#anthony bridgeton fluff
munsonsmixtapes · 29 days
Tired of Waiting
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Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
summary: little pieces of your life as you fall in love with Anthony
cw: hurt/comfort
very loosely inspired by Love Story by Taylor Swift
Age 7
The first time you met Anthony, you had been playing hide and seek with your siblings. Your brothers had invited him to play and had declared that he be the seeker. Immediately, you had thought he was cute with his disheveled hair and outfit that was covered in dirt for reasons unknown to you.
He got along with your brothers quite nicely, but didn’t seem to pay you any mind. Almost as if he didn’t like you. And Anthony didn’t like you. He thought you were a know-it-all and didn’t like how you told him what to do.
You hid yourself in the tree above you and tried to hold back your giggles as you watched the boy and your brothers look for you, calling out your name as they did so. You let out a laugh that was a bit too loud and all four of them looked up, Anthony’s eyes going wide as he saw how high up you were. He thought it was very irresponsible of your brothers to let a girl such as yourself climb up there. But instead of helping, they all just laughed along with you.
Taking matters into his own hands, Anthony climbed up to help you despite your objection. You didn’t need his help. You got up there so you could certainly get down. And you certainly didn’t need help from a boy. Especially not one who was your not your brother.
“I do not require your help,” you told him, but he just ignored you, climbing the tree quicker than you ever could.
“No one said you didn’t require it, but I am offering.”
“Then I shall stay up here.” You crossed your arms over your chest, planting yourself down on the branch that you had been standing on. Thinking about letting him help you made you feel weak, like you couldn’t do it for yourself and you most certainly could.
You turned to face the setting sun as Anthony continued to climb to you, paying him no mind. You weren’t leaving that tree until he went away. He was not going to make you look like all of the other women. Because that was not what you were. You were just a girl trying to live out her freedom until it was time to discuss marriage.
Everyone stopped when there was a loud crack coming from below you. You sat up and sure enough, the branch was separating from the tree. Anthony finally reached the branch and him grabbing onto it made it completely break off, causing the both of you to fall to the ground in a loud thud.
He landed on top of you and made multiple apologies even though the fall hadn’t been that far, but you had hurt your knee, probably had even broken it. You screamed in response to the pain and your brothers quickly pulled him off of you and your oldest brother, Henry carried you inside to have your scraped knees taken care of. From that moment, you vowed that you would always hate Anthony Bridgerton.
Age 12
You got over your hatred for Anthony pretty quickly and the two of you had been attached at the hip ever since. You’d chase each other through the garden, threatening to kiss the other once you were caught, but that never actually happened. No matter how much you wanted it to. You knew it was wrong for a boy and a girl to kiss if they were not married, but that didn’t stop you from imagining what it would have been like to press a featherlight kiss to Anthony’s lips.
And Anthony felt just the same. He had realized that the feelings he had thought were hatred were actually of love. He had loved you and more than just a friend. He knew that he was young, but he wanted to marry you. So badly that it hurt. He vowed that as soon as the two of you were of age, he’d do it. If he had the guts.
Age 16
As you got older, you and Anthony talked much of traveling the world together. You’d go to Spain and Paris, and Italy and wherever else your hearts desired. You’d both sit in the study of your house and spin your globe for hours, closing your eyes and spinning the thing and deciding you’d had whatever it landed on to your ever-growing itinerary.
Not long after, Anthony told you that he would be traveling with his uncle through Europe. Coincidentally to the exact places you both had discussed going to. You had been a little upset, but ultimately felt elated for him to be able to do something so exciting. He promised that he would write and bring something back, but that didn’t seem like enough. You had spent every single day for the past nine years together and now you were going to be miles apart with only his letters and gifts to keep your company.
The next week, you saw Anthony off, giving him a hug that lasted a little too long for friends and stayed there until his carriage disappeared down the road. You felt tears fall from your eyes but wiped them away until you were alone.
You knew it was only going to be for a few weeks, but without Anthony, a part of you was missing. A piece of your heart had left with him and you were hoping, praying that he’d finally get the hint and come back and ask for your hand like you had been wanting for years. But he didn’t.
Age 20
Those few weeks had turned into months which eventually turned into years. Anthony had been gone for four years and you eventually threw away the letters he was sending you, knowing that everything he had said was a load of shit. He has promised to come back and marry you, but clearly that hadn’t been of importance since he had yet to do just that.
So, with that, you decided that it was finally your season to find a husband to which your mother reluctantly agreed. She had her heart set on you ending up with Anthony, but since he had failed to propose, she decided that it was probably for the best to just get on with it.
As soon as you had been declared ready to wed, suitors lined up at your door with gifts and many compliments which you took with a smile. All of them were gentleman, but none of them seemed right. The onto one you wanted was out of reach.
You found yourself at yet another ball to meet more suitors that you had forced yourself to go despite your want to stay home and read Anthony’s letters over and over again. You had been dancing with the man your mother had insisted was the right fit for you and no matter how nice he was, you had decided that he was a bore. All he seemed to want to talk about was his family and as nice as it was that he loved them so much, you could only hear about his six siblings for so long.
You looked around the room as he spoke and your eyes locked on a beautiful man by the refreshments table. He has the prettiest brown eyes and hair that was the perfect amount of messy. He was definitely your type and you had been determined to talk to him.
Once the song ended, you excused yourself from Edgar and made a beeline for the man that has caught your interest. His eyes locked on yours and for some reason, they seemed familiar, almost as if you had looked into them before. He gave you a smile and you swore your legs were going to give out at how pretty it was.
“Hello,” you greeted him with a curtsy. “I’m-”
“Lady l/n,” he finished, taking your gloved hand and pressing a kiss to it. How could he have possibly known your name? Unless- No, he was in Paris last you had heard.
“Anthony?” You asked and he just smiled. It really was him! In the flesh! How had he come back and not told you? Perhaps the announcement had been in the letters you had failed to open.
“I believe you should address me as Viscount Bridgerton,” he said, his lips right by your ear, causing you to shiver.
“That would mean that I respect you and at this moment, I don’t.” You pulled your hand from his and headed out of the ballroom, down to the courtyard.
Anthony took off after you, quickly gaining up on you. What had he done wrong? Once upon a time, you worshipped the ground that he walked on and now you were treating him like he was dog shit you had just stepped in.
He told you he was going to come back and marry you and now that he had, you didn’t want anything to do with him. He knew that he had been gone longer than intended, but he had hoped you still would have been happy to see him. Apparently, he was wrong.
Anthony followed you into the hedge maze that took up most of the courtyard and was having trouble keeping up since you had sped up into a run. What even was the purpose of a hedge maze?
He eventually caught you by the wrist and you tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. You were tired of running, but you were also tired of waiting. If you said the word, you’d be wed to Edgar within a month and Anthony would have been kicking himself because he hadn’t gotten there sooner. It was what he had deserved.
“Stop running,” he commanded through labored breaths and you just shook your head.
“No,” you replied. “I will not. I am so upset with you that I can’t even comprehend it.”
“Upset with me?” He still had no idea what he had done.
“Yes!” You looked so upset and exhausted that all Anthony wanted to do was hold you in his arms as a way to comfort you.
“Why? Be serious, Anthony! I have waited years for you and I shall not wait any longer. I am done with you.” That was like a stab to the heart. You should have just killed him. It would have hurt a lot less
“Done?” You couldn’t be done with him. You had spent too much time together for that to be true.
“I am to marry Lord Fletcher.” Fuck, he was too late.
“That man is a bore!” You had no interest in hearing his thoughts. He lost his privilege to tell you what he thought when he left.
“He is no such thing!” He really was, but you weren’t going to give Anthony the satisfaction of being right.
“And may I say old enough to be your father.” He was that too, but you weren’t really going to marry him so it didn’t matter.
“But he will be my husband. A role you could have taken on if you had bothered to show up.” With that, he he let go of your hand and watched you move further into the maze.
“But he doesn’t love you as much as I!” He yelled, loud enough for you to hear. You quickly turned around and marched towards him and grabbed him by his coat before pressing your lips to his. You felt him gasp into your mouth but he quickly melted into you, his lips moving with yours.
“You love me,” you said against his lips.
“More than you’ll ever know.” He pulled away and reached into his pocket for the ring he had bought for you in Paris. He opened the box you gasped at the beautiful ring sitting inside it.
“Anthony, it’s beautiful.”
“And it’s yours.” He removed the ring from the box and slid it onto your finger, tears welling up in both of your eyes. “It always was.”
“I’m sorry. I was horrible to you.”
“No apologies necessary,” he shook his head, pulling you into another deep kiss. “Now, shall we go make the announcement?” He asked, offering you his arm.
“We shall,” you nodded and looped your arm through his, the two of you making your way back into the ballroom to announce your much anticipated engagement.
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skyrigel · 28 days
Call it what you want || A.B x reader
Pairing: Anthony bridgerton x reader
Summary: hiding in Anthony's study doesn't help when you are bane of his existence, ofcourse he would know and get mad for driving him crazy.
Warning: injury, blood, heavy makeout, mutual pinning, no use of y/n ( ew.) Gn!reader, mild angst :)
Rigel's note 🪩: am I reading bridgerton books again ? Yes, will anything stop me from fretting over lord bridgerton ? Nope.
Words : 1.4 k ( of Anthony being unholy)
My other fic
Anthony bridgerton angst
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" You seem distracted my lord." Her voice was smooth and furry but it was almost too good to be, a pretendence. You clamped your mouth even harder when you heard Anthony groan, he was clearly irritated at something.
The table under which you were hiding creaked as Anthony might have stomped his glass. With the force it hit the wood, it cracked and must have drawn blood because Anthony huffed and the other woman almost screamed.
" My lord ! " The woman exclaimed, her tone was half concerned half frustrated, she must have been coming to his aid because lord Anthony cleared his throat soundly.
" No, no...you go outside, I will be back." He said curtly, " please." He added as a small tsk escaped his mouth.
You prayed to every god, every almighty you knew to make Anthony go out too, why was he staying back and if she had also then what would have happened to your holy heart—
You thought train came to an halt when Anthony's voice boomed across the room.
" Get out." Anthony was calm but it was only the calmness that followed before a catastrophic storm, oh shit.
Maybe it's not you, maybe it was meant for someone else and maybe—
" Are you coming out on you own or do you want me to come and get you ? " You swore you heard a glint of amusement but that could be trick of your heart as it was so close to exploding, it punched against your ribs and your breath almost hinged in your throat as you dipped your head to come out from your confined space.
Stupid, so, so stupid, thinking to escape your feelings as lord Viscount smiled and winked the night away only to end up in his office and it was so close to watching your own heart broke into a thousand small pieces.
Your knees buckled as you stood straight, smoothing your dazzling attire as Anthony gaze peirecd you, something dark covered his iris and he looked so smug with his bloodied hand tending to a glass full of whiskey, his legs sprawled across the couch in the most unholiest way but you shouldn't think about that, also, he looked very, very, mad.
" So-"
" It was a mistake! " You beat him, blurting as heat crept up slowly and you wished it wasn't as shaky as it sounded.
" Mistake ?! " He drawled unamused, his brow furrowing together as he stood up, you missed the display but there were other pressing matters.
" Your hand—"
" You, you and your lavender scent ! " He snapped, " what do you think you were doing here ? " His mouth was parted as if he was experiencing something wrecking inside him.
" What—" you began but his eyes snapped at you, like a predator and he fisted his hand that was too painful to watch as drops of red hot fluid dripped down.
" Why do you torment me ? You like it, don't you ?! " His eyes were shining, he swallowed hard at the lump forming in his throat and you felt your mouth going dry, instinctively you licked your lips and that may have fueled whatever Anthony was accusing you of, another entire torment.
" Do not." He bellowed, anger, maybe, something blazing reached his eyes and it was bright enough to turn your bones to ashes and blood a mere vapour, " don't do this to me, no, no, no ....day and night, whenever and forever, stop this torture, stop this haunting ! "
" What have I done Anthony ? " You felt your chest heaving and a soft choked noise escaped your throat, Anthony gave a strangled laugh as he mouthed, what have I done, so smugly that you felt an almost urge to wipe that from him, tear it from his lips with your own and it scared you so much that you tore your gaze from his burning eyes to his bleeding hand, still bleeding.
" Stop." You told him as he tried to pull away from your touch, " you will hurt yourself my lord." You hoped it was a glare you were aiming at, Anthony gave you a humour me look but gave in to you.
You slid out your handkerchief, folding it in a triangle as you pulled it around his palm, whatever noises he made were too distracting.
" I beg you." It came as whsiper, a pleading.
You tied a knot not hard and not loose as you glanced at Anthony, already drinking you in.
" What have I done Anthony ? " You asked him again, feeling the coiling in your stomach as it latched when Anthony brought his other hand, the uninjured that wasn't in your hands, to caress your jaw.
His thumb curved around your chin as his lips parted in a gasp, " You ask me what have you done ? Yet you do it all the time, drive me crazy..." He exhaled as you looked at him with blown eyes and heavy lids, his thumb ghosted the corner of your mouth, your face was suddenly too close to him and it was just mere inches, the distance was everything and nothing and you were suddenly too aware of everything that was pressing into Anthony and the rest hardly mattered.
" You look at me with those pretty eyes and say those mean words of yours with that soft mouth...how can I stop you ? Invading all my dreams and turning my world upside down ! " His thumb pressed upon your closed mouth as you reflexively parted, his soft pink pad wet from the salvia gathering up.
He smiled ans hummed along, his knuckles lifting the base of your base, where your chin met your throat.
" Do you have any idea ? " He almost mocked, his word were almost whsipers while your breath were apology shot in the dark, did he not know how much he was to be blamed ?
" You torment me just the same." You looked at him with stars in your eyes, your light fingers caressed his injured hand's wrist as Anthony raised a brow. He was very amused.
" You don't understand, you never do ! " You almost cried as tears swelled up in your eyes, you hated the way your bones tugged at your skin, Anthony shaked his head as he tried to speak, open his mouth only to close it again.
You watched him desperately as you wanted this torment to end now, no more of this ache that your carried with in your soul.
" My lord....Anthony." you croaked, plea, begging, asking, needing, and somewhere between sinning and wanting, call it what you want, the space between you and him disappeared as his lips found yours and it was as if kissing the sun, it burnt but oh the glea, the feeling that nothing mattered but this, like fireworks bursting in thousand orbs of sparkle and something inside you wavered but Anthony held you, like it would be over, gone and dead between void if he let go of his hold on your waist and you felt the same as you pressed your lips closer and closer, a moment of cosmic love. Anthony knew what he was doing as you flicked your lips to part with his tongue, licking over your lower lip as if it were his religion, so sacred and holy, his hands pulling you closer and it wasn't even possible the way he swooped you in.
" An..thony ! " You half moaned, half yelped as he nipped at your lower lip, not hard to draw blood but hard enough to swell the soft skin, his nose grazed your cheeks, sniffing over the lavender's scent that short circuited his brain.
He tried to tease, to deprive you the taste of his lips as he pulled for a breath but he was too intoxicated and dipped for another passionate kiss that felt like flying too high and just dropping, down, down and down.
" Stop this torment..." You exhaled as his hand pulled your whole body in his lap, another carding through your hair, whispering soft words of praise that shouldn't have the effect it was having own you.
Anthony pulled to look right into your eyes, his eyes were dazed a similar flush bloomed across his beaming skin.
His uninjured hands slowly crept along your thighs as he mouthed with the devilish mouth of his, " I will."
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abookloverlmao · 2 years
𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 {𝐴𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑦 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑜𝑛 𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟}
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Hi! I'm Meryam and this is my first oneshot in this account, so please treat me nicely lmao and I hope you enjoy it, if you have any request you can ask anything, it's open, thank you so much
Warning: mention of death, trouble breathing, breakdown, sister!bridgerton, anthony being a caring brother<33
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Y/N loved her family, and when it comes to irritation and fighting with them was something she hated.
She absolutely loved them and would always do, sure, she was the quiet sister who would rarely get involved in conversations but she still loved and respected them. Anthony and Y/N used to always fight and never seemed to get along, their arguments were always cruel and full of fury and they always found a way to insult each other by throwing awful cusswords at each other faces until their father passing and everything changed.
That day, when she ran to her father smiling brightly after greeting him with her arms wrapped around her father watching as Anthony glared at her making her stick her tongue out at him, Edmund handed his daughter the flower not quite noticing the bee on the side of his neck until he felt the sharp sting.
Everything happened in a blink of an eye, Y/N stopped rambling about her book once she noticed her father form shaking around her arm as he suddenly fell to his knees gasping for air, the E/C haired girl was quick to hold her father by placing her hand on his head and falling to her knees screaming for him to wake up with tears streaming down her cheeks, “HELP US SOMEONE!” both the siblings screamed for help in unison especially hers screams that were bloody, her hands trembling uncontrollably as she clenched her chest with her fist to calm her breathing.
When Y/N was born the first thing the doctor told them was that she has weak lungs and if she cries a lot she’s gonna have trouble breathing and to calm down, someone needs to be there and hold her.
Once her mother was by her side, and started also crying, Y/N held her father still in her arms by his right side begging for him to stay awake in which he only replied by wiping her cheek with his trembling hand to wipe the tear that fell from her E/C eyes, Anthony screamed for help and held his father by the head, “what happened?” asked his mother in panic, “I don’t know, I don’t know-“ Anthony voice trembled in fear as he stared with wide eyes as his mother pulled her husband away from her daughter and son hold and started shaking him so he can stay awake.
His eyes went over to Y/N who was trembling like a leaf and was having hard time to breathe tears blurred his vision, he had never seen her like this, his sister staring into nothing but complete emptiness with tears racing down her cheeks one after the other, her hand clenching on the flower pressed on her chest as she never seemed to regain her breathing.
“ANTHONY GRAB YOUR SISTER AND TRY TO MAKE HER BREATHE!” she ordered the boy turning to look at her daughter that was still in complete shock, he was snapped out of thoughts, his heart beating so fast that it was about to jump out of his chest as he dragged himself to the girl trying to grab her and pull her with him, trying so hard to ignore his trembling legs.
He gestured for the siblings to get inside the house while Y/N tried to brush past him and go back to her mother and father but his grip was stronger as tears threatened to spill from his eyes as soon as he felt her grip his shirt and cry in his arms whispering that it was all her fault. He wrapped his arms around her as she cried having trouble breathing, he kissed her forehead and looked down at his sister wiping his tears to look strong and gestured her to follow his breathing.
It worked.
And that was the only time she felt the comfort of her dear brother Anthony, the last time they fought and the last time she had trouble breathing.
Yet these past days Y/N has been having quite harsh times, her father passing day was coming up and him dying in her arms never seem to leave her mind nor decided to anytime soon, there they were in another ball that Simon and Daphne decided to make cause it was their son’s birthday, the Bridgerton, Featherington, every family was there laughing and enjoying their time, mostly girls dancing with their lord or soon to be. But Y/N sat slowly feeling her throat tightening especially when a Lord came to her; asking her to dance.
Of course, she will agree politely even if she could feel her heart beating fast as the memory of her father gasping for air was the only thing she could hear and the music fading in the background. Daphne noticed her condition especially how she seemed to be zoning out and didn’t want to hold her son, a very unusual thing to do since she always loved August but no she can’t hold him when her hand are trembling as if someone had hit her in the stomach.
“Excuse me.” She said suddenly breaking away from the lord, lifting her dress she ran out of the room and brushed past everyone harshly without even apologizing, Violet and Daphne called for Y/N who didn’t even care about their calls but instead just barged outside.
She sat on the stairs outside the beautiful house and tried to regain her breathing, she took off her gloves staring at her hands that never decided to stop trembling, Anthony noticed his sister's condition ever since she disagreed to go to this ball but eventually was forced to, the way she would fiddle with her glove or would hide her hands behind her back.
But what caught his attention was when he watched her dance with the lord, not even a single glint of happiness but pure fear, the way she suddenly lifted her beautiful expensive dress with beautiful sparkly flower embroidery and ran as far as she could from the crowd of people, ignoring her worried brother's call and sisters but instead just sprinted down the hallways.
Anthony eyed Colin and Benedict to check if the lord had said something to Y/N while he goes check on her, Anthony searched everywhere in the huge mansion and asked every servant until one has specifically told him where she is.
Anthony rushed to see his sister staring at the moon praying that she wasn't going to die, he ran as fast as he ever thought he did and grabbed her arms softly not to startle her, "where have you been sister, I looked for you everywhere-" he was cut off by tears racing down her cheeks.
He haven't seen her cry in years and hell, she would never dare to cry in front of everyone if it wasn't Daphne, she wanted to look strong and fearless but the tears had betrayed her and here she is, staring at her brother's eyes with glossy, blurry E/C eyes.
"I don't wanna die, Anthony, please-" she whispered looking around in fear and her breathing getting heavier by the second, Anthony's eyes widened as he stared at his sister in fear of losing her also, he didn't want to lose her, his sister that he always enjoyed annoying, fighting and laughing with was right now begging not to die.
"no. what- no. Y/N you're not going to die. listen to me, I need you to follow my breathing okay?" he said trying so hard not to panic so he wouldn't scare her more than she already is. Anthony actually brought a book for these kinds of situations and studied so hard and it seems like his investigations were working.
"Okay, do as told. Take a long, slow breath in through your nose, first fill your lower lungs, then your upper lungs. Hold your breath to the count of three. and finally exhale slowly through pursed lips, while you relax the muscles in your face, jaw, shoulders, and stomach." Y/N did as told still holding her brother's hand for dear's life.
She calmed down. Anthony smiled proudly at his work and at his sister slowly pulling her into a hug, he brushed her hair softly, "don't you ever dare say that ever again, I don't want the word 'death' leave your mouth ever again." he ordered his sister who chuckled softly in response.
"Are you worried, brother? fearing the sister you always annoyed will not be with you anymore?" she said with a smile in which he only rolled his eyes at.
"oh please sister, I will annoy you until I die."
The rest of the night was spent with Anthony and Y/N going back home so she can rest peacefully and so they can hang out for a while, a sibling's night if that's what you call, and as he used to do, read her a book from his father's library. Y/N was clearly not ready for her brother's marriage nor the thought of him marrying and leaving them, but still was glad that he was tonight with her spending time and sharing memories instead of that ridiculous party
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jjmaybankxx · 1 year
Anthony Bridgerton with prompts 34, 39, 41, 43, 45 and 48
Benedict Bridgerton with prompts 1, 11, 3, 40, 41 and 43
Thank you so much!!
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader
warning: just cute fluff
summary: you and benedict have been friends since childhood and you tell benedict your parents want you get married this season
prompt 1 : I think I love you
You arrive at the Bridgeton's at step down for the carriage thanking the person who helped you. You first got lead to the drawing room but no one was in there so you snook your way to Benedict's art room.
You knock on his door and hear benedict say "come in". Walking into his art room you see him painting on his canvas.
"Hello Benedict" he looks up and smiles and you don't miss how he quickly checks you out"Y/n I didn't expect to see you today"
"Really? I usually see you most days" you reply, you walk over to the couch and sit down. "what are you working on can I see?"
"uhh I-I" he stammers "you can never see an artist work till it is finished" he replys.
You raise an eyebrow being confused ad he usually shows you his unfished work but decide not to push the subject.
"well I have some news" Benedict takes a sip of his tea "my parents want me to attend this season and find a suitable man to marry"
Benedict spits his tea all over his painting and your eyes widen and you stand up "Benedict your painting".
He looks up at you "w-what did you say, your getting married?" You can't help but laugh.
Once you calm your self down you look back at Benedict "No well yes but not right now first I have to find a good man " "But why"
"Well my older sister god marries last season so luckily I don't need to marry anyone with a high rank but they want to be taken care of" You say.
Benedict walks over to you " I will not let you marry anyone" He says sternly" Your taken back by what he says.
"Why not!"
He wraps his arm around your waist and you gasp "Benid-" "I think I love you" Benedict says.
"I think I have loved you since we were children"
You look into his eyes and your own soften "are you sure because i think does not make you sound sure"
He grips you tighter "I am sure and I 100 percent want to marry you tonight just so I can kiss you"
He starts to get down on one knee but you catch him and make him stand up.
Benedict smiles once you he sees you laughing "Benedict you know i will say yes if you ask me to marry you right now but hoe about we do it in front of your family , we don't want to get caught being alone and cause a scandal"
"We will do it tomorrow then my love" You have already been improper so you decide one more time wont harm and you places your arms around Benedict's neck and hug him tight
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weirdmorefics · 1 year
the same person who asked this
Hi there. Can I request a Anthony Bridgeton x ftm reader slightly set in modern era where they have twins and Anthony's family loves the reader and is okay with there relationship. I just want fluff with a (little too big of a) dash of angst. Something domestic where they go on a vacation and them all running around the garden and at the end of the night after the twins go to sleep y/n and Anthony spend time alone just talking, cuddling and swaying to music while looking in each other's eyes...im just a simp for fluff and angst.
Sorry if this is too specific or non-specific and if you don't feel like writing it then it's cool. Thank you ❤️
Just Shut Up and Kiss Me
FTM Reader
Pronouns- He/Him
Word Count- 523
Summary- After a long day at the ocean with the twins, you and Anthony finally get some quality time together.
A/N- MODERN TIME PERIOD! It's not exactly like the request I hope you still like it :)
Sorry for the lateness I've said in another post but it is due to the Flu and I have many chronic illnesses so it took me a while to get back to baseline.
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The twins were more rambunctious than they were at the estate which I did not even know was possible. I guess vacations bring out the energy in all of us. We spent the day together at the ocean and they could not contain their excitement.
To be honest, though any public body of water raises my anxiety. Even after top surgery, I feel like I should be wearing a shirt but Anthony eases my nerves. He has been with me through it all even if he was a bit uneducated about the subject at first. Eloise helped him research everything about top surgery and we played board games all throughout my recovery. Anthony acts as quite the buffer as well, his handsomeness certainly distracts from me. Anthony still encourages me to feel good in my skin with the salacious comments he whispers in my ear. Even with his encouragement, it is still very tiring to fight those feelings all day.
I am grateful that the kids poured all their energy into creating intricate sand castles and destroying them. By the time we got to the summer home, the kids were so exhausted they passed out the minute their head hit their pillows. I felt exhausted myself from the sun, the crazy twins, and many emotions of the day. After tucking the children in I planned on going to sleep but Anthony had other ideas.
"Come on darling I have something to show you," Anthony says dragging me away from the twin's room practically giving me no choice.
"Anthony what has you in such a tizzy," I laugh at his usual antics.
"I just want to show you something as mesmerizing as your eyes," He says with a goofy grin.
I blush and try to hide my face, "Stop you're going to make me gag."
"You know you love my romantic words," he laughs deeply.
I roll my eyes, "Don't get too full of yourself."
"You already know I am full of myself that's why you married me handsome." He smirks
"Yeah, sure that's why," I laugh.
"Enough of denying how perfect my personality is look up," he says gesturing to the sky.
I go to make some stupid witty remark when I look to the sky.
"There are so many stars here you never see this many in London!" I gasp in awe.
"I have always wanted to take you here ever since I met you Y/N. The moment I saw your eyes they always sparkle when you are talking about something you are passionate about just like these stars."
I feel my whole face start to turn red which in turn makes my face even redder because now I am embarrassed about being embarrassed what a vicious cycle. I try to turn away to sass Anthony about being too gooey again but he pulls my face towards his.
"Don't you ever hide your feelings my love because you make every emotion a work of art." He says suavely making me want to smack him.
I roll my eyes, "Just shut up and kiss me."
"That I can do," he smirks wickedly.
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ao3feed-kathony · 24 days
A Ring Of Bright Light
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56188915 by hocuspocusbabyy Eloise Bridgeton is to marry Lord Brennan this upcoming season, following a residency at her familiar home Aubery House.Their betrothal is to be announced in two months. If all goes to plan… Words: 2615, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Benedict Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Anthony Bridgerton, Charlotte zu Mecklenburg-Strelitz | Charlotte Queen of the United Kingdom, Lady Whistledown (Bridgerton), Lady Sheffield (Bridgerton), Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Daphne Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Hyacinth Bridgerton, Gregory Bridgerton, Simon Basset, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s) Relationships: Eloise Bridgerton/Original Female Character(s), Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Edmund Bridgerton/Violet Bridgerton, Simon Basset/Daphne Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington Additional Tags: Arranged Marriage, FxF, Fluff, Smut, Angst, age gap read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56188915
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Anthony Bridgeton Masterlist
📽… Series
🌶 … Steamy (no smut)
🔥... Smut
⚠… extra warning
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Greates Rake ❤️⚠️
When the Student becomes the Master ❤️
Chilly Air ❤️
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alyswritings · 2 years
omg ur Bridgeton posts are so cute 🥺🥺 can I pls recommend one where Anthony’s daughter gets in trouble and he gets angry but then it ends in fluff 💜
Anthony goes into the drawing room and looks around for the ledger book he was reading earlier. He usually doesn't take items out of his office, but he couldn't focus in the office and figured a change of scenery would help. It did and he got some work done, but forgot the ledger in the drawing room, just deciding to go back later to get it.
Anthony finds the book and opens it to make sure it's still intact. He grabs the spare papers for his work next to the book and stops when he notices a fade trace of something that doesn't seem like writing. He flips the page over and finds a terribly drawn dog on the back of the paper.
Anthony immediately knows it's Y/N's doing as Gregory and Hyacinth are much better at drawing and his other siblings obviously wouldn't have done this.
"Y/N!" Anthony yells out. Soon enough, he's able to hear small footsteps rushing into the room.
"Yes, papa?" Y/N asks.
"What is this?" Anthony asks, holding up the paper.
"It's a dog." Y/N informs.
"Yes, I know, but why is it on this paper?" Anthony asks.
"I found the page empty and wanted to draw." Y/N says, not understanding the problem.
"This is part of my work, Y/N. You do not mess with my work!" Anthony shouts.
"So-Sorry." Y/N says, cowering back a little at his loud voice. "I-- I didn't know. I assumed it was just a blank sheet."
"Well, you assumed wrong." Anthony coldly states. "I want you in your room. Now."
"I didn't--"
"Go to your room!" Anthony bellows.
Y/N quickly rushes out, running to her bedroom, making sure to shut the door behind her.
"What was that all about?" Benedict asks, walking in, having heard the young girl get in trouble.
"She drew on my paper." Anthony grumbles, looking at the messy drawing before flipping it over to look at his work.
"Well, at least she drew on the empty side of the sheet." Benedict says, attempting to show him the bright side.
"It's still my work. It must go in the ledger." Anthony says.
"Is a little dog drawing really going to harm it that much, brother?" Benedict questions.
"The point is she touched something that does not belong to her." Anthony says.
"She probably just noticed it was a blank sheet of paper and decided that nobody had any use for it." Benedict tries to defend his niece.
"She should have flipped it over." Anthony retorts.
"Go on with your brooding then. But here." Benedict holds out a small sketchbook. "She's been asking for one after watching me all the time. I finally managed to find one that's small enough for her to carry around."
Anthony takes the book and Benedict walks out.
- - -
A few hours later, Anthony managed to calm down. He knows Benedict is right and that the drawing isn't going to effect his work. Especially given it's on the back of the page where nothing is or needs to be. He feels it might've just been all the pent up stress he's been feeling with his work and he took it out on the four year old. Which is not at all fair to her.
Anthony grabs the sketchbook his brother gave him earlier and makes his way to Y/N's room. He stops outside the door that's cracked open when he hears sniffling and his youngest sister's voice.
"Anthony does not hate you. He got angry, but I'm sure he still loves you. He's your father. Mama gets mad at me sometimes, but she still loves me." Hyacinth tries to comfort her niece.
Anthony opens the door, stepping in. He clears his throat to get their attention, both girls immediately turning their heads to him. Y/N looks back down at her lap and Anthony gives his sister a look to leave.
"I shall be in the drawing room." Hyacinth says, mostly just stating so if her niece wishes to find her later she may.
Hyacinth rushes out and Anthony goes over to Y/N's bed, sitting where Hyacinth just was.
"Y/N?" Anthony calls, but the girl doesn't move. Anthony places a gentle finger under her chin and lifts it up so she's looking at him. "Darling, I'm sorry for snapping earlier."
"I'm sorry for drawing." Y/N says, looking back down.
"You needn't apologize for drawing, my dear." Anthony tells her. "It's just where you drew."
"I'm sorry for drawing on your paper." Y/N clarifies.
"It's quite alright. I know it was an accident so I may have had a slight overreaction. You thought it was an empty sheet and nobody can really wrong you for that." Anthony says. "But from now on if there's paper lying around, make sure nothing else is on it." He instructs and Y/N nods.
"Here." Anthony holds the small sketchbook out to her. "Uncle Benedict got this for you. Now you can draw all you want in this little book. It is yours."
"Really?" Y/N asks, an excited smile on her face, and Anthony nods making Y/N grin. "I believe you should go thank him."
Y/N nods and goes to get off her bed, but turns back and hugs her father. Anthony hugs her back, placing a chaste kiss to her head.
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ilalos · 3 years
Worth it (Anthony Bridgerton x reader) Part 2/2
Summary: Your arranged marriage to Anthony seems fine, until it doesn’t.
Warnings: marriage, implied sex, angst-ish, fluff, pregnancy, crying, if you notice anything else let me know :)
Word count: 2.5k
The season passed in a blur with countless flowers and conversations that filled you with expectations about your marriage to the Viscount, you truly felt like love was around the corner for both of you and it was a matter of time for that corner to be turned. He was everything you had expected and more, you could tell he was wary about letting you in but didn’t want to push him so you let him open himself to you at his own pace. The had been some stolen looks, kisses on your knuckles that had lasted a little longer than they should and hand a bit lower than what was acceptable when you danced. To say the courting had been successful was the understatement of the season in your opinion, by the time the wedding day came you were counting down the minutes before you finally became Lady (y/n) Bridgeton.
Your wedding ceremony was short and the carriage ride to Anthony’s bachelor townhouse was even shorter. The wedding night had come with a surprisingly low amount of events, your virginity had been taken the sweetest of ways, with many kisses and whispered promises of pleasure that came true. By the end of the day, you were as happy as can be, laying on your husband's chest, feeling his heartbeat slowing down and smelling the sweet vanilla scent of his skin.
When you woke up the next morning the bed was empty and he had already left to work in his study back in the main Bridgerton home. He didn’t return until late in the evening and you were waiting for him so you could have dinner together.
“Thank you for waiting for me,” he said while taking a sip of his wine.
“It’s nothing, I like that we are finally spending some time together”
Anthony just nodded and continued eating in silence.
“How was your day?” You pushed for conversation, you had been alone all day and could really use some conversation with someone different than your maid, who was terrified of speaking freely.
“It was busy” he answered simply “how was your day?” He asked after seeing the face you made at his short answer.
“It was also very busy, I reorganized the books in the library, had the kitchen staff do an inventory on the pantry, and send the maids to the market to get some flowers for the table tops” you narrated proudly, hoping he might appreciate the way you ran the home.
“Good to see you’re settling in, darling” his small praise made you smile a little.
“You don’t mind that I changed some things?” You asked somewhat concerned by his silence.
“It is your home, you’re free to do whatever you please with it,” he said dismissively.
“It’s our home, Anthony, I want to make it perfect for you too”
After dinner, he walked you to the bedroom and after a couple of heated kisses you fell in his arms once again, the pleasure he gave you was addictive. Despite his cold attitude towards you in other aspects of your life, it was in the bedroom where you felt hopeful for a future where you both might learn to truly love each other, and then he would sneak out every morning making you feel like a worthless whore.
And so your days continued like this, every night was filled with passion and every day was lonely. You couldn’t even go to the Bridgerton home, you had been taught that a married lady was not to go out without her husband, so your heart slowly filled with sadness as you spent day after day alone in the townhouse. Anthony was none the wiser because he simply thought you enjoyed being by yourself, so it never occurred to him to invite you to his family’s home or anywhere else.
A month into your marriage you found out you were with child. You were extremely happy and Anthony had shown himself to be happy as well, but then that night he didn’t come home for dinner and didn’t make an appearance in your bedroom. He was more and more distant until four months had passed and he disappeared for two full weeks before you saw him again.
It was on the day of your birthday, and he had only gone to your room because the butler told him you had been very sick that day. When he entered the room he found you seating on the bed hugging your knees close to your chest, your eyes puffy from crying and silent tears still streaming down your face. You weren’t upset he had forgotten your birthday, you had never celebrated it so it didn’t matter he didn’t remember it.
“What happened? Is everything well? Is the baby-“
“Your child is quite well, Lord Bridgerton” you interrupted in the coldest tone he had ever heard from you “to what do I owe this joyous visit?”
“I apologize for my absence, I have been very busy” he answered measly.
“I figured out that much, husband” the word was said with venom.
“Are you upset with me?” He asked offended, you had never treated him so coldly.
“I am upset with myself” you started with a pained chuckle “I don’t need you to try and comfort me because you did nothing wrong, that is the reason for my anger” a small sob escaped your lips “I was taught to be a good wife, that my only job was to give my husband heirs and to keep the house running and I understood that and I didn’t fight it because at least I would have children to fill my life with love and a husband who at the very least would acknowledge me and my efforts”
“I don’t want you to feel like you should change or apologize, this is not your fault, I feel miserable because I filled my heart with hopes and dreams of love but that’s just not how life is, at least not mine” you harshly wiped your eyes before finishing “I understand my place now, I’m nothing but a child-bearer for you and that’s fine because you didn’t even pick me in the first place” you got up from bed and opened the door for him “please leave me alone, I will be fine”
“I can’t just leave you here alone, have you even eaten today? In your condition-“
“Your child is perfectly well, my lord” your tone had turned icy once again “please go, I am tired and want to rest”
Unable to do anything else, Anthony left the room and went back to his family’s home. His mother had insisted for him to take you there that night, but seeing your state he didn’t even bother asking if you wanted to go. When he got there he was surprised to see the dining room fully decorated, his whole family dressed in their best clothes, even Daphne and Simon had paid a visit.
“Where is (y/n)?” Asked Violet.
“She’s not feeling very well” answered Anthony looking at the table that was filled with all his wife’s favorite food “What is happening? Why are you all here dressed as if you are attending a ball?”
“Anthony, please for the love of God almighty, tell me you didn’t forget your wife’s birthday!” Violet couldn’t keep his composure, how could Anthony be so clueless.
“I-I’ve been so busy lately supervising the building of the new house, it didn’t even occur to me that it was her birthday” Anthony felt terrible, as he should.
“It’s bad enough she doesn’t like us, son” Violet sighed, seating on the table “And now she thinks we don’t care for her birthday”
“Where did you get that idea, mother?” Daphne couldn’t help but ask “When she writes to us she says wonderful things about our family”
“Then why hasn’t she visited since the wedding?” This time it was Colin asking “Mother sent a tea invitation shortly after they got married and she never showed up, sent a poor letter apologizing but did not explain why she didn’t show”
“I might have an explanation for that” Simon spoke up “My aunt was a terribly strict mother, taught her that a wife was nothing more than a child-bearer and had no liberties like men do, for example: going out unaccompanied”
“Has she been out of the house since you married, brother?” asked Eloise, turning to face Anthony who was still frozen at the doorstep.
“I don’t believe so” he entered the room and sat defeated “I just thought she enjoyed being at home by herself, god!” he rubbed his hands down his face.
“I can’t believe it, the poor thing” lamented Violet.
“She hasn’t left the house in almost half a year” concluded Benedict.
“And here we were, refusing to visit thinking she had rejected mother,” said Colin.
“I would like to clarify, I never agreed with losing contact with her over one missed invitation” added Eloise, gaining the glares of everyone present.
“It matters not what we thought nor does it matter what has happened in the past” began Violet “right now I want you to go pick her up and bring her here, she deserves to be celebrated, especially after everything we put her through,” she told her eldest child, pushing him to stand and go to the door.
Anthony mounted the carriage and urged the coachman to hurry home and as soon as he got there he ran up the stairs to your room and burst through the door, jolting you awake.
“I am so sorry, love,” ha said kneeling on your bedside “I never knew you didn’t leave the house because you thought you couldn’t, you are free to do as you please, darling” he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles “I didn’t mean to make you feel trapped in your own home, and I am sorry if you felt like I abandoned you” he caressed your face and wiped some tears that had fallen without your notice.
“You did abandon us,” you said, trying to pull your hand from his grasp with your other hand protecting your belly.
“I was merely supervising the building of our new home, I was hoping I could surprise you before the baby arrived” he explained, now seating by your side “I can’t possibly ask my family to leave their home but I know how much you love that house, and so I chose to build a similar one not too far from here”
“You are building me a house?” You asked incredulously, hardly anything could justify his absence but this was in fact a reasonable explanation.
“Yes, love” he once again caressed your face “A home for our family” at that your eyes filled with tears, this time from happiness.
You sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck, crying with your face buried in his shirt. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and shushing you softly to calm down your cries. You spent a while holding each other until he suddenly broke you two apart, remembering his family that was still waiting for you both to show up.
“My beautiful wife, I must take you out of the comforts of your bed” he began, apologetic “My family is expecting you in their home to celebrate your birthday with a lavish dinner”
“Heavens! You should’ve started with that” you ran to your door and called out for your maid “I don’t think I have a dress for such occasion, non that would fit me now, that’s certain”
You opened your trunk and began taking out your chemise and all other items you had to wear under your dress in such cold weather. You took off your nightgown not caring Anthony was there, he had seen it all before, after you had put on your chemise your maid ran in and help you put on the rest of your garments and helped you squeeze your small baby bump in the dress you had worn for one of the first balls you attended when Anthony was courting you. She put your hair in a quick updo and even managed to coerce Anthony into putting on your stockings and your shoes while she did your hair. With all that rush and hard work, you managed to be ready in under an hour and still made it to the dinner at a reasonable hour (half past 9 is reasonable, right?).
At the Bridgerton home, you were welcomed with warm embraces and merry wishes on your special day. You all sat around the table and ate the feast that had sadly grown cold. Colin didn’t seem to mind as he devoured everything in sight, prompting Violet to chastise him softly. You, however, ate small bites because the pregnancy had caused your stomach to be upset easily and you didn’t wish to offend anyone by running out of the room to empty your stomach. Anthony watched you eat and held your hand atop the table, smiling as he watched you laugh and converse with his family.
“Is the food not good enough?” Asked Violet seeing your plate almost full.
“It is just perfect, my stomach has just been iffy since the start of the pregnancy” you answered smiling apologetically, Anthony choked on his wine because he realized at that very moment that he had forgotten to tell his family about your condition.
“You’re with child? Those are wonderful news!” Exclaimed Violet with a large smile “When did you found out?”
“Four months ago” you turned to glare at Anthony “I assumed your son had told you”
“How could you conceal such joyous information from your mother?” Violet then noticed her eldest daughter had become quiet, as well as her husband “Did you know, Daphne?”
“I was aware of it, yes” Daphne admitted ashamed “I too assumed Anthony had told you”
“You assumed my eldest son had told me about his wife’s pregnancy and I had decided not to mention any of it in our letters?”
“I-I’m, yes?” Benedict and Colin snorted with laughter hearing their sister’s answer.
Violet only shook her head with a small smile, her children were truly a wonder. Anthony was nervous that you’d get mad at him for not telling them, but one look at your laughing face told him he didn’t need to worry.
Later that evening you both laid in bed after yet another passion-filled encounter, your breathing slow and even making Anthony think you were asleep. He was caressing your naked back with feather-like touches, kissing your sweaty forehead every few minutes.
“I love you” you sighed, kissing his chest “You need not feel the same, I just want you to know how I feel”
He took a shaky breath before answering.
“I also am in love with you, darling” he placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head so you’d look at him “sometimes I’m scared of just how much I love you” he kissed you slow and deep, pouring all his love into the action.
The kiss was unlike any other you had shared before, this one was full of promise and hope. It filled you with love and certainty, you were now sure that no matter how difficult the road to Anthony’s heart had been, even if you didn’t want it at first, it had all been worth it.
Hi! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you like it let me know.
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silverhallow · 3 years
Kanthony list
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30279774/chapters/74627742 - All’s Fair - WIP - Bridgerton Enterprise AU - my mammoth baby
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29265399/chapters/71865594 - Kate and Anthony - Baby Bridgertons (Edmund Edition) (Regency) - contains Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30407763 - Birthday Suprises Mild Smut - Post Baby Bridgertons (Regency)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31052360 - A very Happy Birthday indeed (All’s Fair Deleted Scene - Bridgerton Enterprises AU Smut)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31213244 - Jealousy thy name is Anthony (All’s fair deleted scene, Bridgeton Enterprises AU) Kanthony Week Prompt
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31229429 - Their Love Story - Regency Kanthony Week Prompt
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31250642 - Something Stupid - outtakes from Bridgerton Enterprise AU
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31268675 - No ifs no Buts (Edmund’s Conception) Mild Smut Regency era- Kanthony Week
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31328447 - No I in Team - Regency era. Kanthony week piece
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31390208 - The Fear - Regency Era - Baby Bridgerton Series - Charlotte’s pregnacy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31520780 - How about we get really dirty? Regency era SMut - 1819 Pall Mall Match
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31527338 A Bad Day Made good - Bridgerton Enterprise AU SMut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31588838 - Songbird - Regency Era - Post accident
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31690601 - The Shirt - Regency Era Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31692296 - An Unexpected Follow Up- Bridgerton Enterprise AU Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31882231 - Cravings - Bridgerton Enterprise AU mild Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31897819 - A Crown of Flowers - Regency era
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31897873 - In the Garden - Bridgerton Enterprise AU (set in the future from main fic)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31917931 - Barefoot - Regency era
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31969195 - Honoris Tuendi - Regency era -
(M rated due to themes - read the tags on this one folks)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32108119 - A Day in May - Regency era fluff
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32215774 - Leap of Faith - Regency - Canon Divergence - Bee Sting doesn’t happen
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32278756  Please - Regency - Heavy Angst
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32344234 Idiots - Regency - Canon Divergence - Benedict is a meddler instead of the bee
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32385925 - Directions - Modern AU
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32430991 - Reality vs Dreams - Regency - Heavy Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32530330 - Mother Nature - Bridgerton Enterprise AU deleted scene
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32574313 - Instructions - Modern AU
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32615761 - Broken - Regency Era but Canon Divergence. Carriage accident happens another way. - HEAVY ANGST
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32681122/chapters/81072979 - All in good time - Bridgerton Enterprises AU - EXPLICIT SMUT - read the tags
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peony-dropper · 3 years
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The Ungodly Hour~Anthony Bridgerton (on Wattpad) 
ANTHONY BRIDGERTON X OC FANFICTION Caroline Kensington feels like a fish out of water entering Grosvenor Square for the first time. A girl from the country and of comparatively simple means she feels incredibly intimidated by the lavish balls she must attend in pursuit of her family's dream for her to marry a high-ranking suitor. However, one man is familiar, the rakishly handsome Anthony Bridgerton, who once spent his summers with her in his family's country house when they were only teenagers. Unfortunately, his familiarity proves an overwhelming burden for Caroline. Not only can she not stop thinking about him but he seems intent to hurt any chance she has at finding a suitable match. Could Anthony, the man who as a boy told her how he loved her, really do something so cruel to her as to ruin her only means to improve her life? 
"when you decide you like yourself holler at me" 
PS: Shonda and Chris this is my official bid to put Chloe X Halle in s2 or at least their music <3 
set during the time that Daphne is pregnant because we need some goddamn DaphneXSimon pregnancy fluff we were denied in the show. Basically the end of season 1 though. Fluffy smutty angtsy much like Bridgeton! 
Officially begun! Scheduled to be updated every 3-4 days!
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Greatest Rake
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader Warning: fighting, fluff
Summery: You call out Anthony's BS.
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A frustrated scream could be heard through the hall of Lady Danbury’s house. Then the slamming of a door followed by stomping of feet. The ball guest were oblivious of the tumult upstairs.
You stormed out of the study followed by the source of your annoyance. “Y/n, stop running. God damn woman. I want to help you. Why don’t you listen to me?” You halted abruptly, having the effect of Anthony nearly running in to you. He huffed while straitening his back and looking down at you. “I listened, my lord. But I will not under any circumstances accept the offer.” Your sarcastic, biting tone made the Viscount’s mood plumet further down the drain. “But look at the benefits.” The fire in your eyes grew. Anthony stepped back a little scared of the rage hiding behind your glare.
Your tone grew cold as ice. A stark contrast to your fiery eyes, “The benefits? Benefit of marrying you, my lord, just for convenience. I would rather marry a man twice my age and have love in my marriage than keeping up a façade the rest of my life.” You scoffed, turning around, and putting your hand on your forehead. Anthony tried to step closer to you again but was stopped by a finger held up in his face. “Don’t you dare!” The oldest Bridgerton sighted in defeat. He went to the stairs leading down to the festivities when he heard a small murmur, “You are a rake.”
Anthony turned on his heal. An irritated look on his face. “A rake?” You laughed in disbelieve, “Yes, a rake. You rake over anyone’s emotions and don’t care if you hurt them. You are so perfectly oblivious to anyone’s feelings I asked myself every time if you even have one. The only emotions I can recall seeing upon your face are anger, annoyance, and boredom. My lord, are you even capable of any kind of emotion other than the once I listed or are my assumptions correct?”
Anthony raised his eyebrow while squinting the other one. His stunned face made your lips quirk up. “I beg your pardon. I register the feelings from the people closest to me. I acknowledge them and try to please them as best as I can.” You shook your head, “I know this, my lord. But I think you interpreted them wrongly.”
Your tone turned softer. Still there wasn’t the soft tone Anthony was used from you but it slowly resurfaced. “We have known each other for so long, Anthony. And I know for certain that your ability to read peoples emotion and feelings were never your strong suit. Your feelings and ambitions suffered your cold demeanour for far too long. Some believe, including me, you can’t commit to love. I don’t know what happened but it has to stop. You have to change or you gonna end up like lord Robinson who’s own children won’t visit. Don’t let that be your fate.”
You took a deep breath. However before you could exhale you found your lips captured by Anthony. Your eyes widened and a gasped escaped your lungs. Anthony took your head into his large hand drawing you closer. Slowly you closed your eyes and surrendered to the sensation. Your hands found leverage on his forearms. You were so engrossed in your own little world you got lost in your surroundings.
You heard a cough behind you. Both sprung away and turned to the source. Violet Bridgerton stood with her fan open, hiding a smug smirk behind the delicate accessories. “If you both want to be kept out of any gossip or scandal I would advise you to go downstairs again and dance together.” You both nodded. Anthony held out his arm to you and you took it. The heat you felt out of embarrassment grew a little as you saw the glint in the Bridgeton’s matriarch’s eyes.
“And Anthony?” The man stopped and turned his head over his shoulder, “Call upon the poor girl tomorrow and propose to her properly.” The Viscount cast his eyes down in shame, his cheeks dusted a light pink, and nodded, “Yes mother.” Violet smiled before shooing you both to the dancefloor.
You watched as the stone-cold facade your son wore, much like his father, watched over the chess board like a hawk.
You giggled softly in the background which irritated your husband. You remembered him proclaiming to be the best chess player in the ton. He may have screamed it far too loud into the sky.
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peony-dropper · 3 years
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The Ungodly Hour~Anthony Bridgerton (on Wattpad) 
CHAPTER 6 IS UP! Thank you for reading!!
Caroline Kensington feels like a fish out of water entering Grosvenor Square for the first time. A girl from the country and of comparatively simple means she feels incredibly intimidated by the lavish balls she must attend in pursuit of her family's dream for her to marry a high-ranking suitor. However, one man is familiar, the rakishly handsome Anthony Bridgerton, who once spent his summers with her in his family's country house when they were only teenagers. Unfortunately, his familiarity proves an overwhelming burden for Caroline. Not only can she not stop thinking about him but he seems intent to hurt any chance she has at finding a suitable match. Could Anthony, the man who as a boy told her how he loved her, really do something so cruel to her as to ruin her only means to improve her life? 
set during the time that Daphne is pregnant because we need some goddamn DaphneXSimon pregnancy fluff we were denied in the show. Basically the end of season 1 though. 
Fluffy smutty angtsy much like Bridgeton! Scheduled to be updated every 1-2 days!
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peony-dropper · 3 years
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The Ungodly Hour~Anthony Bridgerton (on Wattpad) 
 Caroline Kensington feels like a fish out of water entering Grosvenor Square for the first time. A girl from the country and of comparatively simple means she feels incredibly intimidated by the lavish balls she must attend in pursuit of her family's dream for her to marry a high-ranking suitor. However, one man is familiar, the rakishly handsome Anthony Bridgerton, who once spent his summers with her in his family's country house when they were only teenagers. Unfortunately, his familiarity proves an overwhelming burden for Caroline. Not only can she not stop thinking about him but he seems intent to hurt any chance she has at finding a suitable match. Could Anthony, the man who as a boy told her how he loved her, really do something so cruel to her as to ruin her only means to improve her life? 
 "when you decide you like yourself holler at me"
♡ set during the time that Daphne is pregnant because we need some goddamn DaphneXSimon pregnancy fluff we were denied in the show. Basically the end of season 1 though. Fluffy smutty angtsy much like Bridgeton! Officially begun! Scheduled to be updated every 1-2 days!
Thank you for reading!
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