giannichavez · 5 years
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|Oh my Guadalupe| . Hay lugares que guardan una energía poderosa y una conexión especial en el corazón. . Para mi el Santuario de la Virgen de Guadalupe es uno de esos lugares, recuerdo el día que lo visite, empecé a conmoverme antes de entrar al recinto del Santuario (como a unos 100mts de la entrada), mis ojos estaban vidriosos y sentía cómo una explosión interna de amor, cuando me paré frente a la Virgen empecé a llorar, no podía dejar de admirarla y esa explosión de amor se sentía como el abrazo que existe en reencuentro de una madre con su hijo . Sin duda alguna el camino nos lleva a experimentar diferentes formas de conectarnos con el consciencia, la dicha, la paz, y el amor que somos. . . Feliz de regresar a Mexico 🇲🇽 la próxima semana - voy a estar de gira por algunas ciudades ofreciendo clases magistrales, talleres y un retiro muy especial. . . Mexico es tan importante para mi porque fue en donde reafirmé que mi vocación era enseñar y compartir lo que habita en mi corazón. . . Para más información sobre la gira envíame un DM, revisa los links en la BIO o escríbele a @mcamac01 o @cdelahozs74 . . #descubriendote #mexico #anusara #anusarayoga #yoga #guadalupe #virgendeguadalupe #love #coaching #brillanteeres #magicoser #cocreatewellness (en La Casa de los Lotos Comida Tailandesa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzoFSccAbVF/?igshid=1g2f4xcwxd7hv
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kericyoga · 6 years
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#WeAreAnusara - Day 3 - #ThirdPrinciple #ExpandingSpiral #InnerSpiral ... In the legs, Expanding Spiral and Inner Spiral refer to the same action. The rotation of the thighs is related to, but only part of, the spiral. The spiral is smaller near the feet and expands as it climbs up the legs towards the pelvis and into the lower back. You’ll usually hear the spiral cues relating to the thighs, hips, and low back, because that is where the expansion is the greatest. The thighs rotate inwards, hence “Inner Spiral.” And the legs and pelvis broaden or laterally expand apart, hence “Expanding Spiral.” ... Utkatasana (chair pose) is another posture where I find myself focusing on Inner/Expanding Spiral. The tops of my thighs turn in, my inner thighs move back (down towards the ground) and my upper legs, pelvis, and low back widen. Personally, I cannot overdo Inner Spiral. I have to focus on it to maintain it. It does not come easily or naturally in my body. It never has. But that is just me. Some of my students and teacher friends naturally Inner Spiral more easily. They can focus on other actions/principles in their practice. The Principles are Universal because everyone needs to do all of Principles in every pose. However, the level of effort and focus on the different Principles will vary from person to person. Anusara Yoga is NOT “cookie cutter” yoga. Everyone does not need the same thing. We all need the Universal Principles of Alignment, but we all need them in different amounts. ... Setting the Foundation, Muscular Energy, and Outer/Contracting Spiral are easy for me. They happen almost automatically. Open to Grace, Expanding Spiral, and Organic Energy are challenging. I can do them, but those actions do not come easily. I have to consciously manipulate these energies in my practice, more than the others. Which Universal Principles of Alignment are easy for you? And which are more challenging? ... My co-hosts, teaching partners, and family are @ej_merlin and @sunandmoon_asana. ... #chairpose #utkatasana #squat #yogapose #yogateaching #yogaknowledge #yogaalignment #alignmentbasedyoga #anusarayogateacher #anusarastudent #anusarayoga (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmPWT6HnY0S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pmdvrzy2sjt7
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arq-loyola · 6 years
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Este viernes 01 de Febrero retomamos varias clases, entre ellas el Ciclo Inicial!!!🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️ En la clase de Iniciales, vemos técnicas de alineación, con bases filosóficas y movimientos energéticos...si estas interesado en profundizar en la practica, no te la podes perder, Kisori te acompañara en el camino😍 @kiki.tree #studyingyoga #anusara #anusarayoga #yoga #yogaparaprincipiantes #yogainiciante #hathayoga #principiantes #inicial #primeravez #yogaparatodos (en Studying Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtLhQ2SnZQ8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10j5ngg7pw8wr
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theriverrains · 8 years
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Day 25 of 365: Aum Namah Shivaya Gurave Satchitananda Murtaye Nisprapanchya Shantaya Niralambaya Tejase #anusarayoga #invocation #yoga #teachertrainingishappening #newpath #gay (at Red Dawg Hot Yoga)
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National Yoga Month!
Spread the love during the National Yoga Month celebration of the practice of yoga and its healing properties during the month of September. And wow, do we ever need it! The challenges in our lives and communities may seem never-ending and overwhelming right now. What better time to delve deeper into your current practice or begin one of you haven’t taken the plunge? But honestly, if you follow my blog, you may already be asking what National Yoga Month and the visual arts have in common? My answer: both inspire, connect and speak to our minds, bodies and souls. Yoga and Visual Art are both a huge part of my RAD Fresh Creative Journey and RAD Fresh Yoga Journey. National Yoga Month is just another opportunity to share inspiration with all of you. My yoga story is probably a lot like yours and not at all unusual, but its connection to the visual arts is one I think you will connect with too. 
Most of us begin the journey of a yoga practice somewhat by accident. There is a class at your gym —may as well try it. A friend suggested you try it with her —so you go. Your doctor suggested it for your back issues—sure, why not. It looked like fun. A family member said you needed to learn to relax. And so on and so on. However the magic of discovering yoga does not lie only in beginning or enjoying the physical practice (although that is awesome as well).
Just like in the book by Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic “creativity lies in the relationship between a human being and the mysteries of inspiration.” I believe that place in the heart, the place where the mind and the soul come together to form a bond that leads us to a personal place of grace is where I grow most in yoga. It will take more than one call, one studio or one teacher to hook you. But if you keep practicing, you can find your magic too!
Spread the Love
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The RAD Fresh Yoga Journey
Asanas: the lifeblood of yoga
Hope, gratitude, healing…
Looking for balance?
Visual journaling and yoga journaling
Beginner’s Mind
I have been practicing yoga for well over 23 years now. The first few years were mostly about the physical benefits. I was lucky that my gym, The Women’s Club in Missoula, Montana offered yoga classes as part of their membership. The teachers were awesome, offering multiple levels of classes from Gentle Yoga to Advanced classes. During my first year of practicing, I began to realize that I wanted to know more about the entire practice of yoga —mind, body and soul.
The yoga journey has a beginning, but no end.
After my mom and I attended a yoga retreat with my favorite teacher from the club, I was inspired to grow my practice as I began to feel more deeply connected to myself. It was the beginning of my understanding that the practice of yoga, and the practice of creating art is connected for me. Just like two sides of a coin. One the shiny side of the other. Over time, the two became an integral part of my blog as well. 
Off the mat
The practice of yoga has helped me feel more confident off the mat as well. My growing yoga practice has helped me connect more honestly to myself and my art. Off the mat, I have learned to deal more calmly with personal and professional challenges. I have made lasting connections to my yoga community. Nurturing connections through yoga and art, I have found them to be forever intertwined in my work and personal growth. Yoga is more than a workout of course, it is a lifestyle. Over the years, I have developed a home practice to bridge the gaps between classes and my own schedule. The benefits of being able to “take it with me” when I traveled or to practice on my own when studio classes weren’t available was a given. 
Built-in friends come with the yoga community. We meet truly inspiring people who are supportive and understanding and legitimately interested in each other as human beings. You can also take your friends with you to yoga and grow within those friendships that already exist. No matter where you are, there are yoga classes to be experienced – even online. You don’t have to know a soul to attend. There is also a universal language of yoga, and I don’t just mean Sanskrit. I mean that when you take your seat, and chant OM with those around you, a sense of unity happens. The room becomes a welcoming place, quietly supporting and holding you in its warmth and grace. The support of fellow yogis and your teacher can become a springboard for more.
For me, yoga began to grow as part of my creative endeavors, inspiring me, helping me to connect with my imagination. For you, it might provide connections for parenting clubs, dinner parties or further education in common interests. The possibilities are endless! So go out there and build a community through your yoga class. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. 
A more purposeful practice
I have written on this blog many times about yoga. As I expand my own knowledge and practice within yoga, I am beginning to recognize a broader purpose for myself and my blog. By expanding my knowledge and yoga practices through the RAD Fresh Yoga Journey I am growing a following and a deeper understanding of the entire experience. I continue to practice at a local studio, Montana Om, with my friends and our teacher Bonnie Kiser.
paddle board yoga on the water with friends
She has encouraged all of us to reach for more; get out of our comfort zones, and some to even prepare to substitute teach classes. Recently, I was asked to teach SUP yoga! I did and it was so much fun! It was nice to know that my paddle board obsession and my 20+ years of yoga worked together to form an opportunity. Who knew all those years ago that SUP yoga would be a thing?
There’s always more
To gain a sense of “more,” I dedicate myself to a home practice, including journaling. Because I spend lots of hours researching articles and references for the yoga journaling prompts, reading yoga articles has become a favorite online pastime. I am enjoying this process immensely as I expand my yoga knowledge and writing experiences. Adding to my knowledge through additional online class offerings has been fun and easy too. Even if you think that online classes aren’t up your alley – give them a try. Yoga teachers have gotten onboard with the online process and it is SO much better now than ever before. 
I guide the yoga journaling practice through weekly prompts. Although still in its infancy, the process is beginning to give me an expanded sense of the possibilities of a more well-rounded practice for myself and others. Researching, journaling and connecting my actual practice to learning and growing within yoga has led me to a range of new experiences and possibilities. I really think that yoga journaling is just the beginning of the next chapter of my yoga journey. Although MORE isn’t always better, MORE is always available. My yoga teacher laughingly reminds us all the time that there is always more. Through her, I have learned that yoga has an eternal flame that is forever growing and changing, morphing into what we need personally. We just have to be open to grace to find it.
National Yoga Month
The benefits of yoga 
As we roll into Fall, and we spend more time inside again, I will be adding a lot MORE to my yoga practice and you can too! Try applying what you learn on the mat more consciously to your daily lives. I hope you will consider joining me for yoga journaling to continue to grow your yoga practice in new and inspiring ways. Maybe with a little extra training, reading and researching new opportunities, you can discover MORE too. Check out the health benefits of yoga here in this pdf or read more about the general physical benefits.  There are many ways to celebrate National Yoga Month (or begin yoga) if you haven’t already gotten started. Check out a class in studio or online, read up on the benefits of yoga to your mind, body and soul, or join me for a guided yoga journaling practice to round out your practice.
We are only a third of the way through the month, and so I know you have lots of yoga practices still to be enjoyed. In the meantime, check out the links above and consider inspiring yourself to a happier, healthier, more mindful life through yoga and journaling!
Spread the Love National Yoga Month! Spread the love during the National Yoga Month celebration of the practice of yoga and its healing properties during the month of September.
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cbryant1707 · 7 years
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May you be fully present and aware. May you make intentional decisions. May you act from a place of love. Attitude. Alignment. Action. The three A's. May you know how very loved you are! Sparkle on. #anusarayoga #yogaislife #yogaoffthematt #irma #preparefortheworst #hopeforthebest #bepresent #makeaplan #actfromaplaceoflove #attitude #aliegnment #action #3asofanusarayoga #calmbeforethestorm #sarasota #florida
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urthyoga-blog · 7 years
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#dualshapes - Day 11 - #xenomorph ... The Xenomorph XX121, commonly known as simply "Xenomorph", are an extraterrestrial, endoparasitoid species with multiple life cycles. One of the deadliest of all known alien species, these creatures need a host organism in order to reproduce. The term Xenomorph is derived from the Greek words xeno ("stranger", "alien", and "foreigner") and morphe ("form", "shape"). Thus far, we've created shapes from heaven and earth. Today, we take the shape from outer space and the farthest reaches of imagination! ... #yogaeverydamnday #yogateacher #anusara #anusarayoga #anusarayogateacher #yogastudent #yogapractice #yogastudio #anusarastudio #anusarayogastudio #partneryoga #partnershapes #makingshapes #yogashapes #acroyoga #yogagirl (at Urth Yoga)
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jennzone · 8 years
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Had the extreme pleasure of spending the entire weekend with these two beautiful souls! They flipped my world upside down, side ways, opened my heart, my hips, my mind and helped me find the way once again to stand firm in my light and to accept me, fully!!! Thank you SO much @womensyogamentor and @petergoodman33 for sharing your knowledge and loving approach to yoga. I'm grateful & blessed! Look forward to seeing you again soon! Bless 🙏🏾❤🦋 #AnusaraYoga #weekendworkshop #embraceyourself #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #hipopeners #inversions #armbalances #backbends #ohhowwonderful #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou
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#yoga #acim #acourseinmiracles #tapas #darknesstolight #namaste #kundaliniyoga #theuntetheredsoul #tomorrow #optimism #hope #anusarayoga
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kericyoga · 6 years
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#WeAreAnusara - Day 5 - #FifthPrinciple #OrganicEnergy ... Organic Energy grows and expands from the center outward, like a small seed sending its roots down and out into the Earth AND simultaneously growing branches and leaves up and out into the sky. My hope is that this Anusara Yoga Challenge is the seed that organically expands in all directions and grows the Anusara IG Community. Thank you to everyone who participated in the challenge. I appreciate each and every one of you! I really enjoyed meeting and interacting with other Anusara Yoga Teachers and Students around the world. It was informative and fun to see your poses and read your insights on the Universal Principles of Alignment. May this be the beginning of something grand! Let’s keep in touch, inspire one another, find more kula members, and expand together! ... Handstand because I love it. And because Organic Energy is what makes them fun and powerful. The bottom of the heart is the focal point in handstand. From my heart, I root down through my hands and into the Earth. From my heart, I stretch up and out through my feet and into the sky. The Organic Energy sets my heart free and allows me to fly! ... #thisisonlythebeginning #weveonlyjustbegun #illbeback #wereback #bringinganusaraback #anusaralives #anusarayoga #somosanusara #anusarayogateacher #yogateacher #yogastudent #whatsnext ? (at Still Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmVAKWPHO4_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=77c6csz033j
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kericyoga · 6 years
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Tagged by @supermomtraci (one of my all-time favorite IG fam) to post a #treeposevariation #adhomukhavrksasana #downwardfacingtree ... @yogiapproved and @jadeyogamats is planting a tree for every #treepose posted on IG in the month of June. Use #TreePoseForTrees and tag both accounts to get as many trees planted as possible. ... Passing this to @ej_merlin @sunandmoon_asana @chimonster78 because #anusarayoga ... #yogamen #yogafit #inversionjunkie #inversionaddict #inversionsmakeyouhot (at Burbank, California)
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kericyoga · 6 years
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#WeAreAnusara - Day 4 - #FourthPrinciple #ContractingSpiral #OuterSpiral ... Activating Outer/Contracting Spiral in the legs results in several characteristic shifts in the body, including a decrease in lordosis in the lower back, the tailbone scooping down away from the sacrum and forward toward the pubis, and a contraction of the lower abdominals. Too much Outer Spiral will overpower the actions of Inner/Expanding Spiral and potentially prevent the femur heads from setting back into the center of the hip sockets and close off the back and floor of the pelvis. This could result in rounding and/or tightness in the low back and/or bind the hip flexors. The muscles that contribute to Outer Spiral are big and strong. The actions of Outer Spiral must be applied in a way that balances but does not overpower Inner Spiral. ... Outer Spiral must be applied carefully, but it can also be a very powerful force within the body and within a pose. In #ardhachandrasana, I focus on Outer Spiral in my standing leg. I tack my hip and outer thigh back toward my lifted foot and squeeze the glute underneath the top hip. This creates an outer rotation in the thigh, pulls the bottom hip under the top hip, stabilizes the hips, and helps to lift the top hip. Then I can stretch long in every direction! ... I saw several others choose half moon pose or a variation of it for Outer/Contracting Spiral. For me, it is a key element to making the pose full. ... With my co-hosts @sunandmoon_asana and @ej_merlin ... #yogafit #yogamuscles #yogastrong #yogaalignment #yogateaching #yogaknowledge #andknowingishalfthebattle #yogachallenge #yogashorts #yogabums #yogaphotography #instayoga #yogafam #anusarayoga #universalprinciplesofalignment (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmRuIwxnVH0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tjvqp2l7rn0h
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kericyoga · 7 years
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It feels good to be home after a week in Mexico, studying and practicing with the Anusara Yoga Kula. I return with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. I bow to all of my teachers, peers, and students, remembering that we are all connected and that we are essentially one. ... #anusarayoga #samavesha2018 #anusaralives #anusarakula #yoga #respect #childspose #spiderman #toyyoga #toyart (at Los Angeles, California)
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giannichavez · 6 years
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|Root to Rise| Hecha Raices y que sean profundas hacia tu centro, hacia aquello que eres, mientras más profundas más estable y mientras más estable más lograrás crecer. Hoy clases 17:00 en @santelmoyoga 19:30 en @espacioananta.ar Ven a practicar! #anusarayoga #Anusara #yogabuenosaires #yogaBA #buenosaires #yogaprojectba #love #life #yoga #santelmo #villacrespo #giannichavez #cocreate #makeshifthappen #
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giannichavez · 6 years
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| I see you | Este fin de semana es el taller de los 5 Principios Universales de Alineamiento™️ de Anusara®️yoga en @santelmoyoga junto a @danielacorteseartyoga Dentro del taller vas a aprender muchas cosas que harán que tu práctica de yoga te permita encontrar tu patrón óptimo. Entre las cosas que vas a aprender - 5 Principios Universales de Alineamiento, sus características, sus acciones y cómo los aplicas en tu vida (si ahí es donde sucede la verdadera práctica de yoga) - Alineacion y Biomecánica en el Asana - Filosofía Tantrica no dual - Ejercicios de Meditación, Contemplación y respiracion. Quedan pocos cupos disponibles, si te interesa participar escríbeme un mensaje. Te veo el fin de semana! Ph. Patricia Torales para San Telmo Yoga #argentina #makeshifthappen #buenosaires #yoga #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #iseeyou #anusarayoga #anusara #giannichavez #yogaworkshop #yogasantelmo #yogaargentina #yogabuenosaires #cocreate (at San Telmo Yoga)
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giannichavez · 3 years
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Abril en COM[UNIDAD] . Sábado - 10 de Abril - . Entre el Cuerpo y el Ser con Gianni Chávez @igianni_ . clase enfocada en aperturas de caderas y extensiones Parte de la charla en comunidad incluye temas sobre el deseo, la voluntad y nuestro camino espiritual - puede el deseo alinearnos a lo supremo? . . Domingo 11 de Abril . Comodidad e Incomodidad con Adam Ballenger @adamballengeryoga . clase enfocada en posturas de pie y flexiones . Cómo encontrar acción balanceada en el movimiento y como esa acción balanceada también se refleja en nuestra vida. . Muchas veces lo incómodo es una invitación a la transformación y a veces lo cómodo nos brinda oportunidad de estar en calma . Para participar en el programa envíame un mensaje privado o revisa el link en mi Bio . . #comunidad #community #yoga #anusara #anusarayoga #yogaecuador #yogaargentina #yogacolombia #yogachile #yogamexico #yogaperu #yogapanama (en Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNAqNNvMTKK/?igshid=12xonymm05zjd
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