#anon mirrorball asks
sebbianas · 1 year
Stop I js found out a marauder mutual of mine strongly hates barty, evan and reggie I have no idea how to deal with this info
oh nooo thats sad they should get better soon lol
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veerasposts · 4 months
I also loved playing basketball but I think I loved badminton more! I still play it regularly with some friends and its a fun way to catch up with people. Do you think you'll start up basketball again?
Hiii thanks for another sweet ask
Oh yes I like badminton too. I play it once in a while with friends but couldn't fall into a regular routine, though I would have liked to. And yes, I do think I'll take up basketball again when the next semester starts. I'll have to figure out the availability of a ball but yes I want to try. Anyway.
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stellasolaris · 2 years
🗣️ Talk about your favorite WIP
Mirrorball is currently my favorite work in progress. It's my most ambitious project thus far because there are a ton of things I want to check off. I obviously want to cover the whole identity switch situation and provide some depth to it, but I also want to organically build Stella's relationship with her friends and Brandon, as well as show a bit of how the divorce affected her because her relationship with her parents was barely explored in the show.
The potions lab incident is going to be an important plot point. I'm not going to treat it as something that just "randomly" happened. It will have relevance to the story. In fact, I'm hoping to write a short canon-compliant prequel at some point to provide some extra context.
In addition, I'm really looking forward to fleshing out Brandon's background story. I have a lot of things planned for him and his character. I'd say that's what I'm most excited to write about at the moment.
I don't know if I'll be able to execute any of my ideas well enough, but I'll try my best!
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margaetyrell · 1 year
hi baby 🤍 you're the blog i got assigned for the swiftiepride gifts. you can't even imagine how happy i am that i got you!!! how are you?
- 🪩
OH MY GOD HIIII THERE 🥹😭😭💜 i’m sooo glad to hear from you!!! i know it’s been just a few days but i was missing you so bad (before you came into my life sksksks) but omg that makes me SO HAPPY AAHHHH i’m so excited !!!!!!
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lilacline001 · 2 years
As a fic writer, how do you stay positive and not stress yourself out with constantly comparing?
I've been really struggling with that. I start spiraling when a certain chapter doesn't get as many comments as usual, comparing my hit counts and kudo counts to other fics, and it's really not healthy but I'm struggling with knowing how to stop, how to just be happy and proud of the response I've gotten. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Hi, anon! First of all, thank you for asking this because you might need to hear it, but so do I! I needed to write this out, so I really appreciate your question and I��ll try to take my time to answer it.
With that, let me say, it takes an incredible amount of courage, time, & effort to create in any type of way. Writing, drawing, edits, etc are all content that fans create for other fans. Life can be hard sometimes. So it’s truly amazing in itself that people are inspired enough that they create something.
I’ve been in fandom culture a while, and it took me years to work up the nerve to create and post a story. I didn’t contribute to fandom culture; I consumed fandom culture. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. But it was bad that I often felt like I was tapping down an urge to create because I didn’t want to face ridicule. I was scared of a negative response, and didn’t understand that practicing is a way to hone your craft. Not everything has to be perfect. In that way, creating and posting to share any form of content is an amazing accomplishment in itself. Anon, you should celebrate yourself for taking that step! I’m so proud of you!
Listen, I have never shared my writing in real life. I was terrified of posting something and getting negative feedback & I’m doubly afraid of that happening to my face. So the closest I’ve gotten to sharing my work irl, is talking about my work to only my closest people. Right now, I can’t imagine sharing my AO3 account with anyone irl. So I take time to celebrate that I’m finally creating! I’m not tapping down the impulse anymore, and most of the time, I’m so excited to create my own story.
Also, I think an important point to consider is that social media has completely screwed with our perceptions of what success looks like. Oftentimes, we equate success with “going viral,” in a sense. The more hits the better; the more kudos the better; the more bookmarks the better. But success isn’t always having the most “popular” story.
Now, my work with the least amount of everything on AO3 is Mirrorball. It currently has 16 kudos and like 250ish hits. Which in a social media, “viral” perspective isn’t that much, but think of it like this, 16 - SIXTEEN - actual people clicked on that fic and thought it was good enough for a kudos. Like imagine 16 people in a room with you. Socially anxious, introverted me would be overwhelmed. But all 16 of those very real people gave my story kudos. They read my story and said “oh this is good!” Again, I haven’t shared any of my writing outside of AO3, so to have 16 people read my fic in general is kinda of amazing.
So that’s part of it, for sure. My definition of “success” is different, and it’s not about getting a lot of hits. Define “success” for yourself, and what you hope to accomplish. Hopefully, you can find it in yourself to celebrate the fact that you created something, that you posted anything. I’m celebrating that fact that I’m at a place in my life where I’m somewhat comfortable having people read words that I’ve written. It’s an accomplishment, an achievement that I’ve made.
Beyond that, any and all comments that come from posting, I take them and hold them close to my heart. That’s an actual person somewhere in the world that likes your story enough to leave you a comment!
And then for Nocturne some people made art! ~Blows~ my mind honestly. I vividly remember getting the notification that Byler Fic Recs had made a graphic for Nocturne. I literally couldn't stop staring at it, and it was the same for all the art that followed. It’s so special that other people loved my story so much that they drew art for it.
So yeah, celebrate where you’re at! Take joy in your success! Express gratitude if you feel led to! Appreciate where you are!
And if after that spill, you’re saying something like - “but Lilac the numbers, the numbers are so small.”
Listen, I hear you. We can’t help but compare. I feel like this is like a life thing as well. We can't help but compare ourselves to other people and other authors and their progress, their story, their journeys. But if you write looking at everyone else, who’s going to tell your story?
Personally, what finally drove me to create for fandom was that I have a story to tell. One that past me would love to read. I finally stopped tapping down that impulse to create and just started.
Tell the story for yourself. For the reader you once were. Finish the story for yourself. For the past you, that searched desperately on AO3 for a fantasy/ coffee shop/ horror AU, for a fluff/ angst / family fic that ticked all your boxes.
And if you have to compare, compare to where you started.
Has your writing gotten better? I bet it has. If anybody writes in their free time, I bet it’s gotten better. The same for drawing, making edits, if you spend time doing a hobby, you are going to get better, more confident. The words might come more quickly. The planning might become easier. And at the end of the day, you get to say, well, I’ve self-published *#* of words on AO3.
At the end of this year, I hope I’ll be able to say I finished a whole novel *cough* Nocturne *cough.*
So here’s to you anon! 🎊 You created something!!
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I hope you continue to create! I hope you continue to find joy in telling a story, in making art and honing your craft!
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sakuraribbon · 4 months
I was expecting one of those spam bots. thanks so much for your silly disco ball! BTW witch one of my silly 10 followers are you?
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midnight-rain-fics · 1 year
{Mirrorball Part 2}
{Fandom: Grishaverse}
{Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem! reader x Jesper Fahey}
Summary: After accidentally confessing her feelings for her best friend and her boss, Y/N chooses to get drunk rather than facing the consequences of her actions.
A/N: I wrote this instead of going to sleep, curtesy of ❣️anon because positive feedback is really the best motivation of all. Also “schat” is a nickname used in the story, it means darling or treasure in Dutch.
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“Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it too soon to do this yet?
'Cause I know that it's delicate”
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Jesper was never good at waiting. He never had the patience of sitting idly as the hands of the clock struck by absentmindedly.
Even now, as he sat on the sofa with Kaz and Matthias at the Slat, he couldn't help the constant tapping of his boot against the wooden floor.
Kaz released a long sigh, no doubt annoyed by Jesper, and craned his neck to look at the entrance of the Slat. His jaw ticked as there was still no sign of anyone entering.
"When did they say they will be back again?" Jesper asked Matthias, who was sitting on the lone chair opposite Kaz, a book in his hands.
"They didn't," Matthias said, without looking up from his book.
Jesper vaguely remembered Y/N gifting it to Matthias for his birthday. None of the crows had known Matthias's birthday, except Y/N.
She had organized a surprise dinner for him, baked him a cake and gotten him a gift. Matthias had been nearly brought to tears as he hugged her and thanked her profusely.
And all Y/N did was smile. That damned smile. Jesper thinks his heart might have stopped the day she first gave him that smile.
Y/N was his best friend, just as Kaz was, even if he refused to admit it. And Jesper, curse his bad luck, had fallen in love with them both.
And now there might be a chance they might love him back, considering Y/N's confession last night but he couldn't know for sure because after stealing his heart and his breath, Y/N had proceeded to run up to her room as if hounds were chasing her.
And then she had avoided both Kaz and him the next day, going as far as to go drinking with Nina, just to avoid facing the aftermath of her confession.
And now Jesper was waiting, something that he absolutely loathed, just so he could see her again. Just so he could tell her everything that he had been keeping to himself.
Jesper risked a glance at Kaz, and to his surprise, Kaz was already looking at him. Jesper’s heart thrummed erratically in his chest, matching the pace of his foot tapping on the floor.
Kaz’s cane rested against his calf, stopping his movements, the weight was a surprise but not unwelcome. It was Kaz’s way of grounding Jesper in the present.
“Calm down, she will be back soon” Kaz mumbled low enough so only Jesper could hear him.
Loud, obnoxious laughter filled the Slat as Nina and Y/N drunkenly stumbled in. Jesper, Kaz and Matthias stood up immediately as the two girls nearly knocked into a table as they made their way towards them.
Y/N’s feet were barefoot and Nina seemed to be carrying the boots that she had been previously wearing.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she caught sight of Jesper and Kaz and she rushed towards them, stopping in front of Jesper, “There’s my boys!”
Jeaper could only watch in amusement as Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, “I missed you, Jesper”
“I missed you too, love” Jesper chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled back a little and looked down at her, brushing some hair out of her face, “Let’s get you to bed, yeah? I think you’ve had too much fun without me”
But Y/N wasn’t listening to him anymore, her eyes had connected with Kaz’s over Jesper’s shoulder and she was too busy staring at him.
“I missed you too, Kaz” Y/N said, lips pulled into a pout as she carelessly reached a hand out before abruptly pulling it back. The pout was ever present as Y/N put her head on Jesper’s shoulder, eyes still on Kaz.
Jesper didn’t have to turn around to see that Kaz had grown tense, the air had started to thicken with something that always fizzled between them when they were all together.
Jesper didn’t even notice Matthias lead a drunk Nina out of the room as he picked up Y/N and made a beeline for the stairs, stopping only to hear the clacking of Kaz’s cane behind him as he stopped outside Y/N’s door.
He waited for Kaz to open the door and gently put Y/N on the bed. He took a seat beside her, taking off her jacket and fixing her shirt before tucking a blanket around her.
Jesper could feel Kaz’s heated gaze on them as he ran a hand through Y/N’s hair, calming her down slightly. Y/N groaned, rubbing a hand down her face.
"Why did you drink so much, Y/N?" Jesper whispered, Y/N’s head leaning on his shoulder as she snuggled into his side.
Kaz stood at Y/N’s desk, pretending to overlook something to avoid looking at Jesper and Y/N. It made his skin itch to see them together, to not….to not be with them.
Kaz knew what they both wanted, who they wanted. But could he really be that person? What could he give them that they couldn’t give each other? He would just be an unwelcome addition to what they were. Never fully there.
Even if he wanted to be.
"Because you both hate me now" Y/N mumbled, her voice heartbreakingly small, she fiddled with the buttons on Jesper’s waistcoat, "And so I had to get over you"
"And did you?" Kaz didn’t mean for his voice to come out as cold as it did but the warning glare from Jesper was enough to let him know his frustrations towards his own shortcomings had seeped into his tone.
"No" Y/N mumbled, gone was the joyous phase of her drunkness, replaced by melancholy shining in her eyes. She hiccuped, meeting Kaz’s eyes, "I like you both too much, it's a problem"
"Oh, Y/N,” Jesper’s heart broke at the words, he stroked her hair and pressed a kiss to her temple.
"It's not fair, I love you but you don't love me,” Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes but she refused to let them fall. She was a crow, damnit! She wasn’t going to let her feelings ruin her friendships.
She had fought too hard to get where she was, and even if her feelings were unrequited, she would not lose her family, the crows, over it.
But was it truly so terrible? To love someone and to be loved in return?
"And who told you that, Y/N?"
Y/N tilted her head, eyebrows furrowed in thought. Kaz took a step forward and sat on the edge of her bed, one hand gripping his cane and the other stretched on the bed, centimetres from Y/N's.
"Who told you that I don't hold any affection for you" Kaz’s rasp filled the silence of the room, his words heavy with unsaid words and unspoken confessions. His gaze flittered to Jeaper who was watching them with bated breath, "Either of you"
"Do you?" Jesper asked, he was terrified to hope that Kaz would reciprocate his feeling. Their feelings. Because hope was dangerous but hope was all he had.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't" 
And truly, what more could Kaz say? Here he was, despite knowing better, despite his instincts telling him to turn around and walk away, even if it hurts, here he stood.
Exposed for them to pick at as they liked, just because he could not bare to see the hurt in Jesper’s eyes or the disappointment on Y/N’s face.
"Oh" Y/N mumbled, eyes switching between Jeaper and Kaz before a small smile graced her lips and she settled back in her pillows, still snuggled in Jesper’s side.
"Yes, oh,” Kaz rolled his eyes but the fondness was clear as day as he tapped her blanket, just above her knee, with his gloved hand, "Now go to sleep"
"Will you both stay? Just until I fall asleep"
"Of course, love"
“If I must”
“I want you to, Kaz”
“Then I will stay. Now go to sleep, Y/N”
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Despite going to bed at Saints knows what time, Y/N woke up early as she usually did. She begrudgingly got out of bed, and even as her head hurt and nausea crawled up her throat, she made her way to the kitchen, a blue shawl wrapped around her shoulders for warmth.
"Good morning, love" Jesper greeted cheerfully as Y/N slumped down on the chair beside him, "How are you feeling?"
Y/N let out a yawn and mumbled something that sounded unintelligible even to her own ears. Her sleep-lidded eyes closed as Y/N placed her head on the kitchen counter, the cool stone caressing her cheek pleasantly.
"What was that?"
"Only goats can understand that, Y/N" Kaz’s voice was softer than usual in the mornings and Y/N’s own heart hummed with joy at hearing it.
Mornings with Kaz and Jesper were sacred to Y/N, even before last night. They were the only ones awake at this hour, and she had a suspicion they had all adjusted their sleep patterns to wake up early just to have these first rays of the morning sun to themselves.
This moment in time existed for them alone; when Kaz’s cold exterior was chipped away to reveal a slightly less concrete armour and Jesper’s face relaxed in an easy smile, his presence filling the room with warmth.
This moment was hers. They were hers.
"I will get back to you with an answer within 5-7 business days, Jes" Y/N lifted her head, placing it on her palm and answered the boy sitting beside her.
She turned her gaze to meet bitter coffee-brown eyes staring at her, "Oh and screw you, Kaz"
"We aren't there yet, schat" Kaz’s lips pulled up in a slight smirk as he took a sip of his black coffee, which Y/N was sure contained more than 3 spoonfuls of sugar.
Who was he trying to fool with that black coffee? She had no idea.
Jesper choked on his food and Y/N patted his back, stealing a piece of toast off his plate with her other hand. Her head throbbed with the hangover that she was currently nursing.
Y/N turned her gaze away from a wide-eyed Jesper to a smug Kaz, her eyes narrowed in mock irritation, "I hate you"
"That's not what you said last night"
"Saints Kaz!" Y/N exclaimed, her eyes wide with incredulity as she hid her blushing face in her hands, "Why are you doing this today?"
"Because you have a hangover, Y/N" Jesper chuckled, pushing a plate of toast towards her and passing her the cup of coffee that Kaz had poured, just as she liked it.
“He is being mean today”
"He’s mean every day"
"What was that, Jes?”
“That’s what I thought”
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hippolotamus · 3 months
Combining with this Anon ask
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Anything for you, Goose Friend! I literally cannot say what shifted between this snippet and the last. I'm just vibing with whatever words will have me tbh. Without further ado:
The velvet curtain opens and there’s no missing the delighted smirk when Arsen realizes who his client is. “Well, well, well. You decided to stay after all. First time?” The question doesn’t carry any judgment, only curiosity. “Mm-hmm.” “In that case.” Arsen tentatively reaches for the curtain, barely grasping it with his fingertips. “I assume you’re aware of the rules then?” Eddie swallows, feeling the click in his throat, before he forces himself to make and hold eye contact. His voice wavers terribly, but Arsen doesn’t give any indication if he’s noticed. “Be clear about what I want, keep my hands to myself unless you give me permission to touch you.” Arsen nods his approval and tugs the heavy maroon fabric closed, cutting off any flashing lights and muting the music in one swift motion. It’s an ideal time for Eddie to refocus his gaze on an imperfection in the baseboard, the tiniest chip that may well be the most fascinating thing in the universe right now. “So.” The earlier confidence reemerges. Not that it had disappeared exactly, more like it was dialed down, and now someone’s thrown the switch, turning it up to the maximum setting. Arsen practically glides across the space to where Eddie’s lounging in a cushioned leather chair. He stops mere inches away, not dissimilar to earlier, only this time his finger grazes the underside of Eddie’s chin, tilting it up so their eyes lock. “Is this what you want, pretty boy?” Eddie shivers involuntarily at the featherlight, barely there touch, fighting not to look away. Before, at the mere suggestion of interacting, he was too quiet. Too hesitant. But now, this time is his, bought and paid for, to be used how he sees fit within the boundaries of a few preselected options. Including the choice to yap for the designated twenty minutes or so. Part of him would prefer that. While he’s sure Arsen is more than perfectly fine at what he does behind closed doors – or curtains, rather – the idea of a practical stranger touching and grinding against him has never been exciting. Even if said stranger is one Eddie keeps returning to, like a moth to a candle. Perhaps one stranger who haunts his free time and he could make an exception for. “Yes,” Eddie breathes, a hushed confession. A private longing he’s decided can live in the confines of this space and however much time is left on the clock.
np tagging some beloveds 🫶 @diazsdimples @hoodie-buck @bucksbiawakening @daffi-990 @tizniz
@dangerpronebuddie @jesuisici33 @lemonzestywrites @bi-buckrights @giddyupbuck
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @elvensorceress @monsterrae1
@saybiwithme @evansedmundo @theotherbuckley
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katherines-imagines · 2 years
Heartless Part 2
pairings: Ao’nung x reader warnings: cussing and crap writing
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He tried bringing her shells, catching her hefty fish, walking with her, apologizing, and yet the girl was stubborn.
She refused accepting his shells, didn’t take the fish, walked away from him, ignored his profuse apologizes.
The girl was trying to send a clear message to Ao’nung, everyone could see what it was.
Stay away from me.
After multiple disheartening attempts, Ao’nung continued his pathetic pleading.
As he tried yet again to plead to the girl, whom she refused to even look in his direction, from afar, two boys were watching the scene.
“Damn, she still hasn’t forgiven the idiot,” Lo’ak asked his older brother.
“No,” Neteyam answered with a slight shake of his head, a frown present.
“And she has every right not to,” Neteyam stated.
If she didn’t want to talk to the idiot who had left Lo’ak at sea, she didn’t have to, and Neteyam would stand by her choice no matter what.
“C’mon bro, he already apologized, and it’s just getting sad now,” Lo’ak said, manically waving his hand in the pairs direction.
“It’s getting so annoying.”
Neteyam sighed but nodded in agreement.
“You are right, it is very pathetic, but Y/n knows what is best for her, and I will not interfere.”
Lo’ak groaned at his brother’s stubbornness, annoyed at the way Neteyam was acting.
“Bro, clearly Y/n loves the idiot, and at this rate, things will never get better between them. As annoying as Ao’nung is, for some reason, she cares about him. And she’s only so upset because she loves us. We have to do something, cause it’s our fault.”
With a humourous gleam in his eye, Neteyam said, “You mean your fault? Your the one who followed him.”
Rolling his eyes, Lo’ak mumbled, “besides the point.”
“Just- Will you help me,” Lo’ak asked.
Thinking thoughtfully, Neteyam looked at the teenagers in front of him.
Ao’nung was on the brink of crying, keeping a safe distance, but hands reaching out to touch her.
Y/n, looking off, trying to seem distant, but her eyes showed hurt, wanting to forgive, but the loyalty to family overcoming the want.
Sighing, Neteyam finally faced Lo’ak and nodded.
“I’m in.”
As their sister left the chief’s son standing in his regret, the boys walked towards him.
Clasping his shoulders, Lo’ak shook them.
“Bro, you really fucked up,” Lo’ak said playfully.
Ao’nung shrugged the boys hands off harshly, and shot the boy a glare.
Raising his hands in defense, the boy took a slight step back.
“No need to be hostile cuz, I’m trying to help you.”
Failing to comprehend, the future chief spluttered.
“W-wait, what?”
“He said we’re here to help your skxawng ass,” Neteyam finally spoke up.
Looking at the siblings in confusion, Ao’nung questioned as to why they were helping him.
“It’s because we love our sister, and we know she loves you-“
“Though we have no decent clue as to why,” Lo’ak interrupted.
Quickly scolding Lo’ak, Neteyam continued.
“So we’re going to get our sister to forgive you,” he finished.
Ao’nung profusely thanked the pair before Lo’ak interrupted him.
“Just don’t fuck this up cuz, ok?”
“Yeah, I won’t,” Ao’nung responded, pulling his hand into a fist.
I will never make her cry again.
A/N: Hey guys, im back! I’m afraid I won’t be able to post everyday again, but I’ll try to. Thank you anon for reminding me to do this! I’ll try to work on Part 3 of Heartbreak and Part 8 of “Don’t be a skxawng, just ask her.”
Thanks for the love and support as always <3
tagged: @aonungmyaddiction, @mirrorball-6, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @totesnothere04
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spade-riddles · 2 months
Dear Spade,anon here from a few days ago..the one that wrote you a message on here for Taylor or her team to play Maroon or The Prophecy in Munich n1. None of the songs were played while indeed it was the happiest day of my life because i got my fave off of 1989 YAIL and fave from Reputation CIWYW :) once again..i am BEGGING YOU TO PIN THIS TO YOUR PROFILE ON THE TOP. I will be travelling to Vienna shows and I have tickets to n1 and n2..(still trying to get tickets to n3 as well). I am once again politely and kindly asking since Maroon was already played in Warsaw and I also lost The Black Dog and Mirrorball and Exile and I Can See You…and new years day😭💔 TAYLOR PLEASE I’VE BEEN ON MY KNEES PLAY THE PROHPECY IN VIENNA N1 or N2😭 ( i hope she or someone from her team sees the pun I intended lol). Vienna is for sure my last Eras Tour stop I don’t have enough money to travel to London..so my only wish is The Prophecy in Vienna n1 or n2🥹 i also saw a lot of people online asking for this one so I truly believe it would make a lot of people happy🫶🏻
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sebbianas · 1 year
guilty 🫡
i just love keeping you guys on your toes HAHAHAHAHA
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brenninthetaylorverse · 9 months
brenn's not so holiday event
hello! seeing all my moots doing some kind of holiday event so i want to do one too! but i'm calling this my not so holiday event since the holidays will be over soon so i'm guessing this event will run until the middle of jan, around the 15th or 16th. also I stole this from @someones-name-inserted-here so thanks lou!
: ̗̀➛my regular intro post
send these in asks! moots and followers only please and you can request more than one.
✧☾punisher☽✧ - i'll make a moodboard of your blog based off of your vibes!
・゚:* midnights*:・゚- i'll give you a song that reminds me of you
🗯 hope ur okay 🗯 - i give you a pep talk!
୨୧・my love mine all mine・୨୧ - i'll give you a movie rec/book rec/show rec
💧you're losing me 💧- ask me what you want to know about me (within reason, not anything crazy)
***the record*** - tell me a secret or something you've never told anybody else before (can be anon)
。・゚゚・people watching・゚゚・。 - I'll listen to your favorite song and tell you what i think of it!
some of the ones like listening to your favorite song or moodboards might take a while but i'll get to it eventually!
mutuals who might want to participate!:
@urfav-mirrorball @astraeasparrow @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @atwtmvftvtvsgavralpsss @loving-the-marauders @isitoversnowtvs @evermore-4-life @trying-to-be-cool-abt-it @skeelly @holdmyteaplease @svnflowermoon @tisthedamnseason-writethisdown @jewelledmoths @swiftieannah! let me know if you want to be added to this list!
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P-pleeeeeaaaaaase I NEED more wenclair, i know you said you wouldnt but PLEASE give me ANYTHUNG, headcanons???? Pls ToT
Anon, I have done nothing but break my word. Here is some silly headcanons because NOV 23RD CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH
Is a Swiftie AND Harry stan (a child of divorce)
But Ms. Swift owns her ass
Also obviously a big BTS fan (pretty sure that's canon, no?)
Has never once ate a healthy thing in her life
Her metabolism is through the ROOF
Big shirt, small pants person
Night person
Stay up until ungodly hours
Has 1000 alarms set 5 mins apart
Brings a 5 course meal to class
Will NOT share
Will always sing in the shower
Does not care that she's in the dorms
Everyone can get a free concert
...she may be a fanfic writer
Will say she's Gold Rush
But is really very Mirrorball
Once her and Wednesday are friends
She calls her weirdo, very affectionately
100% buys Wednesday a phone
Enid: "Listen, I know you're going for the whole edgy, emo thing but, you don't have to be a fucking caveman"
Wednesday: "I told you-"
Enid: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have tiktoks to show you tho and I feel like that's more important"
Wednesday: "...you were put on this earth as my own personal hell"
Is very confused that Enid says she's a "child of divorce"
Her parents are still together?? She saw them on Family Day???
Is obviously a lover of Horror films
She'll fall asleep to them
HATES not being good at something
Will NEVER ask for help
Which is why she hates Enid giving her a phone
She just DOESN'T know how to work the damn thing
Loves photography
Has a legit old style polaroid
Theater nerd
Has just a wild assortment of random information
Beyond touch starved
It's not that she hates it
She just doesn't know what to do
It's a lot
Her skin tingles and she gets a sense of warmth through her
It's almost overwhelming
So she just tells everyone she hates it
Is always cold
While Enid is a whole ass furnace
Wednesday *currently curled up to Enid's side on her bed*: "Tell anyone of this and I'll pluck each follicle off your head"
Enid *smug smile*: "Mmm, sure. You know, you can always turn up the heater in here-"
Wednesday: "Enough. I. Am. Reading."
Enid *under her breath*: "Been reading page 32 for the last 20 minutes..."
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yellowloid · 1 year
What do you think will the dynamic between Miles and Alex be in Dublin? I really hope we will get some cute moments and not like 2018 yk
anon your ask came just at the right time because i swear this is all i've been able to think about for the last few days. i definitely don't think it'll be like it was in 2016 (unfortunately </3), but there's a silver lining to that because i also don't think it's going to feel like la cigale 2018 either. they've both changed a lot when it comes to them as people as well as their stage personas, so it wouldn't really be realistic to expect everything to feel exactly like it did during those two times... i think the closest we've got so far to a sneak-peek of what they'll actually be like is london emirates stadium back in june: it definitely wasn't like the eycte tour, but more like the other times miles joined the monkeys for 505 over the years; except there was... so much that was left unsaid. and i mean this in a positive way, it really felt a lot like 'if you know you know', and their hug (<3) when miles came on stage really said it all (also i don't necessarily mean this in a romantic way lmao i'm referring first and foremost to their friendship and also their dynamic in general)
however, in many ways ireland will be different from their last public interaction in london. there's so much that will be going on in ireland. they're going to be spending a whole week together (make of that what you will) + miles isn't just joining them for 505, he's opening for them after YEARS since this last happened + he's most likely joining them for 505, too, but there's also so many expectations for alex to join him for at least one tlsp song... it's just so much. so many things happening. and no one has ANY idea what they're actually plotting on doing. this is what i was talking about back when they announced these dates and i said do we understand the implications here. because actually the implications are INSANE. because the context behind these shows is so different and intense and crazy fucked in the head, i think if they do something together it will be similar but also oh-so-different from london. 505 doesn't require them to be too close, to share a mic, to do their silly tlsp antics - tlsp songs do. and of course 1) what they did in london was still colossal considering it was their first time sharing a stage in five whole years + the last time (la cigale) was........questionable + they managed to make the whole city of london a thousand times more queer with just the hug/the mirrorball shenanigans/the "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" moment and 2) of course there's a possibility they'll be fucking idiots and do nothing about this (tho i highly doubt that because again. alex is there. miles is there. the expectations for these shows are on another level and they're definitely aware of it) so yeah. i do hope for some cute moments too and i honestly can't wait to see what happens. it'll be.............interesting to say the least (is losing her mind just thinking about it)
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viennakarma · 5 months
I’ve go nothing to ask just wanted to tell you that I am literally crying, throwing up and salivating for the new angsty retireddriver!reader snippet
- lewis anon (it’s been a while)
HI LEWIS ANON 💞💞💞 long time no see!!!
about that snippet, that’s all I have to say:
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taylortruther · 7 months
I did read the post but I mostly focused on the part about these stories all being connected to taylor’s life. as soon as I heard invisible string, it became clear that some songs were pretty autobiographical. in fact, I’ll go ahead and say that the true fictional songs on folklore are few and far in between. some songs (mtr, mirrorball) use extended metaphors, but that isn’t really fiction to me? like you can’t convince me there’s anything specific enough about exile for it to be made up entirely. i do vividly remember trying to explain away hoax bc I didn’t buy the masters explanation (felt too romantic) or the multiple muses explanation (bc wtf? was very surprised when that turned out to be right). I had some very meta theories about it that I ultimately discarded after five minutes of thinking lol
mmm i see what you're saying here, and i've seen this opinion throughout the fandom as well. you did not ask for my thoughts on fiction vs metaphor, but here i go lmao. personally, i think both fiction and extended metaphor are clearly present in folklore. i think some people (not saying you, anon, just sharing a general observation) think fiction means complete separation from one's self, and i don't think that's ever true. fiction can still be extremely confessional, especially with a songwriter like taylor who openly admits to processing her own feelings via writing.
so for example, exile, to me, easily reads as fiction (although i hear what you're saying about lack of specificity.) i have no reason to believe joe ever saw taylor wrapped up in some other man's arms; i do have reason to believe they might've been processing some conflict in their own relationship, and this came out. so maybe this is why it reads as mere metaphor, but i think it's still obviously fiction.
like, i think a lot of songwriters write autobiographical songs, they're just not specific about it. and taylor's specificity is a trademark of hers, but it's not necessary to delineate fiction from metaphor. i think we got spoiled by it in some cases lmao. florence welch writes about her own life in pretty stark terms, but she writes almost EVERYTHING in metaphor, and she creates worlds of imagery that obfuscate some of the personal. learning that florence has struggled with relationships would not surprise you, if you read her lyrics, even though we do not know all the shit she's gone through with partners in the past (king is probably one of her most specific songs, imo.)
kinda like how when my best friend and i had a rough patch in our friendship (because she felt left behind because i was dating someone), i was writing lots of stories about guilt, betrayal, loss, defiance, 'us vs them,' etc. - she wasn't a character in the stories/scenes i was writing, but she was absolutely present.
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