#i just dont care for hermione tbh
poguestarkey · 1 year
not in the same way- t.n.
back after a quick 8 month hiatus my b
decided to write a little blurb about reader not being in love with theo since i feel like it's always the other way around.
yes i am eating up the tiktok ideas of him being italian don't start w me
warnings: just angst on angst, destruction of a friendship, theo being sad (that's a trigger in and of itself tbh), sickly sweet adorable girlhood moment btwn the GryffGirlies, like one potty word, i plucked that one scene right out of TSITP don't come for me, horrifyingly unedited cuz i just dont care
theo nott x gryffindor!reader
That's all that washes over you when you finally meet his eyes. It runs ice-cold through your veins and you can practically hear what he's going to say before it even leaves his mouth. You're sure he can see the way your head shakes slowly as you realize because he reaches for your hand and holds it tightly between his. Not out of comfort, but as a plead.
Please, please don't do what I think you're going to.
Theo... oh, sweet Theo. Theo, with his huge blue eyes and endlessly large heart. Theo, always the first to celebrate the small wins with you. Theo, who in theory, should be the perfect man for you.
But Theo, who no matter how hard you tried, never made your heart sing the way your friends giggled about.
You never thought twice about the way his hands would linger over yours as he explained Arithmancy problems or how he always pulled you close in by the shoulder while chatting with his Slytherin friends, his fingers mindlessly tracing patterns into your sweater. His sweater. You've been friends since third-year, best friends. So many years of being close to him desensitized you to the constant comments of "That's Nott's girl," and "Would you look at the lovebirds!" They never hit home and you always scoffed them off with ease.
With ease, until last weekend in your dorm after an open-mic night at the Three Broomsticks. You and Theo had performed the most atrocious duet rendition of the new Weird Sisters song, "Why Can't You See."
"Y/N, do you even see the way he looks at you?" Parvati asked. Your head shoots up this.
"C'mon, Y/N/N. The man is absolutely smitten with you. It's almost painful to watch, really," Lavender piped in, causing Hermione and Padma to sit up and join the conversation. Eyes widening, you realize who they're talking about.
"Theo? No... No, Theo and I are just-" You're cut off.
"Just friends. We've heard. A million times," Hermione sighs. "I mean Merlin's beard Y/N, you have to have noticed by now. Nott can't keep his hands off of you."
"'Mione, that's not- no, that's different. He just likes physical touch and that's fine-" You're cut off yet again by a slurry of teenage girls throwing evidence at you.
"-ever touch Malfoy-"
"-actually lights up when you enter a room, I've never-"
"-bigger heart eyes for you if they were cartooned on him in the Prophet-"
Your hands grow shaky and your breath becomes heavy in your lungs as the weight of what this means washes over you. Hot tears prick at the corners of your eyes and you fight the burn in the back of your sinuses with everything you have.
"Wait!" Hermione nearly shouts, and the cacophony of squeals and stories comes to a halt. "Y/N? Why are you crying? Are you alright?"
Her words make the first sob break out of your chest, and your hand shoots to your mouth to try and stifle the sound. Padma, ever the lover, is immediately at your side.
"I- I- I can't... I don't lo- if he really feels that way, it will destroy us," you cry, leaning further into her touch. Quickly, and with increasing amount of concern written on their features, the rest of the girls surround you.
"What do you mean, love?" you can't see her, but you know it's Lavender's breathy voice. "Isn't this a good thing?"
"No, no, no, no-" Your breath begins to hitch again, and 'Mione rubs gentle circles on your back. "Lav, him being in love with me is the worst thing that could happen."
"I don't mean to be insensitive, but the rest of us are quite out of the loop here and, er, well- why?" You let out a chuckle at Parvati's bluntness, but still felt the squeeze of the answer in your heart. You've known, deep down. You denied it as hard as you could manage but still, it creeped up on you, terrorizing your thoughts.
"He will never forgive me. I know he'll try so hard, but it'll never be the same, because he will never forgive me for not loving him the same way. Because he's done everything right. He is kind, and patient, and loving, and all of the wonderful things I've always said that I wanted but still, I just don't love him like that. And I want to- fuck, I want to so bad. It kills me that I can't. But he can never know that I know, because he will never, ever forgive me when I can't say it back." The last few words come out nearly inaudible as gasping sobs take over your body. "And I am so afraid to lose my best friend."
A squeeze from Hermione saves you from your thoughts. No one knows what to say, and Padma pulls your pillow and quilt from underneath you before grabbing her own, forming a pile on the floor. The corners of your lips perk up as you realize what she's doing, and soon the room is filled again with the sounds of girlish giggles and gossip and your four closest girlfriends do their best to keep your chin up for you.
The rest of the week, you can hardly look Theo in the eyes. You're not trying to avoid him, but every time you're in the same room you feel so overcome with guilt that it's hard to breathe.
On Sunday, you skip breakfast and hole away in the library under a stack of potions textbooks, shooing him away with a curt "Sorry, Teddy. Too busy."
Monday, you sit at Gryffindor's table for every meal and only speak in DADA to tell him it's his turn to practice defensive spells.
It's Tuesday night when you get the owl.
please talk to me. i need to see you, i'm worried. you're not alright.
i miss you.
You write him back on the same piece of parchment, your shaking hands causing ink to splatter into tiny dots across his script.
I know. I'm sorry. Friday night.
Wednesday and Thursday are a blur of forced smiles to him and the burn of his stare from across the Charms classroom.
Friday comes, and you're damn near ready to pull Mrs. Norris' tail just to get a detention.
You know the exact bench in the courtyard he'll be sat at, and you count your paces as you walk. His eyes catch you and he swings his feet off the ledge, shutting his book.
"Y/N," He breathes, the sweetest smile on his face. "What's going on, cara mia?"
Every strategy you had for keeping him away from the elephant in the room goes flying out of your head faster than a Firebolt.
"It's nothing, really. Please don't worry. I know I've been distant but it's really nothing to be concerned about so-" your voice is getting louder and faster, a tell-tale sign that you're not telling the truth.
He cuts you off with your name.
"Y/N." You're eternally thankful that it's late enough that no one is outside with you. "Tell me what's happened. Please." His eyes grow even larger with pure concern and he moves his hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. You pull your lip between your teeth while thinking about how to respond.
"I just... Teddy, I can't tell you. I just can't. I promise it's alright, I just don't want to talk about it." You're lying through your teeth and you're sure he knows it too.
"Alright," he whispers, voice dropping. His hand hasn't moved from the side of your face since he fixed your hair, and his eyes move to scan the slope of your lips. You can feel the pit in your stomach start to form as you fear what's coming next. "You are the most beautiful thing on this planet, you know that?"
His thumb is tracing the plane of your cheek.
"Theodore..." He smiles at his full name, and his eyes start to close.
This is what you feared so much.
That you would lose everything over one moment, just like this.
He can't be more than a breath from your mouth when both of your palms find his firm chest and push him away.
"Wait- wait, Theo. No. I don't- I'm sorry, but I-" His eyes snap open, that beautiful blue full of confusion. "I'm sorry, Theo." You can already feel hot tears threatening to spill over, and your stomach is churning.
"I.... What?" He says it so quietly you aren't even sure he meant to say it aloud. His hands move from your face, now salty and wet, to run through his hair, tugging on the strands.
"That's what I've been off about. I've been scared that you're gonna..." You gesture wildly between the two of you, not sure what to call it.
"Kiss you?"
"Why would you be scared of me kissing you, Y/N?" He looks genuinely, honestly puzzled.
"Because... because I don't... I didn't know, and then this weekend the girls were all on about it and I had no idea what they were talking about, and they told me, and I just panicked, Theo. I had no idea." He's stood up now, and you're seconds behind him, standing still in the chilly air as he paces and presses his hands into his eyes. "If I'd known sooner, Teddy... I would've- I could've done something, I don't know, could've tried-"
He stops, now just in front of you. "If you knew?"
"If I knew that you felt that way-"
"I thought you knew!" The crack of his voice splits your chest in two, unaided by the tears beading in his eyes. You've never seen him cry. "I thought you knew! From the moment I crashed your cabin on the train, I thought you knew."
The two of you just stand there, staring at each other, as cold, biting raindrops start to fall from the sky. You fight to form words but absolutely comes to your brain and you can't do anything but stare at him as he continues.
He hasn't even opened his mouth to start the next sentence when you realize what you're going to hear. You can't tell if it's the rain or the pure dread coursing through your veins that's turning your fingers ice-cold as you shake your head "no" to something he hasn't even said yet.
"I've been in love with you since I was 13, Y/N/N." He's holding onto your hand with both of his like it's his only lifeline while he desperately spills words. "I am so in love with you. You turn my world. You are my absolute everything. It consumes me. I can't hold it anymore, Y/N," He cries. Your eyes are squeezed shut and it's a wonder you haven't broken his hand with how tightly you're holding it between you. "Please, please, please say something."
"I love you," He sucks in a breath and you open your eyes to meet his. "I love you so much, Teddy. More than anything." His hands are now on either side of your face, and your fingers are laced around his wrists. "But I'm not in love with you," You choke out, grip relaxing.
His forehead presses against yours and he does nothing to quiet to sobs racking his body as you pull him against you, wrapping your arms around his warm frame.
You whisper dozens of apologies and "I wish I dids" into his ear before he releases you and sits back on the bench, moving the thoroughly soaked book to the side so you can join him. His head is in his hands and his elbows rest on his knees, and you think that you've never seen him look so defeated.
Finally, you tear your eyes away from him and stare straight ahead at the ivy covered walls, praying that the silence swallows you whole.
It's practically deafening, actually, because the sound of his heart breaking is echoing across the stone.
Eventually, you speak up.
"I think... I think I should probably go, right?"
He picks his head up but doesn't look at you as he replies:
"Yeah, I think that's for the best."
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menelaiad · 2 months
Hi! I know your favorite character is Menelaus (mine too) and I wanted to ask you, what is your opinion about him in Euripides’ Oresteia? And in Euripides’ Helen? Because as I see, the Homeric Menelaus is a little different, and Euripides didn’t despict him as a nice character.
Thank you for your answer in advance! :)
hi, there!
heck yea! fellow menelaus stans unite, let's make jackets or smth.
UHHHHH i spoke about this a lot in my recent MA thesis and it's the foundation for my phd (or at least a big chunk of it) and yes i'm sorry this bitch is going off about her academics again.
so. euripides was athenian and it's fairly safe to say that the athenians altered menelaus characterisation on a HUGE scale and it was mainly euripides as he wrote the most works featuring him. and it's also fairly safe to say that euripides didn't like menelaus OR helen OR hermione simply because they were spartan and given the context of his time, he couldn't really be pro-sparta. so, he used menelaus' family in a myriad of ways to just mock ALL spartans and spartan culture. i won't go into that too much now and i'll focus specifically on the plays you asked about! :)
ORESTES (i assume you meant orestes? aeschylus did the oresteia but euripides just did this one?): so here we see .... menelaus being not very great with his family. but not in a mean way he's just .... useless .. coward like almost? he's a big fence sitter tbh. he doesn't wanna get involved in orestes' shit and that is painfully obvious. again. that's meant to make menelaus look shitty that he doesn't care about his family and his brothers death and his nephew literally having visions of hell BUT. personally? i dont blame him ASDFGHJK. man just got his wife back. got home. dealing with grief and loss and survivors guilt and maybe ptsd and shit .................... and then orestes turns up like 'help me fix my problems' BRO HE GOT HIS OWN DAMN PROBLEMS. and THEN they're like 'ok uncle that's cool. we're gonna kill ur wife and daughter though' LIKE LEAVE THE OLD MAN ALONE. i LOVE menelaus and agamemnon's dynamic. so i'm not saying menelaus didn't care about aga and aga's family. im NOT saying that. but (and i KNOW its my modern perspective) i can see why menelaus couldn't be arsed. and he wasn't even mean about it? he was just nonplussed. AGAIN the ancients would have HATED that, but my modern ass can relate tbh. and lets not forget. he's caught between a rock and a hard place. if he helps orestes, he risks greek wrath. which (in this play anyway) is already strong enough against him cause of helen and troy. so like. euripides has kinda put him in this impossible situation and then makes him the 'stupid funny lazy ass not helpful uncle' guy when he just backs out. which i think is unfair. AND TO TOP IT OFF. APOLLO COMES AND THEN TAKES HIS WIFE. AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO GET HER BACK. justice for this old man i s2g.
HELEN: OH HERE WE GO! SO helen is often referred to as a tragi-comedy which i think is very accurate. and euripides is using it to condemn war as a whole (athens had recently suffered a big loss) like if helen wasn't even in troy what was the point of the war? he makes menelaus very .... pathetic, for lack of a better word. and helen seems to take the reigns in their relationship, which would have been a huge no-no to the athenian audience. it would have made helen look domineering and unmanageable and menelaus weak and foolish. he also has menelaus cry a lot. cry and lament his losses as a king. again, the athenians would have hated a man crying. a GREEK HERO crying. but we have our 21st century vision and tbh ................ menelaus is fantastic in this play. he is so. real. he is so human. he is a man who is tired. who is lonely. who is heartbroken. a man who meets his wife who isn't his wife but actually is his wife ... and we're supposed to laugh at him because he's confused? he gets lambasted by so many characters and it's supposed to be funny and i think it is! i do think menelaus in helen is just .... an incredible character. he's so funny. he's so NORMAL. he reacts how you would expect a man to react. you see so many menelaus' in this play. menelaus defeated. menelaus in love. you see a menelaus in action when he comes up with the plan against proteus but also a man who respects his wife and knows when to shut up. i, much like the athenians back then, do have a giggle at menelaus in this play. but i don't hate him. it makes him all the more endearing to me and i love him.
these two menelaus' are (shockingly) two menelaus' that i like! i love helen's menelaus and i'm indifferent to orestes' menelaus tbh. but i think they're fine as portrayals and they make sense to me!
overall, me and euripides have a complicated relationship. some of his menelaus' i cannot tolerate. and some i adore. and i can actually connect his helen menelaus and his iphigenia in aulis menelaus to homeric menelaus. they're not identical by any means, but the way he behaves and his choices and stuff. you can see homeric menelaus in there somewhere, which is why i love them so much.
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andreabaideas · 7 months
Characters I relate to , more complete list and also why i relate to each one of them
Well, when i say that i relate to a character, It doesnt mean were the same 100%, But that we have many things in common.
The ones i did write in another post had this ones :
Luna Lovegood.
Karen Sirko
Daisy Jones
Maddie Buckley
Eddie Munson
Temperance Brennan.
Im also adding Wednesday Addams , Bella Swan , Hermione Granger and Ángela Weber.
1- Luna Lovegood: I relate to her weirdness, her curiosity, her calm and her close relationship with her dad (in my case dad and mom). Also the feeling that you are different and you embrace it.
2 - Karen Sirko: dont give a damn chill attitude, sarcasm, independence especially with males and her feminism.
3- Daisy Jones: Her artistic side, especially the Creative writing struggles, her Desire to create art, her boho Style, I adore her clothes, my summer wardrobe Its heavily inspired in her style. The feeling that you are different, her sarcasm and cheeky humor sense, Its totally me.
Also her relationship with Gary (the writer with glasses and curly hair) he reminds me to my ex (physically and in personality) for real, It was very creepy, to add creepiness just like with Daisy, he never took me seriously neither...And thats why i dumped him too. I learned a lot from It...tbh
4- Maddie Buckley: her softness, her insecurity and how she became more sure of herself its just like 18-20 years old me, tbh.
5- Eddie Munson: teen years, the dont belonging, being underseen by other teens, the sarcasm and humor sense too.
6- Temperance Brennan : her brutal logic and her lack of filter Its me, totally and completely me. I have to be very carefully, because I may be too sincere and rude.
7- Wednesday Addams : enjoying creeping out others with my sarcasm, liking Dark things sometimes, not very social, very close to my family, more than i admit out loud.
8- Bella Swan : Not belonging feeling, likes a lot to read, caring for family, hopeless romantic, weird and sarcastic. I also hate Cold weather.
9- Hermione Granger: smartness, ocd when studying, being feed Up with silly people, read to solve my problems. Always wants to know more.
10- Ángela Weber: nice, usually quiet, people tend to like superficially without knowing me, I like photography and I dont like to gossip. I try to intégrate be nice to new people in groups (like she did with Bella).
Thats It! Have a nice day!! ☺️😊👋.
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c4tg1rlf41lur3 · 1 year
had a power thought at work today and so i wrote it down in the silly little work memo pad. im just gonna write it all down here. bc i can.
transcription start!
' golden trio? cursed trio. obvi we have harry first, like OBVIOUSLY he's got his curse scar forehead shtick, but also he's like. fought death since age 11 (AT LEAST). mans is not gonna b completely unscathed save for the silly little death curse scar :3 he's prob got a burned palm from the philosopher's stone/quirrdle. quickle. what the fuck's name. him. 2nd year we've got the basilisk fang stab. big scar, pheonix tears or no. 3rd year he got no big wounds from what i can remember? whole lot of emotional trauma but what's new. 4th year burns from dragon in 1st task, maybe some residual gill/webbing scars from gillyweed in 2nd task, then the piece de fucking resistance from the third task. by that i mean forehead scar is prob. worse. somehow. maybe it spiders out like cracks in the skin further than it already has. and by lightning scar i also mean like actual lightning. not that shitty little ⚡️ something messy and even bigger after the graveyard ("i can touch you now" scene) + scar on forearm from blood sacrifice. 5th year "i must not tell lies". obvi. then a lot of shit happens to harry in 6th/"7th" year that i Do Not Remember woops. whatever happens there = still there.
RON! bestie. bby. im so sorry the movies utterly DESTROYED ur character. he doesn't suffer as much physical damage (still emotional! but) + a lot he does receive isn't caused by magical curse objects physically hurting him. i've got rules for these headcanons you just don't get to know what they are. (directly caused by magical object/curse/cursed object = scar) (indirectly caused by magic or nonmagical encounter = no scar) (<- situational healing magic properties). anyways ron. lots of his injuries are indirectly caused by magic (i.e hit down by chess pieces) this trend gets obliterated past 4th year. ministry of magic showdown. the works. those weird brain jellyfish things that stuck on him all mind zappy + literal zappy. THE FUCKING LOCKET. aw harry, ron, n hermione have matching scars <3 from the locket horcrux. they all wore it right. im sorry rons section isn't as detailed i just know he went through HELL in the last books but I! DO NOT! REMEMBER THOSE! bad jojo. woe is me. FIENDFYRE BURNS. WHAT THE FU-
hermione is a similar case to ron, but actually very little physically happens to her, magical or no. i scoff at this blatant sexism. i'd like to think maybe the polyjuice potion cat hair fiasco of 2nd year may have had some lasting effects (purrhaps some facial scarring from whiskers, marks at her tailbone from the tail) (haha) (see what i did there) (anyways) then we have the removal of an imperfection when they fixed her teeth. more sexism with that btw. but like ron, lots of damage past the 4th book. notably the written "mudblood" scar from bellatrix. i cannot remember what else happens to hermione other than that. guess i'll die '
the end. theres very little point to this tbh i just thought it was interesting. i didn't check my work at all btw. if anythings wrong i. Dont care love u byeeeeee
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clioeshistoria · 7 years
The fact that h*rmione is paired with everything that breaths (or not) is proof that jk didn't bother to develvolp other female characters, besides H*rmione "what every female character should be like" Gr*nger...or it just means that her character has no personality? Idk
Pretty sure there's a fic out there pairing her with a dementor....
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ao3feed-romione · 2 years
Happy Men Don't Drink Wine at 3 a.m. (and Other Tidbits of Information)
Happy men don't drink wine at 3 a.m. (and other tidbits of information) by thatonepansexualgoddess
This story contains some violence, lgbtqia+ (almost everyone), bad language, and one sassy idiot with a penchant for death.
An excerpt (so you see what I mean) : I smile, but I doubt it came off as such. It seemed more of a baring of the teeth, a feral child's response to the bully at the playground. Believe me, that bitch doesn't deserve the courtesy of my Colgate white teeth. "You will not believe me, nor will you believe my memories. What more should I do," I squint at the plaque across the room, "Minister Bellchant?"
Featuring : (As told by a perpetually dismal blonde who clearly does NOT want to do this, but is) The Golden Trio Of Idiocy- Harry "Scarhead" Potter, Hermione-The-Only-Sane-One Granger, and Freckles The Only Good Human Beings-Pansy Parkinson, a.k.a Spoiled Child, Theodore Mama-Hen Nott, Homewrecker Zabini, Lavender and Millicent, Luna Lovegood Whom I Love Dearly, Greg (That's everything!) The Side Characters With Firecrackers (SOMEONE GET THEM AWAY FROM FINNEGAN!!)- Seamus and Dean Who Have Made My Days Considerably Happier And On Fire, Neville And His Toad, Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore The Lords Of Toxicity. Best of luck, I suppose.
Words: 3535, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Most of the Weasley clan tbh, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Lavender Brown, Millicent Bulstrode, Albus Dumbledore, Grindelwald
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson, Seamus Finnigan/Neville Longbottom/Dean Thomas, Draco Malfoy & Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle/Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass/Theodore Nott, Lavender Brown/Millicent Bulstrode
Additional Tags: this has some pretty explicit shit, be careful and just chill, dont read if youre gonna be homophobic or criticise me
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38675832
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smallpumpkinboi · 4 years
Rating my mutals because I love y'all but not actually giving you a number
(Tone Indicator: This is all jokes -and me procrastinating my paper- if I left you out or you don't wanna be included let me know I'm just hoping to give y'all a good time)
@thehufflepuffpixie Gives me the sweetest vibes, will support any and every of my hyper fixation, is the living image of a bumblebee on a soft pink flower thats bathing in sunlight
@warriorlid14 Whenever I see a hunger games post I remember trying to find the series at the thrift store for my sister, you do make me wanna read the books tho... kinda gives off super friendly book girl vibes
@hillyminne you remind me of my friend Lisa. She was this super popular and talented girl in my class. Everyone liked her and wanted to be her friend. She gave off major big dick energy
@lytefoot Chaos mom... thats it, you give me major loving and caring but will absolutely destroy me vibes
@vivithefolle you kinda scare me ngl but I'm always impressed
@gr-moonnie I dont interact with you much but I know its a good day when I see you on my blog!!
@annaraebananawriter You're the og mutal, been here since day one. I think you where one of my first followers tbh and I enjoy every inaction with ya
@princesserica84 If my homie reblogs ONE of my posts I know its not only a good day but shits about to go down
@hermiones-amortentia Actual goof, very friendly. If you where an animal you'd be cute fluffy forest cat
I would have more of y'all but my phones being a bitch and won't let me tag some of you. Anyways I hope you have a good day and I love yall
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kuromichad · 4 years
like tbh at this point i think the general sort of Anti Movement has accomplished basically all it’s ever going to and maybe it’s time to like. not ‘calm down’ as in ‘i’m condescendingly telling you not to be upset that abusive/exploitative content exists’ but just like... at least... stop actively hunting for it!!! stop making it such a huge part of your identity and what you do online!!! stop lying your way into people’s private accounts and servers just so you can spread around the content that they obviously know is not something that should be spread around??? like it just does not have to be this way... 
the thing that i wanted to accomplish when i was actively identifying as an anti, the whole reason i started being that way, is that at the time 5+ years ago fandom culture was still extremely “always be nice, never ever criticize or ‘shame’ anything, we’re all oppressed loner geeks here and being ‘mean’ to each other would be the worst social crime possible, worse than racism, worse than anything!!! boo hoo hoo!!!” and THAT is what created a really unhealthy passively-grooming environment. because expressing discomfort with things it’s literally normal to be uncomfortable with was met with “how dare you be shaming people, you’re a bad person.” 
there wasn’t the same kind of content warning culture we have now, the edgy problematic shipping was literally just mixed in with everything else, people would presume comfort with all sorts of subjects and bring up edgy shit unprompted in response to non-edgy works. that’s the kind of shit that creates normalization, that’s what i grew up with: “i hope ron and hermione will be married with babies in the epilogue <3” and “it would be hot if snape sexually abused harry <3” were literally both just What Shipping Is and there were too many spaces where they were talked about side by side. the casual attitude was what was actively dangerous and unhealthy. 
things are a lot fucking different than they were 5, 10, 15 years ago now!! there’s CONSTANT discussion of which subjects are harmful and why, there’s well-understood pressure to tag and warn for things, a lot of nsfw fandom accounts actively block any minors they encounter. there’s like, an actual divide now between ‘normal’ shipping and nsfw content and ‘problematic’ content. wahoo we won!! literally just this amount of separation wouldve resolved massive chunks of what was bad for me and so many others as a kid/teenager in fandom! 
but like i have to be honest bro a lot of antis are on a fucking power trip and they dont want to stop getting that constant reward of righteous anger being validated. it was obvious to me like, immediately, only a few months into me being actively an anti i would see people all over who would parrot talking points without actually understanding them, invent new ‘rules’ tailored to ridiculously specific situations so they could ‘call out’ a person or ship they didnt like for petty reasons, arbitrarily enforce standards based on their own preferences... not everyone is righteous, not everyone is a wounded person trying to protect others. a whole fucking lot of antis are just people who love the thrill of Being Right at all costs. (and like, obviously also a lot of proshippers/anti-antis are just people who love being contrary, edgy, obnoxious. i’m not like coming out as anti-anti here i’m just expressing frustration with the side i’ve been involved in.) 
and i just think it’s getting really fucked up and overboard and awful that people are so addicted to this War they think theyre in, and Being Right, being the Safe and Righteous ones, that they have to constantly escalate the dialogue and make everything so absolutely fucking urgent and awful, it’s not fun enough to have a thoughtful discussion about how tropes in media (even fan-created media, because fandom can encompass literal millions of people, and you literally spend more time socializing in fandom + consuming fanworks than you ever would just straight up rewatching/rereading the source material over and over) can contribute to abusive and exploitative relationships irl, what’s fun is the adrenaline rush of calling someone a literal pedophile over suggestive art of an anime 17 year old (with the same face and body of another character that’s 25, and another character that’s 13, and another that’s 21, etc etc), what’s fun is self-righteously insisting that the fandom term made up to say “i don’t care that you think reylo is destroying society” is actually a secret code name for “out and proud literal irl pedophile.” it’s fucking absurd. i’m so sick of it dude you’re not helping anyone. 
we are so, so, so far past doing anything actually helpful for protecting kids from media they’re not ready for and people who aren’t safe for them. if anything i think it’s just its own new brand of deeply unhealthy to constantly be going LOOK, look over there, inside that locked account, there are horrors i’m going to describe to you in great detail, and that person is a bogeyman who wants to hurt YOU, personally, you the 14 year old reading this callout, you are never safe, even when people are purposely locking their accounts to keep you safe from the content they acknowledge is triggering to people, those people are deeply inherently sinful and evil and they are GOING to hurt you, look at the evidence right now, they’re hurting you. like. anti culture is sick, it’s decaying and poisoned and fucking obnoxious. i’m not saying that that means all proship people are perfectly innocent or morally in the right or whatever but i find it acutely more upsetting when the side that’s claiming to be all about Protecting The Children and being the ones that are morally good is behaving fucking absurdly and escalating conflicts on purpose. trying to shock people into agreeing with you by throwing out the word Pedophile every five seconds is not the fucking way to do things. cut it out.
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rigginsstreet · 4 years
#1 male partner and female partner for each parent?
fp - fred and gladys
gladys- no man, alice
fred - fp and mary
mary - fred and ??? i really dont have a strong femslash ship for her maybe hermione?
alice - hal and gladys
hal - hiram and alice
hermione - hiram and mary ?? i guess? i like her with sierra too tho... shes kinda just good with all the moms tbh
hiram - hal and hermione
sierra - tom and hermione or penelope
tom - i truly have no slash ship for him, sierra
penelope - surely not clifford and i dont ship with her any other dad. i guess vic? i dont care about him either lmao, alice
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ridiculousravenclaw · 5 years
No one will see this or read this but whatever this is just my two sense on something that no one cares about:
People like to say that the sorting hat is bull@#%* and makes mistakes even though JK has come out and said that it never has. For a while tbh I did too. like come on I know Hermione turns out to be really brave and ready to fight for what she believes in but are you seriously telling me 11 year old Hermione was braver than she was smart. Nah sorry not buying it. And are you honestly telling me Peter Pettigrew was brave enough to ever be in gryffindor let alone at 11. No just no. But then I got to thinking what if that's not how the sorting hat works. You're introduced to the sorting hat and you kind of assume that gryffindor are brave, ravenclaw are smart, slytherin cunning and hufflepuff just kind of nice and neutral. whichever trait you fit best that's where you go. But that makes no sense. At 11 you're not done cooking yet so why place you in a house based on your personality traits at 11. But no I dont think that's what the sorting hat does because *cough* Hermione *cough*. I think it places you in whichever houses values you value the most. Doesn't necessarily mean you have to present that trait massively but if you value it above the others that's where you'll go.
Then you can see it really hasn't ever made a mistake. Hermione's a brilliant example of that. Although she values intelligence and loves to learn she values bravery and being able to stand up for what you believe in more. She even says it "there are more important things" I cant remember if that was in the book or it was a movie thing but all the same it shows she values the bravery the most. Take Neville as well. He wasn't very brave to begin with at all but he looked up to Harry massively. He was proud of how brave his parents where he wished he was like them. He clearly valued it very highly even though he was very self aware of how not brave he was at first. But look at him after a few years surrounded by those who also value those traits and who act that way. f!@#*^% beast! I also like to link Crabbe and Goyle to this. They were no where near cunning or ambitious enough to be in Slytherin. Tbh I dont think they belonged anywhere. But what they were was pureblood and they valued pureblood. Aside from the cunning thing that's arguably what Slytherin valued that most that's why like minded children all ended up in his house.
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thefudge · 6 years
Harry Potter question, do you or did you ever ship Hermione x Tom. Hermione x Snape. Hermione x Lucius. ? (I'm a Hermione fan lol)
aaaah this is a tough one, but super interesting (and i like her too!)
so here we go 
(after the cut cuz this got looooong)
in short, i dabbled in all of them to various degrees 
hermione/tom - in theory, i should like this pairing a lot, but i have a lot of issues with the way they are written together; aka they’re either portrayed as incredibly beautiful genius sex gods, or hermione is weak and constantly thwarted by tom’s sexy moves. there is some good fic out there that explores what it would actually be like if these two had to butt heads, but it’s hard for me to find this dynamic written the way i feel it, which is very solipsistic of me i know lol. it’s also a tough ship to get right, imo. because tom/voldemort has no reason to be that impressed with hermione. yes, she is brilliant and cunning, but i think tom is faaar more fascinated by emotions than intellect, ironically. he has a slew of talented wizards and witches around him, but he doesn’t care a fig about them. meanwhile, he’s constantly cursing harry’s resilience and humanity because he craves it. he’s more drawn to folks who thrive on unconditional love. it’s reaaaally hilarious when u think about it. but i don’t hate it? i just think it’s a tough ship to get right. i was into it in high school, but i shipped tom/ginny more because ginny has no business impressing him ahahahah
hermione/snape - once upon a long-ass time i was definitely taken with this ship because it used to be the It Ship in the olden days. if you were around circa 2003-2004 on livejournal and ffnet and schnoogle? HOO MAN, this was where you found the BEST angst and smut, hands down. i think we all had a snamione phase, it’s like part of growing up. the older i got, tho, i just…got bored with it, which is super sad! i think maybe it’s the fact that you can’t take this pairing into many directions. it’s mostly about hermione “healing” snape and giving him a second chance to repair the damage with lily. oh, and snape also empowers her intellectually. mmmkay. that’s nice. yawn. i mean! it’s great! but….yawn? listen, hermione is brilliant, but can we quit it with making everything about her intellect? 90% of snamione fics are about him helping her win the nobel prize or some shit like that, i swear to god, you got fics with titles like “Euclidean geometry and the arithmancy algorithm” or whatever, and it’s mostly these two nerding out and saving the world with their massive intellect. and that’s rly cool! i’m so glad there’s a space for that!  but….can we…take a break from all that studying? my 15 yo self felt like i should be doing homework when i read about how hermione was breaking her back trying to prove to snape how goddamn proficient she was, sweating and toiling over her cauldron. it’s almost like saying “if you don’t exhaust yourself intellectually, you’re not worthy of snape”. and that was a real bummer. also, in a lot of those fics hermione and snape were super shitty to the poor idiots who did not understand their super complicated invented algebra. a lot of needless ron bashing too. ANYWAY. this ship will always have a place in my heart but it’s too stagnant for me and doesn’t take me anywhere new. (i do remember a great old fic where hermione developed an eating disorder because she was exhausting herself intellectually, trying to be absolutely perfect, and snape actually helped her return to her goddamn senses and made her take a break, lol that was one of my faves tbh)
hermione/lucius - ha okay, ironically the ship i like the most in this line-up. back in the day, fanfic for this pairing was kiiiind of cringey since it involved a super angsty lucius who had to torture a slave!hermione and get her to accept voldemort as her lord and saviour… eh. it was messy and little of it was actually nuanced and good, sorry folks. but!! this ship has matured together with its dedicated writers and it has weirdly become one of the more nuanced hermione pairings out there. i think once the dust settled on this series, big ships like dramione and snamione dried up a little bit, while the smaller ones flourished. so i’ve seen rly cool takes on lucius malfoy post-series as an older guy who fucked up his life and his family and has to reckon with that, especially since he was never committed to the cause like bella, but his pride would never let him ask help from the order. lumione (?) is also a slightly more relaxed ship cuz u dont have lucius making her work on quadratic equations for fuck’s sake (lookin at u, severus) and he also wouldnt overwhelm her with his sexy evil plans (lookin at u, tom). like he wouldn’t expect sooo fucking much of her, you know?  though ofc there would be sniping and antagonism and blood prejudice etc so there’s a lot to unpack. but fanon-wise? yeah, this ship wins lol 
in general, the more i look back, the more i think that all of these ships just put too much fucking pressure on hermione to be this be-all and end-all of the harry potter universe, especially in terms of brains. as someone who was constantly insecure about intellectual prowess growing up, to have to read hundreds of fanfics where she was constantly humiliated and put to the test by these “brilliant” men felt really disheartening to me. i enjoyed some of it, but a lot of hermione fics left me exhausted. hermione had to do so much emotional and intellectual labor just to be allowed to touch a mediocre dick? SPARE ME lol. 
and i realized a lot of the girls/women writing those stories were “hermione’s” too, or obviously identified as such (me included). and they must have believed that they too could only be worthy of a dude’s attention if they became the next marie curie. it’s like “if i work hard enough, i’ll be the equal of the pretty, bubbly girl”. cuz this is the really whack, misogynist, self-defeatist narrative a lot of us were raised on. and it showed in the goddamn hermione fics where she can only squeeze a tiny bit of pleasure if she works herself to the bone.
fuck that. 
so yeah, this kind of makes me ambivalent about many of these big ol’ ships and whether, if we want them to move forward, we should change our optic about what hermione represents to a lot of us 
lol sorry this got away from me  
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folkremedies · 6 years
I have a copy of the cursed child but have never read it lol is it worth it? I didn’t buy it it was a gift thank god
to be honest i have tried to read The Cursed Child so many times and never get past the first act!! i just really disagree with JKR about like, almost every character choice she makes and i also am not very married to the epilogue because i dont think that Ginny Wealsey or Hermione Granger would ever have kids that young tbh
also like, i love draco and scorpio to death but imo there is so much fanfiction about them that is better leagues better than cursed child is so it’s really up to you but i dont care for it at all
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psychodelica · 2 years
PREFACE: I dont care about hp after this week i'll never think about hp again, im just tryna see what all the fuss is about.
POSTPREFACE: also in this movie (movie 4) its extra stupid bc it turned it from a child like fantasy about escaping abuse and confronting classicism with wizards (not very good but acceptable) into teen drama but theyre 14 so its extra annoying (considering suicide)
joanne... L + Ratio + anyone could write better than you + these movies arent good and i dont like them not even ironically + kill your self + die + explode + closed casket funeral
Why would Ron be mad at Harry. It doesn't make sense. Why didn't he believe Harry when he told him that he didn't put his name in the goblet of fire. Everybody saw that it wasn't possible so why is Ron so peeved about it?
"""awe but ron was just jealous bc his friend was famous and popular"""" ron, your friend's parents were killed, he was abused his whole life, he LIVED UNDER THE STAIRS, and people have been trying to kill him every year since he turned 11. i know ur poor n that sucks for sure i know it does and i know harry has a shit load of money but if you had to put up with 1 minute of what he deals with you wouldve killed someone on purpose.
Also this is from the movie before this one but what the fuck. Why did Hermione just fucking off handedly mentioned that MacGonagall gave her fucking time travel and all she did with it was attend more classes.
also why did a 17 year old take a 14 year old to a dance..... idk...... something feels weird
ALSO i think Hermione n Harry have more chemistry than ron and hermoine. tbh. i dont even care none of these characters feel like real people. ive got to start watching better movies.
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chiveburger · 7 years
Im a new myday (hella late to the party tbh) so i dont know like anything about the guys. Can you tell me smths about them? Like Young K looks like hed be a player and Jae looks like a cute nerd tbh lol.. but i hear theyre not like that tho lol
lol oh my god !! they are like………….inhuman. I write so much about them but heres what I think the boys are really like: 
young k: a big ass full ass crybaby but besides that, he’s such a smart, versatile and hardworking artist that really can do anything related to music and performance. for him to have been going to university pursuing a degree in business administration ALONGSIDE participating in the composition of their everyday6 releases is like……? you know that harry potter movie where hermione takes 15 classes or some bullshit like that n can only do so with this magical watch that helps her manipulate the time. that’s literally what young k does. he’s always so passionate about their music and has always been flooded with emotions during a lot of day6′s milestones. the mother figure of the band and always coos and actively responds to wonpil’s agyeo when everyone wants to murder him for it.
jae: always giving off the energy of a 15 year old teenager, but hiding behind the facade is a level headed, mature and thoughtful 15 year old teenager lmao !!! all the members have always said that he is a very straightforward person, never doing things with malicious intent. I personally think jae has one of the most stable and consistent vocals n his lives are always impeccable. that aside, a major, full…………tsundere. always saying he hates wonpil but turns around to compliment him, saying he has the most unique vocals in the band, how he’s very handsome regardless of how his hair looks. always learning and improving himself whether it be in music or in korean culture/language.
wonpil: exactly how he looks……. an eternal ray of sunshine, sirius A (the brightest star in the earth’s night sky aka the dog star, coincidentally wonpil is also born in the year of the dog so it makes sense.) similar to young k he loves to cry and will cry often @ a lot of day6′s events. he has always been extremely expressive about his feelings and being a type that will get his feelings hurt easily. just a plain sugar sweet strawberry doughnut that loves to joke around and scream and play with dowoon. someone that is physically impossible to dislike because he’s only ever crying or laughing theres no other side of him.
sungjin: the leader of day6, the holy lord of this universe, the cracker barrel cheese of cheeses (cracker barrel is my favorite and also the best cheese in the world). he’s always trying to keep up his image of being the tough man from busan but he’s a tender soul that has on many occasions said he’s been lacking confidence. yet, despite saying that he has always been filled with smiles and never shows ANY signs of feeling embarrassed when he does his weird ass dances. he’s always doing the absolute most for the enjoyment of my days whether its for pure entertainment or performance wise. one of the most visually spectacular people I have ever seen and he’s always a joy to look @ because he looks like the villager from animal crossing n we all know that guy is universally loved too.
dowoon: the mood maker maknae that the whole group takes care of, loves and compliments. he’s always speaking random shit that nobody ever understands but they still support him n encourage him nonetheless. always complimenting his hyungs and saying how talented they truly are so there are a lot of times where you can see dowoon in awe when his members sing. they in return always accuse dowoon of beating them up back @ the dorm lmaooooooooo !!!!!!!!!! he’s alike wonpil generally filled with smiles and if he’s not then he’s usually just staring into space lol he’s so cute. he’s still improving and learning all the time n his members are always pushing this kid forward. the future variety star of our century easy
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rurascarlet · 3 years
hi friend!!
saw the post you reblogged about your ocs and wanted to ask you about them! who are they? are they from a fandom or completely original? what do they do? where do they fall on the murderous cinnamon scale? which mbti type? which hogwarts house?
i hope this isnt too much and too sudden, and you dont have to answer if you dont want to! just wanted you to know i appreciate you ^w^
Oh hecky wecky I've forgotten which post you're referring to but! I do remember using Eru in a tag once. He's an OC from a novel I swear I'll finish sometime, and he's a beastman that used to have fluffy cat ears and a tail, and (tw gorey description and fictional racism, plus child abuse. Exceedingly Tragic Backstory) those were cut off by humans that wanted to use his life force to power a superweapon. As the only beastman in his village aside from his mother, the criminals thought that nobody would notice. They fortunately still spared his eyes, which are yellow-orange. He has dark skin and black hair that turned purple after getting charged up in the barrel of the superweapon a few dozen times.
The superweapon was made up of magitech, and coincidentally, a piece of magitech had been the murder weapon that took out the king of Vermillia, the kingdom bordering the islands where Eru was from. A ban on all magitech soon happened, and he was subsequently freed by soldiers that siezed and destroyed the superweapon. He came back to his village and many remembered his mother, but not many remember him— she left out of grief and moved away after waiting two years for him. The mayor, upon his daughter's request, gave him a home at the edge of the woods and eventually landed a job as the economics analyst for the whole island system. He married, eventually, the mayor's daughter bamed Pyria, who excelled in fire magic and had her own combat school. Eru himself used earth magic, but eventually learned a bit of fire from Pyria as well. Worldbuilding-wise, people debate whether fire is its own element or simply a more advanced version of air magic (think the old scientific arguments about fire being a gas) and Pyria is deep in the discourse, actively researching fire's properties.
They had a son at some point, with beastly features like his father and his grandmother before him, who grew up to fill the mayor's position entirely out of nepotism. Eru and Pyria spoiled him rotten, and though he was smart and skilled in combat, he became an unfit leader. Anti-beastmen political parties swooped in, and he was murdered by a militarized rebel group whilst celebrating his birthday at the town hall. Knowing Pyria as a warrior that would not take this laying down, she was assassinated in her own home— Eru's home, by the woods. Eru arrived home from a diplomacy trip only a few minutes after. He was filled in on what had happened by a distressed family friend, and he rushed home as fast as he could.
The assassins kill him. He thought he would come to meet his wife and son again, at least.
That was the worst way to find out that he was immortal.
Eru is an absolute cinnabun sweetie. Very kind and caring. He'd likely be a Hufflepuff but I can see him in Gryffindor. MBTIwise ENFP seems to be closest but I don't know much about MBTI to give an exact answer.
Pyria looks like a cinnamon roll that suspiciously has a red filling (hot sauce), and acts that way as well. Very good teacher figure in her classes, but a no-nonsense impatient public figure otherwise. She's a Ravenclaw but like a really feral one like imagine if Hermione's wand was a sword and she threatens to shank people that don't give her answers.
The son who is still unnamed (gj rura) looks like he could murder, but is actually a gentle man. Too bad propaganda (and his own action bc tbh he was a dick) said otherwise.
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meowmerson · 7 years
Meow!!! When u write hermione, what are some of the visual features/body type things that you see?? Genuinely curious bc I think when I read hermione I typically see myself.
i see her as black personally......if we use like rihanna’s fenty beauty line as an example she’d be like a 360 on the foundation line
all the book details like crazy hair, buck teeth, brown eyes obvi
also when i picture her hair, i picture it almost like harrys? Just like....all over the place always. It defies gravity. there’s always stray curls just like...sticking straight up. Half of it is pretty spiral curls and half of it is just a tangled mess. as she gets older it turns into a pretty, natural curly look as she learns how to take care of it
Also!!! i imagine her hair is brown and it gets lighter in the summer
In terms of body type, I always imagined her as smaller than people expect. Like, the type of person that when you see on tv or in a picture you think they’re a certain height and you find out how tall they are and you’re like ‘u r that smol?????’ and thats largely due to her intelligence and power and strength making ppl expecting her physicality to match
i always imagined her as a bit curvy. hippy. but not like oHHH BABY SEXYYY or anything, it’s all pretty understated, when she wants to play them up she can and its like BAM but otherwise people don’t notice. Theyre the kind of curves that if not dressed properly she looks frumpy u kno. So she looks frumpy like always because she doesn’t care to dress up all the time lmao
she has freckles. in my mind. Just a few, probably more like beauty marks, just across her nose and maybe one or two on her cheeks. 
i think thats it??? thats how i personally see her, which...isnt at all like myself tbh lmao. but i dont look anything ilke hermione to begin with (like not the hair or anything) so i think my mind just never placed an image of myself in hermione because i didnt fit the characteristics in the book, so.
everyone pictures her differently!!!!! ppl can picture her however they like. but this is what she looks like in my mind!!
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