim, Everest and Arista play hopscotch on the pathway between their houses. She teaches Y/N and Haymitch’s children to milk her goat and churn the milk into cheese.
Peeta is adjusting to life with a missing limb. The bottom portion of his left leg now replaced with a prosthetic, after the damage done by the mutts was deemed irreversible. Still he bakes and paints, delivering tiny offerings of scones and cookies; to Katniss and his mentors.
“Mmm, mhm.” Haymitch takes a deep whiff of the sweets. “Thank you, Peeta.”
“You’re welcome,” Peeta nods, watching as the older man carts the tray away.
“You can… if you want to stay for dinner. Doesn’t have to be every night,” Y/N knows the relationship with his family is complicated. “Just whenever you want to drop by, you’re welcome to.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“We’d love to have you,” Y/N squeezes his arm. “Come on in.”
“Why not?” He shrugs, with a smile.
Together they walk toward the dining room. Haymitch has plopped the tray down in the center of the table, allowing Everest and Arista to have dessert before dinner.
“We’re not sticklers about the order of things.” Y/N explains, pulling out a chair for him. “Peeta, this is my kid sister, Madge. Madge, this is Peeta.”
“Nice to meet you.” The woman seated beside him holds out her hand.
“Nice to meet you too.”
“Baby, how’s the ham coming?” Y/N calls to her husband, who’s preoccupied taste testing the cookies.
“There’s a ham?” Haymitch mumbles around a mouthful of food.
Y/N’s eyes bulge. “You forgot to put it in?”
“I’m messing with you.” Haymitch swallows, moving behind her chair to check on the main course.
“Terrible,” Y/N swats at him.
Enough time has passed that Y/N watches for the lights in the windows of both Peeta and Katniss’ houses; only concerned when she doesn’t see them now.
President Snow’s retaliation could come at any time. Haymitch tries to put Y/N’s mind at ease, reasoning that if he hasn’t done anything yet, he may not do anything at all. If the districts and the Capitol are invested in the star crossed lover’s story, he has nothing to be angry about.
“The tour is only two months away, maybe he’s waiting until then.” Y/N worries at a loose string on her nightgown.
“When are we gonna talk about this?” Haymitch breathes, they’ve been dancing around it for weeks now.
“Talk about what?” Y/N turns up her chin.
“What’s really going on.”
She hasn’t even begun to process it, can’t accept it, can’t speak about it. “Haymitch.”
“I’m sorry this isn’t what you wanted. But this isn’t going away. We have got to address it.”
The tiny swell of her belly.
“You wanna discuss baby names?”
“I want to discuss this baby.”
Y/N allows tears to pool in her eyes. “I-” she breaks off at the feel of his hand resting against the bump through the thin material.
“You’re not ready to tell anyone and I understand that you need time. I will give you time. Hell, if you wanna pop this sucker out here in a few months, just you and me, great. But you have got to talk to me. Trust me.”
“I do trust you.” She whispers, resting a hand over his.
“Everything is going to be ok. I’m gonna make it ok.”
“Do you want to have another baby with me?” Y/N wonders, though the outcome will not change.
“I want everything with you.” Haymitch assures her.
“I love you. I never want you to think for a second that I don’t. I just wanted a little bit more time.”
“There is no shame in mourning the ability to do this on your terms. This is your body, your life and you deserve-” he stumbles over the words. “You deserve better.”
“So do you.”
The first two times…they’d been asked. A crisp white envelope with instructions inside. There was a warning. The shots from the Capitol stopped. There was understanding, time to prepare themselves. This is different. An ambush, a means to knock them down a peg.
And they can lie there, they can stay down. Or they can get their bearings and stand up.
“One hour until cameras, Peeta and Katniss are defrosting, Vanity should be here any second.” Y/N calls, closing the front door behind her and tossing her coat onto the rack. It’s quiet in their house, alarmingly so. “Haymitch?” She calls up the stairs.
It’s tour day.
“In here,” Haymitch replies.
Y/N follows the sound of his voice down to the living room. Something is off. She fluffs out the edges of her shirt as she walks. Sure to conceal the life growing within her. She is showing, but not enough for anyone to notice at a glance, in a loose fitting top.
Turning the corner, she is greeted by a peacekeeper on either side of the entryway. President Snow is sitting on their couch with the children and Haymitch. Enjoying the tea biscuits from Peeta.
“President Snow,” Y/N greets him with a smile.
“Hello, my dear. I hope you are well.”
He knows. He has to know. “Can’t complain. I hope the trip here was an easy one.”
Snow allows a slow grin to spread across his lips, “it was. So kind of you to ask.”
“Can I get you some tea to go with that?” Y/N motions towards the biscuit.
“I’m afraid I can’t stay long. I am only dropping by to give my best and congratulate you.”
“Congratulate me for what?” She wonders.
Snow cocks his head to the side, “your victors, of course. Speaking of, I really must be off to see Ms. Everdeen.”
“Should I accompany you?” Y/N chokes out against the rapid pounding in her chest.
“That won’t be necessary, after all you need to get ready. Your lovely children have never been on a victory tour. They are very excited.”
Her heart stops, the children were never meant to come. They are to stay here in twelve, with Madge, where it’s safe.
“I will see you all in the Capitol.”
“Of all the last minutes alterations,” Vanity scowls, “I spent years designing these outfits, young lady. Years!”
“I know,” Y/N tries to suck it in, but there’s no way the zipper is going up.
“Can’t we let the seams out a little?” Haymitch asks, the top buttons of his matching ensemble hanging open.
“And you,” Vanity kicks at him. “This is all your fault. I hope you enjoyed yourself.”
“Oh, I did.” Haymitch chuckles, “enjoyed myself very much.”
Y/N smirks at him, shaking her head.
“Vanity?” Arista comes to tug at the bottom of her dress.
“What is it, my love?” She continues fussing over her victor, pinning a bit of fabric to the closure of her gown. They’ll just have to sew her in.
“Something is pinching.”
“Where?” The woman leans down to tend the little girl. Outfits for the children were not on her agenda, but she knows better than to arrive unprepared. Whipping up a dress and suit combination in a matter of minutes.
Arista points toward the right side.
“Oop, see there.” The stylist plucks a wayward sequin from the arm joint of her dress. “All better.”
She dashes off happily.
“She looks just like you.” Vanity gives a smile, gathering her needle and thread.
“Dad, I need help with the tie.” Everest charges in, silken fabric in hand.
“You know we’re just riding on a train, right?” Haymitch reminds V, looping his son’s tie around his neck. “You’re doing all of this for us to sit on a train.”
“Haymitch.” Vanity pinches the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. “Honestly Y/N, you had your pick of the litter and this is who you chose… just beyond me.”
“You and me both.” Haymitch adds, finally they agree on something.
“All aboard.” Haymitch helps his children over the threshold of the train first.
Madge is accompanying them, to help tend Everest and Arista. Y/N fought her on this of course, but Madge insists. I don’t want them around anyone we don’t trust. Her intentions are good, but Y/N hates that so much of their burden falls to her.
“Here comes my nanny,” Haymitch teases. “The girl on fire, the baker’s boy.”
This goes on for a while until it’s Y/N’s turn to board.
“They always save the best for last,” Haymitch remarks, helping her up.
Y/N kisses his cheek, “thank you.”
When Haymitch turns around, Katniss is right there. “Jesus, sweetheart. Almost gave me a heart attack.”
“I’m sorry, I-” Katniss looks desperately around Haymitch to Y/N. “I need to talk to you.”
“Ok,” Y/N nods. “Haymitch will get everyone settled and we’ll talk,” stepping past her husband. “Come on, let’s go.” Y/N leads her to the back of the train, with the big window.
Katniss takes it all in, the mountains of district twelve illuminated by the setting sun. “It’s beautiful.”
“Best seat in the house.” Y/N agrees, making herself comfortable on the cushioned bench, “in my opinion, anyway.”
When Katniss does find a place next to her, she can’t find the words. “I’m sorry,” is all she can say.
“For what?” Y/N’s brows pull together.
“For the berries, for winning, for Snow taking it out on you.”
“I know you don’t blame me, you’re too good a person.” That’s why it’s always harder to go to Y/N than Haymitch.
“I place blame where it’s due.” Y/N corrects her, “and this is not your fault.” Not her fault that the children must accompany them, not her fault that the Capitol sent placebos instead of contraception.
“He said…the people in the districts don’t believe our love story. He told me I need to make them believe. You’re good at it; making people believe what you say.” That’s why it has to be her. “I thought maybe you could help me.”
Y/N rests a hand on top of Katniss’. When I was your age, I would’ve given anything for someone to help me. “Of course I’ll help you.”
Part 9
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @officialjellydoughnut @whoreforfictionalpeople @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease
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spacehero-23 · 1 year
Something that's been bothering me for a while is the way Cassandra Clare did a complete 180 on James as a character.
The James we were promised way back when the Midnight Heir and Nothing But Shadows came out is nothing like the James we see in the main series. And it makes me viscerally angry. James in the last hours is well…it pains me to say this because I do love him, but... until chot he’s not that interesting.
Most of his struggles that were set up in the short stories magically resolved themselves before the series began. He’s no longer insecure about how different he looks compared to other shadowhunters, suddenly he’s just as quick and witty as will and matthew are, and everyone loves him and wants to marry him! When the James we were promised was a social outcast, who was reminded everyday that not only is he not like his father, he is worse. 
James in the Midnight Heir is shown to be jealous of his parent’s perfect love. When he himself is suffering because he’s madly in love with Grace and she just broke things off with him. We also see this hint of resentment towards Will for being so “perfect”.
Which shows up again in Nothing But Shadows. James constantly compares himslef, and is being compared to Will. Will is so handsome, and James is so odd looking. Will is able to make everyone laugh and everyone likes him, James is awkward and often does not know how to express himself.
And we can see in the way James talks about this that he’s annoyed at his father for making him feel like he is inadequate. And then he gets to the academy and all the kids start to make fun of him for the way he looks. They keep telling him how odd he looks, that he looks like a goat. And then his powers manifest and once again he is reminded just how different he is from everyone else.
The Last Hours was originally pitched as a love triangle with a Herondale in the middle. So when i first found this out i thought this story was finally going to challenge the godawful “Herondales love but once” rule. And this would also fit into this idea that James is somehow “wrong”. He’s not extroverted and witty like his father. He has demon blood and demonic powers, which creates a wedge between him and other shadowhunters.
And on top of that, he loves two people! One of them being an amazing shadowhunter warrior from a respectable family with close connections to the Herondales (Cordelia). And the other not so proper, maybe kind of evil, weird daughter of a mad woman who hates the Herondales (Grace). So the story wouldn’t just be about James choosing between two women he loves, but also about him being torn between the expectations of his family and society, and his “dark side”. 
But then Cassie made the gracelet and erased all of James’s problems. And we ended up with yet another boring love triangle that no one asked for…
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puzzled-pegasus · 9 months
Itty bitty things I noticed after watching elemental so many times
Wade's look of disgust when Harold tells Ember that she speaks well. Additionally, everyone else around the table going quiet and tense.
How proud Wade is whenever Ember expresses her emotions. He loves when her light goes all rainbowey because he gets to see her feel strong emotions and how it shows in the way her light shines--it's rare for her to express them like he does.
The way that Wade stands up for himself. He may be sensitive, but he's not a pushover, he speaks his mind and pushes to get Ember to communicate with him when she's struggling to figure out why she's angry. Also, him pushing over the NO FIRE sign at the garden.
Ember's athletic ability?? The catlike reflexes? This woman jumps from surface to surface like a mountain goat to avoid water. She's got a crazy sense of balance.
When Ember gives her dad the blue lantern and cries and apologizes for being a bad daughter. It was so sad :(
Wade's reactions to things Ember does and facial expressions in general. Very fun to watch
Wade shielding Ember in the elevator so she doesn't get crowded and/or accidentally extinguished
Oh my gosh the confused nod from the random fire person when Wade looked at them while saying "you're fire I'm water, I mean come on that's crazy right??" And how that's consistency to the fact that Wade can easily get strangers to connect with him.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 5 months
Burning a shapeshifter's skin
I came across this werewolf folktale from France, in which a man saves a strange woman from the werewolf curse by burning the skin she uses to transform:
A hunter from Montrond had returned to a cabin at a time when the people of the mountain had left their cabins. After a while he heard a loud noise; he hid in a corner and saw the door in the middle of the barn open, and a werewolf with a bear skin on its back came into the cabin. He shed his skin and a beautiful young girl emerged. She lit a fire in the hearth. She had beautiful big hair and she started combing and grooming herself. When he saw this, the man came out of his hiding place and grabbed the girl by the hair; she began to scream and struggle, but nothing helped: he held her with force and, with his other hand, he took her bearskin and set it on fire. When it was completely destroyed, she thanked him wholeheartedly for freeing her of that thing. (Collected from Philomène Sambuis by Joisten Charles in 1961)
Despite the presence of violence, the story frames this as an act of kindness. I'm rather glad it doesn't end with her marrying him, but it did make me wonder why I've never seen a folktale where the animal skin of a selkie or swan maiden is burned...
One the one hand it makes sense, because werewolves are generally seen as cursed humans while selkies and swan maidens are born shapeshifters. But on the other hand, while burning a werewolf's skin or belt is a common theme (Dutch examples), there are also tales about werewolves who scream and flee in rage or terror when their skins are burned (Het weerwolfsvel verbrand). And there are plenty of fairy tales who use this trope in various ways:
• In many variants of the Romanian tale "The Enchanted Pig" a prince is cursed to be a pig but can take his skin off at night to become a human. When his wife burns the skin he is furious and she has to redeem herself. Sometimes it is implied the curse would have lifted on its own if she had been patient, but in others he just seems angry she did it at all.
• The Russian tale "The Tsarevna Frog" is similar. The Tsarevitch who marries a cursed maiden burns her frog skin and has to suffer for it. Because instead of breaking her curse it turns her into a swan that flies away for him to rescue.
• In the some versions of "Hans my Hedgehog" burning the hedgehog skin is punished too, while in some it cures the shapeshifting (even while in some cases the hedgehog wasn't born to humans, but was an adopted animal, like in the Indian stories about a crab husband). But in the Grimm's version Hans specifically instructs to burn his animal skin so he can be human permanently.
• In the folktale "The Dog Bride" from the Santal Parganas in India a herdboy marries a dog after seeing it shed its dog skin and become a beautiful maiden. She only turns human when her husband is asleep, but one night he manages to catch her and burns her skin, leaving her permanently in her beautiful woman shape. The story does not say she was cursed.
• In the story "The Mouse Maiden" from Shri Lanka the princess does seem to have been cursed to shapeshift between a girl and a mouseling, but she weeps when her husband burns her mouse jacket at the advice of her mother.
• The girl in the Greek tale "The Goat Girl" seems just as upset. She is the goat child born to a woman, who can shapeshift at will, and tries to throw herself into the oven her groom burns her goatskin in. It isn't clear if this is a compulsion or an act of grief.
• And there's also the tale "The Little Donkey", collected by the Grimms, in which a queen gives birth to a donkey who is then married to a princess and only then starts to turn human at night. The father of the bride burns the donkey skin, but unlike the other shapeshifters on this list (except for the Mouse Maiden) the donkey prince does not even notice until the next morning. He is terrified and tries to flee, until the king begs him to stay.
All this to say, these folktales are very divided on whether burning a shapeshifter's animal skin is the right thing to do. And it does not always depend on whether you are dealing with a cursed human or a born shapeshifter either! So I really wonder if there really aren't any folktales about selkies or swan maidens that involve the (attempted) burning of their skin, or if I just haven't found them yet...
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another-heroine · 11 months
💎💎💎 you can pick whoever out of my ocs!! no pressure though <33
From this ask game
Hello Romeo, hope you are feeling better!
And now, Andrine will speak about Ven:
Oh, Ven, dear Ven... So small, but so fierce. I mean, you went through hell and high water many times, and you are still here! It's really a big deal!
When everybody was down in the dark times of the Barony, and I know you were as well, you kept being whimsical as always, putting our humours up again. Because it's better laugh than cry, right? Even when our eyes are stubbornly watering.
Go and conquer the world, girl. And if somebody wrongs you, make them be sorry, you trickster creature. I'd rather die your friend.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 8 days
House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 1 Thoughts
Just clarifying, these are my own thoughts, you don't like them, don't bother telling me so. Also, I'm not a book purist, I like adaptions taking putting their own spin on things - if it makes sense to do so. So, here were my thoughts. Obvs, this post is dark and full of spoilers.
I loved the opening, the whole callback to the White Walkers which cements the true arc of ASOIAF (and feels a fuck you to s8)
Rhaenys ate, she fucking ate, that's it girl you remind Daemon of your daughter and his place (you know that Daemon loved that shit)
And Daemon? The whole mother vs the Queen speech? What do you think YOUR mother would have done? Alyssa Targaryen would have done exactly the same if it were you torn apart and you goddamn know it.
Yes, Corlys mourning Luke. Everyone mourning Luke 😭😭😭
Alyn of Hull, slay.
Am I the only one who kinda thinks that the Hightower Sigil looks a little clip-arty? It's just not it 😬
I really wish they made the scorpions look better. I just always thought that the weapons would be more advanced because they actually know dragons.
Aegon and Helaena, you can sort of see that Aegon does care about her but he just doesn't know what to do with her.
Also Criston? Giving head? Yeah, I'd think the sharks are real before I believed that.
Where was the build up to... That?
I actually fucking shuddered. SHUDDERED.
Tyland don't fucking annoy that little boy.
Terms? You killed her little boy and you sent terms?
Yes, Aegon you humiliate that Lannister bitch.
Why is Jaehaerys so sweet? 😭😭😭😭
Dalton Greyjoy mention!!
Mine are Bigger - Actual Aegon II energy
Why is Aemond sitting there like 🥺🥺🥺? You fucked up my guy.
Emma is heartbreaking.
Syrax never grew? Why she so tiny?
Arrax was so beautiful.
The actual stab of grief I got watching Rhaenyra on the beach. That was her baby. That was her little boy.
Aegon the Magnamious?
Aegon being nice on the throne? Being kind to the shepherd?
Your goats? No, sheep even better. 🙂 Aegon, I am meant to hate you.
Otto get fucked, Aegon was doing his best.
Hugh? Hugh Hammer? Girl,get the fuck out of here, asking for money and shit.
I can see a lot of ppl going to whine about them humanising Aegon but it's necessary? Complex characters and our relationships with them is GRRM's greatest skill.
Larys get away from that boy.
This is a green heavy episode. I know why but still, give us some Joffrey maybe? Some House Baratheon shitting themselves? The Great Houses getting the news and going oh fuck?
Daemon is lowkey right, Mysaria did help place Aegon on the throne but she is also right, he's only that angry with her because nobody else around.
Matt's acting is top tier because you can really see the grief, the anger and the insecurity when he's snarking.
Rhaenyra's return. Her silence, it's fucking gold.
Jace and Rhaenyra 😭😭😭😭 His lil voice. 😭😭😭
Where was Jeyne Arryn? Why no Jeyne??
The funeral 😭 lil Joffrey is too lil. Jace holding him *raptor screams*
Alicent, the fit ate but what good are prayers? Go smack that son of yours.
Somebody hug Rhaenyra. Right now. Rhaenys? Elinda? Baela? Rhaena? Hold that woman.
The CRIME HOODIE is back.
I still hate the gold cloaks' cloaks. They look like piss rags. Does nobody on the staff know what gold is? Look at Sunfyre.
The actual book quotes 🙂🙂🙂🙂
The War of Quills and Ravens, yes, yes
Aemond don't sit with Ser Incelot, he hast done thy mother
Y'know what, Aemond is a lil right, he's getting the blame for starting the war but Alicent and Otto literally laid the foundations?
Why is Criston standing for Otto? He's not a member of the royal family.
Aemond, sitting in that chair is very Daemon of you
Otto, showing off his slutty lil wrist, your pour yourself a lil drinky girl
Blood and Cheese have a lil dog with them. Please don't let anything happen to the dog.
There's something always so eerie about all those tunnels under the Red Keep. It absolutely terrifies me.
Aegon and his buddies sitting on the throne gives off fuck boi vibes and the Strong joke was actually pretty funny.
That Viserys statue is not it.
Why is Blood so fucking massive?
Cheese, did you just fucking kick that dog? I will kill what you love you absolutely bastard.
Oh, those locks. The world building, oh the worldBuilding
The atmosphere is very well captured. The music is on point.
I love the detailing of the interiors of the Red Keep, it's so much better than the OG series.
Oh Helaena.
Helaena, my love. Why Helaena, why her.
Why didn't they just check themselves?
How the fuck did the writers make Blood and Cheese that lack lustre? How the actual fuck do you fumble that?
Alicent, my fucking eyes, MY FUCKING EYES
I'm giving this a 7.5/10. Everyone else was great but HOW DO YOU FUCK UP BLOOD AND CHEESE? HOW? HOW? I DEMAND A TRIAL BY COMBAT
Also I must say, the Biblically accurate Hand of the King chain in the trailer is very good.
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stave-writes · 2 months
♤ Thinking about Mithrun...
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He's such a Beautifully unique character to me. As someone with depression that can leave me bed bound and struggling to exist, he's so thoroughly motivating by his story. The fact Mithrun regards himself as a "waste" like vegetable scraps and has no desire but revenge is such a unique stance for a character. Usually revenge characters are either epic heros, or bound to trip up on their own single minded view.
But Mithrun isn't either. He's someone who was left almost hollow by an abuser who fed into his every need and want but used him to satiate their own hunger (I will scream abt Demons in another post promise). And then when he's no longer food, he's tossed out and almost mercy killed by another group of Canaries. Like the first time I read his backstory? I was between weeping and horror because he's just...so interesting in a way where you need to grab him and squeeze him like a rag doll.
Imagine how traumatising being a dungeon lord was, outside of the whole...mutilation via goat. You're isolated from the outside world, your company is your own creations, and your desire to change any of this was eaten by the very beast you came in to destroy.
Then when it leaves you empty and only wanting it to finish the job, you have to live. You have to navigate a world where you no longer realise your own hunger, thirst, cleanliness. Everything that was normal for you was devoured and all you know is that you either want it to finish you off, or to kill it.
But he learns to overcome revenge, to protect others from his fate even if he has no regard for himself anymore. Even when you give up on yourself, your love for people and humankind as well as empathy has you trying to protect those who are vulnerable like you were. The scene with him looking at Dungeon Lord Marcille breaks my heart because he isn't angry or scared, he's worried about this young woman who doesn't know what she's gotten herself into. Mithrun desires to protect people from becoming like him, without even realising it.
That love for humanity and the protection of the innocent leads him to rediscovering that he Can desire new things. His bond with Kabru and his want to keep on going allows him to discover that he wasn't left broken, especially after Senshi's words about vegetable scraps that can still be part of the soup (representing society) and Mithrun realises he still has value.
I can be normal about Mithrun I promise. He's just very special to me. I cried genuine tears when he realised his worth, because I understand what he feels and felt.
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vamplu · 8 months
Gamer Tokyo Revengers Headcanons
A/N: This is mostly Toman with some cameos from Shinichiro & Hanma LMAO. I hope you enjoy! Shout out to my amazing boyfriend who participated in this conversation with me. <3 I love you. -----
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-Kazutora one time scammed Baji in Meep City by offering a “legendary for legendary'' trust trade and Baji ended up getting temporarily banned from ROblox text and voice chat for the things he was screeching.
-Mikey and Draken don’t play Roblox (Draken will if Emma wants him to though). They’re probably on Val or something. Mikey blows up team/party voice chat literally the entire match while Draken only says one thing; “gg” at the end of the game LMAO
-Kazutora, Baji, and Chifuyu have a Minecraft server and the stuff that goes on in that server should not be spoken of, but can be summed up with one event; the piston dungeon.
-one time, Mikey spent the night at Baji’s house and had access to his PC. Mikey got on the BajiTrio server and blew up Kazutora’s house and that’s when all the beef started. (Shinichiro is alive and well in this universe!!)
-Mitsuya doesn’t game much, but when he does it’s because Luna and Mana want to play. Accordingly, he’s goated at games like Fashion Famous (pro model) and is pretty popular in any Royale High server he joins LMAO
-Hanma plays CSGO. And he’s reaaaal toxic on the game LMAO. Can see him 100% being one of those “drama” YouTubers who talk shit online while playing various video games. (Think Old Leafy or some shit.)
-Smiley and Angry are an inseparable Fortnite duo. Angry is overly nice and courteous, often handing off his really good weapons to his teammates when they ask for them, while Smiley is literally being toxic the ENTIRE time. Think of him saying stuff like, “Dude, you’re so ass.”, “Imagine whiffing every shot LMAOOOO”, and “BROOOOOOOOOO we lost because you suck!” at every given moment of a match. Accordingly, not a lot of people play with them so they usually fuck around in duos.
-Shinichiro grew up on OG Nintendo and struggles to really understand newer games because he stopped playing when school + work got busy for him so he didn’t have much time. He tries his best though when Mikey wants to play games with him, even if his best is pretty mid.
-Yuzuha and Hakkai play a lot of open-world RPGs, like Zelda, Genshin, and Star Rail. They especially like Genshin because they can play together. Hakkai mains Yelan and freezes up literally every time she says one of her voice lines. But Yuzuha is really into Yae Miko (or really any electro woman.)
-Emma mainly plays cute mobile games like Love:nikki, Hello Kitty World, or Happy Camper. She likes being able to make cute outfits/sets. She got a Switch so she could play Minecraft and ACNH, but she got into these games because of the PE edition and Happy Camper.
-Emma actually recommended ACNH to Mikey, who ended up getting addicted during COVID and literally could not peel himself away from his Switch for the entirety of Quarantine. But was he simply docile while playing? No, of course not. He was insanely aggressive with Tom Nook.
-Mikey actually forced Mitsuya to make Toman jackets in Animal Crossing. (Mitsuya also made all the boys’ MC skins.)
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kxxkiecxre · 1 year
Would you ever do soft sex + established relationship but with joon, pls? ❤️
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ʚ✟⃛ɞ Highway to Heaven ʚ✟⃛ɞ K.N.J
PAIRING: Namjoon x reader
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, soft and cute. Absolutely adorable just like Namjoon.
GENRE: established Relationship.
NAMJOON was probably the most adorable person to ever grace this earth. His smile had your heart doing laps and your eyes softening. He was truly a blessing in disguise, and he was all yours to enjoy. So here he is, sprawled out with you underneath the glowing stars in the back of his pick up truck. The red and white checkered picnic cloth underneath you as he adjusted the white blanket over you. Your home behind you abandoned as you laughed in your very own new garden.
You finally bought a house. After many years of talking about it, you finally did it. A small cottage in a tiny country side with a loving and cute little farm. You had two goats, two (husband and wife as Namjoon calls them) sheep and one little lamb, and couple chickens. They were essentially your pets rather than farm animals. You both loved and cared for them like your lives depended on it.
He read to you the great gatsby, as you stared at him in pure love and awe. Forming a promising life with a beautiful man. A beautiful and gentle soul.
“I hope she’ll be a fool- that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” He says, face clearly not agreeing.
“That’s a little demeaning isn’t it?” He mutters, looking at you.
You chuckle, “it’s just a book baby, don’t get yourself worked up.”
He looked a little confused, expecting you to be a little more angry with the lines of the book. Again, you just laughed, caressing the little lines formed in his forehead from his deep frown.
“Come on now Joon, you’re going to get wrinkles.” You continue chuckling.
Electric love by BORNS came on through the truck speakers, softly playing in the back ground as he scoffed in amusement, “I’ll quicker get wrinkles because of you woman.”
You gasped, throwing your head back in laughter as you wrapped your arm around his waist, “baby, maybe we should focus a little more on extending our little family, hm?”.
That seems to get him smiling as his cheeks blushed, head immediately twisting to look at you, “I love the sound of baby making”.
You snort in laughter as he hoists himself up above you, shutting you up with his lips. You continued chuckling into his lips as he smiled back, but your giggles quickly turned into soft moans as he dragged the tip of his cock along your pussy. Your clit still sensitive from your previous orgasm.
“I love you.” He kisses your neck as he slips into you smoothly.
“Ah fuck,” you gasped softly, “I love you too baby”.
Gently, he started a soft and rhythmic pace. Lips leaving wet kisses everywhere, all over your chest, neck face and breasts. Hips rolling into your own softly, you could feel him so deeply inside you. Kissing your cervix expertly and when he finally finds your sweet spot, he smirks, repeatedly hitting it as your moans picked up, breathy whines mixing with each other as he couldn’t get enough of your sweetness, kissing every inch of skin accessible to him.
He swore he’s never met anyone as precious to him as you. His body, whenever connected to yours, felt like it was empowered. Like both of your energies created this one huge ball of enigmatic power. He knew you were close, by the way you tightened around him, the way your cheeks blushed and your chest reddened. The way his name rolled of your tongue so sweetly was pushing him to his own release, and within a few more thrusts, for the first time in awhile both of you finish together.
“God I can never get enough of you” he chuckles, pulling out.
“I hope so, cause you’re stuck with me for life.”
He looked back at you as he rolled back onto his side of the pickup, pulling the blanket over you a little more, and the way he looked at you, was the way many women dreamed to be looked at by a man.
“So do you think you’re pregnant?”.
And though his iQ is high, sometimes he can be a little dumb, and by the way you’re laughing, he’s glad he is.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this!!!
No copying, reposting (aside from reblogging), or translation or any form of recreation is allowed!!
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profanepurity · 1 year
Oh my god now I can’t get the image of the way Lilith and Lucifer treat kids being this
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(Sorry if the image doesn’t show up, tumblr was being weird anytime I tried to upload it. It’s that one image of the dad swaddling a child in a towel and underneath it him it’s him holding his son by his foot)
You are spot on, I was thinking of this exact meme when I originally drew them lmao!
There were a few occasions though where this wasn’t the case.
For instance, in Praeteritum, Primo had both a fantastic and horrible dedication ceremony. He was born outside of the church, and wasn’t found until Primo’s mother had actually wrote to Nihil that she’d given up their son to an orphanage years ago. Primo would often hear a dark but oddly comforting whisper at night that would teach him things about the stars, plants, when people were going to die- math. It was always dismissed as the whining of a troubled child seeking attention. After Primo was discovered and tests were run in order to be certain, he was dedicated like all children within the church by Papa Nihil.
To say Lilith was pissed would be an understatement. Nihil and Imperator had recently married at this point, but both of them had decided not to have a Prime Mover ceremony, since Imperator wanted to keep her current position in the church. Technically Nihil conceived Primo while he wasn’t with Seestor (with Secondo and Terzo he definitely was), but the fact that he had a child with someone outside of the church was not good. It meant that the “sacred devotion” that ran through the Emeritus family as totally dedicated Satanists was “ruined”. Lilith would be happily proven wrong by Primo though, as he proved to be a very gifted and unblessed prophet of Lucifer.
So imagine, you’re just a little kid. You’ve been living in some orphanage with no real contact or connection with anyone other than the scary voice in your head for as long as you can remember. Then some people come and “adopt” you and take you to this massive church and introduce you to your father. You’ve been briefed by some spooky monks about some ritual, and now you’re kneeling in front of an altar in front of a giant goat monster and this really angry woman screaming things you don’t fully understand at your “dad”, but you know it’s bad stuff about you.
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This is when Lucifer reveals himself for the first time to Primo.
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He can finally see the face of the person that’s been his only source of company his entire life. Lucifer is very much hands off when it comes to his followers, even the ones he dubs as serving a particularly special purpose, like all the Emeritus boys, but that hug may as well had been a binding pact. Primo will be incredibly close to Lucifer for his entire life.
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I mean, what’s more prophetic than one of your bishops being possessed by Lucifer himself while he holds and presents your son to the manifestation of Satanas, while the unholy mother is screaming in your face for not waiting to have kids with your new hot girlboss you pulled at some party in Transylvania.
Notice how Lucifer is holding Primo the correct way to hold a child. Notice how Satanas is allowing his nose to be pet. This was a very special occasion within the church.
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