#anti braven
laufire · 8 months
if you look at the precedent (and specifically at today's episodes), you could actually argue that murphamy ALWAYS had a better shot at being canon than bellarke.
on account that murphy eventually became raven's bestie, and she and clarke get on each other nerves on a good day, and can't stand the sight of each other in a bad one lmao.
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ravensfreckles · 4 months
back in 2016-2017 the braven fandom were fighting for our lives with the blarke stans. lol i was going through my anti bellarke tag and wheeeww the dramaaa!!
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korrektheiten · 8 months
Weitermachen! Die Anti-AfD-Demos kommen wie gerufen
NachDenkSeiten: »In allen Bezirken der Republik gingen die Menschen auf die Straße. Allein in Berlin waren es offiziellen Angaben zufolge mehr als 700.000. Mit selbstgebastelten oft fantasievollen Plakaten und Bannern bewiesen die braven Bürger sich und der Welt einmal mehr, auf der richtigen Seite der Geschichte zu stehen und stärkten der Regierung den Rücken. Die MedienWeiterlesen http://dlvr.it/T2MjCk «
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burninghoneyatdusk · 4 years
Do you think there Rellamy or Braven or whatever the hell Raven and Bellamys ship name is, they might be endgame? I feel like Jason could pull that hardball outta nowhere
Uhh...lol, no.
I mean, I’m probably in the minority here in that I don’t absolutely hate JR’s guts and am waiting for 7x16 to end until I judge his decisions. There has been a lot of spec based purely on the principle of “not trusting JR” which is like...idk, just not logical tbh.
Try not to feel stressed about b/raven. That’s fandom panic and there’s been nothing on screen to indicate that will happen. Sometimes people need to just watch the show instead of speculating based on actor comments and their personal feelings about actors, producers, writers, and ships.
Nothing we have seen on screen since their S1 hookup has indicated b/raven would ever be endgame. If they wanted to go that route, they would have had them get together on the ring instead of b/echo.
My general thinking is that I really don’t know if bellarke will end up together or if one or both or neither of them will get a happy ending. One thing I feel fairly certain of is that neither will be endgame with anyone else. I think the show will either end with them together or just on their own (not *alone* but not coupled up with anyone else).
I don’t think the bellarke fandom has anything to worry about other than if they’re getting together and if they’re getting a happy ending. I’m not worried about them being endgame with other people unless something drastically changes over the next few episodes. But I don’t see that happening.
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widonotts · 5 years
two & five!
2. are there any popular otps you only brotp?
bellamy & raven, for sure. they’re one of my favorite relationships on the show, and i lowkey shipped them in s1-s2 because their early tension was 👌, but after that i just didn’t really see it. but to me they have the biggest best friend vibes on the show and i love them a lot.
and this is backwards since they’re in a romantic relationship rn, but i honestly love the friendship between bell & echo, i just,, don’t really see it romantically? so technically that’s a brotp i guess? i 1) don’t think they’re endgame and 2) don’t want her to die to further that endgame; i want her to remain here and have a more focused arc about her trauma and also just be a family with spacekru, including and especially bellamy
5. has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
for sure lmao! unfortunately. i guess all my posts are gonna be about not liking clarke & lexa. when i first watched s2, i didn’t really like the ship, but i didn’t hate it. then i saw all the vitriol in the hell that was 2015 t100 tumblr, and i just got so uncomfortable. i was a baby gay, and seeing so many instances of people acting like not liking cl was homophobic and that you literally weren’t lgbt+ if you didn’t like them... it was exhausting, and i didn’t have the capacity to deal with it. i know there was hate on all sides, don’t get me wrong, but it was from that fandom that i got so much invalidation, and therefore why i can’t enjoy it at all today.
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chants-de-lune · 6 years
tbh i didn't think br@ven shippers existed anymore.
I still know of a few but no one who sincerely thinks they’ll be endgame 
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galaxyblake · 7 years
If Raven is your favorite female and Bellamy is your favorite male on the show, why don’t you ship them together??
Yes they are my favorites, and yes at face value Bellamy and Raven seem to be a perfect couple. They’re both hard headed and stubborn and they both have a fire in them that would make for a wonderfully emotional and compelling romance, BUT, I don’t see the chemistry. Yes, they had some steamy sex back in S1, but that was hate/revenge sex and nothing more (remember this is MY opinion, Idc who you ship and why) their scenes just never seemed to carry any of the romantic subplot that I’ve seen with the Bell/Clarke scenes. I also don’t believe that they’re compatible, they both act and respond to things in such a similar way that it makes me wonder how that would play out in a relationship. So as cliche as it sounds, opposites DO attract and I believe they’re much too similar to be stable in the long run. Another reason is that I NEEDED SEA MECHANIC. I have never seen Raven have that much chemistry with a character before and say what you want about Luna, but every damn time those two were on screen it was fiiireeee and it burned deep into my soul man. The same goes for Bellarke, those two own my ass and I’m sorry that I’m not sorry. The tension between those two (whether or not it be sexual) is palpable, the way they look at each other, the way they hold each other, the way that they are two sides of the same coin makes me die inside.
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it's literally been two years since jroth fucked up show ended (and the only people who participate in fandom these days are - predictably enough lmfao - BC and CL shippers) but it's still absurd to me to find people saying that bellamy blake doesn't deserve raven reyes and that - of all the characters on the show - octavia does
???? octavia blake? the girl who has abused every single poc in her life (fighting indra when she was weak and vulnerable from an injury under the pretense of uplifting her, hitting lincoln when he was recovering from torture/addiction and lecturing him about grounder culture, chaining her own brother to a rock and beating him up), and y'all think she would be better relationship material for raven than bellamy? the moc who was villified in s3 because the writers needed to do a racist character assassination to make your white supremacist faves (octavia, clarke, lexa, abby, etc) look better? when rellamy have an established dynamic of trust, respect, friendship, and are ride or die partners? it's not about "deserving" raven y'all never cared about her, just your faves and white feminism.
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3wishesandthensome · 7 years
I hope y'all know that they're totally gonna fucking murder us in the first S5 trailer by showing Bellamy with another girl. Like it's 100% guaranteed there's gonna be a super short clip of Bellamy shirtless or kissing someone or in bed or saying something intimate with an ambiguous girl and the ark is gonna be in the background and we're gonna obsess over it until the show comes back on. Like y'all know it's gonna happen, right??
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clarkgriffon · 4 years
do y’all remember when jason gave that interview like “raven and bellamy were leaders in space” and yeah, i have a lot of gripes about the time jump and sp*cekru, but i was at least excited to see that and how it built off the end of season 4 and “you with me?” “always.”
i think it’s talked about a lot all of the bellarke “bait” thrown out there, and i do hate using that word, but just the idea of concepts put out their in interviews that don’t come to fruition- but this is braven in a similar capacity, both for shippers and just fans of their friendship. because the end of season 4 canonically put them as each other’s right-hand person, and then jroth confirmed that in interviews, and i’m just really salty about what followed.
and this is completely outside of the scope of even the destruction of raven’s character (which is finally being rebuilt in season 7, thank god). just... they were supposed to be co-leaders. or at least confidants. but they don’t get any screentime together in s5 outside 5x01-5x03, and even that’s in a group context. their one scene is raven’s sacrifice in 5x03, which i’ll admit is a good one, but outside that? nothing. raven’s willing to take off without bellamy (and the others) when clarke is still hesitating to shut the door. 
and then in season 6, we get bellamy shutting down raven, albeit in a very satisfying way “raven, you’re the one staying here” and “clarke can speak for us” *cue raven huffing indignantly*. and i guess that IS inherently related to raven’s character mistakes in s6, but also, there’s no indication that they were ever even on the same page. these don’t feel like former coleaders. even the end of s5, in the caves, they make E step up, retconning raven as a leader. it sucks.
and even with all this, i’m not saying i needed a full-ass braven storyline. i get plot-wise why they were separated in all their arcs, but just some recognition of the bond they had at the end of season 4. like when clarke/raven/indra/madi/etc get back from space to the survivors on the ground, couldn’t raven have hugged emori/murphy and bellamy? would that have been a hard detail to shoehorn in?of so many interview lies, that one is one that hit the hardest.
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lovergurrl411 · 4 years
Late Heartfelt Rant in session
So, super late with my reaction, but after they killed Bellamy, and then brushed his death aside practically, I wanted to give myself time to figure out what I was actually upset about. Was it just because they destroyed my bellarke? Nah. Bellarke exists for me regardless of whether they make it canon or not on the show. Was it because they ruined any sense of purpose to all of the "together" and "the head and the heart" moments? Nah. Was it because they so easily destroyed 6 seasons of character building in one fell swoop? Nope. So then what was my problem, really? Because Bellamy's death and the ridiculous aftermath hit me hard. I was genuinely hurt--was it just because I loved his character that much? Possibly.
But then, the finale. Then the constant watching of fanvids of Bellamy and skaikru, and I finally get why I was so upset. I LOVE BELLARKE, and I'll always be a die hard bellarker, but the most precious relationship to me wasn't Bellarke. I was most invested in Bellarke because I was waiting for it to happen, but it was the bond between Raven and Bellamy that had steadily grown, which I took for granted, that had my heart.
When Bellamy asked Raven "You with me?" and Raven responded "Always" I believed that shit. If no one else, Raven would always have his back. She would never forsake him. So, the fact that she just let his death go--like it was nothing. I can't fathom that level of betrayal.
I loved Bellamy, but JRoth had Clarke kill him off--bullshit call, but bullshit calls happen. And though I enjoy Clarke, she's proven that after Madi came into her life, she's willing to throw Bellamy to the dogs. (That's a whole other rant I'm not ready to have about the horrendous and unrealistic portrayal of motherhood in the show--as though people stop having any other sense of identity and personality outside of mother-- don't get me started there). So, though I was shocked she killed him, I also wasn't because she's been making ooc decisions when it came to Bellamy since S5.
But the one thing that remained steady, never faltered through it all was Bellamy and Raven. Towards the end of S1 she gave Bellamy her loyalty and though they had limited one on one scenes, she never hesitated in her loyalty to him. She followed him through hell and back and he believed in her unquestionably.
Her reaction to his death was not only ooc, it was a blatant betrayal to the deep bond they shared. I can get passed Clarke killing him, Echo not giving two shits, Octavia pretending like he meant nothing--because all of these people had tumultuous relationships with him. They all had a history of connection and disconnection with him for various reasons. But Raven, after their initial drama in S1, always backed him up.
All he asked was for her to have the same level of trust and faith they've always had in each other, and she didn't. Then she didn't even dignify his death with any level of anger towards Clarke. Only for him to be right in the end. He was right about all of it and she didn't believe in him.
He would've believed her. He would've trusted her. He would've never forgiven Clarke for killing her. Because Clarke might've been his "best friend" or even the love of his life, but Raven was legitimately his soulmate in the truest meaning of the word--they were kindred spirits. The same, family, too much fight in them to ever give up and too much heart to not give it all up to the people around them.
I don't recognize S7 at all, but if I'm being honest, the show ended with the end of S4. Clarke dying for the people she loved, for Bellamy. Bellamy holding a bottle, in honor of "I think we deserve a drink" and "Have one for me" wondering how he's supposed to live his life without her. And Raven promising to Bellamy "Always" honoring the unshakeable bond between them. That was the ending we deserved, and the fact that they kept going beyond that without any real purpose, destroying everything that was beautifully heartbreaking yet hopeful, for ratings or some prequel that no one asked for was the biggest cruelty to me.
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lqvekanej · 4 years
Tumblr media
But I found my family. I found the right thing to do. I found the way home.
- Caroline B. Cooney
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honestly though there’s more romantic framing of braven than b*llarke and they have way more chemistry
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immortalcockroach · 4 years
the other night i was thinking about bellamy on the ring and i realised something
so this whole time, i was wondering why he hadn’t ended up with raven. it would make so much sense - they had the foundation. they knew each other for a while, they’ve been through some major life points together, they have already been together sexually meaning that they likely are sexually attracted to each other and are shown to be friends throughout the first four seasons. they obviously care a lot about each other. 
there’s also the point of both of them having lost someone they loved, recently. you could argue that bellamy’s loss of clarke wasn’t romantic, and okay, but you can’t deny that shattered him. a lot like finn’s death shattered raven. this is something only monty can share with them, as far as i remember, as he lost jasper, whom he loved, too. therefore, it would make sense for bellamy and raven to bond over their grief, and it would only make sense for that to lead something more on the ring. 
but here’s the problem. this is a very good foundation for a good, healthy, loving relationship. they’d have six years of growth, and by the time they’d be back on the ground, chances are they would function a lot better than b.echo. they would understand each other better, because they’d been with each other even before space, as friends. 
this is a relationship that makes sense. it would be endgame, because it would work. 
however, you don’t want to make an endgame relationship if you have another endgame relationship in mind for one of these two characters. this way, braven would stand in place of bellarke, clear as day. with braven happening on the ring, bellarke would not stand a chance on the ground or anywhere else. 
so you give bellamy another relationship, one that isn’t that strong, one that hasn’t been truly tested before, one that has come to life within very controlled, timid conditions. something that can break easily, or at least naturally. something that will not overshadow bellamy’s love for clarke, even years later. 
realistically, something would’ve happened on the ring. people get lonely and horny and when you’re with only six other people for six years, something is bound to happen. there was a choice between raven and e.cho, and there had to be a narrative where something stands in place of bellarke so the angst and pining can keep going for a little longer. 
this way, the writers prolonged the bellarke love story without actually fundamentally undermining it.
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puthyflapps · 4 years
I didn't know people ship raven and murphy. I'm gonna need people to stop romanticizing abuse. That shit ain't cute.
I’ve argued with them before and they said it’s fine because Raven forgave him which shouldn’t really count for anything because they’re watching a show that forbids men from ever being held accountable for their actions and the pain they cause. They just have to feel a little sad and all the women will immediately forgive them
Women: you’ve caused me immeasurable pain
Men: ☹️
Women: I forgive you
Men: 🙂
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steelfeather · 7 years
Honestly @ anyone using the hiatus to push a Becho or even Braven agenda:
Fight. Me.
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