#anti larry
larry-noesreal · 1 month
vídeo "i'm gay"
Todo comenzó cuando una fan público la siguiente imagen con la descripción de "Pero que carajos Louis y Liam aquí en la misma foto que yo."
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En paralelo publicaba en Vine el famoso video donde varias personas comenzaron a decir que louis admitía ser gay y eso era desafortunado para su novia eleanor.
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Aunque la realidad es otra y la fan que grabó el vídeo salió rápidamente a aclararlo. Ya que por un lado se estaba viendo ese vídeo como prueba de que larry era real, mientras que por otro lado se daba a entender que el comentario de Louis era homofóbico.
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Sólo me gustaría decir que Louis no dijo que fue "desafortunado para él ser gay". Tenían el mismo cumpleaños y ¡es desafortunado! ¡yo estaba allí!
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Siento que si escuchara a Louis decir "soy gay", reaccionaría como lo hacen todos los demás ahora, pero escuché con mis propios oídos que él no dijo eso.
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¡El vine que habéis visto fue vídeo mío! Yo estuve allí y todos deben dejar de cambiar la verdad. ¡ÉL NO LO DIJO Y YA ESTÁ!
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izzy: ¿Dijo que era gay en el vine? ¿No podrías oírlo? sube el volumen tal vez
Ty: Yo grabé ese vídeo... estuve allí. ni siquiera lo dijo
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Ty: no lol the guy was like we have the same birthday... and Louis replays with theta unfortunately! he didn't Say he was gay!
Ty: me molesta escuchar historias diferentes que ni siquiera sucedieron jajaja... los chicos estaban borrachos pero no fueron irrespetuosos.
En general en las teorías y pruebas que son creadas por larries se omite la versión de la persona que el captura aquel momento.
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incantation-sigyn · 1 year
Nobody wants it, Marvel.
Bless the comments, by the way👏👏👏
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andreabellaupdates · 30 days
Hello, since everything is better now, this blog is going to be not only about Bella anymore:).
I’m going to admit something, and people may hate me for it, or unfollow me. That’s alright:).
I don’t ship Larry. I sometimes hate Larry because of how much it affects Louis and Harry’s relationship. Yeah yeah, I’ve heard people saying “But there’s proof!” and a bunch of other things. Let me tell you what, not everything is about Larry. Not every fucking One Direction songs where ALL OF THE BOYS put so much effort in together are about Larry and only them. What the fuck? Have you ever thought about Liam, Niall and Zayn? Can’t you for a second think of their effort, how they try to make that song as well and it’s all about Larry? I’m not saying all, but many, many Larries over analyze shit. I mean that’s okay, I have no problem with you guys shipping them (but they do), but I have a problem with people dismissing the other three. Is it One Direction or Larry Direction? If you cannot appreciate the other boys, and the only thing you can see in videos is Larry and not their talent, then I’m fucking done.
Some Larries loathe Niall. I loathe them.
I will NOT believe in Larry until they say it themselves. Have you ever put yourself in their place? Think of this, anything can fucking happen. What if they aren’t together? I know there’s proof and all, but are you 100% sure they are together? Are you?
I’m an anti-Larrie. I know many mutuals will hate me for this. That’s fine:).
Don’t call yourself a Directioner if everything about them to you is Larry.
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abby118 · 3 months
I just want the tag to actually be about him yknow?
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webbed-menace · 2 years
I so desperately want to know what the Venn diagram of intense Larry Stylinson shippers and hardcore Gaylor truthers looks like. Maybe not a perfect circle, but it has to be close right?
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lesliesknopes · 1 year
The way larries exist in 2023… like reading posts about how Louis’ new girlfriend is a stunt. That man isn’t gay just give it up already.
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coochierry · 1 year
rt this i need new tumblr moots since elon musk fucked up
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hotmomlover19 · 1 year
people often say “well said celebrity has supported the LGBTQ+ community and has a lot of queer fans if they were queer they would just outright say it.” but the thing is there’s such a big difference between being queer yourself and being in a non hetero relationship and supporting other queer people. like from personal experience i feel much more comfortable telling someone i’m an ally than being queer - esp if i don’t know them - it just feels safer. and especially if you consider that these celebrities are some of the most prominent figures in the world who have massive empires and are literally brands. saying that their gay could completely alter their public persona and people’s perceptions of them - and alter their career in a completely different direction. it’s one thing to say you support - but it’s a completely different thing to be a member of the community. i stand my case
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bringbackgojo · 1 year
ranting rn but leaving the larry fandom was the best thing i ever did ngl. i joined that fandom years ago when i was 13, and at that time i was going through a lot in my life and larry was sort of an escape for me. i spent hours reading and reblogging larry theories, proofs, gifs, fanfics, etc. 
i just logged back on to tumblr after so long and going through my blogs and re-reading all those larry theories, i just can’t believe i really believed this shit. the larry stylinson theory is so creepy and invasive. larries spend so much time scrounging for any hints that point to their nonexistent relationship, even tho its been about 6 years since louis and harry had any public interaction. larries think they have the right to pry into other people’s private lives and send hate to anyone who doesn’t believe in their delusion.
 it boggles my mind that there are larries who are completely mature adults and have supported this theory for 10+ years. how can you, as a grown ass adult, sit on ur computer every day and talk abt how 2 celebs are in a secret relationship with each other and claim that they faked all their girlfriends and made up a whole ass BABY??? like what level of delusion is this????????
i could go on and on abt how toxic larry is but im just glad im finally over this phase and out of that hellhole 🙏
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bettysgarden-13 · 2 years
about half of the rep stans on this app are gaylors, nice to finally meet one who isn’t, and is in fact, against them
Yes! I’m very happy too! It’s not our business to speculate on someone’s sexuality. Let’s just say they were right (not saying they are),I can guarantee you that they would say “wE KnEw ThE eNtIrE tImE” which is very harmful and not a very nice thing to say. I love blind items,I truly do but there is a difference between harmless gossip and full on outing someone who isn’t ready to come out. The entire kaylor/Gaylor/swiftgron discourse needs to stop because it’s a sensitive subject and she said she isn’t apart of the community.
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larry-noesreal · 3 months
harry y louis en el mismo lugar, mismo fan (2017)
Una de las teorías que se menciona dentro de el ship larry, es en la que se deja ver, que harry y louis estuvieron juntos en un mismo aeropuerto, dicha teoría comenzó a raíz de las siguientes imágenes.
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A simple vista, podemos observar que la persona junto a ellos lleva la misma remera en ambas fotos, y en la descripción de ambos posteos va acompañada de los hashtag #larry y #larryisreal.
Pero a varias personas se les olvidó fijarse en la fecha que fueron publicadas aquellas fotos, ya que sí lo hubieran hecho, se darian cuenta que la foto con louis fue publicada en septiembre, mientras que la de harry a principios de diciembre.
Dicho esto, la descripción de ambas fotografías fue modificada, ya que antes no contaba con los hashtag que hacen referencia al ship.
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También si buscamos las fechas podemos observar que la fotografía con harry fue tomada cuando el se estaba yendo a Tokyo, mientras que la fotografía con louis fue cuando el volvía de las Vegas.
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Y para finalizar, también se había dicho que louis se encontraba detras de la aquel "fan", ya que se puede observar una persona vestida de rojo como louis en aquella foto, aunque en realidad, esa persona no es louis, sino alguien más.
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incantation-sigyn · 12 days
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icepop680 · 2 years
So I’m curious. Why is Shawn Mendes closeted? Because he’s a singer? Because he’s not macho-man?
How about Harry Styles? Because he goes outside of typical gender norms? Because he’s a singer?
Face it. You either think they’re gay because they give off a “gay vibe” or you want to be with them and you don’t see men as a threat to you.
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icedsodapop · 1 year
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Can Y'all Not-
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von-frappe · 2 years
larries have some weird misogynistic fuelled dislike of any woman who goes near Louis or harry and Olivia Wilde is a shitty person are both true <3
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I just want to say
I'm not anti-larry, I'm a non-larrie and i think there's a significant difference.
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