#anon i’m so glad u feel heard bc i also feel heard i thought i was just a bad swiftie
placeinthisworld · 7 months
I’m that anon and this might sound over the top but I genuinely feel so so so heard right now because for the longest time when I followed them their takes and the way Taylor just fully consumes their life made me feel drained. I remember always side eyeing how they would conveniently side step criticising Taylor whenever she would genuinely mess up like saying oh they’re not a part of that group so they don’t want to take up space but it’s like okay I get it, hell I can even respect that but why aren’t you reblogging posts criticising Taylor made by the people she has directly hurt from her actions then. the way that fans go into dissecting very minute details over there sometimes made me think of how inevitable it is for Taylor to not grow and change cuz these are the blogs that always filled up Taylor’s feed and realistically fans like this is what she’s exposed to and on a human level I can’t imagine being treated as if every minor action of mine is worth extensive praise. The mental development of a celebrity impacted by being placed on such high pedestals has always intrigued me. I won’t lie there was a time, whenever I came home from school I would sit and obsessively consume only Taylor content and would be very defensive over her in real life as well but ( and I’m not trying to be super judgemental here) I can’t imagine being that committed to protecting, coddling, praising and borderline worshipping somebody like that when I know that individual never even considers my existence for like a second, I genuinely can’t imagine doing this for years and years and never growing past it especially with everything Taylor has done.
I still remember how condescending and truthfully mean they were being to anons when some fans questioned why Taylor swapped out invisible string for the 1 and they defended joe so so so much as if they were his lawyer or something but as soon as they broke up the absolute switch up kind of floored me cuz I always thought that they genuinely started liking joe for his work at one point cuz of how much they would place him on a pedestal as well before but damn I got whiplash from soo many blogs after the breakup. I know this turned into a giant rant and I’m so sorry but it’s just I’ve never come across anybody that felt the same way cuz generally literally everybody praises that blog and treats it like royalty sometimes so it’s like getting to vent to somebody for the first time 😅😅😔😔
100000000% bestie i agree with everything you’ve said 😭
i followed them too for the longest time and always kinda followed that same mindset too. but something changed when eras started that made me just kinda….feel like there was a tswift overexposure/ blowup where it suddenly felt like people were only online again to gain clout, and then the breakup happened and everyone and their mom was suddenly a diehard swiftie with all these opinions about it and it started to make me feel icked out by the way people just…..casually discussed and debated/speculated about her personal life and their entire relationship without knowing really anything more. when the breakup happened i definitely saw the switch from just another swiftie to literally suffocating up taylor’s asshole. i mostly blame tumblr too for giving them that attention lol i think that definitely fed into their dialogue. i remember being kinda sad when i unfollowed but knew it was better for me bc their interactions with anons and their opinions were so wild lol. i also remember starting to feel like i was a bad fan/ swiftie if i couldn’t defend taylor like that in good conscience so i figured disengaging would be enough, but then meathead came into play and suddenly their narrative became clear that they were really just ready to support and defend taylor about absolutely everything (and then somewhere along the way they blocked meeeee and ngl i wa so caught off guard bc i had unfollowed so long before that i couldn’t even tell you when it happened or like what i said to cause if LMAO i’m sure it was one of my criticism posts about taylor but like still find it funny!) because at the end of the day we’re all just fans seeing what taylor wants us to see and nobody really has any insight as to what taylor is thinking or how she feels, yes even if you spent a few hours with her once 5+ years ago……
overall is been a very eye opening experience as to how parasocial relationships develop and how weird people are on social media…..i always said (jokingly) that swiftism was a disease but like i actually feel like it is
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celestie0 · 3 months
helllo helllooo ellie!!! hru doing?!
IHM gojo is the song looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6’5 blue eyes personified lolllll….I discourage the use of words like these when referring to ppl but he’s sooooooo fuckable😣 love LOVE kickoff!gojo but theres just something about ihm!gojo thats making me lose my mind a tad bit more ughhhh
n it is completely alright if u dont write top reader😌 I will have my gojo in any way n anyhow possible 😌😌😌😌
i’m so excited for upcoming chapters of both kickoff n IHM🥹🫶 im looking forward to more soft boi gojo in kickoff hes TOO CUTE he NEEDS to be EATENNNNN
zuro anon
hiii zuro babyyy <33 omg hope you’re doing well!!
PLS yknow when i first heard that tiktok audio my first initial thought was gojo ✋🏼😭 you’re so right tho when my brother was tryna buy a house i had to listen to his real estate agent drone on ab finance n stocks n investment property so imma channel all that annoyingness into ihm gojo🤞🏼😍
IM SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT BECAUSE IN ALL HONESTY I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO STOP THINKING AB IHM GOJO TOO 😅 WHICH FEELS SO VAIN BC HE’s MY OWN CHARACTER BUT LIKE… 🫣🤭😔 sumn ab my annoying real estate fake husband… (i mean i guess in fairness i know what happens in the story so that’s probably why 🤣 but i’m so glad that you who doesnt know what happens in the story also finds him fuckable!!!!!!! goal accomplished!!!!!!!!!! <333)
same bae i’d have gojo upside down right side up to the left to the right and its takin all my energy not to break into cha cha dance song rn
so happy you’re looking forward to more updates from me bb!! :”) you’re so cute i swear i just want to kidnap u n keep u in my pocket. LOVE YOUU 💕💕💕
- ellie 🔥
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rollercoasterwords · 8 months
i’m the anon with the ‘listen 2 less taylor swift’ new year’s resolution. i’d like u to know that it is now the 15th and i haven’t listen to any of her songs yet. i hope u don’t forget abt me :’)
guess what?! i’m into mitski! who would’ve thought?! i mean i always liked her songs but now i’m listening to the whole album instead of only the singles/ most popular ones
for the horror movie rec, i was going to tell u to watch ‘talk to me’ but you said that didn’t work already. maybe go for classics? suspiria (the 70s one, i haven’t watched the new one) is like one of my least favorites but the visuals are stunning so maybe that’s good for your case? idk!
lmao yes the funniest new year’s resolution ever glad it’s working out 4 u!! also looooove that ur going thru the mitski discography….truly her albums r so good zero skips etc…
& yeah just watched talk to me earlier 2day which is why i didn’t wanna watch it again tonight lol my sisters had been recommending it 2 me for months they both said it was soooo scary and. it was! but i think they maybe hyped it up too much bc i was expecting it 2 be even scarier…still thought it was really good tho <3 & suspiria has been on my watchlist 4 ages (interesting that u don’t like it 👀👀 i’ve heard many good things feel free 2 share why it’s not ur fave should u want to…) but i wanna concentrate on that one when i watch it bc it’s one of the ~classics~ etc….2nite i’ve been looking for like a bad-but-still-fun movie that i can half pay attention to while i knit <3
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fatuismooches · 2 years
Hello smooches, its been a while. I hope that you are doing well (also pls don't push urself too hard) 🙏 sorry for disappearing (again) and not answering ur question since i'm taking the past few weeks to recuperate from my illness, and now i feel a lot better! The doctors said that i can finally go back home around mid-April to early May after 6 more examinations (i really want to go back home, i'm dead bored staying in this glass room 💀 bcs i can't do anything besides watching doctors and nurses going back and forth, reading fics, watch yt videos and play games on my phone)
Okay, now back to ur question about "have i watch the theory about Capitano being the Bloodstained Knight" and the answer is yes, i watched and read a LOT of that theory around the internet. Its really fascinating! Also, there are some theories that Capitano is Imunlaukr from Sal Vindagnyr (iirc its from Dragonspine?) One of the founding clans of Mondstadt. And then there's "Menogias (the Geo Yaksa) = Capitano" Theory too. There are a lot of theories about him still going around to this day 😂 and i just consume all of it
Also //leaks\\
have u seen some Capitano crumbs on Mika's character story going around lately? When he saw Capitano, even with that helmet of his, it is described that Capitano have "eerily dark blue eyes that 'glows' with an uncanny aura". His EYES literally "GLOWS" 😶 at this point, is he even a human now?? 😭 mans got that "glow in the dark" eyes. That is REALLY cool but also very scary.
Just imagine u were walking in Snezhnaya's forest at night trying to find some wood for ur kitchen fuel and then u accidentally came across this man, looking straight into ur soul with his glowing dark blue eyes 💀💀
I think i'll have a massive brainrot over this newfound info about him omg u give me a small 🤏 crumb about him, i'll go feral and unable to sleep at night and will thinking about him non-stop for WEEKS 😭 (i think i understand why my siblings wanted me to stop playing Genshin until i fully recover lol 😅)
Anyways, i really hope u have a very nice day and don't forget to take care of yourself smooches 🛐💞 i can't wait to see more of ur works and random rambles with other anons and users!
I’m so glad to see you in my messages again💕🙏 And don’t even worry about it, I’m very happy you’re doing better and don’t push yourself either☺️☺️
Hehe I should have known you watched it, you are literally the Capitano connoisseur 😅!! I never heard of those over two theories until now, I read a bit up on them and I would have never thought of that… I still like the Bloodstained Knight one the best. It sounds the most possible to me…
*Mika Character story leaks below (it’s just one detail abt Capitano tho😭)
I actually didn’t know until you told me😭😭 I’m surprised no one is really talking about it BECAUSE IT’S LITERALLY AMAZING???!! CAPITANO CRUMB HELLOOO? I’m so glad we know his eye color now, it’s only a little piece of info but I still devoured it🙏 I genuinely cannot wait for an official art/cutscene with the glowing eyes, he’ll look so majestic! And tbh, I’m not sure, I think he may be human but with an extended lifespan? Either way he’s so…😍😍 But yes you’re so right I’d be panicking so hard if I just saw him staring at me like that.
But ahem… imagine those eerie eyes become soft when he looks at you 🥺 I can’t help but think about his normally narrowed analyzing eyes that usually scares everyone become gentle with you. At first he didn’t even know he did that until you pointed it out 💞 He gets embarrassed about the things he does unconsciously around you 💞I also have this random hc that when he gets shy he clears his throat embarrassedly 
I’ll definitely be brainrotting with you over this 🥝 anon omg he’s so cute🥺. But WAIT MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR SLEEP OKAY YOU NEED THAT!!😭💗💗ILYYYY I HOPE YOU HAVE A NICE DAY TOOOOO <33
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kimtaegis · 1 year
i agree with that anon, ive been reading all ur asks bc i agree with some things and this feels like a safe place to accept it ♥lol, and yeah i always think "i dont have to love everything they do" we know even tho they work so good together as bts we know they have different styles and its their time to do whatever they want, personally i feel more connected with the rap line content, not that i didnt love the astrounaut or jimin's album, i was more nervous with taehyung because even if i think his music is so beautiful and i do like it a lot, its not exactly music i would normally listen to, my favorite is rainy days and i still hate the sound of the notifications in it lmao, but whatever... and just like jk, i liked seven a lot but i know a big part of it is that i loved the music video, it was fUN and at first i was like okay okay this song is so radio type, its viral music, and i enjoy it, lyrically i mean there is not so much depth, not that i need it but i know what it is about so i decide that i dont mind and still everytime its on the radio or comes in my playlist i have fun im dancing and singing and im like yeah bro go off!,
..now with 3d :) ... i normally listen to the new songs like once and i go to sleep, this one i had to listen more, i tRIED lol and i dont hate it at all, i do think its different and i WAS expecting something better, as well with the mv, not bc hes naked im gonna be like "oh great vid" LOL, and ive never heard jack before and... okay hi, but honestly the song just doesnt excite me, i love jk's voice i know how talented he is and he shines basically everywhere and im sure i will be singing and dancing whenever its played but thats because its catchy, i knew jk would do this music bc ive noticed what he likes and he says so himself, i know a lot of people throw shade bc hes working with these artists but i like to think he knows what hes doing - and if for some reason hes not satisfied or whatever he'll learn and theres that, hes smart , they all are, we cant know who makes ALL the decisions and if we could.. again, we dont have to love everything, of course were gonna question some of it if were not
also now that im rambling i did see people comparing with justin timberlake and i hate that i totally see it bc i hate him loool, im happy for nsync in general they are veeeeery talented, i just cant stand justin (admitting he is also very talented i loved seeing him as an actor too hes good) , but man ... u_u i see it, i do
anyway, thank you! u are nice, sometimes one can feel weird, it feels awkward wanting to support someone you care about and all but were doing our best and thats okay, we cant force ourselves to pretend something were not we dont have to ♥
im sorry if i dont make sense, there could be errors as im writing this when my bosses are right here lmaooo, ill go
hehe I’m glad you let it all out (I hope your bosses didn’t notice or mind!)! 🤍 I think you also once again emphasised one of the main points of last night’s whole conversation – that it’s absolutely fine to not like a new project of an artist you generally adore and that you’re very much allowed to express that. it’s not always black and white, you can still enjoy parts of it but not vibe to another, it’s okay. it’s really still a huge problem that many armies will make you think otherwise.
I enjoyed reading all your thoughts (had to giggle at the justin timberlake part 😭), thank you for coming here and talk! I hope you have a great day too, lovely 🤍
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neyxmessi · 2 years
Umm what was your first reaction when Leo joined PSG? How you felt when ney left Barca back then?
Btw i just love ur blog so much<3😩. After my hectic day, i feel so relaxed when I see neymessi photos and videos, their small interactions that u post everyday. I wonder how u manage to find such things. Lots of love 💕
Hey anon! I have to be honest… I was very late to joining the fandom. I never was into soccer/football as a kid! It was like the one sport my dad never really liked, and I could not kick a ball for my life so I had no interest in it. Of course I knew of Messi, Neymar, and Ronaldo though. I even distinctly remember at lunch some of the boys at my school debating on whether Messi or Neymar was better. Yes! Not Messi or Ronaldo. Messi or Neymar. So I literally thought they were rivals as a kid. 😭
I remember one day watching a stream where someone was debating whether Messi or Ronaldo was better, and I decided to decide for myself (I had always assumed Messi was the better player over the years but never really looked into him because I had no interest in soccer/football). I clicked on a YouTube compilation video that compared their skills, and literally Leo made me fall in love with the sport. Sure Ronaldo was good at scoring, but Leo had it all in my eyes. His dribbling was absolutely insane, and for about a week after that I was obsessed with him. At this time he was playing for PSG (which I was confused about because I had never heard of PSG before and knew for a fact he had played for Barcelona). Regardless, I decided I wanted to watch some games to see him play. Only problem was that they didn’t (and still don’t) stream Ligue 1 on regular cable television (which I thought they did bc I didn’t understand the different leagues in soccer and every other American sport is always on cable to watch). So then my obsession kinda fell off from there because I had no idea how to watch him play (now I do lol).
Then the WC comes around, and I swear I was talking to one of my friends about what my ideal “guy” would look like, and Neymar pops up on my fyp. And oh my goodness. He looked so good. And like I knew it was Neymar but also didn’t know it was Neymar? Like I feel like maybe I had remembered the version of him from like 2015 but at the time I couldn't even remember what I had thought he looked like, cause in this particular video he looked absolutely gorgeous LMFAO.
Anyways, after liking that one edit, 10,000 more edits of him pop up on my fyp and now I’m like obsessed with him. And then…. I see a neymessi edit pop up on my fyp. And I literally was like “Messi?? Literally my favorite player ever? Played with Neymar? My new celebrity crush?” And I essentially fell into the rabbit hole of them. So shout out to whoever made that Tik tok edit of them!! This account wouldn’t be possible without them lol!!
So I do my little deep dive, and I just figure that at some point they left the club and then managed to play in the same club again. But then when I found out Neymar left Barca first... for PSG. I was so mad I'm sorry LMAOOOO. I didn't really understand at first what would've prompted him to leave, and ofc the first stories I saw were that he left because he wanted to get out of Messi's shadow (or for the money). So my initial reaction was feeling a bit blindsided, simply because it had seemed like he was gonna stay with the club forever.
Anyways the whole situation bothered me for like a few days (not to a large extent, it just nagged in the back of my mind), but then I found out about the whole Messi photo situation and the reason why he left (or at least why I think he did) made more sense to me. I mean I still do think about the "what if he never left" part, but that's a little too taxing on my brain so I'm just trying to appreciate what I have now LOLLLLLL.
Anyways... that's my story! I am not an OG neymessi girlie unfortunately, but I am glad to be able to revive their old moments for other new people who are joining the fandom!!
So glad you appreciate my blog anon <3. Words like this mean the absolute world to me :)
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imsoglitter · 9 months
Hi kate! Idk if you’ll see this or answer but I wanted to send bc I’ve been following u for awhile and see u as sort of a big sibling/mentor that reminds me that it gets better and one day everything will be okay :’) do u have advice on how to move on? I’m femme and had my first ever kinda relationship w a butch and it was nice but they abandoned me on my bday celebration after blowing up on me saying that I was too high maintenance, materialistic, sparkly, and pink and my emotions were “too much to process” and “my presence was unhealthy” 6 months later they’re engaged to another femme who is more slow living and earthy. sucked a lot bc from day 1 they said I WASNT too much and that they would never leave. Idk I’m not sad I dont wish I was the soon wife but I’m convinced now that I’ll never find anyone bc all butches/mascs at the end of the day want that & I’ll be alone 4evr. I noticed all of my butch/femm couple friends are kinda same the same (earthy, natural, no glitz or glamour, etc). Feeling v high femme camp antics essay rn and having trouble coping. I tried changing my aesthetic and being minimalist but it put in deep depression so idk what to do. I’m unlikeable to all the ppl I’m attracted to but fitting in to be likable makes me want to kms. Any thoughts or ideas?? Hope this doesn’t come off as trauma dumping 😖
Hi anon! I don't know if I'm the right person to answer this bc I'm definitely a lazy femme who doesn't have the energy to be high femme, and the advice I'm going to give you is something you've probably heard a million times before.
If someone dislikes you enough to dump you on your birthday, you are better off without them. This goes for any other special occasion as well. The first time I got dumped, they very politely waited until I got back from a special trip I was on so it wouldn't be ruined, and I'm really glad for that. It made everything amicable and we're still penpals to this day. It sounds like your ex was bad at communicating the problems they were having in the relationship, given the blowup, and reacted pretty immaturely tbh. That's not the kind of person you want to spend your life with. (I'm also very wary of people who get married after less than a year of knowing each other, but that's a separate issue)
Honestly the best advice I can give you, and you're probably going to hate this, is take a break from looking for a sexual/romantic relationship. Focus on the other relationships in your life, whether they're with friends or family or even coworkers. And spend time with yourself. Definitely don't change everything about yourself to be with someone because you're going to have to live with yourself your whole life. The most important person to like you is going to be yourself. If you want to change think about expanding rather than dumping everything and picking something new.
And on the topic of finding someone who will love you the way you are, your best goal is to be patient, and to take action when you feel ready. Don't settle with someone who tolerates you or you'll end up like my parents (bad). And if you feel like there's potential, don't be afraid to make the first move. Pining is fun until it's not anymore so it's better to skip that part sometimes lol
Practical speaking here's my advice:
Delete your dating apps for a while
Get yourself a vibrator
Go to the movies by yourself
Pick up a new physical hobby like gardening or woodworking or cooking, something you can touch
If you hate your new hobby drop it and try something else
Try a new restaurant you've never been to before
Go for a walk/sit in a park weather permitting and birdwatch
And if you're seriously suicidal, take inventory of yourself and see if you can come up with a plan to avoid that headspace. Therapy and meds helped for me, but the main thing was moving out of a toxic environment. Plus I'm not stupid enough to pretend that therapy fixes everything all the time
I guess I'm saying you should date yourself, but trying to not make it sound super corny lol. I hope this helps and I hope you can figure out how to get out of your rut. I'm rooting for you!
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peachycoreroo · 3 years
what about some haikyuu boys trying to explain how morning erection works to their s/o? if you could include Kuroo, Sugawara, Oikawa and Satori I'd be more than grateful 🥺
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characters: kuroo tetsurou, sugawara koushi, oikawa tooru, tendou satori
genre: smut, a miiiini plot bc i can't control myself
word count: 1.2k
warnings: fem!reader but can be read as gn!reader, also kinda oblivious!reader?, established relationships, the slightest somnophilia (reader is just grinding while oikawa is asleep, he wakes up immediatly tho), handjob, morning wood (obvs), implied sex
authors note: omg this was my first ever request, thank you sm anonnie! i'm so sorry bc i'm pretty sure i got carried away and only kuroo and tendou really fit your request, but i still hope you'll like it<3 this was actually really hard bc i was so anxious about fucking up my first request, i also didn't really know much about morning woods (well now i do heh) and i find tendou kinda hard to write for but i really wanted to make anon happy. i stayed up till 4am for this🧍‍♂️here's a link to my masterlist<3
pt.2: kageyama tobio, haiba lev, hinata shoyo
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kuroo tetsurou:
„your dick does what, why now?”
kuroo rolled his eyes. this is the third time he has to repeat himself and you still look at him as if you’ve never heard anything more complicated in your life.
sighing, the tall male leaned back against the headboard of your shared bed, trying to make himself as comfortable as he could, with you finally quenching your curiosity about his morning wood, and said morning wood pressing against his boxers and your sheets.
“one more time, y/n, there’s a number of reasons. first of all, the male body has its peak of testosterone in the morning. basically, the sudden increase of the hormone in the changing stages from being asleep to waking up, can get your guy up.” as he saw you open your mouth to ask a question, he immediately followed with: “yes, even without actually being aroused”, effectively making you shut your mouth again. the fact that he knew exactly what you wanted to ask, made him chuckle. kuroo knew you like the back of his hand.
“another one is that my body is aware of what’s going on, even when i’m asleep. if your ass grazes my dick, it’s gonna react.” grinning proudly, you sat yourself in his lap, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
“mhh, i’m glad you can’t resist me, even in your sleep. so… you want some help with that?”
the dark-haired male decided to play along, putting his large hands on your waist, pulling you closer and leaning in, just to stop a few inches from your lips and murmur: “you know, i could also just need to pee really bad”, making you lean back and stare at him dumbfounded.
as much as he wanted to actually teach you about this topic, kuroo would never pass up an opportunity to tease you.
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sugawara koushi:
as suga jerked awake, he immediately became aware of his severe case of a morning wood. not only that, but he could also feel your ass pressed up snugly against it.
once the sleep slowly drained from the man’s eyes, he noticed that it was still dark outside and quickly checked the time to see his alarm clock reflecting the numbers 5:50 a.m. back at him. he knew he had to get up at 6 if he wanted to be an exemplary teacher and get to school earlier to prepare for class, but with the way your ass was pushing against his hard dick, his mind was too clouded by lust to care. he needed you, and he needed you now.
“baby, wake up”, in suga’s husky morning voice was the first thing you heard as you were gently stirred awake. when you cracked your eyes open, the silver-haired man was already kneeling between your legs, cock heavy and leaking against your panties.
yawning, you asked concerned: “kou’? what’s wrong? is everything okay?”
not being able to wait any longer, sugawara slowly started grinding against you through your shorts, making your breath hitch and legs spread wider.
“y-yeah, just a morning wood emergency. i can’t go and teach like that. let me use you quickly, princess”, suga almost whined, pained.
trying to hold in your whimpers to understand what led to this, your eyes jumping from the male’s handsome face to his pretty, hard dick, you wondered: “what’s gotten into you?”
at that, suga scoffed, amused at you wanting to know what led to his erection instead of getting to business right away.
“woke up to your pretty lil’ butt all snuggled up against my dick. you make me hard, even in my sleep y/n”, he rasped impatiently, but still wanting to quench your interest.
despite the fact that this was definitely not the most romantic thing you have heard from sugawara koushi, you couldn’t stop the butterflies erupting at the thought of him craving you this badly, even while asleep.
“c’mere kou’”, you softly murmured, pulling him down for a kiss, ready to help your boyfriend’s morning problem.
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oikawa tooru:
tonight, wasn’t your night. you barely got a wink of sleep, while your boyfriend slept like a stone beside you. you knew it wasn’t his fault you couldn’t sleep, but that didn’t stop you from sulking like a spoiled child.
you were tired but also incredibly horny, and as if some gods heard the prayers you didn’t even direct at them, you noticed oikawa’s morning erection standing loud and proud under your shared sheets like every morning.
not wasting a moment, you ripped the sheets off him, straddling his lap and grinding your soaked panties against his erect boxer-clad cock. it’s not the worst feeling oikawa has ever woken up to, in fact it was definitely one of the best. everything’s better than being slapped awake by iwa-chan’s shoe hitting him in the face back in high school.
as the tanned man started to fidget and his calloused hands landed on your hips to guide you along his cock, your curiosity about his daily morning wood got the best of you.
“why are you hard every morning, tooru?”, you asked innocently, while not-so-innocently continuing to tease him with your hips.
“u-uh, something about hormones a-and, oh shit, faster babe”, oikawa needily pleaded, not in the mood to be explaining the scientific reason behind his reoccurring morning problem.
unsatisfied with the answer, you stopped the grinding to frown at him and complained: “but i wanna know more, tooru.”
the brunet looked up at you, groaning but knowing you wouldn’t just let it go. “fuck, okay. how about this: you make me cum, and i answer all your questions about… morning woods, after. deal?”
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tendou satori:
you woke up before tendou, feeling his hard-on press against your naked thigh, making you want to continue the fun you had last night.
luckily, your boyfriend also woke up, though not as happy about his morning wood problem as you.
“’tori… i need you”, you seductively purred, letting your petite hand slide down to his erection, wrapping around it and giving it a few slow, lazy pumps. to your surprise, your usually vocal-in-bed boyfriend didn’t moan, but only tensed at your ministrations.
not thinking much of it, you attached your lips to the base of his throat, sucking and licking while giving his cock a hard tuck, hoping to get a pretty moan out of him.
what you didn’t expect however, was for tendou to jump up and run to your bathroom while squealing like a little schoolgirl. dumbfounded, you froze in the position you were in, leaning towards where your boyfriend was laying just a few seconds ago, with your hand in a half-fist.
after a few minutes, the red-haired man sheepishly re-entered the room, scratching the back of his blushing neck with a matching blush on his face.
“i-i uh…”, at his voice cracking, tendou cleared his throat before continuing: “i’m so sorry sweetheart, i didn’t mean to run off like that.”
finally breaking out of your stiffness, you looked at him, puzzled, before asking: “why did you run off? if you didn’t want to make-out, I would’ve understood a simple no.”
“it’s not that! it’s just… morning wood doesn’t always mean i’m horny, sweetie. sometimes it happens when you desperately need to pee.”
“oh”, you awkwardly remarked, “i didn’t know that ‘tori, i’m so sorry. i just thought…”
chuckling, tendou leaned down, kissing your forehead and reassuring you: “don’t worry angel, you never stop learning.”
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
Hi, if you are still taking prompts; A magically powerful Harry not noticing that his magic does things to make Draco happy. This can be pre-relationship or established relationship. Like it starts of with his tea being exactly as he likes and always the right temperature. Then evolves to rooms changing colour or weather changing or people being unable to invade Draco’s personal space due to an invisible barrier or something ridiculous. Btw Draco doesn’t notice as well.
anon.....you really killed me w this one. i’ve been so emo over this wyugeahrwiw might end up writing smth longer tbh bc this concept is literally the only thing that matters to me!!!!!!! i hope u enjoy i had so much fun with it ❤️❤️❤️
“Harry, you do it. Please.”
“We’re fucking watching something, Draco!”
“So just pause it!”
Harry grabs the pillow on his lap and slams it onto the sofa next to him. Hermione can see dust rise in its wake. He pauses the telly. 
“Are you doing it?” Draco asks hopefully. Harry scowls at him. 
“Well you won’t shut up until I do, will you?”
“Definitely not.”
Harry disappears into the kitchen and Draco sits there looking smug.
“It’s kind of sick how you get off on bossing him around,” says Ron, his tone one of simple observation. His fingers are idly playing with Hermione’s hair, but she doesn’t think he notices he’s doing it. 
“If I’m not mean to him a few times a week I break out in a rash, Weasley,” Draco says blithely. “Besides, he makes it perfectly. I don’t know how he does it, it’s always exactly the right temperature and sweetness and all that. I s’pose his years as a house-elf for those Muggles gave him plenty of time to perfect the art.”
“You’re a twat,” says Ron. “And my mum makes tea better than him.”
“Well you’re just a pitiful little mummy’s boy, aren’t you, Weasley? We can hardly trust your opinion.”
“Hark who the hell’s talking,” Ron scoffs. “Least I’m not twenty-three and still calling my mum ‘mummy’ like the world’s biggest bloody ponce.”
Draco splutters but before he can retort Harry’s coming back into the room hovering four cups of tea that float placidly to each of them. Draco looks exactly like a satisfied cat as he takes his and Harry drops back down onto the sofa next to him. Not too close, but certainly not too far, either.
“Literally exquisite,” Draco declares after he’s taken a sip. Ron rolls his eyes.
“It’s just tea, Draco,” says Harry, and he grabs for the remote to turn the film back on. “You’re such a demanding little brat. Merlin’s fucking tits.”
But Draco looks happy and Harry looks suspiciously content as well. Ron turns to her and makes a silent gagging face. Hermione snorts and puts a finger to her lips. They’ve decided not to say anything yet.
“Wasn’t this place a lot … uglier last time?”
“What?” Harry says absently. He’s not listening — he’s got all his attention zeroed in on a stack of parchment he’s holding. They’d only barely dragged him along to lunch; earlier the captain of the English National Team had apparently owled him a great number of brand-new Quidditch plays and required Harry’s extensive thoughts and notes before their next practise, which was tomorrow morning. 
“Uglier,” Draco says emphatically, and Ron mutters something she doesn’t catch. “Remember? The walls were that tragic egg-yolk colour.” He shivers. Hermione thinks it might have been an honest-to-god shiver of revulsion. She also thinks she knows what’s happened, even though the extent of it surprises her.
“Maybe someone heard you whingeing and changed it,” Ron apparently can’t stop himself from saying with a snigger. Hermione elbows him hard and he shoots her a glare, mouthing, he doesn’t know!
Harry would usually be the one to take the lead and get them a table when all four of them go out to eat together but today he’s too wrapped up in his Quidditch plays, so Ron steps forward and does it, which makes Hermione’s chest flutter pleasantly. He’d blush down to his bones if she ever said it aloud but he’s quite capable of being a leader in Harry’s absences. 
“Whatever happened,” says Draco pointedly as they’re led to their table, “it’s a great bloody blessing, I was genuinely unsure I’d have the mental fortitude to survive another assault like that on my delicate senses. And, I mean, this —” he gestures to the walls, which are now an admittedly pleasing dark teal above a white trim “— is stunning. It’s my favourite colour.”
“Is it? So weird they picked your favourite colour completely by coincidence,” Ron says, and Hermione elbows him again. Draco notices nothing and neither does Harry, although he does finally set the plays aside once they’re seated at the table.
“Are you complaining about the wall colour again?” he asks drily. They would both be extremely displeased to know they sound like an old married couple. Draco snatches haughtily at the paper napkin on the table and unfolds it to place over his lap. The first time he’d ever done this at a regular, decidedly not upscale restaurant Ron had taken it upon himself to spend the entire meal adopting a posh accent to match Draco’s and saying things to the waiter like “Don’t you have crystal?” while holding up a glass cup full of Pepsi and then commenting “These aren’t real silver, you know” after making a show of inspecting the titanium utensils. 
“I can complain about hideous design choices if I want to,” Draco tells Harry with his nose in the air. “Thankfully they’ve rectified it this time.”
On the other side of the restaurant, Hermione sees two employees talking, one of them gesturing at the wall with utter bewilderment. She doesn’t point it out.
“Twelve o’clock,” says Ron, nodding past Draco’s shoulder. “Some bloke staring you down hard, Malfoy.”
Draco looks excitedly behind him, but what Hermione takes more notice of is the way Harry’s face falls a little. She can’t help but wonder if he even realises it’s happened. She’s almost certain he’s aware of his feelings for Draco even though he still hasn’t said anything to her (and she’s been waiting months now, the effort of holding her tongue growing only more difficult by the day, and she knows Ron’s always seconds away from shouting at him) but she doesn’t think he knows how obvious he is. Draco doesn’t seem to know either, but she thinks that’s because Draco feels exactly the same way. She’d have called them morons, but she remembers too well how long it had taken her and Ron.
“What the fuck, Weasley,” Draco hisses, turning back around with a scowl that makes Ron laugh and Harry perk up again a little bit. “He looks like he hasn’t washed his hair in weeks.”
“Now, now,” says Ron, “mustn’t judge books by their greasy covers.”
“Then you go shag him if you think he’s so fit.”
“Maybe I will,” Ron says airily, as if he really is considering it, and Hermione can’t help chuckling and kissing his cheek. Then his expression changes to one of wicked amusement, which makes all of them look round to see the bloke coming their way. Hermione glances at Harry to find that — oh yes, he looks flustered and vaguely upset.
“Hullo,” says the greasy bloke to Draco as he comes up beside him at their table. He’s really not terrible-looking, but if she’s learned anything about Draco in the last couple years it’s that his standards amount to models and Harry Potter, so this man has almost no chance.
“Hello,” Draco drawls, reminding her fiercely of his younger self at Hogwarts. “I’m not interested.”
“Right little narcissistic bugger, aren’t you?” the man says. And now, finally, he’s begun to look as revolting to Hermione as he’d done initially to Draco — a repellent personality can do that. “Maybe I just wanted to come and have a chat.”
“Then why aren’t you looking at any of the rest of us?” Ron asks, sounding halfway between amused still and a little put off.
“Can you leave, please?” Draco interjects, cringing away from the man encroaching slowly on his personal space. And suddenly, as he looks on the verge of antagonising Draco further, he shifts his feet and slips, landing right on his bum with a yell of surprise. All four of them get to their feet to see, but there doesn’t seem to be any liquid or even slimy food for him to have tripped on.
“The fuck ...?” the man says, getting back to his feet. But when he moved towards Draco, he only slips again, on absolutely nothing at all. Something clicks and Hermione looks at Harry: he seems as confused as anyone else (if obviously pleased).
She looks at Ron then, who catches her eye and lifts his brows like he’s thinking the same thing.
Draco’s suitor gets up once more and steadies himself, looking a bit dazed. Some deep animal instinct seems to tell him to stop trying, and with a wary glance at Draco he finally leaves.
“Well that was a bit of a fucking scene,” says Harry. Draco, coming out of his own startled daze, laughs.
“Yeah,” Ron says sarcastically, “wonder what could’ve possibly happened.”
“I really thought it was going to rain,” Draco mopes where he’s standing at the window. It’s grey outside but it definitely doesn’t look like rain and Draco appears so upset about it that Hermione actually feels badly, even though she’s quite glad for the clear weather. 
“Just shut the curtains,” Ron suggests from his place on the floor. He’s sorting through Harry’s collection of VHS tapes, trying to decide on a good Halloween movie. Not that he’s ever seen any of them, and Hermione suspects he’ll end up choosing whichever cover he likes best.
“It’s not the same!” Draco wails. “The thunder and lightning is all part of it, you uncultured pillock! The atmosphere is all wrong.”
“It’ll be just as good when we shut off all the lights and draw the curtains,” she assures him, but it doesn’t remove the look of disappointment from his face. It’s a pouty sort of thing that echoes the brattiness of his youth; she imagines a five-or-six-year-old Draco giving his parents similar looks when he wasn’t getting what he wanted.
 At that moment the front door opens and Harry walks in carrying two grocery bags, one of which contains alcohol, which Hermione can tell by the way the plastic is bulging around the cans.
“The fuck are you all doing here?” he says by way of greeting.
“You said eight o’clock, fuckhead,” Ron tells him without looking up. “But it’s fine, I’ve had time to pick a film and Malfoy’s had time to moan about the weather.”
“What’s wrong with the weather?”
“I wanted a storm!”
At that exact moment, a flash of lightning lights up the sky behind Harry where he hasn’t even closed the door yet. Seconds later a downpour begins, and then there’s a rolling crash of thunder.
Hermione’s eyes widen and once more she finds Ron’s gaze, who looks about as shocked as she feels. Draco, meanwhile, has his hands over his mouth and looks like a child on Christmas morning.
For the first time since his magic had begun picking up on Draco’s wishes and granting them of seemingly its own accord, Hermione sees Harry look suspicious. He peers behind him at the storm suddenly raging outside his house before slowly closing the door. When he turns back he looks directly at Hermione, who looks away quickly.
They set up the food Harry had gotten — all kinds of Halloween-themed sweets — and once everyone has their drinks (“Make mine,” Draco tells Harry, “you do it best”) and is comfortable on the two sofas in the room (Harry and Draco are, as usual, as close to each other as they can get without actually touching) they start the movie: The Thing, which Harry swears is one of the greatest horror films of all time.
Funny thing is, an hour and a half into it she looks over and, with a jolt, realises the two of them are kissing half-covered beneath a blanket. She elbows Ron, who positively beams when he notices.
“Fucking finally, dear sweet Merlin,” he whispers, the sound muffled by the continued rain and thunder. “I nearly hit him upside the head when he made it rain, are you fucking kidding me?”
“Shh!” Hermione hisses, though she’s smiling. “They’ll hear you. We’ll rag him about it tomorrow.”
A soft sound of laughter comes from the other sofa that Hermione identifies as Draco’s, and when she risks another peek after a moment she sees that Harry has a hand on Draco’s jaw, and that he’s smiling.
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
halllooo 🐌 anon here! i know i havent requested anything for a while but thats just bc i didnt have any ideas and ive been kinda busy but im back and ive come with another c!ponk request! okay so reader (gn or he/him) works with las nevadas but ponk doesnt know that but one day they get curious and follow reader to las nevadas and hes pretty surprised and i dont really have any idea of what happens next so u can decide! it can also be fluff or angst or whatever u feel fits best! anyways make sure ur eating and drinking enough and getting enough sleep and taking ur meds if u take any and byeeeeee
hi 🐌! no worries i'm glad to have you back! i chose to use he/him and make this kind of angsty, if that's okay. stay safe and healthy anon!
Don't forget to like to save and reblog to share!
c!Ponk x [he/him] Reader - Truth
genre: /rom, c!ponk, angst with happy ending, las nevadas!Reader
warning: none! (let me know if i missed something)
masterlist <3
The sun was starting to rise, the morning dew shined on the grass outside the window. As much as you hated it, you knew sooner or later you would have to pull away from Ponk and make the trip back to Las Nevadas.
You sighed and looked over to him, sleeping so peacefully, quiet and calm breaths escaping their mouth. You smiled and began to roll out of the bed. You were almost out of the bed before an arm wrapped around your waist.
"No...don't leave me, stay here all day." Ponk groaned, half asleep.
"Ponk I've gotta go to work love."
"Nope, no work." You laughed, falling against him slightly. You placed a hand on his cheek, stroking your thumb against his cheekbone.
"I've really got to go. I promise I'll be back soon." You kissed his cheek, removed his arm from your waist, and got up, grabbing your jacket before closing the bedroom door.
You walked through the greater SMP, admiring the new pop-up buildings, and reminiscing on the old.
You didn't even notice a still half asleep Ponk following behind you. For as much noise as he was making you couldn't seem to notice. You were lost in your own thoughts. For the last few months, you had to keep your place of work a secret. You weren't sure how people would react to you working at Las Nevadas, and further, for Quackity. The only people who knew at this point were Quackity and the others who were beginning their transition to the new faction.
Ponk had struggled after the Red Banquet to forgive Quackity, even though it was Q who had technically freed her from the Egg's grasp, something not even you could do. But Ant had lost a life, and Ponk wasn't sure if they could forgive Puffy for that or Quackity for allowing it.
You waltzed into the Needle, Quackitys headquarters and took the elevator to the very top. Ponk hadn't risked getting spotted by anyone and stayed at the ground level, waiting, watching.
The elevator doors opened up, and you walked over to the railing, Quackity standing, looking over some papers.
"What can I help you with today Big Q? And we gotta make this quick, I have a lot to do today."
The man snorted, "Yeah, right. Now would I be where I am right now if I let people who work for me tell me about how much time they have? No, I wouldn't. Take a seat."
You sighed, quickly pulling out your message to send Ponk a text about how you would be late. Q sat across from you, going on and on about how the business you were chosen to help him start was lacking, as were you with your progress getting to Las Nevadas.
"I can't have slackers, but I really don't like the idea of anyone else having you working for them, so I'm torn. I could give you a second chance, make a new deal...or I'll just have to convince you another way to not go working for someone like Tubbo or Jack. Not even Techno."
You let out a sigh. "All right, just get to the point."
"Well, it's simple. Either you get settled down here completely in the next 3 days, or I'm going to convince you to."
You rolled your eyes. He couldn't force you to do anything. How could he?
"How's Ponk doing?" This caused your breath to get caught in your throat.
"Oh please, you think I don't know? I know everything about you y/n. Your history, your alliances, friends...partners. And I need to in order to keep you under me."
"He doesn't even know about this. They don't even know I work here. You have no reason to hurt them other than to hurt me."
"And if I have to I will." He checked his communicator, and the message catching his eye. "Sam and I have some business to attend to. Consider what I've told you, and come back to me with either an answer or through action. Have a good day, you're dismissed."
You sat shocked for a moment before you stood and stomped off the balcony. By the time the elevator stopped the tears had rolled down your cheeks as you thought over the choice you'd have to make.
The thoughts ran around your mind as you walked outside of Las Nevada's borders and into Snowchesters, a weight lifted off your shoulders.
You took a seat on the soft ground, not too worried about the cool air. You needed to think.
"Y/n?" His voice. His lovely, sweet voice. You turned and found Ponk standing there, rubbing his arms to keep warm.
"Hello love, what are you doing here?" Quickly removing your jacket you handed it over to her.
"I, um, I followed you from the house. I figured...well I wanted to see where you go when you leave me."
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry Ponk. I-I should've told you sooner, I was planning to but I didn't know how you'd react."
He smiled, resting a soft hand on your cheek. You relished in the touch.
"Don't worry about it. I don't care for you working with Quackity, as long as you're happy and safe. Speaking of...I heard what he told you."
"You did...?"
He nodded, a smile resting on his calm face. "Yeah, but I'm not worried. I'll always be there with you, by your side. And we're gonna get through this, together."
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tojikai · 2 years
my asks has so many typos :((( i’m glad you understood what i was trying to say and thank you for understanding where i was coming from and answering every part of my ask 🥹
i love how pm is very fair if that makes sense like yes its really angsty but it’s realistic to me (i’ve said this on one occasion and i’m pretty sure someone else did too but i wanted to expand on what i meant) i feel like every time heavy angst is written people always make it a super sad ending or doesn’t balance the angst and fluff enough so then you’re just numb reading it if that makes sense but i never really send a lot of asks in general but i really felt like bc of they way you wrote everything so that it was vivid and not as redundant with angst overpowering everything to the point to where its boring. i read a lot of fanfiction but the way you fleshed out the characters was execellent.
i personally don’t think y/n should have a baby with anyone (not even suguru and pm!suguru is one fine ass man but you knew that lol) my opinion comes from the codependency tendencies she has. sometimes people can hyperfixate on the baby being their only source of salvation or healing when its also connected to someone they were deeply attatched to and that can cause the baby to get inadvertently roped in to the drama.
also unrelated to the fanfic bc this is about you lol. i like how rational you are when responding and that you don’t really act extra aggressive towards anything in your inbox and are able to just be calm and get your thoughts out in a polite way! you’re so wholesome with your interactions and it’s just so cute! its very encouraging to have an author who actively makes everyone feel heard.
i am respectfully asking to give you a hug and forehead kiss tysm kai 🥺
- paragraph anon
oooh, we have the same opinion about those type of angsts !! sometimes they just go on with no breaks, like the mc is the unluckiest and most unloved person on the planet KSDJSDLKS and tbh, it starts to feel too orchestrated. i mean, it's angst so it's supposed to hurt, but keeping on piling it up starts to feel like just a set up at some point , like it's not a natural flow of real life events anymore. i like to put something in between, even just a short bit. im glad you appreciate it, thank u so much 🥺💕 and yeahh, i definitely get your point. it'd be really sad bc it's just an innocent child. it's helpless and getting it involved in something as messed up as what yn and satoru have can be damaging :(( it's still unknown what they'll do with it but they definitely have tons of things to fix first !!
thank you so much, really. im glad you appreciate it. i don't really like talking harshly to people even if they're being mean bc i have no idea what they might be going through or what they might be feeling :(( i want to understand everyone as much as i could. you guys support me and my fics so much, answering your asks is the only way i could thank you so i'd like to do my best to get back to every ask possible !! it's really cute and sweet of you to notice that haha, im grateful <33 AAAAA LET ME ACCEPT THAT HUG AND FOREHEAD KISSSS !!
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leejungchans · 3 years
Hi love, I saw that your requests are open and I want to request something for Juliet if that’s okay! Could it be her first impressions of the boys or vice versa? You can decide on the format and stuff 😊 thank you so much!
— first impressions.
ateez’s first impressions of juliet and her first impression of them
note: other members are under the cut!! some of the points might be a bit repetitive so i hope this isn’t too boring bwhehhwhs ( ; ω ; )
a/n: hi anon!! thank you for the request and i’m so sorry for the long wait 🥺💕 i decided to do both ie. both the boys’ first impressions and hers for them, i hope that’s okay!!
juliet’s masterlist
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his first impression
“oh, hi i’m hongjoong how old are y—WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE BORN IN 2001 YOU’RE STILL A BABY?????” okay he didn’t actually say that but that’s what he thought (later he was even more shocked to learn that she was already a trainee for two years prior)
he didn’t know that she had already trained under another company prior to joining KQ, so when he first saw her sing/dance he was very shocked by how good she already was
her first impression
ngl she was terrified of him ahjdgwjshjakd 💀 ofc she quickly realised that joong is a sweetheart but the first time meeting him she was so intimidated agjshwhsh he just...looked scary
when he told her he already had a few mixtapes she was like :OOOOO CAN I LISTEN TO THEM PLEASE and after he let her (bc he has a soft spot for her uwu) she just sat there in disbelief bc how can someone be so talented????????????
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his first impression
who is this tiny child and what are they doing here???? and you were a trainee at another company since you were 13?????? child??????????? he really saw her and immediately went (⊃ `Д´)⊃ must protecc!! and adopted her
then he saw her dance for the first time and was like???? what happened to my sweet summer child??????????
her first impression
not as intimidated by him as she was by joong but was still a little ;-; (a/n: have you seen seonghwa’s predebut photos????? predebut he was all 💀🔥💣⛓ and now he’s all 🥺🥰✨💕🌸 i’m gonna sob)
she thought he was really cool qgjdhwhjwbdjwb and may or may not have had a tiny crush on him predebut; but after they spent more time together and he became more of an older brother figure (and would nag her about doing her homework and going to school hjqhehaj) she was like “🙄🙄 oKAY M O M”
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his first impression
he saw her hanging around awkwardly in the practice room bc it was her first official day as a trainee and she was pretty nervous about being a trainee again; he knew how nerve-wracking it was to be in a completely new environment so he did his best to make her feel more comfy yunho best boy :(
they didn’t really have that awkward i-just-met-you phase bc he started chatting with her immediately to soothe her nerves and to update her on how things worked at KQ (´ ω `♡)
her first impression
she’d be more nervous around him due to his height if he wasn’t so sunshiney the moment they met and he was the first trainee who approached her at KQ 🥺🥺 her first day at the company the staff led her to a practice room but left soon after and she was like???? someone help?????? o(TヘTo)
then yunho came in and was like “hi!!!!!!! you must be new!!!!! i could show you around later if you want!!!!!! :D” for a while after that she’d just follow him around everywhere like a puppy it was very cute
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his first impression
ngl his first impression of juliet was just that she was very quiet and seemed to be really good at dancing 😭😭😭 it took the longest for them to become as close as they are now bc they were both so shy (isfj buddies 😔😔) but ofc they are now v v close!!!! 😼
her first impression
she thought he didn’t like her 🥲🥲🥲🥲 listen, she was shy, he was shy, and they sometimes look intimidating to people they’re not close with 😭
when she first spoke to yeosang, she thought he hated her from how he barely responded when it was just bc he was shy :(((( but once they got past that phase they realised it was all just one big misunderstanding!! 🥺
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his first impression
he looked up to her so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he didn’t have a background in dance so when he saw juliet training he was so in awe like “????? why haven’t you debuted yet????????” :((((
san still talks about it sometimes when he has v-lives with juliet and she gets so emotional when he brings it up bc he’s come such a long way and she’s just so proud of him!!!!
her first impression
san joined kq after her so this time it was her turn to help out a new trainee!!! he was so tiny back then uwu and despite how awkward she felt on the inside she went up to him like “hi!!! if you want a friend my name’s juliet :3” she honestly thought he was adorable and had a really nice voice :((((
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his first impression
slightly confused at first bc yunho seemed really friendly with her, yet he has never seen her before and yunho never mentioned having a friend; then he found out it was her first day and was immediately like ohhh!!!!! sup i’m mingi!!!!!!!!
also was like uwu smol child must protecc :3 he noticed that she was still pretty uneasy about the new environment when they were getting food together so he did his best to make her laugh (and succeeded!!🥺)
her first impression
???????? you’re also so tall?????????? does yunho only have tall friends????? he arrived just in time for practice so yunho didn’t get a chance to introduce them to each other until he invited her to grab a snack with him and mingi on her first day
she was pretty intimidated bc he had a really deep voice and was v tall hajdhwjdh but then he started cracking jokes and made her feel v comfy and not out of place at all!! mingi bestest boy!!!!
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his first impression
must. introduce. myself. must. be. friends 🥺🥺 honestly he was just excited to get to know everyone :ccc
before they became close he was kinda jealous when he saw her with the others bc she seemed to be good friends with everyone but him :((( she was still really nice to him!! but it was in a “i-don’t-really-know-you” kind of way. in reality it was bc she didn’t know how to talk to him bc their personalities were so different :(
her first impression
“HI I’M WOOYOUNG THEY TOLD ME YOUR NAME IS JULIET HIIIII” 😭😭😭😭😭😭 it threw her off a little bc she wasn’t expecting that introduction; she’s an introvert so being greeted by so much energy all at once was a bit shocking
also was slightly startled by how loud and talkative he was but as they spent more time together she just started...getting louder too 💀💀💀💀 became besties soon after and he helped her out of her shell more!! he was also the one who helped her break the ice with yeosang!!!! :3
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his first impression
he was pretty shy especially since she was the one who approached him, but was glad to make a friend so quickly!! by the end of the day they shared so many stories with each other and got comfortable with each other; saw her as a little sister after that!!!
her first impression
finally!!!!!! someone born after 2000!!!!!!!!! let’s ditch these hags bestie :3 (hajdhwjd kidding😭😭) he was the trainee closest to her age so she befriended him the day he came to the company like she did with san; invited him to have lunch with her and the others and he gave her gum after the meal :3
she heard him sing and was immediately like “okay vocals!!!!!!! the company would be a fool not to debut u ur just too good ⭐️👄⭐️”
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saintodo · 3 years
(^≗ω≗^) anon oiwueriwueroiw thanks december is nearing so ig thats why its so shit rn (my uni has a policy of not allowing hw/pts on the holidays so horray!!!) also am frothing real hard right now thank you for the meal im also very very glad that you enjoyed it i was scared i sent in way too much so it was a relieve you liked it AHAHAHA!!!
also--eowiuHHHHHHHHHHH just Imagine the two of you finally fucking and landing bites everywhere and anywhere against one another but more so on gojo when he takes and takes everything you give him like a good boy bc you deserve that much--you deserve everything and is willing to beg be edged and be pushed past his limit, toy with him, break him, anything anything--he'd do anything for you even if it meant losing his mind about everything and anything and can only think of youyouyouyouyouyouyou--you he doesnt care he's yours and your his, and you deserve it for being such a lovely and wonderful human towards him.
(bonus the next time he meets w the bitch to cut ties he shows off the hickies and lovebites you've marked him w or or--- he brings you along and you do the showing off hmhmhm who knows.)
that’s nice you’ll get to enjoy the holidays without any worries or stress (related to school at least). ehhehehe and of course!! thank u so much for sending it in I LOVED IT <33 vampire gojo x human/bloodbag reader is just SO good like i love that dynamic SOSOSOSO much.
you two have SUCH big marking kinks. whenever you fuck, neither one of come out unscathed. it’s always very apparent when you sneak away from galas to go hookup somewhere because when you come back to join the others, both of your necks are littered in hickies of varying sizes.
i think gojo (for the most part) is a bratty sub but if you take the time to take him apart, he becomes putty in your hands. he’s spoiled and greedy, and all too happy to take whatever you give him (and more.) the thought of him slurring on his words because you’re fucking him so good is so 😵‍💫😵‍💫
ALSO I LOVE THE BONUS YOU’VE INCLUDED. hmmm let’s talk about what goes down if you don’t tag along. gojo goes to visit the woman, ringing her doorbell over and over until she swings the door open with an irritated look on her face. she plasters on a fake smile when she recognizes it’s gojo at her door, but it drops the moment she realizes he’s covered in love bites that were not her doing.
“t-toru? what is the meaning of this?” she wildly gestures to his exposed neck.
“i heard you told my partner some stuff that was not so nice,” gojo says, ignoring the woman’s questions. her eyes widen in shock at the use of partner. had she and the man before her not just gone out to dinner the previous night?
gojo cuts the woman off before she can get a word in.“i just stopped by to let you know that i’m done with you,” he cheerfully says, clapping his hands together. the woman’s jaw drops at how casual gojo states that he’s cutting off all ties with her. he turns his back toward her and begins to walk down the entranceway of her home.
“oh i forgot to mention something.” gojo smacks the side of his head before twisting his neck to the side to glance back at the woman still standing in her doorway. his eyes, a bright, brilliant blue, flash dangerously. “if i ever hear of you bothering my partner again,” his voice drops a few octaves. “you will not like the consequences.”
despite being an old and powerful vampire herself, the woman feels a shiver crawl up her neck. the gojo clan, especially the heir standing before her, is not to be trifled with. their power is infinite and their stature in vampire society is grand. they can get away with anything with little to no consequences. the implications of gojo’s words are not lost on her.
after she overcomes her shock, she loudly huffs to convey her annoyance (and to conceal her fear) before slamming the door behind her.
gojo smiles to himself before continuing down the pathway. he can’t wait to get back home to you.
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Hello! I just found you blog and I have to say i absolutly love it! Do u still take requests? If so could i get the First OFA user with a s/o who can cancel out any type of quirk by using her right hand? If ur comfortable writing it could u make s/o pregnant and First had to leave her bc he had to fight his brother. Fast forward and Midoriya meets a girl, the girl being Firsts daughter (she has a long life quirk) and the girl talks about her mother and her father (who she never met) but she's not mad at him for leaving them and tells him how much her mother still loved First so much till her death. Make it angsty with fluffy ending pls. Thanks! Have a nice day/night!
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Manga Spoilers Ahead!
[f/n] = first name
[h/l] = hair length 
[h/c] = hair color
[e/c] = eye color
[s/c] = skin color
[d/n] = daughter’s name
First User meeting his daughter. 
[insert the first user’s first name] is about to walk out the door when a familiar voice stops him. 
“Are you absolutely sure about this?” Asks his wife of nine years, [f/n]. 
“I am and it isn’t like I have much of a choice.” He tells her. 
“Let me help you, with my quirk you’d have a fighting chance!” [f/n] argues. 
[f/n]’s quirk allows her to block quirk genes by the touch of her right hand. A very usual but limited quirk. And he isn’t about to place her on the battle field. He can’t do that to her. Anyone but her. 
“NO! Please, just stop [f/n] ... I love you too much to lose you.” 
“I feel the same. [insert the first user’s first name], please let me help you, we can do this together.” [f/n] continues. 
He knows all to well that she isn’t going to stop. Not until he gives in and let’s her help. It was attitude like this that made him fall in love with her. 
A sigh escapes his lips as he walks over to her. Cupping her face in his hands, he leans in for a kiss. [f/n] latches onto him refusing to let him go. He holds to her slowly breaking the kiss. He gazes into her watery [e/c] eyes. 
She asks, “If I can make one selfish request... Just stay. Just a little longer. Please.” She begs brokenly. 
[insert the first user’s first name] can feel his heart breaking as he nods holding her tighter. “Of course my love.”    
120 years later, set during Izuku’s new work-study with Endeavor
If there is one thing that Izuku understood about the former users is that they all undoubtedly had regrets. All of them had given up so much to protect the people they cared about and create a bright future without All for One. Izuku often feels guilty for living in the future that the seven before him had strived to create. In this mind they should be the ones living in this society. Not him. If there is a way he can bring them back to live in this era, he’d do it. Even if that means he has to or will die to do it. 
Kiddo don’t you fucking dare. 
Izuku jumps at a deep voice which sounds a little like Banjo Daigoro, the Fifth User of One for All. Embarrassedly Izuku rubs the back of his head. He should have known the vestiges can feel his thoughts. He mutters a soft apology but gives no explanation knowing that they already know his reasoning for such thoughts. 
Walking down the sidewalk, Izuku walks with Katsuki on patrol. 
“Can you actually talk with them?” Katsuki asks having heard Izuku mutter. 
“Kind of. It’s only Mr. Banjo right now.” Izuku says. 
“Must suck having a bunch of voices in your heard.” Katsuki says walking head of Izuku. 
“Not really.” Izuku says then softly mummers, “I already know what that is like.”
Oh, good god I wanna hug this child. 
The voice that speaks is a woman’s voice, so Izuku figures that is Shimura Nana. All Might’s master, Shigaraki Tomura’s grandmother, and the seventh One for All user. 
A small smile appears on his face, as he is flattered that Nana wants to give him a hug.  
Continuing their patrol, Izuku notices a young woman with [h/l], [h/c] hair, and [s/c] colored skin. The sight of his girl makes Izuku stop walking as he stares. Staring there is this sensation in his heart. He quickly figures out that this sensation is the result of one of the vestiges, but he can’t figure out which one.
So, it’s the first user causing this sensation in his heart. Izuku knows his voice the best because the dream he had before the fight between his class and class one B. 
Isn’t that the name of your wife?
It is.
Didn’t she have a quirk canceler?
She did. 
Then who is...? 
Guys this could be her decedent. 
Dont say that! You’re going to make him feel bad! 
No, no! It’s okay, if that is her decedent then I’m glad she moved on. 
Well why dont we go see for yourselves? Come on kiddo, go make her your friend. 
Izuku wordlessly follows the woman to a park. She walks over to a bench and sits down. Izuku stops himself from walking over trying to figure out how to open a conversation with the woman. As he thinks, twiddling his thumbs, he doesn’t notice the woman is staring at him. 
“Are you okay little hero?” The woman asks suddenly standing before him. 
“Y-Yeah! I...I uh...yo-you looked lonely s-so I thought I’d come s-sit with you for a while.”
The woman giggles, “That’s so sweet of you. My name is Shigaraki [d/n]. What’s your name little hero?”
Shigaraki [d/n]?
Coincidence this lady has your last name?
Doubt it. 
“Deku! My hero name is Deku it is nice to meet you Miss Shigaraki. S-Say you wouldn’t happen to know someone by the name of Shigaraki [insert the first user’s first name], would you?” 
W-Wha-Why is he asking that!?
Clearly he hears us. 
Yeah, but to ask that right off the bat is a little weird. 
No, I think it’s a valid question when you know someone with the same last name. 
“[insert the first user’s first name]? So that was his name.” [d/n] smiles. 
“You know him?”
“Not personally, but my mother talked about him a lot. So see, [insert the first user’s first name] is my father’s name. Or at least that’s what mom always said.”
Man is this one hell of a Wednesday!  
[f/n]... S-Sh-She was... she...
Shiggy snap out of it! 
“Whoa, really?!”
“Do you know him?” [d/n] asks. 
“Kind of sorta.” Izuku admits. “If you dont mind me asking, what kind of stories did your mom tell you about him? All I know about him is that he was a man filled of justice and always did the right thing.” 
“That’s what mom always said too. Why dont we sit and talk?” [d/n] suggests. 
“Lead the why Miss Shigaraki!”
“Please, call me [d/n].”
“What kind of quirk do you have?”
“It’s a long life quirk. Which is really strange since my mother could cancel out quirks with her right hand and my dad had a quirk called One for All.” [d/n] explains. 
As [d/n] and Izuku sit on the park bench, [insert the first user’s first name] is still recovering from the shock of learning he has a daughter. It brings him to tears knowing that he left her when she was pregnant. He was such a horrible husband and [f/n] deserved so much better. Looking at this daughter through Izuku’s eyes he can easily see [f/n]. Hearing how [f/n] never dated or thought about remarrying hurts but at the same time he is glad that despite he was gone she remained faithful to him. 
“So, are the rings you wear around your neck?”
“Hers? Yep! Before my dad left, he gave her his ring as a keepsake. Then when...she passed she gave me hers and his.” [d/n] answers with a smile. 
[insert the first user’s first name] is breaking down in the vestige world hearing all of this. 
“Deku are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah it’s just one of those days when you start crying for no reason.” Izuku lies. 
“Had a few of those days myself.” [d/n] smiles. “Say, do you think my dad would have liked me?” 
Izuku smiles brightly and says, “Yep! If he were here right now I know he would give you a big hug and tell you how much he loves you and how sorry he is for leaving.” 
“Never said I was mad at him for leaving.” [d/n] chuckles. “I know that he had a had every intention of coming home. Deku,”
“If you ever fight All for One, knock his teeth out. His smile is creepy as hell.”
HAHA! She ain’t wrong. 
Does she know that’s her uncle she’s talking about? 
He has no right claiming to be her uncle. 
“Yes ma’am!”  
Thank you for the request and your kind words Anon. I am so very glad that you like my blog. Also I hope you enjoy this read too. Sorry if it isn’t exactly what you had mind. Anyway, have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
dropping by to tell u that ur my favoritest yan fic writer out there and your yan genshin updates give me life MUAH
thank you so much nonnie!!!! 😘😘😘 i appreciate you!!! i’ve absolutely loved writing for genshin, so i’m glad that the community is thriving with so much content aaaa ❤️ warms my heart...
anon 2 asked: I’m not sure if this has been asked before or not, but have you read/watched Togashi’s other work Yu Yu Hakusho? If you haven’t, I think you’d definitely like Kurama.
i have heard of it but i haven’t watched it before! i looked up the design for kurama and wow... he is a very pretty boy. he has these mysterious vibes that makes me think i would like him. if i ever get around to watching it i’ll keep an eye out for this boy 👀
anon 3 asked: If you don't mind me asking, what other games do you play besides genshin?
my cycle of playing games is kind of messed up by genshin right now since that’s the main game i play whenever i get hit with Gamer Urge. however, the games ive enjoyed the most recently other than that would be divinity original sin 2, darkest dungeon, pokémon, animal crossing, and fire emblem!
anon 4 said: it's nice to see a fellow hu tao simp! i was so excited to see you make a yandere hu tao x reader,, i rarely see any x reader content of her so i just silently suffer most of the time 💔 ty for feeding us hu tao simps good food op i will be reading that story religiously everyday 🛐
we need more hu tao in this world, i fully agree. every time i see her i just can’t help but smoke... i think it’s the super cute hair. long pigtails 🥺 ANYWAYS you have god tier taste anon. i trust anyone that loves hu tao.
anon 5 said: i am going to kiss u on the forehead as gently as i can,,, that hu tao fic was absolutely delicious❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
THANK YOU NONNIE!!! i was worried at first over how much macabre hu tao typical dialogue to incorporate into a fanfic, but i ended up content with the balance. she can be soft when she wants to, after all. i’m happy that you enjoyed it!
anon 6 said: You posted the harem HCs right after I finished work and it was such a treat to read. I love them. I know you obviously didn't write them for me in mind but thank you for brightening up my day!
PHEW what good timing!! i end up working on my writing on and off throughout the day and finishing it around the time people (in american) time zones would be getting home. i’m glad that you were able to enjoy the headcanons after a day of work!!
anon 7 said: I loved the Liyue reverse harem, how can you be such a good write???Xiao being a puppy is actually cute and I love this concept
i was looking forward to including vigilant xiao watching over his crush the most 😭 it’s just an adorable sight to picture. he’s such an intimidating figure, it can’t help but melt your heart that he’s there to ensure you’re always safe. the main trick is writing the most self indulgent stuff, anon. that is what produces the best you have to offer because you’re having such a good time writing it.
anon 8 said: akfhdsh Lock why was that Zhongli fic so hot🔥?? Ahh I haven't been able to get it out of my head ALL day & 5000 words? You are superb 😍 I can't help but feel so sorry for poor darling. Having to do that with him on the very first night, man didn't even give her a break/a chance to settle down. Either way I'd love for you to throw some concepts here & there if you can 👉👈 or share your afterthoughts ^_^  the universe in this one felt especially great! I wish you the best of luck, take care <3
it’s all because of the random zhongli dream anon 😭 i couldn’t get him out of my mind until i wrote a loooong fic for him. the idea of his darling being with him since the archon war days is my favorite! i’ve always had a soft spot for it, ever since i was trying to figure out what a yandere zhongli might look like back in november. it’s just... genuinely horrifying to imagine being stuck with that for thousands of years. especially when people view rex lapis so highly in liyue, darling feels even more alone on her festering feelings. there’s no relief to be had.
i think i’ll do a big ol headcanon post because the world for yan zhongli and his god darling is so big, i’ve given it a Lot of thought. but the main gist of it is how darling deals with the inaccurate portrayal of their history together. and of course, she interacts with others, since zhongli has the reassurance from the contract that she won’t try to escape. so there’s a lot of angst there. 😭
anon 9 asked: Hey! any plans for more Hu tao content in the future? your last story was just really gooood, she's such an interesting character! I've also been hooked to Rosaria and I'm wondering if you plan to write for her aswell... hopefully no one asked this already lol
i’d love to write more for hu tao!! she is a character that i adore a lot. currently, i don’t have any ideas for her that would get me going, but once i see one or get hit with inspiration she’ll make a reappearance. i do have a few hu tao requests so hopefully those will help inspire me. AND ROSARIA... 🥺 WHAT A WOMAN. i want to learn more about her!! i’ll write for her when her stories and voice lines are all out, that way the characterization is more accurate. she captured my heart with that distant attitude and those listless eyes 🥰🥰
anon 10 said: hi hi!! i just wanted to say i discovered genshin impact bcs of you! i saw your yandere genshin posts back in november, i didn't know anything abt genshin or their world but i read it and just googled their names to know their appearances lmfao and until then i just fell into a rabbit hole of genshin. i eventually grew tired of not knowing anything abt genshin and its lore so i craved around early january and downloaded the game despite me not rlly being a gamer™ and now i'm here at ar 51, a hu tao main and no, i haven't touched grass since downloading the game 😭
ah yes, welcome anon, to what could be considered heaven or help depending. if you were able to get hu tao then i’d say you’re in the latter camp (aside from having to grind for her ascension materials, that is pure suffering). it’s a fun game to get into during this quarantine/spotty lockdown time, so i hope you’ll enjoy your time with it! i’m glad that mihoyo releases content often enough to keep us well fed.
anon 11 asked: Lock dearest, have you ever watched Jujutsu Kaisen?
i like that super cute girl with short finger hair!! i’m planning on watching the show when it’s completed, which i think is soon? ill binge watch it. i’ve recognized a lot of my favorite voice actors from the clips i’ve seen posted, so i’m excited to give it a shot.
anon 12 asked: You watch Demon Slayer? It's really great 🤯
i’ve seen clips of the amazing animation before! it’s currently on my list of shows to watch. 👀👀
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pandemique · 4 years
Hi hello I just wanna say I love your art, it’s really cute aaaa
I’ve been really wanting to try to doodle dnf because I care them so much and they make me so so happy but my brain rot is not strong enough and I’m nervous to post it if I do so basically do you have any advice for just doing it anyway? I don’t know if making a whole new blog is something I want to/should do
Also I wanna join the loving Demi anon gang so I’ll try to send more asks when I stop being Shy(TM)
nonnie thank u thats so sweet of u :’> i appreciate it a lot :’> yknow, u sent this when i was actually in massive doubt abt my art and my... personality?!? HAHA so yeah i definitely been there sis and i’m still there sometimes
firstly, this is actually a more common occurrence than people think! i’ve told this story a few times now to artists who felt exactly the same: when i first posted, i deleted my doodles within a minute (LOL) and it was actually sky georgeliker who reached out asking if he could reblog !! (sorry i dont shut up abt this sky HAHAHA u meant a lot to me even unknowingly <3) i think from that moment, i thought, if just one other person enjoyed what i post, i want to!! there’s literally no harm if no one does anyway bc this is a brainrot blog not a portfolio LMAO. and i am so so glad i did because i then definitely met more than one person lol i even met u ;)) people are so so kind here, and it really changed my perception on both my own art and art as a whole
nonnie i’ve never seen your art but i know for sure i would love to see it, and everyone would too :) there’s no such thing as bad art, and even then sharing will help u improve so much faster!! u can talk to me any time about it too, we’ll learn to improve and be kinder to our art together :>
@ making a new blog: i heard it’s more strategic that way! but only if u want to !! for me personally i separate my dnf blog and my mcyt & general blogs just bc i just like being organized, and bc for dnf in particular, i know a fair amount of people are uncomfy seeing the ship so i try my damnedest not to let non-dnfers find this blog lol. but u really don’t have to do this :o just think about what personally makes u happiest!
anyway here are the more practical tips below the cut ‼️ (finally BAHAHA sorry non)
u can take smaller steps and send art to friends first or to discord servers :> (404cord vouch if u wanna find the most supportive mf’s in the planet)
or u can send me ;D
recognize when u start thinking the bad thoughts! point it out and say “i’m thinking bad thoughts, i have to stop. why should i make myself feel bad? why should i think at all?? this is a brainrot blog??” (is this good advice i am questioning myself shgswjsh this is what i do lmaooo)
point out the things u LIKE from ur art, even really little things. pretend it’s a friend’s work, u’ll be surprised how much kinder u are to others’ creations! if u enjoy parts of it, someone else would enjoy it too and more
don’t be discouraged if u don’t get a lot of recognition or notes immediately, most of that is irrelevant to how actually good ur art is. a LOT of my fave artists have like <200 notes every post (and thats a lot!! its just that i wanna give 10000 lol). it doesn’t mean that the people who DO see it don’t love it
tbh i avoid looking at numbers at all like the plague bc it gives unnecessary pressure !! i have no idea how many followers i have lol (but i do check the tags bc (1) ppl r so supportive i wanna cry and (2) ppl r v thoughtful and sometimes gives interesting input to ur art :> but if it pressures u then u should avoid this too imo)
talk to other artists!! :>
DISCLAIMER, it’s completely okay to take ur time!! there’s no real need to post at all if ur uncomfy. that said, last tip off the top of my head is to consider just slamming that post button, it’s free and u can always delete or edit LMAOO enjoy doodling and blogging!!
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