ninjanissie · 8 months
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werebutch · 1 year
I’m bored and extremely irritable hi guys
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minimoefoe · 2 years
kmplayer keeps fucking up but literally only with the s12 eps i have downloaded and it's actually pissing me off like why is it doing this right now couldn't it have waited til the centenary was over or something
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boy-armageddon · 3 months
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do they know..........
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The sex-positivity and progressivism leaving peoples bodies the second a teenager identifies as ace. "15 year olds can't be ace, all teenagers are ace" is the most annlying, backwards, conservative, anti-sex ed take I've ever heard and it frustrates me to no end that it's never addressed when people clap back. Bull crap teenagers are sexless, what happened to "theyre having sex anyways so it's important to educate them about it early"? What about the teen pregnancy issue? You were just posting about how ever school should have free condoms alongside free pads and tampons just last week, Nancy, but this week they're all pure uwu beans never thought about a titty in their life and if they have its a tragedy of this hypersexualized world therefor its invalid for them to identify as asexual? If they can't identify as asexual then they can't identify as homosexual either, only romantic orientations allowed.
It annoys me so much that even when people specifically address these comments they never point this specific thing out that they're treating teenagers like this. People address that it makes no sense that teens can id as one sexuality but not the other, but never the removal of their sexuality all together, and perpetuating the misinformation that asexual=no libido at the same time? It's never worded like they assume adults are sexualizing minors somehow in this, its always just full scale denial of teens having sexual desires and that affecting the labels they choose for themselves rather than just 'cute silly crushes.' Sometimes they full on deny even romantic attraction, and they don't get called out for this. It's often the same people who fight for sex education but it just all evaporates and theres no difference between a 15 year old and a 3 year old to them all of a sudden when aspec identities come up.
People are all for wearing what you want until youre an asexual wearing a bikini, or all for platonic relationships being just as important until its an aspec who cares more about their friends then suddenly theyre sad and lonely. They're against the objectification of women as sex objects and against "she asked for it" until its an asexual woman. Its free love until its an aromantic man. People are so all for the destruction of amatonormativity and the championing of aspec inclusiveness until its called that then suddenly they revert to these super conservative views.
this is true!
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thehareswears · 4 months
Okay, well since you said don't be a pussy:
I'm freaking out a little, because I just might have killed a man, and it's not looking good for me.
Tl:dr, I bit a guy, and it broke skin, and I know the bacteria in your mouth is enough to cause sepsis within 24 hours.
For context: The guy is like my frenemy, the type of guy you still talk to but you kinda hate them in the mutual "God this guy is so annlying way". Anyway, he got too close, I bit him, all joking around until I noticed I broke skin and my saliva got on his arm.
He was immediately sent to the hospital, and now he's in the process of being stabilized. He thought it was pretty funny, but his lawyer sure doesn't. So yeah. I just might go to court for voluntary manslaughter if he dies (reason why I'm on anon is so it doesn't cpunt as incriminating evidence if they search my socials, I don't follow you so). If he survives, he most likely won't press charges, since we do shit like this all the time. It's like a mini competition to see who can hurt the other the farthest, one time he broke my arm and I had to lie to my mom that I tripped down the school stairwell.
So anyway, now that that's out of the way: Hi! How are you? How was your day?
I.. I'm speechless. At least you weren't a pussy. I have no idea how hard you would have to bite someone to break skin, I've bitten many people and that hasn't happened. PSA to everyone, your saliva is toxic, especially if you don't disinfect your mouth regularly. Hope you don't catch a case for this bro, biting people is valid (just maybe not as hard as you did it)
My day is going great so far, reading this made it more interesting
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problematicfactive · 6 months
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I started responding and then saved the draft and now tumblr won't let me finish it so:
Image ID: An anonymous ask that says: "Hello!! I run a mogai blog and I do things for plural folks, and introjects (or I try to, I know, admittingly I leaned fictive thinking only but to be fair. I was still learning ).
Do you have annly tips/ideas on what I should do/add that's very inclusive for all headmates and/or factives?
Like should I open icon requests for irl folks (youtubers etc). And if so I was wondering if not using TC (true crime) pictures but maybe picrews, or would that still be disrespectful etc.
I want to be as inclusive as possible without crossing other lines /gen" END ID]
This is a very good question, so thanks for thinking to reach out and ask me. I'll start by saying that, like I said, not every blog is meant for every system. Like I've said, just blogs are just for fictives, and if there is a reason for that, then it's okay. I once came across a blog the beyond only doing requests for fictional identities/characters, they wouldn't do your request if it was for a character played by a love action actor. Clearly, their content wasn't including of factives, plenty of fictives were excluded including the fictive we were looking to request content for, but that was their boundary, and it was valid.
I say this because I dont know what kind of content your blog makes. For example, are you making identies based off of character or are you putting identities on characters? For example, Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks gender or Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks is Insert mogaigender
Both of those types of posts may make you uncomfortable to make regarding real people if that's what you're doing. And that's completely valid
But let's say the content your posting wouldn't make you uncomfortable to add fact identities to. Opening requests for icons of real life people is an absolute wonderful place to start. It's really hard to reccomend things when I don’t know what all you're posting, but some things that blogs I follow do are moodboards, icon edits, "steal his look", and self care packages. Those are things that could be done for any type of introject. Even octives or songtives given the requester gives you enough information to go off of. (Though the steal the look may just be more of a general fashion suggestions)
Really, whatever you're doing, if you feel comfortable enough to attack the face or name of a real person to, do-- that's the best way to be inclusive of factives.
As for TC factives, I can easily say that we dont expect much. Very few if any at all will hate you because you were uncomfortable doing a request for anyone TC. Like I've said before, it's a perfectly valid boundary to have. Being willing to even use picrew versions of us is so much more than we could ever ask for or expect from anyone. It would be an incredible compromise, and I don't think it would hurt anyone. It's a question of your boundaries though.
I hope the little bit of what I was able to say could help, feel free to privately message me or send another ask with your blog, I'd love to see it.
Thanks for taking the time to try to be more all inclusive!!
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le-fils-de-lhomme · 10 months
There are several stories from missionaries in Tanzania who were annlyed about the fashion adaptions that the locals were making. Such things like wearing ties and getting gold canes but not wearing the things the missionaries wanted them to wear.
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annlisstyle · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Annli’s Style Italian Silk Casual Dress.
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arbitrarygreay · 8 months
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Juha's appearances in season 1 of Birdie Wing
The first is from the very first scene of the show, when Eve was playing in the Nafrece Women's Open as Chris Christina. Notice also Sierra Daniel, who was the runner up to Eve, Aoi, and Juha in the show's final British Open (she plays at par on St. Annlies).
The other two are from the OP. OP also contained a shot of Aisha watching Eve escape a bunker.
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ninjanissie · 1 year
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When you play in a campaign and have your character know someone already!
My dwarf gunslinger Annly and Cin's elf rogue Oakie for a Phandelver campaign we played.
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miulore · 10 months
i started snowdrop and how did you even finish thissss i am so stressed out and the girl from extraordinary you is so good she's sp annlying i wanna slap her lmao -ycanon
ay :c stressed in a bad way?? im saaaawrry are u not liking it AT ALL?? 1-O-
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rooftopvoter · 1 year
laying on a bare mattress getting fucked up off ma holy sbit it is so fu ming annlying to type on this lbone jdec anymore
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embauchezmoihihi · 1 year
ce blog est une immersion totale dans mon univers créatif.
plus complet que mon book, vous trouverez ici toutes les productions que j’ai faites et que j’aime montrer. accompagnés de textes explicatifs et de vidéos, mes séries d’images sont plus entières ce carnet de recherche me permet de montrer la totalité de mon travail.
comme vous pourrez le voir je travaille principalement en studio de part la formation que j’ai reçue (diplômée de l’école speos en 2021). j’aime jouer avec la texture, les couleurs puissantes, la deconstruction d’une image pour en créer une autre.
je m’appelle Annly Nicolas, j’habite à paris.
bienvenue dans ma tête :)
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charmyposh-blog · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZiGi Soho Annlie Booties Women's Shoes.
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pink-beast-rhino · 2 years
NW fucks but its a shame the teshin section was ass
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