#anti kahanism
belleandre-belle · 6 months
Ramsey Nasr, at Khalid & Sophie. Dutch writer and actor. Heartfelth emotional piece for the victims of Gaza🙏🏼🤲🏼✨💕🇵🇸🕊️
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I think it says a lot about how Zionism is so deeply entrenched in American culture that Chris Claremont’s model for the politics of Professor X and Magento was not Martin Luther King and el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, respectively, but rather David Ben-Gurion for Professor X and Menachem Begin and Meir Kahane for Magneto. The fact that people claim that MLK and Malcolm X were the inspirations almost feels like a way to cover up that Zionist inspiration, but it’s an ugly truth.
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joesalw · 11 days
thinking about how back when noah kahan’s stick season song blew up, it was EVERYWHERE. and people started finding that specific song annoying. but no one was really saying ‘noah kahan is so annoying’, it was ‘this song is so annoying’ because it was everywhere.
but with taylor, it’s not just her songs. it’s the songs and the articles about her relationship and the stories on the news all about her. she’s inescapable. you hear her songs everywhere, her face is everywhere, you hear her name everywhere. and it’s exhausting. it’s why ‘taylor swift is annoying’ is said so so much.
noah kahan minded his own business when his song blew up. he thanked his fans, went about his life. you wouldn’t know what he looked like unless you went looking and his personal life isn’t splashed over the front page. but taylor, who is way less active than noah on social media, still makes her way into every corner of people’s lives which is why people are getting tired of her.
the music isn’t as good as folklore / evermore, her constant presence is annoying and top it off, hardcore swifties are the worst people to encounter. so all her fans saying that the ‘bandwagon swifties’ are getting off because they just don’t get the real taylor make me laugh. people are getting sick of her being everywhere and her music quality is going severely downhill. that’s why people are leaving, not because they’re too ‘dumb’ to understand ttpd.
i miss the time when she was radio silent and we’d get maybe one blurry photo of her and joe every six months. she truly peaked back then.
given i don’t know who noah kahan is, i think it's safe to say he's not being shoved down people's throat as much as TS 💀
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slicedblackolives · 1 year
kinda crazy how north eastern fash think modi is too tolerant of minorities
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rhube · 5 months
Shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you - at the contents of my Spotify Wrapped!
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I even got a little message from Mr Kahan for listening to him so much! 😭
But on the serious side, I worked out that at best Noah Kahan made 6 cents from me playing Stick Season 117 times.
I'm so glad I asked a friend to buy me his album as well for my birthday.
If you're using Spotify, try to also support bands some other way, yeah?
Anyway, I didn't ONLY listen to my man, but, uh, he's fairly indicative of where my taste was at.
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a-very-tired-jew · 4 days
Finally got an anti-Zionist definition of Zionism
An Israeli was brave enough to pop into the Dropout Discord’s Palestine channel today (May 5th, 2024) and ask what definition of Zionism they were using. While most people all had the same base of “Jews having their own state in their homeland” every single one of them goes off the rails with their own respective definition and conspiracy.
The first person said this:
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Fig. 1. First person responding to the Israeli gives their definition of Zionism.
Notice that they say Zionism is the idea that Israel is uniquely and solely the rightful homeland of the Jews. This implies that there’s a malicious intent in Zionism towards non-Jews within Israel. This person has likely never heard of Kahanism, but in their mind Zionism and Kahanism are likely the same.
Here’s the second person to respond:
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Fig. 2. Second response uses refers to anti-Zionist. Jews and their supposed definition.
Now, I know a bunch of anti-Zionist Jewish groups and people and I have never heard this particular definition. I’ve only heard this from extreme antisemites who hide behind the guise of being anti-Zionist progressives and actual terrorist groups trying to create a false antisemitic conspiracy narrative. However, this is my own personal experience and this could be the case, as the user says this is what is said in their circles. And if it’s true then it’s a conspiracy driven alt reality version of things as it denies all evidence to the contrary. There are whole levels to this that ignore the non-Jewish Israelis, the rights that they have in Israel, their representation in the government, and so on.
and the third person to respond is someone I’ve talked about before. This is the Jew who claims they were indoctrinated and all their elders are brainwashed and just need to “open their eyes to the truth.”
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Fig. 3. Third response from a user who expands on Fig. 1. User’s definition and adds their own conspiracy.
I want to point out that this token Jew who believes others are indoctrinated actively believes the Israeli is making it so only Jews can be citizens. This is not any policy I can find, nor is it something I’ve seen even talked about outside of the most extremist elements. I think they’re referencing the 2018 stuff about Jews having the right to self determination, setting Hebrew as the National language, and government endorsement of settlers. But that’s far from the Israeli government and Zionism stating that Israel is for Jews and only Jews, and active programs to remove non-Jews. It’s something that, once again, would only come from antisemitic groups who want to generate strife through a particular narrative.
These are the definitions that they’re working with and/or believe. It’s no wonder you can’t actually talk to these activists because these definitions are laced with rhetoric from terrorist groups and antisemites. There’s traces of Jewish supremacy, world control, and other tropes throughout, and what’s sad is that a self confessed Jewish person believes it. Not only do they believe it, they’ve been extremely vocal in the server about it. They have so much to unpack that I can’t imagine what brought them to this level of conspiratorial thinking regarding Jews and Zionism.
It takes a lot of work to get people to see their conspiracy theories for what they are and that they’ve been misled. It’s easier to fall into them than to crawl out of that hole and realize you’ve been radicalized. That takes time, self reflection, and often a big “oh shit” moment, which may or may never happen.
At this point I’m just documenting how radicalized the people in the Dropout TV Discord are and how many of them believe in antisemitic conspiracies and downright falsities. Maybe they’ll do something about it one day, but I doubt it.
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charliecharlston · 2 months
one of the absolutely most frustrating things in the western leftist attitude towards "zionism" is that they use zionism to describe something that has its own word. kahanism. but instead they choose to go through hoops to redefine a belief system that ISNT theirs to define. words change overtime, but westerners and goyim dont get to decide what a word that is culturally significant to jews means. and just because the tiny fraction of jews that are antizionist allow you to decide doesnt mean that the wider jewish community who are zionists agree with that.
lets also get one thing clear: zionism is an ancient jewish value. throughout the jewish peoples time in exile away from the land of israel, there was always a strong desire to return to zion, which refers to yerushalayim or the land of israel as a whole. just because someone jew in America might tell you "well i feel no connection to israel" DOESNT MEAN THAT EVERY JEW AGREES.
zionism is the belief that the jewish people deserve self determination in our ancient ancestral land, which encompasses the kingdom of israel and judah. that what it is at its very core. in modern definitions its the idea that the state of israel deserves to continue existing.
ive seen antizionists define zionism as "facism" just a Different ideology, or something along the lines of "kill palestinians" and "take over the world" no where in zionist belief do we think that jews must take over the world, or that palestinians must die for jews to live. or that the modern state of israel must be an exclusively jewish state. the founders of israel picked sovereignty snd safety over maximalism, meaning they chose to settle for the land given in the agreements ALTHOUGH a lot of the land that has our ancient history wasnt actually in our defined land which remains as such to this day.
now, kahanism. kahanism is in my eyes an appropriation of what zionism is. kahanism is an extreme right wing and racist take/"branch" of zionism. the idea that israel must be exclusively jewish, no arabs no muslims no christians, and many kahanists like ben gvir even believe that israel should reoccupy the gaza strip. kahanism ( the kach party) was banned from the knesset, israels parliament. but i think its with this move that our rotten politicians did to circumvent this ban is what has really fucked the perception of israel and zionism beyond repair alongside the propaganda about what zionism is. kahanists have essentially decided that kahanism is actually what truly zionist belief is, so they decide to call their movement a Zionist movement. so the "oztma yehudit" (jewish power, disgusting of them to call themselves this btw 😀😀) party peddles the idea that theyre a zionist movement when really, they are just kahanist and anti arab and anti palestinian. its not fucking "jewish power" to be racist. its maddening to me how many "zionists" are actually racist and bigoted and kahanist and then a lot of antizionists see them and say "look at so so, they say theyre zionist and theyre actually racist bigots who want to flatten gaza, every zionist believes that" and when you believe in palestinian self determination and the continued existence of israel and are thus a zionist, youre now morally wrong and inferior, when the perception of zionism is so beyond warped from its true definition. and as much as people will say "not all jews are zionists!" and "im not antisemetic im jusy antizionist!" its very clear how this has given a lot of closeted jew haters the chance to spew blood libel and misinformation. i do believe that there are well intentioned people in the anti israel/anti zionist/pro palestine movement. i truly truly want to believe that. and if you got this far and consider yourself pro palestine, look left snd right in your movement. learn about the old blood libel thst was used against jews for thousands of years thst is now beinh rehashed with more palatable language. there is a LOT of antisemitism in the palestinian movement, and if people who are truly not jew haters have to stand up for what is right to wash the movement clean of antisemitic libel and violence.
i couldnt find a place to fit this in the previous paragraph but israelis are constantly fighting bibis coalition, most israelis crave nothing more then our hostages back and bibi out of politics. our government has done literally nothing to actually help us for a long fucking time. it is incompetent snd we are in dire need to a better prime minister. im thinking of doing a post about how israeli elections, coalitions, parties and knesset works plus an overview of the parties and their ideologies at some point, so lmk if youd be interested
so, pro palestinian and dont hate jews or israelis? actually want to stand for peace?? seriously, put in the effort. because we cannot see you. you are overshadowed by people using the movement to be antisemitic and spread lies about the jewish people.
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notaplaceofhonour · 7 months
“Zionism” is a word that can mean a great many things to a great many different people, and as with many words with multiple conflicting meanings, it can be helpful to define what exactly you mean by it when you discuss it. But there’s also a very specific rhetoric elasticity I’ve begun to recognize where it’s not just that different people might have different definitions of Zionism, but that a single person will often mean multiple conflicting things at the same time.
It works like this: who or what is labeled “Zionist” is excessively inclusive—up to & including just living in Israel, or holding even the mildest, most nuanced position on Jewish people’s return and/or self-determination in the land of Israel—but the second it is determined that someone or something is “Zionist”, the definition suddenly collapses to mean the most racist, anti-Arab, theocratic, ultra-nationalist, exterminationist, atrocity-denying positions one could have about Israel—often presenting a fictionalized chimera of Apocalyptic Christian Zionism, Kahanism, and One World Government conspiracy theories as representative of Zionism itself.
The net for what is “Zionist” is cast wide, but then when it comes time to discuss what “Zionism” is the net gets pulled closed and dragged to a nebulous cloud of evils, insisting that the “Zionist” supports or is complicit with such evil, while denying the over-inclusive net that was cast to determine they were a “Zionist” in the first place.
This is a similar dynamic to what conservatives have done to “woke” and “Critical Race Theory”.
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belleandre-belle · 6 months
Israeli police in West Jerusalem manhandle and arrest members of Neturei Karta Orthodox Jewish group during their attempt to show support for Palestinian people amid Israel’s war on besieged Gaza.
Neturei Karta rejects Zionism and the establishment of the State of Israhell
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I’m not trying to be a dick but can you please for the love of gd stop using the actual increasing antisemitism in this country as a rhetorical gotcha. this increase is being used as a pro-Israel weapon by the state (mostly by Republicans and Christian Zionists, of course also by Biden in his recent remarks) & that is fucked BUT it is ALSO REAL, just as increasing violence against Palestinian and Muslim people in the U.S. is ALSO REAL. the antisemitism of the protestors was and is real, almost never intentional, but REAL. I personally heard crazy antisemitic shit being said in the encampment I was part of just as I have heard crazy anti-Muslim and crazy anti-Palestinian sentiment in my Jewish community. this is all related of course to the war in Gaza and the genocide Israel is perpetrating on Palestinians there, but it is actually a different thing. the platform and reach you have really matter, I’m on your side, I believe in what you’re trying to say, I just also desperately want you to understand that just because shitty powerful people use something as a weapon doesn’t mean it’s not happening
i'm not the one using increasing antisemitism in america as a rhetorical gotcha, and in my posts i have written—as many others have pointed out—that the conflation of antizionism and antisemitism worsens the problem. i don't want to put words in your mouth, but the issue is cheapened when any chant of "palestine will be free" or antizionism is taken as antisemitism. if this is a response to my last post, then it's bizarre: a kahanist—kahane's actual cousin—ran over a protester, the president attacked the protesters for violence, and this is what you have to say? in october, yes, there was a significant flareup of antisemitism. at the start of these protests there were also associated (frequently unwanted) actors who repeated those things, but they were not widespread. what has been more common are baseless accusations of zionism leveled at any jewish student. these are antisemitic and they ought to be stopped. i want to be clear here, however: when i call someone a zionist, it's because they are one, and usually they are quite violent at that. but there have been steps to tighten discipline and correct behavior: one student who later made national news for antisemitic remarks was internally expelled by protesters before the university suspended them.
i'm not going to deny what you have seen with your own two eyes. i also know what i have seen with my own two eyes. i oppose antisemitism, but i frankly don't buy that much of the argument about it is being made in good faith
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sophia-zofia · 3 days
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Per witnesses, KAHANE drove up to the picketers as they were marching from one trustee’s house and asked for a flyer from his vehicle, a Volvo. When someone reached out to give him one, he grabbed their arm. He then circled the block, veered toward the sidewalk, before driving into the march. A de-escalator, who was providing safety support to the student picketers at the back of the march, put her hands up to indicate to KAHANE to wait. He drove into her. Another de-escalator sat in front of the vehicle to force it to stop. Students moved onto the sidewalk. That de-escalator who sat in front of the vehicle was arrested. EMS was called by the first de-escalator who was hit, and showed them injuries to her leg. She was detained after being taken into an ambulance that she called. KAHANE is then arrested, and was reportedly laughing and “chummy” with the cops. Per video reviewed by me, DI Zuber, commanding officer, made derogatory statements to the student protestors, calling them “fucking morons” and telling them “there’s consequences when you’re an adult,” effectively blaming them for a Jewish fascist intentionally driving his car into them. Notably, no students were injured: The safety team accompanying them put their bodies in the way to keep them safe, and were arrested for it. In addition, this picket was intended to point out people who donate substantial funds to Columbia to influence their operations against anti-genocide protests, fanning the flames of racist Zionist hate depicted in today’s car attack and beyond.
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7amaspayrollmanager · 6 months
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"See how they want to fight jews! The hamas propaganda the summer camps!"
Israel deliberately calls themselves a jewish state. They have the Star of David on their flag on their soldier uniforms. Netanyahu recently spoke defending the destruction of Gaza by invoking the story of the tribe of Amalek. To say that Gazans are just like the biblical enemy and they have the divine right to destroy them. Israel presents "israeli" and "jew" as interchangeable
Jewish supremacy is well and alive in Palestine. Israeli jewish children are taught to think of palestinians as the enemy. And you can imagine when they are adults in college or in the army how they interact with palestinians.
Israelis are gonna get mad at the news source but..it's literally a book review of a book written by an Israeli about the anti palestinian and anti Arab racism in israeli schools. So...Israeli adults on tumblr were in these schools at the time these textbooks with their racist portrayals of palestinians were (and maybe still) there
At the height of Israel’s brutal 2008-09 assault on the Gaza Strip, then-foreign minister Tzipi Livni claimed that “Palestinians teach their children to hate us and we teach love thy neighbor” (232).
The first part of this myth is propagated by people like US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and more recently Newt Gingrich, who both spread the baseless claim that Palestinian schoolbooks teach anti-Semitism. This calumny originated with anti-Palestinian propagandandists such as Israeli settler Itamar Marcus and his “Palestinian Media Watch.”
In an important new book, Palestine in Israeli School Books, Israeli language and education professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan buries the second part of Livni’s myth once and for all.
Peled-Elhanan examines 17 Israeli school textbooks on history, geography and civic studies. Her conclusions are an indictment of the Israeli system of indoctrination and its cultivation of anti-Arab racism from an early age: “The books studied here harness the past to the benefit of the … Israeli policy of expansion, whether they were published during leftist or right-wing [education] ministries” (224).
She goes into great detail, examining and exposing the sometimes complex and subtle ways this is achieved. Her expertise in semiotics (the study of signs and symbols) comes to the fore.
Inculcation of anti-Palestinian ideology in the minds of Israel’s youth is achieved in the books through the use of exclusion and absence: “none of the textbooks studied here includes, whether verbally or visually, any positive cultural or social aspect of Palestinian life-world: neither literature nor poetry, neither history nor agriculture, neither art nor architecture, neither customs nor traditions are ever mentioned” (49) On the occasions Palestinians (including Palestinian citizens of Israel) are mentioned, it is in an overwhelmingly negative, Orientalist and demeaning light: “all [the books] represent [Palestinians] in racist icons or demeaning classificatory images such as terrorists, refugees and primitive farmers — the three ‘problems’ they constitute for Israel” (49). “For example in MTII [Modern Times II, a 1999 history text book] there are only two photographs of Palestinians, one of face-covered Palestinian children throwing stones ‘at our forces’ … [t]he other photograph is of ‘refugees’ … placed in a nameless street” (72). This what Peled-Elhanan terms “strategies of negative representation.” She explains that “Palestinians are often referred to as ‘the Palestinian problem.’” While this expression is even used by writers considered “progressive,” the term “was salient in the ultra-right-wing ideology and propaganda of Meir Kahane,” the late Israeli politician and rabbi who openly called for the Palestinians to be expelled. Peled-Elhanan finds this disturbing, coming as it does “only 60 years after the Jews were called ‘The Jewish Problem’ ” (65). She reprints examples of the crude Orientalist cartoon representations of Arabs, “imported into Israeli school book [sic] from European illustrations of books such as The Arabian Nights” (74). Arab men stand, dressed in Oriental garb, often riding camels. The cartoons of Arab women show them seated submissively, dressed in traditional outfits. Meanwhile, two Israelis on the same page are “depicted as a ‘normal’ — though caricaturistic — Western couple, unmarked by any ‘Jewish’ or ‘other’ object-signs” (110-11). The message is clear: Arabs do not belong here with “us.”
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💘 valentine's 💘 day 💘
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illustration from The Quiver of Love: A Collection of Valentines Ancients and Modern by Walter Crane and Kate Greenaway
hi y'all!
sending you all valentine's greetings! 💖💝
I just wanted to let y'all know about a couple things I'm planning to do on the blog for valentine's day 💕💕
I'll be the first to admit that valentine's day is not exactly a favorite holiday of mine, but it's hard to deny the appeal of the aesthetics. so, to that end, I thought we could have a little fun with it 🥰
here's what I've got lined up:
cursèd valentines 🥀💔
a series of "anti-valentines" that I designed last year that you can send to your belothèd or just to your other friends who aren't big on valentine's day. the designs feature some lovely arrangements of poisonous flowers lol
macabre valentines 💀❤️
a couple valentines I designed last year with some danse macabre imagery and lyrics from noah kahan's "everywhere, everything." these are romantic I suppose, but in a distinctly memento mori way
"ash-entines" ⚰️💕
considering that ash wednesday happens to coincide with valentine's day, I thought this would be a fun time to combine some traditional valentine's imagery with some good ol' ash wednesday bleakness lmao. I don't celebrate ash wednesday anymore, so this is really just more to indulge my love for the drama of it all than anything else
inbox valentines exchange 💘💝
since we can't drop valentines and candy into each other's decorated shoeboxes, feel free to pop into my inbox (on or off anon - whichever you prefer!) with an emoji or a "happy valentine's day" or whatever strikes your fancy, and I'll give you a silly little vintage valentine 🥰
okay, if you made it to the end, thanks for reading! that's all I've got for you today, but I hope you enjoy your valentine's day however you choose to celebrate!! 💕💖💘💝
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luckydiorxoxo · 6 months
#GRAMMYs Best Song Written For Visual Media Nominees:
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Barbie World - Nicki Minaj & Ice Spice Featuring Aqua
Dance The Night - Dua Lipa
I’m Just Ken - Ryan Gosling
Lift Me Up - Rihanna
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
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#GRAMMYs Best Pop Solo Performance Nominees:
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
Paint The Town Red - Doja Cat
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
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The nominees for Best Film Score at the #GRAMMYs
• Barbie
• Oppenheimer
• The Fabelmans
• Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
• Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
#GRAMMYs Album of the Year Nominees:
Midnights - Taylor Swift
World Music Radio - Jon Batiste
The record - Boygenius
Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd - Lana Del Rey
The Age Of Pleasure - Janelle Monáe
GUTS - Olivia Rodrigo
#GRAMMYs nominations for Best Melodic Rap Performance:
Attention - Doja Cat
Low - SZA
Spin Bout U - Drake & 21 Savage
All My Life - Lil Durk & J. Cole
Sittin' On Top Of The World - Burna Boy & 21 Savage
#GRAMMYs nominations for Best New Artist:
Gracie Abrams
Fred Again
Ice Spice
Jelly Roll
Coco Jones
Noah Kahan
Victoria Monét
The War and Treaty
#Grammys nominations for Best R&B Album:
Girls Night Out - Babyface
What I Didn't Tell You (Deluxe) - Coco Jones
Special Occasion - Emily King
JAGUAR II - Victoria Monét
CLEAR 2: SOFT LIFE EP - Summer Walker
#GRAMMYS nominees for Best Song of the Year
A&W - Lana Del Rey
Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
Butterfly - Jon Batiste & Dan Wilson
Dance The Night - Dua Lipa
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
Kill Bill - SZA
vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
#GRAMMYs Best Pop Duo/Group Performance Nominees:
Thousand Miles - Miley Cyrus Featuring Brandi Carlile
Candy Necklace - Lana Del Rey Featuring Jon Batiste
Never Felt So Alone - Labrinth Featuring Billie Eilish
Karma - Taylor Swift Featuring Ice Spice
Ghost In The Machine - SZA Featuring Phoebe Bridgers
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whereyoustand · 4 months
i made a buck playlist! here's the top five songs i think are his songs :) lmk if you want the full playlist or songs you think i should add :)
Fear Of Water - Noah Kahan
I mean apart from the title, the song talks about jumping in when you shouldn't or don't have the energy to do it. It's about ignoring the fear or danger of it all. "Can you fix my flaws? Are you a bad excuse for therapy? How am I supposed to live One foot out and one foot in?"
Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
The obvious he and Bobby went to the concert together! But also the song being about learning who you are and who you want to be. "Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face Man, I ain't gettin' nowhere, I'm just livin' in a dump like this, There's somethin' happenin' somewhere."
Anti-Curse - boygenuis
The song talks about drowning and about being the best version of yourself, as a person and as a friend. Tsunami arc was my fave, and I wonder if Christopher wasn't there what would've happened to Buck. "Salt in my lungs, Holdin' my breath, Makin' peace with my inevitable death."
Til Forever Falls Apart - Ashe, FINNEAS
Maddie and Buck's relationship is so important to me and I think it's so underused in the show. Their pinkie promises?!?! "If the tide takes California, I'm so glad I got to hold ya.'"
Karma - AJR
Let this man relax for like two minutes!! I associate this song with him not being allowed back to work after his leg was crashed (lawsuit? what lawsuit? idk what ur talking about). "Why, are you asking me why? My days and nights are filled with disappointment Fine, oh no, everything's fine I'm not sure why I booked today's appointment"
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starch1ldz · 2 months
hey so i just saw ur "every noah kahan song is so childhood friends spencer x reader" but isn't noah kahan a zionist... like i wouldn't promote his work or anything. unless ur a zionist too which makes this whole ask redundant but wtv
I actually didn't know that, and also can't find anything ANYWHERE about him being a Zionist?? The only thing I've found was him buying McDonald's once like two months ago, and in the comments apologizing because he wasn't aware of the boycott. I am not a Zionist, I think that Palestinian people deserve their fucking land back, an Israeli people need to stop bombing and killing innocent people. But not everyone is going to be 100% aware of boycotts all the time, most celebrities are actually pretty anti social media. Now, if you can find me proof, I'll 100% take my post down, but making accusations behind an anon ask is just kind of weird I'm sorry.
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