#anti jason
dove00 · 5 months
Concerning my previous reblog (by thequiver) because I have a lot to say and I didn’t want to take over someone else’s post.
Warning for discussion of CSA and misogyny
Mia Dearden is my hero.
She is a comic character who showed me I could be a hero who has trauma and that it is okay that the trauma affects me. That doesn’t mean it controls or defines me.
Mia is a character I love and relate to and cheer on.
The way the DC fandom treats her is terrible. Note: I don’t know enough about Marvel to speak on all of their characters yet.
I have read Mia’s introduction and the comic “Sidekick Showdown.”
If you’ve seen my posts, you know how I feel about how the fandom took over her story and essentially gave it to Jason.
I am asking you all to interact with these characters in a way that doesn’t harm the real people who have this trauma.
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saphiamsndscustos · 7 months
Just saw someone on twitter defend jason trying to kill and blow up Mia because “ he’s implied to be a victim of CSA” first of straight up bullshit no he isn’t just because he was poor guys doesn’t mean he had to sell his body or whatever the fuck people are writing about in fics to give him extra trauma ( the guy died for fucks sakes what more to you want to woobify him )
“Oh but you want him to be a villain again so actually you want this back-” yeah and making a post about DISLIKING a villain is kind of the fucking point ? Your SUPPOSED to hate them ??? People are so dense on twitter
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sweetmariihs2 · 1 year
Jason Carver was misunderstood?
Is he a bad person? or he had good intentions behind his behavior?
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All the underlined parts have links to other blogs and gifs that are related to the things I'm saying.
I've heard people saying that Jason Carver was a good person and he was only misunderstood because of the sequence of events in the show.
I kinda see where they came up with that, because of Chrissy's death and everything. But I have good reasons to doubt it. The series show us that he's a very popular character, good at public speaking and giving a speech, and everyone seems to like him except for Eddie and the rest of Hellfire. I wasn't for no reason, though. I have a post that partly explains why Eddie doesn't like Jason or the basketball team, and yes, there's a very plausible reason.
I'm not a Jason hater. I don't think he's a straight bad person, but I don't think he's a good person either. From what I saw in the show, Jason is a upper-middle-class guy, have popularity inside school, have a popular girlfriend and popular friends, gives interviews in the school newspapers,
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And overall is not judged by anything in his life. Everybody likes him because he's cool, he's nice to everyone, and that situation with Eddie is just because Eddie is a troublemaker, right? No, not really. Is implied in the show that they hate eachother from more than just that interaction. Briefly, because I want to change the subject soon and I've already talked a little about it, Jason would already hate Eddie because of his looks and rumors about him around school. Eddie hates that people judge him like this before even trying to talk to him first, and Jason is one of those people. But, as I said in the other post, Eddie thinks "If you can not beat them, join them". If people hate him because of their judgement, then he's going to do exact what they expect of him. He has more reasons to do that, for exemple to protect himself of agressions because people would think he's dangerous, but this post is not about Eddie so let's go back to the subject.
Jason has literally an almost-perfect life (Which is another reason of why he hates Eddie. The privileged never try to understand the marginalized. When you have a perfect life, you don't care about the minority or the outcasts and everything, because you are not suffering with it). Everybody likes him and he's a very standard guy, so he has no complains at all. He likes to be liked. He likes to be popular. He likes to have a nice, pretty girlfriend but not because he loves her — He doesn't hate her either, Jason isn't a douchebag, but I'm pretty sure that he likes the statuses more than he likes her. He must like her as a person but he is not romantically in love, same thing with Chrissy. (Pretty similar to Apple White and Daring from that cartoon we watched as kids some years ago lol) — Chrissy and Jason aren't intimate enough to talk about their problems with each other. Jason actually doesn't even have big problems in his perfect life, but Chrissy does. And when it's something so obvious that even the town freak can figure it out in seconds, I wonder how much Chrissy acts when she's around Jason. Her mother probably supports her relationship with him because of the good view people will have of Chrissy, and you know how her mother is; psychological pressure, eating disorders, keeping up appearances.
This gifset explains for itself, but even being so obvious people still don't understand and has that confusion/misinterpretation of the characters.
That's a truth that Chrissy+Jason pro ppl don't understand— Chrissy acts when she's around him. For example in that scene during the basketball team/cheer practice, when he turns the public attention to his romance with Chrissy (to Chrissy herself actually) ((showing even more about how he appreciates their status as the school's power couple)) again, not that he hates Chrissy, because he doesn't. He just don't LOVE her as a boyfriend should love. It's just the status.
Grace Van Dien said that Chrissy was an introvert— do you guys think that introverts like that public attention? Like those looks from the other students? She's literally trained by her mother to act! That performative smile of hers in the cheer practice don't look even a little bit with her true smile or her laughter. She's never herself in front of everyone, not even in front of Jason, but Eddie could have a small peak of it (and the exact same thing happened to Eddie, but with the roles reversed).
And also, Jason was already a sick person before Chrissy's death. What happened was just a trigger for him to get violent — he's had these urges before and even if Chrissy didn't died he could had freak out over anything else bad that happened in his life. His violent impulses towards Eddie and Hellfire weren't because of Chrissy (yes, her death has something to do with it, but it's not the only reason, at least not the most important one) he manages to convince everyone to go on a witch hunt with Eddie using his speech skills. He took advantage of the satanic panic, which he already believed (alienated by the media and blinded by his privileged life) and even truly believing that Eddie would have killed Chrissy, he was taking out on Eddie all the anger he had for him. He wanted to hunt and hit, hurt, but now had an perfect excuse for it.
@munsons-maiden has a perfect post who explains very well what was going on with Jason's behavior and his relationship with Chrissy I am basing on it because it is very important for the discussion, I highly recommend that you read it. And this another one about what I said about Chrissy's role inside this blog.
This other one is also very good to explain about Eddie and Chrissy's relation: Because for some reason the ppl who like Jason loves to villanize Eddie for everything he does, so this one is amazing to analyse his real intentions with her (and to prove again how bad of a boyfriend Jason is)
You can see that happening in the second episode. When Jason discovered about Chrissy's death of course he got really bad, but seconds later he is being cynical, calculating and planning ways to attack Eddie, saying that he was a psychopath who had taken the game too seriously, mistaking fantasy for reality (this scene happens at S4 EP2, 42:35 min). They plan to literally hunt down and beat up Eddie. Andy even laughs, makes fun of him by saying that Eddie would be so scared he would "shit his pants and cry for mommy. This guy's no fighter" (the fact that Eddie doesn't even have a mother, and she's probably deceased... hurts really bad) and they KNOW that Eddie is not a fighter. He DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO FIGHT, they KNOW that and they want to BEAT HIM UP. That's so fcking problematic. Is gross, even.
What makes me think... they are saying that he's not violent? but they believe that he killed chrissy, I would be at least scared of fighting with him. Or they know something that we don't....? (Maybe they know that he wasn't responsible....? Wtf? What is happening here?
What happens next is most shocking and important part of all. Refutes everything Jason's defenders say to defend him.
The other basketball player with him laughs and Jason says
"I hope he tries something. Gives me a reason"
what in the actual fuxk was that quote
This scene happens in the episode 3, at the minute 11:15. I really, really want you to open your Netflix right now and rewatch the scene. The other character even replies "hell yeah".
This man is violent. They KNOW that Eddie don't know how to fight, they wanna beat him up not because of Chrissy, but because they don't like him. They were LAUGHING while saying those things. None of them were sad. And as I said, now he has an excuse to do with Eddie everything he ever wanted to do: he said it VERY CLEARLY. "I hope he tries something. gives me a reason".
This guy is sick. He wants to see him suffering and crying of pain. He wants to see Eddie reacting, running or fighting back to PROTECT HIMSELF, so that Jason can have fun while beating him up right after. So when someone asks "don't you think that went a little too far? He is very hurt" they can say "he reacted, he tried to attack us, we were just defending ourselves", or just to see the prey running so the hunter has a little more fun.
When Lucas asks something like "Are you guys going to hit him?", Andy says something like "no, we're just going to have a friendly chat" while laughing with the other basketball player. Jason lets out a cynical smile, saying "if you don't want to come, you don't have to, just know that it's okay and it's still going to be one of us", with a menacing tone in his voice. Where is the instability for being sad about chrissy's death? Where's the grief? Anyone who lost their romantic partner would cry for days and days, not bothering to talk in threatening tones to put pressure on people or plan a rebellion against Eddie. The police were already doing that; since he was "very sad" with the situation, he should go home and rest, shouldn't he?
They used the excuse that the police isn't competent and so they should do it with their own hands, but it was just another excuse to cover up their desire to beat up Eddie. And what scares me so much is the other character, right after that quote from Jason, responding with "hell yeah". They agreed with him and saw nothing wrong with what he said, unlike Lucas, who found it absurd.
And yes, I'm going to mention that scene with Gareth.
He was already being violent to other members of Hellfire, and again, that conversation makes it clear that they are enemies from more time than just that one interaction with Eddie. According to what some pro-Jasons said, if Jason was angry with Eddie only because he provoked him that time in the cafeteria and Jason was not to blame for anything, why would he have done this to the Corroded Coffin? This argument with the members of H4llfire, cursing their music and being arrogant with them, this feels like an old fight. Gareth, Jeff and Freak 1 seem to be used to these comments from Jason — something we didn't see him doing in the cafeteria scene, i.e. they obviously hate each other for a longer period of time.
And he almost broke Gareth's fingers for NO REASON, because he's not even SAD BECAUSE OF CHRISSY'S DEATH. Jason hardly ever mentions Chrissy dying, but he keeps talking about Eddie, getting revenge on Eddie, beating up Eddie, and all that craziness.
I don't even know if he really did broke his fingers or not. That was just so cruel, because it was only for him not to play the drums, out of cruelty. And his friends held the other boys so that they couldn't help, proving that they are all on the same level of cruelty. Jason even almost destroyed his drums.
If he (almost?) broke Gareth's hand just because of that, imagine what he would do to Eddie with all of that equipment. I don't remember exactly, but I know they had big things like baseball bats, crowbars, screwdrivers, things like that.
I don't even have to mention when they bought literal guns in vol 2. Even a fucking KNIFE. Like, that kind of professional knife, not made for cutting food like the ones we usually see in the kitchen. And again, with that cruel smirk on their faces. I feel so bad thinking about what they could do to Eddie. He could be shot, beaten, or stabbed to death by a GROUP of people. Not just only one guy. Eddie probably didn't even know that they could hurt him that bad; he just knew that he WOULD be beaten up, but not like this. And that's so sad because he's innocent.
Jason was CRAZY to get Eddie. In an absurd level.
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That's the post, thank you for reading.
Jason is a sick person, forget what I said at the start of the post.
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I'm afraid of those people
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zeynyukine3011 · 4 months
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DC and especially Chip Zdarsky hates every Robin except Tim.
Steph and Duke is not here because they don't even "exist" 😑🤦‍♀️
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massiveladycat · 2 months
leo shouldve learned how to cope with his trauma and his need for validation instead of rick slapping a girlfriend on him and calling it a day. in this essay i will-
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
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he’s a silly guy
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Many people and even governments have tried to take down ao3 to no succes. So, that’s how the anti-ecto acts come to light. I’m thinking either Tim, Jason or Stephanie for this. Just scrolling on ao3 with the real life hero fandom or a specific tag they were looking at, and they come across works of one real life hero named Phantom. Que a heartwrenching 10k oneshot about the hero and his own selfdoubt about why he would continue while humans want to tear him down, his enemies want to tear him down and he seemed to have no support.
Well damn, this hero sounded interesting. Clicking on this specific hero, they start reading more of the hero named Phantom. Just… every story contains some mention about the government and something called the anti-ecto act??? What’s this?
That’s how the JL finds out about this and resolve to abolish the laws. When Danny finally meets the bat that had discovered the laws I imagine it going something like this.
Danny: thank you, I was starting to loose hope of ever being considered my own person. *starry eyed, very thankful and just a bit (giant bucket) of hero worship*
Tim/Jason/Stephanie: ehhh, *cough*, I mean, detective work. Yes, a good detective knows the ins and outs of the law, it’s only natural I found out.
Danny: *hero worship and complete trust* you’re amazing🤩🤩🤩
I think using AO3 fanfic is an under rated way of figuring out your governments atrocities. Do with this what you will :)
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poppitron360 · 3 months
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Jason Grace, consistently telling Leo he is awesome.
Name one other character that does that. I dare you.
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arguablysomaya · 3 months
black haired jason my love and light
brown haired jason the keeper of my heart
red haired jason
white streak jason my reason for being
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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shewhowillrise · 9 months
Jason never made it to the Lazarus pit or the league of assassins.
Bruce gave him that excuse for his green eyes and short temper.
Jason knows he didn’t crawl out of his grave with the giant Y that scars his chest.
Jason knows he’s a revenant.
Jason knows he needs to kill to stay sane. To stay whole.
A soul sucker they called him.
Jason agreed not to kill, because he misses his family. No matter how much he starves himself, it’s worth it to get Dick’s hugs, experience Tim’s genius, see Cassandra’s award winning performance, to help Damian experience a childhood.
Jason didn’t realize Bruce doesn’t know what he is. Jason didn’t realize Bruce meant Black Gate when he said he’d take him in the next time he killed. Jason didn’t realize Bruce had no idea about the anti ecto acts.
Jason swore to stay in line, so he’d never end up on that metal table again.
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rubydubydoo122 · 8 months
I’m just gonna say this, the main reason people don’t like Damian Wayne as a character is the same reason people didn’t like Jason Todd back in the 80s
People don’t like either of them because their favorite Robin (Tim Drake and Dick Grayson) got replaced by them.
Damian and Jason are both really interesting and complex character, objectively more complex than both Tim and Dick, but some people (cough, obnoxious Tim fans, cough, and Dick fans who over sexualize him, cough) don’t see that and just want their little blorbos to never grow into their own character apart from Batman.
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webshood · 2 months
Jason being Tim's caretaker is top 10 worse tropes this fandom has provided.
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hyperfixation-fix · 2 months
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And he's cured, folks!
Inspired by this post from @massiveladycat
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
Seriously stop posting j*yroy it's literally the worst ship out there
You guys are really annoying, you know that? Lucky for me, annoying is where I live, and I just got a recent bonus that I feel like burning.
So here's what we're gonna do:
From now until 11:59 PM EST on Halloween (Oct. 31st), I want the folks reading this to reblog with your favorite Jayroy headcanons. The fluff, the angst, the crackpot humor, all of it. For each reblog this post gets, I will donate $1.00 USD to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund to aid the victims of the ongoing genocide.
BONUS: if you want me to reblog your headcanon with my own "yes and," just make a donation yourself at the link above and DM me a screenshot of the final page as proof (personal info omitted of course). It can be any amount, even just a dollar/euro/whatever denomination you use.
I believe in us. We have the power of gay ships and spite on our side.
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po1sonous-l0ve · 4 months
Nico does gymnastics- he's super flexible.
Will is the complete opposite-stiff as wood but strong.
Jason (who is definitely not dead) loves teamwork games- football (soccer for the americans) basketball, rugby, volleyball, cricket, etc.
Sally and Paul legally adopt Jason and Thalia, and Jason stays in Percy's room when he goes to college.
Annabeth used to read Artemis Fowl and got a lot of tricks from the books.
Nico likes to play DnD, and is always pestering Hades to play with him.
Nico learns how to braid afro hair for Hazel, and does cute braids for her whenever she visits camp.
Leo and Calypso break up and part as friends (manifesting for a future book)
Jason and Leo get together (more manifesting)
Rachel is pan or ace.
Nico and Rachel are beasties, and he goes over to her house to listen to Olivia Rodrigo and MGK
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