#anti jaqen x arya
laurellerual · 1 year
Hello!! What are your top 3 favorite and 3 least favorite ASOIAF ships?
I'm a basic person, I love mostly canonical and unproblematic ships.
Arya x Gendry (obv). I mean come on, If Martin didn't want me to ship them he could have done without writing all the tropes of the romance genre on them. I can't tell you it will end well, but I can tell you it will happen.
Jaime x Brienne. My first asoiaf ship. I think it's very difficult to write this kind of interaction while we can read both characters' thoughts, but it's so well crafted.
Renly x Loras. When the sun has set, no candle can replace it…
The only ships I love, but I'm sure will never happen are Aegon/young Griff x Shireen and Jon x Satin (!).
Jon x Sansa. It wouldn't be number one if it wasn't so popular in the fandom. Plenty of characters share themes or parallels, but that doesn't mean they're going to fuck.
Jaqen x Arya. I like most Arya ships, but this one makes me want to puke. It's wrong on so many levels.
Drogo x Dany. I don't think all ships have to be romantic necessarily, but this is… (sorry George) a girl who convinces herself she's in love with her rapist because the reality is too hard to process.
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troubledparadiise · 5 years
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I have to admit that I had a HUGE crush on this dude during the 6th season of got.
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Me: I only tolerated book!Lyanna Stark because of Arya' s resemblence to her.
Also Me: The show made me hate her even more.
So in conclusion: Elia Martell deserved better!!!!!! The babies deserved better!!!!
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sayruq · 5 years
What are some of your biggest OTPs and NOTPs?
I don’t really have many OTPs, in fact I only have two and I have ships I’m willing to tolerate otherwise the number of fics I can read are so small.
Iron Husbands ( my two faves who love and support each other but also have a complicated relationship)
Bellamy x Raven (ditto)
Ships I tolerate:
Sansa x Jeyne (they’re cute but they’re kids)
Catelyn x Ned (Catelyn loves him forcing me to put up with him)
Elia x Arthur (Elia stans like this ship and I like Elia content so here I am)
Raven x Shaw (he’s OK but he died so quickly so I don’t really care about him)
Tony x Bruce (it’s sweet I guess and at least the fandom doesn’t pretend that Bruce is Tony’s best friend as hard as other fanbases)
Cersei x Jaime (this one is actually close to a NOTP but my girl loves him so I’m forced to acknowledge his existence)
Swanqueen (I ended up hating Emma but the stans made the best Regina fics so here I am)
Laurel x Tommy (he was better than Oliver so here I am)
Westallen (Iris is cute and she chose to marry a shoe. My suffering knows no end)
Bonnie and whatever boyfriend they stick her with (I like reading Bonnie fics *shrug*)
Arthur x Mera (they’re cute but they do nothing for me)
Clark x Lois (ditto)
Diana x Steve (ditto)
Aang x Katara (I love my boy and he loves my girl so I have battle my indifference)
Azula x Ty Lee (Azula is probably the best character in the entire franchise and Ty Lee can be replaced by a lamp that trained in the circus)
I don’t think we have enough time to list my NOTPs. No one hates ships like me. Let me just limit this to 15:
Stucky and Stony (do I even have to explain)
Braime (Brienne deserves better and the stans should stop talking about Cersei)
Jonerys (probably the worst ship on the show), Jorah x Daenerys (gross), Daenerys x Daario (gross and dull), Daenerys x Drogo (probably the worst Dany ship. She deserved better), Daensa (the most boring femslash ship in the series)
Olicity (I don’t have time to explain how much this sucks)
Sansa x paedophiles. Arya x grown men and women
Ironstrange, Winteriron, T’challa x Tony (if I see one more fic about how Tony is so smart and special I will explode), Pepperony (no chemistry, bad writing, turned Tony into unredeemable mess in Endgame -1000/10)
Bellarke (probably the worst ship I have ever seen. I hate) and Clexa (awful, terrible, yuck, wash your hands Clarke bitch. If Lexa didn’t get shot she’d probably get a vaginal infection), Raven x Wick
Lyanna x Rhaegar (gross), Brandon x Ashara (boring), Ned x Ashara (they won’t shut the fuck up about Catelyn), Jon Connington x Rhaegar (the only thing they have in common is their lack of respect for Elia), Aegon x Rhaenys (1. How do you have a bad bitch like Visenya as your future wife and then marry her lame ass sister? 2. Elia would never marry her children to each other)
Regina x any man (she’s a lesbian)
Padme x Anakin, Han x Leia, Obi Wan x Anakin (I don’t like any Star Wars ship tbh)
Zutara (the stans love demonising Aang and pretending like Zuko suffered more than he has. I hate)
Harry x Ginny (badly written and dull), Harry x Draco (no chemistry, people only like this ship because they get to fetishise gay men), Jily (non characters, dull, the headcanons are lame), Sirius x Remus (Sirius is straight but gay for James), Molly x Arthur (dump him Molly. Go find you a fine woman)
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the-velvet-worm · 5 years
I don’t know how many times I have to say this to the GoT fandom but like… I won’t ever shut up, sorry.
Imperialism is bad.
Colonization is bad.
Incest is bad.
Mass murder is bad.
Older men who prey on young (and underage) girls are bad.
Freeing people from slavery to further your conquest and then setting up nothing to take its place, causing economic and social disarray, is bad.
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laurellerual · 11 months
I changed my mind. Now I see it.
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The circle is complete!
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