#anivia for like
sennamybeloved · 2 years
f/o list updates! xayah has been moved to a tertiary f/o, and anivia and nasus have been added as romantics! they’ve been sitting in my brain for a while now and i finally decided to bite the bullet and add them :):)
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antleredoctopus · 2 years
Tako have you seen the new skin for Anivia?
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 I don’t even play her that much because my partner and another friend love her more, so I always end up giving her up in ARAM but still...
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(bonus very quick doodle)
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kalijhomentethi · 2 years
The new Halloween skins?? So good!!
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teeto-peteto · 8 months
Build a bear should exist on Runeterra for no other reason than I think it’d be cute. That’s all, carry on.
they get a matching with their appereance build a bear. Nobody knows where they come from, no one knows where they are made, not even what they are made of.
point is like either magically appears there or its delivered by mail wich makes some of the champions go bonkers cause they think its a bomb package and they are crawling the walls and then they're just like 'oh... its just... a stuffie. i guess' and then cutely places it on the bed or a significant place of the room/hideout.
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dispatchwithlove · 1 year
I absolutely adore your ideas for turian culture. The shawls, the interesting word choices correlating with Roman/Latin words (like zuccha, amar, saccha). My absolute favorite thing though is the ties they have with the sky and stars. Garrus' curses (empty night, blackest night) especially are some of my favorite little elements in the universe you write for them. Where did you come up with these awesome ideas? I'm just so invested in the culture you created for my favorite space cats!
Hello Anon! Sorry this took so long to answer, I got absolutely giddy when I read it!
Well the whole Latin thing is taken both from canon (they're based on the Roman empire) and fanon. I know others have used Latin words and Roman culture to develop turian culture, and I liked it so I ran with it. A lot of the words I made up are bastardized latin words, lol. Saccha, mela, and zuccarum (zucca for short) are taken from the Latin words for sugar, honey, and ... sugar again, I think, lol. Crulum is taken from cookie. I kind of just look up the latin words for things and throw some letters around until I'm happy with the mouth feel of it. Other words I just plain make up, like lambas, which is a dish Val makes for the family. I want all turian words to sound like a rich, rolling, rumbly language as much as possible. For Avinelin, a Garrus/Nihlus one shot, I wanted the turian language Nihlus teaches Garrus to sound more like Spanish, because I think it's an incredibly sexy language. Basically, I want turians to sound hot I guess! I think a lot of people like to write turians as cold and ultra-militaristic, and go as far as to say they don't show physical affection easily (which is a valid take that I fully support!). But, I like to show the opposite of that -- that yes their culture is regimented and bureaucratic, but there's still warmth within them. Maybe expressing that warmth within them is even more important, considering their strict social guidelines.
I think that's also why I like to explore the importance of celestial themes with them as well. It shows that they once were religious, just like many species, and that shaped their language and how they cope with life. I know others play with curses being star based as well, so I didn't invent that, I just have fun playing with it. I will say that so far my favorite bit of star theme that I've come up with though, is Garrus seeing Jane's freckles as stars in a night sky, and that when he was a boy he'd look up at the night sky for comfort and solace. I don't get gushy over things I write often, but that moment in The Quarian where he makes that connection gets me! And I will absolutely be playing with that as Garrus and Jane reveal their feelings and explore their relationship in The Boy. One day he'll tell Jane that her freckles are like stars and she'll just melt 🥺 (I've already written the scene 😁)
OH, and the shawls...in the sequel to The Boy (working title is The Missing -- I hate my titles btw, but I feel stuck to the theme now, lol) There's going to be a murder based on the Jeffrey McDonald murders (a military doctor accused "hippies" of killing his family) and I wanted turians to have some sort of cultural appearance that xenophobic humans judged, but was based on something loving, so I thought maybe turians wear shawls while they marry, then i daydreamed about Jane wearing a shawl when her and Garrus get married, then when I was writing about a winter turian holiday (Anivia Vocan) I thought it would be cool if turians wear shawls for all important occasions. Boom, turians have special shawls. Okay, I feel like I've blabbered on enough. Bless anyone who read through this all. TLDR is that I have no plan and don't even keep track of the stuff I write. It all just bubbles up while I'm daydreaming about Jane and Garrus and I include what I remember.
Thanks for asking! Hope this was fun to read. If it was, I'm always down to answer any questions about my stories or world building! ❤️
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odekoyma · 9 months
I've been trying to make my own dream team with my favorite champs. Right now I have
Anivia Mid- Mom teammate, always giving unsolicited advice on chat. Never tilts and expects the same from everyone else. Flashes into wall constantly.
Lillia Jungle- begginer jungler on the run, farming 99% of the time. Comes to your lane, tries to help but achieves nothing, and immediately goes back to farming.
Teemo Top- is here to have fun trying off-meta builds on your promos, friendly to everyone BUT the enemy team. To them, he is like a cockroach. Can't do shit, but disgusting and annoying af.
Jhin ADC- Is taking everything way too seriously all the time and demands perfection from everyone around him. Always has the best insults, and the worst aim.
Swain Sup- I WILL steal ALL your kills and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me. Will give his ADC the middle finger if he is underperforming. He has a lot of knowledge about the game. Please go outside.
I wish there was more artists making their own teams and drawing them. This concept is so interesting to work with! <3
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last-blueknight · 1 year
Ildhaurg, The Warden of Sacrifice
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Playable character concept for the video game League of Legends, based on the iron boar, one of the semi-gods of the Freljord, elemental semi-animal deities that inhabit those winter lands.
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He currently has a lot of relevance in the lore as well as his brothers volibear, anivia and ornn, but without having any visual appearance.
(just like sister seal)
Art by:
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demacianhcart · 5 months
Me: Anivia is so cool I wish I had more incentive to write her.
Me: Well, that seems like a good incentive.
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a-decrepit-house · 1 year
Ok so I know Asexuality Day was like, yesterday or whatever but as a certified Ace Person I’m just gonna dump my ace headcanons for League characters under the line
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Anivia is aroace. The cloaca stays shut.
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Braum is aroace. Braum obviously has boundless platonic love for everyone around him, but honestly I don’t see him developing romantic or sexual feelings for others.
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Aatrox and Varus are ace.
But Rhaast?
Rhaast fucks.
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I previously headcanoned Kalista as aroace based on this interaction with Ledros.
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This interaction can be read MANY ways, but my personal interpretation was basically that Kalista loved Ledros deeply, just not romantically.
I’m like, 90% sure the Ruination novel disproved this but hey they’re headcanons for a reason.
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Akshan is ace, but he really loves flirting with people just to fluster them.
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Kennen is aroace. Had to look up if yordles even experienced sexual attraction but then I remembered Arcane.
Also I think I’m on a watchlist now.
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Malzahar and Bel’Veth are ace. Kha’Zix and Rek’Sai fuck. Cho’Gath and Kog’Maw are irrelevant.
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Also, bonus: I headcanon Miss Fortune as aromantic pansexual. She’s like… married to the sea or whatever.
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aspectofthe-moon · 2 years
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୨🎃ノ Bewitching Neeko, Senna, LeBlanc, Cassiopeia and Anivia
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
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anivia 💞💞💞
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emypony · 1 year
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Don't mess with the kitty or you're gonna get pecked!!
Hehee, I love depicting Anivia more chicken-like.
You know how some chickens adopt little kittens??? YEAH.
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More of that, please. Big strong phoenix but shes got a soft spot for Yuumi 🥺. ((everyone else can get effed xD))
Riot please let them interact I would do anything
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metalichotchoco · 2 years
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We tried to modernize anivia on this episode, give her more things to look like a goddess she is and make her ever so slightly more human since volibear and ornn are humanoid in appearance
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whiteswarm · 2 years
@rebelquilled (from here)
Ionia was stranger to her in every thing, people, scenery, language (except for the common one, thank Anivia they spoke it), food... It was different and difficult for a tall, stout Freljordian woman to blend in. She was about to go buy supplies when the sound of a crying child made her antennas flicker.
Following the noise, Artica found herself in front of another Vastaya. She could feel she was one, her Vastaya side could sense the magic within her. As well as her being annoyed.
"Hey laddie"
Artica squatted to rest her weight on her strong blue talons and reached over to the kid. This one saw a huge ball of ice blue fluff and immediately went for it, hugging her tightly.
"Calm down, ye wanna see something pretty?"
She rubbed her hands together and when she parted them, snowflakes magically formed. Shimmering like diamonds. The child gasped in awe and giggled as one of them landed on his nose
"Wanna get on me shoulders to see if yer Mammy's around?"
And so they did, a tiny head popping out of a mass of dark red curls calling for his mom. In a matter of minutes, the child's mother rushed to get him, smiling and thanking the fluffy Vastaya woman
"She found him first" Artica pointed at the feathered one "I had the idea to make him visible above the crowd. No worries" She then told the little one not to leave his mom's hand again in the marketplace. They both left them alone after more thanking.
"And there they go. Honestly, i wouldn't imagine to find another one similar to me in a marketplace..." She gave out a tiny smile. Did she hope for a possibility of making contact with another Vastaya?
Yes. Definitely.
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soulsilencer · 2 years
I'm not the biggest fan of bewitching skins, but I like this line honestly. Neeko being a cat and Anivia being a bat is cute and creative for the halloween line when they could've just made Anivia a raven or something. I like that, it's cute.
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infinite-xerath · 2 years
Souls, Spirits, and Demons
Below are my headcanons pertaining to the aforementioned topics. This is something I’ve wanted to ramble about for a while now, and I’m finally getting around to it.))
OK, so, in my headcanons there are two main types of magic: elemental and spiritual. Elemental magic deals with controlling the forces that make of the physical world. Spirit magic is more about manipulating abstract concepts; thoughts, dreams, emotions, memories, and so-on.
Souls fall into the latter category, as the soul can basically be considered the "concept" of who a person truly is at their core; after all, when someone passes on, what else remains of them but their identity? I think this is reinforced by Sahn-Uzal, who learned his "true name" in the Spirit Realm was Mordekaiser. Mordekaiser translates roughly from German "murder emperor," and what better name for a sadistic, ruthless warlord like him? (Side note: I like to imagine that the language of the dead is actually just German.)
To that end, spirits and demons can be thought of as abstract beings who begin their existence with no identity; nameless, shapeless entities who take form by latching onto concepts. Spirits like Janna are empowered by faith and belief; she became the embodiment of stories and folktales about a fair wind spirit who watched over sailors and traders.
Demons, by contrast, feed on pain and suffering. They mostly embody negative ideas and concept, and thrive on trauma both physical and mental. Demons start out as weaker Azakana, but fully mature into beasts like Evelynn when they feed on enough suffering.
So I find humans merging with spirits/demons particularly interesting because it basically implies that their "concepts" are coexisting in the same body. Like, Udyr channeling the local gods of the Freljord is allowing the "idea" of Anivia, Volibear or Ornn to merge with his own identity. Of course, if he's not careful, they could overwhelm his sense of self completely, which is what results in possession.
In a way, one could say that possession of any kind is the result of one being’s ‘will’ or ‘sense of self’ erasing and overpowering another’s. Yone’s demon, Viego, Pantheon, LeBlanc, and even Xerath all show different ways in which they’re able to overpower others’ wills by instilling overwhelming amounts of their own essence.
In short: the nature of one’s identity is, itself, a form of power in Runeterra, and can even be used to take over the bodies and minds of those with lesser wills.
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