#anti lmm
icedsodapop · 1 year
The discourse surrounding Oppenheimer is really giving me Hamilton on Broadway war flashbacks where the piece of media was unanimously beloved upon its release, but then you get a few critical dissenters (most of them from marginalized groups) patiently explaining to the general public the reasons for their dislike esp when said dislike is tied to social and historical context. Then instead of actually engaging with the criticism, the general public just yells about how the dissenters didnt watch the piece of media. The cycle then repeats itself.
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pricelesscinemas · 11 months
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vileacademyofficial · 5 months
what the FUCK do you have against Lin Manuel FUCKING Miranda?
excluding the antiblackness and racism of hamilton and its fanbase? he publicly supported an “economic stability” bill that closed 200+ public puerto rican schools, implemented devestating labor ‘reforms’ that have gutted puerto rican workers’ access to sick days and vacation time, cut funding to the university of puerto rico, and began the privatization of puerto rico’s electrical authority.
so yeah no i don't like the guy lmao
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he actually has addressed everything you said aha. I think the issue is just...people aren't aware that he has. I'm pretty sure he's made tweets but I did a deep dive into him cause I was disappointed too but many of his interviews actually talk about all of that. I think this hate for him is really misplaced. Imo the ones who have the most valid criticism are other Puerto Ricans but everything else seems really arbitrary and...reachy? Like he is not antiblack, he is not racist, like at all 😭 And yes, I am black 💀 And as far as contracts that's a somewhat valid point but we also don't know the terms of the contract. Yeah the dude is famous but even Beyonce and other much more famous celebrities are still binded to obligations or else face legal issues. Either way, the movie definitely is an issue but to act like it was some master plan and intentioned thing, especially on his part, is just beyond disingenuous. And how is he inserting himself into Disney projects? He's only been apart of two 😭😭 which were years apart. That just sounds like you're conflating issues :/ I'm all open for productive conversation but this doesn't feel very good faith !
Like honestly you sound like every other white person that gets all up in their feels because we called their fave racist/anti black racist/queerphobic.
Like saying that the only people that are entitled to be mad at him are the puerto ricans... like ok??? you do know that he was INSTRUMENTAL to closing down schools in puerto rico right? or do you just not care and think since you're not puerto rican you're not gonna hold it against him and you think everyone else needs to shut up?
go make your own lmm apologia blog. whatever anon I've got better things than continue this conversation about lmm.
mod ali
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sparksinthenight · 1 year
K so, George Washington was a literal slave owner. He owned slaves. It’s never okay or acceptable to own slaves. It’s literally not. Hamilton glorified him as a great, wise, fatherly man.
Thomas Jefferson was a fucking child rapist as well as a slave owner. The musical does paint him in a bad light, but what with the flashy musical numbers and the complete glossing over of the fact that he’s a rapist and a slave owner, the narrative paints him as more of a harmless asshole than an actually unlikable guy.
Also almost all the Founding Fathers were slave owners. The “revolution” they did was nothing but an elaborate tax-dodging scheme that got scores of poor people killed. And the musical glorified the “revolution” and its “leaders.”
Phillip Schuyler was a slave owner. But once again the narrative paints him as an ultimately lovable father figure.
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myspace-dot-com · 1 year
pebble and the penguin soundtrack > hamilton
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no-where-new-hero · 3 months
fighting it out with an ignores-blatant-canon-themes person in the comments of one of my thg posts and i’m like. is this how the maudience feels when i go ham for dean on my lmm posts. if so, my condolences.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I think the reason I dislike Hamilton so much (besides the glorification of literal slave owners) is because at is core Hamilton is a musical about The American Dream.
I find everything about The American Dream (and yes I'll capitalize it) fascinating. Maybe because being from a developing country I grew up being groomed to maybe have a change at either imigrating and following The American Dream myself or getting close enough to it that my kids would finally be the ones to bring my family to the U.S (and I wasn't the only one) or because I have a cousin that lost it all trying to immigrate and was barred at the border for no real reason and is back here with no money and a bad job because he put all his cards on The American Dream. Or maybe because U.S media is deeply popular for south american kids and we wach more your movies and read your books than our owns. Either way I grew up with the idea that I was unlucky to be born here and if I had just being born in the US. Only to find out that this wasn't true. People on the US were just as unlucky.
And if it hurt me to discover that all the promisses and pressure I got were empty at least it was before I tried to emigrate and follow it. What about all the people who crossed the board and didn't make it? Yes there were succes stories, but still. And what about the kids who were born there? Who were raised to believe they lived in the best country in the wolrd and hard work always meant success only to realize that this isn't the case? Do they blame themselfs? Do they think they just didn't fight hard enough? Do they feel angry?
Lin Manuel Miranda's pro-imigration musical, his masterpiece, is about how the U.S was funded by great people and how it is the job of today american's to remember them and follow their legacy. Is that all the failings on the country aren't systemical problems. It's people forgetting. Forgetting the founding fathers were immigrants, forgetting how liberal and charitable and great they are.
Hamiltom says the American dream is there. That people just need to remember their roots and take it. In the wolrd of Hamilton the system isn't bad au contrary it is good and it was made by great people (yeah, sure) is just that the people defending the system now days are bad and don't understand the REAL system (and that's why the musical conveniently forgets that the founding fathers were slave owners). The final song in Hamilton, "Who lives, who dies, who tells your story", is hopefull. It acts as if remembering the founding fathers for their supposedly progressiviness (Jefferson being complimented for having a good economical system instead of rightfully called out for being an awfull person, the only mention of slavery being when Elisa says she fought against it and that Hamilton would have been proud - would he?) and following their legacy is all one needs to achieve the perfect country. And that's bullshit.
I may not be american but even if the founding fathers were this great people the musical is portraying (and they sure as hell weren't) that would have been bullshit. What makes or breaks a country is more than their legacy, is their systems, is how they were build.
My country has a legacy of real insurgencies being destroyed so moderate conservatives can give us them in lighter shades and pet their backs for how good they are, how much they care for the people they see as lesser. Our independecy was buyed and our republic was negotiated. And people fought before that. But the people who fought wanted to much. They wanted a republic, they wanted the end of slavery, they wanted to compensate the slaves and not the slave owners. So they were silenced. The only insuressionist that got a holiday is the one for the tamest of the failed insurections. The first time the people's will trully mattered was when we took out the dictartoship. Our new republic for all it's multiple failures is the closest to a real people's legacy. So maybe the mensage of Hamilton apply better to us. But if our only good legacy is too fight against the system than how would it work when in Hamilton the system IS the legacy?
I have no answers or solutions. I barerly know what this post is. I just was listening to "Everbody's Got the Right" from Asassins on Spotify and when it ended Spotify went automatically to "Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story" and listening them side by side gave me a terrible whiplash.
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notahorseindisguise · 8 months
That LMM click hole would be more believable if he was actually a nice person lmao
is this still happening. anon i dont work at clickhole also its not meant to be believable. this ask makes me want to shake you and curse at you What are you talking about and why did you feel the need to tell me. come off anon, dm me, and lets have a conversation about how comedy works please
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doverstar · 2 years
I just spent so much time writing in the tags of that reblog about Lin-Manuel Miranda. I just want to scream things. Someone let me yell about this-
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abigailspinach · 3 months
"Then came the northern lights—drifts of pale fire over the sky—spears of light, as of empyrean armies—pale, elusive hosts retreating and advancing. Emily lay and watched them in rapture. Her soul was washed pure in that great bath of splendour. She was a high priestess of loveliness assisting at the divine rites of her worship—and she knew her goddess smiled.
She was glad Ilse was asleep. Any human companionship, even the dearest and most perfect, would have been alien to her then. She was sufficient unto herself, needing not love nor comradeship nor any human emotion to round out her felicity. Such moments come rarely in any life, but when they do come they are inexpressibly wonderful—as if the finite were for a second infinity—as if humanity were for a space uplifted into divinity—as if all ugliness had vanished, leaving only flawless beauty. Oh—beauty—Emily shivered with the pure ecstasy of it. She loved it—it filled her being to-night as never before. She was afraid to move or breathe lest she break the current of beauty that was flowing through her. Life seemed like a wonderful instrument on which to play supernal harmonies.
"Oh, God, make me worthy of it—oh, make me worthy of it," she prayed. Could she ever be worthy of such a message—could she dare try to carry some of the loveliness of that "dialogue divine" back to the everyday world of sordid market-place and clamorous street? She must give it—she could not keep it to herself. Would the world listen—understand—feel? Only if she were faithful to the trust and gave out that which was committed to her, careless of blame or praise. High priestess of beauty—yes, she would serve at no other shrine!
She fell asleep in this rapt mood—dreamed that she was Sappho springing from the Leucadian rock—woke to find herself at the bottom of the haystack with Ilse's startled face peering down at her. Fortunately so much of the stack had slipped down with her that she was able to say cautiously,
"I think I'm all in one piece still."
When you have fallen asleep listening to the hymns of the gods it is something of an anti-climax to be awakened by an ignominious tumble from a haystack. But at least it had aroused them in time to see the sunrise over Indian Head, which was worth the sacrifice of several hours of inglorious ease."
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I want it known that I voted against Hamilton in every round, even when it was up against musicals I'd never heard of like Spring Awakening. LMM can't rap or sing very well, and the founding fathers were horrible people (except maybe Thomas Paine but that's beside the point). A rap musical is a good idea that I hope more people do, but you need to cast people who can actually rap instead of just casting yourself, and you need to do something more interesting with the plot than just glorifying American history. Not trying to cancel Hamilton or anything, if you like it that's fine, but I'm not into it and my voting very much reflected that.
I am very aware of the sizeable anti-Hamilton voting bloc that existed during the Best Musical World Cup. LMM making himself the lead character in (almost) everything he's made and Hamilton's questionable depictions of history are valid criticisms that I generally agree with.
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Ukrainian mobile SAM crew from the 1129 Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment near Kyiv, armed with a US-supplied AN/TWQ-1 Avenger and British-supplied LMM Martlet MANPADS.
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sparksinthenight · 1 year
Y’all know what? We should make an anti-Hamilton musical that is about all the slaves that the Founding Fathers had.
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seaweedbraens · 9 months
Yo it’s your local late night 6.5/10 PJOTV reviewer here to offer yet another perspective, especially after the new episode.
I think the core of the issue is that this show has two major MAJOR differences from the book, those being tone and pacing. The latter has been discussed a lot, and all i really have to add to that cesspool is that it is in fact very different and faster, leading to tighter story beats and less character development, which is the only thing i truly hate.
The tone thing hasn’t been talked about nearly as much as it should be, but i think it IS affected a ton of people’s perception of the show. The witty, dry humor of the first book that defined Percy and Annabeth as kids is kind of lacking a little? This is probably the fault of Rick attempting to write for TV and kinda struggling with humor. This makes the TV characters slightly different from the books, with Annabeth being more serious and less sarcastic, while Percy is just snarky sometimes instead of being an absolute little bitch. (This is also a lot because of the lack of narration BY Percy, where he can be a lot more humorous)
Without spoiling much, the newest episode fixes some of the issues with story and pacing elements, but still lacks in some development in terms of the subtext of the story, if that makes sense. The best part is that it reworks and redoes certain parts of the story in a way that just WORKS for TV and this specific cast.
Honestly, the only character that has 100% benefited from the change in focus with character development is Grover. The fact that the show just generally cares less about these characters somehow makes grover less of an anxious, shy companion and more of a fun, wholesome dude which i love SO MUCH!
About LMM as Hermes, i’m totally for it. LMM has pretty decent acting jobs, and the tired look he always has totally works with Hermes being canonically overworked as hell.
Another thing i do love that some people don’t is the Gabe changes. IDK how much you know, but the changing of Gabe is an unforeseen and interesting change. However, i like it because it makes Gabe a more dynamic character, and makes it possible to change who is in a negative light, rather than making him go from “abusive bitch” to “physically abusive bitch”. This all comes from someone intimately family with parental abuse and someone who loves reading fics that discuss Gabe AS a horrible abuser. Like, one of my fav PJO fics (that i did suggest to you) is an entire therapy fic about Percy dealing with that abuse and the scars of trauma. I know what i want from Gabe’s character is all i’m saying.
Finally, one last topic i wanna rant about on the internet is fucking LA Luke. They had absolutely no right to make this dude the most lovable bitch at camp. Hell, even the most anti-live action ppl out there can admit Luke got a lot more sympathetic in the show. Anyone can see they really cared about that aspect of the character. (not the weak-ass attempt at a scar tho lmao)
This entire rant and all of my (and everyone’s really) feelings can change drastically as soon as the next episode drops though, so take everything ANYONE says with a tablespoon of salt and a pile of blue food.
duly noted, and thank you for the update on your thoughts with the new episode, anon - it's so interesting to see thoughts change with every new one! i'll probably binge it all in one go at the end.
from what you've said, i think the gabe changes still bother me, but i'm all for a more likeable luke. that'll make the betrayal that much more painful. honestly, i've been toying lately with the idea of a later betrayal on luke's end, rather than at the end of book 1. i feel like we don't fully get to see how much percy trusts him and likes him in the limited time we get with them in the lightning thief. one day, maybe, i'll write a fic that really gives luke and percy the Bonding Time i think they deserve before the rug's pulled out from underneath percy's feet.
i wonder how your 6.5/10 rating will change by the end of the final ep!
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that's quite literally what I said...that puerto Ricans are the only ones who have valid criticisms against him and everything else is just grasping at straws when you could just focus on the actual issues. making up other things just obfuscates what's actually important
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I'm just gonna delete any further asks from you but let's get three things straight.
1) I'm USAmerican AND can vote in the federal USA elections. Puerto Rico is a colony of the USA and not allowed to vote. I'm Latina because of my parents being Mexican American but I have more rights than Puerto Ricans because I was born one of the 50 states. I am more privileged than Puerto Ricans. But we both hold USA citizenship.
2) how dare you imply that I can't hold grudge against lmm because I'm not Puerto Rican. Isn't the point of being an anti racist to try to dismantle structural racism everywhere? Why not start with the structural racism in my country?
3) also, this is erasing Black Americans and Native Americans' criticisms against lmm for his historical revisionism of the founding fathers in Hamilton.
4) you're missing the point of solidarity.
mods ali and sodapop
please remember this because I'm already seeing ppl saying "ok lmm can have some rights" because he's gonna be on your new favorite show percy jackson and the olympians
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