#anti yu ziyuan
jiaoji · 9 months
I think we need more modern AU fics where WWX sue the Jiang for child abuse… with evidence of course.
I hate when they make WWX poor, the boy is genius. How he can be poor for the first few years before he meets Lan wangji and marry him…
Like, WWX could be developing lots of stuff and changing technologies! Making discoveries!
Like??? 😫😔
He's a mad scientist and a genius enginer, how could he be poor fr
Also, i love everything to do with "WWX gets justify revenge on the antagonists and fuck them up with their own shit" because we know he is a master at hiding things, so i bet the jiangs would get fucked up with proof he hide with him all the previous years LMAO
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bnnywngs · 5 months
The rumors and gossip throughout the cultivation world was wrong from the beginning. The one who created the rumors herself, was beyond wrong in her delusions.
Wei Changze didn't elope with Cangse Sanren.
The Jiang sect leader at that time thought his son, Fengmian, was too enchanted with the rogue cultivator and immortal disciple, and that it interfered with the marriage negotiations between the Jiang and Yu sects. Reasoning, he gave an ultimatum to the couple: leave or die.
"And do not contact my son ever again."
So they had no choice but to leave immediately, in the middle of the night like two outlaws running from fate. It was shameful, but there was nothing they could do. Poor Fengmian, beyond feeling left behind by his two closest friends, will have to marry the one he despises the most at his father's word.
What a leader that Jiang zongzhu is! To resort to blackmailing a couple to get what he wants! Ha! May fate have fun with him!
Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren both curse his name and his person, as well as his passive wife. And even Jiang Fengmian himself. But they moved on, walking the world together hand in hand, and not too soon, they had company - A-Ying and his precious smiles.
Life wasn't so bad, after all. Maybe the decision to leave Yunmeng was for the best in the end.
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justalilhime · 2 years
Cw: (fictional) physical and emotional abuse
I find it so amusing that a lot of people when discussing YZY'a abuse of WWX either claim that it wasn't that bad (in fact, it was that bad, and it's even clearer in the lotus pod extra), that it was acceptable in that society's culture/is historically correct (ignoring the fact that the author is a modern person with modern values telling you through the text how fucked up that was and how in the text no one else exhibited the same behavior as her despite it being supposedly their right to; they had better morals and ethics than her) or that WWX was supposed to be singled out and endure the punishment because he was the Head Disciple and this is the point that really gets to me because... Why do people think YZY has any right to punish any disciple?
She forced her way into marrying JFM, then made it her personal mission to make everyone's lives hell with her entitlement and abuse (a side note: I do think most of JFM's passiveness and apathetic nature is actually a result of said abuse, a self-preservation mechanism of sorts, but that's both personal and topic for another post). YZY married into the clan and gave birth to two children, one of them the heir, but that's literally the only thing she does for YMJ. She rarely spends time at Lotus Pier, what little she spends there are unpleasant to everyone involved. Her vitriol poisoned JC against the values of his own clan, the one he's supposed to inherit, and made it impossible for JFM to even try to teach him (and I honestly commend him for still trying anyway, as seen post-Xuanwu incident). She disrespects the dead and drags their names as though they're trash — one of them being WCZ, who used to be a part of YMJ and (possibly) made good contributions to the clan, as he was let go peacefully. And, the most important of them, she rejects the title of Jiang-furen. She always goes by Yu-furen (a title that belongs to her older sister, not her; at best, by logic, if she was still in Meishan Yu, she'd be third madam Yu, instead of simply Yu-furen). While some may argue it's her way to fight patriarchy and show love for her natal clan, it's still downright insulting to the Jiang clan and her husband.
She chooses not to associate herself with them by name and behavior. She doesn't even share the same servants and lives in completely different quarters. But of course, despite all this, she still enjoys the power of being the madam of the Jiang clan. All because no one dares go against her, lest they become the next target of her hatred. That, too, is another form of her abuse. But she doesn't have the right to when she chooses to reject everything the Jiangs stand for.
So yeah, what she did to WWX was fucked up beyond imagination, because 1) he was a child, 2) it was abuse, and 3) she was using an authority and power she shouldn't have the right to after everything.
If you read this and come saying any "buts" I will block you, btw 😂 Unless you're a mutual, which we shall agree to disagree, but I won't discuss further if your opinion differs. I have no patience and no will to hear/read abuse apologism of any kind (again, for personal reasons). I just wanted to type out some thoughts. Thanks for reading I guess 😂
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ayingdidi · 10 months
I love to headcanon that Shen Jiu & Yue Qingyuan are the reincarnation of Madam Yu & Jiang Fenngmian, that they're reincarnated in this new life as a karmic retribution. In their first life Madam Yu liked to insult WWX for being the son of a servant, in this one she reincarnated as Shen Jiu who was a slave.
Also, Madam Yu abused WWX and JFM turned a blind eye to it, similar to how Shen Jiu abused LBH and YQY doing fuck all to stop it. Where WWX never acknowledged the abuse, and still respected them until the end, LBH on the other hand gave it back as good as he got. YQY was pierced with thousands of arrows for his inaction & enabling of SJ, and SJ's reputation was smeared to the hell and he died after experiencing inhumane torture at LBH's hand. It's so cathartic to imagine that they're the reincarnation of JFM and Madam Yu, bc that's exactly the kind of fate they deserved.
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Wei Wuxian in Cql: Madam Yu wasn't that bad.
Wen Qing in the donghua: Madam Yu actually held back her blows when she was hitting Wei Wuxian with Zudian.
Me, everytime:
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Why do these adaptations insist on woobifying Madam Yu ? She is awful and explicitly abusive to Wei Wuxian (physically and verbally) in particular, using him as a scapegoat for all the disciples canonically, she is also abusing the other disciples and her own children (at least verbally).
She is awful and was literally about to cut off Wei Wuxian's hand. Let her be awful
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aara14 · 2 years
Jiang Cheng’s ending
So, I’ve read how many ppl say that JC didn’t get the ending he deserved, whether it be stans or antis. But here’s the thing- JC did get the ending he deserved.
JC’s entire character revolved around his pride. He grew up knowing that WWX is better than him at everything. He also felt that JFM favored WWX over him (though that’s debatable and IMO false) He had a much higher social rank than WWX but still felt inferior to him. It hurt his pride and as a result, he often lashed out at WWX - in anger, concern, or whatever. But this changed after the SSC. JC became a war hero and WWX the dangerous social pariah.
After WWX’s death, JC felt that he had always been better than WWX and that his sense of inferiority was unnecessary. He became just like his mother - a proud classist and conformist who looked down on everyone not as privileged as him. JC was a great character but he was also a horrible person. He loves but his love language is too toxic.
But after JC learns the truth about his golden core and everything else, his pride must have shattered into pieces. To know that everything he had achieved as an adult was because of someone he had always felt inferior to and later despised must have been too much. JC would have lost faith in himself. I have no doubt that JC would have put himself together sooner or later. But the damage to his pride, his faith in himself, and the destruction of everything he had believed in was a pretty great ending to his character.
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annebaneriddle · 2 years
I still try to undertand the logic going inside the brains of people who say "Well, why are you even writting the wholeass bible to badmouth 'X'?" ("X" character who is canonically a complete asshole who kills innocent people, gaslight people, plays the victim to escape the consequences of their own actions, blame others for what they did, blame-shift, victim-blame, terrorize people, yada yada).
I'm not saying you can't like said character. Far from me telling you who you should like, you and your likes are not my business and you can stan whoever you like, be them real or fictional. The thing is: other's and their dislikes is also not your business, specially if they have a completelly fair and reasonable reason to find a character disgusting.
Let's use Jiang Cheng from MDZS as an exemple: the man did suffer? Hell, yeah. He saw his whole sect being murdered, saw his parents being murdered, had to become a sect leader at a far too young age and then saw his sister being killed too. If that does not count as suffering, I don't know what does. That's totally ok if you feel for him, I do too, I think no one should suffer like that and I also think he is a pretty interesting charactet who adds to the story.
The thing is, the man also announced Wei Wuxian was now an enemy of the cultivation world when the plan was just for them to stage a fight and say the said sect brother has left the sect (that made public opinion of Wei Wucian even worse and contibuted to Jin Guangshan's and Jin Gangyao's plan of getting rid of Wei Wuxian to get tue Stygian Tiget seal to themselves), what makes clear that the thing that made him turn against WWX wasn't Jiamg Yanli's death; he lied to people saying WWX killed JY when JY willingly put herself on the way of the sword meant to pierce through WWX, when she willingly died to protect WWX; he led a siege against innocent people when he knew that they were civilians and that there was even a damn barelly 3 years old child amongst them (not taking the blame away from the other sects, because there is no way you put your sword through an old granny and doesn't notice it isn't an armed cultivator); for 13 years he continuously tortured and killed innocent people to the point of where his nephew was willing to lie to him to help one of them escape because he knew exactly the atrocities his uncle was capable of; civilians around Lotus Pier were afraid of him; his behaviour crosses the line so much that all female cultivators blacklisted him (and given it was at a time where men were excused from plently of shitty behaviour, that is quite surprising); he has the annoying mania of playing the victim, and so the list goes on.
So yeah, do you really has such a thick face to say that people who don't like him don't have the right to dislike him only because "he looked hot with doing that", "he suffered too" or whatever the hell your excuse is?
People who dislike a character have the right of disliking them and writting a wholeass bible about it just like you have the right of writting a wholeass bible worshiping the ground said character walks on. However, it's quite interesting how I seldom see antis clowining stans posts, but it's quite common to see stans complaining on anti posts. It's a two ways road, so get over yourself and stop whinning like a child that is mad because someone didn't find their toy as cool as they think it is.
Not even gonna lie, I don't mortaly hate most characters I find disgusting. What makes me hate them are their stans.
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somereaderinblue · 2 years
(YZY &JC stans, don’t clown my post.)
Unpopular opinion: YZY shouldn’t have died at the Massacre of Lotus Pier. Why?
Because she deserved to suffer even more.
Maybe this is just me feeling particularly salty today but I also feel ready to bash my head into a wall after seeing way too many posts stanning YZY as some tragic martyr when to me, she is a shit stain that should’ve never touched Yunmeng Jiang to begin with.
This revolting woman abused a child who was left to starve and fight against wild dogs on the street, simply because he’s the son of a dead woman who allegedly used to have a thing with her husband (whom she also abuses verbally & emotionally) that she forcibly married. Who hurts him because she knows she can damn well get away with it.
This pathetic womanchild went out of her way to make this child’s life miserable simply because he had the audacity to exist under the same roof as her. Who can hold power over him, when she could never mean shit to his mother.
This insufferable woman, who has a position & power she absolutely does not deserve, becomes nothing but a poison that erodes not only her own family, but an entire sect, hell, an entire legacy altogether.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for WWX. I am so proud that he never let this womanchild beat him down and that he’s perfectly capable of letting go of the past to enjoy his (much-deserved) content future with his husband. Hell, him deciding to let go of his life involving YZY so easily was probably one of the best middle fingers to give to the woman who always screamed at everyone about her supposed grievances.
But personally, the salty vindictive voice in my head can’t help but wish she had faced worse consequences. 
It would’ve been so satisfying if she could’ve also been present during the Golden Core Reveal scene so LWJ & WN could also give her the much deserved ‘reason you suck’ speech. It would’ve been satisfying seeing her forced to watch the child she resented oh so much achieve the happiness she can never have. It would’ve been cathartic to see JGY, the ‘son of a whore’ call her out on her classist views and remind her that if it wasn’t for her family name, she’d be no better than WLJ. It would’ve been glorious for WWX to walk away from her because she no longer holds any power/authority over him & any ‘debt’ remaining between them is moot.
Alas, canonically, she’s dead. She’s gone and she can’t hurt anyone anymore. She’s gone and eventually, she’ll fade away and her memory will die like the insect she’s named after. Saltiness aside, I can live with that too.
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ecccentrick · 2 years
I am ashamed to say I hadn't realized that JFM had also been abused by his wife until I read your meta. Thank you for pointing this out.
You're welcome! It probably wasn't the best I could do, as I made it in a fit of frustration.
Don't feel bad, fanon really warps people's memories of canon. It can be pervasive too. Jiang Fengmian hate is sadly very common, and it honestly makes me feel for his character more each time I see it.
A lot of fics make him out to downright abusive—I've even seen some of him being abusive towards WWX in a sexual manner, which if it's written to be therapeutic for the writer etc, that's one thing, but I just wish people would use an OOC tag for these instances.
Others are more subtle by framing Yu Ziyuan as a neglected, unloved wife desperate for her aloof husband's love, and saddened by her husband's favor of Wei Wuxian over her own son. She's just lashing out in her need for love! It's usually resolved with either Yu Ziyuan moving on or Jiang Fengmian seeing the errors in his ways and putting any past loves (usually Wei Wuxian's mom) behind him. And... Yu Ziyuan would never be happy, Jiang Fengmian could declare his love from the rooftops daily and she'd complain about the noise.
Jiang Fengmian is basically the epitome of the downtrodden wife trope, only he's a man, so it's different apparently! If their genders were swapped this fandom would be having different conversations. But, unfortunately, Yu Ziyuan is a hot girlboss with a whip...
Sorry for rambling, and thank you so much for the ask!
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sonik-kun · 7 months
JC anti: "If Jiang Cheng knew he'd lose his core whilst saving Wei Wuxian, he wouldn't have sacrificed himself for him!!" "Jiang Cheng is so selfish!! He only thinks about himself!!!!!"
Meanwhile, this scene also exists:
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Bro jumped in the way of the core melter hand.. THE CORE MELTER HAND! He knew what he was putting on the line here, both in this scene and in the scene where he saves WWX. And yet he didn't think twice about doing it.. Why? BECAUSE HE FUCKING LOVES HIS FAMILY!!!!
Honestly, if you read between the lines and look beyond WWX's pov, you'll see that JC is actually one of the most selfless characters in the book.
He puts himself between others numerous times throughout the story without a second thought, be it to save WWX, save JL etc..
Granted, it's only for family and those he cares for. But that's okay?? How many of you will willingly take a bullet for your family? Or run out to fight enemies head-on just to keep your family safe?? How many of you will do all this for complete strangers?? Be honest.
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jiaoji · 10 months
Seeing YZY takes by JC stans is so funny to me, like saying that JFM is worse than her and that he didn’t deserve to marry her…
But didn’t she and her sect forced him to marry her? Didn’t she essentially brainwashed JC to having daddy issues? She didn’t even take the Jiang name???
Like??? She fucked around and found out! And made the people lives around her even worse!
(while I do agree the JFM is shitty it’s because he allowed her to abuse an orphaned child with a whip that his back was full of them)
I can’t find myself to petty her at all knowing those facts.
YZY whole purpouse on life is to make everyone's life miserable and unfortunaly she married a very passive guy that is tired of her and just let things happen.
FGM is bad, but he have some redemptions acts/qualitys, like trying to be a good father for JC and teach him, but YZY throw that off the window just opening her mouth and JC is already too deep into his mother bullshit and imaginary daddy issues (as much as is not THAT imaginary, but less than what YZY says, i mean, FGM love his son very much)
She's not a "girl boss" and drives me insane how people just like her for a 1-2 minutes animation with her being "badass" and because of her looks, when she phisically and verbally abused an orphan child (she's a bully, a 30 years old bully that target a child)
FGM didn't deserved to (forcibly) marry her, thats the only thing they say that is correct, but not in the way they think.
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yinyangbuns · 1 year
The jiang sect destruction episodes always reawaken the need in me to scour the “jiang family bashing” tag on ao3
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justalilhime · 2 years
Looking for something to read or needing a reason to read Ad Oblivione? Look no more: @anonbaph gives you all reasons you need!
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Acanon-divergence story where WWX travels back to the past after his death instead written for the Journeys Big Bang hosted by @pocketfulofrecs. One of my proudest works, and Baph's terror dream 🔥
You can read it here: Ad Oblivione
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ayingdidi · 1 year
Why is it so hard to find Jiang Siblings/Family fics that are not pro Madam Yu 😩😩 The Jiang can only be a happy family if she died in a ditch somewhere. Free my man Jiang Fengmian from this abusive woman clutches!!
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I'm watching the donghua for the first time and I don't really like how they are trying to make Madam Yu more sympathetic. It just didn't work for me.
Fuck Madam I abuse all of the children under my care in various and colorful ways Yu and I wish her a very die again.
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rosethornewrites · 9 months
Possibly unpopular opinion…
Both Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are flawed people for a variety of reasons, and their mutual inability to talk about their emotions is what leads them to continually miscommunicate and (in jc’s case) lash out. It’s also when keeps them from reconciling within the canon.
Wei Wuxian’s untamed nature and quest to act on the side of justice and protect the weak even if it means challenging the jianghu hegemony has a downside.
Jiang Cheng’s tendency to listen to rumors (thanks, Yu Ziyuan) and try to maneuver within the jianghu hegemony instead of challenging it has a downside.
Both characters were socialized in such a way that made their breaking apart inevitable. The only thing keeping them together was Jiang Yanli.
Both of their actions/inactions led to the deaths of Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian, and the latter’s impossible return doesn’t magically fix the loss of the former or the issues that existed before.
It’s possible to appreciate the nuances within both characters. We don’t have to hate one to like the other.
I’m seeing a lot of angry posts about pro/anti, and I just don’t see the text in this way, though it’s certainly possible to explore this in fanfiction in different ways.
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