#Anthony bridgeton x you
skyrigel · 4 months
Call it what you want || A.B x reader
Pairing: Anthony bridgerton x reader
Summary: hiding in Anthony's study doesn't help when you are bane of his existence, ofcourse he would know and get mad for driving him crazy.
Warning: injury, blood, heavy makeout, mutual pinning, no use of y/n ( ew.) Gn!reader, mild angst :)
Rigel's note 🪩: am I reading bridgerton books again ? Yes, will anything stop me from fretting over lord bridgerton ? Nope.
Words : 1.4 k ( of Anthony being unholy)
My other fic
Anthony bridgerton angst
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" You seem distracted my lord." Her voice was smooth and furry but it was almost too good to be, a pretendence. You clamped your mouth even harder when you heard Anthony groan, he was clearly irritated at something.
The table under which you were hiding creaked as Anthony might have stomped his glass. With the force it hit the wood, it cracked and must have drawn blood because Anthony huffed and the other woman almost screamed.
" My lord ! " The woman exclaimed, her tone was half concerned half frustrated, she must have been coming to his aid because lord Anthony cleared his throat soundly.
" No, no...you go outside, I will be back." He said curtly, " please." He added as a small tsk escaped his mouth.
You prayed to every god, every almighty you knew to make Anthony go out too, why was he staying back and if she had also then what would have happened to your holy heart—
You thought train came to an halt when Anthony's voice boomed across the room.
" Get out." Anthony was calm but it was only the calmness that followed before a catastrophic storm, oh shit.
Maybe it's not you, maybe it was meant for someone else and maybe—
" Are you coming out on you own or do you want me to come and get you ? " You swore you heard a glint of amusement but that could be trick of your heart as it was so close to exploding, it punched against your ribs and your breath almost hinged in your throat as you dipped your head to come out from your confined space.
Stupid, so, so stupid, thinking to escape your feelings as lord Viscount smiled and winked the night away only to end up in his office and it was so close to watching your own heart broke into a thousand small pieces.
Your knees buckled as you stood straight, smoothing your dazzling attire as Anthony gaze peirecd you, something dark covered his iris and he looked so smug with his bloodied hand tending to a glass full of whiskey, his legs sprawled across the couch in the most unholiest way but you shouldn't think about that, also, he looked very, very, mad.
" So-"
" It was a mistake! " You beat him, blurting as heat crept up slowly and you wished it wasn't as shaky as it sounded.
" Mistake ?! " He drawled unamused, his brow furrowing together as he stood up, you missed the display but there were other pressing matters.
" Your hand—"
" You, you and your lavender scent ! " He snapped, " what do you think you were doing here ? " His mouth was parted as if he was experiencing something wrecking inside him.
" What—" you began but his eyes snapped at you, like a predator and he fisted his hand that was too painful to watch as drops of red hot fluid dripped down.
" Why do you torment me ? You like it, don't you ?! " His eyes were shining, he swallowed hard at the lump forming in his throat and you felt your mouth going dry, instinctively you licked your lips and that may have fueled whatever Anthony was accusing you of, another entire torment.
" Do not." He bellowed, anger, maybe, something blazing reached his eyes and it was bright enough to turn your bones to ashes and blood a mere vapour, " don't do this to me, no, no, no ....day and night, whenever and forever, stop this torture, stop this haunting ! "
" What have I done Anthony ? " You felt your chest heaving and a soft choked noise escaped your throat, Anthony gave a strangled laugh as he mouthed, what have I done, so smugly that you felt an almost urge to wipe that from him, tear it from his lips with your own and it scared you so much that you tore your gaze from his burning eyes to his bleeding hand, still bleeding.
" Stop." You told him as he tried to pull away from your touch, " you will hurt yourself my lord." You hoped it was a glare you were aiming at, Anthony gave you a humour me look but gave in to you.
You slid out your handkerchief, folding it in a triangle as you pulled it around his palm, whatever noises he made were too distracting.
" I beg you." It came as whsiper, a pleading.
You tied a knot not hard and not loose as you glanced at Anthony, already drinking you in.
" What have I done Anthony ? " You asked him again, feeling the coiling in your stomach as it latched when Anthony brought his other hand, the uninjured that wasn't in your hands, to caress your jaw.
His thumb curved around your chin as his lips parted in a gasp, " You ask me what have you done ? Yet you do it all the time, drive me crazy..." He exhaled as you looked at him with blown eyes and heavy lids, his thumb ghosted the corner of your mouth, your face was suddenly too close to him and it was just mere inches, the distance was everything and nothing and you were suddenly too aware of everything that was pressing into Anthony and the rest hardly mattered.
" You look at me with those pretty eyes and say those mean words of yours with that soft mouth...how can I stop you ? Invading all my dreams and turning my world upside down ! " His thumb pressed upon your closed mouth as you reflexively parted, his soft pink pad wet from the salvia gathering up.
He smiled ans hummed along, his knuckles lifting the base of your base, where your chin met your throat.
" Do you have any idea ? " He almost mocked, his word were almost whsipers while your breath were apology shot in the dark, did he not know how much he was to be blamed ?
" You torment me just the same." You looked at him with stars in your eyes, your light fingers caressed his injured hand's wrist as Anthony raised a brow. He was very amused.
" You don't understand, you never do ! " You almost cried as tears swelled up in your eyes, you hated the way your bones tugged at your skin, Anthony shaked his head as he tried to speak, open his mouth only to close it again.
You watched him desperately as you wanted this torment to end now, no more of this ache that your carried with in your soul.
" My lord....Anthony." you croaked, plea, begging, asking, needing, and somewhere between sinning and wanting, call it what you want, the space between you and him disappeared as his lips found yours and it was as if kissing the sun, it burnt but oh the glea, the feeling that nothing mattered but this, like fireworks bursting in thousand orbs of sparkle and something inside you wavered but Anthony held you, like it would be over, gone and dead between void if he let go of his hold on your waist and you felt the same as you pressed your lips closer and closer, a moment of cosmic love. Anthony knew what he was doing as you flicked your lips to part with his tongue, licking over your lower lip as if it were his religion, so sacred and holy, his hands pulling you closer and it wasn't even possible the way he swooped you in.
" An..thony ! " You half moaned, half yelped as he nipped at your lower lip, not hard to draw blood but hard enough to swell the soft skin, his nose grazed your cheeks, sniffing over the lavender's scent that short circuited his brain.
He tried to tease, to deprive you the taste of his lips as he pulled for a breath but he was too intoxicated and dipped for another passionate kiss that felt like flying too high and just dropping, down, down and down.
" Stop this torment..." You exhaled as his hand pulled your whole body in his lap, another carding through your hair, whispering soft words of praise that shouldn't have the effect it was having own you.
Anthony pulled to look right into your eyes, his eyes were dazed a similar flush bloomed across his beaming skin.
His uninjured hands slowly crept along your thighs as he mouthed with the devilish mouth of his, " I will."
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munsonsmixtapes · 4 months
Tired of Waiting
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Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
summary: little pieces of your life as you fall in love with Anthony
cw: hurt/comfort
very loosely inspired by Love Story by Taylor Swift
Age 7
The first time you met Anthony, you had been playing hide and seek with your siblings. Your brothers had invited him to play and had declared that he be the seeker. Immediately, you had thought he was cute with his disheveled hair and outfit that was covered in dirt for reasons unknown to you.
He got along with your brothers quite nicely, but didn’t seem to pay you any mind. Almost as if he didn’t like you. And Anthony didn’t like you. He thought you were a know-it-all and didn’t like how you told him what to do.
You hid yourself in the tree above you and tried to hold back your giggles as you watched the boy and your brothers look for you, calling out your name as they did so. You let out a laugh that was a bit too loud and all four of them looked up, Anthony’s eyes going wide as he saw how high up you were. He thought it was very irresponsible of your brothers to let a girl such as yourself climb up there. But instead of helping, they all just laughed along with you.
Taking matters into his own hands, Anthony climbed up to help you despite your objection. You didn’t need his help. You got up there so you could certainly get down. And you certainly didn’t need help from a boy. Especially not one who was your not your brother.
“I do not require your help,” you told him, but he just ignored you, climbing the tree quicker than you ever could.
“No one said you didn’t require it, but I am offering.”
“Then I shall stay up here.” You crossed your arms over your chest, planting yourself down on the branch that you had been standing on. Thinking about letting him help you made you feel weak, like you couldn’t do it for yourself and you most certainly could.
You turned to face the setting sun as Anthony continued to climb to you, paying him no mind. You weren’t leaving that tree until he went away. He was not going to make you look like all of the other women. Because that was not what you were. You were just a girl trying to live out her freedom until it was time to discuss marriage.
Everyone stopped when there was a loud crack coming from below you. You sat up and sure enough, the branch was separating from the tree. Anthony finally reached the branch and him grabbing onto it made it completely break off, causing the both of you to fall to the ground in a loud thud.
He landed on top of you and made multiple apologies even though the fall hadn’t been that far, but you had hurt your knee, probably had even broken it. You screamed in response to the pain and your brothers quickly pulled him off of you and your oldest brother, Henry carried you inside to have your scraped knees taken care of. From that moment, you vowed that you would always hate Anthony Bridgerton.
Age 12
You got over your hatred for Anthony pretty quickly and the two of you had been attached at the hip ever since. You’d chase each other through the garden, threatening to kiss the other once you were caught, but that never actually happened. No matter how much you wanted it to. You knew it was wrong for a boy and a girl to kiss if they were not married, but that didn’t stop you from imagining what it would have been like to press a featherlight kiss to Anthony’s lips.
And Anthony felt just the same. He had realized that the feelings he had thought were hatred were actually of love. He had loved you and more than just a friend. He knew that he was young, but he wanted to marry you. So badly that it hurt. He vowed that as soon as the two of you were of age, he’d do it. If he had the guts.
Age 16
As you got older, you and Anthony talked much of traveling the world together. You’d go to Spain and Paris, and Italy and wherever else your hearts desired. You’d both sit in the study of your house and spin your globe for hours, closing your eyes and spinning the thing and deciding you’d had whatever it landed on to your ever-growing itinerary.
Not long after, Anthony told you that he would be traveling with his uncle through Europe. Coincidentally to the exact places you both had discussed going to. You had been a little upset, but ultimately felt elated for him to be able to do something so exciting. He promised that he would write and bring something back, but that didn’t seem like enough. You had spent every single day for the past nine years together and now you were going to be miles apart with only his letters and gifts to keep your company.
The next week, you saw Anthony off, giving him a hug that lasted a little too long for friends and stayed there until his carriage disappeared down the road. You felt tears fall from your eyes but wiped them away until you were alone.
You knew it was only going to be for a few weeks, but without Anthony, a part of you was missing. A piece of your heart had left with him and you were hoping, praying that he’d finally get the hint and come back and ask for your hand like you had been wanting for years. But he didn’t.
Age 20
Those few weeks had turned into months which eventually turned into years. Anthony had been gone for four years and you eventually threw away the letters he was sending you, knowing that everything he had said was a load of shit. He has promised to come back and marry you, but clearly that hadn’t been of importance since he had yet to do just that.
So, with that, you decided that it was finally your season to find a husband to which your mother reluctantly agreed. She had her heart set on you ending up with Anthony, but since he had failed to propose, she decided that it was probably for the best to just get on with it.
As soon as you had been declared ready to wed, suitors lined up at your door with gifts and many compliments which you took with a smile. All of them were gentleman, but none of them seemed right. The onto one you wanted was out of reach.
You found yourself at yet another ball to meet more suitors that you had forced yourself to go despite your want to stay home and read Anthony’s letters over and over again. You had been dancing with the man your mother had insisted was the right fit for you and no matter how nice he was, you had decided that he was a bore. All he seemed to want to talk about was his family and as nice as it was that he loved them so much, you could only hear about his six siblings for so long.
You looked around the room as he spoke and your eyes locked on a beautiful man by the refreshments table. He has the prettiest brown eyes and hair that was the perfect amount of messy. He was definitely your type and you had been determined to talk to him.
Once the song ended, you excused yourself from Edgar and made a beeline for the man that has caught your interest. His eyes locked on yours and for some reason, they seemed familiar, almost as if you had looked into them before. He gave you a smile and you swore your legs were going to give out at how pretty it was.
“Hello,” you greeted him with a curtsy. “I’m-”
“Lady l/n,” he finished, taking your gloved hand and pressing a kiss to it. How could he have possibly known your name? Unless- No, he was in Paris last you had heard.
“Anthony?” You asked and he just smiled. It really was him! In the flesh! How had he come back and not told you? Perhaps the announcement had been in the letters you had failed to open.
“I believe you should address me as Viscount Bridgerton,” he said, his lips right by your ear, causing you to shiver.
“That would mean that I respect you and at this moment, I don’t.” You pulled your hand from his and headed out of the ballroom, down to the courtyard.
Anthony took off after you, quickly gaining up on you. What had he done wrong? Once upon a time, you worshipped the ground that he walked on and now you were treating him like he was dog shit you had just stepped in.
He told you he was going to come back and marry you and now that he had, you didn’t want anything to do with him. He knew that he had been gone longer than intended, but he had hoped you still would have been happy to see him. Apparently, he was wrong.
Anthony followed you into the hedge maze that took up most of the courtyard and was having trouble keeping up since you had sped up into a run. What even was the purpose of a hedge maze?
He eventually caught you by the wrist and you tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. You were tired of running, but you were also tired of waiting. If you said the word, you’d be wed to Edgar within a month and Anthony would have been kicking himself because he hadn’t gotten there sooner. It was what he had deserved.
“Stop running,” he commanded through labored breaths and you just shook your head.
“No,” you replied. “I will not. I am so upset with you that I can’t even comprehend it.”
“Upset with me?” He still had no idea what he had done.
“Yes!” You looked so upset and exhausted that all Anthony wanted to do was hold you in his arms as a way to comfort you.
“Why? Be serious, Anthony! I have waited years for you and I shall not wait any longer. I am done with you.” That was like a stab to the heart. You should have just killed him. It would have hurt a lot less
“Done?” You couldn’t be done with him. You had spent too much time together for that to be true.
“I am to marry Lord Fletcher.” Fuck, he was too late.
“That man is a bore!” You had no interest in hearing his thoughts. He lost his privilege to tell you what he thought when he left.
“He is no such thing!” He really was, but you weren’t going to give Anthony the satisfaction of being right.
“And may I say old enough to be your father.” He was that too, but you weren’t really going to marry him so it didn’t matter.
“But he will be my husband. A role you could have taken on if you had bothered to show up.” With that, he he let go of your hand and watched you move further into the maze.
“But he doesn’t love you as much as I!” He yelled, loud enough for you to hear. You quickly turned around and marched towards him and grabbed him by his coat before pressing your lips to his. You felt him gasp into your mouth but he quickly melted into you, his lips moving with yours.
“You love me,” you said against his lips.
“More than you’ll ever know.” He pulled away and reached into his pocket for the ring he had bought for you in Paris. He opened the box you gasped at the beautiful ring sitting inside it.
“Anthony, it’s beautiful.”
“And it’s yours.” He removed the ring from the box and slid it onto your finger, tears welling up in both of your eyes. “It always was.”
“I’m sorry. I was horrible to you.”
“No apologies necessary,” he shook his head, pulling you into another deep kiss. “Now, shall we go make the announcement?” He asked, offering you his arm.
“We shall,” you nodded and looped your arm through his, the two of you making your way back into the ballroom to announce your much anticipated engagement.
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venusleontios55555 · 1 year
Benedict: Why is Anthony so sad?
Colin: He took one of those ‘What character are you?’ quizzes.
Benedict: And?
Colin: He got Simon.
Anthony *sadly*: I just want to go to my wife.
Benedict: That's exactly what Simon would say.
Anthony: FUCK
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imgondeletedis · 5 months
ugh i am so jealous of lady tilley arnold like so much she's so finee but benedict is MY mann, i really do need a oneshot of benedict bridgerton x reader where she's jealous of lady tilley arnold bec yeah lolll (i would write it but i need writing classes bec im not the best at writing conversations)
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harrietbarnesblog · 2 years
Mark my words
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Pairing: Anthony Bridgeton x reader
Warning: angst, this doesn't have a happy ending, cursing, language, Anthony is kinda an arse here, mention of sex.
You were just a toy to him. You only appear in his memory when he is alone. He tells you how much he fancies you when fucks you. You wanted him to own you. You wanted him to love you and marry you. You wanted him to show you off. But all he wanted was to use you. He has touched you a ton of time but you wanted him to hold you.
It was a fine Tuesday night. You were passing some time with two of your best friends.
“You have to stop doing this to yourself, y/n.” Eleanor said.
“It's not that easy. I love him.”
“He is getting married and he is just using you. These feelings you have for him are useless. He does not care about them. Stop letting him inside your life again and again.”
“Pardon me. but I can't do that.“
“Then at least tell him how you feel about him. You can't just let him use your body like you are some harlot.” Jane said. It touched a nerve when she called you a harlot.
“I did.” the truth you didn't tell him how you felt but you have shown it and expressed it. “And I wish to end this conversation about Anthony. What is going on between him and I is none of your business.” you said rudely.
“You don't mean that, do you? We are your friends, of course it is our business.” Eleanor said, offended.
“Not anymore.”
“Not anymore? Our friendship or your business being ours?”
“Both.” you answered. You showed no emotions.
“Mark my words, y/n. You will regret choosing a man who doesn't love you over us. But also remember when you need my hands will be still open to hug and console."
They were right. You will regret choosing Anthony over them. Love really does make you blind. It makes you destroy yourself and you don't even realise that.
You watch your friends walk away. You don't stop them.
It's been four days since you lost your best friends.
You just wanted to curl up in a fetal position all day and cry. You realised the mistake you made. You realised Anthony will never love you the way you love him. You realised you were stupid for choosing Anthony over your friends.
Someone knocked on the door. You opened to find the bright face of Anthony.
"Hello, darling." He said.
He didn't waste a single second. He grabbed your face and pulled you in for a deep kiss. You wanted to be committed in that kiss but you just couldn't. It felt so wrong.
You pushed him. Tears were forming in your eyes.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I don't wanna do this anymore. I just can't do it anymore."
"Why? What changed? You were happy with this arrangement. We were happy."
"First of all there is no 'we' and it never was and never will. And second of all I was happy in the beginning and now I'm not."
"I don't understand."
"Of course you don't. You were too shallow to see my feelings through your pleasure. You shouldn't come here anymore, you are betrothed to someone. " You screamed in anger and pain.
"Is this what this is all about? You want to stop this because I'm betrothed to Edwina. I'm merely marrying her because I want to marry a noble woman, a woman who can take care of my family and fulfil her duty as a wife. It's not like I'm marrying her for love."
"No this is not all about. It is more than that. And I don't wish to explain myself to you. You need to leave, lord Bridgerton. I don't want to see your face anymore."
He placed his hand on your shoulder.
"You don't really mean everything you said. "
You got frustrated. You didn't really mean what you said and you hated that he knew that.
You pushed his hand away.
You let out an agonising scream. Tears streaming down your face.
"No, I don't really mean what I said. But I want to. I'm in love with you but I'm wishing I wasn't.”
“I told you from the beginning not to fall in love with me. You had one fucking job and you couldnt fucking do it properly.” he shouted at you.
“Don't try to blame it on me. I didn't know I would fall for you.”
“I should have seen it coming when you started giving roses and becoming clingy.”
Anthony calling you clingy hurt you. It felt like he stabbed you in the heart with a knife and twisted and pulled the knife out.
You scoffed.
“Clingy. I was merely expressing my love. Mark my words, lord bridgerton. You will fall in love someday and memories of us will flash in front of your eyes. The person you fall for will be forbidden fruit. You will be hurt as much as I'm hurt right now. Now fucking get out of my house and never come back again. And also I feel sorry for the girl that you're marrying. Since you are merely marrying her to make her play the wife role and you don't love her.” you said to him with full anger and pain.
Anthony swallowed his saliva but it felt like he was swallowing a big rock.
“I'll leave and I hope to never see you again.” he turned away. He stormed out of your house, slamming the door behind.
You crumbled down to the floor and wailed your heart out.
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rafeyswrd · 4 months
benedict bridgerton x princess reader — slight anthony x reader. slight colin x reader.
series summary. the princess is in desperate need to sponsor a successful season in order for freedom to come her way. and benedict bridgerton would do anything to please her highness.
WC. 500+ | warnings. none.
A/N. so sorry for being so late :( uni is so so hectic. i’ll update every friday from now on it’s only fair!! if you have any thoughts, etc, i’d love to know! i do have some requests i’m writing rn, but i love seeing them either way. enjoy!! and remember english is my second language, please be easy with the critique 😞😞.
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“It is beyond unfair how stuck in life I am despite all I own, mama.” The princess whined, her hands fiddling with the ruffle that lay beneath her waist on her dress, jaw clenched in disdain.
Queen Charlotte’s eyes rolled, a sense of annoyance creeping into her. “You do not speak to me as such, I am your Queen.”
“You are also my mother!”
Silence traced through the walls of the dining hall; Lady Danbury’s awkward coughing did nothing to lessen the tension floating between the pair. Y/N’s hands were balled into fists, and the corset entwined into her dress was suffocating her beyond means.
“All I ask for is a chance to prove myself mama,” her voice was shaky, and she was unsure if the softening of her mother’s eyes were a part of her wild imagination. “I am not glass, and if you give me a sense of freedom, I will show you so!”
It was a momentary silence that had her heartbeat escalating, the gulp emitting her throat embarrassingly loud.
“Well.” Y/N’s eyes widened, her mother’s voice stern, yet a gentle trace followed through. “You may do as you please, your nagging does no good for your voice, it is also quite infuriating.”
“Well, if you insist, I suppose a deal could be made.”
Lady Danbury’s brows raised, and Y/N stood up from her chair, chest heaving from her previous rant. “Which is?”
Her mother leaned back, blinking once, twice, before speaking gradually. “Sponsor the upcoming season. I need a diamond as the people expect, and a successful one at that. I cannot be deemed faulty.”
The princess shook her head in disbelief, pushing her chair back and walking closer to where her mother smugly sat. “That is, it? After years of begging, that is all I am required to do?”
“Yes,” The queen swatted her hands in the air, to where her daughter stood, “Do not make me change my mind.”
Y/N smiled, a large gleaming smile. She clapped her hands enthusiastically, a soft, un lady-like giggle escaping her in a moment of excitement. “You underestimate me, mama. You shall have a happily wed diamond by the end of the season- if not before.”
The hurried noise of her steps gradually fainted as Y/N ran out, parts of her dress bunched up between her fists. Her smile was blinding, biting her bottom lip so hard she was sure it was bruising. She could not wait to tell her maid, Lydia, of it all, completely ignoring the warning signs blaring through her head on how her mother’s acceptance has come with incredible ease. Unlike before.
Lady Danbury’s face contorted to one of confusion, staring at the queen with a hesitant expression. “Not to question your decisions, your majesty, but I cannot help but wonder why you have come to agree this time, in comparison to the others?”
Queen Charlotte’s smirk was very faintly, yet visible enough to raise concern, “Do you think of me a fool, Lady Danbury? You are to be following her every move in hopes that it does not go the way she anticipates. Her coming of age does not take away her title as my youngest child, she is far too immature to be put out there in a serious manner.”
“If my goal is to ensure that her part of the deal fails, then it is what I will do, your majesty.”
Truly, It was beyond tragic how quickly news spread, and it was only a moment of running peace before Benedict Bridgeton has come to know of the princess’ role in the upcoming season. No longer was he a man whose eyes rolled at the thought of marriage. But a man who spent his days with an erratic heart, and fantasises of her royal highness plaguing his train thoughts.
TAGLIST. @easybrainrot34 @jkshxua @pinkpantheris
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nikkisheep · 3 months
Will there be a new Part of To Be Alone With You ?
To Be Alone With You (Part Seven)
Anthony Bridgerton x female!sharma!sister!reader
Mentions of Benedict and reader
Warnings: ANGST, so much ANGST, swearing, Violet Bridgerton giving advise, Edwina feeling betrayed, Kate giving advise, we learn that Edwina is not in love with Anthony and never was, a few uses of Y/N just as a placeholder, ITALICS ARE A FLASHBACK, this got a lot longer than expected.
a/n: The official ending is going to be Anthony. He was the original ending and I think that there is so much potential with him and the reader. However, I will be making an ending for Benedict fans (me too) and it will be written as an alternate ending.
Summary: As the wedding between Anthony and Edwina nears, you must decide if your love for the viscount is worth sacrificing your relationships with your sisters, Benedict, and potentially yourself.
"The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" Taylor Swift
"Because I liked a boy" Sabrina Carpenter
"You're Losing Me (From The Vault)" Taylor Swift
"The Last Time (Taylor's Version)" Taylor Swift
Taglist: @shealuna , @m-rae23 , @littlepeanut03 , @aellabridgerton @sydney-m, @faatxma , @wildthoughtnananna @uraesthete, @themadhattersqueen, @theroyalmanatee, @urfavnoirette, @budugu, @helen06dreamer, @galactict3a, @imagineme2you. @sabii5, @anehkael, @aesthetic0cherryblossom, @lxovesgy, @lemonwithstupidity, @luvwithau, @stvrdustalexx, @jess4rush, @tallrock35, @msrawog , @diduzzula , @myheartfollower , @yunho-leeknow , @jeysbae, @delusional-4-fake-people, @kiddeecat , @lucistarrrrs, @marvelouslyme96 , @weshhhhhhhhhhhhh, @lafrone
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Dearest, Gentle Reader,
It appears that while the Viscount Bridgerton is engaged with one Edwina Sharma, the same can not be said about his eyes. Last night during the Featherington's Ball, it appeared that Lord Bridgerton's eyes were on one particular Sharma sister, who was not his betrothed. With the wedding so near, this author fears that this engagement will end in scandal and not a wedding. Let us not forget that Mr. Benedict Bridgerton also seems to be smitten by a Sharma sister. Will the Bridgetons have two weddings on their hands this year?
Lady Whistle down, Society Papers 1814
"Brother, I had not known you were taking it kindly with a Sharma," Anthony said, a glint in his eyes. "Is it Miss Kate Sharma? I've seen you look at her a few times."
Eloise had been reading Whistledown to the family hours prior to the brothers gathering into Anthony's office for a few drinks, to celebrate the engagement and the wedding so near.
"Kate? Absolutely not. She is a wonderful woman, strong headed, beautiful, but is more so a sister to me than a potential bride," Benedict stated, rather off put by the idea of marrying Kate. She was a lovely lady, one like a sister to him. She was just not who he had his eyes on.
"Well that only leaves one other Sharma brother," Colin said, nervous at his brothers realization.
"NO!" Anthony declares. "Not her!"
Benedict looks up with a sly smile, not realizing that Anthony knew of them.
"Yes, Miss Y/n Sharma is a lovely woman who has quipped my interest," Benedict says, smiling as he takes a sip of his drink.
"Have you compromised this woman?"
"I am a gentleman, brother," Benedict says, but his smile gives it away.
"You have!" Anthony states, he already knew from the note he left you when he snuck out of your bedroom all those weeks ago.
"Yes and I am not proud of it, I am simply waiting for your wedding to be over so I may propose. No need to steal your spotlight."
Anthony debated on telling Benedict that she was already compromised before he got to her. Now with the talk of marriage, his brother deserved to know.
"Brother, I must confess something that I am not proud to say."
"And that is my cue to leave," Colin said, bidding goodnight as he knew what was to come.
"Miss Sharma was already compromised when you laid with her during your art session," Anthony said quickly before downing the burning liquid from his glass, grabbing the bottle to pour more.
"But how would you know that?" Benedict said, confusion growing onto his face. "And why would you know that?''
Anthony takes in a deep breath before turning back to his brother.
"Because the man who compromised Miss Sharma was me."
Benedict, now standing, paces across the floor as he takes big breaths to keep his cool. He then turns to Anthony, storming up to him and grabbing his collar.
"You fucked her and then left her?" He yelled, anger flashing across his face. He was fuming. Anthony had never seen this kind of emotion in his brother before. Benedict was always the calm one. Always the one who kept his cool when it came to getting angry. This was new.
"I did not intend-"
"You compromise that woman and then propose to her sister!"
"And then what? Don't tell me you knew of the two of us!"
Anthony looked down at the floor, Benedict stepped away from him for a moment.
"I knew not of your feelings, just your actions," Anthony said. "I told her that she should choose you because I was engaged to her sister. It was before my engagement, before all of the wedding talk, and before you set your eyes on her."
"How many times did you sleep with her?" Benedict asked, tears in his eyes.
"It only happened, maybe a few times."
"Did any of it happen after you found out about her and I?"
Anthony doesn't answer immediately but based on his silence, Benedict already knew.
"Brother, I love her!" Benedict yelled, hurt and betrayal creeping in his voice. "And you aimed to take her away from me!"
"I love her, Benedict. I tried to stop it. I tried to stop my feelings but I couldn't. I wanted to leave her alone after I found out about the two of you," Anthony says.
"But you did not!" Benedict yelled back at him, his blood boiling.
"It was Miss Sharma who ended things between the two of us, Ben. I told her that I loved her and then realized that it made me weak. I could not let her feel the same pain as Mother did after Father's death."
"You don't get to keep using that excuse, Anthony!" Benedict cried. "We have given you so many passes because of that one excuse and I understand how much Father meant to you but you do forget that I was close in your age when Father died as well. It is as though everyone forgets that he was my father too."
"You have always been seen as strong and brave and mature for taking over the head of the house, but forget that you are not the only one who has the burden of remembering Father's passing." Benedict says, "I used to stand there, outside your study, listening to your pen scribbling across papers. I would listen to the sounds of you stumbling through the office and papers falling along with books from the shelves as you make your way back to your seat because you were so overcome with sleep. I would want to reach out to help you but it was not my place. I had to lose my father and watch my brother lose himself. So for you to deprive yourself of happiness, it is the worst mistake you could make."
"I have to protect her from it, brother. I will not let Y/n face the same pain and fate Mother did."
"Brother, you can not hide from love. It will find you. It always does. You can choose to turn away from it or you can embrace it with everything you have," Benedict walks over to his brother, a man who is clearly struggling to contain his emotions as he stands before his younger brother.
Benedict grabs the back of Anthony's neck, comforting him.
"Make it right with her brother, if you love her within half of what you claim, make it right."
Benedict turned and walked out of the office, leaving Anthony in the candle lit room alone.
"Whistledown writes lies," Edwina states, holding the piece of paper. "Anthony does not have eyes for one of you, does he?"
"Never," Kate says. "He is completely entranced by you."
You sit with a book as you listen to them. Edwina had been growing weary of the wedding. Almost having second thoughts before deciding that she would continue. You remember the conversation with her and Kate.
You three girls were all gathered in the library, looking through the old books as you gossiped about the ladies of the Ton.
"Did you see how Lady Datherington was dangling onto Lord Kemp?" Kate asked?
"I don't know if I want to continue with the wedding," Edwina says softly. "I am just not sure if he is the one for me."
"What makes you say that?" Kate asked.
"Yes, you seemed happy with the courtship," You said.
"It just seems as though we are not meant to be, rather that he may be interested in someone else."
"Someone else?" Kate questioned, looking at you for support.
"Darling, he is not interested in anyone else. You are the diamond of the season, why would he be interested in someone else instead."
"But that is the issue, Y/n, why isn't he interested in a different woman?" Edwina says, confusing the both you and Kate.
"Do you want him to be interested in someone else?" You ask.
"It would make more sense than him being interested in me just because the queen said he should be," Edwina says. "He doesn't even want a love match. He just wants a wife to take care of his home."
"His huge home," Kate gives a nod.
"Kate, I think what she means to say-"
"Not what I mean to say, what I am saying is that he doesn't love me so why is he so committed to this marriage? Why does he not try to get to know me if he wants to be my husband?"
You move to hug her and Kate does the same. At this very moment, you ponder if you should tell her that you were in love with her future husband, and a small part of you hoped that she would forgive. You thought that it would be a good time to tell her, give it to her while we are on the topic of the viscount, but just as you open your mouth, Edwina states that she is to still marry him.
"I suppose that I must marry him with the wedding so close. I can not pull out now," Edwina says with a small smile.
"You are to still marry him?" You asked.
"Well, I have to now since the wedding is in two weeks."
"What would make you not marry him?" You asked, Kate looked at you confused.
"Why do you ask?" Kate says slowly.
"Because I would want to know what it would take for a man not to marry me."
"I suppose him telling me he was in love with another woman because I would not want him to be in a loveless marriage and yearn for another," Edwina says.
"Anything else?"
"Maybe if the woman told me she loved him as well." ---
You close the book you are reading when a piece of paper falls out of it, Anthony's note. You had not seen it since the morning you found it laying on your bedside table. You quickly move to grab it, but Edwina swoops it in her hands from the floor.
"Look Kate, Y/n has a secret love letter!" Edwina squeals.
"I had no idea you were getting letters from gentlemen," Kate teases, walking up beside Edwina as you stare at the piece of paper in horror.
Edwina starts to read aloud, "My Dearest, Miss Sharma."
"Oh my, it has a comma after Dearest," Kate gushes as she beams brightly.
"I love you as deeply as the deepest parts of the oceans and even further than that," Edwina reads on, smiling as she does so. "I wish there was a way to sleep in the same bed as you. To stay in the same home with you, to hold you love as close as I can until it was the only thing I knew."
"Oh Y/n, this man is deeply taken with you!" Kate beams as she runs to hug you tightly. "You must tell us what his name is! Oh and we must tell Mama!"
Edwina's eyes grow large, her smile dimming and horror falls onto your face. Kate turns back to Edwina and tilts her head in confusion.
"Bon, is everything alright?"
"Why would you do this to me?" Edwina says, staring at the paper.
"Edwina, I can explain."
"How could you do this to me?" Edwina says again, anger growing into her voice. " 'How I wish I were able to say "I love you, Mrs. Bridgerton. My viscountess."' "Do these words ring any bells? And the "A.B."?"
"Edwina, please!" You start to shake your head at her. "I am truly sorry. I never meant-"
"He wrote to you that he wanted to marry you in a different reality, one where he was not marrying me and that he may actually be able to marry for love!" Edwina cries at not the thought of him not being faithful to their courtship and engagement but because it was you he was being unfaithful with.
"Edwina, all of that was before he announced your engagement," You plead. "I did not expect for Lord Bridgerton to be interested in me nor I in him. I did not want this to happen. I cut it off because I saw how happy you are with him."
"So at every ball, when the two of you danced, you loved him? Or was every insult you said to him was truly a love confession?"
Kate stood there in shock as she read the first line, "I awoke with a perplexed train of thought as I watched you blissfully sleep."
"Did the two of you do what married people do?" Kate asked, interrupting the two of you.
"I...Yes, we did but it was not something that I knew to be the marital act at all."
"Y/N, he has compromised you and he has left you aside!" Kate said, anger slipping in as she thought of seeing Anthony.
"Edwina, I never meant to cause harm to you." You say, slowly walking to her, she steps back a few steps.
"It is not that I am happy with him because I am not," Edwina said, for the first time since the engagement she could speak how she truly feels. "I am not happy with Lord Bridgerton. And I can not make him happy. I am going into a loveless marriage and he is in love with my sister. I knew that he could never love me, I just never expected you to be the one he loved."
"I am not done!" She shouts, stomping her foot. "I foolishly expected that one day we could love each other but we cannot. I shared my doubts, my concerns, and my feelings with you, and this entire time, you were secretly the reason behind all of them. I am not upset that you love him or that he had secretly been meeting with you, I am angry because you felt as though you could not tell me your feelings for him."
"I am so sorry," You cry, shaking as you stood there in one spot, frozen due to your mistake.
"I thought we were closer than anyone," Edwina said. "And yet you could not tell me small things like how you took interest in Lord Bridgerton and you kept it from me."
Edwina walked out of the room, tears in her eyes, and you stood there in your spot until she had left completely before breaking down. Kate rushed to catch you as you slid to your knees as you cried.
"He said he loved me, Kate. He said he loved me. Why did he have to tell me that he loved me?"
"Shhh, I know. I know." Kate had only one thought as she held your shaking form in her arms, she was going to have a nice long conversation with Anthony.
"I never meant for this to happen," You cried. "I just wanted someone to love me and he said he did. I didn't mean for it to hurt her. I never wanted to hurt her. I just wanted someone to love me."
Kate gently takes your face in her hands and kisses your forehead.
"You are loved. You need not a man to love you. To love someone else is to first love yourself. You can not love someone else unless you are willing to accept love for yourself," Kate smiles. "Anthony is an idiot for making you feel this way. For that I am terribly sorry and you will survive because you have survived many things in this world for you are a woman.''
"But Edwina is upset with me."
"She is upset, but she is not angry. She understands that you love him, she is rather upset because you had not been truthful with your feelings."
"Do you think she will forgive me?" You ask, looking up at her with hope in your eyes along with unshedded tears.
"Oh darling, she has most likely forgiven you as soon as she walked out of the room. You know Edwina may be upset with you, but do not think that she doesn't love you or will not forgive you. She is just hurt."
"Kate, you have no idea how much I am going to miss you when you leave for India again."
"And I will miss you as well. But for now, lets not talk on that topic. I have a very important thing to do right now," She smiles.
"Oh of course," You move to get out of her arms.
"No silly, my important task is to hold you until you feel better," She smiles as she squeezes you tightly.
"But I already feel better," You giggle.
"Well at least until I feel better."
Anthony walks into his mother's drawing room as she sits there stitching up a pillow which she puts down when seeing the state of her son.
"What is it, my son?" Violet smiles softly.
"Mama, I made a huge mistake and I do not know how to fix it."
"Oh my son, come sit."
Violet moves a pillow and she pats the couch beside her. Anthony sits down and tears well up in his eyes.
"Oh, darling what troubles you?"
"I love someone and I can not possibly let her suffer a painful life as you have since Father," Anthony says as he struggles not to cry in front of his mother.
"Anthony, I have not lived a painful life." Violet places her hand on Anthony's cheek. Normally he would scold her or move away but he realized that he deeply craved his mother's touch.
"I shared a wonderful life with your father and when he died, it felt as though a part of me died, but without the love and heartache that I gained throughout our marriage, I would not have you or the rest of my children. I would be lost in this sea of life without having Edmund, but I have my children, the greatest honor of my life, to hold me anchored."
"But Mama, I can not have her suffer."
"And what do you think you are doing to her now?" Violet knew who her son was talking about and she knew how you were feeling.
"Mother, I can not let her love me. I can not rest peacefully if she were to be in pain and agony because of me!" Anthony's tears fell from his eyes, and Violet's thumb wipes them away.
"Oh my sweet, sweet Anthony, you put so much on yourself." She smiles sadly. "Are you saying that you do not deserve to have happiness with the one woman who not only loves you but understands you more than everyone else?"
"Well, not more than you," Anthony laughs softly. "I just do not know if I can let her love me openly and deeply."
"Son, you are so much like your father. He too struggled with accepting love, but when he did, he did it with so much embrace. He is extremely proud of you and he would want you to be loved as deeply as he loved me or I loved him."
"Mama, what have I done to deserve her love? I have brought her only suffering and I am not dead yet."
"My darling child, love is not something that one is deserving of because it should be unconditional," Violet smiles. "You know what you must do now?"
"Yes, I believe I do." Anthony smiles as he hugs his mother, Violet gasped in surprise at the action. He had not done so since he left for Oxford all those years ago.
"I love you, Mama."
Violet smiled and tears came to her eyes as she squeezed him tighter.
"I love you too, my son."
There was a thunderstorm and lightening was cracking against the sky and thunder boomed across the earth. You had crept into Edwina's room to talk.
"Edwina, I wanted to say I am sorry."
Edwina had not answered. She laid still on her bed.
"I have decided that I am going to tell Anthony that I am leaving for India with Kate and I thought I should also tell you."
As you were speaking, thunder clapped in the sky and a small whimper left Edwina's lips.
Nothing but another whimper. You move to Edwina's bed and you sat down. Edwina looked over at you and you open your arms. She quickly rushed into your arms as you moved to her pillow. She wrapped herself in your arms and clung to you with wide eyes and a racing heartbeat.
"Edwina, you are safe. I have you, you are safe." You stroked her hair and you both slowly drifted off to sleep as the rain poured down from the sky, as if it was cleansing the earth of mistakes and washing your mistake with Edwina down with it.
"I love you Edwina," You said.
"I forgive you," She whispers before you hear snores drifting through the air.
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fayes-fics · 11 months
Anthony + regency + newlyweds, reader and anthony absolutely hate each other with a passion any kink tbh
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Kinktober 2023: Anthony + Hate Sex
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Paring: Anthony Bridgeton x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, arranged marriage, newlyweds, loss of female virginity, hate sex, smidge of innocence/corruption kink, dose of breeding kink, vaginal sex, creampie.
Author’s note: hi nonny 🫶 So I went with hate sex and threw in a little touch of breeding kink as well, cos I got another ask for it, and damn, it seems to be popular. So there tumblr you get two Anthony breeding kinks in a row - one modern, one Regency. This is not a drabble lol. Enjoy! 😁🧡
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His wedding ring is cold against your face as he holds your jaw, inspecting your appearance up close. 
“Pleasing countenance,” he opines casually; you feel vaguely like livestock being inspected before purchase at market.
How you can hate and desire someone so much and in equal measure is confounding. Married to Viscount Bridgerton in a business deal brokered by your opportunistic father, you only set eyes upon him as you walked up the church aisle earlier today. And god in heaven if your body didn't want to melt on the spot instantly. So very handsome with depthless brown eyes. Well, until he opened his braggard mouth. Then, you wanted to scream as much as you wanted to throw yourself at him. 
Now, here you are. Your wedding night. Your marital bedroom. Your new husband. He perfunctorily ordered you to strip naked as he did the same. Your eyes bulge at the sight of him without clothing. Particularly an angry, large protuberance he referred to as his cock, which right now is branding your belly, leaving a sticky streak that, for some strange reason, you yearn to taste.
He steps away and rounds behind you, spanking a hand across your bottom cheek that makes you squeak, startled. 
“Appealing shape. Good child-bearing hips,” Anthony assesses cooly.
You have to tamp down an urge to swing back and clock him in the jaw. The only reason you don't is the flood of pleasure in your limbic system as your bum tingles with his handprint, inner thighs now damp.
He circles back in front of you as you square your jaw and meet his scrutinising eye fiercely. You gasp loudly as a finger quests unexpectedly between your legs, into your damp curls and prods your body somewhere you have never been touched. 
“A maiden, indeed, as promised.”
As he withdraws, you are as much afire as you are indignant.
“If I pass your grade…,” you sneer behind gritted teeth, “…I do suppose there is the matter of the marital act to get over and done with.”
“You know of it?” he looks surprised, but not unpleasantly so, a gravelly hitch in his voice.
“Somewhat,” you bluster, defensive. “I know it is my duty; it is necessary to create children, and I may not enjoy it.”
“True, true and not true,” he argues back. A warm hand shoots out suddenly to cup your breast, making you inhale sharply. “You will love it,” he swaggers. 
And again, even as you press into the thumb swiping your nipple, your hatred for his conceit flares hot in your throat, indignation he can be so… just so… HIM.  
But then he leans in and kisses you. An all-consuming invasion of your mouth and senses that leaves you breathless, plundered, besmirched, forever changed. And practically begging for more, having to bite the tongue he teased to stop yourself from voicing it. 
As he pulls away, you see a brief maelstrom in his eyes, a flash of vulnerability, as if he is also taken aback, before he turns his expression flinty.
“Get on the bed and open your legs wide,” he orders curtly. “We shall indeed get this done. As much as you may hate me, and I dislike the circumstances.”
“Why dislike?” you ask, genuinely intrigued, even as you do as you are told, taking your place, lying with your legs out wide flat on the bedding.
“Not like that,” he sighs impatiently, tapping your feet upwards so your knees are bent. “And to answer your question, while I did not marry for love, I do wish for at least a degree of cordiality with my Viscountess,” he adds with a regret-filled sigh, clambering onto the bed.
“I can be cordial,” you counter as he climbs over you, that large cock bobbing as he does so, a lump in your throat at the sight. 
He stills, and a smirk takes over his entire face.
“Prove it,” he challenges huskily, raising an eyebrow, your body ripening at his unanticipatedly playful tone.
“You are handsome,” you concede, trying your best not to show how flustered you are as he slowly presses his naked body into yours, bearing you down into the plush mattress. So much heat and warm skin, the soft dark hair on his chest teasing your puffy nipples.
“Go on…” he rumbles, a vibration in your ribcage as he does.
“I'm sure our children would be intelligent as well as beautiful,” you offer, giving your honest assessment.
“Would they now…” his voice is like dark velvet as his lips delicately trace your neck, then suck insistently on a spot that makes you stumble, a ripple of pleasure running down your limbs.
“A… And… And when you are not speaking, I actually think I could tolerate you,” you admit as his hot throat kisses cause a warmth spreading inside like a conflagration.
“I won't speak then,” he chuckles richly. “I will however…” there is a pause as he passes his cock over the apex of your thighs, and your mouth falls open in shock at a sharp, thrilling stab, “...make you scream my name.”
You stare up at the man hovering over you, completely enthralled by him—his power, his beauty, his mischief, and yes, his arrogance. A loop of desire and dislike as never-ending and strong as the shiny bands you both now wear on your fingers.
“Prove it,” your cutting, parroted response tumbles from your lips unbidden. 
The passion and shock painted across his face make you melt inside like toffee—viscous and sweet.
“Oh, Viscountess, yesss,” he purrs sibilant. “That’s the spirit.”
He kisses you again, all breathtaking tongue and teeth, and this time, you push up into him, canting your body off the bed. He growls as you do, his touch turning edgier and rougher. Hands loop around your thighs and drag you down the bed.
“Any ache will be fleeting,” he assures, as butterfly wings beat under your ribs.
You gasp at a blunt pressure, followed by a twinge of pain. You are speechless as his cock slides into your body, your toes curling, your fingers wrapping around his flexing biceps as your insides stretch so wide to accommodate him. He stills, allowing you time to process the rush of stimuli, bussing a light kiss on your temple as you grapple with the fullness, entirely novel but not at all unpleasant. Then he begins to move slowly within you, a gentle rock of his hips as you whimper and grasp his arms tighter, needing an anchor.
“This is what you will enjoy every night,” he declares as he surges into you with a force that makes you pant and stare at him wide-eyed.
“Every night?! N-Not just one?!” you fight out, words garbled, overwhelmed, almost incapable of speech.
“No, no. We shall do this every night until you are with child,” his tone prideful and possessive; he leans down and bites your earlobe, his speech gusting humid over your cheek. “And even then, I dare say I shall not stop. You will be all the more irresistible when heavy with my child.”
He has flipped a secret switch buried deep in your belly, a magnetic pull calling for him like a siren song, wanting nothing more, as if it is your most significant purpose in life to bear his progeny.
“I… I want your children,”  you stutter truthfully.
Your confession does something primal to him, hunching over you and taking you harsher now, hands grabbing your flesh hungrily as his cock ploughs into you. He moves quicker, the drag against that swollen nub between your legs making your lungs feel tight and your brain fuzzy. All the hatred draining from you, the scales tipping wholly towards the other side—total carnal lust. A craving for him and his body and to continue the Bridgerton name you now also bear.
Your hands tentatively explore his contours as you grow bolder, and he fucks you harder. His expression as he pulls up to look over you veering close to ragging affection.
“Do you like it?” he murmurs, a beautiful boyish smile claiming his face as you nod. “Do you want to do it more?” Again, you silently affirm. “Do you still hate me?” he whispers. You shake your head as he kisses your forehead. “Shame. You are so very beguiling when you fight me,” he confesses as if exposing a chink in his armour.
“I also did not say I liked you…” you quip, feeling emboldened, your cadence rising with each deep stroke he takes.
His inky pupils glitter down at you. “Indeed you did not,”  
And with that, he sinfully sucks on two fingers, staring you down, worming them between your bodies. You cry out as he nudges your burning nub—so much wetness and heat. All the while, his pace never wavers.
“Pleasure is key to conception,” he explains, even as your brain turns off.
“Please don’t stop,” you pant, climbing higher and higher, nails scratching his back.
“I’m never stopping,” he rasps, his tone sincere. 
He snaps his hips harshly, and all you can do is cling to him as your body flings you over a breathtaking peak, vision whiting out as your body shudders and your pussy flutters hard around his invading cock, which feels shatteringly huge with each convulsion. He groans, and as you feel yourself floating, he grabs your face and holds his directly over yours. His body stills, his face contorted in ecstasy as he also seems to reach a climax, a warm bloom deep inside you that can only be from him, from his cock. He slumps over you, both of you panting, winded.
“Now you have my seed, darling girl,” he slurs after a moment, the term of affection catching you slightly off-guard.
“Is that what I can feel?” You stumble, still dazed.
“Yes, you shall dutifully grow me a baby Bridgerton with it, will you not?” he looks at you expectantly.
“Yes, my lord,” you nod solemnly. 
And you mean it.
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No taglist as these drabbles are short
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darknights04 · 7 months
are you still working on the Elijah mikaelson Bridgeton fic?
I'm sorry it took so long 😭😭 Lots of life changes have been occurring. But here it is, a small blurb of what could be the start of a series if you guys like it.
The Social Season
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x reader Summary: The Mikaelsons have returned to London for this year's social season. No girl had ever caught Elijah's eye before, until now. Word Count: 2772 Masterlist
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London 1814
The London social season had been in full swing by the time the Mikaelsons had returned to the city during one of Lady Danbury’s events. Elijah and his siblings had barely walked through the doors before ruthless mamas began to smooth our their daughter’s dresses while eyeing them from across the room. Elijah was the prize, certainly, but if any woman was to catch a Mikaelson son at all they would consider it a win. Rebekah had also never had a difficulty keeping her dance card full. 
It was well past the first soiree of the season, but it was the first that the Mikaelson siblings had made an appearance at. The marriage-minded missus of the city (and their mamas) always kept a keen eye out for them. While they may not have had the status of the Duke, the Mikaelson family was both well known, respected, and equally as feared. Not even Lady Whistledown dared to write more than their names. 
“Must we return to this god-awful city every year?” Niklaus groaned as the wave of young bachelorettes swarmed towards them. 
“Speak for yourself,” Kol smiled, watching the ladies with a much different expression. “I rather like being adored.” 
“Mikaelsons!” they all heard coming from the opposite direction. Upon inspection they saw none other than Anthony Bridgerton advancing towards them. Rebekah and Elijah turned toward him with bright smiles with Niklaus and Kol tended to the hoard of ladies with empty dance cards. 
“Bridgerton,” Elijah greeted with a smile, meeting his arm in the middle to shake his hand in greeting. 
“You’ve missed a great amount in the short few weeks you’ve been absent this season.” 
“Yes, well, we had some family business to tie up back in the states across the water.” 
“No matter, you are all here now. You must join our family for a promenade sometime soon so I might regale you with all the happenings from the season thus far.” 
“I’m sure we’ll catch up plenty with a reading of the last couple Lady Whistledown issues,” Rebekah remarked with a small chuckle.
“Yes but surely, sister, as you know as well as I Whistledown doesn’t know everything,” Elijah corrected before turning back to Anthony with a smile. “We’ll be glad to join you, Bridgerton. You shall name the day.” 
“Fantastic! Oh and we must not forget the ball my mother is hosting at our estate in the country. You’d all be welcome there as my guests if you so desire.” 
“I would be honored, my lord,” Rebekah said with a smile, bowing her head slightly. It was no secret that she fancied the man. Her whole family could see it. While Rebekah had no intention of being courted or heavens forbid marrying anyone, she could still dream about the life she might live were she able to. The beautiful family that might surround her. The number of children she and the viscount might have been able to have together. But that was nothing more than a fantasy. Precisely the reason that Elijah was hardly ever seen taking any young ladies to the floor. He felt it foolish to fill them with futile hopes of him proposing. Every respectable lady of the ton desired marriage, children, a real family. Something none of the Mikaelsons would be able to provide. 
Nonetheless, the Mikaelsons always appeared before the ton each year during the height of the social season just long enough to maintain appearances. Not to mention, Kol had not found an easier afternoon snack than that of a young lady hoping for a betrothal. They never killed any of the members of the ton, of course. Such a high standing society member would surely be missed. Nothing a bit of the vampires’ own blood and a little compulsion couldn’t resolve.
“You must meet my dear cousin,” Anthony stated after a brief moment. “She’s come to live with us after the passing of her mother, my aunt.” 
Anthony turned as he beckoned you over to them. Elijah sighed as he looked down at his feet, readjudsting his posture to be more proper as he awaited your arrival. When his eyes met yours, however, his reluctance towards the introduction vanished. 
“Mikaelsons,” Anthony continued. “This is my cousin, miss Y/n Ledger.” 
“A pleasure,” you said with a polite smile and a perfect curtsy. 
“The pleasure is mine,” Elijah replied quickly, offering his hand for you to take. Once you softly placed your hand into his, Elijah brought it ever so slowly up to his lips as he touched the softest kiss to your gloved hand; an action that did not go unnoticed by Rebekah, nor the ravenous mamas behind them. Elijah was not one to give more than a curt nod to young ladies introducing themselves. “Lady Ledger-”
“Just miss Ledger,” you corrected. “Lady Ledger was my grandmother.” 
While the response was simple, it answered many of Elijah’s questions. For one, you were not married. If you had been married you would either hold a title as a lady or hold a different last name than your grandmother. Second, your mother was not married. Had your father been a Ledger himself, your mother would hold the title of Lady Ledger, not your grandmother. As that title is still her grandmother’s to hold, your mother hadn’t married a lord to gain the title herself. Thirdly, she must be related to the Bridgertons through the sister of the current vicountesses Bridgerton. 
“Pardon me, Miss Ledger. Would you care to do me the honor of a d-”
“Y/n, surely you must join me for a cool glass of lemonade,” Rebekah interrupted, linking her arm through yours as she dragged you away to the drinks table. 
Elijah stood dumbfounded as you both walked away. Rebakah knew it was improper to interrupt, but after living for 800 years she couldn’t come to care. Elijah watched your expression closely. He expected a protest, or for you to at least look back towards him. There wasn’t a chance you didn’t catch what he wanted to ask you. Any other lady would have jumped at the opportunity to be led to the floor by a Mikaelson. Especially by Elijah, being the eldest for all intents and purposes. 
As soon as the two of you were gone, Elijah was swarmed by the ton much like his brothers were just moments before. Nikalus and Kol could not agree to another single dance, having agreed to partner with a different lady for each one, so naturally the crowd has turned next
‘’ towards both Elijah and Anthony, knowing this was the season the viscount longed to secure a wife. 
Anthony looked towards Elijah with raised eyebrows as he let out a deep sigh before having to face the wolves. 
As the week went on, Elijah and Rebekah agreed to join the Bridgerton family in a turn about the park in Mayfair. Rebekah loved their family. She envied Violet’s ability to have so many children. A life she longed for herself. Elijah, on the other hand, wanted to know more about you. 
“Bridgertons,” Elijah greeted the family with a nod as they approached. “Miss Ledger,” he said toward you.
“My lord,” you greeted back with a smile and a small bow.
“Would you care for a turnabout the lake?” he offered, holding his arm out for you. 
“Oh,” you said with a slight tone of surprise, looking back at the Bridgerton family. Before you could find the words to accept or deny, Violet spoke up for you. 
“She would love one,” Violet beamed with a nod, pulling you forward to take his arm. 
You chuckled in defeat as you wrapped you arm around his, hand resting on the crook of his elbow. 
The two of you had barely gotten ten feet from the rest of the family before he bagan to bombard you with questions. You didn’t mind, of course. Most most began conversations this way, especially when “interviewing” their potential matches. 
“So I really must ask,” he began. “How is it that you’re not married yet?” 
You chuckled at his question, one of the ones you expected to hear first. “Well, my mother had me out of wedlock. If it wasn’t for or connection to the Bridgertons then I would be labeled a bastard child and thrown out of society entirely. Instead, my mother trained me from a young age so I could have the perfect match. She was determined. Too determined. Her determination ended up turning away a lot of possible suitors.”
As you spoke, you noticed Elijah was genuinely interested in what you had to say. He wasn’t spaced out as you rambled on, he didn’t seem annoyed or simply waiting for you to be finished. He wanted to know about you. About your life.
“As the seasons past, and I got older, everyone began to lose interest. I’ve been officially put ‘on the shelf’ as they would call it, at the ripe age of three and twenty.”
“Yet you still attend events with the rest of the ton?” he questioned. 
“Living with the Bridgertons comes with a surplus of invitations,” you explained with a smile. “And Eloise needs encouragement through her first season.” 
Elijah let out a laugh at that. “I pity any man who tries to tame her.” 
“Not possible,” you rebutted with a laugh of your own. “Eloise is one horse that cannot be tamed.”
As you continued to walk, you noticed many eyes turned to stare at the two of you. 
“And what of you?” you asked him. It was his turn to answer your questions. 
“What of me?” 
“Surely you have your number of available matches. Why have you gone so long without securing one?” 
Elijah chucked while glancing to the floor, watching your feet walk in sync. “In truth I’ve never had the desire to settle down with anyone,” he explained. “It didn’t seem like the type of life I was meant to live.” 
“And now?” you asked. Both of your steps had halted as you turned to face one another, his eyes searching yours as if trying to find the words to answer you. 
“Now…” he began, not truly knowing what his answer was. “Now, I’m not sure what the future holds for me.” 
The two of you stayed in silence you a couple moments longer, stuck searching the others eyes for answers to questions you didn’t know. It wasn’t until you remembered where you were that you tore your eyes from his, clearing your throat.
“We should make our way back,” you said simply. “They’ll be serving tea under the gazebo soon. Would you and your sister care to join us?” 
It was Elijah’s turn tp clear his own throat, facing back towards the path in front of you as he continued to walk.
“Indeed,” he nodded. “That would be quite agreeable.”
After a few moments of silence, you spoke up again. “You must join us in Aubrey Hall next week.”
“Yes, Lord Bridgerton mentioned retiring to the country for a ball his mother is hosting.” 
“He’s invited the Sharma family to join us before the rest of the invited guests arrive, I insist your family do the same.” 
“Are you certain?” he asked with raised eyebrows. “We would not wish to be a burden.”
“It’s no trouble at all,” you assured him. “There is plenty of space and I could use the company while Anthony is busy in his dance of courtship. I shall discuss it with the family upon our return.” 
As the two of you walked back towards the Bridgertons, you felt eyes on you left and right. Both lords and ladys staring at the pair of you with two feelings on their mind. Confusing and envy. 
As the Mikaelsons dismounted from their carriage at Aubrey Hall, the entirety of the Bridgerton family was waiting to greet them. 
“Lord Mikaelson,” Violet smiled, greeting him with open arms. 
“Elijah, please,” he corrected, bowing his head slightly towards her. “You’ve invited us to be guests in your home, its only fair that you might call us by our given names. You know my sister, Rebekah,” he continued, motioning towards his siblings. “And might I introduce my brother, Niklaus and Kol.” 
“A pleasure, Lady Bridgerton,” Kol greeted with a bow of his own, followed by Niklaus.
“You have a lovely home,” he spoke up with a warm smile. 
“While you’re here you may think of it as your own,” Violet began before motioning towards the front doors. “Please, we were just about to sit down for tea. The Sharmas should be arriving any moment.”
As the group walked into the house, Elijah’s face lit up with a smile seeing you sitting in the parlor, waiting for everyone else. 
“My lord,” you smiled, standing up to offer a quick curtsy. “I’m pleased you could make it.”
Elijah grabbed your hand before your eyes raised to meet his, bringing it once more up to lightly caress it with his lips. Your breath hitches in your throat as this time, you weren’t wearing your gloves. 
“I wouldn’t miss it,” his said, looking back at you with a smile, you hand staying in his while he looks up at you. 
His eyes held yours for another moment before you heard a throat clear behind you. Elijah turned to see Kol with a sly smirk on his face.
“Ah, yes, miss Ledger allow me to introduce my brothers, Kol and Niklaus.” 
Both men in question smiled warmly as they each gave the the girl a quick bow. 
“Brother,” Elijah continued. “I’d like you both to meet miss Y/n Ledger. Cousin to the Bridgertons.” 
“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” you said with a smile of your own, giving a small curtsy. 
“Miss Ledger,” Niklaus starting, stepping forward to be next to Elijah. “I hear you’re quite the artist. I myself dabble in painting every now and again, I’d love to see your work.” 
Elijah looked towards his brother uneasily. Anyone who overheard him may have taken his comment as a kind remark, but Elijah didn’t miss the calculating grin on his face. He had an agenda. 
“An artist?” Elijah repeated with a slight tone of surprise. He wasn’t sure how his brother came to know this.
“Yes, brother. I’ve done my research,” Klaus answered back simply. 
“Oh,” you began, a bit take off guard by his knowledge of you. “Well I’ve tried my hand at painting every now and again, but Benedict is the true artist of the family. It’s him you’d be wanting to speak with about it.” 
“Miss Ledger I don’t recall ever seeing you on the dance floor,” Kol spoke up next. “You must allow me to lead you sometime. I am, after all, the best dancer in the family.” 
“Perhaps the best male dancer,” Rebekah spoke up, seemingly appearing beside him. “Both of you, stop overwhelming the poor girl.” 
“Oh, I really don’t mind, Lady Mikaelson.”
“Rebekah, please,” she almost scoffed. “Titles make me feel much too old.” 
“I couldn’t possibly-”
“I insist,” she interrupted. “In any case, we are all most comfortable being called by our given names. When one hears the name ‘Mikaelson’ being thrown from across the ballroom we never know for who it is intended for.” 
“Very well, Rebekah. Then you all must call me Y/n. Especially here in the country, away from the rules of London society.” 
“Lord Mikaelson,” Violet could be heard from behind, approaching the small group in the parlor. 
“Again, Elijah really is fine,” he corrected again with a chuckle.
“Elijah,” she repeated, a warm smile on her face. “You really must allow Y/n to take you on a tour of the grounds. I hear you’re quite the reader and my late husband, Edmund, had quite the collection in his library.” 
“But aunt Violet,” you started before Elijah could give an answer. “I told the kitchen staff that I would assist in serving the tea.” 
Violet waved you off. “I shall send down Eloise to help them. You go on and show Elijah your uncle’s library upstairs.” 
“I would love to see it,” Elijah added, urging you with his smile.
“Very well,” you nodded. Elijah help out his arm, motioning for you to go first, following close behind as you led him up to the Bridgerton’s library. 
“Might they be needing a chaperone, Lady Bridgerton?” Rebekah asked her with a sly grin, catching onto Violet’s schemes. 
“I’m not sure as to who you are referring,” she replied with an innocent shrug, turning back to return to the rest of her family. 
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hocuspocusbabyy · 4 months
A ring of bright light: Chapter 2. ‘Perfect stranger.’
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Warnings: none?
Paring: Eloise Bridgeton x Female OC
Description: Eloise meets her suitor.
Word count: 1.5k
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Next Chapter
“A Diamond knows how to dance.”
“A Diamond knows when to nod.”
“A Diamond knows if to smile.”
When her elder brother Anthony married, Eloise knew the burden of marriage would fall next to her. The entire situation with Kate had bought her a year and a winter at Aubrey house was something even Whistledown could not penetrate.
She knew the weight of her name, of the responsibilities that wrapped around her like smoke. The towering legacy of her father, sisters, brothers…of their family now trailing as she prepared to marry also. Anthony had set it up, a young, wealthy and respectable Count from the northern coastal region.
Count Arthur Brennan.
The family had hands in agriculture, supplying cattle to 80% of the tons across England. Though they had yet to meet, Daphne had assured her of his worth and good looks as though that would sway her any further from the inevitable truth.
She expected difficulties. Gossip, growing pains, resistance from the ton who would have preferred a representative from their family to be wed in her place. Though she found it increasingly harder to dispute them. She had focused on the future, her mother, the family and simply moving forward. She had pushed against the curve for long enough, the impending arrival of Penelope and Collins first child was a testament to that. Eloise simply had to take the bullet now.
"Are you always so silent when you’re concentrating?" Arthur chuckled, leading her delicately across the room.
“Doesn’t do well for them to know I am a bad dancer,” she sighed as she glared down at her feet.
“I’ve never heard of a ton who could not dance.” The gentleman, her husband to be quoted, bemusement settling deep into his features as he watched the frustration vibrate and ricocheted from his bride.
“I simply preferred books over tap shoes.”
“Ah, well that at the very least may help us.”
“How so?” Eloise asked, finally looking up towards her dance partner, blowing an unregulated strand of hair away from her eyes. The tingles of ashen locks create a mesh filter against her view.
Arthur grinned, as the woman’s face finally appeared to him unobscured. “Dancing and reading are quite similar,” slowing their movements the Count took a step back to take in the princess properly. The way gluttonous creatures stared at prey or children dreamed of chocolates - Eloise struggled to distinguish between the two. “You simply have lose yourself in it.”
“Follow my lead.” Arthur breathed leaning in against her ear, “just because we are forced to be here, does not mean we cannot obtain any joy from it.”
Eloise almost let out a smile at the observation, at the very least her brother had found her someone with a working pair of eyes and brain. Which was more than could be said for many of the people gathered in the ballroom around them. She was half sure Lady Downling would go blind with anguish should they dance a moment longer. Her daughter had been the prime pick for the upcoming season before Eloise had agreed to meet the count.
“Here,” Arthur pulled Eloise close, situating hands where they needed to be. Guiding her through the process, as any gentle person would.
“You will step on my feet,” Eloise protested and tried to step out of the grasp.
“Put your feet on mine.”
“What?” Eloise blurted out, surprised by the demand.
“If you’re worried I’ll step on your toes then just put them atop mine. It will also help you with footwork and knowing where to place your feet.”
For a moment, she thought about it and then, hesitantly, recently there were moments Eloise found herself on the verge of what could only be referred to as complete and utter madness. Though she had to admit, she was intrigued.
Eloise placed her feet on top of the Count. Placing one of her hands on his shoulder and clasping onto the other for dear life. “Now a dance involves two people. Very similar to a conversation. No matter how good of dancers they are, they have to be able to synchronise with their partner, watch them in a way a strategist would.”
They took one step and then another and then another, following the rhythm of the music that played softly through the walls. Eloise struggled with the urge to look down at her feet with each step, but understood the taste and marked her prey. Eyes baring down into the Count, a sight she would apparently have to get used to, though she couldn’t say the particular blue held was unappreciated.
They danced, softly swaying with the room. The air around them painted a light golden hue as the chandelier burned down. An arrow and a deer, circling one another till their inevitable connection and demise.
“How did you learn to dance so well? I did not take you for the type that would enjoy this,” Eloise whispered, not wanting to be louder than the music, not that it were possible, however with so many eyes on her she grew weary of ears too.
“And how is it you know so much of me without having met me before?”
“I did my research.” Eloise deadpanned, her elbows sticking out at the most uncomfortable angle as they moved.
“Well I hope that I may still surprise you.” He explained a quaint expression encapsulating the man’s face. Eloise took a moment to take in his other features as the dance continued. Such as her groom's hand the skin around his left was scared, rough and discoloured. His skin glowed a soft pink rather than a pale freckled white as were the rest of him. It made her stomach knot how sometimes cruel fates are less to the living acknowledgments of what had been done.
Rumour has it the count had sustained the injury during a fire at his estate, a fire which undoubtedly took his father's life and thus his youth along with it. Ascending to the head of his family at the mere age of 19. Maybe that was why Anthony and he had gotten along so well, they were of similar origins. Count Pieré Brennan had died five years ago, leaving behind his only son and second wife to stake claim.
A claim which would now belong to Eloise also… should everything go according to plan.
Her gaze trickled off to the hundreds of paintings hung in all depictions on the vast walls, the familiar faces of the family, knoblemen and people who had stayed, many of Eloise herself at multiple ages. The chandelier hung high and cast a circle of light across the wooden floor, illuminating single moments of what this place was – a home for all that had needed it.
There had always been something unreal and eerie about the palace. It wasn't prettiness no - it was an ethereal grace that was breathtaking, The halls tied themselves like tethered string weeping upon the draft of silence, the cracks peaked beneath the pale and flawed wallpaper that flaked like skin; mimicking that of eyelids. Though seemingly glowed in the dim light of the drowning day, flourished under the bewilderment of her childhood, Eloise remembered these walls and the floors she’d always dreamed would taste like honey.
Not to mention the many faces and bodies which resided within the palace at any given moment, for multiple variations of time. The vast chess floor of marble and oak glazed beneath her feet, as an advanced player Eloise knew every creaking floorboard and loose tile throughout the whole palace.
"A little rust is nothing when the heart is of pure gold." Her father would say.
Then her eyes locked with another. Eloise faulted, her feet surly would have let her stumble if Arthur hadn’t been there. A pair in which she had never acquainted before.
“Hold tight and trust me,” Arthur whispered suddenly. They dipped, Eloise’s cheeks dusted a light pink from the rush of blood to her head, her previous target of attention now lost to the crowd.
“What was that for?” Eloise forced a laugh, trying to send light hearted, to push past her loss of concentration.
Arthur sighed leaning forward again, “If this were a battle you would surely be dead.”
“Lucky for me we’re just dancing.” Eloise pointed back, a sickening feeling of awareness, transparency, being seen flooding her senses.
"Our engagement has yet to be announced," Arthur said, trying his best to look cavalier. “Make the most of the time between now and then.” The general helped the princess step down and crouched into a bow. “Until the next time we meet.”
Eloise watched the Lord’s fleeing figure, her body alight with questions for her future spouse and his sudden departure. Her questions soon answered as the object of her distraction stepped back into view.
“Eloise darling” Violet called, noticing her granddaughter left unattended, “do join us Collin here was just telling us of his newest book.”
“It’s a memoir of my time in Prussia.” The man explained as Eloise made way across the room, desperately trying to ignore the burning sensation that had settled upon the centre of her back. If a gaze could kill, Eloise was surely a prism with light penetrating directly through.
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joeylynchwife · 1 year
Anthony Bridgerton with prompts 34, 39, 41, 43, 45 and 48
Benedict Bridgerton with prompts 1, 11, 3, 40, 41 and 43
Thank you so much!!
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader
warning: just cute fluff
summary: you and benedict have been friends since childhood and you tell benedict your parents want you get married this season
prompt 1 : I think I love you
You arrive at the Bridgeton's at step down for the carriage thanking the person who helped you. You first got lead to the drawing room but no one was in there so you snook your way to Benedict's art room.
You knock on his door and hear benedict say "come in". Walking into his art room you see him painting on his canvas.
"Hello Benedict" he looks up and smiles and you don't miss how he quickly checks you out"Y/n I didn't expect to see you today"
"Really? I usually see you most days" you reply, you walk over to the couch and sit down. "what are you working on can I see?"
"uhh I-I" he stammers "you can never see an artist work till it is finished" he replys.
You raise an eyebrow being confused ad he usually shows you his unfished work but decide not to push the subject.
"well I have some news" Benedict takes a sip of his tea "my parents want me to attend this season and find a suitable man to marry"
Benedict spits his tea all over his painting and your eyes widen and you stand up "Benedict your painting".
He looks up at you "w-what did you say, your getting married?" You can't help but laugh.
Once you calm your self down you look back at Benedict "No well yes but not right now first I have to find a good man " "But why"
"Well my older sister god marries last season so luckily I don't need to marry anyone with a high rank but they want to be taken care of" You say.
Benedict walks over to you " I will not let you marry anyone" He says sternly" Your taken back by what he says.
"Why not!"
He wraps his arm around your waist and you gasp "Benid-" "I think I love you" Benedict says.
"I think I have loved you since we were children"
You look into his eyes and your own soften "are you sure because i think does not make you sound sure"
He grips you tighter "I am sure and I 100 percent want to marry you tonight just so I can kiss you"
He starts to get down on one knee but you catch him and make him stand up.
Benedict smiles once you he sees you laughing "Benedict you know i will say yes if you ask me to marry you right now but hoe about we do it in front of your family , we don't want to get caught being alone and cause a scandal"
"We will do it tomorrow then my love" You have already been improper so you decide one more time wont harm and you places your arms around Benedict's neck and hug him tight
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celiawrites14 · 2 months
anthony x oc (polly featherington)
summary: kate dies in a tragic accident and anthony needs help caring for his two children, who better to help than his and kate’s best friend polly?
warnings: major character death, angst, mad anthony, sad anthony, kids, stereotypical gender roles for early 1800s in england
i screamed in agony when lady violet bridgeton told me the news of viscountess bridgerton’s death. kate had been my best friend. the person i poured my heart and soul out to. and she was gone.
my sister, penelope, rushed to my side at the screams. i couldn’t focus, i couldn’t breathe. i felt her beside me, trying to soothe the pain in my heart. to comfort me. but it wasn’t working. the pain was deep, raw, and utterly broken.
“polly, look at me sister.” colin. i knew colin. i knew colin better than most. he was one of my dearest friends, other than kate. “polly, eyes on me.” i tried to search for colin’s face, but my eyes were too full of water to focus on him. i felt penelope wiping at my face, brushing the tears off. “there she is. there’s my pretty sister.”
i gasped for breath, inhaling deeply. penelope’s hand was on my back, the other wiping tears off my face. colin held both of my hands. “oh polly,” penelope said, sadness in her eyes. “i’m so sorry. i can not even fathom what is is like to lose such a dear and close friend.”
i gasped again before letting colin help me to my feet. “anthony is as distraught as you are, my dear.” lady bridgerton told me, reaching for my hand. “the children need you.”
the children. the children need me. “where are they,” i managed to get out.
“at the house.” i did not waste another second before running out of my house and over to the bridgerton house. i burst through the door, pushing past the staff and up the stairs to where i knew della and matthew would be. i pushed into matthew’s room, knowing he would not be consolable.
“matthew,” i breathed, looking around the two year old's room. he was lying in his bed, clutching his stuffed teddy. he stared at the wall. it was then that i noticed anthony sitting in the rocker in the corner, clutching the baby della. "anthony," i whispered. his eyes were red, his grip on the sleeping baby was strong but he wasn't hurting the baby. he looked so broken, similar to how he looked after his father died. i'm sure that i didn't look much better.
"he won't let me near him. i don't know what to do for him." anthony said, pain evident in his voice. "he isn't - he isn't like us. i'm not sure how to help him."
i nodded before looking back to matthew. i knew what anthony meant. i was one of the very few people that could reach matthew, the others being kate and hyacinth. i pulled the desk chair close to the bed and waited until matthew wanted to make contact. it wouldn't do anybody any good me to do anything before he's ready.
at two years old, matthew was a sweet boy. yes, he was different than most boys. he didn't talk much, he didn't like to be held or touched or hugged, he didn't like when it was too loud. he liked things to be a specific way. he liked everything to be the same. he liked colors and patterns. he was insanely smart. he was the smartest kid i had ever met or known.
eventually, matthew tucked himself into my arms and let out sobs. i'm not sure how much he knew was going on, but he knew that he would never see his mom again. i closed my eyes, not wanting my own tears to fall. eventually, i opened my eyes and met anthony's dark brown ones. tears were streaming down his face. i wouldn't let my body shudder even though i wanted to sob. after a while, matthew fell asleep, i rocked him back and forth in my arms, soothing him the best that i could. once i was assured he was asleep, i laid him on the bed before exiting the room, anthony and della behind me.
"i'm going to go put della down." anthony whispered, walking down the hall to della's bedroom. once he was out of sight, i raked my hand through my hair. this was real. kate was dead. my best friend. my person. my favorite human to grace the earth. she was dead.
anthony came out of della's room, still looking utterly broken.
i had to be strong, i reminded myself. i couldn't break. kate needed me to take care of the family. i needed to do this.
a month later, we had found some sort of routine. i would come and help with matthew and della for the day, while anthony did his viscount duties. when he was done, around dinnertime, i made my way back to my house with my mother and sisters.
it was exhausting. della was use to breast milk, which i did not have, so i had been using goat's milk. it was hard to feed her, it had to be exactly the right temperature and she didn't take hardly any. i was the only person she would drink a half a bottle for. sometimes anthony could feed her at night, but only if she was truly hungry. i did my best to be there for her right away in the morning and give her one last bottle before putting her down for the night. it was exhausting, but it needed to be done and i knew kate would want me here. lord knew anthony needed help.
when i tried to approach anthony about everything, it immediately he became defensive.
"i do not need to do anything!" he shouted at me.
“would you for one second just listen to me?” i screamed to anthony.
“i cannot! my wife is dead, you and the rest of the ton expect me to just move on? i won’t do it. i have children to attend to, who need a father. i have responsibilities as viscount to run the home. i do not expect you to understand!” he seethed.
“anthony i'm not expecting anything from you. im asking that you let me help you.”
“and how do you suppose we do that, huh? how, pray tell, polly, do you suppose we do that?”
“your children need caring for.” i said quietly. “and it’s not that you’re not doing a good job.” i added quickly before he could yell at me again. “but they need constant care. they are 1 month old and 2 year old. you are right, you have responsibilities as viscount and i respect and honor that, my lord. but let me help you with the children.”
anthony thought for a moment before nodding.
“but you must live at the house. they need it to be constant, so you must be there when they need you.”
"alright, we can make that work. i'm not sure how, but we will work out the details."
“right,” anthony rubbed his forehead. “right. okay.”
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weirdmorefics · 2 years
the same person who asked this
Hi there. Can I request a Anthony Bridgeton x ftm reader slightly set in modern era where they have twins and Anthony's family loves the reader and is okay with there relationship. I just want fluff with a (little too big of a) dash of angst. Something domestic where they go on a vacation and them all running around the garden and at the end of the night after the twins go to sleep y/n and Anthony spend time alone just talking, cuddling and swaying to music while looking in each other's eyes...im just a simp for fluff and angst.
Sorry if this is too specific or non-specific and if you don't feel like writing it then it's cool. Thank you ❤️
Just Shut Up and Kiss Me
FTM Reader
Pronouns- He/Him
Word Count- 523
Summary- After a long day at the ocean with the twins, you and Anthony finally get some quality time together.
A/N- MODERN TIME PERIOD! It's not exactly like the request I hope you still like it :)
Sorry for the lateness I've said in another post but it is due to the Flu and I have many chronic illnesses so it took me a while to get back to baseline.
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The twins were more rambunctious than they were at the estate which I did not even know was possible. I guess vacations bring out the energy in all of us. We spent the day together at the ocean and they could not contain their excitement.
To be honest, though any public body of water raises my anxiety. Even after top surgery, I feel like I should be wearing a shirt but Anthony eases my nerves. He has been with me through it all even if he was a bit uneducated about the subject at first. Eloise helped him research everything about top surgery and we played board games all throughout my recovery. Anthony acts as quite the buffer as well, his handsomeness certainly distracts from me. Anthony still encourages me to feel good in my skin with the salacious comments he whispers in my ear. Even with his encouragement, it is still very tiring to fight those feelings all day.
I am grateful that the kids poured all their energy into creating intricate sand castles and destroying them. By the time we got to the summer home, the kids were so exhausted they passed out the minute their head hit their pillows. I felt exhausted myself from the sun, the crazy twins, and many emotions of the day. After tucking the children in I planned on going to sleep but Anthony had other ideas.
"Come on darling I have something to show you," Anthony says dragging me away from the twin's room practically giving me no choice.
"Anthony what has you in such a tizzy," I laugh at his usual antics.
"I just want to show you something as mesmerizing as your eyes," He says with a goofy grin.
I blush and try to hide my face, "Stop you're going to make me gag."
"You know you love my romantic words," he laughs deeply.
I roll my eyes, "Don't get too full of yourself."
"You already know I am full of myself that's why you married me handsome." He smirks
"Yeah, sure that's why," I laugh.
"Enough of denying how perfect my personality is look up," he says gesturing to the sky.
I go to make some stupid witty remark when I look to the sky.
"There are so many stars here you never see this many in London!" I gasp in awe.
"I have always wanted to take you here ever since I met you Y/N. The moment I saw your eyes they always sparkle when you are talking about something you are passionate about just like these stars."
I feel my whole face start to turn red which in turn makes my face even redder because now I am embarrassed about being embarrassed what a vicious cycle. I try to turn away to sass Anthony about being too gooey again but he pulls my face towards his.
"Don't you ever hide your feelings my love because you make every emotion a work of art." He says suavely making me want to smack him.
I roll my eyes, "Just shut up and kiss me."
"That I can do," he smirks wickedly.
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asmutwriter · 2 years
A True Lady (Part 2)
Anthony x Reader
From beginning / Previous / Next / Master List
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WARNINGS: time period sexism, mentions of sex, swearing, implied SA, drinking
-   This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
The next morning you awaken, the memories of the night before a haze due to your intoxicated state. Thinking you’d dreamt most if not all of it, you stood up and pulled your night dress off of yourself. You let out a small sigh as you get dressed. You head to the dining room for breakfast and sit down. Benedict, Daphne and Eloise all having their food. You join them in their conversations when you hear the chair opposite yours move. You look to see Anthony sit opposite you. You make eye contact for mere seconds but you go red and have to break it immediately. It may have been a dream but you can’t help feel flustered. He smiles softly and also joins in the small talk. A cough from the front of the room catches all of your attentions. You look to see one of your servants looking a little concerned. Yoji stand up, worst fears going through your mind. “You have some guests. They are in the hallway” you nod and excuse yourself and make your way to the entrance of the house. All four of them follow you though, intrigued by this guest.
“Fucking hell! Who do I have to screw to get a house like this?” you see your two best friends at the door. You squeal from excitement and run over to them and embrace them both. They both hug you in return “We kept getting your letters and we thought we’d come visit you and see if it was as good as you were describing”
“It is by the looks of it” you nod and pull away from the hug. You turn and see the four Bridgeton’s looking in confusion. You smile
“Umm, these are some of my best friends. Lily and Ivy. Guys, these are the Bridgeton’s. Daphne who’s married to Simon, Anthony and Benedict, her older brothers. Then Eloise her younger sister” Daphne smiles
“How do you know Emily then?”
“Us three used to work together. Before she came here that is” Lily looks at you and admires your dress “gosh you look like a posh prick. No offence you guys” she motions with her hands for you to twirl, which you oblige. “Shit you look hot in that”
“Thanks love” you see her admire the fitting of the body “Honestly you are so talented. Assuming you made it yourself?” You nod as you hear Ivy starts a conversation with the other three. Ivy talking to Daphne, Eloise and Benedict as Anthony joins you and Lily. You smile at him before avoiding eye contact as you feel your cheeks start to flush. Lily smiles at him, introducing herself. He takes her hand and kisses the back of it
“It’s an honour to meet you. I’ve heard some wonderful things about you” She giggles and looks away from him, giving you a look as she proceeds to point at your female friend
“Ivy has just got a deal at work”
“Really?” she nods and smiles
“Going to go in for a high up job in the fashion industry. Certainly pays more than in the factory”
“Oh that’s amazing news!”
“Do you also make clothes?” Anthony asks. Lily shales her head
“No. Ivy is the talented one. I tried making clothes before but I have about as much talent as a pile of shit” you roll your eyes as he looks startled at her language
“I apologise for the improper speech my friend has”
“Wasn’t that in itself improper speech?” he chuckles and makes eye contact witty you briefly before looking back at her
“Its ok ma’am” he smiles at her
“Aren’t there more of them?” your friend queries you as you nod
“A lot of them are outside feeding the ducks”
“Tell me you have a pond”
“I don’t just have a pond. I have a lake”
“You are a lucky bastard you now that right? God” she gasps and clutches your arm in excitement “I’m going to go swimming. You’re going to join me” she grins at you. Anthony laughing at your discomfort. Lily looks at him and smiles evilly “I don’t know why you look so smug. Your also joining us” she grabs his hand “Where is the lake?” she looks at you expectantly “And if you don’t tell me I will annoy you until you do” you sigh and lead her into the garden, telling Ivy where you were heading.
As soon as Lily sees the lake she squeals in excitement. She quickly disrobes down to her undergarments then runs and jumps into the water. You pick up her dress fold it slightly. “Come on in its lovely in here” you go to undo your dress get your hair caught in the top part.
“Ow, ow ow. Umm. Can… can you help me?” you look at Anthony who looks slightly uncomfortable at the situation but he comes over to help you anyway, carefully untangling your hair for you and undoing the top clasp, his fingers brush against the back of your neck and you feel your heartbeat quicken at the slightest touch. You quickly pull away, trying to hide your flushed face as you undo the rest of your dress and strip to your corset and underwear. You turn to face him, noticing his face starting to go pink as he moves his gaze away from you. “You coming?”
“Excuse me?”
“Are you coming in?” you motion at the water. He shakes his head slightly and watches you run and jump in with your friend. You friend swims over to you
"So do you have a crush on him?” she whispers to you
“Excuse me?” she raises an eyebrow
“I saw how you looked at him”
“I-I may have had a dream about him last night which has me a bit flustered tonight” she nods knowingly. You watch as the four others leave the house and come over to join the one on the bank. Eloise looking like she wants to join you but Daphne saying something to her
“I think that they think I’m an improper lady”
“You are” you hit her “I’m sorry you’re in your underwear in water that probably has so much fish and duck shit in. You aren’t a lady” she smiles and nudges you “but who cares. You have so much money and because of that power to do whatever the fuck you want” you nod slightly
“I suppose so. Anyway, how’s your life been? Anything new been happening?” Before she can answer you then hear a splash and notice Eloise managed to convince her elder siblings to let her join you. You smile at her as she approaches
“What are you talking about?”
“I just asked my friend how life was”
“I can’t complain about it. I’ve had better days but I’ve had worse” she half smiles at you, obviously not wanting to go into too much details about her personal life around the girl she’s only just met.
“Shall we head back to land?” you ask as your friend nods and you all swim back over. You get out and give both girls a hand up. Then finding a nice bit of grass and lie down, letting the sun dry you before placing your clothes back on. Your friend sits next to you and Eloise nervously lies next to you. Your friend turns towards you
“When are you having a ball? If you say you’ve already had one and I wasn’t invited then it’s the end of our friendship” you chuckle
“I’ve not yet had a ball. They think I should host one next week but I’m shit at hosting things” You hear Daphne cough above you and give you a look “Sorry. I meant I’m not very good at hosting”
“Oh come on. We used to have great parties”
“Yeah, the ones we used to get invited to. We didn’t host them”
“Yeah but they were great fun”
“If you do any of that stuff at my ball I will throw you out”
“God you’re no fun”
“No, I just like it the idea of you not giving one of the party goers a bad spine”
“It’s not my fault he was shit in bed” you hit her leg “Sorry, I meant to say was he wasn’t the best man I’ve ever had”
“Not better to clarify”
“How can a man be good in bed?”
“It means if they snore or not. If they don’t snore then they are good in bed” you hear slight chuckling behind you, tilting your head you see that the three older Bridgeton’s and Ivy were sat behind you, Benedict snickering to himself at your comment. “It’s true. I don’t know what else it would mean, unless you want to elaborate” he shakes his head
“Certainly not”
“Exactly” you turn to your friend “But I don’t know, I think it’ll be bad. Just get a tonne of alcohol and hope everyone drinks loads so none of them remember” you hear Ivy laugh behind you
“Yeah cause that always works and it’s never just you getting intoxicated”
“Shut up. What do people even do at posh parties?” you turn to look at your four higher class friends. Eloise snickers
“Try not to let guys tread on your toes as they all attempt to dance”
“Shit do I need to dance?”
“Umm, yes?”
“Shit. I don’t think I know any dances”
“Yeah you do”
“Not suitable ones. Shit”
“A lady really shouldn’t use such vulgar language” you hear Daphne say
“Yeah I know” you pat down your body and feel its dry so stand up. “Right, dresses on then time to learn some dances” you brush the grass off of the back of your legs and walk over to the dress you hung up. Slipping it back over your body and doing it up, you place one hand out in front of you to where you think a man’s shoulder would be and then proceed to look confused “where does my other hand go?” Ivy stands up and takes one hand in hers and places the other hand on her shoulder
“Like this” she places a hand on your waist “Now a simple dance is back one foot then forward the other, but you need to remember to do a little bit of something with your hips. Especially as you are a woman, hips are the thing you want to show off. They are one of the more attractive features to a man subconsciously as it shows how good you are at bearing children. So I’d put one foot back then do a hip thing whilst lifting your foot, then go back forward”
“I can’t see what you mean” she sighs and motions at Anthony plus Lily.
“Lily come here. Can you lead her and just copy what I do so she can copy what Lily does?” She says to the eldest brother who nods and stands, offering his hand to you which you take in yours
“So hold my hand, put that one on your shoulder and then this one goes on your hip” you turn to face Lily and try to copy how she moves, accidently treading on his toes several times and apologising for it every time. You let go of him after a while and shake your head
“I’m just going to give up. You guys can all dance so nicely and I just look like a ferret” Ivy laughs. Lily clasps her hands together in excitement
“Does that mean I’m actually better at something then a Lady? Oh look at me. I’m a right posh one I am” she laughs then covers her mouth in embarrassment “I’m sure you guys don’t talk or act like that...” you laugh and sit on the floor and hug your knees.
“Is it lunch time yet. I’m starved”
“Do we get to eat posh food?” you nod and smile
“Well, I still cook most of it but it’s in multiple pans rather than just the one”
“Very, very posh indeed then” you help Eloise put her dress back on, seeing your friend is able to put hers on on her own.
After lunch you sit once again in the library, reading a book. A knock on the door brings you out of the story “Come in”, expecting it to be one of your friends. Anthony walks in. You smile at him “Hi, I wasn’t expecting it to be you” he nods and shuts the door.
“I just thought I’d come and see how you were, your friend with the colourful language is having a bath and your other friend is talking to Daphne I believe” you nod and pat the sofa next to you. He comes over and sits down “your friends are very... intense”
“Yeah, Lily doesn’t really have any social boundaries and Ivy is quite shy. But I love them both and couldn’t picture my life without them” he nods and leans back into the corner of the sofa, eyes watching you. You feel your cheeks go a slight pink under his gaze but shake it off as nothing. “Why did you come in here?”
“I wanted to chat. Just us two. Away from prying eyes” you nod “I-I can’t remember much from last night. I remember us talking but that’s about it”
“Wait we talked last night?” he nods slowly
“Do you not remember?” you shake your head
“I thought I dreamt it all to be honest” you chuckle nervously “I think I need to make less strong drinks in the future” he chuckle and nods. He leans forward and moves a strand of hair behind your ear. You try to control your breathing as he gets closer to you. “Sorry that was... wrong” he moves his hand away but you shake your head. “I respect you a lot and I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable” he says in a stricter tone. More to himself then you. You turn to look at him again. Eyes fixated on his lips. He smiles slightly.
“I respect you too” you whisper out as he nods.
“I’ll see you at dinner m’lady” he gives you a small smile before he stands up, exiting the room.
Over the next few days you all get along nicely, but when you mention a ball the Bridgeton’s say they will help you plan one. So after about a week of planning, arranging and sending out invites it finally comes to the day of your ball. You nervously pace around your room. Daphne comes in and gently places her hand on your shoulder “You will be fine. Mama will help you as much as you need as she is an expert with parties such as this” you nod
“Do I look ok?”
“You look beautiful”
“I think I might vomit”
“Don’t do that. You’ll ruin your lovely dress” you nod and wave your hand in front of your eyes to try and hold back tears. She smiles kindly at you and holds her arm out for you to take which you do. She leads you down the stairs, your guests waiting for you in the hallway of your house. Lily is the first to speak
“You look amazing Emily”
“Thank you my love”
“Honestly, that dress makes your tits look amazing” you roll your eyes at her as you now feel every pair of eyes subconsciously look at your chest and then back at your face.
“God I may pass out”
“Don’t do that” Daphne calms you by your side, gently patting your arm “Anthony can you help her please” he comes over and offers his arm in replacement to which you take.
“I don’t understand why I need a man with me. I’ve seen some of the people coming, I’m not going to run off with any of them I can tell you that” you flatten the front of your dress. Anthony leans in to you slightly
“Don’t mess with the dress, you look perfect” you nod and tighten your grip on him
“I feel like a high class prostitute” he looks astonished by what you said but lets out a small smile
“You look like a lady” you smile at him as the first guests arrive.
After about 20 minutes the majority of guests have arrived. Due to your upbringing, you have guests of all classes and backgrounds there. You did not want to discriminate against anyone just because of their family. Benedict and Eloise come over to join you and Anthony (him having not left your side as a form of comfort) as you notice a specific man come in. The arm holding onto Anthony’s tightens “What is wrong?”
“He... why is he here?” you whisper. You feel the brothers exchange a look. Although you remain linked with his arms you feel Anthony gently take your hand in his, holding onto it for comfort. You shake your head and look at the eldest brother pleading for him to help.
“I cannot ask him to leave. It is improper of me. I am sorry” you look at the younger siblings
“You can ask him to leave. We cannot as it is not our house. But it is your house”
“Why don’t you like him?” Eloise questions
“Hess not a nice man... is that his wife? Jesus how did he manage to get such a pretty wife. She looks about 10 though” you take in a breath “Maybe he’s changed. I doubt it but who knows. Maybe he’s no longer a high class wanker”. That’s when what you dreaded might happen starts to happen. He sees you and brings himself and his wife over to you. You break eye contact with him and stare at the hand holding yours.
“Hello my dear. It’s been so long! What, must’ve been about 3 years?” you nod as you feel tears in your eyes. That dreaded night coming back to you
“3 years and 2 months I believe, to be exact” you mentally shake yourself and motion at the Bridgeton siblings surrounding you “Eloise, Benedict and Anthony Bridgerton” they all nod at each other, Anthony lets go of your hand as he puts it out towards the man to greet him
“This is my wife” you smile at her “where is your husband then?” you shake your head
“No I’m not married”
“Why not?”
“If I marry then all my fortune that I’ve earned has to go under his name even though I was the one who earned it in the first place”
“I never even thought about that!” you hear Eloise exclaim
“Hmm” the gentlemen says “I would’ve though with the amount of men at least one of them would want to marry you. I suppose men like undamaged flowers though don’t they” you tense up at his words “I mean seriously. How could a man want to marry you with your dress being so short? Practically just begging for it. That dress is...” he eyes you up and down “well you look like a common whore. Just like your mother” you grit your teeth as the two Bridgerton men go to say something put you put a hand up to silence them
"I am not a whore”
“You could’ve fooled me” You finally make eye contact with him. Hate filling your eyes “I bet you are. How else would you be able to get a house like this? Probably doing sinful things with the real man of the house. Wanting you to dress up like one of his play things”
“I am NOT a whore. I am a NOT some sort of plaything for you or anyone for that matter. I am a woman. No. I am a lady. And you. You are just a boy. I will dress how I want because this is MY house” you let go of the brothers arm and bend down to the hem of your dress, ripping it at the side continuingly up until your whole leg is on show “Now, I want you to leave MY house before I take whatever little manhood you have between your legs and shove it up your own ass” he looks flabbergasted at your words. His wife also looking shocked
“You cannot-”
“Oh but I just did” you take a step closer to him “get the fuck out” you see him and his wife hurriedly walk out of your house. You turn to look at the three who are looking awestruck at you. Eloise is the first to speak
“That was amazing!” you smile at her
“God that was liberating”
“He must’ve done something really bad to you for you to act like that” you nod
“He wasn’t a very nice man” you take her hands “if a man ever tries to tell you to do something and you don’t want to, no matter what, tell him no. You owe men nothing. Do whatever makes you happy. And if he doesn’t take no for an answer, tell him to go fuck himself” you smile at her and hug her. Benedict coughs slightly
“Eloise shall we go and dance?” she nods and takes his arm, leaving you and Anthony by the side of the room
“I am sorry”
“Because he-”
“You are not him so you do not need to apologise” he nods as you look down at your dress “I liked this outfit” he chuckles
“I think that speech and action was worth ruining your dress though, don’t you agree?” you nod and smile up at him. He offers you his hand “I’d like to see how much you remembered from our dance lesson a few days ago”
“Oh... I remember nothing about that and I value your, well, everything to be seen dancing with someone who will likely make a fool of you” he chuckles and takes your hand anyway, leading you to the dance floor. You place a hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand “this is correct, yes?” he nods and places his hand on your waist. You dance around the room, managing to not step on his toes at all. You finish and clap with excitement “I did that perfectly” he chuckles “now I want to get-” you think for a second “I don’t know how to word it in a ladylike manner so excuse me. But I want to get shitfaced” he smiles slightly as you pull him over to the drinks you had for people. Picking up a glass for him, you hear Violet come over to you and give you a smile
“My dear, your dress is ripped” you nod
“Yeah, I think it adds to my look”
“People are looking though”
“And? It’s just a leg. We all own them”
“It’s just. It’s not proper” you roll your eyes
“Should I get dressed?” she nods and smiles at a couple of people who walk past, giving you a disgusted look “wow. Who knew so many people would get offended by a leg” you hold your hand out to Anthony “come with me?”
“Oh my dear he-”
“I’m sorry I either get dressed with him as my escort or I stay down here with my legs on show” you smile at her kindly as you head upstairs with him. You go into your room “Leave the door open. Looks less like a scandal if it’s open” he nods and admires the art around the room as you take your dress off and search your wardrobe for a new and acceptable dress.
“This painting is very good” You look over at him and the picture he is admiring
“Thanks. I painted it”
“Really?” you nod and pull the dress on over you head.
“I painted that one and that one in this room. I modelled for that one” you point at various paintings
“That’s you?” you nod
“Ivy painted me and I fancied it so much I asked her if I could buy it from her. She told me not to be so stupid and gave it to me as a present. She only requests now that if people ask who painted it I say her so that people may buy her art” he nods
“Surely it’d be better in a more public room so more people can see to admire it though?”
“I already feel very big headed having a picture of myself hanging in my house. I don’t need it on display for everyone to see how big headed I am” he laughs slightly
“No I suppose you’re right” he takes a sip of his drink and holds his arm out to you again. You smile and take it, heading downstairs. Lily runs over to you as soon as you once again reach the party, taking your hands in her own.
“Benedict told me that he turned up again. My love are you ok?” she strokes your cheeks and looks into your eyes. She was expecting to see sadness or fear but instead she saw a warmth. Happiness. She furrows her brows as she looks at you then at Anthony. “I am glad you are ok” she kisses you on the forehead as a sign of affection. “You are loved and if he ever shows his face again I will kick him so hard in his dick he’ll see stars” you laugh slightly
“Thank you. I am ok now. I told him to fuck off”
“She did. It was a weirdly amazing scene to watch play out” you hear the oldest brother say behind you. Daphne comes over to you three
“Brother. Mama said we are leaving tonight. She said that it only seems right that we leave Lady Garcia a good night’s rest before we wear her out”
“Don’t be silly. I am happy for you all to stay longer” she shakes her head
“I must also get back to tend to some duchess duties. I fear I may have left my husband for too long. But we shall come and visit you again once I have had our child if that is ok?”
“You are welcome back anytime Daphne. You and the whole family are kind and good people and I’ve had the greatest honour of being in your company” she smiles at you and bows slightly before leaving. Lily smiles at you
“M’lady. Would you let me have the honour of getting drunk with you” she asks as you smile and take her arm.
“I’d be honoured m’lady” looking at the eldest son “would you care to join?” He shakes his head
“I am going to go and join my family” he bows to you both slightly before walking away. You both smile as you go over and pour yourselves a glass of whiskey. Both starting to intake a large quantity of alcohol, Eloise comes over to join you
“What are you drinking?”
“Whiskey. Would you like some?” your friend offers
“Yes. Yes. My brothers never let me have drinks” you hand a glass before Anthony comes over once again
“Thank you” he says as he takes the glass from her hand and sips it
“Let the poor girl have a drink” he shakes his head
“Mother would kill me if she knew I’d let her drink”
“Meanie” you exclaim, pouring another drink for yourself “try some my love” you offer her your glass “if you enjoy it I shall pour you your own one and I’ll threaten to beat your brother if he tries to stop you” he laughs at your words as Eloise takes a sip and grimaces at the taste
“That is foul” you nod and take a sip
“So I take it you don’t want one?” she coughs but look at all three of you then nods
“Give me a glass” the brother goes to object but you simply cover his mouth as you pour a fresh glass with one hand. His eyes soften when you meet his gaze
“It is a party. Let the girl have a drink” you move your hand away “Also, if you guys are leaving today then I don’t have to have the responsibility of looking after her tomorrow morning” you drink the rest of your drink and place down the cup. Daphne walks over to you
“Why is she holding a glass?”
“Because it is my party and I want her to enjoy herself” you look at her “she is old enough to marry then she is old enough to get drunk. Oh I want some food”
“It looks like our sister isn’t the only one who can’t take here alcohol” you hear the oldest say. You glare at him as you get very close to him
“I can hold my alcohol. I am just hungry” he nods
“Ok. Touch your nose” you roll your eyes at him, not playing his stupid little game. He leans slightly closer to you “I’m sorry, did you not hear me. I said touch your nose. Prove to me you are not drunk” you subconsciously press your legs together at his domineering voice, now you are glad you changed dresses as no one can see your legs. You lift your finger up and place it on the end of your nose with ease.
“See? And I can touch yours” you touch the end of his nose “and everyone else’s. The world is my oyster of nose touching” you laugh and link arms with him as you watch his sister down the drink you gave her, gagging afterwards. You wince for her “Yeah it’s a strong drink. Sorry my love. Oops sorry for calling you my love” you smile as you watch her recover from her drink, coughing into her hand.
A couple more hours pass and all the guests start to leave. The Bridgerton’s (apart from your two friends) are the last to go. “It has been wonderful to meet you all!” you smile at each of them as they all make their way to their carriages. You go over and kiss Daphne’s forehead “thank you for coming. Do write to me when you have the child as I’d love to see him” you smile and wave goodbye as they leave your now very empty house.
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frost-queen · 2 years
Can I request a Anthony Bridgerton x bridgeton sibling fic that would be about the reader trying to escape the cowpers ball but she gets caught by Anthony and she tries making a run for it but he chases her down but the both of them fall and the both of the share a really wholesome sibling moment together by laughing at what happened and Anthony decided to let it slide
😆😆😆😆 omgeee so funny I can already picture the chase. Him slowly getting in motion, speeding up to a jog till he sprints after you confused, angry and protective as you then fall down with him. hahah Comedy gold I love this goof so much
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pynkhues · 1 year
 Thanks for answering my ask!! I def agree with you Kate and Anthony were so amazing ! The chemistry!! and I just love the bridgeton family! Queen charlotte was actually my first season into the show. I definitely understand the hype now lol. Watched the entire series backwards and I agree imo szn one is the weakness. I didn’t get chemistry from the Dapne and Simon and at times their dynamic was kinda weird lol Anyways thanks again!
You're very welcome, anon! It's so funny that you watched it backwards, haha, but Queen Charlotte's definitely a good place to start - it's a fun series and works well as a standalone as prequels should.
I love shows about families generally, and if anything, I do wish Bridgerton would lean into the family dynamics a bit more. Some of my favourite scenes from s2 were actually of Anthony and Kate with their respective mothers / mother figures, and I think the one thing s1 did do slightly better than s2 was giving us a diverse range of Bridgerton sibling moments. Fingers crossed for more of that in s3!
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