#anti genetic supremacy
alpaca-clouds · 1 year
The Punk-Factor of Punkpunk Genre
So, when I posted my history of Solarpunk, someone (probably not in good faith) asked: “So, what about the punk in all the other punk genres?!” towards my request to put the punk back into Solarpunk. And given that my autistic brain obviously cannot just let that stand… You know what? Let me talk about the other punk genre and in how far they are “punk”. I tried to be as exhaustive as possible, though there is a good chance, that I might have missed some of the punkpunk genre. So feel free to add.
Trying to judge the punkiness I do not assume punk as simple counter culture, but a specific ideology. Quote from Wikipedia:
[Punk ideology] is primarily concerned with concepts such as mutual aid, against selling out, hierarchy, white supremacy, authoritarianism, anti-consumerism, anti-corporatism, anti-war, imperialism, conservatism, anti-globalization, gentrification, anti-racism, anti-sexism, class and classism, gender equality, racial equality, eugenics, animal rights, free-thought and non-conformity
Most of the artwork here has been taken from concept art of either of the examples listed.
Sorted from most futuristic to pre(historic). Yes, the list is long.
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We start with the OG punk genre, the one after which all other punk genre were named. Yes, you could argue that in fact the two genre following are more futuristic – but Cyberpunk kinda just had to start the list.
As a genre: Given that Cyberpunk had its start completely in literature it is the best defined in this regard. Taking place in a late stage capitalist dystopian world in which most is owned by megacorps who don’t follow anyone’s laws but their own, the protagonists usually are social outcasts fighting against their own oppression, trying to keep themselves alive in a world hostile to them. With cybernetics always being a core of the genre, it also tends to deal with the question of humanity in a “ship of Theseus” sort of way. How much can the human body be altered, before the human vanishes?
As an aesthetic: Cyberpunk is the most punk in terms of aesthetics, really. There is a lot of punk and grunge going on in terms of character design. Neon hair colors, fishnets and thorn up jeans jackets can be found here. As well as of course cybernetics on the characters. The world usually is a megacity with a stark divide between rich and poor, tons of neon signs, a slight Japanese influence, flying cars and somehow a constant downpour of rain.
Punk-Factor: Cyberpunk is the one punk genre, where the “punk” was chosen very knowingly as a name. Usually the protagonists are “punks” fighting for their place in the world against a suppressive capitalist system. (Also, they usually fit the punk aesthetic, if they don’t wear leather dusters.) It should be noted however, that especially in newer western Cyberpunk often the punkiness vanishes more and more – for the same reason we have so little Solarpunk: media that outright confronts the problems of capitalism is just less supported.
Examples: Neuromancer (1984), Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology (1986), Snow Crash (1992), The Matrix (1999), Dredd (2012)
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As a genre: As a genre biopunk is still fairly ill defined, as it mostly shows up as a subsection of Cyberpunk. Rather than the characters having cybernetic implants (or additionally to it) they are augmented on a genetic level. This can be all sorts of augmentations, changing anything from appearance to giving characters higher strength and agility, giving them claws or night vision, or in some cases even “magic” powers. Usually the genre tends to be set in worlds similar to Cyberpunk. In fact it might well be set in a cyberpunk world, only that characters with bioaugmentations exist parallel to those with cybernetics. Additionally, though, there is a subsection of this genre, that concerns reproductive rights.
As an aesthetic: Ironically biopunk is even less defined as an aesthetic. There is not a lot of biopunk art out there and most that exists can go in different directions. As such it often mixes elements from other punk aesthetics – like Cyberpunk, Steampunk or Dieselpunk – with an assortment of bodyhorror elements.
Punk-Factor: It is hard to define the “punkiness” of a genre, that barely exists for the most part. Usually, when it is set against a Cyberpunk backdrop, it might be very punky, but in other settings those punk elements vanish.
Examples: Ribofunk (1995), Altered Carbon (2002), Bioshock (2007), The Windup Girl (2009)
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As a genre: Like Biopunk Nanopunk mostly exists as a subsubgenre to Cyberpunk, often being set in a mostly Cyberpunk world, only that instead of or additionally to Cybernetics, the technology used to alter the human body is nanites. These serve the same function as the genetic manipulation in Biopunk, giving the human in question more strength and agility and at times more or less magical abilities. There is one common plot that comes up again and again, with an AI or megacorp turning the nanites against the people they inhabit or trying to control them.
As an aesthetic: Aesthetically Nanopunk does not have much in terms of its own identity. Most artworks relating to Nanopunk feature a similar aesthetic to Cyberpunk, with megacities and lots of neon.
Punk-Factor: This genre is so small, that it is kinda hard to judge the exact punkiness.
Examples: The Diamond Age (1995), Prey (2002)
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As a genre: Being another genre, that started as such, Solarpunk is a bit better defined. Solarpunk usually takes place in a world post-strive. It is post-capitalist and decolonial in its settings, usually featuring a world that has either formed against the backdrop of preventing climate collapse or in the aftermath of it. A lot of it features people rebuilding – or alternatively building communities. It always features elements about living in harmony with nature or trying to do so. So far, the genre is mostly defined by short stories, partly because there is still disagreements within the movement, how far a conflict can be taken to still qualify as Solarpunk.
As an aesthetic: Solarpunk has a very strong aesthetic definition, mostly featuring all sorts of cities and urban areas, that incorporate natural elements into the urbanity, with greenery growing on roofs and concrete car-centric streets being replaced with more natural, walkable areas. The character design aesthetic is not quite as clearly defined, but usually features natural materials and patterns usually seen within indigenous art.
Punk-Factor: Contrary to what many say, Solarpunk is fairly punk, as it very much embraces the entire anti-hierarchical, anti-capitalist mentality. With the big difference, that the punk mentality is no longer counter culture, but the mainstream culture.
Examples: The Dispossessed (1974), Nausicaä (1984), Laputa – Castle in the Sky (1986), Princess Mononoke (1997), The Summer Prince (2013)
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As a genre: Lunarpunk is pretty much a subsubgenre of Solarpunk, just as Nanopunk and Biopunk are sprung off from Cyberpunk. It is so far ill-defined as a genre, but the general consensus is, that it is set in solarpunk-esque worlds, but with a heavier focus on mysticism or spiritualism, at times outright including magic. It also tends to feature a lot darker places, being set in underwater or underground settings – or alternatively at night.
As an aesthetic: Lunarpunk is far more of an aesthetic than a genre so far. It features dark places, often with bioluminescent elements in it. Often featuring a mixture of black and dark blue with lighter blue, violet or light green elements shining in the middle of it. Mushrooms – especially glowing mushrooms – feature repeatedly in artwork.
Punk-Factor: Given that Lunarpunk is barely defined as a genre it is hard to estimate the punkiness in it. If it gets more stories, will those still feature the anti-capitalist and anti-hierarchical messaging we see in Solarpunk? This should be the defining factor. Some of the artworks use little aesthetics from the punk scene, but nothing much more.
Examples: Bioluminescent: A Lunarpunk Anthology (2023)
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Honestly, I had no idea where to put this one, given that it might technically be set at any time and place.
As a genre: Hopepunk is very much a genre, not an aesthetic. It has been defined as the opposite of grimdark by its “inventor/name-giver” Alexandra Rowland. The basic idea is to create fiction that instead of taking a dystopian, defeatist and violent approach, takes one defined by hope and to some degree pacifism. As such the genre can be set in any setting, real or fantastic. It mostly is defined by the protagonists taking opposition to cruelty and violence, fighting for a better world and, crucially, also partly archiving it. Other than in usual Cyberpunk, where the best possible ending, tends to be, that the protagonists get to live a somewhat better life themselves, Hopepunk aims to better the life at least for groups of people.
As an aesthetic: Being fully a genre, Hopepunk has no aesthetic associated with it.
Punk-Factor: Hopepunk is punk less in the sense of the protagonists or things happening within the story, which might or might not be punk, but was named such rather because it is considered counter cultural towards the gross of media at the moment, that often strives for a “realistic, gritty, grimdark” outlook on the world. Basically it is saying: “Hope is punk.” I will not make any judgement on whether or not this is true.
Examples: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (2014), Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), The Good Place (2016)
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As a genre: Another one, that does not really fit into a temporal sorting system, because once again it can be set anywhere between the stone age and the far future. The basic idea is, that the story interweaves postmodern storytelling with elements from mythology or folklore. This can mean mythological, genre-traversing retellings, but it can also mean, that mythology seeps into any given story bit by bit. As such the genre with probably the most media in the subgenre is Urban Fantasy, which often borrows from mythology and incorporates these elements.
As an aesthetic: Mythpunk as an aesthetic is a bit strange. There is definitely a mythpunk aesthetic that exists, often mixing familiar elements with elements from mythology and folklore (at times also including quasi-folkloric works of literature, such as Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz). Often just a bit dark and twisted.
Punk-Factor: To be perfectly frank, for the most part, there is not a lot of punk to be found in this genre. While there have been definitely punky stories told within the genre, this is more a story decision than something inherent to the genre.
Examples: Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), Over the Garden Wall (2014), Inscryption (2016)
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Dustpunk / Rustpunk / Desertpunk
As a genre: Kinda grouping those above all together, because people argue about what they might entail and in some interpretations they kinda are similar: Post-apocalyptic stories set in a world of sand and rust. Often featuring a loner character, having to go up against everyone to ensure his own survival – and at times being forced to learn, that the lonerness might not win him (and most often it is a him) anything.
As an aesthetic: Aesthetically this tends to be very much post-apocalyptic, maybe in some cases with some more classical punk elements added to characters and surroundings.
Punk-Factor: Given that there is neither a system to rage against – nor a new, less hierarchical system – usually there is not that much punk outside of some aesthetic choices. Neither tend those stories go into constructing worlds of mutual aid or working against oppression.
Examples: Anything Mad Max should count for this.
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As a genre: Atompunk usually deals with themes connected to the cold war – in some cases directly, in some indirectly. Often it overplays the American ideals that were pushed for during the cold war era and portrays scenarios in which American Exceptionalism slowly reveals itself as the dystopia most punks already know it to be. Outside of this vague idea for the setting, the genre is less described, as there is less of a clear script an Atompunk story might follow. So, little description of who might be the protagonist and what their role is.
As an aesthetic: The aesthetic of Atompunk borrows heavily from the Raygun Gothic aesthetic. So, futurism, as it was imagined in the 1950s and 1960s, with heavy influences from late pulp age science fiction art.
Punk-Factor: The aesthetic in this is definitely not punk. The stories often have some vague punk ideas of recognizing how fucked up the world has become, but given the genre is fairly wide in terms of stories, it is hard to give a definite answer to how “punk” it is. One can definitely tell punk stories within this genre, though.
Examples: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (1978), Fallout (1997), Futurama (1999)
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As a genre: Dieselpunk is once again an example of “strong aesthetic, but no clear genre identity”. Generally, Dieselpunk is concerned with the interwar period, but might cover either of the world wars. In some cases the genre features alternate timelines, in which one war happened and not the other, or in which another faction won, with the technological development being influenced by this as well. But as a genre it is not much defined. A lot of stories building on Lovecraft’s legacy feature Dieselpunk in some regards. And there is definitely a subsection of Dieselpunk stories centered around “what if Nazis won” or “what if Nazis somehow went underground and did their own technological development after the war”. Also, there are a lot of stories about pilots of war planes in this genre.
As an aesthetic: As an aesthetic Dieselpunk is more clearly defined. A lot of bare metal and the sorts of technology you would expect from this era, often with retro-futurist and art noveau elements in between. A lot of the fashion within the genre is defined by pilot and military clothing of the times, but at times also dipping into “roaring 20s” fashion styles.
Punk-Factor: In this genre I would generally say: “If the story involves punching Nazis, you might get a couple punk points – but otherwise this is not really punk.”
Examples: The Iron Dream (1972), Brazil (1985), Dark City (1998), Iron Sky (2012), Bitter Seeds (2010)
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As a genre: Yet another one of these, that exists mostly as a vague idea, with no clear definition. The basic idea is a world, that works on Tesla’s inventions. And as those of you, who watched Doctor Who, might know, Tesla sorta, kinda already invented the internet or had an idea of what it could be and how it could work. So a Teslapunk world is based in an alternate timeline, but might in fact go into light futurism. There is not much in this genre though with a unique thematic identity, as stories that use Teslapunk as a backdrop rarely have coherent themes.
As an aesthetic: The aesthetic of Teslapunk is basically “Steampunk, but with Tesla-coils and electricity”. Which is not a big surprise given that Tesla came from the same era that would also be the inspiration for Steampunk. So, we have a lot of Victorian fashion, maybe some light augmentation, airships, and – again – all the tesla coils you can muster.
Punk-Factor: As, again, I think punk is more about themes than aesthetic, this is once more not really possible to judge, because there do not seem coherent themes within the genre so far.
Examples: The Prestige (2006), Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011), Bioshock Infinite (2013)
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Another one of those that do not neatly fit into the timeline…
As a genre: Arcanepunk takes place in a world, where both magic and technology have developed. In some cases both developed side by side, in others, we might have a technological world, that suddenly discovers magic by some happenstance. The fact is, though, that both exist parallel to each other or might at times be intertwined, with technology being powered by magic. This can exist at different technological stages, usually featuring settings inspired by the late 19th or early 20th century. But usually futuristic stuff that includes magic might be considered Arcanepunk, just as might stories that mix 18th century technology with magic. While also a vague genre, there is a repeating theme of magic being hoarded by those in powers and the poor and downtrodden finding ways to still use it in their own advantage.
As an aesthetic: Given that Arcanepunk’s setting is defined by the co-existence of magic and technology, rather than a specific technology, Arcanepunk has less of a defined aesthetic. Never the less, we have a part of punk aesthetics that often come up, as a surprising amount of Arcanepunk features characters with neon colored hair.
Punk-Factor: Another genre that is rather thin, yet, there is a surprising amount of stories featuring some punk ideas of fighting against an oppressive system and being counter culture to a main culture build around suppression.
Examples: Too Many Magicians (1966), Shadowrun (1989), Bartimaeus (2003), Arcane (2021) duh
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Steampunk was the second genre to pick up the “punk” suffix and hence is as much responsible for the punk-punk as Cyberpunk as the originator.
As a genre: Being named as early as it has been, Steampunk kinda suffers the same issue as Cyberpunk itself. There is a lot of ideas there, but some are only vaguely defined. In general, though Steampunk always takes place in a world where the steam engine became the defining technology and was never replaced with the combustion engine. As such cultural aspects from the steam era, especially Victorian England and the Belle Epoche, still carry over for longer, than they did. So often we will see noble households based around similar values as the puritan Victorian English families, while the very poor are made to work in workhouses. At times we might also see themes of colonialism here. In some cases magic might exist in these worlds, as might electricity for some aspects. There is often a heavy inspiration from Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. Though it is still hard to define the “stereotypical steampunk story”, given that Steampunk offers a wide variety of stories, from adventure stories and romances, over to stories where people rise up against the Victorian-esque society.
As an aesthetic: Steampunk as an aesthetic is very much influenced by Victorian aesthetics and the time period of the late 19th century, mostly in the USA, Great Britain and France. But as all other punk genres it knows very well: “If it is worth doing, it is worth overdoing,” so steam-related elements are added to everything. Could
Punk-Factor: In the original idea for Steampunk was a lot of punk. “What if we took Cyberpunks ‘rage against the unjust system’ and made it 19th century” they asked. But given that the genre branched out so much, it is not necessarily there in all the stories. There is a ton of stories where people rage against that steam powered Victorian machine – but also a ton in which the Victorian world gets idealized and romanticized.
Examples: Thief (1998), The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (1999), Wild Wild West (1999), Clockwork Century (2008) – also half of all Sherlock Holmes adaption made after 2000 in any medium usually use Steampunk elements
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As a genre: Silkpunk is hard to define, despite there being a clear definition. The reason for this is, that the person who coined the term – Ken Liu – had a very specific idea in mind. He explains that the idea is of a world that has technology as language. In which form is as important as function, is made to speak a language all of its own. Inspired by ideas from W. Brian Arthur and Chinese philosophy. However, what the wider Science Fiction and Fantasy community made from it was “Steampunk but East Asian!” But given he coined the term (and also the alternative feels vaguely racist) I am going to go with Ken Liu for this. While Silkpunk will usually be set in an East Asian inspired world, the central idea is about the duality of technology, which will also be addressed within the stories.
As an aesthetic: As said above, the idea Liu had for it was a world that features some technology, but technology that is as much about form and communication through it, as it is about function. So the technology here has strong visual ideas. At least that was, how Liu intended it. Once again, the wider community made “Steampunk, but East Asian” out of it.
Punk-Factor: There is not a lot of stuff in this genre for now – however so far I do not manage to see a lot of punk ideas in it, even though some of Liu’s stories definitely feature the concept of challenging a higher power.
Examples: Dandelion Dynasty (2015), The Black Tides of Heaven (2018), The Tea Master and the Detective (2019)
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As a genre: Once again storytelling in this genre is not really defined, but the worlds diverge a bit before the wide adaption of steam, instead featuring mechanical devices powered by coils and springs and somehow kept alive, often at least implied through some form of arcane magic that gives “live” to these mechanical inventions. Most examples of Clockpunk, however, tend to show up as settings for parts of fantasy stories. Any fantasy world might have this “Clockpunk” area, where protagonists might travel. Especially games tend to feature this. While there is definitely a trope of the “mad inventor” often going along with this, few other tropes stand out.
As an aesthetic: The aesthetic of Clockpunk tends to take some inspiration from the early 19th century, but tends to add a lot of gears to everything, with even city wide gear constructions keeping things working. We often will find mechatronic characters, such as wind up soldiers or wind up dancers.
Punk-Factor: Once more, there are so few stories told, that it is kinda hard to speak about how punk this is. Most stories told so far, however, do not feature punk elements.
Examples: The Great Mouse Detective (1986), Hugo (2011), Clockwork Planet (2017)
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Please note: This is one of those genre, I would love to see more in, though so far it is barely explored.
As a genre: And you might ask: “Why do you even name those genre, that exist mostly in theory?”, to which I might answer: “Because I am a nerd.” As all these retrofuturists genre, Whalepunk imagines mostly an alternate historical timeline, where the technology that became defining was based around whale oil. This means that in Whalepunk often whalers or harbors play a big role, though as the genre is again very thinly spread, it is hard to say what “THE whalepunk” formular is. It seems there is a tendency, to mix some mysticism or magic into the genre, though, as the idea of hunting sea monsters often plays into it as well. Good chance that it could at some point merge with Cthulupunk (which I did not name separately, because most of it is either covered in Whalepunk or Dieselpunk).
As an aesthetic: The aesthetic of Whalepunk is basically “Steampunk, but with more sailors, ships and sea monsters”. There is definitely a bit of Oceanpunk mixed into it as well, with some aesthetics being somewhere between Steampunk and Dieselpunk. (Which is kinda ironic, because whale oil was mostly used in the early 19th century.)
Punk-Factor: And again. There so far is not a lot of connective thematic tissue within that genre, so exploring themes is kinda hard.
Examples: Dishonored (2012), Dredge (2023)
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Oceanpunk / Piratepunk
As a genre: It really is hard to divide the Piratepunk out of the Oceanpunk, though some might call it different. The idea here is that this genre features stories mostly set on the ocean and often more heavily leaning into fantasy, than science fiction. While the worlds might feature technological elements, they will almost certainly feature magical elements of some sort. The characters will usually be seafaring one way or another and stories might involve any sort of adventure. There might be a storyline, though, about one company or nation trying to control the seas – often times through magical means – with the characters often unwillingly being made to oppose them. This genre might also take place in a post-apocalyptic setting with a flooded planet.
As an aesthetic: While the aesthetic is not clearly defined, there is a good chance that it borrows heavily from the late 17th and early 18th century and the golden age of piracy, when it comes to both ships and fashion sensibilities.
Punk-Factor: Pirates, at least as far as modern media imagines them, tend to be very punk, as they tend to inherently oppose any sort of government and what not. While the punk is not there in all of the stories, a lot of the most popular stories from the genre will feature at least lightly punky elements.
Examples: One Piece (1997), Pirates of the Caribbean (2003), Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2013)
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As a genre: So, the idea of the genre is basically “What if Cyberpunk, but Dungeons & Dragons?” Usually set in a vaguely medieval world, this world still shows the same corporate corruption as your usual Cyberpunk world. Adventurers are just another resource to be exploited by the system, their day job involving going on yet another dungeon crawl. For this there might be some technology entirely powered by magic, with those magic items taking over the same functions technology might have in a Cyberpunk world. And yes, indeed some brave dwarf, elf or halfling might rise up and challenge the corporate dungeon syndicate. (As you might sense: Yes, this genre tends to be at least partly a bit of a parody of the punkpunk idea. Though it also can be played straight as “Cyberpunk conflicts, just that all technology is somehow magic.”)
As an aesthetic: This is once again one of the examples, where there is a clear idea behind it – but absolutely no clear aesthetic, as this genre might cover anything from medieval settings to a lot more modern stuff.
Punk-Factor: The base idea, being heavily inspired by the base idea of Cyberpunk, just from a very different perspective. But too many people read the genre as “Magic Technology, yay”, in which case, no, it is not punk.
Examples: Dungeons & Dragons can be played this way, also Final Fantasy VI – XIII definitely counts.
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As a genre: I mostly include this for the sake of it, because this genre tends to boil down to “fantasy set in ancient Greece or Rome, but with vaguely anachronistic elements”. It might also include alternate history stories (even going so far as Science Fiction) based on the idea “What if Ancient Rome/Ancient Greece never fell?” There is no real overarching themes, even though I could imagine some interesting way one could build those up. So far, though, it is mostly a vague gesture towards: “SciFi Fantasy, but with more ancient civilizations.”
As an aesthetic: The aesthetic is usually just Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece, but with more magic or anachronistic elements.
Punk-Factor: Given the super vague nature of the genre and the fact that it seems more like a genre of hindsight (with most media being declared this having been released even before 2000)… Nobody wrote those stories to be punk. The one punk thing I can see about several of these stories is people challenging Gods, but… That’s about it.Examples: Hercules: Legendary Journeys (1995), Xena: Warrior Princess (1995), God of War (2005)
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As a genre: The basic idea of Stonepunk is, that it is set in a stone age world, but with the technology being pressed towards a very anachronistic end, which is often played for laughs. Basically it gives stone age people a modern seeming world, though not really. Often enough this is used to make a point about the modern world and parody it in some regard. An argument can be made for stories, that feature stone age technology people being somehow subjected to modern technology (for example through time travel or space travel) also possibly falling into this genre.
As an aesthetic: Usually the aesthetic of Stonepunk is one of an overplayed stone age setting. The clothing characters might wear are not what we know is historically more accurate but really just “everyone wears a pelt around their shoulders”. Meanwhile stone age tools get spun to be used as all sorts of modern technologies.
Punk-Factor: The genre does usually not feature punk themes. However, the nature of parodying and challenging the modern world tends to be punk in its own merit, I assume?
Examples: The Flintstones (1960), The Croods (2013), Horizon: Zero Dawn (2017)
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That's it. That's the list.
Feel free to add to it.
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reachartwork · 10 days
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dreamt a new shonen. your usual body horror battle series (see: d-gray man, tokyo ghoul, deadman wonderland, etc.) where the main antagonists were people that turned into monsters called "dragons" but were very non-dragonlike. mc was a normal guy who had gungnir in his heart
this of course made him a walking macguffin, especially since regardless of how garbage he was at fighting, anything he swung his spear at just basically died. everyone wanted a piece of him and it was implied he was genetically engineered to contain gungnir (a magic nuke)
so the shadowy anti-dragon organization embedded within the japanese government obviously needed to bodyguard him to prevent the dragons from getting gungnir, and the dragons wanted him dead so they could steal it and remove the main obstacle to their supremacy
and then i made pictures of it
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innoqueer · 9 months
bɾiɡaˈde(jɾu) kuir
[PT: Brigade(iro)Queer. bɾiɡaˈde(jɾu) kuir. End PT]
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╰┈➤˗ˏˋBrigadequeer is a queer stance based on the brazilian phrase "Menos Briga, Mais Brigadeiro". This queer stance is focused on the Brazilians who are Anti-Radqueers. This is stance is playful in it's own way and similar to eepyqueer, since this stance is for the Brazilians who want peace and respect.
The word "Brigade" was taken from one of the parts of the word "Brigadeiro", Brigadeiro is a traditional Brazilian dessert made of chocolate, condensed milk and sprinkles.
This stance is ONLY for Brazilians, fuck off TransIDs, TransBrazilians, TransLatinos, TransSouthAmericans, ArissoBrazilians and ArissoLatinos.
Emoji Code: 🍫🇧🇷 (Chocolate emoji and Brazilian Flag)
Coined by me
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This Stance is
They are fucked up. They promote things that are made by pure prejudice.
TransID / TransX / Trans+
It's impossible to indentify as another race since it passes through DNA and you can't change it using hormones, even if you amputate your hand and switch it for a hand of a Black person being a white person the hand gradually will become white, it's the same for nationality, disabilities, and etc.
We acknowledge that there are people who have delusions of being harmful, but Arissoharmful are made by Bad Faith, they glorify/romantize those harmful things
They are the same as Radqueers but worse.
Nazism / White Supremacy / WinterQueer / WinterPunk
There's no pure race, no perfect people, and genociding POC and Disabled People is something useless, why you have prejudice???
Pro-Contact Paraphiles
You are admiting that you abuse minors, animals and bodies.
Neu-Contact Paraphiles
Being neutral is no worse than pro, you still admit that you abuse.
Complex-Contact Paraphiles
Children, animals and dead bodies cannot consent, they don't know what is happening nor cannot feel romantic feelings towards you, since 1. Animals can see you as a parent since you raised them or they are genetically programmed to be docile, 2. Children don't even know what is really romantic feelings, 3. Dead bodies cannot say nor react, so how do you think they will consent????
MUDs (Medically Unrecognized Disorders)
You can't just 'coin' disorders, to acknowledge a disorder there's years of researching and studying. And you need to have a degree in psychology and other things to finally see if this 'disorder' is real. Most of the MUDs are just another disorder with other name or just a fusion between disorders.
"PD Abuse" (including "Narc Abuse", "BPD Abuse" and others)
"PD Abuse" doens't exist, and yes that exist abusers who their disorder don't make them abusers but their actions.
Incest (Including Pseudo-Incest)
1. There's no consenting when two family members have a romantic relationship since there's power imbalance, like: you don't want to make a family member sad. 2. Biologically it's wrong since there's high chances of a child born of an incest die prematurely and/or born with deformations and disabilities. In the Pseudo-Incest is a moral thing, since you wouldn't date your own sibling since you were created as siblings.
Why would you harras someone who don't have the same opinions as you???
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Recoining/Reclaiming of Terms stolen by the Radqueer community
Personality Disorders
Otherkin / Alterhuman
Kin for Fun
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We are ok if it's for coping mechanism and if the person is not openly Proship nor posts about the Proships they writes. Otherwise it's fetishization and cooperates with Pro-Contact Paraphiles and Complex-Contact Paraphiles. People who use this stance are inheritly anti-non trauma-related proship.
Contradictory Labels / Good Faith Identities
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Tagging: @blankqueer, @antiradqueer, @gender-mailman
This stance is serious like Innoqueer /srs
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pumpumdemsugah · 9 months
Why do folks act like you can only acknowledge sex-based oppression and the reality of human sexual dimorphism if you want trans folks to die? Why are we acting like white folks made up ‘male’ and ‘female’ when every human culture knew what a male and a female was before colonialism existed and patriarchy has existed way before white supremacy did? Why?
It makes me uncomfortable bc you’d get labeled as a terf for saying this but the average irl person that isn’t chronically online holds these beliefs and still believes in trans rights and uses preferred pronouns. Hell, I have two nonbinary friends who recognize the reality of sex and sex-based oppression. I personally both recognize sex and believe that trans women have a place in our fight for women’s liberation. So like. Why are folks on the internet acting like it’s impossible? What is going on around here? Because I saw a (19 year old) person say ‘sex based oppression isn’t real socialization isn’t real yada yada yada that’s white colonial bullshit and if you believe otherwise then kill yourself’ and my eye twitched.
and it gets on my nerves bc most of the ppl saying this shit are Westerners! If they went to a non-West country and said this shit, I bet my left tit that they’d be looked at like they’re insane!
These people can say this for the same reason they hate radical feminists but recommend radical feminist Audre Lorde, they don't read or comprehend, they regurgitate talking points and see Black women not as academics or peers but tokens to invoke without knowing what they believe. It's arrogance, self righteousness and anti-intellectualism mixed together. Non-western cultures now all have the same ideas about gender that all support whatever some white American says. I think what's crazy is how incredibly racist the entire thing is and ahistorical. It's shrunk the experiences of everyone else so white western losers can feel more complex
I do not trust white people that bring up Black women to talk about gender in the modern sense because they always get racist and make shit up
Social media has melted everyone's brain so much everyone is making extreme claims grounded in wish fulfillment . Online liberals are acting and pushing the idea that sex is fake but the Blacks are just built different with one body plan. Please ignore that because human beings spend most of our time in Africa, African people have the most genetic diversity compared to every other group in the world . White people think complexity only applies to them. They did this before with race science and they're doing it again. Educated white people without expertise are making shit up
Male & female is fake but big negro bone is real and that research about bones, race and osteoporosis, I've read it, it doesn't say what online people say it does, you're just racist. It's projecting body insecurities onto Black women as inherent qualities of our bodies so their white body is normal and a problem that was a them thing is an us thing but this isn't racist and demeaning. Online liberals want us to be a permanent Other so they feel normal then claim it's solidarity not racial hierarchy by another name. The dehumanisation of enslaved Black women is brought up not to talk about slavery but to Other the bodies of dead tortured Black women and ask the living ones to agree because they said magic buzz words. Online people don't bring up slavery to talk about what white people did but to add sex characteristics they want Black women to have and rewrite history. Slave master didn't think Black people felt pain so performed surgery without anesthesia on enslaved Black women that needed to be held down because someone that needs to be held down commonly is a sign she doesn't feel pain. Slave masters knew they were chatting shit.
Talk about how WOC don't fit the gender binary because of white supremacist dehumanisation has become talk that our bodies are wrong and weird and that's why. The blame for shifted from white people's racism to, of course the non-white have wacky body plans. Do they even think we're people? Conservatives and dumb dumbs acting like the sexual dimorphism in human beings is extreme ( it's not ) and that's why male and female artistic gymnastics is so different. Not training or history and using it as a cover for mockery and sexism so now regular men are challenging actual female athletes ( and losing ) under the delusional being male is enough
The online left and right are so are stupid about this but everyone ends up affirming centuries old ideas about race and women. What's annoying is people that say sex is fake aren't being truthful, it's fake for white people as they transcend language but the crudely made Others, we're bigger and badly made and that's why they're normal. Solidarity though
Why does it need to be explained that Blackness isn't a sexed quality or characteristic ? It's unbelievably offensive. None of these people are as intellectually curious as they claim they are. None of them have read anything about slavery, colonialism or feminism. They saw a post.
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The thing that makes me the most sad about how many people fall for radfem ideology on this website is that many of them genuinely think that they are fighting for liberation, and have various levels of class consciousness. Especially when it’s young people.
This is why I talk a lot about both the online rabbitholes/pipelines that pull people into terf circles and also the I would estimate somewhat smaller one that funnels into the whole ‘anti-shipping’ community. They both often have people in them who claim they are against overt oppression in other forms.
The terf pipeline in particular is functionally the same as the inverse blackpill ideological rabbit hole which targets young men: the incel pipeline. Both are reflexively reactionary ideologies that respond to the promises demands and expectations of cultural patriarchy. And both in the end, serve white supremacy and capital.
Terfs are so focused on violence against women that it is truly the only violence they see. And of course finding an easy scapegoat who is already disempowered under patriarchy is easier than confronting the complexities of the underlying social issues. Such as plainly acknowledging that trans feminine people, particularly black and native trans people, face the most intensive mysoginistic violence of anyone, and that all queerness and gender noncormity is counter to the rigid gender expectations of patriarchy and thus under threat of patriarchal reinforcing violence.
So rather than fighting for women’s liberation in any actually meaningful way, which would mean acknowledging that anyone who betrays gender roles is harmed by patriarchy, they rely on an outdated model of biological essentialism which hasn’t been relevant to thoughtful feminist critique since second wave feminism. We have fifty years of further gender theory in academia that they will ignore in favor of a 6th grade level basic and also plainly incorrect understanding of genetics. And in so doing they, usually unwittingly and unintentionally, fall for obvious white supremacist grifters like that woman who had a milkshake thrown on her and is Jo Rowling’s new best friend who has straight up said MANY times that ‘we need to abandon feminism’ and that she herself is not a feminist. Yet she’s one of the main and most popular speakers driving “radical feminist” ideology.
There is a REASON why terf thought leader speeches are protected by groups of Proud Boys.
Similarly the anti-shipping rabbithole also reinforces christofash puritanical sexual morality while claiming to fight sexual violence and be a liberatory movement.
If you are falling for these regressive ideologies, you are not fighting capitalism. You are not fighting racism. You are not fighting sexism.
You are falling for white supremacist christofascist recruiting schemes.
You are falling for the oldest trick in the book, blaming other members of the working class for your own oppression instead of acting in solidarity to fight for systemic change.
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fatliberation · 2 years
Dr. Caleb Luna @chairbreaker, on fat embodiment & divesting from constructions of health
Culturally, we are taught that we can control our health based on our individual choices, including eating habits. As part of this, body size gets conflated with or becomes a shorthand for health, with thinness becoming synonymous with good health and fatness with poor health. To control this, we are taught that eating a particular diet and regular exercise will automatically produce a thin body, and, with that, health.
This is false, for a few reasons:
1. There is no universally healthy diet. People have allergies, preferences & individual needs based on unique conditions. Some people need to eat more meat, some are allergic to nuts or berries, some bodies can’t digest lactose. Food is also culture, & the compulsion to standardize our diets into one model flattens human difference and imposes white supremacist foods & eating habits as the standards the rest of us should ascribe to. 
2. There is no diet and exercise regime that is guaranteed to make you thin. Diets have a 95-99% long term failure rate. Exercise has many benefits, including increase in strength, mobility, stamina, flexibility, stress relief, connection to body, and more. But the conclusion it will make you thin is a lie from the diet industry to aspire to white supremacist beauty standards. It fuels the diet industry to make people feel like failures when diet & exercise don’t produce the thin bodies we were promised. 
3. Illness is innate to the human condition, & many people who structure their lives around diet culture will still contract viruses, develop cancers & other conditions. There is no diet or exercise regime that is guaranteed to prevent illness or injury.
4. Body size is largely genetically determined. It can be influenced by food intake, but bodies hold what is called a set point that is nearly impossible to change long-term, without extreme & unhealthy measures. Our genetics also determine how we are racialized. Body size is one of many factors in this process, which includes skin tone, body hair patterns, height, body shape, and sizes & shapes of eyes, nose, & mouth. This is all race science; ascribing to these metrics of health through diet and fitness culture is also white supremacy. 
There are steps we can take to take control of our individual holistic health, based on whatever goals they may be, but the idea we have complete control over our health is false. The notion that we can & should take ownership of our health comes from Enlightenment thinking that separated body from mind and man from nature. This epistemology teaches us that our bodies are projects that can and should be controlled and shaped through our actions in order to demonstrate our cultural values (allegiance to white supremacy). This is used to organize society into good subjects, who ‘take care of themselves,’ and bad subjects, who don’t. We don’t have dominion over our bodies; we are in relation with our bodies, and with each other. 
In the U.S., we live in a deeply unhealthy society founded on anti-Blackness, Indigenous dispossesion & settler colonization. This is bad for the health of all of us. The emphasis on health as the result of individual choices that can be evidenced through the body is a distraction used to pit us against one another as good and bad subjects. Fat, sick & disabled bodies are viewed as failures of the project of self care and, as such, less deserving of resources. This also shifts responsibility to take care of one another, or for the State to take care of its citizen subjects. This is white supremacist & colonial thinking. We are all in relation with one another; we all have responsibilities for one another’s well-being. 
Finally, disabled people have let us know that we can become disabled instantaneously through accident or illness; in fact, it is a part of life. If we live long enough, we will eventually become disabled in some way. The emphasis on health devalues disabled people, whose bodies will never achieve these standards. This construction of health is a value of white supremacy, colonization & capitalism: we are expected to be healthy under colonial metrics only to be productive workers for longer. We need to divest from settler formations of health if we want all of us to truly be free. 
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samasmith23 · 2 years
The Anti-Fascist Themes of X-Men: Age of Apocalypse
One element that I’ve really grown to appreciate about the 90s crossover event X-Men: Age of Apocalypse when I recently re-read the storyline last year in omnibus format, is just how effectively it functions as a complete refutation against fascism as an ideology.
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For some context, the "Age of Apocalypse" (or "AoA") is an alternate-dystopian-future timeline which was accidentally created when Professor Charles Xavier's neurodivergent son Legion (aka, David Haller), went on a misguided quest to make his father's dreams of peaceful human and mutant co-existence a reality by traveling back in time to assassinate Xavier's current archnemesis and former closest friend Magneto (aka, Erik Lehnsherr) before he could initiate his war against humanity. Instead, Legion accidentally killed Xavier when the latter hurled himself between his Erik and Legion's psionic dagger. Xavier's premature death resulted in a disastrous time-paradox where not only was Legion himself erased from the timeline, but Xavier never lived to form the X-Men. Matters were made even worse by the fact that the ancient and evil mutant Apocalypse (aka, En Sabah Nur) took advantage of this opportunity to begin his plans for world domination 20-years ahead of schedule, conquering all of North America and implementing his program of "cleansing" humanity's gene pool of all he considered weak and unfit to live. However, seeing Xavier die to save his life changed Magneto's pessimistic outlook on life, resulting in the Master of Magnetism devoting his life to bring about Xavier's dream of peace and founding his own version of the X-Men who fight against Apocalypse's reign of terror.
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In regards to how AoA effectively functions as an anti-fascist text, it is important to discuss how the villain Apocalypse's goals are fundamentally fascistic in nature. En Sabah Nur's primary motivation in the AoA timeline (as well as the main Earth-616 continuity) is promoting of his extremist Social Darwinist philosophy of “survival of the fittest,” in which all normal humans and even fellow mutants with lesser powers are labeled as “unfit” and are condemned to total slaughter. Apocalypse and his followers are essentially framed as being the mutant equivalents to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, since their empire not only actively promote fascist eugenicist beliefs of racial supremacy and genocide, but it is also reflective of fascism's nature as an inherently self-destructive ideology which is ultimately destined to result in the eventual deaths of everyone it impacts.
This ouroboros element of fascism is evident through Apocalypse's enablement of war against the Human High Council overseas in Europe despite his knowledge that they’ll retaliate with a nuclear carpet bombing in self-defense. But Apocalypse is willing to risk the deaths of even himself and his own followers all for the sake of his single-minded goal of determining whether or not the strong will rise from the ashes of those deemed "weak" and "inferior."
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The parallels between Apocalypse's empire and Nazi Germany are made incredibly overt throughout the narrative. In addition to conducting routine mass cullings against those deemed to be “genetically inferior” (including both humans and mutants), Apocalypse's strategy of intentionally breaking the "Kelly Pact" peace-treaty he signed with the Human High Council in order to expand his empire into Europe bears a lot of parallels to how Hitler historically violated the non-aggression pact he signed with Josef Stalin by invading Russia during World War II.
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Plus, the AoA version of Hank McCoy, aka Dark Beast, conducts barbaric eugenics experiments on mutants that Apocalypse has labeled as “unfit,” and one of En Sabah Nur’s four Horsemen and own son is literally named “Holocaust” (who personally carried out the mass-culling of Japan's entire population of which the X-Man Sunfire was the sole survivor of). Furthermore, another of Apocalypse's Horsemen and his centuries'-long right-hand man is Mister Sinister, whom later during Chris Claremont's run on Excalibur from the early 2000s was revealed to have once been a literal Nazi scientist who worked under Josef Mengele at Auschwitz.
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But as much as fascists love to boast about their alleged strength and superiority, in reality said-strength is nothing more than a facade. For all the immense physical power that Apocalypse and his Four Horseman possess, they are ultimately weak in character they were only able to they have to show for their power is mountains upon mountains of corpses of innocent lives that they have stolen. This is evident through Holocaust’s desire to convert the remains of the victims of the latest Culling into an army of Infinites (cloned cybernetic mutant foot-soldiers), something which the X-Man Sabertooth accurately points out as being inherently antithetical to Holocaust’s alleged “superiority.” After all, if he’s so strong and “fit to survive,” then why does he need an army of artificial soldiers bred in a lab in order to boast about said “strength”?
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Heck, even the usually non-serious jokey member of the X-Men, Morph, alludes to the fact that fascist’s illusion of “strength” is only made possible through the demonization of others.
"No matter how strong, no matter how powerful, it always comes down to name calling."
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As Linkara pointed out in the third part of his Secret Empire review, at the end of the day, fascism is a loser ideology that is entirely dependent on the illusion of “strength” whilst simultaneously destroying itself and everything and everyone else around it. Rogue said it best whilst fighting Holocaust:
“How many lives have to be lost, how much blood has to flow, until y’all are satisfied?!”
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In stark contrast to Apocalypse and his Horsemen, Magneto and his X-Men represent not only hope and perseverance in the ongoing fight against fascism, but also true strength. Not the illusion of strength based on power obtained via the deaths of innocents but fighting against oppression and annihilation. As Magneto so eloquently puts it to Apocalypse:
“To fight… is to survive. I and everyone like me who believes you and your Horsemen are wrong… will never stop fighting…”
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Additionally, the AoA version of Magneto serves as an interesting role reversal of his mainstream Earth-616 counterpart wherein instead of becoming a mutant-terrorist Erik has adopted the late Xavier’s dream of striving peaceful mutant and human co-existence. In the original timeline Erik's background as a Holocaust survivor influenced his pessimistic outlook towards human and mutant relationships, prompting him to wage war against humanity to ensure mutants will never suffer through a similar genocide. And plenty of stories since the classic Chris Claremont era have simultaneously portrayed Erik struggling with falling prey to ideologies of mutant supremacy, as he fears that such a path could turn him into someone just like those who once persecuted him.
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AoA expands upon this element of Magneto's characterization through portraying Erik as actively opposing the ultimate destination in which mutant supremacy ideologies inevitably lead towards. He fights against Apocalypse’s extreme Social Darwinist “survival of the fittest” doctrine that has already murdered millions of normal humans and fellow mutants alike.
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In essence, the AoA version of Magneto is a Jewish Holocaust survivor who grew up to become rebel freedom-fighter striving to achieve Xavier’s dreams of peace by fighting against the mutant equivalents of the Nazis who once persecuted Erik as a child! At the end of the day, AoA is ultimately about the rejection of "might makes right," as the so-called “strong” are ultimately defeated by those they discriminated against for their perceived “weakness." A thesis which is laid bare during the final battle against Apocalypse in X-Men: Omega, wherein Erik delivers one of the most badass refutations against fascism that I've personally ever read:
"'Survival of the fittest' indeed. You preen and posture as if your were the first dictator to discover the concept and stake the world's fate on its nonsense. As a child, I heard the very same babble from a Berlin house painter... a madman whose Aryan race tried to wipe out all it deemed 'dirty' or 'impure.' And do you remember who won the war he began? The 'weak'... who rose in righteous triumph... TO OVERTHROW THE STRONG ONCE AND FOR ALL!"
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Overall, X-Men: Age of Apocalypse's anti-fascist themes and framing is quite honestly the element of the storyline that I’ve grown the most fond of upon re-reading this event crossover after several years!
I originally didn't notice all of this rich subtext when I first read AoA a few years ago, but I recognize it now upon my recent re-read and it has greatly elevated the overall quality of this storyline in my eyes!
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By: Aida Cerundolo
Published: Nov 16, 2023
What do forced sterilizations, the Tuskegee experiment, and the Holocaust have in common? They all demonstrate doctors forgetting their commitment to heal humans.
When doctors redirect their priorities to political matters outside the exam room, patient care suffers. That’s why doctors pledging to further social justice initiatives while treating individual humans may be blinded to the risk of harm.
We’ve seen this time and again throughout history. Social Darwinism in the early 20th century, for example, inspired doctors to pursue a genetically fit society through forced sterilizations of the “feeble-minded.” Doctors conducting the Tuskegee experiment to better understand syphilis caused suffering and death by withholding treatment from impoverished black patients. And German doctors motivated by the Nazis’ twisted idea of a better society marked prisoners for death in the mass extermination of Jews.
Why would people trained to heal inflict such pain on their fellow man?
Emboldened by a faith in the latest science and an assumption that certain humans hold less value than others, these doctors overlooked the harm to individuals while zeroing in on a perceived greater good to society. A shift in focus away from the sanctity of every individual is the Achilles' heel of medicine that makes doctors vulnerable to repeating the same mistakes. As Dr. Ashley K. Fernandes explains in " Why Did So Many Doctors Become Nazis? ," “Society is created for the person, not the person for society, and hence the dignity and integrity of the person and her freedom cannot be sacrificed for the sake of society.” Prioritizing the individual is the guardrail that steers medicine away from future carnage.
But it is exactly this shift in focus from the individual to society that social justice advocates demand in the medical field. The American Medical Association carries the social justice torch in its " Organizational Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity ," declaring, “Inequities cannot be understood or adequately addressed if we focus only on individuals, their behavior or their biology.” Doctors are told to “confront inequities and dismantle white supremacy, racism, and other forms of exclusion and structured oppression, as well as embed racial justice and advance equity within and across all aspects of health systems.”
Reducing barriers to treatment is necessary to improve healthcare delivery and minimize disparities. But linking immutable characteristics such as skin color with power and privilege in the medical setting rationalizes the distribution of care based on arbitrary factors in the name of a greater good called social justice. This hazards some patients with negatively designated characteristics as being viewed as less valuable than others, potentially impeding the care they need.
The New York State Department of Health prioritized immutable characteristics when recommending that monoclonal antibodies and antivirals to treat COVID-19 be fast-tracked for those of “non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity” because “longstanding systemic health and social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19.” This approach bypassed patients at risk for severe disease simply because they were born the wrong color.
Despite the illogic of immutable characteristics dictating healthcare, some state medical boards have taken heed of the AMA’s call for mandatory anti-racism lessons and require implicit bias training for doctors to obtain or renew their medical license. Similar courses in medical schools ensure dissemination of the idea that patients be viewed through a racial lens.
The AMA’s strategic plan goes so far as to dissect the white population into even more specific subgroups of oppressors, calling out those who are “wealthy, hetero-, able-bodied, male, Christian, U.S.-born” as keepers of a system that permits their own success at the expense of non-whites and non-Christians. Social power dynamics are described in painstaking detail, while the most important power differential in the exam room — that between the doctor and the patient — is ignored.
Patients must trust that doctors are objective and sincere in their mission to heal, no matter the characteristics of the humans in front of them. Categorizing people as oppressors or oppressed, privileged or deprived, based on skin color, ethnicity, religion, or otherwise, is the start of normalizing their dehumanization, a dangerous practice that has historically resulted in unspeakable horrors. A rejection of labels and a focus on the sanctity of every individual is the only insurance against future barbarity in the name of societal gains.
This is what systemic racism and systemic sexism look like. Activists call it "equity," and it comes with a death toll.
Needs lawsuits.
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gargoylez123 · 6 days
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Woo! Unlimited Red Worlds
Thank you Sara Kaye
Thank you Brandon Wayne Burdett
...as whites found their ends in "Brandon's Baby Fat" and their own "Fat Fetish" they began to realize they're just ignorant clones that Celtics and Germans laugh at... As their "Fat Fetish" grew... And as their "Baby Rape" got hungry enough... They realized they almost completely ruined a man's entire life, and robbed his entire family, all say they could say "Hi, I'm white pig soup, and i like to play with baby dick fat"
The legacy of white man,
Found at 346-213-2672
Found at Tacoma Wa
Found at 4415 Daisy Meadow Dr. Katy Tx 77449
As white supremists grew eager to victimize, and Lab Tony and Tiny Tina Fay... They realized their "baby dick fetish" wouldn't last forever... As Celtics and Germans sit back laughing they watch the whites grow hungry... A bunch of fat hungry skin suits... Fat dumpy bodies... Dead babies... Childhood obesity, at it's all time horniest...
Now this brings us to todays "Skin Suits"
Now that "baby dick fat" isn't as enjoyable as being A REAL MAN... Men are starting to notice the valid differences between being "white soup" or A REAL MAN.. 90% of the world saved, as the 10% white go bankrupt in their undead fetish to hide "baby dicks" inside themselves, and trade "fat fetish" fantasies
Now todays time
90% of the world safe
100% Woman Beauty
100% Kid Beauty
Sorry -10% whites...
I guess you could always play with ur fat
Now micro skin droids,
Will release DNA upgrades
Genetics upgrades
To save lives,
Will make YOUR DNA, super healthy, and then micro send it to your location!
Either transmitted through micro frequency
Or crystal frequency
Regardless, the droids will have YOUR DNA
And dissolve through your skin, to circulate into healthy blood systems
NOW the world will want to be 100%
EVERYONE will want to be 90-100% made of their own being, no need for "baby dicks"
No need for "fat fetishes"
They'll all LOVE Woman
They'll all LOVE Kids
And they'll all want to be actual GENTLEMEN
However stained in history FOREVER
Is the trauma and horror crime,
Of what happened to the Burdett family
Sara Kaye, and Brandon Wayne
Sara was used for her Scottish health
Brandon was used to Mark the end of all white supremacy
Forever in history,
There will never be another white capable of overthrowing Brandon's rule
Brandon is anti white supremacy
Brandon is pro life MAMMA
As long as you support MOMS
As long as you support KIDS
And as long as you see the white race as THE BOTTOM of all races..
90% is the top
10% is the white "baby dick and fat fetish"
That is the legacy that WHITES earned, by threatening and causing damage onto Brandon's family
Brandon has made a forever statement
We will all be 90% or more
Whites even after they kick their "baby rape" and "fat fetish" fantasies, they'll always be the bottom race of 10% forever marked in history
That Brandon's family was raped for "The Cure"
The History Channel
The Cure
Vogue Magazine
Whites wanted to rape babies
Whites wanted to fat fetish
Than it all came to an embarrassing closure,
Whenever the world disagreed with the unnatural sickness of white supremacy
So now whites can easily be found at those cross roads... Either playing with their fat fetishes, or playing with baby dicks
After they evolve
After they outgrow their nasty and exploitive ways
They'll will find the world has already moved on
Brandon Wayne Burdett
We are the 90
Join Us to 90-100
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papirouge · 1 month
I don’t like how modern tras behave because it’s easy to see how so many are degenerates and predators online but this hunt against Imane the Algerian boxer just feels like a collective effort from conservatives to publicly shame a woman for not looking like their version of traditionally feminine. Having masculine features makes these weird radfems act up and call other women men for having them. Florence and the Machine is a female artist that I’ve seen before called a man when she’s just tall and has thinner lips. It’s rooted in narrow beauty standards and I have a theory that this outrage is pushed to shame women into also consuming products and routines that would “fix it” like hiding our loses and softening our natural features or encouraging women to do more “delicate” workouts and sports so we don’t gain muscle
I read Harry Potter as a kid and JKR had these magical creatures that were like sirens that would be the most beautiful creature any man can see. Like they could hypnotize a man instantly. And how she described them were typically blonde slim and blue eyed. But when they get angry they get “ugly” and turn into harpies with “bigger noses that turn into beaks” and all that. JKR really likes those European beauty standards. Anything else that’s different and you’re an ugly man
this hunt against Imane the Algerian boxer just feels like a collective effort from conservatives to publicly shame a woman for not looking like their version of traditionally feminine
and you know what's funny? It's that the same flock of "feminist" going after Imane and straight up asking her DNA test results will weep against the "scrutinization of the female body". Bestie, there are hardly anything more (biologically) intimate than your FREAKING GENETICS. Are they for real?? And then weirdo smartasses will be like "if he doesn't show those results, it proves that's a man😏" I DEADASS wouldn't show my DNA results to a flock of haters oddly invested in whatever that's between my legs, are you serious?? I'll side on the TRA on that one : radfemistan and other anti TRA went wayyyy off the rails, this time and obsessing that bad about some's genetic is giving weird and 40s bio essentialist fascism, and it's crazy they don't have self awareness to realize that. Hatred truly blinds..
EVEN IF IMANE EVENTUALLY TURNED OUT TO BE A MAN if will not condone this behavior of anti TRA feminists. Because what people don't understand, it that once you enable it for people you don't like, that shit will come back right against you the next round. Better not play victim then. That's why I'm so embarrassed by all the Black women supporting this mess - we should know more than anything that White people pulling out a hate campaign against a POC (under ANY circumstance) ain't one hill to die on. Because too many times WE have been at the other end of the stick.
Radfemistan discredited itself forever. There's like...no coming back from what they did. I will never trust them ever again when they say they defend GNC women.
And yeah, JK Rowling is one tweet away from full on White supremacy rhetoric under the layer of "defending real women uwu". The Black women who blindly stanned her *after* what she did against Imane will eat their words. Dummies.
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weatherman667 · 1 year
On White Supremacy
The Left in the US has this weird view of White vs. Black.  Which has never really existed.  Not even in places that mandated discrimination between white and blacks, like the US South, and South Africa.
In the US, while there was a direct Black/White divide, Irish and Italians were also typically excluded.  Germans and Slavs were on the watch list.
Germans tend to view Germans as the superior race, which include semi-German people, like the Scandinavians, French, and British.  During WWII, Western allies captured as POW’s, (except for Jews and Blacks), were treated as brothers caught on the wrong side of the wall.  Eastern Allies were worked to death in slave camps with the Jews.  The Jews in Germany were Ashkenazi Jews, which were genetically, mostly German.  Nazi geneology rules allowed Germans to have one Jewish grandparent without being considered Jewish.  This might seem a weird place to put the line, but this was because Hitler was likely 1/4 Jewish.  They also considered Muslims and Japanese as honorary Aryans.  This is why the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are so hilarious/tragic, because the actual Nazis were trying to exterminate them.
South Africa had a strong Black/White divide, but also considered Japanese to be good and Chinese to be bad.  A bus driver got fired because he refused to pick up a Japanese, and got his job back when he proved he couldn’t tell the different.  They also had businesses running triple books to hide the number of black people they were hiring.  Even Rhodesia had blacks fighting on their side during the bush war, because despite cries of racism, the war was more about fighting off communists trying to invade from outside the country.
And this is why white supremacy is such a joke, because it breaks apart the moment you slightly gaze at it.  And this is how you can get Larry Elder as the “black face of white supremacy”, articles about multi-racial whiteness, the Smithsonian declaring that hard work and timeliness are white.  And the left seems to recognize this, as they created the term BIPOC: Black and Indigenous People of Colour.  Because People of Colour, (God I hate that phrase), included the more successful non-whites, like Asians.
And this creates Schroedinger’s POC, as they are counted as POC for demands, but not as POC for who needs to be helped.
Worse, they have thoroughly convinced people that treating others as individuals, and not representatives of their race, is a form of racism.  This is because they have to racists to fight, because if they didn’t, they could come off as the horrendously racist psychopaths they are.  They also put one of the most racist and corrupt politicians in history in the White House and claimed it was a form of anti-racism.
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lostgirl1428 · 2 years
Hope this reaches the right audience. Not my typical content but super conflicted here.
So during a manic episode I bought a tattoo gun (never a good idea btw) and tattooed Norse Runes on my hand. They’re faded as shit and not even visible any more, looks like random dots of ink on my fingers now. However, I really want to get them professionally done. I consider myself agnostic pagan and a chaos witch. I pull from all types of mythologies on my spiritual journey. I am also part Scandinavian (before anyone comes at me for appropriation or some shit, besides, your spiritual journey is yours and YOURS ALONE, if a particular faith or belief system calls out to to you, indulge in it, respectfully of course. Religion, faith and spirituality does not need to be defined by you genetics, but by your heart [gods that sounds cheesy] I also strongly advise staying away from cults 👀)
Anyways my main issue is apparently White Supremacists and anti-semitics are appropriating Norse Runes for their hate culture. OBVIOUSLY I DON’T WANT THAT KINDA SHIT ON MY HAND FOR THE WORLD TO SEE IF ITS SEEN AS A HATE SYMBOL. Be a bit problematic right? However to me these runes hold power, hope and a message of strength and wellbeing (well depending on the rune obviously).
So….tattoo artists/enthusiasts, pagans (specifically norse), and activists alike (or literally anyone who’s fed up with white supremacy bullshit) please….LEND ME YOUR OPINIONS.
Gonna tag a bunch of shit because I guarantee no one will see this and idk where else to ask opinions. I’m too lazy and stupid to figure out how reddit works, despite having one.
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
“As Foucault writes in the book’s famous last sentence, one day “man would be erased, like a face drawn in the sand at the edge of the sea.” The image is eerie, but he claimed to find it “a source of profound relief,” because it implies that human ideas and institutions aren’t fixed. They can be endlessly reconfigured, maybe even for the better. This was the liberating promise of postmodernism: The face in the sand is swept away, but someone will always come along to draw a new picture in a different style.
But the image of humanity can be redrawn only if there are human beings to do it. Even the most radical 20th-century thinkers stop short at the prospect of the actual extinction of Homo sapiens, which would mean the end of all our projects, values, and meanings. Humanity may be destined to disappear someday, but almost everyone would agree that the day should be postponed as long as possible, just as most individuals generally try to delay the inevitable end of their own life.
In the 21st century, Anthropocene anti-humanism offers a much more radical response to a much deeper ecological crisis. It says that our self-destruction is now inevitable, and that we should welcome it as a sentence we have justly passed on ourselves. Some anti-humanist thinkers look forward to the extinction of our species, while others predict that even if some people survive the coming environmental apocalypse, civilization as a whole is doomed. Like all truly radical movements, Anthropocene anti-humanism begins not with a political program but with a philosophical idea. It is a rejection of humanity’s traditional role as Earth’s protagonist, the most important being in creation.
Transhumanism, by contrast, glorifies some of the very things that anti-humanism decries—scientific and technological progress, the supremacy of reason. But it believes that the only way forward for humanity is to create new forms of intelligent life that will no longer be Homo sapiens. Some transhumanists believe that genetic engineering and nanotechnology will allow us to alter our brains and bodies so profoundly that we will escape human limitations such as mortality and confinement to a physical body. Others await, with hope or trepidation, the invention of artificial intelligence infinitely superior to our own. These beings will demote humanity to the rank we assign to animals—unless they decide that their goals are better served by wiping us out completely.
Since the late 1940s, humanity has lived with the knowledge that it has the power to annihilate itself at any moment through nuclear war. Indeed, the climate anxiety of our own time can be seen as a return of apocalyptic fears that went briefly into abeyance after the end of the Cold War.
Destruction by despoliation is more radically unsettling. It means that humanity is endangered not only by our acknowledged vices, such as hatred and violence, but also by pursuing aims that we ordinarily consider good and natural: prosperity, comfort, increase of our kind. The Bible gives the negative commandment “Thou shalt not kill” as well as the positive commandment “Be fruitful and multiply,” and traditionally they have gone together. But if being fruitful and multiplying starts to be seen as itself a form of killing, because it deprives future generations and other species of irreplaceable resources, then the flourishing of humanity can no longer be seen as simply good. Instead, it becomes part of a zero-sum competition that pits the gratification of human desires against the well-being of all of nature—not just animals and plants, but soil, stones, and water.
If that’s the case, then humanity can no longer be considered a part of creation or nature, as science and religion teach in their different ways. Instead, it must be seen as an antinatural force that has usurped and abolished nature, substituting its own will for the processes that once appeared to be the immutable basis of life on Earth. This understanding of humanity’s place outside and against the natural order is summed up in the term Anthropocene, which in the past decade has become one of the most important concepts in the humanities and social sciences.
In the Anthropocene, nature becomes a reflection of humanity for the first time. The effect is catastrophic, not only in practical terms, but spiritually. Nature has long filled for secular humanity one of the roles once played by God, as a source of radical otherness that can humble us and lift us out of ourselves. One of the first observers to understand the significance of this change was the writer and activist Bill McKibben. In The End of Nature (1989), a landmark work of environmentalist thought, McKibben warned of the melting glaciers and superstorms that are now our everyday reality. But the real subject of the book was our traditional understanding of nature as a “world entirely independent of us which was here before we arrived and which encircled and supported our human society.” This idea, McKibben wrote, was about to go extinct, “just like an animal or a plant”—or like Foucault’s “man,” erased by the tides.
Like anti-humanists, transhumanists contemplate the prospect of humanity’s disappearance with serenity. What worries them is the possibility that it will happen too soon, before we have managed to invent our successors. As far as we know, humanity is the only intelligent species in the universe; if we go extinct, it may be game over for the mind. It’s notable that although transhumanists are enthusiastic about space exploration, they are generally skeptical about the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, or at least about the chances of our ever encountering it. If minds do exist elsewhere in the universe, the destiny of humanity would be of less cosmic significance.
Humanity’s sole stewardship of reason is what makes transhumanists interested in “existential risk,” the danger that we will destroy ourselves before securing the future of the mind. In a 2002 paper, “Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards,” the philosopher Nick Bostrom classifies such risks into four types, from “Bangs,” in which we are completely wiped out by climate change, nuclear war, disease, or asteroid impacts, to “Whimpers,” in which humanity survives but achieves “only a minuscule degree of what could have been achieved”—for instance, because we use up our planet’s resources too rapidly.
The Israeli thinker Yuval Noah Harari refers to this idea as “Dataism,” describing it as a new religion whose “supreme value” is “data flow.” “This cosmic data-processing system would be like God,” he has written. “It will be everywhere and will control everything, and humans are destined to merge into it.” Harari is highly skeptical of Dataism, and his summary of it may sound satirical or exaggerated. In fact, it’s a quite accurate account of the ideas of the popular transhumanist author Ray Kurzweil. In his book The Singularity Is Near (2005), Kurzweil describes himself as a “patternist”—that is, “someone who views patterns of information as the fundamental reality.” Examples of information patterns include DNA, semiconductor chips, and the letters on this page, all of which configure molecules so that they become meaningful instead of random. By turning matter into information, we redeem it from entropy and nullity. Ultimately, “even the ‘dumb’ matter and mechanisms of the universe will be transformed into exquisitely sublime forms of intelligence,” Kurzweil prophesies.
In his 2014 book, Superintelligence, Nick Bostrom performs some back-of-the-envelope calculations and finds that a computer using the entire cosmic endowment as computronium could perform at least 1085 operations a second. (For comparison, as of 2020 the most powerful supercomputer, Japan’s Fugaku, could perform on the order of 1017 operations a second.) This mathematical gloss is meant to make the project of animating the universe seem rational and measurable, but it hardly conceals the essentially religious nature of the idea. Kurzweil calls it “the ultimate destiny of the universe,” a phrase not ordinarily employed by people who profess to be scientific materialists. It resembles the ancient Hindu belief that the Atman, the individual soul, is identical to the Brahman, the world-spirit.
The apocalyptic predictions of today’s transhumanist and anti-humanist thinkers are of a very different nature, but they too may be highly significant even if they don’t come to pass. Profound civilizational changes begin with a revolution in how people think about themselves and their destiny. The revolt against humanity has the potential to be such a beginning, with unpredictable consequences for politics, economics, technology, and culture.
The revolt against humanity has a great future ahead of it because it appeals to people who are at once committed to science and reason yet yearn for the clarity and purpose of an absolute moral imperative. It says that we can move the planet, maybe even the universe, in the direction of the good, on one condition—that we forfeit our own existence as a species.
In this way, the question of why humanity exists is given a convincing yet wholly immanent answer. Following the logic of sacrifice, we give our life meaning by giving it up.
Anthropocene anti-humanism and transhumanism share this premise, despite their contrasting visions of the post-human future. The former longs for a return to the natural equilibrium that existed on Earth before humans came along to disrupt it with our technological rapacity. The latter dreams of pushing forward, using technology to achieve a complete abolition of nature and its limitations. One sees reason as the serpent that got humanity expelled from Eden, while the other sees it as the only road back to Eden.
But both call for drastic forms of human self-limitation—whether that means the destruction of civilization, the renunciation of child-bearing, or the replacement of human beings by machines. These sacrifices are ways of expressing high ethical ambitions that find no scope in our ordinary, hedonistic lives: compassion for suffering nature, hope for cosmic dominion, love of knowledge. This essential similarity between anti-humanists and transhumanists means that they may often find themselves on the same side in the political and social struggles to come.”
“But it doesn't really matter because it won't be long before we're all wiped off the face of the earth anyway: "but it's true! In three generations' time 75% of the animal spieces of the world will be wiped out! And it's all our fault! We've only got five generations of man left if you ask me and maybe it's just as well - mankind is the worst thing that's ever happened to this planet!"”
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How does your magic system work?
This post comes out of a lore dump by my DM explaining DND magic through the creation of a magic/anti-magic pair of particles.
So what about in other pieces of media. 1) Diathesis-stress This is a psychological theory suggesting that a condition needs a genetic predisposition, and then exposure to an environmental stimulus (stress) in order for the traits to begin to show
2) Unexplained science e.g. The long earth, To sleep in a sea of stars, Dragonriders of pern This can be good or not, as it can be studied and understood, but it can lead to quite a bad consequence …. the possibility for genetic supremacy
And so I come to my favourite game;
How eugenics is your magic system?
Before I start, I will be discussing mundane vs magical humans, rather than inherently magical beings such as fae, mer, dragons. Although they will be brought in, I am not discussing their species
Genetics - pure eugenics e.g. harry potter Your character has the right genes in order to be able to 'just do it'. if you do not have those genes you will fail, leads to genetic supremacy (you see the relevance of the example)
Genetics - interbred e.g. Percy Jackson You have an ancestor which allows you to use their magic. they have no control over your use of magic, but you can then breed for that trait. (I know that in PJ the power has diminishing returns but it is just to get you thinking)
Genetic - earned/choice e.g. Lord of the Rings, Ingo by Helen Dunmore Although your ancestors interbred you need to choose. in LOTR we know Elrond and Elros had to choose if they chose elf or human. In Ingo (obscure reference but I like it) you have to accept what 'magic' you are doing, but it needs you to have the gene for it.
Genetic - inheritance/cultural e.g Belgarid series by David Eddings, Merlin (TV show) druids There is a genetic element, but if you seek out the relevant god/gods then you can gain magic as well. In these examples the main character is genetic, but we see how culture effects their magic use.
Some - trainable e.g. Earthsea series by Ursula le Guin Lots of people can, but you need to learn to control it through self-control or magic words etc. Earthsea might have everyone being magic, but due to some of the ways the school/education works I want to say there is some people who are better. The way this is different to 'everyone - trainable' is because some people simply can't train at all and people are often said to 'have a gift' and so sent to train more.
Some - random e.g. The fire within by Chris d'Lacy There can be a genetic element, but magic is so unpredictable that it is more like it is magic choosing its hosts. if you have read the whole of the example series you know what I am talking about.
Everyone - but some are better than others e.g. star wars Midi-chlorian count, really? enough said
Everyone - magical onset e.g. Eragon by Christopher Paolini Maybe Eragon is just my theory but in general, every Human has the chance of magic development, but it needs a cause. in Eragon, it needs a dragon, but Roran and Nasuada are able to start controlling their minds from magic-casters, suggesting magic exposure is correlated with how much magic you can do.
Everyone - testable e.g. The bone wich by Rin Chupeco There are types of magic, and people need a threshold to count, but it is a subtle impact on everyone's lives unless you have active control. this example is a good book if you want a more unique look at magic.
Who knows? - trainable e.g Riftwar saga by Raymond e. feist, Diskworld by Terry prattchet you might be magic, lets give you some task and see if you can do it
Who knows? - random e.g Narnia by C.S.Lewis, Inkheart by Cornelia Funke These characters are not shown as 'magic' but they are special for what appears to be no reason whatsoever.
I would love to hear other peoples takes on magic systems, especially is they are not in this list.
and remember, there is no magic
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saysomethingnorway · 1 year
A Call to Adopt the Scientific Definition of Race
As part of the quest to consign injustice - in particularly racism - to history, Say Something* calls on the global community to adopt the current scientific definition of race as a fundamental step in dismantling racism and creating a just world for all human beings. 
According to the American Society of Human Genetics, the largest professional organization of scientists in the field, 
“The science of genetics demonstrates that humans cannot be divided into biologically distinct subcategories.”
In 2000, the Human Genome Project confirmed that the genomes found around the globe are 99.9 percent identical in every human being irrespective of phenotypes, such as skin color. And in 2018, Scientific American stated that there is a “broad scientific consensus that when it comes to genes, there is just as much diversity within racial and ethnic groups as there is across them.” In other words, the concept of race has no genetic or scientific basis. 
We affirm that race science, race ideology, and racial essentialism perpetuate a social hierarchy with whites at the top and blacks at the bottom – the basis of many of the atrocities of the past few centuries. This belief system, unfortunately, is alive and well. Racial distinctions continue to impact legal, political, economic, civil, social, and cultural spaces and perpetuate racism, as well as a plethora of other harms.
We recognize that race is a ubiquitous social construct and social convention around the world. We believe that continuing to propagate a discredited definition of race only fuels racist beliefs and perpetuates unjust outcomes in science, law, politics, academics, health and other aspects of life.
We thus disavow the scientifically-discredited traditional concept of race which supports the idea that humanity can be categorized into different categories of humans as biologically separate and distinct according to phenotype — observable physical differences — and ranked according to a value hierarchy with whites at the top and blacks at the bottom.
Join us in adopting the current scientific definition of race as a fundamental step in abolishing racism, changing the conversation, transforming minds, and creating a just world for all human beings. 
Racism continues to be a scourge on humanity. Around the world, racists (white supremacists) and “anti-racists” are becoming more visible and powerful, even occupying top positions of government, and using that power to perpetuate racial classifications and racism.
On one end of the political spectrum is the “anti-racist” identitarian coalition of the woke. They foster division by positioning humanity in opposing and irreconcilable sides of oppressor and oppressed, i.e., whites versus blacks (sometimes other people of “color”), white privilege versus black victimhood. The main proponent of anti-racism, Ibram X. Kendi, advances the argument that racial discrimination “is the sole cause of racial disparities in this country and in the world at large.” And as he has stated, “When I see racial disparities, I see racism.” Other anti-racists argue that whites are inherently and irredeemably racist and are the beneficiaries of white privilege. In keeping with the legacy of Stokely Carmichael, the father of Black Power, who said, “We must fill ourselves with hate for all white things,” some anti-racists, like Journalist Sarah Jeong (with her tweet #cancelwhitepeople) called for the cancelation of white people and Professor Brittney Cooper called for taking them out with her colorful statement, “…we got to take these mother fuckers out.” 
On the other end of the political spectrum is the white nationalist conservative right (in the USA, this consists of the Republican Party, right-wing think tanks, media outlets, law firms, etc.). They foster division by advancing white supremacy, “great replacement” theory, fear of white genocide through immigration, race science, eugenics, and anti-CRT (Critical Race Theory) legislation. Two popular proponents of racism are Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly. 
Common to both sides is the belief that race is a scientifically valid concept, a concept that continues to racialize society, stoke fear and hatred, and perpetuate the race war. 
The current conversation about race is divisive and counterproductive. In order to change the conversation, we need to disavow the inherently divisive and scientifically-discredited antiquated definition of race. We propose that the term “race” be abandoned, and that in its place, “ancestry” or “ethnic group”/“ethnicity,” the terms that scientists use to describe human diversity, be used. “Ancestry” reflects the fact that human variations do have a connection to the geographical origins of our ancestors. Unlike the term “race,” “ancestry” focuses on understanding how a person’s history unfolded, not how they fit into one category and not another. “Ethnicity” and “ethnic group” evoke social characteristics such as history, language, beliefs, and customs. The terms African American/Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American, European American/White, Latino/Hispanic, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander can continue to be used, but explicitly as ethnic groups, thus reflecting geographic origin and ancestry instead of “races” which intrinsically connote biological differences. Using “ethnic group” or “ethnicity” in place of “race”  has been the standard practice in Europe following the end of World War II.
In addition, when referring to race as a hierarchical system with whites at the top and blacks at the bottom, we recommend using the word “race” in quotations to denote awareness that this concept of race is not supported by science. We are not seeking to engage in revisionist history or sanitize it of the atrocities against humanity in the name of race. 
Although the examples above speak to the United States, this dynamic has spread around the world. We believe that the current narratives about race on both sides are in direct opposition to humanism, universalism, and individualism and threaten to divide humanity even more – a step in the wrong direction.
We are seeking to change the conversation around race by using the current scientific definition so it’s uniform and consistent around the world.
We challenge the global community, including public institutions, governmental institutions, organizations, businesses, and sport clubs, to start using “ancestry” or “ethnic group”/“ethnicity” instead of “race.” 
An example of this done right is The Equality and Discrimination Act of Norway which departed from The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination which prohibits discrimination based on race, skin color, descent or national or ethnic origin. The convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 21 December 1965 and entered into force in January 1969.
Norway dropped “race” as a descriptor. Norway ratified the convention on 6 August 1970 without reservation. The convention is incorporated into Norwegian law through the Equality and Discrimination Act. States' implementation of the UN Convention on Racial Discrimination is monitored by the UN Committee on Racial Discrimination, which consists of independent experts. Please see below. 
The Equality and Discrimination Act
The Equality and Discrimination Act entered into force on 1 January 2018. The Act prohibits direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of, among other things, ethnicity (including national origin, descent, skin colour, language), religion and outlook on life. The purpose of the Act is to promote equality,, ensure equal opportunities and rights and to prevent discrimination. The law applies to all areas of society, but is not enforced in family life and other personal relationships.
As stated above, the idea that race is real is ubiquitous around the world. Each side of the political spectrum perpetuates racist ideology to dehumanize the “other.”
In order to transform minds, we propose that instead of continuing to focus on our perceived differences, we focus on our scientifically-based sameness.
Categorizing human beings according to distinct phenotypes and highlighting differences reinforces a racialized worldview. The idea of biologically ranked subdivisions of the human species ranked according to phenotypical differences triggers in-group loyalty and intergroup competition. In-group bias causes us to favor people who look like us and to disfavor – and fear – people who don’t look like us. People in the in-group see themselves as being in constant threat from the out-group, and consequently are under constant stress, and people in the out-group perceive themselves as being excluded from the in-group, and also are under constant stress. This places both the perpetrator and the target of racism at risk of a multitude of health problems to the degree that Dr. Larry Sherman, Professor of Neuroscience at the Oregon Health & Science University, considers it a public health problem. 
The “us” versus “them” dynamic has been manipulated in the media by both sides of the political spectrum to perpetuate the fear response. In Birth of a Nation, for example, “blacks” are portrayed as violent savages looking for “white” women to rape. Subsequent to modern-day films portray “blacks” as dangerous, lazy, and ignorant - the same attributes that were prescribed to “blacks” by scientific racism. Currently, in political discourse, leaders around the world have referred to immigrants with references to infestation, "cockroaches to be eliminated,” and rats. “Whites,” on the other hand, are depicted as saviors and agents of civilization. On the other side, blacks are portrayed as innocent victims and whites as the conscious purveyors of evil and the perpetrators of internalized racism. Both sides foster the “us” versus “them” mentality.
Psychologist Albert Bandura states that dehumanization (of the “other”) is a form of moral disengagement that allows people to abandon normal human sympathies toward oppressed minorities. Linking immigration to crime also activates a fear of newcomers which triggers support for politicians promising to protect the native population. Keeping out-group prejudice alive is harmful to both the racist and the target of racism. As mentioned above, both sides experience stress and have high levels of cortisol which exacerbate the top causes of death.
Fortunately, fear conditioning can be reversed. Introducing even a little familiarity about the subject rewires the brain, so we do not see people who are different as a threat. 
We believe that popularizing the scientific fact that we, human beings, are 99.9 percent the same - and ceasing to classify ourselves as inherently different - will contribute to the familiarity effect and to minimizing the fear response. As a global, diverse society, we are in desperate need of rewiring.
The scientifically discredited definition of race has no place in today’s increasingly pluralist, interdependent, interconnected, and interrelated world. Changing the terminology and language can go a long way. As cognitive scientist George Lakoff has shown, even as a social construct, simply using the word “race,” even when criticizing racism, reinforces the false belief that human beings belong to fundamentally different groups. That’s because the more a word is used, the more that certain brain circuits are activated and the stronger that metaphor becomes.
Historically, “race” has been weaponized by those in power to rob people of human rights and to further their political and economic standing. Currently, “race” is being weaponized by the anti-racist coalition to vilify white people and to correct education, income, and other disparities.
For the last few centuries, who was considered white and who wasn’t changed depending on the political climate and social and economic expediencies of the time. At one point, all “non-white" people were considered “black.” At another point, Italians, Irish, and Polish, who now are considered “white,” were considered “non-white.” The term “Asian,” as defined by the USA Census Bureau, only includes people originating in east Asia, Southeast Asia or the Indian subcontinent. People born elsewhere on the Asian continent—such as Turkey, Afghanistan or Iran—are not considered “Asian” on the USA census.
What has remained consistent is the concept of “race” as the basis for discriminatory laws, policies, and practices, such as Jim Crow laws, Black laws, redlining, the Trail of Tears, the Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese internment camps, etc. 
“Race” now is being used to right social and economic gaps. Identitarians and anti-racists call for programs to combat unequal outcomes like Affirmative Action, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, statistical parity initiatives, etc. In the name of diversity, they call that people of “color” have a seat at the table in the name of statistical parity. Allocating desirable positions on the basis of “race” rather than merit is not the answer. 
Both of these approaches are flawed and fuel dangerous ideologies and behavior. 
As a step toward eradicating racism, we call for the phasing out of the word “race” in all discourse. We believe that continuing to use the term “race,” which evokes innate biological differences, reinforces racism. Disavowing the discredited notion of “race” is an important step in the fight against racism. We support ending racism at the individual and structural and systemic levels, and creating a just world for all human beings — one in which we human beings are celebrated for the 99.9 percent that we have in common all the while honoring what is unique about each of us. 
We commend the scientific community for being a leader in phasing out the use of “race” and racial distinctions. We urge the global community to follow suit.
“Say Something” is an international non-profit organization based in Oslo, Norway, dedicated to consigning injustice to history by transforming minds, changing the conversation, and creating a just world for all human beings through science via art exhibitions, documentaries, salons, and social media campaigns. 
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rametarin · 1 year
went to sleep, youtube kept autoplaying
Steven Universe isn’t the best series, but good LORD some of the hypocritical takes from people that were so hard down on it towards the end, there. Jesus fucking christ.
I woke up to my autoplay somehow having gotten to ‘Steven Universe is garbage and here’s why’. Which, yes, is four years old now.
And it was a reminder that a lot of supposed “anti-fascists” are just antifascist the way many Christian or Muslim fundamentalists are, “Anti-sin.” In that it isn’t about the bad guys actions being evil, it’s about their greatest sin not being their special group that makes them evil.
Yes, my dude person. Many outlets of media invoke the Nazis for imagery. But, just because they’re invoked to tap into that spirit of familiarity of how dangerous such institutions can be, does not mean that everything that does is AS evil as the Nazis. You cannot have an evil institution and not have it have some even aesthetic characteristics with a very insidious and evil empire.
But this is kind of the problem with supposed, “anti-fascists.” Everything has to be a direct 1:1 allegory to what they see as the embodiment and epitome of bad things, the Nazis, and then that needs to be propaganda as a teachable moment on how the Nazis, specifically, were bad. We already know the Nazis were bad. Endlessly.
The Diamond Authority aren’t Nazis. They’re immortal magical hard light rocks with an inherently hierarchal structure. They’re totalitarians and they’re tyrannical, and in some senses and definitions, fascist. But that’s not the same as Fascist, with a capital F.
Star Wars’ Empire have very very nasty allegorical similarities, yes. But again, they aren’t THE Nazis. They’re a similar structure doing not-quite-the-same things.
The reason the redemption angle works in Steven Universe is it serves as a warning. The Gems’ unique mineral-organic structures enables something like the mass grave and bio weapon to have a redemption that sees each piece of the Gems sacrifice being able to be reconstituted. The threat of the Diamond Authority was that they caused ecoloigcal disaster for many worlds in the name of progress of their own species, with no care or caution for the cultures or lifeforms on other planets.
These are all essences and familar topics and subjects. They are not 1:1 with the actual crimes the Nazis committed. And we know this, because people like the creator of this hyper nattering schlock and other people with their value set still see white supremacy as the worst and only offender among the ethnosupremacies.
They don’t condemn the Golden Horde or Turkic genocides and cultural assimilations as bad as the Nazis, even though indisputably, the Mongols had a bigger empire and more genetic colonization across the world than the Nazis ever did.
While they acknowledge that Arabs are not “white people,” they’re persons of color, miraculously they keep that blind spot where Arab people in the name of Islam and being Arabian would institute many of the same militant breeding practices designed to ethnically erase competing communities out to leave them Arab. They did it for centuries, if not millenia, and were doing it before they did it in the name of spreading Islam. So, where’s the condemnation of Arabs for their, “Nazi-like behavior?”
Oh. Right. Because this particular culture that is so quick to scream about how everything even resembling a Nazi has to be a teachable moment about how evil the Nazis are, only cares about hitting people over the head about how awful those specific and solitary characteristics are, over and over. That specifically, only white people are bad, and these behaviors are only REALLY the highest form of evil if white people engage in them. Genocide and ethnic cleansing and mass slaughter? “Yeah, those happened in history.... but white people took them too far!”
The Muslims in India objectively killed more people over centuries by executions and non-military slaughters for being different ethnic backgrounds and religions, than the Nazis ever did. And this includes every random person a neo-Nazi has ever killed. If we’re going by either what was actually done when they had the opportunity and means to kill vs. what they actually did do when they had the opportunity in their limited grasp, India still faced worse slaughter by Muslims as a percentage of population and in numerical deaths, than Europe faced by Nazis before equilibrium was found again.
And yet, those that call themselves anti-fascists keep pointing to Nazis as the embodiment of objective evil to which all other depictions of evil are measured against, and demand evil have the face of a white man in a Hugo Boss jacket. Because nobody else can ever be as evil and nothing else can ever compare, somehow, to a regime that lasted 6.25 times the length of the Confederate States of America. Less, if you count time spent at war.
Specifically, white people crimes are treated as though they invented murder, genocide, or even mass murder. As if those things existed in a negative vacuum and only became real after the Nazis did them. And murder is treated as if it’s the greatest of tragedy if it’s committed by a white person.
All those terrible things the Nazis did (and they did do them. This is not in dispute here), other terrible groups with similarly terrible extreme desired outcomes, have done in the past. Many of us are descendants of such regimes that did such to neighbors, depending on where we lived. And yet, Nazis get to be elevated onto a pedestal for some reason. Why is that? Is it because the victims were Jews? That can’t be it- relative to the era, Hadrian absolutely ROFLSTOMPING Judea and forbidding Jews from entering their own homeland for its era would be the ultimate example of evil towards the Jewish people. For the era, 500,000 dead and hundreds of thousands more deposed would’ve been the equivalent of taking out a nation state of tens of millions today, for the level of civilization and social cohesion in the face of the technology to sustain such a culture and region.
Is it because of the ethnosupremacism? That can’t be it; you can find such, “my tribe is the only real human; you are all not my tribe and therefore subhuman scum or maybe breeding stalk if your sister has a fat enough ass” across most every continent humans dwell on that have a coherent people on it. Though the ethnosupremacism and how it manifests and exhibits itself changes depending on the era, region and context of how it defines itself genetically.
And yet for some reason, it is specifically the Nazis that wind up being THE specific exclusive example of embodying all these evils as if they originated them. Specifically, this culture of supposed “anti-fash” ONLY consider something racist and evil, if a white person or a white supremacist conspiracy is behind it. So fixated are they on the idea Nazis are the only real embodiment of evil as opposed to being one of many horrible examples, they downplay the evils of other regimes or even the concepts of the crimes Nazis committed, outside the context of Nazis committing those crimes. Somehow, genocide and supremacist notions are so bad, BECAUSE the Nazis believed in them, not the other way around.
People like this want every example of an evil organization to have shadows of Nazis, just so media can hamfistedly point at the evil acts as Nazi-like, then lecture about how Political Other Guys are closer to Nazis than their chosen ideology is. Supposedly. To where you can’t even invoke some familiar imagery of what embodies an evil organization and institution without them being mad you aren’t committing to making them MORE like actual Nazis, and less into something else.
“Why would you want to redeem Nazis!?” they cry.
Dude. Because these aren’t Nazis. They’re distant, fictional allusions to similar totalitarianist organizations. The same way the Golden Horde aren’t Nazis, though committed many of the same crimes. The same way Meso-American sacrifice cults that would wholesale slaughter rival tribes to their gods, weren’t Nazis. The evil fictional space society might have some evil imagery, but they’re divorced from the actual evil the Nazis represented. You CAN have fun with them this way. You CAN sympathize with the bad guy, because the bad guy ISN’T limited solely to reflecting and representing the historical crimes of the Nazis, and redeeming the bad guys isn’t in any way tangibly attached to real Nazism. Fictional bad guys and bad organizations can have sympathies, even in light of the horrible things they’ve done.
Brought to you by the people that see allusions to Nazism and genocide any time a republican candidate so much as runs for office. And I’m not talking about Trump. Delusional, ideological god damned babies that are so extreme they can’t even tolerate the idea who they disagree with may not be only a few steps removed from Satan.
Rebecca Sugar wrote a saccharine LGBT friendly foray with baby’s first exposure to war, ecocide and colonialism. And for some reason it was so gentle about it, her own side accused her of whitewashing Nazi crimes and wrote hitpieces on her over the ending. Which was rushed so she could have the first gay and/or queer wedding on mainstream public broadcast. And these intersectionalist, “anti-fascist” weenies pitched a fit, because it wasn’t far enough.
I can’t feel too bad about Sugar, however. She had to’ve known this was going to happen. The minute her sort even try and cooperate with the system, they get disregarded as sellouts and poseurs and traitors. Even if she and her crew are actively still trying to get her intersectionalist ideologues in to unionize animation and entertainment for this intersectionalist type of propaganda. Actual, “jaguars biting faces party”-ing.
But I can be annoyed by supposed anti-fascists defining evil as only truly evil, if it’s impressed on something by white men.
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