#another super late-answered ask woop woop
For the next thirty (Santi x GN reader blurb)
Summary: You get lonely around the holidays. Turns out, you’re not the only one.
Author’s note: It’s a super quick + short one. I’m in my Triple Frontier feels tonight. I may even have a Will blurb for you shortly. Idek what this is. It’s a Christmas holiday fic. Why? Idek. Frenchie is your call-sign. I told you: idek.
Warnings: swearing, kissing. Mention of alcohol. Mistakes.
GIF: @realoscarisaac​
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“You ever wanna get married, Frenchie?” Frankie asks you merrily, taking a generous swig of beer.
You blink at him from across the table, taken aback by the sudden tangent in the conversation.
“Shit, ‘Fish. Where did that come from?”
You were generously hosting Squad Christmas for yet another year in a row. It was a lot of effort to host, but it was worth it, as, in return, the boys always ticked-off a ton of your annoying holiday tasks. You were clever about it, of course, and you plied them with enough beer and snacks that they either pretended not to be wise to your game, or they ceased to mind so much.
Even now, you are sat with Frankie and Will, readying to wrap all of your family gifts, and Benny and Santi are outside in the cold, kindly hanging your Christmas lights. Or, at least, you can hear Santi’s version of “helping” through the window, which seems to consist of yelling orders at Benny from the ground as the Miller brother snipes back.
Frankie looks at you cheekily as he hands you another tote full of gifts to set out on the table.
“Y’ know. Asking everyone,” he says casually, voice layered with far too much innocence, and a throaty chuckle rattling his chest. Yeah, he’s definitely up to something. “Asking all the single people I know. Asked Pope earlier. Asking you. I mean, cariño? It’s common knowledge people get lonely around the holidays.”
“People do, I’ve heard that from people,” Will nods emphatically, with a knowing, conspiratorial smile between him and Frankie.
You arch an eyebrow, not having any of this bullshit.
“Savage, ‘Fish. Fuckin’ brutal,” you complain.
“You plan on it - settling down?” ‘Fish presses, with no shame.
“What would I get out of marriage, huh?” you dismiss. “Someone to ask me honey, where are the scissors? for the next 30 years? Doesn’t sound worth the hassle.”
Frankie shrugs and opens his mouth to protest, but you cut in.
“Besides,” you protest. “Who’d wanna spend that much time with me anyway?”
“Maybe we know someone. Could fix you up,” Will smiles, a shit-eating grin inching over his face.
“Oh yeah!” Fish adds. “Don’t we know a guy, Miller?” Frankie says, slapping Will on the upper arm.
“If you know him, he’s probably a shit head. I want nothin’ to do with him.”
“Oh yeah. He’s a shithead, for sure. Complete pendejo,” Frankie laughs, shoulders shaking. There’s another conspiratorial look between him and the Miller brother. Miller bother, more like. Will exhales a laugh and looks down at the carpet, softly shaking his head at Frankie.
You brush it off, not concerned with their attempts at meddling. More concened, in truth, by the fact you were a little lonely so close to the holidays, much as you were determined not to admit it. Less lonely, perhaps, because you’ve had the boys for company... especially Santi of late. Maybe he got lonely around the holidays too.
“Look, less chat more wrapping, pendejos.”
The pair back-off, palms raised, their deep laughter still washing over you, and Will looks down at the unfurled roll of wrapping paper on the surface in front of him.
“For real though, where are the scissors, Frenchie?”
You are about to come up with some fitting comeback -something about how you don’t need a spouse when you already have four dumbasses to annoy you- but before you can tease him or answer his question, Santi breezes back into the house with Benny in tow, responding on auto-pilot.
“Kitchen or craft, hermano? If you mean craft -in a basket in the top of the linen cupboard, and if you mean kitchen - third drawer from the left.”
When Santi responds, all of you -Benny included- converge on the man, slack-jawed, and in silent disbelief.
The significance and the seredipity of this is not lost on you.
Nervously, Santi looks around at the eyes on him and unsettles his baseball cap from his head, rasping his palm over his hair and then trailing it down over his stubble.
“What?” he asks as Will breaks the silence with a snort of laughter and yet another conspiratorial glance at ‘Fish. The men’s faces crease with silent mirth.
“What, dickheads? Was that weird? Shit, do I spend too much time here?” he asks self-consciously.
It was a small thing. A small sign of familiarity. Yet somehow, it is enough for you to realise Santi is everything you want. And that maybe, probably, he might want you too.
“Not enough, turns out,” you breathe, rising from your seat with the sudden realisation, and, to everyone’s surprise -especially yours- you grab Santi by his t-shirt and pull him to your lips for an open-mouthed kiss.
Santi responds immediately, melting into you like he’s been waiting for this for a long time, his arms wrapping around you as if you are a gift he is folding into his embrace, his kiss hot and heavy as he moves his supple lips and tongue against you and grazes you with the fiery rasp of his stubble.
Woops and shouting from the other boys draw you back into the room, and, as if suddenly realising what you’re doing, you push your palms to Santi’s chest and practically throw him off you.
“Fuck, honey,” Santi asks, looking kiss-drunk and hotter than you’ve ever seen him. “Not that I’m complaining but what was that for?”
“People get lonely around the holdays,” you offer innocently.
“So I’ve heard,” Santi frowns, looking over at Frankie and Will trying desperately to supress a laugh.
God, you want to kiss him again.
“Do you wanna... talk? Away from these assholes?”
You nod, yes, and you grab his hand and lead him into the kitchen, away from prying eyes, where you very much intend on... talking. And then, making-out up against the counter until your legs are weak and your face is raw with stubble burn.
“Hey, wait, just one question,” Frankie pleads, and the two of you are stupid enough to turn back to him, each arching an eyebrow.
“You ever wanna get married, Frenchie?”
You stick a middle finger up at your dear friend and escape, as the Miller bothers join his fits of laughter- Benny susceptible depsite not even being in on the joke.
Regardless, you lead Santi towards the kitchen, where you talk, and you make-out until the two of you are pretty worked-up. Until you feel warm in the knowledge that this year, you may just be a litte less lonely for the holidays, after all. Maybe even for the next thirty, if you’re lucky.
Frankie and Will were right though, that guy they knew? Complete pendejo. but you love him, turns out. Have for a while. You just needed to realise it.
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
i!! have a question i don't think has been asked before? we always see the skeletons being incredibly talented in their chosen fields of expertise, but what are some things they're just downright terrible at? which of the ladies can't draw for shit, who would rather sit at the bottom of a pool for a few hours than be responsible for a few kids, who always forgets to throw away empty milk cartons? stuff like that! gimme them Character Flaws tm because honestly i rarely see people focus on them??
Ohhh, this is a good one! I’m generally someone who aims to be positive so i tend to steer away from angsty asks, but that’s very different from character flaws; thinking about this sort of thing is a lot of fun too. Plus super important! … Also, I’m wheezing at “who would rather sit at the bottom of a pool for a few hours than be responsible for a few kids”.
So here goes! The major character flaws of the ladies, while also trying to not overlap/repeat (since several definitely share a few, but I don’t want to rehash, heh). (post-answer edit: woops these are all straight up character flaws, rather than ‘bad habit’ flaws, ahaha! that’ll have to be for another ask in the end XD )
Plus a bit of silver lining after all to heal any sad hearts ;v; Under a cut to save your dashes =v=b
Serif: Getting her to be honest about her negative feelings is like pulling teeth, oh stars. She’s a laidback lady, it’s not like she’s overly effusive with praise or anything; but positive and/or neutral feelings will come easily from her, with general honesty about it and not really hiding it. Sure she might tamp down on some flustered/’oh no she’s hot’ type reactions, but to a normal degree. And she’s fine with being honest with casual critique/review if it’s asked for. Any negative stuff bubbling up in her though…? Nope, no way, her mouth is shut tight. It’s to the point that you have to know her very well to tell the difference - and it’s definitely to a bit of an unhealthy degree. If she’s angry, or strongly upset, or so on, she just doesn’t talk about it.
Remember that line from Undertale? “nothing can be done about it, so there is no point in being morose?” It was something of a common theme in her Underground, but with all her responsibilities and her general personality she internalized it hard. It’s important to be able to relay negative feelings or just let yourself be mad, but you just won’t catch it with Serif. This one’s gonna take a lot of work to work through…
Vellum: She’s blunt. Now, this isn’t always a bad thing; honesty is great in a lot of circumstances, and she always hopes Serif will catch on too-! However, in any society, you have to know… when to curb yourself. You get yourself into trouble, others into trouble… you hurt feelings, or miss cues that might inform you better about a person, and sometimes even end up a bit self-centered. Vellum’s an absolute joy and a wonderful friend, but her bluntness can sometimes rub the wrong way.
Sometimes a softer touch is needed, you know? Reading people isn’t easy, and I certainly don’t think we should discount anyone who isn’t the greatest at it; but it’s also important to recognize as a character flaw. She’s not… the greatest at it, still. She has a bad habit of accidentally insulting people in utter good faith, making for a head trip and a bit of a struggle if you get into a tight spot with her where subtlety and creative liberties with the truth would be preferable.
Sapphire: Is absolutely bullheaded. She does any number of obscenely stubborn things with a grin and a good attitude, however, so a lot of people don’t realize it until she’s sort of… bowled over whatever else might’ve been happening. Think about in-fic, how she charged into your apartment; sure, it was with the good intent to get Addy before she could wreck shop, and with all the charm of her million-watt smile and sapphic-hand-holding powers, but she didn’t stop to ask, or explain much at all. Luckily for her, it ends up working out well because she is at least good natured…
However, it doesn’t always. She’s accidentally caused people to clam up further by trying to get them to open up, on the rare occasions she does get mad it’s hard to waylay her from a headstrong attempt to ‘right things’, and so on. It can be a bit exhausting to face or to reason with her, even more so because she is extremely smart and skilled enough to accomplish a lot. This side of her takes patience and, well, a lot of work to get through to.
Amber: is extremely soft-hearted. She looks laidback, yes, and often comes across as a chill charmer-next-door, but she has a soft spot a mile wide and untold fathoms deep. This seems like a good thing on the surface, but it also leads to her having a bleeding heart (… so to speak); she tends to negate her own feelings or sweep them under the rug in favor of others. Whether it’s not expressing her own frustrations often, or quietly taking into account everyone else’s preferences, weighing which one would make the most of them happy, and casually suggesting that as if it were the same as her own choice - well. It comes through in countless ways.
Her amicable nature trips up even more under the fact that most people don’t realize she’s such a bleeding heart, because she doesn’t act the way most people would think such a person would. So it becomes a spiral, where she ends up negating her own feelings more and more in favor of spreading a little more happiness to everyone else, in subtle ways they don’t even see. It closes her off to other people’s understanding, somewhat ironically, so it ends up being hard to get past that ‘wall’ of her own overactive empathy to actually get her to open up and think about herself and share more personal details and opinions.
Crimson: surprising no one, Crimson is quick-tempered. And I mean quick. For such a laidback lady, more than happy to joke and flirt and laze back with the handful of people she cares the most about, she can just as quickly snap, on her feet and barely - if at all - held back by those with her. It comes from a logical place - her entire life, she had to prove she was fierce and fiery enough to protect her little sister, to prove they weren’t going to be walked all over, to prove she was a force to reckon with. It’s embedded in who she is, now; and it can make it hard to broach certain topics or to get her to be vulnerable, emotionally most of all.
Her harsh temper is mostly directed on anyone who’d cross her and hers, but it can leech out and become a bit hairline in general if something’s gone down; she ends up hurting the people she tries to protect, and it kills her inside. She doesn’t want to be mad, not at them anyways - it puts her in a worse mood, hating herself for it, and self-perpetuates until she can find a way to eventually calm down enough to reset her temper. Her tendency to lash out like a wounded animal makes her all the more reticent to truly open up - after all, what if she lashes out when you’re even closer? Surely, surely that would hurt worse.
Scarlet: The most impatient of all the Lilytale crew. She can’t stand lateness - in herself or others; and she has very, very high standards. In fact, this comes from upholding herself to the highest standards, under the shortest of timeframes. See, growing up, as she caught on to all Crimson was having to do to protect them and make sure they were even fed, and Scarlet could get to school with at least a modicum of safety and dignity in being decently dressed/prepared and so on, she started to put pressure on herself. She didn’t have time to dawdle; she had to get smart, get strong, get fierce enough to be able to protect her big sister in turn. This feeling only grew as she did, and now, while she can have patience for strategic reasons (she’s impatient, not foolhardy), it runs very thin. Think to the fic, where she literally picked you up to take you to dinner.
Her impatience costs her the most in interpersonal relationships. Her own creeping need to be her best at all times as quickly as possible causes her to perhaps call things too soon with some acquaintances (especially in a peaceful world), or causes her to act rashly when an invisible clock has run out. She struggles to relax and take in the idle moments, something inherently critical for distressing and cultivating softer moments with those around you.
Pepper: happens to be the biggest perfectionist of all of them. As Cinnamon’s older sister, she had to help raise her in a world that would happily kick weak kids to the gutter if they didn’t prove themselves; she quickly became fiercely exacting, desperate to ensure she was the most capable fighter/protector, a stable provider, a monster to think twice about being messed with. She tried to give Cinn as regular a childhood as one could eke, while also encouraging her to develop the things she showed aptitude for… and trying to figure out ways to help her improve terrible weaknesses.
It’s something that comes from a… good place, but is inevitably a terrible weight on those around her if not checked. While currently she can at least acknowledge that she’s a perfectionist, she’s still not… apologetic about it, especially towards herself. Her entire life required her to be constantly pushing to be better; it’s part of who she is. And she’ll keep doing it, even as it sets her on a lonely island distant from others, if only to continue ensuring her & hers are safe & secured. This one’s another that’s hard to break through to.
Cinnamon: is, secretly, the most self-deprecating of all of them. It’s harder to see than most of the other flaws listed so far; insidious and quiet, it leeches into her mindset and affects her relationships to a strong degree. Perhaps the flipside of Pepper’s perfectionism, Cinnamon never feels like she’s good enough. She’s intelligent & observant to a degree that exacerbates this; she knows too well how things should go/what she should have done/better qualities to cultivate, but when she inevitably falls short, rather than a roadblock, it’s an affirmation of her status as ‘not good enough’.
Because of her life growing up, it’s a flaw that’s even harder to pick up on; she doesn’t seem to outwardly second guess herself, and doesn’t even react much to ‘failing’ a task. It would be dangerous to show that sort of thing (she’s more likely to show a bit of irritation if anything, if really stressed - but it’s all inwardly directed). She’s extremely skilled at countless things too, but it’s never enough to her. It triggers depressive spirals and an aloof, laidback attitude that’s something of a protective barrier to keep from drawing attention to what she perceives as her flaws, and makes it harder yet for her to actually be emotionally open with others.
Blade: is what might best be described as… morally unscrupulous. Considering her background, this is perhaps of… little surprise. What most has to go when you get to the point in a famine to consider eating other sentient beings is, well, your scruples. Stark morality has no place in the world hers became; while she wouldn’t call it a weakness, exactly, it only hurt worse the longer time went on. She had to abandon it or risk Falling. It lead her to being a bit more… callous, shall we say, a bit less concerned with just how grayscale ‘morality’ had become, how well you could reason through a lot of terrible things if it meant she and her sister - and, slightly lower but still important - their little community could survive to see another meal.
Nowadays, obviously she’s happy to not have to worry about cannibalism, but it definitely left a deep, unshakeable flaw in her personality. She only believes in the ‘morality’ of ensuring the well-being of her and hers; she tends to shrug off… well, crimes, especially ones that don’t hurt people in particular. She doesn’t understand people who get twisted up about morality, and tends to get a little annoyed, more and more when it comes to ‘playing nice’ especially ‘just for looks’. She’s survived a famine and came out permanently fucked up in something as deeply personal as her ability to use magic, to say nothing of her head wound; she hates pretending, hates niceties for the sake of niceties, and is liable to shut out (or, physically, kick out) anyone who tries to get her to be more accommodating according to their own standards, or more understanding of what she now perceives as wishy-washy moral banalities.
Twist: is, for lack of a better word, deeply rebellious. This one may come as a surprise for some, but like with Blade, it’s deeply rooted in their background and what took them from being “Serif and Vellum” to “Blade and Twist” - some of their backstory is still under spoiler-based protection, but essentially she and Blade got their… worst injuries a significant way into the famine. What happened - and what had been building - effectively disillusioned her in a lot of ways. She refused to bow to anyone’s rule anymore, knowing that terrible sacrifices did need to be made, but believing…. better ones could be made. Their lives were extremely rough beyond just the famine, to put it succinctly…
That rebelliousness really implanted in her; it’s one of her greatest flaws now. She questions leadership to a bit of a fault, and you have to really earn her believing you can make weighty decisions. It’s obstinate, and causes a lot of frustration when it really would be faster to fall in line; it also leads to her having a slightly devil-may-care attitude and needing a lot of convincing (and probably her sister’s direct opinion, who Twist trusts the most & for good reason) to not flagrantly disobey the law (eg, magic acts while out on the town on rare occasion, etc). It’s exhausting for those that do have her best interests at heart, but she’s extremely disinclined to listen to casual opinions; it’s a very good thing that she’s smart and can figure out the why of many things on her own, or she might cause a lot more trouble, however well-intentioned.
Alpha: is perhaps the most overconfident. It’s not without reason; as an AI, she’s obscenely capable & vastly ultra-intelligent, and has the tech access (/can perpetually gain access to it) to ensure she can learn anything needed or get anything needed. While not in bad faith or anything, it’s inevitable that this leads to something of a superman complex; she feels a bit invincible, and while some things take time or are inconvenient at a given moment, she knows it’s largely just a matter of time before she figures it out/overcomes the temporary obstacle.
This leads to, however rarely, a miscalculation in her own abilities - perhaps a less quantitative variable that she didn’t perceive as important enough before something terrible happens. It also leads to weakness on the interpersonal side of things; it can be a bit daunting to be emotionally vulnerable with that kind of confidence… whether for her, or for someone who might consider being emotionally vulnerable with her. As of yet, she hasn’t had to… challenge this overconfidence too much; at most, just better cultivate a bit of reluctant patience. It’s going to cause more troubles as time goes on, however, as she’ll be forced to face that not everything is as easily, or at least with steady work, solvable.
Glyph: is the most ephemeral. Fancy word, I know, but fitting; she’s excessively hard to pin down, both literally in a physical location, and emotionally. She’s transient to an extreme; she only very technically has a home with the Lilytale crew. It isn’t that the girls don’t want her there, they’re totally happy to have her and consider her as part of their motley crew, but Glyph herself gets… restless, if she’s in one spot for long. She tends to at least stop by once a month, sometimes staying for a week, others only passing through a nearby town to meet up for the day. But outside of that she’s constantly drifting from place to place, experience to experience, new sight and open sky to the next.
This… sounds pleasant, but it’s also very much a flaw. It comes down to an inability to plant roots, to feel permanent, to not want to. It’s something she is deeply uncomfortable with thanks to her backstory, and avoids beyond the way the Lilytale crew managed to make her one of their own - and even with them, she hesitates to get close. She has very few close relationships of any kind because of this, and is rarely emotionally open or available. While she’ll show up when she’s needed, she feels unreliable for how brief each appearance of her feels in the long run; for how unlikely it is you’ll get a proper hold of her at your convenience. Sure, it’s not necessary in the slightest to be at someone’s beck and call, but it’s also deeply isolating to never be available in your average day-to-day.
Oof! Now, all that said… I do want to point out the fun, warmer part - the silver lining, so to speak. All of these flaws… are also a big part of their strengths! Essentially, take their flaws, and pose them in a different light…
Serif: won’t reveal negative feelings, but is a great mediator and leader
Vellum: is blunt, but tells the truth at the most critical points where it’s hard to speak out, & inspires honesty in others
Sapphire: is bullheaded, but is reliable; gets even the hardest tasks done
Amber: is excessively soft hearted, but has the greatest sense of empathy and understanding of others no matter the circumstance
Crimson: quick-tempered, but is the first one to speak/act out against injustice, and to protect her loved ones.
Scarlet: is impatient, but is conversely dedicated and will never let the important things fall by the wayside.
Pepper: is a perfectionist, but is a hard worker that won’t accept failure and will ensure her loved ones get the best of anything she can provide.
Cinnamon: is self-deprecating, but conversely can see the best in everyone, and knows the inherent value that everyone can bring to the table.
Blade: is morally unscrupulous, but also can most clearly see what’s truly important in everyday life and overall; will always see to the well-being of her family/found family.
Twist: is rebellious, but can cut through the red tape and not fall into trusting someone/the status quo to the point of missing red flags; inspires others to question habits/expectations put on them in a healthier way.
Alpha: is overconfident, but also inspires the positive desire to take chances & to have confidence in yourself - all while knowing she has your back.
Glyph: is ephemeral, but brings all kinds of new perspectives to the table and has a way of seeing the world that broadens everyone’s perspective.
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thenugking · 6 years
What were your various Wardens' decisions when it came to softening/hardening their companions?
I’m never really sure what to do with softening/hardening because like in theory, it’s good, it’s getting Alistair to stand up for himself more and telling Leliana she shouldn’t hate who she is but in game it’s just the warden picking a kind of mean line and then bam they are Harder now. For all my problems with Inquisition, I do prefer the softening/hardening mechanic for Leliana a lot there.
So for the most part in the game I tend to end up ignoring getting into softening/hardening and just harden Alistair if I want him to be king, and don’t harden Leliana because she ends up hardened anyway so there’s not much point in just picking a mean sounding dialogue option.
With a lot of Wardens I do kind of headcanon that they tell Alistair something like “I’m sorry, but look you have other people who care about you” immediately after meeting Goldanna and then in various other situations sit him down and encourage him to stand up for himself more and reassuring him that he’d be better at stuff than he thinks.
With Leliana, I kind of feel it’s harder to have separate conversations to harden her and you do kind of have to have the “it’s okay that you enjoy fighting and killing people” conversation which most of my Wardens don’t really think to do. Leliana is a good person, so they tell her so, and will continue to reassure her of that if she needs and that’s it.
I think it’s actually only Lacha who hardens Leliana. Mihren probably would have if she hadn’t like, poisoned the Sacred Ashes and then had to kill Leliana. But Lacha has Issues with “if you do bad stuff you’re a Terrible Person Forever” having spent years working for the Carta so that she and her sister wouldn’t die. She also kind of believes you sometimes need to be Hard to survive. She also hardens Alistair, because she’s very cynical and hey, everyone is out for themselves Alistair. People suck, don’t let them take advantage of you.
Most of my Wardens do the later encouraging Alistair to stand up for himself hardening. I think the only ones who don’t are Isaline, Griffon, Mags, Mihren and possibly Therlia. Mags and Isaline are very bad at standing up for themselves and kind of need to learn to do it themselves before they can encourage Alistair to, but they’re also both very unhappy with the idea of forcing him to be king when he’s always said being king wasn’t his idea and he’d rather stay a Warden.
Mihren and Alistair don’t get along until almost the very end of the game so he doesn’t actually meet Goldanna until the point when Mihren is being asked to choose a ruler and why would she make this guy king when he keeps saying what a bad ruler he’d be? I think it’s actually Wynne who visits Goldanna with him, he and Mihren may be getting along better but she’s still a bit of a dick. Wynne might harden him a bit, but again, this is right at the end of the game.
Griffon doesn’t harden him because a big plot of their game is Eamon trying to force Griffon and Alistair into being rulers when they don’t want to be. So they just tell Alistair that yeah they’re both going to be shitty rulers and it would be way better to stay Grey Wardens but they should try and trust Eamon. Until Alistair wrecks Eamon’s plans by like. doing the Ultimate Sacrifice.
Therlia was my first Warden and basically just hardened Alistair because I was told “hey this dialogue option may sound mean but if you’re romancing Alistair, things will go better later if you pick it, you should do that”. And then I ended up with Alistair doing the Ultimate Sacrifice anyway so I’ve been wavering a bit about whether to keep it, since whoever Therlia decides should rule at the Landsmeet and whether or not Alistair dumps her isn’t actually going to Matter for very long. I think she probably still would harden him?? But I should replay her sometime and see how I feel then.
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lifeasitis21 · 6 years
That’s Private
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Request: Henry x reader where they’re a couple and during an interview, questions get brought up of their sex life.
A/n: Thank you for the request anon! I hope this is close to what you were thinking. It was super fun to write!
Working on this movie with Henry had been like a dream come true, and there was never a moment when you wanted it to end.
Getting to work side by side with the love of your life every day seemed too good to be true, and it had its ups and downs but with Henry, it was mostly ups. You called it your ‘love child’ because the two of you spent countless hours brainstorming the entire project together. 
Henry was used to huge movie production sets and teams of thousands, but when you showed him part of the screenplay you wrote, he jumped on board right away. You worked well together, which was a bonus, of course. You had balance, it’s what he always called it. A balance of give and take, balance of creativity and realism, you just worked.
Along with acting beside him, you also got to direct with him. The two of you played a couple on screen, which came naturally for the most part. You thought the hardest part of it would be the amount of time you would spend together, but you were yet to tire of each other.
One thing you loved about him, was that he always took the time to reassure you without even being asked. On set, when you would worry about memorizing lines or coming off as genuine, he would walk you through every scene even into the early hours of the morning. And on days when that didn’t work, he would fuck you sleepy and hold you close to his chest until you drifted off to sleep.
Now that filming was over and the haze had begun to lift, you were faced with the reality of the press tour interviews.
Because it was a small movie, you only had a few interviews in place, regardless of the fact that reviews on the project had been everything you hoped for and more. One of the biggest you had coming up was The Tonight Show. It would be your first time doing something like this, Henry’s, not so much. He was amazing in front of a camera, obviously. But more than that, he had a presence about him that affected everyone in the room. 
You didn’t go on until 10:30 tonight but you’d been preparing all day. Henry’s agent arranged the schedule to where you wouldn’t have to be present at every interview, and today was Henry’s day for solo interviews. 
With only 3 hours until you had to leave for Fallon’s, he was due back any minute now though.
You had your outfit laid out on the bed of your hotel room. And like a good partner, you set out Henry’s suit as well. You stood in the bathroom with your robe wrapped around you. With a swipe of your hand, you cleared the fog from the mirror and started working on your makeup. You turned on your playlist as you did, mouthing along to the words of one of Henry’s favorite songs. 
You fondly remembered how he insisted on contributing to your morning playlist with some of his favorites that he made sure to refer to as ‘purely classic.’
Close to exhausted, Henry trudged through the door of your room and tossed his jacket on the couch in the lounge room. 
He began to call out to you, but then heard the muffled sounds of music coming from the bedroom.
A soft smile formed on his lips as he pictured you rolling your hips, singing along to your music. The longer he thought about it, something else also began to form.
He quietly walked into the bedroom, where he found the bathroom door cracked open, with steam still seeping out from your shower. Perfect timing.
To get a head start, he loosened his tie and threw it onto the bed. After kicking out of his shoes, he began unbuttoning his shirt, only leaving the last three for you to undo later. 
As he pushed open the door, he watched your eyes as they found his in the mirror. You smiled, and almost looked away, before noticing his bare chest under his shirt.
You kept your eyes on him as he walked up behind you. Slowly, he wrapped his hands around your waist, the tension pulling your towel down just above your chest.
“I missed you.” He whispered, lowering his lips down to the nape of your neck. He breathed out as he ran his tongue over your warm skin; the contact sending a tingle to your center.
He tug his hands down into your hips and pulled you back against himself. You could feel his length just below your ass and you loved how hard he was already. Just like he craved, you pushed and grinded back against him, causing him to tug a little more on the towel near your hips. As it fell to the floor, he took in the sight of your naked body. 
“We can’t be late Henry.” 
With one hand he gently pushed your chest down towards the counter and with the other he moved down towards your wetness and with agonizing patience, pushed two fingers inside of you.
“We wont be.”
Hand in hand, the two of you sat on stage, waiting for the countdown to the show to begin. Henry absentmindedly placed a kiss to the back of your hand, then smiled up at you when he noticed you watching him.
Off screen, the camera man began counting down so the two of you got situated. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the tonight show! We have some amazing guests with us tonight. Give a round of applause for Henry Cavill and Y/n Halloway!”
You smiled bright as the room erupted in applause. Beside you Henry gave a wave to the crowd, but then turned his attention to the host.
“We’re so happy to have you two.”
“Well we’re happy to be here. This is amazing!” You said, an over exaggerated amount of peppiness in your voice.
“It’s good to be back, thank you for having us.” Henry ran his hand over his thigh once, before placing his hands back where they were, something you noticed he did in almost every interview he gave.
By now, you had lost count and so had he. He was truly a pro at this part of the job. Every question asked, he answered with prose and excitement, always eliciting further conversation.
The questions ranged from filming process, to future projects, to anything in between. 
You had been doing much better than you thought you would. The whole thing was actually more fun than you expected, and 30 minutes in you’d fell into a flow with Henry. Completely in sync.
“The two of you play some, badass assassin lovebirds on screen. And we know--at least we hope you’re just a couple off-screen. Did this whole process bring anything out, into the--into the open?”
Henry smiled at the question after looking over and seeing the smile on your own face. 
“Do you mean negative things, or?” He asked.
“No! Nothing bad, I guess, did you learn anything about one another?”
“Henry is a very...energetic man.” Before you even had a moment to process your own words, the audience began to woop and applaud at the misunderstanding of what you really meant. As the host’s eyes went wide with laughter, you glanced over at Henry and barely held it together as he shot you that knowing smirk.
“Oh my god-- that is not-- what I meant by energetic is he is constantly on the go. Like, if it’s between sleep and work, he chooses work every time.” You barely made it through without another fit of laughter, but once you did, and the crowd settled, the host pulled you out of the hole you’d dug yourself.
“Right right. So nothing was ever quiet done. There was always something that Henry needed to be doing.”
“Exactly.” You responded with a smile. Now both you and the host looked to Henry, as if waiting for him to ask the question posed earlier. 
“What did I learn?” He asked himself, bringing his finger to his chin and narrowing his eyes at you. It brought a smile to your face, the way his eyes sparked when he looked at you.
“Y/n is, amazing at quiet literally everything she does.” That one made the crowd aww and brought a little heat to your cheeks as he kept his eyes on you. “She’s better than anyone I’ve ever known in every single way.”
Suddenly, the host burst out in laughter. “Woah now, Henry. That could mean a lot of things. What is it that she’s so much better at than everyone else? Do you mean what I think you mean?”
Everyone was completely engaged now if they hadn’t been before. But Henry was quick on his feet. He looked to for a moment, for approval, which you gave with a smile. 
“Yes? Yes. That’s exactly what I mean.” 
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The host wasn’t sure how far he could push this, but you both seemed comfortable so he kept talking.
“I think it’s great you feel that way! No--really! It’s an important part of any relationship and as if you guys couldn’t of gotten anymore perfect, we now know you have an outstanding sex life.”
Henry laughed his heart warmingly big laugh and glanced over to you as he continued. “Well yeah, she really is amazing. It’s like--euphoric. Every time--like--” he was one beat away from continuing when he realized what he was about to say probably shouldn’t be said on television. “I’ll just--It’s important. It really is.”
He began looking back and forth between the two of you now, a mischievous look in his eye. “This is all sounding very--present tense..”
At that, Henry gave the floor to you, not wanting to go further than he already had and than you were comfortable with. But when he looked to you, whether you really meant to or not, you answered. “It is. It really is.”
Henry was exuberant beside you. Laughing and making eyes at you, all the while never coming off as fake or insincere. You’d never felt as safe and at home with someone as you did with him, which made this all feel okay. More than okay. It made it right.
That marked all the time you had left for the interview, and you genuinely believed that no one in that room wanted it to end. You said your goodbyes to the audience and let Henry lead you backstage by the hand. 
As soon as you were out of the public eye, he pulled you in close and brought your lips to his mouth. He held you there for a long time, and you let him, savoring the smell of his cologne, the feel of his hand holding your face.
“You’re my world.” He said, after releasing you. “My entire world.”
Tag List: @jaderbugz @a-girl-who-loves-disney @chillnadia @posiemax @samdean-67 @smexy-bucky-waifu  @maragaretcarter @supersleepyfangirlthings @shortstoryimagines @omg-fuck-i-love-you @peachlar @thebutterflyxx @tomhollambucky @loviee14 @ign-is @wisdombeyondher-years @maxtothemoff @avntsmay @princess-of-the-fandoms @marvelouslyme96 @witchywrter @marvelite1998 @manofsteel7712 @d0ntjudgemy50shades @henrycavillstalkingmustache
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maternalcube · 6 years
i did an art summary so now im doing a fic summary. i was tagged by @jamthedingus also!! ive never done one of these before!! lets go!!!
Rest (13106)
Keith & Lance's Island Adventure (20631)
Atlantis (10014 words)
The Way to a Man’s Heart (6858 words)
nobody's business (2096 words)
leave, and take (557 words)
dead girl walking (1661 words)
the course of fate (1039 words)
who ya gonna call (465 words)
come here often? (806 words)
til kingdom come (1950 words)
stars in the sky (pt 2) (5404 words)
a song of falling (630 words)
Eyes to the Sky (3683 words)
Feet on the Ground (4050 words)
Divergence (6669 words)
homecoming (1426 words)
Window of Opportunity (11144 words)
along that wilderness of glass (3801 words)
string theory (2327 words)
Katt Week (1062 words)
The Pining-Plant (3860 words)
at the end of many worlds (21684 words)
you're my home (19646 words)
Believe Me (3177 words)
Starchild (3568 words)
Summer Heat (2285 words)
third time's the charm (5349 words)
Blackbird (59546 words)
The Sixth Planet (9444 words)
all the infinite realities (1197 words)
Total Fics: 31! (plus one i posted anonymously lmao) Total Words: 229999! (except parts of string theory and the sixth planet were actually posted last year... but still, what a number)
more under the cut!
Ship/character breakdown: i didnt filter out my prompt collection or abandoned wips here so /shrug Ship breakdown:
klance - 6 sheith - 5 shance - 5 katt - 4 heith - 3 pallura - 2 and one each of plance, kallura, allurance, shatt, shkatt, kidge, kidgance, and shunk. and keiths parents lol. let it never be said i am not a multishipper.
and i know gen isnt a ship but it tied with klance at 6 (plus whatevers in the prompt collection) which was a surprise
Character breakdown: man if theres a way to get ao3 to show me ALL the stats, i dont know it. but.
keith - 25 (shocker) shiro - 23 lance - 21 pidge - 17 hunk - 16 allura - 12 matt - 12 and then coran and sam are at 4, and zarkon ats 3 and presumably many others are at 3 or less
Characters that had the main focus: well ~9 were from keiths pov, and ~5 each from shiro and lances povs. i think i also had ~5 from multiple points of view. its safe to say that keith has my heart tho lol
Best/worst title? Best title: i still like “at the end of many worlds.” i weirdly still like “Blackbird” too even if it has nothing to do with anything... Worst title: “Rest.” :/ also like all of the abandoned wips bc i didnt care. and “Keith & Lance's Island Adventure.″ some of my zine fic titles were also... bad. im bad at titles.
Best/worst first line?
Best: Keith & Lance's Island Adventure. ok the title is bad but this line? this really sets the tone for whole fic. you know what youre getting yourself into here.
When Pidge invited Keith to a fully-funded graduation party aboard the Holt family boat (“the smaller one, anyway,” she’d said), this is not exactly what he'd pictured: three of them standing on a wobbly dock, packed bags at their feet, sky cloudy and gray, while the Holt siblings stand on a little ledge off the back of the boat and deny entry.
Worst: ive got two for this lol
at the end of many worlds: even i have to read this a couple times to figure out what i was trying to say. at least you know youre in for pain...
Keith’s mother shows up to interrupt movie night often enough that, this time, Keith almost doesn’t realize anything’s wrong. Almost, because she’s silhouetted by the movie, but she’s clutching her arm and panting for breath, and in the thin edge of light around her he sees a wet and vibrant red.
Divergence: because all your friends being dead is EXACTLY like losing at dodgeball. yeah, theres a reason i abandoned this one.
Hunk always hated playing dodgeball. Not because he was bad at it--though he was--but because he always ended up the last one standing, and therefore the only target for the entire other team. It was due to a tendency to hang unnoticed in the back, he knew, but that didn't change the sickening, empty feeling of looking around and realizing there's no one left but him, and there's no way he can win. Only wait for the inevitable.
This, Hunk decides, is a lot like that, only, like, a billion times worse.
Best/worst last line?
Best: The Pining-Plant. there are a few others that were cute too but this one is also good out of context so
And then the pod swishes open and he's scrambling to catch Pidge as she stumbles out. She clings to his arms to steady herself and his heart swells.
"Falling for me again, huh?" he asks, and she groans loudly.
"Let me go, I'm getting back in the pod," she says, and he laughs. He doesn't let go, and neither does she.
Worst: if im bad at titles, im worse at endings. most are bad. i suspect the ending to “Rest” is terrible but i cant bring myself to even open that shit again so: Believe Me. if weather were a recurring theme in this fic, itd be fine, but as is its just... a weird note to end the fic on lmao
Hunk rocks back on his heels. "We aren't counting this as our official first date, right?"
"I dunno," Keith says, and now he smiles at the rain instead of frowning. It shows no sign of easing up, but whatever—they're soaked anyway. "This seems pretty good to me."
“...All right.” If nothing else, it’ll make a good story. And, Hunk had to admit—he’s pretty happy with how it’s turned out, rain and all.
But next time, he's double-checking the forecast, just in case.
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
more than i expected! considering ive been in grad school all year!! i wrote about the same amount wordcount-wise in 2017 which i spent only half in school so. idk how i managed it.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
the anonymous fic was a surprise but im not gonna talk about that lol. otherwise... nah, its all been my usual stuff.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
blackbird, probably. i like working on that one. summer heat was also fun, id sort of forgotten about it bc it was a zine fic but coming back to it, i really liked it. likewise with third time’s the charm. and i like t6p a lot even if i kinda hate drawing for it :’)
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
depends on your metric. window of opportunity has the most kudos, keith and lance’s island adventure has the most hits, and t6p has the most comments and subscriptions. 
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
AT THE END OF MANY WORLDS. oh man i killed myself over that fic. it was important to me. but i think the mcd scared everyone off :’)
Story that could have been better?
i realize “all of them” is kind of a cop out answer but like
Sexiest story?
i have written nothing sexy, ever, in my whole life
Saddest story?
i mean, ateomw. considering all the death. blackbird def has its moments too.
Most fun?
i feel like i answered this in the favorite story q lmao. you’re my home also gets a shoutout, that thing was,, super self-indulgent lmao. and id be lying if i said i didnt have fun with parts of ateomw, even if its mostly sad.
Story with single sweetest moment?
man i write a lot of fluff but so much of you’re my home is just tooth-rotting. heres part of the proposal scene lmao
"Lance!" Keith yelps, barely rescuing the ring from falling into the sand with them. Lance pushes himself up on his arms, silhouetted by the sun and glowing with it.
"Really?" he asks breathlessly.
"Yeah," Keith says, and maybe he should've prepared something to say, that's a thing people do, right? Hell, he's winging it. "I know we can't stay here on Earth forever, 'cause we're paladins, and there's still stuff out there we gotta do. And I know you probably want to stay because this is your home—but you're my home, and if we gotta go, at least you'll have me, good or bad." He grins crookedly. "Or rocket science. Whatever happens, I'll be there."
Hardest story to write?
well t6p gets a shoutout, but its not the writing thats the hard part for that. uhhh ive struggled with parts of blackbird. i remember k&l’s island adventure giving me a LOT of trouble, i think i posted late lol
Easiest/most fun story to write?
anything short uhhh for all the infinite realities, i kind of just sat down the other day (actually i was in bed but) and was like “im gonna write this” and then in the morning i just sat down and wrote it in one go. i dunno if id call it fun, but it was easy. t6p is super fun to write but, as mentioned, drawing it sucks.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
no... my perceptions probably have shifted but not due to anything i wrote in particular. i did talk myself into liking allurance with a prompt fill, though, but im not sure that was 2018...
Most overdue story?
all the infinite realities lmao. at the end of many worlds needed that happy ending. and another shoutout to t6p, because thats been going on over a year and im still nowhere.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
does posting my abandoned wips count? ive still got some of those hanging around... blackbird was a bit of a risk bc my last longfic was written while i was unemployed and out of school, so like i had the time for it, and now i kinda dont. still chugging tho. ateomw b/c of all the death but it turns out i really like writing whump woops. and writing any sort of kissing always feels like a risk bc i suck at it but im getting better lol... i hope...
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
write more! finish things! do more sheith! i really want to work on this sheith longfic i came up with the other day... but i want to get blackbird over with first.
Tagging: eh! do it if you want to!
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hopeful-starship · 6 years
Welcome to the 1st installment of “Chloé finds cool ask lists and answers them despite nobody asking”! This one is courtesy of @bgbygirl, go check them out!
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?  Heck yeah i do. I haven’t found mine yet, but he’ll come around. I believe it.
💌- diary or journal? I’d rather journal! I sometimes just write out my feelings on loose paper when i feel bad, but i’ve rarely kept a diary for more than two weeks.
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most? Holy WOW this is difficult. I’m a mix of chunks from a lot of characters, but i feel like i’m the closest to Cath from Fangirl (a wonderful book by Rainbow Rowell, which i highly recommend you check out).
💕- are you crushing on someone? I was literally three days ago (you’ll know if you follow my crush chronicles tag - which you probably don’t because it’s not that interesting), but i’m thankfully getting over it. I love boys and i love crushing, but he wasn’t good for me - at least not in a romantic setting.
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain? I’d say rain. If i’m kissing a boy, i probably find him handsome, and i want to be able to see him. 
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis I’m on my laptop so i can’t use emojis, but i’d say my aesthetic as a mix of “80s rock dad”, “horny on main” and “pastel cinnamon roll”. It’s a weird mix. 
🍼- what is your favorite memory? The 2nd time i met Captain America in Disneyland Paris this summer. I went to shake his hand (because the 1st one did that) and he said “no, i’ll hug you if that’s okay”, and that was THE CUTEST SHIT. I blog a lot about Bohemian Rhapsody at the moment, but i love the Avengers A LOT, and Steve is my favorite, so that was very special.
🌸- what is your favorite flower? Not orchids, surprisingly! I like them, but i like how the word sounds more than i like the flower itself. Is lavender a flower? I’m going to say it is. Lavender is my favorite flower.
💖- have you ever been in love? I’ve said i was in love a couple times in the past, but looking back, i don’t think i was. I was very fond of them, but i don’t think i was -in love-.
🍰- strawberry or vanilla? Strawberry! (Side not: i’m realising i changed a lot over the past few months, because the answer’s been vanilla my whole life)
🍯- describe your favorite smell I have two, and they’re extremely unrelated lol. The first one is speculoos cookies being baked, and the second one is that generic boy perfume smell (my friends say that doesn’t exist and i’m crazy, but i know what i’m talking about and i hope you do too)
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be? I generally have trouble with this question. The first thing that came to my mind was: i wish i could be sure everyone i love knows i love them, and i wish i wouldn’t constantly doubt they love me back.
🍪- cookie dough or cookies? Cookie dough. Cookie dough always. Any day of the week. I love cookies, but cookie dough is my favorite thing.
☕- coffee or tea? Neither! I don’t like hot drinks!
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies? I’m fascinated by the ocean, so give me those mermaids any day!
🍂- what’s your middle name? My middle name is Jeanne! It was apparently two of my great-grandmothers’ name.
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign? I had no idea what this meant, so i googled it and apparently my sun sign is Pisces, my moon sign is Taurus and my rising sign is Leo! Which apparently means i’m affectionate and emotional (very true), like to be praised and appreciated (also true), and am even-tempered and calm (not so true).
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days? I love sitting/lying next to a window and listening to the rain fall while reading or writing!
🍭- how tall are you? I’m 6′2! (188 centimetres) (basically a fuckin giant)
💒- which show would you want to live in? I know the question probably means TV show, but i’m twisting it around and understanding musical, because damn i love theatre. My answer is Mamma Mia. OF COURSE IT IS. I want to spend my days dancing around a greek island and singing Abba songs at handsome dudes. (this might be a later question, but spoiler: Mamma Mia is my favorite movie)
🎄- what is your favorite holiday? Christmas! I fuckin love Christmas! I’m currently sitting in my Christmas pyjamas (yes, on November 17th, leave me alone)
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite? I’ve never had any candles (my mum thinks they’re too dangerous), but i generally like those that smell like cinnamon and apples.
🎶- favorite song right now? You may have noticed i have a bit of an obsession with Bohemian Rhapsody. My current favorite song is It’s Late by Queen, which i discovered when i was extensively researching their discography after seeing the movie. Oh my wooorld, that guitar riff gets me railing.
💘- 3 ways to win your heart? 1) Sing/play any instrument ever 2) Be kind 3) Have a lot of hair The truth is, if you’re a guy and you’re (even remotely) kind and attractive, i’ll fall in love with you, even if it’s for 20 minutes.
🍩- current mood? A bit weird, if i’m honest. I’m generally good, but it feels like the sword of Damocles is hanging over my head and a depressive episode is threatening to drop on me.
❄️- what is your favorite season? This is a difficult question for me, there are things i love and things i dislike about every season! But i’ll say spring, because i can go out without a jacket, but it’s not too warm yet.
💍- your current relationship status? Married to Gwilym Lee (jk lol, i’m single as all hell - someone date me please, i’m so alone)
📷- a photo of yourself
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Here, have this picture of me being a Captain America fangirl in Disneyland Paris (i’m going back in three days and the excitement is UNREAL)
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled? OH NO. I’m not one of those who can’t accept a gift, but i can’t help but wonder what i did to deserve it and stress about it.
🕊️- 3 habits you have? 1) Arriving at college at least 30 minutes before my class starts and sitting on the floor outside of the classroom, reading or watching videos 2) Dancing a bit too enthusiastically at bus stops 3) Skipping class when i feel overwhelmed and hiding in the library/in a café with something to eat and something to drink, and watching a heckton of videos in hopes of making myself feel better
🦄- how do you perceive yourself? Well it depends on how i feel when you ask the question - but generally, i think i’m a rather good person, or at least i try my best to be. I’m as kind as possible. It’s going sound conceited, but i’m a bit too smart for my own good - which means i overthink everything and end up in a state of existential crisis 9 times out of 10. Physically, i’m mostly ok with how i look - although it sure would be nice if i could find ONE guy who thinks i’m alright too.
🦋- how do you think others perceive you? I’m not answering this question, because i don’t want to end up in aforementioned state of existential crisis. Feel free to tell me how you perceive me though, i’m interested!
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys I’ll answer for guys, since they’re what i’m attracted to! Smile is something super important for me. I love hair, especially when they’ve got a lot of it (hello Brian May). And i seem to have a thing for cowboys and guitarists. (...again, hello Brian May)
🍓- one secret about yourself The main reason i obsess over “celebrities” (and even daydream about being with them) is because it’s easier than falling for guys i know irl and getting rejected.
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush? Like a FUCKIN IDIOT. During the first week i had a “thing” for my former crush, i couldn’t speak to him without stumbling on my words, and i almost fell on him on the tram. I can’t function properly when i like someone.
💔- the reason behind your last breakup? I’ve never been with anyone, so i’ve never had a breakup; so i’ll tell the reason behind my last rejection. Thankfully it didn’t hurt too much, he was in love with one of my friends and she loved him back, and i just knew they’d be good for each other. So just before they got together, we talked it out, just to clear the air, and so he knew that i wasn’t fully in love, i just liked him because he was cute and kind, that of course i wouldn’t do anything to interfere with their relationship, and that i really wanted us to stay friends. He was an absolute peach and he’s one of my best friends today!
💬- what your last text message says? It’s two heart emojis! (to a friend, don’t imagine any boys are talking to me)
🎥- what show are you currently binging on? I’m not watching any show at the moment, i’m trying to catch up on my Watch later Youtube playlist! But i did have half a Harry Potter marathon with a friend this weekend.
⛅- what is your morning routine? Brush my hair, tie it up in a ponytail (or a bun if it’s really greasy woops), wash my face, shower, dress, pack my bag, have breakfast, fiddle on my phone if i have extra time, go!
💗- who do you miss? I miss my friend Antoine. I know we’ve seen the best of each other, but sometimes i just miss the guy he was when i was 15.
🥀- last time you cried? Wednesday afternoon! While, you guessed it, watching Bohemian Rhapsody. It’s been 4 times, but i still cry a lot.
🎁- when is your birthday? March 3rd!
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience? I try to steer clear of anything even remotely scary or creepy, i hate that kind of stuff.
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you? I really don’t care as long as the connection’s there, but life has shown that i get along better with people that are a bit older than me!
🎀- any question you want I’m going to make this question into “where do you hope to be in three years?” because i think it’s interesting. If my plans don’t change, i’ll be in Brighton, taking another degree which i’ll hopefully enjoy this time. Which means i’ll have my own flat again - i hope it’s somewhat near the sea, so i can go quite often. I also hope i made friends that are on the same wavelength as i am, and who knows, maybe even found a good guy?
If you read this whole ordeal, thank you so much lol! That was really fun! I hope you have a nice day!
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hollamd · 7 years
I had feelings for you - Peter Parker
Summary: Y/N likes her best friend Peter but Peter likes Liz, all that basic stuff… But I can’t summarize it too much or y’all will find out the ending sooooo…..
Word Count: 2555
Warnings: Swearing like always!! And uhhhh almost sexual assault (its not super graphic but if you don’t like that then don’t read it please)
A/N: This was the first fic I’d written and I decided to post it… I try-harded this, I’m not gonna lie. It’s kinda mediocre and cliche imo but I actually kinda like it. If you’ve read my Love Me Back fic you’ll notice it’s kinda similar to it in a way so I guess I took this story and changed it up later on. I actually like this one better which is why I’m posting it! I hope y’all enjoy and don’t forget to leave comments about your thoughts!! (I really like feedback it motivates me a lot so never be afraid to shoot me an anon or message) woop.
Y/N was out for a late night run, a thing she regularly did when she was upset, usually due to the fact her parents constantly argued. This time, it wasn’t because of her parents. It was because of the one person she’d thought would never hurt her. She tried to blame the events of the last few days on Liz, or even on herself, but it all came back to Peter.
Y/N had a crush on Peter for a brief few months, but all those thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind once she realized he only had eyes for Liz. Y/N and Ned had always encouraged him to go ask her out, and for awhile, Y/N genuinely wanted him to be with her. If Y/N had known the havoc Liz would wreak, she’d be against them as a couple from the start.
Three Days Ago
The three friends were sitting at lunch, and Peter once again was yearning for Liz. Y/N and Ned were simply just having a conversation about the new Star Wars trailer, when she gazed over at her best friend.
“Come on Peter all you do is watch her. Just talk to her a little bit, you have some classes together don’t you?” Y/N said with a sweet smile on her face.
Peter sighed “Yeah, but look she’s so pretty and her clothes and it’s just everything. I really don’t wanna mess it up”
“You won’t mess it up. Even if you do, I’ll go with you to homecoming if it makes you feel any better…” She bit her lip, a little nervous. It wasn’t like Y/N made a pass at him, but going to homecoming with someone was generally a romantic thing, what if he took her offer in the wrong way? No. He was too oblivious.
She sat there overthinking about Peter, while he sat there overthinking about Liz. “I don’t wanna do it now anyway. I’ll be all stuttery and awkward, and all her friends are right there.”
“Then just wait until you see her alone. You’ve talked her a good amount of times, enough to be considered a friend. You got this.” Ned said.
They didn’t have any classes together after lunch, so the rest of the day went by pretty fast. Peter and Y/N would meet up after school so they could walk to his apartment and finish the homework before the weekend started. Y/N was waiting at their usual bench when he walked up with a huge smile on his face.
“Well someone’s happy about something,” You said. “What’s the deal Pete? Did you ask Liz?”
“Well, no, but she invited me and Ned to her party tonight. She at least knows who I am. It’ll be a great time to ask her don’t you think?”
“Well yeah but tonight is movie night, I was thinking we could watch Beauty and the Beast? You know you guys always pick the movie. So now you gotta watch a princess movie. Anyway, It’d be a great way-”
“Y/N come on! This is the one night I get to prove myself to her!” Peter whined.
Y/N was kinda surprised he felt he had to prove himself to Liz, and a little sad too, because she knew she’d treat him a lot better than Liz ever would.
“Um, okay well you and Ned have fun tonight, I guess.” Y/N said, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.
Clearly Peter saw right past her facade, because he said, “Hey, I’m sorry, I promise we’ll have movie night tomorrow, and this time you can sing along.”
“Okay, but you have to pay for snacks, too.” You said. “I think I’m just gonna go to my house then. I’ll cya, Pete.” She said, managing to sound a little less hurt from the situation now.
Y/N put her earphones in and began to walk to the subway to go home. She didn’t understand why she felt so betrayed by Peter. They never dated, he never even liked her, and she barely liked Peter. Okay, that’s a lie, she liked him a lot, but she wasn’t about to admit that to anyone, not even herself. Another thing that bothered her was how she wasn’t invited to the party. Ned was, and it was known that the three of them were kind of a package. Y/N just decided to blame it on the fact that she wasn’t with them when they were invited.
The next morning Y/N woke up to a text from Peter that said he’d asked Liz out to homecoming, and that she’d said yes. Y/N felt something tug on her heart for a moment there, but she knew she couldn’t admit to her feelings now. Instead, that brief sadness was blamed on the fact she’d be attending homecoming alone. She decided to respond.
You: That’s amazing Peter! Also, do you wanna stop by the deli for lunch and then we could do a snack run for the movie tonight?
A few seconds later she got a text back.
Peter: I can’t do lunch right now but I’ll do a snack run later, for sure!
Y/N sighed, but decided to run a few blocks to the deli on her own. She laced up her shoes and went for a nice jog, a pastime she did often. She was just turning the corner when she saw them. It was Peter and Liz walking out of the deli. Y/N and Peter’s spot, where they went daily. She couldn’t help but feel replaced and embarrassed. Of course he couldn’t go to lunch with her. She shook her head and decided to just go home before she saw anything else. They sure were becoming better friends, and really quickly
Y/N got home and took a nice shower to wash off the sweat from her run before she called Peter. When she was done, she got no answer.
“Hey, you’ve reached Peter Parker! Can’t get to the phone right now, but you know what to do.”
“Hi, um I was just wondering if we were still on tonight because… I don’t know just double-checking I guess but call me as soon as you can. Bye.” She hung up the phone and bit her lip out of an anxious habit.
After that, she called Ned, and thankfully he picked up pretty quickly.
“Hey Y/N, are you calling about movie night?”
“Yeah Peter said he’d make it up to me. How was the party last night anyway?”
He sighed. “It was okay I guess. Peter kinda left me once Liz started talking to him. I don’t know… he just kinda crawled up her ass. I ditched the party a little early.”
She chuckled at his words. Ned had a point.
“I saw him getting lunch with her today and it just bothered me. You don’t think he’ll replace us or whatever? I mean I know that’s such a cliche TV-Show thing, but-”
“Y/N I like to believe Pete’s better than that you know? I think he just has to get over a little crush.”
She laughed a little bit. “Yeah I guess so. And come over at seven, we’re watching Beauty and the Beast!” Y/N said excitedly, followed by a groan from Ned before she hung up the phone.
An hour later, she got a response from Peter.
Peter: Sorry, Aunt May wants me to clean the house or whatever. I hate blowing you off again.
Y/N sighed and didn’t know why she expected any better. It’s been barely one full day, and he’s already avoided her three times. She really wanted to confront him and call him out, but he was still her friend, so she just decided not to.
You: No it’s fine, no worries!! Totally get the nagging aunt/parent issue. :)
The rest of the week was basically a pattern. On Sunday, Y/N texted Peter, but this time he didn’t even respond, and the thing that made it the worst was she saw Liz’s instagram post, which was basically her Peter, seemingly spending the whole day together.
Monday came Peter couldn’t stop gushing about how him and Liz “had really clicked”. Frankly, Y/N couldn’t care less at this point. She smiled and smiled and told him how “happy” she was for the two of them.
In English, Flash, Peter’s bully, sat right by Y/N and smiled her annoyingly. “Hey, Y/N” He said nudging her arm.
She took a deep breath in and said, “Hi, Flash. Can I help you?”
He grinned and flirted with her a little bit. “So, do you wanna go to homecoming with me? Unless you’re already going with Peni-”
“Don’t call him that, and no he’s going with Liz. I’ll think about it Flash.” Y/N interrupted. Flash nodded his head to her and then walked away. She originally said she’d think about his invitation to simply get rid of him. However, the more Y/N thought about it, she began to want to go with him. She wasn’t a big fan of Flash, but maybe she wanted to have a somewhat fairytale homecoming, too. Okay, well, as much of a fairytale you can get without Peter. That thought made her sigh, and she really wished these feelings for him didn’t resurface now of all times. At lunch, Y/N tried to avoid Peter, so she decided to sit with Michelle. They were decent friends, and she knew Michelle was tight-lipped, so she told her all about Peter, and how she might have feelings for him? Michelle actually understood, and for a little bit Y/N didn’t feel like she was overreacting.
The school day went by quick, without any sign of Peter. There were a few times she saw him and he saw her, but neither made the effort to say anything. Maybe Peter deep down knew he was doing wrong. Later that night, Y/N surprisingly got a call from Peter.
“Hello?” Y/N answered.
“Hey Y/N, I didn’t see you much today.”
“Yeah, sorry about that I guess I was just busy. I ate with Michelle at lunch, we have a history project so we discussed that… Anyway did you need something?”
He took a breath in. “Well, I just kinda heard from Liz,” Y/N rolled her eyes at the name, “that Flash actually asked you to homecoming? I would’ve liked to been there to see you turn him down, since he thinks he’s the shit and the look on his face must’ve been pricele-“
“Peter, I didn’t say no.” Y/N interrupted him. Why did Liz know about this anyway? It just wasn’t any of her business.
“What do you mean?”
“I-I just told him I’d think about it.”
“Really?” He cleared his throat. “Why exactly?”
“I don’t it’s just…” Your voice trailed off. “It’s nice to know guys notice you, and that you’re not invisible… Besides, it’s better than going alone. I’m not marrying him or dating him, it’s just homecoming!”
“You can’t go out with him!” Peter shouted, almost out of instinct.
“Who does he think he is?” Y/N thought. “I can do whatever I want without his permission. He just ignore me for days and then think he can order me around.”
“I can, and now I think I will. You won’t change my mind, Peter. Don’t try to drag this on” You sighed.
“No, you can go out with Liz, and I can go out with Flash.”
“You’re only going out with Flash because you’re desperate.” He said in a rude tone. Y/N was taken aback for a second. You really didn’t have anything else to say to him. “You know what Y/N? You’re only doing this because you’re jealo-” She hung the phone up mid-sentence.
It was around 11pm, a few hours after Y/N’s phone call with Peter. She’d cried a little bit after, but got it together, because she realized that she deserved better. He was only a shitty friend.
Y/N ran downstairs and laced-up her shoes once again, to clear her head and take a break from her thoughts. She would done as she always had to escape stressful and upsetting situations: run. Y/N would run all night if her body would allow her; it kept her mind occupied and she loved how unstoppable she felt.
The girl swung her front door open, and locked it behind her. The cold air licked her face and began to creep up under her clothes. When she breathed, her breath was visible. She took a breath in, and began to run.
The autumn air was crisp, and the street lights dimly lit up the cracked sidewalk. Her tied up hair swung back and forth, and the her steps felt in-sync to the song playing in her ears.
Y/N had her music turned up loudly, but she could swear for the last few blocks she’d heard footsteps behind her. She discreetly took one earbud out, and they only seemed to get louder. Her jog became a full on sprint, but the figure that trailed behind her was able to keep up. She tried to lose the person by running in between allies until she ran into a dead-end. She turned around to face her follower and met a shadowed-man, who was much bigger and taller than she was.
Y/N screamed as loud as she could before suddenly the man grabbed her and covered her mouth. “Now, now, let’s make this easy, I don’t wanna this to be difficult.”
Tears streamed down her cheek, and she tried to scream again, but it only came out as a muffled cry. The man began to run his hand down her body, sending shivers down her spine. “Pretty little girls like you shouldn’t be out alone, especially at this hour.” He growled in her ear.
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, praying for a miracle. The man’s hand began to find it’s way down her back, until suddenly he had let go of her. An “umph” sound followed.
She turned her head and gasped, the man was on the ground. Spider-man had kicked the down, and dodges a knife thrown by Y/N’s attacker. He webs him to the wall of a building, and once he turns around, Y/N’s gone.
Peter sees Y/N up ahead, so he slings up on some buildings, catches up to her and then lands right in front of her, causing her to jump. “You shouldn’t be out alone this late…Are you okay?—Sorry I scared you.”
Y/N was a crying mess at this point. “No, don’t talk to me like that Peter.” He took his mask off and tried to hug her, but she only pushed him away. “You’ve blown me off, and I didn’t ask to be saved by you.” She spat.
“What? If I didn’t save you, that guy would’ve-”
“I know Peter, but you just frustrate me! You’ve been basically avoiding me and trashing me since Liz’s stupid party! And you don’t even care! You in fact called me desperate and jealous!”
“I didn’t think it’d mattered that much! It’s been three days. Aren’t you kind of overreacting?” He kind of scoffed at Y/N, which only made her angrier.
“No, Peter I’m not, because maybe, JUST maybe, I had feelings for you and you just blow me off! Y-You replaced me and forgot about me!” Y/B stuttered. She didn’t mean to blurt that out, but she was just so angry at this point…
“W-wait you…? What did you say?” Peter was taken aback.
“I said I had fucking feelings for you…” Y/N quietly with sigh.
“What about Flash? Don’t you-”
“Just because I’m going to homecoming with him doesn’t mean I love him…” Y/N looked at the ground, unable to meet Peter’s eyes.
“You love me?”
“I don’t know…” Y/N said, frustrated. “Listen Peter-”
“Y-you encouraged me to ask Liz out?” His voice breaks. She didn’t expect him to be so affected by this…
“I only wanted you to be happy, Peter. I’m just sorry it wasn’t me.”
Y/N turned on her heel and began walking away, leaving a very confused and conflicted boy standing on sidewalk.
The girl got home a half hour later with a pink a nose, numb fingers, and numb toes. She quickly crept up to her room, careful to not disturb her family. Once in her room, she fell to the floor and let quiet sobs escape her and rack her body.
This lasted only a few minutes, until she gathered herself. She stood up, wiped her cheeks and thought. She knew she deserved better; she realized what had to be done.
Y/N had to leave the only boy she had ever loved behind… No matter what Peter had to say.
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mysmesomefluff · 7 years
Reflect, inspire, aspire, memorize for the new years asks ^^
Reflect: What are 3 things you have accomplished this year that you are proud of?
Answered! :)
Inspire: Who is someone who made this past year better?
There are too many people…. Hmm well I guess someone worth mentioning is this friend I made in uni. He inspires me to know the Bible and know God more on a deeper level. Also, he scolds me and my friends when cuss words slip out every now and then haha. Great influence to have around, and I think I am very fortunate to have shared all my law modules with him this first semester (I leech off his knowledge and wisdom ahahahahaha).
If it’s a Tumblr mention, then…. too many people? I will tag in another appreciation post!! 
Aspire: What are 3 things you want to achieve next year?
Finish reading the Bible (apparently it’s about 3 pages a day? Hahaha. I’m going to see if I can accomplish this woop).
Complete  Believe Again. Seriously. Just let me be done with it so I can write other things!!!!!!! 
Memorize: Describe in detail the happiest day you’ve had this year.
Results day! When I got my A level results back. :) 
The main thing I celebrated was not my results – although admittedly, they were definitely far better than I expected them to be lol I literally walked into the hall expecting to get straight Bs or something and just be happy taking psychology in university; law was the last thing on my mind since well, it was such a far-fetched goal for someone like me who didn’t really do all that well in school. I was just a kid with super average grades.
I think it was a miracle that day that I felt such amazing peace and calm even though I was basically going to get my grades which would determine which course I was going to go to in university. I met up with my friend for lunch earlier and she was a nervous wreck HAHA. Much like most of my other friends were, which was pretty normal. My prayer the entire time was not to walk out of that hall with a bunch of distinctions (As), but rather to walk out knowing that God was good, regardless of what my results would be. 
And He was good. He showed me that again, not by giving me those distinctions that I never could have dreamed of or expected with my track record in JC, but by giving me peace in abundance to enter and leave that hall knowing that my future was in good hands. Like, hell yeah, I was mad happy when I got my results, because they showed the names of students who got a certain number of distinctions on this big screen, and when my name was shown I just stood there and began to cry tears of joy. “This is My grace,” was what rang through my head in that moment, and that’s a day I’ll never forget. Will always be thankful for that amazing, blessed day. :”) 
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5, 9, and 24
Warning, I get SUPER salty below. Read at risk.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?LL: N/vrina is almost, if not basically, there. I'm sick or Stans™ body shaming and slut shamming characters and being so hypocritical about other ships when theirs has two weeks of development. Any and all John + any female ship besides Jix at this point are all there. Some of the brats I've tried to talk to on Insta or gotten anon hate from are among this category. I'm over compulsive heterosexual ships built on nothing except a poorly written parallel and the fact that their genitals are differing Kids who can't handle their insecurities need to be checked since they go after people who don't like their ship and harass content creators. Sorry your toxic hetero romance literally is told through just two people kissing each other once and a while and my ships are built on deep diving context clues from a cringe fest. I feel like the fandom outside of Tumblr refuses to have conversations about ships outside of heterosexuality and canon, esp. with N/vrina, and I can’t deal. Others: M/riA/i from TH is definitely there. M/miN/e too, C/exa Stans™ and B/cho itself once and a while make me actually scream outloud at the 100, and then R/wanA/lin Stans™ who attack opposite opinions make me never want to touch the ship, not like I was a fan of it to begin with. 9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?LL: This answer used to be Nine but there *are* things about Nine I do still like, he irritates me to all hell but I do see the nuggets of him trying to change in G1 along with the shards that he is mentally not ok and has yet to realize that. Body shaming and his assault squad in the fandom, however, means I still don't love or really like him too much. I'm completely turned off from Marina as of late tho with the reemergence of those ship Stans and these new kids who recycle garbage Five hate rants from two years ago as content to garner followers and attention online. She goes in a dark, icy character arc after Eight, her boyfriend of two weeks, dies and it's fine for her to be cold and hurt someone but according to her annoying ass fanbase John isn't allowed to have negative character development when he loses his first real girlfriend of 10 months. Plus the "EWW HE KISSED TWO PEOPLE, I HATE HIM XDDDD" comments are irrelevant because John kisses Six when he thought Sarah betrayed him and sold him out to federal operatives. I've also been in relationships that fell through emotionally and times in my current relationship where things got so casual that I was scared the relationship was finishing while my friendship with another person was growing; emotions are messy and sometimes everything feels like it falls into place at once with someone else, humans and human inspired creators want to love. Also, while we as a collective acknowledge that this scene didn't actually happen or that nothing came of it, Marina is the one who kisses John. He makes no moves and no immediate assumptions until she smiles at him. Take your shit up with your straight white fave and her garbage writing staff, in sick of the same two opinions in this fandom.Others: I don’t like Rowboat Wifebeater in the absolute slightest because he has no redeeming qualities. I don’t like book!Jace at all, and I never liked Malfoy. I don’t like most of t he new Touhou characters either, woops. I lost a lot of interest in TH. 24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?LL - Rent it but don't follow it too closely. It can be a cringe mess if you read too much into the actual events of the book.TDM - Whole heartedly.RQ - Cal Fieri is all you need to know tbh.TH - Yes, pretty character designs, challenging levels, and dope music.PKMN - Pls.SH - Watch the show then rent the books. I've become very detached to the books because it's one of only a few cases I've been unable to separate the author from their work.ACOTAR - Rent it and read it very critically.AFTG - How. Haven't you. Done this yet.OMGCP - HOW HAVENT YOU READ THIS YET IF YOU FOLLOW ME??????? God dammit, do it. What are you waiting for.
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theouterspaceplace · 6 years
WIP chapt #3 TexRex
The First time I heard of Tex Rex the Dog Genius Was in 2060 and TexRex was only 3 years old. But those were determimed in Human years and not Dog years. By current dog/human years calculations Tex Rex was in his mid to late 20's. TexRex would later scoff at that calculation and almost single handedly (pawly) changed dog to human years calculation. He was already a Post Grad Math and Physics student and had been working on his Doctorate Thesis for the past couple of months. He was very popular in the press as the Dog Genius, and that popularity exploded six weeks later when he took the Math Olympics by a storm when he ranked 3rd in the world for mathematics. Those statistics were not for dogs but humans. We now had a dog smarter than 10.8 billion people on Earth. How this was possible we are not sure. But we did know that TexRex was the Great Grand Nephew of a early on Designer Puppy. Genetically speaking the scientist decided that they wanted a dog with vocal chords, very intelligent for a dog ( not human intelligence) and attenuated to live in the Human World (essentially a good family dog), a side order of longevity and size were thrown in at the last minute. So out came a very ugly Designer Puppy who lived an easy life at a university until he was two and a half and the Scientist gave up on him as a failure. What they did not realize is that when they tweaked the genome for longevity they did not change there calculation for dog years. Comparatively speaking rather than being in his mid twenty’s he was only 1.5 years old. When they slowed down the aging process they overshot the mark about ten fold. So the Designer Dog had not learned how to speak by 1 and a half years. He wolfed and barked a little but his speaking days were yet to arrive. Shortly after TexRex was given away and written off as a loss, a farming family adopted him and he lived for another 65 years and died a young dog in a bad farming accident. But his 65 years were fruitful. His promiscuity was gaining legendary status.as well. By some estimates he had fathered up to 1546 puppies by 189 different mothers. Some of the mothers had three or four litters and he was the bark of the dog world in the north east part of Texas. Most of the puppies were quite intelligent for dogs some as smart as humans but the vocal chords did not appear on any of the dogs except one. She was the shy silent type and uttered about 500 words her whole life. The vocal chords were obviously the recessive gene, but recessive does mean that it wasnt there. In fact the recessive gene lived in all of the dogs that the original TexRex had sired. It came as quite a surprise some 45 years later when a Beautiful Husky with vivid blue eyes sired a litter that looked like three miniature horses. They did not look very Husky like but took after the Father who was 'Half Greyhound and half Doberman Pincher. He really would of benefited from his mothers side in the looks department but as a puppy he looked like a miniature horse, Splotchy fur in a medium length coat. His coloring was a light brown, black white and grey, Luckily for Tex he grew into his dog frame quite nicely in later year. Not a Swan story but not too shabby his twin sisters would tease him. They all got the same looks more or less (the twins fared far better) but really not that bad of a look, The twins got the looks Tex got the brains and size. He was big. Texas Big. Hell he was even big for a Texas farm dog. So before the first human year was up, Tex Rex Jr. had bis vocal chords exercised on a daily basis. He used them to torment the dogs in the neighborhood. And later his trainer/teachers were the victims of his daily barrage of foul mouthed incessant talking with a loud bark interspersed between the explicit gestures he made. Soon you just could not stop him from talking, chatter chatter,banter and stammer. It was getting really bad by the age of two he was reading two books a day and these were not easy reading, Advanced trigonometry, Applied physics, Functional Algorithms the Practical Manual. Real exciting reading material for 2 year old dog. Then it got worse, he started writing and publishing his own thereoms, equations, quantum mechanics, nano chip repair and maintenance. No body knew where he learned all this information from, but he seemed to know his shit. The dog was "for real" as the media reported. The reason for his popularity was not that he could speak English, lots of dogs could speak. There were probably 10,000 talking dogs in the world. which is essentially nothing as the world wide population of dogs was about 545,000,000 dogs. So the average live birth rate for a dog that could talk was 0.00018%. But there were approximately 10,000 dogs worldwide. The human population got used to seeing or hearing a dog talking. They were not used to seeing one that could Talk, Read. Write, and do mathematical equations from a graduate level calculus course. He ended the media circus around him. Then no body saw him for 4 months, when he reappeared he was a changed man. woops dog. Little Tex was strutting his stuff. Well that is the way everyone was looking at him. He also spoke French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Scandinavian, Polish and Russian. He had been a busy dog. He studied during the day and then practiced what he learned on the local ladies dogs at night. Later he reflected to me that it was like having puberty condensed down to 4 months, When he got back to his studies he was ready to buckle down and get started on some of the Hypothesis and his crazy design ideas that he had thought of, up of 10 he had come up with in the past 6 months. What he had done in a short time for mathematics was astounding, But then the whole Space/Time equation, that not only got him his Doctorate in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics from MIT but his equations. theorem algorithms they were almost immediately tried, tested,re-tested, verified, Patents were issued to a legal Dog Citizen. So now he had a super brilliant mind with money to burn if he wanted io. MIT asked him to stay there and join the faculty as a Professor Emeritus. He agreed to the offer without thinking about it very much. He was here already, they were providing him with below market rate faculty housing (free)., He wasn't under their thumb, and they picked up a bunch of advertising money from the increased traffic to their web site. He had been there for almost a year before he announced his plans to teach a Class the following semester. Well, the faculty had never thought of this contingency. Having a Dog teach their MIT students. Something just did not seem right about it. They tried to stall the inevitable lecturer, Professor,Phd. Doctor's right to teach a class. They knew they had to acquiesce or the media backlash would be absolutely horrendous . They really weren't sure which would be worse having a dog teach a class at one of the top 10 Universities in the world, or not letting hin teach a class and be labeled a racistdoghater. the final vote was 7-3 to let him teach. In retrospect the right decision but not for the reasons one would think. It was a disaster. A total and complete disaster. Every student except two had dropped the class by the drop deadline. The two that stayed got the education of a lifetime in the next 10 weeks. The two bravest humans to ever grace MITs walls. The dog had gone Mad. It certainly seemed that way. He growled and sneered, bared his teeth in a seething rage when they did not understand the task or equation he proposed. Imagine having a huge guard dog growling in seething rage and in an attack stance ready to bite you if you did not have the correct answer in nano seconds. The two students knew they had no choice now but to follow the class to its conclusion. The first four weeks were filled with terror and shame. At some point TexRex had taken to mumbling the the "only good human was a dead human" and the two students were nearing a total mental breakdown. The next day the class went well, really well. He got mad once but did not even growl, maybe a little grimace if anything. The next day was the same if not even better. Not a bark, growl, howl, or just start screaming at you " You worthless dumb shit, do you not know the answer Betty?" that was one of his mainstay expressions. No doubt he watched a show on his media monitor. His other favorite statement or question to us was "so did the two of you morons do your fucking homework or are you again as brain dead as a fucking brick" He even carried a brick around with him, I guess as a prop to back up his statement. But now it was different. They had the answers to his questions and the right answers. Tex approved them and they both got b- in the class. But they were revered in the world of mathematics as the two first students to survive his class. And so it went, his class gained a almost Cult like following with the Hero’s being  those that finished the class. (Even if they failed the class, they survived and actually learned a lot more than they thought they would. So now TexRex had worldwide fame for the good and the bad. And a lot of the bad came from outside of class. See TexRex had gotten a healthy dose of his great grandfathers snoop dogg nature. He was a dog on the Prowl for the lady dogs at night. How he met these lusty doggies I do not know. Some say the internet dog dating sites, but I think they were groupies to his entourage. He always had something going on, and this lead to problems every now and again, and again, again? And then that is when I came into play in his life. Evidently he had gotten the University President/ Chancellor  two pure bred pekingees pregnant. Not one but both of them and Tex was 9 or 10 times larger then these lovely ladies dogs, That was bad but the list of his infractions with the lady dogs was a very long one. He had been at MIT for seven years now, but after two years they asked that I "adopt" him so he can have a strong father/brother figure in his life to demonstrate how to treat the female gender. Well it didn't start off to well, at all, but after 6 or 7 months of tough as nails standoffs , something clicked between the two of us. Maybe it was my understanding of his crazy hypothesis. Maybe because of my palate. We both ate well those first two years but as if our cycles in in sync we both declared that we had to go on a diet. We were getting fat, really fat. I had never had any of this before. So we started jogging together. Then working out at the gym and then a little field training.
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To Let The Past Go Chapter 5
(Woot, another chapter. Warning though, bit cussing at the end. Enjoy)
Chapter 1:http://sunshinelulusplatoon.tumblr.com/post/154343280234/alright-finally-ive-got-this-started-for-those
Chapter 2:http://sunshinelulusplatoon.tumblr.com/post/155644766709/to-let-the-past-go-chapter-2)
Chapter 3: http://sunshinelulusplatoon.tumblr.com/post/155825340079/to-let-the-past-go-chapter-3
Chapter 4: http://sunshinelulusplatoon.tumblr.com/post/156037776559/to-let-the-past-go-chapter-4
                                          Chapter 5: Change and Decisions
 As January flew by, many changes were occurring around Lulu. News of a new area for the Turf Wars hub had been flying around along with news of new weapons and new gear. Even the new presence of a small kitten hanging around Judd had spread like wildfire around the Inklings, Inktolings, Octarains, and other species living in the area. Concern on older players and adults, many started research on the new mammal to try and figure out where it had come from. Even concerning the octarian king, Octavio wasn’t too keen on Lulu being around the small mammal till word of its intentions and behaviors were finalized. Annoyed but obedient, Lulu followed her grandpa’s orders to stay away from it though collecting sea snails became a bit of a hassle for her; having to ask cuttlefish to get them for her from Judd. Other news of Callie and Marie’s music contract ending in summer had been floating around but no proper word had been said. Even the girls couldn’t confirm or deny it as Lulu visited them for a small lunch break.
Other news had also been flying around but only in the Valley. Residence were happily spreading the news that by early spring Octo Valley would be fully repaired and open back up to tourist and new residence. Come fall, schools would open back up to let students of old and new in for proper education again. Even colleges were taking applications for fall semester as students everywhere inside the valley were signing up. Hearing the news, Lulu informed Marcy who came down to apply and sign up for her classes. As promised by Octavio for providing the turbine designs that returned power to the valley, Marcy was given full ride to the biggest engineering university in the valley as well as proper boarding, transportation passes, and was even planned to internship with the electrical engineers working and maintain power in the valley come her second year.
As the last days of January came, things started to slow down and fall back into normal pace as Lulu, Marwick, and Marcy were waiting for Joey at Cuttlefish’s manhole to get some lunch and play turf wars for the rest of the afternoon. “Eh, I still can’t believe it’s really happening!” Marcy comment, nerves and joy in her voice. “Real proud of babe! You’re following your dreams. And all that studying paid off for yah. You passed those entrance exams like it was nothing!” Marwick commented before giving Marcy a kiss on the forehead. Softly giggling, Marcy replied, “I know. I just can’t wait. But I won’t forget you guys! I’ll definitely make time to play and practice turf wars so we can work to make the championship again!” “Hey, no rush! We got plenty of time to take another trophy home. Your studies come first,” Lulu replied, patting Marcy’s back. “I know. But I don’t want you thinking I’ve abandoned the team,” Mary whispered. “Nah, Marcy Bean, you know I would never think that. We have been through thick and thin too much for me to ever think like that,” Lulu chuckled.
With giggles and chuckled from all three of them, the three didn’t pay attention to the rushing inktoling coming towards them until he slammed into the bars in front of them and flip onto his backside. “AHHH! JOEY!” The three shouted, rushing to get him back up and make sure he was okay. Joey just laughed it all off. “Woops! My bad!” Joey coughed, rubbing his stomach from where he smacked into the bars. “Joey what the hell?” Lulu questioned, worried for her friend. “Sorry guys for being late but man do I got great news,” Joey replied, getting up and bouncing in excitement as if following of from the bars didn’t happen. “Bro, what’s up? You drinking too much coffee again for you to be bouncing like that?” Marwick joked. Joey just brushed it off. “Nah, I’m serious! Check it out!” Joey replied before pulling a paper out and handing it to Lulu. “Lulu read it out loud!” Joey exclaimed, bouncy even more now. “Okay, okay!” Lulu replied, looking at Joey and wondering what he was so excited about before reading the paper.
“To Mr. Joey Oego, We are happy to inform you that your application to Astacus Police Academy in Jellyfish Cove of the Northern Province in Japan has been accepted for out 6 year training terms. You have also been given full ride to the academy including boarding, books, and equipment needed. You will be expected to move in by the 23rd of May for orientation and boot camp come summer and will start fall semester in August. We look forward to hearing from you on whether or not you accept into going to this fine establishment. Please reply before the 31th of January with your answer and let your higher working authorities know. Till meeting at orientation, With great respect, Dean of Astacus Police Academy, Ruko Belio.”
Hearing the words, everybody went silent before Lulu looked up at Joey. “Are…Are you serious? Is this really serious???” Lulu exclaimed about to lose it. Joey just nodded his head, excitement all his face before shouting, “I’M GOING TO THE ACADEMY!!!!” Tackling him, Lulu was spun around by Joey before the pair broke into dance moves, excited by this news. “Man you did it! You’re really going! Moving up in the force once you are done man!” Marwick gleamed. “I KNOW BRO!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! I GOT ACCEPTED!!!! I’M ACTUALLY GOING!!!” Joey shouted, picking Marcy up and swing her around before hugging onto her and Lulu both. Over hearing the excited conversation, Cuttlefish popped up from the manhole and chuckled, “Congrats boy! You finally made it! Now you work hard!” Smiling and trying to hold tears back, Joey nodded.
Grabbing their stuff and heading to find food, the four were in great spirits. “Marcy going to college, Joey going away to the academy for 6 years, things sure are changing around here,” Marwick stated. “It’s for the good though. Don’t you also have a new job you are starting in a few weeks at the noodle shop in the valley?” Lulu asked. “Yep! The boss was hiring and I wanted something to do while Marcy was going to college. Also helps us make some extra cash for leisure while living in the new flat,” Marwick replied. “How is it by the way?” Joey asked. “It’s pretty big with a decent kitchen, decent bath, and decent sized bedroom. Plan to move in it sometime this summer once we get proper furniture to put in it,” Marcy replied. “Sounds great. Couldn’t be more happy for you,” Lulu stated. “How about you Lulu? Heard Pops is about to put you into more royal duties from now on.” Joey questioned. “Yeah, it’s true. He’s given me more leisure in making decision with him and plans to put me in more situations where I need to critically think for my people. It’s not going to be easy but I’m not backing down!” Lulu replied eager and giving a fist pump. “Spoken like a true princess!” Joey laughed.
Arriving at one of their favorite dinners, the four walked in and settled in. Ordering lunch, the group chatted away as they waited for their food. Goals, life, things that have happen, news of the new turf wars gear and new places, the group gave their opinions and thoughts as the food arrived hot and ready for them. “You know once I leave you will have to find a new recruit,” Joey spoke to Lulu. “I know but I doubt it will be that hard to find someone. Plenty of newbies joining each day that can be easily trained to what we need. Shoot, some we even know we can recruit. Just how well they will listen is the thing. But I doubt I’ll have trouble finding someone while you are gone,” Lulu replies, taking a bite out of her French fries. “I just can’t believe you will be gone for 6 years,” Marcy spoke up, “It will be a big adjustment since none of us have been apart since like forever.” “I know Marcy Bean but we can’t stay in one moment of our lives together. Life brings us many things that we can either go with or push away. I’ve wanted this for a long time and I got my chance and I plan to take it,” Joey replied patting Marcy’s back. “I know Joey. I wouldn’t want you to turn it down either. It’s all just a big change,” Marcy replied sheepishly, giving a soft smile. “I know Marcy Bean but sometimes change is a good thing for the better. A lot has happen to us over the past three to four years and more is definitely on the way. So let’s not let it get us down. Let’s embrace it!” Lulu encouraged. “I’ll toast to that!” Marwich spoke, holding his cup up. Following notion, the other 3 held their cups up as Joey stated, “To change!” with the other three replying, “To change” before clanging their cups together and taking sips out of their drinks.
Finishing up and packing up as Joey went to pay, Marwick noticed the TV. “Hey, stage change!” Marwick commented, loud enough for Joey to hear as the group looked towards the TV in the back. As Callie and Marie came on TV, Callie announced the regular battle stages. First showing Moray Towers, Callie led off with, "Rollers are super effective here!" with Marie replying, "Chargers are the very best, like no gun ever was!" Next was Walleye Warehouse with Callie going, "Remember working here part-time back in the day?" and Marie going, "Yeah, and how often you broke the assembly line..." Last part getting a laugh out of Lulu and Joey, the group watched as the girls finished up meeting at the dinner exist and heading out. “Moray and the Warehouse. This should be interesting,” Joey commented, twirling his Splattershot Jr. in his hand. “Charger central. Definitely relying on you Marcy,” Lulu stated, giving a wink to Marcy. “Won’t let you down boss,” Marcy joked. “What I like to hear! Marwick, watch our back for us!” Lulu chuckled. “Will do!” Marwick replied nodding.
Reaching Inkopolis Tower and getting gear ready, Team Golden Sun headed into the tower and as the sun set later that afternoon, the team had plenty of wins under their belt for the day. Splitting the money up evenly between them, the group gave their goodbyes for the day as Lulu headed down Cuttlefish’s manhole towards the valley. Once in her own dome, Lulu was walking towards the house when she spotted her grandpa sweeping the porch though his expression on his face gave Lulu worry. Walking up, she could see something troubled him as his lips had a bit of a downward curl and his eyes seemed tired. “Grandpa?” Lulu spoke up. Snapping him out of thought, Octavio looked at her and smiled. “Welcome home Sunshine. Had fun today?” Octavio asked, perking his mood up trying to hide the concern and hint of worry that was on his face before but his voice seemed tired and out of breath. Lulu just looked more concern now. “Grandpa, what’s wrong?” Lulu questioned, giving a bit of a pout. “Nothing Sunshine…..Nothing you need to worry about,” Octavio replied, trying to brush the topic way. Still looking concerned, Lulu sighed before going into the house. Something was up but Lulu figured not to pressure it anymore with him. She knew he was acting himself when she left so something between that time period and now must of happen to drop his mood. Walking into the kitchen to grab a drink and see what her grandpa was cooking for dinner, she noticed an envelope on the table addressed to him. There was no returned address but it seemed to have been shipped by priority mail. Grabbing it and flipping it over, it seemed her grandpa had already opened it and whatever contents were in it were gone. “Is this what has him down?” Lulu thought before placing the envelope back down and grabbing bottle water out of the fridge and checking the pot on the stove to see beef stew with tentacles floating in it.
As night feel and the domes went dark, Lulu and Octavio were sitting at the smaller table in the kitchen eating dinner when Lulu spoke up. “Joey got accepted into the academy today,” Lulu stated. Octavio nodded not even looking at Lulu before replying, “That’s good! Congrats to him. He’s fulfilling his dreams.” Lulu looked annoyed. “He’s going to be gone 6 years so I’m gonna have to find someone new for our team,” Lulu stated. “That’s fine. Just be careful who you recruit,” Octavio replied, still acting if he’s fully not listening. Lulu was even more annoyed now. “And I’m 3 months pregnant with Marwick’s child,” Lulu stated, voice dry and annoyed. “That’s fin….WAIT!!! WHAT????” Octavio staggered, looking at Lulu completely confused and shock. Lulu chuckled. “Now I have your attention! What’s wrong with you? You’re not acting like yourself!” Lulu pouted. Giving a sigh in relief and annoyance as he leaned back in his chair, Octavio responded, “Lulu, please don’t do that again. I just have a lot on my mind at the moment is all. I promise I’m not ignoring baby girl.” “Does it have to do with that envelope that was on the table earlier? I saw it when I walked in when I came home to get a drink,” Lulu questioned, looking at her grandpa with a look of concern. Octavio went quite, looking at Lulu before sighing and taking a bite out of the beef in the stew. “It’s nothing you need to worry about baby girl,” Octavio replied, not looking at Lulu. Sighing and letting a raspberry off, Lulu returned to eating as the rest of dinner was silent.
Early to bed and early to rise, Lulu was out the door and headed off to different universes to visit some friends. Catching up with some old faces through turf wars and meeting some new, Lulu was gone most of the morning. She didn’t return home till after twelve carrying her charger as she came through the familiar kettle entrance of her dome. Walking up the hill, Lulu started to hear sounds and as she got closer she recognized it as arguing. “What in the world?” Lulu thought as she rushed down the hill towards the house. Upon hitting the bottom, the arguing was louder and coming from inside the house. But what caught Lulu’s surprise even more was the person standing on the porch, leaning on one of the rails, and looking down at the blooming roses. “….Kane??” Lulu called out, questioning what she was seeing as she walked up to the porch. Looking up, the forest green inktoling gave a weak smile. “..Hi Lulu,” Kane spoke, “Wasn’t exactly expecting to see you. Then again, wasn’t expecting to be here at all till Mom book the tickets and we left yesterday afternoon.” Lulu was speechless. Her mom was here too? Why? Was it because of Grandpa? What reason would they have to be here? The arguing inside seem to have gotten louder as Lulu walked up the sets and stood next to Kane. “…Kane…I…,” Lulu began hesitantly before Kane interrupted her. “…So you are my older half sister?” Kane spoke, looking back down at the rose, face lost of all expression. Lulu looked sadden before looking out yonder, leaning on the rail now herself. “I take even now, she didn’t tell you?” Lulu asked. “…No but I figured it out after them arguing for the first 10 minutes…” Kane replied. Taking a heavy sigh, Lulu looked at Kane. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even know…till I saw her at the airport,” Lulu sighed about to say something else when Kane spoke up. “She said something to you. That’s why you were upset when I had arrived. They argued about that. They argued about other things too…Lulu, what he said, what…our grandfather said, is it true? That she left you in an orphanage when you were just a hatchling?” Kane questioned looking up at Lulu with sadden eyes. Looking away, Lulu couldn’t bear to answer, knowing Kane’s opinions of his mother were usually bright and warm. “So it’s true…isn’t it,” Kane sighed, eyes showing heartbreak and sadness as he looked at Lulu; Lulu looking at him now and slowly nodding. Kane went silent from there as Lulu returned looking back towards yonder. She knew a lot must have been running through his head at the moment. But Kane finally broke the silence again. “I always suspected she was hiding something…she would never talk about her past or family on her side. She always told me it wasn’t important or just people I didn’t need to know. I just don’t get it though. You were just a hatchling. Hardly able to do anything to upset her so much like she is but she really hates you for some reason. Doesn’t make any sense for a parent to hate their child so much when they have done nothing wrong,” Kane questioned, words dry. “I guess just existing is enough for her to not want me….,” Lulu softly spoke. “….Do you know your dad?” Kane asked but Lulu shook her head. “Only she knows who he is,” Lulu replied.
The two sat there is silence for a while as the adults inside continued to argue. From the other end of the porch, the sliding door slide to Lulu’s bedroom slide open as a familiar zapfish fumble in flight out of the room. Spotting Lulu, he clumsily flew over to her; grabbing on to one of her tentacles. Natural instinct kicking in as her tentacle wrapped around him, Lulu pulled him up to let him rest on her shoulder as the zapfish nuzzled against her face. Kane chuckled a little. “Heh, a zapfish. Little guy looks like he took a beating. He yours?” Kane asked. “Yeah, I fished him up. He’s always been like this so I didn’t have the heart to throw him back when I caught him. He’s a good little guy, aren’t you Zappy,” Lulu cooed, getting a happy little cry out of the zapfish. Chuckling some more, Kane held out a hand to pet the zapfish as Zappy realized the notion and leaned into the touch. “Hehe, you like being petted, huh Zappy,” Kane joked, petting the zapfish as it gave happy chirps.
“Hey Kane?” Lulu asked as Zappy settled back onto her shoulder. “Yeah?” Kane replied. “Why are you guys here anyway?” Lulu questioned. “Some letter came in for mom and she wrote it back I suppose but then another came in with some documents and she went crazy from. Bought the tickets and here we are now. I really don’t know what’s going on or what the letters said but those to have been going out it now for almost two hours,” Kane replied concerned. Listening in, the argument seemed heated as both parties were speaking in octarian. “They were speaking inkling at first but now I don’t understand a word they are saying,” Kane commented. “It’s Octarian Kane. I can speak it and understand it. Right now…they are…strangely arguing about…me,” Lulu replied confused.
That’s when a loud scream of anger shook the house and heavy footsteps came to the sliding door. Slamming it open, Precious stormed out of the house and as the two watched, Octavio came after shouted, “PRECIOUS! DON’T YOU FUCKING WALK AWAY FROM ME!” Slightly up the hill, Precious turned around and shouted, “NO! I’M FUCKING DONE! I’VE HAD IT WITH YOU AND I’VE HAD IT WITH THIS PLACE! KANE! GET YOUR COD DAMN THINGS! WE ARE LEAVING!!!” Startled, Kane rushed inside to get his things before rushing out and trying to catch up to his mother who had continued to walk up the hill. “PRECIOUS! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS BACK HERE! IF YOU THINK YOU CAN LEAVE YOU ARE SURELY MISTAKEN. YOU EVEN STEP OUT OF THIS VALLEY AND I’LL HAVE YOUR ASS IN COURT!” Octavio shouted, chasing after her. Completely confused, Lulu rushed down the porch steps to catch up with everybody as Zappy hung onto her tentacle. “FOR FUCKING WHAT?” Precious screamed from the top of the hill. “CHILD SUPPORT, CHILD ABDUCTION, ENDANGERING A MINOR, AND A FEW OTHER THINGS I CAN THINK OF. YOU FORGET MY NAME IS ON HER BIRTH CITIFICATE!” Octavio shouted, pointing towards Lulu. From there Precious stopped in her tracks with Kane taking rest at one of the apple trees as Octavio and Lulu caught up. Standing next to Kane, Lulu watched as her grandpa walked towards her mother who was shaking and trying to hold tears back. “Surprised you didn’t add murder to that list,” Precious replied with a huff, wiping away tears that had fallen down her face. “Precious cod damn it that was years ago. You know as well as I do that was an accident. Honey, you need to stop blaming yourself for it,” Octavio replied, huffing and sighing. “Not like you didn’t. You could never look at me the same. You stopped caring about me when Mom died,” Precious hissed. “I NEVER STOPPED CARING ABOUT YOU PRECIOUS BUT YOU CLOSED YOURSELF OFF FROM ME!” Octavio shouted, tentacles twitching in anger, “You would never talk to me about how you felt or what was going on with you. I know your mother’s death hurt you just as much as it hurt me but I never blamed you. All I wanted was you to be alright but you got caught up in the wrong crowd before I could do anything to fix things and the next thing I know you’re gone out of my side. Not a day went by that I didn’t worry about you but I had a kingdom to run that was being overrun by terrorists trying to ruin any relationships we had with the inklings. So many times I kicked myself wondering what I could have done differently but nothing could change the past and even when you came back, you still wouldn’t let me in. All I wanted to do was help you but you kept rejecting me.” “And what about her? You cared about her more than me when I came back,” Precious fired back. “I was the only one taking care of her at the time. You wanted nothing to do with her! Just the idea of her bothered you so much. But that never meant I loved her more than you. Honey, you don’t know how much relief it was to have you home again where I could keep you safe. But you still refused to open up. And I did everything I could but you wanted nothing to do with me. But I wasn’t going to let you hurt her. Not my first grandchild. I was going to do everything in my power to make sure she was safe until whatever it was that was bothering was sorted out so we could work things out. But no, you left again, taking her with you. I may admit, I acted like I stopped caring then, but deep down, I always thought of you, hoping you were safe, hoping Lulu was safe, and hoping for both of you to come home to me!”
Precious stood there quite, tears rolling down her face as Lulu and Kane watched, concern and worry for her on their faces. “Then tell me what you want?” Precious finally spoke, not even looking at her father. “Precious baby, TALK TO ME! Open up and stop running from what bothers you before it eats you alive. Honey, I’m willing to start things over from scratch have but you have got to give me an inch. I can’t read your mind on what has been bothering you all these years and right now is a good time. I know you are on hard times and the last thing I want is you on the streets,” Octavio replied. Looking at him now, Precious asked, “How much do you know?” “I know you had to give up your husband’s company and bankrupt everything. They took the house from you to pay things off and you’re staying with friends since your husband’s parents want nothing to do with you or Kane. You are almost out of money too since you have no work at the moment,” Octavio stated. Hearing this, Lulu looked at Kane with concern. Kane just shoved it off with a, “its fine. Never like my grandparents anyway,” which sadden Lulu. Looking at her father with tears down her face, Precious sat there shaking as Octavio came up to her and wrapped his arms around her. “So what choice do I have now,” Precious spoke, slowly grabbing onto her father’s robes. “Well, you can choose to move back into the house and in time I’ll get rooms made for you and Kane and I can help you finish paying off whatever the collectors need. But only if you want to. The choice is yours,” Octavio replied. “After everything that’s happened, you would let me back in. Why?” Precious asked. “Because you are my baby and always have been. I may not have shown it at times but I still love you and I’ve always have. Just like you, I was in morning but I should never have ignored you like I did. That was my fault and I want to make up for that if you will let me,” Octavio explained softly, hold his crying daughter. Both fell silent then as Kane and Lulu watched, wondering what was going to happen then.
A week later….
“PRECIOUS! UP! BEFORE WE ARE LATE!” Octavio called out, knocking on the guest room door. Deciding to move back into the house, Octavio paid for the tickets for Precious and Kane to go back to the states to get their things before coming back and settling into the house. Like promised, Octavio paid off the collectors of any debit Precious had left from the lawsuits. Once back, Precious moved into the guest room while Kane took residence in Lulu’s room, trying to adjust to a zapfish who wanted to sleep in his tentacles, thinking they were some type of seaweed. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! DAD! IT’S NOT EVEN 6 IN THE MORNING!!!” Precious screamed from the bedroom. “Now she knows how I feel,” Lulu thought to herself as she brushed her teeth, sharing the sink with Kane who was still half asleep as he brushed his own. Spitting and washing their mouths out, the brother and sister walked into Lulu’s bedroom to grab clothes they needed for the meeting they were going to. Kane grabbing clothes out of his bag as Lulu open the chest in front of her bed, Lulu pulled out the familiar kimono she wore when she went to such political meetings. “Woah sis! You’re wearing that to this meeting?” Kane questioned, surprised by how fancy it was. “Always do. Was grandma’s. So was this,” Lulu replied as she pulled a box out and revealed a shell tiara. “NICE!” Kane exclaimed, giving a thumbs up. Walking into the room as Lulu and Kane undressed and got ready as Lulu was wrapping the kimono around herself, Octavio helped her tie it all together with its obi as Precious finally walked out of the guest room. “Morning Mom!” Kane stated before yawning. “Morning Kane,” Precious groaned, annoyed having to be up this early. “…Morning…,” Lulu stated as Octavio held her chin up to properly place the tiara on her head. “….Morning….Lulu…” Precious replied, some unease in her voice. Looking at her, Precious seemed to give off an annoyed look before looking at her father and stating, “You are seriously putting her in that? Mom was taller than her!” “Relax Precious. It doesn’t drag that much on her. Especially with her Geta on. Kane you are not wearing that t-shirt and shorts to the meeting! Put on one of those dress shirts and slacks I bought you with those new boots,” Octavio replied, satisfied with how the tiara sat on Lulu before looking over Kane dissatisfied, “Now are you going to get dressed or not Precious?” “Yes! Yes!” Precious groaned before walking to the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. As Octavio walked out of the room to start a pot of coffee before leaving, Kane came over to Lulu and looked her over. “You look great sis. And don’t worry about mom. I’m sure she will warm up to you in time,” Kane encouraged. “Yeah..at least she addressed me this time,” Lulu replied sheepishly. Putting their shoes on and walking out of the room after giving Zappy goodbyes, the pair walked into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee as the bathroom door could be heard being open and shut as the guest room door opened and close. “Ugh, she hasn’t changed. Takes forever to dress,” Octavio sighed. Chuckling, Kane and Lulu took sips of their coffee before Kane asked, “So is this going to really be your first time joining Gramps in making political decisions?” “Yep. Before I was in waiting, listening in and learning from Grandpa how things go. I know everybody already knows me but I’m still a bit nervous about what kinds of decisions I’ll be thrown into. Hopefully I don’t make a fool of myself,” Lulu replied concerned. “You will be fine baby girl! Nothing to worry about. Just follow your instincts,” Octavio spoke up. “Yeah, what Gramps said. I’m sure you will do fine,” Kane encouraged. Lulu gave a sheepish smile, but their words to ease some of her worries and Precious finally walked into the kitchen, wearing a business suit. Handing her a cup, Precious thanked her father as she made her coffee. “Are these meetings still the whole morning?” Precious asked. “Yep,” Octavio replied not batting an eye. “Ugh, figures,” Precious groaned as she took a sip of her coffee.
Finishing their coffees up and grabbing up what they need, Octavio locked the sliding screen door when everybody was out of the house. Following behind him, the family left the dome as they took a glider to head towards the palace in the middle of the main city in the major portion of the domes. Landing and making the trip to the palace, the family walked in and around to the back of the meeting room as they waited for all parties to show up. Word from the guards that everybody was here now, Octavio spoke. “Alright, everybody ready?” Octavio asked. “Ready as we will ever be Dad,” Precious replied, already wanting to go home. Shaking his head, Octavio motioned Lulu next to him as the family lined up in order. Hearing the guards called out for attention to their presence, the doors open and the family walked, giving few to higher parties and viewing attendants that the Entra family was finally whole again.
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