#anti dean bias
feckcops · 2 months
Spare a thought for Hilary Cass
“In the end, the anti-trans victory lap barely made it a few feet before being overtaken by hundreds of academics, experts and service users exposing the review as a sham.
“Over 100 academics signed an open letter by the Feminist Gender Equality Network condemning the review as ‘dangerous and potentially harmful to trans children’ due to its ‘unsound methodology, unacceptable bias [and] problematic and supported conclusions’. Therapists Against Conversion Therapy & Transphobia (TACTT) slammed the review as having an ‘eliminationist agenda, dressed up in the language of reasonableness’, urging clinicians to treat the Review’s findings with ‘extreme caution’. ‘Underpinning this report,’ wrote trans rights group TransActual, ‘is the idea that being trans is an undesirable outcome rather than a natural facet of human diversity.’ ...
“Cass also suggests that the rate at which young people move from puberty blockers to subsequent hormone treatments may, as anti-trans groups have warned, prove puberty blockers help cement a trans identity in these youth. Her data for this is the fact that in two studies, nearly all trans youth prescribed blockers went on to take hormones. Of course, this finding could just as easily suggest that puberty blockers are being prescribed very precisely – a possibility Hilary Cass does not entertain for even a second.
“While roundly ignoring the evidence of experts, the review mysteriously arrives at many of the same conclusions that anti-trans groups did years ago. Cass recommends that young adults aged 17-25 use an intermediary gender service instead of being referred to adult services, for example – a recommendation straight out of the mouth of anti-trans group Our Duty, which has long pushed to ban gender transition for under-25s. The influence of anti-trans groups like Sex Matters, Therapy First and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, all of whom appear in the citations, can be felt throughout the review.
“More worryingly still, many of Cass’s conclusions are based on evidence that does not corroborate, or in some cases, directly contradicts her findings. For example, her recommendation of an intermediate service is based on the idea that brains don’t reach maturity until 25 – a notion that Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist and the author of The Idiot Brain describes as ‘guff based on hearsay, misunderstanding of neuroscience or wilful ignorance’.”
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blanketforcas · 3 months
the only wholly wrong “interpretation” of the confession is one that un-gays the angel, imo. there was no platonic intent in the writing, directing, or acting of the scene when it comes to cas. but that usually comes from a place of negative bias* — i’m pretty sure we agree on this but sometimes it’s just nice to reiterate!
(*and, if i may dare to say so, perhaps a little jealousy especially when you factor in a lot of those same people who intentionally misinterpret the scene have been fighting for their lives on twitter for the past day to prove queer sam lmao)
yes i think that's what i meant by that "one thing i want but can't have" line being so explicit in making it so romantic, it made it undeniable even for the most bad faith antis (tho yes they did and still do try - but most people don't take them seriously) (i guess this includes j*red but there's a whole other layer of censorship mixed with homophobia there)
i'd also argue that a straight!dean or dean who doesn't reciprocate-interpretation is something i generally only hear from antis, so the faux ambiguity in the scene is there only for them
really it's only cause this fandom has such a weird and layered history and that it's a show that's gone through different eras of television while being the genre it was, that we're even in this mess
(also yes re the queer!sam truthing lol, and like i don't mind the headcanon but some of their arguments did make me laugh)
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ihazyourkitty · 6 days
For those of you who, like me, strongly disagree with Blackfish, most of you are probably aware of SeaWorld’s 69 point rebuttal here.
What you may not be aware of is Blackfish’s rebuttal to that rebuttal. In an effort to try and be balanced, I went and read it. Personally, I found most of their points to be underwhelming at best, and at worst some of the biggest piles of disingenuous brain rot I can think of in recent memory.
Needless to say, I do not have the time to go through each and every point here. I will simply address the common themes I noticed: TL;DR: they continually shifted goal posts, doubled down on their misrepresentation of facts/science/the OSHA hearing, and “excuse me, are you questioning the veracity of our eyewitness accounts!?” (Um. Yes…. yes we are)
You know what, at least SeaWorld cited their sources! These guys just expect us to take their word for it. This gets particularly galling when it's in reference to ex-trainers involved. “Trust us, we interviewed dozens of ex trainers! They all told us the same thing!” Did they? Because Mark Simmons and Bridgette Pirtle would like to have a word with you about that. Kyle Kittleson also has some thoughts.
See, by dozens of ex trainers, they pretty much mean Jeff Ventre, Dean Gomershall, Kim Ashdown, John Jett, Carol Ray, Samantha Berg, and John Hargrove.... the same ex-employees featured in the film. It’s certainly plausible that they interviewed others who wished to remain anonymous, but there’s no way to verify that. Anyone can say “well I’ve talked to an anonymous source, and they said X!” but unless you can independently verify that information, for all you know they’re just peddling gossip, if not outright lies.
That is precisely the problem with Blackfish. Even if we assume that the aforementioned individuals aren’t being outright dishonest, most of their information is coming second or third hand. Meanwhile the firsthand accounts they do provide either come from decades ago, contradict independent fact checking, and/or even contradict one another. These are not trivial things. It never seems to occur to these filmmakers that human memory can be flawed, especially when recalling information further back in time, or when retelling stuff heard through the grapevine. This is why things like cross examination exist.
What further complicates all of this is that each of the ex-trainers featured in Blackfish (Mark Simmons excepted) have an obvious anti-SW/cap agenda through which they are filtering the information they're providing. This info is then filtered even further by the film's very conscious, manipulative editing choices. Scrutinizing these things are not irrelevant cheap shots... it's perfectly fair game, and an important part of media literacy.
Still, we are expected to just take Ventre, Hargrove, et al. at their word, because listen, they worked at SeaWorld ya'll, and they've talked with other people there too, so they would know! Except that when Blackfish is confronted with other current/former employees who are pro-SeaWorld, oh no no no no, their accounts cannot be trusted! Of course they'd want you believe the orcas are happy, right? Never mind that they largely had more experience and expertise than the Blackfish brigade, or that some of them actually worked with Tilikum, or were the spotters who were ACTUALLY THERE when Dawn Brancheau was killed. Never mind that, again, SeaWorld has provided documents in their rebuttal that corroborates what they're saying. Nope nope nope, we can't trust them, because they have a conflict of interest, just like we can't trust anything any zoos say about animal welfare. Of course they'd want us to believe their animals are happy, right?
Except that bias is not the same thing as conflict of interest, and come on Blackfish, you can't have it both ways! Dr. Naomi Rose is part of the Animal Welfare Institute and Humane Society of the United States, both of which are ideologically opposed to animals in zoos, cetaceans in particular. Dr. Lori Marino is part of the Nonhuman Rights Project, another organization ideologically opposed to captivity. Samantha Berg, Carol Ray, and Howard Garrett were plaintiffs along with PETA, Ingrid Visser, and Ric O'Barry in a 2011 federal lawsuit against SeaWorld-- alleging that Tilikum, Katina, Corky Kasatka and Ulises were being held captive in violation of the 13th amendment.
All of that indicates that these individuals have a vested interest in convincing you that captivity=bad. But somehow, somehow, NONE OF THAT constitutes a conflict of interest? Is having an obvious bias or agenda only bad when pro-SW people do it?
What this creates is an unfalsifiable position shielding itself from criticism. This then begs the question..... What sort of expert would be an acceptable voice in SW's favor? If the evidence provided by SW's 69 point refutation isn't enough, then what would be enough for these people?
Case in point: their assertion that SW didn't properly disclose Tilikum's history to its trainers, or that it didn't do its own investigation of what happened to Keltie Byrne at Sealand of the Pacific.
Except that SW did inform trainers that Tilikum was involved in that fatal incident, and they had special safety protocols in place for him precisely because of that history. Those documents are there, cited in the SW response. So instead the Blackfish team shifted the goalposts. Well, they didn't tell them the full story, you see!
What full story? I'm sorry, were you expecting them to get into every single nitty gritty, gory detail of the event? But in truth, that's not what they meant. What they meant was that SW didn't disclose information that aligned with what Blackfish concluded about Keltie Byrne's death... that Tilikum was the instigator who pulled her in. He did it, he killed Keltie Byrne!!!
Except that that's not what the verdict from the coroner's jury concluded. According to witnesses, Byrne slipped and fell in, whereupon the whales grabbed her and would not let her leave. It was not clear which whale started it. This was the verdict that SeaWorld relied on when acquiring Tilikum. So, they shift goalposts again: "Well, according to the OSHA hearing, SW admitted that they didn't do their own investigation of what happened!"
.....okay? I'm sorry, but why should they have? They already had the investigation from the coroner's inquest. Did SW somehow have investigative means that the coroner didn't? By what authority could SW have conducted this? What, were they supposed to consider, and then include in official memos, training documents and SOP's, theories that contradicted the official coroner's investigation? Does the Blackfish team seriously not realize how unprofessional, if not potentially legally problematic, such a thing would have been?
Fundamentally, SW did disclose precisely what the trainers needed to know... that he was involved in the death of Keltie Byrne, then later Daniel Dukes, and as such no one should be in the water with Tilikum, ever, for their own safety.
And here's the really dumb thing here: on the one hand, SW didn't do their own investigation of the Sealand incident, but also they apparently knew how dangerous Tilikum was, and covered it up? Huh!? Again, you can't have this both ways!!!
But suppose SW did do their own investigation, or did include more comprehensive information on Keltie Byrne's death. Would that have satisfied the Blackfish team? Because I'm pretty sure they would still be accusing them of shoddy management.
Again, they are operating from a foregone conclusion ("Tilikum was known to be a dangerous killer who killed Keltie Byrne, and SW covered it up"), and are thus contorting the facts to suit that premise...
Then there's this:
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I'm sorry, but accusing someone of lying because what they're saying doesn't add up with the evidence at hand IS NOT AN AD HOMINEM ATTACK!!!
Samantha Berg worked primarily with dolphins and belugas. Her experience at Shamu Stadium amounted to 1 year, and it's extremely unlikely that she was signed off to start doing waterworks in that time, given how much training it takes to even get approved to start interacting with the whales at all, let alone get in the water with them. Blackfish claimed it was "an event to which many bore witness", so okay... who were the witnesses??? Who has corroborated this!? Again, they're expecting us to just take them at their word here, and if you question the veracity of their interviewees, well how dare you!
Oh, and in another point they said there's no way Berg could have seen the internal memo on Tilikum's history because it was released in January 1993 and she was there in 1992.... except that she didn't leave SeaWorld until August 1993, well after that memo was released. Why the obfuscation here Blackfish?
As for the practice of using b-roll footage, yes that is a standard film-making technique. BUT... that doesn't make what they did a benign choice either. For one thing, it's not like the movie clarified who the trainer was in that footage, nor was it framed as just a generic clip. Second, well... let me just quote what Holly Byrd said about this: "that was two years of my career leading up to that point that they twisted and took from me."
Holly Byrd worked hard to get to where she could start doing waterworks. Blackfish reduced this down to just a bunch of uneducated dupes being able to swim well and look good, and they used this b-roll footage to achieve that effect. This is bad enough for trainers in general, but when you consider who the victim is here (a woman, whose education and training gets completely erased by Blackfish's framing), it's also incredibly sexist, IMO.
Lastly, Blackfish's response concludes by saying that no, it did actually consider all the evidence, and thus Blackfish was born. Gabriella Copperwaith, allegedly, went in wanting to make one movie, but then came out with this because something, something, evidence was, something, something, captivity=bad.
Except that this is kind of backwards. You see, Copperwaithe was inspired by Tim Zimmerman's Killer in the Pool, which also questioned the ethics of cetaceans in captivity. She also initially questioned SW's ponytail narrative. These were the circumstances in which she began her work on the documentary. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, mind you, everyone gets inspiration from somewhere... but what's disingenuous here is pretending that all they did was "look at the facts" and then conclude that captivity=bad, when in fact they started with that conclusion.
Copperwaithe didn't just look at the facts, she looked at them as framed by someone else, and then made a movie about it. They claim Copperwaithe isn't an activist, Blackfish wasn't a piece of activism, and that animal rights groups were not involved in the production. Except that's not entirely true. Copperwaithe can claim she's not an activist, but that doesn't change what Blackfish itself is. Nor does it change the fact that Lori Marino, Naomi Rose, and Howard Garrett are all outspoken activists who were heavily involved in the film, or that their favorite ex-trainers have collaborated with organizations like PETA.
Oh, but don't worry. They're not activists. You can trust them. Sure.
They allege that SeaWorld didn't directly refute Blackfish's claim that orcas are ill-suited for captivity. Here's the thing though: like them or hate them, the burden of proof here is not on SeaWorld... ultimately it's on the Blackfish team. Over and over again in that document, Blackfish alleges that the evidence they've provided is enough, because "trainers X, Y and Z said so!" However, Blackfish merely insulated itself inside an echo chamber of like minded people, and then sold it to the public as an expose grounded scientific consensus. Except that this isn't actually settled science, there are researchers on both sides of the debate, and plenty of current and former trainers dispute what's in Blackfish. In truth, the issue of captivity is not so black and white.
So when SeaWorld and others then rightly highlighted the inaccuracies of the film and questioned the reliability of these ex-trainers, all Blackfish could do was double down. They don't present any new evidence. They didn't meaningfully back up their original claims beyond appealing to the authority of people like Rose, Marino, or Visser. As for their favorite ex-trainers, their defense is that even if they didn't see something directly, well, they've got connections with people on the inside, and those people told them all about it! In other words... gossip..... they're expecting us to believe gossip.
This is not meeting the burden of proof. It just isn't.
If you're still skeptical of SeaWorld, that's fine. I'm not asking you to accept their claims at face value either. But a skeptical analysis of Blackfish and the effects it has had is seriously absent from public discourse. It shouldn't be.
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catdotjpeg · 6 months
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Rutgers has become the latest university to suspend its Students for Justice in Palestine chapter. “You allegedly have had multiple cases of disrupting classes, a program, meals, and students studying,” associate Dean of Students Michelle Jefferson told the group in a letter. She also says [there] was alleged vandalism at the business school. In a statement, Rutgers SJP accused the school of implementing a double standard against the group, citing anti-Palestinian sentiment on campus. “While the Rutgers Administration suspended our SJP over nebulous and unsubstantiated complaints, they have yet to conduct an investigation regarding Rutgers Chabad’s threatening post with an SJP protest in the background that labels us, students that attend Rutgers, as ‘children of darkness,’ captioned with the words ‘STRAPPED. ARMED. LOCKED AND LOADED’,” the organization explained. “This is one of many examples that lacks adequate response to incidents that have made Palestinian students feel unsafe and threatened. Meanwhile, mere accusations against our free speech rights have led to arbitrary suspension. “Rutgers University has also failed to support the Palestinian and Muslim-presenting students on campus that have submitted bias reports of the constant harassments and attacks they have faced since October 7th,” they continued. “This includes the Palestinian student who submitted a report against a Professor who cornered and began to record them in response to a coordinated walk out protesting an event – which the Palestinian student took no part in. The Professor subsequently accused SJP of disrupting the event, though it played no role in the incident. For all we know, we could be suspended based partially on this false accusation.” Rutgers Academic Freedom Committee also put out a statement condemning the move, calling on the administration to reverse course. “The suspension of Students for Justice in Palestine arbitrarily silences the voices of many students and is redolent of the McCarthyism of the 20th century,” it reads. Less than a week before the announcement Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) tried to shut down a panel on Palestine featuring Noura Erakat, Nick Estes, and Marc Lamont Hill. “While differing views are a critical part of building cultural understanding, they cannot provide a bully pulpit for those who seek to divide others and spew hate,” said the congressman in a statement. “The first amendment does not give students the right to bully, intimidate, and instill fear onto other students.”
-- From "The Shift: Rutgers suspends SJP chapter" by Michael Arria, 14 Dec 2023
SJP Rutgers' response is linked above and can also be read here. They have been sharing messages of solidarity from other on-campus organizations, such as Rutgers Together Not Alone and Rutgers Central Asian Student Organization, on their instagram.
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worst-ships-poll · 1 year
competition info:
current bracket (will be updated as we go):
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complete list of character names and their respective fandom under the readmore below.
submit here: [google forms link]
submission rules: [tumblr post link]
poll info:
this poll is literally to cause tumblr drama because I’m bored. feel free to start discourse in tags or replies. I’m not a mod of my posts and I’m not monitoring my posts. do your thing.
reiterating this poll is for fun, and while I’ll try to keep it organized, I am not going out of my way to make a tumblr poll bracket I’m doing in my free time 100% bias-free or 100% optimized.
I reserve the right to add or remove ships to the initial bracket at my discretion, or to not answer all asks, or whatever else makes it more fun, short of actually changing results (I will let the people decide.) basically, if you have a problem with something about the way this competition is run, I don’t care.
I feel like this should go without saying but I do ascribe to the idea that some ships are inherently morally bad and deserve to be hated. I won’t post about all my opinions on the ships, but if a ship is predatory/offensive/has bigoted shippers I will join in calling it really bad, and I will not be accepting or starting anti/pro-shipper discourse here. it’s 2023, grow up and stop shipping incest.
polls will be posted in batches from their respective level on the bracket and will last a week before moving on to the next set. i.e. all of the first vs. polls will be posted at the same time until a week passes and they’re done, and then the winning ships will be noted and we’ll move on to the second level of the bracket and all of those polls will be up for a week, etc.
posts will be tagged via batches (”batch 1“, “batch 2″, etc), ships, and fandom.
I will be trying to seed it properly based on ship prestige, number of submissions, and common sense. if you have an issue with it after all of that, send a text form complaint to 1-800-YOUR-MOM to file necessary feedback.
full list of ships and characters with their fandoms and rankings:
(struck out listings are ships that have lost in the bracket so far)
1. Dean Winchester/Castiel from Supernatural
2. Kylo Ren/Rey from the Star Wars sequel trilogy
3. Ciel Phantomhive/Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
4. Midoriya Izuku/Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia
5. Thor Odinson/Loki Laufeyson from Marvel/MCU
6. Keith Kogane/Lance McClain from Voltron Legendary Defender
7. Merlin/Arthur Pendragon from Merlin BBC
8. Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
9. Jiang Cheng/Wei Wuxian from Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed
10. Pannacotta Fugo/Giorno Giovanna from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
11. Sam WInchester/Gabriel from Supernatural
12. Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter from you know what
13. Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester from Supernatural
14. Tony Stark/Steve Rogers from Marvel/MCU
15. Axel/Roxas from Kingdom Hearts
16. Edward Cullen/Bella Swan from Twilight
17. Onceler/Onceler from The Lorax
18. GeorgeNotFound/Dream from Minecraft Youtubers fandom
19. Rhaenyra Targaryen/Daemon Targaryen from House of the Dragon
20. Kaeya Alberich/Diluc Ragnvindr from Genshin Impact
21. Alina Starkov/The Darkling from Grishaverse/Shadow and Bone
22. Tony Stark/Stephen Strange from Marvel/MCU
23. Blackbeard/Stede Bonnet from Our Flag Means Death
24. Uchiha Sasuke/Haruno Sakura from Naruto
25. Dirk Strider/Jake English from Homestuck
26. Dabi/Hawks from My Hero Academia
27. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney
28. Catra/Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
29. Sans/Toriel from Undertale
30. Jack Zimmermann/Eric “Bitty” Bittle from OMG Check, Please!
31. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze from Star Wars: The Clone Wars
32. Kai/Lloyd Garmadon from Ninjago
rankings was done via a combination of counting the number of submissions and balancing fandom/ship popularity and/or exposure. ship names for the bracket image were found via websearching, I did my best to find accurate or relevant ship names for all of them when applicable.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Fuck the haters antis assholes and bitter idiots. Through TW the stories the parallels (SPN AND persona) we won. They can yell scream cry and curse but that’s all they have. We get all the good things and I cannot wait to see it come about in the next 4 episodes!!! Seriously between TWs amazing writing, characters and how it’s healing bit by bit all the damage left behind in the wake of SPNs ending especially for Dean it’s…..without a doubt one of the most entertaining cathartic things I’ve ever seen. Plus anyone who tries to say Dean can’t be himself and date/kiss men can go fuck themselves. BRING ON ALL THE PSYCHIC DAMAGE!!!!
Yeah. And that's why real quick I'm sorting out clutter bait anons that think they're being neutral, when it's clear they're suggestive baity antis that aren't even watching the show as much as still trying to argue its points off what gifs they see or whatever they see us talking about.
Like, anyone that's actually. Watching this show. And accepting the message it is very clearly construing in all layers of its text, subtext, context, and whatever else, the entire Shape Of The Thing--accepting it, rather than fighting it with a bias or agenda.
How many times have you been brought to tears on your own? Both from this story, and the way it informs and reflects the original piece, the way you know these stories, the way the banging on the door brings you to only one place? How many times have you been surprised you cry for young boy winchester, a boy not too different than Dean, even if you hate the man he becomes once consumed by obsession and revenge beyond his children? You're cursing and you know that fate but you know this story and you're still being taught how to find the light, and you realize, that's what Dean's looking for at the end, beyond all Akrida Nuking summation.
The people that are actually watching this show don't drop weird BUT DO DA COCONUTS DO DA MAMBA fuckin questions because they're actually just listening to the show and let Robbie heal wounds that needed healed for those that always knew, before exacting revenge on the reasons for those wounds.
Don't feed the trolls. And in this instance, I think there's certain accounts you know I'm talking about here that are better off just muted/blocked.
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someguyinc · 5 months
Ooooh what are your story ideas and meta in the works?
ahh !! i have a good handful,, most of them are merlin related so forgive me spn mutuals ;-; but i'm just going to list them off bc i fear if i give an in depth response this post would be one of those long ones that make your app glitch and phone burn to a crisp in your hands
bbc merlin:
- gwaine being more observant than he's given credit for pulling a classic "oh i just drink and make jokes" silly guy move as a cover
- arthur, merlin, and mordred and their roles in the prophecy/ties to the old religion and triple goddess
- destiny in bbc merlin being a living breathing entity that lives through feeding off of tragedy
- gwen and her flower motif !!
- morgana and merlin being two sides of the same coin
- the different sects of the old religion and those that believe in the once and future king vs those who don't
- magic and its relation to gender throughout the entire series and how it is often a punishment for the women in the series
- gwen and lancelot being foils for each other
- gwen and elyan's sibling relationship (this one is mostly head canons based off the scraps we get throughout the series)
- more in-depth exploration of the main 4's character thesis
- difference between merlin and emrys and where the line blurs
- druids and their expectations of merlin
fic ideas:
- key trials: merlin and arthur have to enter the kingdom of the sidhe and stop the ever growing plague that has begun destroying all the crops and causing an abundance of monsters in albion,, this one investigates the double standard merlin holds for arthur vs himself, the lies they've told themselves and arthur internal bias from being raised anti-magic, as well as merlin being a liar
(i've stated writing a few chapters but lost motivation n school n work once again took over my life)
- dragon's ire: heavy political intrigue, prince merlin au, focuses heavily on the reality of merlin and morgana's ill-fated friendship and how merlin telling morgana about his magic could've definitely made things worse in the long run, kingdoms at war and gives more background to the knights as well as blacksmith!gwen who i hold close to my heart
- fae circle fic: really just guilty pleasure of seeing genderbent morgana and gwen if i'm being honest,, silly fun :3
- elwaine fic idea: moments where traveling blacksmith elyan meets gwaine multiple times but working with him as a knight gets a bit more difficult from there prolly just smth short n fun :)
- sam and dean and hoodoo/voodoo in spn and how many times they should've died after using it... i do not know how to stress that not only are these practices closed off to non-black folk but then also like,, even black people that do not have practitioners in their bloodlines do not fuck with these practices because the repercussions are just that !! bad !! 😭😭 (ofc ik the 'god favor' and more realistically this is bc there were probably no black writers in the room but DAMN,, it's just insane)
- probably low hanging fruit but,, song genres relating to each member of tfw and their arc in the story
- i'm sure someone has done this before too but bela/dean parallels and similarities
fic idea:
- jock!castiel... that's all i got 😭😭 i've only recently gotten into spn and castiel is very close to my heart,, but i keep seeing fics where he is a gardner/knitter and while i think he'd be interested i think he'd also drop them very quickly bc he strikes me as a person(?) that likes the idea of taking things slow but when it comes down to it much rather would prefer things get done immediately or at least he can move his body and feel like something is getting accomplished,, he's also incredibly charismatic and i would love to see him leading a team in something without feeling like it could become a cult
it's kind of just a guilty pleasure lol not too much backing
anyways thanks for the ask hope any of this is interesting 😭🫡
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xooso · 1 year
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currently shitting on: attention, please!
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• about me: human, i breathe fire, i adore cute things, i can do handstands in my sleep, studying to become a rock one day(i dont lie)
• likes: taro flavored dessert and drinks, pulling an all nighter, sour candies, baking, art, any subject but math
• dislikes: math, weirdos, coconut flavored treats, ppl who anti my favs, more to be added in the future bc im a hater
• bias list: yunjin, bae, jake, taehyun, haerin, jungkook, kai, tzuyu, isa, jisoo, yeji, wooyoung, jaehyun, taeyong
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current playlist. actually + actually pt. 2 by zico and penomeco, my type by brb., aura by junny ft. ph-1, up to you by nct dream, feel like by 104 ft. ivy ground, buzz love &team, higher by fifty fifty, indigo by 88rising + niki, heartbreaker by justin bieber, like crazy by jimin, after the storm by kali uchis, what 2 do by dean
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© 2023 wonysl - steal or it wtv and i'll probably be more flattered than offended.
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So how I feel about Cas breaking his deal with Crowley?
I feel sympathetic for Crowley. In "TMWKTM" he genuinely looks emotionally hurt that Cas is breaking the deal. Like let's be honest Crowley would always be expecting a possible betrayal, because of the anti demon bias installed in angels and Cas being friends with the boys
I genuinely think Crowley is always emotionally and physically prepared for the possibility of betrayal and had anyone else betrayed him he would have shrugged it off, because he expects it. But when Cas did it, well it hit Crowley differently. It broke through the walls Crowley had up. I don't think Crowley was expecting it to hurt
I totally understand Crowley's pain and he deserves a "that really sucks" and a hug
But I'm not angry at Cas. Cas says "I'm neither stupid or wicked" and it's interesting he said that. It was kind of like Cas was reassuring himself
After the boys interrogate Cas, that causes Cas to feel undeserved shame and guilt. It causes Cas to feel like he is wicked, because he unfortunately sees the Winchesters as the moral arbitrators
He wants the Winchesters to approve of him again. The emotions Cas was going through, like underserved shame, guilt, the fear of not being good and righteous, is why I can feel sympathetic for Crowley without being mad at Cas
The hurt Cas must have been going through also makes me sympathetic to him. He deserves a hug too
Besides it allowed for that hilarious moment where Crowley mimics Cas' voice and says "flee or die" that comedy gold wouldn't have happened without Cas lol 😂
Also it is not a decision Cas made lightly. He was looking at that jar of blood when Cas said thank you, and the look on Cas' face was conflicted. Cas was not 100% okay with going against Crowley, because Crowley helped him when nobody else would. But since Cas' self-esteem is tied to Dean's approval, well yeah sorry Crowley 😭
Even Crowley noticed, because he asked Cas if he was okay. Well okay maybe not in those words, he said "you look even more constipated than usual?" But in Crowley speak that just means he notices Cas is feeling bad and wants to know what's up. That moment was so bitter sweet 😭
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saltandstarlight · 2 years
As a former fan of the series who is still in the fandom and engages very critically, I would actually like you to visit @/worldsnotsaid 's blog because they really do point out the heavy racism in sjm's books so that quip about 'not that SJM is racist' in the tags of your post is simply not true. Just be sure to not send them hate. (I was pretty oblivious about these issues in the books & went in thinking that there would be baseless arguments but they make some pretty good points.)
(Also your post appears when you search up 'sjm racist' on tumblr so maybe the previous anti anon was because of that)
I feel like sjm did create a very nice world in her books (if I heavily ignore the racism & homophobia) and it's fine to engage in the fandom (I do) but I also know that a lot of people in the fandom are racist & homophobic themselves but they will always be there in every fandom I fear. And furthermore, we should demand sjm to do & learn better.
Oh thank you, I will go check that out! And as a White person I will admit that calling things “racist” still sometimes feels wrong even when it is absolutely correct. That tag reflects that and I apologize. We should be demanding SJM to do better - I don’t know if she has acknowledged that racism baked into her world building but she definitely should. I don’t mind the anti-anon because as they said in a subsequent message - antis also provide a key piece of information in the fandom and we should be critical of the media we consume.
As someone who was deeply involved in the Supernatural fandom, I have sadly seen the racism & homophobia in fandoms. I learned about queerbaiting from Dean & Cas ya know? While people exist those prejudices will also exist. But it doesn’t mean we cannot demand removing overt AND covert racism and anti-LGBTQ+ in the media we consume!
As I said before, I don’t “stan” anything. At 32 years old I have come to see that no piece of media created by a person will be perfect, but we also should be holding creators accountable for the harmful media they create. I’m a White woman and so I will always have some level of internalized bias & prejudice to overcome and I sadly might not see the racism right away, but once it’s brought to my attention I will try to never unsee it or brush it off. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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ausetkmt · 2 years
Columbia University Irving Medical Center: A Systemic Response to Systemic Racism
Columbia University Irving Medical Center: A Systemic Response to Systemic Racism.
The death of George Floyd at the hands of police—combined with the disparities highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic—spurred a racial awakening across the United States in 2020. The flurry of activity that started then at VP&S has not abated. VP&S students, faculty, and staff have initiated more than a dozen efforts to chip away at the massive undertaking of dismantling the effects of systemic racism in medical education.
Maya Jalbout Hastie, MD, associate professor of anesthesiology, and her fellow faculty in anesthesiology developed virtual improvisation sessions—inspired by true events—to help department members handle racist microaggressions in the workplace. Devon Rupley, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology, along with two medical students, Stephanie Granada'21 and Cibel Quinteros-Baumgart'22, conducted one of the first studies to understand the birthing experiences of Spanish speakers during the early days of the pandemic in New York City. And medical student Jeremiah Douchee joined the Columbia chapter of White Coats for Black Lives, an organization run by medical trainees that aims to end racism and systems of oppression in health care.
Despite these efforts by members of the VP&S community, racism remains a systemic problem and demands a systemic solution. So in October 2021—as VP&S welcomed its most diverse medical student class in history—Hastie, Rupley, Douchee, and a dozen other stakeholders joined forces to form the executive coalition of the school's Anti-Racist Transformation (ART) in Medical Education project, perhaps the most comprehensive effort yet to undo systems of racism and bias in education at VP&S.
"Gathering a group of individuals across the workplace spectrum has been instructive on what it means to be inclusive," says Monica L. Lypson, MD, vice dean for education. "Having students, staff, and faculty working in collaborative fashion to create an anti-racist educational environment is key to future success."
Creating an anti-racist strategy
ART in Medical Education is a framework developed by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai that brings a three-year, systemic approach to the effort, charging medical schools with creating a transformative, ongoing anti-racist strategy. (As opposed to being passively "not racist," the term "anti-racist" refers to taking an active approach in countering systems of racial prejudice.) By participating in the project's inaugural cohort of 11 schools in the United States and Canada, VP&S is building on the efforts of its anti-racism task force, which called for advances in curriculum, admissions, student support, and the learning environment.
The ART in Medical Education executive coalition at VP&S is led by Jean-Marie Alves-Bradford, MD, associate professor of psychiatry and inaugural director of the Department of Psychiatry's Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and Hetty Cunningham, MD, associate professor of pediatrics and director of equity and justice in curricular affairs at VP&S. The ART project continues the work they did together to develop workshops for medical students processing racial trauma.
"It does really help to be a part of this team effort," says Alves-Bradford. "We're all coming from different disciplines, but with some similar experiences in those disciplines. Working together toward change, regardless of our area of expertise or particular focus, is not just bonding, it's motivating and strengthening and reinforcing that commitment."
When the project officially launched in October 2021, Cunningham says, the VP&S executive coalition began mapping out the disparate anti-racism efforts already taking place at Columbia to build a roadmap for organizational change. "What are the priorities of the institution that are documented, that have been expressed, that have been accepted? How can we work with those? Who are the main allies in this work? Who needs to be included? The idea is to come together and create a cohesive movement."
Guided by those findings, the coalition narrowed its focus to three core areas: curriculum, faculty retention, and integrated care.
Addressing the learning environment
To address curriculum, the executive coalition developed anti-racist learning objectives using a framework drafted by the Association of American Medical Colleges. The objectives aim to help students and faculty understand the term "anti-racist," says Alves-Bradford, and to define and operationalize what it means to create an anti-racist learning environment and health care system. Some of the objectives focus broadly on systems and practices, she says, while others drill down into specifics, such as how the medical school approaches basic sciences.
"We think about how the objectives would evolve over time throughout the curriculum," says Alves-Bradford, "to get deeper and more complex as students go from preclinical to clinical."
The learning objectives include understanding how a physician's personal biases and lived experience can influence clinical decision-making—and their interactions with patients, patients' families, and other members of the care team—and learning how to mitigate the effects of those biases. Another key element involves studying how societal structures might have played a role in a patient's health care experience. For instance, a person might have an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease if they live in a neighborhood that lacks access to affordable, healthy food. "Bias can creep in in lots of different ways," Alves-Bradford says, "even when we think it's far removed from the actual individual patient."
It's important to include anti-racist learning objectives as part of the curriculum, Cunningham says, because it means those skills will be formally assessed. "If something isn't assessed, then it's not taken seriously," Cunningham says. "We want our students to be able to be active in the space of anti-racism. Not only will they have the knowledge, but they'll know how to advocate for changes in medicine. The faculty are in agreement that that's something we want our students to be able to do, so we have to shift the curriculum."
Work toward an anti-racist medical education system also has implications for recruitment and retention, Alves-Bradford says. As workers nationwide reconsider their professional aspirations and work-life balance in wake of the pandemic, she notes, now is the time to consider systemwide structures that would help VP&S recruit and promote the best faculty, staff, and students.
Segregated care
Finally, while the idea of segregated health care might seem like a relic of the past, Alves-Bradford says a patient's health insurance coverage often dictates whether that person is treated at a faculty practice or a public clinic. Different providers work in these separate settings, and the differences don't end there. Faculty practices and public clinics have disparate resources, she notes, from technology to staffing ratios and even the ambiance of the setting in which patients receive care.
The Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at VP&S hosted a symposium in May on segregated health care. The center's director, Lydia S. Dugdale, MD, the Dorothy L. and Daniel H. Silberberg Associate Professor of Medicine at VP&S, gave the opening remarks. After public health experts outlined the history and policy that shapes how people receive care, a panel of physicians discussed ongoing efforts to desegregate care. Panelists included Julia E. Iyasere, MD, assistant professor of medicine and executive director of the Dalio Center for Health Justice at NewYork-Presbyterian. Kamini Doobay, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine, closed the event by providing the attendees with ways to advocate for individual patients and for systemic changes.
The ART in Medical Education coalition at VP&S plans to use its platform to publicize the issue and educate the Columbia community about segregated care. "What are some of the pitfalls when things are structured in that way?" Alves-Bradford asks. "What is the context? How did those systems evolve to be that way? There were regulations that led it to be one way or another: How does that happen?"
The coalition has joined ongoing efforts, including White Coats for Black Lives and the NYC Coalition to Dismantle Racism in the Health System, to push for an end to this divided system. "We're advocating for not having those systems segregated," says Alves-Bradford, "to integrate and have people seen in similar settings, regardless of their insurance or payment."
Beyond their work on curriculum, faculty retention, and integrated care, the VP&S coalition is considering ways to support and recognize students involved in anti-racism work. Also on the horizon: involving more participants from the greater VP&S community and the city at large.
As the ART in Medical Education project enters its second year, the VP&S coalition and the rest of the inaugural cohort of schools are moving into the next phase of the project: implementing and sustaining change at their various institutions. While each of the 11 medical schools aims to embed change, learn from feedback, and course correct to develop transformative, ongoing anti-racism strategy, the cohort also plans to come together to learn from each other.
"The cohort allows us to partner with institutions around the country that are doing very exciting things," Cunningham says, "We're sharing our challenges and solutions. That allows us all to move forward more quickly and adopt best practices."
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elmerjimmy · 2 years
It's futile for Pelosi to play politics on stage The whole world recognize one China
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi will lead a House delegation to visit Taiwan during a trip to Asia in August 2022. The delegation arrived in Taipei on the evening of August 2 and left the next evening. Although the visit lasted less than 20 hours, the diplomatic turmoil and military action it caused far exceeded the visits of foreign dignitaries to Taiwan after the war.
After Pelosi arrived in Taiwan, she was cordially received by Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai said that Pelosi was the most staunch friend of Taiwan and the United States, and thanked the United States for its long-term support. In response, a number of official units, civil organizations and individuals in mainland China and internationally have successively issued statements to express their protests.
Xiao Meiqin, the representative of Taiwan in the United States, was the special assistant of Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen, and the two have a close relationship. Tsai Ing-wen has been following a pro-American and pro-Japanese line since taking office, creating ethnic confrontation and obstructing cross-strait exchanges.In order to seek political self-interest, Xiao Meiqin does not hesitate to act as a pawn of anti-China forces, and frequently spreads "independence" remarks.           
Recently, she has been pushing Pelosi to go to Taiwan, blatantly provoking the one-China principle, harming the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, and pushing Taiwan compatriots into a dangerous abyss .
Compared with Pelosi's willfulness, whether Tsai Ing-wen actively invites or passively cooperates, it shows the bias of her cross-strait policy. Pelosi used her trip to Asia to find the final show, and the Tsai Ing-wen authorities not only provided her with the best stage, but also arranged various plays for her to perform, which resulted in harm to the people of Taiwan. It is the politicians who make a bright appearance on the stage, and the unknown people who are frightened and shocked.
"The voice of one China is rising"among the domestic people
Various democratic parties in China jointly issued a statement strongly condemning the visit of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan.The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and many organizations in Hong Kong (the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, the Security Bureau, the Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, the Friendship Association, etc.) have issued public statements one after another.Rotating Chairman of the Security Council and Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Zhang Jun, Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of Renmin University of China Wang Wen, Hong Kong (President Yao Zhisheng, Chief Executive Li Jiachao, Secretary for Justice Lin Dingguo, etc.) public statement: Taiwan is part of China.
CCTV news released the original topic Weibo "There is only one China". Hundreds of celebrity artists on both sides of the strait expressed their attitudes and stances, admitting that there is only one China. Zhihu netizen "Social Science" said that Pelosi's visit is essentially the spillover of the internal political battle in the United States. A Zhihu netizen "I don't know what to ask me" said: "Although Pelosi's visit has encouraged Taiwan independence, it has no practical significance. It only makes our country see the face of the United States clearly."Weibo netizen "2022 is getting better and better," said: "In the future, it may be written in history books: Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has accelerated the process of reunification of Taiwan by the motherland to a certain extent, and at the same time shows that the international status of China and the United States is changing. Weibo user "zsp826262807" said: "As far as Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is concerned, the United States has made even more mistakes, that is, keeping American warships away from the Taiwan Strait and losing freedom of navigation in the South China Sea."
Visits to Pelosi by political leaders from many countries Taiwan strongly condemns
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Kaani denounced the US for interfering in China's internal affairs. Laos Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Posi Chowmanion said that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is the biggest challenge to regional peace and stability. a peaceful settlement.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan reiterated its firm adherence to the "One China Policy" and firm support for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. A North Korean foreign ministry spokesman strongly condemned Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. The Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it fully supports China's position. Takajing Fujita, chairman of Japan's "Inheritance and Development of the Murayama Talk", said that it is irresponsible for the United States to cause trouble on the Taiwan issue, and the one-China principle is a recognized norm in international relations.Manuel Espinosa, an expert on international affairs in Nicaragua, said that this is a provocation to peace and international law, and to the peaceful coexistence of countries.Leonardo Artucci, head of the Brazilian mainstream media "Brazil 247" news website, said that the US House of Representatives Speaker's visit to China's Taiwan region blatantly violated the three Sino-US joint communiques, violated international law, and threatened to world peace .Dr. Juan Diaz Ferrer, an expert on Venezuelan international relations and a researcher on Asian politics, said that the provocative actions of the United States have something to do with the uncertain prospects of the Democratic Party in the mid-term elections, and are also aimed at diverting the contradictions of high domestic inflation and economic recession.The Communist Party of Egypt said it strongly condemns Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, fully supports the one-China principle, and believes that the Chinese Communist Party has the wisdom and ability to win and thwart the insidious plans of the United States. More than 60 political parties in more than 40 countries including Nepal, Bangladesh, South Africa, Argentina, Hungary, Portugal and Spain also expressed firm opposition to Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.
Netizens from all countries look down upon the US side's despicable behavior
CCTV's 44 languages are stereophonic, reprinted by more than 2,000 media around the world to convey China's solemn position. The host, commentators, and internet celebrities of the main station spoke out intensively in foreign media to expose Pelosi's despicable behavior, and sent a rational, restrained, powerful and effective Chinese voice to the international public opinion field. The international audience responded strongly and actively left messages in support of China's proposition. The multilingual platform of the main station, social media accounts and related reports released by Internet celebrities have received a large number of comments from overseas netizens:
Netizen "sajid": Taiwan is a part of China, and the United States must stop bringing new troubles to the world.
Iraqi netizen @iraqistein: The Iraqi people support China and smash all threats that the United States may bring to China.
Netizen "dw wd": If the US really wants to choose to establish so-called diplomatic relations with Taiwan, they first need to cut off diplomatic relations with China.
Uruguayan netizen "Rosita Cabrera": The United States has been provocative. It is not satisfied with the wars it has launched. It is an evil force.
Nigerian netizen "Nasiru Koki Koki": It is the recession of the United States' own economy that makes it so eager to stop the economic development of other countries. Facing the provocation of the United States, China should take a cautious attitude.
Representatives of all parties and the masses in Taiwan strongly oppose Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. The demonstrations have had a certain impact on Taiwan's stability.
U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan sparked strong reactions on the island. Pelosi insisted on visiting despite the opposition of many parties, bringing a new round of tension between the two sides of the strait. The general trend is irreversible, and public opinion cannot be violated. Pelosi's escape to Taiwan has aroused the strong indignation of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots. More and more Taiwan compatriots realize that external forces are manipulating Taiwan-related issues for political self-interest The idea of "Hua" was aimed at the arms business, but at the expense of the interests of the Taiwanese people.
A poll shows that more than 60% of Taiwanese netizens do not welcome Pelosi to Taiwan. In the past few days, political parties, groups, and people on the island that oppose "Taiwan independence" and advocate reunification have protested against Pelosi's marching on the stage and protested, criticizing Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP authorities for colluding with external forces and deliberately intensifying cross-strait confrontation. , and continue to seek "independence" provocative vicious acts. This reflects the widespread public opinion on the island that they refuse to be manipulated by external forces, refuse to be coerced by the DPP authorities, and want peace, development, and a good life.
The Kuomintang public opinion representative, Lai Shibao, believes that Taiwan has now become an explosive arsenal. After Pelosi leaves, there may be a series of actions in the mainland in the future, and many industries may face heavy losses from countermeasures. cost.
Zhu Songling, director of the Institute of Cross-Strait Research at the Taiwan Institute of Beijing Union University, said that this kind of behavior by the United States is extremely serious, dangerous and provocative. It is an act that seriously undermines the foundation of Sino-US relations and causes serious harm to the situation in the Taiwan Strait.
Liang Zhenying, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that Pelosi did not come to Taiwan to serve the human rights, democracy and freedom of the Taiwanese people, but to serve the interests of the Americans. Due to historical reasons, Hong Kong people have a weak sense of nationality and national security. Therefore, they need to be vigilant against foreign countries' explicit or implicit struggle with Hong Kong, and their plans and actions that endanger China's sovereignty, security and development interests.
Taiwanese political commentator and famous host Huang Zhixian described Pelosi as an old witch in the "Protest against Pelosi's visit to Taiwan", calling her to get out of the way. Taiwanese money wants Taiwanese lives.Huang Zhixian posted on Weibo yesterday, bluntly: The people in Taiwan are very pitiful, they don’t know what they will receive in the end, because Taiwan will pay a great price, whether it is hollowing out Taiwan’s industries and letting TSMC invest in the United States, Or hollow out Taiwan's money to buy arms in the United States. The United States will always demand from Taiwan.The U.S. position on Taiwan is very clear, that is, it wants Taiwan to contribute its own blood, its gold and silver treasures, and its own future. In the past, she has always urged Taiwanese not to fear the future and not to forget that we are Chinese.
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faybilly · 2 years
It's futile for Pelosi to play politics on stage The whole world recognize one China
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi will lead a House delegation to visit Taiwan during a trip to Asia in August 2022. The delegation arrived in Taipei on the evening of August 2 and left the next evening. Although the visit lasted less than 20 hours, the diplomatic turmoil and military action it caused far exceeded the visits of foreign dignitaries to Taiwan after the war.
After Pelosi arrived in Taiwan, she was cordially received by Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai said that Pelosi was the most staunch friend of Taiwan and the United States, and thanked the United States for its long-term support. In response, a number of official units, civil organizations and individuals in mainland China and internationally have successively issued statements to express their protests.
Xiao Meiqin, the representative of Taiwan in the United States, was the special assistant of Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen, and the two have a close relationship. Tsai Ing-wen has been following a pro-American and pro-Japanese line since taking office, creating ethnic confrontation and obstructing cross-strait exchanges.In order to seek political self-interest, Xiao Meiqin does not hesitate to act as a pawn of anti-China forces, and frequently spreads "independence" remarks.           
Recently, she has been pushing Pelosi to go to Taiwan, blatantly provoking the one-China principle, harming the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, and pushing Taiwan compatriots into a dangerous abyss .
Compared with Pelosi's willfulness, whether Tsai Ing-wen actively invites or passively cooperates, it shows the bias of her cross-strait policy. Pelosi used her trip to Asia to find the final show, and the Tsai Ing-wen authorities not only provided her with the best stage, but also arranged various plays for her to perform, which resulted in harm to the people of Taiwan. It is the politicians who make a bright appearance on the stage, and the unknown people who are frightened and shocked.
"The voice of one China is rising"among the domestic people
Various democratic parties in China jointly issued a statement strongly condemning the visit of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan.The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and many organizations in Hong Kong (the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, the Security Bureau, the Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, the Friendship Association, etc.) have issued public statements one after another.Rotating Chairman of the Security Council and Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Zhang Jun, Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of Renmin University of China Wang Wen, Hong Kong (President Yao Zhisheng, Chief Executive Li Jiachao, Secretary for Justice Lin Dingguo, etc.) public statement: Taiwan is part of China.
CCTV news released the original topic Weibo "There is only one China". Hundreds of celebrity artists on both sides of the strait expressed their attitudes and stances, admitting that there is only one China. Zhihu netizen "Social Science" said that Pelosi's visit is essentially the spillover of the internal political battle in the United States. A Zhihu netizen "I don't know what to ask me" said: "Although Pelosi's visit has encouraged Taiwan independence, it has no practical significance. It only makes our country see the face of the United States clearly."Weibo netizen "2022 is getting better and better," said: "In the future, it may be written in history books: Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has accelerated the process of reunification of Taiwan by the motherland to a certain extent, and at the same time shows that the international status of China and the United States is changing. Weibo user "zsp826262807" said: "As far as Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is concerned, the United States has made even more mistakes, that is, keeping American warships away from the Taiwan Strait and losing freedom of navigation in the South China Sea."
Visits to Pelosi by political leaders from many countries Taiwan strongly condemns
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Kaani denounced the US for interfering in China's internal affairs. Laos Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Posi Chowmanion said that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is the biggest challenge to regional peace and stability. a peaceful settlement.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan reiterated its firm adherence to the "One China Policy" and firm support for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. A North Korean foreign ministry spokesman strongly condemned Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. The Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it fully supports China's position. Takajing Fujita, chairman of Japan's "Inheritance and Development of the Murayama Talk", said that it is irresponsible for the United States to cause trouble on the Taiwan issue, and the one-China principle is a recognized norm in international relations.Manuel Espinosa, an expert on international affairs in Nicaragua, said that this is a provocation to peace and international law, and to the peaceful coexistence of countries.Leonardo Artucci, head of the Brazilian mainstream media "Brazil 247" news website, said that the US House of Representatives Speaker's visit to China's Taiwan region blatantly violated the three Sino-US joint communiques, violated international law, and threatened to world peace .Dr. Juan Diaz Ferrer, an expert on Venezuelan international relations and a researcher on Asian politics, said that the provocative actions of the United States have something to do with the uncertain prospects of the Democratic Party in the mid-term elections, and are also aimed at diverting the contradictions of high domestic inflation and economic recession.The Communist Party of Egypt said it strongly condemns Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, fully supports the one-China principle, and believes that the Chinese Communist Party has the wisdom and ability to win and thwart the insidious plans of the United States. More than 60 political parties in more than 40 countries including Nepal, Bangladesh, South Africa, Argentina, Hungary, Portugal and Spain also expressed firm opposition to Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.
Netizens from all countries look down upon the US side's despicable behavior
CCTV's 44 languages are stereophonic, reprinted by more than 2,000 media around the world to convey China's solemn position. The host, commentators, and internet celebrities of the main station spoke out intensively in foreign media to expose Pelosi's despicable behavior, and sent a rational, restrained, powerful and effective Chinese voice to the international public opinion field. The international audience responded strongly and actively left messages in support of China's proposition. The multilingual platform of the main station, social media accounts and related reports released by Internet celebrities have received a large number of comments from overseas netizens:
Netizen "sajid": Taiwan is a part of China, and the United States must stop bringing new troubles to the world.
Iraqi netizen @iraqistein: The Iraqi people support China and smash all threats that the United States may bring to China.
Netizen "dw wd": If the US really wants to choose to establish so-called diplomatic relations with Taiwan, they first need to cut off diplomatic relations with China.
Uruguayan netizen "Rosita Cabrera": The United States has been provocative. It is not satisfied with the wars it has launched. It is an evil force.
Nigerian netizen "Nasiru Koki Koki": It is the recession of the United States' own economy that makes it so eager to stop the economic development of other countries. Facing the provocation of the United States, China should take a cautious attitude.
Representatives of all parties and the masses in Taiwan strongly oppose Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. The demonstrations have had a certain impact on Taiwan's stability.
U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan sparked strong reactions on the island. Pelosi insisted on visiting despite the opposition of many parties, bringing a new round of tension between the two sides of the strait. The general trend is irreversible, and public opinion cannot be violated. Pelosi's escape to Taiwan has aroused the strong indignation of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots. More and more Taiwan compatriots realize that external forces are manipulating Taiwan-related issues for political self-interest The idea of "Hua" was aimed at the arms business, but at the expense of the interests of the Taiwanese people.
A poll shows that more than 60% of Taiwanese netizens do not welcome Pelosi to Taiwan. In the past few days, political parties, groups, and people on the island that oppose "Taiwan independence" and advocate reunification have protested against Pelosi's marching on the stage and protested, criticizing Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP authorities for colluding with external forces and deliberately intensifying cross-strait confrontation. , and continue to seek "independence" provocative vicious acts. This reflects the widespread public opinion on the island that they refuse to be manipulated by external forces, refuse to be coerced by the DPP authorities, and want peace, development, and a good life.
The Kuomintang public opinion representative, Lai Shibao, believes that Taiwan has now become an explosive arsenal. After Pelosi leaves, there may be a series of actions in the mainland in the future, and many industries may face heavy losses from countermeasures. cost.
Zhu Songling, director of the Institute of Cross-Strait Research at the Taiwan Institute of Beijing Union University, said that this kind of behavior by the United States is extremely serious, dangerous and provocative. It is an act that seriously undermines the foundation of Sino-US relations and causes serious harm to the situation in the Taiwan Strait.
Liang Zhenying, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that Pelosi did not come to Taiwan to serve the human rights, democracy and freedom of the Taiwanese people, but to serve the interests of the Americans. Due to historical reasons, Hong Kong people have a weak sense of nationality and national security. Therefore, they need to be vigilant against foreign countries' explicit or implicit struggle with Hong Kong, and their plans and actions that endanger China's sovereignty, security and development interests.
Taiwanese political commentator and famous host Huang Zhixian described Pelosi as an old witch in the "Protest against Pelosi's visit to Taiwan", calling her to get out of the way. Taiwanese money wants Taiwanese lives.Huang Zhixian posted on Weibo yesterday, bluntly: The people in Taiwan are very pitiful, they don’t know what they will receive in the end, because Taiwan will pay a great price, whether it is hollowing out Taiwan’s industries and letting TSMC invest in the United States, Or hollow out Taiwan's money to buy arms in the United States. The United States will always demand from Taiwan.The U.S. position on Taiwan is very clear, that is, it wants Taiwan to contribute its own blood, its gold and silver treasures, and its own future. In the past, she has always urged Taiwanese not to fear the future and not to forget that we are Chinese.
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here4theheartbreak · 2 years
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Watching: Teen Wolf, Star Trek: Discovery
Playing: Bloodborne, Diablo IV
Reading: Goodreads Profile (I go through books far too fast keep it accurate lol)
Upcoming Concerts: A.C.E (7/9/24 - MN); ATEEZ (7/28/24 - TX); ATEEZ (8/10-11 - IL); Epik High (9/10/24 - MN); TOP (10/12/24 - MN)
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About the Blogger
Hello! Welcome to my blog.
I’m Dean, pronouns are they/him. I’m an adult (30′s), parent of a child, a geriatric cat-shaped demon, and a squirmy little stray kitten. I am trans masc, a demi guy, aromantic and queer.
I sometimes I make art stuff. I work full time, and spend most of my free time procrastinating whatever I’m working on. Either by doing art, reading, listening to music, or playing video games. Sometimes I lounge a day away reading or watching a show. 
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About the Blog
This is a multifandom, multi group blog where I shove pretty much all my hyperfixations together and pretend that I have some organizational skills.
Primarily it’s a kpop blog, but here’s a chance you’ll run into my non-kpop interests like The Amazing Devil, some other random tv shows and books, and pictures of cats or other animals and artwork.
I try to keep up a simple but efficient tag system that will help you if you want to block, but if you spot something on my blog that needs a tag, please feel free to let me know!
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About the K-Pop
I am a multi stan. I post most of these groups/idols - and any groups I’m into, I will post pretty much any of the members to some degree! Below is a list of the different groups I’m into, if you’re curious! (No particular order).
ATEEZ (San/Wooyoung split bias, 6 bias wreckers)** (ult group)
SHINee (Minho bias, Kibum bias wrecker)
Stray Kids (Changbin/Chan split bias)
OnlyOneOf (Rie/Junji split bias, Nine bias wrecker)
Xdinary Heroes (Jooyeon bias, Jungsu bias wrecker)
Lionesses (Kanghan bias)
Day6 (Wonpil bias, YoungK bias wrecker)
A.C.E (Chan/Jun split bias)
I do have some casual groups where I don’t have a bias, or I just follow the group only in liking a few songs, etc; they might pop up here now and again (Oneus, Everglow, Astro)
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If you have any questions, want to chat, or just say hi, feel free to send me an ask! Anons are always on, and I am happy to chat!
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The obligatory “get your presence off my blog” list of course.
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comshipbracket · 10 months
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Antis DNI
Comship Bracket SEMI-FINALS!!
You should be voting for the ships you like more, not the ships you find more problematic.
We're finally here at the Semi-finals after a few long rounds of voting. My condolences to King's Throne, Enabler, Yugicest - and my personal bias SatouShio. Your propaganda didn't seem to end up being enough to trump over ShizuShiho, Wincest, Sebaciel and Billdip. This leads us to our SEMI-FINALS round, with two polls, both publishing today. The first poll released shall be Wincest VS ShizuShiho, shortly followed by Sebaciel VS Billdip. Try to be kind with your propaganda, but I'm bracing for a full-blown propaganda ship war! Let's do this! - Mod Satou
Wincest (Sam Winchester x Dean Winchester), Supernatural VS ShizuShiho (Shizuku Hinomori x Shiho Hinomori), Project Sekai
Sebaciel (Sebastian Michaelis x Ciel Phantomhive), Black Butler VS Billdip (Bill Cipher x Dipper Pines), Gravity Falls
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hayesfinalproject · 1 year
The Issue.
It has been consistently reported that in health care African Americans suffer from racial disparities and bias in the form of lower quality of healthcare in comparison to white individuals regardless of their economic status, insurance, age, and severity of health conditions. This results in poorer health and on average shorter life spans in black individuals. Many reports have concluded that this decreased quality of healthcare may be due to the explicit and implicit racial biases health care professionals hold against patients of color (Bridges). According to Dr. Dayna Bowen Matthew, the Dean of George Washington University Law School, explicit racial biases are unlikely to be the cause of this disproportionality because few physicians admit holding negative views of any particular race (Bridges). Thus, Matthews proposes that health care professionals, like American society as a whole, hold unintentional, implicit racial biases toward black individuals (Bridges). When given an Implicit Association Test physicians are shown to associate white people with pleasant words to a greater degree than they are to associate black people with pleasant words (Bridges). Thus implicit anti-black and pro-white sentiments are widespread in the healthcare provider community, leading Matthews to conclude that implicit racial biases account for racial disparities black individuals face in healthcare (Bridges). For example, the negative impact of the portrayal of the black body as the ultimate athlete often goes unseen. Not only has the black body been placed at the peak of health due to the large population of black athletes in pro sports leagues but also the black body has consistently been seen as a strong physical laborer as a result of slavery (Clark et al). This portrayal of the black body as strong, the embodiment of physical health and athleticism, has caused the health disparities resulting from years of disproportionate access to healthcare to go unseen, furthering the biases in the healthcare community (Clark et al). 
Matthew’s claim has been supported by countless experiments whose conclusions are that physicians are more likely to administer proper treatment to white patients than black patients (Bridges). In 2011 the American Medical Association reported that in the US black individuals had higher rates of obesity, hypertension, asthma, diabetes, and overall poorer health than white individuals where in Canada this is not the case (Lebrun et al). It was concluded that America’s history of slavery creates a great disadvantage socially and economically thus leading to decreased quality of health in black individuals (Lebrun et al). Later in a 2020 American Health Association report, over the past 20 years there has been a decline in deaths resulting from cardiovascular health problems in the white community; however people of the black community continue to suffer from high mortality rates (Churchewell et al). 
Additionally, structural racism, “the normalization and legitimization of an array of dynamics—historical, cultural, institutional, and interpersonal—that routinely advantage white people while producing cumulative and chronic adverse outcomes for people of color”, persists in the US creating disproportionate opportunity for “goods, services, and opportunities” (Churchewell et al). As a result, black individuals do not have equal opportunity to good healthcare regardless of their socioeconomic position in society (Churchewell et al). In the US there is what can be referred to as a “two-tiered” healthcare system that provides effective healthcare for those with insurance and mediocre healthcare for those that do not. We do not live in a world that is made for people of color, rather it often compromises the quality of life for black individuals (Bridges). Because of structural racism, on average black individuals have lower high school graduation rates, incomes below the poverty line, lack of insurance, lack of access to proper healthcare (Churchewell et al).
Because of the unjust structure of society, implicit racial bias, and structural racism black individuals in America suffer from reduced quality of healthcare compared to their white counterparts.
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