#any character can be improved with cat ears
flambo19 · 6 months
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Firefly but Kitty (firecat? catfly??)
And of course:
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faithshouseofchaos · 28 days
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“Thank you for everything” — Max Verstappen x Platonic!Fem!F1 academy!Driver
warnings—HEAVY ANGST death of a character and sad max
Word count 3.7k
The beginning of this fic is based on this video
Also thank you to @sweate-r-weathe-r and @jadesaturn for beta reading this thing
Max sat on the chair next to y/n's bed looking down at the girl. His friendship with her was important as she was like a little sister to him. Even then he saw himself in the younger girl — another version of him, hardworking and dedicated to the sport.
Max always thought Y/n would make it to Formula One if it wasn’t for the accident. She would have been a possible contender for the second Red Bull seat, which Max would do anything to make happen. Just like he’d do anything to wake her up.
He thought back to when they had that interview when y/n joked saying that “Max wasn’t allowed to retire until they were teammates,” something that he was fine with.
"Hi, I'm Max Verstappen, and I'm a Miami taxi driver," Max joked. Y/n smiled at the camera and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Y/n l/n, and I'm an F1 academy driver."
The two drivers were seated in the rear of the car, with Max holding a can of Red Bull, and Y/n clutching her water bottle. They both were wearing a Red Bull team polo shirt and a hat to match.
Max turned to Y/n and teased, "That sounded better than my intro," which led to a chuckle from both of them. "Stroopwafels or Poffertjes?" Y/n asked, sparking a friendly debate. "I would go with Stroopwafels, but that's only because I think I had too many Poffertjes when I was growing up," Max replied with a grin. The interviewer then asked about their most memorable races.
"For me, it's Barcelona because my first win was there," Y/n said, smiling and nodding her head. "Winning my first Formula 1 race, as well " Max responded with enthusiasm. "That was your first win in Barcelona, right?" the interviewer clarified. "Yep, Barcelona is good to us," Max confirmed, looking over at Y/n. "Yeah, Barcelona is good to us," Y/n chimed in.
The memory of the thrilling moment lingers vividly in her mind. She vividly recalls the exhilarating instant she surpassed Lia Block just as they crossed the finish line, securing first place. Her veins pulsed with adrenaline as she gingerly rose from the car, feeling the weight of her legs and the trembling sensation. With a triumphant smile, she emerged from the car and dashed toward the barrier where her team awaited, leaping into the air amidst the cheering crowd. Y/n's heart pounded wildly in her ears, reminiscent of the thundering sound of galloping horses in full stride.
The interview moved on to discussing their racing career and their experiences. Y/n shared how she started in karting and worked her way up through the motorsport ladder. Max chimed in, recalling his karting origins as well as the passion and dedication throughout his journey. The interviewer asked, "What's the best part about being a driver?"
Max answered, "It's the adrenaline rush of racing and the feeling of success when you win a race." "I agree," Y/n added. "The thrill of racing and the satisfaction of improving." The interview continued, and the conversation shifted to their off-track lives.
"What's your favorite pastime outside of racing?" the interviewer asked. "I like to relax and spend time with friends and family," Y/n replied. Max chuckled and added, "I'm a bit of a video game enthusiast."
"I've learned that playing video games requires as much focus and skill as racing," Y/n teased. "So, Max, any special someone in your life?" the interviewer jokes, prompting smiles from both drivers.
Max chuckled and jokingly replied, "Yeah, my two cats." Y/n joined in, chiming in with, "I have a goldfish, does that count?" Causing everyone around them to laugh at her statement. The interview took a lighthearted turn as they began discussing their favorite tracks and memories.
"Apart from Barcelona, what's your favorite track?" the interviewer asked. "Spa," Y/n responded without hesitation. "The Belgian crowds are amazing, and it's a historic track."
Max nodded, adding, "Spa's a good one. For me, it's hard to beat my home track, Zandvoort."
“Oooh I love Zandvoort” y/n responded with a gleam in her eyes. Max grinned, looking at Y/n's enthusiasm. "I knew you had good taste in tracks," he teased. "Zandvoort has a unique atmosphere, and the fans are passionate." The interview moved on to questions about their relationship, and the conversation took a more serious turn. "It's no secret that you two have a close relationship," the interviewer said. "How would you describe your bond?" Max looked at Y/n, waiting for her to respond. Y/n smiled and spoke with confidence, "We're like siblings. We know each other inside and out, and we can rely on each other no matter what." Max added to her answer, saying, "We support each other both on and off the track. It's a rare connection, and I'm grateful for it." The interviewer smiled and nodded “And lastly do the two of you see yourselves as teammates in the future?” They asked.
Max looked at Y/n, and they both smiled before Max responded with a hint of determination. "That's the plan. Y/n and I have been working together for years, pushing each other and learning from each other. Together, we could make history." Y/n nodded in agreement.
“I also told Max that he’s not allowed to retire until we become teammates” Y/n jokes. Max chuckled and jokingly retorted, "I guess I'll have to stick around for a bit longer, then." Y/n smiled, adding, "You better keep that promise. We have big dreams to fulfill." The interviewer wrapped up the interview, expressing gratitude to both Y/n and Max for the insightful conversation. As they walked out of the studio, Max turned to Y/n. "You know, you have a way with words." Y/n shrugged, "What can I say? We're a great team." "We are," Max agreed, putting his arm around Y/n's shoulder. "But I have to admit, you saying that I can't retire until we become teammates was pretty funny."
“Oh I was serious” Max chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Are you saying you'll try to block my retirement?” Y/n shrugged with a mischievous smile, "If that's what it takes to become teammates, then you bet I will."
Max shook his head in amused disbelief. "You're something else, you know that?"
Y/n just smiled, enjoying the lighthearted banter between them. “Trust me Max I know”
Wiping away the tears from his eyes Max's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the hospital room door opening. A nurse entered, checking on Y/n's vitals and making sure everything was alright.
Taking a moment to observe the girl, Max couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. Despite the steady beeping of the heart monitor, Y/n lay eerily still in her bed, her condition critical.
The nurse, sensing Max's concern, walked over to him. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder rubbing her thumb against his shoulder.
“You should go home and get some rest” the nurse suggested in a soft but firm tone. Max scoffed at her statement he wasn’t exactly in the mood for unsolicited advice from anyone at the moment.
"How is she doing?" Max inquired, his voice filled with worry, he didn’t care about anything else that wasn’t his friend.
The nurse glanced at Y/n's chart before responding, "Her condition remains critical, but no change so far."
Max nodded, staring at Y/n's still form, praying for some sign of improvement.
“I meant what I said before Mr.Verstappen you should go home and rest. I don’t think your friend would want you to sit here and beat yourself up over something you can’t control.” The nurse says with a tight-lipped smile and a soft tone.
Max turned his attention back to his friend. He reached out to hold Y/n's hand, feeling the coolness of her skin against his own.
"Come on, Y/n. You've got to pull through," Max whispered, his voice cracking slightly.
Max closed his eyes, recalling the memory of the accident vividly. He could still hear the sound of the collision and the sight of Y/n's car spinning out of control. It was a scene that he had replayed countless times in his mind.
He remembered the rush of fear and adrenaline when he first saw the accident and the way his heart stopped when he realized it was Y/n in the mangled car.
Max clenched his fists, the emotions from that day flooding back to him. The helplessness he had felt as he watched the paramedics rush to the scene, the desperate hope that she would be okay. And the sickening feeling in his stomach when he was informed of the extent of her injuries.
Y/n’s skin was covered in dark purple bruises and cuts that were covered with gauze, curious Max reached over and grabbed the folder that contained the information about Y/n’s injuries. She had eternal bruises and a fractured rib followed by two broken ones; her femur, the radius, and the ulna in her right arm were also broken. The more Max read on her injuries the more he felt sick to his stomach.
Y/n also had a small hairline fracture in her skull instinctively Max touched the side of his head from when he had his big accident back in 2021 during the Silverstone Grand Prix realizing how lucky he was. Continuing reading the charts y/n was also punctured by a piece of carbon fiber slicing through her Kidney, Liver, and aorta artery causing major blood loss the more Max read about y/n the sicker he felt.
The accident had happened during a pre-season Barcelona test. It was supposed to be just a routine session, a chance to try out some new car parts and strategize for the upcoming season.
But things went awry when Y/n lost control of her car on the rain-dampened track. Her car skidded out of control, slamming into the safety barrier with a sickening crunch.
The impact had been severe, and Max's heart stopped as he watched the chaotic scene unfolding before him. Max watched on the monitors as the medics worked on pulling her bloodied and unconscious form from the wreckage.
In that instant, Max's world had shifted. The laughter and banter they had shared just moments ago in the interview room now felt like a cruel echo of the present. As he sat by her bedside, holding her motionless hand, all Max could think about was how unfair life could be.
Somehow by the grace of god, Max was convinced that he should go home, shower, and rest. Sighing Max walked into his apartment tossing his keys onto the table by the door he was also greeted by his two cats Jimmy and Sassy who he was grateful to see.
“Hi guys,” Max says squatting down to pet the cats who were happy to see their dad. “Are you hungry?” Max asked walking into the kitchen to feed the cats. Once the cats were fed and happy Max went to his bedroom turning on the light he walked over to his dresser picking out clean clothes to put on after his shower. Emptying his pockets Max plugged in his phone to charge while he was showing.
In the bathroom, Max gazed at his reflection in the mirror. He appeared worn out, with a complexion flushed and swollen from tears. His eyes were bloodshot and stung from sleep deprivation, and the dark circles beneath them were a deep shade of purple. Once Max took in his appearance he turned in the shower to the desired temperature of water and stripped out of his clothes.
The hot water felt good on his sore muscles, something Max was grateful for in that moment. He stood there underneath the water until it turned cold. That's when Max got out of the shower and got dressed. It wasn’t long after his shower Max got into bed for the night sleep welcoming him as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Max was woken up by the sound of his phone ringing groaning out in exhaustion. He sat up in bed and looked at his phone to see who was calling him. Max felt his heart race at the sight of y/n’s calling him. Max immediately. Answered her phone call.
“Mrs. L/n is everything alright?” Max asked, standing up to pace around his bedroom.
Max was met with silence from the other end of the phone “Oh Max I’m so sorry” Mrs. L/n lets out shakily and Max’s heart breaks even more than it already was.
“No no she didn’t— she’s still here she has to be,” Max says in denial refusing to accept the harsh reality that his friend was gone.
"Max, I'm sorry. She’s gone," Mrs. L/n says, letting out a broken sob, and with a single sentence Max's whole world came crashing down around him with a choking sob and an anguishing scream.
The warmth she felt was a kind of warmth that radiated from the sun and she also felt safe, which was kinda ironic since the last thing she could remember was her car spinning out of control just before crashing into the barrier before her whole world had gone pitch black and cold.
Opening her eyes Y/n noticed that she was lying in soft green grass looking around she noticed a group of people standing around a freshly dug grave. Confused, Y/n stood up brushing off the black dress pants she was wearing. Black pants that she didn’t remember putting on hell Y/n didn’t even remember how she got here in the cemetery.
The closer y/n got to the group of people she realized that these were her closest friends and family. Looking around she noticed Max who stood tall and composed, dressed in a black suit as he looked out over the funeral service. It was a beautiful ceremony, yet the grief weighed heavily in the palpable air.
As Y/n approached the group, no one seemed to notice her presence. They were all deeply immersed in the funeral service, their faces etched with grief and sadness. The air was heavy with a mix of sorrow and acceptance, a stark reminder of the reality they were facing.
Her parents were seated in the front row, silently weeping. Max stood nearby, his gaze fixed on the open grave where her coffin would soon be lowered.
Feeling out of place and utterly confused, Y/n tried to approach Max, hoping to get his attention. But as she neared him, her body passed directly through him, making her gasp in surprise.
Max didn't react, not even seeming to notice the feeling of her presence passing through him. It was a surreal and unsettling experience for Y/n, who couldn't make sense of what was happening.
a realization dawned on Y/n as she took in her surroundings, the people gathered at the funeral, and the grave that was awaiting her. She remembered the accident and the blackness that followed, the absence of any feeling or sensation.
"Am I...am I dead?" she asked aloud, her voice barely above a whisper.
The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, crashing down on her with the weight of finality. She wasn't just injured or in a coma; she had lost her life in the tragic accident.
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, her chest feeling tight as the reality of her situation sank in. She had been so focused on her dreams and ambitions, so determined to become a Formula 1 driver, and now it was all over.
She looked at her parents, grief-stricken and tearful, and then at Max, a man who had become like a brother to her through their shared passion and friendship.
The weight of sadness and regret settled deeply in her heart as she watched Max standing there, stoically carrying on without her. As the ceremony continued, Y/n realized that she was nothing more than a specter, an observer of the event that marked her death. She was a ghost, unseen and unheard, a silent witness.
The realization was both heartbreaking and surreal. She had dreams, aspirations, and a future that had all been snatched away in a single instant.
At that moment, Y/n just wanted to reach out and touch Max, to tell him how much he meant to her and how much she would miss him.
But she knew it was futile. She was trapped in this ghostly state, unable to interact with the living world in any meaningful way.
All Y/n could do was watch from the sidelines as her friends and family said their final farewells, her heart aching with a mixture of sorrow and longing.
Soon the funeral came to an end and y/n watched as Max placed a single flower on top of the coffin.
“Vaarwel Zus,” Max says with a whisper.
As Max stepped back from the grave, the finality of the situation weighed heavily on him. Y/n saw the grief etched on his face, mingled with a sense of loss and acceptance.
"Vaarwel," Max whispered again, his voice filled with nostalgia and sadness.
Y/n watched as her mom approached Max, her voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. Tears streamed down her face, and she struggled to find the right words.
"Max," she said, her voice quivering, "Thank you for being there for my daughter. She always spoke so fondly of you. You were like family to her."
Max, his expression filled with a hint of sadness, placed a comforting hand on her mom's arm.
"Y/n was also family to me," he replied softly. "She was one of the strongest and most determined people I've ever known. I'm honored to have been her friend."
Y/n smiled faintly as she listened to their conversation. Despite the circumstances, it warmed her heart to know that Max cared deeply for her and that their bond extended beyond their shared passion for racing.
“Oh Max you should have been there" She got the call for pre-season testing in Barcelona. She was so excited I've never seen her so happy Y/n was excited to become your teammate” Mrs.L/n says
Max's eyes softened upon hearing those words. He remembered how Y/n had joked about them becoming teammates, and a pang of sadness hit him. That dream would never become a reality now.
"I remember," Max responded, his voice filled with nostalgia and regret. "She deserved that chance. Y/n had more talent and determination than anyone I knew."
Mrs.L/n nodded, tears still streaming down her face. "She looked up to you, you know."
Max looked down, guilt and sorrow filling his heart. "I should have been there to guide her, to support her. But it's too late now."
Mrs.L/n reached out to grasp Max's arm gently. "Don't blame yourself, Max. You were an excellent friend to her. Y/n was an amazing girl, but fate had other plans."
Max's eyes met Mrs.L/n's, and he saw a mixture of pain and acceptance. "I'll always feel like I could have done more. She was so young, with so much potential and ambition."
Mrs.L/n's voice trembled as she spoke again. "She had so many dreams. She wanted to make her mark in Formula 1."
"And she would have," Max said, his voice filled with conviction. "Y/n was born to race."
They stood there in silence, the weight of the loss hanging heavily. Max's mind was flooded with memories of Y/n - the laughter, the banter, the shared passion for racing. The emptiness she left behind felt immense.
The connection they had was unique, and now with Y/n gone, Max felt the absence more than ever. He could only hope that wherever she was, Y/n was surrounded by peace and happiness.
Mrs.L/n looked up at Max, gratitude filling her eyes. "You were like a brother to her, Max. Thank you for being there for her. Thank you for being a part of her life."
Max gently squeezed her arm, his voice cracking with emotion. "I was lucky to have her as a friend. Y/n was one of the best people I've ever known. She'll always be in my heart."
They stood there, two people connected by a profound loss, each silently honoring the memory of Y/n. The bond they shared, forged through their love for her, would endure with time.
Mrs.L/n hugged Max tightly, her body trembling with grief. "Please take care of yourself," she murmured. Max nodded, holding her close and providing comfort and unwavering support.
"I will," he assured her. "I'll make sure to honor Y/n's memory and continue living passionately. That's what she would have wanted."
They shared a moment of silent understanding before Mrs.L/n pulled back, her eyes still filled with tears. Max stepped back, watching as she walked towards the car with her husband and children, leaving him alone at the graveyard.
Y/n stood there with tears streaming down her face as she listened to her mom and friend talk about her. All she could do was smile sadly at the two of them as they had their conversation. She watched as her mom and Max had one last hug before parting ways.
“Goodbye, Mom I love you,” Y/n says, reaching out fingertips lightly brushing against her mom's arm causing her to falter in her steps looking over to where her daughter stood, seeing nothing she shook her head and kept walking the car.
Y/n turned to look at Max who stood firm in his position “Thank you Max for everything” she said reaching up to try to wipe away one of his tears.
Max was overwhelmed by a sense of comfort that washed over him as if it had hit him like a ton of bricks. Looking up and around, Max couldn't shake the feeling that Y/n's presence was with him. He was certain that she was right there with him.
“Thank you for everything Y/n” Max says, smiling a small smile.
“tot ziens broer” Y/n whispers before going into the light.
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lizdive · 2 months
Heyy :3 I saw your Lynette! Reader and I'm love with it 🥰 Can I also request some version for Welt, Gallagher, Argenti? Ofc platonic all they wayy [I love ur work 🫶🫶🫶]
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Yes you can nonnie 🫡🩷 thank you so much for your sweet words MWAH MWAH 🫶🫶 thank you for requesting !! if you’re unsatisfied just tell me and i’ll redo it <33 ALSO !! NOT CLICKBAIT I GOT TWO POSTS OUT TODAY AND THE CROWD WENT HOME 💯‼️ *Comically gets tomatoes thrown at me* /j
notes 𐙚 gender-neutral reader — "you" used to refer to reader ,, reader is a teenager ,, reader is based off of "lynette" from the game genshin impact ,, platonic relationships ,, mentions of being sold, close to being 'used', creepy old men, and other things relating to lynette’s past ,, mentions of various other characters in various parts ,, platonic relationships ,, not proofread ignore typos
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⭑ Much like Dan Heng, WELT did not expect you to fully trust anyone on the express quickly, which was why he tried to make himself seem as welcoming as possible even though he very much is welcoming on his own.
⭑ He was patient with you and respected your boundaries, and when you’d give him your wacky replies he’d just nod his head and leave you alone. He never pushed you to do stuff with any of the members and was overall pretty chill.
⭑ His comforting and welcoming vibes alone helped you trust him easier than the other members of the express, and soon enough Welt found himself walking around with you trailing behind him like a duckling. If he was sitting in the parlor cart, you were next to him practicing or showing him your card tricks. If he was in his room, you were probably there just in the corner doing your thing.
⭑ Tea time anytime anywhere. WELT will always have the time to enjoy tea and snacks with you whenever you’d like! If you make your treats yourself, he’ll help you make them, too. It’s nice bonding time. He’ll also learn a thing or two about tea making from you as it seems that you take the art very very seriously.
⭑ He’s not a swordsman by any means but he’s seen many different fighting styles in his time so he’ll give you some tips on how to improve. He’d still prefer for someone else to properly mentor you and by someone else I mean Dan Heng as he’s the closest one to a swordsman on the express.
⭑ Like some others in the first part, he’ll keep something sweet with him in his pocket so if you’re ever craving something sweet or feeling hungry in general he’ll be able to hand you the sweet treat easily. Feels bad whenever he doesn’t have anything on hand, especially when there aren’t any stores nearby.
⭑ He can do the talking for you if you want him to. He’ll calmly tell others that you aren’t comfortable with conversations and that he’ll be doing the talking for you during interactions. If they don’t cooperate then he’ll just,, leave with you. He needn’t waste both of your times with someone who cannot respect boundaries.
⭑ Not surprised by your feline features as he’s seen many things in his time, but if you lean more into the feline mannerisms he’ll give you extra head-pats and ear scratches and may buy you cat toya if you want them. Makes sure you take care of your nails too!! Doesn’t want you hurting yourself.
⭑ He doesn’t mind participating in your performances. He,,,, he has experience on stage,,,, ahaha,,,, WELT can entertain a crowd! Doesn’t like the tricks that involve the both of you getting a bit messy thought like the water container, but he’ll indulge you in any other tricks! He also doesn’t mind watching your performances! He’ll smile and clap after every trick, praising your skill and what you do. He’s very supportive and would be honored if you teach him how you do what you do.
⭑ If you ever open up to him about your past, he’ll be there for you as he pats your head and rubs your back soothingly, telling you to take your time and that he’s so proud of you for getting through that and having the courage to tell him all of this.
⭑ Like Veritas, I don’t think WELT do anything to the man should he still be alive. He’ll help you forget him if you’re bothered by the memories and help you heal should you be repressing emotions. He’ll teach you how to accept and will make sure by the end of your journey you’ll be the best self you can be. He’s already so proud of you.
⭑ You both are like old people with technology and both learn as you go. A member of the express teaches WELT something, he’s quick to message or tell you about it and vice versa.
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"Humans are complicated creatures. Even when they are not doing so intentionally, they will still unconsciously hide their true selves. Though I can always notice a few 'redundant' details, I won't expose their facades when it isn't necessary."
"That’s… very nice of you?"
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⭑ You were a performer at the bar, many of the patron and visitors flocking to the bar just to watch your amazing performances. GALLAGHER couldn’t deny that you were a talented kid, and he also quite enjoyed your performances.
⭑ You were young, so it’s not surprise some people did try to get you to work for them instead in hopes of exploiting you. GALLAGHER would always step in if they were being too insistent and sometimes even kick them up, however most of the time they left you alone due to your eccentric replies. They always made him snicker in amusement secretly.
⭑ GALLAGHER will make you drinks as you work and fix up small snacks if there’s anything available. Because of you he’s become a bit of a tea-making expert. Every time you take a break or finish a performance he’ll have a nice cup of tea set up for you in the staff room at the back. He awaits your feedback.
⭑ When you invite him to joins you in your tea breaks? He’s either tossing the bar to Siobhan or another employee, and if there’s non then uhm,,, yeah he can’t join you but he’ll make it up to you! And if you help him with drink making he’ll cry a bit internally. You’re such a good kid,,,
⭑ Not only are you both a good duo in the bar, but you both are a good duo in officer work. He’s is a bit intimidated with your swordsmanship, but he also admires your quick and clean cuts. You become his unofficial official assistant sometimes when it comes to snatching up criminals and it’s actually kind of fun.
⭑ You suck at technology, he’s decent at it, he doesn’t mind. If you want to improve he’ll help you out but if you don’t he’ll supervise you whenever you’re using anything relating to technology so that you don’t burn the bar down or something. Is it possible to get hurt in the dreamscape? I can’t remember. But still, he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
⭑ Calls you 'kitty' jokingly but if you get upset he’ll drop it. Also, only he’s allowed to call you that. Nobody else. He feels that if others do it then it’s mocking you — even if they mean well he just doesn’t like it so only he can do it.
⭑ He’ll help you practice but I don’t think he’d perform insane acts with you. Maybe the more simplistic ones or ones that don’t require him doing really complex things. He just doesn’t want to mess up and ruin your acts. If you want him to do a dramatic announcement for you before you go on stage, he’ll do so happily.
⭑ The moment you open up to GALLAGHER trust that he’ll make sure you’re much more guarded and kept safe. He’ll also be much more observant of the patrons and visitors and nobody will be offering you work offers. He’ll ask you during your break times if anyone tried to do anything to you, and if so, to give him as many details as you possibly can. No need to ask why — he’ll deal with them.
⭑ Should the man that you were sold to dare be alive and enter the bar, GALLAGHER will have him out of there before you even catch a glimpse of him. He’ll also make sure that man is out of the dreamscape. Man, Sleepie has been needing a new toy as of recent!
⭑ Does the talking for you but at the same time not many people will be talking to you anyways after your performances because you’re having your tea break and so he’ll tell anyone that wants to interact with you that you’re unavailable for the rest of the time.
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"If you explain a magic trick, then the allure of the performance is lost. Personal relationships are the same. If you want to understand me, why not learn a bit at a time, and gradually piece together a complete picture?"
"I like how you think, kid. Don’t change your mindset ever, got it?"
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⭑ A new feline-featured performer holding a show in a planet nearby? Oh how delightful! ARGENTI’s getting a ticket to your show the second they’re available! He’s always loved performances and shows as they show how skilled others are and are always so beautiful.
⭑ He absolutely loved your performance and even wanted to thank you personally for the lovely time! And so after the lights were back on and all guests left, he made his way outside in search of you with an appreciative rose in hand which he expected he’d be able to give to you.
⭑However, what ARGENTI didn’t expect was for you to give him the wackiest response ever. He blinked, handed you the rose, and then continued to converse with you. He’s like Sunday but oblivious — there is no winning with him he can talk for hours.
⭑ It’s a huge yapper / listener situation. You travel a lot for performances and he travels a lot in search of Idrila, so you can’t escape him because he has the excuse to follow you around. Well, he does protect you even if it’s not needed due to your swordsmanship, but it’s convenient so you guess it’s fine.
⭑ ARGENTI also does all the talking for you which is a nice and huge bonus. Sometimes he does it without even realizing and nobody is able to make him shut up. It’s a big win win for the both of you and he never brings it up out of concern because you don’t seem bothered by it.
⭑ Finds your feline features beautiful and would love to help you groom your ears and tail if you’d let him !! He’s be very gentle as he brushes out the loose furs and if you like head pats / ear scratches he’ll sneak them in while he grooms your ears. He’s somehow so good at it for being a first timer (or so he claims.)
⭑ Very present in your performances and will always be there to support you and cheer you on, handing you a rose as a congratulations for the successful show. If you perform for him alone during your free-time, he’ll clap with a big smile and tell you how wonderful that was and how you’re improving so much.
⭑ ARGENTI is probably the best performance partner out of everyone because he puts in so much emotion with the tricks and acts he pulls. Also, he doesn’t mind being in front of a large crowd and he manages to captivate their attentions so that’s a bonus. You’re deadpan and he’s very emotional. A good duo.
⭑ If you open up to him, ARGENTI will be appalled. Not at you — never ever you — but at that disgusting man who dared to even think about using you. He’ll promise you that he’ll make sure nothing like that ever happens again and then he’ll ask if there’s anything he can do to make you feel better. Would you like a specially prepared fish dish? Some sweets? Tea?
⭑ Speaking of tea, he loves tea time with you! It’s a nice time for the two of you to bond and relax from life, enjoying the flavors of the teas that would vary each time you prepared some. If you teach him how you make your teas he’ll be over the moon.
⭑ I don’t think ARGENTI is bad with tech, he’s probably pretty good, so he’ll help you figure out how to not bust everything that contains some sort of tech or machinery. If you break things he won’t be upset or anything — he’s a pretty patient person. He’ll care more about you and if you’re injured.
⭑ Spars with you and constantly praises your agility and clean cuts. You both share tips and tricks for tending to your weapons and fighting in general, too. ARGENTI won’t be too rough on you but he will put up a challenge — he genuinely wants you to improve!
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"Building a relationship with someone is like gambling. No matter how much information you have, it's hard to predict how other people might change. I've always had the habit of keeping a safe distance from others, but in your case... I'm willing to shoulder the risk of losing a bet."
"I promise you, you will not regret this gamble nor will you lose."
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halloweenacara · 11 days
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everyone so far! names & info under the cut
aske - halloween acara, he/they - horror artist & author, kinda the main character. he writes a horror-comedy comic, but his most famous work is a series of intense horror novels published under a pseudonym. he's secretly a huge scaredy-cat- unfortunate, given his housemates.
flora - mutant aisha, she/her - baker & activist. she runs a little bakery in the haunted woods that only employs other mutants. she's sweet as sugar, but you don't want to be on her bad side.
fossil - tyrannian elephante, he/him - anthropologist, museum curator, technically undead. he was found in a glacier on the border between tyrannia and terror mountain & revived. now, he has a special interest in tyrannian history, spending more time in the field than behind a desk. he will talk your ear off.
mu - burlap kau, he/they - fiber artist, gardener, ex-scarecrow. he used to live in a farm north of the haunted woods, then took himself off his stick and ran away. he sewed his legs himself, as he didn't have any originally, and has to fix them often. makes a lot of crochet plushies and blankets- stark contrast to the manor's otherwise spooky vibe.
pup - toy poogle, they/she - midi musician, streamer, sapient robot. they speak almost exclusively in internet memes and audio clips. she has a vast collection of expression stickers, one for every mood. recently, they've been visiting veknir's workshop every night…
maxie - ghost cybunny, she/her - tour guide/scam artist. she offers tours of the manor, even installing a little gift shop in the foyer. most of the 'haunted features' on the tour are fake. even if the others wanted her to leave (frankly, she's a rude, self-serving conwoman), she couldn't- she died in the manor. every time someone asks how she died she gives them a different story.
veknir - speckled grundo, he/him - alien, scientist, engineer. he keeps the manor running- repairing old appliances, fixing broken railing. of course, he did blow up the microwave trying to improve it. he crash-landed in the courtyard while fleeing someone and set up a workshop/lab in the basement. who knows what he gets up to down there? do we want to know?
alder - shadow skeith, she/her - groundskeeper. an intense individual, to say the least. she's been with the manor longer than anyone can recall. she mostly keeps to herself- she lives in a small cabin on the edge of the courtyard. she spends her time meticulously cleaning the tombstones, or lurking in the yard in the midst of heavy rain. aske is terrified of her.
rory - chocolate/halloween bori, he/it - some variety of candy-based creature. he only joined the group recently- previously he was known as the thing that howls and roars just past the fence line. he smells like candy corn and hot cocoa- apart from the bones, of course. those smell like death.
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glitterincandles · 3 months
smiling friends as discord mods ; ☆
crazy ass idea
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— glep (8/10 discord mod)
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i think of him as the social media manager of the company and if mr. boss trusts him that much to maintain a positive image of the company online then being a discord mod would be a breeze
can control some semi-complicated stuff in the server like role-setting with reactions and unlocking different channels by reacting to a message, definitely improves this function if he thinks its faulty
^^^ any technical difficulties within the server are
takes being a discord mod pretty seriously yet he has the ability to be lighthearted about it sometimes
often mass bans people over spamming or any other offense without alerting everyone else, so like no context banning
^^^ ppl initially had a problem with it but then they lightened up a little when they noticed that those mass bans actually improved the server
^^^^ he still scares the shit out of everyone though
always online and monitoring the server
profile ☆
has definitely splurged money on discord nitro and those discord profile decor and effects
his profile would be decked tf out and follow a purple/green aesthetic
^^^ he has the clyde invaders icon skin and his account profile is purple
^^^^ idk if he has an anime girl pfp or not bc on one hand he would definitely have one but on the other hand he'd have a profile pic of a character he likes from a game.
one thing's for sure tho is that he never felt the need to change his discord profile picture unless he was in a server made for his job then he'd just change that server's profile pic to put his face and that's it lol
discord username is probably like theamazingGlep69 or something
his discord bio is definitely a random video game quote and that's it
his spotify, xbox, and steam account are the only things connected to his discord
extras ☆
always energized by those gamer-advertised energy drinks
^^^ no specific preference for like g-fuel or gamer supps or something he just grabs whatever he can get his grimy little hands on
selectively sends friend requests to people and never accepts friend requests from randos
^^^ in fact he INSISTS on being the one sending the friend requests to people instead of it being the other way around
^^^^ as a result he has less than 15 people on his friends list and he's happy with it
he definitely unadds ppl he hasn't spoken to in a while though to keep it ~fresh~ or something
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— mr. boss (6/10 discord mod)
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ok so like
he isn't TERRIBLE at modding he knows the basics
he's just very... lax. he's the type to not see anything wrong with spamming or other similar offenses just because he genuinely doesn't think it's a big deal
^^^ he'd be like oh what theyre just expressing themself idk
^^^^ or like when it comes to random ppl dming mods he'd be like idk what if they just wanted to ask a question but were too shy to do it in the main server YKWIM?????
he already lets his employees do what they want during their shifts so it wouldn't be very different in a discord server
because it's online, he already doesn't take it very seriously lol he'd just find any chaos amusing
it's like a giant group chat!!!!
BUT DESPITE ALL THAT, he's really good at organizing server events like giveaways and movie/game nights
he'd always make sure to make the events fun and accessible for everyone
as a result most of the server usually participates in the events
he's just not good at... moderation in general
he also doesn't enjoy the banning/warning ppl aspect bc it makes him feel really bad
profile ☆
he has an anime girl pfp and/or has matching pfps with ppl for a certain amount of time ONLY if they match his profile theme
his profile is a cutesy kawaii light pink anime girl aesthetic
^^^ he'd have the cat ears icon skin and his profile would be pink
^^^^ an evil part of me wants to say he has a sailor moon pfp
yes he also has discord nitro
what else will he do with the money he earns
he has cutesy kaomojis in his bio too and probably has the initial of someone in a text heart like < b 3 (b for brittney LOL)
only his spotify is connected to his profile
extras ☆
also brittney was his discord kitten
^^^ they had matching anime couple pfps
^^^^ they'd always vc
^^^^^ have fallen asleep on vc once
he uses cringe text faces like uwu or owo just bc he knows everyone hates it
^^^ he thrives off of the negativity idk
everyone in a server he moderates would probably feel the safest dming him out of every other mod
^^^ his dms r always open
ok so i know that he has normal ass headphones but hear me out. give him pink cat ear headphones. it's perfect
he has more than the usual amt of discord friends
he always has aesthetic ass discord statuses
has his online status set as idle bc its cuter
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— allan red (7/10 discord mod)
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he's the mod that everyone complains abt
definitely rewrites the rules and makes sure they're enforced at all times
he's the typa person to call someone out if they break the rules in any capacity
"@/feetlicker Please change your name, that is not appropriate"
"@/charlienipples No memes in general chat, go to #meme-channel."
unlike glep though, he gives a lot of context as to why he'd ban someone
^^^ maybe 2 much context
^^^^ in fact he very rarely bans ppl, the most he sends out is a very detailed warning in dms
always types in full sentences
most server members are afraid of dming him actually he's sorta intimidating
he definitely keeps the server in order but his reputation is just not the best
but he is very confrontational so if someone is causing a problem he isn't afraid of getting it dealt with
he's usually tagged during disputes bc he's level-headed enough to deal with them and offers good points
^^^ that doesn't stop others from thinking he's annoying though :((
very misunderstood but has good intentions
he has a set schedule on when he logs in and moderates, then gives himself free time
so basically he isn’t online all day
profile ☆
he’d have one of those blank discord profiles
like he’d make it normal-ish but he wouldn’t care too much abt sparkly text themes or connecting any of his other socials to it
uses a picture of himself as his icon and has a matching red background that is randomly generated by discord
^^^ (he didn’t pay for discord nitro)
^^^^ (everyone point and laugh)
^^^^^ (he just doesn’t find it necessary since he isn’t online THAT often)
his username is either his full name or a very absurd npc name (like scaryantelopes2536) theres no in-between
he never has a status set
clean profile but its boring to look at basically
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takes online status very literally— if he doesn’t want to be disturbed, he puts dnd, if he’s online, he sets it as online, etc etc (so surprisingly very honest)
his profile pic looks professionally done in a studio then unfortunately it got very pixelated as a result of discord itself so its kinda funny looking
his friends list is only the 4 other ppl from smiling friends
doesn’t know or like brainrot or modern internet slang so when ppl say skibidi toilet or sigma rizz he genuinely has to get up and walk around outside to stay sane
is usually the one being trolled/pranked
IS the one that cringes at mr. boss using uwu or owo
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— charlie dompler (5/10 discord mod)
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HE'S THE TYPE TO be really good at it first then he'd lose interest
he'd get a high from it bruh
just the idea of having power would be enough to get him rolling
for the first couple months he'd be all up in the server channels being hella active
he'd stay up all night just moderating bc its exciting to give someone a warning if they act up or whatever
^^^ if he gets sleepy he drinks an energy drink
*someone fucks up in a server* "Ooh, oooh-- this is my favorite part, man. Watch, watch." *sends a 2 word dm to the person that just says 'warning One'* "Oh, haha! that--that was so fun."
yea he'd be riding on dopamine hits of doing good for the server
since he'd be sleep deprived he'd misspell a lot and send short answers so if someone asks why they were banned he'd give very short answers
"hey why was i banned lol" "bad" "what" "yeah"
i don't think he'd do much in the server other than moderate and make new channels
then he gets bored.
uh oh
all of a sudden he's very relaxed about everything so he would probably stop moderating so much
he would probably be doing the bare minimum now lol
5/10 bc he goes in and out of caring and not caring so i guess sometimes he's pretty good
discord is probably one of the only socials he is really active on
he would give himself dumbass roles just bc
profile ☆
some sort of meme/cursed profile icon with flaming sword icon skin
would definitely have an orange-themed profile in general bc he thinks its a color with an unfair reputation
every social he has will be linked to his damn profile
has a dumbass username
^^^ probably one of the only one of the 5 who doesn't use his real name on discord
^^^^ he would change his dn every once in a while JUST BC to be funny or something
its so stupid he would call himself the Poo Meister after letting a smooth one out
he's always on DND
uses his discord status to ask someone to play a game w him
extras ☆
he joins random meme servers just for the emotes
he's already a discord mod for like 3 servers rn and he's given up
he has a lot of online friends which is why he doesn't use his real name
he's always in a vc with someone
he's very very social online (i bet he has a popular twitter gimmick account too)
he made his current discord account when he was really young and he just stuck with the same one
he adds all the bots to servers he moderates bc he thinks he has amazing taste
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— pim pimling (7/10 discord mod)
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he would be the one doing all of the accouncements and questions of the day
he takes those jobs so serious
he types with caps on and uses encouraging gifs and emoticons (yes emojis too)
he never really moderates, he's the one just announcing things tbh he has a lot to say
even when he conveys bad news he'd do a little :P at the end just to soften the blow
(he's also the one who usually kindly lets people know why a certain mod banned them just in case said mod doesn't wanna elaborate)
his positivity pisses ppl off sometimes
don't shoot the messenger
he just logs in every morning, and writes a whole paragraph in announcements to wish everyone a happy day! then he types up the question of the day and logs off until the night
pim pimling is a very busy man
checks his notifs throughout the day tho (just in casies)
he just spreads positivity
one of the most important people in the server he's in at all times
he does intimidate ppl sometimes just bc of his role but he does try to be as not-intimidating as possible
if he's confronted on anything he does wrong he is quick to take responsibility for his actions
^^^ doesn't depend on the person's role, like if he bans someone's friend and the person pleads their case, he's very quick to apologize
^^^^ might cause him to be perceived as someone with no backbone but he's just very empathetic and understanding
profile ☆
his icon is definitely a picture of his face, probably some sort of cute selfie
similar to allan, he uses his full name in his discord dn and user
he does have nitro but he only uses it to change his discord background to a picture of nature
his bio would be long as shit. "Hi! (grin) I'm Pim Pimling and I'm 34 years old!" etc etc etc
^^^ definitely overshares in his bio too
has no socials attached to his profile at all
very straightforward profile
he uses his status a LOT to say the most random things?!>>W "Currently eating a bowl of cereal!"
extras ☆
he has a lot of people on his friends list bc despite everything ppl do have a soft spot for him
he had discord for a while like charlie did but he only ever used it to text friends and thats it
really interactive and responds quickly to dms
his dms r very open
he loves emoji reactions so much
he helps mr. boss with server events a lot
^^^ he also participates in every one
he likes using video calls in a vc
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hallo ^w^ i just want to end this off by saying i now have an ask box to submit any headcanon requests if needed!! yayy
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kaeyas-beloved · 1 year
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Character: Childe
— he’s hopelessly in love with you <333
CWs: spoilers for Childe’s real name, gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned), not proofread!
a/n: snatching this format that I’ve seen around Tumblr because I like it and it fits here. Will I use it again? Not a clue!
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hopelessly in love ajax who introduces you to his family relatively quickly and with little to no hesitation. childe feels with his whole being, love is no exception. so, when he can see a future with you, no matter what form that future may take, you meeting his family is the first step forward.
hopelessly in love ajax who’s all talk unless you make the first move. he can kiss you over and over and over again, teasing you along the way, but the moment you pull him forward and plant your lips on his face before he can is the same moment it’s all over for him.
hopelessly in love ajax who buys you gifts often but they all have sentimental value to them. he’ll but you flowers, handing them to you with the confession that he bought them because his love for you was too much to keep in his heart and no amount of words would describe what he was feeling. childe would also purchase your preferred jewelry - watch, ring, necklace, earrings, a bracelet, whatever you liked, as long as you promised to wear it whenever you went out. “so you’ll always have me with you!”
hopelessly in love ajax who refuses to let go of you once he has you in his arms. he acts like he might perish if he loses the warmth and love you radiate in your embrace! it’s not that he hasn’t received a hug in years, he gets plenty when he visits home, but there’s just something different in your hugs and cuddles that regular holds don’t have. a certain feeling they lack.
hopelessly in love ajax who grabs your wrist if you’re ever helping him take off his scarf or fatui mask, allowing his cheek to rest in your palm. you’ll find he nuzzles into it much like a cat would, but unlike a cat looking for warmth or to scratch an itch, ajax does it because your touch is one of the few things that soothes him after a long day, his mind instantly at ease.
hopelessly in love ajax who tries to impress you in any way he can. it starts simple enough, trying to flash his strength on the battle field and such, but the more he falls for you the more creative he gets. balancing a spoon on his nose, his (slowly improving) chopstick skills, leaping over decent sized creeks, anything to rouse some kind of pleasant response from you.
hopelessly in love ajax who flips between drowning you in whatever fancy dates his money can buy and the more simple, quieter date ideas. it’s never bad to change things up, he reasons, childe’s favourite being to take you out on walks through the nation’s scenery. whether it’s the snow dipped forests in snezhnaya, the golden mountains of liyue or even the green fields of mondstadt, as long as ajax is around, he’ll make sure you enjoy your time with him. (he certainly will be, because when dates like this happen is when he truly gets to connect with you!)
hopelessly in love ajax who’ll sometimes just stare at you. could be while you’re cuddling or sat at the table for a meal, his pretty blue eyes are on you, taking in all that you are. he’ll think how gorgeous you look, how luck he is someone like you loves someone like him, the darker sides of him and all. he thinks about how it’s now his mission to spoil and love you for the rest of his life, because anything less is a crime punishable by life behind bars.
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @saishin-michiyoshi // @ajaxstar // @genshin-impact-writings // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @lemontum // @akiria12167 // @ari-the-wr1ter // @dontmindmebeing // @xiaos-wife // @irethepotato // @milkwithspiceyicecubes // @stygianoir // @stage-lucida
. . .
Wanna be tagged in future works? Consider filling out this form! And if you want to be removed just DM or send an ask into my inbox!
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dawns-beauty · 7 months
List of Khajiit CC Mods I Really Like
While not quite as hard to find mods for as Argonians and Orcs, good Khajiit mods do tend to get little love.
Also, I purposely left out the fluffy body texture mod and HDT tails here, because I hate them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Khajiit Overhaul - the best part of this mod is the heads. They're high poly, but unlike the Khaj heads from High Poly Head, KO actually fixes the unnatural grimace vanilla Khajiit have.
There are options for new, bestial feet and a toe-walking stance as well. I recommend loading your texture mods after it.
Con: the male head sucks, imo. The nose is all wrong. I recommend using katiexmongo's preset as a base.
Lioness Look and Khajiit Male Lion Textures - personally, I hide everything from Lioness Look but the textures (the head is cool, but has issues with the mouth clipping). While not the best quality textures, they are patternless, which I honestly think looks better with markings in general.
Alternatively, CoverKhajiits is higher quality.
Khajiit Character Creation Extended (K.C.C.E.) - extension for RaceMenu that gives you more sliders for Khajiit faces. It is so good, seriously, you should get it ASAP if you don't have it.
3D Khajiit Brows - you know have cats have whiskers on their brows? This gives you 20 options of brow whiskers for your Khajiit.
Separated Khajiit Earrings for Character Creation - gives you some RaceMenu slides that let you give Khajiit earrings for each ear, regardless of hairstyle.
Beast Race Body Paints - adds some Khajiit and Argonian inspired markings for RaceMenu (personally I wish they were a little more inspired by actual feline markings, but oh well it's got some nice stuff)
Better Beast Race Scars - a higher quality and less saturated look for scars
More Beast Race Warpaints - tbh, I made my own RM overlay mod with these textures (they're great) so I can't speak to how this mod works with SE
Vanilla Warpaint Absolution - HQ update for face paints. I like the option to make it look a bit more like fur. Also has warpaint conversions, so you can use any regular human warpaint on beast races (and have it look right.)
Serval Khajiit Race - even if you don't want to use this (adorable!) new race, it replaces the vanilla Khajiit tintmasks (basically, eye liner, lip paint, etc) with what I think are vastly improved ones.
Note: it also replaces eye textures, so you will need to load any eye texture replacers after it.
Khajiit Hair - two really HQ and pretty hairs
Better Claws and Gauntlets DAV - I recommend this version over the original for its distribution method (DAV is really cool)
Natural Eyes - despite it being old as hell, this is the mod I like the most for Khajiit and Argonian eyes right now (I delete the rest of the textures.)
LM's Beast Teeth - not sure that this works with KO, but they look super nice compared to the gross grey vanilla teeth
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piratefern · 5 months
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(so you can tell whos who, and for those unfamiliar with rainworld)
I drew the main three rainworld characters from the base game and gave them environmental adaptations according to their play style for sillies :3
I gave survivor a more average slugcat body type as it serves as the “normal mode” of sorts in the base game. The back legs are spring like and adapted for jumping and quick manoeuvres. They have a streamlined head shape to allow for this movement, but their dew claws are also adapted into a hook like shape to improve grip on poles and ledges. They have a balljoint in the front legs to improve with this as it gives a fuller range of motion. They also have more omnivorous teeth, with molars, carnassials and incisors! They are fitted with big ears for good hearing, whiskers to measure spaces, and reflective eyes to improve with vision in the dark due to many areas being underground. Ontop of this they have a strong prehensile tail to allow for easier escape from predators.
some little things I added for sillies are the claw marks on the back and neck along with a bite mark where they would have gotten away from a lizard :3
Monk has similar base adaptations like the other slugcats such as the spring legs and good vision :3 But their nose is incredibly pointy, forcing the teeth into a more rodent like shape which aided in consumption of fruit but not excluding meats. They are also more streamlined than survivor, smaller and with shorter legs; their ball joints in the lower arms are stiffened for strength and their dew claw is similar to that of a cat’s. These factors are all to help improve running speed, and allows for monk to escape into smaller areas more effectively, they are less able to pick and choose fights like survivor but they aren’t incapable of killing.
My version of monk doesn’t have any visible scars to push the fact that they are adapted to opt for escaping rather than fighting :D
I ran out of red ink on the red slugcat, typical, hehe :3 Hunter has adapted for physical strength to improve success when, well, hunting! I had to take note that hunter does fight with spears rather than claws and teeth, so I noted that they wouldn’t be too drastic from the other slug cats, but still a lot stronger. So i gave them a more robust jaw for improved biteforce because fuck that apparently, as well as very ancient canines like that of thyacoleo to emphasise a meat based diet. Furthermore the dew claw is adapted into more of a proto-thumb than the others to aid in object handling, such as spears and debris. I say proto-thumb as it isn’t a fully formed opposable thumb, but more acts as something for the object being throw to lie on, improving accuracy and damage! The tail isn’t as prehensile as hunter’s body doesn’t need to rely on climbing to escape due to improved offensive adaptations. They don’t have whiskers due to their larger size, but have an improved sense of smell to track prey more effectively as they are a solitary predator.
My hunter has the infection around their back area like usual, but also has scars under their chin and the tip of the tail has been bit off from a vulture attack, where as the eye scar i believe came from a scavenger attack in cannon? But i could be wrong. I chose a vulture as they are the apex predator in most regions, and would make more sense them giving hunter the extra scars rather that a more secondary based predator such as lizards (like with survivor). The ears have also been affected, but thats up to you whether you think it’s infection or scaring, I can’t decide :3
Hope you guys like my headcannons, i love making adaptations for things its fun :3 reminds me a little of all tomorrows (but obviously nowhere near that scale lmao)
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venbubbless · 4 months
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Commissions Open Now!
(help an artist out pls 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒)
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
hey everyone! this is hoonie. I am a 18 y/o digital fanartist who often posts her art work on here, instagram and tiktok under the same username- venbubbless. I know I have been posting about doing commissions very often since I am doing it for a very cheap price(5-10$) but I would like to once again make a very official post on this announcing that I am doing commissions for 5-10$ only! Yes, its fullly rendered just like the examples provided in this post above and below. There are some things I will and won't do that I will list below for more information!
What I will drawᯓ★
light animal ears!(cat ears, fox ears, etc)
ship drawings
extra characters (will be separately priced tho!)
some rarepairs
original characters(ocs)
self inserts with fictional characters/ocs!
slightly suggestive art!
slight gore/blood!
What I won't draw⸝⸝୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
NSFW in any shape and form
furry artwork
comics of any sorts as I am still working to improve so this is unavailable as of now TT
any sort of minor/incest ships
children drawings with any sort of inappropriate commentary/clothing(cute fluff like damian and anya are FINE as long as you are not requesting anything inappropriate)
complex designs/backgrounds (as I mentioned, I am still working to improve myself)
𐙚⋆˚✿˖°Pricingᯓ ᡣ𐭩𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈
★Bust and headshots- 5$ (fully rendered pieces, see examples for references)
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★Sketches(of any sorts. NOT RENDERED OR COLORED!!)- 2-5$ depending on the size! (bust is 2, half body 5)
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(something like this ^)
★Half body- 10$ (fully rendered pieces as well. see examples for reference pls)
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additional pricings that I may charge depending on the drawings!
★5$- for an additional character (i,e- a plus one)
★2$- for complex designs. I am trying my best as of now, but if it is a challenging thing to draw, I will be charging extra 2$!
⊹₊ ⋆𐙚 Details and Summary──★ ˙ ̟🎀 !!
for more information, or to commission me, u can contact me on instagram @venbubbless since that is what I use the most! I can also provide u more info on there <3
(pls commission me guys i am hella broke TT TT)
I am open to drawing any fandom as long as it is meeting my do's and dont's ! I hope u will commission me <3
Thank you!౨ৎ ⋆ 。˚
, ╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ
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I just realized that my inbox is full and I haven’t answered anyone so here I’ll answer some of the questions that people have asked me because I feel bad for ignoring all these lovely people.
-Yes I’m okay, thanks to everyone for asking. I just didn’t post in a while because I’m mad inconsistent and also got busy with other things. This redesign series is just something I do for fun so if I don’t have time or get involved with other interests I might not post for a while.
- after I finish the superheroes redesigns I’ll do some of their civilian forms. I really dislike some of their outfits and think they could be improved in some ways. I’m also open to doing some akumas though I would have to be very selective on which I would do since there are just far too many for me to tackle without losing interest. I might even make some original heroes based on the miraculous in the North American box.
- I probably won’t do any of the New York special characters but you never know I could change my mind. I probably will do ladydragon from the Shanghai special but I’m still trying to figure out what direction to go with her since she technically doesn’t have a miraculous and doesn’t need to follow some of the design aspects of miraculous holders.
- I don’t know if I’ll do shadow moth with the ladybug or black cat miraculous since in the show he only had those looks for a very short amount of time, and since combining either cat or ladybug with both peacock and butterfly all together would be incredibly challenging to make a cohesive look. Like there are a lot of conflicting color palettes and motifs and I can’t see any way you could add cat ears to him without it being silly. Like honestly how do you turn shadow moth into a cat boy and keep him menacing, it’s something to ponder.
- I might do some season six lb and chat designs but I’ll probably wait to see what the show comes up with first to base mine off of. I generally like to take inspiration from canon when I can and just try to elevate those designs.
- some characters I haven’t done simply because I like the canon designs too much for example chat noir, shady bug, ryuko, and queen bee are all peak to me. That being said there are others that I also thought were peak that I either made small changes to or tried other directions with that I really enjoyed (bunnix, Rena rouge, Viperion, and purple tigress) so I might go back and do that to the other ones that I genuinely think have good designs.
- if anyone wants to use my miraculous art for fics, or draw any of my designs with credit I give full permission.
- finally I have a few redesigns that I’ve finished and have ready to post. I’ve got polymouse, ladybugs guardian upgrade, and the ice power ups for both ladybug and chat noir. I’m currently working on carapace and plan to do the water and space power ups next. I’m not super inspired to do Pegasus, minatourox, and king monkey but I do plan to do them I just need to play around with some ideas.
I like getting asks and comments so please feel free to do so, I’ll try to be better about checking my inbox and responding 😅
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years
Catch me
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Cat burglar!Reader.
Word count: 598 words.
Summary: Where Steve Rogers finds out that his soulmate is a well know cat burglar.
Warnings: Reader is a cat burglar, soulmate AU.
A/N: This is a request by anon.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940  @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae  @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers  @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow​ @writingshae​ @alexxavicry​ @azulatodoryuga​  @daemonslittlebitch​​​   @chaoticcollectivenightmare​  @endlesstwanted​
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Steve Rogers had felt strange; in the previous 75 years, he had never felt like this. It reminded him of himself before the serum; sometimes he felt like he was sticking, but he had no bruises or anything.
Also, another thing that seemed strange to him was that a name was going around in his head, a name he had never heard before, but the first time he said it out loud, he felt it was music to his ears; the name was Y/N, although, on the other hand, he didn't have the slightest idea where he had heard it; he never knew anyone with your real name before.
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You cursed when you realized there was an alarm that, at least until the day before, was missing; it took you two whole weeks to plan how to get in; you didn't think something like this could happen; people never set more alarms.
You ran; you knew it was only a matter of time before the police arrived on the scene. However, you knew you had to hurry when you saw that the problems had only increased and you could recognize the Avengers. Of course, who wouldn't recognize those heroes?
You had to hurry; you were not going to step on the prison because of them. You jumped, but something hit your leg, and you turned around, confused: Why did the man who had thrown the shield at you appear to be in pain in the same area where his shield had hit you?
You shook your head; you didn't have to be distracted; you should have used that moment to run away. You took a deep breath to try to ignore the pain, and you started to run.
"Y/N! "Steve shouted; however, you didn't stop.
Your breathing was agitated when you reached your hiding place; you couldn't hide your surprise. No one knew your real name; how come he did?
It didn't matter that you had been investigated; even in the records, there was a false name. You knew you were very wanted for your crimes, but at the same time you were proud of that; at last, you had the fame you had dreamed of so much.
Something weird—too weird—was going on, or maybe you were just being paranoid and it was all a coincidence.
Maybe Steve Rogers was shouting out random names every time he faced an enemy to see if he could get them to lower their defenses, distract them, and catch them.
You took off your wig, yes, and that's why they couldn't find you; they simply had a false image of you as well as the data. The only thing you had to do now went unnoticed for a few days and look for a new target to continue your criminal streak.
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Three days later
 You left the cup of hot chocolate you were drinking when you heard the doorbell ring; no one was visiting; you forgot your gun in your bedroom; the doorbell kept ringing so insistently that there was no way you could go get it, although maybe it was the landlady; you have been very nervous lately.
You opened the door; your eyes also opened exaggeratedly; you couldn't believe it, so you immediately closed the door and locked it.
"Y/N, please open the door; I promise I won't give you away; I just want to talk to you," Steve said while knocking on the door. He needed to see you and get to know you; he had understood everything.
You were made for each other.
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poopingonthefloor · 2 years
youu sshhould tell some headcanons u got for jack dave n henry if u want ofc
OK SURE! *glass shattering sound* (Some of these are not "headcanons" or are technically implied to be canon but im just going to list all of my specific perceptions regarding the character)
Long list down bellow. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-Dave and Jack both have adhdtism and borderline personality disorder. (((I also want to use this opportunity to apologize for any previous ignorance/rudeness i may have responded with before I'm a bitch but erm I am improving. so yeh also yeah i can definitely see Jack being autistic now too which i know i said i dont really see. it turns out my symptoms i projected onto him were also autistic symptoms so um...))) -Jack is a dog person, Dave doesnt have an animal prefrence but dogs suit him the best because he's dependent and sensitive and dogs love unconditionally, Henry has no feelings about animals however he dislikes dogs in particular. -Henry likes cartoon bears the best though. only cartoon versions.
-I imagine Dave as a child wasn't necessarily BULLIED by other orphans but he was treated poorly and excluded. Adult carers would try to befriend him but he was a "problem child" as a kid and didn't comprehend human boundaries (he never learned) so he made adults uncomfortable too. -I stole this one but if Dave was a cat he'd be a lykoi. henry would be a maine coon (jack is a default shorthair but i give him folded ears sometimes for fun) -My Dave was born purple (and also Henry is born pink) for reasons similar to Doggo's "why is henry's eyes evil" explanation. It's just different ways of their "evil" manifesting -- Dave's eyes are normal as a child however because obviously he isnt "evil" as a child, I imagine his soul is just weird and that he's never been fully normal. (because I'm not a fan of "x character if bad thing never happened" worlds where the character is basically just a normal person. Like its just more interesting if they were always an outcast/unusual from birth. Also it just makes more sense for Dave's character since he is never shown to be normal in any way even in the flipside LOL....also because Dave is often described as "not exactly human")
-Henry however just quickly grew to be jaded and resentful of anyone and anything living. Either from his dad or just that being his personality (but I prefer both). He wasn't outcast and he got along with people when he felt like it but he just hated everyone. -However I imagine Henry always had a childish side to him that enjoys more cartoon artistry and performance. -Henry and Dave gesture similarly when expressing excitement/enthusiasm, though Henry gestures very little most of the time. Henry either expresses exaggeratedly and cartoonishly (but comes across condescending) or not at all.
-Jack likes to watch TV but Dave does not and finds sitting still and watching pictures on a screen boring. (Though certain movies/shows are an exception) -Back when Dave still had simple desires/pleasures (before the lobotomy) he always wanted to have a pet but animals always hated him (because he didn't know how to handle them gently).
-Henry has no romantic or sexual desires whatsoever. He had a wife and child simply because Martha confidently expressed interest on him and he decided to lie to her. The only motive really involved was the societal standard of having a family/having a kid to continue his legacy (but henry didn't really need that to spread his didnt he lol..)
-Alongside that Dave is pansexual and Jack is bisexual (with a prefrence to men) but those are obvious -Dave appears stiff however can contort his body disturbingly (flexible), Jack is normal and appears in great condition for a corpse... (mostly due to makeup (nail polish emoji))
Ok thats all for now so I don't make this post longer than LONG. thank you for asking my headcanons though. ^__^ I love being crazy and sharing my opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lake-archive · 21 days
Chapter 51 - Wakey Wakey
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AO3 Link
Characters: Osamu Dazai, Unnamed male character (Friend's OC), Ole (OC), Doppo Kunikida
Words: 1,587
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This has been going on for days and there was no improvement whatsoever. Whenever entering the room it would always be the same thing – “I’m afraid that he’s still asleep.” The words of Yosano–Sensei and she has to know best in this regard, doesn’t she? No, she knew best. Of course she did. “Don’t worry. He’s not in a fatal state or anything like that. I think he’s just catching up on some rest. He should wake up in the next few days.”
Though the days came and went. Each time Osamu would enter the infirmary it was the same sight. A sleeping boy with a sleeping cat right on top of him. Sure it was an adorable sight at first yet it also had become a little worrying. He was not going to doubt the word of the physician but… It was getting a little restless. It wasn’t keeping him up at night or anything like that though it would leave anyone a little unsettled. ‘Will he make it?’ 
Though this worry would not show itself, not really at least. No use to be all gloomy about it. Or agitated. Because if anyone was a little out of the loop here it was surely Kunikida–Kun. And oh boy, maybe that was also an understatement. All the pacing around in front of the boy’s bed, mumbling and eyeing him whenever there. One time Osamu just couldn’t help himself and ask: “Are you that worried~?”
“Wha— It’s not that I’m not worried about this kid!” He would respond, clearly caught off guard by this question and perhaps a little flustered. Yet he would follow it up with: “Dr. Yosano said that he’ll be fine! I’m just waiting for him to wake up so he can answer a few questions! That’s all!” But of course he was a worrywart, more than he liked to admit probably. Even if they didn’t know the kid in question. At least not yet.
But it would take some time for him to wake up, wouldn’t it? And that day Osamu had not expected it to be any different. So he took his sweet ass time and passed by a shop to get something. He had gotten a little hungry and Ole was usually out of the house recently. Ann could have dragged the cat home but she refused to… Understandably so. 
“I tried it before but Ole was tugging onto the blanket with his claws and meowing like crazy.” She explained. “I think he’s just very worried. It might be for the best to let him stay for the time being.” So it was mainly just leftover bread for the next few days… And he got sick of it. Then again, both were banned from the kitchen. They couldn’t touch it or Ole would get furious at them. You blow up a kitchen one time and the cat won’t stop hissing into your ear for one night! No, literally… 
So Osamu had decided to have a change of pace by getting something else for lunch. Damn that bread! One more bite and he’s going to drive insane here! So he decided to settle on something else… Meat buns! He could afford a few so he stopped by somewhere and got a bag full. And then he had been heading to the infirmary, bag in one hand and a bun in the other, stuffing his mouth with it. And oh boy, was it good! It’s been a few days of something different! So it hit the spot just fine! 
And he thought nothing of it, slamming the door open and announcing his entrance with a full mouth. “Pardon the inru—”
“THERE YOU ARE DAZAI! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE THREE MINUTES AGO!” And before he could finish there was someone already greeting him very, very loudly. The yelling could not be overheard, even if he tried.
“Yo Kunikida–Kun!”
Osamu swallowed the bite of the meatbun before bluntly saying: “Those are so good~ Do you want one?”
“No? More for me~” And then, as if not listening, he took another bite. Or was about the. Kunikida’s yelling fell on deaf ears yet when did it not to be completely honest? However, just when the one sided conversation was about to continue both stopped when hearing an unfamiliar voice suddenly mumbling out loud, as if still half asleep.
“F… Food?” A little deep and somewhat soft yet that may have been from the sleepiness or something like that. And it wasn’t saying much, only repeating it one more time. “Food.”
The two other males turned their attention away from one another and right to the source, where it all came from. And when they did they saw it… The boy! There he was, sitting up and… Sniffing around? Yeah, he did. Though it didn’t take long for him to stop and have his attention turned to the men, staring. His golden eyes were somewhat empty, perhaps the exhaustion or drowsiness. Though the left eye was almost gray, the scar went right through it. And yet he managed to drool while his gaze wandered down, eyeing the bag of meat buns directly. 
“So you decided to finally wake up on us, huh!?” Before Osamu could respond however Kunikida had to speak up. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea, given that he still sounded agitated. And he had every intention to get to business. Not to mention that strict face he most likely had… One could hear it.
Though it was exactly that which made the boy retrieve his drool and jump inside the bed, looking up before suddenly… Whimpering? Yeah, he was whimpering, shaking a little even. Did something– 
“Hey, why are you shaking like that?” But Kunikida would not get his response. Instead the boy seemed to continue doing so. In fact he was about to pull the blanket over his head, the shivering not stopping whatsoever, much to Kunikida’s irritation and confusion. Though it took no expert to figure out what was going on.
“You need to calm down Kunikida–Kun.” Osamu sighed before walking right past the man, over to the boy. “Let me show you how to handle this.”
“Hey! Don’t do anything funny Dazai! You heard me!?”
But that also fell on deaf ears. Instead he decided to just open the bag and hold it out open, so that the scent of the buns would go into the direction of the boy. Well, little did he account for Ole who was resting on the lap yet had slowly opened his eyes to look up as well, the smell having put him on alert probably. As he was also looking up for a moment and sniffing the contents. And yet Osamu just let him. He was busy otherwise.
“Are you hungry?” He asked, his voice unusually soft. Though it was necessary. He didn’t want to scare the boy into oblivion. This one peeked out from the blanket in front of him, looking up and down, between the open bag and Osamu himself. The man however only had a soft smile on his face, softer than one might be used to. 
He didn’t say anything, only looking more and more confused at the scene before pointing at the paper bag, then at himself, tilting his head a little. 
“Help yourself.” Was the response given from Osamu’s mouth, just sitting there and waiting. If it had been anyone else or any other circumstance he may have messed around a little bit yet not even he was a fool to notice that it would have just startled the boy further. And besides, if he had witnessed how he and Ole fought some time ago it would only make things worse in the end. And that was not the plan here. So for now he had to slow down on his whole teasing mannerisms. 
A bit of hesitation occurred yet soon enough the boy reached out slowly, right into the bag and then slowly pulled out one of the meat buns. The blanket had dropped by then, his face back again in full view as he was eyeing the snack in his hand. He sniffed it a few times before taking a small bite. A few chews later and he swallowed it… And then before knowing it gobbled it all up in one go, eating it up in a matter of seconds. And before knowing it he grabbed another one to gobble up. And another one. And here goes another… Yeah, Osamu is going to starve for lunch today. There will be nothing left by the time this boy is done… But maybe that’s the price he has to pay for now.
“D… Did you just—”
“Kunikida–Kun, can you leave us alone for a while?” Osamu interrupted all of a sudden. “I think it’s best if we don’t overwhelm him just yet.”
A simple suggestion and yet it was probably for the better… At least for the time being. And he meant it, his tone overly serious when he had spoken. It was hard to misinterpret.
“Fine… I’ll leave him to you for the time being.” A hesitant response but unsurprising. 
“Thanks.You won’t be disappointed.” After all, if they wanted to get out some information, it was best to take it slow. That and maybe there was a little bit of a desire to help the boy.
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poisonous-honey · 8 months
Genshin Masterlist
(Collection links don't work on the app yet!!)
Honestly assume it’s SAGAU unless stated otherwise
3.3 Tier List Mayhem
Scaramouche- I guess you should say Wanderer, has finally been released, and you’ve used him all week. After you’ve basically drowned yourself in content surrounding him after the Sumeru Interlude Quest you feel an update to your tier list is in order
36-Stars Of Jealousy
After a year worth of grinding you’ve finally conquered it, but at the cost of Venti’s exclusion. He should be happy for you, but can’t break away from his seething jealousy and sadness.
Cats On Crack (Collection)
Luck never seems to be on your side. You always seem to end up helping other unlucky souls on their own journey, as if fate itself thought it was your job to be a substitute guardian angel. Maybe that’s why you find yourself standing in front of a group of cats protecting one of their injured. It doesn’t matter if it’s Lady Luck or the Goddess of Fate condemning you to this role, but you hope they step on a Lego Brick. (Not SAGAU)
Child of the Otherworld
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ASK: Hello, could I request a SAGAU + Child!Creator!Reader (Platonic, of course) - And since the people were expecting their god to be of adult size, all of (Reader)’s robes are too baggy, and their sleeves drape over their hands, but everyone finds it cute so no one cares lol - And I would just like to see some scenarios about them being overprotective of (Reader) not in an obsessive way, just in a parental way
Inspired by this ask. There was more to it, but it heavily relied on the Reader being the creator, which I did not do, so a lot changed and didn’t work.
The Cruel Act Of Breaking The World
They try their hardest to keep you entertained. To keep you within their realm of ones and zeros, so your immersion doesn’t fall, and their mind doesn’t shatter. They know their walls are fake and lives are merely code, but that doesn’t make seeing the out-of-bounds any less harsh.
Fontaine Is Committing Childe Slander FR
Childe’s treatment in the Fontaine Archon Quests puts you in a terrible mood
Garden Of Eden
The world has ended and there was nothing they could do about it. Xiao and Aether share a quiet moment in a sea of flowers. (Not SAGAU || Illusions to God Reader)
Genshin Is Crossing Over (Collection)
where all the crossover fics are kept (i.e. The Venti Parable, Does Having Animal Ears Make You A Pokémon etc.)
Genshin Incorrect Quotes (Collection)
Silly and crack. Basically what the title says.
In The Abyss We Learn To Worship
Why does Childe seem to be your most devoted acolyte, even surpassing that of the Archons? (KINDA CULT AU (ALSO OLD))
Irodori Festival
Little blob!
Just Unbuilt, Or Am I Unwanted?
As you try to improve Xiao’s build for the 100th time, some of the others finally lose their patience
Losing Your 50/50
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ASK: I’d love some headcanons (or a scenario) about SAGAU(and SAHSRAU if you can) hearing the reader yell and cry of frustration about this. Like: “I’M DONE I’M SO FUCKING DONE!! CAN I JUST HAVE THE ONLY THING I’VE WANTED FOR WORKING AND WAITING THAT HARD!!?? FUCK ALL OF YOU I HATE MY LIFE!!!!”
Nahida’s Precious Tailor
The little lord of Sumeru calls upon your aid as she wishes for a wardrobe change.
Naming Wanderer Something Silly
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ASK: I was reading your sagau fics and suddenly remembered that I named Wanderer Omega.kitten as a joke… how do you think he and the other characters would feel about that?
Red In Stones
After a lot of begging and promises of farming (and swearing to a few you wouldn’t just up and abandon them the first opportunity you got), they finally agreed to let you explore other game worlds. As long as a few of them came with you and you had to start with a simpler game within your library. Not that you were complaining. Now you’ve been having a blast in Minecraft for a few days with a handful of other people who were willing to join you for your journey. Unfortunately, you broke your only way to communicate with the others so you've been forced to stay at base.
SAGAU Darling That’s Been To Other Games
What if for the SAGAU Darling doesn’t end up in Genshin first, but in a different game. Or maybe they were in multiple different games before they landed in Genshin. (HAS IMPOSTER AU IN IT (AND OLD))
Skipping Dialogue
What do the characters do when they find out you’re not paying attention?
Soul Crushing Guilt
The Knowledge That You’ve Been Controlling Real People With Thoughts And Feelings Has You At A Loss
Twins In SAGAU
For the self-aware Genshin AU there have been some slices where Darling has a twin and the twin either isn’t respected as much or in the villain au they’re treated as the imposter. That’s cool and all, but what if the twin worked for Mihoyo (KINDA CULT AU (OLD))
Why Are Their Designs So Complicated???
You thought Kaveh would be an easier character to draw. At a glance, his outfit is much simpler than a majority of the casts, so you thought he’d be a safe pick for fanart. How wrong you were.
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shadowredfeline · 2 months
Three in One Post
For my P-Pal's On this Day Post
Looks nice to have another Chipmunk like Kelly to help out with the crew. Even the Chipmunk Mechs won't let us down with the help of breaking cracked walls and rusty obstacles in the way.
For my A-Pal's On this Day Post
It looks nice to see Nickelodeon characters in Smash Bros. Style. But now they already got Nickelodeon All Star Brawl and brought in some voice actors to voice some of the characters. But normally Nickelodeon All Star Brawl is what I usually play the Least besides Nickelodeon Kart Racers and Team Sonic Racing, but normally I kinda like Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3 Better since I was glad they already improved the game and actually got voice actors in the game which it's amazing! And I know that it's downloaded on my Nintendo Switch, which I know my A-Pal downloads games on the Switch too, a lot of people like to download some games on a console if any reason people don't feel like getting a physical copy of any video game title. And of course I know I can identify some worst Nickelodeon shows like Breadwinners. But normally I like Harvey Beaks better since it's not always that "In your Face!" Treatment like Breadwinners does, and I won't have to think about the most uncool episode where they did the whole thing with the Love Loaf. And I was glad Enter had to talk about that episode as well.
Anyways let's hope the Nickelodeon crew can start their adventure as a team like if SpongeBob would tag along with Stimpy Cat, Lincoln Loud, Danny Phantom and Jimmy and Timmy. They work really well together besides Ang.
And for a Response to both my A-Pal and my P-Pal
Well it's nice to have Wilson with his fun abilities to use his ears. And even Zack and Shadow would be pleased with his performance.
And also, that movie theater you mentioned in the Creepypasta, too creepy, I only made this style of a movie because if anytime we want to do Cartoon Cinema Labyrinth, that's where our OCs would be to start the adventure. Plus it was also based on a video game I played called Persona Q2 New Cinema Labyrinth on Nintendo 3DS, despite the game using English Subs where they use the Japanese voice acting only. A bit like Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux. But not to worry, since I always wanted to do Cartoon Network in Persona, we can just do the Cartoon Network character voices as some of the characters, and I know a YouTuber I know that can work to play Morgana and Teddie.
But with Cartoon Cinema Labyrinth, we'll start off with Shadow, Spot, Riya, Luna and Vanilla exploring a Chocolate Factory to look for clues. Especially when they can find Wonka Cat.
Note: I decided to change Lisa's name to Wonka Cat instead of Wonka Dot.
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Jaunce arc x cat!reader headcanons
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Alright and thank you for telling me the prompt as I would have liked to do this as it’s rwby and rwby is one of my favorite fandoms! 😁 and I didn’t want to have to delete your requests
Warning: noob author, female reader, ooc (out of characters), angst? Maybe, and possibly others.
Characters: jaune arc
You’re the younger sister of Blake belladonna, you had been with her most of the time as she’s basically all you knew besides you mother and father though she made sure you didn’t join the white fang once Adam came into control and she was soon aware about his goals and intentions. You made it to beacon about the time future team rwby though you had to be put on solo until further notice as the others were already on a team and with the sudden un even amount of students being there for a four squad team for you, though you did become an honorary member to both team rwby and team jnpr so you got to be with you sister and soon to be crush.
You and your sister share the opposite of cat features with Blake having ears that she hides with a bow and you having a tail that you hide ion your top/pants, as the Faunus discrimination is still going on and both of you don’t want to go though that in case some of the people wanted to tease you tow or others for it.
You and jaune had a good friendship though you soon realize that he probably wouldn’t want to be with a Faunus sop you just tried to be his friend even though you soon came to realize you developed feeling for the sweet boy.
Though sadly it seems like he has eyes on weiss then afterwards Pyrrha even though you’re the one to have spend most of the time with him and helping him improve, you go to Blake for any sisterly advise she might how.
Though she only said that if he doesn’t love you for al the help you give him then maybe he doesn’t deserve your help if he can. See who is the one putting the effort of helping and getting to know him more than cause he’s the team leader.
(Some things between Pyrrha and jaune won’t happen, sorry if you wanted something from tthat.)
It wasn’t until the attack on Nora and rens home town when Tyrian had poisoned you and qrow did he realized that he loves you and it wasn’t Pyrrha that did all those things for him but you, though he doesn’t know if you were doing that because you two were friends or was it more than that so he did the only thing he could think of at the moment which was act like he and you were only friends.
Instead of Weiss it was you that got injured and he thought he lost you so he finally confessed as he wanted you to know before you possibly died but thankfully because of him you survived and was able to tell him you feel the same as he did. His sister that you guys had soon met after some more things (that i can’t remember as it’s been a while since i seen the season.) happened was both happy and sad that her little brother is all grown up and has a girlfriend.
(A/n: i hope you like what i could do as i didn’t really know how to lead it up to season 6 plus i sadly couldn’t think of anything else from what i got from what little you gave me with the prompt. Hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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