#anti Sunfyre
drakaripykiros130ac · 3 months
Watch Greencels praise the Battle of Rook’s Rest as though it was some great victory.
Two against one. How “brave”.
In a one-on-one fight, Rhaenys and Meleys would have destroyed Aemond/Vhagar and Aegon/Sunfyre. That much has been confirmed.
And Sunfyre wasn’t capable of defeating a dragon his own size. His only victory was against Moondancer, a baby dragon, who inflicted deadly wounds on him and got him killed.
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kataraavatara · 9 months
thinking about grey ghost the wild dragon. people said he was shy and stayed away from people and other dragons. he never bothered anyone. he just liked to eat fish and fly around. then sunfyre came to colonize HIS home on dragonstone after living in King’s Landing for the majority of his life and attacks and attacks and kills him?! what was the reason? rip my shy sushi loving king 💔💔💔💔
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torchwood-99 · 1 year
Every dragon in ASOIAF/HOTD is precious and must be protected, except Sunfyre.
That yellow piece of piss killed my baby boi Grey Ghost and deserves every bit of suffering coming to it. I can't wait to watch it die a long and painful death.
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margoshansons · 3 months
Aegon and Sunfyre canonically having the strongest dragonrider bond
Aegon and Sunfyre being so connected we get the quote “who can truly know the heart of a dragon?”
Sunfyre being the most beautiful dragon in the known world
Aegon choosing his sigil to honor SUNFYRE
I’m so sorry they did this to you my babies y’all deserved so much better.
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gojuo · 3 months
Remember what they're taking from you
Fire and Blood, p. 398:
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Fire and Blood, p. 387:
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Fire and Blood, p. 390:
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Fire and Blood, p. 401:
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Fire and Blood, p. 402:
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Fire and Blood, p. 409:
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Fire and Blood, p. 424:
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Fire and Blood, p. 425:
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Fire and Blood, p. 437:
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Fire and Blood, p. 473:
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Fire and Blood, p. 561:
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Dangerous Women, The Princess and the Queen, p. 783:
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Fire and Blood, p. 506:
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Fire and Blood, p. 381:
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Fire and Blood, p. 380:
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Fire and Blood, p. 533:
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Fire and Blood, p. 541:
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Fire and Blood, p. 542:
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Fire and Blood, p. 550:
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very-straight-blog · 3 months
I'm so angry about this new bullshit "Poor Sunfyre deserves a better rider." Fuck you. Sunfyre chose Aegon, he loved him and was devoted to him. The interests of the rider are the interests of the dragon. Do you really want to look for some kind of Stockholm syndrome here? Sunfyre was born for Aegon and died for him, and I'm sure he would do it again.
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daeneryseastar · 6 months
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serymn31 · 3 months
It's funny how HotD's attempts to make Aegon a pathetic lil loser sort of backfire. Make him greasy and ugly? Sorry, Tom's too beautiful, it negates it. Make him an incompetent dragon rider who can't speak High Valyrian fluently? His bond with Sunfyre is so strong they don't even need words. Girl.
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ophelieverse · 3 months
The symbolic bond between a dragon and its rider was something so beautiful and unique in this episode.
The exchanged looks between Meleys and Rhaenys really made me cry,especially the last one.It was like Meleys was trying to say “I did my best,everything that I could to keep you safe and I failed.I’m sorry,goodbye.”and Rhaenys answered “It’s alright.We did our best,together we fought and together we will go.Goodbye.”They belonged to each other,the hug before the war,and the way the Rhaenys would never leave her old girl made me cry.
Also the affectionate bond between Aegon and Sunfyre,really the only living being that shows him some love.The way Sunfyre nuzzled into Aegon chest as soon as they saw each other and the way Aegon smiled so much.Sunfyre who is still a baby in dragon years,that has never touched a battlefield but that tried his best and everything that he could to protect Aegon.Trying to run away from Meleys and sensing Aegon fear and panic.Using his wing to keep him safe from Vaghar fire and twisting himself so that he wouldn’t crush Aegon under him after they fell down.
Vaghar,the old war veteran lady,that couldn’t wait,just like Aemond,to get into the battlefield.It made me smile the way she “huffed” when Aemond told her to wait,that’s was very Visenya of her.Her and Aemond are just the same,literally made for each other.
The cgi in this episode was amazing and it broke my heart😭💔
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spacerockfloater · 2 months
Daily reminder that Sunfyre and Aegon won three battles against three dragons and survived them all. They were literally undefeated.
Say whatever you want about Aegon but that man dived head first into battle even if he was at the brink of death and emerged triumphant every single time.
Fire cannot kill a dragon and all that, I guess. Isn’t that right Targ stans?
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urdeftonesgrrrl · 2 months
me scrolling through the "anti team black" tag just to like every post I see
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drakaripykiros130ac · 9 months
Let’s talk a little bit about the dragon TG stans don’t seem shut up about: Sunfyre, or as Mushroom calls him, "a great golden fire-breathing chicken" (love that).
TG stans love to make comparisons between him and our lady, Syrax, for some reason (actually, we know the reason. Because everything belonging or related to Rhaenyra is terrible in their eyes).
Let’s talk about the “great war accomplishments” of the golden chicken then:
1. At the Battle of Rook’s Rest, he was almost ripped to pieces by Meleys. If Aemond hadn’t shown up with Vhagar, Sunfyre would have died right there.
2. He attacked and killed the weakest and most innocent of all wild dragons, Grey Ghost. The white dragon was known to be peaceful, a loner, and he spent his life hiding from both humans and dragons. I personally despise Sunfyre for this reason alone. Killing a poor defenseless dragon who never did anyone any harm and just wanted to live peacefully.
3. His final battle against Moondancer, a dragon much younger and smaller than him. He managed to kill Moondancer (*gasp* Wow!) but not before Moondancer inflicted on him some pretty fatal wounds, which had him meet his demise. How embarrassing…
So what exactly makes this guy so special?
That he sat on his ass, obeyed a command and engulfed a person in flames? Wooooow. How many dragons can do that, I wonder?
Basically, what Sunfyre confirmed throughout this Dance is that on a one-on-one battle with a dragon his own size, he ends up the loser. A golden “beauty” and that’s about it.
Now let us discuss my lady, Syrax. She didn’t participate in any battles during the Dance. Not by her choice, of course.
Rhaenyra suffered a terrible miscarriage, as many green stans tend to ignore. It takes like 2-3 months to recover from a miscarriage, depending on the person. Her Maester clearly advised her not to ride her dragon, so that she may physically recover, and that’s just what she did.
Since Syrax didn’t participate in any battles, we cannot judge her abilities because we don’t know them. Syrax was inexperienced in battle, just as many dragons in the Dance had been, but she hatched in Rhaenyra’s cradle and has been by her side always. She is clearly highly protective, and regardless of her spoiled nature, when push comes to shove, you can bet your life that she would have fought for Rhaenyra until the end.
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And because of that, I can honestly say, that on a one-on-one with Sunfyre, Syrax would have had a pretty good chance to defeat him (she was older and bigger).
So all the TG comments about how Syrax was useless throughout the Battle (as if it is her fault) are getting pretty old. Helaena’s Dreamfyre was just as useless but I don’t see you lot talking about her.
And don’t even get me started on the whole Syrax killed Joffrey!!??? What exactly have these guys been smoking?
It is a known fact dragons will never accept anyone riding them except their actual riders. In Joffrey’s desperation to save the dragons from the Dragonpit, he made the grave error of mounting a dragon which did not belong to him. As such, Syrax took off in the sky and shook him off. It was the mob that killed Joffrey, not Syrax.
So all the shots taken at my Lady Syrax are unfounded.
Focus on your golden goose/chicken’s failures, y’all! (Sunfyre is never even mentioned in Asoiaf, whereas Syrax is).
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watcherintheweyr · 3 months
where the fuck did people get the idea that aegon2 and sunfyre have ‘the strongest dragonrider bond’
this- this is not a thing. it is not in fire&blood. it’s pretty explicitly just something states by the most pro-green F&b source to try and lend more legitimacy and mysticism to aegon2 as a ruler and a targaryen
like, ok, Sunfyre came to Dragonstone ‘sensing Aegon2’s need’. … Or, a deeply injured dragon just wanted to go home, to where he hatched, to where dragons thrive best, to try and heal. And even if it WAS that… We see that with multiple dragonriders and dragon bonds. We see it with Dany and Drogon- it’s heavily implied with just about everything about Daemon and Caraxes, and none of the sources were ever there to report on Rhaenyra and Syrax’s bond- but it’s not insignificant that Rhaenyra was the youngest dragonrider to known history.
Like, sorry not sorry, but no. Aegon2 does not have the strongest bond. Please reread F&B - because as soon as he’s done crying about the death of the dragon who died due to HIS choices, Aegon states “I shall have a new Sunfyre, prouder and fiercer than the last.” with his intent to hatch an egg. That dragon was a tool to him more than anything else. And that’s… deeply sad. Sunfyre deserved so much better than that.
For all that Rhaenyra intended to hatch eggs, she never is reported to start she’d have a ‘new’ or ‘better’ Syrax.
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chemicalreal · 2 months
I suppose now the Greens' only dragon is Vaghar, and always has been. And his rider conveniently sabotages his own family from within.
Sunfyre: basically inexistent until it was time to put it down and be left *long in the dying"
Dreamfyre: does this dragon even exist in hotd?
Tessarion: conveniently made too small to be of any use when it's not supposed to be like that, and cherry on top, make his rider look like a Hightower, because that totally makes Alicent an hypocrite for whining about the Velaryon boys (who let's repeat, look like NEITHER of their parents or supposed relatives).
Meanwhile: give Rhaena an extra dragon, by omitting a character that serves to question whether Targaryens are really that special to be the ones who can claim exclusivity to the dragons.
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gojuo · 3 months
"I was riding it as if it were a horse," Glynn-Carney says of the buck. "When you're riding a horse, you neutralize the horse's movements with your body so you can stay as steady and with the rhythm of the horse as possible. But what they wanted me to do was be at the mercy of the dragon and let it throw me about.
I think it was maybe somewhere in their intentions to make Aegon look like he didn't know what he was doing, whereas in my head, I was like, 'I want to look heroic, I want to look great, I want to look like I really know my way around this dragon. Everyone else just looks so f--ing cool, and then you get Aegon, who's clueless."
Condal reallys just hates him like why?? how would that even be possible hes been riding sunfyre for a decade 😤 also how would aegon not know valyrian at least enough to command his dragon. Its just so cartoonish at this point
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it's SO fucking cartoonish and manipulative and i very well noticed how it was only aegon who was speaking in english to sunfyre while the other two spoke high valyrian. this tb bias isn't even funny anymore it's literally offensive. condal can't keep it in his pants how fucking envious he is of the greens' love and loyalty to the family and their dragons.
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I have never understood why people (tb) call Aegon "Aegon Hightower" and act like it's some great gotcha moment. All they're saying is
a) he wasn't born of incest and
b) he's from one of the most powerful families in the country, who
c) hold an ancestral seat located in the oldest city in the country,
d) control trade due to their location beside the sea,
e) have the Starry Sept which is where the High Septon lives as well as
f) the Citadel, which is the foremost center of learning in Westeros.
In summary, I don't get why him being a Hightower is a bad thing. And in any case, he does still have Sunfyre (my beloved dragon) and they have the best dragon-rider bond ever seen. This has been a huge rant, thanks for reading!
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