#any character can be an icarus figure if I so choose. No one is safe. His wings specifically are meant to be that of a peregrine falcon
anglerflsh · 1 year
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as Lucifer fell
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theelvenhaven · 3 years
Elves Dressing Up for Halloween
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Halloween Request:  Hello! For a Halloween request, could I ask for headcanons of what the elves of Gondolin would dress up as for a costume? Would any be extremely hesitant? Would any be receptive to couples costumes? Thank you (and if not, thanks for taking time to read this!) 😌 - @sterling-roses
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Turgon honestly isn’t one for dressing up at all on Halloween and will not be partial to even couples costuming. If anything he would much rather host a party and keep his usual attire than have to dress up as anything. Even if it is customary. 
At most you may get a masquerade mask on him and that is as far as it will go. So every year, being quite the creature of habit, he prefers to go as a King than let his hair down a little and relax. Though Turgon will support you in almost whatever costume you decide to go in AS LONG AS it is appropriate. 
Nothing inappropriate or overly sexual as Turgon is a little bit of a prude. Though he won’t fight you too hard and be considerably flustered all night over it and bite his tongue. He’ll eventually grow used to whatever costume he may not find appropriate but it certainly takes some time for him to get used to it. 
Glorfindel loves dressing up, being the big ray of sunshine that he is, and has a lot of fun dressing up! He is really creative and thinks outside the box on the costume ideas that he comes up with. 
And when you ask him to dress up in couples costuming he immediately jumps at the chance to be able to do so. Glorfindel also loves to be able to help create these said out of the box costumes too. For example you have a ton of cardboard boxes at your disposal, he will absolutely spend the time to make a costume out of it. Robot? Fish tank? Washing Machine? He’ll put it together.
Glorfindel also really loves puny costume ideas too. Anything that can be a big play on words he is bound to figure out an idea for you both to wear. No matter how ridiculously cheesy that idea might be, Glorfindel will absolutely run with it. He has a blast coming up with the ideas. 
You are absolutely welcome to assist in coming up with something, Glorfindel loves to hear any of your ideas. And if you are more partial to an idea that you have, he is happy to relent to you and get your costumes put together with whatever theme you prefer. Either way, Glorfindel is just really happy to spend time with you like this!
Ecthelion is pretty rigid and formal and strict, so when it comes to dressing up for Halloween, he isn’t all too elaborate in dressing up. If anything he may add an accessory or two to a really nice outfit, but it is never anything over the top. 
So when you suggest couples costuming, Ecthelion is a little hesitant to join you in any of the ideas that you might have. They might need to start off relatively conservative and more classic like Period specific costuming or Historical Figures or something Masquerade style. 
He feels a little odd all dressed up, especially since it is not the one or two accessories that might dress up his costume. But Ecthelion trusts you deeply to not put him in something ridiculous or make him look ridiculous and tries to enjoy the fun of the night all dressed up. 
I do not recommend really letting him choose in the beginning of your costume couple planning because he will not venture even into the more conservative spaces. Choosing to keep it more to what he is already comfortable with. 
Rog loves to dress up and though he does, his costumes can be pretty simple. Happy to dress up and throw together whatever he might have at home. Even if it means wearing work attire for Halloween. A blacksmith is technically a costume. 
So when you suggest couples costuming, Rog is really happy to let you take the reins and lead the way on what to dress up as! He’s a lot of fun and can easily get super into character with it. Such as if you want to dress him up like he walked right out of Woodstock 1960 and give him a few verbal cues to use, he will shamelessly use them. 
Rog’s a big ball of fun and the life of the party, and after the first time you two couples costume expect to couples costume from then on out. Cops and Robbers, Period Costuming, Heavenly Themed, Character Specific, whatever it may be he is down for it (unless it is offensive). The ellon will absolutely costume with you in those inflatable costumes and have a ball with it. Inflatable sumo or dinosaur is absolutely up for grabs. 
Just know you will probably have to have it custom made and fitted for him properly. And Rog will absolutely try to wrestle or horseplay with someone in the said inflatable costumes. Anticipate that he may go home in it with it deflated because he will eventually pop it.
Penlod in his true fashion is dressing up as a Historical Figure. You’ve told him how costumes work and that he can be anything he wants to be, and the ellon is going to choose the most interesting Historical Figure he can. 
He will absolutely be as detailed accurate as he can be, from the costume and to the accessories. Penlod puts a lot of attention into his costume and the little pieces that bring it all together. 
Penlod will absolutely do couples costumes together, but he will not budge on it not being a historical figure. He WILL consider being a regular civilian in x time period if thats what you wish! Ancient Greece? 1400′s Renaissance? French Rocco? 1800′s? 1920′s? 50′s? You name it and he will dress up as it. He’s a sucker for histories and will happily spend time compiling a costume that is just as detailed as his!
You both will absolutely look like you’ve walked right out of the era you two dressed up as. With Penlod indulging facts about the era to anyone who will listen to him. 
Egalmoth loves being able to dress up really exquisitely and jumps at any opportunity to be able to do so. His costumes are so incredibly elaborate and gem and fine stitch filled they’re absolutely heavenly to look upon. 
Sometimes he really doesn’t even pick a theme of what he wants to dress up as when it comes to Halloween. Egalmoth just wants to dress up nicely, he’s a little bit of the “he’s got the spirit but is confused” saying. Though he is absolutely  aware that he is supposed to pick a theme. He just chooses to not always do so.
He will absolutely couples costume with you, but when he does, Egalmoth absolutely wants to pick the theme. He’s bold so he is unafraid to pick unearthly themes like dressing up as the Vala of such regal nature, or Ancient Gods in rich costume style or Angels or Monarchy. Anything that allows him to be able to put you both in an incredibly unearthly and regal status he is here for. 
Anticipate that Egalmoth, like Penlod, has an extreme eye for detail. So no expense will be spared and your simple costume will quite quickly become a luxurious and intricate affair. 
Galdor is really go with the flow and has a knack for choosing a good costume with his more go with the flow nature. Though he won’t really dress up unless he finds it necessary to do so for like a party. If he’s solo on Halloween he’s more likely to just stay cozy. But when it comes to couples costuming, he is all for it!
Galdor’s only preference is that he prefers the nature themes, but he won’t strictly adhere to them and will explore other costume themes with you. The only line he will draw is if he finds any of the themes to be vulgar or offensive in anyway.
Whether you two are Witches and Wizards together or the Angel and Devil, Galdor is going to be happy to meet your expectations. He’s got a pretty good sense of humor though and will be happy to dress up in awkward costumes or whatever other humorous costuming you might come up with.
Maeglin is completely and totally hesitant at the idea of dressing up as anything. The idea of just dressing up as whatever, just seems like an open line for someone to possibly criticize what he has chosen and that is an immediate dislike for Maeglin. 
As for couples costuming its really really REALLY going to take some convincing to get him to participate. If anything, the first few Halloweens he is probably not going to be receptive to any of it at all. Totally opting to just tagging along while you dress up. 
Though he gives in to the peer pressure of everyone asking him where is his costume or hearing how it would be cute if you two dressed up together. Maeglin absolutely lets you choose what you want to dress up as, but I warn that you might want to start out far more conservative and safe options like him being a Knight and you being a Princess/Prince or perhaps you’re both Pirates or maybe you dress up like Ancient Greeks/Romans. 
Something that isn’t going to be too over the top, but just enough out of his comfort zone people will recognize that you dressed up. 
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Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @icarus-fell-in-spring @someoneinthestars @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdyely @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog​ @achasiel​
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fanfictalk · 5 years
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In this section we feature short, fun interviews with a different member of our House each month, to help you get to know your fellow 'Puffs and hear quirky facts about members of the best House there is!
This month: An Interview With Felpata_Lupin
What makes you a Hufflepuff?
Everything? Jokes aside, I just identify a lot with all the Hufflepuff values. I try to always be kind and helpful with everyone, I'm fiercely loyal to the people I care about and I always try to do things at the best of my possibilities (although I don't really identify with the hard work bit... I'm just way too lazy...) I think my main Hufflepuff characteristic, though, is my trust in people/humanity in general. I will always believe in everyone's good intentions, I will always give everyone the benefit of the doubt and I will always grant a second, third, hundredth chance. Maybe that's naive, but that's just who I am...
You are famous on HPFT for writing about Peter, and you also have a big love for Remus Lupin. What is it that calls to you about these characters? Do you have any personal headcanons for them that have never made it into a story?
Ahhh, my boys! Where do I even begin? I guess the main reason I love them so much (the main reason I love the Marauders in general so much) is their tragic background. I guess I'm particularly drawn to Remus and Peter because they are more introverted and insecure, so it's easier for me to identify with them. They are so fragile and so in need of love and I wish I could snuggle them and keep them safe (yes, I know they are fictional characters, does that matter?) I don't think I really have any headcanons that I haven't already included in some story at some point... unless you can call headcanon my silly idea that Peter's dad is Sebastian Blishwick from victoria_anne 's Heroes and Monsters series... (I really want that to make it into a story one day, but it has yet to happen...)
Do you have any headcanon about the wizarding society in Italy (it can be in reference to anything you want: government, school, sports...)?
Uhm... I've never really stopped thinking about it much... I guess government-wise it wouldn't be much different from the British Ministry? Of course the Ministry would be located on one of the hills of Rome, and the entrance would be hidden in some archeological site (obviously I've been spending too much time researching the hills now to figure out the best spots... I'm undecided between the Foro Romano on the Palatino, the Domus Aurea on the Esquilino or some not-so-famous thermae on the Aventino... probably this last one would be the best, less tourists to worry about... ) I also think that their Muggle contact would be the Presidente della Repubblica (I'm not sure how practical that would be, but if I were a wizard leader I wouldn't be bothered to deal with anyone else... yes, I love Italian politics )
School... on one hand I like to imagine a big boarding school like Hogwarts (probably still located in some hidden part of Rome, or maybe in some medieval town in Tuscany?), on the other I think it would be more fitting for the Italian experience to have many small day schools (maybe 1 or 2 in each region, since the wizarding population would be too small to have more?) And after the "maturità magica" the kids could choose between a lot of magical university courses...
What's something you do that makes you happy? What do you like to do when you are sad to lift you up?
Depends on the occasion... it could be just snuggling on the sofa under a cover with a cup of tea and a movie or a book. Or it could be putting on some latin-american music and dancing in the middle of the sittiing room. Or going out for a walk (especially if it's Spring), maybe stopping at the playground and claiming a swing for a quarter of hour...  Or sitting around a table with my friends chatting and/or playing cards/board games.
You are one of the most consistent reviewers on HPFT. Any tips for us? What do you enjoy about reviewing?
Oh... well... I really, really enjoy the feeling of getting a new review, so I like to share that joy with other people. The idea that I can make someone happy makes me happy. That, and sometimes I get so invested in a story that I just need to keep reading (any reference to Stella Blue's Icarus is purely coincidental) and I want the author to know how brilliant they are! Unfortunately time is always limited and it's hard to keep up (too much good stuff to read, to little time and energy) so most of my reviews now are for my request thread or (when I manage to spare some time for it) for swaps. But if I do happen to read something just for the pleasure of it and enjoy it, I always try to leave a comment, maybe just a small one. It's a small effort for me while it might be so   important for the author.
Aside Harry Potter, what is another fandom that you absolutely love?
Two fandoms that I absolutely love (although I'm nowhere near as invested as I am with HP) are Star Wars and Percy Jackson! I think that Star Wars is a wonderfully emotional tale about generational conflict, love and redemption. As for Percy, aside from being about Mythology (which I adore) I just really, really love Rick Riordan's writing and his wonderful sense of humour!
What would Amortencia smell like for you?
Uhm... rain, peaches and freshly baked bread?
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maychorian · 7 years
Weekly Voltron Fic Recs #50
I am still not caught up on all the fics I’ve read that need to be commented on and recced. You might be getting another list in a few days, if I can keep up the momentum I’m currently on.
Rules: You can find past weekly rec lists here, and non-list recs in my general fic rec tag. Also follow @maychorianrecs for individually tagged posts, the easier to search and reblog. This is stuff I like, and I have a huge bias toward Lance, hurt/comfort, and general fluff, in that order. Gen unless otherwise noted. Please comment on the fics if you read and enjoy them!
Keith Doesn’t Have Time for Ghosts by aeruh for Forest_of_bread Words: 5,309 Author’s Summary: The Castle of Lions is haunted again, for real this time. Thankfully, Keith is a witch and knows how to deal with it. Unfortunately, he’s the only one who knows how to deal with it. My Comments: Keith’s approach to witchcraft and exorcism is absolutely hilarious. This was such a fun read from start to finish.
Breaking the Barriers by wingedflower Words: 4,277 Author’s Summary: A sequel to “Break Out, Break Down”. After Lance’s claustrophobia has casued him to collapse mid-training, Shiro decides it’s time for the paladins to have a heart-to-heart talk about their fears and phobias. My Comments: Sequel to a previously recced fic that’s one of my absolute favorites. It’s actually saved in my Favorite Fics folder at work so I can break it out when I’m feeling particularly in need some good Lance h/c. Anyway, this one is more focused on everyone else rather than Lance, but it’s still really lovely to see them all talking things out and supporting each other BEFORE it hits the fan.
BLUR by limeadepeels Words: 1,209 Author’s Summary: “Allura,” Lance says, “I don’t want you to freak out, okay?” “Why would I–” “You have a hole in your tummy,” Lance says like the soft words will minimize the seriousness of the situation. “I have my hands over it and I’m trying to seal it off. I need you to help me by not moving and not freaking out until we have an extraction, all right?” Allura does her part and stays very, very still. My Comments: Hurt Allura and comforting Lance is such a fantastic dynamic. I would love to see more like this from the fandom.
Precipitous by mongoose_bite Words: 1,933 Author’s Summary: Kolivan knows orbital decay when he sees it, and knows if too much force is applied to correct it the object will be flung into space, unrecoverable. Nevertheless, he resolves to try. After the events at Naxzela someone needs to talk to Keith. My Comments: Great fic with Kolivan taking pains to ground Keith after he almost flew off the rails. I’m a big fan of this sort of father-son interaction between these two.
Identity by Revasnaslan Words: 1,034 Author’s Summary: Cubs weren’t supposed to be up in the middle of the night, but Kolivan does his best to be patient with the ones that are. — Written for Keith Birthday Day 2 (Identity) My Comments: Very cute interaction between Kolivan and wee Keith.
Not Just Another Rescue by Eastofthemoon Words: 8,568 Author’s Summary: Keith spends some time with his new human friends at the mall. However, when he finds himself whisked away by Kolivan to return home, last thing Keith expected was for his new friends to come chasing after him. My Comments: Sequel to a previously recced fic in which the other paladins run across BoM Keith in a space mall and decide to befriend. I love the misunderstanding that fuels this one, and seeing Keith comfortable enough to be a brat with Kolivan was really cute and heartwarming.
The Lost Paladin by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions) Words: 17,991 Author’s Summary: If he doesn’t leave, all of him will be reduced to cinders. But if he leaves, all of him will be undone. A course that he will choose to chart, no matter how it breaks his heart. It’s a battle that cannot be won.- Their names burn inside him, seared onto his soul. Black coal sits in the centre of his chest, fuelling a fire that was soon to be smothered by the very people that set it ablaze. My Comments: This is painful, but very well done. After the war is done and it seems like Voltron is going to disband, Keith leaves the team before they can leave him. Years together he’s found again, but it takes quite a bit of work to reconnect.
Safe Spaces by BluePlanetTrash Words: 1,620 Author’s Summary: Whenever Lance felt sick at home, he would find a small place to curl up until he felt better. Too bad the other paladins didn’t know this when Lance suddenly goes missing. My Comments: Cute little fic with everyone panicking over Lance, aww. He’s fine.
something wicked by ashinan Words: 8,206 (2/4) Author’s Summary: It’s been weeks since Shiro went toe to toe with the white haired demon in that old house. When the next haunted excursion leads the gang to a supernatural Bed and Breakfast, a new player makes itself known. My Comments: Sequel to a previously recced fic. This AU is so good. I love Shiro’s protectiveness, as always, though it’s a bit frustrating and I just want him to TELL the others what’s going on, holy crow. The spooky descriptions and action sequences work really, really well, and it’s just all around delightful to read and immerse myself in this story.
what goes up by eugyne (AreteNike) must come down by eugyne (AreteNike) the law of gravity by eugyne (AreteNike) Words: 2,991, 3,255, 2,713 Author’s Summary: All Mark Kogane has left is his infant son and the empty sky. All Mirana Espinosa has left is her infant son and the memories of other times. All Colleen Holt has left is her teenage daughter and her husband’s collection of extraterrestrial paraphernalia. (This series can be read in any order.) My Comments: I really loved this canon-divergence AU built on the POVs of three parents who lose their partners, their foundations, and their children. The worldbuilding and character interactions were both fantastic and fascinating. Each story is satisfying alone, but reading all three really gives a sense of meat and heft to the world. I would happily read more in this ‘verse.
i used to recognise myself (it’s funny how reflections change) by watervld (helpmechildren) Words: 2,671 Author’s Summary: Everyone expects Lance to be with Hunk, because that’s the way it works; Lance and Hunk, side by side, taking down whatever bad guy stands in their path through excessive screaming and heartfelt reunions. Lance isn’t with him. Everyone starts to worry. My Comments: Lance disappears, and when he’s found again, he has amnesia and it’s years later. Bittersweet, emotional fic, kinda sticks in the brain. There’s a note of hope at the end, but it’s not a fluffy fic, just to warn you.
Two Inch Trust by SilverArson Words: 2,361 Author’s Summary: The Velqi have mastered transporting large amounts of material through small containers. When the paladins attempt to rescue victims of an illegal slave trade, Lance is trapped and they aren’t sure how to get him out. My Comments: A cracky premise treated seriously, which is the best way to do a cracky premise, sometimes. Anyway, Lance gets shrunk and stuck in a jar, and it’s more intense and scary than funny. Great protectiveness from the team.
Tastes Like Coffee by itsthevoid Words: 2,213 Author’s Summary: All Hunk has ever wanted was to live a normal life. Being a technopath who works at the most supernatural café in the word, that is all but impossible. At least Lance is still normal, even if he drinks Pumpkin Spice Lattes a bit too often. Or: AU where everyone is supernatural and works at an even more supernatural café, and neither Lance nor his coffee is what Hunk thinks it is. My Comments: The worldbuilding in this AU is fantastic, and the Hunk and Lance interaction is wonderful. I would happily read something much, much longer in this setting.
make yourself right, never mind them (don’t you know you’re not the only one suffering?) byorange_yarn Words: 3,143 Author’s Summary: Missing scenes for Reunion & Black Site. Matt feels the need to make amends. He’s not the only one.Fill for the “atonement” prompt on my hurt/comfort bingo card. My Comments: I wish we got something like this in canon, but fanfiction is great for filling in these emotional gaps.
sleep now, and dream of the ones who came before by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions) Words: 1,746 Author’s Summary: Keith pulls his own strings, but his trembling hands can hold nothing right now. The final pieces of his composure slip, evade his reach. He trips, on the verge of his own unravelling. My Comments: Kolivan is a good dad. 4.01 missing scene.
Serenity by this_book_has_been_loved Words: 1,238 Author’s Summary: Lance has trouble sleeping, and decides to take a walk My Comments: I always love Pidge and Lance supporting each other.
Nightmares by luoup (ravenic) Words: 1,599 Author’s Summary: Day 1 Prompt 2: Nightmares Nightmare coping techniques My Comments: Cute and midlly bittersweet fic with the entire team coping together.
Icarus et Dea Tacita by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee Words: 7,356 Author’s Summary: She’s drenched in blood; she’s literally cut open, how-? Keith doesn’t know, and the closer he is to her the more certain he becomes that he’s seen her before, that this is one of Lotor’s generals, but he knows he’s going to try to save her. No soldier or civilian left behind. Shiro’s taught him so much, but he learned that one from Pidge and Lance and Hunk.While on a mission for the Blade, Keith finds a dying Narti and saves her life. Friendship ensues. My Comments: What a fantastic premise. Keith and Narti form such an interesting and natural friendship, two people who don’t quite feel like they belong anywhere. It was a pleasure to watch them slowly figuring out how to relate to each other. The worldbuilding is great, too. I would be pleased if canon was something like this.
Of Tremors, of Quake, of Rushing Landslides, of Broken Vale by twilighteve Words: 12,268 Author’s Summary: Lance’s eyes widened. “Oh man. You’re like our own Toph from Avatar.” Hunk blinked, because that was actually a pretty accurate description of what he was feeling. “I’m like Toph,” he echoed, a smile on his face. Hunk discovers his powers and beats a bunch of giant alien insects with the team. Also, he cusses alien badgers a storm. My Comments: Part of a series in which the paladins discover they have elemental powers. I love to see Hunk coming into his own in this. The worldbuilding is great and the action and adventure aspects are super fun, and protective Hunk is fantastic. Just a really, really fun read.
Number One Fan by Araloth Words: 4,255 Author’s Summary: Lance discovers a forum for fans of Voltron after one of their shows and can’t help diving into it. My Comments: Absolutely adorable. I loved how the mystery was solved in the end. Protective teammates are the best.
The Drifter by Bandity Words: 15,959 Author’s Summary: The team needs to figure out what’s wrong with Lance, before it’s too late. My Comments: Very cool fic with a great premise and fantastic execution. There are several scenes that were really memorable, and the worldbuilding is interesting and feels like a real place, if a bit spooky. Love Shiro and Hunk taking such a good care of Lance, as always. A great fic for Halloween. Going into my favorites, of course.
Previously Recced Fics That Updated:
As Color Fades Away (205120 words) Why it sucks to be a snake in space(47136 words) The Sea In Between (74253 words) Young Blood (7636 words) Road Trip to End Times (20349 words) Shadows of Stars (52425 words) Fusion Confusion (21601 words)
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