Hey! So, someone may have already pointed this out, but... on the fake error page with the "corrupted" text... doesn't it kind of look like a backwards 3?
i was trying to place what that looked like! doesn't seem like it leads to anything right now, though - i've tried "3," "three," "Ɛ," and "epsilon," and all of them just lead back to the regular 404 error page, where it shows up as well.
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yunisverse · 7 months
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A trio of commissions for @superat626 of my characters Errol and Ondan, and @anunusualvisitor's character Onsen.
Commission Details || Ko-Fi || My Other Commissions
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superat626 · 4 months
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I am a fan of the water genasi. Onsen belongs to @anunusualvisitor Dysae belongs to @yunisverse
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owldart · 3 years
Hi! Re: your art, it's like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soft but chewy
like mashe potatoe. i accept this
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skeletorific · 5 years
Hey! So, here's an idea I've had for a while - UT, UF, US, and SF skelebros are having a conversation with their crush. At one point, the conversation happens to mention Beauty and the Beast (Disney, original fairy tale, w/e). The skelebros say something along the line of "would you ever want to get in a Beauty and the Beast type relationship", to which the crush replies, "Maybe, you're certainly pretty enough for the part." What's their reaction? :D Thanks!
UT!Sans: bursts out laughing. Doesn’t stop.....ok Sans, it wasn’t that funny.....Sans, are you.....are you crying?!
UT!Papyrus: He nods along as though he absolutely agrees (because he does) but mentions that you’re far from beastly yourself! In which case he can also be very beastly! In a hypothetical situation where you’re into that sort of thing! Which who knows! Maybe you are! Anyways!
UF!Sans: He barks out a short laugh, quickly changes the topic, and then spend the next three weeks over analyzing it. Maybe he should suck it up and ask you to watch the movie with him. Plant the seed a little more.
UF!Papyrus: He mostly just rolls his eyes but there’s a faint flush to his cheekbones. Also changes the topic.
US!Sans: Full blue face, and tries to flirt back, but is mostly just flustered. And kind of overthinking it. May honestly ask you out with no context long after the conversation has been abandoned.
US!Papyrus: Listen, little shit instincts will always always always triumph over any embarassment for him. He literally will not stop humming “Tale as Old as Time” around you and for the next two weeks you wake up to a text from him saying “Bonjour!” Mostly its to give you hell for it but he’s also watching for a reaction that might indicate you were legitimately flirting and not just messing around.
SF!Sans: Pretty? You think he’s PRETTY? Not like...handsome or smart or strong or....no it was probably just a word choice....PRETTY?????? *all jokes aside deep down he’s extremely flattered and wondering if maybe that was an indication that he should ask you out but he’s Rasp so of course he has to make it 10 times harder on himself*
SF!Papyrus: He finds a way to turn the flirtation back around on you with the explicit intention of making sure you’re so red-faced that you don’t even notice how that affected him. Please just confront him openly on his feelings he’s such a frightened boy
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hyperbali · 5 years
true or false: eggs
False, rn
It's weird, I fluctuate between liking and hating eggs every year or so. Specifically, there are times I desperately want scrambled eggs, and times just the smell of egg by itself makes me nauseous
I'm in the latter stage at the moment
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niuniente · 6 years
I, too, have checked out Trollhunters because of your posts... *slams fist against table* YOU RAPSCALLION! You have RUINED ME! I HAD THINGS I WAS SUPPOSED TO ACCOMPLISH
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Ah, smell of a new tainted fan.
Most welcome to the fandom. Bring tissues with you! 
P.S. When you’re done with the series, there are comics and kiddy novels, too. Official art book releases on March!
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thefuzzycomic · 6 years
Hi, I have a question! What does Fuzzy think of cucumbers, does he react to them the same way cats do??
He likes how they crunch when you bite them. He doesn’t like the taste so much. Just the sound and the feeling. Must be something to do with bones...
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firemama · 5 years
You're really good at delving into the feelings!
....thank you... i am Touched.......
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aikaikaik-art · 3 years
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Happy Holidays!! Over in the Drafthouse, we got our own winter holiday called Animas! So here's some art from that! Featuring plenty of doodles of characters from @spiffiesttea (https://www.twitch.tv/spiffiesttea) , @anunusualvisitor, @whispatchet, @maybeher0 and @atomicrow
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thefrogghost · 3 years
I very much appreciate @anunusualvisitor for being more clever than me and tagging my post with "refrog"
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yunisverse · 2 years
Oi! You! What is a rant about a cartoon/animation/passion that you’ve wanted to spill for a while but haven’t gotten the opportunity to? Lay it on me!
you want it? you got it.
let's talk about Cloverfield's viral marketing campaign.
July 2007, the first Transformers movie hits theaters preceded by a strange trailer. There's no name for the film, just the date of release: 1-18-08.
1-18-08.com is found (don't go there now, some jerk snatched the domain and runs malware ads now), a site which has some scattered photos of the party from the trailer. You can move around the photos, and flip some over to get notes.
Slusho!, a Japanese drink company, is found thanks to its logo on a shirt in the trailer. The company's site loaded with Engrish about how Slusho makes you Zoom! You can't drink just six! It boasts of its secret ingredient, known only as Seabed Nectar.
Then comes the discovery of Tagruato, Slusho's parent organization. Tagruato is vague as hell about what their company is actually about, but what's most clearly documented are their deep sea drilling sites, and news of them sending a satellite into orbit.
The Myspace pages for various characters in the upcoming movie are found, mostly just the characters chatting like normal pals. One character's page, Jamie, hides a link to the secret site shared with her long-distance boyfriend Teddy where she records video messages to him. She knows he's off saving the world or whatever, but she's lonely!
Tagruato's website uploads an assurance to investors that the claims in the article from Ravaille Research Center are baseless, and its author is known for suspicious work. Googling RRC results in worried posts from families asking about the article, which says that cursory experiments with samples of Seabed Nectar show rapid cell growth, muscle growth, sharper eyesight, increased strength, and a sensation of full-body tingling described as a "wave of happiness."
People can buy merch of shirts from the Slusho! website. At first the packages are lined with Japanese newspapers, but over time some people find crumpled Tagruato documents with a hastily scrawled message to the recipient, from "The Whistleblower," trying to warn that employees have gone missing.
Tagruato's site is hacked, images of its CEO defaced. Hints in the images eventually lead to the site of the ecoterrorist organization TIDO-Wave, who are determined to bring to light the shady underbelly of Tagruato and Slusho. Most notable is this Seabed Nectar stuff is a closely-guarded secret, and definitely not FDA-approved.
Jamie's videos to Teddie are getting less sweet and more irritable. He used to be so good about calling, now he's gone radio silent. After weeks of nothing, Jamie opens a package from Teddie containing "evidence" and some kind of warning about Tagrutto or whatever, and frankly she's insulted he had to make up a whole song and dance instead of breaking up with her like a normal person.
At one point, calling Tagruato's contact line mentions a memorial service. TIDO-Wave's site uploads an article with more information: a famed marine biologist who'd been working for Tagruato's medical branch tragically died while camping with his family shortly after his retirement. It's rumored he made an incredible discovery right before retiring, but his computer, papers, and all research files are mysteriously missing.
1-18-08.com is slowly being uploaded with more and more photos, of soldiers and debris-filled streets and an explosion on some sort of ocean tanker. The photos show timestamps all throughout the night the movie takes place, and a timeline is starting to form. If you stay on the site for six minutes, a monster's roar can be heard.
The Whistleblower leaks a report of the various deep sea oil drills owned by Tagruato, noting that their most recently constructed drill not far offshore from New York has no report of oil whatsoever. So what are they doing there?
Tagruato's space division happily reports the success of their satellite in orbit. It even got a really good picture of a piece of a satellite falling. Some other satellite, not theirs. It's probably fine.
TIDO-Wave has been making plans to infiltrate the suspicious drill site off the coast of New York called Chuai Station, but when they arrive at the coordinates there's nothing there.
Soon after, reports flood in about a horrible altercation at the site; there are news reports in at least six different languages about the event showing footage of Chuai collapsing and sinking under the waves in a matter of minutes. Footage from workers trying to escape from inside the station shows armed Tagruato personnel on the site, and a recording from an escaping lifeboat shows massive chunks of metal debris launched out of the ocean after them as they escape. With knowledge that TIDO was in the area at that time, it's believed to be a terrorist attack. One news report mentions concern about dark shapes under the water shortly before Chuai sunk: if it's an oil leak, that could spell huge consequences for the surrounding area.
Jamie's still uploading videos to let Teddy know how Over Him she is. Him and his stupid games and his fake evidence. "Do Not Eat," huh, well, here's what she thinks about your stupid spy games, what are you gonna do, asshole? oh wow it tastes really good though. Damn she is FULL of energy. Fuck you Teddy she's gonna go PARTY and NOT think about YOU.
On MySpace, friends are congratulating their buddy Rob on getting an incredible job opportunity what will require him to relocate to Japan--he's supposed to help figure out how to market this super popular drink over there to Western buyers. His friends are planning a goodbye party on the night of the 18th.
So like. Know that 99% of this never appears in the movie. One character wears a Slusho! shirt, Jamie can be seen for a split second passed out on a couch. At the end of the movie, you can catch a distant splash as a piece of a satellite falls into the Atlantic. Most audiences don't notice or care and lose nothing having missed all of it. In fact, I didn't find most of this until AFTER seeing the movie.
but GOD did I think it was rad. For most people Cloverfield was just a generic monster movie that gave them motion sickness, but the marketing campaign gave me brainrot for YEARS after it faded from the public consciousness.
I have not and don't intend to ever care about anything else JJ Abrams has ever done but god DAMN if he didn't get me with this one.
so yeah there's your ramble thank u come again
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superat626 · 1 year
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Onsen doodle.
They belong to @anunusualvisitor
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owldart · 4 years
hey I'm owl I'm cool and I'll steal your bones
only one of those two things is true but ill give you full points for lack of punctuation
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niuniente · 5 years
Are you a Pokémon fan, and if so, who are your favorite characters? (Manga, game, anime, whatever you like!)
No, I’m not a Pokemon fan. I watched the very first Pokemon season when it was aired here. We never had a Gameboy.
I have Pokemon Green nowadays, though. My faves are definitely Mudkip and Mightyena. From human characters, I don’t know anyone else except the original trio and Team Rocket. 
You can send me more asks
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yunisverse · 2 years
YUNI! Tell me a fun n' interesting animation fact/history thing! :D
The word "nimrod" as it is known now exists because of Looney Tunes. In one short, Daffy Duck mocks Elmer Fudd by sarcastically calling him "Nimrod," referencing the great hunter from the bible. Enough people didn't know the reference that the word popularized as a new insult.
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