#anti oliver quick
kittyvolvox · 8 months
if saltburn was set today oliver would undeniably be a crypto bro. he's middle class with more than enough money but an ache to still have more, more, more. he's a socially awkward loser. he cosplays as a revolutionary who eats the rich, but really there's no desire to tear down the system, despite what he implies - he's just fueled by an entitled rage that he can't get everything he's ever wanted and dying to join the elite, to be the ultimate capitalist boss. it exactly mirrors how crypto bros swear they hate hedge funds and want all the banks to pay for 2008 whilst creating their own abusive ponzi scheme esque systems with literally zero recourse for anyone who gets scammed by rug pulls. except yknow gayer and with more murder
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howifeltabouthim · 9 months
. . . but she's also rlly calculated sometimes and not super??? stable??? (which i know sounds like an oxymoron but she kind of is an oxymoron of a human being)
Eliza Clark, from Boy Parts
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ughtyrell · 4 months
Anti social Oliver Quick
Oliver is just really not interested in making friends. He is in fact against it but doesn't want to make a big fuss about it so he decides to just seem very boring and plain. Hoping to seem very nerdy and unpopular so people wouldn't even want to approach him.
He has some precautions to ensure this goal. Such as his wardrobe. Perfectly plain yet ugly enough to put people off. His quiet attitude that makes him easy to ignore and careful constructed awkwardness that makes the few who try not want to do so again. His ideal mask that will make people leave him alone.
So why is this rich pretty boy so eager and determined to be his friend?
It starts with Oliver helping Felix with his bike, just something Oliver decided to do on a whim because he was having a particularly nice day and was in a good mood. What was the harm in helping the poor looking sod sitting at the side of the path?
Apparently the harm is he gets a borderline stalker from it. A harmless stalker itself because the other boy acts like a kid who isn't used to not getting what he wants and pouts about it endlessly. But he's starting to feel harassed.
Maybe it actually started when Oliver denied Felix's invitation to sit with him and his friends at the pub. Somewhere Oliver decided to wander to that evening because again, he was having a nice day and thought, why not go enjoy a drink by himself? He doesn't mind going to places in public alone because he enjoys his own selfs company plenty and doesn't feel embarrassed to do so at places where it's socially expected to go with at least one other.
He doesn't expect to see the random boy from earlier, definitely didn't expect to be waved over by said boy. Which he lets happen because Oliver finds it will be easier to do so than rudely ignore them and deal with Felix and/or his group actively disliking him for a slight from the weird loner boy. He can politely listen to what Felix wants for a moment and then leave, disappear from sight and soon out of mind forever.
And that's exactly what he did. Listened to Felix tell the others how he "saved" Felix earlier and awkwardly nod and smiled along. It's was what he did next that baffled Felix. When asked if he was with anyone Oliver told the truth, no he wasn't. When invited to come sit, which was the obvious and expected thing to say yes to, Oliver declined with a simple polite, "ah thanks but no thank you." And then turned around and made it back to the bar to order himself a drink.
It was a complete insult to Felix's pride and ego, it left Felix feeling incredulous and irritated but also...thrilled. He had to investigate more and see what's wrong with this Oliver Quick who could just brush Felix catton off like that. He must be either mental or faking it, which makes Felix either really rather fascinated or want to prove Oliver to be a fake for his own peace of mind.
So Felix begins his attempts to charm Oliver into a friendship. Should be easy because Felix is easy to like and if someone doesn't like Felix then they're either lying or something is wrong with them not him.
Except it isn't easy and nor does Oliver not like Felix. He knows because he asked. He asked after Oliver continued to brush off Felix's attempts to sway Oliver into joining him for a drink, or a conversation or a friendship. Oliver said no, he doesn't not like Felix, he doesn't know Felix enough to not like him.
And when Felix asked then why does he continue to ignore and decline to be Felix's friend. Oliver says the worst thing anyone has ever said to Felix ever.
" I just don't want to Felix."
It's horrible and Felix can tell Oliver is being 100% truthful, not even intending to be hurtful about it but that just makes it worse.
When Felix tells Farleigh about it later, Farleigh laughs so hard at Felix he almost makes himself sick. Next time he sees Oliver he laughs some more and tells Oliver how he's the first person to ever knock Felix down a peg and good job. Oliver just says a curt thanks and leaves because while it's true he doesn't have anything against Felix, he actually is not a fan of Farleigh Start.
(Wouldn't it be funny though, if Oliver warms up to Farleigh first instead of Felix? Farleigh thinks yes and makes sure to rub it in his face whenever he can. He doesn't ever mention how this soothes something deep inside himself to be preferred first over Felix.)
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violet-hearth · 2 months
Basic Spell Oils
I should have posted this a lot earlier, but I forgot ..
Oils are a great way to create herbal blends for spell work - oil preserves the scent, taste and herbal matter if stored away from sunlight (you can store in coloured glass) and can be adapted to make infused olive oil or cooking oils for your kitchen witchery, the dress candles, to add to glamour spells, or to make perfume bases.
Basic Recipe Formula:
Essential oils
Carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, sunflower oil, apricot oil etc.
A small jar with a dropper or dropper top to store the oil in
Vitamin E oil
herbs to create an infusion
Determine the intention of the oil (love, protection, confidence etc.) and gather the herbs and essential oils that have association (personal or common) with aspects of that intention
Add a few pinches of dried herbs to your bottle
Add a few drops of your essential oil (up to 10% of the bottle)
If using, add a drop of vitamin E oil - this can make it better for skin application and also stops the oil from going rancid from the herbal matters
Add the carrier oil and fill to the top, cap and shake to blend - as you shake you can say a prayer, chant, or focus your energy to charge the oil
Allow to sit for at least a week before use, as it ages it will start to macerate and smell more harmonious.
Date Night Dinner Oil
This is an olive cooking oil to be used in salads, sauces, to spread on breads, or to marinate meats and vegetables in. It is packed full of aphrodisiac herbs and summer spices
Olive oil
Garlic, rosemary, ginger, star anise, and chili
For a quick infusion, add in your oil and herbs into a pan and simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes.
Allow to cool, strain and use within 1-2 weeks
Attraction Oil
The attraction oil combines aphrodisiacs and anti-anxiety herbs into an oil or perfume. The intention is to attract and command attention, to boost your confidence, and as a base for seduction work.
Add your carrier oil to your oil dropper or perfume bottle/roller - for this I’d recommend a rosehip oil, apricot oil or a neutral grapeseed oil.
Turn your herbs into oils either via essential oils or add them dried straight to your carrier oil to infuse: rose, clove, vervain, cinnamon, licorice, nutmeg, frankincense, apple blossom, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, cocoa, and/or gingseng - cater to personal preferences and match scents together, I recommend using between 3-8 oils or herbs.
Example scent profile: rose, lavender, apple blossom, vervain, cinnamon, licorice, gingeseng (spicy floral - I’d also add a little patchouli if turning into a perfume)
These types of recipes are where having a grimoire, notebook, or journal comes in very handy! Keep record of what you've tried, what scents match well, what is repellent, what works for you, plan out recipes before hand.
As always, adapt, change, and disregard as you like to suit your personal practice <3
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All this discourse with Saltburn may or may not being an eat-the-rich movie takes me back to when people's main criticism of Parasite was that its writing failed by making the Kim family too unlikable.
If you ask me, I feel like if you went into either film thinking them as eat-the-rich films, then it does come off as bad writing. However, neither story works well as an eat-the-rich film because that was never the intention. Sure, class disparity and social inequality are both vital themes but the main point of the EtR genre is about taking down the system, which neither film even tries to accomplish.
Parasite is a criticism of modern capitalism. It was never about pitting the poor against the rich. Bong Joon-Ho said himself, "It's a comedy without clowns and a tragedy without villains." The Kim family aren't meant to be hailed as heroes, and nowhere in the writing does it come off like that. But you end up asking yourself how come this family, who is clearly very capable and skillful, are just barely surviving off the edge of poverty and has no choice but to resort to scamming an entire family just to make a livable wage. Keep in mind they were barely making a profit—the biggest change to their lifestyle was being able to afford slightly better food than usual. Why is it that the poor will go as far as to fight among themselves just to continue leeching of the wealthy? Who benefited aside from the Parks? You could argue that Mr. Kim stabbing Mr.Park in the end was his way of fighting the system, but the film ends with him stuck in the basement, feeding off the house itself, still contributing to the same system that placed him there. EtR would've been more about the negative effects that come from the Parks from hoarding so much wealth that could sustain three entire families, making them deserved of comeuppance. Parasite instead focuses on how it's the system that keeps these class divisions in place.
It's the same with Saltburn. Oliver Quick does, in his own way, challenge the system. But what people forget is that it's not even as though the system ever worked against Oliver—he grew up in an (upper) middle-class household and managed his way into a prestigious university. He may not have been in the 1%, but he was at least in a position where he could go the rest of his life being comfortable. He just got greedy. He wanted more. He wanted to be on the inside. Saltburn isn't a story where a person painstakingly makes his way up the social ladder after starting from nothing whilst making the rich succumb to their sins; there is no justice or vengeance taking place here. Just a single man who manipulated the system to get more than his fair shares, just like his predecessors of Saltburn did. If it was EtR, it would've shed more light on how the Catton family and their wealth do more harm than good, justifying Oliver's actions. And even though they're unlikable, the most harmful thing about them is their performative charity and willful ignorance of the real world. This doesn't mean Saltburn lacks in substance; it's a compelling narrative on obsession and hedonism which introduces an excellent anti-hero, it just doesn't work as an EtR story. And it isn't supposed to.
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apollos-olives · 9 months
Fun fact that you already knew but I’m gonna tell you anyway: this is one of the reasons that all Arabs are Muslims. Obviously this isn’t true. With Sunni Muslims making up the majority, 94% of native Arab speaking people (Arabs + Arabized) are Muslims. There are Arab Christians and Jewish Arabs (and other religions as well), however due to most of the Arab population being Muslims, people tend to stereotype. This stereotyping typically happens with a lot of westerners because a lot of westerners refer to the Christian God using one name [God], so they hear a Muslim say the word “Allah” and believe that the word “Allah” only refers to the Muslim God. However, Arab speaking Christians also use the word “Allah”, as well as Arab Jewish people because the word “Allah” is not a “Muslim word”, it’s a word in Arabic that refers to God. Any God. Why am I saying all of this to someone who probably already knows this? Idk. I’m bored.
no no you've said it right, and i'll be posting this just for everyone else to see bc it's good education :) the word "allah" is the exact same word as "god", just in a different language. same way "hola" is "hello" in spanish, "allah" is "god" in arabic 🤷‍♂️ there's no difference between the two other than a change in language, but islamophobia and anti-arab beliefs have cause people to think "allah" is a separate god than what christians (and jews) believe in. i hope people open their eyes and realize that more.
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nqueso-emergency · 9 days
Unfortunately I don’t have the receipts because I never cared that much and he always irritated me so I tried to ignore him but there was a day 1, 2 years ago where everyone thought Twitter was gonna die /disappear/no longer be accessible for free, whatever. I don’t remember the details but I do remember Trenton posting a lot of stuff that he thought would be lost and in a sort of I will go out with a bang being my true self way. The majority of it was anti 911 Lonestar , other bits admitting how Buddie/Oliver biased he was. Of course it was all deleted pretty quick but it was up long enough for me to see and confirm my very low opinion of him. How he has the clout and reach he does I don’t know. Him and a journalist whose initials are MG (the biggest humble bragger ever look at meeeee I’m so young but achieved so much BS) are given way too much space and are beloved by way too much of the fandom. Despise both of them. That’s my rant.
Not surprised
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
hi! i saw that your twisted wonderland matchups were open so i would like to request!
basic information:
i am an estp, and my zodiac sign (sun) is libra. i would like to matched up with a male (even though twst only has males what am i talking abt)
(positive traits) : i am a hard worker and when i set my mind to something i can work insanely hard for it. (but i won’t work to the point that my mental health declines) im a very committed person! i am also very friendly and easy to talk to! i like rules and i will follow them to the best of my ability because i think rules keep people organised so i don’t see much of an issue with them. (and i swear leaving the table 15 minutes after finishing your lunch is what i grew up learning so honestly i think half the heartslabyul rules are just common sense) i am very anti-violence and i strongly believe that violence is not the way to solve issues. i would say i’m quite responsible, i never miss any homework deadlines, and my grades are always “a”. im very cheerful as well and according to my friends and family, my happy energy is contagious!
(negative traits) : i tend to sleep quite a bit, not sure if this counts as a negative trait! i sleep around 9-10 hours because if i don’t i feel so groggy 😭😭 i tend to have insanely high expectations of myself so when i get anything lower than what i expect i will be disappointed and upset with myself. (i would be disappointed if, for example, i got a 89 on the subject im best at) i think i do get carried away easily as well, for example when my skin has a few bumps on them i’ll get really insecure and sad.
physical appearance:
i’m 158cm and i have pretty slim fingers and i’m really thin too. my bmi is underweight but i just can’t gain weight :c (but i still look and appear healthy! so i’m 158cm and 43kg)
likes and dislikes:
(likes) : EGGS!! dogs, pandas, alpacas, and hedgehogs! i enjoy written subjects instead of subjects like art, music, and physical education (all subjects i get lower than an “a” in fr 🫠😔) i LOVE reading books too, its my hobby! (+chocolate)
(dislikes) : FOOD WITH OLIVE OIL (disgusting i hate it) i hate olive oil too!! anything olive oil stay away from me 😭 and mushrooms i HATE HATE HATE mushrooms.
that’s all, thank you!!
Anon I hope you know how much you set yourself up for this one, otherwise I don’t know what to tell you
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Riddle Rosehearts
You’re quick to become Riddle’s favorite dorm member, and not just because you respect the rules of the dorm, but also because of your ability to challenge his expectations all while upholding them. 
He is, of course, taken by your diligence and adherence to the rules of the dorm. When you memorize all of them, he’ll admit, he’s quite a bit flustered. Admiring and respceting the rules of the dorm almost feels like you’re showing him the same respect - something his height and attitude rarely affords him outside of school. 
And, of course, you show the utmost respect for Riddle himself, which gives him a confidence boost like nothing else. 
That, and, you actually seem to like him? Few can claim to do both of those, ergo, you two are fast friends. 
He’s also thrilled when he finds out how much you like hedgehogs, and shows the ones around the dorm to you eagerly. He looks so happy and full of enthusiasm that it makes you blush, just a bit. 
Being aware of your own mental health is something he admires. Riddle tends to work himself to the bone, but you’re quick to step in and let him know, sternly, that he needs a break, and that you’ll happily join him for tea or a walk through the garden. 
And somewhere in between those walks and chats over tea, he falls deep and hard for you. 
Riddle meticulously plans out his confession to you, down to the very second he’ll say each and every syllable. It would be cute if he confessed to you using his original plan, but perhaps more so if you caught him sleeping after a long night of working on his plans - which you could clearly see. 
That forces an improtu confession that has him flustered and frazzled and in rare form, but he’s just that much cuter when he stammers out his feelings for you. 
Your relationship is one built on mutual respect and trust. You two both see the other as too good for you at the start, but with a lot of communication and the determination you both possess, negative thoughts are quickly swept aside and replaced with soft kisses. 
You two spend a lot of dates cuddled up next to eacother in the library, reading your own books but slipping into an intellectual conversation every now and then. 
Your high energy and happiness rubs off on him too. When he’s around you, dorm members will attest to him being kinder and more passionate. 
That, and, his face is often red from kisses planted on his cheeks.
You two are a power couple whose relationship is something to aspire to.
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merrybrides · 4 months
DIY: Summer Citrus Sugar Scrub
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Rejuvenate and revive your skin with this easy citrus sugar scrub recipe. With only 3 ingredients you probably already have on hand, you’ll be ready to whip up this gentle exfoliating body scrub in no time! 
Sugar Scrub, or body polish is a luxurious way to refresh your skin. It is so gentle that it can even be used on sensitive skin. 
Exfoliating body scrub makes a great shower favor, quick gift, treat for yourself or a hostess gift when you are welcomed to a friend’s beach house.  This jar will keep my skin happy all summer long!
Keep a jar of this sugar scrub by your kitchen to soothe your hands after washing dishes. It will rehydrate your skin from the harshness of the hot water and dish soap. Keep a jar of sugar scrub in the shower for a mini spa treatment up to 3 times a week! 
Citrus Sugar Scrub Recipe Ingredients
It’s made with just a few ingredients, from your kitchen!
Sugar – 1/2 cup of regular white table sugar is perfect for this diy sugar scrub! It exfoliates your skin, gentling rubbing away dead skin cells leaving your skin feeling smooth and radiant. 
Oil – I use 1/4 cup Vitamin E Oil in this recipe which is so good for your skin. Its anti inflammatory properties soothes and calms, while hydrating dry skin and working to heal any blemishes. 
Citrus – Is so good for your body inside and out! Naturally full of vitamin C it leaves your skin with a beautiful glow! It also can help to lighten sun spots or other blemishes on your skin. I love the texture and beautiful color the citrus adds along with its amazingly refreshing scent!  You can use the zest from one Orange, Grapefruit, or Lemon, or 2 Limes, in this recipe.
*** Zest is made from the top layer of a fruit peel. Always try to avoid the white pith. If you don’t have a zester, you can use a vegetable peeler to gently peel the top layer of your fruit. Then cut the strips into finer strips lengthwise, and then again into tiny cubes widthwise. 
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Large Glass Mixing Bowl
Handheld Citrus Zester (variations under Tips and Tricks)
Measuring Cups
Sealable Glass Jars (I like to use mason jars or repurpose clean jars I already own)
Ice Cream Scoop
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How to Make Exfoliating Body Scrub
This scrub is so easy to make. It only contains natural ingredients and no artificial food colorings.
Combine sugar and oil.
2. Add zest.
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3. Scoop into sealable glass jars.
4. Label and date.
5. Store for up to 3 months in an airtight container.
This sugar scrub recipe is so easy to customize to fit your needs! 
Citrus Variations – In this recipe I use orange, but any other citrus would work well! In the past, I have used grapefruit, orange, lime, and lemon. They all have worked wonderfully! If using lime I chose to use the zest from 2 limes since they are smaller sized fruit.
Oil Variations – Vitamin E Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil, Carrot Oil, Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Grapeseed Oil. 
Sugar Variations – Any white sugar should work well in this recipe. Sugar is used for a gentle exfoliation so keep that in mind when choosing the coarseness of the sugar. 
For a winter sugar scrub try adding a dash of ground cloves or ground cinnamon. 
Add a few drops of essential oils. My favorite combinations include other citrus oils to complement and enhance, floral scents such as moroccan rose or lavender, and woody scents such cedar or rosemary. 
Pro Tip: If using coconut oil, it will help to slightly warm the oil on the stovetop or even the microwave before adding it to the mixture. I love coconut oil and lime combination! 
How to Store Sugar Scrub
This Sugar Scrub recipe can be stored for up to 3 months in a properly sealed jar / airtight container.  
PRO TIP: Upcycle jars you already own!
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minie-mastermind · 3 months
Eternal Evil Head Cannon
My Earth 3 Crime Syndicate & world
(Crime Syndicate)
Owlman Aka Thomas Wayne Jr.
Ultraman Aka Klark Kent
Superwoman Aka Lois Lane
Johnny Quick Aka Jonathan Chambers
Power Ring Aka John Stewart
(Owlman Aka Thomas Wayne Jr.)
Talon i Aka Flamebird Aka Jim Gordon Jr.
Talon ii Aka Renegade Aka Jason Todd  
Talon iii Aka Hawkfire Aka Carrie Kelly
Talon iiii Aka Furry Aka Helena Bertinelli/Wayne
She-Bat Aka Magpie Aka Maggie Kyle
The Stalker Aka Jack Ryder
Rubber Bandit Aka Patrick O'Brian
Phantasum Aka Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan
Heretic Aka Cassandra Cain
Nightwing Aka Katherine Webb-Kane power from Medallion of Acrata taken from Andrea Rojas
Red Wing Aka Bette Kane power from the Meltdown Suit
Spitfire Aka Harper Row cyberneticly enhanced by Sarah Charles with parts from LeTonya Charles
Black Light Aka Duke Thomas
Death Mask Aka Gavin King with powers from Tektites nanotechnology
The Vulture Aka Tim Fox
The Stranger ii Aka Renee Montoya
(Ultraman Aka Klark Kent)
Assassin Bug Aka Irwin Schwab
Black Power Aka Jefferson Pierce
Shock Aka Anissa Pierce
Awe Aka Jennifer Pierce
Wolf & Bane Aka Rose Canton
Grid Aka Victor Stone R.I.P.
Hazard Aka Grant Albert Emerson
Warpath Aka Maggie Sawyer with powers from Karen Lou Faulkner
Terrible Turpin Aka Dan Turpin power from The Dark Seed made by New Apokolips Cult
Gang Warrior Aka José Delgado power from Powerhouse Formula
Valor Guard Aka Tanya Spears power from Alpha Centurion armour
Bibbo Bibbowski owner of the Ace's Club & holder of the Ace Armour originally the Rook Armour made by Derek Reston
The Sun Slinger Aka Steve Lombard power from Frederic Fowe's solar healing ray
Black Beetle Aka Michael Carter
Wormwood Aka David Reid with power of the Sword of Hyperiex
(Superwoman Aka Lois Lane)
Satan Girl Aka Kara Danvers power from Forge
Galatea Aka Donna Troy copy of Queen Diana Prince & last weapon of Demon Island
Olympia Aka Cassie Sandsmart
Requiem Aka Artemis the Shim'Tar of the Daughters of Arse wielder of the Bow of Arse
Annataz Arataz
Doctor Chaos ii Aka Khalid Nassour
Swamp King Aka Alexander Olsen
Bagman Aka Rory Regan took the Suit of Souls from Gerry Regan R.I.P.
Sapphire Fiend Aka Marlene Bloomberg power from the demonic skin of Daniel Patrick Cassidy
Deadly Nightshade Aka Susan Linden
Sorceress Aka June Moone
Jason Blood possessed by Asmodel
The Sirit Xanadu Aka Nimue Inwudu turn into a ghost by Trigon
Marilyn Midnight the Spirit of Cetropolis
Mary MAZAHS Aka Mary Mayhem Aka Mary Bromfield
(Johnny Quick Aka Jonathan Chambers)
Infero Aka Beatriz da Costa & Frostbite Aka Tora Olafsdotter
Enforcer Aka Guy Gardener Ex Owner Warrior Veronna
Scarlet Scarub ii Aka Ted Kord
Vamp Aka Mari McCabe 
The Molder Aka Ralph Dibny
Steel Wolf Aka Dmitri Dmitriyevich Pushkin power suit from the Crimson Missile Corpse
Blüdwind Aka Raphael Arce
Elemental Man ii Aka William Everett iii
Red Claw Aka Vivian D'Aramis
Star-Tsar Aka Leonid Kovar
Gold Rush Aka Alix Harrower
Animal King Aka Bernhard Baker 
Silver Siclone ii created by Thomas Oscar Morrow
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
(Power Ring)
Blue Bowman Aka Oliver Queen
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance
Bolt ii Aka Mia Dearden
Atomica Aka Rhonda Pineda the first 'Made Man' power from Dyno Might Aka Ray Palme
Sky Tyrant Aka Carter Hall
Blood Wing Aka Kendra Saunders
Warwolf Aka Lobo
Nightmare Aka Nia Nal
Mister Misfortune ll Aka Shilo Norman
Death Storm Aka Professor Martin Stein & Ronnie Raymond R.I.P.
Break Dance Aka Virgil Ovid Hawkins
Night Flier Aka Adam Strange
Mars Boy cloned from Alexander Luther & The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Conner Kent)
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
(Legion Of Justice)
Alexander Luthor
Genral Grodd
Lonar the New God
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel
Venus Aka Pamela Lillian Isley
Devil Ray Aka David Milton Hyde
Power Tower Aka Doris Zuel
Savanna Aka Barbara Ann Minerva
Omega created by Professor Anthony Ivo
Apocalypse Girl Aka Clara Kendall created by Professor Anthony Ivo & Thomas Oscar Morrow
Thaal Sinestro holder of the Yellow ring of Terror
(Justice Underground)
Genral Grodd
Sir Sonar Aka Bito Wladon
Lady Sonar Aka Ilana Wladon
Doctor Pychie Aka Edgar Cizko
Doctor Venomous Aka Princess Maru
Odysseus i Aka Morgan Ducard
Equinox Aka Justin Ballantine
Black Swan Aka Vanessa Kapatelis
Multitude Aka Danton Black
La Hechicera Aka Lourdes Lucero
Jackie Frost Aka Caitlin Snow
Dr. Eclipso Aka Bruce Gordon possessed by Aztar
Chance Aka Veronica Sinclair
The Abominable Snowman Aka Byrna Brilyant
Meltdown Aka Michael Miller
Live Fire Aka Floyd Lawton
Lightning Aka Lawrence "Larry" Bolatinsky
Tomestone Aka the corpse of Sheriff Cyrus Gold revived
Kirke (Anti-Matter counter part to Circe)
Powerhouse Aka Roland Desmond ex police officer of Blüdhaven power from Powerhouse formula made by Mark Desmond
Mayor Maximillian Shreck
Commissioner Cobblepot
Captain Rupert Thorne
Captain Carlton Duquesne
Detective Edward Nashton Aka Enigma
Officer Victor Zsasz
(PDC Gangbuster Unit)
Police Captain Bruno Mannheim
Mayor Morgan Edge
New Rotterdam (Anti-Matter counter part to Gotham)
Cetropolis (Anti-Matter counter part to Metropolis)
Seaboard (Anti-Matter counter part to Coast)
Midway (Anti-Matter counter part to Central)
Starling (Anti-Matter counter part to Star)
Beckville (Anti-Matter counter part to Fawcett)
(The Mystery Mask Society Aka New Rotterdam Justice Underground)
Orpheus Aka Roman Sionis
Morpheus Aka Dr. Francine Langstrom R.I.P.
Janus Aka Harvey Dent Wayne Industries ex defence attorney
Reaper Aka Andrea Beaumont fiancé to Julian Caspian R.I.P. mentored by Judson Caspian
Doctor Achilles Milo creator Anthony "Lupine" Lupus
Maxie Hades Aka Maxwell Zues (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxwell Zues)
Siren Aka Iris Phelios
Hydra Aka Waylon Jones
White Knight Aka Warren White ex DA
Apollo (Anti-Matter counter part to Prometheus)
Clayface l Aka Julie Madison
Clayface ll Aka Ethan Bennett
Clayface lll Aka Alain Mauricet
Clayface llll Aka Dean Devereaux
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(New Rotterdam City Vigilantes)
Manhunter Aka Thomas "Big Game" Blake
The Musketeer Aka Mortimer Drake
Silance Aka Thomas Elliot
Charaxes Aka Drury Walker power by Dr. Roderick Rose
Wraith Aka Elliot Caldwell &
Shadow Aka Clyde Anderson 
Mrs. Zero Aka Nora Fries
Astro Anne Aka Roxanne Sutton
Stayman Aka Effigy Aka Jonathan Crane
Skeleton Key Aka Lyle Bolton
Professor Hugo Strange & his Paladins
White Rabbit Aka King Of Hearts Aka Jervis Tetch
The Puppeteer Aka Slam Bradley Aka Arnold Wesker
Sea Wolf Aka Grace Balin
Dollhouse Aka Mary Louise Dahl
Arkham Angel i Aka Vicky Vale/Arkham
Arkham Angel ii Aka Astrid Arkham
(New Rotterdam City Criminals)
Owlwoman i Aka Katrina Moldoff
Owlwoman ii Aka Sonia Alcana, Kathy Duquesne & Rocky Ballantine
(The Harpy's Of New Rotterdam)
Mrs. Zero Aka Nora Fries
Red Hood Aka Alexis Kaye
Black Bat Aka Francine Lee
(Justice Underground Insiders)
Black Power Aka Jefferson Pierce
Tsukuri Aka Tatsu Yamashiro
Transmuto Aka Rex Mason
Terra-Force Aka Prince Brion Markov
Model Citizen Aka Emily Briggs
Aurora Aka Gabrielle Doe
Violet created by C.O.M.P.U.T.O. 8 (Anti-Matter counter part to Indigo)
(Justice Guild)
Pinkerton Ghost Aka James Craddock
Shadow Sheriff Aka Carl Sands
Mister Black Aka Richard Swift
Matter Mage Aka Mark Mandrill
Dummy i Aka Peter Merkel
Loin-Miss l Aka Priscilla Rich
Loin-Miss ll Aka Deborah "Debbi" Domaine
Iceberg i Aka Joar Mahkent
Iceberg ii Aka Cameron Mahkent
Sportsman Aka Lawrence Crock
Pantheress Aka Paula Brooks Crock
Crusher Aka Artemis Crock
Terra-Mancer Aka Adam Fells
Warlock Aka William Zard
Music Master Aka Isaac Bowin
Brainpower i Aka Henry King Sr
Johnny Misery Aka Jonathan Sorrow
King Basilisk Aka Shiro Ito (Anti-Matter counter part to Dragon King)
Saber Aka Cindy Burman
Brainstorm i Aka Clifford DeVoe
Black Jack Aka Steven Sharpe i
Black Jack Aka Steven Sharpe ii
Roulette Aka Rebecca Sharpe
Challenger Aka Edward Clariss
Card Queen Aka Molly Mayne
Captain Thunder Aka Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam
Tomestone Aka the corpse of Sheriff Cyrus Gold revived
Cival Sage (Anti-Matter counter part to Vandal Savage)
Yellow Bee (Anti-Matter counter part to Yellow Wasp)
Golden Bee (Anti-Matter counter part to Killer Wasp)
Whitebriar Rose (Anti-Matter counter part to Blackbriar Thorn)
(Crime Lodge)
Streak Aka Jay Garrick
Emerald Knight Aka Alan Scott using the Heart of Chaos
Emerald Aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Oblivion Aka Todd James Rice
Johnny "Thunderer" Thunder with the power of Yz
Mad Dog i Aka Ted Grant 
Mad Dog ii Aka Yolanda Montez
Mad Dog iii Aka Tom Bronson
Bogeyman i Aka Wesley Dodds
Bogeyman ii Aka Garrett Sanford
Bogeyman iii Aka Sandy Hawkins
The Clock Aka Rex Tyler
Mr Horrific i Aka Terry Sloane
Mr Horrific ii Aka Michael Holt
Atomico Aka Grant Albert Pratt
Elemental Man i Aka William Everett, Sr.
Southwind Aka Norda Cantrell
White Cat Aka Dinah Drake
Brainpower ii Aka Henry King, Jr.
Doctor Chaos i Aka Kent Nelson
Doctor Noon i Aka Charles McNider
Doctor Noon ii Aka Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Commander Iron Aka Nathaniel "Nathan" Heywood
Phantom Aka Jim Corrigan possessed by Galid
Skully Aka S.K.U.L.L. AKA Pat Dugan & Cross Bones Boy Aka Sylvester Pemberton
Radion Aka Terrence Kurtzberger
Fusion Aka Fallout Aka Albert Julian Rothstein
Silver Siclone i Aka Abigail Hunkel
Twister Aka Maxine Hunkel
Spaceman i Aka Ted Knight
Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
Sky Tyrant Aka Carter Hall
Blood Wing Aka Kendra Saunders
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
(Entropy Inc.)
Emerald Aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Oblivion Aka Todd James Rice
Mad Dog ii Aka Yolanda Montez
Mad Dog iii Aka Tom Bronson
Southwind Aka Norda Cantrell
Brainpower ii Aka Henry King, Jr.
Doctor Noon ii Aka Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Fusion Aka Fallout Aka Albert Julian Rothstein
Twister Aka Maxine Hunkel
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
(Young Offenders)
Hawkfire Aka Carrie Kelly
Olympia Aka Cassie Sandsmart
Mars Boy cloned from Alexander Luther & The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Conner Kent)
Speed Freak Aka Bartholomew Henry "Bart" Allen II
Remnant grown from the blood of Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Slobo)
Priestess Aka Anita Fite
Revenant Aka Greta Hayes
Miss Fire Aka Cissie King-Jones
(Teen Tyrants)
Flamebird Aka Jim Gordon Jr.
Wildfire Aka Koriand'r
Mirage Aka Tennyo Kushna Daughter of Rama Kushna & Katarou (Anti-Matter counter part to Raven)
Changling Aka Garfield Logan
Grid Aka Victor Stone R.I.P.
Geo Aka Tara Markov
Ballistic Aka Amy Sue Allen
Speed Zone Aka Wallace R. West
Riptide Aka Jackson Hyde Aka Kaldur'ahm
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(Young/New Syndicate)
Miss Maneater Aka M'gann M'orzz 
Tempest Aka Garth
Deadeye Aka Connor Hawke
Slipstream Aka Jesse Chambers
Mantis Aka Jamie Raynes
(Young Defenders)
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Klarion the kid Crusader
Anarky Aka Tim Drake
Toymaster iii Aka Hiro Okamura
Weather Witch Aka Joss Jackam
Black Arrow Aka Tommy Merlyn
Whitago Aka Miiyahbin Marten
Blaze Aka Keli Quintela Clonus's Effigy Gauntlet
Psi Kid Aka Sammy Stryker agent the of Psi-Ops Programme
(Young Underground)
Zero Aka Ivruskin son of Faora & Avruskin
Short Circuit Aka Julien Jourdain
Elastic Lad Aka Luke O'Brian
Amaxon Thunder Aka Aresia using Amaxon artifacts from the High Sisterhood of Hippolita Cult
Purifire Aka Aubrey Sparks power from Ignition the second Forge
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(The Angel's Sword)
Michael Al Malak/Wayne son of Cain
War Hound Aka Xiomara Rojas
Psionic Lass Aka Kathy Branden
Roughhouse Aka William Wu
Omega Kid Aka Reggie Meyer
Chernobog (Anti-Matter counter part to Flatline)
Brimstone (Anti-Matter counter part to Djinn)
Red Dart Aka Emiko Queen
(Teen Legion)
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
The Whize Aka Leonard "Lenny" Luthor
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Vis Majeure Aka Penny Booker
Cruise Aka Edward "Eddie" Thawne
Selkie Aka Ruth Lauer Aka Ra'ut L'lwer
Matrix Aka Roni Evers
Bobcat Aka Samuel Ballesteros
(The Revolutionaries)
Time Keeper Aka Temple Fugate
Marauder ii Aka Rose Wilson agent of the Amerikan Military
Lightning Strike Aka Terrence Bolatinsky agent of Justice Underground
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble agent of Human Supremacist Movement
Disastrous Aka Angelica Smith agent of H.I.V.E.
Kid Cobra Aka Nathan Prince agent of the Ouroboros Order
(The Rebellion)
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
Brainwave Aka Bernard "Barney" Venton
Violet created by C.O.M.P.U.T.O. 8 (Anti-Matter counter part to Indigo)
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble
Bestiary Aka Samuel Register
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
(Rebels For Rent / The Rebels)
Marauder ii Aka Rose Wilson
Kitsune Aka Jade Nguyen
Lieutenant Lightning Aka Behrad Tarazi
Ink ii Aka Mark Richards
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Ember Aka Carla Moretti
(The Resistance)
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
Klarion the kid Crusader
Mar closed from The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Match)
Kwiz Kid (Anti-Matter counter part to Enigma)
Ballistic Aka Amy Sue Allen
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
(The Ouroboros Order)
King Cobra l Aka Sameer Park
Queen Cobra Aka Larissa Diaz
Kid Cobra Aka Nathan Prince
(Barbatos Cult)
Black Bat Aka Francine Lee
Morpheus Aka Dr. Francine Langstrom R.I.P.
(The Magic Underground)
Brother Light Aka Eldon Peck
Cinder (Anti-Matter counter part to Ember)
Dark Angel Aka Lori Zechlin
Romdur the Merciful (Anti-Matter counter part to Mordru the Merciless)
Morgan Le Fay the rightful Queen of England
Darkness Mistress Aka Sir Ystin wielding the Sword of Night
John Sargent the Spellcaster user of the Ruby of Life
Jaimini Sargent the Spellcaster user of the Ruby of Life
Night Nurse Aka Suriel possessing Alice Winter (Anti-Matter counter part to Nightmare Nurse)
Felix Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Felix Faust)
Fauna Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Fauna Faust)
Sebastian Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Sebastian Faust)
(The Pentacle Pact)
J.J. Thunderer Aka Jakeem Williams with the power of Yz
Klarion the kid Crusader
Daughter 13 Aka Tracy Thirteen
Damon Arataz (Anti-Matter counter part to Zachary Zatara)
Hex Aka Ginny Hex the artefact hunter
(Human Supremacist Movement)
Cole Parker the Human Supremacist Movement founder, leader & head engineer
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble
(The Knighthood)
Brother Blood Aka Niccolai Tepes
The Knight Aka Natalia Mitternacht
The Slayer Aka Anton Mitternacht
Talon ii Aka Renegade Aka Jason Todd  
Superiorman "Soups" Aka Nullman ii Aka John Corben member of the Outsiders (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Akila runaway of The Daughters of Ares
FBI Agent Simon Baz
Ace of Spades Killer Aka Liza Warner
Long Shot Aka Jessica Cruz the globe trotting assassin
James Gordon the mob boss of all New Rotterdam City & agent of Owlman
Sister Selina Kyle of church of satanism
Steven "Shifty" Drake
the Human Target Aka Jonathan Drew
Code Name : Assassin Aka Christopher Chance
Overlord Aka Travis Morgan Amerikan defector & ruler of Skartaris
Doctor Leslie Thompkins Head of Arkham Asylum
Lucius Fox head of Wayne Industries tech division & arms dealer
Natasha Irons apprentice to Lucius Fox and employee of Wayne Industries tech division
Sin the Teenage Assassin Aka Sid Rickard (Anti-Matter counter part to Prez Rickard)
The Freak Aka Big Wheeler (Anti-Matter counter part to Brother Power)
Controller Mu leader of the Darkstars
Blackstar i R.I.P. (Anti-Matter counter part to Evil Star)
Blackstar ii Aka William Hand
Soranik Sinestro
Quanta Walker
(Ultraman Vengeance Squadron)
Mr. Abominable Aka Jimmy Olsen
Metallo Aka John Henry Irons cybernetic's powered by K-Metal
Daughter 13 Aka Tracy Thirteen
Insect Queen Aka Lana Lang & Zazzala ex owner Marcia Monroe 
Centaur clone of Jim Harper
(Cetropolis Vigilantes)
Liberator Aka Nullman i Aka Rudy Jones (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Cyborg Ultraman Aka Henry Henshaw ex leader of Excalibur using the modified body of Rudy Jones
Superiorman "Soups" Aka Nullman ii Aka John Corben member of the Outsiders (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Supernova Aka Nullman iii Aka K. Russell Abernathy powered by K-Metal (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro & Nuclear Man)
Black Banshee Aka Siobhan McDougal
Dead Air Aka Leslie Willis
Phosphorus Aka Claire Selton
Atomic Knight Aka Joseph Martin created by Doctor Albert Michaels
Officer Grflznk
Warden Aka Carl Draper
Castellan Aka Carla Draper
Toymaster i Aka Winslow Schott
Toymaster ii Aka Jack Nimball
Red Hood Aka Oswald Loomis the one man Red Hood gang of Centropolis
Armory Aka Mickey DuBois powers from Alexander Luther
Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Doomsday)
(Seaboard City Vigilantes)
Repulse Aka Neal Emerson
Ink i Aka Abel Tarrant
Ink ii Aka Mark Richards
Dummy i Aka Peter Merkel
Dummy ii Aka Peter Merkel, Jr.
Force Majeure Aka Paul Booker
(Midway City Vigilantes)
The Alchemist Aka Barry Allen
Tortoise (Anti-Matter counter part to Turtle)
Cival Sage (Anti-Matter counter part to Vandal Savage)
Brainstorm i Aka Clifford DeVoe
Brainstorm ii Aka Cliff Carmichael
Locust Aka Elizabeth Hersch R.I.P.
Godspeed (Anti-Matter counter part to Savitar)
Blue Flame Aka Malcolm Thawne using the Cobalt Stone
Gold Heart Aka Keith Kenyon & Silver Smith Aka Amunet Black
Anvil Aka Anthony Woodward
Prism Aka Roy G. Bivolo
Mister Element Aka Albert Desmond
Crimson Aka Frances "Francine" Kane
Blight Aka Neil Borman
(The Rogue Hunters)
Commander Cold Aka Leonard "Leo" Snart
Heat Stroke Aka Mick Rory
Weather Warlock Aka Mark Mardon
Trixer i Aka General James Jesse
Trixer ii Aka Axel Walker
Twister Aka Roscoe Dillon
Golden Guardian Aka Lisa Snart
Mirror Monarch i Aka Sergeant Sam Scudder
Mirror Monarch ii Aka Evan McCulloch
Private Piper Aka Hartley Rathaway
Commander Boomerang i Aka George "Digger" Harkness
Commander Boomerang ii Aka Eowyn "Boomer" Mercer
(Project Chase)
Hot Pursuit Aka Hunter Zolomon
Cruise Aka Edward "Eddie" Thawne
Speed Demon Aka Daniel West
(Sea Devils Aka Atlantis)
Sea King Aka Arthur Curry
Siren Lori Aka Lemaris
Barracuda Aka Orm Marius
Leviathan (Anti-Matter counter part to Lagoon Boy)
Dead Water Aka Peter Mortimer
Fisher King Aka Fisherman
Hippocampi Aka Lorena Marquez first of the Sunken
Piranha Aka Tula Marius the second in command of Orm
Weaponer-500 Hal Jordan
Weaponer-666 Kyle Rainer
(Red Hood Gang The Crimson Avengers)
Red Hood Aka Jack Napier the leader
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel second in command
Red Hood Aka Alexis Kaye
Red Hood Aka Ryan Wilder
Red Hood Aka Elizabeth Kane
Red Hood Aka Dana Harlowe
Red Hood Aka Gaggy Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(Brotherhood Of Good)
Cerebrum (Anti-Matter counter part to the Brain)
Gentleman George (Anti-Matter counter part to Monsieur Mallah)
Miss Shade Aka Laura De Mille
Gemini Aka Gemini De Mille
Port Aka Emil LaSalle
Freakout Aka Angela Hawkins 
Hemo-Goblin Aka Otto von Furth
(Salvage Squad)
Doc Aka Niles Caulder
Elongated-Doll Aka Rita Farr
Positive Man Aka Lawrence Trainor
Automan "Otto" Aka Clifford Steele
Changling Aka Garfield Logan
Plain Jane Aka Kay Challis
Worldspinner Aka Dorothy Spinner
Don the Mean Street
(Fearsome Five)
Jongleur Aka Myron Victor
Splitshot Aka William King
Lagomorph Aka Athena Tremor
Hindenburg Aka Herman Cramer
Tremor Aka Leander Brent
(League Of Light)
Ra's/Sawt Al Malak
Talie Al Malak
Cain (Anti-Matter counter part to Bane)
Black Archer Aka Malcolm Merlyn
Michael Al Malak/Wayne son of Cain
Odysseus ii Aka Maya Ducard
Bruiser Aka Colin Wilkes
(HellRaisers Decision The Satanist Church)
Brother John Constantine
Sister Sabina De La Croix
Father Midnite Aka Linton Midnite
(Order of St. Faust)
Asmodeus Aka Jean-Paul Valley, Jr.
(Metal Marauders)
Doctor William Magnus
(L.A.W. Living Assault Weapons)
W A R Warrior Weapons World Allocation Regent
Commander Steel (Anti-Matter counter part to Sargent Steel)
Armageddon Aka Timothy Zanetti
The Stranger i Aka Vic Sage
Martial Law Aka Ripley Jagger
Scarlet Scarub i Aka Dan Garrett
War Monger Aka Christopher Smith
Midnight Aka Eve Eden
(Starling City Vigilantes)
Artemis Aka Carrie Cutter
General Vertigo Aka Werner Zytle
(Queen Industries / The Bowmen)
Blue Bowman Aka Oliver Queen
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance first mistress of Oliver Queen
Bolt ii Aka Mia Dearden
Pandora Aka Chloe Sullivan archeologist specializing magical Amazon weaponry & second mistress of Oliver Queen
Watchtower Aka Felicity Smoak third mistress of Oliver Queen, hacker & head of Queen Industries cyber security
The Hood Aka John "The Gave Digger" Diggle head of security at Queen Industries & Agent of the Blue Bowman
(Lex Corp)
Alexander Luthor head of Lex Corp & leader of the Legion Of Justice
Ardora Luther wife to Alexander Luthor & Alien Refugee
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
(Future Criminal)
Black Scarab Aka Lily
Rip Hunter the Time Shredder
Anachronos Aka Matthew Ryder
XLR8 Aka Jenny Ognats
(Future Vigilante)
Black Guardian ii Aka Michelle Carter
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
Officer Zoom Aka Eobard Thawne
Hokus Pokus (Anti-Matter counter part to Abracadabra)
The Twin Tornadoes Aka Don Allen & Dawn Allen
(Past Vigilante)
Mister Misfortune l Aka Thaddeus Brown
El Mefisto Aka Lazarus Lane first holder of the spirit of wrath
Jonah Hex mercenary & artefact hunter
Per Degaton last of the Time Trust
(The 101)
Orca Aka Tobias Whale
Stalwart Aka Richard Hertz
(Blackguard Inc.)
Black Guardian i Aka Trixie Collins
(H.I.V.E Aka Hierarchy for International Virtuous Empowerment)
Geo Aka Tara Markov
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Marauder i Aka Grant Wilson R.I.P.
Major Disaster Aka Michael Beldon
Properium (Anti-Matter counter part to Protex)
A-Ternal (Anti-Matter counter part to A-Mortal)
Armakine (Anti-Matter counter part to Armek)
Morphxus (Anti-Matter counter part to Fluxus)
Primeve (Anti-Matter counter part to Primaid)
Ironix (Anti-Matter counter part to Tronix)
Xentury (Anti-Matter counter part to Zenturion)
Shüt (Anti-Matter counter part to ZüM)
Kingdom Aka Jackson Hawk
Jen Volt
The Maker Aka Dr. Angela Spica
Raptor Aka Shen Li-Men
Phoebus & Nightfall (Anti-Matter counter part to Apollo & Midnighter)
The Shaman Aka Jeroen Thornedike
Eradicator Aka Vera Lynn Black
United Jack Aka Manchester Black
Vulcan Aka Nathan Craig Jones
Chimera Aka Pamela
The Dragon Aka Rampotatek
(Amerikan Military)
Major Trouble Aka Joseph Jones
Agent Chain Aka Benjamin Lockwood of Children of Chains
Commander Hector Hammond the head of the Psi-Ops Programme
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Shepherd Aka Joseph Wilson agent of the Psi-Ops Programme
Psi Kid Aka Sammy Stryker agent the of Psi-Ops Programme
Pilgrim Aka Steve Trevor
Amanda Waller Director of the Ghost Initiative
Genral Nathaniel Christopher Adam head of the Armageddon Project
Major General Clifford Zmeck husband to Helen Zanetti & the onsite head the Armageddon Project
Lieutenant Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane agent of Project M & head of the Creeps Company
(The Armageddon Project)
Armageddon Aka Timothy Zanetti
Onslaught Aka Max Thrane
Genral Nathaniel Christopher Adam head of the Armageddon Project
Major General Clifford Zmeck husband to Helen Zanetti & the onsite head the Armageddon Project
(Project M "Monstrosity" / Creeps Company)
Lieutenant Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane agent of Project M & head of the Creeps Company
Lady Frankenstein Aka Bride of Frankenstein
Anthony "Lupine" Lupus
Andrew "Bloody Bennett" Bennett
Kha-Ef-Re the Sun "Sunny" King
(The Green)
Venus Aka Pamela Lillian Isley
Swamp King Aka Alexander Olsen
(Order Of Andromeda)
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
Valor Guard Aka Tanya Spears power from Alpha Centurion armour
The Andromeda Madonna Aka Ultrawoman Aka Dana Dearden
(The Republic Of Kahndaq)
Captain Thunder Aka Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam
Lieutenant Lightning Aka Behrad Tarazi
Sargent Storm Aka Zari Adrianna Tomaz
(Overlords Of Oha)
The Interceptors (Anti-Matter counter part to The Manhunters)
Interceptors Highmistress Aka Alpha (Anti-Matter counter part to Aya)
(High Priestess Of Zamaron)
The Unseen Lantern Corps (Anti-Matter counter part to Ultra Violet & Dark Lantern)
Infrared Aka Carol Ferris
Atrocitus The Unseen Lantern
Lyssan Drak holder of the book of Unseen Light
(Cosmic Citizens)
Star Taxie Aka Rokko
Infinitus the Multi-Alien Aka Sojourner "Jo" Mullein
Princess Neila (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxima)
Starro the unifier
Saint Walker failed prophet of the Astonia star doomsday cult & harold to Starro
C.O.M.P.U.T.O. (Civilizations Oncoming Meltdown Preservation Universal Transport Operator) hosted by Vril Dox
Hyperiex (Anti-Matter counter part to Imperiex)
Maximilian Lord Ex Attorney for the Crime Syndicate (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxwell Lord)
S@v0ur (Anti-Matter counter part to Kilg%re)
Terror Twins Shifter Aka Jayna & Downpour Aka Zan
Long Shadow Aka Holling Longshadow
Surge (Anti-Matter counter part to Black Vulcan)
Wind Dragon Aka Toshio Eto
(Happy "Hellion" Harbour)
Lucas "Snapper" Carr leader of the Snappers Street Gang
(Rings Of The Emotional Spectrum)
Raga holder of the Red ring of Furry
Yalan Gur holder of the Orange ring of Gluttony
Arisia holder of the Pink ring of Passion
Thaal Sinestro holder of the Yellow ring of Terror
Mongul holder of the Blue ring of Faith
Empero holder of the Indigo ring of Empathy (Anti-Matter counter part to Despero)
Power Ring Aka John Stewart holder of the Green ring of Resolve
(Sivana Squad)
Cabi The First Aka Cononel Thaddeus Sivana (Anti-Matter counter part to Ibac the First)
Major Magnificus Sivana grow up on Siegmund Krieger's miracle food
Captain Beautia Sivana holder of the Cloak of Darkness
General Georgia Sivana co creator & pilot for the Miss Atom Armour (Anti-Matter counter part to Mr. Atom)
Cabbas Aka Sargent Thaddeus Sivana, Jr. (Anti-Matter counter part to Sabbac)
Super-Humanite Aka Gerard Shugel's mind placed in the boy of an Albino Gorilla
Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Doomsday)
Snow Queen Aka Delores Winters's mind placed in the boy of Ice Queen Aka Sigrid Nansen R.I.P.
Samson Aka Xavier Simon's mind placed in the boy of a Sivlerback Gorilla
Powerman Aka Morgan Wilde's mind placed in the boy of an Ultraman android
(H.I.V.E. Five)
Commando Aka Simon Jones ex agent of the Psi-Ops Programme
Mastodon Aka Baran Flinders
Glimmer Aka Selinda Flinders
Bless (Anti-Matter counter part to Jinx)
Gadget Aka Mikron O'Jeneus
(Amaxons of Demon Island)
Diana Prince Queen of Demon Island
Hippolita ex queen, lover of Hades & the pact maker of Demon Island
(Amaxons of κόρες του είναι Aka daughters of Ares)
Antiope first Queen of daughters of ares, the pact breaker and first of the daughter of Arse
Requiem Aka Artemis the Shim'Tar of the daughters of Ares wielder of the Bow of Arse
Akila runaway of The Daughters of Ares
(Alexander Luthor's Test Animal)
Neutro the Ultra-Dog (Anti-Matter counter part to Krypto the Super-Dog)
Hadro the Ultra-Horse (Anti-Matter counter part to Comet the Super-Horse)
Proto the Ultra-Ape (Anti-Matter counter part to Beppo the Super-Ape)
Electro the Ultra-Cat (Anti-Matter counter part to Streaky the Super-Cat)
Negatro the Ultra-Mouse (Anti-Matter counter part to Krypto Mouse)
(Galaxy Communications)
Cat Grant head of GCN
(Checkmate Crewe)
Black King Aka Joseph Carny
White Queen Aka Mona Taylor
Black Bishop (Anti-Matter counter part to Jack of Spades)
Black Knight Aka Wanda Wayland 
White Rook Aka Derek Reston maker of the Rook Armour
(The MAZAHS's Family)
Mistress MAZAHS Aka Lena Luthor
Champion "Champ" Aka Otis Graves
The Whize Aka Leonard "Lenny" Luthor
Ignatius the pet iguana & dragon
(The Wizard MAZAHS's Militia)
The Wizard MAZAHS Aka Mamaragan
MAZAHS Aka William "Will" Batson R.I.P.
MAZAHS Jr. Aka Freddy Freeman R.I.P.
Mary MAZAHS Aka Mary Mayhem Aka Mary Bromfield
Darla Dudley R.I.P.
Eugene Choi R.I.P.
Pedro Peña R.I.P.
Dudley H. Dudley R.I.P. ex head of the Bad News Boys pick pockets
Tawny Tiger the ally cat & tiger
(Wet Works / The Horned Corporation)
Hadrian Aka Yohn Kohl
Sister Cyber Aka Maxine Manchester
Devotee Aka Lady Zannah
Razorback Aka Reno Bryce
Black Magic Aka Priscilla Kitaen
Mangaler Aka Jeremy Stone
Code Red Aka Cole Cash
Scourge Aka Marc Slayton
Rhamnusia Aka Lady Charis of the Adrastea
O.M.A. One Man Army (Anti-Matter counter part to O.M.A.C & T.A.O)
Slaughter Aka Kenesha
Mister Massacre Aka James Bronson Aka Massacros of Khera
Legend (Anti-Matter counter part to Mythos)
Black Zero derived from Experiment B 0 Aka Null Woman Aka Adrianna Tereshkova (Anti-Matter counter part to Void & Bizarro Girl)
(Team 6)
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Amanda Waller
Pilgrim Aka Steve Trevor
John Lynch
Code Red Aka Cole Cash
Jackhammer Aka Alexander Fairchild
Henry Bendix Director of The Weathermen & bonded with the Void entity
Celsius Aka Lauren Pennington
Prima Donna Aka Isabella Fermi
Heaven Sent Aka Nigel Keane
Gashadokuro Aka Toshiro Misawa
Brumal Aka Nikolas Andreyvitch Kamarov
(Ghost Initiative /Ghost Patrol)
Amanda Waller Director of the Ghost Initiative
Colonel Richard Flag, Jr.
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel
Live Fire Aka Floyd Lawton
Man-Shark Aka Nanaue
Commander Boomerang i Aka George "Digger" Harkness
(The Huntresses)
Overwatch Aka Barbara Gordon
Richard "The Gray Ghost" Grayson top assassin of mob boss James Gorden
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance
Talon iiii Aka Furry Aka Helena Bertinelli/Wayne
Condor ii Aka Dawn Granger & Swan ii Aka Holly Granger
Madame Black Mask ii Aka Zinda Blake
(Unalloyed Criminals)
The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus R.I.P.
Streak Aka Barry Allen the one man the Crime Syndicate couldn't catch
Condor i Aka Donald Hall & Swan i Aka Hank Hall
(Black Mask Squadron)
Black Mask Aka Bartholomew "Bart" Hawk
Andre Blanc-Dumont
Carlo "Chuck" Siriani
Madame Black i Aka Natalie Reed
Olaf Friedriksen
Ritter Hendricksen
Stanislaus Drozdowski
Weng Chan
(The Movement)
Commodore Murphy
Cecilia "Cece" Sunbeam
J.P. Houston
Lucia Lynn Houston
Mohammed Qahtanii
(Pokolistan Military)
Zed Aka Avruskin
Faora Right hand woman to Zed Aka Avruskin
Zero Aka Ivruskin son of Faora & Avruskin
Short Circuit Aka Julien Jourdain
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aquickstart · 8 months
You know the b99 episode where the dentist who did the perfect murder ends up confessing in a rage because Jake lays down the theory that he was impulsive and sloppy and simply got lucky at every turn? To me Oliver is lowkey the kind of guy Jake described.
i read your ask wrong the first time and assumed something you didn't imply at all and typed out almost a full response. talk about presumption and literacy my god. anyway. to actually answer this correctly this time.
YES. yes exactly. i don't remember this episode well. but oliver quick is impulsive and hungry and horny and confused by his desires. he is sloppy. he is the kind of guy who thinks that of course no one wants him, ugh, poor him, he deserves a sob story because he might as well have been poor and neglected, he felt like he was, so what of it; insecure but compensating by pride. he is also the kind to think that he is smarter than everyone and understands whatever he set his mind to understand better than anyone ever could (i.e. felix, the cattons, the reality of being actually poor, too). he relies on his own perception. once he establishes what he thinks is the full picture, he sticks by this understanding until he gets hit in the face by the concrete wall of reality (e.g. farleigh who keeps defying his expectation and driving him more and more mad).
in his mind, as evidenced so clearly by his monologue in the end, he calculated everything perfectly because he is so smart and everyone else isn't. the truth of it is that the cattons played with him until it was too late. it just so happened that the cattons were also sloppy with their playing, and unfortunately oliver was too impulsive, and too hungry, and never had to face rejection in a way that mattered to him before oxford (because everyone at school was an idiot, clearly, so they just didn't appreciate his genius, and his family, predominantly women, were clearly also too meek to reach his depth of thinking (i am being sarcastic. this is oliver's logic)). he fumbles everything and everyone and then soliloquizes to convince himself (and us, the audience) that he actually didn't. it wasn't actually just a crush that accidentally drove him to something sinister, because oliver quick is a cold-hearted calculating mastermind. if you implied the contrary to his face he'd flip out, probably.
so that's that. but i'll tell you why i first misread your ask. i will also tell you most of what i typed out at first because it is still relevant because of your comparison of b99, a sitcom, and saltburn, an enigma of genre.
by comparing it with a sitcom you're picking up on genre conventions and bringing up, i think, indirectly, a great point about the messiness of saltburn as a film, a cinematic work of art, and the difficulty of defining its genre because of the context of its form. i saw a comment on tiktok in a similar vein, about how saltburn defies the concept of genre and is impossible to pin down, and disagreed with it, because saltburn is fundamentally gothic romanticism, which is, however, largely (if not exclusively) a book genre/aesthetic.
yeah! so like, with this comparison, you're kinda drawing attention to the fact, i think, that oliver soliloquizing his genius plan and recounting everything we've already seen is kind of silly on its own, on a surface level. it is kind of silly because it sounds like it does in marvel-esque flicks, because in those types of stories it's a cliché that works to emphasize the villain's villainy, the pride, the presumption of the win. in those stories we know these dudes are evil (there's nuance, but in general, they are anti-heroes). and i need to stress this: saltburn can definitely be watched and read in the exact same way. surface reading can be completely justified (it is a legitimate literary practice! i have a pdf on hand if you want but here's a citation on researchgate). it's liberating not to dig into psycho- and lit-analysis of a piece and could serve some of us well.
your ask is not about that at all, but i fuckin love the comparison. because saltburn is fuckin silly in a huge part. it has a whole bunch of bits and pieces that it strings together and a lot of people are trying to pin down its genre based on individual bits that they recognize the tone of. but this kind of seeing it is a mistake, because what it does is play into the aesthetics of gothic romanticism. and gothic romanticism can be anything at all, it just has to convey certain themes in certain ways. which is what it does. so it's not that much about whether saltburn is a comedy, a drama, a horror or a thriller. it's more about the fact that it's a gothic story. i fuckin love saltburn.
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thelesbianpoirot · 8 months
if you ever do feel like mocking saltburn please do. god that movie was ridiculous. just disjointed nonsense and shock factor (although, for me, the most 'shocking' scene was actually the end when he's about to unplug the ventilator or whatever, just because of the suspense and horror i felt knowing he's some deviant freak who's probably not above abusing an unconscious elderly woman.)
I tried to hold back on mocking Saltburn because the director is a woman, I hated the Barbie and only made a single post about it, because I didn't want to obliterate the film of a woman just trying to say some feminism 101 talking points while still making a giant toy advertisement. Especially a woman I know can make good movies, she made ladybird and I did enjoy that.
But when I found out Saltburn was directed by the woman who wrote, co-produced and directed promising young woman, I realize I had to say something. Emerald really isn't a survivor of assault, she can't fucking be, if she thinks promising young woman isn't a fucking slap in the face. I have never hated a protagonist and plot more. The message of her movies are any lacking substance. They have down right conservative messaging masquerading as radical, and are so misguided. Sheltered rich kid movies. She can't write for shit and people are blowing smoke up her ass. There are many male nepobaby hacks and frauds in hollywood, Emerald fennel is a rare female version. Saltburn is no different from promising young woman. I will be quick because I am about to go to sleep. She wrote that one too. She can't write. She could be a good produce and director, but not as a writer. Her ideas are uninspired, childish and not realistic. And she isn't inventive enough to make viewers suspend their disbelief. She made no effort to hide that the main character was sinister. I don't blame Barry, he's a good actor, he can do innocent and evil, but the movie showed it's hands so fucking early. I knew within the first 15 minutes where this movie was going and the only thing that shocked me was the blatant-ness of it all. This feels like the plotline of a season of dynasty, when I know she wanted it to feel like succession.
Oliver Quick is character that should be dismantling the wealth elite. He isn't poor, he's upper middle fucking class. I could not take any solace in a working class character seizing the wealth of the rich. His family is fucking loaded. Do you see his house? His happy loving parents. He is not a hero, or even anti-hero, he's no better any of the rich people he killed or had a hand in killing. If that is the point, what is the point. Everyone is an entitled rich evil bastard in succession, but they are people, they don't see themselves like that and we the audience no matter how aware we are, can fall victim to caring about them. At no one in this movie do I care about Oliver Quick or any of the other characters. They weren't people, just quirks and archetypes.
Is she saying poor (middle class really) people are entitled psychopaths social climbers? We hate and love the rich and famous because we want to fuck them and be them? Is that the message? I think she decided to make it a comedy after she saw the completely boilerplate boring runt of a film she made, so she added wacky scenes to get comedy from it, I did not laugh, not even in a dark things are funny sense. It just pissed me off more and more. I paid to see this on my day off, took the bus into the city and everything, emerald give me my day off back!
Does the women's wealth make their treatment okay? The sexual manipulation of the younger sister, and the abuse of an unconscious elderly disabled mother?
Young women are horny for Jacob Elodi, who isn't even a good actor, he's just tall, like I can't see a reason why this man is famous another than he's tall, and straight girls need to feel small and little to feel sexy idk. The whole film is dedicated to how enigmatic Jacob elodi's character is, and how someone wanting to be him or be with him could drive them to murder. Yet he is a PLANK. A BRICK WALL. THERE IS NOTHING THERE. He will never be Jude Law/dicky greenleaf (i.e charismatic asshole).
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Yes, putting nonsensical meaningless shocking scenes in your movie doesn't make it good. Having a jump scare in your horror movie doesn't make it scary, you just surprised people, got a natural human response from them. I cringed, scrounged up my face, rolled my eyes and complain about the movie, that doesn't make it thought provoking. Just irritating.
She wanted this to be her THE MENU (Latest hollywood class struggle critique) mixed with Talented Mister Ripley (sympathetic but psychopathic protagonist tries to blend in with the cold shallow rich people).
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But what she did was connect a series of aesthetic shots (jacob Elodi montage that belongs in a music video at best), weird sexual shit social media will cling to because it is weird and sexual, and location shots/scenes that looked like meaningful things should be happening but nothing is there. Film twitter tiktok can't stop talking about this dumb movie, and she got what she wanted. I can't wait till she makes a good movie for once, instead of relying on backlash, outrage to fuel her film career.
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mik3stuff · 8 months
About Me
Mike / Miguel / Michael / Billy / Guilherme / William | He/Him and They/Them and a bunch of neos you can ask about
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Fandoms | Bluey, Hilda, Blue Period, The Owl House, Adventure Time, Fiona and Cake, Monster High, Amphibia, Gravity Falls, Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Trials of Apollo, Kane' Chronics, Magnus Chase, Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel (not exactly, also I'm Not A Vivziepop Apologist neither a fan. i recognize is not a good work and just put is here bcause sometimes i post or reblog about it. i like the idea but not the creator and i think it was badly executed), Marvel Comic's (specially Loki, Gwenpool and Spider-Verse), DC (specifically Batfam but i'm new to the fandom so i might not know some characters like Mia but i'll look after it), Steven Universe, Good Omens, FNAF, ATLA, LOK, MHA, My Little Pony, Sakura Card Capture
Racists, Ableists, Xenophobics, Atheistphobics, People with religious prejudice at all
Homophobes and Transphobes in general (Lesphobes, Biphobes, Polyphobes, Poliphobes, Panphobes, Ominiphobes, Aphobes, Queerphobes, Neophobes, Demiphobes and any kind of Homophobia or Transphobia at all)
Fascist or Nazi Supporters
Sexualize Minors
Anti feminists, TERF/Radfem, Incel and MGTOW
MCU apologists
Anti Comunists, Socialists and or Anarchists (like, that's okay if you're not one of them but respect)
J.K. Rowling Apologists
Vivzpop Apologists
I'm biracial and Brazilian, sometimes I post things in Portuguese (Bolsonaristas e antipetistas fiquem longe)
I'm (much probably) Autistic and ADHD
Random info bout me
My main color palette is spring and my main colors are olive green, jade and confetti
My current hyperfocus is Loki Comics and any comic they appear in an upsetting way and Batfam (DC in general including my mutuals oc's) and I have a special interest in history in general
I identify as gender-faun and as poliromantic, aroflux and ace
I'm writing a original story so, idk, you can ask me about me oc's? if you want?
I'm Grunge, Lamp, Cottage and KidCore
Apollo/Demeter Child (not sure yet but trying to find out)
RPG and LARP player
Dog, Ghost, Wolf, Vampire, Werewolf and Star kin
Therian, Furry and Kemonomimi
I play Minecraft and Stardew valley
I Listen to Cave Town, Mother Mother, Marina and Arctic Monkeys
Oc's Masterposts
Billy Cane (DC/Batfam S/I)
Things You Can Request Me
Art (simple stuff like sketchs, chibis, etc. I don't take comissions yet so nothing too complicated :D)
Moodboard (ship, oc, crossover, stimboard, characters, series, aesthetics, etc.)
Edits (coloring art, changing bodytype, skintone and hair, icons. etc. i do NOT edit nsfw or other people art)
Tips and Advices (tho idk why would you want that from me lmao)
Headcanons and Dialogues (only SFW ones)
( please don't expect me to be quick! i'm a rather lazy person, tho i'll try to make it as fast as possible )
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Kind of a random musing: part of the reason Jane Austen might have so much staying power as an author is because she somehow avoids controversial topics from today that were not so controversial in her era.
Except for a mixed-race heiress we never met, there are no people of other races. While this does mean no representation, it also means we avoid negative stereotypes that can be painful to read (See Belinda by Maria Edgeworth for a cringe-worthy example of a black servant from the same era).
Except for John Thorpe calling Mr. Allen “as rich as a Jew”, there is no anti-semitism and even this is in the mouth of a villain character. Problematic Jewish stereotypes are so frequent in pre-1940s literature it’s almost shocking not to find them in Jane Austen (Oliver Twist, The Picture of Dorian Grey, and The Great Gatsby just off the top of my head).
Despite half of Jane Austen’s male heros being clergymen, the word “God” is more likely to be an exclamation than used in a discussion of religion or prayer, even in Mansfield Park which deals the most with religion and the Church of England. While some understanding of 18th century morality is helpful for interpreting the text, the general principles discussed apply broadly and the novels don’t tend to come across as preachy. (compare this to Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, which quotes the Bible and includes prayer. For a quick comparison, Jane Eyre mentions the word “God” 111 times, Mansfield Park is 7 times, only twice in a religious context and 3 times referring to godparents)
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swagyna · 10 months
A "Quick" Guide to Independent US President Candidates of 2024
Regardless of the party you usually vote for, I encourage you to go over this list
Jill Stein, Green Party
A Jewish Doctor, she's been running in different campaigns for 21 years. This will be her third time running for presidency; her announcement was in direct response to President Biden's lack of action in regards to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Her main concerns are to reinvigorate our lacking Green New Deal, for the right of a living wage in a revised Economic Bills of Rights, an end to discrimination of women, BIPOC, and LGBT+ members; the removal of US influence in wars across the globe, as well as an end to our politicians being bought out by lobbyists.
Dr. Stein learned of the impacts of environmental pollution first hand while she was a practicing physician; her patients' were suffering from the nicknamed "Filthy Five" coal plants in her area. This spurred her into activism, which did eventually lead to the removal of these coal plants. While involved in this activism, she heard how many people had been demanding the removal of the plants for years. Local politicians refused to heed the people's words. Stein eventually learned it was due to lobbying, and helped to pass the Clean Elections Law. This law would only last for 5 years before Democrats removed it. A/N: Dr. Stein has only declared her running just this month on Nov. 9th. This may explain her lacking platform.
Chase Oliver, Libertarian Party
Wikipedia You could describe him as sort of an "average Joe". Before entering politics, he worked restaurant jobs for 13 years. He's previously ran for Georgia's 5th district for House in 2020, as well as running for Senator in 2022 of the same state. He got enough support during his run for Senate that it caused a runoff election. His campaign is addressing many different problems, from positive immigration reform to being prochoice. Here's the list and a brief summary of what his plans are:
○ Healthcare system overhaul, swap to Direct Primary Care ○ Addressing Student Loans, making current loans interest free, ending FAFSA entirely, using Department of Defense money to pay for interest fees lost by this move. Also addressing high tuition costs. ○ Education, removal of the Department of Education to allocate money directly back to the states. ○ Allowing free market on Marijuana, signing full pardons for anyone with a non-violent drug-only criminal charge. ○ Changes to the Justice System, from courts to prisons to cops, removal of immunity from those in power, removal of mandatory minimum sentences, removal of prosecution of victimless crimes. ○ Work Changes, adjustments to taxes to make it easier on lower-income families, as well as law adjustments for people looking to open their own businesses. ○ Immigration reform, simplification for immigrants to become citizens to allow them to work and better integrate into our society. ○ Government invasion of Privacy, the potential repeal of the Patriot Act as well as any other invasive laws the government has passed in the guise of "safety". ○ The rights of bodily autonomy and Abortion, which should be codified. The exception here is that tax money cannot be used for it.
○ Ending the Death Penalty ○ Reducing Inflation by reducing government spending [a/n: this is not what causes inflation] ○ Removal of any Gun Restrictions and will strike down any new one that come up in the future What spurred him into activism roughly 2 decades ago, was President Bush's war campaign in Iraq. In 2008, he initially supported President Obama but later left the Democratic Party as he found that their policies were not anti-war and had no intention of becoming anti-war. He's spoken against regulations that prevent that feeding of the homeless and hungry in the City of Columbia [agenda], and has also made a public comment to the Atlanta City Council against Cop city (time stamp is 2:17:00).
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Independent Party
An avid environmentalist lawyer who has won exceptional lawsuits for Indigenous People. This will be the first time RFK Jr. has officially ran for an election. In prior years, he's considered running for a Senator seat, NY's Attorney General seat, and has previously declined NY's Senate seat.
RFK Jr.'s campaign also has quite an extensive list of problems to address: ○ Housing Crisis and Cost: raising minimum wage to $15 an hour, changing zoning laws, changing taxes, opening ownership to local abandoned housing/buildings ○ Environment: restoring USDA and EPA control, incentivize companies to go green on a global scale, change agricultural practices ○ Ending of Lobbying: prosecution of officials and politicians who have been bought out by corporations, restoration of individual privacy, full government transparency. ○ Ending Party Division: RFK Jr. acknowledges that the Left vs Right is not helpful to the average person and seeks to remedy this divide by listening and compromising. ○ War: the removal of our troops and bases from countries in which we do not belong. The stop of unnecessary and profligate spending in our military machine. ○ Southern Border: Tighten control on checkpoints, restore lighting and motion detectors, but also allocate money into our courts to move asylum cases thru faster. This ties back with his stance on war, however; he wants the removal of our forces and weapons from the hands of the cartel. The US needs to stop funding the displacement of civilians in their own nations. ○ Restoration of Rights: Write into law that tech companies cannot ban, shadowban, or suppress someone if the government asks them to. Removal of government surveillance. ○ Civil Rights: to do this, a complete overhaul of these systems will happen - community repair, prison/police reform, focus on the working class and disenfranchised schooling, find addiction care that is long term, expanded youth programs, and free IDs for US citizens. ○ Native Americans: the restoration of land, the complete adherence to previous treaties that have been written and ignored by the US. ○ Veterans: optimization of the VA, creating a federal Veteran's council, to provide ways veterans can still "serve" in their communities. ○ Student Loans: the repeal of Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act which will allow people to file bankruptcy on student loans, allow people to refinance their student loans, remove interest on student loans, to hold universities accountable and not banks for loan defaults to prevent the rising prices of tuition.
Some things to note; Robert is a member of Children's Health Defense, which is an anti-vax organization that claims vaccines cause autism. Robert doesn't believe that HIV causes AIDS which he writes about in his book The Real Anthony Fauci (pg numbers: 298, 332, 347, 348, 351).
Cornel West, Independent Party
Another Doctor on the list, Cornel is a philosophy professor at Union Theological Seminary. In his practice, he focuses on how American society treats differences between gender, race, and class. This is his first time running for office, and had previously been with the People's Party which he dropped for the Green Party. In October '23, he left the Green Party to be Independent. Here is a list of what Dr. West is looking to address during his presidency: ○ Environmentalism: Canceling any and all national oil projects, codifying informed consent (FPIC) for Indigenous people and their land, end water privatization by making a clean water committee ○ Racial Justice: Reparations for black residents, following thru on the Civil Liberties Act of '88, public review commissions for all police stations, creating a committee dedicated to finding missing and murdered Indigenous women ○ Prison/Police Reform: End the death penalty, abolish current privatized prison practices, shutting down Cop City, end and ban police training thru military forces ○ Voters' Rights: Election day is to be a national holiday to ensure everyone can vote, term limits for all elected officials, ban on past elected officials from becoming lobbyists, term limits for SCOTUS members ○ Gun Control: Create national gun registry, reduce gun sales at shows, similar requirements for driver licenses to gun ownership ○ Economics: Tax billionaires, remove tax loopholes for the super rich, end Wall Street housing market holdings, ban stock trading for elected gov. officials, national minimum wage of $27/hr, create UBI commission ○ Workers' Rights: Four day work week, review US trade agreements and ban any that exploit domestic and international workers, free pre-K childcare, all for-profit companies must allow the creation of unions ○ Healthcare: Free healthcare, codify abortions, address addiction and help those affected by it, create federal panel to oversee the creation/safety/effectiveness of vaccines, focus on giving more power back to disabled people ○ Education: Redistribute tax money equally across all public schools based on student count (this way rural students still receive the same schooling as urban students), minimum wage of 80k for K-12 teachers, abolish state laws that obfuscate our US history, cancel student debt ○ LGBTQIA+: establish standards for trans healthcare, end assaults on trans people, ban on state anti-LGBTQIA+ laws, codify equal rights for LGBTQIA+ people ○ Global Influence: Removal of military support in all current wars, establish Truth Commission for the global south, disband NATO, cut the military budget, end global patriarchy and help women in Iran and Afghanistan, cancel IMF debts
A note to end on: Firstly, I will not be discussing who I will be voting for on this post. Secondly, I want to add that just because a candidate has a large list of issues they're addressing doesn't mean they will actually get it done while in office. We regularly see candidates come in with large promises only to "forget" about them once they reach office.
Remember: the presidential election is important, but getting out and voting during midterms is infinitely much more impactful because those are our lawmakers!! A president cannot change anything if there is no house or senate backing her/him!
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ughtyrell · 3 months
Fic idea post list, multi fandom.
Model Oliver Quick Anti Social Oliver Quick Farleigh/Oliver fuck enemies, ft clueless Felix Obsessive Felix Catton Abusive Felix Catton Felix learns Oliver sleeps with guys Everyone thinks Klaus is the prettiest Hargreeves Five and Klaus close as kids AU
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