#anti sirmione
delumineight · 1 year
shipping one women with countless men is inherently misogynistic. and i’m not just talking about within the harry potter fandom, i’m talking across all fandom but of course i’ll be using hp as my focus point considering that’s what i’m most familiar with. specifically, hermione granger.
she had one (1) canonical boyfriend who she ended up marrying and having two kids with. MAYBE two if you count krum, but they say that they never really label it or anything so we’ll go with one, that being ron. there’s also cormac but she canonically only entertained him because she thought it’d make ron jealous.
of course i get fandom shipping (not specifically with ron and hermione considering they’re canonically soulmates) and wanting them both to be with other people, but in the terms of romione somehow hermione is always the one that people want with somebody else. ron is constantly put with somebody random just as an excuse to get him out of the way, or even worse, made abusive or a cheater which… boy i could go on about that one. but i digress (for now).
despite her canonically not have a s/o until ron she is relentlessly shipped with her oppressors such as lucius malfoy, draco malfoy, tom riddle/voldemort, scabior, and so so so many more. you shouldn’t need an explanation on why that is wrong. then, of course, your regular pro ships like her with sirius black, remus lupin, severus snape, etc. which is appalling that i feel the need to explain that even though she’s an adult by the end of the series (without 19YL) she met these men at 11, 13, and 14. and yes, it’s more than “fiction.”
the urge that people, and sadly specifically women, feel to ship her with these men that sound insane when you explain it in simple terms like “this is a muggle-born and someone who wants her dead” or “this is a man and girl that he met when she was a preteen” is rooted in misogyny in hatred for who hermione really is, a “not like other girls” archetype. and no, i don’t really like the archetype and the portrayal but it’s really and truly who she is. she’s a bookworm and her two best friends are boys, throughout the series she makes fun of more traditionally feminine girls (lavender, fleur).
and while it’s okay for women to do whatever they want, it’s harmful to not allow them to do so, in the case that hermione granger’s character and personality is changed simply for the sake of shipping. passing her around to multiple men, who she canonically hates, is destructive to her character and her stance on political issues as a woman during a war where she is a main target for oppression. it itself is oppressive.
when a woman’s personality is taken away, changed, obstructed, or anything else that takes away from what she really is for the sake of putting her with a man it is misogynistic. dampening a female character’s traits for the sake of putting her with a man is misogynistic. giving hermione granger the personality of a brick to ship her with a death eater is misogynistic. and no, don’t ship hermione with someone other than ron as a “gotcha” moment toward jkr. i’m sure she doesn’t give a shit what you think, ship people who make sense. not ones you think someone would dislike.
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navigating thru my blog :3 (below the cut)
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 aibaku
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 what living looks like ch 1 - kamino
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 bakudeku
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 "i think i like kacchan."
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 take my hand ch 15
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 bakugou katsuki
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 i trusted you. ch 14
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 i trusted you. ch 58
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 rumors of our productivity have been greatly exaggerated ch 10 - you can talk to me about anything
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 kiribaku
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 drown in my ocean of black box dye ch 6
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 drown in my ocean of black box dye ch 10
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 midoriya izuku
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 hero's shadow ch 64 - depths of forgiveness
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 shinbaku
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 be nice to me ch 3 - kill somebody
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 fingertips ch 17 - sun goes down
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 hard reset ch 3
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 hard reset ch 3
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 learning to heal, learning to trust ch 7
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 learning to heal, learning to trust ch 8
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 vandalize my heart
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 vandalize my heart
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 volatile memory
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 todoroki shouto
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 i wish it would never stop snowing
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harry potter
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 dramione
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 don't pout, darling ch 1 - silk/ribbons
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 sirmione
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 coming undone ch 31
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₊˚ෆ 𐃘 toji
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 smau - drunk i miss you to the guys
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shadow and bone
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 darklina
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 a hand that holds
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₊˚ෆ 𐃘 chan
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 in which chris walks in on you having a bad dream
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 changbin
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 the accidental acquisition of sugar ch 3
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 cold
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 felix
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 bodyguard! felix x reader part ii
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 bodyguard! felix x reader part ii
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 bodyguard! felix x reader part v
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 perfect distraction | lfl
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 hyunjin
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 sharp edges part five - call from an australian phone number
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 skz!fake texts: "the anti-confession" (hyung line)
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 this boy is bad news ch 36 - it's gonna be a long night
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 leeknow
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 heal the pain
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 minsung
₊˚ෆ 𐃘 devilish
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I assume you mean this one: 4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
So, it's not so much that I carry plot bunnies that I just don't post them. I have entire notes on my phone for plot bunnies for different fandoms that I write in. They often get written at some point, but just because I wrote it doesn't mean it's good.
Take my story Stealing Magic as an example. I worked on that plot bunny for years. I wrote it, re-wrote it, and changed it. There are so many save files and variations of that single plot bunny. I will eventually post a plot bunny, it just needs to find the right story first.
That being said, some plot bunnies I enjoy but haven't written/posted:
the concept that Fenrir Greyback is actually like "A Good Dad" and raised Remus for several years with his mate after turning Remus into a werewolf. So when Remus eventually is "saved" and brought back to his deeply anti-werewolf family, he's upset and treated like an animal. Later, Fenrir brings Remus back into the back, where he belongs.
(TW: rape) Dolohov rapes Hermione in the DoM and she gets pregnant. Sort of a rape aftermath story
Hermione Granger as Tom Riddle's daughter. That's it, that's the idea. I just really fucking want it and I will write it so don't even try to stop me
A Sirius/Hermione/Remus story in the past. Taking place after Hermione has already changed time and saved everyone. It ttarts Sirmione and then Remus shows up and things develop later.
Harry and Hermione decide to get a flat together and OOPS it's actually a one bedroom. This is fine. They can handle this.
Hermione at Muggle Uni and sort of her friendship with Harry (develops into a romance) as perceived by Hermione's muggle friends. Harry is just this super hot, super rich, super chill guy that shows up and buys Hermione things all the time -- because he has money now and can't NOT because it's Hermione and she deserves the world -- and there are a lot of sugar daddy jokes, okay?
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sedatedwrites · 1 month
Intro Post!
Hey, I'm SedatedWrites! I'm a twenty-three (23) year old nonbinary (he/they/she) writer who's been writing fanfic since they were thirteen (13)!
I am a May Taurus, with an INFP-t personality type.
I'm mainly into Cillian Murphy-centric fandoms. Peaky Blinders, Oppenheimer, In Time, Inception, 28 Days Later, ect.
I dabble in the more Loki side of Marvel. Mainly early 2010s Tom Hiddleston Loki, rather than the comics (I've never read them) or the recent show Loki (I watched it once, never again).
I'm WAY into astrology and astronomy, as well as archeology and music. In fact, my username is based on a Hozier song lolz.
Anyway, I write canon x OC. I've got a single OC I use for most fandoms and I've got a few OC's tailored to certain fandoms, like HOTD.
My ships!
Now, I'm a product of the early 2010s fandom surge. Hetalia, Homestuck, Harry Potter, Invader Zim, etc. I'm a shipper by heart; call me Nepeta. I'll ship almost anything!
ZaDr, LanceLot (Lotor x Lance, preferably the VLD version), Drarry, Hermarry, Ronarry, Ginmione, Sirmione, WolfStar, Alphard Black x Me (:3), Tomione, NevLuna, PansBlaize, BillDip, FordDip, StarLlama, GerIta, Franada, RusAme, BeluUkra, PrusHung, SebaCiel & AloClaude.
Daemyra, Helaemond, Saehaerys, Aegon I /og Rhaenys/og Visenya, Jonaerys & Robaerys, some Targ OC x OC pairs, SanSan, MargSan, JonSatin, AryaJon, Maxley, Nny x Devi, TaGr, StrangeIron, ThorJane, Loki x Me (:3), HawkWidow, HulkWidow, Stucky, Maximof Twincest, Wincest, Destiel, Samriel, TenRose, Ghoulcy, Rorty, MaeMag (Maedhros x Maglor), Angbang, Thrangolas, BilboLeg, BilboThran, BilboThorin, FrodoSam.
EriKat, DaveTav, SolAra, KanRose, CroKan, Mitula, PorMeen, MewKur, GHB x HIC, Dualscar x Me (:3), JohnDad, DaveBro, RoseMom, DirkJake, Damaranea, GamDave, Scourge Sisters (both <> & <3), Fluttercord, RariDash, TwiPie, AppleMac.
And many more!
Obviously, I support 🍉 and BLM. If you don't, leave. Like, right now.
I won't suffer any Anti's of any kind on my page or askbox.
No transphobia, homophobia, Islamaphobia, racism/sexism, anti-semitism of any kind!
Now, excuse me before I acrobatic fucking pirouette off the handle :D
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mamieenitalie · 1 year
Première étape : La Lombardie
C'est en bus que nous sommes arrivés de Lyon à Milan, après dix longues heures de trajet, arrivant ainsi en Italie par la Lombardie.
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Sans trop nous attarder dans la capitale de la mode, nous avons décidé de nous diriger dès le deuxième jour vers les lacs d'Italie et notamment le lac de Côme et le lac de Garde. Les deux furent magnifiques mais de façon différente. Le premier est plus sinueux, et s'enfonce dans les montagnes tel un fjord le second, beaucoup plus large a des allures de méditerranée, bordé par les oliviers et baigné par la lumière du soleil.
Notre itinéraire était le suivant : Milan>Côme >Cernobbio>Torno>Varenna>Brescia>Sirmione.
Le long des rives du lac de Côme nous avons visité les beaux villages de Cernobbio, Torno et Varenna avant de rejoindre Brescia, petite ville tranquille située entre les deux lacs.
Nous découvrirent ensuite le très photogénique village de Sirmione situé le long d'une presqu'île sur le lac de Garde. Au delà du village et de son charmant château nous avons été subjugués par la beauté de la nature et des ruines romaines de la villa de Catulle.
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Le duomo de Milano avec ce jour là une manifestation anti mafia.
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Les galleries Vittorio Emanuele II qui aujourd'hui habrite des boutiques de luxe
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Le bon goût des italiens dans la cuisine de notre logement
Le lac de Côme
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Quelques photos du village de Cernobbio à quelques minutes en bateaux de Côme.
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Le petit village de Torno et son port charmant.
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astroquality420 · 3 years
the next time i see any one praising the debt of time im going to throw myself off of a bridge
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clioeshistoria · 7 years
The fact that h*rmione is paired with everything that breaths (or not) is proof that jk didn't bother to develvolp other female characters, besides H*rmione "what every female character should be like" Gr*nger...or it just means that her character has no personality? Idk
Pretty sure there's a fic out there pairing her with a dementor....
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crazyposttaco · 3 years
Il segreto dei prodotti della linea cosmetica di Terme di Sirmione è il 100% di acqua termale. Purissima alla fonte è ricca di sali minerali e oligoelementi dalle proprietà lenitive, antiaging e anti inquinamento. #termedisirmionecosmetici http://adm.ms/g5TkLq/ #ad 
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lamilanomagazine · 3 years
Verona, si finge tecnico del gas e rapina un’anziana in casa: arrestato 50enne residente nel vercellese
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Verona, lo scorso febbraio, verso le 10.30, una donna di 86 anni abitante a Verona in via Marsala, mentre si trovava da sola in casa, sentiva suonare il campanello. L’anziana signora, aperta la porta d’ingresso, veniva investita da un forte e persistente attacco di tosse, causato da un cattivo odore di spray urticante: nella circostanza, le si presentava davanti un uomo, alto circa un metro e ottanta, di corporatura robusta, senza alcuna mascherina, il quale, spacciandosi per un tecnico del gas e invitandola a recuperare tutti i preziosi in oro “altrimenti il gas li avrebbe fusi” (questa la sua affermazione), si recava nella sua camera da letto prelevando dai cassetti denaro contante (circa 1500 euro) e diversi oggetti d’oro (collane, anelli, bracciali e orologi) che riponeva in un sacchetto. L’uomo usciva dall’abitazione salendo in tutta fretta a bordo di uno scooter di grossa cilindrata guidato da altro individuo, allontanandosi velocemente. Grazie all’intervento dei vicini di casa, attirati dalle grida dell’anziana donna, giungevano sul posto gli uomini delle Volanti e della Squadra Mobile inviati dalla centrale operativa della Questura. E proprio grazie al lavoro degli esperti della Sezione rapine della Mobile le indagini venivano subito indirizzate nella direzione giusta. Le testimonianze fornite agli investigatori dai vicini di casa consentivano, infatti, di stabilire che i due malviventi erano stati visti in zona pochi giorni prima, evidentemente per un sopralluogo: nella circostanza, uno dei due era entrato nel cortile dello stesso condominio di via Marsala dopo essersi fatto aprire il cancello proprio dalla futura vittima, qualificandosi come operaio che doveva controllare i tombini. Un passante, al quale gli investigatori risalivano subito dopo la rapina, avendo sentito le grida dell’anziana donna che arrivavano perfino in strada, notava in quel frangente un uomo uscire dal condominio di via Marsala con una busta in mano mentre raggiungeva a piedi via Rosolino, dove lo vedeva salire su uno scooter con a bordo un altro uomo: nella circostanza annotava il numero di targa della moto, dando un contributo prezioso alle indagini. Lo stesso scooter, infatti, con a bordo due persone veniva notato dagli investigatori in un filmato dell’impianto di videosorveglianza di un’abitazione privata di via Marsala mentre giungeva nei pressi dell’abitazione della vittima. Nel corso delle successive indagini si appurava, inoltre, che lo scorso 15 marzo i Carabinieri di Desenzano fermavano per un controllo a Sirmione quello stesso scooter, il cui conducente CARZAGHI Valentino, pregiudicato 50enne, opponeva resistenza, investendo uno dei militari per poi fuggire nei campi, dove veniva però raggiunto e arrestato per il reato di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Nell’occasione, il conducente dello scooter aveva con sé arnesi da scasso, due bombolette anti aggressione al peperoncino e due tesserini di riconoscimento falsificati rilasciati da ARPA e Polizia Locale. Sulla base di questi elementi che ricollegavano il conducente dello scooter bloccato a Sirmione alla rapina commessa in via Marsala, la Mobile scaligera chiamava alcuni vicini di casa dell’anziana donna rapinata ad eseguire individuazione fotografica. CARZAGHI Valentino veniva pertanto riconosciuto con certezza da alcuni testimoni come il soggetto che il 20 febbraio scorso era uscito dall’abitazione della vittima con una busta in mano per poi salire a bordo dello scooter e che qualche giorno prima si era introdotto con una scusa nel cortile dell’abitazione di via Marsala. Il Pubblico Ministero dr.ssa Beatrice Zanotti valutato il lavoro svolto dalla Squadra Mobile ha ottenuto dal Giudice per le indagini preliminari dr. Luciano Gorra ordinanza in carcere nei confronti del 50enne pregiudicato CARZAGHI Valentino, ritenendolo responsabile della rapina commessa in danno dell’anziana donna in concorso con un complice al momento ignoto. Il CARZAGHI è stato rintracciato dalla Squadra Mobile ieri pomeriggio nel campo nomadi nel Comune di Ghislarengo (Vercelli) dove risiede insieme ai genitori e dove gli è stata notificata l’ordinanza. L’arrestato è stato successivamente accompagnato presso il carcere di Vercelli a disposizione dell’Autorità Giudiziaria, mentre proseguono le indagini per risalire all’identità del suo complice. Continuano le indagini da parte della sezione dei reati contro il patrimonio e il Capo della Squadra Mobile, Dott. Massimo Sacco, invita tutti i cittadini a contattare il 113 nel caso in cui il malvivente in foto sia riconosciuto come autore di altri colpi e ribadisce di diffidare da falsi operai, tecnici o dipendenti dell'Inps, finti poliziotti, avvocati o sedicenti medici. I consigli rimangono gli stessi: non aprite la porta di casa a sconosciuti, anche se vestono un'uniforme o assumono l’aspetti di distinti professionisti. Verificate sempre con una telefonata da quale servizio sono stati mandati gli sconosciuti che bussano alla vostra porta e per quali motivi. Se non ricevete rassicurazioni non aprite per nessun motivo. Per qualunque problema, per chiarivi qualsiasi dubbio, non esitate a chiamare il 113 o il numero unico di emergenza 112 e richiedere l'intervento di una pattuglia. Read the full article
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Самое современное медицинское оборудование и высочайшая квалификация врачей санатория позволяют диагностицировать и успешно лечить заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы, заболевания легких, мозга, органов пищеварения, суставов, позвоночника. Большое внимание уделяет выявлению и лечению заболеваний, связанных с нарушением обмена веществ, кровообращения, хронической физической и психологической усталости. Целый ряд терапевтических процедур, которые будут рекомендованы и подобраны , по результатам обследования являются неотемлемой частью лечения заболеваний и могут быть проведены по желанию пациента в санатории. ## Лечение за рубежом , России, реабилитация, детоксикация Лечение термальными водами Гастайна эффективно при заболеваниях опорно-двигательного аппарата, дыхательных путей и кожи. Кроме того, оно благотворно влияет на общее состояние здоровья (профилактика иммунной системы), добавляет новые жизненные силы и энергию. Радоно-гипертермичекие процедуры Гастайна имеют положительный результат у 95% пациентов в виде ослабления болей и как следствие – улучшения качества жизни. ### СП -02 «Санитарные правила обращения с Самыми популярными оздоровительными курортами Турции, без сомнения, являются термальные источники Памукалле. Уникальный состав воды, специальный эффект джакузи, грязевые ванны, возможность очищать организм и изнутри, и снаружи – все это производит сильнейшее воздействие на организм человека. Стимулируются механизмы регенерации внутренних органов и опорно-двигательного аппарата. Такое интенсивное воздействие полезных природных факторов позволяет снизить употребление синтетических медикаментов и свести к минимуму количество побочных эффектов от медикаментозного лечения. #### Обсуждение статьи «Универсальный программатор для ЛЕЧЕНИЕ ФИБРОМ МАТКИ МЕТОДОМ ФУЗ-МРТ в клинике Montchoisi, Лозанна, Швейцария 68 Быстрое лечение фибром с помощью прибора ExAblate. 68 Неинвазивное амбулаторное лечение фибром – альтернатива гистерэктомии, миомэктомии и эмболизации маточных артерий. Прибор ExAblate устраняет фибромы (миомы) матки с помощью фокусированного ультразвука под контролем МРТ. Лечение данным инновационным методом прошли уже более 9,555 женщин. 68 SHA – одна из первых Wellness Clinic мирового уровня, которая призвана помочь своим гостям восстановить гармонию тела, разума и духа с помощью древних практик Востока, используя при этом последние достижения западной медицины, элементы современной макробиотики и целительный потенциал природы. 68 68 Для каждого гостя отеля создается индивидуальная программа, которая полностью адаптирована под его потребности и состояние здоровья. Программа включает в себя персональную макробиотическую диету, курс лекций и тренировок, а также комплекс необходимых терапевтических процедур. 68 68 Новая и уже ставшая одной из наиболее востребованных процедур – программа уменьшения объемаOcealgue– была переосмыслена специалистами спа-пространства отеля с учетом древних методик. На базе исключительно натуральных компонентов: масла арганы, морских водорослей и солей - была разработана специальная программа для похудения, рассчитанная на 6 дней. 68 68 Эта уникальная anti-age программа воздействует на причину старения внутри организма, позволяет остановить процесс старения, действуя на уровне регенерации клеток и восстановления тканей. Данный механизм позволяет замедлить процесс старения, приводит к существенному оздоровлению организма, благодаря чему возрастает иммунитет, уходит усталость, возникает прилив сил и энергии, вы начинаете лучше выглядеть и лучше себя чувствовать. Программа Pure “Weight Control” это специально разработанная программа, направленная на снижение веса в случае чрезмерной полноты, или на поддержание и контроль веса. Программа также способствует обретению жизненной энергии, благодаря новому распорядоку дня, предусмотренному программой. Целью данной программы является детоксикация организма и улучшение душевного состояния. Это возвращение к истокам, дающее ощущение небывалой легкости. Лечебная термальная питьевая вода Аква Cанта в Кьянчано терме используется при заболеваниях желудка, для регулирования пищеварительной активности, обладает противовоспалительным действием на слизистую оболочку кишечника и поджелудочной железы. Улучшает пищеварение и усвоение пищевых жиров. Восстановление формы с удовольствием на термальном курорте Terme di Sirmione в Италии на озере Гарда. Курс процедур для восстановления энергии и достижения психофизиологического равновесия посредством правильного питания, гимнастики и термальных вод. Программа включает в себя процедуры на основе термального грязелечения, массажи с эффектом детоксикации для обретения легкости и отличного самочувствия.
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