#ani solo organa.
surv1vrd · 4 months
ani  solo-organa  is  the  daughter  of  leia  organa  and  han  solo,  younger  sister  to  ben  solo.  she  was  trained  by  her  uncle  luke  to  use  the  force  and  was  who  he  worried  most  about  turning  to  the  dark  side  as  she  was  morally  ambiguous  than  ben  had  been.
during  ben's  slaughter  of  the  new  jedi  academy,  she  fought  her  brother,  losing  her  right  arm,  and  hearing  in  her  right  ear,  in  the  battle  and  being  left  for  dead  after  turning  down  his  offer  to  join  the  darkside  and  they'd  rule  together.
han  found  her,  and  got  her  to  the  falcoln  where  her  parents  decided  to  take  her  as  far  away  from  ben  as  possible,  let  him  believe  he  killed  his  sister  in  the  battle,  and  raise  her  to  not  use  the  force.
she  was  taken  to  naboo,  the  home  planet  of  her  maternal  grandmother,  where  her  arm  was  replaced  with  a  robotic  arm,  and  then  she  was  raised  by  her  distant  family  on  naboo.  she,  later,  joins  her  father  as  a  smuggler,  learning  to  hide  her  identity  as  a  solo  or  organa,  and  becoming  a  smuggler  on  her  own,  hiding  her  knowledge  of  the  force  and  becoming  a  better  smuggler  than  her  father
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victorian-nymph · 5 months
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In honour of May 4th, I have a delivery of more questionable tweets
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meteor-moon · 2 months
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star wars screenshot redraw :)
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number1villainstan · 4 months
star wars AU where like 6 months before the start of A New Hope vader finds out leia's his daughter
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thewriterowl · 1 year
Luke: I baked cookies! This one is for you Din! It’s in the shape of a heart cause that’s how I feel for you :D
Din: (screaming, crying, throwing up) I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF
Leia: I baked some too...to, you know, show how I feel about you. Here, it’s shaped like Michigan.
Han: WTF does that even mean?! WTF IS A MICHIGAN??
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jayaorgana · 10 months
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ID: a traditional pencil sketch of Jaina Solo from Star Wars Legends. She is portrayed as a young girl, about 12 or 13, she is sitting in a window, turned to the side, crossing her arms with one leg bent in front of her and the other hanging loosely of the edge. Her hand is holding her lightsaber loosely and she is scowling a little, like she's frustrated about something, and looking off in to the distance . Instead of her normal flight suit she is wearing a long dark shirt with a light vest and pants, and a belt fastened around her waist.
End ID
Baby Jaina, what's she angry about? (Probably the fact I drew her with a crappy pencil)
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
It’s very funny to read extended lore Star Wars, canon or Legends’, because Leia and Darth Vader are both very similar, at least to deal with.
It’s like, Leia’s plans and Vader’s plans are so similar! “Okay, step one: we draw all of the fire to me. Step two: attack from the sides. Optional step three, if step two doesn’t work: jump on in again.”
The biggest difference is that Leia does not actually want to kill anybody who’s unarmed, like civilians and prisoners, while Vader has already killed the civilians and prisoners while everyone else was thinking about if they should or not. But even in that way, they are similar, if only because both of them are fucking insane and stubborn as fuck. Leia is like “If I die, I will die not killing someone, sucker. Just try to stop me.” Vader is like “On the off chance I die, I will die killing someone. Can’t believe you thought you could stop me.”
My favourite part of Star Wars is posthumously making Leia and Vader act similar. They are both stonecold and accept no criticism and it is very funny that Leia is the Anakin of the group.
Luke, over there in the corner, is the Obi-Wan of the group. He is painfully optimistic, annoyingly optimistic, he the type of person to land a crashed ship and say “another happy landing.” I don’t know how to explain this any better, Obi-Wan and Luke are twinsies, okay, in being optimistic despite the fact that there is a dagger to their throat.
Han is the Padme of the group. No explanation necessary.
I know knee-jerk reaction is to tell me I’m seeing what I want to be there, but on the other hand! Luke and Leia, especially in later comics, are portrayed very often cloaked in darkness. As in, their faces are shadowed and they don’t often step into the light, which is a clear indication that the writers are going “look! Look these are Vader’s kids! Vader’s kids! Look!” which I approve of tenfold and think we should do in all modern media-
Leia specifically though let’s her anger get the best of her rather often actually. Is the best plan really to try and take the guy (who decided to storm a heavily guarded prison and kill all of the prisoners) hostage? No! No that is not the best plan! But, he specifically says he wants Leia to kill him and that the war against the Empire will be lost if Leia had any humanity and Leia takes that as a challenge! at this point, she lets him live out of spite!
The only thing that distracts Leia from her anger is her friends being in trouble. She’s lucky she’s hanging around Luke Skywalker, honestly, or her anger would’ve taken hold of her ten chapters ago and never let her go. If Luke was a bit less of a damsel, Leia would never be distracted, it’s a symbiotic relationship-
Leia is supposed to be like Anakin. By which, I of course mean that Anakin is supposed to be like Leia. And I think they didn’t really have a choice, when it came to characterizing Anakin, but to make him more like Leia.
If they made Anakin act like Luke, Anakin would not have fallen to the Dark Side. This is for one primary reason: Luke slips and slides his way all across the galaxy except for the place where the fighting is actually actively taking place. If Anakin was like Luke, he would’ve gotten lost fifty times during the Clone Wars, inadvertently freed a LOT of people, and been late to all the events he had to witness in order to break.
He would have been late to Mustafar, okay? Obi-Wan and Padme would’ve been standing there for hours, waiting for him to show up. Then, Padme would get fed up and comm him like “Where are you, Ani? I’ve been on Mustafar-“ and he’d be like “Mustafar? Why are you on Mustafar? I’m over in Corellia. Crazy story! Palpatine told me to go murder some younglings, so I tried to do that, but I got distracted when I noticed some ducks that needed help crossing the street. But then, this big Rodian showed up and- well, long story short, the Jedi temple was empty when I got there, but I figured I should probably try and keep this gold pendant out of anyone’s hands-“ “What?” “-so after I spoke to you, I started getting ready to go to Mustafar, you know, to throw it into the lava, but my accelerator exploded and I tailspun my way out until I happened across a pirate ship-“
And it would just continue like that! Luke’s luck is either horrendous or tremendous, no matter how you look at it! That, or the Force is trying to cover his eyes because it doesn’t want its BABY to see anything BAD.
Anakin couldn’t be like Luke. The only choice was to make him more like Leia. More hot-tempered and more the type of person to walk into a firefight with little to no backup. Therefore, Anakin was made like Leia, and Leia, in return, in extraneous fiction, is made more like Anakin and I enjoy it a lot.
Also, my favourite part of the comic so far is: “How are we going to escape [the ship that we are currently destroying and that is floating in lava, Vader]?”
“By leaving the ship.”
Thank YOU, Anakin, your tactician’s brain never rests.
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sunnyxjarrus · 2 months
Guess who is actually going to start drawing the original trio
I’m going to start with Luke because I feel like I’m going to mess up a lot
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incorrecthanleia · 2 years
leia: well, i’m going through a bit of a rough patch
leia: the whole year, actually
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kylo-skywalkerr · 1 year
I know a lot of the SW comics aren't canon, Dark Empire especially since Boba's alive in a different way + many more details, but Kylo's backstory makes a lot more sense with this particular set of comics.
One thing I feel like the sequels didn't get right was that it didn't show enough about the corruption of Ben Solo. About why Leia and Luke sensed something awful within young Ben. You can't tell me Luke would look at a 6 year old boy and see him as irredeemable when Vader was in his perspective.
With comic context, it makes more sense. Here's the exchange between Leia and Palpatine when he tries to claim her as an apprentice due to her more upfront and occasionally aggressive way of handling things:
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(Side note: The line about him being able to enter one of his clones additionally justifies Snoke's existence.)
With this context, it makes sense that Ben's family would sense something very wrong with him. Palpatine is an irredeemable evil, simply corrupt because he eroded himself until there was nothing left but that evil. Luke, in a moment of fear, was going to end Ben Solo's life to stop the growing evil that was within him. Another thing it explains is why he always heard Palpatine's voice in his head. It was Ben's mind, but he was not alone. Palpatine tormented another Skywalker boy until he had him running into his arms once more, this time using Snoke.
These comics were released in 1991. In fact, while researching this, I found out that this comic was potentially an inspiration for the sequels, which makes this even more disappointing. These comics were great. They set up a great potential, but they run into the issue of execution.
The sequels had great ideas and characters to explore, but expecting the audience to simply know where your story is coming from is a bit dumb. This is the meat they should have shown in TFA, not throwing us into the halfway point of a story where everyone's favorite characters are plucked off one by one.
Yet I still very much enjoy the flavor that this adds to the life of young Ben Solo, who never had a damn chance from the moment he was conceived. For the love of god, someone get this wretched old man away from this poor family.
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sirdindjarin · 1 year
Does anyone have any favorite non-smut SW fics? Of any of the following:
Han, Chewie, Luke, Leia (adventures between ANH & ESB, maybe)?
Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin TCW era
The Mandalorian (pre-show or era between S2 and TBOBF)
Cal Kestis and the Mantis crew
Any of the clones troops from TCW
Or any that you read and loved about basically anyone except Rebels characters (I haven't gotten to that show yet 😭)
I need more banter and mini-plots and emotions. My ask box is open if you'd prefer anon!
Genuinely, I'd really appreciate any suggestions!!
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merrysithmas · 2 years
ugh im literally EXPLODING with excitement for all of sw. like andor is awesome and i cant wait for the next ep, then sooo soon TOTJ and baby soka/more animated anakin & obi + Dooku!!
then we have Mando S3 where they will be in Mandalore (!!), JEDI: SURVIVOR and more stories of Cal & the Mantis crew, possible Vader series coming (!!!!!!) ... possible OWK follow up of some variety, LANDO SERIES!!, TBB season 2 with GUNGI!, possible recasts of the Big Three (Han Luke Leia) so we can finally get some new content that isn't limited by creepy af AI - like all the stories there are left to tell with them!! 30 yrs between ROTJ and TLJ. like come onnnn im so stoked
plus The Acolyte which already looks baller, and Andor season 2.... and ASHOKA!! with the Rebels Ghost crew and mf Thrawn!! KANAN!!!!!
with likely Force Ghost Anakin, my beloved!!!!!
and if they ever make new films with the Big Three set in the past, or some films about Wild Space... yes.
ill be the first to say i LOVE stuff set on Tatooine (fact) and all the traditional planets. i dont want them to ever stop that. tatooine haters get wrecked lol. but Wild Space could be hella unreal... just a totally new field and abstract and unknowable and maybe there is no battles btw sith or jedi there, just balance... or something terrifyingly worse. smth everyone needs to band together to fight...
also please bring back Rey, Poe, Rose, Ben (I know boyega said he wont return as Finn) etc and do them justice. dont banish them for 20 yrs like they did the prequels bc of bad writing. just rehabilitate it
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lajulie24 · 2 years
One Half Won’t Do
Chapter 3 -- What Good Do You Do?
Read on AO3 | Read on Fanfiction
Leia and Han's fake marriage is being put to the test, with conflicts over missions, new ideas from a group of bored Rogues, the support of a helpful yet impatient Wookiee, and a lot of pesky feelings that neither is fully ready to admit. As they begin to suss out the mole's purpose on base, their now months-long "marriage" is headed towards its biggest test yet, and the line between mission and reality is getting blurrier still...
Thank you to all who have been so supportive and patient while I finished this latest chapter! More to come in the new year...
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surv1vr · 2 months
tags ↬ ani solo-organa.
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surv1vra · 7 months
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twinterrors29 · 9 months
the specific Naboo religious sect that Padme belonged to believed very strongly in reincarnation
so the first time Darth Vader is introduced to Princess Leia of Alderaan once her father finally relents and allows her to take over his position in the Senate, when he takes note of her resemblance and looks up her birth date, his first thought is not "Padme's daughter survived"
it's "Padme reincarnated as the Princess of Alderaan"
he finds this conclusion fitting, and of course immediately pledges his loyalty to her
Leia doesn't know what this menace to society's deal is, and honestly doesn't care, and decides to use this to her advantage by telling her father
Bail, of course, is biting his nails thinking that Vader has figured them out, but thankfully no
this is about the time that Sabe and her fellow handmaidens show up, so Vader introduces them to Leia and they all naturally reach the same conclusion
when Ben distantly senses the disturbance in the Force and drags the whole Lars family off to come investigate, Darth "Anakin Is Dead" Vader takes one look at young Luke and doesn't even try to ask about his birth date (or, conveniently, his last name) before assigning him as "Anakin Skywalker Reincarnated"
Ben, hidden in the next room with Bail, is face-palming as hard as possible to try to distract himself from that particular shit show
and now that 'Padme' and 'Anakin' are in the same room, Vader of course tries to ship them, with Sabe's passive support
Bail, sweating: maybe,,, we should not encourage that,,,
Vader: Why.
Bail, full of hypocritical shit: uh,,, he's not suitable, for the future Queen of Alderaan
which only serves to offend Vader, because what, Baby Me isn't good enough for Baby My Wife now?
so Bail throws in a faked relationship with a certain spice freighter captain he hired on the spot to fill the role of his daughter's secret boyfriend
before Vader can get upset about Baby Padme dating someone who isn't Baby Anakin, Sabe eyeballs this dude with no official birth records and asks, what DID happen to Kenobi? or maybe that Captain Rex fellow from the war?
causing Bail to nearly stroke out, as he KNOWS that neither of those men are even dead, and in fact one of them is choking on his spit in the other room as he listens in!
(this fake-dating effort additionally backfires, not that anyone realizes it yet, because both twins start actually dating this scruffy-looking nerf-herder)
of course Vader immediately questions why Sabe suggested that Captain Solo might be Kenobi, and got hit with Sabe's "well, Skywalker was always psychosexually fixate on Kenobi, and all of us knew he was the hot one even if Padme settled for Skywalker"
Vader: ...What. Was that thing you said. About Skywalker.
Sabe: yeah, Skywalker literally couldn't shut up about the guy, even while he was having sex with his wife, luckily she was into that if you know what I mean
Vader: ...
Vader: no, that is the perfectly normal level of interest to have in Kenobi
Sabe, remembering the way Darksiders always seemed to fixate on Kenobi: ...uh-huh, riiiight
Vader decides he's Not Dealing With That, and pours that energy into his fixation on Finding Kenobi in order to kill him about it
Ben, one too-thin wall away, is seriously considering letting that happen so he doesn't have to hear any more of this
but, of course, eventually Sidious notices Vader's interest in the young Senator Organa
and Sheev Palpatine was, interestingly enough, from the same sect as Padme
which means that he quickly puts together what Vader has concluded about Leia as a reincarnation of Padme Amidala
but unlike Sabe (and Vader, who has seriously deluded himself), he is keenly aware that Anakin Skywalker can't have actually reincarnated into that farm boy who's spending all his time with the Senator now
so he's able to (correctly, for once) conclude that Luke must be Anakin and Padme's kid, who somehow survived all these years
and since the child survived...
well, he starts to eye Sabe a little more closely, and wonder how he can fit this into his plans for the galaxy...
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