#answered:: ava
shyshitter · 1 month
do you think steve carlson knew what he was getting into when he agreed to make music with the #1 most unhinged deangirl heller jensen ackles. like did anyone prepare him at all. when they were recording watching over me, did he know it was about castiel or did jensen use the dead friend excuse, leaving steve to find out about his contribution to the destiel community through convention leaks. do you think now he just assumes half of jensens songs are about spn or do you think he holds out hope his creative partner is somehow. normal
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starrypawu · 1 month
I love your TCO and TSC design so I want to see a picture with TCO and TSC together :D
a hot summer day in the outernet !!
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(they had to go to the outskirts to eat their ice cream bc tco is banned from stickcity)
no camera filter below:3
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(also chosen definitely didnt steal the ice cream, nope! he just. you know. happened to find some laying around! yep!!)
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sammy8d257 · 26 days
Hi! This is Grey (Purple and Green’s 3 year old adopted son from alternate universe) and I dare Purple and Green to meet Grey
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Sorry if you were expecting a cute and sweet response to this
My version of Purple does NOT want any kids
They know they got parental issues and they're not about to inflict that onto any potential children
Also I think it'd be so funny is Green is still in his feelings about Purple and hasn't even confessed to them yet
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ahbasta09 · 2 months
Omg they are all silly 😨 How adorable
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Oh no! They got silly :0
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luxmoogle · 1 year
Have you ever drawn the Foretellers too? Masked or designs you came up with? :O
I can't tell you why, but for some reason I've had this feeling for a long while about Ava that she's very much like Naminé..? And therefore I see her looking like her too in my mind
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howlonomy · 5 months
Can we see more of the characters in Swap Monster!Clover au?
Like Starlo and Marlet?
Marlet has be called 'New Moon' or something like that as acowboy frfr
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i actually really really like how these came out AGJDS
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
payneland neighbors AU
(a.k.a. one of my million WIPs that may actually be seeing the light of day)
edwin is an Alive Boy, who has had a near-death experience being bullied while he was at school, so he can now see ghosts.
charles is a Dead Boy, who is starting a detective agency out of his new flat, which happens to be next door to edwin's.
edwin does not realize charles is a ghost at first.
they are mutually down bad and trying hard (and failing) to be normal about it.
pining and shenanigans ensue.
should be able to get this posted to Ao3 sometime later today as chapter 1/? of who knows how many because apparently payneland has made me that person with multiple multichapter WIPs, lmao ~*~*~
Edwin does not think about his new neighbor across the hall.
(Said new neighbor's name, it will turn out, is Charles.
And Edwin most certainly does not fixate on the compelling glint of Charles' single earring in the sun, or the curve of his smile so easily offered.)
The story of it is this: Edwin had held the door to their building for him one fine spring day. Simple politeness, and moreover basic human decency, both dictated this was the proper thing to do for someone carrying such an absurd quantity of unwieldy parcels.
He had not expected the stranger to look so taken aback.
(He had an honest-to-goodness crystal ball propped precariously atop a stack of antique-looking books; and those teetered on top of several cardboard boxes near buckling under the weight of whatever they held within. A cricket bat protruded from the pin-encrusted rucksack slung over his shoulder. People did insist on having such incongruous pastimes, Edwin thought; and, apparently, atrocious packing habits to go along with them.
But the titles of the volumes Edwin managed to glimpse were as intriguing as the crystal ball was misguided—and he'd found himself rather helplessly curious.
"Cheers, mate!" the person he will soon know to be Charles had said, sounding obscenely grateful as he manouevred his way inside, and had flashed Edwin a grin so radiant and wide it hurt Edwin's cheeks in sympathy just to look at it.
Still, Edwin tried to think no more on him; nor on how surprised he'd appeared to be at Edwin's tiny show of kindness—at Edwin's perceiving him at all, even. Tried being the operative word.)
He'd been aware Jenny was letting the rooms across the hall, because she asked him several weeks ago if he might know any potential tenants. Edwin had informed her he did not. His last neighbor had listened to ungraciously-loud electropop at all hours of the night and harbored a seemingly endless stream of stray cats despite Jenny's very clear policy against animals.
Edwin would far prefer the space to stay blessedly vacant and blissfully quiet for as long a stretch as possible. He deserved some sort of a reprieve, he'd thought.
it seems he is not about to get one.
Edwin is reading when he hears a muffled string of colorful swearing, the lugging of things, the scraping of furniture across hardwood floors. While he may be able to studiously avoid thinking about the beautiful boy he'd met downstairs, Edwin cannot escape the inevitable and inconvenient fact that they will now be living in proximity. The telltale commotion that can only be made by someone moving in comes right to his proverbial stoop.
Who else could it be but him?
Edwin sighs. The only thing for it, he supposes, is to go over and introduce himself.
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plead-au · 6 months
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a compilation of recent PLE:AD AU-related drawings. sorted by oldest to latest
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itslilacokay · 10 days
Hi! May i request stick alan meeting the mercs?
sure sure!!
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gold-dust-angel · 1 year
Hmm so it turns out many people consider Ava a bad protagonist and find her annoying??? And that the show is slow??? And that it endorses disability erasure???
I hardly ever fall in love with main leads especially 'the chosen one' types and yet Ava was so easy to get behind and even relatable and I love her so much. And god I wish the show was even slower and it had more episodes like I wanted to see the dynamics between the sisters in depth, Ava and Bea's relationship progressing, little lost moments, their quiet times, their training sessions, them joking around and being normal idk. It still went by too fast?
And I might be wrong here but to me it wasn't disability erasure. Ava's disability is very much a part of her throughout. It's why she spends half the season running away because she hasn't lived yet. It's why she can't give up the halo either. It's why she can't drain the halo too much or can't fight as good as other warrior nuns (minus not being trained yet of course). It's her deepest fear. And it is so fundamental to her and Bea's relationship too like Bea touching her after that fight with Crimson, Bea reassuring her, Bea understanding her fears and hesitance....her disability is a very much constant presence throughout the narrative even though under the surface and ahhhhh I want to scream so bad rn.
I'm straight up not having a good day today and then finding out about these shitty opinions about this beloved sunshine of a character—
Are people allowed to have opinions I don't agree with? Yes.
Do I want to hit them on the head with a stick despite? Also Yes.
Now I'm wondering am I biased because I've read way too many fics and post analysis' and therefore see more depth than there was? Does it even matter?
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videogamecamper · 8 months
Hello :3 can you draw tsc while he's asleep or something like that? 😅 <3 ( for the request)
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OFCOURSE!! Tsc deserves some good rest
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lavenderknivess · 4 months
Can we please talk about how much Eloise and Cressida parallel Polin in Season 3? I feel like that doesn't get talked about enough.
Like even in the scene in Episode 4 when the Bridgertons arrive at the library, the camera focuses on Colin noticing Penelope at the same time Eloise notices Cressida and goes to her.
Oh my goodness YES! especially interesting given this season’s trope is friends to lovers.
Also I’ve noticed we have eloise giving cressida tips on how to woo debling, and the “call out” scenes (Cressida calling out eloise and penelope calling out colin).
Also I don’t know if this was an intentional choice but it’s neat how we have eloise going from “i’d rather die” (than be friends with cressida) in s2 to whatever they have going on, and for colin going from “i would never dream of courting penelope featherington” to the carriage scene. Many thoughts.
I truly hope we get the cressida/eloise dynamic explored more and the writers don’t just discard it to make it easier for eloise and pen to make up (although i hope eloise and pen do reconcile because i adore them both)
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starrypawu · 2 months
I need to hug chosen, its essential
"Chosen doesn't really like hugs that much, he only ever lets me hug him, so-"
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sammy8d257 · 3 months
hey it’s me again! I’m so glad you make AVM comics so I was wondering if you could make a comic about Green and Purple falling in love when they go to the meadow and MT can be overprotective of Purple? Thank you! Also I really love your art!
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Uh oh! Someone's catching feelings
I hope you like this! The idea of these sharing a special moment stargazing in a meadow is so cute to me
Sorry I didn't fulfill the last portion of your prompt but genuinely, I don't think King would be OVERprotective of Purple when it comes to who their dating.
Protective to extent, probably judge and tease them but not be like, outright threaten or stop them from pursuing
That's based off my own headcanons where Purple is an adult and them and King have a "roommates turned pseudo-family" situation going on
So King isn't going to try and tell Purple how to handle their own love-life (especially since my King doesn't know or care about romantic relationships in general)
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ahbasta09 · 2 months
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
When Shots Align ~Mommy!Ava Coleman xFem Reader
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Summary— Reader meets Ava at the club. Ava is having a night out to celebrate her latest single status, and the two of you get to talking, doing shots, and dancing. One thing leads to another… Anon Request— 🥸 “‪34 44 52 Ava Coleman x reader‬” Thanks for the requests! Hope you Enjoy ♥️♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#34. “Is that what’s been bothering you? Oh my, well I’m sure we can fix that.”
#44. “That’s right, grind down on me…”
#52. “Fuck… Mommy! … Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, teasing, fingering, eating out (oral sex), mommy kink, alcohol consumption, drunken hookups, under the influence sex, flustering, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
Your eyes wandered across the club, landing on Ava throwing it back on the crowded dance floor, the hype, colorful lights, and loud music of the club creating a certain vibe that her hips just seemed to sway to perfectly. The woman danced effortlessly between the many men and women, and you couldn’t deny that she looked pretty stunning, breathless even.
You were at the bar, throwing back a shot every once in a while, hoping to loosen up some. A couple men had come up to you, but none which caught your interest. Your gaze kept flitting back to the stunning woman, who was working it and starring on the dance floor.
More quickly than you would have liked, the woman’s gaze met yours. She smirked, sending you a wink, before going back to her effortlessly grinding. Your face went red and you quickly looked away, trying too hard to focus on your empty shot glass. Before you had the courage to let your eyes wander back to her, Ava came strutting off the staged dance floor and right up next to you at the bar.
“You been staring at me all night, Shawty, How about you buy me a drink?” The woman confidently asked you.
You could feel her presence next to you, and when you finally got the courage to look over to your right, you saw that the stunning woman was right in front of you. And she was so much more beautiful up front. Her dress hugged her curves in the all the right places. Her make up was on point, accentuating her features and accessories.
“So?” Ava asked with a quirk of an eyebrow and lips at how she had seemingly made you speechless.
But for Ava, that was normal. She made a lot of people speechless. But she seemed to be especially enjoying making you speechless right now. Your mouth and dry and you nearly choked on your own air, as you realized how long you had been staring.
“I— Shit sorry right! Ummm buy you a shot…??” You stammered, still choking a little, but it seemed to transition into an embarrassed laugh as your face deepened in its red shade.
“Alrigh’! I see you girl!!” Ava exclaimed, her face lighting up and accompanied by a dramatic hand gesture, “I’m Ava.”
“Y/N.” You said.
You nodded and laughed the embarrassment off, quickly calling the bartender over and ordering two more shots, hoping that a little more alcohol might loosen you up some more. The shots came and you two pounded them back, before Ava quickly ordered a couple more.
You were surprised but how much time she was spending with you, compared to all her potential dance partners that she was currently leaving on the dance floor. And because you were now four more shots deep into it, your thoughts quickly became speech.
“Hey why are you here…?” You yelled, partially due to the particularly loud, blasting music in the club, but also due to the alcohol affecting your ability to moderate your volume.
“I dumped my boyfriend tonight, found him cheating with some girl…!” Ava told you with a roll of her eyes, “So I thought I’d go out without anyone and have some fun, forget about him, y’know.”
Your face softened lightly as you slowly processed the woman’s words. You placed a hand on hers on the bar.
“I’m sorry!” You exclaimed, also a little too loud, but conveying your true sympathies.
“Nah, it’s good. I’m betta’ off without that dick and his skank.” Ava huffed.
Ava looked in your eyes and for a moment you saw the vulnerability of a woman who was hurt, but within a split second, her eyes flickered and were back to their playful, chaotic fun nature. She pulled her hand away and yelled through the music for more shots from the bartender.
You bit your lip and decided to drop it, taking the next shot as she offered it to you and throwing your head back to swallow the acidic liquid. A couple more rounds of this and then Ava was dragging you to the dance floor. You tried to protest, insist that you weren’t made for dancing, but Ava wouldn’t hear it.
The woman pulled you flush against her front and began shimmying and swaying to the music. Ava could feel your tense nature, her hands held your hips and she guided your body to sway against her with the music. You took a deep breath and let yourself become one with the beat.
“You got it, Shawty. Shake that ass for me…” Ava hyped you up as you started to let go and really dance up against her frame.
By the end of the night, the two of you were grinding against one another, as if you were the only ones on the dance floor. You could feel your cunt thumping and thrumming for attention, more importantly, you were completely enamored by the woman who’d you had been dancing with for hours.
Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end, and when the club closed for the night, you thought that was it. But Ava had other things in mind. She dragged you out of the club by the hand, and pulled you straight into a kiss in the middle of the night and street sidewalk. You gasped, a little shocked and your reactions a little slow due to all the alcohol. But once you gained some footing, you really put yourself into the kiss, and after a couple of minutes, you were both breathless and laughing.
Again you thought that this was it, that the night was over. But then Ava suggested a cab back to your place with an implied we and your heart began pounding in your ears. You quickly nodded, and to hail a cab, both shuffling into the back as you gave your apartment address to the cab driver.
As soon as the final syllable of your address had left your mouth, Ava’s hands were all over you and her lips were back on yours. You moaned lightly into her plump lips, and Ava contently swallowed all your breathy sounds. Her hands were wandering up your thigh as well as crawling up around your shoulder and behind your neck. You hesitated a little on touching Ava, and she sensed it, smirking into the kiss.
Her hand snaked to meet yours, and she guided your one hand to caress her curves, and the other to her breasts. You kneeded her tits and caressed her hard buds with your fingers and palm, making Ava breathily groan into your mouth. You squeezed and rolled your other hand along her curves, about to explore even more when the cab came to a firm stop.
You both pulled away from each other as the cabbie yelled that you had arrived. You flushed in embarrassment, having gotten so caught up in Ava that you hadn’t even realized you were outside your apartment. You swiftly paid the cab driver and then exited the cab, hand in hand with Ava, as she eagerly dragged you to your front doorstop.
You fumbled with your keys and finally managed to unlock the door, immediately pulling Ava in and claiming her lips in another breathless kiss as you closed the door behind the two of you. Suddenly you two were impossibly close, intertwined, just as you were on the dance floor, and you felt a familiar warmth in your stomache that spread and was beginning to pool in your panties.
She was so close to you, but so far at the same time. Suddenly all of your clothes were frustrating barriers to what you wanted, to feel her skin everywhere. Ava seemed to have the same idea, because as you two kissed and made your way down your hallway, Ava’s hands wandered to your dress, tugging at it boldly.
You pulled away from her lips, immediately missing her confident mouth on yours, and you nodded quickly while biting your lip, giving your permission to remove your dress.
“Bedroom… Second door to the left…” you breathed out, before crashing your lips back on hers.
“Alrigh’ I see you, little miss straight to business” Ava hummed teasingly.
She hummed into the kiss, while she guided you backwards through your living room and down the hall, while her fingers ran your dress up your thighs and stomache, having you raise your hands to effectively remove the obstacle, leaving you in your baby blue satin set. You were quick to return the favor, helping the woman remove her neon orange-pink, tight dress. Your eyes widened in hunger and lust as you gazed upon the deep magenta lingerie set that Ava was wearing.
The woman chuckled at your speechlessness, before grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you into your bedroom, not even taking the second to close the door. Ava backed herself up until the back of her knees hit the end of your bed, then letting herself fall rather sexily on the bed, so that she was now spread out on her back, leaning up on her forearms, her intense, dark gaze on you.
Ava crooked a finger at you, telling you to join her. You gulped and tried to stifle the giggle as you practically pounced on top of her and the bed. You failed, a horrendously cute giggle erupting from your chest as you fall flat on your face and into Ava’s chest. You looked at the woman and blushed furiously, tucking the stray hair behind your ear that had gotten loose from over the course of the night.
“You adorable, babygirl.” Ava purred with a chuckle, her hands wandering up your frame, settling you on top to straddle her.
You blushed even deeper, looking away towards the bedside in embarrassment at the praise. But your eyes fluttered back to the woman in a gasp as Ava’s hands found your back and your bra clip. The woman wiggled her eyebrows and in one swift motion, she unclipped your bra and threw it aside. You gasped ratherly loudly as her hands cupped and caressed your freed tits.
And you couldn’t help yourself as the woman teased your tits, beginning to grind down against her body. At first, it was hesitant and sloppy, but the more your cunt fluttered and the second you felt Ava’s mouth on your tits, your grinding became viciously desperate and very intentional.
Ava’s eyes gleamed with lust and dominance, as she released your left, perky bud with a pop!. You whimpered at the loss of stimulation, but were quickly sated as her hands found their purchase firmly on your hips. The woman sat up more, leaning against the headboard as she intently watched you attempt to get off in her lap.
“Damn that right, get it Shawty. grind down on me…” Ava hyped you up with lustful intention, her pupils darkening and growing, as the sight of you unraveling in her lap was one of the hottest things the woman had seen.
You let out a desperate, breathy whimper.
“M-more… please more—!”
Ava smirked and while one hand was guiding you to grind against her lap, the other snaked in between your legs and around your panties, pulling two fingers through your sobbing, soaked core. Her eyes became 100% engulfed into the lust of the moment. Her fingers spread your wetness around your folds and clit, making your shudder, let out another sinful whimper of need, and buck your hips into her hand desperately.
“This what been bothering you…?” Ava chuckled with a teasing and dominating tone, “Im sure gon’ fix that soon, Babygirl.” She lustfully purred, before slipping two digits into your heat.
Your eyes rolled back as her fingers curled inside you, and your hips jerked in rhythmic tandem with the thrusts of her digits.
“Holy shit…! Yessssss God—” you choked out, your body being overcome with pleasure, as the white heat of your impending orgasm began to build in your core.
Ava licked her lips as she watched you unravel on top of her, not relenting in her fingering or hype. She greedily drank in all of your pretty, desperate reactions, as you rutted against the woman’s lap, chasing you orgasm. It didn’t take long for you to approach your impending climax, and pretty soon, you were mewling for more stimulation to cum.
Ava happily obliged, grinding her palm against your clit, effectively sending you over the edge. Your walls and legs clenched around her fingers and frame, as your orgasmic high washed over you. Moans and groans spilled out of you as the woman fucked you up and over your orgasm.
And before you could stop your drunk mouth, something unfortunate came tumbling out,
“Fuck… Mommy!…” you cried out, but within seconds slapping your mouth won’t your hand and gasping.
Your face went very red in embarrassment, stopping all movement, simply frozen in the other woman’s lap. This didn’t stop Ava from fucking you through your high.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?” You stammered, embarrassingly staring at the now very interesting lamp on your bedside table.
But one last curl of Ava’s fingers, had your eyes rolling and your toes curling, completely forgetting your slip up as your next climax swiftly built in your abdomen. Ava said nothing about the mommy thing, simply working you up and crashing over your second high, which left you heavily panting until you collapsed on top of the woman.
After you’d recovered from your two intense highs, you sat back up and looked at the woman expectantly before speaking,
“Can I return the favor…?” You asked, still breathing shallowly and still with flushed cheeks.
Ava licked her lips again, and opened her legs wide, placing you in between and right in front of her lacy covered pussy. You couldn’t help but stare at the wetness and the smell of her cunt.
“You gon’ stare al’ night or you gon’ eat momma out…?” Ava cooed teasingly and confidently.
Your face flushed a deep red, and you immediately nodded, moving her panties aside and delving straight into the woman’s slick folds.
“Yes mommy…” you moaned, getting the first and proper taste of Ava of the night.
Ava Coleman Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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