#anybody seen daryl and glenn
Penance + (knock-off) Ambrosia
still alive, slowpokes :P
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When -- during the meal at the Greene's Farm as seen in S02 Chupacabra. After Shame on a plate.
What -- Carol wanted to cook a communal dinner for the Greenes in thanks for all they've done to help your group. Under the weight of Otis' death as well as possibly having to vacate to God-knows-where, the shared meal is tense. Meanwhile, Daryl's busy beating himself up alone in his room and won't eat.
Relationships -- slow burn Daryl x You
Perspective -- You 2nd, Daryl 3rd
Pronouns -- neutral
TWs -- some language, and a non-descriptive allusion to Shane's actions in Stuck in a damn bed.
Masterlist -- Official one here and Chronological one here
feedback is nice to get :D
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Jimmy’s note to you reads: “What’s a pirate’s faverite letter?”
Easy, you know this one!
After double-taking at the typo, you scribble back “aRRRR!” and pass it to where he sits beside you, a smug grin tucked in your face. Only rule is: don’t laugh.
Yo, this table is fun, you’re not even embarrassed about being in your mid-twenties and sitting at the kiddie table. It’s too bad Carl tired himself out earlier, he’d be in stitches!
Oh, come to think of it, that wouldn’t be good, his actual stitches are still healing. So are yours, for that matter…
Anyway, it started off as a silly thing: Not 5 minutes into the meal, Beth had tiptoed to get her drawing pad from the den and wrote “please pass white gravy + pepper?” instead of whispering it, because supper had/has been that darn quiet.
This immediately (and somehow wordlessly) turned into the no-laugh competition you’ve all got going.
Granted, laughing out loud might would make the dinner a little less stiff, but you aren’t certain.
The big table seems rough. They’re barely making eye contact, not really talking, eesh.
Before dinner began, Patricia, Lori, and Carol were chatting as they finished up the cooking, and at the same time there was light discussion as you were helping wash the dishes and set the table with your friends. Even Lori exiting Carl’s room after plainly having been crying didn’t alter the good jibing any, things were chill.
But when everyone came in, sat down together? It got uneasy. When Mr. Greene said the blessing it almost felt too loud.
Now the room is limited to clinking, scraping noises, murmured niceties, and hushed requests to pass things.
You did almost lose the no-laugh game first when Glenn quietly mimicked the way Gollum said “what’s taters, precious?” because you whispered at him to “pass the mashed taters, please?” instead of ‘potatoes.’ Don’t fret, you’d obviously murmured back the only correct response of “po-tay-toes?” as well as the cooking instructions Sam says in the movie.
You almost lost it again when Glenn next decided to break the silence by asking the entire room if anybody knew how to play the guitar. The crickets that followed, hilarious!
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Except, then Patricia spoke up that her husband had known, Mr. Greene agreed about how skilled Otis had been.
Oh, did the tension spike.
First thing you'd done was peek around to see if Shane was okay. He wasn’t.
His expression had taken on that 1000 yard stare sort of deal he’s been slipping into. Scared, lost. Then hard and almost mean.
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Something got broke in him real bad that night Otis got killed. It’s scary, especially considering how he snapped at you yesterday and even…never mind, you don’t want to get into it.
At any rate, he made a very serious apology to you earlier today, very serious.
So, yeah, the room turned way more tense after that innocent guitar question, certainly sobered you up right quick.
And the strange sensation you’d had after Amy got killed, the one where it felt as if her blood was back on it, it started to come back pretty strong. Granted, it had come back after what happened with Shane the other day, too, but the sensation revved up more after the guitar question. Rest in peace Otis.
And at least to you, it made the unspoken understanding of Sophia twist harder, too.
When poor Jimmy got teary when his dad was brought up, you traced a blessing on his forehead and set to scribbling the next dumb joke you could think of on another scrap of paper for him and reminded yourself your hand was clean and that Otis and Sophia’s fates weren’t on you.
As for poor Glenn, once the exchange was over, he looked like he wanted to transform into a chair.
Silver lining was that Maggie helped him feel better; she slipped him a note that must’ve been a really good joke because Glenn seemed giddy as a schoolboy as he wrote down the punchline or whatever.
‘Schoolboy’ is definitely the best term — Mr. Greene and Dale happened to see Glenn sneaking back his response and were staring at the folded paper in his hand.
It’s kinda silly, right? Not only were you, Margaret, and Glenn sat at the kid table, but you were also acting like kids, what with the note-passing. Caught by the principal lol.
In the moment, you’d figured might as well, and so scribbled in big letters on the back of the notepad itself: “Too quiet, so we pass notes!”
When you held it up to the two of them, Dale read the words, swallowed a smile, then mouthed "troublemaker" to you.
As for Mr. Greene, his expression was, per usual, unreadable.
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That was, what, all of 10 minutes ago? And it’s still a quiet, tense meal.
Maggie hasn’t taken the note from Glenn out her pocket to share it. A part of you hopes it’s something sweet, therefore private.
And, well, right now, you’re staring at your plate and thinking on how you’ve already got helping #2 on it. It makes you wonder if the quiet in the room, tense as it feels, might could be related to the food?
’Cause dude, it’s been so long since a hot meal this good!
Even the heartbreak about Sophia isn’t enough to stop the cravings from going into overdrive (not true, actually, but the meal is great, is what you mean)—and Carol orchestrated the dinner, anyway. She’s in a place where even she can eat, so…
Wiping your hand on your napkin again (and again), you take another sip of water, and fidget with your fork and knife.
God save you, you want to go hog wild on the food and shove it all into your mouth in one fell swoop. So, you know, maybe everyone else is also extra quiet to focus on eating politely and not stuffing it all in their face like half-starved hamsters, too.
That’s a nice thing to imagine, rather than it being gonna-get-kicked-off-the-property-and-we’re-very-sorry-Otis-is-dead-and-are-we-allowed-to-enjoy-things-when-Sophia-is-probably-dead? tenseness.
Because the food really is so yummy! And there are potatoes! Carol was so thrilled to find out they have potatoes! And there’s dairy! Therefore butter and cream and milk — hallelujah!— oh, you did a happy dance the second a forkful of the mashed taters touched your lips!
Back to the present, as you set to crafting an unnaturally large bite featuring a taste of everything from your plate, Jimmy is reading your response to his pirate joke while — grinning wide and shaking his head?
Then, you see as he scratches with the pen again on the note in his lap and hands it back to you.
Is not a pirate’s favorite letter R? What other letter could it…
You keep chewing while you open the folded note.
It reads:
“aRRRR? Nay, ‘tis the C!”
A familiar laugh belted out from down the hallway where they was all doing dinner. This was followed by couple seconds of silence even more dead than the dinner already sounded.
But after that? It was as if a dam had burst and carried in pack of hyenas who quickly overtook the dining room.
He next thought he heard the word “pirate,” but that made no sense. A few minutes later, the hyenas seem to have left, judging by how shit got all quiet again.
That is until another noise, this time suspiciously moan-like, called out from the dining room. Within a second or two, he heard the food’s praises sung, T-Dog leading the charge, and, well, the din stayed put after that.
One, big, happy family.
Minus one missing little girl.
Daryl hadn’t touched his plate yet, hadn’t moved from his spot on the bed. Didn’t feel like eating.
How those dickbags was having a dinner was beyond him at that point.
The search today was a bust, yet again. The neighborhood T-Dog’s group went to check was mostly burned down, and the highway spot set up for Sophia was still untouched.
Carol’s words to him wouldn’t shut up, neither — and why in the hell she gave him a kiss on his head?!
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“You did more for my little girl that day than her own daddy ever did in his whole life,” she’d told him.
Can you believe that shit? “You did more for my little girl that day than her own daddy ever did in his whole life.” If failing and getting benched for a week was the best that little girl ever got, she had a piss poor life, and that fact whipped Daryl on the back harder than his own old man ever had.
Speaking of, when Carol brought him his tray, she hadn’t knocked. Meaning, Daryl hadn’t had time to pull the sheet over his shoulder before she walked in. His shirt had been off.
Daryl’s hope was that it’d been dark enough in the room that she wouldn’t see the scarring, just the tattoos. It's his own damn fault— he hadn’t felt like putting his shirt back on after Patricia checked his stitches, and house got warm from the cooking, besides. And because he didn’t care to slump out of bed and wrench open the window more, he stayed shirtless and decided to simply kick off his blankets.
Joke’s on him. And now, someone else had seen them.
He could just about hear Merle tell him, “quit wallowin’ like you’re on your period, Darylina.”
Well, Merle wasn’t really there, so Daryl would wallow all he wanted, and think on Carol telling him that he was also “every bit as good as them.”
As Rick, as Shane, as T-Dog, as Glenn, as — fuck, who cares, it didn’t matter. Because Daryl was not.
Carol wasn’t the best judge of character, just look at the turd she’d married.
“You did more for my little girl that day than her own daddy ever did in his whole li—”
—A steady knocking sounded at the door, breaking up the echoes of Carol’s words and setting Daryl on edge.
Yup, it was Y/N’s knocking, no mistaking it.
“Just open it!” was the loudest he’d spoken all day. He didn’t want to be around people, was that such a big ask?
There was a pause before he heard the door open a crack.
“Would you prefer to be left alone awhile longer?” his friend asked softly.
The annoyance Daryl had felt eased and drained off. His whisper was hopefully loud enough for Y/N to hear. “What is it?”
After another pause, whatever they said in response was too quiet and blocked by the door. All Daryl heard was “Red furseh?”
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“Y/N, y’can just come in,” he relented. He even bothered to turn toward the door for them, except, his friend hadn’t opened it up yet.
“A-Are you decent?”
Am I…what, did they think he had his hand down his pants or something? “Yes.”
He watched as the door opened and Y/N (nervously?) looked at him, eyes flitting down along the bedsheet.
Goddamn, Y/N really did just worry if I had my hand down my pants.
“Are you ready for seconds?” Y/N repeated, relaxing.
Got it, that’s what they’d been asking from the doorway.
Daryl responded by way of a gruff, soft, “Nah.”
Another pause.
“Do you feel sick? Or are you,” they tilted their head and frowned again, “‘wallowing’ ain’t the right word — are you beatin’ yourself up, Daryl?”
Yes, somebody has to. “What do you want?” If Y/N could not hit the nail on the head right now, that would be great. He had a bandage on it, after all…
“I’m-I’m asking ’cause the symptoms are usually the same, I mean,” his friend started walking toward the bed as if they was hesitant to do it, “you ain’t even touched your plate, your voice is — for real, sugar, d’you feel sick, depressed, or both?” Saying this, they laid their wrist against his forehead.
“Careful, I got a bandage!” was stupid of Daryl to grunt, because it was coming off tomorrow morning and because Y/N was careful, but he grunted it anyway. Just — why’d they need to use that pet name?
“There were a whole lot of ways you could have contracted yourself an infection, and, well, y-your shirt is off. Ain’t never seen you do that, um…” Y/N inhaled, then exhaled slowly, and pulled their wrist away. “You are kinda warm, but it is warm in here. Really warm, actually, um, d’you want the window open more?”
Yes, please. “M’fine.”
He shifted back onto his side and resumed staring into space.
“Let me do somethin’ for you before I go,” Y/N gently insisted. “Please.” They put a soothing-type tone on. Normally, a tone like that would cause him to feel belittled or pitied, but, he didn’t know, maybe after this week he was used to it. And, he didn’t know, maybe pity wasn’t such a bad thing.
“First, would you like a shirt, or are you good?” his friend asked.
‘Would he like a shirt,’ hell yes, he would like a shirt.
The tugging sensation in his chest came back for a sec. Y/N had a knack for hitting the nail on the head with him. And while the offer was both innocent and loaded, he started to feel as if his soul had been stripped bare-naked in front of them again.
The fact that he’d even let them see his back had been a lapse, a huge lapse. He didn’t know what he’d been thinking.
But, if right now he didn’t act like it was the worst thing, he hated hated hated people seeing, nobody was supposed to see, weren’t nobody’s damn business! a big deal, it wouldn’t be, right?
Which is why Daryl decided to make no effort to cover up more at that moment, so that nothing would seem off. It made his skin crawl to not, it made him feel cornered, but he left the sheet where it was and decided to kick Y/N out.
Yet, strangely, instead of hoarsely grunting at them to 'leave him be' like he thought he was about to, he softly admitted, “Yeah.”
Y/N grabbed the clean, folded shirt and pants that Lori had brought and placed it beside him.“Here’s your pants, too, make it easier in the morning when you get discharged. Miss Patricia will come in and you’ll be all ready!” A nod at his untouched meal. “Want the plate to stay, or go?”
“Take it.”
“Positive? Carol, Lori, and Patricia went ham cookin’ the food. Literally, they cooked some salt ham, but there’s also a little of the fish left that Andy caught for me, if you’d prefer?” They tried to entice him more. “The green beans are fresh, the veggie casserole is creamy, and the mashed taters got fresh butter in ’em? There’s white and brown gravy…”
The thought of eating was tempting as hell, he’d give it that. He was hungry and the food smelled amazing. Still, he shook his head. The thought of putting a bite in his mouth made him feel sick.
Y/N looked a little disappointed, but accepted his decision with a tiny, forced smile. After a beat, their smile turned real. “You’ll get awarded MVP for not touchin’ your plate tonight,” they teased. “It’ll get shared well. I don’t reckon there’ll be crumbs left at the rate we’re hoovering it down, I-I accidentally already had thirds. But, um,” they added, biting their lip. “Dare, in a little while, please might can I bring you a bowl of dessert, in the least? You must be terrible hungry by now and you need to eat if you’re gonna heal, hon.”
He just sorta stared back, didn’t know what to answer yet. Them using a pet-name again wasn’t helping none.
This was no problem for Y/N, who seemed to have begun nervous-jabbering. “When I told Jimmy there was dessert, his eyes got all big. I’m not gonna lie, it was so darn cute. But I didn’t ruin the surprise and tell him what it is, I just winked and let him imagine. Do you wanna know what it is?”
His cheeks warmed. “What is it,” Daryl dutifully responded.
“It’s a surprise!” was the completely expected answer. Y/N looked very pleased. “But it involves hand-whipped cream,” they sing-songed.
You haven’t seen anyone’s mood here drop as low as Daryl’s has in the past few days, not since Andrea’s did after Amy died. Not even Shane after what happened to Otis, he’s handling the pain differently.
But just now when you enticed Daryl with the notion of whipped cream, he almost smiled, you saw it!
And, before you went to Daryl’s room to see if he wanted more, you’d walked over to the big table and whispered in Shane’s ear that when dessert was served, he should wake Carl to give him a bowl and get “cool uncle points,” and he smiled, too!
Why do you feel like you are personally responsible for holding everyone’s shit together?
Like, even at the dinner, after you’d burst out laughing, it felt so good to have eased the tension in the room, even if by accident. Then, when you heard the laughter dying down and the room going quiet again, you felt as if you’d just failed. So, you had to fix it.
Cue you to shove a big bite into your mouth and loudly moan about how good it was in the hopes that saying so would keep the momentum going. And prompt Hershel to accept your people, change his mind, keep your family safe, and keep everyone together because what if you personally aren’t trying hard enough or doing it the right way and things fall apart? Who’s fault will it be? Why does your stupid hand feel like Amy’s blood is on it again? Dale already explained how it’s ‘self-reproach because of survivor’s guilt,’ so why can’t you shake it off?
Okay, chill out, it’s not all on you. You’re not responsible, you cannot control and fix it all, it’s not all on you.
Surrender it up, and trust.
Offer it up and trust…
Thankfully, Theodore had joined in with your noise of appreciation, declaring, “I second that, mmm-mm!”
Good Moses, you could’ve legit knelt down and pledged him your fealty (or whatever it is squires did for knights in shining armor).
Heck, you were tempted to ignore the age difference and propose marriage to him instead, you were that relieved that he’d gone with it, because it prompted those at the big table to join.
Shane was right there for you, too. “This meal is hittin’ all the marks,” he quietly praised, “ain’t had grub this good in a while.”
Then there was a toast (thank you, Ricky and T-Dog), and things stayed fairly light after that. Light and comfortable.
And only during your last bite, when you noticed everyone else had seconds (…or thirds…), was it that you scrambled off, mid-chew, to Daryl’s room to see what he wanted for seconds and maybe convince him to join everyone.
Instead, you were met with an untouched plate and a man who’s voice could barely raise above a gruff whisper. So, you had to try and fix it, obviously, even if the only thing that would actually fix it is finding the little girl who everyone’s hearts have already mourned.
“Wha’ was so funny earlier?” Daryl suddenly surprises you by asking.
You snort. “We were trying to see who’d break first and laugh — this is at the kiddie table, by the way.”
“Yeah, I figured.”
“Psht,” you play-grumble. “But yeah, I lost the game big time. I’d just taken a very impolite sized-bite of food, too. Ain’t never swallowed a bite that big in my entire life, but I didn’t want to snarf in front of everyone!” Way to overshare, weirdo. “Oh, right, you’ll probably want to know the joke,” you remember. You can get scatterbrained when you’re carrying on. “What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?”
“A pirate’s what?”
“Favorite letter.”
“A pirate’s favorite…” Daryl makes a low, soft hum as he exhales. “Didn’t, uh, wasn’t most pirates illiterate?”
“I dunno, um, the…P,” is the gem he comes up with.
Bless his heart, has Daryl never heard the ‘arrr’ joke before?
“Why a P?” you’ve simply gotta know.
“P…P for pirate, and peg-leg and um, eye-patch, and, the uh, they got parrots. That’s a lotta Ps.”
The immediate gut reaction you have is the strong desire to gasp with delight and smooch him square on the lips WHAT THE, why did his answer turn you on?? Oopsy lol, yeah, gross, no way. You meant to say, um, ah,…?!?
Anyway, you unfortunately end up squealing, “Oh Lord, that was hot.”
It’s fine, you slip in a ‘dude’ right after. “C’mon, dude, what do pirates say? Like the, the sound they make in movies and books?”
“I don’t, uh…'Yo-ho…ho?'”
That’s now you, belly-laughing, even as it makes your stitches pinch more. “No, the noise they make, like, when they’re mad or tryin’ act all scary.”
Hold the darn phone, is he — good Moses in heaven with the angels and saints, Daryl Dixon is blushing.
He’s gone from plain to red splotches on his cheeks, it’s visible even in the low lighting. The inconvenient butterflies start fluttering around in your stomach again, but this is such an unexpected treat, who cares? Ha!
“No way you’re turnin’ red, nerd,” you whisper.
“Stop,” he grunts in his way, and his eyes are crinkled and his mouth is threatening to grin.
A pleasing shiver travels down when you scrunch your pointer finger into a hook. “Arrr,” you enunciate with spot-on cartoonish flair, if you say so yourself.
His eyes shut when the punchline hits him. “Sonofa—it’s R, then?”
Hot damn, is this joke satisfying. “R? Nay nay, boy, ’tis the C!”
That he’d gone from wishing he were left for dead in a ditch to laughing out loud in the few minutes his friend was in the room with him…Y/N was something else.
A weirdo, too.
The dessert was ambrosia, by the way, Y/N eventually came back into the room with two bowls of it. “Ambrosia” was a loose term; it didn’t have none of the usual stuff but for the pecans and cream dressing.
“It’s peach, raspberry, wild blueberry and pecan ambrosia with hand-whipped cream — Glenn won’t even know to miss the marshmallows!” Y/N had chirped.
Him telling them it was “knockoff ambrosia” (as a joke) only lead to them pursing their lips, giggling, then immediately going back to happily twittering on how: “Lori hand-whipped it to make it extra special, and Carol added a mite bit of buttermilk to get the tang it needs. Can’t wait to taste how it came out…”
Their little food dance as they took the first bite was cute.
And shiiit, the little moan they made as they shut their eyes and tilted their head back shouldn’t have been enough to turn his thoughts sexual, but yeahhh did it. The cabin fever was apparently messing with his dick, too, great.
But, like, why did Y/N say something he did was “hot?” Was it slang for something else, other than what he knew it usually meant?
“Dare, what do you think?” Another quiet, hummed moan, and then Y/N opened their eyes and saw that he hadn’t tasted any. “Oh, Daryl, c’mon and try some? It’s heavenly. I think I’m dying, it’s so yummy.”
Nah. As good as Y/N was making it seem, he couldn’t, and so, shook his head.
But then his friend said something that, weird as it was, for some reason hit the nail on the head for him once more. It was as if there Y/N was, seeing his soul bare-naked again.
“If I were your confessor,” they began so casual-like, “other than explaining how accidental injury ain’t sinful, I’d tell you your penance was to eat what’s in front of you.”
Y/N almost took another bite as if in example, but hesitated before the spoon reached their lips. The light expression they wore dimmed and turned serious. “All you’ve gone through this week isn’t divine justice, that ain’t how God operates. It was an accident. Just like Sophia. It, it wasn’t no test or punishment what happened to her. It was just a… a bad thing,” they hushed, eyes fixed on their bowl, spoon. With an empty half-laugh, they mumbled, “Suddenly can’t stand the thought of food, now, neither.”
With that, Y/N put the bowl to the side and didn’t seem to know what to do next other than maybe cry, by the look of them.
Daryl would’ve missed it if he’d gone back to spacing out and wallowing, but from the corner of his eye he noticed them wipe their palm on their knee a few times as if to dry it off.
He recognized what was going on, or was pretty sure, anyway.
After Amy got killed, Y/N had this messed up thing go on with the hand, the one they’d used to try and stop her from bleeding out. For a few days, it felt to them as if Amy’s blood was still on it and wouldn’t clean off.
Back when Sophia first went missing, he noticed their hand thing came back a little that first afternoon.
“It’s clean.”
“What is?”
“Your hand.”
They took an extra beat to respond. “I-I know. It’s nothin'.”
“It’s clean,” he repeated, which resulted in Y/N bowing their head. “Ain’t nothing there, Y/N. Lemme see?”
His friend lifted their head back up, raised their hand for him, and shrugged. “Dale says it’s a guilt thing.”
Yeah, he could see that.
“It's not on you to fix everyone’s everything,” he needed to say. Y/N seemed like they didn’t remember that sometimes.
“Ayy, way to come at me with a hammer,” his friend answered with a dry smile. “I know I can’t fix everyone’s stuff,” they spoke carefully, their throat sounded tight. “But we’re called to help, right? After how far things have fallen, we’re called even more now to, to bring, you know, that, that light, to do what we can. And, and,” they stuttered, then took a deep breath. “I dunno. Before all this—did you ever feel like your life was stagnant? Like you was just...existing?”
Did Y/N know how well they could hit the nail on the head?
Yes, Daryl felt like his life was stagnant, it fucking was, he was a nobody! Didn’t do shit with his life, he’d just…rotted, and fixed up bikes in whatever direction his brother drifted. “Yeah.”
“That’s how I was was for years, too. Kinda floated one day after another, just tryin’ to make it to the next.”
Daryl stayed quiet. Yet again, they’d hit the nail on the goddamned head and he wanted Y/N to keep on talking.
And Y/N did, they kept chatting very matter-of-fact. “It got better, ev-eventually, I um, I got help, and then started forcin’ myself to do stuff, get out in the community, all that. Healed a bit.” They swirled their spoon around the bowl. “It didn’t fix everything boom, like: I still felt stagnant a lot, or like a failure, or that things were all my fault, still sometimes wanted to die really bad,” they shared with a shrug, very chill. “But that’s why we can’t rely on feelings, right?”
The invisible string was tugging Daryl’s whole damn torso toward them at this point and he just wanted to hold them to him and — shit, sorry, uh, he meant he wanted to pat ’em on the back, at least.
“Really, it was when the, um,” his friend bit their lip. “This is gonna sound weird.”
“Prolly, if it’s you we’re talkin’ about,” he ribbed, completely dead-pan.
His friend liked it, and even taunted back all goofy, “sure is, betch,” before their smile fell away. After a beat, Y/N quietly, quietly told him the rest. “It was when the…outbreaks happened, that I-I didn’t have to force it anymore. There was suddenly such a, a, a clear duty, clear sense of purpose, I dunno. Just—so much to do, so much to live for, and,” a big exhale, “so much work to be done.”
That explained a lot. Y/N tended to go hard, burn the candle at both ends, if that’s the right phrase.
In fact, he flat-out said so. “Is that why you push too damn hard to be ‘useful?’”
“Again with the hammer on the nail, dude. And, no, it’s—” Y/N found their words. “When you think how w-we, we might could get killed, at any second, any one of us. And how we’ll look back on it all, all our choices, and then answer what we did ‘for the least here on earth’…”
Ah, that checked out, too.
It was something, to see someone still believe in all that stuff after the world fucking ended, he’d give it that.
He used to, too. Not that he’d been any good at it.
Didn’t matter, he didn’t anymore. Not after the dead started walking.
“Now, before Teddy materializes in here to scold me, I get that ‘It’s not through our own efforts.’ And the problem I have with feelin’ worthless is a separate issue my faith helps tackle. Now, I know it ain’t about racking up works of mercy, but, dude—there’s so much work to do! And I want to do as much as —” Y/N shook their head a few times as if shaking out of it. “Sorry, I-I’ma just quit while I’m ahead, here. Oversharing Olympics.”
“Mm.” Hey, it was. “But that’s part of the deal with friends, right?” he murmured while trying to think of a good way to razz on them. “Means you trust ’em.” Y/N tended to make light about everything, so a tease would do ’em good, right? “It, like, Sunday or somethin’, preacher?”
The tease might’ve missed the mark that time, if he was seeing it correctly.
“Friday,” was all his friend mumbled back, and looked embarrassed as shit. The forced smile they offered in return — it made Daryl’s side ache more, somehow. And the way Y/N then sat there, curling their feet in and looking as if they felt…just about as small as Daryl did?
It was as if the invisible knee to the nards was connected to the invisible tugging string on his chest, because while that knee to the nards got him good, he felt that strange string tug toward Y/N big-time.
It was next, when Y/N stood up and moved to take the dishes out, that something very forceful moved in Daryl that had him sitting himself upright (sort of upright) and reaching for his bowl and spoon (oww) before his friend could get to it.
“It’s still good without the cherries and the marshmallows?”
His friend blinked. “Th-there are some, uh, it’s technically got those mini freeze-dried ones, as an extra-surprise.” They tilted their head, squinting at him in a way not unlike how Rick squinted at shit. “The Greene’s had some hot chocolate packets in the back of the pantry, we separated the marshmallows out.”
“That’s a lot of work,” Daryl commented, scooping a spoonful. Looked real pink because of the raspberries.
Y/N next twisted their mouth and almost seemed shy, when they realized what he was about to do.
It made Daryl feel good, seeing them spark up like that. And their shy smile was damn cute, as always.
“Oh, here, try mine if you’re only havin’ a bite,” Y/N asked, holding out their own bowl to him.
“Nah, m’gonna do the whole thing. It being penance and all,” he grunted, then waved his spoon at them. “You, too, go on. Do your penance.”
“My penance?”
“Yeah.” Oh goddamn, the stuff was delicious. “Have a seat, eat up.”
His friend settled on the side of the bed, still looking as if he’d caught them off-guard. They watched him eat for a few moments, and, Daryl had a random, unusual worry that he was eating too sloppy. But holy shit, fresh fruit and whipped cream!
He glanced over mid-scarfing to see Y/N nibbling on (no lie) half a pecan.
“Quit playing with yer food.”
This earned him a small huff and a “I’m savoring it.”
“White lies cost a quarter, remember.”
The amount of attitude Y/N next put into their next bite was funny. “I’b also sduffed a’ready, banjy hick,” they added with their mouth full.
Don’t smile too big, Daryl. “Penance is penance.”
“But pedaces ca be cobooted.”
Don’t smile too big! “They can be what?”
Y/N apologized, swallowed their food and their giggle, and repeated: “Penances can be commuted.”
“They can travel to work?” was his idea of a dumb joke, and this time it did the trick and he made them burst out laughing a second time.
Y/N broke into a laugh so hard they hinged forward and caused some of the cream dressing to get onto their shirt right before their spoon clattered to the floor.
“Laughing like that still hurts, you butt,” his friend wheezed, pressing their arm to their stitched-up side. They coughed a few times, still giggling, and when they thudded their chest a few times they winced. “Ow, bruise. And Lore just washed this top, too.” Another snort. “My fault for bein’ a sucker for dumb jokes, I guess. ”
“Ain’t nobody’s fault, just an accident,” he got the immediate urge to tell them, and so, did.
In response, Y/N looked at him with an expression he wasn’t sure how to read. It wasn’t a bad expression. Then, because that expression made his stomach do more flippy-floppies, Daryl gestured to their bowl again, and Y/N obligingly took another spoonful.
“Dis is so gub,” they hummed softly after taking the bite.
“Damned tasty for knockoff ambrosia,” he had to admit, joining along with another scoop of that damned tasty knockoff ambrosia.
“Do’d even deed deh bigger barshballows.”
Y/N was so fucking cute sometimes. “Or cherries.” He loved the cherries the best, after the marshmallows.
Y/N swallowed their bite.“Or the mandarins.”
“Or the pineapple.” His third favorite part.
“Oh, or the coconut,” Y/N realized, then thought out loud, “Shucks, this is a knockoff.”
“Tasty knockoff, I’d eat it again in a heartbeat,” Daryl murmured. He couldn’t believe his bowl was already empty. “Y/N, you just say ‘shucks?’”
“Shut up.” His friend shook their head and smiled. “Y’know, Daryl, this is prolly one of the top five penances I’ve ever gotten.”
“Top five?”
“One time I got ‘buy yourself something nice that you’ll get good use from. It’s okay if it’s a little expensive, it’s okay if it’s a little frivolous.’ Almost a direct quote, that. I’d been bein’ too, um,” they cleared their throat, “the priest thought I was a bit too hard on myself.”
Daryl knew whatever came next had to be something good, based on his friend’s playful little grin.
“That’s how I bought me my PS3. Pre-owned, so it was a solid deal, and it got very good use.” And with a wistful sounding exhale, they finished, “I miss that thing.” Y/N wiggled their bowl at him. “Please help me with this?”
Daryl’s mouth watered. The stuff tasted so good. Fresh, creamy, sweet, tangy.
Y/N raised their eyebrows at him and smiled.
“If I gotta,” he grunted back.
“Thanks for the assist. Plus, it’s penance.”
“Mm, guess I have to." Oh yeah, big scoop. "If it’s penance.”
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cultofdixon · 1 year
It Should’ve Been Me
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] • They/Them Pronouns • You have always seen the archer as the father you’ve always wanted, and got eventually. But you didn’t know he saw you as his kid until both of you thought your time has run out • ANGST/SFW • TW: Gun Violence / Canon Violence [Saviors Arc]
Requested by: Anon
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One thing for certain
You can mess with Daryl Dixon all you want. But the second you lay hands on his kid?
Better start digging your grave, baby.
Daryl was taken by the Saviors after the line up. He had lost some parts of his family that night and every fiber of his being thought it was his fault. But no one could’ve seen that coming…no one could’ve stopped a terrible man like that in their situation.
At least they’re safe Daryl thought on the drive to this place called the Sanctuary.
But when Rick returned to Alexandria without Daryl, how was he going to tell Y/N that someone important to them was just taken by this monster asking for half of their supplies? Carl knew his dad was going to sugarcoat it so he did what he thought was right.
“You’re lying”
“I’m not Y/N. They took Daryl. This bastard killed Glenn and Abraham right in front of us…”
The tears threatened to spill from the teenager’s eyes as they took a step back from Carl when he tried to hug them.
“Is Maggie—-“
“She’s okay…she’s at the hilltop. But Y/N I-I’m sorry”
“Nah…” Y/N continued to step away from the young grimes as they clenched their fists. “I’m not letting this fucking bastard hurt my da—-“ they cut themselves off shutting their eyes tight causing the tears to spill and Carl to grow more worried. “I’m done running Carl”
I’m done running from these fucking bastards.
The group settled in the prison and we’re going to defend their home from this asshole threatening to take it from them. Daryl started his return to the prison after having to put down his walker brother…guess he did some good in his life, but at what cost?
He heard sobbing on the walk back and didn’t think much of it at first until he heard struggle.
“Let me go!”
“You can’t run away from the community that gave a spoiled brat like yourself shelter!”
“You’re hurting me!” They shouted and that was enough for the archer to make himself present taking down the Woodbury guard that was familiar to him from his time in the ring days back.
Daryl didn’t hesitate to kill the guy and that action brought a bit of fear to the teen he saved.
“Sorry. Just.” Daryl didn’t know how to sugarcoat what just happened as he kept a respectable distance from them. “Yer safe now…But I ain’t letting yea stay out here”
“Y-You…you were the guy from…f-from that night in the ring”
“Right…and you are?”
“Yer somebody. But given the situation I ended for yea, you’re not really apart of them” Daryl states watching them nod confirming that they aren’t a threat. Hell. Given by the fear and injures on their person, they weren’t going to hurt Daryl or anybody. “I have a community. Or starting to become one…we can keep yea safe. As long as you don’t turn on us”
“H-H-How do I know you’re not g-gonna hurt me”
“I just killed a guy that was hurting you. I think that’s proof enough…for now” Daryl extends his hand toward them as they hesitantly accepted it. “The name is Daryl”
The two devised a plan for when Negan, the big boss man, came to collect half of Alexandria’s sources…that they would sneak on his truck and not only take out Negan in his place called the Sanctuary but also retrieve Daryl in the process.
But this was a new threat
with unpredictable actions.
“We stopped moving”
“One of us should check it out”
“You two are kids” Jesus scoffs. “You shouldn’t have done this because what would your dads think?”
Y/N wanted to say their parents were dead but deep down the reality of it was Daryl is their dad now. He stepped up when Y/N really needed it and life continued on. But the anxious look that glued to their expression thinking that they will be losing another parent to this madman with a bat, didn’t go unnoticed by Carl.
“Their fucking dad is who we are saving, besides if we go at it at the source? We’ll get shit done sooner rather than later” Carl whisper snaps at Jesus watching him hold his hands up in surrender.
When the three reached the sanctuary, Jesus planned to get off at the right window—-said window closed shut on both him and Y/N when Carl picked up the gun he brought, stepping out and making himself known to the Saviors that met the other end of his automatic.
“You stay here” Jesus tells Y/N watching them nod as he covers them in case someone decided to enter the truck and investigate further. But that never happened. Carl was detained by those still standing.
Once the coast was actually clear, Jesus gestured for Y/N to come out and decided to help them get Daryl out of the prison when his original plan was to find the Sanctuary.
“What if he’s de—-“
“What we don’t know is what we know. We don’t know if he’s alive or dead, so we can still be hopefully.”
“Jesus fucking Christ everybody” Y/N scoffs slightly annoyed by that as they started to approach the back door before quickly hiding behind the rack of bikes. “I just want…my dad.” they told themselves waiting for anyone to come out.
And it felt as if that was a cue for Daryl to step out of the Sanctuary. He quickly sprinted toward the bikes and flinched when he heard the rapid movements of their feet.
Y/N quickly made their presence known to Daryl and that’s what startled them most.
“Y/N” He breathed out a breath of relief watching their smile shine out. Something that kept him going while imprisoned.
His relieved expression fallen when Y/N felt their side after the sound rang through to notice the blood dripping from their finger tips.
“Shit hurts…dad” and then they passed out.
Daryl felt frozen in place and the Savior noticed his presence and the pipe he had in his grasp. The grip the archer had on his weapon of choice, his rage could’ve made him snap it in half.
But something else snapped.
The archer didn’t let the Savior live and his actions is what lead to Jesus coming out of his position but instead of stopping Daryl…he ran straight to Y/N and addressed their injury the best he could in the moment. Before his words finally got through to Daryl.
“Y/N’s bleeding pretty bad but there’s a pulse. We need to go now!”
“I’ll Hotwire a car” He states lifting from his knelt position and following Jesus to a nearby vehicle that wouldn’t be missed—entirely—to get them out of there and back to the Hilltop.
“Hold it steady” Daryl whispers to Y/N as they held his crossbow securely.
They took aim and a deep breath…before finally pulling the trigger and landing the bullseye on the target he made for them.
“Great job kid”
“Yes!” Y/N yells happily aiming and shooting the cross bow up.
Both of them quickly looked at each other and Daryl didn’t hesitate to grab them quickly moving out of the radius the arrow could fall to.
The small group from Alexandria after Negan paid a visit to return what was there, Carl, had arrived to Hilltop and Maggie let them in with open arms hugging the retired sheriff immediately.
Carl quickly took notice of Daryl and his stressed expression accompanied with dried tears. His anxiety quickly made him run past the archer and toward the medical trailer.
The young grimes’ action didn’t go unnoticed as Rick approaches Daryl relieved that he was okay and now gaining them same sense of worry when his kid didn’t make their presence known along side him.
“How are they doing?” Rick asks after pulling away from the hug with Daryl.
“They lost a lot of blood. But that’s not a big issue” Daryl crosses his arms adjusting a bit given he had a bandage on the part where he gave blood. Dr. Carson took a pint from the archer when he told him he’s o negative and gave it to his kid. “They haven’t woken up”
“They will. They’ll pull through” Rick reassures his brother even if his mind was running a 5k about the incident.
After discussing more of a plan against the Saviors with Maggie and Jesus, Daryl entered the infirmary trailer finding Carl and Enid on either side of Y/N’s unconscious form.
“Your dad is goin’ to this Kingdom place. See if they are willing to join the fight”
“I should probably go with him…” Carl frowns turning to Y/N once more before getting up and leaving.
Enid watches him go before turning to Daryl and seriously, the man radiates his stress that it makes others stress and bring up their own suspicions of what might happen.
“They’ll pay, Daryl”
“They fucking will” He hissed slightly as Enid left on that note to check on Maggie.
Daryl returned to his spot right beside Y/N carefully taking their hand into his, feeling how cold they were…making him anxiously check their pulse before coming to the conclusion it’s just that they were cold.
“This world keeps takin’ from us, kiddo. You can’t let it take yea too…please don’t let it”
“You doing alright?” Daryl frowns sitting on the porch steps beside Y/N who hadn’t turned in for the night and it was dangerously close to becoming morning.
“Yeah. Or I don’t know…best that I could” They frown bringing their attention back to their hands. “I don’t trust it here…”
“Neither do I”
“Yeah…But I promise to keep yea safe” Daryl reassures wrapping his arm around his kid’s shoulders as they instinctively leaned against him.
“You really promise?”
“I do”
You know I do
“Daryl!” Enid barges into the infirmary. “You need to hide. The saviors are here and they can’t find you”
Daryl nods quickly rising to his feet and trying to think fast enough to bring Y/N with him or to cover them up like they were dead. But maybe they’d think they were hiding under the blanket—or that he’ll aggravate the pain if he moved them.
Then Enid’s voice snapped him out of it.
“Go! Go to the pantry and I’ll take care of this” Enid states carrying bloodied sheets. The same sheets were Y/N’s when they first arrived to hilltop. So they were dried but it was enough for Enid to flip it so the main blood patch would be by their head. To show they finished the job before they could shift.
Maggie and Daryl hid in the pantry underneath the main house of Hilltop until the Saviors left. The time alone lead to Daryl stating how it was his fault for Glenn’s death and even if Maggie did her best to tell him it wasn’t, anything could’ve happened. He started to sob even harder.
“It’s my fault if they die”
“I shouldn’t…shouldn’t have tried to take the guy out…then Glenn will be here, and Y/N wouldn’t have had the thought of coming to get me…” he kept his gaze toward the ground trying to calm himself and not thrash when Maggie brought her arms around him. “They’re not gonna make it…”
“They will Daryl, and the saviors will pay for that they did. They’ll fucking pay”
Once the Saviors left, Daryl went back to the infirmary trailer to make sure they didn’t mess with Y/N in any way. But his anxiety skyrocketed when their body wasn’t there.
“Fuck. They took them. They took my kid. THOSE FUCKERS” He snaps right before he heard the sobbing. But it wasn’t coming from inside the trailer.
The archer stepped out and it was a bit louder compared to inside. He slowly approaches the crying until he found the source.
Y/N…oh god. Oh my god. Daryl frowns feeling the tears return on himself as he approaches their curled up form kneeling before them. “Y/N…you’re okay”
“You’re not real…I’m dead. This isn’t real” They continued to sob as their body started to shake.
“Y/N, I’m here…I’m actually here” Daryl frowns resting his hands on their face as they immediately wrapped their arms around him just from the touch to snap them back. “See I would’ve pinched yea but you just got shot”
“I thought I lost you dad…”
“‘M right here kiddo”
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biggerbetterbat · 6 months
Daryl Dixon x oc!Charlie
Summary: Charlie disagrees with Rick and is angry with how he treats Aaron. As the group wanders down the road, she has some sad realizations. Standing in front of Alexandria’s gates makes Charlie emotional.
Warnings: language, violence
Words: 5584
A/N: Now, the real story begins my dear readers. Enjoy!!
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Charlie tried to believe in Washington, its promise of a better life. But nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her as she approached the city gates. The gates towered higher than any structure Charlie had seen in a long time. She stood before the towering gates of Alexandria, her heart pounding with a mixture of hope and excitement. She tightened her fists, nails digging into a delicate skin.
Maybe it was the place Charlie was dreaming since this craziness broke out?
Rick's gaze flickered over Aaron before settling back on Sasha and Charlie. Something in his demeanor shifted, a storm brewing beneath his usually composed exterior. Charlie stood frozen, her eyes wide with shock and anger as Rick's fist collided with Aaron's jaw. The sound echoed in the tense silence of the room, sending a shiver down her spine. She was disbelieved as she watched Aaron stagger backward, clutching his injured jaw.
"Rick, what the hell?!" Charlie's voice trembled with a mixture of fury and dismay, her gaze locking onto his hardened expression. She immediately kneeled next to a man who got knocked down. "Me and Sasha, we didn't see him. If he wanted to hurt us, he could have."
"Anybody see anything?" Rick ignored what she said and turned his attention to Glenn and Daryl who were checking the nearby area.
"Just a lot of places to hide," said Asian man.
"All right, keep looking."
"Rick!" Charlie called. "Do you hear what I said? Stop acting like a crazy man."
But he ignored her, again.
Charlie didn't trust Aaron entirely, her instincts urging caution even as her weary soul longed for the solace of trust. She knew she couldn't afford to let her guard down completely, not in a world where betrayal lurked around every corner
"That's a hell of a right cross there, Rick," groaned Aaron from the ground.
"Sit him up," Rick commanded.
"I think it's better if..."
"It's okay," the man touched Charlie's arm in reassurance.
"He's fine. Sit him up," Rick said with annoyance. Charlie rolled her eyes at his demeanor.
"Are you really okay?" Charlie asked the man to be entirely sure.
"You're being cautious," Aaron nodded. "I completely understand..."
She placed a hand on his back, offering him support with a small, reassuring smile. Aaron's gaze met hers, gratitude flickering in his eyes as he accepted her offer. With a slight wince, he shifted his weight, allowing Charlie to steady him as he sat up. As Aaron settled into a more comfortable position, Charlie lingered beside him.
"How many of your people are out there?" Grimes asked. He once again stepped into Sheriff Rick persona. "You have a flare gun. You have it to signal your people. How many of them are there?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes," the man nodded. "Yes it does."
"I mean, of course, it matters how many people are actually out there, but does it matter how many people I tell you are out there?" Aaron asked with a scoff. "Because I'm pretty sure no matter what number I say...8? 32? 444? Zero? No matter what I say, you're not going to trust me."
Charlie couldn't tear her gaze away from Rick as he paced back and forth, his frustration palpable in every tense movement. She watched as his jaw clenched, his brows furrowing deeper with each passing moment. The air around him crackled with tension, his annoyance radiating outwards like a storm gathering on the horizon."Well, it's hard to trust anyone who smiles after getting punched in the face."
"How about a guy who leaves bottles of water for you in the road?" Aaron was now the one to ask.
"How long you people been following us?"
"Long enough to see that you practically ignore a pack of roamers on your trail. Long enough to see that despite a lack of food and water, you never turned on each other. You're survivors." starnger said in amazement. "And you are people. Like I said, and I hope you won't punch me for saying it again, that is the most important resource in the world."
Charlie could feel the tension in the room mounting, a heavy weight pressing down upon them all. She knew that Rick was struggling, his burden of leadership heavier than ever in the face of uncertainty. But even as empathy tugged at her heart, she couldn't shake the sense of apprehension that coiled in the pit of her stomach.
"How many others are out there?" he repeated the question.
"One." Aaron said. Rick let out a sharp scoff. It cut through the tense atmosphere like a knife, drawing the attention of everyone in the room."I knew you wouldn't believe me. If it's not words, if it's not pictures, what would it take to convince you that this is for real? What if I drove you to the community? All of you? We leave now, we'll get there by lunch."
"I'm not sure how the 15 of us are gonna fit in the car you and your one friend drove down here in," snickered Rick.
"We drove separately. If we found a group, we wanted to be able to bring them all home. There's enough room for all of us."
"And you're parked just a couple miles away, right?"
"East on Ridge Road, just after you hit Route 16." Aaron confessed. "We wanted to get them closer, but then the storm came, blocked the road. We couldn't clear it."
"Yeah, you've really thought this through."
"Rick," Aaron said with more stern voice. "If I wanted to ambush you, I'd do it here. You know, light the barn on fire while you slept. Pick you off as you ran out the only exit.  You can trust me."
As Rick's frustration simmered in the air, Charlie felt a surge of defiance rise within her. She couldn't stand idly by, letting distrust and fear dictate her actions. Despite the doubts that lingered in the depths of her mind, she made a conscious decision to trust Aaron.
With a determined exhale, Charlie stepped forward, her gaze locking onto Rick's. "I'll check out the cars," Charlie said without thinking, probably still inspired by Michonne.
"There aren't any cars." Rick said.
"There's only one way to find out," Charlie argued.
"We don't need to find out."
"We do," Michonne decided to back her friend up.
"You were able to trust Gabriel after knowing what he did. You believed Eugene just because he uses difficult words," Charlie said. "And you trust me, even though you know what I did. You're sure of what you believe in, and I respect that. You know I do...But I need to check it. To prove something to myself."
"Your way is dangerous, mine isn't." Grimes said immediately.
"Passing up someplace where we can live?"
"We need to find out what this is," Michonne agreed.
"I want to do it," Charlie said with a firm voice.
"Then I will, too," Glenn said.
"Abraham," Rick called and turned to the ginger man.
"Yeah," he nodded. "I'll walk with them."
The girl shrugged and then nodded.
"If there's trouble, you got enough firepower?" Rick asked.
"We got what we got."
"If you're not back in 60 minutes we'll come." he nodded at her. "Which might be just what they want."
"I'm coming too," Noah said and walked to Charlie.
"To do what?" she snorted. "Be a human catch? You stay."
"Then I'll go," Carl announced.
"We will be back soon," Charlie said and made sure she had enough of weapons on her. Then she ruffled Carl's hair with a smile. "See you in 60 minutes."
With determination fueling their steps, Charlie set out down the desolate road, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the cars Aaron had mentioned. They were venturing into unknown territory, trusting in Aaron's words. But as they walked, she couldn't shake the nagging doubt that gnawed at the edges of her mind. What if Aaron had led them astray? What if they were walking straight into a trap?
"JTC 16."
"Weapons up. Eyes open, everybody," Glenn said, squeezing his gun. "You see someone coming at us, you fire."
"Copy that," Abraham said.
"So if we see someone we just shot them?" Michonne asked.
"It's a good question," Charlie agreed with Michonne. "What if they're someone like us? What if Aaron is telling the truth?"
"We're five people walking with guns." Glenn asked. "No one's coming up to say hello."
"But that's exactly what happened," Charlie argued.
"If it's someone like us, we should be afraid of them."
As Glenn's words echoed in the stillness of the abandoned highway, Charlie felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach. They weren't the same people they once were, the ones who clung to notions of morality in a world gone mad. They had done things, seen things, that had changed them irrevocably. The weight of guilt settled heavy upon her shoulders, a burden she could no longer bear. Michonne's hand on her shoulder brought her back to the present, a silent gesture of support amidst the turmoil raging within her.
"People like us, saved the priest."
"And we did that completely unnecessary," Charlie murmured under her nose, still not being a fan of Gabe.
"Saved a girl who rolled up to the prison with the Governor. Saved a crazy lady with a sword." Michonne added. "He saw that."
"I don't know what he saw." Glenn said, still not convinced.
As they rounded a bend in the road, Charlie's eyes fell upon the unexpected sight of a camper parked in the middle of the desolate highway. Relief flooded through her at the sight, a flicker of hope igniting within her weary heart. It was a stark reminder that amidst the chaos and despair, there were still good people in the world, people willing to offer aid and shelter to those in need. Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of relief towards Aaron. In that moment, she knew that no matter how dark the world may seem, there would always be good people willing to shine a light in the darkness.
"Look," Charlie breathed, her voice tinged with awe as she pointed towards the camper.
As the group approached the cluster of cars on the desolate highway, a rustling sound erupted from the nearby woods, sending a shiver down Charlie's spine. Instinct kicked in, and she tightened her grip on the handle of her weapon, her senses on high alert.
"Not one step closer, asshole!" Abraham warned whoever was behind the bushes.
Three walkers emerged from the shadows behind the survivor, their groans echoing through the silent woods. She felt relieved that it wasn't a trap, and that she once again mistrusted Aaron. With a steadying breath, Charlie lowered her gun, the weight of doubt heavy in her heart. Gripping the handle of her axe tightly, she stepped forward, her resolve unwavering as she prepared to face the walkers head-on."I got them."
The group stood over the stash of supplies they had found near the abandoned cars. Boxes of canned food, bottles of water, and other essential items lay scattered around them. As Charlie surveyed the gathered supplies, a swell of pride rose within her. Aaron had been right all along, and Charlie couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at having proved Rick wrong. They had trusted Aaron, taken a chance on his word, and it had paid off. Charlie couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of faith in their ability to navigate the challenges of this harsh world.
"This, this is ours now." Rick announced as if expecting some kind of protest.
"There's more than enough," Aaron nodded.
"It's ours whether or not we go to your camp."
Charlie furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden revelation.
"What do you mean? Why wouldn't we go?" Carl asked.
"If he were lying or if he wanted to hurt us..."
"But he isn't," Charlie finished her thought.
"And he doesn't," she nodded. "We need this. So we're going, all of us. Somebody say something if they feel differently."
Charlie looked into Rick's eyes with determination.
"I don't know, man," Daryl said. "This barn smells like horse shit."
She glanced over at him, offering a silent nod of gratitude and acknowledgement. Daryl met her gaze with a gruff nod of his own, his expression stoic but his eyes reflecting a hint of camaraderie. Though he wasn't one for grand gestures or flowery words, Charlie knew that his presence beside her spoke volumes.
"Yeah," Rick nodded. "We're going. So where are we going?"
"Well, every time I've done this, I've been behind the wherl driving recruits back..."
"You're not driving," Michonne said. She trusted Aaron a bit more now, but she had been through a lot. "So if you want to get home, you'll have to tell us how."
As the first rays of sun disappeared behind the horizon, Charlie stood beside the battered van, her hands busy with the task of preparing it for the road ahead. Supplies were stowed away, weapons secured, and makeshift repairs made to ensure their journey would be as smooth as possible.
Lost in her thoughts, Charlie barely noticed when Daryl approached, his footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. She could sense his presence beside her, his silent solidarity a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty of their journey. "Need a hand?" Daryl's gruff voice broke through the stillness, his offer genuine despite the rough edges of his tone.
Charlie glanced up, meeting his gaze with a nod of appreciation. "If you're offering," she replied, her voice tinged with weariness.
Daryl fell into step beside her, his movements efficient as he helped with the final preparations. Glancing at Charlie from the corner of his eye, Daryl observed her tense posture and furrowed brow. He knew she was grappling with her own demons, but he couldn't shake the worry that he might inadvertently add to her burden.
"I... I'm sorry if I seemed distant earlier. I didn't mean."
Charlie stiffened beside him, her jaw clenched with suppressed emotion. She turned to him, her eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and hurt. "Sorry?" she echoed, her voice laced with bitterness. "For what? Ignoring me?"
Daryl winced at the accusation, his guilt gnawing at him like a relentless beast. "I didn't mean to," he protested, his voice tinged with desperation. "I was just..."
Charlie's expression softened slightly at his apology, but the anger still simmered beneath the surface. "You can't just shut me out whenever you feel like it, Daryl," she said quietly, her tone tinged with disappointment. "We're supposed to be a team."
Daryl nodded, his own guilt weighing heavily upon him. "I know," he murmured, his gaze dropping to the ground. "It won't happen again. I promise."
"Save it," she answered. "Just don't do it again."
Daryl felt a powerful urge to reach out to her, to offer comfort and reassurance in the only way he knew how. But as he moved to embrace her, something inside him stopped him in his tracks. He knew that Charlie needed space, that his actions had caused her pain, and he didn't want to make things worse by overstepping his bounds. Instead, Daryl hesitated for a moment before reaching out to touch her back, his gesture gentle. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes of his desire to be there for her, to offer support and understanding in her time of need.
Charlie stiffened at his touch, the tension between them palpable in the air. But after a moment, she relaxed slightly, allowing his hand to rest on her back in a silent acknowledgment of his presence. Daryl's heart swelled with a mix of relief and gratitude as Charlie offered a slight smile and touched his arm before walking away. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes to him, a sign that perhaps their bond wasn't irreparably damaged.
Charlie sat in the back of the van, her fingers tapping anxiously against her thigh. The darkness outside pressed against the windows, thick and impenetrable. She adjusted her gear, the weight of the mission settling heavy on her shoulders. As if summoned by her thoughts, Abraham appeared at the van's door, his silhouette outlined against the faint glow of a nearby streetlamp. He swung the door open and climbed in, his presence commanding the small space. “Excited?”
“If you can be excited after everything we’ve been through.”
Abraham settled himself beside her, his gaze steady. "Good. Remember, in the army, all important missions are at night. It's when we operate best, when the element of surprise is on our side."
Charlie leaned in, her eyes meeting his. "I know. I just wish it didn't always have to be so... intense." Abraham gave her a small, understanding smile. "You know," she said with a grin, "my brothers were in the army. I've heard my fair share of military stories and jokes."
"Yep," she nodded. "I feel like an army veteran thanks to them."
"That's interesting," he nodded. "Bob knew one of them, right?"
"You don't know where they are?"
"Dead, probably."
"You believe that?" he asked. "Well, let me tell you something," Abraham continued, his voice gaining strength. "Soldiers are some of the toughest sons of bitches I've ever met. They're trained to survive in the worst conditions imaginable, to adapt and overcome no matter what."
Charlie felt a wave of emotion wash over her. It was the first time someone had spoken about her brothers with such conviction, such unwavering belief in their strength and resilience. For so long, she had carried the weight of her loss alone, her brothers' memory a bittersweet reminder of the life they had lost. But now, with Abraham's reassurance ringing in her ears, Charlie allowed herself to entertain the possibility that her brothers were still out there, fighting to survive against all odds.
"I think they're somewhere out there. Just like us," Abraham placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, a silent gesture of support and understanding. "They'd be proud of you, Charlie," he said quietly. "You're tough as nails, just like them."
“You don’t know them,” she sniffed.
“I don’t have to,” he said. “Look at you. You won’t tell me you’re the only tough one in your family.”
"Thank you," she almost whispered.
"Don't give up on them, Charlie," he said earnestly. "They're out there, I know it. And until we have proof otherwise, we have to believe they're still fighting, just like we are."
As Charlie wiped away a stray tear, trying to compose herself, she heard the familiar footsteps of Rosita and Tara approaching. She quickly straightened up, hoping to hide any signs of her distress, but it was too late. They had seen her.
Rosita noticed their arrival too, and his usual jovial expression softened as she exchanged a concerned glance with the other women. "Everything alright, Charlie?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine concern. "Have you made her cry?"
"No," Charlie answered for the man. "I'm fine. Really. Just emotional about everything that is happening."
"So, do we trust Aaron?" Rosita ventured, her voice quiet but determined.
Charlie sighed, the weight of uncertainty settling over her once more. "I want to," she admitted, her gaze drifting to the horizon. "But after everything we've been through, it's hard to trust anyone completely."
"If there's a chance that Alexandria exists, that there are people out there who can offer us safety and a sense of normalcy, isn't it worth taking?" Tara asked.
Charlie considered her words carefully, the prospect of sanctuary tempting yet fraught with uncertainty. "I guess we won't know unless we try," she conceded, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Rosita nodded in agreement, her resolve firm. "Then let's make sure we're ready for whatever comes our way," she said, her tone determined.
A sudden movement jolted the van. Charlie's heart skipped a beat as she grabbed onto the nearest surface to steady herself, her muscles tensing with anticipation. Her eyes moved to Carl and Judith to check if they're alright. As the van surged forward, narrowly escaping the herd of walkers and the stalled car, a wave of relief washed over the group. But their respite was short-lived as the van suddenly lurched to a stop, the engine sputtering to a halt with a final gasp of effort.
Panic gripped Charlie's chest as she realized what had happened. "What's going on?" she demanded, her voice tinged with fear.
Daryl cursed under his breath, his hands frantically working to restart the engine to no avail. "We've lost them," he growled, his frustration evident.
"What do you mean lost?" asked Carl with panic in his voice.
Before they could even begin to formulate a plan, a collective gasp rippled through the group as they caught sight of a massive herd of walkers on the horizon, their relentless march bringing them ever closer. Charlie's heart hammered in her chest as she scanned the landscape for any sign of their missing companions. And then, amidst the chaos, she saw him—a lone figure standing amidst the sea of undead, his gaze locked on their van with a mixture of desperation and determination.
"Who is that?" Maggie whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of Charlie's heartbeat.
"Help!" the starnger called, but didn't came closer to the van. He was standing on the side of the road.
As Charlie moved to open the van door and rush to the injured man's aid, Carol's voice stopped her in her tracks like a sudden gust of wind. "Charlie, don't you dare," her tone was firm, commanding attention.
Charlie turned to face Carol, her frustration simmering just below the surface. "We can't just leave him out there," she argued, her voice edged with urgency.
"We have to prioritize the safety of the group," she replied, her tone unwavering.
Charlie bristled at Carol's words, her concern for the injured man warring with her duty to protect her friends. "What if it was one of us out there?" she shot back, her voice tinged with frustration.
Carol's expression softened slightly, a flicker of understanding crossing her features. "I know it's hard, Charlie, but we can't risk our lives for one person," she said gently, her voice tinged with empathy.
"Yes, we can."
Charlie couldn't ignore the gnawing sense of guilt that tugged at her heartstrings. With each passing moment, the injured man's cries for help grew louder, echoing in her ears like a haunting melody of desperation. Without a word, she pushed open the van door and stepped out into the chaos, determined to do whatever it took to save the stranger's life. She was met with a sudden display of solidarity from Daryl and Abraham. Without a word exchanged, the two men swiftly reached for their guns, their movements fluid and decisive as they prepared to fend off any threats that might come their way.
Just as she reached the injured man, Rosita sprang into action, her resolve matching Charlie's as she followed her without hesitation.
"My bagpack," he said. "Please take it! I have a flare there!"
With a shared glance between them, they hoisted the stranger's weight between them, their steps quick and purposeful as they hurried back towards the safety of the van.
"Thank you," he breathed out. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
"Who is he?" Sasha furrowed her eyebrows as she missed the banter and whole situation.
"Yeah," Rosita breathed out, tired from carrying the man. "Who are you?"
"Eric," he replied, his voice hoarse with pain. "My name is Eric."
"What were you doing out there?"
"I was waiting for you. I was out there with Aaron," he answered.
"You are from Alexandria?" Maggie asked, sitting down next to him, taking out the bandage. "So, what is it like?" she asked, her tone filled with genuine curiosity.
He went on to describe the bustling streets and sturdy walls of Alexandria, painting a picture of a thriving community where people worked together to rebuild and reclaim a sense of normalcy in the midst of chaos.
"There's a real sense of community there," he explained, his voice tinged with warmth. "Everyone looks out for each other, like one big family."
Maggie listened intently, her eyes shining with interest as she imagined the possibilities that awaited them in this new sanctuary. "Sounds like a place worth fighting for."
"It is," he confirmed. " And you guys really know how to make an entrance," he quipped, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips despite the pain he was clearly in.
Charlie couldn't help but chuckle at his remark, grateful for the momentary respite from the gravity of their situation. "Sorry about that," she replied with a smile, her tone light but genuine.
Eric waved off her apology with a dismissive gesture, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "No worries," he said with a grin. "It's not every day we get rescued by a band of fearless survivors."
"And what happened to you?" Carol asked.
"I was running away..." he started. "Eh, long story. Thank God, you were here."
"Yeah," she murmured, while helping him.
With the tension easing slightly inside the van, Eric's revelation about a nearby town sparked a renewed sense of hope among the group. Charlie felt a surge of anticipation course through her veins as she exchanged excited glances with her companions.
"A town?" she repeated, her voice tinged with disbelief.
Eric nodded eagerly, his eyes alight with excitement despite his obvious discomfort. "Yeah, just a few miles down the road," he confirmed, his voice filled with hope.
Without hesitation, the group sprang into action, their movements swift and purposeful as they prepared to set out for the newfound sanctuary. With a quick exchange of glances, Daryl and Abraham took their positions at the front of the van, ready to lead the way. As Charlie and Eric settled into a quiet corner of the room, the warmth of safety and refuge enveloped them like a comforting embrace. Eric, ever the talkative one, launched into conversation without missing a beat. His words flowed freely, filling the room with the sound of his voice as he regaled Charlie with stories of life in Alexandria and the people he had met along the way.
She was listening carefully to every word, imagining white houses and streets of Alexandria.
As Eric spoke, Charlie found herself opening up in return, sharing snippets of her own experiences and the journey that had led her to this moment. It felt strange to confide in someone she had just met, but there was something about Eric's easygoing nature that put her at ease.
As a sudden bang reverberated through the room, Charlie and Eric exchanged a startled glance, their conversation coming to an abrupt halt. Before they could react, the door swung open, and the rest of the group poured into the room, their expressions a mixture of relief and concern.
"In here!"
"I'm okay," he said. "Carol helped me. Charlie was sitting with me this whole time. It's like a volleyball injury."
"It's a broken ankle," Charlie said. "At least that's what Maggie said."
"I like her," Eric smiled and pointed at her. "I'll just go to the infirmary when we get back."
As Aaron and Eric shared a tender moment, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss, Charlie felt a pang of discomfort wash over her. Turning away respectfully, Charlie silently slipped out of the room, leaving the couple alone to share their private moment. She left the room quietly.
Feeling a gentle touch on her shoulder, Charlie turned to find Rick standing beside her, his expression filled with concern. When Rick finally pulled away, he met Charlie's gaze with a look of genuine concern. "Are you alright?"
"We are all good," she nodded. Despite the comforting embrace from Rick, Charlie couldn't shake the underlying annoyance that simmered beneath the surface. "Are you alright?"
"I think so."
As Aaron made his way of the room, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallways, a sense of relief washed over him. Though his encounter with Rick had been tense, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the group's willingness to help Eric.
"I owe you," Aaron said. "All of you. And I will make sure that debt is paid in full when we get to our community. When we get to Alexandria." he said. "I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather not do any more driving tonight." he smiled and his joke just brought smiles on everyone's faces. "What about tomorrow morning?"
"That sounds fine," Rick said. "But if we're staying here for the night, you're sleeping over there."
"You really think we got to do that?"
"It's the safe play. We don't know you." Rick still sticked to his old story.
"The only way you're gonna stop me from being witn him right now is by shooting me," Aaron said and made a step almost bumping into Rick.
"Woah," Glenn stopped him and Charlie rolled her eyes.
"He told us where the camp is and surprise...he's traveling with one person," Charlie said. "Just let them be together for God's sake."
"Thank you," Aaron turned to her before entering the room where Eric was in.
As they settled around, Charlie found herself lost in thought, her mind still reeling from the events of the day. But as she sat alone in the quiet darkness, she felt a presence beside her, a familiar warmth that made her heart skip a beat.
Glancing to her side, she saw Daryl sitting next to her, his expression guarded but soft around the edges. For a moment, they sat in companionable silence, the weight of their shared experiences hanging heavy in the air.
"Hey," Daryl's voice broke the silence, his tone gentle but hesitant.
Charlie turned to him, offering a small smile of acknowledgment. "Hey," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
For a moment, they simply sat together, the silence stretching between them like a fragile thread. But then, slowly but surely, the tension began to ease, replaced by a sense of familiarity and comfort. Without a word spoken between them, she rested her head against him, feeling the reassuring strength of his presence against the uncertainty that loomed outside.
Daryl tensed slightly at her touch, his body stiffening with surprise at first. But then, as if sensing the unspoken need for comfort, he relaxed, his arm instinctively wrapping around her in a gentle embrace. For a moment, they sat together in silence, the only sound the steady rhythm of their breathing. Charlie felt a sense of peace wash over her, the weight of the world lifting from her shoulders as she found refuge in Daryl's steady presence.
And with that calmness she fell asleep.
With each passing mile, they drew closer to Alexandria, their newfound sanctuary and the promise of a fresh start. As the car rumbled along the darkened road, Charlie found herself sitting with Judith nestled in her lap, her small form a comforting weight against her chest. As Rick drove, his eyes focused on the road ahead, Charlie couldn't help but marvel at the sense of calm that settled over them.
Glancing down at Judith, Charlie couldn't suppress a smile as she watched the young girl sleep peacefully in her arms. Despite the harsh realities of their world, there was still innocence and joy to be found in the simple moments of companionship and love.
As they approached the outskirts of Alexandria, Charlie felt her heart quicken with anticipation. Though she knew that their arrival marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with its own challenges and uncertainties, she couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of starting fresh in a place where they could finally put down roots and build a future for themselves.
As the car rolled to a stop at the gates of Alexandria, Charlie gently lifted Judith from her lap, cradling the baby in her arms. With a sense of reluctance, she turned to Rick, her heart heavy with the weight of their impending separation.
As Charlie approached the gates of Alexandria, her heart began to race in her chest, each beat echoing in her ears like a drumroll of anticipation. With each step closer, the sense of excitement and apprehension grew within her, a flurry of emotions swirling in her mind.
As she neared the gates, Charlie felt a surge of nervous energy coursing through her veins, her footsteps quickening with each passing moment.
As the gates creaked open, revealing the safe haven beyond, Charlie felt a surge of emotion wash over her. It was a moment she had never dared to dream of, a flicker of light in the abyss of despair.
Around her, the group she had come to know as family stood, their faces etched with weariness and determination. And now, they stood on the threshold of a new chapter, a sanctuary they had heard whispers of, a place called Alexandria. And as Charlie took her first steps into Alexandria, she felt a glimmer of hope ignite within her once more, a beacon of light guiding them through the darkness that lay ahead.
But for now, they were safe. For now, they were home.
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crisp-nightime-air · 2 years
Here are me and my gf favourite dndaddies quotes. (Up until season 2 episode 23)
**spoilers to come
“I’m hungry and I kinda wanna fuck”
“He is my seed!!!”
“I burned down my first school!!”
“Who wants grape nuts?”
“No one!!!”
“Now two sad bags of bones that used to be people with hopes and dreams”
“Natures orgasm”
“Jizz likely”
“I’m wearing the condoms Ron!!!”
“ the Birkenstock’s were in you all along”
“If we all get into the fanny pack then the bear can get into the van”
“Daryl what do your dilf eyes see”
“Is that a d4 in your pocket or are you just that poorly endowed”
“It’s like watching a man chase down his very specific kink through tabletop role play”
“It’s role play masturbation”
“I can’t respect your choices when you don’t make good ones”
“You find more knives than not knives”
“Look at my butt hole dad”
“Yea look at his butthole”
“Balfazar drop me a fat ass poem”
“So your edging your cat??!???”
“Get yourself together the snake is dying”
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me”
“Dick daddy”
“My cat has never nutted and will never nut”
“We don’t need seat belts where we’re going”
“The horse doesn’t get the money, Glenn”
“Mountain don’t think, mountain do”
“It’s like a bra for your penis”
“A bunch of sexualised but private part not having felines”
“Do they have BUTTHOLES??”
“I’m hard rock big huge”
“Eldritch candy emergency”
“The entire episode is spent inside Darrell's butt”
“The curious case of the poop in the bathroom”
“John the Baptist flipping through the Old Testament “ain’t no rules says it can’t happen””
“A homunculus made of confidence and urine”
“Trapped in a piss boy”
“Frankly my dear I don’t have a frank”
“You do the hokey pokey and you turn into an eight year old”
“Don’t you ,forget about yeet”
“Human sized bird on a tiny pony”
“I’m fully cocked”
“I hate it when I go to the grocery store looking for Tapatío and they’re like “We only have Old Assblower” and I’m like “Okay, fine.”
“A brief encounter with a problematic vampire”
“Father! The after life…it is dark”
“Because Glenn could not stop for Death, we kindly killed Glenn”
“I’m burnt out from caring”
“Tell me it’s comic sans and I will cum”
“Never send a Matt to do a Glenn’s work”
“Why don’t you come down here and punish me daddy”
“I’m not that easily penetrated”
“That’s the last time you gonna see anybody come”
“I don’t have to be nice I’m aerodynamic”
“A Real man belongs in a mouth”
“It’s like my dick, my ass, and my balls have all seen a ghost”
“Does your butt look like house md now”
“Down with the immigrant”
“Matt nipple play Arnold”
“I’m Beth miracle nip May”
“You can finger something without touching the sharp end”
“Goblin? On deez nuts??!!????!?”
“Women are friends not cubes”
“You can’t really do a battle cry on resolving conflict”
“Tomorrow might be m for mature but today is for e for everyone”
“You couldn’t do 30 seconds of childhood”
“FOMO fire opportunity murder other thing”
“I turn to my directionless hippie family”
“Disenfranchised acolytes of oakvale”
“My daddy is god! My daddy is god!”
“I am willing to psychically dominate your father”
“If it’s a private school…..how do you know about it?”
“Say something racist William campos”
“Have you ever watched a porn?????? No one wants to see the guys face!!!!!”
“I got a detention in my pants”
“You see in order…..the same man twice and a boy that’s wrong”
“My husband is an heiress”
“The Apple doesn’t fall far from the weeb”
“Goth the friend zone iguana”
“We clocked the teen boy at 30 miles an hour”
“Coming out of my mom and I was feeling just fine”
“Scorpion slut”
“I have never pleasures a woman in my life and I don’t plan on starting now”
“Dick Spencer’s the name dick pleasures the game”
“It’s time for centrist vegan ice cream”
“I don’t think the fbi can help with this growth”
“My one dad left because he saw how gross the growth is”
“That means they’ve listened to me jerkoff 67 times”
“A routeeny”
“I’m not the smartest kid in the shed”
“This hole was made for me”
“I’m gonna wrap my vajay around your neck”
“You hit him directly with your vagina”
“Let the yeast do its thing”
“I love to please when I get head to…damn”
“The raccoons name is laaannhehahheh”
“Can you order calzone people?
Oh yea like a stripper”
“Jsut order party calzones!!”
“Does he want sentient or none sentient calzones?
He said he doesn’t want feet on them”
“You see the price on the recipe after we charge you”
“The sensual ghost Italian music playing in the back”
“A woman shat in the bathroom”
“You wanna slide inside a calzone with dad”
“To old to share a calzone with your papa”
“It’s not gonna be pleasant in that calzone”
“I have returned to the woomussy”
“Deep inside your pizzussy”
“Hi my name is Matt Arnold known misogynist”
Hi I’m will campos known woman lover”
“Hi I’m Beth may known woman”
“My first kiss was a threesome”
“You hear the sphincter of the cat open”
“Guys act like calzones!!”
“There’s a nipple on the bus hot shot”
“My neck, my back, MY PUSSY BUS!!”
“New you would pussy out you would pussy in”
“Don’t get cocky kid this is the only pussy you’re ever getting in”
“The dick kids don’t fall far from the dick tree”
“It’s been two days since you last jerked”
“She Johnny on my Apple tell I seed”
“What ever revs your engine as long as I get to drive the car”
“Come here baby and hold your body against mine and rub it around a little bit”
“”We‘ll talk about in a second” is the Wilson fucking family crest”
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alyssaswrld999 · 1 year
Meeting The Man/Negan Smith
(Season 7 Era) Y/n was apart of the Alexandria Group and was at the line up. Glenn was Y/n's brother. Negan takes Y/n and Daryl back with him to the Sanctuary. Then Y/n gets to talk to Negan in private.
Negan x Reader
(Comment if you want this to be a series)
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Y/n pov:
It all happened so fast.... We were all just trying to get Maggie to safety. It was dark and cold outside. I was helping Rick lead everyone in the dark. The Saviors were blocking roads to Hilltop so we couldn't get there.
I just wished things would've ended differently...
I feel numb inside and I don't know what to do. There's nothing I can do at this moment. Me and Daryl are right now in the back of a van. We are getting taken to The Sanctuary. We're the man that killed my brother lives.
I'm on my knees looking around panicking. The person beside me is Eugene. All I see is a large group of Saviors and the RV. Then a tall man with a beard and mustache said "Let's meet the man". When I heard those words It felt like I couldn't breathe.
Seconds later the RV door opens. I look to see what was gonna come out of that damn RV. I didn't know what to expect at this moment. "Pissing our pants yet cause I have a feeling we're getting close" A male voice said.
Then suddenly I see a man that was very tall and he had a leather jacket with a red scarf fabric around his neck, black jeans, and black combat boots. I also noticed he had a baseball bat with barbed wire around it.
My ears started ringing so it was hard to hear what he was saying to Rick. All I heard was that his name was Negan and he didn't like how we killed his people.
Next thing I know he is walking around trying to decide which one of us he's gonna kill. I'm looking around seeing the rest of my group having fear in there eyes. Suddenly I hear "And you are.... It... anybody moves anybody says anything cut the other boys eye out and feed it to his father then we will start....." Negan says.
I look up and see who he was standing in front of and it was Abraham. He was a really good friend to me and he always was funny. I started crying and then my stomach started hurting.
"You can breathe.. you can blink.... you can cry... hell yall are all gonna be doing that" Negan says raising his bat. When those last words slip off his tongue the bat swings down. He was beating Abraham to death and I can't stop it.
"No no no no" I mumbled. I wanted to crawl over and beg Negan to stop. I wanted this nightmare to end. "Oh look at that taking it like a champ" Negan said. Abraham sits back up on his knees and looks up at Negan. The blood was coming down his face. "Suck.. My..Nuts" Abraham said.
The bat swings back down again and I fall forward crying. I couldn't take this.... I don't want anyone to get hurt.... I don't want Glenn hurt.... no one deserves this....
I can hear Negan beating Abraham's head in over and over. The sound was ringing over and over in my ears. I didn't know what to do to make him stop. Negan didn't want to stop... he thought it was a game it seems...
Negan finally stops and I sit back up. I looked and seen Negans bat was all bloody. "Did you hear that he said suck my nuts" Negan said laughing. Then Negan started beating Abraham's head again like it wasn't enough.
It all was flashing before our eyes and I wanted to do something....
Then when Negan finally stops this time he acted like he was happy. "Oh my goodness look at this" Negan said shoving his bat around in our faces. Bragging how he killed our friend in front of us.
Then finally Daryl had enough and he ends up punching Negan in the face. A savior ends up putting him down and I start begging them to please not kill him. After Negans little outburst of anger, Negan looks over at me and asks me for my name. "It's Y/n" I said looking up into Negans eyes.
Negan smiles and starts completing me on how I begged to save Daryls life. Negan said it was real brave of me to do that. To prove how much I care about my people....
He walks back to the middle closer to where Glenn was and he turned to our direction. "I need you to know me" Negan says. Then it goes quiet for a second. "So... back to it" Negan said. He quickly turns around and starts hitting Glenn.....
He started killing my brother.... my bestfriend.... my family....
I started crying really bad harder than I have ever cried in my life. All I can see is everyone either looking at Glenn or looking at me. "No" Maggie said. I couldn't help but cry even more at that.
"Please stop" I said crying. But all i could hear was the bat hitting my brothers skull over and over again. I hear Glenn trying to speak and what I saw was the worst thing I could see in my life.
Glenn's head was torn open and his eye was trying to pop out fully from his skull. "Buddy you still there. I just dont know it seems like your trying to speak. But you just took a hell of a hit. I just popped your skull so hard your eyeball just popped out. And it as gross as shit." Negan said. "M-Maggie I-I'll find you.." Glenn said.
My brother was dying in front of me and I couldn't stop it...
I was frozen and it was painful...
"Aww aww hell I can see this is hard on you guys I am sorry I truly am but I did say it... NO ACCEPTIONS" Negan said. He turns back around and starts beating my brother more and more till finally he wasn't moving.... he was gone.
I just let the tears fall and I was crying and you could hear me sobbing. I felt eyes on me but I couldn't care at this moment. I was in pain true pain and I would never be able to see my brother ever again.
*Next Day Moments before being taken*
I was lying there on the ground and I was trying to catch my breath still. I finally did and sat back up. I quit crying a while ago. All I could feel at this moment was anger. I wanted to make Negan feel the pain I felt.
I was looking at the ground and the next thing I see is those damn black combat boots in front of me. I look up and seen Rick and everyone was looking at me. Then the next thing I see is Negan crouched down to my vision.
Negan was looking at me like he was observing. "Y/n right" Negan said. I looked at him in his eyes and I just seen red. "I'm sorry that you are upset but you know that this was for your own good right" Negan said.
I smiled at him because I thought he was pretty fucking stupid at this moment. "Right.. like what you do is for the great or good" I said. He paused and just kept looking at me. I looked over at my people and seem them all looking at me still shocked on what I was saying.
I turn my head back to Negan and quit smiling. "You can kill me... you can hit me.... you can do whatever.. but miss me with the bullshit of you being the good guy" I said. Then I quit talking to him and he smiled. He got up and walked away from me.
Then Negan starts talking bullshit on how he expects us to get it now hoping we understand. "Dwight load him up" Negan said pointing to Daryl. Then Dwight starts grabbing Daryl and forcing him into the van. I was getting more angry by the second.
When they get Daryl in the van Negan turns to me. "Dwight load her up to" Negan said pointing at me. "What" I mumbled. Everyone now was looking at me and didn't want me to go. Dwight walks over and starts grabbing me. I start trying to get away and he held on tighter. "Let me go... Let me go" I shouted.
"Noooo" Maggie was saying. I finally get pushed into the van and I turn to try and fight Dwight but Dwight had already figured I would try. He had Daryls crossbow pointed at me. Daryl put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back a bit.
Then Dwight closed the doors to the van and all I could do now was sit. "Them two got guts... not a little bitch like someone I know I like them. There both mine now" Negan said. After I heard him say that I started cutting him out for right now.
I look up and seen Daryl looking at me. I already knew how he was feeling. Thinking it's his fault when it isn't. "Don't blame yourself" I said to Daryl. Daryls eyes widened when I said that. He nodded at me like he understood what I meant.
*Present to where they get to the Sanctuary*
Me and Daryl got forced to go back with the Saviors to the Sanctuary to stay with Negan. Finally As we get there Negan had us taken to separate cells. Mine wasn't really a cell though it was a bedroom kind of apartment room.
As I enter the room I turn around and looked at Dwight. "Whats all this" I asked him pointing at the room I was in. "Negan wants you to get comfortable" Dwight said.
I was confused on what he meant by that. "Whats that supposed to mean" I asked. "It means your not leaving anytime soon" Dwight said closing the door. I ran towards the door and it was locked.
Great this is just great.....
I look around to see what I can do in the mean time while I'm waiting. I pulled a Blanket off the bed and went to the couch to take a nap. Moments later I'm woken up by the sound of banging.
"Negan needs you to see him" Dwight shouted. I get up as soon as the door opened. Dwight tells me to come with him so he can take me to Negan.
Dwight makes me open the office door and pushed me inside so I can meet with Negan. I turn around to punch Dwight but the door was already closed. I sighed and turned around to see Negan sitting in a office chair at the end of a long business looking table.
"Well hello there" Negan said smiling. I didn't say anything to him and he obviously got annoyed. "Look darling you have to got to respect me." Negan said. "Yeah that's funny why should I respect you" I snapped back.
Negan slammed the table and it shocked me. "You will because I have given you a room to rest and food so you don't die" Negan shouted. Negan stood up and was walking towards me slowly. "You will respect me and you are gonna work for me" Negan said.
I turned my head to the side and was curious on what he was taking about. "You are going to be one of my soldiers... you are also coming with me to Alexandria to take my half of the deal that Alexandria owes me" Negan demanded.
Then Dwight comes back in the room and takes me back to my cell.
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veayrss · 2 years
The break down.
Carl grimes x GN!reader
Warning: the lineup, cursing, blood, NEGAN.
Summery: you and the people you grow to love go through something life changing. And lose someone more important to you then anything.
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After losing your parents, your friends you've made and gotten close to along the way of surviving a fucking zombie apocalypse wouldn't you want to cry? To be angry?  Wouldn't you want to let go of all your emotions?
Yeah I would to. But I can't. I can't be seen as weak and vulnerable, I need to say strong for everyone.
After losing everyone and everything there has been one person there for me, Glenn Rhee. He was my fathers best friend and my godfather. So after my parents passed he took me and my brothers in.
Glenn was there for me in a way no one ever was, not even my boyfriend Carl Grimes, do t get me wrong he's an amazing boyfriend. But Glenn understands me more than I understand my self.
Now, imagine. Having only one person left that knows you more then your self and has the patience for you? You would love them like no other. That is how it is with Glenn. He's like my dad. And having to sit in a line, watching a guy talk about nonsense, threatening to kill us is nerve-racking.
"You..." he points to someone, I can't even see, everything is blurry from my tears
"Are..." he pointed to Glenn, my tears fell down from my face, scared. But he continued walking.
"..." my hands start shaking. I don't want anyone to die but it looks like we have no choice. One of us will.
"It." I let out a choked sob as he points his stupid fucking bad to Abraham.
"If anybody moves, if anybody says anything. Cut the boys other eye out, and feed it to his father, and then we'll start." He tells us standing there in-front of Abraham.Now not just my hands are shaking my whole body is. "You can breath."
Abraham sticks a peace sign up at Sasha, it was there thing. When she see's it she starts to break down. "You can blink. You can cry." He gets in stance, "hell.." he gets ready to swing.
I want to look away but I can't. As he goes to hit Abraham he says,"You all are bout to be doing that!"
He hits him. Sasha starts crying more then before, rosita is crying, Carl, we all are. I look down at the grown "Oho! Look at that!" I slowly look up, and Abraham is sitting up. "TAKING IT LIKE A CHAMP!" negan laughs. He's ticking me off.
"S...Suck.." i look at Abraham, he's saying something..? "My.. Nuts." 'That's Abraham.' I thought in my head. He had to get the last word. Then Negan hits him again, and again, and again. Everything went silent slowly.
Next thing I know Negans on the grown, then it hit me. Daryl punched him. 'THAT DUMBASS! Now he's going to get killed. Fuck.. fuck. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!' Everything slowly goes out again, he's standing in-front of me and Glenn, i take a deep breath.
I look up and he winds his arm.. 'what..?' Then it hits me. "WAIT, NO PLEASE NO." I plead and beg then he hits him. He hits glenn.
"NO STOP!" my hands are on my knees, my face is towards the ground, tears pouring out of my eyes. Glenn sits up. One of his eyes are popping out.
I let out a chocked sob. "M-Mngh" i look away wiping my tears with my sleeve.
"Buddy your still there? I just don't know... it seems like your trying to speak! But you just took a hell of a hit! I just popped your skull so hard, your eyeball just popped out!" He chuckles. "AND IT IS GROSS AS SHIT!"
"Girls I'll find you." Maggie starts crying harder, I shake my head trying to have the image leave my head. Negan looks at me  and Maggie, "oh.. oh hell. I can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry. I truly am." He tells us all.
"Then stop." He looks at me. "Excuse me little one?" He bends down to meet my level, "ple-please.. just s-stop. P-Please." I look up at him, begging, tears flowing like steams of a river down my face.
"I'm sorry kid, but I did say it." He stands up straight, "NO EXCEPTIONS!" Then he swings again.
"NO NO NO! FUCKYOU!" He keeps Hitting him BAM BAM BAM "FUCK. FUCK!" I collapse on the ground crying. I lost him. I lost glenn.
"You bunch of pussies. I'm just getting started." BAM, BAM, BAM "Lucille is thirsty!" He chuckles "she is a vampire bat!"
After they all have left, me and Maggie are sitting there next to Glenn, Rosita and Sasha is with abe. I hold on to Maggie, she's laying in my arms crying. I then get up. We lost Abe, Glenn, and Daryl.
"Shit.." I run my hands through my hair. "SHIT!" Everyone looks at me. At this point I don't care. I'm kicking the dirt the rocks on the floor screaming. "FUCKFUCKFUCK!" I'm pacing back and forth.
"THAT FUCKING PICE OF SHIT!" I started crying, tears are flowing down my face again. I look down on my shirt and hands, covered in his blood. "No...no..nonononono!"
"Get off! Get off! GET OFF PLEASE!" I tried so hard to wipe off his blood, but it won't come off "GET FUCKING OFF ME!"
Everyone is staring like I'm a phyco. I fall down on my knees "GETOFFGETOFFGETOFF!" Carl runs over to me. He hold me in his arms rocking me back and forth. "Shhhh" he hold my head in his chest.
He's crying to, "HES GONE! He's gone! He's gone carl! He's gone. Glenn is fucking gone." Maggie comes over and holds me to. "HE PROMISED ME! He fucking promised he wouldn't go. Now he's gone! Just like everyone else." Carl puts his forehead on my head and gives me a kiss. " I know y/n, I know."
I get up and go over to him, i look at him. Tears falling down my face like water droplets on a window. "You promised.." I put my head on his back "you promised me, you promised my dad, my mom. You fucking promised." I lift up my head.
I look over at everyone, "what am I going to tell the boys!? What am i going to say? How am I- I- I can't. They can't know!" Carl gets up and picks me up away from Glenn. "What about carol? What about the Enid?-" carl hugs me.
I hugs him back, crying into his chest. He lifts up my head "we have to go v." I look at him in the eyes. "What about them?" He looks at them. Abe an glenn, "we have to leave them."
I shake my head. "No. No.. no..." he holds my face, "he have to I don't want to either, but he have to." I continue to shake my head, I try to get out his grip. "No. We have to bury them."
He sighs, "let's bring them to hill top. We will bury them there."
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Sorry it’s actual ass. I made this a while a go and I haven’t proof read it or anything so bear with me.
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
Day 10: Confession
Day 10/29
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x Reader, Glenn Rhee x Reader (platonic)
Genre: Fluff, pining
Summary: Daryl and Reader confess their feelings on New Year’s Eve.
A/N: End of the prison era and end of their silly pining!! I literally said 'fuck yes!' when I finished writing this. Excited for the next parts.
advent calendar masterlist
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Nearly a week had passed since Christmas Day, marking today’s date as January 31. New Year’s Eve. A day for celebrating the passing of another year, made much more important by the current world climate. Everyone was grateful to have made it another year when the odds now were so low.
There were other things to be grateful for as well. Newfound family, people who never would’ve met each other coming together as one. Being so ingrained in each other’s lives that it was impossible to remember a time without them. That’s how you felt about everyone in your little group, but the feeling intensified when thinking about one individual in particular. 
Not only had it been a week since Christmas, but a week since Daryl and you almost kissed. It had taken a few days for that information to settle. Almost kissed. Because that’s what it would have been, right? He wasn’t leaning in for nothing.
The garlands were starting to scrape your hands with how tight you were gripping them. You pulled your eyes away from your distraction: the alluring man who held all your attention. His hands were what drew you in the first place; strong and skilled as always, but now adorned with a new accessory: the gloves you’d gifted him. Daryl was across the room, helping you take down the remaining decorations. He’d volunteered immediately when you asked, the thrill of being alone with him again like a lit match down your spine. And then Glenn had volunteered, too.
Speak of the devil, the younger man was walking into the room after clearing the hallway of stray decor, a mischievous smile on his face. His fist was closed around something you couldn’t see.
“Hey guys, you know it’s not too late…want me to hold this over your heads?” Daryl turned just in time to see you flinch, Glenn’s palm opening to reveal his secret: mistletoe. You and the archer turned identical shades of red, both shaking your heads and averting your eyes away from each other. Glenn, on the other hand, was laughing his ass off.
“Shut up,” you muttered, shooting Daryl an apologetic look. His hands were in knots at his waist, his bottom lip between his teeth. You’d seen him nervous more times than he’d like to admit, but never this nervous.
“Oh come on! I can’t throw it away until we get some more use out of it!” Glenn chimed. Daryl regained some of his composure and glared at him.
“They’re right. Shut up.”
Glenn waved you off and left the room, taking his mistletoe and comments of “Would’ve been the perfect opportunity” and “Wait til Maggie hears” with him.
You faced Daryl again, grimacing at your mutual friend’s teasing. “I think I know what my New Year’s resolution is. Make Glenn’s life a living Hell.”
He laughed, a deep and genuine sound you’d only pulled from him a few times. Your chest warmed at the sound. Settling back into the rhythm, you both continued your work of pulling things from the walls and railings, though the tension had risen a little. Eventually, he broke the silence.
“Ya don’t believe in that stuff, do ya? Resolutions and shit?”
You furrowed your brows at him, the question confusing you. He saw your reaction and hurried to explain. “Like, if ya want to make a big life change, just do it. Don’t wait ‘til a new year starts and then forget about the goal anyway. Those things never worked for anybody I knew, sure as Hell not me.”
Suppressing a smile, you eyed the man as he spoke, his posture high and his arms waving. It was rare to hear him string so many words together, much less as passionately as he was now.
“I get that. They never really worked for me either. I guess it’s just a nice thing to do, you know? Start the new year believing you’re going to improve your life,” you replied. He nodded, your words ringing true.
“Yeah, I guess. So what’s yer actual resolution then?”
His words sent a jolt through you, your chest tightening. Looking at him now, his eyes intensely focused on you, his hair uncut and tousled just the way you loved, you knew exactly what life change you wanted to make. But you couldn’t tell him that, could you?
“I’ll get back to you on that.”
Hours later, it was nearly midnight. The prison was in full celebration mode; champagne had been scavenged and opened, glasses filled and drunk from without pause. You’d enjoyed your own serving earlier, engaging in excited conversation as long as you could stomach before finding yourself here: walking up the guard tower steps.
It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy the company. You loved your friends and family dearly, and any amount of time with them was never enough. But, as midnight drew nearer and everyone was pairing up for that special moment, the reminder of your aloneness was too heavy. 
Darkness clouded your vision as you climbed up, looking forward to the cold quiet of the platform. Hopefully there your thoughts would be clearer, less skewed by the chatter of friends and alcohol. When you opened the door, however, a large figure caught your attention.
Of course he was here. On this night, when you wanted nothing more than to be with him, but be with him. Daryl turned when he heard you, your own surprise reflected back to you. Clearly you’d had the same idea about seeking some alone time.
Still, when he gestured to the open space next to him, you didn’t hesitate to take it. You let the quiet rest between you, the distant sound of voices and glasses clinking the only company you needed. He was warm beside you; you could feel it radiating from his body. You were reminded of this time last year, when he held you close each night to protect you from the winter chill on the road. It had been a long time since you felt him, even in such an innocent way. You yearned to reach out and touch him.
“Did ya make yer resolution?” he asked, snapping you back to the present. When you didn’t respond, unsure of what to say, he faced you. 
Suddenly it was a week ago, the last time you two sat here, looking at each other like this. The glow of a cheery day still shining across your faces, the pleasure of warm company making everything feel easy. A week ago, when he’d looked at you like that, and then right after…
“Yeah, I did,” you said, keeping your voice low and even. He leaned in, ever so slightly, but you noticed.
“Let’s hear it then.”
Clearing your throat, you matched his body language by leaning in yourself, lowering your voice to a whisper as if it was a dear secret. “I’m resolving to go after the things I want. Life’s too short, especially now. You never know when your time is up.”
He shook his head, expression serious. “Nah. Yer gonna live a long time. I’ll make sure of it,” he said, words firm. “Hell, that’s my resolution. To keep ya alive and help ya get what you want.”
As if on cue, a crowd of voices started counting down. 10…you leaned in. 9…he leaned in. 
8…“Oh yeah?” 7…his eyes fell to your lips. 6…yours fell to his.
5…”Yeah. Whatever ya want.” 4…closer. 3…closer. 2…his hand on your face. 1…
Fireworks went off, at least that’s what you assumed. It was the only explanation for the ringing in your ears, the booming in your heart. Daryl’s lips were on yours, pushing forward while his hands pulled you closer. You leaned into him, drinking him in. Touching him, feeling him, electricity coursing through your veins. 
When you opened your eyes, it was a new year. When you opened your eyes, he was right in front of you, a real person, a real moment. When you opened your eyes, you saw your future, and it was beautiful.
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writerzeph · 2 years
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This story is being inspired by Unrequited (a fiction in tumblr) and please check it out because it is quite amazing!
How you met Glenn:
You and Glenn met at the same school. That day you were bullied by your peers as always because you were the only Asian in class when Glenn stood up for you. At that moment you look up to him because no one ever liked you. It was quite a happy moment that you have your first friend. But deep down both of you are more than that, more like a brother and sister relationship. You started to develop feelings for him but you wouldn’t dare to confess.
and that is definitely your greatest regret…
Because that is when he found his lover - Maggie. You were absolutely heart broken when he asked your opinion about asking Maggie to be his girlfriend. The only person who knows that you have a crush on Glenn is Daryl.
It is your turn for getting supplies today with Glenn and Daryl. It is quite awkward because of the love triangle thing going on between three of you. But you have agreed to do the run. So, you can’t say no now. Things were pretty smooth until you feel the pain from your cramps. It has got to be your period. So you grabbed a few more pads, pain killers and other stuff before heading out the pharmacy. You think to yourself please hold on until heading back to the prison.
But things always do not go as planned… because the run is longer than you have thought.
All of you went to another shop for more supplies until a wave of dizziness hit. Luckily, you hold on until Glenn is also finished with the supplies list. Black spots filled around you. Before you know what happened, you stumbled towards Glenn because he is the closest. You felt a strong arm catching you while Daryl unconsciously put his hand out.
‘You alright? You don’t look so good.’ ‘Yeah bloody cramps, just got them right this moment. I think I can walk back to the van.’
Glenn face paled because he knows how your period can make you feel terrible. You even got admitted to the hospital before.
‘You sure you can walk back?’ You nodded. But not after the first step which you fell completely unconscious and collapse right into Glenn’s arms again.
‘Y/N! shit! Daryl we need to head back now! Go get the van!’ Daryl face looked shocked because he has never seen you this fragile before.
You woke up half way through back to the prison. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Glenn looking at you.
‘Hey you are awake! I am quite relieved.’
‘Did I passed out again? Sor—’ You asked in a tiny voice because you are embarrassed.
‘Hey is ok you wouldn’t be able to prevent it. Go take some medicine.’ You nodded and whispered thank you.
While seating at the back of the car resting, you can see Daryl stared at you once a while to make sure you are ok.
Not after a long time, the van stopped about 100 meters because there is a herd of walkers right in front of the gate which is attracted by some sort of car’s accident. Which is absolutely bad news.
Glenn pov
‘Daryl listen to me! Right now y/n is in no condition. So the only thing I need you both to do is get to safety and I will distract the walkers.’ Daryl nodded because he wouldn’t let anything happen to y/n.
Y/n walk towards us and asked what is the plan
‘y/n I want you and Daryl to get to safety.’ I said
‘what about you?’ I then signaled Daryl to carry y/n.
y/n pov
‘Wait! Don’t tell me that he is going to distract a herd of walker himself!’ But Daryl did not reply me. But I did not get out from his arms because I do not want anybody because of my selfishness to get in trouble. I told Daryl to let go of me so we can increase our survival. I look at Glenn anxiously when he fired a first shot. At this moment me and Daryl immediately run back to the gate. I then grabbed a machine gun which was handed by someone and shoot most of the walkers.
At this point you could see Glenn grabbing a long rope so he wouldn’t be eaten by walkers.
Rick pulled Glenn up.
You stomped towards Glenn and slapped him. ‘What was that for?’
‘You could have got yourself kill!’
‘Do you think that I am just going to sit tight and allow you to die?!’
‘Next time that happens just let me die.’
‘you are crazy!’
both of you were mad at each other. Your reason is really silly but you just can’t see him risking his life again. You do regret not thanking him first. But what you said is already done.
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bartxnhood · 3 years
you’re good. | d.d
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gif not mine
| daryl x fem!reader
seasons: 7- nowish.
summary: when you lost your sister to negan you leave the group. only to leave daryl thinking it was his fault.
warnings: negans kill scene in season 7, descriptions of death, gore.
authors note: so i just finished season 10, starting over again lmao. i kept glenn alive bc in a perfect world he is. i hope y’all enjoy this.
(not proofread)
Copyright © 2022 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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“anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father. and then, we’ll start” his voice rang through your ears like a bomb. it all felt fake, everything. you were only trying to get maggie to safety. for the baby. but now, you were here. on your knees…awaiting death between daryl and michonne, your sister next to glenn. your eyes brimmed with tears, blurring your vision. you couldn’t focus, not with every inch of your body trembling in fear. “you can breathe, you can blink, you can cry.” he paused, looking around. he sensed the groups fear, the only thing heard were suppressed sobs from the women. yours included.
he chuckled softly. evil bastard. “hell..you’re all gon’ be doin that” he drawled, bringing his bat up. it was a blur, the sound of squelching could be heard. it was abraham. you couldn’t look, you shut your eyes tightly hoping it was a nightmare. it was all happening in slow motion. swing, after swing, after swing, and another swing. ever hit made you flinch, you didn’t want to. what if it was you next?
now, he was torturing rosita, waving that goddammned bat in her face. “take a damn look at that!” he grinned. your body filled with rage. he was a monster, killing your friend. maybe even all of you, if he wanted. “look at it!” negan yelled, triumphantly. you heard daryl’s breathing getting heavier, you knew him all too well. if he had done something, you were sure he would be next. he rushed to his feet, you tried stopping him but it was too late. with a punch to negan and his men grabbing daryl and pushing back down, you thought you’d lost him for sure.
he laughed, “that..” negan trailed off, “that is a no-no! that whole thing..not one bit of that shit flies here.” you cried, you were going to lose him. but, you didn’t he was ushered back to you.
you were scared shitless, your body shaking, only looking at daryl from your peripheral. ‘don’t move. don’t move.’ you kept thinking. you finally looked ahead to your sister, covered in sweat. her hair was the same color as yours, just shorter. each strand sticking to her face and neck. her eyes were bloodshot, staring back at you. her face red and drenched in salty tears. “it’s okay” you mouthed. you’d never seen your big sister so scared.
“now, i already told you, people. first ones free, then- whatd i say?” he stood in front of you, his bat waving around. “i said i would shut that shit down!” he hollered, leaning back a bit. a pause, looking over to rick with a smug smile. “no exceptions.” he drawled, “now i don’t know what lying assholes you’ve been dealin with. but ima man of my word” he smiled, looking down at you. you looked up at him, his eyes like daggers. “i need you..to know me.” he held his chest. “so..!” he brought his bat up again, holding it with both hands. examining with pleasure, “back to it!” he turned around to your sister, slamming the first blow to the top of her head. “no!” you gasped.
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in a cold sweat, you jolted up, being met with the same train car you had been in the previous night to get out of the storm that was passing. you didn’t have the supplies to travel in the rain, but thankfully you were close enough to hilltop. you didn’t know if your friends were all still alive, you only hoped they were.
you didn’t know how long you were gone, but you knew that it was long. too long. you had seen your new home ruined, burned to ashes. you’d rebuild only for everything to fail again. there were too many losses. barely anyone was left and the ones who were all went their ways.
you left everyone without saying anything, you only told rick. you couldn’t tell daryl, he’d want to leave with you but the group needed him. they can’t have rick and no daryl, they have to be together to keep everything grounded. you knew you’d be okay, you’ve been alone before. but, you had your sister. things were different. very different. you didn’t have her anymore, that night haunts your dreams. for a while you didn’t have them, but when chaos came they returned. you regretted everything, leaving, not telling daryl. it took a toll on you. hell, you still havent come to terms with your sisters death.
you probably missed daryl the most. out of the ones who are still alive, hopefully. he always kept you company. he understood you.
daryl, on the other hand, was taking your disappearance differently. he searched for you every. single. day. he would be gone for weeks, staying in a makeshift cabin. he searched every river, every forrest. anything. he had only hoped you were still alive out there, he wouldn’t stop till he found you. he felt guilty for everything, he thought you’d left because you blamed him for your sisters death. he did, so it would make sense why you would too. he wished he could change everything. take you and your sister away, go on your own. the three of you. away from anyone else, maybe no one would’ve died that night. maybe if he was a better person.
“you found her yet?” carols voice scared daryl, causing him to whip around. “nah” he grunted, turning back to sharpen his knife. “you think she’s still out there?” the older lady asked, sitting across from him in a log. he shrugged, “don’t know. still lookin” he drawled. carol nodded, she didn’t say anything for a few minutes, enjoying the outdoors when the dead weren’t terrorizing it. “glenn needs your help at hilltop.” she suddenly said. daryl stopped what he was doing and look at his friend. “what happened?” he questioned. “walls are down.”
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daryl was reluctant but he finally caved in, it would be nice to have actual shelter for one night. maybe he could have alden help him fix up some of his knives. he’s been gone for a while now, just out looking for you. any sign, but he always came up empty. maggie even suggested some search groups for you, but daryl always declined. he wanted to find you himself, apologize, and attempt to bring you back home. where you belong.
“they’re back!” someone yelled from behind the gate. daryl and carol stood side by side as the door opened. they were greeted by maggie and glenn, smiles on their faces and welcoming them in.
“what happened?” daryl asked walking beside glenn. “don’t know, tree came down, took out the walls. we don’t have enough people. alexandria isn’t responding” he answered, showing daryl the crash site.
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you walked for hours, you couldn’t stop. you didn’t want to lose the daylight. you were so close, maybe only an hour out. you were so tired, you had used up your last but of food and water. there went as many walkers as you expected, if there were, they were trapped or didn’t notice your presence. thank god, you had no fight left in you. it had been almost two weeks on the road, just moving one place to another but you were almost there. finally close to your people. where you belong.
as you approached the hill, you felt relieved. seeing the place where you used to call home. the people guarding the gates saw you, alerted maggie as you came closer. “stop there! who are you?” someone shouted. you groaned, dropping your things. “y/n. maggie knows me.”
“maggie!” enid came up behind her, tapping her shoulder. “someone’s at the gate. she said she knows you” maggie turned around, the rest of the people looking to their leader. “what?” enid shrugged, “says her name is y/n.” everything froze in place, maggie, glenn, and daryl all turned to enid. “y/n?” daryl asked again, enid nodded. “let her in” maggie said and they all went back to the gate.
as the gates started to open, you picked up you bags and slowly entered. you saw maggie first. her hair had grown out, glenn was by her side and it seems he finally shaved that facial hair. “oh my god..” you sighed, relief washed over you and maggie quickly wrapped her arms around out. “you’re here..” she cried, you nodded holding her tightly, “of course i am. this is home.” she pulled away, wiping away her tears and glenn hugged you. “it’s about time” he chuckled getting a hood look at you. “is daryl here?” you asked, quietly. glenn nodded, he stood over to the side a bit which reveal daryl. his hair was longer, clothes all tattered, a new found scar on his left eye. he looked so tired.
“daryl..” tears fell from your eyes, down your cheeks as you started walking to him. he stared at you in disbelief, were you here right now? he couldn’t believe it. “you..” he cried, looking down now. “you’re back..” he sobbed, you nodded crying with him. he finally wrapped his arms around you, you did the same. your arms squeezed him, making sure he was real. your both cried in each other’s arms. this was where you were supposed to be.
. · . · . · . · . . · . · . · . · . . · . · . · . · . . · . · . · . · .
the night was calm, you sat on the steps of the mansion after sleeping most of the day away. the bed was soft, too soft. you’ve been used to hard floors and rocky terrain as a bed but now it was different. it felt like a marshmallow, you’d almost prefer the ground. “whaddya doin?” someone drawled behind you, coming to sit by your side. looking up you saw daryl sitting next to you. “just thinkin” you answered. you both sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s company.
“why’d you leave?” he asked, his voice was so small. he almost sounded like he was going to cry. “it’s cause of me, ain’t it?” he looked down at his hands. “what?” you blinked, you reached out for his hand. “no, it’s not” you assured him, he looked at you. “i left to..cope..” you looked away, biting the inside of your cheek. “i was gone for a while huh?” you chuckled sadly. he looked away from you, tears welling in his eyes. “daryl..will you look at me? please”
he sniffled, finally bringing his head up to look at you. “daryl..” you breathed, he blinked a few times letting the tears fall. “i’m sorry. i’m sorry, y/n” he cried, looking down at your hands. you stared at him unable to think of anything. “it wasn’t your fault.” he nodded a few time, “it was..” his hair fell into his face. “no” you told him sternly “it wasn’t.”
“daryl” you brought his hands closer to you. “you’re one of the best things in this world. you’re good.” you smiled sadly. “my sister wouldn’t blame you. she knows how good you are.” you brought him in for another hug. “daryl, you’re good.” he cried into your shoulder quietly, rubbing his back.
“i’m here, and i’m staying. i promise, daryl”
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chiliiscereal · 4 years
Here’s your GIF for the writing challenge!
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Prompt: “It’s not safe to be out here by yourself.”
Good luck and thanks for participating!💛
Thanks for letting me do this challenge again @crossbowking !
Pairing: father figure Daryl x reader AGAIN cause I’m a sucker for that lol
Setting: season 2
Type: fluff and angst I guess?
Summary: when looking for Sophia, Daryl finds reader holed up in a cabin. Reader doesn’t speak, doesn’t listen, and doesn’t trust them at all. No one can figure out why but reader sticks with them anyway. One day, Daryl follows reader when they sneak out of camp, hoping to find out what could possibly have happened to make them like that
Silent world
Sophia’s tracks had begun to fade like the afternoon sunlight. They had gotten faint but Daryl didn’t want to tell Carol the truth. Eventually they disappeared and he was only left with a direction.
He found a set of footsteps the size of Sophia’s about thirty minutes later. It had to be her. Judging by how they weren’t set in one specific direction, whoever it was must be lost.
He followed the footsteps to an old cabin. She had to be in there.
You, however, hadn’t realized you were followed until the door was opened. You felt the thumping of cautious footsteps on the floorboards and immediately jumped into action. You pulled yourself from the floor quickly and hid yourself beneath the dusty bed in the corner, dragging the blankets down to obscure you from their vision. If there was one thing you’d learned in this new world it was that you couldn’t trust people. Strangers, family, doesn’t matter.
“Sophia?” Daryl called out as he peered around the corner cautiously. He glanced about the room, taking in the living conditions.
Old food wrappers...
Empty water bottles...
A few blood stains...
An old backpack that CLEARLY wasn’t Sophia’s...
Whoever had been there it wasn’t Sophia. They’d been there longer than the girl had been lost.
He tightened his grip on his crossbow. “Whoever’s in here better come out now.” He ordered.
The only response was a slight shuffling noise from under the bed. If it had been Shane or Rick they wouldn’t have heard it. But Daryl had been hunting out in the woods since he was a child, trained in hearing the sounds of hiding creatures.
Whoever they were they were alive.
“Gonna hide forever?” He growled, raising the crossbow so it pointing at the bed.
He was absolutely tired of this person acting like their cover hadn’t been blown.
“Get out before I drag ya out myself.” He ordered, stepping closer.
Still nothing.
Finally, he had enough of it. He reached over and pulled the blanket away from the floor. He waited... thinking they’d come out.
No movement at all.
He grabbed the bed by its headboard and shoved it away from the wall, causing a small gasp to come from underneath it.
You were no longer in darkness.
You opened your wide eyes and backed up against the wall, chest heaving with panic.
This man looked dangerous to say the least.
Mean expression.
Weapon out and pointed at her face.
Knife hanging at his belt.
Suspicious blood stains on his shirt.
“You gotta be shittin’ me.” He groaned. “I go out lookin’ fer one kid and then I find a different one?”
You didn’t respond. You just watched him with wide eyes.
“Ya seen another girl ‘round here, kid?” He asked, trying to calm down.
Still nothing. You just pulled your legs closer and tried to press closer into the wall.
“Got a family?” He interrogated with a firmer tone. “A group? Parents? Hell, even a weapon?”
You watched him carefully. Almost too carefully in Daryl’s opinion. Once he’d finished you shook your head, eyes drifting back to the crossbow in his hand.
He hadn’t even realized it was still pointing at her. He lowered it but still kept the weapon in his grip. “The hell am I ‘sposed to do now?” He asked himself out loud. “Don’t need another mouth to feed.”
You didn’t offer any suggestions. All you did was stare.
After a moment he groaned, his morals speaking louder than the selfishness of a survivor. “Damn it. C’mon. Get up.” He waved you to follow after him.
You shook your head, backing away. You didn’t know this man! He could hurt you! Do bad things! No way in hell would you willingly go with him.
He frowned. “Can’t ya talk?”
Just wide eyes.
“Listen, I’m ‘bout to leave yer ass alone in the woods if ya don’t give me a good enough reason why ya can’t.” His temper began to flare. “Got a group, got food, got water, an’ other kids. Seems like a pretty good deal ta me.”
You seemed to react to the word ‘kids’. You sat up a bit and seemed to watch him with interest.
“Yeah. We got another kid at our camp.” He nodded. “It’s safe.” He swore he was about to leave right then when you said nothing.
You looked down at the floor, thinking. Was this a good idea? He could easily be lying. Very easily. He seemed to know exactly what to say. That was dangerous. Very dangerous.
But other kids... safety... and water... that was something you hadn’t seen in a good long while. Might as well give it a try, right? You could always run if things went south. You were good at that.
Needless to say, Daryl was surprised when you pulled yourself off the ground and picked up your bag. You gave him a wary look but followed him anyway.
“So, ya ever talk?” He asked as the two of you walked through the woods.
You didn’t answer. You just surveyed the woods carefully. He could have men out there waiting to jump you and do bad things. Or there could be walkers. You didn’t know.
Your racing thoughts were interrupted by a tap on your shoulder, flinching you out of your state of mind.
“Gonna answer me or what?” Daryl asked, getting more and more frustrated.
You just frowned at him, unsure of what he was saying. He was talking too fast for you to follow along with it.
“I asked if ya ever talk.” He shouldered his crossbow, no hope whatsoever in you answering.
All he got in return was a shrug.
“I’ll take that as a no.” He sighed. Whatever. At least he’d be able to walk to the farm in silence.
When they arrived everyone was confused on who you were or where you came from.
The people living in the farm house asked you many questions and you could only catch a few words here and there.
You just stared at the floor, unsure of how to respond.
“Is there something wrong with her?” Maggie asked quietly. “She’s not answering anything.”
“Been like that since I found ‘er.” Daryl shrugged. “Ain’t sure ‘a her name, family, or if she even got anybody.”
“Where’d you find her?” Lori frowned. “Surely she has parents somewhere out there.”
Daryl wanted nothing more to leave and return to his tent. But he answered anyway. “Was in a cabin. By the looks ‘a it it’s just her.”
“Sweetie, can you tell us your name?” Lori bent down so she could see your face. “Or where your parents are?”
Your eyes didn’t leave the floor.
Lori sighed. “It’s almost as if she can’t hear me.”
“Or don’t want to.” Shane snorted, leaning against the wall. “Kid doesn’t seem too happy to be here. Probably just thinks ignorin’ us is gonna make us mad or some shit.”
“Damn right it’s makin’ me mad.” The hunter watched the kid in front of him. “Can’t tell if it’s on purpose.”
“I’ve heard ‘bout kids shutting down an’ not speak in’ when they’ve been through somethin’ traumatic.” Hershel informed the group. “It could be like what happened to Beth earlier, an’ it’ll just take some time for her to come around.”
That was the answer everyone seemed to settle on.
They gave you time as well as plenty of opportunities to talk to them. They tried asking questions or telling you things but you didn’t respond no matter how hard anyone tried.
Daryl began to suspect what the real case could be when you didn’t even respond when Shane yelled at you.
He’d been trying to hurry up the process by forcing you to talk. When he got no response he finally snapped.
You’d been reading a book Maggie let you borrow, unaware that anyone had been talking. But you caught on quickly when the book had been slapped from your hands.
You gasped and stumbled away, face to face with an angry Shane.
You weren’t close to anyone in the group so you ran to the person who had brought you there, hiding behind Daryl.
Daryl had been surprised. He didn’t think you liked anybody there at all. After all, you never talked to anybody. Never answered any questions. Being there for five days hadn’t changed anything.
“The hell’s yer problem man.” Daryl growled. “Ya always go ‘round tryin’ to scare kids or what?”
“It’s not my damn fault she won’t talk.” Shane yelled. “She’s gonna learn some respect if she wants to stay here.”
“Yellin’ at her won’t get ya any damn respect.” Daryl bit back. “Hershel said it’d take time, didn’t he?” He glanced down at you as you hid your face from the fight.
“It’s takin’ too much in my opinion.” Shane rolled his eyes and turned to walk away.
From that day on you steered clear of Shane and stayed by Daryl’s side. He wasn’t too sure why you’d chosen him out of everyone else and neither were you. But it seemed to be the right choice. The man never forced you to talk. He never yelled at you when you didn’t react.
It seemed like he simply enjoyed peace and quiet.
You helped around the farm house by washing dishes and feeding chickens. You helped Maggie and Lori make dinner and always helped them clean up after.
You picked flowers for Lori.
You showed Carl how to climb a tree.
You played cards with Glenn.
If Daryl didn’t know better he’d say that you were enjoying your stay at the farm.
But you still weren’t talking.
You interacted with everyone, yeah, but you still never spoke.
Not even when the farm fell.
You and everyone had spent almost a month out in the woods once the farm was gone. You bounced from house to house and never stayed in one spot longer than needed.
One house you stayed at, you found a pair of small batteries. Even wire and tweezers. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to give you hope.
So that night you snuck out to the back yard once you were sure everyone was asleep.
But everyone wasn’t.
Daryl wasn’t.
He’d noticed the moment you disappeared.
He’d gotten up and walked outside, crossbow in hand. Maybe you’d ran away. Or got taken. Maybe you went outside and gotten lost.
But he found you leaning against a tree instead.
“It’s not safe to be out here by yourself.” Daryl stated, even though he knew you wouldn’t respond.
You did however react to feeling his footsteps vibrating the ground. Quickly, you stuffed whatever had been in your hands into your pockets and looked at him with wide eyes.
“Damn, kid, I ain’t gonna bite.” He held up his hands in surrender. “The hell ya doin out here?”
As always, you didn’t say anything. You looked back at the forest floor almost guiltily.
“Somethin’ wrong?” He frowned.
You knew you should tell him. He’d proven himself trustworthy after all. You just... you were scared you were wrong. That he’d be just like every other adult I. Your life.
“What’d ya have in yer hand before?” He tried, gesturing to whatever you’d stuffed in your pocket.
You tore your gaze away from him and reached down to pull out an object wrapped in cloth.
Daryl sat down beside you. “Can I see it?”
You held it a bit closer, brain still thinking in circles.
“I ain’t gonna break it or nothin’ if that’s what yer worried about.” He rolled his eyes.
Finally your mind was made. You set it down in his hands and waiting for his reaction.
Carefully, aware that you were watching his every movement, he unwrapped whatever it was.
He didn’t know what it was at first. It was almost as long as his smallest finger and was colored silver and tan. He realized what it was when he finally turned it over.
“Hearin’ aids?” He asked, turning to you.
You took a deep breath and nodded. “D-deaf.” You spoke, nerves at how he’d react making you stutter.
He jerked back a bit in surprise. “Ya been deaf this entire time?”
Another nervous nod.
“Damn, that’s impressive.” He gave you a sort of half grin. “How’d no one catch on? An’ why didn’t ya tell nobody?”
You reached into your pocket and pulled out a notebook, scribbling on a couple sentences. You showed him once you were done.
‘Lip reading. And I didn’t trust you.’
“But why didn’t ya talk like ya did now?” He frowned. “I wouldn’t ‘a known the difference.”
You wrote down more, hesitantly.
‘I’ve been told I sound stupid when I talk. So I don’t.’
You fiddled with your shoelace as he read.
“Who the hell told ya that?” He practically growled. “And why don’t ya know any ‘a that sign language?”
You took the notebook back and wrote down a few more sentences.
“And why don’t ya use the hearin’ aids?” He added.
You turned the book back to face him, only one word written.
You felt ashamed to be admitting this. This wasn’t anything he needed to know. He would probably react the same way your dad reacted when he was given the opportunity.
“Hell no yer gonna explain more than that.” Daryl pushed the book back into your arms. “Can’t just half ass an answer.”
You sighed and began again.
‘He thought being deaf was a weakness. No sign language, no hearing aids, and no talking the moment my mom turned. He broke them when I broke the rules.’
You swallowed the emotions rising back up in the back of your throat.
He was a horrible man.
It was sickening, but you were almost glad that he was gone.
Daryl’s expression darkened when he read those words. “Sounds like an ass to me.” He handed the notebook back to you again. “So you tryin’ ya fix ‘em?”
You nodded and pulled out the batteries and wire, shrugging.
Daryl sighed. “Sorry, but that won’t be enough to fix these.” He examined the hearing aids once more. The wires were pulled apart and some of the plastic had snapped.
“... I know.” You managed to speak again, summoning your bravery. “Just wanted to try.”
Daryl’s expression didn’t change when you spoke. Maybe your dad was wrong. Maybe you didn’t sound as stupid as he told you you did.
Daryl handed the hearing aids back to you gently. “M’sorry kid.”
You shrugged again, placing them back in your pocket carefully.
Suddenly, Daryl had an idea. I’d require a run for sure but it’d be worth it. For now, he’d keep quiet about it. He didn’t even know if it’d work. But he might as well try.
For the next few weeks on the road Daryl was on every run. You were curious about why but you dismissed it as him trying to make sure everyone would survive the coming winter.
By now, everyone knew you were deaf. They all reacted as Daryl had and treated you the same as they always did.
It was relieving to be honest. And a bit of a surprise. But the bigger surprise came later when Daryl told you he wanted to show everyone something in the woods.
You’d followed along, assuming he’d found more supplies.
Instead of revealing more supplies, he knelt down so he was at your level.
“I know it’s been hard without yer hearin’...” he started, reaching into his back pocket, “an’ I hope ya don’t mind I did this without askin’...” he pulled out an object wrapped in a familiar cloth.
You realized what was happening the moment you saw it.
“I gave it my best shot.” He pulled away the fabric and revealed the newly repaired hearing aids. “Found a book an’ some supplies on the last run.”
You hadn’t even realized tears were running down your face until they dropped onto your shirt.
Daryl reaches over and placed the hearing aids in your hands. “Give ‘em a try?”
You glanced at the faces of your new group. They must have known. Not a single one of them looked surprised. Just expectant and...happy. Happy for you.
Slowly, you tucked your hair out of your way. You set the small machine in place. You placed your hand over the on button tentatively.
The Hunter you’d grown attached to gave you a nod.
Finally, you pressed the button.
You waited and held your breath.
It was as if everything came crashing in at once.
The wind that rushed through the trees was giving out hollow rattling noises.
The birds above were chirping shrilly, each whistle harmoniously fitting together like a puzzle.
And you... you could hear yourself gasping in surprise as you spun in circles. You could hear the leaves crunching beneath your feet. Did that always happen?
“I’ll take it that it works?” Your thought were interrupted by a raspy southern accent.
You spun around, facing Daryl once more.
He stood back up, tip of his mouth tipped up in a half smile.
You couldn’t speak.
You couldn’t even thank him with your words.
So you thanked him the only way you knew how: with actions.
You wasted no time in running in his direction, more tearing spilling down your face as you wrapped your arms around the surprised man.
He returned the gesture after a moment of hesitation. “Wasn’t no problem.”
You buried you face in his shoulder, overcome with emotion. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!”
He rubbed your back comfortingly. “Was nothin’.”
You shook you head and hugged him harder. “No, it was everything.”
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yourgoldengirls · 4 years
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Pairing: Rick Grimes x F!Reader
Summary: After the fall of the prison, the reader finds herself alone with baby Judith mourning her family while trying to survive.
Warnings: angst, fluff
W/C: 3360
A/N: Yes, I am writing this while there is a HUGE list of assignments that I am currently ignoring. Please enjoy my attempt of failing college. If you like it, please reblog and leave a comment. This is my first time writing fanfiction so I am open to criticism, but I am also a sucker for compliments. English is not my first language so if there is any mistakes please let me know.
She doesn’t remember ever feeling so lonely.
Of course, before all this she was always alone, living in her small apartment in the city and working in her cubicle.
But now, as she sits in an abandoned car in the middle of the desert road with the baby in her arms, she feels lonely.
Before, she didn’t know what was like to have a family, to care and rely on someone, to share your fears and joy and journey with people that care deeply about you.
So yes, before she was alone. But she wasn’t lonely. She wasn’t missing anything.
You can’t miss what you never had.
Now, while she is scare and hungry in the middle of the apocalypse holding an already asleep Judith, she feels lonely.
Now she misses her family.
She misses Carl’s laugh and jokes, and the way he would always come to her when he wanted to talk about his fears or when he wanted help to prank his father.
She misses Maggie and their late night talks in the guard tower while they were keeping watch (their apocalypse sleepover, as they like to call) when they would just pretend to be two friends in the normal world gossiping about the neighbors and boyfriends with Beth.
She misses Daryl and his shy demeanor, how he always would hunt for them even when they already had food enough as a way of showing he cares without having to say it.
She misses Glenn and his sweetness, the way he would always make sure she ate something before taking shifts clearing the fence. The way he took care of her as she was his little sister, since he found her in one of his runs back in Atlanta and toke her to the camp without questions.
She misses Michonne and her sass, they afternoon training and how she never lets anyone touch her katana but agreed in showing her how to use it.  
But most of all she misses Rick.
God, she misses him so much it hurts.
Their relationship was complicated at first.
Back in Atlanta, they became friends. When he showed up, she had already formed a strong bond with Carl, so it made sense she would also become close to his parents. Lori had always trusted her with Carl when she was not around (a.k.a in the woods screwing Shane) so the boy started seeing her as a source of comfort and protection.
When he was shot back in the farm, she was by his side every day, reading and playing games until he was strong enough to leave the room.
She held him when they found out about Sofia. Dried his tears when he cried at night. She was always with him while his parents were dealing with their broken marriage.
When they lost the farm and went back in the road, she would take care of him, giving him her food and coat at night. With Lori pregnant, Rick was always looking after her, giving her his food and making sure she and the baby wore the safest they could be in the apocalypse, with monsters everywhere, so she took upon her to worry about Carl.
Rick was constantly worried about the baby, starting to lose his mind trying to find a solution to keep everyone safe. But there is so much a man can do at the end of the world.  
So, one night when everybody was sleeping and he was up keeping watch, he broke down.
She was laying next to Carl, holding the boy, and trying to keep him warm the best she could. The others were already asleep, but she could never keep her eyes close these days. Always worried she would never open then again.
So when she heard sniffing noises she knew it was Rick, the only one awake besides her.
Carefully not to disturb the kid sleeping next to her, she stood up and when to sit next to him.
Rick look at her and gave her a small smile, too tired to try and hide his tears from her.
"Wanna talk about?"
He just kept looking at her and sigh. Looking at him up closely, she saw how exhausted he looked. He was thinner, his hair and beard were longer, and his eyes had dark circles around. She knew she didn’t look much better.
"I’m scared." he whispered so quietly that if she weren’t so close, she wouldn’t be able to hear it. "Everybody is counting on me and I just.. I don’t know what to do. I’m disappointing everyone."
In that moment she looked at him and she swore he never locked so small. So unsure of himself. The strong and forceful leader of the group was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey, that’s not true. We all know that you are doing your best." she told him, eager to comfort him, to take him away from those demons that was starting to craw up on his shoulders.
"What do you do when your best is not good enough?" he asks her looking so lost, hoping that she had the answers to all his questions and could fix him somehow.
She then took his wands and forced him to turn and face her, to look her in the eyes, hoping that what she had to say next could penetrate his skin and comfort him best if he had all his attention fixed on her.
"We are going to be okay, Rick. As long as we are together, we are going to be okay. We’re going to figure it out. I promise."
He just looked at her and smile, squeezing her hand but didn’t let go.
"Plus, you are going to have another baby soon. Can’t go around losing all hope now, right?  If anything, we have to try harder." she tries to bring his mind in something to look forward to, something to keep going.
"Is not my baby." he says and she is more confuse than ever.
"Is Shane’s baby." he says and his voice is so small that she thinks that she heard wrong, but the look in his face tells her she didn’t.
"Oh, Rick.."
She then takes his face in her hands and he cries harder, letting his face fall to her shoulders while she holds him.
She holds him until his tears dry, then his head movers from her shoulders to her lap and he closes his eyes while she plays with his hair until he falls asleep.
They found the prison two days later and he hugged her so hard she thought her ribs were going to break.
After that night, they became closer and closer. Like Carl, he starts to look for her when in need of comfort and reassurance. They would be constantly talking and making plans for update the prison, going on runs together and always having each other’s backs.
When Lori died giving birth, she didn’t allow herself to cry. The moment Maggie show up with the baby in her arms and Carl with that devastated look in his face, she knew she had to be strong for them. The tree of them.
So while Rick was grieving, she was taking care of his kids. Judith would be in her arms constantly and Carl was always on her toes. She notices that the boy was trying to hold back in front of everyone, so at night she would always bring the kids to her cell and hold a crying Carl while Judith was sleeping.
When Rick showed up looking like himself again, he came to her while she was feeding Judith. He sat besides her and watched the baby girl like she was some sort of angel in the middle of a battlefield. Too pure for this world. He then looked at her and she smiled at him and told him that it was going to be okay.
And he believed her.
After that it was natural that they would gravitate towards each other. She was taking care of his kids after all, and he was so lost that it was disorientating. The whole world was a blur, and she was the only thing keeping him grounded. She became his rock.
Every time he saw her talking with Carl, making sure he was eating, playing with him in at attempt of bringing him some sort of childhood, he felt like he could breath again. When she was holding Judith, feeding, and singing to her, he felt the ache in his chest decreasing.
Every time she would hug him, smile at him, or do anything as looking at his direction, he felt like she was the only thing holding his head above water, the only thing keeping him from drowning.
Piece by piece she collected him.
So it wasn’t a surprise when one day their hugs started to last longer, when the kisses on the cheek moved closer and closer to the mouth, when the gazes became silent conversations.
Everyone notice they pinning around each other but they knew that it was all that was going to be. Both too afraid and feeling too guilty to act on whatever was going on between them.
They needed to take things slow. It wasn’t fair to any of them to jump into something so soon after Lori’s death. It wasn’t fair to Lori, Rick, Carl. It wasn’t fair to her. So they needed time.
But that’s the thing with living in the end of the world. Time is a luxury. A privilege that you can’t really count on.
When the prison fell the only thing in her mind wore the kids. She couldn’t remember who had Judith, where Carl was, she couldn’t find anybody. She was starting to panic when she saw Judith placed on the baby chair on the floor, seconds from being eaten by a walker.
She quickly picked her up and ren as fast as she could. She ren so much until her legs started to give up. She didn’t have time to think about anything else. She just had to take her out of there.
Now she doesn’t know where she is. She doesn’t know how long is been since she left the prison. She doesn’t know if anybody else is alive, and if they are, she knew she will never find them again. She is scare and have no idea how she is gonna keep her and Judith safe.
Up until this moment, she been living from fruits and some cans she found in some abandoned cabins she crossed along the way. But she is getting weaker. She can’t really hunt without a proper weapon and a baby in her arms. She tried going in the city to scavenge some stores for food to Judith, but she was only able to collect a few things before the baby started crying and attracted walkers from every ware. After that she gave up on that idea and started looking for some place safe enough to spend a few days so she and Judith could have a proper rest.
She never allows herself to sleep when she stops to rest, afraid to wake up surrounded by walkers. So when Judith wakes up, she feeds her with the formula that is left and starts walking again. At this point she doesn’t even feel the pain in her legs anymore, is like her body is moving by himself, she is numb.
Judith seems to understand that something is wrong, never complaining, even when she is tired of being carried all the time, and when she is hungry she just pulls her hair, seeming to understand that making noises is too dangerous. Being a baby born in this world, Judith sems to have a different way of behaving that any other babies that she was ever seen. She is still to young to speak, but she makes the cute little noises as if she were trying to communicate, making the woman smile every time and pretend that she is understanding every “word”.
She is immersed in one of her conversations with Judith when she sees the sign. Stopping suddenly, she reads again and again, as if the words would change the minute she looked away and it would be all a projection of her imagination.
But it wasn’t.
So she starts running.
Even though she has her doubts about the existence of an actual sanctuary in this new world, she must check. Is the only scrum of hope after so long. And even if the said sanctuary exists, there is no guaranty that is run by good people. At this point, she has already learned to not trust the living.
So as she starts to get closer and closer to Terminus, she slows her pace not to dry attention before she has the opportunity to check the place.
But then suddenly there is an explosion and gun shots.
She holds Judith closer and tries to hide in a place that allows her to see what is happening but there is too much smoke, so she decides to stay there until is over. Even if there are good people in this place, there is not much help she can provide in this situation with a baby in her arms, and no gun. So she waits and waits until there is no more gun shots.
Judith is surprisingly calm during all this, so she decides is safe to get out of the hidden place and try to see what is going on. All kinds of things go though her mind as she walks towards a little commotion of people walking in direction of the woods, away from Terminus. She is mostly scare of crossing the way of bad people, but she has to see, the seed of hope never living her chest as she goes in direction of the first group of people that she encountered since the fall of the prison.
Maybe they are good people. Maybe they will welcome the lonely woman with the baby in her arms and offer her a place in their group. It will never be the same as being with her group, her family, but at least she would be safe, Judith would be safe.
Or maybe they are awful people and she is about to face another nightmare, another demonstration of what hell is like in the hands of the living, and all hope will be crushed again in front of her eyes.
Of all the things passing trough her mind, finding her family was definitely not one of them. Not once she thought that they wore alive and she would see them again.
At first, she thought that she was seeing things, maybe she was delirious. After all, how long can a person live without enough among of water, food and sleep and still expect to have a healthy function mind? She was going insane, that was definitely it.
But then she saw Daryl running towards Carol and everyone’s faces of surprise and relief and there was no way her mind could create that. Daryl running to hug someone? Not even her delirious mind could made that up.
She stood there paralyzed, trying to ground herself into believing that this was actually her family standing in front of her, when Judith cries draws everyone’s attention to her.
Next thing she knew Rick was running in her direction with Carl in his toes and she was being engulfed with the tightest hug she ever received in her life. Suddenly she was overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions and everything around her was Rick. The smells, the touches, she couldn’t see or think about anything that wasn’t him. After so many days, weeks (was it months? She stop counting so long ago) without knowing if he was dead, alive or something in between, she didn’t know which emotion was stronger. Relief, joy, surprise, love?
When Carl join them in the hug, she starts crying and they all fall to their knees on the ground. It was too much. Knowing that both kids were safe and in her arms was more than she could ever wish for. Her main goal during all this was to keep them safe, and to spend all this time in the road thinking that she had failed, that Carl was gone and she didn’t do anything about it was killing her more quickly than the lack of food or water ever could. Knowing now that he was alive was like receiving a tank of oxygen deep in the ocean, she could suddenly breath again.
When Rick pull back to look in her eyes her smile couldn’t be brighter.
"Sweetheart, is that you? Is it really you?"
When did she became sweetheart?  
He starts to caress her face and kiss her tears away with such tenderness that she starts crying even harder. He then smiles and takes Judith of her arms as Carl takes his place, hugging her like she was the last parachute in a plane crash.
"Oh, my baby.. I thought I lost you." she says in the most maternally way there is, while caressing the boy’s hair. "You are never leaving my side again."
The boy then laughs, and her smile grows because oh, how she missed that laugh, and everything falls into place.
"Yes, ma’am." the boy says full of joy and hints of laughs on his smile. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, honey." she says. "So very much."
They get up when the rest of the group starts to approach them, each member with smiles bigger than their faces, hugging her tighter than ever before.
Then Carl take Judith in his arms and Rick starts walking towards her again, holding her face with both hands and pressing their foreheads together. He closes his eyes and smiles before pressing a kiss in her lips and she is suddenly seeing stars.
Nothing could prepare her for this moment, not every novel she once read or the songs she used to listen. There was not one thing that was ever written about love that could describe this feeling. She wasn’t even sure if she could call it love.
It was stronger.
It was the kind of thing that would get you through anything, this feeling was the most powerful thing on earth, she was sure of that. With their mouths pressed against each other, she was sure that the only thing allowing her to breath was his lungs and his blood was only circling in his body due to her heartbeat.
They were one soul in two bodies.
She entangles her fingers in his messy hair and smiles in the middle on the kiss, making him smile as well as they break the kiss.
"I can’t believe this is real. You are here, and.. and Judith is here." he then looks at her with so much admiration in his eyes that she feels shy all the sudden. "You kept my daughter safe."
"Of course I did." she’s mine too.
"I guess I should have known." he than laughs. "You’ve been protecting my kids since day one. You are like the mama bear of the apocalypse."
She than laughs and shoves him playfully.
"I am not!"
"You are, you totally are." they laugh together as she shakes her head.
"He’s right, you totally are." Carl says and she is suddenly remained that they are not alone, and that he saw her kissing his father. But she doesn’t have time to be afraid of what he might think because when she looks at him, he has the biggest smile on his face.
Rick then takes her hand and kisses her knuckles; love is his eyes and she know that her face must mirror his.
"What now?" she asks him.
"Now.. we survive."
In that moment she knows she will never fell lonely again. She found her family, her kids, her love. She was home.
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dixonsmonroe · 3 years
Near To You
Summary: Daryl and Rick had everything, until they didn’t. But when Daryl meets Jesus, he learns that there are always second chances when it comes to love.
Pairing: Daryl x Rick, Daryl x Jesus
Word count: 4k
Author’s notes: i actually found this in my google docs other day and apparently i wrote this 2 years ago so enjoy!
Warning: mentions of smut (18+), fluff, pining, canon level violence, i will never stop loving desus
Daryl hadn’t taken kindly to Rick right away. He didn’t like him when they were still at the camp and Rick had a gun to Daryl’s head, and told him in his best ‘good-cop’ voice, “We don’t kill the living.” It was like that for a while; anytime Rick started off on his pep talks, Daryl wanted to knock him in the teeth. The longer Merle was gone, though, the pep talks became less annoying and even kind of comforting.
After they left the CDC and ended up at the farm, Daryl still kept his distance, but did whatever Rick needed him to. He actually enjoyed being around him, and working in a group as a team. He felt useful around the farm; it was work he knew how to do. He also noticed the only time he was ever annoyed at Rick anymore was when Shane was around. Shane would make some dumbass remark, Daryl would antagonize him, and Rick would keep them from fighting. Shane would leave and Rick would just look apologetically at Daryl, who would shrug it off and assure everything was fine.
Nothing had ever happened until the prison. They had been there for a while, and after Lori died, Rick had started to come back to them bit by bit. He was currently in a peaceful farming phase, which was plentiful for the group, but still a little out of character.
Rick met Daryl in the guard tower for first watch shifts after everyone went to bed.
“The place is lookin’ good,” Rick looked out over the whole prison, over the crops they had grown and the reinforcements around the walls. “We really made this place home.”
“Took a lotta work, but it was worth it.” Daryl replied, smoking his cigarette, “You got us all here.”
“Couldn’t have done it without my right hand,” he smiled. Daryl stifled a grin and looked away, trying not to let Rick see him blush.
They had been together like this a thousand times, just the two of them, hanging out. They were best friends, they were family. But sometimes Rick would laugh a certain way or he’d get all focused and solemn or he would push his hair out of his face and Daryl would freeze up. Rick was a strong leader, and a good friend. He had Daryl’s full loyalty.
“How’ve you been doing?” he asked.
“Much better. Rick nodded. “I know I lost it a little bit, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I’m figuring things out.”
“You need anything, lemme know.”
Rick stared out the window in silence for a few moments. “There might be something.”
Daryl glanced at Rick, who was now looking at him, albeit a bit nervously.
“What’s that?”
Rick looked hesitant now, like he was mentally backing out of whatever he was going to say. He leaned closer to Daryl still, until their hands were touching. Daryl glanced at Rick out of the corner of his eye. He could feel Rick’s body heat so incredibly close, and it made him shiver. Rick finally took his hand and held it as they looked out across the yard. Daryl fought back a grin and gave Rick’s hand a squeeze, leaning against him.
Nothing more had happened until about two weeks later. In those two weeks there had still been plenty of secret hand holding, stolen smiles and glances, the like. But one day after an especially tolling run, Daryl had made his decision. It had been rough out there; it was him, Rick, and Maggie, the car had stalled and they almost got taken out by a hoard. Daryl watched Rick almost get bit and he felt like he was about to lose everything he cared about. He had thrown the walker off of him after stabbing it and helped Rick up. He patted Daryl’s shoulder and nodded towards the car.
The moment they knew they were completely alone back at the prison, Daryl kissed Rick. The best part was Rick kissed him back, as if this was normal, as if it was how it had always been. Rick’s hand went to Daryl’s cheek and they leaned their foreheads together.
“I—“ Daryl started but Rick cut him off with another kiss.
“It’s okay,” he said. “I wanted to do it first, but I couldn’t find the right time.”
“Me too.” Daryl replied. “Figured you almost dyin’ was as good a reason as any.”
Rick chuckled, leaning back a bit, thumb running over Daryl’s cheekbone.
That was how it was after that. They didn’t tell anyone, not Glenn, not Carol, not anybody. There were nights where they would sneak off to an abandoned cell or hallway and just take their time, take in every bit of each other.
One night was different. Rick still had Daryl pushed up against the wall, still inside of him as they came down, slowing their breathing.
“I love you,” Rick breathed out so quietly, Daryl wasn’t sure he’d heard it right. He just turned his head around his shoulder and kissed Rick sweet and soft. Rick’s eyes were a little wide, pride and ego slowly melting away.
“I love you,” Daryl said finally. Of course he did. He always had.
It was like that for a while; sneaking off to fuck after everyone went to sleep, spending guard shifts paying attention to their job, but also pausing to make out like teenagers or just talking about everything. It was bliss Daryl had never experienced in his life, and it was with his absolute best friend.
The day the prison got broken into, Daryl left with Beth and there was no sign of Rick anywhere.
He and Beth had been through some shit, Daryl had gotten drunk and acted like a total asshole, and Beth was nothing but understanding, even though he may not have deserved it. That night, they sat on the porch of the house they had found, having a heart to heart. Beth, even with her naive nature that made Daryl have hope but also made him a little bitter. He’d never had the option to be optimistic in his life, always on high alert.
“You wanna know what I was before all this?” Daryl asked softly. “I was no one. Nothin’.”
Beth looked sad for a moment, but nodded for him to keep going.
“Until I found Rick and the group.” He continued. He had never told anyone about him and Rick, never ever. But Beth was understanding, and as much as she talked or sang or whatever, he knew he could trust her. She and Maggie felt like the younger sisters he never had.
“Rick and I—“ he took a breath before he spilled all the things he had never told anyone. “We were together. We’ve always been close, always been his right hand. But at some point it was more than that.”
Beth grinned dreamily. “Do you love him?”
He nodded, a small smile on his face thinking about it. Everything was shit right now, but despite everything he’d said when he yelled at her earlier, he knew they had to find Rick and their family.
“We’ll find them again,” Beth reassured. “We’re going to.”
He had lost Beth. He was alone, until he found the Claimers. He missed Beth, he missed having someone he trusted and who kept him sane. These guys were brutal, they were guys he knew not to cross.
The night they had found the guy Joe was looking for, Daryl heard a voice and immediately knew who he was.
Daryl heard Joe threatening Rick, so he stepped out of the shadows.
“Joe!” he said, causing him to turn towards Daryl. “You gotta let these guys go. They’re good people.”
He made quick eye contact with Rick, careful not to give anything away but screaming on the inside because Rick looked both terrified and relieved to see him. Michonne looked angry, but also so fucking scared at the same time.
He argued with Joe, he really tried.
“Hey, you want blood. I get it.” Daryl put his crossbow down and held his arms out. “Take it from me, man.”
The blows started almost immediately. The other Claimers just started wailing on him as hard as they could. He was praying he didn’t crack a rib or get kicked in the face or fucking die.
Joe’s voice was barely audible to him, Daryl’s heart pounding in his ears. “First, we’re gonna beat Daryl to death, then we’re gonna have the girl. Then the boy. Then I’m gonna kill you.”
Daryl knew he had to get up, he had to fight back, he had to save them. He had seen a man drag Carl out of the car and throw him on the ground, holding him down and unbuckling his belt. Oh, fuck no.
He listened to Rick plead with Joe, pleaded with him to let his son go, just let him go.
A gunshot rang through the air. The men stopped beating Daryl, and he got up to fight. It was rough, and he saw Rick stagger against the noise, and when Rick seemed almost incapable of fighting any longer, he looked Joe in the eye.
“What are you gonna do now?” Joe taunted, before Rick bit down on his neck and tore out his jugular.
Daryl couldn’t believe what he just saw, Rick unhinged and willing to do anything to protect his own.
They killed the other men, left them in the road and rested until morning.
Rick was sitting on the ground, back against the car, still covered in blood. Daryl poured a little water on a rag and handed it to him.
“We should save that to drink.” Rick said.
“You can’t see yourself, he can.” Daryl nodded toward Carl in the car. Daryl sat down next to him while he cleaned his face. “I didn’t know what they were.” he said sadly.
“How’d you end up with them?”
Daryl looked down at his lap. “I was with Beth. We got out together. I was with her for a while.”
There was a pause of silence until Rick asked if she was dead. Daryl shook his head and said she was just gone. He told him how he ended up with the Claimers, how they were looking for some guy, how he’d almost left them, but didn’t.
“That’s when I saw it was you three, right when you saw me.” His voice was sad and low. “I didn’t know what they could do.”
“It’s not on you, Daryl.” Rick took his hand. “You bein’ back here with us now, that’s everything.”
This was the first bit of physical contact they’d had since the prison. Daryl finally felt warm, even with how much he hurt after being beaten half to death, Rick’s hand on his was everything he needed right now.
“I love you,” Rick said quietly. “Don’t you ever forget that.”
Daryl nodded, and gave his hand a squeeze. Rick said it, but Daryl could tell he was still shaken up.
“Hey, what you did last night; Anybody would’ve done that.” he said reassuringly.
“No, not that.” Rick replied. Now he looked like he was trying to hold himself together. Rick had gotten violent before, but it was always to protect someone. His family was in danger and he saved them. “It ain’t all of it, but that’s me.”
Daryl knew how sad he looked, but he couldn’t help it. “You’re a good man. You protect your own,” Daryl lowered his voice a bit. “You’re the person I fell in love with, no matter what you do.”
Rick leaned into him until his head was resting on Daryl’s shoulder. Daryl kissed the top of his head and squeezed his hand.
They made it through Terminus. They made it through Grady hospital. They had most of the group back.
They lost Beth.
Daryl barely spoke the entire time they walked towards Washington. His family was there for him, and gave him enough space at the same time. Now that they had more people, Rick was busy leading all of them. Daryl knew it wasn’t his fault, but they began to drift apart. Things were rough, until they found Alexandria. Rick became constable, and had been making friends --and enemies-- all over. Most people respected him, but Daryl felt so out of place.
Rick had spent two nights at Daryl’s house, making sure to not draw attention to themselves. They had sex that night, but it was different. Rick was there with him, of course, but it almost felt sad. Like it was the last time they would be like this. They fit together so well before, but after all this time apart and everything they went through, they were different people.
The next night, they didn’t even fuck. They physically slept together, but that was it. Daryl had been wanting to have this conversation for a while, but he obviously didn’t want to do it after sex.
“Are you good?” Daryl asked as they lay next to each other.
Rick had his elbow on the pillow and rested his face in his hand as he turned towards Daryl. “I’m good. Are you?”
Daryl shrugged. “Feels like things are different. With us.”
Rick nodded solemnly. “I’ve had a lot goin’ on. I’m sorry I haven’t made time for us.”
Daryl shook his head. “Don’t feel bad. You’re doing so much good for everyone.” Daryl sat up then, wrapping his arms around his knees. “I know you’ve been eyeing Jessie. I noticed it almost the moment we got here.”
Rick sat up and put his hand on his shoulder. “I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. Nothing has ever happened with her.”
“I know,” Daryl said sadly. “But I get it. I ain’t the last person on earth.”
“Daryl, I know there’s still people out there, but I made the choice to be with you, you’re not just some guy.” Rick said firmly, but Daryl heard his voice falter. “You’re not just some option.”
“I love you,” Daryl said quietly. “I’ve always loved you and I always will. But I don’t want to hold you back. I’ll always be here for you when you need me, I’ll always do anything for you.”
Rick’s voice cracked. “But?”
Daryl finally looked at him and took in the heartbreak on his face. “But I need to let you go. I want you to be happy, and I’m not what makes you happy anymore.”
Rick looked like the wind had been knocked out of him, but after a moment Daryl could tell he was done denying the truth.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I never wanted to make you feel like you weren’t important. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” Daryl took Rick into his arms and kissed the top of his head. “At least stay tonight?”
“Of course,” Rick said. “Anything for you.”
It took a few weeks before Daryl’s heart stopped feeling like it was going to fall into his stomach every time he saw Rick. He knew Rick had kissed Jessie, and he knew that it never turned into anything more. He stayed on the edges of Rick’s life, trying to keep a little bit of distance so he didn’t die from pining after his lost love.
When they did end up going on a run together, it felt like old times. Not like nothing romantic had ever happened, but that comfort he felt whenever he was with Rick. He missed his best friend, and he was starting to be okay with that being all they were.
That’s when they met Jesus. Daryl was annoyed with him immediately, but he fought back this nagging feeling of attraction. He didn’t trust the guy, and he certainly didn’t want him around his home. But little by little, Jesus started to grow on him. Before Daryl knew it, they were working together a lot more, and they worked together well. He hadn’t felt this way ever; his feelings for Rick were completely different. Jesus was not only charismatic and caring, but he was out and proud. Daryl had had one sexual relationship with a man who was openly gay, before everything went to shit, but it was still before Daryl had come out. He pushed his feelings to the back of his mind, not wanting to think about what another heartbreak would do to him at this point.
The Hilltop was bustling with activity. Everyone was doing some sort of work; laundry or farming or building something. Daryl was making new arrows on the Barrington House porch, and Rick was beside him lacing his boots and waiting for Maggie to come by. She and Rick had some sort of business to discuss between the two communities.
“First nice day we’ve had in a while,” Rick said, pushing his curls out of his face. “You goin’ hunting before the party tonight?”
“Yeah, gonna try and bring back something big.” Daryl nodded. “I don’t know what you mean, though. ‘S fuckin’ hot.”
Rick laughed. “Maybe if you didn’t wear a leather vest everywhere.”
Daryl rolled his eyes and went back to his arrows. He eventually felt Rick nudge him, and when he looked up he saw Jesus and Maggie down the street walking towards them.
“Y’know, I think he likes you.” Rick said.
Daryl looked at him and scoffed. Rick was trying to wingman for him now, great.
Daryl looked back in Jesus’ direction. He did actually have a little bit of a crush on the guy; he was a good goddamn fighter, but still a gentle, caring person. He certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes, either.
“Hey,” Jesus greeted them as they walked onto the sidewalk.
“Rick, you ready?” Maggie asked.
Rick stood up and patted Daryl on the shoulder. “Ready. Hey, Jesus, you busy today?”
Jesus shrugged. “No, not really. Do you need something?”
“Yeah,” Rick said, the smile undeniable in his voice. Daryl knew exactly what was about to happen, fuck. “Daryl’s goin’ huntin’ today. Trying to have enough food for the party tonight and then some, couldn’t hurt to have an extra pair of hands.”
Jesus smiled. “Yeah, absolutely.”
Rick nodded and walked off the porch and off with Maggie.
“Bye, Daryl!” Maggie threw Daryl a smirk over her shoulder. This was a goddamn conspiracy, Daryl knew it.
“So, when were you planning on heading out?” Jesus asked.
Daryl cleared his throat and pushed his hair out of his face. “Probably twenty minutes? Gotta finish these arrows and then I’m ready.”
“Cool, I’ll grab my stuff and meet you back here?”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah, that works.”
Jesus walked toward his trailer and Daryl watched after him the whole way. Jesus definitely liked him as a friend at least, they had started staying closer to each other during missions, often opting to work together. They made a good team, and Rick definitely noticed, putting them together on jobs a lot more recently.
It had been a good hunt, Daryl and Jesus hauled back a deer and a few squirrels. When they were done there was about an hour before the party started. They started walking toward Barrington House so Daryl could get changed and Jesus and Maggie could catch up on the day.
“Y’know, I’m kind of excited for tonight.” Jesus said optimistically. “I never used to be the party type, but this feels more...I don’t know, comfortable, I guess.”
Daryl nodded. “Parties are different when they’re with family.”
“I don’t know, you seem like a total party animal.” Jesus nudged him and Daryl smirked back at him.
They walked into the house and said hi to Rick in the foyer.
Jesus started heading up the stairs and turned to Daryl. “I’ll find you at the party later.”
“See you then.” Daryl said back, and watched Jesus disappear into Maggie’s office.
“Hey, you’re gonna get drool on the floor if you don’t stop now,” Rick teased. Daryl snapped out of it and turned toward him.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” Daryl huffed.
“Yeah, you do.” Rick smiled. “I know that look on you, Daryl. Remember?”
He shook his head and laughed under his breath. “Shut up, Grimes.”
The party was really, really nice. Everyone was gathered around a bonfire and there were tables of food setup all around. It was homey, and full of community. Daryl leaned against a tree and looked out over the crowd.
“Hey,” Jesus walked up to him then. He looked nice with his hair down as opposed to the bun he put it in when they were hunting. Even with the bun he looked good, which annoyed Daryl to no end. You couldn’t look that good all the time, it wasn’t fair.
“Hi,” Daryl replied. “How’s it goin’?”
“Pretty good, it was nice to shower after today. It really is too hot for that trenchcoat.” Jesus shook his head.
Daryl shrugged. “Could just get a vest.”
Jesus smiled. “Maybe. Yours does look pretty nice.”
“I bet it’d look nice on you,” Daryl smirked. “Too bad we’ll never know.”
“Harsh,” Jesus nudged him.
They joined the party once more, until the kids started to go to bed. The adults stuck around for a while, and everyone was still drinking and eating and having fun. After drinking a good amount of whiskey, Daryl and Jesus had a slight buzz going on. They were laughing together, maybe even flirting a bit, which Daryl didn’t normally know how to do, but with Jesus it was just easy.
Jesus turned to him at one point, and it was like everyone else fell away. He saw Jesus look at his lips, then look away quickly.
“Wanna go drink some more at my place?” he asked. Daryl would’ve been nervous, but the liquid courage helped with that. He was pretty sure he knew what this meant, why Jesus wanted to be alone with him.
“Yeah, I do.”
Back at the trailer, Jesus got two cups and poured some more whiskey for them. He handed Daryl a glass and took a sip of his own. They sat on the couch, Jesus sitting against the arm so he could face Daryl.
“That was pretty fun,” Jesus said. “Felt...normal.”
“Whatever that means,” Daryl sipped his drink. “But yeah, it was nice.”
“I’m glad you’re around more,” Jesus said after a few moments. “It’s really nice getting to see you.”
Daryl blushed and drank a good amount of his whiskey and put it on the table.
“I like bein’ around.” Daryl’s voice was low and gravelly, the alcohol relaxing him. “I like bein’ around you.”
Jesus was the one to blush now, but he seemed a little more confident. They were sitting closer together now, one of them could easily lean in to close the space. Jesus did, after a second of contemplating, and his lips were as soft as Daryl had imagined. Daryl pushed back a bit more, deepening the kiss, and one of his hands instinctively went to Jesus’ hip. Jesus put his hand on the back of Daryl’s neck, holding him there. Jesus pulled away first, putting his forehead against Daryl’s as they breathed each other in.
“Thank god,” Jesus laughed under his breath. “I wasn’t sure if that was going to go well.”
Daryl raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes at Jesus. What was that supposed to mean? Did he expect the kiss to be bad?
“No! I mean—“ he put his hand on Daryl’s cheek and looked sincerely into his eyes. “I wasn’t sure if you liked me back. I didn’t know if you’d want me to kiss you or if it was going to freak you out.”
Daryl couldn’t fight the small grin on his face. “I’m glad you did. I didn’t know if you wanted it.”
“Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page now.” Jesus smiled, and for the first time in a long time, Daryl felt like something was going right.
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rrickgrrimes8 · 4 years
Normality is Death
Chapter Thirteen ~ Philippians 1:29
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"C'mon baby lets go back to our room," Lori said to Jacey, Carl already holding her hand. Jacey nodded following a part of her family down the halls. 
"What's happening, mom?" Carl asked as he watched Lori go to the air vent feeling no air come out, "Mom? Something wrong?" 
Jacey watched her apprehensive mother, "Uh, nothing. It's just... just the air conditioning stopped." 
Lights went out soon after that too which agitated Lori more as did the disappearance of her husband. Sitting at the foot of her parents' bed, she watched as she left the room to talk to Doctor Jenner as he passed quickly. "What's wrong, Jacey?" She heard Addie call to her. 
"Please leave me alone," her hands found their ways to her ears once again seeking to block out any noise. 
"Jacey? You're scaring me... what's wrong?" Addie called to her again, causing her to look up only to see her younger brother worried, "What's wrong, Jacey?" 
"Uh... nothing, squirt. I'm fine," She stuttered, paralyzed by her shock, "Where's mom?" 
"Went after that Doctor. Sent me back to get you," Carl smiled, still perturbed, "You coming?" 
"Yep, Let's go, squirt."
The two younger Grimes' entered the hysterical room, passing their frightful mother on the way out, "Mom what's happening?" Lori didn't respond though, as she continued to run down the corridor and back to the room. Jacey caught wind of Jenner's words about how the French were the last ones to hold out. Well, that was until the fuel ran out. It sunk in deep with the child, there was no cure and there never will be - everything is gone.
Jacey, grabbing the hand of her brother, ran into the room eyeing the now sealed doors. "No. Did you just lock us in?" Glenn panicked, "He just locked us in!" Carl held her hand tighter, the loud noises and consternation becoming at once too much for him. Jacey saw Edwin take a seat at his desk and begin to talk to a camera. 
Bold lettering violated her eyes as the screen switched to black with the red-lettered words of '30 minutes to decontamination'. "Carl! Jacey!" she heard her mom bellow, quickly finding them. Dropping her bags, she wrapped her arms around the two children, kissing both of their heads. 
Daryl endeavoured over to the man in a fit of rage, yelling at him something Jacey couldn't quite catch but was quickly stopped by Shane. She watched as her father pleaded with the stubborn man to open the door, to which he refused. "What happens in 28 minutes?" Rick yelled to the man after he had ignored him the first time. 
"Come on!" Daryl encouraged threatening him with a glass bottle. 
"You know what this place is?!" He snapped, "We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever!" Jenner stops to breathe slowly, "In the event of a catastrophic power failure - in a terrorist attack, for example - H.I.T are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out." 
"H.I.T's?" Rick asked. 
"VI, define," he ordered. 
"H.I.T's - high impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives consist," VI continued but Jacey just blocked it out. They were going to die. They were all going to die. Rick walks over to his family joining in on their hug, mortified by the news. Jacey, however, felt okay, fine really. It didn't bother her that she was about to die - her death never seemed to scare her. What did bother her though was that her family would die too. Carl was too young to die she thought to herself. 
"It sets the air on fire. No pain," Jenner told them after VI had finished, "an end to sorrow, grief... regret. Everything." Jacey smiled through her tears, she was almost looking forward to it as dark as that sounded but she just wanted some peace, a rest. She watched as many grew angry - and in Daryl's case - violent with the doctor. 
Shane and T-dog stayed by the door throwing any and everything they had at it, but none of it making a dent. "You should've left well enough alone... it would have been so much easier," Jenner lent back in his chair, unbothered by the chaos he had created. 
"Easier for who?" Lori spat, clearly angry with the man's decision yet still a great amount of sadness in her words, knowing her children were about to die when they're lives really had just begun. 
"All of you. You know what's out there. A short brutal life and agonizing death," Jacey understood this and observed as he looked to her, "The people you lost, what was their names?" 
"Mitch and Addie," she replied not entirely sure on how he knew, while Rick looked to the man threateningly not wanting her daughter to have any part in his manipulation. 
"And you? Your sister?" he asked now to Andrea, the following was a quiet 'Amy'. "Addie, Mitch and Amy," He looked between Andrea and the girl, "You know what this does. You've seen it. Is that what you really want for your wife, daughter and son?" 
Now looking at Rick. "I don't want this," He almost cried emphatically. 
"Can't make a dent," Shane shouted to Rick, alarmed. 
"Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher," Jenner said almost comedically. 
"Well, your head ain't!" Daryl screamed, making his way over to the doctor, axe ready. Dale, Rick and Shane come together once more to hold Daryl and his clear anger issues back, "Daryl! Daryl!" 
T-dog soon wrestled the weapon off of him as Jenner continued to Rick, "You do want this. Last night you said you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead." Lori's face drops at his words, while Jacey detaches herself from her mother and brother, planting herself on one of the many identical tables. 
"What? You really said that? After all your big talk?" Shane expectorated, almost betrayed at the doctor's words. 
"I had to keep hope alive, didn't I?" He justified to Lori. 
"There is no hope. There never was." 
"There's always hope. Maybe it won't be you, maybe not here but somebody somewhere-" 
"What part of 'everything is gone' do you not understand?" the younger girl interrupted her father, earning an approving nod from Andrea but a pained look from her family. 
"Listen to your daughter," Jenner advised, "She gets it. This is what takes us down. This is our extinction event." 
"This isn't right. You can't keep us here," Carol cried, "my daughter doesn't deserve to die like this." 
"Wouldnt it be kinder, more compassionate just to hold your loved ones and wait for the clock to run out?" Carol still cries as she holds her daughter, but Jacqui nods her head slightly. 
Much like what happened with Daryl, Shane came to the doctor pointing a shotgun right at his face, but this time Rick intervened, "Out of the way, Rick! Stay out of my way! Open that door, or I'm going to blow your head off. Do you hear me?" Jenner remained emotionless as the officer continued to aim for his head. 
"Brother, brother, this is not the way you do this. We will never get out of here, " Rick reminded him. Instead, in a fit of anger, Shane begins to shoot at the computer screens randomly, everyone cowering away from the shots. "We all die, Shane!" he reminded before struggling to get the gun away from him, "Are you done now? Are you done?" 
"Yeah, I guess we all are," Shane disputed. 
"I think you're lying," Rick said to Edwin, "You're lying about no hope. If that were true, you'd have bolted with the rest or taken the easy way out. You didn't. You chose the hard path, why?" 
"It doesn't matter," Jenner sheepishly said. 
"It does matter. It always matters. You stayed when others ran. Why?" 
"Not because I wanted to. I made a promise," he proceeded to point towards the screen, "To her. My wife." 
"Test subject 19 was your wife?" Lori questioned sympathetically.
"She begged me to keep going as long as I could. How could I say no?" Jenner paused, looking to Daryl, who continued to use his axe against the door no matter how useless it was, "She was dying. It should've been me on that table. I wouldn't have mattered to anybody. She was a loss to the world. Hell, she ran this place. I just worked here. In our field, she was Einstein. Me? I'm just... Edwin Jenner. She could've done something about this. Not me." Jacey sighed, feeling the pain of his loss substantially. 
Rick pleaded once more, "Your wife didn't have a choice. You do. That's... that's all we want a choice... a chance." 
"You let us keep trying as long as we can," Lori added. 
Jenner moves over to the desk picking up what looked like a security pad and said, "I told topside's locked down. I can't open those." 
Seconds later, the doors open and everyone begins to rush out of them, "There's your chance. Take it" 
"I'm grateful," Rick smiled, lifting his hand for him to shake. 
"The day will come when you won't be," Jenner said before shaking Rick's hand and whispering something in his ear. 
"You can't go, you know that, right?" Addie says, her voice kinder now, which Jacey was more grateful for. 
"I know. I want to be with you again," Jacey looked to the girl reluctantly, hoping that the walker won't appear again. 
Addie's face - her normal one - came into view, blooming a big smile on the younger girls face, "And you will, love. I'm never going to leave you again, I promise." 
"I love you, Addie." 
"I lov-" Addie's voice was interrupted by a male one "Jacey, c'mon, angel, grab your things. Let's go." 
Jacey shook her head at the man she realised to be her father, "I-I'm not coming." Rick stopped, hoping his ears were deceiving him but then looked at her tear-covered face and realised. 
"No, you're not, baby. Let's go," Lori shouted from behind Rick. 
"Lori just go. Get the others out of here," he ordered his wife, "We're right behind you." The rest of the group stampeded out of the room, Lori and Carl lingering for a short minute, hoping Rick will be able to convince her to join them. 
"Tell him you're sorry, Jace," Addie whispered, holding her hand. 
"I'm sorry but I-I can't." 
"Yes you can, Jacey, please. You're not thinking straight," Rick prayed that she'd see reason and join them, but his heart stopped when she shook her head. 
"I can't anymore, dad. I'm so tired." Jacey looked around the room, seeing that not only Jenner was still here but so was Jacqui and Andrea. 
An arm snaked over her shoulder, squeezing it gently, an arm, belonging to Mitchell, "Tell him to leave, babydoll, and then you'll be with us forever."
 She smiled at his words and then returned her eyes to her father's blue ones, "You have to leave. I want to stay with them." 
"I'm not leaving you here, angel," He cried, tightly holding the sides of her face. 
"Addie was only 16, dad, Mitch was 25. We had children in our camp. I-I should've died with them. I don't deserve to live when they had to die." 
"Listen to me, Jace, you survived for a reason, okay? You don't have to agree with me, but whoever is up there, whatever is in charge made it so you weren't there. So you wouldn't die. They wouldn't want you to die here and now. Your story is not over yet. I won't allow it," Rick wailed, heavier than earlier as he watched his daughter looked to her left and right as if looking at people that weren't there, "Your death isn't going to bring them back." 
"I can't leave them, daddy," She paused, "I already hurt them enough." 
"Who are you talking about, angel?" his voice breaking slightly. 
"Addie and Mitchell," Jacey told him as if it was obvious, "I can't leave them alone again." 
"Addie and Mitchell are dead, baby. They're not here anymore," the man pleaded with his deluded daughter. 
"No," she argued, squeezing her eyes shut, "shut up. You're lying, they're here with me now, they want me to stay. She promised me she wouldn't leave again," Jacey cried, looking at Addie and Mitchell, slowly seeing them morph into their walker forms, "Oh god. No, not again, please, not again. They're going to hurt me, daddy. They're going to hurt me like I hurt them." 
"Hey baby, look at me, only me, okay?" he stopped her from looking to where he assumed she saw them, "No one's gonna hurt you. Addie and Mitchell are gone. They can't hurt you, alright? Now we've got to go, angel, before it's too late." Jacey wanted to nod, to go with him, but the grip that Addie and Mitchell had on her tightened, making her let out a small cry. 
At once, they both turned into their undead self's clawing at her skin instead of holding it, "You can't leave, Jacey. Not when you did this to us." 
"No! Shut up! Leave me alone! I want to live! I don't want to die!" Rick watched the girl breakdown her hands beginning to claw away at any visible skin. The man grabbed her hands, stopping the movement before looking over to the timer seeing it hit the 5-minute mark. 
"I'm sorry, Jacey. I'm so sorry baby," Jacey heard him cry before feeling him move away from her. 
"Jacey, look at me, sweetheart," A kind, shaky voice begged of her. Jacey turned to meet their eyes, seeing a crying Jacqui, "You gotta go, darling, please."
"I can't, Jacqui. I can't keep going on like this," She paused, "I'm not strong enough."
"Yes you are, child. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met, don't ever trick yourself into thinking you're not," Jacqui apprised the younger girl.
"I'm not as strong as you think, Jacqui. Nowhere even close."
"That's where your wrong, sweetheart. You've got a lot of heart and if do say so myself a lot of balls," She smiled at her, "You're gonna survive this world, I'm sure of it." Jacqui stops speaking as she looked at the girl, aware of the mental state, "Look, sweetie, I'm not gonna force you outta that door, as much as I'd like too. I don't want you to die today, Jacey, but it seems like it's going that way so let me tell you something, okay?" Jacey nodded, "And you gotta promise me the moment you understand it you'll leave, you'll survive," she nodded once more, "Philippians 1:29; For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake." Jacey stayed silent not quite comprehending the meaning of the passage. 
"I don't understand, I don't get it, Jacqui," She cried into her palms.
"That's okay, sweetie, just breathe..." Jacqui refrained, "It means your pain has a purpose, whatever that purpose may be." 
"Do you understand now?" 
Jacey shook her head sadly, "That's okay, take your rest. I will see you once more in another life." Jacey watched as the older woman rejoined Jenner at his computer and observed as she wished that their conversation had gone another way and in some way Jenner also did.
"You have to stay Jace. You said you understood that. Everything will be better if you do," Addie warned, "If you go you will kill every single one of them out there. Do you want that? Do you want them dead? Your dad? Your mom? Carl?" Jacey shook her head manically, her mind flashing unforgiving images of their bodies eaten and unmoving, "So stay with me, my love. Stay, and I'll love you forever." 
Jacey nodded at her before muttering, "I'll love you forever too," causing Addie to smile. Jacey began to move closer to the dark-skinned girl, her face returning back to her natural one. 
"I wanna kiss you, Jace," Addie parted her lips inching towards Jace's. 
"Me too," She replied, shyness shrouding her confidence. 
But before their lips could touch, the masculine voice returned, "I'm sorry, Jacey," following a sharp twinge in her neck. Immediately, she felt a rush of dizziness hit her, Addie and Mitchell disappearing shortly afterwards, "no." She fell off her chair and into a pair of muscular arms, "I'm sorry, angel." 
"Addie," she cried before the darkness took over her. 
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soniaxdixon · 4 years
The New World; Series, Pt 4.
okay this one is definitely longer than the others but I just kept writing. Things get a little more heated in this chapter ngl. I rushed through the first part a bit, I’m kinda assuming we’ve all seen season one so everyone gets the gist of this part.
TW, Shane is a dick in this and starts to get a little too close
Warnings: Swearing, Angst but it gets real fluffy. 
Word Count; 3175 - sorry in advance, I skimmed through reading it so if there are any grammatical errors, my bad.
Okay so this is my first time writing a fic and obviously will be my first series but I’ve just rewatched TWD for like the 17th time and my obsession with Daryl has reached new levels. I hope that it isn’t too shit and that you guys actually read/like it. Thank you in advance for baring with my average writing but I mean, how else will I learn? Anyway, enjoy!
Sonia x
pt 4 of ?? 
The events of the day that followed your night encounter with Daryl went by quickly. Between watching Andrea mourn the death of her sister while the rest of you grieved for the people you lost, you felt the day slipping away fast. Finding out about Jim being bitten broke your heart and before you knew it, you were packing your life away yet again and preparing to head to the CDC.
You crammed your camping gear in the back of Shane’s car along with your bags, walking over to your group when you heard Morales say that he and his family were not going to the CDC with you, he had to do what was best for his family and you understood that. You all said your good byes as you headed towards your cars.
“Y/N, you can ride with me if ya want.” You heard Shane say and you nodded. Your stuff was already in his car, you may as well.
“Thanks, Shane.”
Daryl shot you a look that you couldn’t quite comprehend as you jumped in the passenger side of Shane’s car. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, stepping into his pick up truck and slamming the door shut as you all began driving away, towards what you hoped was safety.
The RV came to a halt in front of the convoy, smoke and steam spilling out of the front. Jacqui interrupted everyone with news about Jim’s state. Shane said he was going to head up to what he thought looked like a gas station while rick stepped inside the RV to see Jim. He came out soon after breaking the news to you all that Jim wanted to be left here to die.
“He said he wanted to be with his family.”
Tears formed in your eyes as you thought about leaving the man who had become a dear friend.
The group decided to do what Jim had asked. Shane and Rick helped place him gently under a tree as you all stood around him and shared one final moment. You walked up to Jim and kissed him carefully on the forehead, caressing his hair one final time, forcing yourself to look into his eyes as you said good bye.
You watched as Daryl simply nodded to the man and you all made your way back to your cars, ready to continue the journey you had started.
After a while, the CDC finally came into view, you all slowly got out of your vehicles, hands on weapons as you hastily made your way to the entrance. Walkers were strewed across the ground, the smell of decaying bodies filling the air making you gag repeatedly. Shane and Rick began bashing on the front of the CDC roller door as walkers started approaching.
You began pacing, looking for ways to get in to the building when you looked up at the camera as it moved.
“The camera, it moved.” You heard Rick say
Dale was quick to respond “You imagined it.”
You backed Rick up “No, I saw it move too. It moved.”
Walkers started approaching quickly, threatening the groups safety. While Shane attempted to convince Rick to leave the CDC you started bashing on the door, yelling at the camera.
“I know you’re in there, let us in!”
Rick joined in, bashing on the roller, “I know you can hear me, please, we’re desperate.”
More walkers began pacing towards you while there was still no answer.
Shane started dragging Rick away while he was yelling.
“You’re killing us, you’re killing us!”
And then the light shone upon you. The doors opened emitting the brightest light you have ever seen. You all froze.
You followed Rick’s lead and stepped in cautiously, guns raised. A man rounded the corner, gun aimed at you all.
“Anybody infected?”
“One of our group was, he didn’t make it.”
“Why are you here, what do you want?”
“A chance.”
The only thing the man asked of you was to submit to a blood test which made you feel sick. Walkers, they were scary but you could handle them. Needles, now that’s where you drew the line. Rick looked at you when he remembered your fear. You locked eyes with him and then you looked around, it was the first time that you had walls surrounding you in a long time and if a needle was what would allow you to have that safety again, you would do it. You looked back at Rick and nodded.
“We can do that.”
“You got stuff to bring in you do it now, once that door closes it stays closed.”
You grabbed your bags from the cars and ran back inside, allowing yourself to finally take a breath. You heard the man say his name was Dr Jenner as you followed him into the main room. Rick asked the question that you were all thinking. Where were the other doctors? Jenner replied saying that he was the only one left.
Your leg started bouncing up and down while you sat and waited for your turn to have your blood test. You felt a wave of nausea over come you, your head became heavier and you felt like you were about to pass out. Jenner called you up and your knees became weak, you braced for your fall but Shane caught you.
“Woah there, don’t go fallin’ for me.”
You chuckled, “Ain’t gonna be that easy, thanks for catching me.”
“Ya still scared of needles?” He asked while linking his arm around your back and leading you towards Jenner.
“Never got over the fear, still scares the shit out of me.”
He gently placed you on the chair and asked Jenner if he had a smaller needle or something to help you calm down. You looked up at him in surprise at how kind he was being right now.
Jenner reached for the butterfly needles and proceeded to set it up, as he grabbed your arm, you subconsciously reached for Shane’s hand and squeezed it slightly, looking into his eyes as Jenner pushed the needle into your arm.
“Thanks, Shane.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Daryl was forced to sit there and watch the entire interaction between you and Shane, seething at every word that came out of Shane’s mouth. His heart tightening when you were returning the affection towards him and when you grabbed Shane’s hand his heart broke. That should have been him comforting you but no one knew about the night the two of you had, no one knew about the feelings you shared and now he wasn’t sure if you were even telling the truth.
Jenner led you all to the dining area, food graced the table and Jenner even brought out a few bottles of wine and other alcohols. You all laughed like never before. Telling each other stories, relaxing more and more as the alcohol set in. You were on your third glass of wine, glancing occasionally at Daryl who was drinking straight from the bottle. You wondered why he hadn’t spoken to you since last night and why he looked so angry every time your eyes crossed paths.
Shane brought everyones mood down instantly when he began questioning the doctor about where all the other staff had gone. You just sat and listened while Jenner explained everything, including the way that some of the doctors ‘opted out.’
Jenner began taking you through the halls as he explained that most of the rooms had couches but there were some beds available, all though some people may have to share rooms. There was also a rec room down the hall filled with books which made you extremely happy.
“If you shower, go easy on the hot water.”
Those words were like music to your ears, shower, hot water. Things you always took for granted in the previous world.
You walked past a few of the rooms that were already taken, Glenn and T-dogg sharing one, Lori, Carl and Rick in another when suddenly Shane stopped you.
“You can share a room with me if you’d like.” You looked up as Daryl walked past and saw the sudden look of hurt flash across his eyes.
“That’s okay Shane, thanks for the offer.”
You chased quickly after Daryl after he had turned into a room that had a double bed, he threw his bag on top and then threw himself next to it. You knocked on the door quietly and he shot up.
“The hell do ya want?”
The sudden burst of anger had your chest aching.
“Excuse me?”
“Ya heard me, what the hell are ya doin’ in here?”
“I was coming to ask if you wanted to share a room, you know, after last night and all.”
He scoffed at you “Last night was a mistake.”
And there it was, you felt yourself grow angry at his words but you knew this was what he did, he pushed people away to make himself feel less attached.
“What did you just say?”
He stood up from the bed now, stomping over to you, his face inches away from yours. “I said, last night was a fuckin’ mistake.”
“Thats bullshit Daryl Dixon and you know it.”
“I meant what I said.”
“Fuck you.” It came out as barely a whisper but it was enough for him to hear it, tears started uncontrollably streaming down your face as you wiped them away quickly but they fell too fast for your sleeves to stop them.
Daryl looked at you crying and felt his heart break even more. To think that he was the reason for your crying broke him. “M’ sorry.”
“No, fuck you, you don’t get to apologise just like that. You don’t get to say that last night was a mistake when you know it wasn’t. You told me how you felt, you expect me to think that just went away over night.”
He went to reach for your arm but you smacked his hand away. “Are you kidding me, don’t try and touch me, don’t try and comfort me, just tell me why you’re fucking acting like this.”
“Ya should be with Shane, not me.” He couldn’t stop himself from blurting it out.
“Ya deserve someone better, like Shane. He’d treat ya better than I ever could.”
“What in the world makes you think that?”
“I saw the way he was helpin’ ya before, I didn’t even know ya were scared of needles.”
“Daryl, I don’t like Shane, I like you.”
“Naw, ya just sayin’ that, just like ya said all that shit last night, ya didn’t mean it.” You could see the pain in his eyes when he forced himself to speak his worries.
“I meant every word and I’ll say it again. I like you Daryl, I’ve liked you since the day I met you. Seeing you walk into our camp with your brother, I knew you would be a pain in my ass and I was right but God, I wouldn’t change that for the world. I know you like me too, I know you’re scared to admit how much you like me, but I know you do.”
He just stared at you, his eyes flicking between your eyes and your lips until slowly he reached up and pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Ya know I’m not good with words but can I, uh…”
With your permission he leant down and kissed your lips, so gently that you could hardly feel him, your hands reached behind his head, entangling in his hair and pulling him in closer, deepening the kiss.
After a short while of staying in that moment you pulled away from him to look in his eyes, your hands staying in his hair.
“Do you believe me now?”
He just nodded and leaned his forehead against yours.
“Will ya stay with me tonight? I’ll take the couch. Ya can have the bed.”
You chuckled slightly pressing another gentle kiss to his lips before completely stepping back. He watched in confusion as you walked away into the hall, leaving him standing there alone, only to return with your bag in your hand, putting it down on the couch. His eyes grew brighter when he understood that you were staying.
“We can both stay in the bed but God I need a shower…And so do you.”
“Nah, ya heard what Jenner said, there ain’t much hot water, ya go and have a shower, I’ll wait here.”
“Daryl Dixon, I am not sleeping in a bed with you if you’re dirty, you’re just gonna have to shower with me.”
His heart raced at your words, his cheeks flushing red and then he remembered his scars and you saw the panic set into his face.
“You can face me the whole time, I promise I won’t make you do anything you’re not comfortable with.” You walked closer to him, grabbing his hands and slowly pulling him towards the bathroom. He allowed you to lead him.
You turned the water on and let out a small squeal of joy when you felt the hot water hit your hand, this earned a small smile from Daryl. You slowly removed your shirt, then your pants as you watched Daryl struggle to figure out where he should be looking. You laughed softly at the awkwardness of this man which drew his eyes back to you, the tips of his ears turning red. He began chewing his thumb as you pulled off the rest of your clothes and stepped into the shower, relishing in the hot water, something you didn’t realise you had been craving for so long.
“Whenever you’re ready, only if you’re comfortable.”
You heard him undo his belt and a minute later he was stepping into the shower with you. You pulled him carefully under the water and watched as the dirt began to discolour the floor beneath you. You placed your hands gently on the sides of his face, pulling him into a slow kiss, breaking away moments later. You reached for the shampoo behind you and put some in your hands as you reached up to his dirty hair and began to wash the dirt away, watching as Daryl’s face softened and his eyes closed at the feeling.
“Hold your head up while I rinse, I don’t want to get it in your eyes.”
He tilted his head up and let the water wash the soap out of his hair, you couldn’t help but smile at how relaxed he was in this moment, because of you. No one had ever cared for him this much.
He slowly put his head back down, looking at you before he placed his hands on your waist and pulled you into him, burying his head in the crook of your neck, letting the water wash over the both of you. Your hands found his hair as you played with his wet locks until you were both ready to get out.
You got out first so you could pass him a towel to cover his back. He took it from you nodding as you dried yourself off and began to dress in some clean pyjamas. He pulled on some loose pants and one of his tanks before making his way into the room that you were both sharing. He laid down on one side of the bed, covering his eyes with his arm.
“I’m gonna go and check out the book collection, I’ll be back.”
You felt like you were on cloud nine as you made your way just down the hall into the rec room, Carl and Lori had just walked out as you walked in, you ruffled Carl’s head on his way out and he gave you a cheeky look.
As you shuffled through the books you heard a door shut and you jumped slightly at the sound. “Jesus Christ Shane, you scared the shit out of me.”
“Ya with the redneck now? That how it is?”
Your eyes snapped to him quickly as you heard his words, you could hear they were slurring slightly from the amount of drinks he’d had.
“He has a name, ya dick.”
Shane began pacing towards you, forcing you to put your hands against him when he slammed his body against yours, pushing you both into a wall.
“Ya know he ain’t gonna treat you right, girl. Ya know I can.”
“Shane, get off me, now.”
“Ya know I’ll protect ya better than he ever can.”
“Shane I’m warning you, get off of me.”
“What are you gonna do girl.” He dropped the bottle that was in his hands to pin your arms above your head, holding you in place against the wall as his lips found your neck.
“Shane please, stop, please.”
“Beg for me, I like it when ya beg.”
You twisted beneath him trying to get out of his grip but it was no use, he had you pinned and you couldn’t move.
“DARYL!” You yelled as loud as you could.
“Shut up, god damn it.” Shane slammed you into the wall again, winding you. You couldn’t find your voice to yell again so you prayed that Daryl had heard you.
Within moments, Daryl came barreling into the room ripping Shane off you and throwing him to the floor.
“Ah shit” was all you head Shane muster before he copped punch after punch, Daryl’s weight completely holding him down. You reached for Daryl’s hand as he was about to swing yet again.
“Daryl stop, please.”
He looked at you, you had never seen him this angry but when his eyes found yours, the anger melted away.
He stood up, climbing off of Shane, looking down at him again.
“Ya ever touch her again, I’ll fucking kill you.”
Daryl grabbed your hand and quickly led you back to the room where he checked you over for any injuries, lightly tracing his fingers over your neck sending shivers down your spine. You wrapped your arms around his middle and he felt your tears start to soak his shirt. He caressed your hair as you stood there for a good five minutes until you finally let go of him and looked up.
“I didn’t think you heard when I yelled. I thought he was gonna…”
“Stop. I’ll always protect ya, ya hear me. Always.”
You felt the effects of the long day start to take a toll on you as you led Daryl towards the bed, pulling the covers back you climbed in on one side and Daryl climbed in on the other. Something about being with him made you feel calm, made you feel like everything was going to be okay. You turned over on your side, your back facing Daryl as you felt his arm snake around your waist, pulling you into him. You fell asleep within minutes of being in his arms. It was the best sleep you both had in a long time.
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fandom-junkie2020 · 4 years
You Weren’t Suppose to Know That
Carl Grimes x Reader
Summary- From the moment Carl showed up in Alexandria you’ve taken an interest in him. It took a mishap for you to express your feelings. 
I rode down on the streets of Alexandria on my skateboard looking for my best friend Ron. He was having trouble at home lately and he would  always tell me about what was happening. My mom knew about what was happening yet she didn't do anything. That pissed me off. She's always talking about making Alexandria a better place and making it a safe place for everyone yet she won't intervene in Ron's situation because 'they'll work it out'. I found Ron looking at the gates. They were opening them so Aaron must be back.
"Hey, Ron." I said as I hoped of my skateboard and looked towards a group that they where letting in. "Any idea who these people are?" I asked.
"No idea. Aaron must have brought them back but I don't see him yet." Ron replied. Before I could think about anything more Spencer, my oldest brother, waved me over.
"This should be fun." I laughed and got back on my skateboard and rode over. I stopped in front of Spencer. "What's up."
"You know mom's gonna be pissed if she figures out you're still riding that thing." He laughed and I pointed at him.
"Mom doesn't need to find out."
"Oh really? What are you gonna do to stop me from telling her?" He asked.
"I'm gonna prank you for the rest of your life. Aiden will help me too. He's on my side of this battle."
"Yeah yeah sure." He turned to the new group "Well everyone this is my little sister, Y/N, she will be taking you to see our mom, Deanna. Once you get there she's going to ask you a few questions." I looked at Spencer.
"I didn't volunteer. It's my day off." I said.
"Well to bad." He shoved my shoulder and I shoved him back.
"Asshole." I laughed and turned to the group "Hope you guys can keep up." I said happily then got back on my skateboard and started towards our house where we hold the interviews.
"How long has this place been here." A deep voice asked. I turned my head to see an older man with a beard then turned back.
"Since the beginning. Most of the people here haven't seen what's outside the walls. I've seen it but my mom doesn't need to know that either." I laughed.
"You shouldn't sneak outside these walls. You're safe here." Someone else said.
"Okay listen up. I know you all just got here and you think you know everything but you don't. I go out just in case. If anyone or anything get's inside these walls then we're all screwed. No one in here can fight and most of them can't shoot guns. I go out there and practice killing those things because no one in here knows anything." It was silent for a while after that until a younger voice spoke up.
"What's your name?" I turned to see two people that where around my age so I'm not sure which one said it.
"Y/N." We where getting close to my house so I hopped off my skate board and hid it in front of Ron's house. He always lets me hide it there and he only lives a couple of houses down from me. I turned to the group and motioned for them to fallow me towards my house. Once we got there I stopped on the first couple of steps and turned around.
"Before we go in what are you're guy's names?" I asked.
"I'm Rick. Over there is Glenn, Maggie, Carol, Daryl, Eugene, Tara, Noah, Carl, who's holding Judith, Rosita, and Abraham." The man, Rick, said. I nodded and walked up the steps then walked inside.
"Mom we have a new group!" I yelled. My mom entered from the kitchen with my dad close behind.
"Oh well you all can make your way to the living room where you'll wait with my husband, Redge, and I'll call you all up one at a time." My mom said sweetly. "Y/N why don't you stay with your father. There seems to be some kids your age." She paused and looked around. "Who is the leader of your group?" She asked and Rick spoke up.
"That'd be me." My mother nodded.
"Well then, fallow me." He did as asked and they both walked upstairs while my father led everyone to the living room.
"Hey, dad?" I called and he walked over to me. "Do I really have to stay. I had some plans to hang out with Ron and Mickey." He sighed.
"Your mother just wants you to make more friends." I scoffed.
"What does she expect? The worlds gone to shit and she's worried about how many friends I have." I said with anger wrapping around my words.
"Watch your language. Why don't you wait for- what are their names again?" I rolled my eyes.
"Carl and Noah."
"Oh yes. Well why don't you wait for their interviews to be over with. Then you can go visit Ron and Mickey." He suggested.
"Or I could just leave them alone and let them adjust to this place." He sighed again.
"Fine but if your mother gets mad at you I have nothing to do with it." Then he walked towards the other group. I looked over and saw Carl looking at me. I blushed and ran out as fast as I could without attracting to much attention.
Once I reached Ron's house I knocked on the door and Jessie opened it.
"Hey, Y/N, come right in." She smiled and let me in.
"Thanks, Jessie. Ron and Mickey are upstairs right?" I asked. She nodded and I almost walked away but then she said,
"Enid's up there too." I turned around and looked at Jessie. She looked at me sadly. "You okay hun?" She asked and I nodded.
"It's just," I paused "today was one of those friends only things. I want to be supportive of him but I don't remember the last time we really hung out without Enid around." I sighed "Don't know why I thought today would be different." Then I walked upstairs and into Ron's room. Ron and Enid were on the bed with him laying in between her legs while facing the TV and playing video games, she was reading a comic that she rested on his head. Mickey was sitting on the floor at the end of the bed. Ron looked over at me then back to the TV.
"Hey, Y/N." He said then Enid snapped her head up and glared at me but I ignored her.
"Hey." I said quietly and then quickly ran past the TV so I didn't mess up there game. Then I sat in the beanbag chair that Ron kept in the corner. I leaned back and listened to their video games. Sooner or later I fell asleep.
I was woken up my something soft hitting me. I didn't pay attention to it at first but then it hit me again and I groaned but didn't open my eyes.
"Come on Y/N wake up. Carl came over." I heard Ron say.
"Ron, if you hit me with that pillow one more time I swear to God I'll kill you myself." I said and I heard him laugh. "Plus we've already met. Spencer had me take em' to my mom."
"Well can you be like a human for once and become functional?" Ron said. I opened my eyes and saw Carl standing in the door awkwardly. Ron was standing in front of me, pillow in hand. Enid was sitting on the bed reading a comic like she had been when I first fell asleep. Mickey probably left because of his mom, he never allowed him to stay for long.
"Happy? I'm functional. I'm awake." I said sarcastically. Ron nodded.
"Why don't we go show Carl around?" Ron asked. I got up from the bean bag chair and smiled.
"Sure, beats staying inside all day." I said.
"I don't feel like it." Enid said and we all looked at her.
"Well, Miss Bitchey, if you don't want to come you don't have to." I glared at her and she looked up from her comic and glared back.
"Maybe you'd stop calling me a bitch then I'd actually want to go." She stood up and walking in front of Ron so that she was between us.
"Maybe if you weren't a bitch then I wouldn't have to call you one." I snapped back. Then Ron put a hand on Enid's shoulder and pushed her back.
"Can you guys not fight for five minuets. It gets old. I don't get why you both hate each other." Ron said calmly and my face softened.
"We don't fight that much." I said.
"More then you realize." Ron said sadly and then everyone was quiet for a few minuets.
"Alright lets just show Carl around." Then I walked out not even paying attention to weather or not they were fallowing me. It killed me that I had made Ron sad. He's been my best friend ever since the world went to shit. I've helped him through a lot and he as helped me just as much. I always tried to except Enid but she made it difficult. She never left Ron alone and if she did it was never for long. I just missed spending time with my best friend.
I walked down the steps and into the kitchen but didn't hear any footsteps fallowing me. I'm not sure if I want them to fallow me or not. It would be nice to have them fallow me and have some people to talk to but on the other hand I also want to be alone. I continued walking towards the door but Jessie stopped me.
"Y/N? Hey are you alright?" She asked. I looked at her, she was sitting on the couch with Sam. I just nodded and walked out and down the street not even paying attention to where I was going.
I walked downstairs when people started to really show up. A lot of the town was already inside. I hoped that Ron wouldn't show up. I hadn't talked to him since the whole incident with Enid. I was still upset that I hadn't realized Enid and me fought that much. Ron was already dealing with enough fighting in his house with him family, he didn't need to see it with him friends too.
I walked over to the couch that didn't have anybody on it. People normally stood up and talked to one another. I just sat there and twiddled my thumbs. People from the new group started to show up and some of them looked uncomfortable. I wouldn't blame them for a town that takes place in the apocalypse these people sure are preppy. I felt someone sit beside me and I looked up to see Maggie holding Judith.
"Are you okay?" She asked and I sighed.
"Honestly no. I've been ignoring my best friend." I looked back down.
"Why?" She asked.
"Well I don't exactly get along with his girlfriend and I guess I just didn't realize how much we fought. He's just upset and I don't really know what to do."
"Maybe you should just go talk to him. Figure it all out together." She suggested. I laughed.
"His girlfriend just hates it when I talk to him. How am I suppose to make everything between us okay if she hates me for just speaking to him?" I asked.
"Well, sounds to me like she isn't a very good girlfriend if she's pushing her boyfriends best friend away from him." She said and I nodded.
"I'm gonna go get some fresh air. Thanks, Maggie." I said, she nodded and I walked outside and sat on the front steps. I sat there for a while trying to figure out what I would say to Ron when I saw movement beside me. I looked up and saw Carl sitting down next to me.
"Hey, Carl." I said and looked down at my feet.
"Have you talked to Ron lately?" He asked. I shook my head no. "You should." He said.
"Why? It's not like I'll really be able to change anything." I sighed.
"You know it kills him to not talk to you right. He's always going on and on about what he should do to fix everything."
"He doesn't need to do anything. It's just between Enid and me." I said.
"Why do you guys hate each other so much?" He asked.
"She doesn't like me because she thinks that I'll take Ron from her. Which is ironic because she ended up taking him away from me." I said sadly.
"He's still there you know that right?" He asked and I looked up at him.
"You don't get it do you?" I asked. "Ron is and has always been my best friend ever since the world ended. Then all of a sudden this girl comes and he starts to like her and she starts to like him. One day you hang out with your best friend all day everyday. Then sooner or later you just start hanging out with him and his girlfriend who hates you. I never talked to him about Enid because I care about him. If she makes him happy then I'm happy for him. I didn't think that we fought that much but apparently we fight a lot more then I had hoped." Tears started to slowly fall down my face.
"You don't like Ron do you?" He asked softly and I laughed.
"No." I paused "He's just- he's always been there. There are just some things that I can't talk to my family about and he is just always there."
"Can you promise me something?" He asked and I nodded. "If you go and try to clear things up with Ron then I'll be there for you weather you clear them up or not. Then you'll have someone no matter what." I laughed and pulled him in for a hug that I don't think he was expecting but he hugged back.
"Thank you." I whispered in his ear.
One Month Later
I had cleared things up with Ron finally. We were both happy again and I had also became close friends with Carl which I was happy about. He also kept him promise. When Ron couldn't be there Carl was. He made me happy and I think I've developed a crush on him.
I was on my way to Ron’s house so that we could hang out. He had been really good at making time just for us. I reached the door and knocked just like I always did except no one answered. I knocked again but still no one answered. Then I heard glass brake from inside the house. I didn't waste any time on opening the door and rushing inside. Pete and Jessie where in the kitchen and there was broken glass on the kitchen floor. Ron came running downstairs and when he saw me his eyes widened. We both turned our attention back onto Pete and Jessie. Pete started punching Jessie so I ran over and tried to get her away from him but he pushed me back and I hit my head off the kitchen counter and when I landed my hands got cut on the glass that was scattered across the floor.
"Y/N!" I heard Ron yell. He rushed over to my side but it was difficult to focus on anything. I felt my forehead but instantly pulled my hand back because of the pain from touching it.
"Ron take Y/N upstairs!" Jessie yelled. I felt myself being picked up. I looked up and saw Ron looking at me, concern covered his face. He ran up the stairs but I wasn't sure which room he ran into until he said,
"Sam open the door." I heard Sam’s closet door open then Ron got into the closet, sat down so that I was in his lap, and had Sam close and lock the door. Ron held my head and upper body with one arm and the other rested on my side.
"Is she okay?" Sam asked, he sounded scared.
"I don't know." Ron cried. "Hey. Hey, Y/N, can you talk to me?" He asked.
"E-everything is s-spinning." I said weakly. Ron let out a breath of relief.
"O-okay. What else?" He asked.
"My h-head hurts like a-a bitch." He laughed.
"Okay, it's okay. We can leave soon." He said.
"R-on?" I asked.
"I'm tired." I breathed out and started to close and eyes.
"No, no you have to stay awake. Can you do that. Let my see your eyes." He pleaded. I nodded weakly. "How about you tell me about something you love? Yeah, tell me about something you love." He said. I tired thinking but it was getting more and more difficult.
"I-I don't k-know." I said.
"Oh come on. What about a person?" He asked. I nodded. "Can you tell me about them?" I nodded again.
"Y-you won't get ups-set?" I asked.
"I promise. I won't get mad just tell me about them." I didn't talk for a couple minuets so Ron spoke up again "Can I guess and you nod?" He asked and I nodded in response. "Okay, is it Mickey?" I smiled weakly and shook my head no. "Is it someone our age?" I nodded. He didn't talk for another couple minuets. "I-Is it Carl?" I shook my head yes and smiled a lot wider. "Okay, that's good. You're gonna stay awake so you can see him again. He seems like a great guy." I nodded again.
"Ron, she's gonna be okay right?" Sam asked.
"I hope so buddy. We just have to keep her thinking and communicating." Ron said. Then we all heard a lot of glass breaking from downstairs then Sam’s door swung open.
"Sam, Ron are you guys okay?" It was Jessie.
"Yeah mom we're okay but I don't think Y/N is." Ron said.
"Okay open the door." She said softly and Sam unlocked the door and opened it. Jessie was kneeling in front of the door and it looked like there where bruises all over her arms.
"Oh god. Okay bring her over to the bed." Jessie said with a worried tone then she rushed out of the room. Ron ran over to Sams bed and carefully placed me down. Before long we heard yelling from outside. Sam rushed to the window to look outside.
"It's Dad!" He yelled and then Ron rushed over to see as well.
"Oh god, Ricks beating the shit out of him." Ron said.
"Rick stop!" Multiple people yelled. "Put the gun down!" We heard someone yell then it all just stopped. People stopped screaming at Rick. Ron turned to me and sat beside me on the bed. I looked at him.
"We need to do something." Ron said. "We can't have Dad help you and I don't know who else could." Then Jessie ran back in with bandages. "Mom we need to do something about her head." Ron said.
"I know, I know." Jessie said. Then they started to clean up my hands and wrap them.
"What if we ask Deanna?" Sam suggested. Jessie looked up at him.
"Sam you're a genius. Ron you look after her and keep her awake. I'll go get Deanna and see if she knows anything about anyone." It seemed like forever until Mom walked in with someone behind her.
"Oh my god." She whispered and rushed over next to Ron. "Denise what should we do?" She asked.
"Umm we should get her to the infirmary but Pete never lets me in." The lady, Denise, said.
"I'll let you in. I have to get Redge." She whispered the last part.
"Okay umm what's your name?" Denise asked Ron.
"Ron. I'm her friend." He said.
"Okay, Ron, you need to help us get her the infirmary." He nodded.
"I'm tired." I whispered. Mom looked at me and held my hand gently.
"I know baby but you gotta stay awake." I noticed that she had tears streaming down her face.
"Okay we have to go now." Denise said. Ron picked me up just like he had done before and fallowed Denise down the street. All of us where running, well obviously not me.
"Y/N?" I heard someone yell. "What happened?" They yelled again.
"We'll tell you when we get there!" Ron yelled. We reached the infirmary and Denise started to order people around. I couldn't pay attention to anything. I was still in Ron’s arms but I passed out.
Carl’s P.O.V.
I was walking down the street shortly after my dad had beaten up Pete. Michonne had knocked him out so he didn't continue to do anything stupid. I looked up at the sky and watched the clouds pass the sun but then my attention was brought to the street when I heard multiple people running down the street. I saw Denise, Deanne, Jessie, Sam, and Ron running towards the infirmary. Ron was holding someone. Y/N? Oh god what happened?
"Y/N?" I yelled and they looked over at me but kept running. "What happened?" I yelled as I ran towards them.
"We'll tell you when we get there!" Ron yelled.
We reached the infirmary and luckily Pete wasn't there. Denise started to give orders out to people to get IV's and bandages. Y/N had passed out while Ron was still holding her.
"Don't just stand there get her on the bed!" Denise yelled. Ron rushed over and put her on the bed.
"Okay I need you kids to stay out on the porch. If we need help I'll come get you." Jessie assured and Sam, Ron, and I walked out on the porch and sat down on the steps.
"What happened?" I choked out. I looked over at Ron who was looking at his hands that had a small amount of blood on them. "What happened?" I asked again.
"My dad happened. She was early. She wasn't suppose to come over for another half hour. If I thought this was gonna happen I would have canceled. This is all my fault." He put his head in his hands.
"No, man, it's not your fault. Can you just- can you tell me what happened?" I asked again. He took his head out of his hands and nodded.
"My dad was fighting with my mom again. I had gotten Sam in the closet like I'm suppose to but then I heard glass break from downstairs. I went down to see what happened and there was glass all over the kitchen. Y/N was in the living room and we looked at each other but we didn't do anything. Then my dad started to punch my mom and Y/N tried to get in between. I didn't have time to stop her. I know what happens when you try and get in between. Agh if I had just been faster then this wouldn't be happening, but ahh anyways, my dad he pushed Y/N out of the way and she hit her head on the countertop. Hard too. When she landed she cut her hands on the glass. My mom yelled for me to take her upstairs with Sam. We all hid in the closet until it stopped. Sam and me kept her talking," he paused "nodding at least." We didn't talk for the next couple of minuets until I said,
"It's not your fault. If anything I think you helped her." He looked over at me.
"You know she likes you Carl. She doesn't talk about you a lot but that's probably because she thought I'd be upset." He said and I blushed.
"H-how— did she tell you that?" I asked and he laughed.
"I was trying to get her to talk about something she loved. She couldn't really strike up a conversation because of her head but ahh," he laughed "I asked her if we could talk about someone she loved. I started thinking about people besides her family because it would probably get her to think more. Then I asked if it was Mickey. She laughed and shook her head. Then I asked if it was someone our age you know just to see." We both laughed at that. "She nodded and it took me a couple minuets but then I guessed you. You should have seen her smile, man. Then I told her that she needed to stay awake so that she could see you again." I looked down at the ground and smiled so wide. She liked me. I couldn't believe it.
"I can't believe it." I whispered. Ron laughed.
"I'm guessing you like her back?" He asked.
"You could say that" I smiled.
"Just remember if you hurt her I'll kick your ass." He laughed and I laughed along.
"Yeah you'll have to deal with me too." Sam said. I had almost forgotten he was here.
"I don't think you guys have anything to worry about." I said and they both smiled at me. We all sat there for a while before Jessie walked back outside. We all stood up. Jessie laughed.
"She's gonna be fine. She's up now but really groggy." She moved away from the door and we all ran in. Ron and I were on either side of her and Sam was next to Ron.
"Hey, guys." Y/N whispered. She sounded like she was on drugs. I laughed and looked over to Denise.
"Is she on drugs?" I asked and Denise laughed.
"She's on strong painkillers. Really strong painkillers." I looked back at Y/N who was looking up at the ceiling in confusion.
"What are you even looking at?" Ron asked. She furrowed her eyebrows.
"I don't know." She said. We all started laughing.
"Oh yeah strong painkillers." I laughed. She looked over at me.
"Where am I?" She asked then looked over at Ron and Sam.
"You're in the infirmary." Ron said sadly then he scratched the back of his neck.
"Do you remember how you got here?" Denise asked from across the room. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and looked as if she was thinking.
"I remember going over to Ron's house and then I went to get in between Pete and Jessie. Then I remember sitting in a closet with Ron and Sam." Y/N said.
"Do you remember anything else?" Ron asked. He looked over at me and smirked.
"Well- uh- you were trying to get me to keep talking." She replied. Ron nodded.
"Do you remember what we talked about?" He asked and smirked at both Y/N and me, his eyes shifting between us.
"Why are you asking me so many questions?" Y/N sighed out of frustration. Ron held his hands up and laughed.
"H-hey can I talk to Y/N alone?" I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Sure thing." Ron said "See you later Y/N. I'm sure Sam and I'll visit tomorrow."
"See ya Y/N!" Sam exclaimed and waved to her as him and Ron walked out the door.
"Make sure you don't keep her up to long okay, Carl?" Denise said. I laughed and nodded. She smiled then walked outside. Once she left Y/N started laughing and I looked at her confused.
"What?" I laughed. She continued to laugh before she said,
"Your face is red." Then she continued laughing. This only made my face heat up more.
"Y/N, can I tell you something?" I asked as she was still laughing. It took a while to get her to stop laughing but once I did I asked her again and she nodded. I noticed that she looked really tired.
"Ron told me about what you said while he was trying to keep you awake." She looked at me weird. I had forgotten that she couldn't remember what she had said. "Y-you basically- well sort of told him that you were in love with me." I looked at her, she seemed sad, and she looked down.
"No one was suppose to know about that." She whispered but I could hear here due to the quietness though out the room. Then I saw tears drip down her face and onto her lap. I quickly sat on the side of the bed and rested my hand on her knee.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"You weren't suppose to find out and on top of that I'm all drugged up and tired and I just- I just-" she cut herself off with sobs. I quickly wrapped my arms around her surprisingly enough she didn't pull back, instead she wrapped her arms around me as well.
"It's fine. It's fine. I'm glad that I found out." I said. She pulled away and looked at me but she was still crying.
"Why?" She asked. I raised my hands and wiped the tears off her face even though more appeared anyways.
"B-because I uh- well" I paused and took a deep breath. "I love you too." She shook her head and I looked at her confused.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better." She cried.
"If I was just saying that to make you feel better then would I do this?" Then I connected our lips. Thousands of fireworks went off the moment we touched. In the middle of the kiss she started to smile then eventually started to laugh causing me to do so as well. "What?" I asked laughing as we pulled apart.
"I'm just really happy. Also my mind is everywhere. I'm not sure what Denise gave me but it sure does work." She laughed. I looked at the clock that hung on the wall. It was about 8:00PM and I should probably get Y/N to sleep.
"You should probably get some sleep before Denise cuts my head off." I smiled. She nodded and laid down on the hospital bed. I leaned down and kissed her forehead before starting towards the door.
"Wait." Y/N said softly. I turned back around.
"Can you stay here?" She sounded a little embarrassed and her cheeks turned bright red. I laughed but nodded and walked over to her. She moved over so that I had room to lie down. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders while she snuggled into my side.
"I love you, Carl." She whispered.
"I love you too, Y/N." I whispered back then we both peacefully fell asleep.
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myocsfanfictions · 3 years
The Road Ahead of Us - TWD Season 2
The Walking Dead Fanfiction
They had left Atlanta behind, trying to reach Fort Benning; but during an apocalypse nothing ever goes at it is planned. Sarah and Nicolette will have to face new challenges and dangers. How will they survive?
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Chapter 7
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They had been walking for a few minutes from the church, Daryl was leading the group always searching around, to try and spot Sophia. Everyone was tired and felt like losing hope, she could feel it. But Sarah didn’t want to give up, she knew that that girl was still alive and it was just a matter of time for them to find her. 
“Do you see anything?” Sarah asked moving next to Daryl who flinched a little in surprise, before chewing the side of his cheek and shaking his head. Sarah decided not to push it, it was already difficult. They didn’t need to talk about not finding traces. 
“So this is it?” asked Carol suddenly making them turn “This the whole plan?” 
They all stopped as she set down on a log.  
“I guess the plan is to whittle us down into smaller and smaller groups” said Daryl leaning his shoulder against a tree. But that made Sarah frown. 
“We can’t divide again” Sarah said shaking her head “I’m sure Rick doesn’t want that” as she finished talking, she saw Carol looking slightly pissed. She could feel the tension in the air between them. They were all tired and some of them didn’t seem to trust Rick right now. They had never been that divided, it was a terrible feeling, seeing all of them like that. 
“We should find something to eat” Sarah proposed trying to ease the tension “Like berries or something. It wouldn’t hurt us and we’ll need them when we’ll find Sophia” she noticed Daryl turn to her as he walked, before she looked at the others that just gave her smiles of circumstance. And that made Sarah frown a little.  
It was true; it was difficult to stay positive, but just trying couldn’t hurt anyone. 
“I don’t understand how you taking it so lightly” Andrea said making Sarah turn to her with wide eyes. 
“I beg your pardon?” Sarah said stopping and with her everyone stopped too. 
“I’m saying that your superhero sister is out there and you acting like a fool” Andrea said in a mocking tone, making Sarah’s eyes flinch. She could feel everyone’s stares towards the two of them, but she really didn’t care. 
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t actually insult me” said Sarah “Only because you seem to always have to say something about my sister” 
“Sarah” Glenn tried to catch her attention, but when he reached for her arm, she moved it away. 
“I’m tired of how you always scoff and glared at her” Sarah said “What is your problem?” Andrea only scoffed shaking her head. 
“My problem is that this group always arms the wrong people” Andrea said eyeing even Lori that didn’t wait a second before stepping up. 
“Why you want it?” asked Lori taking the gun from her jeans and handing it to Andrea “I’m sick too of the looks you’re giving me”  
Sarah had seen it too, how Andrea eyed Lori up and down since Daryl had given her a gun. And she couldn’t help but scoff at the surprised look Andrea was now giving to Lori. And when Andrea took the gun, Lori set down. 
“All of you” Sarah took one last look at Andrea before keep listening to Lori who now had turned to Carol. 
“Honey, I can't imagine what you're going through. And I would do anything to stop it. But you have got to stop blaming Rick” Lori kept saying “It is in your face every time you look at him. When Sophia ran he didn't hesitate, did he? Not for a second” she was right Rick got on his feet and did his best.  “I don't know that any of us would have gone after her the way he did or made the hard decisions that he had to make or that anybody could have done it any differently” said Lori looking at them “Anybody?” 
Sarah found herself nodding her head. She could understand just a little bit. Nicki had tried to help too. She had run behind him and tried to do something. And since then, Andrea had started to glare at Nicolette, scoffing, every time someone in the group gave her a bit of trust. 
“Y'all look to him and then you blame him when he's not perfect” Lori said again “If you think you can do this without him, go right ahead. Nobody is stopping you”  
Sarah looked at the others; someone looked guilty, other just looked away, but they all knew that Lori was right. They always relied on Rick and it may be difficult to remember sometimes, but he was human and he couldn’t make all the right choices. But he was out there now, trying to do his best to find that girl. Sarah didn’t feel like blaming him and she hoped that the others stopped too. 
Andrea took a breath before giving the gun back to Lori. 
“We should keep moving” Andrea said, before they all shared a look and decided to move again. 
“You still didn’t answer me though” Sarah said to Andrea before she could follow the others trying not to sound too harsh. Andrea observed her, taking a heavy breath. 
“I think your sister should try and not judge everyone around her” Andrea said “And not get too over exited because she can shoot an arrow. She is just a child and she should be treated as such” then she looked up at Sarah “And then let’s talk about you. You’re not able to protect your sister” Sarah let out a nervous scoff as Andrea kept talking to her “You’ve no idea of what you’re doing. And you’re the worst of them, not even trying to stop her”  
“Are you talking about me or yourself?” Sarah said before starting to walk where the others had went.  
She hated getting angry, she hated it. But Andrea had no right to judge what she was doing as Nicki’s sister. She was trying her best, doing her best. She knew. There was no need for anyone to make her remember that she had no idea how to defend herself and how to protect anyone. 
“You alright?” asked Glenn once Sarah came to walk closer to him “What was all that?” 
“Diverging opinions” Sarah said “Nothing to worry about” 
“Are you shutting me out?” asked Glenn, making her look up at him.  
“Never” she said side hugging him as they walked “You’re my best friend, Glenn” 
“And you are mine” he said with a smile “You can trust me, with anything” Sarah returned the smile gripping his shirt. 
“How I got so lucky?” she said.  
Meeting Glenn had been probably the best thing that had happened to her. They talked about everything, since the beginning and she knew that he would have been there for her as much as she was there for him. 
“You’re in the woods, during an apocalypse, searching for a missing girl” Glenn said “So maybe not that much” that made her chuckle, and when she did, he followed her putting an arm around her shoulders. 
“What is bothering me really is...” said Sarah after a bit “That I can’t help you guys. I can’t defend you” Glenn nodded his head as they walked “And I hate it when someone brings it up” 
“I understand” Glenn said, making her smile a little. 
“See?” she said “Not shutting you out”  
They all stopped walking when they heard a shot echoing in the woods. Sarah and Glenn broke apart as they all looked around. 
“What was that?” asked Lori with wide eyes. 
“A gun shot” Daryl answered simply, but he was too looking around in confusion. 
Lori and Sarah shared a look. Why a gun shot? What was happening? It came from behind them, so maybe... 
“We have to get back” said Sarah feeling slightly panicked. 
“No, we ain’t” Daryl said making a step towards her. 
“What if it was them?” asked Lori. 
“We ain’t getting back” Daryl insisted making Sarah shake her head. 
“I’m going” but as she moved Daryl stopped her, grabbing her by the arm. 
“Let go me” she said trying to get away from the man, that looked at her sternly. 
“Told ya once, ain’t telling you again” he said almost in a growl “Don’ wander around” Sarah kept his gaze. She stared in his blue eyes, not even remembering why she had been scared of the man in front of her once. He was rude at times, harsh even, but she was starting to understand that he was always watching over them. 
“What if it was her?” she asked but she spoke softly almost trembling. What if Andrea was right? What if she was the worst of all of them? Pushing her sister into the danger. Maybe she shouldn’t have to let her go with the others, maybe she should have kept Nicki with her.  
“I can’t lose her, Daryl” the man observed her and his hard expression became softer as he chewed the side of his cheek. 
“Ya ain’t” he assured “It was one shot, doncha worry” she tried to understand if he was lying in some ways, but as strange as it was, she felt relieved by his words. The girl bit her lips before nodding her head. 
“Okay” she muttered. 
“’Kay” he said before letting her go and turning to the others “Alright, let’s keep movin’”  
Sarah looked at the path from where they were coming and she couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy knowing that her sister was somewhere. 
“I know how you feel” Lori said putting a hand on her shoulder “I’m worrying too” Her son and husband where there too, she could understand how much she was worried. 
“I trust Daryl” Sarah said turning towards the man who had started to lead the group once again “They’re fine. They have to be”. 
They had been walking for quite some time in silence always trying to find something related to Sophia, but until now there was no use. Sarah had looked behind her a few times remembering the shot, but she was forcing herself not to do it, she had to stay calm. She had to try and not let what Andrea had told her get to her, she had to trust Nicki and Rick. She knew he could keep her safe. 
But apparently even Lori couldn’t stop thinking about that gun shot as she stopped to look behind. 
“You still worrying about it?” asked Andrea. 
“It was a gunshot” Lori said not turning, making Daryl take a breath. 
“We all heard it” he said looking at Sarah for a moment, before turning to Lori, who didn’t seem pleased with his response. 
“Why one?” she asked “Why just one gunshot?” 
Daryl just shrugged his shoulders. 
“Maybe they took down a walker” he answered simply. 
“Please don't patronize me” Lori argued back “You know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down one walker, or Shane. They'd do it quietly”. 
“Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?” said Carol, making Sarah take a breath. She didn’t want to hear; she really didn’t want to hear. 
“There's nothing we can do about it, anyway” said Daryl calmly “Can't run around these woods chasing echoes” 
“So, what do we do?” asked Lori getting worried by the minutes. 
“Same as we've been” Daryl said “Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway” he was right and that made her feel agitated. Sometimes she missed cell phones. It would have been easy, just a call and they could know how the others were. Fucking apocalypse. 
“I'm sure they'll hook up with us back at the RV” said Andrea, almost surprising Sarah since it was the first time after Amy that she had spoken about hope, trying to not let them get too worried. 
Sarah turned when she felt Glenn put a hand on her arm, giving her a comforting little smile, that she tried her best to return as they started to walk once again. They were all getting crazy with worry; Sarah, Lori and of course Carol, that stood silently watching the woods. 
“I'm sorry for what you're going through” said Andrea getting closer to Carol, making all of them stop and turn to look at what was happening “I know how you feel”. 
“I suppose you do” said Carol forcing a small smile “Thank you” the she turned and all the worry washed over her as she started to cry once again “The thought of her, out here by herself. It's the not knowing that's killing me” that was not a pleasant feeling at all, it was understandable “I just keep hoping and praying she doesn't wind up like Amy”  
Sarah’s eyes went wide at the sentence, as she looked at the incredulous expression on Andrea’s face. She knew Andrea could be bitchy sometimes, but Sarah couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. She still remembered very well what had happened at the camp, not so long ago. Apparently even Carol realized what she had said, since she started to apologize to the woman who just shook her head. 
“We're all hoping and praying with you” Andrea said “For what it's worth” 
“I'll tell you what it's worth. Not a damn thing” Daryl’s voice made Sarah turn as she saw him step closer to the two women “It's a waste of time, all this hoping and praying. We're gonna locate that little girl. She's gonna be just fine” once again Sarah couldn’t help but feel a bit better, listening to him talking like that.  “Am I the only one Zen around here? Good Lord” he exclaimed starting to walk again, and Sarah couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, a feeling that apparently was share with Lori that smiled at the man, before starting to walk again. 
It was starting to get late so they decided to walk back towards the RV, Daryl didn’t want for them to look for Sophia after sunset and they were all agreeing on that. So tiredly they turned and walked again. Sarah looked around herself, not able to understand where they were at that point, she really couldn't point where direction they had walked towards, or where they were headed now. She felt slightly confused seeing only trees and leaves around them. 
“How did you learn?” she asked to Daryl, speeding up her pace to walk next to him, who seemed surprised by it. 
“Learn what?” he asked in a low voice. 
“Hunting and following traces and this stuff?” she asked looking up at him, that frowned a little. 
“Why ya wanna know?” he asked making her shrug her shoulders. 
“Just curious I think” she said “And a bit jealous” that made him turn his head towards her. 
“How so?” he asked confused.  
“I’m like the worst at going around alone” she said rolling her own eyes “Always get lost” Daryl scoffed making her look up with wide eyes. 
“What?” she asked. 
“Ya can’t be tha’ bad” he said making her look at him with a challenging look. 
“Wanna bet?” she said “Once I got lost inside a mall”  
“Nah” he said with a chuckle, making her chuckle too. 
“Yeah, believe me” she said avoiding a big log on the ground. 
“How old were ya?” he asked half confused and what seemed half amused. 
“Not so young like I wish I was to get lost in a freaking mall” she as a smile appeared on her face as she heard Daryl chuckle as he looked on the ground. 
“You laughing at me, aren’t you?” she asked amused. Making him shake his head. 
“Jus’ picturing ya” Sarah observed him with a smile, as he noticed her staring and chuckle a bit, he turned to look away.  
Sarah was about to say something else when they heard a piecing scream coming from behind. 
“Is that Andrea?” Sarah asked as they turned and started running towards the woman, who was on the ground with a walker getting dangerously closer to her. She was far from them; she was going to be bit. But as they ran suddenly a horse ran before them with two girls on it. The one on the front swung a bat, smashing the walker’s head, saving Andrea life. But was the second girl that took Sarah’s attention. 
“Nicolette?” asked Sarah with wide eyes. 
“Lori!” her sister exclaimed looking urgently at the woman. 
“Nicki, what happened?” asked Lori walking closer to the horse. 
“Rick sent me. You got to come now.” the girl on the horse with short hair said as urgently as Nicki. Sarah frowned. Who was this girl? How did her sister meet her? 
“There's been an accident” the girl said.  “Carl's been shot” added Nicolette getting down from the horse. Lori’s eyes went wide and she had become paler. 
“Is he alright?” she asked panicking. 
“He's still alive but you gotta come now” said the girl on the horse as Lori took off her back pack and starting to climb to get on the animal. 
“We don't know this girl” said Daryl that tried to stop the woman “You can't get on that horse” 
“Carl’s needs her” Nicki argued back “There’s no time!” 
As the girl gave them the instruction to find her family farm, Sarah ran towards Nicki hugging her close. She could feel her sister tremble a little and gripping the back of her shirt.  
“Are you alright?” she asked as she felt Nicki nodding her head against her shoulder and starting to sob. 
“What happened?” Sarah asked hugging her sister even closer. 
“Carl’s been shot” Nicki said “It’s bad” Sarah looked up as she put a hand on her sister’s hair, trying to calm her. She stared to whisper calming words in her sister’s ear as she looked at every one of them, that observed them in confusion.
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