#anti gina carano
I'm sorry but I think it would be objectively funny if the same week Gina Carano filed that lawsuit basically admitting she's broke while also attempting to throw Pedro under the bus.... If Marvel officially announced Pedro as Reed Richards in Fantastic Four.
Kind of like when she was originally fired and he was announced in TLOU in like the same day.
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Like to charge reblog to cast!
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 3 months
Gina Carano is sueing Disney for "discrimination" and seeking a court order that would force Disney to recast her
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ooops-i-arted · 3 months
Gina Carano Sues Disney and Lucasfilm. According to Just Some Guy at 1 : 36 of the youtube video. Gina Carano was the one who put gasoline into the fire herself by intentionally starting a fight with trans people and mocking them for their importance in society.
I was sick the day the happened and @jennadknowsbest-blog was kind enough to tell me and boy let me tell you, despite feeling like crap I was laughing like this allllllll day
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If you too need a good laugh, read the released document thingy. It's badly written on so many levels. (I saw it on Reddit but I think it's floating around Tumblr too. There are some golden comments on both.) Both from just a writing style perspective (it's written like a teenager's Star Wars fanfic) and the fact that her main argument is that "Pedro Pascal said mean things about conservatives and wasn't punished" when 1. most of the posts were apparently before he was hired as the Mandalorian and 2. it seems like pretty common knowledge in fandom that he was asked to tone it down and he did. I follow him on Insta and he rarely posts outside of promoting his own work, and it's largely "support this cause" or "I love my trans sister" instead of attacking/joking at anyone. (I guess his Twitter had more comments, but he's since deleted it afaik.) Overall, it's likely just a stunt to get the right-wing frothing at the mouth and Gina's name back in people's mouth, because she hasn't filmed anything since Terror on the Prairie (one of two Daily Wire films she was supposed to have, the other appears to not be happening anymore) and My Son Hunter (which was straight Breitbart propaganda). Shatpiro has used and dumped her and while I doubt she's hurting for money, I bet she's desperate to get the praise and attention and adoration that the Cara Dune role briefly brought her. Why else would she come crawling back to a company she's publicly trashed and accused of mistreating for the last several years? It doesn't make sense by her own logic! If they were so bad, why does she want back? (And who's gonna hire her now if they think she's a liability who's going to turn around and sue them?)
It's really disgusting though that Gina wants to claim she was discriminated against for being a woman while actively mocking minority groups. Her post appeared on my Insta fyp and I usually don't click because I know she's gonna piss me off, and I clicked and she did. At the time she had a story that said "Still beeping, bopping, booping" with a smirky picture of her. So all she's been told - we know Pedro talked to her because she herself admitted it on Twitter*, and while I'm sure there were plenty of people jumping on the hate bandwagon, there were also people trying to genuinely explain - and explained how this is hurtful to the queer community, she still keeps doing it and thinks it's funny.
That's what's unforgivable to me. Not that she said ignorant shit in the first place - we all have - but her refusal to learn and do better. She wants to say whatever she wants without pushback and so do her fans. The few times I've thought it's worth it to try and talk to someone about it, they always insist it's just her opinion and say something homophobic to me as well (last time I talked to a Cara Dune content creator on Insta, she said she "doesn't agree" with me being gay and "I can't expect everyone to agree with me." For wanting to exist as a gay person. Apparently I should just take it when people mock me or say I should burn in hell.) That's the problem with Gina and her supporters. They don't care, they don't want to think critically or debate, they want to say anything they want without consequence and brush off any conflict with "well it's just a joke" or "it's just her opinion."
Bigotry is not an opinion. You can't "not agree" with someone's skin color and it's the same with their sexuality. You don't get a fucking opinion on whether I have the right to exist as a queer woman.
Let's not pretend the things Gina says are in a void. People who flock to her believe the same things she does. That's why people have protested her attending FanExpo (this video goes into more depth thank you @jennadknowsbest-blog for sharing), when you invite people who, like her, think it's funny to mock anyone like them, it doesn't make a safe or welcoming environment for people like me. Sure one can brush off a comment or two - but where do you draw the line? When does it become harassment? And who is going to protect people like me from that harassment? How can I count on security from an organization that invited Gina and encouraged these people in the first place?
And I say all this as a queer woman who is able to chameleon myself very well because I've done it since childhood. Things are only getting more dangerous for people who are visibly queer. A nonbinary teen was just killed in Oklahoma. I live in a relatively blue area of a blue state, but that doesn't mean I'm completely safe. There are extremists out there, and they're only getting more bold - because people like Gina think it's amusing to fan the flames. Gina, at least, has faced some consequences for it. I doubt this lawsuit will go anywhere (either it'll be settled and Elon and Gina have some Own The Libs content, or they'll be dismissed/lose and they'll get some A Woke Judge Discriminated Against Me content). Gina will be happily on her way. Meanwhile, I get to wonder if the people around me who dismissively say "it's just her opinion" are the kind of people who don't think much about social issues.... or are the kind of people who will happily vote my rights away in the next election.
I assure you, if you have friends who are queer, they are listening to what you say about this case. Throughout all her tomfoolery, I've found Gina to be an excellent canary in the coal mine when it comes to identifying homophobes.
*She apparently later told Tucker Carlson that no one bothered to explain the pronouns thing to her, so we know she's a liar who twists the story as well, which is why I never take anything she says in good faith.**
**I'm very embarrassed I know this but I can't help but following up on stupid things she's doing. She fascinates me. She's like the inverse of a blorbo to me, like she pisses me off but she compels me. How can one person be this dumb. (Fr tho has anyone in her life talked to her about CTE??? Impulsiveness/aggression are possible symptoms....)
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
Cara Dune recast
Because I love Cara's character, hate G*na C*rano and ship Caradin. I think Cara Dune should be recast.
Sara Ramirez.
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Katy O'Brian(yes I don't care she plays an Imperial Officer, this role was made for her)
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Michelle Rodriguez
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Sonya Deville
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Rhea Ripley
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dsneybuf91 · 5 months
A Surprise to Be Sure
Every Mandalorian episode with a Disney+ thumbnail showing Gina Carano now has a picture without her on the UHD menu:
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demiaroacejolynekujo · 3 months
Gina Carano shut up and delete your socials challenge
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scorpion-flower · 2 years
Anyway, friendly reminder that Rosario Dawson is as much of a transphobe as Gina Carano. Y'all be sleeping on this tho, because she has not been as vocal about it.
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djarintano · 1 year
I do get a lot of joy knowing the first season of The Mandalorian without Gina Carano has made the Mandalorians super Jewish. I feel like there were already hints about it before, but now it is just so obvious to me (Din traveling to the “living waters” to redeem himself aka a mikveh). It just makes the claim that Jon Favreau’s Jewish self was forced to fire Gina even more ridiculous lmao
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Gina Carano is awesome! fuck u
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technoturian · 1 year
Even before the stuff with Cara's actress, The Siege was by far the worst episode in the entire show.
Halfway through they literally go "Hey Din, go fly off on your jetpack, you're not needed here in this episode of The Mandalorian."
Like... What even is this huge, boring ad for a New Republic show? It’s not fun, I can tell you that much.
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animentality · 1 year
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ooops-i-arted · 3 months
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Adding in what I commented on my Instagram. ^ This is what I mean when I say Gina Carano is a litmus test for homophobia.
I grew up hearing a whole variety of comments on that scale (from "they're horrible sinners" to "but why do they have to flaunt it") and by the time I realized I was queer, I felt so unsafe telling ANYONE about what I was for a looooooooong time. If you have queer friends or children who may grow up to be queer, they are listening to how you talk about this situation and deciding if they can trust you. I cannot emphasize this enough.
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Also I've been in a situation where my job sucked and screwed me over and guess what, I still didn't go online, trash it nonstop, and then go crawling back begging. Nothing could make me go back to my last job lol. If I posted the same shit as Gina, my current job probably wouldn't have hired me back. It's called acting like a professional adult. (And also, I put my silly fandom stuff all under a pseudonym for a reason and it's because I want a hard line between them. I rarely post anything except some sewing wips and very occasional, very safe and palatable art on my FB under my real name. Y'all need to stop spreading your personal info on the Internet for everyone to see.)
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hellsbellschime · 3 months
ppl are saying she ain't winning cuz these Disney contracts have a clause that states they can fire actors for sketchy social media behavior.
UGH MY GOD will this chud give it a rest already?! Not only are Disney contracts probably absurdly airtight, but she went ON AND ON AND ON AND ON with her hateful bullshit in what quite frankly seemed like an obvious attempt to do exactly this, call herself persecuted and make that persecution into her new career. I remember it pretty distinctly because she was so over the top and it took them so long to actually fire her, like I'm not kidding when I say I got the vibe that she expected to say something bigoted once and then get canned, and it didn't work so she did it repeatedly until it finally stuck. I'm guessing at some point she realized she can't act and was then like fuck I gotta figure out another career trajectory which is apparently this.
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ultimateanna · 4 months
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I found out that Gina Carano is due to arrive at the FAN EXPO to Vancouver next month. That's why I made this post to support the actress who became famous for being a real strong heroine of Cara Dune.
Unfortunately, I don't have her costume, but I can provide support with drawings with her.
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grimlocksword · 7 months
Hollywood BUSTED in 4K! HBO Used FAKE Twitter Accounts to Silence Critics?!
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wonderbatbvs · 2 years
I'll always find it hilarious that after all the "Girl Power" pandering and Woke BS, The MCU will near ever top Wonder Woman 1.
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Look at all the great female characters in Marvel that will never be utilized properly & given a chance to shine. Black Cat is a great example of this. Been a character for 42 years & what has Marvel ever done with her? Absolutely nothing.
All this "girl power" (sexism & comically incompetent writers who couldn't write a grocery list much less a big budget movie)
Gal Gadot's a perfect Wonder Woman with tons of potential. She could have two trilogies if handled with care & passion.
Wonder Woman playfully smiling while fighting Doomsday. The cinematography and intensity of her presence everytime she's on screen are just spectacular.
I'd love to see Gina Carano as Big Barda (I think she'd be great and would look badass as Big Barda)
At the party in Metropolis, she's clearly done with being there but sees Bruce Wayne looking just as done with this as she is.
Sooooo much unresolved sexual tension between Bruce & Diana in BVS 🥵
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WonderBat is the gift that keeps giving, especially in BVS.
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