#anti rory x logan
jojoblessed365 · 11 months
Okay, something for the Gilmore Girls fandom:
Sure, Logan could be technically Rory's best boyfriend, given that he's her college boyfriend and he was her longest relationship- comparatively to Dean and Jess.
But does being the boyfriend who you've dated for the longest time, met at a later date and your most (comparatively) stable relationship the endgame????
Absolutely NOT!!!!
The best relationships are the ones that are deeper, they have this idea that every day is going to be something new- they will love you as you grow each day and champion the best and accept the worst versions of you with grace. They will challenge you and you will have debates and fights maybe on a daily basis but not because they want to pick a fight, they won't pretend to agree or disagree with you and let it simmer till they use it to get back at you.
And so far, the only relationship that has shown snippets of it (and I say snippets) is Jess- be it in their relationship and their friendship, Jess is the only one who is able to be there for Rory in a way that neither Dean nor Logan manage to- and ironically, they are her longest relationships.
Was Jess the best boyfriend? NO! But did Rory love him deeply? Absolutely!!! And he loved her deeply!!!
Does Logan love Rory? Of course, but is love the only thing that is sustainable for a relationship? Compatibility, trust, honest communication, deeper levels of complexity, unbiased support where neither cohort is threatened by the other, are some of the few factors that determine a long lasting relationship, then eventually, a marriage.
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jessmmariano · 2 years
Jess is the only one of Rory’s love interests to actually work on himself and become a better person, which makes him superior.
Did Dean ever change himself for Rory? No, but Rory certainly did for Dean. Instead of acknowledging his misogyny over the whole Donna Reed thing, he just doubled down and made her feel as if she was in the wrong. Huh??
Did Logan ever change for her? I guess he quit sleeping around for her…how romantic? Oh, wait, that’s just the bare minimum! In fact, one could probably argue that Rory changed more for Logan than Logan did for her.
But Jess? He became a better person. He read an entire self-help book after making fun of it. He learned from his actions and actually took the corny advice to become a better person.
People love to remember the reckless, brash teenage Jess but you have to remember—he’s not like that anymore! He’s an adult now, he’s mature. He has a whole business, he’s a published author! He is by far the most mature of Rory’s love interests yet no one ever address that.
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nelllover · 2 years
I just saw a rog@n gifset of sweet nothing and now I want to put bleach in my eyes
T.Swift would not approuve I just know it!!!
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iamnathannah · 26 days
It really does feel like every Rory/Logan fanfic writer definitely either explicitly supports that other guy in the election, or thinks that the show actually played out between 1900-1916 because Rory taking basic pregnancy precautions is an offensive concept to the world of their 'Rogan baby'.
They literally refuse to refer to Rory as an individual person and only call them "Rogan" together in reviews. And if she does something proper to protect herself some Rogan fan comes in with 24 reviews of anti-feminist screeds that call Rory several ugly names and make me think that they just want to admit they think of themselves sleeping with Logan rather than Rory.
There is no world where heaping verbal abuse on a character that doesn't deserve it is okay, or completely discounting the show because part of your couple takes basic sexual precautions against someone you know has allegations all over the place and is a very problematic man.
There's a reason that the main het couple with Rory has more stories than yours; because Literati folks treat both Rory and Jess with proper respect and will take it to heart if you think either side was written improperly. I can never understand writing a ship fic if you utterly loathe the woman involved, and Rogan fans are the worst at this dynamic.
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
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anggiazs · 2 months
Just saw a TikTok comment saying "I think Logan stans like Logan, while Jess stans like Jess and Rory together." and I can't help but think THAT THIS IS SO TRUE!
If you're talking about Jess, Rory is never out of context. It's always talking about how they bring out the best in each other at the right time, how they need each other, how they made each other better, yada yada yada. In the end, they're soulmates, pushing towards each other. As much as I love Jess (seriously, I have a problem), I would always want him more for Rory, for them to be happy together as adults in love in a way I'm so certain they can be.
And with Logan, ... Istg if I see one more person saying "Rory should've said yes to Logan's proposal" I am gonna riot, like full on burning a house down. "But he loves her so much, he can give everything for her!" HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR HER! Yes, most of it is her decisions and mistakes, but good god he doesn't do anything real or impactful about it. He just lets her. It's always "But Logan is..." or "Logan will...", and oh my god this show is NOT titled "Huntzbergers". What about what Rory wants??? What about her??? Can't you see that he brings out the bad from her? Not only him but his entire environment???
Hhhh, most of Logan stans I see on TikTok only love him because he's rich and knows how to have a good adventurous time. Don't they care about the actual emotional connection between two destined people?? And don't even get me started on them comparing adult Logan and teenage Jess, which is another rant entirely. "THIS is how a healthy relationship should look like!", and it's a clip on Logan being there when Richard is sent to the hospital, not on him bribing Rory with coffee without even saying "I'm sorry" or any other manipulative shit he has done. There are two sides to a coin; If you refused to see that on Jess, sure as hell I'm not letting you ignore it on Logan.
And I also saw a comment saying "Logan loved her so much he'll agree to anything she does because he'll follow her every decision." and um, isn't that... like, not healthy?? Loving someone should mean you want what's best for them, knowing someone so well that with one glance you can tell something's not right, not seeing them drown in a lifestyle YOU INFLUENCED ON THEM, and just decide to be happy and follow them deeper and deeper into it. Rory and Logan would not last A MINUTE outside the Yale bubble, and that is a statement I'll carry to my grave.
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I find it so weird when people think that the reason you prefer Jess for Rory and as a personal preference for yourself is because you are attracted to unavailable men. 🤔 I hear this opinion a lot and it's just weird to me. I have been in the same relationship for the last 8 years and is very available. I love Jess the most because of how much he grows, and learns from his errors. I love their connection and how he pushes Rory to be the best version of herself. I love that he owns up to his mistakes and feels bad about his mistakes and instead of gaslighting Rory he changes his behavior and tries to do better. I love how Jess and Rory inspire each other and motivate each other. I love how despite having shitty circumstances in life he turns it around and makes it positive. I love how instead of minimizing Rory to be his mistress he waits until she is ready and is there for her as a friend without any strings, he is there for her no matter if they are together or not. His love for her is unconditional and while he wasn't perfect his love for her is so genuine and you can feel that. I am also a sucker for best friends to lovers and pining but that's another subject. It's just a weird take I've seen some people have, just because we like Jess best doesn't mean we want unavailable men there is so much more to it than that.
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raisedbythetv89 · 6 months
Me when the manipulative character manipulates irl viewers into ignoring all the bad and only seeing the good and then treating me like I’m the crazy one because I see through the manipulation and see the characters for who they really are instead of how they want to be perceived
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weepynymph · 11 months
Revival Rory
I’ve just started reading @rhiawriter ‘s. The Writers (SO GOOD by the way) and it got me thinking about how the revival kind of failed Rory in terms of where she’d be with her career. Not so much just hitting a rut, but ending up in stars hollow for a year.
I think when talking about Rory’s storyline in the revival it’s important to not that ayitl is not just a continuation of Gilmore girls but kind of a fan service (to a certain extent) celebration of the show.
Therefore when writing it they needed a storyline that would include as many of the old characters as possible depending on what actors wanted to come back.
They also needed a way for Rory to be back in stars hollow.
Hence her moving home and having a kind of ‘I don’t know what I’m doing with my life’ crisis storyline instead of being out in the world thriving the way that most of us would envision for her from seeing how talented and adaptable Rory is as a character. (I’m not saying it’s totally out of character for Rory to find herself a bit lost or hitting a rut, it’s just a very specific choice for her character that conveniently puts her back in stars hollow for the duration of ayitl because we need her to be there so the Gilmore girls can talk really fast in person instead of over the phone)
Even in terms of the Logan stuff they obviously wanted the character to be in the show so he needs a reason to be there without making him Rory’s endgame because we don’t want to side overly with one ship - so he and Rory are having an affair, and what are the only circumstances under which Rory would do this? When she’s at rock bottom. (As we’ve seen from the whole dean incident where she was so lonely and heartbroken over Jess that she didn’t think through what she was doing with dean she just wanted to feel loved and important)
Anyway I just think it’s interesting how the nature of the revival impacted Rory’s storyline (as well as others see Luke and Lorelai not being married or having discussed kids in ten years just because we don’t want to throw new kids into the mix and we want a fan service loreluke wedding) and whilst I’ve actually grown to like ayitl for what it is, I do think that it suffers from the constraints of being a revival and I wonder what the writer would have envisioned for Rory at this stage of her life if it weren’t for those constraints.
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liesmultixxx · 1 year
LOGAN immediately being there for rory when richard was in the hospital is PROOF that he is NOT her christopher… christopher couldn’t be bothered to come and be there for lorelai whereas LUKE didn’t hesitate for one second to be there for her… much to think about
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mauradersdaughter · 1 year
What if Rory went to jail?
So I’ve been thinking, how can someone steal a yacht and only get 300 hours of community service?
For those who don’t know, if you steal something lower than $5,000 dollars, you can get maximum two years of jail time. But, according to “NOLO”, in the state of Connecticut, when you steal something over $20,000 dollars, it’s a class B felony. Crimes like that are punishable by 1 to 20 years in prison and up to $15,000 dollars fine. Now, small boats under 40 ft can start at $46,000, however, the value of a yacht is dependent on its size and appointments, but most will have a value greater than $20,000.
Rory, however, was charged with Third Degree Criminal Mischief, a misdemeanor, instead of a felony, a.k.a, a less serious criminal offense. I do believe that her grandparents’ lawyers did use the fact that she and her family never had a problem with the law before to get her to have a simpler sentence. Typically, the penalties can go from fines and/or probation to incarceration. But still, 300 hours in six months is a ridiculously low probation. Even more ridiculous is the Gilmores thinking she‘d get only 20 hours. Rory’s charge may not have been a felony, but it still would have carried a fine and up to six months in jail.
I wonder if that would’ve been her wake up call. Her boyfriend getting no punishment and her going to jail. Would that rage her? The entire Gilmore family on fire, Lorelai visiting her kid in jail, Richard noticing how he failed sooner, Emily having panic attacks, Jess hearing from Luke what happened. It at least would be a good plot line.
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Okay, so just straight on ranting here-
I just watched Written on the Wind, which deals with family business and relations and I couldn't but make parallels to the characters with Rory-Jess-Logan:
Jess is Rock Hudson's character- a smart, moral man who always thinks the best for everyone even if they don't deserve it (similar to 06x18). He's honest about his feelings and will not wallow over them (though he does some serious pining throughout the movie)
Rory is Lauren Bacall's character who marries a man who manipulates her into a marriage (similar to Logan when he pushed that he can change and be boyfriend material in 05x19) and has to deal with his relapse into alcohol (like in 06x08).
Logan is Robert Stack's character, who is a lazy person and womanizer, who attempts to change by marrying the woman who's against his type, but when things don't go his way, he relapses and everyone has to pick up the pieces...
Don't believe me?
Watch the movie now!!!
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nelllover · 1 year
Something about Rory and Jess's dynamic that I don't see people talking about enough is the fact that he is the only bf of her's that was her friend before anything else (now granted both had huge crushes on each other since the start but still!!)
And I think that's why they're the best!
Jess saw her as more than just some pretty girl he saw her as someone that he could spend time with and not get bored and Rory saw him as someone who would finally not just tune her out and nod politely when she went off on a tangent about her interests (especially books).
another aspect of that is showcased in how they act in later seasons (s6 and AYITL) while yes they are exes (who are still in love with each other but don't tell them) they're able to go right back to the same rhythm with easy conversations like nothing happened (now granted that's not totally healthy and they should definitely have a conversation about everything but what do you expect from the king and queen of denial)
There is a reason why by the end of the series the only ex Rory has a good relationship with is Jess (and no not just because they were totally implied endgame) it's because they need each other in their lives so much that they're ok with just having those 'totally 100% platonic moments' (altho there as never been a moment where they haven't been in love with each other)
And I can tell you one thing for sure Jess is the only one who cares about Rory enough to do that you'll never see either Dean or Logan be there for her without a hidden agenda.
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
I found a new thing in Gilmore Girls that would be so much better if Palladino and company had just had the guts to be more explicit about class on the show. And it’s Marty’s storyline.
So I’m one of those few people out there who really liked season 5! Marty, and even though I hate that he was written to crush on Rory I also think his confession scene and departure was well written (it was just ruined by season 7 hindsight). The thing is, I’m fully convinced that you could’ve had a big conflict between Rory and Marty that would cause a rift so big he wouldn’t come back for a full season without that conflict being Marty’s feelings for Rory. And you see what it could be in the same episode as Marty confesses. 
It’s the Life and Death Brigade.
So hear me out. In LDBs introductory episode we are not just introduced to the main trio (Logan, Finn and Colin) as womanizers and pranksters, but as people who pick on Marty because he has worked in their functions. Logan even explicitly states that he thinks he’s better than Marty, and it’s implied (if I’m remembering right) that he thinks so because he’s wealthier and has been in a position where he pays Marty. Then as we get to the confession episode, Marty gets dragged along to a dinner with the LDB gang where they frivolously spend money and then mock Marty for struggling to pay for things he didn’t even want to purchase. The LDB gang - Logan included - is shown multiple times to look down on Marty for his lack of wealth. Marty can’t socialize with these people because of that, but also because he literally cannot afford to spend time with them when all of their gatherings and events are money pits. But Rory’s dating one of them. To Marty, she’s actually dating the worst one. 
How do you think that would make Marty feel as her friend? 
He really doesn’t have to be into Rory or in love with her, his close friend dating one of his bullies is more than reason enough to cause a rift between Marty and Rory. And the thing is, this conflict could’ve been an impactful addition to Rory’s thematic storyline if the writers had just gone for it. Rory is financially and socially stuck between worlds. She will never fit into Logan’s world because of her upbringing, but she will always have more access to that world and resources than someone like Marty. And Rory “chosing” Logan’s world in season 5 before she hits rock bottom, and then returning to her roots (her mom, studying, Lane and Paris) and standing up for herself against Emily can be seen as a step in her journey of coming to terms with never being able to truly choose one world. And then Marty could’ve come back, not as a bitter former crush, but as a hurt friend who sees the change Rory is going through, and might help her along as she continues on this journey. 
We could’ve had a great storyline about the highs and lows of a friendship that’s affected by class, and instead we got a half baked nice guy plot.
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
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nikkiruncks · 4 months
Hi Poorni! Literati or Rogan...and why?!
Rogan no contest (love my Literati moots tho). I just love their chemistry and how Logan inspired Rory to get out of her shell. Also enemies to friends to fwb to lovers is sooo good. Don’t even get me started on their s7 arc. So pure and good.
I posted here why I personally am not down with Literati, and it still stands like a year later lmaoo.
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