lgbtsupport · 4 years
Hey, I’m non-binary have a question abt names. So I really want to start going by my more gender-neutral middle name, but I feel super attached to my first name, the name I’ve always gone by. When I imagine being addressed by my middle name by close friends or family, it feels weird. But like I still want to go by it. I just wish I had always gone by my middle name. Is this normal? Thanks
Of course it’s normal, it’s a name you’ve gone by your whole life so it’s only expected to be attached to it.
Remember that names don’t really have a gender and that it’s more of a societal thing, so don’t feel like you have to go by your middle name just because you feel like it’s more neutral.
There are guys called Ashley and August which we would typically associate as more feminine, and girls called James and Ryan which are typically more masculine. You don’t have to change yours just because it may not be neutral.
So if you really are attached to your first name then maybe you should keep it! But if not, don’t sweat it. Your first name can always be part of you if you want it to be. Maybe you could get a pendant with your first name on it or a tattoo or any other accessory as a reminder that it’s always part of you, and still go by your chosen name.
Hope this helped!
- Lola
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bpdqt · 7 years
Hi, I heard you’re going through a tough time recently, what going on? I love you n I support you!!! -anonsupporter
i love you & i will never ever forget you. i think rn is just an especially hard time of year for me bc of past traumas.
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my-funnyvalentine · 7 years
Happy Valentines day, Nick! -AnonSupportive 🌹🌹🌹
I can answer this late, right? Every day is Valentine’s day
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bpdummy · 7 years
Hey you seem like you're really struggling and I'm sorry this is happening to you. Your bpd doesn't make you less of a good person, and neither does your trauma. I hope with every passing day, your trauma affects you less and less because I know how bad that shit can be. Anyway, sending good vibes your way. -anonsupporter
Sorry I only just saw this but thank you so much ♡♡♡♡ lately it's been bugging me again even though nothing happened to bring it back up idk why :((
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Happy Valentines day, Stranger! (You should go visit Nick!) -AnonSupportive 💐💐
anon supportive i love you!!!! 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
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thatfreakshowanon · 10 years
In case you needed it today, have a hug!
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Safe house blogs. Prepare for tomorrow guys.
Message these people if you need help with anything.
Please message if you want to be added.
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bieberinked · 11 years
Daily reminder that you're beautiful and you're worth it. If you feel down remember someone out there has been through a similar situation and will be willing to help. Keep smiling!
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yourrussettanon-blog · 11 years
I want to cut
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bpdqt · 7 years
I’m so happy for you!!!!! You seem like you’re in an okay place right now and that you love your Husband very much!!!! -anonsupporter
thank you sooo much! i’m the happiest i’ve ever been. of course there are times when i feel overwhelmed and hopeless still but overall i’m happier than i ever thought possible. i hope you have been treated well by life lately also!!
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bpdummy · 7 years
heyy, you seem real sweet and lovely I hope you're having a good day. -anonsupporter
Thank you ❤ mine was pretty good, hope yours was, too :)
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thatfreakshowanon · 10 years
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urbarbarahpalvin-blog · 12 years
Magic Anons
Crave: Muse Craves rough sex for 3 days
Yours: Muse gets easily seduced and gives in to anything (anon decides who) asks for.
Uhuhuh: Muse is horny for 24 hours
Cuffed: the next person to put "Hand" into muses ask, gets to handcuff and have sex with the muse however they'd like
Lovers: Muse will forever love in love with the one they truly love
Name: Muse orgasms every time their name/nickname is said.
Never Again: Muse must never again speak to their most recent Ex.
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yourrussettanon-blog · 12 years
I want you to all know something, to my followers and people who dont follow me, basically anyone who reads this,
I really do care, about each and every one of you. I may not be able to come to help all of you, I mean, I'm only one person. I can only do so much. But I will help. If you come to my ask box, anon or not, I will answer. I will answer privately or you can talk to me on aim if you would prefer or kik or anything really. Anything I can do to help I will. But you can't always expect people to come to you to help, you sometimes have to go to them for help. I'm here if you ever need help.
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bpdqt · 7 years
hey!! i haven't messaged u in a while. are you married? you mentioned a husband. -anonsupporter
hi dear anon! i got married earlier this month. we still don’t live together & we just did it at the courthouse but i am so happy to be committed to the love of my life forever ♡
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