#animation tab in powerpoint
sailforvalinor · 6 months
Though this is a habit I've always had, of late I've hit an unprecedented number of tabs open on my laptop, including but not limited to
a citation list
six google docs (four school related, two writing related, with some overlap)
a pride and prejudice play script (not the one I was in)
four different literary agents I'm considering submitting to (all in different tabs)
five anime movies/k-dramas I was researching (all in different tabs)
a list of Regency slang and idioms
sources I've already cited but the project isn't over so I refuse to close them, just in case
the group project in question: a PowerPoint I don’t want to ever, ever look at again
my school calendar
the Wikihow on how to clean a revolver
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caelos-legacy · 2 years
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Submission by sw124: Say hello to Clover She’s my oc as Sun and Moons sister, this is her CaeIos-AU self. She doesn’t have full reigns like her brothers but acts like a tiny assistant and companion, offering to correct spelling and ad designs to paper or PowerPoints or works as a screensaver. But her biggest function is to get rid of pop ups. She even has an animation for it, if an ad for ‘young singles in your area’ or pop ups of that nature appear she runs in with a mallet, smashes it before throwing it into a digital trashcan all while saying. “Banned! Banned! Banned!” She also helps Sun and Moon when they need help, often though she’s seen in the corner of the computer looking at her feet or hanging upside down from the tab bar, always out of the way. Size wise compared to her brothers she comes up just shy of their knees in height.
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ahhh she's so cute!! thank you! i don't really accept guest additions to the blog's lore, but i appreciate the thought!
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memphisfaith · 2 years
Hearts of Lust: Chapter 10
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Pairing Kim Namjoon X Reader
Genre: Collage!AU, Smut
Word Count: 1.7K
Warning: Cursing, mentions of smut, smut, consumption of alcohol, mentions of violence, violence, crack personality disorders, Chaotic energy.
Summary: College is any young adult's prime years, at least that's what Lee (y/n) and Kim Namjoon thought. The two are infamous for two reasons, by two very different crowds. Among the professors they are picture perfect students with perfect scores, attendance, and image. However, among the student body they're the very essence of lust with amazing bodies, sex appeal, and skill. The two, although strikingly similar, butt heads quite a bit with competitions of everything from grades to who can get a person to drop their pants the fastest. With the two of them ready to conquer the school year it's all a matter of Go Big or Go Home.
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Looking down at my laptop I scroll through different pictures of marine wildlife, I sigh and glance down at my sketch book. It had a few ideas of What I wanted to do for the powerpoint, but I didn't know how I wanted to design the leaflet that RM and I would pass out for the presentation, and don't even get me started on what I should do for the 3-D model. 
I thumb through a few notes RM jotted down for me to go off of but it only helps so much. I glance over at said man to see him writing down things before scrolling down on his laptop every few minutes. 
Looking through different animals and jotting down the name with a vague sketch of it before looking for something new. Looking at the clock on my laptop I see the study hall has only just started. 
I drop my pencil before running a hand over my face in frustration. I stand from my seat and stretch before sitting back down. I scroll some more before RM hands me some paper, I scan it to see a list of animals. 
I look over at him to see him close his laptop and scoot closer to me. He pulls my laptop closer to him and opens a clean tab before closing my old one. "That list is a food web of the Epipelagic Zone more commonly known as the sunlight zone." He explains.
"So like...If J-Hope was a part of the ocean." I reference, an amused smirk grew on RM's face at my comment but he nodded anyway. "This section is where Coral reefs grow and have a more diverse population of creatures." He continues. "I was thinking we could do Raja Ampat, it's diversity in species is the richest in the world with 1700 different species of reef fish. It's even home to rare marine mammals." He lists.
"Do they have sharks?" I ask looking over his small list of animals, "Whale sharks and black tipped reef sharks." Namjoon answers. I hum with a small smile, "Noona, we should go to the aquarium that should help you get better references than internet pictures," Taehyung says as he pops up behind me and takes up residence on my shoulder. 
My eyes widen at the idea, "That would be a good idea," I comment over to RM. He didn't get a chance to say anything as the five other males ran over and piled on top of us screaming at him to agree. RM groans before finally agreeing, "I guess we could go this weekend. We could go tomorrow since it's Friday." He suggests. It didn't take much force for all of us to agree.
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I looked through my bag one last time making sure I had everything. I got my wallet, notebook, sketchbook, digital tablet and pen, and a few other small things like band-aids and lipgloss. I pull my hair up in a ponytail adding some last minute touch ups to my make-up while I wait for Yoongi to pick me up.
I hear a honk from outside signaling he's here. I walked outside, but I didn't see Yoongi but Namjoon waiting for me. As I get closer to the car I can see Jungkook and Taehyung sitting in the back. 
"Hi there boys," I smile at the two in the back, before looking over at Namjoon. "Jin divided us into groups of four, Since we need to work on a project we got stuck together. He then claimed that we need to take care of our children." He mutters, jabbing his thumb at the two in the back. 
The two whine at his comment, further proving his point, before sitting back with a pout. I roll my eyes, "Then what does that make the rest of them?" I scoff, Namjoon shrugged. "I didn't want to ask." He mutters, "Understandable," I muse turning my head to face the two in the back. 
I look at them for a minute, Why would Jin think they're our children. "Noona, you're scaring me," Tae spoke up, "Sorry Taetae." I muse before looking forward. "So did you have any ideas on how we should make our way around?' I question before digging out my notebook and pin. 
"Somewhat, I made a list of the animals that are from the reef that the aquarium takes care of. We can make our way around the best we can, but I promised Tae and kook an hour for lunch and break." He said and I nodded. "Makes sense we are in charge of them and we will have to drag them around for a while. It's only fair that we give them an hour to do what they want." I agree.
It took ten more minutes before we parked in the aquarium parking lot. When we made our way to the entrance we found Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin. "Look who decided to finally show up." Yoongi scoffs, I flipped him the finger and continued to make my way inside. We each paid for our tickets before we regrouped.
"Okay Jin and I, more like Jin, decided on groups." Namjoon spoke up, "The group you arrived with is the group you're staying with, anyone deemed a child of their respected group is to not wander too far from their group, Anyone deemed a parent or elder of their group is to watch over their respective group. Lunch hour will start at 12:00 and end at 1:00 while free hour will start at 1:00 and end at 2:00." Namjoon announced.
Jungkook raises his hand and Namjoon sighs, "Yes we will go to the gift shop before we leave." He answers, Jungkook's hand falls back down to his side as he flushes red. "Any questions?" Namjoon asks, with no more questions we break off into our groups. 
Namjoon and I looked at a map and to our luck the aquarium has an Indonesia section, which makes our job a lot easier. Jungkook and Taehyung bounced from tank to tank as we made our way to that section. Upon reaching it my eyes blew wide at all the colorful reef fish. I took out my digital pad and pen and began to sketch away.
I made a new folder with one section named Fish, thus far the section has five different pages of brightly colored fish. I made a new section and illustrated the different live coral that is said to grow in that environment.
Namjoon sat beside me as he wrote down different things from the information tablet provided in front of the large tanks. I would stop and glance around to see Taehyung and Jungkook jump from tank to tank. 
After Namjoon and I are satisfied with this subsection of the area we move on, Taehyung and Jungkook drag us down a large tube that goes through the middle of a large enclosure. My eyes widen as a whale shark swims by. I follow it up and down the tank sketching it as quickly but as detailed as I can. 
Once I finished I began a sketch of a black tipped reef shark. Luckily for me it didn't drag me up and down the tunnel like the whale shark did. When we finally moved on we crossed a large glass wall, I looked deep into it and gasped. A manatee, there were no seats so instead I sat on the floor sitting the tablet in my hand. 
I draw the lines slowly and smoothly unlike the sharks, I'm so into it I don't hear Namjoon take a seat beside me. I feel him hovering over my shoulder looking at the drawing, "Did you know when pirates and sailors would dock their ships in shallow water or sail through rivers, they would claim to have seen mermaids when in reality they just saw manatees." I whisper softly.
Namjoon shook his head, "Historians claim it's one of the origins of the mermaid myth." I add gently drawing the large tail. "When I was a kid my mom used to take me to this river and told me if I was quiet and waited long enough I would see a mermaid. But when I told kids in my class they would call me stupid because everyone knew mermaids live in the sea." I smile.
"Yoongi always came with me to the library to read about mermaids but, I'm sure he was just there to read about the pirates." I laugh quietly as I color in the manatee. "I guess that's one of the biggest reasons why I like the ocean," I hum, adding in the wrinkles of their skin with a darker gray.
When I look up from my tablet I find Taehyung and Jungkook had joined Namjoon and I on the floor. "Hey Noona I think you would make a pretty mermaid," Taehyung spoke up with a small smile. I huff but a smile that matches his slips onto my lips. I ruffle his hair before saving the picture and standing up.
My back pops from the strain of leaning over my tablet for so long. I stretch out before checking my watch, "It's almost 12:00, let's head over to the café for lunch." I sigh in bliss. Jungkook and Taehyung are quick to bounce to their feet and dash in the direction of the café. 
"AISH DON'T RUN TOO FAR WITHOUT US!" Namjoon yells after them as he gets onto his feet. I sigh and stuff my tablet under one arm before taking a hold of Namjoon with the other and dragging him along with me to catch up to the two boys. 
By the time we caught up to them they were in the main area deciding which Café they wanted to go to. "Okay," I huff out of breath, "Which one do you want to go to?" I ask. The two boys scan the different Cafes, but eventually they settle on one.
Upon entering the Café we became the center of attention, The two boys who were previously child-like and playful switched their switch and their inner succubus came out. Lustful gazes and sexy smirks in all. Not that they're the only ones, One quick glance at Namjoon and I could tell he's oozing his sexual dominance. I plant a small suggestive smirk on my lips and run a hand through my hair to make it a bit more messy and wild before I cross my arms to push up my breasts. 
As we wait in line I can see everyone scoping us out, Some look like they're going to make a move while others whisper amongst themselves about us in their corner. When it came time for us to order the cashier looked visibly flushed and baffled. 
I smile at them with a well practiced charmed smile. I lean onto the counter giving a few in the Café a good view of my ass while giving the cashier a good view of my breasts. I smirk as they visibly swallow the lump in their throat. 
"What-What can I...What can I get you?" They stutter, "breath darling, we don't bite." I smile calmly, "Not unless you want us to," Namjoon smirks. I shot Namjoon a challenging gaze and he returned it, fine game on. 
I bring my hand up to my lips and draw small subtle circles around my lips as I look up at the menu. When I figured out what I wanted I glanced at the cashier, smirking as I saw then gnawing on their lip harshly while they eye my finger and lips.
I slowly lean forward, careful not to knock them out of the trance I put them in. I hear them whine as I slowly pull their lip out from between their teeth, "Now darling if you're willing I'm ready to order." I spoke calmly in a smooth suggestive voice. 
The cashier nods their head rapidly, lip once again caught between their teeth. I lean forward and pull it out again, "Darling if you keep biting your lip like that I'll have to give you a real reason to bite onto something," I whisper darkly. I watch completely amused as I watch the poor soul catch themself with the counter to keep themselves from falling to the floor.
"I would like a number three with a lemonade." I order softly before pulling away. I take a step back and watch as the cashier visibly relaxes. "Your move RM," I whisper challengingly, taking a step to the side to watch. The Cashier stiffens as soon as RM steps up to order. This should be fun.
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genzandulifecoach · 6 months
Engaging Gen Z in Education: A Crucial Challenge for Schools and Colleges
The Inability to Engage Gen Z, a big problem at hand for schools and colleges alike, is it TRUE or can we create a solution that not only engages them but also gives them leadership qualities, equipping them with emotional intelligence?
It is a misconception that Gen Z is difficult to engage. The issue at hand is that they’re over-engaged.
Gen Z has grown up with phones in their hand, social media, the 24-hour news cycle, and TVs in every restaurant, bar, and waiting room. They are constantly being stimulated by something, typically many things at once, and it is overwhelming. Imagine having a window open on your computer, with 10 separate tabs, and you’re trying to interact with all of them. That’s what the world is like for Gen Z. As educators, how does this translate to engaging them in academics when there is so much tugging at their attention?
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According to Microsoft, the average member of Gen Z has an attention span that lasts about 8 seconds – so capturing their consciousness quickly is vital. We also know according to Forbes, Gen Z is most likely to be engaged with something when they see the connection between the work they’re doing and its contribution to the wider world. Practically, this means educators have 8 seconds to show Gen Z why engaging in their material matters. 
What methods can we use to do this? To start, highlight the real-life importance of the material and education you’re providing – show our youth why it matters! It is also important to understand that you will not capture everyone’s attention, and that is fine. The goal isn’t to engage everyone, it’s to engage most. 
We can also help by eliminating extra stimulus and other distractions. As mentioned before, Gen Z is overstimulated. Remove the elaborate visuals and animated slide shows. Creating a simple, but direct PowerPoint, and speaking with enthusiasm will garner far more engagement than performative education will – Boston College has proven it!
Do not give up on engaging Gen Z. Though they can be tough to engage with at times, they’re worth every ounce of energy it takes to do so. Want to start engaging them now? Connect with me and let’s talk!! Visit me at Genzandu.com
Gen Z and Mental Health:
Our Youth are struggling with their mental health – and it goes beyond the explanation of better diagnosis and intervention and shows a clear pattern: Gen Z struggles with their mental health more than any generation before or after them. Eating disorders, body dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are all going up. According to Charlie Health, up to 42% of Gen Zers have a diagnosed mental health condition. Gen Z has also experienced more trauma than other generations. In their short lives so far, they’ve lived through decades of war, multiple genocides, economic collapse, a pandemic, a rise in mass shootings, and so much more. 
How do we help? What can we do to help our youth and their struggling mental health? Evidence would suggest that one of the most helpful things we can do is to create spaces for safe and open communication about mental health struggles. In a study conducted by Cambridge University, it was shown that openness about mental health conditions is an easy and effective intervention to improve an individual’s mental wellbeing. It has also been seen that openness contributes to a decrease in the stigma around mental health issues, and decreasing stigma has an impact on mental health outcomes and someone’s willingness to access services as well. 
What does this look like in practical terms? It means making an effort to start discussions about mental health in the workplace, in schools, in our communities as a whole, and withholding judgment in favor of support. It means opening up ourselves, and contributing to the discussion, to show that it is okay and safe for our Gen Zers to open up as well. 
Our youth are an asset to the world. When we see them wrestling with themselves, we need to support them. Try to understand their problems, rather than dismissing them or ignoring them.  
What are your thoughts? How can we continue to create an impact on the mental wellness of our young people who are our future leaders?
Help is of all Kinds!!…
Over my years of coaching, I have interacted with people from all walks of life. If you look at my website and company, GenZ&U, you may get the impression that I only work with Gen Z, parents, or teens. This is far from the truth. 
As a life coach, I have dedicated my time and energy to anyone who wants to work on self-improvement or growth. I know both from research, and from personal experience, that life coaching has a significant impact on people’s goal attainment, their metacognition (which is thinking about your own thinking), and their overall health. I HAVE A COACH MYSELF!!
There is no “stereotype” that I coach – I see anyone who wants to see me regardless of why they want my help. Though my title is life coach, I see myself more as an enthusiastic guide. I help people understand that their power comes from within. 
I have spoken in university settings to students and educators about burnout, academic success, and believing in yourself. I have run group meetings, where we focus on uplifting each other and holding individuals accountable, finding empowerment in group connection. I’ve worked with parents and teens, both individually and together, on how to improve their relationships and communication styles. Heck, I even do 1 on 1 work, where I work with any individual who feels they would benefit from my coaching style and life expertise.  
I think that people often believe that life coaches are people who kiss up to others and tell them how wonderful they are. Or they think it’s a scam, and that there’s no science behind it. I can promise you, my coaching is both research backed, and far from kissing up. I work with people to find their inner power – my goal isn’t to tell people what they should think but to show them that they’ve known what to think, do, and believe all along. They just needed a little help to sort through their brains and a bit of accountability that encouraged them to keep doing it. 
It would be impossible to limit my work to one setting; that’s the beauty of life coaching! It’s not just about one person’s life. It’s about all of ours as a collective, and how the health and success of each individual works with that of the collective. It’s why I don’t just do 1-1 work. I fully believe that to coach, I need to work with systems as a whole, rather than singular parts of it. 
If you take anything away from this newsletter let it be this: help is for all kinds. Coaching is for all kinds. There is no one aspect to coaching, nor one type who receives it. 
Let this inspire you to think about coaching – even if you’ve never thought you needed it or wanted to try it, open your mind to the idea of having another person in your corner. If you’re curious to dig deeper, try a free consultation with me. I can assure you you won’t regret it. 
Grant, Anthony. (2003). The impact of life coaching on goal attainment, metacognition, and mental health. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal. 31. 253-263. 10.2224/sbp.2003.31.3.253. 
The Advantages of Gen Z in the Workplace
Gen Z: an untapped source of power in the workplace. But how do we understand their power, and make sure we’re taking advantage?
The most diverse generation of all existing ones is Gen Z, and it’s something they strongly embrace. Over 88% of them believe that diversity needs to be valued in the workplace. Though diversity is something many employers view as challenging, it’s an underutilized resource. Research has proven that diversity leads to better advertising, workplace relations, and better reception by consumers. Specifically with advertising, diversity has been shown to improve consumer response and contribute to consumer attitudes about companies as a whole. 
Gen Z is also extremely socially aware. 77% of Gen Zers strongly prefer to work at a company whose values align with their own. Though this may seem challenging to interact with at first, it’s extremely advantageous to employers. Companies with employees who feel aligned with the mission and values are likely to have greater worker retention, better workplace attitudes, and an overall greater level of engagement from both consumers and employees. Not only is Gen Z highly socially aware, but they’re incredibly committed: when they believe in something, they show extremely high levels of loyalty and commitment. Knowing that worker retention is a huge issue currently, this is something for employers to note. Nationally, the rate of worker turnover is 20%. 1 in 5 workers left their company last year!
Acknowledging their other strengths, research shows that the biggest advantage of the Gen Z workforce is adaptability. Their generation has faced so much adversity in their short existence. A pandemic, multiple economic collapses, terrorist attacks, global conflict, war, extreme inflation, and so much more. Gen Z has adapted to it all. Adaptability is one of the greatest contributors to increased productivity, corporate resilience, and effective goal setting. 
Gen Z is underappreciated. The few things I’ve mentioned here are far from all they have to offer, but they begin to scratch the surface of what they have to offer. If you’d like to do a deeper dive into the strengths of Gen Z, please DM me, and let’s connect to improve your workforce retention!
Kumar, V. S. (2023, November 16). Gen Z in the workplace: How should companies adapt? Imagine | Johns Hopkins University. https://imagine.jhu.edu/blog/2023/04/18/gen-z-in-the-workplace-how-should-companies-adapt/
Pulakos, E. D., Arad, S., Donovan, M. A., & Plamondon, K. E. (2000). Adaptability in the workplace: Development of a taxonomy of adaptive performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(4), 612–624. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.85.4.612
Woodward, I., Skrbis, Z., & Bean, C. (2008). Attitudes towards globalization and cosmopolitanism: Cultural diversity, personal consumption and the national economy. The British Journal of Sociology, 59(2), 207-226. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-4446.2008.00190.x 
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visual-sculptors · 6 months
How to Add Professional Fade In and Fade Out Effects to Your Presentation
Adding professional fade in and fade out effects to your presentation can greatly enhance the overall visual impact and professionalism of your slides. To achieve this effect, start by selecting the element you want to apply the effect to, such as a text box or image. Then, go to the "Animations" tab and choose the "Fade" animation. Adjust the timing and duration of the effect as desired. For a more seamless transition, use the "Fade Smoothly" option. Remember to use these effects sparingly and strategically, as too many can be distracting. With these simple steps, you can elevate the quality of your presentation and impress your audience with your attention to detail and professionalism.
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Providing design services to a wide range of industries on a global scale – Visual Sculptors                          
Whether it's crafting quarterly reports or delivering educational content, our expertise in presentation skills and design spans across different sectors to meet the diverse needs of our clients.
Our services are in high demand from a variety of industries, including start-up founders, independent consultants, and small to medium firms. Start-ups rely on us for fundraising pitch decks and sales and marketing presentations, while consultants appreciate our quick turnaround times. Small and medium firms often request PowerPoint template designs to align with their brand guidelines.
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advancetotraining · 11 months
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Changing The Hyperlink Text Color Within A PowerPoint Theme.
The other day, I had to create a mock website using Power Point. Within the mock site, I needed to Hyperlink everything within the Power Point document so that the mock site would act like the actual site.
If you don't have experience, and have not had the need to change the textual color of Hyperlinks, then you definitely want to know this so that you will never be in a time sensitive situation where you need to change the textual color of a hyperlink in a Power Point slide and you have someone right there waiting.
1. As I went through the document, I made decisions as to hyperlinking entire pictures and/or shapes that people can click on vs. hyperlinking text so that people can click on a textual item to be taken to another slide within the same Power Point document.
2. So let's see how to change the color of the textual hyperlink within a particular PowerPoint Theme.
Step 1
Click on the Design tab and find the theme you are currently using and select it.
Step 2
If using 2010, Click “Colors” (right side) and then select “Create New Theme Colors.” A popup window appears, that displays the particular color settings of the theme you are currently using. If you are using 2013 and above then under the Design Tab, choose the down arrow to the right of the word “Variants" (which is on the right side of the ribbon) above, choose Colors, then Customize.
Step 3
Change the “Hyperlink” and “Followed Hyperlink” colors if you wish to use followed colors.
At the bottom of the Create New Theme Colors (customize in 2013 and above) pop-up window, you’ll see two selections labeled “Hyperlink” and “Followed Hyperlink.” If you’d like to change the color that the hyperlink turns once it has been visited "selected", click the box beside “Followed Hyperlink” and select a new color to represent the already selected link. Some people use the same color for the Hyperlink and Followed Hyperlink.
Step 4
Once you save and exit the Create New Theme Colors Dialog Box (customize for 2013 and above), if you have selected a different "Followed Hyperlink" color then you should see that new color for any Hyperlink that has been previously selected.
I suggest you go through this process at least once so if it comes up, you will say I have done this before!
AdvanceTo Training and Consulting:
Basic-Advanced Legal and Corporate Word Processing Training for Secretaries, Word Processing Operators, Paralegals, Administrative Assistants, Law Students, Attorneys, Business Professionals and Entrepreneurs
Hey Students! AdvanceTo offers a great Power Point class designed to take you from Beginner into solid Intermediate level. We will thoroughly go over Master Slides, Notes, Outlines, Photos, Organizational Charts, Animations, Transitions and a lot more! Great narrative material is included. This class is designed to make you comfortable and in position to make use of the material right away. The cost is $175.00 for this 4.5 hour hands on Zoom class. Those who purchase two or more classes, receive a discount. Your second class can be the additional Power Point class or any of our MS Word, Excel or Adobe classes. All groups receive a discount. For our other offerings check out www.AdvanceTo.com and www.awalkinthecenter.com or simply call - 888-422-0692 Ext. 1 and 2
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wargabenua · 2 years
Belajar Microsoft PowerPoint
Belajar Microsoft Mengenal Ribbon Tabs Dalam belajar Microsoft Power Point,  setiap Ribbon Tab akan menampilkan Ribbon yang berisi beberapa set dari Tool Groups. Ribbon tabs dalam Ms. PowerPoint 2007, antara lain Home, Insert, Design, Animations, Slide Show, Review, dan View. a. Ribbon Tab Home pilih pada Ribbon Tab Home, kemudian akan muncul Ribbon yang terdiri dari beberapa tool group, antara…
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View On WordPress
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Changing The Hyperlink Text Color In MS Word
Scenario: Student calls. She has been working on a document that has a number of hyperlinks throughout going to various websites. The attorney noticed that the hyperlinks are all blue. The attorney has requested that all hyperlinks view as black text.
A. I recently wrote an article about changing the color of hyperlinks within Power Point and that was tricky and, I will give you that link as well. Dealing with Hyperlinks in MS Word is a lot easier.
B. So back to our current scenario. Go to your Home Tab. On the right side, look for styles, look for the small click box all the way to the right of styles. Click to open your “Right Side Style Panel”.
C. Look for the style called “Hyperlinks”. Right click and “modify” the style. Change the color over to black text as requested.
D. If you do not see the “Hyperlinks” style, then at the bottom of your “Styles Pane” go to “Options” and under “Select Styles To Show”, choose “All Styles”.
Here is the link I said I would share regarding dealing with PowerPoint Hyperlinks where you will learn about Hyperlink and Followed Hyperlinks.
Basic-Advanced Legal Word Processing Training
888-422-0692 Ext. 1 and 2
International Zoom based Training as well.
Teacher Connected Books and Video
Hey Students! AdvanceTo teaches a great beginners class for Power Point! By the end of the class you won’t be basic, that we can promise you. We will thoroughly explore items such as Master Slides, Outlines, Dealing with Photos, Animations and Transitions, Organizational Charts and more. This 5 hour class can be split into two sessions. The cost $175.00. The purchase of 2 or more classes will receive a discount. All groups receive a discount. Great narrative material and homework will be included as always!
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successkaptanganj · 2 years
How to Use PowerPoint Animation Tab | Animation in PowerPoint | PowerPoi...
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essay-complete · 2 years
Discuss your role in developing and implementing agency policy for both interventions.
You will also continue to visualize yourself in your role as a clinical manager at a local non-profit mental health clinic. This time, the director of clinical services has informed you that the clinic recently obtained a $25,000 grant to address the very issue you have chosen as your focus. Because the clinical director knows you are passionate about this topic, you have been asked to identify two new evidence-based programs that address this issue. You will present both programs to the clinic’s Board of Directors via a PowerPoint presentation. Based on the quality of your presentation, the board will choose one of your programs to implement within the clinic. To complete this assignment, utilize the NREPP database on SAMHSA’s website. You must address the following for each program: Provide each program’s name or title. Explain each program and how it could address issues surrounding your selected behavioral health issue. Document each program’s outcomes (from research provided on NREPP). Explain necessary resources and/or estimated costs associated with program implementation. Discuss your role in developing and implementing agency policy for both interventions. Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately. Add audio to each slide using the Media section of the Insert tab in the top menu bar for each slide. Support your presentation with at least two scholarly resources in addition to the NREPP database. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included. Length: 12 slides (with a separate reference slide) Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. I have chosen the topic of older people with mental illness, you will find the necessary information below. Resources: https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/SAMHS…
First appeared on Essay-complete.com
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townterri · 2 years
Quarkxpress layouts
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QuarkXPress 7.01 (8 August 2006) - First native version for Intel Macs (Universal binary), plus PPML support.
QuarkXPress 7 (2006) - First version to support OpenType, Unicode, PDF/X, Shadows/Transparencies, Job Definition Format and Composition Zones.
QuarkXPress 6.52 (2006) - Bug fixes, released after Quark 7.
QuarkXPress 6.5 (2004) - First version to also support the Document Object Model and features for picture retouching.
QuarkXPress 6.1 (2004) - First version with Excel Import filter.
QuarkXPress 6 (2003) - First version to support Mac OS X.QuarkXPress Server (QuarkDDS) released.QuarkXPress 5 (2002) - First version to offer tables and to export HTML.
QuarkXPress 4.1 (1999) - First version to also support PDF and XML.Notable interface improvements include pop-up tools and tabbed dialog boxes. QuarkXPress 4 (1997) - First version with bézier curves.This is the last version which works on Windows 3.x (requires Win32s to be installed). QuarkXPress 3.32 (1996) - Support for QuarkImmedia.QuarkXPress 3.3 (1996) - First version to support PPC natively.QuarkXPress 3.2 (1993) - First version to support Applescript and color management.QuarkXPress 3.1 (1992) - First version to also support Windows.QuarkXPress 3 (1990) - First version with measurement palette and support for libraries.QuarkXPress 2.1 (1989) - Enhanced typographic control, such as user-definable kerning tables.QuarkXPress 2 (1989) - First non-English versions (e.g.It also allows some use of button-triggered behaviors and embedding of QuickTime and Flash Video, and audio files. Quark Interactive Designer makes use of palette-based actions, similar to those found in Powerpoint, in order to animate text and graphics. Resulting files can be exported as SWF Flash files or standalone Projector applications for macOS or Windows. Since QuarkXPress is natively capable of creating HTML projects, this allows web designers to design and build their HTML and Flash elements and combine them all in a single application. No knowledge of timelines or ActionScript is necessary for this purpose. This allows documents created for print or web production to also be output as a Flash advertisement. It enables the export QuarkXPress projects in SWF (Flash) file format. Quark Interactive Designer is an extension and tool for creating Adobe Flash context from QuarkXPress documents. Additional Dynamic Guides for Textbox Columns Video.Option to Make Measurement Palette 50% Larger.Paste as Native Objects from Illustrator and Microsoft Office.It is desktop publishing software’s technology. It is the modern tool for designing and graphic interface. It creates files with the combination of images, tables, graphic designs, and official accounts records. It is an affecting some other popular products like Adobe InDesign and others. QuarkXPress converter is simple and easy software to enhance the workflow and experiences. This program combines colorful text entry, editing, and typography with photos to make a lively end. It will rebuild logos, PDF files, EPS files. It is composed of multiple graphics editor tools for greater creativity in graphics editing. QuarkXPress portable is too importing PDF, Illustrate and EPS files with converting the small and large files. WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe 6.1.0 CrackX
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energylifeamazon · 2 years
Inkscape vs krita
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Daz 3Dīest for: 3D animation, illustration and designingĭaz 3D is an excellent free graphic design software especially for animators, illustrators and designers. The app has a 3.7-star rating out of 1.1K reviews on The App Store and a 4.3-star rating out of 1.2M reviews on Google Play. If you're more interested in using your mobile device for creating and editing graphics, you can also check out Pixlr Mobile. You can use Pixlr to create or edit images in your web browser or you can download the desktop version of the software. You'll also find PowerPoints, resumes, business cards, newsletters, invitations, photo collage templates and more. Pixlr's templates include YouTube thumbnails, Instagram stories and other social media elements. PIxlr's templates are definitely another one of the editor's highlights, and you'll find plenty available for free.
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If you need to remove the background of an image, you can visit this page to use the tool. One feature that stood out to me about PIxlr was the "Remove Background" tool. It included all of the basic features you'd need for graphic design including layouts, templates, text, effects, filters, additional elements and more. There are different editors available including Pixlr X for quick and easy graphic design and Pixlr E for advanced photo editing. Pixlr is another great free graphic design software worth checking out. Platforms: Web browser, Windows, macOS, iOS, Android Of course, if you have a more complicated project, this editor may not be enough. You can use the tools to create a basic graphic from scratch, or if you need to make simple edits to a graphic or image, SVG-Edit may be the best basic online editor. You’ll find basic tools that allow you to create and edit images including a digital pencil, shape tools, text tools, a color picker and more. SVG-Edit looks a lot like Microsoft Paint, and it’s great for similar simple tasks. Still, you can export your finished images as PNG, JPEG, BPM, WEBP or PDF files as well. This is one of the most popular graphics formats. Of course, even if you aren't interested in coding, you can just visit this website to use the basic editor online for free.Īs you can tell from the program’s title, the editor specializes in creating and editing scalable vector graphics (SVG) images. The code to the program is completely open-source, which means you can download and edit the program's code itself, embed it into your own website and more. SVG-Edit is a web-based drawing editor that works in any modern web browser. Users also have access to Inkscape's community which includes user support and discussions in the form of chat, forums and more. There are tons of resources available on Inkscape's website under the "Learn" tab including an FAQ section, tutorials, books/manuals and a guide to how to use Inkscape for animation. According to the website, those features include object creation, object manipulation, fill and stroke features, operations on paths, text support, rendering and a variety of file formats. This made it really intuitive to use, and all of the features are available for free. When I first downloaded Inkscape, the interface reminded me of Microsoft Paint. You can get started by downloading the software to your Linux, Windows or macOS device.
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Inkscapeīest for: Professional quality vector graphicsĪccording to Inkscape’s website, the software was created for designers of all kinds including those in marketing and branding, engineering/CAD, web graphics, cartooning and for individual uses. Unfortunately, the free version of the software doesn't allow you to work offline, it doesn't include touchscreen support or advanced export options, and you can't see your projects' version history. With the free version of Gravit Designer, you'll get 500MB of Cloud storage and the ability to export PDF files. You won’t have to enter any payment information to use the free version of the software or to try out a trial version of the PRO software. When you first get started, you’ll be prompted to create a free account using your email address, name and a password. You’ll just have to be connected to the internet to use it for free. Gravit Designer works online, but you can also download a desktop version of the software. Just select the free trial period for PRO. Plus, you can try the PRO version for free when you first sign up. While there's a "PRO" version of the software available for $49 annually, the free version of Gravit Designer should have everything you'll need to create quality graphics. It's owned by the same company as Corel Draw, so if you're a fan of Corel digital design products, Gravit Designer is definitely worth checking out. Gravit Designer is a great free resource for building graphics. Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome OS
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greyssblog · 2 years
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Create and share professional-looking documents with state-of-the-art editing, reviewing, and sharing tools.
The innovative Design tab gives prompt access to features, and Smart Lookup shows relevant contextual information from the web directly inside Word.
More instructions for joining the Office 2019 preview, as well as loading the software and submitting feedback, can be found on Microsoft’s site. Microsoft notes that the Office 2019 commercial preview is intended for businesses that plan to deploy perpetual, volume-licensed, versions of Office 2019 only mobile previews are not included in the preview program. Organizations that want to test the commercial preview can do so by registering with Microsoft Collaborate. These improvements better enable IT departments to enforce organization-wide security policies, including for Visual Basic macros and application controls.
Office 2019 for Mac includes features to help IT departments better manage deployment and administration, too.Ĭommand-line functions assist configuring update settings, while improved mobile-device management policy and preference support and compatibility are baked into the new platform. Office 2019 for Mac: What IT pros need to know Developers also enabled more efficient email processing by adding support for the ability to send messages later or on a delay, email templates, and travel and delivery summary information. New Excel functions include CONCAT, TEXTJOIN, IFS, and SWITCH. A new play in-click sequence is also included.Įxcel receives new funnel charts and two-dimensional maps. In addition, the slide deck software adds the ability to insert and manage icons and three-dimensional models and support for exporting 4k video. PowerPoint packs new Morph transitions, which animate movements between slides. SEE: Microsoft delivers Office 2019 for Mac test build (ZDNet) Accessibility options are also updated, including a darker theme, learning tool captions, text-to-speech capabilities, and audio descriptions for features.
Word receives a new Focus mode, which minimizes distractions when drafting documents, and new translation capabilities, as well as improved inking using a Windows Pen. So, the 2019 Mac edition adds a roaming pencil case, which is the ability to track various digital pen, pencil, and highlighter options and settings across multiple apps and devices for users, and ribbon customization, which permits customizing apps’ menu settings, for all applications in the suite.Įach program within Microsoft’s Office suite receives various improvements, too. The platform’s enhancements are already available to Office 365 ProPlus subscribers however, not every business is ready to migrate licensing to cloud models and still seek to leverage volume licenses. Office 2019 for Mac will include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote and will come with many enhancements for users and IT departments. Top TechRepublic Academy training courses and software offerings of 2022īest project management software and tools 2022 Gartner identifies 25 emerging technologies in its 2022 hype cycle
SEE: Software licensing policy (Tech Pro Research) What's hot at TechRepublic Ultimately, Microsoft plans to release Office for Mac 2019 concurrently with Office for Windows sometime in the second half of 2018. Microsoft is targeting the latter group with its Office for Mac 2019 commercial preview, released in June 2018. Or, businesses can purchase on-premises (volume) licenses. OEM licenses are an alternative, although the choice’s popularity is increasingly fading. Organizations can purchase Office 365 subscriptions, a growing trend, including for hosted Exchange services. Businesses using Macs have a couple options when it comes to licensing Microsoft Office software.
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veworjoin · 2 years
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Join images side by side to produce a single image file.
Save in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF, and PDF formats.
FastStone Capture 9.6 Key tabs that allow you to capture and edit multiple screenshots simultaneously.
Resize, crop, rotate, sharpen, brighten, adjust colors ….
Apply effects such as drop-shadow, frame, torn-edge, and fade-edge.
Draw annotation objects such as texts, arrowed lines, highlights, watermarks, rectangles, and circles.
Options to specify output destination (internal editor, clipboard, file, printer …).
It even allows you to convert video files to animated gif files. A built-in video editor allows you to draw annotations, apply zoom effects and cut unwanted sections.
into highly compressed video files (Windows Media Video format).
FastStone Capture 9.6 Serial Key Record screen activities including onscreen changes, speech from microphone, mouse movements, and clicks.Capture multiple windows and objects including multi-level menus.
Capture windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand regions, and scrolling windows/web pages.Global hotkeys to activate screen capturing instantly.A small handy Capture Panel that provides quick access to its capture tools and output options.The built-in screen recorder saves videos in WMV (Windows Media Video) format. FastStone Capture 9.6 Keygen saves images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF, and PDF formats. Other features include image scanning, global hotkeys, automatic filename generation, support for external editors, a color picker, a screen magnifier, a screen crosshair, and a screen ruler.
FastStone Capture Registration Code You can choose to send captures to editor, file, clipboard, printer, email, Word / PowerPoint document, or upload them to your website.įastStone Capture Serial key Editing tools include annotating (texts, arrowed lines, highlights), resizing, cropping, sharpening, watermarking, applying edge effects, and many more. It also allows you to record all screen activities including onscreen changes, speech from the microphone, mouse movements and clicks into highly compressed video files. It allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand/ fixed regions as well as scrolling windows/web pages. Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose.FastStone Capture Crack is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool and screen video recorder. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations. After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demoĭemo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program's interfaces. In some cases, ads may be show to the users. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition - in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use). Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations.
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grmmorg · 2 years
Buy microsoft office 2016 professional
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You should also connect to the Internet regularly to keep your version of Office up to date and benefit from automatic upgrades.
Internet access is also required to access documents stored on OneDrive, unless you install the OneDrive desktop app. For Microsoft 365 plans, Internet access is also needed to manage your subscription account, for example to install Office on other PCs or to change billing options. However, Internet access is required to install and activate all the latest releases of Office suites and all Microsoft 365 subscription plans. Note that touch features are optimized for use with Windows 8, Windows 8.You don’t need to be connected to the Internet to use Office applications, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, because the applications are fully installed on your computer. But, all features and functionality are always available by using a keyboard, mouse, or other standard or accessible input device. NET 4.0 or 4.5 CLR to also be installed.Ī touch-enabled device is required to use any multi-touch functionality. The current or immediately previous version of Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 10 Server, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2008 R2įor the best experience, use the latest version of any operating system. Graphics hardware acceleration requires a DirectX 10 graphics card. Sign in to Office 2016 and use OneDrive to easily access your recent documents on any device with seamless integration.ġ gigahertz (GHz) or faster x86-bit or 圆4-bit processor with SSE2 instruction set Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the move, you can take it all with you wherever you go while sharing and collaborating with others. It’s your very own digital notebook, so you can keep notes, ideas, web pages, photos, even audio and video all in one place. Use special effects to make your publications stand out. Swap pictures with a simple drag and drop, or add pictures directly from your online albums. Your data is automatically stored in a SQL database, so it’s more secure and scalable than ever.Įasily create, personalize, and share a wide range of professional-quality publications. Threaded comments alongside your slides help you incorporate feedback into your presentations.Īccess is an easy-to-use tool for quickly creating browser-based database applications that help you run your business. View More.Ĭreate, collaborate, and effectively present your ideas with new slide transitions and an improved Animations task pane. Push email support keeps your inbox up to date, conversation view groups related messages, and calendars can be viewed side-by-side for planning. Leverage features like Analysis Toolpak, Slicers, and Formula Builder to save time, so you can focus on insights.Įasily manage your email, calendar, contacts, and tasks.
The new Design tab provides quick access to features, and Smart Lookup shows relevant contextual information from the web directly inside Word.Īnalyze and visualize your data in new and intuitive ways with a fresh user interface plus your favorite keyboard shortcuts. Word 2016, Excel 2016, PowerPoint 2016, OneNote 2016, Outlook 2016, Publisher 2016, and Access 2016.Ĭreate and share professional-looking documents with state-of-the-art editing, reviewing, and sharing tools.
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