#anti lin beifong
wilcze-kudly · 2 days
Of course these situations are more complex than that, but something something Lin always being the one to escalate her and Suyin's disagreements to the physical level.
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Bonus image of Bolin being me whenever I hear the fandom talk about Suyin
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risingsoleil · 3 months
have pema ever walked to them in their sexiest time ever? What would she react to that be more specific please
When Pema was a teen, she walked in on Lin and Tenzin once. It was her first week on the island and she had gotten lost trying to get back to the meditation from the pavilion. She ends up near the airbending gates and sees Lin pressed against the tree with a leg hooked over Tenzin's arm. Tenzin has his lips pressed against Lin's neck and she's scratching the back of his neck while he thrusts into her. Neither realized that they have been caught, and Pema runs off flustered.
It's strange to imagine your teacher having sexual relations...he's certainly very handsome
She has been fortunate enough to not have walked in on Lin and Tenzin after that encounter. Though she's heard stories of other acolytes catching them, and they all say that Lin never cares if they see her because it's her way of marking territory. Pema cringes and nods in obedience. Master Tenzin would never be so beastly and careless when it comes to his personal life.
Lin Beifong is just too whorish and only cast a sexual spell on Master Tenzin. He needs to be freed from her.
After she confesses her feelings and that goes disastrously wrong, however, she walks in on Lin and Tenzin on her way back to the female dormitory. They're in the kitchen and Tenzin is fucking Lin mid-air, carrying her with all his strength in the middle of the room.
Pema is shocked she can't even move.
"Harder, Master Tenzin! Please, harder!"
Tenzin sees Pema and doesn't even show any sign of embarrassment or surprise at her presence. He simply listens to his wife.
"You've been such a naughty acolyte, Lin."
Pema feels tears welling up in her eyes and she runs away. The pain of his rejection and the salt rubbing into the fresh wound of Lin AND Tenzin mocking her is too much. How could he hurt her like this?! How could Lin turn him into a monster? She can save him! If he would just let her!
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avatarena · 4 months
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Go to chapter 29 for the latest update :)
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Tenzin is How Old!?
I recently discovered that Tenzin got together with Pema in his thirties while scrolling through the Lin Beifong and Tenzin tags. And there is a 16-year age gap between him and Pema. I was like, this must be a mistake. Tenzin and Lin dated and broke up as teenagers right? Tenzin is in his thirties, going on to his forties right???!
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Never knew LOK could make me feel even more nauseous than it already does. I have some issues:
If Lin and Tenzin broke up as adults, then Lin destroying Air Temple Island on her way out makes her look even worse. I know female violent behavior is supposed to be funny but I don't find it funny. A grown-ass woman acting like a hormonal teenager. Get a grip, Lin!
Pemzin is now icky. The age gap is not a total dealbreaker...but wasn't Pema an air acolyte? Considering Tenzin was basically deemed the saviour of the air nomads and the only kid recognized by the acolytes, I am not liking this dynamic. Especially when you remember how those first-gen acolyte girls worshipped Aang in the comics. I am sure any acolyte would be honoured to mother the next airbender generation. A similar sentiment to Mary accepting to get pregnant with Jesus. Just eww. And when you factor in Pema's homewrecker advice to Korra...ugh. It's the same kind of vibe as the CEO divorcing his nagging wife to get frisky with the young, adoring, just-out-of-college secretary :(
I swear LOK gets worse and worse every day. Tenzin is still one of my favourite characters from the series (not that the bar is very high) but I am reconsidering my view of this guy. And of his wife.
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shewhotellsstories · 8 months
If Suyin really was sorry, then she would've respected that Lin is hurting and angry and gave her distance. Even better, if Lin decided that she doesn't want to be around family that punishes her for having feelings and being angry at having no justice, that's even more valid.
Agreed. There's a difference between being inconvenienced that someone is angry about something terrible they did to you and truly feeling remorseful that you hurt someone. Suyin accusing Lin of keeping their family apart when Suyin scarred her and Toph betrayed her tells me everything I need to know about her character.
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glowingtoad · 2 years
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Hi!!! 5, 8, and 19 for the Romance Writer ask game! 🩷
5. Which MC's approach to love is most different from yours? Not really a main character, but definitely Pema. I would never go up to someone in a committed relationship (having problems or not) who I have feelings for and ask them to leave their partner and be with me. And it's funny, because I've been in the exact situation- the way I handled that was the polar opposite of what Pema did and the consequences of her actions.
8. What are your favorite romantic tropes and why? Okay, I love when the man chases the woman- going to the world's end for just a glimpse. "There was only one bed" when the characters are friends? exes? enemies? just two people with explosive chemistry? it works on every level. A day/event going comically wrong with a wholesome end- the miscommunication trope! Sneaking around- forbidden attraction. Enemies who have to pretend to like each other. Friends-with-benefits to lovers. Hurt/comfort is pretty neat too. I could go on and on haha.
19. Share an excerpt from a favorite romantic scene that you've written. I think this was the corniest, cheesiest, borderline cringe (okay, not really but yeah), quintessential romantic excerpt I have ever written:
Lin was blankly staring at the screaming kettle. Her mind was foggier than the steam in front of her eyes. She wasn't this zoned out from just staying up all night. No, her mind was sinking in the thoughts of Bumi. She resented herself for not kissing him before he left. She should've made the move if he wasn't brave enough to do it himself. It had been an hour since he left. An hour since the ghost of lips was against hers. She touched her lips belatedly, still staring at the kettle.  Just as she collected herself enough to pour that over-brewed tea into a cup, she heard a knock at the outside. Her body carried her before her mind could tell her, and she blindly made her way to answer the door. She was too weak to use her bending and sense who it was. Her guards were down. It may as well be a newbie member of the triads with a dumb plan of assassinating the captain at her door- and he'd succeed too. Lin was totally out of it.  The door flung open and she saw Bumi. She was definitely still in a trance. That tea couldn't be ready soon enough. She couldn't live like this.  "I couldn't leave."  His voice brought her back. She wasn't dreaming. It really was Bumi. He didn't leave. He couldn't leave.  She opened her mouth to say something but all her words died at her lips. The next thing she knew, Bumi's hands were on her waist. Her numb arms snaked over his shoulders before her brain could order them to.  "I can't leave," he whispered panting. "I can't leave without knowing what's between us."   Lin's mouth was agape. He didn't leave. He stayed for her. And from whatever she remembered from their talk the previous night, he would probably be stuck here for at least a month before getting aboard the dock in the Fire Nation. Lin felt like her romantic life had peaked here. She was overwhelmed and her mind was sending her all sorts of signals to just kiss the guy already.  Slowly but steadily, it was Bumi who leaned in first. He aligned his mouth with hers and waited. He looked into her eyes to see if there were any signs of hesitation. Instead, he noticed a glimmering sheen in her green eyes and got lost in there.  "You have the mesmerizing eyes, Lin."  She tried responding, but she couldn't get any words out. She wanted to tell him that he was the most mesmerizing person she had ever met.  Finally, their lips met. It was as if time itself bowed in reverence. Soft and tender, their kiss was a gentle exploration, a whispered promise of a deeper connection. It was a symphony of sensation, with the taste of passion lingering on their tongues and the warmth of affection seeping through every pore. At that moment, there was a declaration of love without words, a fusion of souls that left an indelible mark on their hearts. It was a stolen moment of intimacy, a bridge between two people, and a testament to the boundless power of love. 
Twenty Questions for Romance Writers 🩷
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feanoryen · 2 years
Beifongs who have rights: Lin, Huan, ATLA Toph
Beifongs who don't have rights: LOK Toph, Lao & Poppy, SUYIN, Baatar Jr.
Beifongs I'm undecided on: Su's twins, Opal (her relationship with Bolin is cute though)
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gettingovershame · 2 years
Requesting a KyaLin angst fic in which first Kya and then Lin have to process the fact that ACAB.
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risingsoleil · 3 months
tenzin lowkey getting lin away as far as possible from pema. Aside from risky pregnancy, he's afraid that she's gonna do something to her and their baby (stressing lin so she'll lose the pregnancy). Tenzin doesn't say it loudly because it might hurt his children but thats how he thinks
Almost any situation involving Lin and Pema has always been messy.
Tenzin doesn't want to think that Pema would do anything to hurt Lin, but he won't take any chances. Lin and the baby mean too much to him. If Pema hates him, he can live with himself without regret or guilt. But if Lin hated herself bc of him, then Tenzin would deem himself a failure.
Lin told him that she wants it to be hidden for as long as they can. If they need to leave the city, then she will do it. Also being close with Katara would put her mind at ease since she trusts her wholeheartedly. Tenzin is listening to whatever Lin wants to make sure she's happy and healthy.
"So it's true..." Pema tells him, cornering him when the kids go to hangout with the other airbenders.
"What's true?"
"Why you're going to the South Pole."
"You knew that I was going to visit my mother and sister."
"Say why," she presses.
"You already know," Tenzin says tightly.
"When were you going to tell me that she's pregnant?"
"I...didn't see the need to tell you."
"So you were going to wait until the baby was born."
Tenzin sighs and turns away from her. "Pema, I need to finish packing. I'll be staying there for much longer than a few days."
"She can't have a baby."
He stops, inhaling deeply. "Yet, here we are."
"She can't."
Tenzin slowly turns. "I won't allow you to steal my child's life like you stole my wife's pin."
Pema's jaw tightens, fists clenching. The airbender walks away from her without a glance over his shoulder. Tears fall down her cheeks, the pain of nails digging into her palms softer than the raging emotions in her heart.
Lin and Tenzin are not married.
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novaae · 6 months
i know linumi is ur notp but there is one modern au linumi fic where bumi is the sex god that he was always supposed to be
I've got burning dislike for a few Linumi authors to the point where I altered my Ao3 code to not show me any Linumi at all. I'm assuming it's the one where he's a professor? It showed up when I went to search without being logged in.
Thank you anon but I'd rather prefer Bumi fucking Unalaq over Linumi.
However I hope Lin doesn't mind wearing her Izumi cosplay during sex so that Bumi feels moderately motivated to even look at her.
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boredwench · 3 months
The only reason why everybody finds out about Qiu (and why I created him) is because of his daughter, Poppy. Poppy is the star of Lin’s world and yeah there’s also Lin’s son (Poppy’s dad) but her granddaughter could do no wrong in Lin’s eyes. Poppy has her Nana Lin wrapped around her tiny finger. 
Despite the general consensus on Lin Beifong, Lin is very much an affectionate person. Reserved, but still affectionate. I think that as a child, Lin was very much open showing her love through physical means and it slowly calmed and tapered out as she grew up. She was - and still - affectionate to her son when he was a kid but when Poppy came into the picture, Lin spoiled her with hugs, kisses, and sweets.
Qiu and Ai enrolled Poppy in dancing & singing lessons for tots and Poppy loved it. Whenever Qiu or Ai asks Poppy to show them the dancing and singing she’s learned she’d say: “Forgot.” Lin is the only exception and Poppy miraculously remembers every song and dance her teachers taught her from day one and Lin is equally delighted to watch and sing along with her.
Qiu would like to say that Lin was in between the spectrum of overindulgent parent and overly strict. The same doesn’t apply when Lin became a grandmother. Qiu would see his mother sneak in treats or yuans to Poppy when she thinks they aren’t looking. Daddy said no mochi before dinner? It’s okay you had a bite, here have a mochi. You want that doll? They said no? Nana will buy it for you!! Poppy come here, don’t tell your papa I gave you some - proceeds to hand a toddler a hundred yuans. On the bright side, whenever Lin hands Poppy money, Poppy immediately puts it in her piggy bank. In a year the toddler saved up at least a thousand yuans.
Lin DEFINITELY has a grandma club. If there’s mom clubs, there’s grandma clubs. They’re nice to each other, enjoy good stories together and worthwhile discussions on politics - Lin is under a pseudonym and wears cosmetics to avoid recognition. They brag about their grandkids to each other and Lin’s heart swells with pride when everyone coos and praises her little Poppy flower.
Around the time Lin visits Zaofu and Su is “showing off” her ‘perfect city’ and ‘perfect kids’ (Note: THIS IS NOT AN ANTI-SU ACCOUNT; I just imagine that this is Lin’s perspective during the tour hehehe) Lin thinks to herself: ‘She thinks she’s all that with her five kids and city well she doesn’t even have a grandkid!’
Poppy thinks her Nana is a secret spy working undercover to save the people in Republic City. She is convinced her Nana is working a double life to protect her from the evil Unalaq and the horrendous Zaheer from the Red - uhm - Flower? She doesn’t remember. What she does remember is seeing Chief Beifong’s name in a newspaper when she was out on an errand with her mother. She puts two and two together and realizes, Nana Lin is like Nuktuk! Except she’s a spy! So it’s top secret stuff that Poppy swears she’s going to keep to protect her Nana.
She tells Lin what she knows the next time Lin comes to babysit her and ever since, Poppy calls her Chief Nana and Lin affectionately calls her Detective Poppy.
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bestepisode · 7 months
The top 8 episodes from each season will move on to the next round.
Vote on the second half of the season here!
Episode descriptions are under the cut.
Welcome to Republic City
Seventy years after the events concluding Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang has died and the Order of the White Lotus discovers the new Avatar, Korra, in the Southern Water Tribe. By the age of 17, Korra has mastered the elements of water, earth, and fire, but has not yet been able to airbend. Kept under lock and key by White Lotus for her own protection, she is frustrated by her isolation from the rest of the world, and eagerly anticipates completing her training with Master Tenzin, the son of Katara and Aang, and the only airbending master. However Tenzin also serves on the council of the United Republic (a new fifth nation created by Avatar Aang and Firelord Zuko in the period between the two series) and civil unrest in the capital, Republic City, forces him to postpone her training. Unwilling to live under the strict confines of her life with the White Lotus anymore, Korra absconds from her compound on her massive polar bear-dog Naga and stows away on a vessel bound for Republic City, a bustling and rapidly modernizing capital of world affairs. After a clash with local triads, she is arrested by Lin Beifong, head of Republic City's metalbending police force and the daughter of Toph, until Tenzin bails her out and allows her to stay with him. Meanwhile, antagonist 'Amon' is identified as the leader of the anti-bender "Equalist" movement--the movement's numbers are swiftly swelling due to inequities between benders and non-benders and its extremist militant arm is beginning to kidnap benders whose fates are initially unknown.
A Leaf in the Wind
Frustrated by her continued inability to bend air, Korra visits Republic City's pro-bending arena against Tenzin's wishes. There, she befriends Bolin and Mako, two brothers on the "Fire Ferrets" pro-bending team. Filling in for their absent third member Korra initially suffers due to her inexperience, but wins the match using airbending principles. Tenzin, impressed, allows Korra to stay on the team.
The Revelation
Trying to collect money for their pro-bending fees, Bolin is recruited by the Triple Threat Triads, but they are all abducted by the Equalists. At an Equalist rally, Amon demonstrates his ability to permanently remove the bending powers of the captive gangsters, but Mako and Korra rescue Bolin before Amon can do the same to him.
The Voice in the Night
Republic City Councilman Tarrlok creates a task force to capture Amon, and eventually recruits the reluctant Korra. Mako gains a paramour in Asami Sato, the daughter of industrialist Hiroshi Sato, who sponsors the Fire Ferrets in the competition. After some success on the task force, Korra challenges Amon to a duel. She is ambushed and captured by Equalists, but Amon, not wishing to make her a martyr, does not take away her bending but implies that he will eventually do so. Shortly after, Tenzin finds her, deeply traumatized and terrified as a consequence of the attack.
The Spirit of Competition
Mako courts Hiroshi's daughter, Asami, much to the annoyance of Korra, who spends an evening with Bolin instead. Later, she kisses Mako, upsetting Bolin and the Fire Ferrets' chances in the championship. By the end of the episode, the Fire Ferrets forgive each other and advance to the championship match against the three-time defending champions, the popular and highly arrogant Wolfbats.
And the Winner Is...
Amon threatens to attack the pro-bending arena if the Council does not cancel the championship, but Chief Lin Beifong promises to protect the stadium. The Wolfbats win the match by bribing the referees to ignore foul play. After the match is over, the Equalists, having infiltrated the arena in force, neutralize Chief Beifong's metalbenders using electric gloves, and Amon strips the Wolfbats of their bending abilities before a shocked crowd. Korra and Beifong free themselves and fight the Equalists, but the Equalists escape in an airship and the arena is heavily damaged in the fray.
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shewhotellsstories · 2 years
If you can’t grasp the world of difference between a fictional spoiled rich kid robbing stores with her friends for funsies and Black people being brutalized by police for existing while Black then not only are you an idiot but you don’t deserve to be taken seriously ever.
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archerbeans · 1 month
selfship blog intro !
th’ names Gene or Eugene for those who don’t know me ^^
I’ve had this blog for awhile but wanted to turn into more a selfshipping space for myself.
I’m hella trans queer (he/him), Canadian 🇨🇦 dude, I am very far north 💔
I love adult animation, astronomy and space, music and watching sports. I have a LOT of other interests that I post about frequently here and it can be a little disorganized but that’s my life in a nutshell
I deal with autism, BPD / bipolar disorder, severe GAD, and ADHD, so if you send me an ask or interact with and I don’t respond, please don’t take it personally !
My stances are simple, I am anti harassment, profic, propara, (anti contact), pro kink and enjoy Dead Dove Do Not Eat topics, if that makes you uncomfortable you’re more than welcome to block me and move on :) I respect peoples boundaries and don’t want to be apart of any discourse.
Mostly all and any of my self ships are anthro x canon! I am a German shepherd therian and do not feel comfortable depicting myself as human so my Fursona/truesona is used for all my shipping needs. If this makes you uncomfortable, again, please block me!
Minors PLEASE do not follow me, as I will occasionally post NSFW/Suggestive stuff.
🌃 —————————————-
Main f/os : (no sharing)
Cheryl / Carol / Charlotte / Cherlene Tunt (Archer FX) 🩵🔥
Abby Anderson (The Last of Us franchise) 🩵🐺
Secondary f/os (Ok With Sharing) :
Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers) 🩵🍔
Ivy (Carmen Sandiego 2019) 🩵🍂
Neji Hyuga (Naruto) 🩵☯️
Gloriosa Daisy (Legend of Everfree) 🩵🌸
Lin Beifong (Avatar) 🩵⛓️
Diane Nguyen (Bojack Horseman) 🩵✏️
—————————————- 🌃
If you’d like to send me an ask please use the correlating emojis to make it easier for both of us hah
I’m always looking for more people to follow and make more friends in the community, thanks for reading and im happy to be here ^^
anon ask are turned off until further notice 🩵
Please, if you do not like me for any reason then make it easier for both of us and block me!
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glowingtoad · 2 years
So this person left a message on this post of mine 
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Where do people get that she was unhappy though? Because she’s a middle-aged, childfree and unmarried woman? 🤨 And if she was then the *obvious* solution to end her unhappiness is to reconnect with people who cause her great stress, drain her emotionally and have zero respect for her that is *obviously* the best fix lol
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