#anne swindell
ve4ernee-nebo · 4 months
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Ну это наверно не совсем перерисовка. я уже рисовала, что-то подобное, но сейчас я просто типа срисовала один кадр с телефонной будкой, прямо из клипа
(вообще это одна из самых таинственных, но и любимых сцен в клипографии Модников...для меня)
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И мне обязательно надо было срисовать одну маленькую милую фотографию. Конкретно это совместное фото Мартина и Энни мне так нравится. Оно тоже очень простое, уютное и светлое. Чистая, юная любовь. Они выглядят на нём, как будто у них ещё вся счастливая совместная жизнь впереди........но нет.....(хотя мне всё равно тепло на душе от этой фотографии)
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К слову, я, как человек, плохо знающий английский язык (особенно на слух), вдруг только сейчас, пока рисовала, решила почитать текст и перевод песни [See You]......и пустила слезу (всё, у меня снова хандра от твоих песен, Мартин...спасибо) потом подумала получше вспомнить историю этой песни (потому что она явно не про Энни...) и всё, дальше я не буду рассуждать, потому что это никак не относится к тому, что я нарисовала сейчас. Но вот потом как-нибудь обязательно надо будет поболтать. Я слишком люблю всё что было до DM (особенно историю Norman & the Worms, конечно)
Всё-всё, последние зарисовки на этот пост (там ещё у Мартина новый наряд в туре. Изменения, которые Я так ждала! Наконец-то!! Какие же красивые брюки🖤ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ✨ но об этом тоже как-нибудь потом)
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cantsayidont · 6 months
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August 2021. I'll freely admit that Series 1 of VIGIL has a solid hook for a detective story: Scottish civilian police detective Amy Silva (Suranne Jones) is assigned to investigate a suspicious death aboard the Royal Navy ballistic missile submarine HMS Vigil while it's still on patrol, effective trapping her in a claustrophobic environment where everyone has something to hide, no one respects her authority, and the commanding officers seem eager to sweep the incident under the rug even though there may be a killer onboard. Meanwhile, Silva's partner and ex-girlfriend Kirsten Longacre (Rose Leslie) investigates a related murder ashore, with both the Navy and MI5 seemingly determined to obstruct her at every turn.
The first few episodes are well-directed and well-acted, with a cast that also includes Connor Swindells (of SEX EDUCATION) and the perennially underutilized Anjli Mohindra, and the show initially maintains a high level of tension despite some implausible and cliched story elements. However, much like the American NCIS shows, the plot eventually does a jarring about-face that transforms what initially seems to be a rather sordid exposé of the Navy into a propaganda piece about the importance of maintaining Britain's nuclear deterrent, with activists who want nuclear weapons out of Scotland painted as cowardly dupes (a reminder that costar Rose Leslie is a Tory who campaigned for Remain in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum). All this is on top of some really egregious copaganda even by policier standards.
The main reason I bothered with the show at all was learning that the two lead characters were actually presented as lovers, or ex-lovers (as opposed to fandom "gay"). I'm as susceptible as anyone to Suranne Jones' expressively pensive frown, and Rose Leslie is certainly attractive despite her terrible real-world politics, but the faux-mo relationship between Amy and Kirsten is neither very convincing nor ultimately very satisfying. Part of the problem is that it plays second fiddle to Amy's traumatic memories of the death of her former boyfriend and her determination to regain custody of the daughter she raised with him — a lot of plot to squeeze into a six-episode series that's also preoccupied with murder investigations, official coverups, and nefarious Russian spies — but even the flashbacks to the beginning of Amy and Kirsten's relationship seldom suggest any real affection between them, much less passion or love. Given a choice, I guess I'd rather have a bad show with chaste and unconvincing wlw than a bad show without any, but it still feels like pinkwashing, a half-hearted and somewhat cynical attempt to attract viewers who might otherwise find the show's subject matter and politics too unpalatable. Given the show's surprising popularity, it seems to have worked.
I only watched the first part of the ill-advised second series, which awkwardly retains the same title despite no longer having anything to do with the submarine. The second series has Amy and Kirsten back together, but they're still at odds because they're about to have a baby, which replaces the first season's conflict about Amy's commitment phobia with a tonally identical conflict based on her being a passive-aggressive control freak about Kirsten's pregnancy, thus once again sparing Jones and Leslie the need to feign too much unseemly gay affection. There's one (1) scene of them cuddling to suggest that perhaps these characters do indeed love each other, but they're then separated by the contrivance of the plot, which has the same problems as the first series and is also chock full of racist, Orientalist nonsense involving a fictional Arab country called Wudyan. Truly dire.
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2023 Movie Journey #13: Barbie
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barbie. i had been so excited about this movie for such a long time! as i'm rapidly heading towards forty, i tend to have a pretty good gauge of what i like and what i don't--so good by now that i usually don't need much to know in advance what i'll love. this was one of those things.
it wasn't even related to the massive ad campaign or the giant fandom joy in response to it before i saw it myself--they announced that margot robbie was producing a barbie movie where she would play barbie and greta gerwig would write it, and that was kenough. i knew it was gonna be My Kind Of Movie.
and so i was excited, because there aren't that many of those. i try hard to go into movies with an open mind, because i really like liking things, and i'm happy to be surprised. but i also kind of feel like that's the stance i have to take, because very few movies are the sort i predictably love. musicals are rare, i'm a horror wimp even if i've gotten a little better at finding good horror comedies, and the majority of the other movies my local theater releases are action, superhero, or christian-centered.
so giving me a truly amazing cast crammed into a surprisingly tight story overflowing with feminism and feelings was a true gift, even better than i hoped for. and the length of my review probably won't indicate that, because i feel like barbie is a hard movie for me to review the way i do others--i don't have a ton of things i want to break down and criticize, but i also don't want to just list off why it's awesome. that would literally just be me making a long bullet-point list until i ran out of things i could remember.
and i feel like if you've seen the movie, you know why it's amazing and fun and deep and beautifully shallow, all at the same time. and if you haven't seen it, i really don't think i could explain the whole of it to you in a doing-it-justice way. so i'm just going to mention a few things, but don't let that make you think i only found a few things notable. this movie is art.
when it comes to some things i loved about this movie, let's start with the fact that it is my exact sense of humor. i couldn't get over that, the whole time, as ken is serenading barbie with a matchbox twenty song i definitely didn't used to think was a misogynist anthem and then the shot pulls back and it's ALL the kens doing the same thing. or the multiple group dance numbers. or simu liu as ken's archenemy, ken. or the movie's opening song that narrates AT barbie and changes as her experience does. seeing the movie a second time didn't make any of it less funny for me--it's a perfect blend of snark and meta jokes and queer tones.
another important and great thing! AMERICA FERRERA. i knew she was in the cast, but honestly, the cast list that was released before the movie even came out was soooo long, she was just one of many actors i like that i looked forward to. i didn't expect her to play such a central role, and despite this being The Barbie Movie, they really made her the heart of the story--or at least, a heart of the story. she grounds it in such a great way and adds a different kind of depth from what margot robbie could bring to actually playing (and looking like) a barbie doll.
i just love what america ferrara got to do with this role, and getting to see the kind of work she takes on over time. this movie was a nice reminder of how artificially limited the opportunities are, for marginalized talent--even a woman of color who's worked a lot, like she has, had to be sort of snuck into this movie and then made important once people were already watching. i'm grateful to greta gerwig and margot robbie and all the other people in charge for wanting to do that, but it still sucks to know that it wasn't ever going to happen otherwise. she wouldn't be given this kind of project to lead on her own, when she's just as talented and worth watching. she made me cry.
major shoutout also to the character in this movie who i originally named something like 'woman on a bench,' played by ann roth. i absolutely adored her and her scene; it was small but so meaningful. it really grabbed hold of me. and then i found out that she's a 91-year old friend of greta gerwig's in real life, and also happens to be a super-famous costume designer who worked on (among piles of other things) mamma mia! i love that.
another great casting note: i was really excited in advance about the fact that emma mackey was included, because i've very slowly been watching sex education with @actuallylukedanes--but even before i saw any of that show, i had seen gifs of her as maeve on tumblr for years and i couldn't get over how much she looked like margot robbie. then they put her in this movie with margot robbie, so of course i highly supported that.
what i didn't expect and wasn't really prepared for was the fact that they didn't just give us emma mackey. they gave us a sex education trifecta! leander and i spent the movie trying to figure out how we knew the mattel employee who seemed super familiar, only to eventually learn he was the actor who plays adam. and i still haven't been able to get past the facial hair and other barbie aesthetics that made him totally unrecognizable for me, but the fact that they also took the actor who plays eric and made him a ken? perfection.
literally the only problem i had with this movie was at the end. unlike my best friend, i completely agreed with barbie's choice to become human. my bipolar heart always lands on the side of 'why wouldn't you want all the feelings, even when they're so much they drown you and you don't think you can take it? more feelings please.'
but the very final scene, when she's getting supported by her new little found family (which i also loved, yay them) and heads into a building for what i definitely assumed was a job interview...has her going to the gynecologist. and this scene gave me possibly my first moment ever of being the person with an Unpopular Opinion. i used to play an ask game about that, and it was really fun, but i was always like, how do i know what's unpopular or popular?
in this case, my reaction really does seem to have been unpopular. or uncommon, anyway. we find out she's going to see her gynecologist. and barbie is lit up with joy, it's clearly meant to be a triumphant moment. finally, she's fully human. she's not perfect but she's a real woman.
and all i could think was, wait. wtf. does this movie think you need a vagina to be a real woman?!?? i literally sat in silence for a minute while the credits played before asking my best friend something like, if i was totally crazy for finding that moment transphobic.
because it's not like i don't know that there are people who claim to be feminists who hate trans women. i just didn't expect to end a movie i absolutely adored by feeling as if i'd just been slapped in the face by one.
and as far as i can tell since seeing it, almost nobody else interpreted the scene that way. a lot of trans folks seem to have appreciated the movie specifically because they felt seen by barbie's journey, not the opposite. and of course, the cast even has a trans woman in it! (she was great.) so i highly doubt the people making the movie are secretly trying to send a message about how much they hate trans people. on my second watch in theaters, when i already knew it was coming, it wasn't so rough.
but it still upset me in that first moment, and led to a whole personal epiphany that wasn't actually about barbie but that i guess i will forever have to thank the barbie movie for? so that's weird, though not bad. i just had to note all of that, because it was surprising and important and it's rare for me to realize that my reaction/opinion on something isn't one i can find tons of other people already shared if i look into it.
beyond that, though, this movie is just the best. it's everything. it gives us the nine-women supreme court that ruth bader ginsburg recommended, while also pointing out that too much power corrupts even the blankest of slates. it's here to teach kids about misogyny and to show everybody the wide range of outfits and accessories barbie has collected in her lifetime. it lets barbie have independence and leaves ken behind where i hope he one day realizes his rivalry with ken masks a totally different kind of tension, so he can have love after all. i don't think i'll ever get sick of it.
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Did Black Adam actually change the hierarchy of power in the DC universe? Why did they cast two leads with the same name for The School for Good and Evil? And why are insiders calling DC Films the wild west? Today, we're heading into worlds of magic, good, evil, and everything in between as we review Black Adam and The School for Good and Evil! 
 You can also find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!
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jmunneytumbler · 11 months
'Barbie' Review: A Doll Discovers the World, and Herself
'Barbie' Review: A Doll Discovers the World, and Herself
Hey, Barbie … wassup! (CREDIT: Warner Bros. Pictures/Screenshot) Starring: Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Helen Mirren, America Ferrera, Will Ferrell, Ariana Greenblatt, Kate McKinnon, Issa Rae, Hari Nef, Alexandra Shipp, Emma Mackey, Sharon Rooney, Ana Cruz Kayne, Dua Lipa, Nicola Coughlan, Ritu Arya, Marisa Abel, Michael Cera, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Simu Liu, Scott Evans, Ncuti Gatwa, Rob Brydon,…
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oceanusborealis · 11 months
Barbie - Movie Review
TL;DR – A deeply sincere film, swinging for the fences. Not everything lands, but you can’t dismiss the passion. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit scene.Disclosure – I was invited to a press screening of this film. Barbie Review – If you had asked me which film would have captured everyone’s attention in 2023, I honestly would not have expected it to be…
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lands-of-fantasy · 4 months
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DCEU Poster Ladies
Amy Adams as Lois Lane
Gal Gadot as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Margot Robbie as Dr. Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn
Viola Davis as Amanda Waller
Cara Delevingne as June Moone / Enchantress
Karen Fukuhara as Tatsu Yamashiro / Katana
Robin Wright as General Antiope
Connie Nielsen as Queen Hippolyta
Nicole Kidman as Queen Atlanna
Amber Heard as Mera
Jurnee Smollett-Bell as Dinah Lance / Black Canary
Helena Bertinelli / The Huntress
Ella Jay Basco as Cassandra Cain
Rosie Perez as Renee Montoya
Kristen Wiig as Dr. Barbara Minerva / Cheetah
Daniela Melchior as Cleo Cazo / Ratcatcher 2
Danielle Brooks as Leota Adebayo
Jennifer Holland as Emilia Harcourt
Quintessa Swindell as Maxine Hunkel / Cyclone
Grace Caroline Currey as Mary Bromfield
Meagan Good as Darla Dudley
Rachel Zegler as Anthea / Anne
Helen Mirren as Hespera
Lucy Liu as Kalypso
Sasha Calle as Kara Zor-El / Supergirl
Bruna Marquezine as Jenny Kord
Becky G as the voice of Khaji-Da
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pansysbbg777 · 6 months
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william evans-mcdonald house: hufflepuff age: seventeen face claim: dylan minnette sexuality/gender: trans man, straight description: william is shy, sensitive, and reserved but once you become his friend, you realize how talkative he can actually be. he loves charms class and healing and one day, he wants to work for saint mungo's and become a healer.
erin evans-mcdonald house: ravenclaw age: seventeen face claim: quintessa swindel (as maxine hunkel) sexuality/gender: cis woman, bisexual description: erin is eccentric and loud, which is why she is such good friends with luna. she is very intelligent and productive, as well as strong-minded and argumentative. she constantly gets into intelligent debate with others and protests a lot for the causes she believes in. she wants to work in the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures and as well as become a magizoologist and author.
corey meadowes (adopted) house: ravenclaw age: seventeen face claim: jack wolfe, as wylan van eck sexuality/gender: non-binary (he/they), aroace description: corey is very alternative and a functioning mute (he performs wordless magic). they have an anxiety disorder and finds it very hard to interact with others. however, them and their brother are super close, and they are also good friends with william and luna. their favorite class is potions.
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lucas meadowes (adopted) house: hufflepuff age: seventeen face claim: mason gooding, as chad meeks-martin sexuality/gender: cis man, straight description: lucas is the class popular guy. he loves (and is great at) quidditch and partying. however! he is actually a really sweet guy and was taught to be VERY respectful towards women. he secretly wants to fall in love. he also really loves baking 🤷‍♀️ he loves wearing clothes that are construed as "feminine"
alexandra "alex" alphard black (adopted) house: slytherin age: seventeen face claim: havana rose liu sexuality/gender: cis woman, lesbian description: one the outside, alex is gruff and intimidating. to others, she seems like a bully, but really, if you are her friend, you find out she is actually hilarious, sarcastic, and fun to be around. yes, she is daring and adventurous, but she is very ambitious and cunning. she wants to become a curse-breaker for gringotts when she grows older.
aurelie beaufort (muggleborn) house: hufflepuff age: 17 face claim: reneé rapp sexuality/gender: cis woman, bisexual description: aurelie is the class popular girl - she is beautiful, kind, strong, and unapologetic. boys and girls are always throwing themselves her way. she loves (and is very talented at) quidditch but she's not exactly sure what she plans on becoming as an adult. she will become best friends with ginny.
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theodore nott
travey davis
mattheo riddle
my year
gryffindors: harry potter, ron weasley, neville longbottom, seamus finnagin, dean thomas, hermione granger, parvati patil, lavender brown, ginny weasley
hufflepuffs: ernie macmillian, justin finch-fletchy, lucas meadowes, hannah abott, susan bones, sally-anne perkins, aurelie beaufort
ravenclaws: michael corner, terry boot, anthony goldstein, corey meadowes, me, luna lovegood, erin evans-mcdonald
slytherins: draco malfoy, vincent crabbe, gregory goyle, theodore nott, blaise zabini, mattheo riddle, pansy parkinson, daphne greengrass, tracey davis, alex black
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BARBIE (2023)
Starring Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera, Kate McKinnon, Issa Rae, Rhea Perlman, Will Ferrell, Hari Nef, Alexandra Shipp, Emma Mackey, Sharon Rooney, Dua Lipa, Nicola Coughlan, Ana Cruz Kayne, Ritu Arya, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Simu Liu, Scott Evans, Ncuti Gatwa, John Cena, Michael Cera, Ariana Greenblatt, Jamie Demetriou, Connor Swindells, Emerald Fennell, Ann Roth, Annie Mumolo, Marisa Abela and the voice of Helen Mirren.
Screenplay by Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach.
Directed by Greta Gerwig.
Distributed by Universal Pictures. 114 minutes. Rated PG-13.
Seeing Barbie hot on the heels of Oppenheimer, I have to admit I have a bit of whiplash. Not that both aren’t fine films (although Oppenheimer is the better of the two), but still I can’t imagine two more polar opposite potential blockbusters being released on the same weekend. In fact, the two are so wildly different while going against each other that the media has taken to referring to this as the “Barbenheimer” weekend.
It even makes a certain amount of business sense – talk about counter-programming – but after the deep, intense, depressing browns and moral ambivalence of Oppenheimer, the wild, hot pink, positive, surreal girl power celebration of Barbie is a bit of a shock to the system. And it’s a damned good movie, at least until 2/3 of the way into the screentime when the idea slightly gets away from director Greta Gerwig and her co-screenwriter Noah Baumbach. The overcooked ending doesn’t ruin the film by any means, but the movie ends up not quite sticking the landing – just like Ken. (You’ll understand that joke when you see the movie.)
Barbie is still a very fun movie, but the first hour or so was so much more than just that.  
The movie’s finest point is the brilliant, spot-on casting of Margot Robbie in the plastic shoes and dream house of America’s favorite doll. Robbie captures the perky and perfect representation of Barbie’s “stereotypical” beauty and the sweet, naïve hopefulness of the character of a woman who never has had to experience change or conflict. She is perfect in the role. I’m not sure if anyone could have captured the play toy better.
Which does not mean that Barbie is not allowed her own complexities, in fact that’s the whole point of the film. What happens when during a perfect fantasy life doubts and flaws start to intrude? What if she starts thinking of death, stops standing on her tiptoes and even (gasp!) starts showing the first early signs of cellulite?
What if she has to leave Barbieland and go to the real world to find out what exactly is happening to her, only to find out that reality is nothing like she imagined? And what if she is followed by Ken (Ryan Gosling), her needy, friend-zoned “boyfriend” who is seduced by the toxic masculinity of the authentic world (in this case played by Los Angeles)? And how will “real people” react to two walking, talking representations of outdated childhood fantasy?
It's a terrific fish-out-of-water premise. The early scenes in Barbieland, as well as the section when Barbie and Ken try to figure out the very alien areas like Century City and Venice Beach are bright, fast and funny.
Then the film starts to spin out a bit, like Gerwig and Baumbach have painted themselves into a corner that they are not sure how to navigate. The later sections of Barbie lose some of the earlier scenes’ spark, getting both slightly ridiculous and at the same time just a tiny bit sappy. And honestly, the later scenes are not nearly as funny as the earlier ones.
Barbie is sometimes a little heavy-handed in the use of older music to make plot points – the Indigo Girls’ “Closer to Fine” is used repeatedly as an anthem of female empowerment while Matchbox 20’s “Push” is used a few times to signal male aggression – but then again nothing in this film is meant to be in any way subtle. On the plus side, Aqua’s 1990s novelty hit “Barbie Girl” only briefly shows up here in the end credits, and only used as a sample in different song.
Still, even though Barbie does not quite achieve the effortless perfection of Barbieland (or even the effortless perfection of Robbie’s performance), it is still mostly a sweet, fun and funny ride. And America Ferrera’s monologue about the responsibilities of being a woman in the modern world is worth the price of admission all by itself.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: July 21, 2023.
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nepofm · 5 months
do you ( or either of the muns involved ) have any fc suggestions for muse o? thank you!
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          ✱     i  think  the  following  fcs  could  fit  muse  o:  charithra  chandran  ,  amber  midthunder  ,  bright  vachirawit  ,  china  anne  mcclain  ,  froy  gutierrez  ,  jonathan  daviss  ,  maddison  jaizani  ,  alisha  boe  ,  keith  powers  ,  apo  nattawin  ,  quintessa  swindell  ,  win  metawin  ,  simay  barlas  ,  kento  yamazaki  or  yandeh  sallah  !  but  tagging  @dearpaige  and  @gemmajcmes  for  their  input  as  well  🩵
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FEBRUARY Celebrity Birthdays & Events
All Month Long: Black History Month | Femslash February | Fix It February
February Birthdays
Aquarius Stars (Jan 20-Feb 18)
3: Ellen Thomas | 6: Mame Anna Diop, Harmonia Rosales, Heir of Glee | 7: Essence Atkins, Kirby Howell Baptiste, Marlo Hampton | 8: Quintessa Swindell (Quintessa is nonbinary but plays female characters, so is featured on the blog a lot) | 9: Alice Walker, Camille Winbush, Jasmine Mathews | 10: Yara Shahidi, Uzo Aduba, Roberta Flack, Leontyne Price | 11: Kelly Rowland, Brandy, Nischelle Turner | 12: Latrice Royale | 14: Danai Gurira, Aniela Gumbs, Janeshia Adams-Ginyard, Karidja Touré, Ozioma Akagha | 15: Amber Riley, Lynn Whitfield, Meg Thee Stallion | 16: Hailey Kilgore, Philicia Saunders | 17: Jessica Allain, Lynne Moody | 18: Emelia Burns, Genelle Williams, Toni Morrison
Pisces Stars (Feb 19-Mar 20)
19: Caroline Chikezie, Ariel Alexandria Davis, Angela Meryl | 20: Rihanna | 21: Aunjanue Ellis, Ann Ogbomo | 22: Genneya Walton, Pandelani Mulaudzi | 23: Niecy Nash | 24: Dede Lovelace, Kasi Lemmons, Tawny Newsome | 25: Geffri Maya | 28: Tasha & Sidra Smith, Rae Dawn Chong | 29: Augusta Savage
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February Events:
1: World Hijab Day | 7: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day | 13: Black Love Day | BFCD Pinkend 12-15ish: 13: Galentines, 14: Valentines, 15: Amber/Meg/Lynn BDays | Week After the 14th: Aromantic Awareness Week | 20: World Day of Social Justice
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arcadiafm · 2 years
𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒  𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃  :  Possible FC suggestions for the daughter of T’Challa?
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here are our suggestions ! sydney park, karreuche tran, coco jones, amandla stenberg ( non-binary ) emmanuelle koffi, bethany antonia, asia jackson, keke palmer, china anne mcclain, alexis denis williams, lee rodriguez, anyang deng, aleece wilson, samantha logan, jordan alexander, zoe love smith, doja cat, celeste o’connor ( non-binary), jaz sinclair, quintessa swindell ( non-binary ), nyane lebajoa, winnie harlow, ryan destiny, yandeh sallah, anna diop !!!
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westerlyroleplay · 2 years
most wanted faces i'm so indecisive
I feel you, honestly any of the face claims we have named under the skeletons are most wanted! I'll also list a few below. I do want to add that we're less worried about face claims and more so the character behind them, so we'll love whoever you decide to bring us! I realize a list is definitely helpful to choose from, though, so here are a few:
Anne Hathaway, Nicole Beharie, Priscilla Quintana, Laura Harrier, Tanaya Beatty, Isis Valverde, Sandra Oh, Tessa Thompson, Gemma Chan, Anya Taylor-Joy, Adeline Rudolph, Sofia Pernas, Diane Guerrero, Carla Gugino, Care Gee, Margot Robbie, Connie Britton, Elodie Yung, Zion Moreno, Zendaya, Michelle Yeoh, Malese Jow, Bianca Lawson, Adria Arjona, Greta Onieogou, Lesley Ann-Brandt, Ana de Armas, Sophia Bush, Constance Wu, Emmy Rossum, Maggie Q, Simone Ashley, Zoey Deutch, Rahul Kohli, Michael B Jordan, Daniel Henney, Pablo Schreiber, Oscar Isaac, Trevante Rhodes, Scott Eastwood, Tommy Martinez, Tyler Blackburn, Riz Ahmed, Alfonso Herrera, Wesley French, Henry Golding, Jason Mamoa, DJ Cotrona, Jon Bernthal, Mena Massoud, Lewis Tan, Charles Michael Davis, Theo James, Manny Montana, Mahershala Ali, Raymond Ablack, John Cho, Chris Evans, Daniel Dae Kim, Dev Patel, Sean Teale, Michael Trevino, J.D. Pardo, Asia Kate Dillon, Avan Jogia, Indya Moore, Bex Taylor-Klaus, Bridgette Lundy-Paine, Lachlan Watson, Liv Hewson, Nico Tortorella, Quintessa Swindell, Ruby Rose, Tommy Dorfman, Ellie Desautels
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reignfms · 2 years
hi! mw dornish faces?
these will be w + w/o period resources !
aiysha hart , anand desai barochia , anna shaffer , archie renaux , charitra chandran , charlie murphy , claudia kim , daisy ridley , daniel henney , darci shaw , deepika padukone , dev patel , devon terrell , delcin sangu , freddie carter , giorgio belli , golshifteh farahani , gugu mbtha raw , hale appleman , hazal filiz , kucukkose , howard charles , jamie chung , josha stradowski , julia jones , kiana madeira , kivanc tatlitug , kylie bunbury , lewis tan , luke arnold , luke pasqualino , mahesh kadu , matteo martari , medalion rahimi , mecia simson , myanna buring , oscar isaac , pelin karahan , peter gadiot , pinar deniz , reece ritchie , saadet aksoy , santiago cabrera , stefanie martini , tamsin egerton , thalissa teixeira , timothee chalamet , tuba buyukustun , varun dhawan , zoe robbins , zhu zhu.
aisha dee , alberto rosende , alex landi , alia bhatt , alisha wainwright , alva bratt , amandla stenberg , ana de armas , ashley moore , avan jogia , ayca aysin turan , banita sandhu , berk cankat , brenda song , brittany o'grady , camila mendes , charles melton , chase sui wonders , china anne mcclain , chloe bridges , constance wu , courtney eaton , danai gurira , david castaneda , demet ozdemir , diana penty , dichen lachman , ebonee noel , ella balinska , fivel stewart , harru shum jr , herman tommeraas , hunter shafer , ivana baquero , jamie clayton , jordan fisher , kaylee bryant , lucy liu , lindsey morgan , lulu antariska , maggie q , mason gooding , mena massoud , michael trevino , nathalie emmanuel , natasha liu bordizzo , nico tortorella , nicole maines , pepi sonuga , quintessa swindell , rahul kholi , reina hardesty , riz ahmed , salma hayak , sandra oh , sarah shahi , sonam kapoor , sydney park , tati gabrielle , thaddea graham , xavier dolan , zion moreno !
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mortemhq · 13 days
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OF COURSE, ANON! sorry that this took so long. i just wanted to make sure i had a lot of suggestions for you! buckle up for a big list! i'd love to see: emma d'arcy, quintessa swindell, dua saleh, poppy liu, asia kate dillon, lizeth selene, emma corrin, janelle monae, yaya dacosta, liv hewson, celeste o'connor, zion moreno, aj clementine, jessie mei li, serena motola, mimi keene, nana komatsu, davika hoorne, chase sui wonders, maia reficco, chandler kinney, zaria simone, ayo edebiri, lola tung, anya chalotra, maggie q, benjamin bratt, jaz sinclair, laura harrier, zendaya, courtney eaton, hunter schafer, jessica henwick, medalion rahimi, simone ashley, khadijha red thunder, zion moreno, amita suman, olivia cooke, ella purnell, sophie thatcher, yasmin finney, rachel zegler, bruna marquezine, taylor russell, alisha boe, antonia gentry, ashley moore, naomi scott, natasha liu bordizzo, melis sezen, hande ercel, aslihan malbora, havana rose liu, amy adams, jessica alexander, grace van dien, danielle rose russell, sarah snook, adria arjona, ayo edebiri, bahar sahin, jasmin savoy brown, anne hathaway, michelle yeoh, anya taylor-joy, lucy liu, viola davis, ming na wen, sandra oh, gemma chan, maddie phillips, park sooyoung, jamie chung, tati gabrielle, sydney park, hoyeon jung, brittany o'grady, lily gladstone, savannah lee smith, nicola coughlan, greta onieogou, kylie verzosa, moon gayoung, madeleine madden, ni ni, alba flores, gugu mbatha raw, adeline rudolph, cierra ramirez, kiki layne, ryan destiny, zoey luna, lovie simone, blu hunt, park sooyoung, im jinah, samantha logan, tessa thompson, mint ranchwaree, yara shahidi, zorzo natharuetai, sobhita dhulipala, mookda narinrak, namtan tipnaree, nychaa nuttanicha, pat chayanit, nadine lustre, wawwa nicha, maris racal, ayca aysin turan, may calamawy, megan suri, banita sandhu, priscilla quintana, brianne tju, melis pamuk, camila mendes, demet ozdemir, sophia ali, bree kish, maddison bailey, jeremy allen white, tamino amir, mena massoud, archie renaux, evan mock, dev patel, taylor zakhar perez, tommy martinez, maxence danet fauvel, rege jean page, kiowa gordon, d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, derek luh, apo nattawin, tom blyth, freddy carter, deniz can aktas, emre bey, ilhan sen, josh o'connor, mike faist, joseph quinn, manny jacinto, callum turner, alex landi, barry keoughan, paul mescal, rami malek, simone baldasseroni, woo dohwan, yahya abdul mateen ii, mason gooding, cody christian, michael evans behling, jordan gonzalez, drew ray tanner, ito hideaki, peter gadiot, gong yoo, michael b jordan, hugh dancy, ben whishaw, swann arlaud, froy gutierrez, alex meraz, emilio sakraya, rahul kohli, oscar isaac, peter gadiot, jonathan daviss, danny ramirez, kento yamazaki, omar sy, cillian murphy, oliver jackson-cohen, brian michael smith, idris elba, william jackson harper, and lewis tan.
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bitehq · 13 days
absolutely loving the vibe of this rp!! can i please ask for some 'most wanted' fcs from you?
Well thanks so much, anon, we love to hear that! I will direct you here to check out our wanted connections and previously answered wanted fcs, but it looks like we only have a list of male presenting face claims thus far, so here are some ideas for the ladies!
Abigail Spencer, Aiysha Hart, Alicia Vikander, Anna Torv, Annie Murphy, Azie Tesfai, Camilla Luddington, Carla Gugino, Christina Ochoa, Cote De Pablo, Daisy Ridley, Danai Gurira, Danielle Brooks, Deborah Ann Woll, Dichen Lachman, Elizabeth Lail, Emma Mackey, Famke Janssen, Gemma Chan, Gina Torres, Greta Onieogou, Han So Hee, Inbar Lavi, Jaina Lee Ortiz, Jamie Chung, Jessica Chastain, Jessica Henwick, Kat Graham, Kate Siegel, Kimiko Glenn, Lauren Ridloff, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Lily Tomlin, Lisa Ann Walter, Marie Avgeropoulos, Meagan Tandy, Melissa McCarthy, Melissa O'Neil, Melissa Roxburgh, Merle Dandridge, Ming Na Wen, Miranda Otto, Nadia Hilker, Natasha Lyonne, Parveen Kaur, Qunita Brunson, Rachael Taylor, Richa Moorjani, Sarah Snook, Sharon Rooney, Sonequa Martin-Green, T'Nia Miller, Tati Gabrielle, Tessa Thompson, Victoria Pedretti, Viola Davis, Yoo In Na, Zendaya
And a special bonus mention for our trans/nonbinary/genderfluid folks that we would love to see on the dash! Alex Blue Davis, Amandla Stenberg, Asia Kate Dillon, Chella Man, Elliot Fletcher, Elliot Page, Emma D'Arcy, Jamie Clayton, Laith Ashley, Liv Hewson, Nicole Maines, Quintessa Swindell, Sara Ramirez
Hope this is helpful!
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