#anti fanon rhodey
cornholio4 · 4 years
Team Iron Man’s Doomsday Clock
Dedicated to the memory of actor Wilford Brimley, 1934-2020. May he Rest in Peace and I hope for the best for his friends and family.
This week I got in the mail my DVD for the Watchmen show, I am also actually interested in the upcoming Rorschach comic series. Hopefully Tom King will pull off his Mr Miracle quality of writing and not his Heroes in Crisis quality of writing. Also I apologised for this as I knew beforehand that I am nowhere near good enough as a writer to perfectly capture Dr Manhattan (I am not even sure that he would be care enough about the MCU Earth to form an opinion of it). Also if by some larger than life miracle Alan Moore himself finds this fanfic that I am writing that could be a sequel to Watchmen as well as admitting to having seen the Watchmen show as well as now have read Doomsday Clock and wants to read the other possible sequel to the comic... Please have mercy on the curse that you send my way.
It was after the so called Civil War of the Avengers and Tony Stark even after getting Steve Rogers' letter. He shared everything with Rhodey and then to Pepper when she came about wanting to have a serious talk. They were all angry about all this and what Steve had done.
How dare him and his rogue sheep think of how their precious freedoms will be impacted, how they dare want to not sign until their concerns are realised and that they could have the safeguards guaranteed before signing anything. How dare Steve burn the world for his stupid HYRA killer friend Bucky when he went to bring him in because he was capable of not being killed and was protecting the hit squad from Bucky as well as him. How dare they want to not fight and just want to focus on what they knew was a real threat in the 5 Winter Soldiers and knew that Tony jsut wanted to bring them in and wasn't interested in what they had to say.
How dare Steve not reveal that Bucky had killed his parents though he apologised saying he was only protecting himself since he only knew for sure that HYDRA had killed the Starks and that he admitted that he didn't know that it was Bucky who personally did it.
Well they were focused on brewing and revenge especially when the reports of Steve and his rogues (who the public and some media began just calling the Avengers) just doing what they wanted in rescuing people and fighting terrorists around the world, sadly they got the public on their side and Anti-Accords sentiment became popular. They called his surrogate son Harley Keener (who Tony hadn't talked to in a long time) and got him on board and he was totally on their side.
Sadly Tony lost his other surrogate son who he barely knew Peter Parker the Spider-Man who after learning more about the Accords and feeling fed up about Happy not having any answers from Tony to the questions he was asking, blocked the number and was basically done with Tony. It seems that Peter joined his friends in promoting Anti Accords and pro Cap articles and statements. Then Vision left them to hide with Wanda. Rogers and his rogues were ruining anything.
They began trying to recruit more including Hank Pym, Hope Van Dyne and Thor's old girlfriend Jane Foster. However their recruitment was pretty much a failure as the Pyms were still on the 'don't trust a Stark' mentality (with Hope subtlety making it clear that if Scott had brought her on to the airport battle then she would have been on his and Rogers' side). Jane asked why they thought that she should be involved in this at all.
However with 'borrowed' research on the Quantum Realm from the Pyms they managed to find a way to look into the Multiverse and other Earths. They found one where decades in the past after the popularity of Action Comics #1, costumed vigilantism became popular among people and it was a fad that lasted for a good long time. However they became more brutal and dangerous and it led to public outcry and a police strike causing a law to be enacted making them illegal called the Keene Act.
They felt so vindicated because them being outlawed entirely if they were not put in check was exactly what Tony had warned Rogers and his rogues about. They saw there was only one real Superhuman on this Earth and it was Dr Manhattan who through an accident became a powerful force far beyond anything on their own Earth. He single handedly won the Vietnam War for America (while ignoring how horrible the thought was) and thought that they can recruit him and he can take care of Rogers and his Rogues and then make the whole world better. Plus they could handle the big threat that his coming...
Through countless money and hours of building (having to ignore and cancel appointments with Ross calling demanding to see them as he was being close to being kicked out of office and the Stark Industries board of directors telling them about the failing stock) they got a machine ready to summon Dr Manhattan.
Using the large Arc Reactor they had to rebuild and using the entirety of the power of Avengers Tower, they managed to summon Dr Manhattan there from wherever he was. He was like a glowing blue godlike larger than life creature and thank god that he was able to create the black thong to cover himself...
They explained everything to him and he stated "I can see the past, present and future all at once and I already knew of this before you explained yourself. You remind me of Adrian Veidt somewhat Mr Stark..." Tony beamed and there were smiles from the others and Dr Manhattan continued on "He masterminded a plot to get scientists to create for him a fake interdimensional lifeform out of believe that it was a movie plot. He used his lifeform to devastate New York in a plot to unite the world and end the Cold War through a futile peace that was destined to fail. I fail to understand how you would believe that it was a compliment."
They were not pleased with how this was headed as Dr Manhattan said "while I am sort of impressed that you went through this work to bring me here, unfortunately for you I don't believe that I have any desire to continue being a weapon for the governments of any Earths. If you are done then I will be on my way."
They were gobsmacked and Rhodey shouted "you can't be serious! You should know how right we are and that you should help us, we know about the Keene Act and there is an actual threat coming and not some hoax..."
"A law to outlaw dangerous individuals from playing dress up while your Accords seek to control Superhumans while blaming them for incidents where they were actually responding and fighting to save the day. I have seen the life of Steve Rogers and why he opposed the Accords and I have to admit some admiration for him and his ilk who want to inspire hope and good in this world that is so much brighter and more... fantastical than my own one. Steve Rogers could very well be everything that Edward Blake wasn't and should be. With him and his Avengers uniting with teh world's greatest defenders and not divided by issues like these Accords, I see high probability in their success." Dr Manhattan replied and this got them all angry.
This was a god like being who should have been smart enough to know that they were the right side and Rogers was an idiot thug who was preaching his own twisted morality, they will humble him and get him to join them by force. Tony activated the House Party Protocol and they cheered as all his armours were assembled to fire upon Dr Manhattan.
However Dr Manhattan was not phased at all and without even having to snap his fingers all the armours disintegrated all at once. "This isn't over, you leave right now and we will hunt you down and get you back by force! I can make use of your power myself; you will pay as Rogers will. I am the world's smartest man, I am Tony Stark... I am Iron Man!" Tony snapped with his colleagues cheering him on.
Dr Manhattan saw that in less than a week they will get the news that the Accords were repealed with the Governments welcoming Steve Rogers back, Thaddeus Ross will be in handcuffs once evidence of his secret projects come to life and Mr Stark and his colleagues will get the news that the Stark Industries board had enough of them ignoring their calls and then sell off their stock. 51% of Stark Industries will be bought by Hank Pym and his daughter Hope using some offshore money that they had.
Steve will have the Avengers united and then once Bruce Banner and Doctor Stephen Strange comes to them , the Avengers will be ready and Thanos's snap and the disintegration of 50% of all life in this universe, doesn't come to pass.
However before leaving Dr Manhattan gave them a last message to Mr Stark and his colleagues:
"Even if you were the world's smartest man... The World's smartest man poses no more threat to me than it's smartest termite."
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
Fanon Marvel cause they got I S S U E S
This isn’t really a fanfic thing, more or less what I envision the MCU would be in MY head. Granted not everyone’s gonna agree with these points, but that’s fine. Well all got our own opinions☺️
Q: Who survives the Snap in Fanon?
A: Steve, Thor, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Nebula, Gamora, Rhodey, Rocket, Scott, Okoye, Shuri, Pepper, Wong, Valkyrie, Loki, and Tony
Q: Will anyone be recast?
A: Yes. Monica Rambeau is Captain Marvel instead of Carol Danvers. Make of that as you will.
Q: Are there gonna be any major changes?
A: Not for the most part, as I haven’t watched all the Marvel movies. However, these would be the most prominent ones:
* T*ny Stark is an anti-villain. His story has been changed to mostly fit the Superior Iron Man storyline. The IM trilogy would stay the same since I haven’t seen them, as well as the first two Avengers movies. However, he gets his immediate change in Civil War, where we find out that he worked for HYDRA the whole time, and wanted the Avengers to sign the Accords so the organization didn’t get found out. I feel it would’ve been interesting if we had seen Tony turn from a man who pretended to help others survive, into a man who only ever did things to help himself survive. If you don’t like this change: well then suck it cause it’s my fanon🙃
* Steve and Thor are in a relationship. This is mostly a personal preference, but I genuinely think they’d be a good couple. Their feelings would begin to come out in AOU, after the party scene. The two have a drink, slow dance, and confess there feelings. Simple, but cute (I think). Steve would think of Thor in Civil War, while Thor would have a scene in Ragnarok, in which he calls Steve and gets his opinion on everything that has happened to him (Odins death, Hela, losing Mjolnir etc). In Infinity War, they reunite and share a big kiss Pirates of the Caribbean style. As for Endgame: Steve doesn’t go to the past (I.e fucking up the timeline and Peggy’s happy life) and Thor stays on New Asgard to rule as King, with his consort by his side.
* CA:CW- People like Rhodey and Natasha don’t just immediately agree to the Accords. Instead, they go undercover and try to find out what the government is actually doing; Peter is on Team Iron Man until he finds out that Tony is HYDRA. It sucks that M*rvel really out here just making Peter iron boy instead of... ya know... Spider-Man; Civil War has a scene where Steve reminisces on his mother (his real moral compass fight me) and we focus more on him and less on Tinkie’s man pain; Instead of Tony being upset that Bucky killed both of his parents, he’d only get upset about his mother, as he actually wanted his father dead. Got this idea from a post where basically a bunch of people were talking about how Tony was probably HYDRA the whole time, which is where I got the idea. Feel free to add anything else.
* IW: Loki and Gamora don’t die. I feel like they killed off Loki a little too early since he was just getting the arc he so desperately needed. While I don’t really know what to do with him yet, I do know that he’ll be in a relationship with Valkyrie. I mean, did you see their fight scene? The sexual tension. As for Gamora, well we all practically hated it when she died and hated it even more when they brought her 2014 counterpart back from the past. Someone on Quora said that an alternative for Thanos to sacrifice on Vormir could be Ebony Maw, as out of all of Thanos’s children, he worshipped him the most. Maybe Thanos would hesitate as this was his most loyal child, but he does it cause gotta wipe out half the universe or whatever. It wouldn’t be as tragic tho, but (1) that’s the price we gotta pay for Gamora to stay alive, and (2) are we reeeaaally supposed to pity Thanos? Thanos? The guy who only ever fell in love with Death???. Anyways back to Gamora: I actually wanna do something for her. If you’ve ever seen RWBY, one of the main characters essentially loses her arm when she tried to save her friend. I know it sounds cruel for Gamora to loose a limb, but hey, sometimes you just like seeing your fav characters suffer🤷‍♀️. I was thinking it could go two ways:
- (1): Gamora loses her arm like the character in RWBY i.e, saving one of her friends like Mantis, Quill, or Nebula.
- Or (2): Thanos uses the Reality Stone to make the Guardians + Peter and Strange think that they have the upper hand. Strange uses his magic to hold Thanos down while the others try taking off the Infinity gauntlet. Once the gauntlet is nearly loose, Quill would try to strike him, as Nebula realizes that the whole thing is an illusion. But before she could warn the others it’s too late, and Gamora looses an arm to her boyfriend, leaving him and everyone in complete shock. I like this option more, as it would show not only just how cruel Thanos is, but that he never really loved Gamora. He just favored her above all his other kids. And hey, I’m a sap for angst.
* Feel free to add anything else.
* EG: So in the first bullet, I already said which characters survive the snap and that Captain Marvel isn’t Carol, but Monica. Aside from that, I haven’t really thought much of what to do with Endgame. Surprisingly, it’s difficult to write a better story for this one. What I would most like to happen, however, is more character moments. Thor’s PTSD and traumas being taken more seriously, and instead of him gaining weight he loses it (cause according to Tinkie’s dumb rant that’s what gets an audience to take your turmoil seriously. Pls don’t hate me for this decision). Bruce doesn’t turn into Professor Hulk, and his traumas are actually talked about. Also he gets closure on his relationship with Natasha (I know it’s not that great but I personally like it). Clint dies instead of Nat and we remember that Nat was the leader of the Avengers for like five years. Steve properly mourns his friends and actually acts like Steve Rogers and not a fucking imposter. We actually see what happened in Wakanda after the Snap, with Okoye and Shuri at the head of it all. Also Pepper would be stand in for Tony, cause ya know, she has a life outside of him and is actually smart. And her and Scott help with the Time machine or what other plan I or anyone can come up with. Again, feel free to add anything else.
Q: Will there be any new characters added?
A: For now just one: A robot named Iris (aka Iron Blade), created by Tony for HYDRA. I’ve made a summary of her here:
* Iris is an android created by the billionaire Tony Stark, who possesses a synthetic body made of Tungsten Carbide which is powered by the arc reactor in her chest. For years Stark worked into making Iris highly advanced, while also keeping her secret from the rest of the world until she was ready to be used by the organization HYDRA. She was trained by HYDRA in combat and artificial intelligence, transforming Iris into a dangerous, ruthless killing machine. However, she still managed to keep some essence of personality thanks to Tony, who refused to have her be simply mindless. This resulted in Iris inheriting some of Tony’s more negative traits, while even accepting his lavish lifestyle. Although she may act like him, Iris has her own traits which vary from being charismatic, eloquent, and sophisticated to privileged, arrogant and cruel. Due to HYDRA’s influence, Iris is mostly misguided and blindly follows orders.
* Iris was eventually revealed when Tony tried forcing the Avengers to sign the Sokovia Accords as a means to keep HYDRA underground. She was introduced as a new recruit of the US government, in which she had a hand in writing the Accords. When the Avengers found that Iris was created by not just HYDRA but by Tony, this caused a huge riff in the team. The people on Team Iron Man immediately turn on him once finding out that he created Iris, which in turn resulted in them finding out that not only had he been providing the organization with weapons, but was a member himself. Out of all the team members, Iris has the largest fallout with Bucky Barnes (the former Winter Soldier) and Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), as she mostly worked as their antithesis, showing what probably would’ve occurred had they never recovered from their manipulation at the hands of corrupt organizations.
* After the fight between Iron Man and Captain America, Iris went into hiding alongside Tony, who was no longer a member of the Avengers. For the next two years, Iris stayed by her creators side as he intended to carry out his boss’s plan. The titan Thanos had ordered Stark to help him eradicate half the universe. Tony agreed to the plan, as he believed that Earth had been ungrateful for his attempts at ‘saving’ the world. He would help Thanos, so long as he ensured his safety and payed him. Iris, programmed to follow orders, agreed to the plan without question.
* Once Thanos arrived on Earth, Iris would go to Wakanda to stop the Avengers from destroying the Mind Stone, all the while Stark attempted to kill the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, and Spiderman (also the only one who knew of Tony’s true alignments). Iris, failing to retrieve the Stone, joins Tony on Titan while Thanos fights the Avengers. Despite the Avengers attempts, Thanos gets the stones and does the Snap, in which Tony and Iris survive and go into hiding once more.
That’s pretty much it. I made this cause I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I wanted to share my opinions. Feel free to add anything or give constructive criticism.
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So, this got out of hand. I meant for this to be a quick comment about how Riri shouldn't be mentored by a hologram of Tony or whatever, then it turned into a whole ass galaxy brain thing and now it's all part of my fanon and way more in detail than it was ever supposed to get. So here is a long ass post about Rhodey, Scott, Hope and Old!Steve mentoring Riri Williams. Plus, Riri and Shuri being bros, cuz it's what we deserve.
This is basically a continuition of this post
So Shuri is helping out with T'Challa's project in the States and she ends up meeting Riri somehow. Anyway, they start to become bros and Shuri finds out about the suit she's been working on. Naturally, she's interested to see where this goes, so she makes a few calls.
She introduces her to Rhodey, Scott, and Hope who she thinks could help her out with her plans of becoming a hero (so they could ensure she was ready for everything that entails and have proper training with both the suit and hand-to-hand combat), help her with the mechanics of the suit when she needs it, and provide her with necessary materials so she doesn't have to keep stealing from the University.
Riri ends up with Old!Steve as a mentor because he happened to be visiting the compound during one of her first few visits. She was doing a combat simulation Rhodey or Hope had given her to practice with, and Steve saw her sort of struggling due to a lack of strategic planning. He makes a comment about how whatever strategy or move might help, and she jumps because she didn't notice him. Eventually, after she recovers, she unpauses the sim and takes his advice and the rest of the sim goes smoothly after that, with Steve making helpful suggestions every now and then.
When she's finished she turns it off and they introduce themselves, Steve introducing himself first because he's too polite to not introduce himself, and she realizes that's Captain Fuckin America! She knew he'd seemed vaguely familiar, her mom had been injured during an Avengers op and he, along with a few others (Natasha, Bruce, Wanda and Clint), had stopped by to check on how things were going, payed for the hospital visit and her recovery afterwards. (They had this whole thing where they'd visit the families of casualties and those who were injured as collateral and they'd help them out to the best of their ability.)
He offers to help her work on her strategizing so she wouldn't have to rely on the suit or an AI to do the work for her. They play chess to start with and she finds out that he gives really good, heartfelt advice. This becomes a regular thing and he ends up just being one of her mentors along with Scott, Hope, and Rhodey.
Rhodey has practical experience in the suits, so it'd make sense for him to be one of her mentors and teach her different techniques for better flight and more advanced maneuvers. Again, not sure of how much engineering or mechanical knowledge he has of the suits, but I'd assume he knows enough to be able to do basic repairs.
Scott has a degree in engineering, so he'd probably have a better understanding of the mechanics and how the suit works. He'd also have a field day figuring out how they worked, helping Riri build hers and making modifications, and coming up with ideas for improvements/modifications for the suit (most of which aren't necessary, but like "oh my god how cool would that be!").
Hope also would help out with the suits, but for the most part she'd work with Riri on her hand-to-hand combat and stuff like that. She'd also be there for advice, girl talk (like how to make sure your hair doesn't get caught in you helmet), and to help her deal with being a girl superhero, for the most part, surrounded by men.
She and Shuri became friends bc they are both geniuses and are the Science Bros we deserve from the mcu. Shuri makes cameos every once in a while when she's not in Wakanda (which isn't a whole lot of the time, she's a princess, do security, and basically lives in her lab anyway) and Riri sometimes drops in and visits her there.
During one of these visits, which aren't often, either Okoye or Nakia ends up agreeing to help her work on her combat skills, or at least agree to spar with her. (Mostly their sparring sessions are due to owing Shuri a favor or two, but after a while it's also because they want to see her succeed as a hero in her own right.)
There is so much more I've got to say on this, but for now I'm just going to leave this here.
Don't come at me for tagging people who are relevant to this post, I have tagged properly. If you don't like it then block the anti tags like everyone else.
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cblgblog · 5 years
On that Siberia fight in Civil War
Rewatched Civil War recently and just…need this of my chest.
First thing, Steve saying yes when Tony asked if he knew about Bucky killing the Starks.
If the implication is that Steve did know unequivocally, for sure, then that should’ve been handled a lot better. What we were actually shown was a blink and you’ll miss it shot among a montage of HYDRA’s greatest hits that was, at best, an implication. And Steve’s being shown this by a computer version of an evil Nazi, who admits in the same breath that HYDRA’s whole thing for the last 70-odd years has been lies and manipulation.
It’s possible that Steve could’ve gotten better confirmation later. He could’ve gotten it from Bucky’s file, the one Nat gave him at the end of Cap 2, he maybe could’ve gotten it during the 2 years he was looking for leads…it could have happened. But they needed to show us if it did, because that HYDRA clip show? Not enough for a solid “yes” on Steve knowing.
I always took Steve saying yes as Steve being Steve in a bad situation, knowing that saying he didn’t know was a lie, so he says yes. Because he knew more than Tony did, and it’s not like Tony is going to take a “Yes, but let me explain” answer. But regardless, it needed better handling, if we’re meant to believe that Steve did know for certain.
Now, Tony attacking Bucky, even though he acknowledged 5 minutes earlier (with his Manchurian Candidate jab) that he knows Bucky isn’t responsible for Winter Soldier’s actions. So many people hate this, and rightfully so. I will say that I don’t condone it, but I understand it. Off the top of my head, the usual anti-Tony arguments here are
·       The loss was decades ago, not recent, he shouldn’t be reacting so strongly
·       He should’ve gotten some therapy and handled his grief like an adult
·       He hated Howard anyway, why react so violently?
Yes, the loss was decades ago, but it’s still a man watching his parents be murdered. By the man standing a few feet away. With Tony’s mind and his instant “I know that road” we can assume he’s played out the scenario in his head a thousand times over the years. And that’s when he thought it was a car wreck. Watching your parents get murdered is going to screw with anyone’s mind, even someone healthy, which Tony so isn’t.
He should have gotten therapy, dealt with the loss in a healthy way, but he clearly didn’t. He even says during the MIT demonstration that he actively avoided processing his grief. Which isn’t an excuse for his behavior, but does explain it somewhat. Wounds heal if you treat them. If you don’t, there’s festering, infection, scarring…the 20-odd years on it’s own wouldn’t have automatically softened the loss.
Tony may have hated Howard, or parts of him, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t love him too. If he didn’t yearn for the man’s approval, he wouldn’t have made such a speech about not getting it in IM 2. If he didn’t care, it wouldn’t matter. Parent/child relationships are so much more complicated than just one thing, and if there’s abuse or neglect, even more so. On a side note, Howard always seemed more the absentee dad, the careless dad who talks without knowing the damage of his words than the raging abusive drunk the stans want to make him out to be. Which in this case means it’s more likely that Tony didn’t all out hate the guy, even before Endgame where we get the Tony and Howard scenes.
And even if he did, Tony’s feelings for Howard don’t have to matter here, because he says “I don’t care. He killed my mom.” Even if he hated Howard completely (which later canon disproves), okay, he’s still hearing his mom begging for her life.
So, it was a cruel, manipulative tactic by Zemo, and I get why it pushed Tony to doing what he did.
Here’s the thing. That doesn’t make it okay. It doesn’t make his prior actions throughout this and other movies okay. Should Steve have told him about Bucky? Maybe, if he knew for sure, which again, don’t think he did. But Tony’s actions on finding out are pretty solid proof that Steve had solid reason to shut up, too. The video exacerbated the whole thing greatly, yes. If Tony was thinking a little more clearly, it maybe wouldn’t have gone that far.
Does that mean that Steve could’ve told him in a better moment and Tony wouldn’t have reacted in a similar way? Hell no. He might not have physically attacked Steve, or had Bucky there to beat on, but that doesn’t mean we’d get the lovely fanon of Tony forgiving and forgetting, doing his best to treat Bucky, giving him a wing in Avengers Tower…hell no. He still would’ve hunted Bucky down, or tried. He still would’ve been out for blood.
Tony hasn’t had a healthy brain in years. He’s been a mess of fear and anxiety and misplaced savior complex. Even if Steve had told him the truth at some point in the 2 years between Cap 2 and 3, it wouldn’t have gone well for Bucky.
And I kind of get it. Mind controlled or not, the guy physically murdered Tony’s parents. That’s hard to just shrug off. But ultimately, Bucky didn’t have a choice in it, it was not Bucky who really pulled that trigger, and it’s not fair to try to kill a man for something he couldn’t control.
And again, I do not totally hate Tony for that fight. I can understand why he did it. He’s a damaged man, he was manipulated. But, not an excuse. Every other Avenger has some kind of trauma equal to or worse than anything Tony went through. Nat was sterilized, tortured. Clint had his mind controlled and killed innocent people because of it. Bruce turns into a green rage monster and, at least in early films, has little to no control over the destruction he causes.
Everyone on that team is damaged, but Tony is the only on who gets a free pass for everything because of it. Tony’s parents being killed by Bucky wasn’t revealed to him until the end of the movie. The Accords are still the equivalent of hitting a nail with a sledgehammer, a terrible solution to a legitimate problem. He’s still using them as a way to deal with his guilt, and you don’t do that when it affects countless other lives, including those of your friends. He still shot Sam at close range…why? Because Sam did the very human thing of trying not to get shot out of the air? Because Vision, a member of Tony’s team, shot down Rhodey?
Even if you go for the fact that Steve lied, and he is a terrible friend, and that Tony ultimately trying to actually kill Steve for it was a somewhat understandable reaction in the moment? Doesn’t excuse Tony’s behavior. In Civil War, in AoU, in Infinity War when literally no one else on either Avengers team cared about The Accords, the airport fight, but he’s still hesitating to call Steve when the fate of the universe is at stake.
I can understand why Tony does a lot of what he does. I think some of it is more complex than some of the antis who are more anti than me do. Understanding is not an excuse. Being hurt and traumatized yourself doesn’t excuse giving anyone, especially your friends, the same treatment.
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thehollowprince · 6 years
Earlier this day, like less than an hour ago, I reblogged something in regards to Shuri shipping her brother with T*ny and how horrendous that entire concept was. Seriously, it hurt my eyes to even look at it. But it did trigger a revelation for me.
T*ny Stans don't even talk about other characters from the MCU unless it's to do one of two things.
Hate on that character
Use that character to prop up T*ny/hate on Steve
That's it.
I mean, maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for them, because gods know I'm not strong enough to brave the T*ny tags, but every time something related to T*ny St*rk, either through cross tagging (either deliberate or not), arguments with his stans, or seeing something on another anti t*ny blog, they all have this in common.
If any other character is used, for example, Rhodey, it's only to have him talk about how horrible Steve and Team Cap are, or how he's a horrible friend for being nice to Steve and Co. I've seen this over and over, with the Guardians, definitely with Strange and Peter, and now even Shuri and the Wakandans.
Those of us who like Steve have entire posts that are just about the healthy relationships between him and his friends. Hell, some of them don't have anything to do with Steve, but the moment a stan of T*ny is around, all the characters are either to hate on Steve or to prop up T*ny. There are entire headcanons that are being cemented in fanon by these fans where Strange and Peter suddenly want to kill Steve, despite having little to no screen time with him, and having a less than friendly relationship with St*rk.
I don't know, maybe I'm just following the right people, but those of us who sided with Team Cap don't need to make the characters wildly out-of-character in order to hate on T*ny. Personal opinion, but his actions do that by themselves.
Which just begs the question: Why are we considered the "Antis" when we just dislike one character?
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1, 4, 7, 13, # of choice (for salty asks meme)
(this will probably be a blend of star trek/my current revived interest in the mcu)
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
I get Spirk, logically, but I don’t get Spirk.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* 
My only true strong notps (I avoid mention of them, won’t touch fics with them even if they’re otherwise very interesting) are Kira/Dukat and Kylo Ren/Rey. Reylo is incredibly popular, so I don’t engage heavily in star wars. Kira/Dukat used to be somewhat popular (try checking the trekiverse.org fanfic archives at sometime if you want to die) but thankfully the active DS9 fandom hates it.
Basically all the popular MCU ships are my NahTPs though and it’s hell. (The only popular ships I like are Pepper/Tony, Bruce/Tony, Sam/Steve. I like Staron too but there’s enough hate that I wouldn’t class it as popular.)
Seriously. I don’t like MCU!Stony, Stucky, Darcy Lewis/men, Natasha/Steve, Clint/Coulson, Tony/Bucky, and even though Peggy is my darling angel I don’t particularly care about Peggy/Steve. I just listed like 82% of mcu ships. Whoops. Like I could write an anti-ship manifesto about each of these.
Stony - makes perfect sense in the comics, sort of interesting in the mcu, but why would I ship the people who are always fighting when Rhodey and Pepper and Sam and Bruce and Sharon are right there. Like...nothing in the Avengers was unresolved sexual tension they were just angry.
Stucky - Weirdly co dependent but treated by fanon as a pure ship. Bucky’s been brainwashed he shouldn’t have romantic relationships until his head’s on straight.
Darcy Lewis/men - I’m a bitter lesbian.
Natasha/Steve - they’re the fucking embodiment of just bros in CA:TWS.
Clint/Coulson - They don’t even share screentime this shouldn’t be like the third most popular ship.
Tony/Bucky - I follow one blog that spite ships it which is A+ but I dislike that very few people who write Tony/Bucky fics are interested in writing complex stories that engage with the idea of having two people who were circumstantially forced into being enemies slowly develop trust for each other when instead we could woobify both of them. Also the explosion in fic is totally related to internal fandom politics about people who stan tony trying to prove they still like Bucky and I’m just over here, not caring about Bucky.
Steggy - I don’t like the way CA:TFA handled Steve pining after Peggy. Also, both Peggy/Angie and Peggy/Sousa are far more interesting to me.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
I first watched Voyager when I was around 8-10, so I was less critical of both Tom Paris and the Doctor (although tbh they both always grated on my nerves) but now they’re just...cringe-worthy.
10. Most disliked arc? Why 
ENTERPRISE SEASON THREE. It wasn’t actually that bad as a viewing experience but politically dear lord. It has nasty pro war on terror undertones and Jonathan Archer is hands down the character I am least interested in seeing all dressed up in a moral ambiguity suit.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character.
Well, I’m pretty much always ready to fight people about Tony Stark. Particularly the anti-Tony Stark conception that spreads on tumblr like there’s some sort of social justice imperative to dislike Tony Stark. like. chill.
I also like mcu Christine Everhart a lot and my only dislike for mcu Wanda comes from the white washing, not her character arc which I quite like.
A more serious answer: I’m not quite ready to perceive Gabriel Lorca as out for himself. I’m not exactly on his defense squad either, because his actions are morally ambiguous and could slide into the territory of unambiguous wrongs in the near future. I’m also on the fence re: meta about him being manipulative/a gas-lighter in interpersonal relationships (with Cornwell, Staments, Michael).
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