#antique golf
theaesthetelondon · 2 months
Where there is nature, there is beauty. Where there is beauty, there is art.
Give me a follow for more posts like these! Will also be including educational things regarding history, art and antiques in the near future.
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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Bird/golf ball monstrosity salt and pepper shakers
Ohio Valley Antique Mall
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Woman's golf shoes by Peal & Company, 1942, London, England.
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rebirthofartemis · 2 months
Did activities both Saturday and Sunday…I need to go back into hiding so I can recoup
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andallshallbewell · 2 years
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Any #golf enthusiasts interested in buying an #antique #historical #relic #hickorywoodputter from #MilwaukeeCountryClub ? From #Milwaukee #Wisconsin and #owned by a W. L. #Lindsay of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. #Forsale #Buy #vintage This #item is on #OfferUp https://offerup.co/hkt5eSnjTJb
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believing-is-seeing · 3 months
Customized golf cart
March 2024
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viirinsims · 1 year
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Pool Infinity Photo of a large, elegant backyard tile and a uniquely shaped infinity hot tub
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Theme of the Half Century of Progress 2023
This year’s Half Century of Progress is coming soon! The show will be August 24-27, 2023, at the Rantoul Airport, at the former Chanute Airforce Base. The Half Century of Progress is the largest working vintage farm show in the U.S. Always the weekend before the Decatur Farm Progress Show, the Half Century of Progress offers a chance to view farming like it was fifty years ago! Since this year is…
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quartings · 2 months
The original Gravity Falls pitches and pilot just dropped!!
(Link for those who want it)
For those who don't wanna look through all of it, here are some highlights I found!
Interesting changes from the pitch (What Alex Hirsch showed Disney to make them greenlight the show):
Stan’s secret was that he’s secretly protecting the townsfolk from weirdness, nothing to do with Ford. No mention of Ford in the pitch at all. Stan also wanted Dipper and Mabel to be his successors in this version.
Mabel used to be the unhygienic one instead of Dipper.
Wendy was brunette and didn’t work as the Mystery Shack cashier, instead selling veggie juice out of her van.
As such, Soos (Jesús in this version) worked the register in addition to his handyman job in this version. He was a bit less of a hard worker here, watching telenovelas on the job sometimes, but still loves his job and is extremely loyal to Stan.
Robbie was almost exactly the same, parents’ backstory and all, but there’s an interesting note that he occasionally clashed with Gideon in this version (which we never got in the final show)
Speaking of which, Gideon’s last name in this version was Garrymore instead of Gleeful.
Gideon used to personally harass and prank Stan, going out of his way to vandalize Stan’s stuff himself.
Manly Dan was always planned to be Wendy’s dad. In this version, he hates the idea that his hipster daughter prefers conserving the environment instead of chopping down forests
(For those who wanted more Wendy episodes, I’m surprised Hirsch didn’t use this as a conflict for one of them- it makes her interesting without costing any of her “coolness”)
Sheriff Blubs was originally Sheriff “Blumps”. Durland has the same name likely because Hirsch said he’s named after a real guy.
With no Ford and no Journal mentioned, episodes were originally very different-
“The President’s Cabinet/Irrational Treasure.” Instead of via the journal, Dipper and Mabel find a record of Quentin Trembley in a box buried in the yard. No Pacifica mentioned here.
“Secret Dungeon” Dipper becomes obsessed with a recalled arcade cabinet. Mabel must try and save him by finding the original high scorer.
“Thtupid Thursday” One of the many ‘Shining Twins’ episode concepts Hirsch wanted to do. Dipper and Mabel learn ‘twin telepathy’ from some creepy twins, and soon regret it.
“Periodic Mabel” Mabel invents her own element for the science fair and Dipper is jealous.
“Only the Clonely/Boyz Crazy” The exact same episode just without Candy and Grenda. Sev’ral Timez is called “ReelBoyzzz” in this version.
“Big Dipper” With surprisingly no tie to Little Dipper, Dipper asks a fortune teller to make him older so he can win Wendy over. But she makes him 22, so he and Mabel have to undo the spell.
“Sweater off Dead” Mabel buys an antique sweater and is possessed by the soul of the granny who last wore it. Stan is terrified by the spirit because she reminds him of his ex-wife Marilyn (Deep Edalyn Clawthorne lore???) so Dipper must “Swexorcize” his sister and save her.
“Teed Off/The Golf War” With no Pacifica, this was originally a Dipper vs Gideon episode- No Lilliputtians, either. Instead, the 13th hole is cursed and traps the cast in a time loop.
Now, changes from the Production Pitch (I’m guessing for when the show was already greenlit and this was a way to brief crew members on what the show would 100% be about)
Stan’s secret (likely the portal) and the journal are now set in stone.
Emphasis on continuity and character development. Nothing gets “reset” by next episode. All plot developments are permanent.
All character names and designs are locked in. Pacifica has now been added, as well as Waddles, Gompers, Lazy Susan, Candy and Grenda, and McGucket (No mention or hint at his past here)
Interesting to note is that there is still zero outright mention of Ford and Bill in this version, even though multiple episodes were seemingly in production at this point.
Manly Dan’s conflict with Wendy from the original pitch is still here. Making it even more mindblowing that we never got it in the show
Blubs and Durland are described as a little more playful instead of mean like in the original pitch.
All episode examples made it into the show with no changes this time. They are Tourist Trapped, Legend of the Gobblewonker, Fight Fighters, Boyz Crazy, and The Land Before Swine.
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sirfrogsworth · 5 months
Mom's Antiques Auction
I wasn't sure if I should post this or not, but we are trying to auction off a lot of my mom's antiques. This particular auction isn't being held at my house, so I figured it was safe to post here.
The auction will be live until 2/13/24 with a "soft close" starting at 7pm Central. That's when items will be sold a few at a time as people place their final bids. It's just like a live auction without a fast talking fella in a cowboy hat. If you try to bid at the last second, that extends the time by 60 seconds so someone else can try to outbid. It's actually kind of exciting to watch.
If you are in the St. Louis area, you can pick up items at the auction place the day after the auction ends. If you miss the pickup window you forfeit the item. Auction rules are no joke.
Otherwise, they can do shipping but I don't know if they do anything outside the US. You can check out the shipping info and call for more details.
This auction is actually for multiple estates. So not all of these items belonged to my mom. Her stuff is from Lot 406 to 660 and in the furniture section at the end from Lot 978 to 999. The link above should take you to the start of her collection (page 17).
There are some really cool uranium glass items—including this knife.
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I had no idea that was in the display cabinet. I might have kept it if I had known, but I'm hoping people will think it is super cool and it will go for a good price.
I know that website looks like it is from the 90s, but everything is legit. We already did one auction and it went very well and everyone got what they paid for.
On a personal note, it was surreal watching them remove everything that had surrounded me for all of my life. I know it was too much for me to maintain and take care of, but nearly every one of these antiques has a memory attached to it. Most of the items will go to the auction fandom—which I had no idea existed. Pro auction people sell to hobbyists. Big auctions turn into little auctions. It's like an auction feedback loop where each auction hobbyist thinks they can flip the item for a little more money. They even have little auction meetups to show off things they got for a steal because one auction person didn't know the value of something. It's quite competitive and they like telling auction stories (whether you are interested or not).
All that is to say, I know not everything is going to a home where someone will take over custodianship of the cool things my mom collected. But it would be neat if some folks outside the auction fandom got some of her precious wares.
Hopefully with the money raised I can restore my emergency fund, which lasted all of a month after the last auction due to a busted battery and leaky-ass tires. Also, there will probably be a few more auctions after this as my mom collected antiques for nearly 40 years.
Speaking of asses, this golfing piggy bank game does not work very well (I could never get the coin in the hole), but I only ever saw it displayed from the other side and never realize all the junk in that trunk.
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probablybadrpgideas · 4 months
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Idk if this is where weird dice Wednesday submissions should go, but here's some golf dice I found at an antique/thrift store
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simplestudentplanning · 7 months
100 Hobbies To Try
Update: I wrote this at like 1 AM, so I was kind of half-asleep lol. A few people brought up that there were a bunch of duplicates in the list, sorry about that! I redid the whole list and ordered them alphabetically to avoid any repeating words. Hope you find the new list much more helpful!
Hobbies are a great way to practice self-care, and to have as a stress reliever. As uni students, we often find ourselves stressed out about our academic responsibilities, projects deadlines, and even financial concerns. We need some way to let out those stresses, and hobbies are one way to do it. You don't have to be good at them, you just have to enjoy doing them!
Here's a list:
Acrylic pouring
Bird watching
Candle making
Collecting coins
Collecting crystals
Collecting funko-pops
Crossword puzzles
DIY electronics
DIY home improvement
Frisbee golf
Horseback riding
Hot air ballooning
Ice skating
Inline skating
Jigsaw puzzles
Kite flying
Kite surfing
Lego building
Magic tricks
Martial arts
Model airplanes
Model building
Model rockets
Model trains
Mountain biking
Paper folding
Puzzle solving
Rock climbing
Sculpture carving
Scuba diving
Soap carving
Soap making
Stand-up comedy
Stand-up paddleboarding
Stained glass crafting
Urban exploration
Urban farming
Virtual reality gaming
Web design
Wine making
Wine tasting
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crepesuzette2023 · 5 months
Beatles Books as vaguely defined friends and relatives at a party you attend with a new crush, whose name you keep mispronouncing.
The longer you stay, the more trouble you have remembering what the occasion was.
The lights keep changing. Shortly after you arrived, your crush shrunk to the size of a mouse, and scurried away. You’re on your own.
The Beatles (Bob Spitz) greets you, an attractive silver fox who seems to be shunned by most of the others. You wonder why. It’s as easy to imagine him as a crying wreck as it is to imagine him on a golf course. Here, There, and Everywhere (Geoff Emerick) disrupts your musings by pulling tapes from his mouth. Seeing your discomfort, he stops and hands you a photograph of John Lennon and Paul McCartney singing into the same microphone. As he does, his pupils take on the shape of hearts. Someone called George announces his intent to poison him.
Anthology (The Beatles) saunters in, puts eight arms around you, and promises to tell you the whole story. They proceed to speak in tongues, and throw popcorn at you. Stu Sutcliffe jumps from a pendant around their neck, lands on the floor, and scurries after your crush.
“It’s always like this,” says Body Count (Francie Schwartz). “I assume you don’t want to listen to my story about a gifted woman who got locked up for depression? That’s fine, I can also talk about frottage, and a certain man’s curves.”
“Oh, stop it,” says John (Cynthia Lennon). She turns to you. “My advice is: Turn around and run as fast as you can.” She demonstrates what she means by disappearing, leaving behind a purse filled with cheerful letters and drawings of herself getting married and giving birth. Everything smells of olive oil. Francie spots Loving John (May Pang), and rushes to her, greedy for gossip. Loving John (May Pang) is everyone’s favorite, because she doesn’t really know anyone very well, but she knows how to make everyone feel comfortable by saying things that make sense in the moment.
Living the Beatles Legend: The Mal Evans Story (Ken Womack) ends up taking her home; they both live at The Fringes. Her home is a little further than his, which is just this side of Weird whereas she’s all the way in Montauk, but he’ll make sure she gets there safely.
To make up for the disappearance of your crush, Remember (Mike McCartney) cuts your hair. Each snip of the scissors slots a black-and-white picture into your field of vision. Windows in time blow noise and heat in your face, and visions of a screaming band that looks a bit like the young Beatles. Then there’s the quiet heat of summer, towels rippling on the line, and a drain pipe screwed to the wall of a house. He talks about childhood, and you’re almost there, but you never will be, because he won’t let you in. His more verbose twin, The Macs (Mike McCartney), recites letters his brother and John wrote from Hamburg, but you can barely understand what he says, because he stuffed a tissue into his mouth.
“It’s only a story,” says The Lyrics (Paul McCartney). “Pleased to meet you. I’m a storyteller myself.” He sings a love song. “I must have thought about these things when I wrote it,” he muses. “Interesting. What a mind, as Linda used to say.”
He tears a few pages from a diary he kept in Paris in 1961 and hands them to you without comment.
At this point, the party is dissolving. Crocheted furniture floats away and stretches.
“Am I too late?” Skywriting by Word of Mouth (John Lennon) squeezes himself out of the lowest drawer of an antique desk, where, judging from by his crinkly pajamas, he slept. “I’m in pieces. Mend me with glue.”
“I will, I will!” Tune In—All These Years, Vol I (Mark Lewisohn) yells ecstatically. “I’m so glad you could make it Sit down with me and celebrate the heritage of Liverpool.”
Skywriting drapes himself around Tune In, who starts purring and rutting against him.
“Excuse me?” It’s The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story (Vivek Tiwary), torero boots clicking on the invisible floor as he strides towards the couch. A spotlight follows him. “I’m managing this show, and I insist on expanding the scene.” Around them, a hotel room forms.
Skywriting lights a cigarette. “Join us in bed, Bri.”
“Yes,” moans Tune In. “I’m so lonely. I’m the oldest of a triplet, or so they say, but the other two haven’t been born yet.”
The Fifth Beatle sits down and observes the unhinged biography losing himself in the friction of rubbing against the shapeshifting Skywriting. Finally, things reach a conclusion.
“And so,” says The Fifth Beatle, “what partially was, finished.”
“Stop repeating lines from a bad movie, Brian," says Skywriting, "you’re better than that.”
As you try to plot ways to escape through the skylight, The McCartney Legacy, Vol 1 (Sinclair & Kozinn) slides out from under the bed, a broad-shouldered lady in a bright red dress. A half-hatched alien with long legs and sunglasses squirms between her breasts, and makes mouth percussion sounds.
“Gentlemen.” The McCartney Legacy retrieves a very, very long rosary from her pocket. “Is anyone interested in an exquisitely crafted, finely wrought chronology?”
At the sound of the word “chronology,” The Beatles (Hunter Davies) crashes through the ceiling.
“Don’t fall for it!” The Beatles snatches the vocalizing baby alien from The McCartney Legacy’s chest, and kills it by wringing its neck. “Time stopped in 1968. The only valid extension are my own salacious additions. Strictly off the record.”
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that,” says The Fifth Beatle.
You exchange a glance with Skywriting, who is plucking pieces of Tune In from his body like children snatch pieces of dough, and sticking them in his mouth.
A camera clicks.
The Eyes of the Storm (Paul McCartney) lowers the camera, and changes into a suntanned, gleaming likeness of George Harrison. Then he changes into a fish.
“Everyone looking at the pictures will think they know,” the fish says. “They’ll have no idea!”
The floor dissolves under you. You fall into a pool, just in time to save your crush from being sucked into the drain, and after a barely audible edit you find yourself back home, with no memories at all, the taste of chewing gum in your mouth, and wearing matching tops saying, I visited Fellini’s Satyricon, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt. (ETA: I can't believe I forgot about Dreaming the Beatles (Rob Sheffield). I guess I'll have to include him in the inevitable sequel to this...thing, as the +1 of John and Paul: A Love Story in Songs (Ian Leslie).)
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Check out this item on OfferUp. https://offerup.co/gdb72Z28KJb #golf #golfing #antique #vintage #hickorywoodputter #golfclub #golfequipment #vintagegolf #putter #hickorywoodgolfclub Milwaukee #wisconsin #milwaukeecountryclub
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 3 months
Skin-Deep Chapter 9
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summary: The one where you fall for Seungcheol amongst all the protests and insecurities. The one where you don't know that he's fallen for you too.
a/n: After this there will be one more chapter then we will enter part 3! I'm halfway through part 3 so :)
You found yourself sitting in Seungcheol’s burgundy Ferrari 812 Competizion, being driven up a winding path towards his family estate.
The view was breathtaking with rows upon rows of grape vines, surrounded by a lush green forest, all managed by his family’s gardeners according to Seungcheol. Maybe you would be better able to appreciate its beauty if you weren’t so bloody nervous. 
After a lengthy discussion with Seungcheol, you had agreed to meet with his parents. Reason being the sooner you met them, the sooner your would be able to return to your normal life with Seungcheol. You spent the past few days studying up on his parents. It was ridiculous what people put on the internet these days. A quick google search and you were able to find out where his father regularly played golf and where his mother went to get her nails done. You had gone a step further and memorised every twist and turn of his family company’s meteoric rise. 
In fact if asked to write a report on his parents and their company, you would probably be able to do it. No, you would probably ace it.
At your feet was a box of oranges. You weren’t sure what to bring to meet someone else’s parents so you called Seungkwan for help. The bubbly boy directed you to his family’s favourite orange supplier who guaranteed that the box you had was the best of the best. Gosh you hope his parents weren’t allergic to oranges, you were pretty sure that they weren’t. Pretty sure. 
You could feel your heart beating rapidly as you neared the massive estate. Your boyfriend, oblivious to the way you were feeling, was humming happily to a song playing over the car speakers. Seungcheol put his car into park right next to the main doors. Clambering out of the car, you wiped your sweaty hands on the back of your slacks and willed yourself to breath. You had to somehow calm down as you were going to face the final boss(es) in a few seconds. You held the box of oranges close to you, it was you and these oranges against the world. 
Your very lovely but very ignorant boyfriend dropped his keys into one of the attendants hands before rounding over to you with a big grin. He wrapped an arm around your waist and guided you to up the steps for the front door. 
As the help lead the two of you indoors, you were marvelled at the beauty of the manor. From the pristine marble floors to the intricately designed columns decorating the massive rotunda. There were large frames hanging from the walls filled with expensive pieces of art accompanied by vases which were filled with different sorts of exotic plants. You peered up at the ceiling in awe as you noticed that it looked so familiar. 
“One year my mom became obsessed with Michelangelo and all his artworks,” Seungcheol explained, “She tried to get my father to rebuild the Sistine Chapel for her, brick by brick.”
You looked at him with your mouth agape. It amazed you that people always found some new and absurd way to part with their money. 
“Of course my dad didn’t do it, he thought she was crazy.” Seungcheol shrugged.
“My mom threw a fit and he appeased her by putting up all this crap.” He waved his hand above his head, not even bothering to look up. 
“There’s my Cheollie!” A shrill voice came from the top of the staircase. 
A woman dressed in the most elegant dress came rushing down the stairs. 
“Hi mom.” Seungcheol said, already tired of his mother’s antiques. He had no idea why she was acting like she hadn’t seen him in years.  
Mrs Choi pulled her son from your side and gave him a hug. Seungcheol didn’t hug her back, giving her an awkward pat on the back.
It felt like forever before Seungcheol was released from his mother’s death grip, Mrs Choi then turned to you. 
“Hello, you must be y/n.” She said her smile dropping along with her tone as she gave you a once over. 
“Hello Mrs Choi, thank you for inviting me to your house.” You said, giving her a polite smile.
“Of course.” She said with a clipped tone. She gave you a curious look when you realised you were still holding the box of oranges.
“These are for you Mrs Choi.” You say handing over the oversized box. “I hope you like oranges!”
“You really didn’t have to.” She said, giving you a blank stare as she received the box before immediately handing it to a nearby servant.
Turning back to her son, the smile returned to her face. “Come on, your father is already waiting in the dining room.” 
You and Seungcheol were lead down a hallway and you couldn’t stop yourself from openly gawking at the art hanging on the walls, recognising a few original works from Picasso and Klimt.
“Wow Mrs Choi, you have very good taste. Your collection is breath-taking!” You said, trying to earn some brownie points. 
“Oh, are you an art collector as well?” Mrs Choi inquired curiously.
“Not really, just an avid admirer.” You replied with a gracious smile. 
Mrs Choi gave a hum of understanding. 
Just as you were about to strike up another conversation about art, the three of you reached the dining room. 
The dining table was long enough to seat at least 20 people. Stained glass windows lined every inch of the back wall showing the massive garden behind the estate. Mr Choi sat at the head of the table, right in front of the stained glass. You felt like a hero in an action novel about to face the villain.
“Father.” Seungcheol said, giving his father a curt nod. 
Mr Choi, who was busy looking at his phone, didn’t bother to acknowledge the greeting.
Seungcheol gave you an amused look as he guided you to your assigned seats. 
“Oh are other people joining us?” You said, gesturing to the empty chairs. 
“No, my parents just like the extra chairs, makes it feel like the Last Supper.” He said dryly. At this point he couldn’t wait to finish dinner and go home. 
Sitting on your chair, you weren’t even given a chance to breath before a plate of food appeared in front of you. You honestly had no idea what you had just been served, it looked like beef with dried fish skin lining the sides.
“So, you must be y/n.” Mr Choi said, cutting into his meal.
“Yes, thank you so much for inviting me to dinner, sir.” You said, you sat at full attention, not wanting to miss any questions that would be thrown your way.
“What do your parents do?” Mrs Choi asked. 
“Mom.” Seungcheol warned as he was biting into his piece of meat. 
“I just want to know what her parents do Cheol, no harm here.” His mother quipped, before turning to give you a smile. 
A little creeped out by her smile, you answered “My mom is a tailor and my father is in construction.”
“I see, what sort of construction?” Mr Choi asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Oh, my dad does all sorts of construction here and there, he doesn’t really have a set job.” You replied, keeping a smile on your face. 
“Do you work?” Mrs Choi asked, not really giving a damn about construction. 
“I do, I work as a barista at a cafe near the university.” You explained. 
“It’s good to work these days, maybe my son could learn a thing or two from you.” Mr Choi mused, eyeing Seungcheol who was busy downing his tea. 
You gave a nervous laugh, not knowing where this conversation was going. 
“I try to work so my parents don’t have to send me money.” You offered. “I like to support myself.”
This time Mrs Choi gave you a genuine smile. “I remember thinking like you back in my younger days. Don’t you, honey?”
Mr Choi smiled at the memory, “We used to sell home-cooked food just to make ends meet, on top of that we were sending money home to our parents by the time we were your age.”
“It was tough times but it made us understand the value of hard work.” Mrs Choi continued. 
“Your parents must be very proud of you.” Mr Choi said with a note of admiration. 
“I hope so,” You joked, content that his parents seemed to have warmed up to you. 
Seungcheol gave you a reassuring smile as you tried your best to eat whatever it was that was sitting in front of you. 
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The rest of dinner was filled with conversation about Mr and Mrs Choi’s hardships, they loved to talk about how they built their company from nothing to what it was today. As you ate the various plates of food filled with mystery meat, Seungcheol’s parents continued to feed you stories of their painstaking efforts in assembling a business while raising a son.
This led to you and Seungcheol being invited for dessert, much to your boyfriend’s dismay. The four of you moved to the drawing room where you were currently being served the largest slice of tiramisu you had ever seen in your life. 
“Eat as much as you want y/n, don’t feel embarrassed.” His mother resounded, grabbing onto the maid who was serving the tiramisu. “Have some more!” 
“Oh no Mrs Choi, I’m really very full!” After 10 courses of food, you really couldn’t take another slice of tiramisu. 
“Well, alright, if you insist.” Mrs Choi said, sounding dejected. 
While Seungcheol was annoyed that he was forced to stay longer than he planned, he was happy that you appeared to be enjoying yourself and his parents seemed to like you. 
“So, y/n, what are your plans for the future?” Mr Choi questioned, as he settled into the leather armchair. 
“Erm, well, I guess the next step would be to graduate.” You responded, unsure what he meant.
“Do you plan on working in the area?” Mrs Choi asked, leaning into your personal space.
“Oh, I guess that really depends on my parents. If they want me home then I will go back.” You explained. 
“What a dedicated daughter.” Mrs Choi marvelled, directed at Seungcheol more than you. 
“Well y/n, it has been such a pleasure meeting you.” Mr Choi said, smiling. “I’m sure you’ll understand when I say that you aren't suitable for our son.” 
“Dad!” Seungcheol snapped as he sat up from his chair.
“I’m sorry,” You said, confused, “I don’t think I heard you correctly.” 
“Look, you are really the most polite girl I’ve ever met, your parents raised you so well!” Mrs Choi chimed in. “But you just aren’t right for our son. Seungcheol was brought up with a certain lifestyle, he needs someone who is similar to him to help in the future.”
You mouth fell open in shock, no one has ever said that to you before.
“Mom!” Seungcheol turned to give his mother a glare. 
“You weren’t raised for our lifestyle.” Mr Choi said with a businesslike tone.
“That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my entire life!” Seungcheol threw his hands up in the air. “I’m not going to sit here- “ 
Mr Choi ignored his son’s comments and pointed a finger a him. “You are going to take over the business and when you do you need the right girl to be by your side!”
“Ok, that’s it. We’re leaving.” Seungcheol announced before pulling you to your feet and heading for the door. 
“Cheol, stop acting like a child, you know we’re right!” Mrs Choi yelled from her seat, not bothering to stop her son.
“You marry her and everything we’ve built will go right down the drain!” Mr Choi thundered. 
Those were the last words you heard before the door slammed shut.
a/n: Criticism is welcomed <3 Much love :D
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