#anton may be a side character but he gets a tag too
bobbiworks · 11 months
Beyond the Bell's Chimes | Part 5
riize ff: wonbin, eunseok, shotaro, sungchan, sohee, anton, seunghan, original characters
genre: youth, slice of life, teen romance, friendship, high school, angst
note: also available on asianfanfics.com/jayxhobi
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"Hey," Jiwoo finally located him by the supply building, sulking in the corner. Wonbin glared at her, wondering why, out of all the people who could have followed him, it had to be Shim Jiwoo.
"I know you don't want me here," she acknowledged as she settled two meters away from him. "But you have no choice but to deal with me," she added with an evil grin.
"Get lost, loser," Wonbin scoffed. "No one needs you. You're not even friends with anyone here," he said, but almost immediately, he regretted his words because he knew next to nothing about her.
However, Jiwoo smiled and nodded. "Right, but that doesn't mean you're different from me," she replied.
"You may have Seunghan on your side, but who knows?" she shrugged. "Even married couples grow apart," she added, causing a sharp pang in Wonbin's chest. The way she said it made it seem like she had experienced something like that in reality.
Anxiously biting his lip, Wonbin considered how it felt to be excluded or to be the last option for everyone. "It was always him."
"Him? Seunghan?"
"Everyone wants to be friends with him. He gets invited by everyone, and I'm the one who has to tag along."
Jiwoo just nodded while picking up pebbles.
"Hmm, that's tough. That means you are never the first choice," she commented.
"You sure you know that feeling, don't you?" he asked, and Jiwoo was about to throw a pebble at him but stopped herself. "Don't." He warned.
"I just want to get my revenge since you didn't apologize," she nonchalantly said and picked a bigger pebble from the corner.
"Fine. I'm sorry about your forehead! Happy?" Wonbin whined.
"Never heard any sincerity in there," she sung.
"You're so weird! I hate you!" he yelled, getting up from the concrete floor he was sitting on. "You make me so angry! God, stay away from me!"
Jiwoo got up as well and suddenly cupped his face, pulling their faces closer until they were just two inches apart, staring into each other's eyes. Wonbin froze, feeling Jiwoo's soft hands on his cheeks, her eyes like marbled pearls. It was the first time his throat felt dry.
Jiwoo didn't say a word for a second or two. Before Wonbin could speak, she suddenly pulled her head back slightly and then banged her head into his. Wonbin fell on his back, wincing in pain.
"Tsk," Jiwoo scoffed, a drop of blood falling from her nose as she watched him whimpering in pain.
"Get up, you sissy! You can say those words to me, but a simple headbang got you crying??" Jiwoo angrily kicked his leg. "You're not the only one who can get angry! I get angry too!"
"Stop it! Stop it! It hurts!" Wonbin continued to cry and tried to stop Jiwoo from attacking him.
"You thought I was going to comfort you like a baby? Huh? You're wrong because I'm not!" Jiwoo scolded.
"Okay! Okay! Please stop kicking me!" Wonbin shouted, making Jiwoo stop and step back away from him. He quickly got up, brushed the dirt from his clothes, and clasped his hands together before kneeling in front of her. "I'm so sorry! I should have apologized when it happened."
"And?" she asked.
"And I'm sorry if I said those things to you. I didn't mean it, all of it."
"What's my name then?" Jiwoo asked.
"Huh?" Wonbin was a bit confused.
"What's my name?" She repeated.
"It's Shim... Shim Jiwoo." He answered, momentarily fearing what would happen next. Jiwoo walked toward him and extended her hand toward him.
"Just take my hand," she said, and when he did, she helped him up. Her voice returned to its usual calm tone, and her lively eyes from a moment ago became more subdued. "You better be careful with your words, Park Wonbin," she warned.
"I will," he said. He had experienced a lot of firsts today, like getting beaten up by a girl.
"We should go back," she said, looking around to see if anyone had witnessed their encounter.
"Wait," Wonbin stopped her. "I'm really curious." He took a deep breath as he formulated his question. The way Jiwoo had looked at him, her poker-faced, inscrutable expression, and her fierce demeanor, despite her petite stature, made him cautious.
"What is it?" She asked, her voice soft.
"Do you like Seunghan?" he asked.
"Huh?" She asked, breaking into a chuckle. "Wait, am I thinking what I'm thinking right now?" She turned to face him and walked closer to him. "Are you seriously asking me if I like Seunghan?"
He nodded.
"Yes, I do, but not in the way you think. I'm nice to him because he seems like a nice person to me," Jiwoo explained. "I already have someone I like, so you don't have to worry about losing a friend."
"That's not it," Wonbin clarified. "I don't want him to get hurt."
Jiwoo looked at him for a moment before she pulled out her handkerchief from her pocket and gave it to him. "Wipe the dirt off your face with this," she said, but he just stared at it. Impatient, she pressed it against his chest and turned away.
"I'm going," she said, heading back to the class.
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 4 years
u mentioned in one post that Jacian can be pretty goofy/over-the-top sometimes! can we perhaps see that in action? 👀👀👀
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real photo of the first encounter the main group had with this man-
as you can see, theo is not having any of it-
(all the real ones who read the lore dump will know who anton is 😔)
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sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 13
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
If you’re new to Sapere Aude, please click the link above to start from the beginning. There’s so much going on right now that you’ll be way too confused to start from this point. Plus, there are some major bombshells that won’t be as fun if you read this and get a bunch of spoilers.
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Trigger Warning: There is a brief moment of physical abuse, it’s not much, but I definitely wanted to mention it and give a fair warning. 
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Disclaimer: I have no current affiliation with any other Via Imperii themed stories. Any claims that I have pre-read anything are false.
Word Count: 2,383
A/N: I know you’ve all been on the edge of your seats wondering what was going to happen, the answer is a lot. This is a pretty big chapter. I hope you enjoy!
Thanks to my pre-reading babes, @jessiembruno & @txemrn. And to @twinkleallnight for my lovely moodboard! 
Tags: Listed below, hit me up to be added or removed.
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“Um...actually, it’s about the queen. Your majesty, you need to come with me, and we need to send some additional guards along with us.”
Liam’s face paled at Thomas’s words. “Where is my wife, Thomas?” He kept his voice quiet, so that he wouldn’t upset his daughter but his tone was stern and authoritative. 
“I believe she is at the old Fierro estate, and time may be of the essence.” 
“Li, go. We’re all here, we can take care of Eleanor.” Drake chimed in. 
Liam nodded. “Bastien, please send as many guards as you can immediately, and prepare the car for us. Thomas, go with him and tell him everything you know so that we can fill the team in.” Both men bowed and quickly exited the room. Liam walked over to Eleanor, sitting in the chair next to her. “Eleanor, I need to step out and pick up mommy, ok? Your auntie and uncles will be here to play with you until we get back.”
“Can I come with you?” She asked hopefully.
Liam took a deep breath before answering her. “I’m sorry princess, but I need to go by myself. But you have a very important job here. Since Valtoria is your home, you need to host our guests. Being a hostess is something you will need to do a lot when you become queen, so this will be wonderful practice. Do you think you’re up for it?”
She nodded her head rapidly. “Yes daddy, I will be the best hostess!”
“Good. Now go with Uncle Drake, and mommy and I will see you when we get home.” He pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek as they pulled apart. 
Eleanor ran to Drake, taking his hand and pulling him toward the door. “C’mon Uncle Drake, I’m the hostess.” Drake chuckled before looking back at Liam and giving him a reassuring nod.
Liam waited a few moments to make sure that Drake and Eleanor were out of his path before rushing out of the room and toward the front entrance. The car was waiting for him, Bastien holding the back door open for Liam to enter. He jumped in and Bastien shut the door behind him, quickly jumping into the driver's seat. The SUV’s wheels squealed as it rushed toward the gates.
“How far out are the guards?” Liam asked. 
“We had a team training not too far from the estate, they should be arriving shortly. They have been briefed.” Bastien replied, looking at Liam through the rearview mirror. 
“Excellent. Would someone care to brief me now? Where is my wife?” Liam commanded. 
Bastien looked over at Thomas, who was seated next to him. “Thomas, please explain to his majesty the current situation.”
Thomas took a deep breath, his hands nervously balling into fists. “Of course. You see sir, there is an organization, the Via-”
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose, interrupting Thomas. “Thomas, please spare me. I know about the Via Imperii, Riley has been telling me about the meetings, the plans, everything.”
“Everything?” There was a slight crack in Thomas’s voice as he looked back at Liam. If she had told him everything, Liam knew who he was.
“Yes Thomas, everything, including our relationship. Right now, that is the last thing I am concerned with. I need you to tell me what they are doing to Riley, and what we need to do to get her out.”
“Unfortunately, I do not know much. I’m sure you were made aware of the conflict between her majesty and Lord Neville. Well it appears that he and Mara have lured her to the estate under the guise of a meeting with our chapter president. I don’t know what they are planning to do from there.” 
Liam’s jaw clenched as he ran a hand through his hair. “Bastien, remind me again why we didn’t dismiss Mara after her charge, the queen, my wife, was kidnapped at our wedding? It seems like grounds for termination to me.”
“She went through a thorough re-training process, and passed all of the associated tests. It was determined that she was able to adequately perform her duties.” Bastien replied. 
“Adequate is not acceptable for protecting the life of a Queen. We need exceptional as the bare minimum. She should have never been cleared to return to such a high profile duty. We will be having a meeting immediately to review protocol and standards.” The mixture of concern and rage swirling inside of Liam was becoming overwhelming, he was having trouble thinking straight. He turned to look out the window, taking deep breaths to regain some level of composure. 
“Since rational discussion is not going to be an option here, I guess we’re going to have to go to plan b, elimination.” Neville said to Mara as they sat across from each other, Riley tied to the chair at the head of the table. 
Riley laughed. “Sure, elimination. I bet that will work out great for you. It’s super easy to just make a reigning queen disappear.”
“We have been successful in doing it with two out of the last four queens. What do you think makes you so special?” Neville turned his attention to Riley, genuinely curious to know her reasons. 
“Well first of all, Eleanor was in on the plan, so she doesn’t count, so it’s actually one out of four. And second, I’m sure Liam and the rest of the guards, the loyal ones,” she looked poignantly at Mara, “are on their way. I’ve been gone long enough that Liam has definitely already had them ping the location of my phone.”
Mara pulled a phone out of her pocket and waved it in front of Riley with a smug grin on her face. “It has been powered off since I pulled it from your pocket as you were getting into the car.” She placed it on the table and slid it toward Riley.
“Any more smart remarks?” Neville asked, standing from his seat. He approached Riley, taking her face in his hand and leaning in close. “The fairytale is over Riley, and the ending isn’t quite as happy as you thought.”
Riley could feel her nerves starting to take over. Yes, Liam would be missing her right now, but how was he going to find her? She felt her heart rate increase, trying to keep her composure. She had been through this before. For as much as she hated Anton, she had to give him credit, he was much better at this than Neville was. If she could survive that, she could figure out a way out of this. 
She thought back to that night at the abandoned castle, she needed to channel that version of herself again. And she certainly couldn’t let Neville know he was getting to her. “What happened? You couldn’t find a woman to kiss you out of being a frog faced asshole? Or you did and it just didn’t work?”
“That’s enough!” the back of Neville’s hand abruptly met with Riley’s face, the force of the impact almost knocking the chair over. She moved her jaw back and forth several times, trying to assess the damage as best she could with her hands tied behind her back. “Mara, do we have anything to gag her with?” 
Before she could answer, there was a knock at the door. Neville and Mara looked at each other in confusion, nobody else knew about the plan. “Well?” Neville raised his hands in frustration. “You’re the security guard, go assess the damn threat!”
Mara jumped to her feet and opened the door to find Eleanor on the other side. “Ah Mara, I heard you and Queen Riley had stopped by, I’m so glad I was able to catch you.” She didn’t wait for Mara to respond before brushing past her and entering the room. “Lord Neville, I didn’t know you would be using one of our meeting rooms today. You didn’t clear it through the proper channels. What have we got here?” Eleanor walked straight past Neville and went right to Riley. She took in her appearance, noticing a red mark on her cheek and a small trail of blood running down her face. Her eyes were watering, but she hadn’t shed a single tear. Eleanor was impressed by the strength she was showing under these circumstances. She gave Riley a subtle wink before taking a seat and motioning for Mara and Neville to do the same. “Now, should we talk about where you plan to take things from here, considering you clearly haven’t thought this scheme all the way through?” 
“We’re going to do what this organization has done for years, eliminate the threat. Maybe we will be more successful in the king’s next social season, and get a cooperative queen in place.” Neville replied.
Riley took a shaky breath, but the idea of her being taken away from her family was too much for her to bear. The tears she had been holding back broke free, and she began sobbing. Eleanor walked back over to Riley and knelt down in front of her. “It’s alright dear, you aren’t going anywhere.” She placed a comforting hand on her shoulder before standing and turning her attention back to her captors. “Are you insane? Do you have any idea how much time and careful planning goes into enacting an elimination plan? You can’t just decide to kill the queen and expect that everything will go off without a hitch!”
As if on cue, the door burst open and several members of the King’s Guard entered with their weapons drawn. Mara immediately drew her weapon and aimed it at Neville. “Hands in the air, Lord Vancoeur.”
“Drop the weapon Mara.” One of the guards commanded.
Mara continued acting as if she was assisting in the rescue efforts, ignoring the guard’s warning. “I’m glad you guys got here, I was having trouble calling for backup to save the -”
A loud pop filled the room, Riley flinched, keeping her eyes closed for a moment. When she opened them, she saw Mara laying on the ground in a pool of blood as two guards rushed Neville and took him into custody. Two more pulled Eleanor away from Riley and forced her hands behind her back. “Stop!” Riley ordered, causing both guards to look up. “She is not a part of this, she was here rescuing me. Let her go.” The guards complied, and Eleanor went back to Riley’s side, quickly undoing the fastenings that bound her to the chair. As soon as she was free, Riley stood and rubbed each of her wrists before raising a hand to her face, gently placing it on the spot that Neville had hit, and moved her jaw back and forth a couple more times. She looked at Eleanor, her eyes welling up again. “You...you saved me.”
“Of course, dear. I told you I wouldn’t let them take you away from your family.” Riley wrapped her arms around Eleanor and pulled her into a hug. Eleanor could hear her hitched breathing and knew she had begun to cry. “It’s ok Riley, you’re safe now. Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
Liam was lost in his thoughts, watching the scenery go by as they neared the estate. The sound of Thomas’s phone ringing took him out of his thoughts. He quickly moved his attention to the front of the car, listening intently to Thomas’s answers to the person on the other end. They were simple, one word answers, and he was unable to read any kind of emotion in his voice. “Well?” Liam said, before Thomas had even fully moved the phone away from his ear. “Is Riley ok?” The seconds it took to get his response felt like an eternity for Liam. 
“Yes your majesty, Riley is safe. Lord Vancoeur has been taken into custody, and Mara was killed. Queen Riley is safe and awaiting our arrival.” 
Liam breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in his seat. He was glad she was safe, but he needed to get there. He needed to see it for himself, to hold her, to kiss her. He needed to get her home where he could protect her. 
The car pulled up to the front of the estate, and before it could come to a complete stop, Liam had jumped out and ran to the door. He burst into the estate frantically sticking his head into every doorway looking for her. Finally, he approached a large sitting area with a fireplace running, and there she was, silently watching the flames dance. “Riley? Love?”
Riley blinked a couple of times before turning and meeting Liam’s gaze. “Liam…” her voice was barely above a whisper as she slowly stood to greet him. 
He rushed to her, immediately pulling her into his arms. He held her tightly as he kissed the top of her head. He pulled back, taking her face in his hands. The pressure of his touch on her still tender cheek made her wince in pain. Liam removed his hands and examined her face. “Riley, who did this to you?” He tried to keep calm, not wanting to cause her any more stress or pain.
“Stupid fucking Neville. I made some frog prince joke and he decided to heckle me with the back of his hand.” 
Liam clenched his jaw, and took a deep breath. He would deal with Neville, but for now, he needed to be with his wife. “Riley, I am so sorry that you had to go through this. I should never have let you do this. It could have been so much worse.”
She placed her hand on his cheek, he noticed the marks on her wrist from the restraints, and turned his head to kiss them softly. “But it’s not, because Eleanor, your mother, saved me.”
“My...why would she do that?”
“Because I couldn’t let you lose her.” A lump formed in Liam’s throat at the sound of the voice behind him. He hadn’t heard it in years, but he had never forgotten it. He turned around and as soon as they locked eyes, he felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him. “Hello, Liam.”
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @emkay512 @gabesmommie1130 @gkittylove99 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @jessiembruno @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @lucy-268 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @mile9213 @mom2000aggie @pixie88 @queenrileyrose @secretaryunpaid @sweatyrysconnoisseur @tessa-liam @theroyalheirshadowhunter @twinkleallnight @txemrn
Sapere Aude:
@burnsoslow @busywoman @gardeningourmet @ofpixelsandscribbles @tinkie1973
Liam x Riley:
@amandablink @yourmajesty09
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Anton Jiménez  *Supporting character
Voice Claim: (Óscar Jaenada) https://youtu.be/eY5bV1Ec5rc?t=20
Partner(s): Divorced. Parents: Carmen and Fernando Jiménez Kids: Luis Estefan Fernández and Antonia Fuentes Age: 48 (2021) Birthday: 17th of May Height: 172cm (5.6ft)  Body type: Slim but with some muscle tone. Eye color: Dark brown. About: Competitive, Flirtatious, Suave, Dominating, Charming, Smooth, Arrogant, Passionate, Confident, Elegant, Superficial, Neat, Inconsiderate, Private, Stubborn, Fiery, Impulsive, Selfish and Principled. ~ Has long black curly hair he always wears in a ponytail. ~ Famous Chef. ~ Sexuality: Bisexual. ~ Twice divorced. ~ Grew up in Cuba. ~ Is very passionate when he cooks and is a bit of a perfectionist. ~ Wants things done his way, otherwise he gets very hotheaded. ~ Owns his own 5 star restaurant. ~ May or may not use 5 star restaurant as a cover for some more shady business. ~ Loves dancing and is very good at it. ~ Was a professional dancer from he was 13 till he was 22. ~ Still has a bit of a dancing flow when he walks. ~ Smells like: Amber, Tobacco and Whiskey. ~ Has rose gold grillz. ~ Has lived in Miami, Los Angeles, Tijuana, Cancún and Milan. ~ Smokes cigars. ~ Loves playing card games. ~ Plays chess too. ~ Likes hanging around downtown areas, hitting on women walking by. ~ Smooth talker. ~ Can cook anything your heart desire.... also on the sheets. ~ Is a bit of a neat freak and is often caught running around cleaning nooks. ~ Hates rain and humid days cause it makes his hair frizz! ~ Wears face masks to bed. ~ Cares more about looks and presentation than anything else. ~ Values family high, yet has no contact to his kids. ~ Can be a bit of a tough cookie. ~ Doesn’t talk much unless he has some sort of interest in you. ~ Loves: Spanish music, cooking, running his restaurant, sunshine, Cuban cigars, Cuban women, Cuban men, Cuban food, traveling, going to the spa, taking care of himself, sex, dancing, Whiskey, Red wine, goat milk, figs, flirting, working, swimming, bubble baths, dark chocolate and Rum. ~ His style is: On the formal side, with buttoned down silk shirts and lose pants in shiny fabrics. Always wears brown leather boots. ~ Can be a bit grumpy and quick to temper.
Anton’s tag Anton’s house/home Anton’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One song to describe him: X Alfonso (Cuba) - Santa Personal Playlist: 1. Carlos Vives, Ricky Martin - Canción Bonita 2. Enrique Iglesias, Descemer Bueno - Nos Fuimos Lejos ft. El Micha 3. Daymé Arocena - Eleggua - Cubafonía 4. Alex Gargolas, Lyanno, Brytiago, Alex Rose, Noriel, Izaak, John Hidalgo - Inocentes 5. Maria Becerra - ACARAMELAO 6. MTZ Manuel Turizo - Antes Que Te Vayas 7. CuCu Diamantes - LIE TO ME 8. Daymé Arocena _ La Rumba Me Llamo Yo - Cubafonía 9. Descemer Bueno & Israel Rojas - Ser De Sol 10. Daddy Yankee & Marc Anthony - De Vuelta Pa' La Vuelta 11. Lasso, Danna Paola - Ladrones 12. Mora x Jhay Cortez - 512
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robinsnest2111 · 4 years
indirectly tagged by @lampmeeting
it's not part of the original thing but I'm gonna add a silly little self portrait as well~
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Questions to get to know you a little better:
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise? Robin or any kind of nickname related to that you can come up with lol Some of my favourites are Rob and Robble
2. When is your birthday? November 21st
3. Where do you live? A little town in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), Germany. Known for being the summer residence of a royal bloodline some 200 years ago. Yes there's a castle :P
4. Three things I am doing right now? Trying to forget the nightmare I just woke up from, thinking about getting a few more clementines from the kitchen and fininishing a little sketch I started yesterday
5. Four fandoms that have piqued my interest: Metalocalypse (ofc), Hogan's Heroes, Ghost BC, What We Do In The Shadows. Those are the main 4 at the moment but there's always a chance for other fandoms to take over for a bit.
6. How has the pandemic been treating you? ....yeah. Not so great. My grandma died suddenly at the start of the pandemic, I had to leave my internship I was super happy at early because of lockdown, finished my last semester at college with horrible online classes, had to move back in with my parents, cut contact with someone I've known almost all my life, barely passed my finals, still on the hunt for a job (started applying to places in September) and am close to losing it any day now lol Also pandemic means no flea markets which was one of the few things keeping my brain happy and occupied while giving me a chance to ride my bike around the region for hours :^(((((
7. Song(s) I can’t stop listening to: Sadly no particular song coming to mind right now, but I've had Ghost's entire discography and Dethalbum I, II, and III on rotation for months now lol. This Toss A Coin To Your Witcher Remix has also been stuck in my head for a while and is always worth a listen (Also have some silly techno/hardstyle remixes stuck in my brain permanently because I listened to them as background noise while trying to make my final college projects somewhat decent. Terence Hill & Bud Spencer - Lalalalalala, Da Tweekaz - Jägermeister, Star Wars Hardstyle, DJ Ötzi - Anton aus Tirol, Das Leben des Brian - Schwanzus Longus)
8. Recommend a movie: The Road to El Dorado by Dreamworks, a children's movie, I know... Each song is an absolute banger tho (even the German versions!), the jokes are silly but fun, the queer/gay hints add that little spice that I subconsciously picked up on and felt comforted by as a kid and the design of the everything is just (chef's kiss) Also the chemistry between the 4 main characters is gud as heck. It's the childhood movie I latched on to the most, my mother had to rent the dvd almost every single day until I bought a copy myself lol
9. How old are you? 24 orz I don't feel like it at all...
10. School, university, occupation? Finished college in August, unemployed because no one wants to hire in the creative field during a worldwide plague :^)
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? As long as it's under 35°C I prefer heat. My hands and feet are icicles 95% of the time after losing weight :^(
12. Name one fact others may not know about you? Since I'm an expert oversharer you probably know almost everything about me already orz But uhhh. Lemme see... I learned how to operate a laundry machine at the ripe old age of 20 at my internship at a hair salon lmao My mother never had the nerve to show me how on the modern machine we have at home (along the lines of "you will fuck it up anyways so let me do it >:^(((" which is an overarching theme in her raising me lol), but the older machine with the simpler dials at the salon was a good start to learn and honestly one of the things at this internship I'm still super grateful for...
13. Are you shy? Oh hell yeah I am... It's all the years of getting only negative feedback for trying to interact with others lol
14. Preferred pronouns: He/Him mostly, still figuring out if I still like they/them or nah (since in German there are no neutral pronouns that aren't neopronouns I've automatically gotten more attached to he/him lol)
15. Biggest pet peeves: I feel so mean for admitting it but honestly: Any noises my parents make. If I'm having a particularly bad low brain energy day even hearing them breathe makes me wanna run away and scream in anger... (Doesn't irk me with anyone else tho, which is weird...)
16. What is your favorite "dere" type? Oh there's more than 4 types now?? I've always liked Kuudere types the most out of the original 4 types, but I guess Shundere and Utsudere are right up my alley too!!!
The Kuudere (クーデレ), sometimes written Coodere or Kūdere, type refers to a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they’re very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love.
The Shundere (しゅんデレ) type refers to characters who are sad and very depressed. While a full smile on their face might be out of the question, their love interest can help them open up and feel accepted.
The Utsudere (うつデレ) type refers to a character who is often sad and depressed. There is a reason for the character’s despair such as being bullied at school. Even if their life improves, they are often wary of other characters’ motives.
17. Rate your life 1-10? Maybe a 4? 4.5 at max
18. What is your main blog? The one I'm posting this on lol
19. List all your side blogs and what they’re for:
yorkiesart - old as hell and inactive artblog
bleedingheartbird - very triggering and depressing vent blog :^(
yorkie2111 - my very first username, a sea and ocean themed aesthetic blog now mostly for when I miss Denmark a whole lot (kinda inactive)
robinsartnest - a second attempt at a separate art blog, inactive as well lol
20. Is there anything people should know before becoming friends with you? I'm a clusterfuck of several undiagnosed mental illnesses and probably other conditions that I'm trying to figure out and deal with on my own until I can get professional help and some diagnoses. At times I'm weird and distant and overall very depressed and unpleasant, I've already hurt so many people this way and am trying to be better every single day. Basically I've never been given the "How to properly Human" manual and am frantically trying to get it right without hurting too many innocent people in the process.
Anyway, if you are nice to me I will love you forever ♡♡♡ :'3c
idk who to tag so if you wanna do this, do it~
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missholson · 5 years
Embrace your past and get to know your friends’ fandom origins!
Rules: Post gifs of your fandoms / ships starting with your most current hyperfixation and work backwards. (Bonus points if you share any stories about how or when you got into that ship! But not necessary!!) Then tag anyone whose fandom history you’d like to learn about!
Tagged by the sweet @unwillingadventurer​, thank you girls! <3
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Hoffmann & Tennstedt (Das Boot) The baby face & the stone face. :) The biggest reason for this series is my sister, who tried to lure me into the fandom already last summer by showing the first episode. Sadly it was a far too distressing experience. The story is about a WW2 German warfare, so it isn’t very light entertainment for Saturday night. The show seemed like a worth watching production, though, but I doubted if I could ever watch it completely. After visiting Berlin now in February 2020 there was no hesitation anymore. The story focuses on the Nazi German submarine, U-612, and the occupied city of La Rochelle in France. However, not everything is as black and white as one might expect. One of the biggest messages of the show is that war is always brutal, no matter which side you fight. The innocent are always suffering. It also shows how the ideal thoughts of warfare crumble, if it comes at the cost of greed, deception, health or life. There is disagreement among the leaders on boat, too. The new commander, kaleun Klaus Hoffmann, is young and inexperienced but kind-hearted and wise. Next on the scale, IWO Karl Tennstedt, is an experienced sailor and an glory-seeking soldier, who envies Hoffamann's position. He regards Hoffmann as incompetent and a disgrace to Germany. So, there is plenty of tension between these two!
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Louis & Philippe (Versailles) I started watching the show sometime in 2015, but found it quite distasteful. It was more brutal than expected, and I was overwhelmed by people's greed and dirty behavior, so I stopped watching after a few episodes. Every now and then I saw pics/gifs on Tumblr, especially of Monsieur and Chevalier, that I finally wanted to give another chance in January 2020.  This time the experience was the opposite, and I got a better grip on the story. I was surprised how little I liked the popular Monchevy pair and, instead, so much the quarreling brothers. I was very moved when they joked with each other and showed brotherly love. In the scenes of conflict, I missed their compassion. I haven't watched the rest of seasons 2-3 yet, so I don't know if they get better. I hope so because together they would be a powerful duo.
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Matt & Cherry (Red River) I had recorded Red River (1948) on my set-top box, and the closing date was expiring in December 2018. It was Montgomery Clift’s breakthrough movie, so it was a must see. The movie was a refreshingly different western, where the hero is not a macho cowboy and John Wayne a bad guy for a change. But most of all, I was amazed how Cherry Valance's behavior towards Matt Garth was so heavily double entendre. At first they are presented as challengers and opponents of each other. Slowly Cherry starts to show admiration for Matt, and increasingly talks about his gun. In return, Matt needs Cherry's shooting skills to herd cattle. Eventually they become each other's trusted ones. I always find it fascinating, if tension begins to develop between the opposing characters. If the story has a couple that doesn't change, develope or lacks dynamics, it probably won't arouse interest.
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Fritz & Dr. Frankenstein (Frankenstein) I had seen a Tumblr gif of Renfield crawling in Dracula (1931) in August 2018. It was Dwight Frye’s breakthrough role. The movie inspired me to watch other Universal monster movies, of which Frankenstein (1931) became my favorite. The work pair of the story, these two outcasts of society, melted my heart. For unexplained reason they have joined their forces and seem to be working well together. They have a mutual partnership, where they can act naturally without fear. Their work is unique, e.g. digging the graves or snatching hanged bodies, but they treat it like any other dayily job. Somehow, I like this way of approach. Actually I have written about Fritz already earlier, where I take a closer look at their relationship. The text can be read here.
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Adrian & Antony (Sebastiane) Well, this couple is a specialty of its own. They are another ones found through Tumblr. I saw a picture of them in June 2018 which led me to watch the film. In terms of story or acting, it's not a very special movie but technically professional level. First of all, it was shot under the blazing Sicilian sun on 35 mm film. The light is a vital factor when using a film camera, so the pictures look very rich. The scenes, where these two are having fun together in slow motion, are breathtaking. I had never seen anything like it before and, in my opinion, stole all the attention of the story since they were just characters in supporting roles. It was like a gay paradise on earth.  Here I realize the importance in the way how the characters are presented. The technical presentation can play a surprisingly huge role when we try to read and understand the characters. It can influence us either to share their thoughts or to move even further away from them. Bonus points I give for Latin, which the entire cast is speaking in the film. I would also like to clarify that this is not a p**n movie or a family movie either. It’s a gay erotic story with some full frontal nudity.
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Reinhold & Conrad I’m not sure if this is a ship or fandom, but I feel extreme warmth and joy for this pair (the Berlin trip may have something to do with this). They are also the only people from real life instead of characters. I’d like to share my story about them, unfortunately it's very long (I've never been a fluent writer) but explains my interest in more detail. I got to know Conrad Veidt already in high school at the turn of the millennium, the time before DVDs. Near the school there was a buy-sell-exchange movie shop, where my sister and I visited regularly. Somehow we ended up with the idea that we wanted to see The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), so we went to the store again. There was no copy, as expected, but the seller said he would keep in mind if one came up. Months passed and after a long break we visited our regular place again. This time, the man had news for us: he had received a copy and kept it in safe for us. We couldn’t believe our eyes and ears. First of all, the kindness of the man made us speechless, and secondly, we never thought we would get our own copy of such popular rarity. At that time movies were not re-released as often as they are today. It was a VHS cassette, bw, not tinted like the original version, and its quality was far from the 4K richness and sharpness. My sister still has the tape and is one of the treasures she will never give away. For years the film was the only Conrad movie we saw, along with Casablanca - until the digital age and the social media arrived. Again I have to thank Tumblr, where I found the actor Anton Walbrook. One of his most famous films, Viktor und Viktoria (1933), is directed by Reinhold Schünzel, whom I knew from Conrad's film Different from the Others (1919). I began to study Reinhold's background more closely in December 2017, and it turned out that he is a forgotten multi-talent in the film industry: He was a versatile performer in comedies and dramas, a prolific director and an idea-rich screenwriter. He had an eye for creating stories that were told in the minds of people in addition to acting and lines. He questioned gender roles and built juicy plot twists around them. He loved theater and was a popular celebrity in 1920’s Germany. He was also a colleague and friend of Conrad. They began their film careers at the same time in Richard Oswald's films, shared the ups and downs, even their wardrobe, and reached fame. Eventually they both had to emigrate from the national socialist Germany, so their paths parted. The following reunions were always a joy, “like the meeting of comrades who fought in many wars together”. Reinhold was supposed to direct Conrad’s first film at MGM in Hollywood, but the plans were changed. They never got to work together since the German years, when Conrad died suddenly. “Part of my life is gone forever”, as Reinhold wrote in his tribute to Connie's death in 1943. He returned to Germany in the end of 1940s and died in Munich in 1954. This is why they are so precious to me and why I find it important to share the memory of these two lifelong friends. The picture is from Eerie Tales (1919), one of their earliest movies together with the director: Reinhold, Richard and Conrad. Reinhold’s full tribute can be read here.
I’m tagging: @wohlbruecks, @perfides-subjekt, @kennyboybarrett, @chapinfan69​, @electricnormanbates​, @ars-historia-est​, @suchamiracle-does-exist​ and anyone who likes to do it. Would you like to share your stories behind your otps? :)
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msjr0119 · 5 years
What took you so long?
Part 11 - Gunshots
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Liam had been assassinated, Drake had left Cordonia before this. He had heard from Savannah about his friend- he felt guilty not returning. Someone had blackmailed him to not return, with only his sister knowing the truth. Leo had taken over the throne in place of his brother due to there being no heir....
{Drake x Riley}
Warnings: Death, Swearing.
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012
Everyone was gathered outside the palace, Drake was scrutinising the area for his fiancée- panic running through his veins. Asking everyone if they had seen her, they all shook their heads with sorrow in their eyes- all concerned about Liam’s health now as well as Riley’s disappearance. Maxwell has tried to convince him that she would be safe- even suggesting that the guards may have escorted her to safety due to her condition. Think positive Walker, he thought to himself- Maxwell gulped hard as he saw Drake shake with fear in his eyes. Opening his mouth to speak, it was delayed as they all jumped in response to the gunshot noise in the distance.
Riley and Liam jumped hearing the gunshot- both immediately feeling each other’s hearts. Checking that they were both still breathing and alive. Both blindfolded and tied up- they both began to panic- hoping that it wasn’t one of their friends that had been shot.
“Ri are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fucking dandy Liam. I’m blindfolded- tied up. Stuck here. I have a memory issue... I’m... you know... why is he doing this again? How are you?”
“Oh you know, I’ve been shot twice now. They say things come in threes. Maybe next time they can kill me off for good.”
“Don’t say that!”
“I couldn’t protect you the first time- I can’t protect my court. I’m a failure...”
“Aw listen to you two- so sweet. I bet you are both wondering who that gun shot?” Both gulping, they didn’t know exactly what else he was capable of. He was the definition of a true psychopath.
“The gun was shot in the air. No one became hurt. Not for now anyway.” Anton cackled, not giving a thought for anyone but himself- once he got what he wanted he would be happy.
“Anton! Leave us alone, I demand that you leave Cordonia immediately!”
Anton shook his head- laughing at the kings demands, he was refusing to go until he had achieved what he came here for - the throne. Retrieving the gun out of his pocket, he aimed for the two of them.
“Riley! It’s Riley.. he’s got her.”
“Drake calm down.”
“I can’t fucking calm down Max! She’s pregnant. I’m not only going to lose her but my baby too!” Bastien came over to the two men, looking frustrated but also at the same time panic- striken.
“We need to get everyone out of here. That it involves you two- follow me. I’ll get you all in SUVS and to the safe houses.”
“Bastien I’m not fucking going anywhere. My fiancée and mother to my child is missing. There’s been two gunshots. What the fuck are you guards doing? Do you not know how to do your job correctly?”
“Drake please, we are trying to keep you all safe.... excuse me.” Bastien answered his phone- he had rung the hospital to ask for an update on Liam.
“What do you mean he’s not there? He was shot! Paramedics took him to hospital!”
“I’m sorry, but his majesty isn’t here- we wasn’t aware of any injuries.”
“Liam isn’t in the hospital. I don’t know where he is. I need to get you all to safe houses immediately and search for the King and Duchess Riley.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“No Drake. I’m not allowing you to. You are like my son... I made a promise to look after you.”
“But you didn’t look after your daughter in law or grandchild. I’m coming with you.” Drake snapped referring to Riley and his unborn child.
“Keep me updated Drake, I’ll gather everyone up.” Max said softly hoping they would find not only Riley but now the missing king.
Riley felt a body fall onto her with full force, in a way she was grateful for the blindfold - for not having to witness the shooting. But in a way she would have appreciated a warning- to cover her stomach. Kicking whoever it was off of her, she began to cry uncontrollably- needing Drake to be by her side.
“I told you both that you didn’t fully understand what I was capable of. If I can kill my main man- Claudius- what’s stopping me from killing the two of you?”
“Let us go now! Anton, you will not be punished for what you have done please.”
“I’ll leave the two of you alone for ten minutes- I’ll even remove your blindfolds, and untie you both. I think that’s too nice of me- but you can both discuss what your final answer will be. To give up the throne or not.” Sticking to his promise, he did what he said he would- Riley screamed at the sight of Claudius’s lifeless body in front of her. Liam pulled her towards him, anger in his eyes- wondering where his guards were. Holding her tightly for support, he tried to remain calm. Not wanting Riley to know that he was scared shitless, his mind working overtime about what they could do to escape from the situation that they were in.
“Liam I’m really cold, can’t we just run?”
“Are you wanting us to both get shot again? We have to be patient. I know Bastien will find us.” Eventually. Struggling to pull his jacket off, he eventually got it off- immediately putting it around Riley who was now shaking more than ever. Possibly due to the cold icy weather but also the shock. He knew she didn’t return his love, but he couldn’t resist. He leaned in a little closer- holding her tightly insisting it was for warmth, their foreheads touching- their breathing in unison. Liam couldn’t fight against the thoughts that were going through him - if this was the last time he was going to see her he needed to kiss her one more time, to say goodbye.
“Liam.” He saw the guilt in her eyes, he knew she had feelings for him- as a friend, but she would never forgive herself if she continued the kiss.
“I’m sorry Riley, but I needed to say goodbye- and I needed to kiss you. I want you to look after Drake and that little one. I love you all.”
Standing up, struggling whilst holding his side- he shouted for Anton. “Liam!”
“Have you decided your Majesty?”
“Yes. The answer is....” Looking at Riley still sat on the floor, he mouthed to her to close her eyes and that he was sorry. “You’ll have to kill me before you become King.”
“As you wish your Majesty.” Lining the bullets up- he aimed the gun towards Liam’s head. Closing his eyes, he didn’t want to die but as long as Riley was safe that was all that mattered. Taking a deep breath- he was ready for Anton to shoot.
The third gunshot echoed through the grounds; Riley kept her eyes shut, covered her ears, and sang to herself. She was already traumatised- she couldn’t bare seeing her former fling losing his life to save hers. Opening his eyes, Liam heard the gunshot but he was still standing dormant. Turning his head, he saw Drake and Bastien smile at him. Drake pulled the gun up to his mouth and blew it, swung it around mimicking a cowboy- before kicking Anton in the head, hoping he wasn’t going to resurrect anytime soon.
“Really Li? You was going to give in?”
“You shot him?”
“Damn right I did- he held my best friend and fiancée hostage. Bastien his majesty needs medical assistance.”
Drake walked over to Riley, who was rocking forwards and backwards in a rhythmic sync- covering her ears. Placing his hand on her shoulder- she flinched thinking that she was now Anton’s next victim. Moving her hand away from her ear- she recognised that touch. Drake.
“Hey, baby.” Jumping up and into his arms, she thought it was her imagination playing tricks on her- seeming stupid she smelt his clothes, inhaling that whiskey scent, just to ensure herself that it was reality. Kissing him, she was grateful to be reunited again.
“I never thought I’d see you again.”
“You really think I’d let him hurt you and Liam again? I’ve dealt with him. This time I protected you- even if there was a slight delay. I love you and Liam too much to lose you both.” Bending down to her stomach- he gently rubbed it before kissing it, lingering there for a while- he looked up towards Riley before beginning his speech to their unborn child. “And I love you too our little miracle. I can’t wait to meet you, to protect you and to love you. I can’t wait to be your daddy. You and your mommy mean the world to me, we are a family. Family stick together. No one gets left behind. I love you.”
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flowerpowell · 6 years
Second Chances (Drake x MC // Liam)
Part Eight (FINALE)
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After 221938129 years I finally managed to write the last chapter of Second Chances! It was wild ride, let me tell you! I didnt plan to write so much I thought I’d end this series on chapter three. Also, sorry in advance for those of you who won’t like the ending. I had it planned from the beginning, this is the original ending, this is how it was supposed to end. I hope you will enjoy it and as always, every feedback is very appreciated!
All rights go to Pixelberry. I dont own the characters and some parts of dialogues.
Rating: PG-16 (language, mentions of gun violence, blood, death)
Word count: 3636 (whoops! but its the finale so I hope its okay)
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @speedyoperarascalparty @agent-bossypants @museofbooks @jyreusser85 @journeytohomesworld @walkerismychoice @walkerduchess @confessionsofabrokegirl @catlady0911 @furiousherringoperatortoad @littlegreenmoo @mysteli @butindeed @gardeningourmet @hopefulmoonobject @sleepwalkingelite @eileendannie @beautifulobsessionforpink @bobasheebaby @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @boneandfur @damienswhore @mynameiskaylabella @delightfullypinkglitter @mr-sinclaire @topsyturvy-dream @blackcatkita @damiensmatch @whatmcsaid @sstee1 @mrsernestsinclaire @lordberg @barbaravalentino @itstaygs @umccall71 @wannabemc2 @mrsdrakewalkerblog @marywrites-things @moneyfordiamonds @annekebbphotography @zaffrenotes @hrhdes @tacohead13 @ao719 @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul @jlouise88 @blubutterflyy @parrotdrama @littleeeepeach ♥
“Can someone help me lift Drake?”
“Riley! Help Drake and stay low. I’ll cover you!”
“I need help with lady Riley, she’s losing her consciousness!”
“Come on Drake, let’s get you out of here”
“Drake...you took a bullet for me”
“We have four injured people, one has been shot in the chest, one in the legs, the others were stabbed. One person is dead.”
“Drake...I love you.”
“I love you too, Brooks. I was a fool to try to fight it.”
“Duchess Riley is breathing but is unconscious, we need to take her under observation.”
“We should make the most of the time we have while we’ve got the chance. Brooks...Riley, will you marry me?”
“Sir Drake Walker needs to undertake an immediate surgery.”
“We’re getting married!”
“I might not say this enough but I’m honored to be by your side.”
“You’re cute when you’re jealous, you know that?”
“Y’know, I definitely didn’t think I’d meet the love of my life at my best friend’s bachelor party.”
“Me? I’m nobody. I’m never going to be good enough for someone like you.”
“You know, you’re engaged to the only man to win a Cordonian duel in a hundred years.”
“Oh, Liam...I can’t marry you. I’m in love with Drake...”
“Next time we go camping, how about we do it without the rest of them.”
“What’s keeping you awake? Is it scandalous thoughts about me?”
“We’re losing him! Drive faster!”
“I’d have to be...I mean, anyone would be a fool not to care about you.”
“When the time comes...when those photos aren’t hanging over your head anymore...I’ll still be here.”
“How about tonight? I can take you on a real date.”
“It’s a miracle I ever managed to make you fall for me.”
“Still shocks me sometimes, thinking about how close you are to being my wife.”
“I would like to have one last fling before we’re married. Only if it’s okay with you.”
“What I want more than anything is for you to be happy.”
“Room number three, transport her Grace to room number three as soon as possible!”
“Drake, what’s going on? Why are you shutting me off? Talk to me, please!”
“You’re still in love with him, aren’t you? That’s why you wanted to have a fling...to fuck Liam one last time!”
“Drake stop the car! I didn’t sleep with him!”
“I love you Drake Walker. Please never ever forget that.”
She woke up feeling sharp pain in her head. The room around was white and blurry. Was she dead? Is that was Heaven looks like?
Not being able to move, she rolled her eyes to see if there was anyone else in the room. It was empty.
Riley closed her eyes as the memories of last evening became more and more clear. She had no idea how long she was unconcious, what happened to other people who were at the party.
This man, Anton, she remembered...he tried to kill her. But he didn’t because...
Riley inhaled sharply and started shaking when she realized it was Drake who stopped the bullet, Drake who saved her life, Drake whom she loved more than anything in the world, Drake who wasn’t with her in the room.
Oh God, please let him be okay, please let him be alright--
“Good morning your Grace! I see you finally woke up!” a cheerful nurse greeted her and she realized she met her before.
She met her when Drake got them in a car accident and she lost her memory.
She lost her memory. She was rude to Drake. And now that she finally remembered everything Drake is...somewhere.
Shit, shit, shit.
“How long have I been here? Where’s Drake?” she asked in raspy voice.
“The attack took place last night. You were unconscious for about 10 hours. You hit your head quite badly on the floor. Do you remember what happened?”
“I do. Yes. Where’s Drake?”
“Sir Drake is being operated now,” the nurse smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“Still?!” Riley exclaimed causing more pain in her head. He was being operated for over 10 hours. “Is he going to be alright?” she asked with shaky voice.
“I don’t know your Grace. From what I’ve heard...it’s a very complicated situation and the chances are pretty low...”
Not like this.
Riley closed her eyes to stop her tears. This couldn’t end like this. Just no.
Please, please. All I want is a second chance, she prayed silently trying to divert her thoughts from overthinking the worst scenario.
She didn’t know how many minutes, maybe even hours, passed on her prayers, begging for a miracle, when she heard someone entering the room. Without moving her head, she shifted her eyes onto the door and saw Liam.
“Hey...” he started, standing awkwardly in the doorway, “May I come in?”
“How are you feeling?” Liam asked sitting on the edge of her bed.
“Awful. I feel awful,” she admitted as a tear rolled down her cheek.
Liam put his hand on hers comfortingly. “I’m sorry. Maybe I can talk to someone to give you more painkillers? Is your head still--”
“It’s not that,” she whispered, “It’s Drake. They—they don’t know.”
Liam bit his lip slightly and thought for a while before answering. “It was a nasty shot. They’re doing everything they can,” he said slowly.
She turned to him despite the pain in her neck and head, and saw a real sadness in his eyes. “What happened there?”
“Anton had been planning this attack at your and Drake’s wedding. But since you broke off the engagement, he didn’t want to wait. Gladys...she worked with him. I had no idea, and I’m sorry. She told him about your memory loss and Anton was afraid there was a chance you’d marry me. That’s why he tried to kill both of us. But Drake saved you and ruined his plan. Then Hana hit him with a tray from behind so he wouldn’t try to shoot again and then Olivia, who somehow managed to steal someone’s gun, shot him. For good. He’s dead. Gladys was captured and is awating her sentence. Bastien, Mara, and other guards caught the rest of the attackers as well. Maxwell was shot in his legs when he tried to run up to you. Penelope and Bertrand were stabbed but luckily, everything is okay and wounds weren’t dangerous. Maxwell is still here, in the room next to yours, and he needs rest now. The rest is okay.”
“So...Anton is dead...there are no other dead people?” she asked.
“No. Not yet anyway.”
“Liam, don’t. He can’t die. We are supposed to get married, have kids, grow old together. He is supposed to know how much I love him. He can’t die now, not knowing how I feel about him. He can’t!” Riley yelled and Liam squeezed her hand for comfort.
“He’ll be fine. He’s strong, but...” he trailed off.
“But it means you remember,” he tried to smile but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I’m sorry Liam,” this time she squeezed his hand. “I remembered everything, although I think my heart always remembered. Only my head didn’t follow. And I’m so, so sorry for misleading you like this. I...was a mess.”
“It’s okay--”
“No, let me finish before I lose the courage,” she took a deep breath before continuing. This wasn’t an easy conversation but it needed to happen. She had to tell her how she really felt. “No matter what happens Liam, I won’t be your Queen. You’re the most wonderful man in the world and you deserve someone much better.”
In the corners of her eyes, she saw Liam nodding and she went on. “And even if Drake,” she swallowed hard, “even if he dies, I can’t be with you. My heart belongs to Drake. Has always belonged to him. I won’t be able to love you as much as you deserve to be loved.”
Liam sighed and remained silent for a minute before finally speaking. “Riley, I won’t lie and say it was easy for me but I understand. Maxwell helped me realize some things and, no matter how hard this is, I know you’re doing the right thing. I just hope that maybe, one day, a miracle happens and I’ll meet the one I could marry for love.”
“I’m sure you will. I’m sure,” Riley smiled at him warmly and they talked and talked, reminiscing Drake and their friends, trying to stay positive, until evening came and Liam left Riley alone in her hospital room.
Drake’s surgery lasted for almost twenty-four hours. He was already out of it but remained unconscious. They put him five rooms away from Riley’s. Despite her pleas, the nurses asked her to rest and not to get out of the bed. Drake needed rest as well. But...
But it was already four in the morning and she still couldn’t sleep. She needed to see him. As carefully and slowly as she possibly could, Riley sat down and straightened herself. Gently, she put both of her feet on the floor, and with help of the crutches left next to her bed, she stood up.
She waited a few moments before she stopped feeling dizzy and took a few steps towards the door.
So far so good.
Wincing with each step, she managed to reach Drake’s room. Taking a deep breath to calm her down, she entered the room and tears welled in her eyes. Drake, the love of her life, the man whose heart she broke so many times, her hero, this big, fearless man, lay there, now so small and vulnerable.
She walked up to his bed sat down on a chair. He was lying motionless connected to some machines.
“Hey,” she said placing her hand on his. “It’s me, Brooks. And I just wanted to apologize. I remember now and I wish things were different. I love you Drake. I always have. Please, just don’t give up on me now. Fight for me, my hero,” she sobbed bringing his hand to her lips, kissing it, her tears wetting it. She stayed there, talking to him, about the life they could have until she fell asleep, on a chair next to him.
The rays of sun woke her up and it took her a while to realize where she was. Still gripping Drake’s hand, she put her head on his pillow and closed her eyes.
“Riley?” she heard Drake’s voice and turned to him rapidly. Her head ached but she didn’t care. He was awake!
“Drake? Drake! You’re awake, you’re okay, you’re here!” she exclaimed, tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to hug him.
“Are you okay? What happened?” he asked, confused to see her here.
“I’m perfectly fine. Just worried about you. Anton shot you, I mean, wanted to shoot me but you saved me. Again.” she smiled at him.
“Again...” he repeated and the realization hit him. “Again! You...remember?” He couldn’t believe it.
“I do, I do remember everything Drake. I love you so much, can you forgive me?”
“You remember...you remember! There’s nothing to forgive, I’m so happy right now I--”
“Oh I see Mr Walker is awake! And Duchess Riley too as I can see. What a nice surprise to see you here, your Grace!” The nurse with the same, cheerful smile walked in.
“Yes, I umm, couldn’t sleep and decided to check on my fiance,” she stressed the last word and noticed Drake smiling widely.
“I’m sure you are both very happy but I need to take Mr Walker to examine him. And you, your Grace, need to be examined too.”
“Oh, sure! I’ll see you soon?” she turned to Drake and despite a slight pain in her head, she leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips.
“I can’t wait,” he murmured before she left the room and happier than she ever was, she got back to her bed.
The next few days were the most hectic ones Riley had ever experienced. Drake was recovering but after a few days he was dismissed and could go back home. Liam offered him a place in the palace but Drake wanted to go to his place.
Liam apologized for his behavior and Drake admitted to his wrongdoings as well. At first, it was rather awkward but none of them wanted to waste such great friendship over a few arguments.
Maxwell became Liam’s confidant, to Riley’s surprise, and with his help, Liam was slowly accepting the fact that Drake and Riley belonged together.
Cordonia learned the truth about Anton as his death was announced along with Gladys’ jail sentence. With his death, Olivia’s marriage was annulled, which she celebarated by buying herself a celebratory dagger.
Riley visited Drake in his house every day, helping him out and keeping him company. Even though they both were happy to be alive and together, some things were still unresolved. One day, when they were both watching a movie, Riley decided to bring this up.
“Drake...did you forgive me for what I said when I lost my memory?” she asked hesitanly.
“Huh? Of course, it was me who should be sorry, I caused the accident. There’s nothing to forgive, love,” he kissed her forehead and pulled her closer.
“Are you sure?” she inquired and he raised his eyebrow.
“What are you getting at?”
“I just wanted to know where we stand,” she murmured, suddenly embarassed.
“Currently we’re sitting.”
“Drake! I meant with us. We’re dating, I’m wearing the ring but I was thinking...maybe I could move in with you? If you want to?” she looked at him.
“I don’t really want to live with my girlfriend, y’know?”
“...But I would love to live here with my wife,” he smiled and her as her eyes widened. “If that’s still what you want.”
“Of course I want to!” she threw herself on him, peppering his face with kisses as he giggled. They spent the night discussing the details of their wedding.
The ceremony happened a week later and it was compromise between a big wedding and Drake’s dream small one.
“I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!” Regina said as Drake leaned down to his now wife and kissed her tenderly.
As much as Liam was happy for his best friend, his heart was still aching. Not necessarily for Riley, but rather for love, actual, genuine love that he was afraid he was never meant to experience.
Wishing the newlyweds the best at their reception he excused himself and together with Bastien, he came back to his palace.
He hated himself for not being able to be there, to be with them but the more he looked at how happy Drake and Riley were, the sadder he became. Was it selfish to dream of such love too?
Changing into his sweats, a garment worn only within the walls of his own room, he left the palace and headed to the place which always helped him clear his head.
When he was about to enter, a couple was just leaving it and covering his face with a hood, he remembered the maze was open to the public that day. And he was supposed to be at his friends’ wedding.
Liam went deeper into the maze and when he reached the middle of it, he spotted a young woman sitting on the ground and drinking something straight from the bottle.
“Hi,” she said, noticing him too.
“Hi. Can you actually drink it here?” he asked with a smile on his face.
“Probably not.” Correct. “But I’m drinking cider so it’s like embracing the Cordonian spirit,” she said and he chuckled. Fair enough.
“Anyway, I’m Anna*. From America, Boston. It doesn’t actually matter but I just came here yesterday because my friends are huge fans of this American whose wedding is today. So they left me here alone, having fun on the wedding themselves. What about you? What are you doing here at eleven at night?” she held her hand for him to shake it. Didn’t she recognize him?
“I’m L—Louis. From here, and I couldn’t sleep,” he admitted shaking her hand. It was better to play safe and not reveal his real name. Besides, would he ever meet her again? Probably no.
“I know the feeling. Wanna drink?” Anna held the bottle towards him but he only shook his head. At least he wouldn’t break the law.
The two of them stood in silence before she finally spoke. “Are you okay? Sorry for that but I’m a psychologist and you see, I analyze people. And I see something is bothering you. Maybe I can help?”
“No...Actually, I’m just a little heartbroken. It’ll pass.” He smiled sadly at her.
“Ah, I get it. A girl broke up with you?”
“Not really. I fell for someone who fell for my friend. I never had a chance and I thought she was only chance for love.”
“Ow, that must have hurt! But come on, you’re young! You’re gonna meet your love eventually! You’re not like the King of this country or whatever who needs to get married in order to secure the monarchy. Oh boy, he must be so screwed,” she took a sip from the bottle.
Indeed, screwed.
“Sorry, I’m really sorry. I don’t talk that much to strangers...Actually I don’t talk that much to anyone. Normally I would run away seeing another person but today it’s just not my day,” she sighed.
“What happened? If I may ask? I’m no psychologist but I’m a good listener.”
“Soooo. I lost my job. The guy whom I was in love for almost five years, and who swore he loved me too just got engaged to another woman, who’s pregnant with his baby by the way, my friends dragged me here, to a country I don’t know and never knew existed because they have a crush on the King, and they left me alone tonight so I decided it was time to do something I normally don’t do.”
“Talk to people. Well, mumble, rather. I talk as if I was drunk but I promise you I am not.”
“I’m sorry for what happened. He must be a jerk to leave a woman like you,” Liam put a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her a little. There was something about her...something he couldn’t really explain but he really liked her. He liked her openess, her realness.
“No, I’m used to being abandoned, really. It’s fine. I know I’m just too much to handle. I understand him,” she sniffed as she drank from the bottle again.
“I wish I could help you but honestly I feel exactly the same,” he admitted and once again refused when she tried to hand him the cider.
Liam and Anna talked for a few hours, discussing their lives (omitting the King part of course), Anna admitted she felt bad about not knowing about the existence of Cordonia and after she said she didn’t know what the King looked like, Liam was relieved. For the first time in a very long time he pretended he was a regular man. He listened curiously about Anna’s decision to become a psychologist to help others, after she had to deal with depression as a teenager. In exchange, he told her about the traditions of this country, about his mother and his father. He mentioned his brother and the two laughed at some of Leo’s adventures. After a few hours, Liam even shared his deep fear of never finding a true love and Anna nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.
“I sometimes wonder...what if I missed it? What if a true wasn’t meant for me? What if my true love chose someone else?”
“Then she wasn’t your true love,” Anna replied looking in the distance. It was already very late but somehow neither of them were tired. “Listen, your true love would never fall for someone else, okay? And this comes from a person who’s currently unsuccessfully trying to get over the guy she was desperately in love with and who treated her like a garbage she felt she was.”
Liam chuckled, “We’re both pretty pathetic, aren’t we? Whining about the people who probably didn’t deserve us.”
“Do you think there still might be a chance for us? For broken people who don’t believe there’s ever a chance to be in love again?”
He thought for a while about Riley and Drake, the reception probably already ended. Maybe everyone was right. Maybe Riley wasn’t meant for him after all. She was happy with his best friend and Drake was happy with her. They both fought hard to be with each other and it was worth it. Maybe he could fight too? Maybe...he could fall in love again?
“I’d like to think so, yes.” He smiled softly at her, feeling calm about the future, for the first time in a long time.
“Well, in this case,” she smiled warmly at Liam, handing him the bottle, “here’s to second chances!”
*Anna is my OC for Liam, so you can guess what happens next :)
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ehkw1989 · 6 years
Magic – A TRR drabble (Liam x MC, Drake x MC, Liam x Olivia)
Written for @choices-september-challenge
Author's note: Thank you @i-dream-so-i-write for hosting.  I had lots of fun writing this one!  Really struggled with putting it all together; I appreciate sci-fi writing so much more now!  And yes, I know I’m late but better late than never, I suppose!
Pairings: Liam x Olivia, Liam x MC, Drake x MC
MC: Evelyn Carter (Face claim: Chloe Benet)
Ratings/Warnings: Angst, death of major character, swear words
Word Count: 1376 words
Tags: @drakewalkerwhipped, @darley1101,@angstymarshmallow, @mrswalkerwrites @walkerismychoice@pbchoicesobsessed@choicesfanficlibrary @choiceswreckedme; @parkerattano, @agent-zephyrkah, @simplyaiden-blog, @snyggflicka, @drakewalkerfantasy, @drakelover78, @theroyalweisme, @confessionsofabrokegirl@traeumerinwitzhelden, @boneandfur @jadedpixiescribbles
“Liv, what is this?” Liam looks at the sign curiously.  “Ring this bell three times to see a glimpse of what could have been.  Know that what you see may not be what will be seen.”  He read out loud.
“It's a magical tale from King Luther's time.  Legend had it during his imprisonment at Stormholt that Queen Azure came to him in a vision and offered him a glimpse of what could have been.  He was so convinced what he saw will come true that he attacked Queen Kenna and died by his son's hand.” Olivia waved her hand in dismissal at the primeval-looking bell.  “It's a myth, just like the stories from Kenna's time.”
“Not all of the stories were myths.  The adventures that they had did happen; perhaps somewhat exaggerated, but they did happen.” Liam pointed out.
“Go ahead and ring it,” Olivia smirked, “I don't think you would see anything different.  All of your dreams came true the day you married me.  With the baby coming any day, your life is perfect.” She looks amused as she rubs her swollen stomach.
“Thank you for your permission, your Majesty.” He holds her hand as he rung the bell.  “Here we go.  It's a loud bell.  I am surprised that it worked; I was expecting that it would break.”
“It's annoying .” Olivia frowns. “It's giving me a dreadful headache. I think I will head back to the castle. Liam?” She turns to him only to see him lying on the ground.  “Liam, get up! Answer me!” She screamed as she knelt beside him.
The knocking came quietly at first and then there was silence; just when Liam thought it stopped only to hear a more urgent pounding.  “Liam, wake up! You are due at the church in six hours.  You need to get up now.  If you don't get up, I will let Maxwell in here.  Not to mention that Madeline will have my head if you don't show up on time.” Drake yelled from behind the door.
Liam shakes his head in an attempt to clear his mind.  “What wedding? I got married two years ago.” He murmurs.  “I didn’t think Liv would want to renew our vows so soon.”
“Liam!” Drake yelled. “That’s it.  I’m getting Bastien to open this door!”
“I’m coming.  Just hold on.” Liam replied.  “Just give me a minute.”  He reached for his phone to check the date only to see a message from Evelyn.  He reads out loud, “Can’t wait to see you at church! I’m so excited to become Mrs. Rhys! What?”   Liam races to the door and opens it.  “Drake, I can’t marry your wife.  I’m married to Olivia!”
“Are you alright?” Drake frowned with a hint of sorrow in his eyes.  “You’re marrying Evelyn, not Liv.”
“No, I’m married to-“ Liam trailed off. “I can’t believe it worked.” He looked amused at Drake.
“What worked? Do I need to send for a doctor?”
“No, I’m alright.  I’ll need to get ready to leave.”  Liam closes the door.  “Although I wished this pounding would stop.  Just need to relax and keep going to see what happens.” He closes his eyes in an effort to make the headache go away.
“Darling?”  Liam felt a gentle nudge to his side.  “Liam!” He hears a familiar laugh.
“Evelyn? But you’re not supposed to see the groom before the wedding?”
“What are you talking about?  It’s our 25th anniversary!” She beams at him.  “Everyone’s here to celebrate with us.”
“Papa’s getting forgetful.  Maybe you should retire.” He looks up to see a young woman smiling at him.  “Papa?  It’s worse than what we thought, Mama.  You alright, Papa?”
“He nodded off just now when you were giving your speech, love.” Evelyn smiles at him.  “It was wonderful by the way.  Just perfect.”
“Thank you!  I’m glad someone listened to it.” Astoria sticks her tongue out at Liam.  She turns around to see a woman approaching them.  “Aunt Olivia!”
“Good evening, Princess.  Your Majesties.” Olivia greets them.  “Congratulations on your 25th anniversary.”
“Olivia!” Liam clenches his fist, remembering that he was no longer married to her in this life.  “It’s good to see you.”  He extends his arms for a hug, relishing the scent of her.
“Liam!” She smirks at him.  “Old age kicking in?  I saw you a week ago at Antonius and Astoria’s wedding.”
“Antonius?” He frowns. “Who’s Antonius?”
“Antonius, my son.” Olivia glanced at him, her eyes tight and worried.  “Are you alright?”
“Who’s your husband?”  He asked her shakingly.
“Anton Severus. Really, Liam, what has gotten into you? Do you want to s- Get down!  Get down Evelyn!  Astoria!  No, not Astoria!  Bastien!”  Olivia screams as gunfire breaks out in various areas.  “One, two, there’s too many.  The guards won’t be able to handle this many.  Liam, you have to go now.  Damn it, where’s Bastien?”
“Not without you.”  He grips her hand tightly.  “Olivia, you have to come with me.  Anton’s not who you think he-”
“Your Majesty, we have to leave now.” Bastien grabs Liam as he shields Liam with his body.
“Liam, just go.  Whatever this is, it can’t wait.  Bastien, go!”  Olivia flings his hand aside.
“Duchess Olivia, you have to come with us.”  Bastien grabs her arm.
“No, I’m going to see where my fam-” Her sentence left uncompleted as she collapses, bullets riddling her body.
“Liv?”  Liam screams as Bastien pulls him away.  “Let me go! Damn it!  That’s my wife!”  Liam feels something hitting the back of his head and his world goes black.
“Liam! Damn it, you need to wake up!”  He hears Drake yelling at him.
“Liv!” He sits up.  “Where’s Liv?”
“Here we go again.  Always about Olivia.  It’s your family’s death anniversary and the first thing you say is Olivia”  Drake grits his teeth as he spat the words out.  “You know what, I can’t do this right now.  Not today.  Get dressed, you have one hour before the ceremony to be a decent person.”
“Drake?  Of course, even in this reality you love Evie so . . .” He whispered.  “I’m sorry . . .”
“Don’t say that.  Not to me.  Save it for later.” Drake walks away and slams the door shut.  
“I don’t want to know anymore.”  Liam cries out.  “Liv . . .” He feels chest pains as his vision fades to black.
“Liam!”  He hears her worried voice.  “Liam?”  
“Liv!” He smiles and opens his eyes, drinking her face in. “You’re alive!”
“Yes, of course I am.  Are you alright?” She whirls around to the doctor.  “Are you sure his head’s fine?”
“Yes, your Majesty.  His vital signs are normal.  If you will allow me to do a quick check.” The doctor reads the monitor and flashes a light into his eyes.  “Vitals are normal.  I would suggest some bed rest, you hit your head when you fainted.”
“I’m fine.” Liam grins at the doctor and Olivia.  “Just glad I’m here in this reality.”
“This reality?  Doctor, I really think he should go for a MRI or a CT scan.”  Olivia peers at him worryingly.
“I’m fine.” He leans to kiss her.  “Never better.  Is that our friends outside?” He asked as he hears Maxwell, Hana, Drake and Evelyn’s voice.
“Yes,” She said drily.  “They all rushed outside when they heard my screams.  We were very worried. Shall I let them in?”  She rises to get the door.
“No, just stay here a while with me.” He pulls her back.  “I love you.” He kisses her hand.
“I love you too.”  She smiles at his affection.  “I almost forgot, you rang the bell.  Did you see anything?”
“Nothing.” He smiled at her.  “Everything is as it should be.”
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nailriddenbat · 7 years
Mayfield | Series - Pt. II
Summary: Max Mayfield and Billy Hargrove aren’t the only new kids to step foot into Hawkins. Meet Y/N Mayfield, Max’s big sister, who’s here to make sure no one messes with her sister.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Mayfield!Reader (SLOW BURN)
Characters: Y/N Mayfield, Max Mayfield, Neill Hargrove, Susan Hargrove, Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington
Warnings: Language, may contain sensitive topics such as substance abuse later on (I WILL GIVE A HEADS UP!)
Word Count: 1.9k
Tags (PLEASE message me if you want to be added to the permanent tag list for any fic/tag list for this particular series, especially if you already asked and I forgot!): @thegirlwhoisintoomanyfandoms @la-fille-en-aiguilles @jj-writes-shit @thebitterbookeater@with-a-hint-of-pesto-aioli @richletozler  @royalwolfhard @just-smile-darling @w-ingardiumleviosa @buckysmaingirl @magic-and-timetravel  @jupiter-leo @ttrraasshh@somekryptonitewriting @dudee-what  @tmalchow @hedabucky @wallacetdog @harringtonhuddle @sarcasticalphaofthelooserspack @kingkenzieo @twelvedacrewoods @onlyalittleteenwolfobsessed @stevieboyharrington @madhatterweasley @captainelsaeverdeen @cupcaitlyn96 @anton-shudders @trashyemonerd @netflix-and-cuddles @earthvsjai @goimaginethiss @inhumanz
A/N: Lots of drama. Questions will be asked. Shit will happen. Billy is an ass. Enjoy, my friends!
Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X (FINALE) 
This dinner was thrilling.
No really, it was the highlight of your life. Your mother and Neill sat at the heads of the table. You and Max were sitting together on one side of the table while Billy sat on the other. You were sure that no more than fifteen words had been uttered since you all sat down.
“So Billy,” Susan spoke up after a while and looked over at him. “Where will you be going tonight?”
You held yourself back from rolling your eyes at the lame attempt at striking up a conversation. You watched as Billy slowly turned his head towards your mother.
“Out,” he kept it short and sweet.
“Where will you be going out?” Neill decided that it would be a good time to participate in the conversation and you knew it could only go down hill from there.
“I’m going to a party,” Billy muttered underneath his breath.
“I’m sorry, did your forget something?” Neill taunted him. You hated Billy, you really did, but you wanted to get up and punch Neill for how obnoxious he could be.
“I’m going to a party, sir,” Billy glared over at his father.
“Oh!” Susan said with a small smile. She leaned onto the table and looked over you. You knew what was coming next. “Sweetie, why don’t you go with Billy?It’s a good chance for you two to catch up and make new friends.”
“No thanks,” you shot that idea down quickly. 
“Left behind your party days huh, Y/N?” Billy looked over at you with that arrogant smirk you hated so much.
You chose to ignore his comment and kept looking at your mother as you spoke, “I will drop off Max to wherever she needs to go and then come back here to finish unpacking.”
“Oh okay,” Susan nodded her head a bit and then the table went silent.
You turned your head and caught Billy staring you down. Your eyebrow arched as you stared back at him, almost challenging him to say anything to you. He didn’t take the bait and instead, pushed himself from the table without another word. 
You took that as a cue that dinner had officially ended and looked over at Max, asking her if she was ready to go. She jumped up and ran out to her room so she could get her things. 
“I’ll be back later tonight. Don’t wait up for me,” you said to your Mom. You moved to your room to grab your leather jacket and slid it over your arms, pushing your feet into your shoes. You snatched your car keys up and met up with Max in the hallway, who was holding on to a Michael Myers mask.
You snorted and pointed to the mask, “Really?”
“Michael Myers is awesome, Y/N,” she grinned up at you which caused you to laugh and swing your arm around her shoulder. 
The two of you moved out to the Challenger and you held the door open for her so she could climb in. Once you were seated and Max was buckled in, you started the engine and pulled away from the house. “Where am I taking you?”
“Just a few blocks. There’s this area that all of the kids hit so I figured I’d run around,” she shrugged her shoulders a bit.
You nodded your head and glanced over at her, your voice soft, “Are you hanging out with those boys that were on the bikes before?”
Max’s face turned red as she inhaled and she quickly shook her head, “No. I don’t have friends here.”
“Okay,” you left the subject alone but you reached over to touch her shoulder gently. “I don’t want you to be afraid of settling in and making friends, Max.”
“I’m not,” she tried to deny it.
“I’m not saying that you are, kid,” you sighed. “But I know this move was hard, especially since I didn’t make it with you, and for that I am sorry. I want you to know that I’m here now though and I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
Max nodded her head slowly and reached up to squeeze your hand. “Mom told me about George, Y/N,” she whispered.
You breathed in suddenly and pulled your hand away at the mention of your ex-boyfriend. “We’re not talking about that now or never,” you muttered underneath your breath and the two of you went silent.
A few minutes later you pulled over to the side so Max could climb out and join the rest of the trick or treaters. You told her to have fun and she gave you a small smile before she climbed out, and you watched her for a minute to make sure she would be okay. After a few minutes you pulled away, whispering to herself, “Now let’s go find dear stepbrother Billy!’
You drove around Hawkins for a while, trying to find a house that looked like it was being the host of an unsupervised Halloween party and it did not take you long at all. Cars lined the streets and you could hear music fill the air. Teens littered the lawn as they pushed their way into the house. You brought your car to a stop and took a deep breath. This was the last place you wanted to be, but you had to get Billy alone without Max, your Mom and Neill around. 
You left your car and locked it up before you started walking over to the house. You pushed the door open and pushed your way through a group of people, looking around slowly. Mötley Crüe was blasting through the speakers and you took your time walking around the house to see if you could catch a glimpse of Billy. It didn’t take you too long.
He was making his way over to a couple pressed up against the wall. The girl was looking over at Billy with a concerned face as the guy pulled his sunglasses off, staring him down. There were two other guys behind Billy, patting his shoulders and egging on the one in the blazer. 
“Yeah. Eat it, Harrington!”
You stepped over just as the girl walked away and stood behind everyone, shouting loudly over the music, “I see you’ve found yourself some cronies, Billy!”
He turned slowly and the other two looked at you with confused expressions, or maybe that was how they always looked. You weren’t sure. The one in the blazer took off and ran after his girlfriend.
Billy glared at you and you smirked.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he practically spat the words at you.
“I came to visit my brother!” you smiled widely.
“Whoa! This is your sister?” One of the guys looked you up and down slowly, causing you to roll your eyes.
“She is not my sister,” Billy growled.
You pouted, “Well that’s not very nice.”
“What do you want, Mayfield?” 
“You and I need to have a little heart to heart. Let’s go,” you turned your back to him as you made your way out to the backyard. He followed, without his cronies trailing after him, and you kept walking until you two were completely alone.
You spun around and pushed his chest violently, glaring at him. He stumbled back and breathed in, his eyes lighting up with anger.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” you yelled at him. “You could have killed those kids!”
“You mean Max’s little hick friends?” he started to laugh slowly and held his cigarette up to his lips, taking a slow drag of it. He blew the smoke in your face and you held you breath. “I would’ve been doing this town a favor by running them down.”
“You’re an asshole,” you snapped at him. “Whatever you’ve been doing to Max while I was gone stops now. If I see you even blink in her direction or in the directions of any of her friends, I swear to you that I will make your life a living hell.”
“You’re not gonna do shit to me, princess,” Billy continued to laugh, completely unaffected by your threats. “Why don’t you get back in your car, drive all the way back to California, and stay with George? Oh wait...” Billy gasped a bit and held his hand up to his mouth. “You can’t because-”
Your hand swung back and came in contact with his face as you slapped him hard, the sound reverberating. His face snapped to the side and he slowly turned it back towards you, whispering dangerously, “You’re going to regret that.”
“Not as much as you’ll regret hurting my sister and those kids once I’m done with you,” you spit down at his shoes and he turned away, rushing back to the house.
You stayed behind to get yourself together. You could feel your chest tightening up and you leaned forward, breathing in and breathing out slowly. You kept your eyes shut tight and stood like that for quite some time before you felt good enough to walk back into the house so you could leave.
Duran Duran was playing now and you pushed your way around people to try and find the exit. You jumped back as someone rushed in front of you and you looked over, seeing that it was the guy wearing the black blazer. He had his head down and was rushing for the front door. You followed him, not because you were creepy but because you two were leaving, but you noticed that he seemed to be stumbling over his own two feet and couldn’t get his car open.
You slowly made your way over to him, hearing him mutter under his breath, “Bullshit...doesn’t love me, it’s all bullshit...”
He dropped his keys and cursed, and that’s when you stepped in. “Hey,” you called out to him. “Are you okay?”
He looked up at you and you could see that he had been crying. He looked away quickly and cleared his throat, speaking up a little, “Yeah I’m fine.”
“Okay well you seem a little drunk so I don’t think driving is the best thing for you right now,” you took a step closer to him.
“Trust me, I’m fine. I can drive,” he tried reassuring you.
Something in you snapped and you reached forward to snatch his keys from the ground. He jumped up and yelled, trying to reach forward to grab them but you jumped back.
“My car is down this street,” you said. “Let me give you a ride and you can come back tomorrow to get it.”
Without saying another word, you started to walk off. Whether he followed you or not wasn’t a problem. You had his keys and the world wouldn’t have to worry about a drunk driver. 
You unlocked your car and turned your head, seeing that he had in fact followed you. The two of you climbed in without speaking and you drove away.
After a while, you looked over at him and asked, “You gonna tell me your address or not?”
He muttered it under his breath as he gazed out of the window. Silence filled the car again and you focused on driving instead of what had happened to make this guy so miserable.
About ten minutes later, you pulled up a house that seemed pretty empty. “Is this your place?” you asked him.
He nodded his head and without saying anything, not even a proper thank you, he reached between you two to grab his keys and stepped out of the car, practically dragging himself to his front door.
“You’re welcome!” you shouted after him before shaking your head, putting the car back in drive. “Un-fucking-believable,” you cursed as you drove away, the tires screeching as you slammed your foot on the gas. 
Welcome to Hawkins, Indiana. Everything here will suck.
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miky91ftw · 7 years
*creeps up the hallway and slides a note* *"What was your impression of Saint Seiya's first Taurus fighter (I know his name I just can't spell it >~
thank you for your ask! And thank you for requesting these three characters!!!
Taurus Aldebaran (I guess you meant him, right?):
First impression: BOI, HE B I G (I was seven/eight at the time. Of course you couldn’t really expect something articulate)
Impression now: He’s the dorkiest, sweetest and bravest of Athena’s Gold Saint and must be protected from the treatment given to him by the canon. The fact that the spin-offs and derivative works all decided to expand his presence and give more focus on him is a wise decision and we are all happy about it.
Favourite moment: definitely the short sequence about Europa and him in the Hades Chapter.
Idea for a story: See above: a short side story detailing how Europa and Aldebaran came to meet, possibly setting it in Rodorio or in the mountains around the Sancturay. The “Athena’s Saints interacting/protecting common people” type of story may be old, but if done right it’s always a fun context to explore.
Unpopular opinion: I actually like the nuances given to his character in the Legend of Sanctuary movie. And also the Cloth redesign was not that bad???
Favourite relationship: I like the (mostly implied, but somehow present) doting attitude he shows towards the Bronze kiddos.
Favourite headcanon: I don’t know why, but I always assumed Aldebaran to be really skilled at cooking. Of course this is not something he happens to show off often, but people are generally amazing when - given the chance - he turns out to be one of the top chefs of the Sancturay.
First impression: Oh. That’s basically Aldebaran in a Sentai suit, right?
Impression now: I like him! The themes around which the character is built around (justice, the need to avenge his dead creator, the whole “person vs. machine” dilemma as the core of his actions) are full of potential, and could really develop in something good if done right!
Favourite moment: his change of heart towards Stinger in episode 13. It’s a central turning point for Champ, and I think the episode did a good job in building the moment without rushing it too much.
Idea for a story: I think something about his past days as a pro-wrestling champion would be good? Or some funny antics. Maybe something funny involving Doc. Anton so we cry and laugh at the same time b/c I’m a terrible person.
Unpopular opinion: Hum. I kinda hope that, even after the whole Scoprio thing is resolved, Champ and Stinger’s relationship would still be somehow antagonistic in nature, at least superficially? Like, the two came to accept and respect each other, but there is still the occasional bickering and the unsettling glares (tough pretty much everyone knows that things deep down are kinda different.)
Favourite relationship: Aside the complicate mess that is his relationship with Stinger, I have a soft spot for the “original trio” (him, Hammy and Spada) and I’d like to see more of them all together in action.
Favourite headcanon: I pretty much take for granted that Champ dotes on Kotaro just to piss Stinger off (and maybe this was sort of implied in some episodes? I need to check again).
And finally, the tangerine-coloured problematic child:
First impression: Favourite colour + my zodiac sign in Sentai form?  SIGN ME THE FUCK UP (Please don’t suck as a character, pls pls pls)
Impression now: Sweet problematic tsundere child. Very relatable? (Sans the murderous sibling part, luckily for me). I love how, currently, you can see him being so torn apart the guilt for his brother’s actions and his need to find a place where he belongs (Hint: I’ts the Orion). Good job TVAsashi so far, please do not ruin it.
Favourite moment: the moments spent with Kotaro underground in episode 11 was a really nice moment to kick off his character development, I think.
Idea for a story: I’d be fine with any kind of Kotaro/Stinger tag team content. Either way, seeing him learn to morph his tail into a weapon (kinda like Scorpio did) and using it to finish a MoTD saving the others. 
Unpopular opinion: See above. I’d actually like for Champ/Stinger relationship to maintain an antagonistic tone (possibly only superficially. Like, they care about each other, but they also bicker at any given occasion.)
Favourite relationship: His (canonic, I’d say) BroTP with Kotaro.
Favourite headcanon: Given his past misadventures, and the constant danger due to his role as a spy, I always assumed Stinger would have some troubles getting relaxed/sleeping even after having officially joined Rebellion’s front lines. During his almost sleepless night, he eventually came to appreciate the company of Xiao and Spada, both equally worried about protecting the team to - somehow unintentionally - ending up staying up late to elaborate plans and strategies to protect the others and to face off the worst scenarios.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
What took you so long?
Part 10
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Liam had been assassinated, Drake had left Cordonia before this. He had heard from Savannah about his friend- he felt guilty not returning. Someone had blackmailed him to not return, with only his sister knowing the truth. Leo had taken over the throne in place of his brother due to there being no heir....
{Drake x Riley}
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012
“No. I can’t make you happiest commoner alive.” Feeling guilty seeing his face fall due to the response. She bent down to his level- kissing him passionately, confusing Drake.
“I’ll make you the happiest Duke alive.”
“Really?” Drake felt relieved, his heart almost sank believing that she had rejected his impromptu proposal.
“Yes, really. I need some new memories.”
Standing up, he picked her up and held her tight. Not wanting to let either of them go. After her mistake with Liam, he never believed that she would choose him over the King. Now she had agreed to be his wife, she was the mother of his child- she was his everything.
“I’m going to protect you both. I don’t know what you see in me. I love you both.”
“You’ve always had my back Drake, even when I was pregnant with Liam’s baby you were there willing to support me. I’ve fucked up with majority of my life decisions. But I’m not fucking this up.”
“Neither am I, I’m going to throw you onto my bed- I’m not letting you go, ever. I love you.”
The night of the ball arrived, Liam had asked if the Duchess and soon to be duke would want to prepare for the ball in their home - Valtoria.
To Riley, she had only briefly visited before the attack- the palace at the moment was classed as her home as was Drake’s cabin.
Trying on every dress, she wasn’t happy with any end result- possibly due to her pregnancy hormones. If she could- she would happily attend the ball in her Pajamas. Drake walked in, wearing a classic suit that he had lent from the palace for special occasions, seeing his fiancée surrounded by a pile of clothes on the floor crying.
“Brooks? What’s up? We don’t have to go. It’s going to be traumatic I know. But I will never leave your side.”
“It’s not that... well it is. Anton is in the cells, nothing will happen. I just... I feel fat in everything I put on.” Sitting next to her, he wanted to laugh but he didn’t know how her hormones would react.
“You don’t look fat. You are the most beautiful Duchess in Cordonia- don’t tell Liv that though- she may threaten me.” Winking at her, he witnessed a smile slowly appear on her face. “We can go for a bit, then sneak out as soon as you want. Blame it on tiredness from the pregnancy. It’s a good excuse.”
“It really is a good excuse. What do you think to this one?” She pointed to the blue figure hugging diamond covered dress.
“It will match your beautiful eyes. Get ready then I’ll escort my fiancée to the ball.” Standing up, he held his hand out to help her stand up also.
Drake and Riley felt content at the ball, possibly due to the congratulations that they had received about their engagement and baby news. The last time they was here was the fatal night that both Riley and Liam were shot, Drake was threatened by Anton and Riley had lost her memory. Holding her tightly, he didn’t want to let her out of his sight- even if it meant forgoing whiskey for the remainder of the night. The song began and the guests coupled up- Drake bowed to Riley.
“I love you Mrs Walker to be. Would you care to join me for this dance?”
“I’d love to Duke Walker to be.” She replied knowing it would frustrate him.
“Quit with the Duke thing.”
“Or what?” Riley smirked as she asked in a seductive tone of voice. Unable to resist, he stopped dancing, just admiring her- still trying to comprehend that she was his.
Liam was sat in the corner of the room, with Olivia by his side. Both of them watching Drake and Riley being loved up like love sick teenagers. Olivia knew deep down in her heart that Liam still loved Riley- Of course he would, their one night stand resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. His chance at being a father. His chance that got torn apart from him. Olivia was the jealous type, but she knew she would have to be civil regarding the love triangle that was in the past.
“Ask her for a dance, Li. Drakes mouth looks too dry. He could do with a whiskey before he faints- he’s not her bodyguard.” Kissing the redhead on the cheek, he knew he had to begin to return the love she had for him. Walking over to Drake and Riley, he lost his stoic attitude- almost forgetting how to perform as he became nervous. Riley turned to face him after inhaling his cologne- seeing his Adams Apple bounce she wondered what was worrying him.
“Duchess Riley, may I have a dance?” Liam asked almost robotically, knowing that Drake’s eyes were darting towards the bar every so often. Riley hesitated at first, feeling guilty about their past; the abortion, the love that wasn’t returned.
“I’ll get us a drink. Don’t steal her away from me Li.”
“Of course I won’t.”
Leading Riley on to the dance floor, he had wished that things were different- that they were dancing as king and Queen. No you’re with Liv, she’s engaged to Drake- having his baby.
“I will always love you, always Riley. But I’ll get over you... eventually.”
“Liam, I’ll always love you too. But I’m so sorry about everything that I’ve done. You and Olivia can live happily ever after. I love you both.” Liam didn’t respond immediately- which was unusual, he was never one to be ignorant even if he wished to be.
“Liam! Liam!”
Riley stood frozen, shaking- hearing Drake’s voice echo in the distance as she fell to the floor, with Liam’s heavy body hovering over her. Rolling him off her, she stared at her blood covered hands.
“Riley!” Drake and Bastien ran over, Drake scooped Riley in his arms. Bastien demanded medical assistance urgently- before helping Drake prevent Riley from hyperventilating.
“Drake... I cant... I can’t breathe... it’s happening again.... it’s ... it’s like what happened in my dream....”
“Shhh. He will be fine.” Hurry up for fuck sake! Where are the paramedics.
“Everybody get out! Now!”
In the rush Riley lost Drake, the guards escorted them outside- organising them into groups. Riley insisted on going back inside to find her fiancé. Sneaking away, some arms went around her- feeling relieved she hoped it was Drake. Covering her mouth the man escorted her abruptly into the palace grounds. Covering her eyes there was a sudden darkness, the mystery man didn’t want to provide his true identity just yet.
“Riley?” Hearing his voice, she wasn’t sure if it was her imagination playing tricks on her.
“He’s alive, don’t worry. We just wanted to scare you all.”
“Who are you?”
“My name is Claudius. I work for Anton. The ‘paramedics’ all work for Anton too. Now Duchess Riley....” Claudius placed a kiss on her neck, running his fingers through her hair. His hot breath against her made her skin crawl- wishing Drake was here to save them. Where the fuck is Drake? She thought as panic ran through her body. “We can do this the hard way. Or the easy way. All you have to do is convince the king here to give up the throne.... and no one will get hurt.”
“Don’t you dare hurt her!”
“Oh shut up your Majesty.” Claudius sarcastically said, before he began to cackle- no matter how afraid Liam was about his and Riley’s safety- he couldn’t back down and give in to their demands.
“I mean it. Leave her out of this vendetta you have against the crown!”
“What do you say Riley? You co-operate with us and no one will get hurt.”
“Let him go. Just take me.”
“No Riley! You’re pre- you need to think about yourself.”
“Please just don’t hurt him. I’ve already done that. Please.” Holding her stomach discreetly, she didn’t want to harm her baby but Liam was Cordonia’s future. Placing a blindfold over her, he pushed her aggressively- making her fall into Liam’s arms.
“I’ve got you. But you need to get out at any given opportunity Ri.”
“Ohhh isn’t this sweet. The King and his mistress reunited.”
“Anton?” The both said in unison, they may not be able to see anything but blackness but they still had their sense of hearing.
“So King Liam, what will the answer be? Leave Cordonia and hand over the throne to me? Yes or no?”
The sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the now eerie atmospheric palace grounds.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
What took you so long?
Part 7- Understanding
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Liam had been assassinated, Drake had left Cordonia before this. He had heard from Savannah about his friend- he felt guilty not returning. Someone had blackmailed him to not return, with only his sister knowing the truth. Leo had taken over the throne in place of his brother due to there being no heir....
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @drakesensworld @butindeed @bbrandy2002 @bascmve01 @kingliam2019 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012
Hana watched Riley fall to sleep- it was like she was placed under a spell the way she fell to sleep gracefully after being agitated and mute.
Hana decided to go and speak to the Doctor regarding her friend’s confusion.
“Dr Rooke, may I have a word regarding Duchess Riley please?”
“Of course Lady Hana, But it will have to be quick as we are very busy.”
“I understand. Erm. Is there a chance that she could have lost her memory of events that have happened in the last year? She believes that the former crown Prince is the King and not King Liam... will she remember us? Is it short term or long term? Will she remember anything from the shooting? I’m sorry. She’s my best friend. I thought I lost her.”
Hana fell to the floor crying- as if gravity pulled her down forcingly. The Doctor sat next to her, placing a comforting arm around the upset lady.
“Lady Hana. People who have been in comas react differently. Their recovery time is different. We are hoping that Duchess Riley’s memory loss is only short term. She may not be her normal self, she will be feeling; agitated, frustrated and possibly traumatised. Looking at her health records she hasn’t had the easiest of times with this and another visit to the hospital in New York.”
“Yes, we was in Paris as part of the engagement tour, she and Duchess Olivia flew back to New York- for that. Before coming to Paris. So what you are saying is we all need to support her - which we will do obviously.”
“Yes, Lady Hana. But remember, conversations can be misinterpreted with someone in Duchess Riley’s situation. Also she may have hallucinations. If you need anything else don’t hesitate to ask.”
She nodded, thanking the doctor. Still sat on the floor with her knees pulled up, supporting her upset face. Frozen. She didn’t want to move. What if Riley didn’t remember anything? What if she didn’t remember their friendship?
“Hey guys.” Was all Hana could say, not being her normal high spirit.
“What are you doing on the floor?” Maxwell asked sadly.
Drake helped Hana stand up, worry in his eyes. She had explained to Liam that Riley was awake- the friends couldn’t comprehend why Hana was sat on the floor sobbing.
“I don’t know why I’m sat on the floor. I spoke to the doctor and just fell to the floor. She’s fine- well she’s not fine. The doctor said she could have memory loss and hallucinations. She thinks Leo is the King. I don’t know what else she remembers- she wouldn’t talk to me. I’m afraid if she doesn’t remember me. Maybe all those conversations we had at her bedside didn’t help.”
Liam pulled Hana in for a tight hug, caressing her cheek and wiping her flowing tears away.
“Hana. She’s a fighter. She will be fine. Drake why don’t you go in and see her first?”
The friends all nodded in unison, agreeing with Liam. Drake didn’t know why he was nervous. He had been by her side everyday, never wanting to let her go.
Drake walked into the room, Riley looked peaceful and beautiful. Holding her hand, he gently kissed her on her cheek trying not to wake her.
“Hey beautiful. I’ve missed you. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you or Liam. I’m just glad you are both okay. Don’t worry about Anton, or should I say Justin. But this time I was the one who got there ‘just in time’. Maybe a little too late because you’re laying here. I had my suspicions about him. When I left you all to go back to my room, I came back and cornered him. I got answers. I alerted Bastien. He threatened me. He told me to leave or he would hurt Sav and Bartie. But I couldn’t leave them or you. You’ve been through enough without this- I wish I could take this pain away for you. I love you Riley. I always have. I don’t know what i’d have done if I’d have lost you.....”
Before Drake could continue, Riley’s eyes slowly opened. Drake had missed her beautiful eyes that always sparkled.
“I’m here, Brooks.”
Riley pulled him in for a hug slowly with the lack of energy she had.
“Where’s Liam? I need to see him. The last thing I said to him was I love you my darling. I will always love you....I need to see him. Please Drake get him.”
Drakes heart sunk, feeling like he had been stabbed in his own heart- she doesn’t remember me, she doesn’t remember us. Trying to conceal his emotions, he just nodded. Exiting the room, he placed his head in his calloused hands- heartbroken.
“Drake? What’s up?” Liam placed his hand on his friends shoulder. Worry was in Liam’s eyes- two of his friends were now emotional wrecks.
“She.... she doesn’t remember... she wants to see you.”
“Doesn’t remember what?”
“That we were together. She’s asked to see you. I’m going to grab some air.”
Liam was going to chase after Drake, until Olivia pulled him back advising him to see Riley. She had offered to go in with him.
They both entered quietly not knowing what to expect.
“Where’s Liam?” Riley exclaimed. Olivia and Liam stared at each other.
“Riley, I’m here. We are all so glad you are awake.”
“Not you! I know who you are. Where is our son Liam Jr? Leo carried me when I was in labour, the son that you helped me in labour with Liv. My last memory was on a beach... he had fallen asleep and I told him that I’ll always love him and that he was my darling.”
Olivia’s heart sank- she remembered attending the hospital appointment in New York with Riley. The day that Riley aborted Cordonia’s Heir.
Olivia and Riley touched down in New York after a long flight. They headed straight to the hospital- they knew they were short on time. They had to get back to the court who was on the engagement tour in Paris. The former king and Queen agreed to help by providing them with non disclosure forms for the staff to fill out.
Riley’s phone began to buzz, Olivia told her answer it as they was early.
“Brooks.... Riley. Please don’t hang up.”
“What’s up Drake? How’s la pari?”
“Shit. It’s full of snails. But please just hear me out. You don’t have to do this. I know Liam is engaged to Madeleine, but that baby is the heir to the throne. He wouldn’t let you bring it up on your own.”
“Drake. It’s nothing to do with that. I’m not ready- it was a stupid mistake. The King father, accepted my request to do this. Besides Cordonia doesn’t want another scandal. I can’t have this baby with Liam when I’m in love with someone else. Liam understands so why can’t you?”
“Liam will be heartbroken deep down. I know he is- it’s just his stoic expression. Riley, I love you. I’m sorry I haven’t told you before but I’m madly in love with you. I’m sorry I was a jerk when we first met- I didn’t want you to know how I felt. But if you keep that baby- I will help you. I will love that baby as my own. To mend a heart i didn’t break is part of loving a child i didn’t make. I know I won’t be the baby’s biological father, but I love you and i want to protect the two of you. If you want your baby I’m here for you. Please reconsider....”
“Drake, I’m sorry. I have to go, I’m really sorry. Ps I love you too.”
Riley hung up, she wasn’t sure what she was doing. The main issue about keeping this baby would be the royal family stealing it from her. It was her decision and she felt it was best for everyone involved.
“Ri are you ready?”
Riley nodded. The two women entered the room, Olivia made sure the staff signed the non disclosure forms- after threatening them if they didn’t. Riley sat on the chair biting her lips, her eyes now puffed up and red from crying. The nurse gave Riley a glass of water as well as the mifepristone pill.
Holding her stomach, tears flooded down her cheek. “I’m so sorry...I love you my darling. I will always love you....”.
Riley gulped it in one go, she was provided with a second pill - misoprostol to take at home two days later.
Olivia sat down next to Riley fixating her gaze on her.
“Ri, there is no baby. We went to New York, you and I. You made that decision to not continue the pregnancy. I think you’ve been hallucinating. You said those exact words before you took the pill. I’m so sorry.”
“No. It was you that had the abortion. I remember you telling me and now you’re pregnant with Liam. I saw the bump, you were both in the maze... and Liam came back from the dead. But Li, you’re here, it’s really you.”
“Riley, you must have had an imaginative dream. I’m here unscathed. I didn’t die. I was also shot. Drake was kidnapped. He was the only one to figure out that Justin wasn’t who he said he was. But he eventually escaped Anton/Justin. And about Leo, the only time he carried you was when you had been shot. He carried you to Bastien to get you here quickly. Leo basically saved your life.”
“Yes, Drake went ballistic when he found out what Anton’s men did to you. He would have killed the bastard if it wasn’t for Leo and Maxwell pulling him back. He’s been the most worried about you Ri. And Riley. Do you really think I’m pregnant- I don’t want any sprogs, I hate people. So I definitely don’t want any children. Thankyou.”
The Doctor knocked and entered, witnessing Riley uncontrollably crying. Everything was confusing her. All her ‘memories’ were her imagination playing tricks on her. The doctor asked if Riley would like her visitors to leave, she responded by shaking her head. Liam and Olivia sat in the chairs holding hands- well at least I didn’t imagine that, there is still some sanity up there.
Riley’s obs were fine, blood pressure was slightly high but stable. Riley reached out for the Doctors hand, before she could escape. Riley knew she would be busy- but she needed answers and advise.
“Doctor am I crazy?” Her eyes pleading for an honest answer.
“Why do you think that Duchess?”
“I’ve dreamt up things. Things that are somehow linked to things that actually happened but it’s misinterpreted. So like I assumed it was Olivia that had an abortion, but it was me. I believed that I had a son- he had a cheeky grin, his eyes sparkled like King Liam’s. He was Liam’s double. I believed Leo was King. I dreamt I was in love with Drake Walker. Is any of this real? Or am I just crazy?”
“I’m not an expert. But I believe that you may subconsciously have guilt, regret regarding you terminating the pregnancy- hence why you have imagined what your child was like as well as what your relationship was like with Sir Walker. He didn’t want to leave your side at all these last few weeks....Your Majesty, what did you all talk about when you was at the bedside?”
“Erm lots of things, about Drake being threatened by Anton to leave the country. How hilarious Leo’s face was when we discussed how he would have to be king if I didn’t survive the shooting....” that’s why I thought Leo was King. Drake threatened by Anton- that happened but in reality he never left.
“How Walker confessed he got jealous the night of the masquerade ball, he was stood on the balcony in his room when he saw you and Liam that night frolicking in the maze. We had details of you both fucking each other senseless on the dining table in Vegas when we all went on that mini break...” the cabin- in my mind it was in the cabin where we had sex. Does the cabin even exist?
“Hana, Maxwell and Drake spoke about memories from the beach day on my social season- how you was being very bossy and insisting people wore sunscreen.”
“Riley what’s up?”
“Doctor, all these things they are mentioning... I saw them. But it was different. It was a different twist, on things. I believed Liam was dead... I can’t remember getting shot or that night. Is that why I thought Liam had died? Was I subconsciously listening to everyone speak?”
“Usually people don’t dream whilst they are in a coma, but in rare cases they can do. I believe by the sounds of it due to the trauma you have misinterpreted past memories. But it is fine, we will help you with any support you need. We will come back and check your obs in a few hours.”
Riley nodded to the doctor as she left the room, Liam and Olivia suggested letting the others visit her.
“Wait, Li. Liv.”
“Yes.” They both said in unison.
“Before the others come bounding in- well Max especially. Can you find Drake for me? I need to see him.”
Liam went outside to attempt to find Drake, after looking a while he was considering giving up. Until he saw him smoking a cigarette, the smoke surrounding him. Liam walked over shaking his head.
“Why are you shaking your head your Majesty?”
“If you are going to smoke anything at least smoke something sophisticated such as a cigar.” Liam smirked at his friend as he dabbed the tab end out.
“Riley wants to talk to you. She’s beginning to understand everything slowly but gradually.”
“Why does she want to speak to me. You were obviously her priority. That night she got shot, I left the ballroom to get my grandmothers engagement ring. I was going to propose to her, it wasn’t an urgent matter to pop the question, thinking about it now. I shouldn’t have left her unprotected.”
“Why didn’t you tell us what you was doing? And Drake, she didn’t want to speak to me. She wanted to see her son- our son that doesn’t exist. In her dream she imagined what he looked like- she must have called him Liam. And the quote she used before you stormed out- it was something she said before she took the pill to end the pregnancy. Olivia confirmed that.”
Drake felt such a jerk. He thought she meant King Liam. Never in his mind would he have believed that she would be this confused and imagining her baby. Ignoring Liam he ran straight to Riley, apologising to people who he knocked into accidentally.
“Agent Grumpy.”
“Agent Bossypants.”
“Queen Bossypants to you, Walker.”
Drake smiled at the memory. So did Riley. Another thing she remembered from her “crazy dream”. Slowly he walked upto her, he could see that slight sparkle back in her eyes. Drake cupped her cheeks, before placing a soft gentle kiss on her lips- her heart fluttered.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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