#another outtake
pyjamacryptid · 7 months
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more outtakes that are important to me personally
BBC Merlin + live commentary by @macaritaville @1kitwonder and I from our Merlin watch party
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aheathen-conceivably · 5 months
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His hands seemingly held her in place as the buzzards circled and the desert called. Run, Josephine. Run. Run before it’s too late. But he lifted her face to his and nodded, pulling her toward the house and away from the desert.
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v-thinks-on · 1 year
Phoenix is nudged into awareness by the feeling of someone stirring underneath him. He’s sprawled across the wine red sheets, with Miles Edgeworth pinned underneath his heavy, sleep-laden limbs, awake and struggling to extricate himself.
Phoenix frantically retreats to his side of the bed. This wasn’t exactly what he imagined for their first morning together - he’s not even sure that it really counts.
Miles recomposes himself after being nearly crushed, but to Phoenix’s surprise, he stays lying in the center of the bed - it is his bed, after all - half-curled toward Phoenix. He won’t meet Phoenix’s eyes, but he hasn’t turned away either. Phoenix is hopeful that Miles’s expression is awkward, not annoyed, but it’s hard to tell.
“Miles…?” Phoenix says cautiously.
“I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Miles doesn’t sound too pleased about it.
“I didn’t give you much of a choice.”
“I-I wasn’t trying to get up… just get comfortable,” Miles mutters so quietly Phoenix isn’t sure he hears it right.
Phoenix can’t tell if the pink tinge on Miles’s cheeks is a reflection from the red sheets or a blush.
“Oh,” Phoenix says.
Before he has a chance to try to figure out where to go from here - what wouldn’t be too much - Miles abruptly brushes his hand across Phoenix’s cheek, only to pull it away just as quickly.
“Ngh. How did you do it so smoothly?” Miles demands.
Phoenix bites back a laugh. “I, uh…”
Instead of trying to come up with an answer, he gently reaches out to cup Miles’s cheek. His skin is warm and soft, and Phoenix is pretty sure that is a blush. Miles’s expression immediately softens as he leans into the touch, probably without even knowing he’s doing it, but there’s still a crease in his brow. Phoenix trails his fingers across Miles’s forehead to brush aside some stray hairs, in soft disarray from the night’s sleep.
“That’s how,” Phoenix concludes with what he admits is probably a smirk, his hand lingering at Miles’s cheek.
With a determined expression, Miles reaches out toward Phoenix’s face and brushes aside the stay hairs on Phoenix’s forehead, and then he runs his fingers fleetingly down Phoenix’s cheek.
On an impulse, Phoenix catches Miles’s hand before he can pull away entirely. Maybe Phoenix shouldn’t be surprised that Miles’s muscles, from his fingers to his palm, are all taut with tension that probably never goes away, though his obvious nerves probably don’t help. Still, Miles lets Phoenix intertwine their fingers, like a subtle embrace. He wonders if it’s Miles’s heart he can feel racing, or just his own.
It takes longer than Phoenix expects before Miles turns away again, flustered. “W-we should probably-”
Phoenix can’t help but be a little disappointed, but he disentangles their hands without complaint. “How about some breakfast?”
“It’s almost noon.”
“What do you mean, almost noon?” Phoenix can only wonder how long Miles has been awake. “Lunch then?”
“I can make us something.”
That’s not exactly what Phoenix had in mind, but he can’t exactly make Miles breakfast - or lunch - in bed, when he’s stuck hobbling around on crutches.
They’re still both a little reluctant to get out of bed, but eventually they can’t excuse delaying any longer, and Miles helps Phoenix up. Phoenix wonders if it’s just his imagination that Miles is a little handsier than usual and his touch lingers a little longer. By the time they’re both dressed and ready, it’s after noon.
Phoenix hobbles after Miles into the kitchen and sits down at the bar. “When my foot’s better, I promise I’ll do all the cooking and cleaning for a month.”
Miles pauses mid-step, and Phoenix belatedly realizes what he just suggested.
“You don’t have to,” Miles says, without looking at him. “I’ll have to help out anyway so you don’t mess up my kitchen.”
“Hold it!” Phoenix says on principle, but he’s not sure it’s actually a no.
“Objection overruled,” Miles says as he crosses the kitchen.
“You’re not the judge!”
“It’s my kitchen.” Miles smirks like he knows he’s won the case.
Phoenix has some impulse to kiss away Miles’s smirk, but he’s all the way on the other side of the room, and things are going so well, Phoenix is hesitant to push his luck.
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gazihsah · 2 months
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「find yourself」
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mcforwhatiam · 9 months
Beastie Boys in Paris, 2009
By Philip Andelman (X)
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chiikinwing · 1 month
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when your boyfriend's an overgrown puppy
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llama--plumbobsims · 3 days
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the wedding pt. 4
kodak template is here by @peacheryy
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simgerale · 2 months
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new story means new picrew edits!!!
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softietrait · 1 year
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DAY & NIGHT 4: third and fourth solo dates! ‹𝟹
‹𝟹 third solo date was with jae hahn at a library in windenburg! not sure what kind of date you can have at a library, but these two somehow made it work! they chat for a bit at one of the tables and then sat together in a little nook to red next to each other. after reading a bit, they went outside to sit at one of the tables to engage in more conversation! they had a fewwww awkward moments though. sadie took it upon herself to flatter jae a few times - especially about how she likes his singing! most of the date was just reading & getting to know each other. at the end of it, sadie gained the close and adoring sentiments with jae. they almost became best friends by the time the date ended! ‹𝟹 fourth solo date was with oliver at a lounge in brindleton bay! a place both of them thrive in, of course haha. they first sat at the edge of the pool for a while and chat - mostly goofing around!(i swear this is all they do lmao) they both then went and ordered a drink, oliver got a beer and sadie got her favorite: vodka & juice (im assuming LMAO). it got a bit cold so they carried their date on inside the lounge! she gained an adoring sentiment for oliver and her perception of him changed to basic looking (how the- hjdsfjksdf)-- in the end, they grew especially close (!!!) and oliver is the 2nd to get a first kiss from sadie!
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eljeebee · 5 months
I’m still quite sad none of Jason and Sophia’s children got Soph’s red hair. When they were born I vowed never to change any of their hair and stuff, but Louie and Mason popped out from their mom with brown hair 😮‍💨
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sweetpaintedladie · 5 months
listening to the hackney diamonds live “album” [those like 7 songs that they recorded live] and it’s honestly so jarring how much better the new material is without the horrific production, like truly just astounded the production of the album was so horrible that a group of 80 year old men just fucking around on stage sounds so much better ? you’d think it’d be the other way around but alas andrew watt seems to be in a competition with himself to see how horrendous he can make an album sound via production
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moossings · 6 months
so… it’s my birthday ☺️🎉
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v-thinks-on · 2 years
Maya: So you and Mr. Edgeworth…?
Phoenix: What about Edgeworth and I?
Maya: I’m disappointed you didn’t tell me from the start!
Phoenix: There’s nothing to tell!
Maya: Come on, I even saw your jacket hanging in his fancy bedroom.
Phoenix: Why did you go in Edgeworth’s bedroom!? I-I just need help with a lot of things right now.
Maya: I wanted to see how fancy it was. He must be helping you with a lot of things… (eyebrow waggle) And I’m not blind, I see the way you guys look at each other!
Phoenix: And how is that?
Maya (disbelieving): Boys! He’s doing all this for you and you still don’t see it!
Phoenix: Don’t you dare mention this to Edgeworth, he’s been through enough on my account, he doesn’t need your insinuations too.
Maya: But what if that’s exactly what he needs?
Phoenix: Now is not the time.
Maya: What happened??
Phoenix: None of your business.
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rendevok · 11 months
ok i gotta scream about your latest comic update its so beautiful. your linework is so soft and really perfectly draws the eye to the details in the expressions, I'm Weeping. i can HEAR the tenderness in Edgeworths voice saying "ridiculous man" i owe you my life. (im also in love with Phoenixs "Phh" face, it killed me)
god… my bones turn to jelly every time one of you says you can feel the emotions in their expressions. I put so much of my heart into those parts especially, so i can’t thank you enough for seeing it and appreciating it :,^) <3
Also fun fact, i almost didn’t include the “ridiculous man” line. It wasn’t something i had scripted but something about his expression begged to have more words put to it. I second guessed it right at the end (like literally minutes before posting lol), but i’m pleased to hear it hit the mark ^w^
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xbrilliantsims · 3 months
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i'm a little bit mesmerized by his face tbh
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brattybottomdyke · 1 year
one of these days im really gonna get myself in trouble by being on this app at work. not to mention, i keep opening my photos by accident and there are way too many pics in there recently 😅
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