#anything for you mr. compound leader <3 <3
merakiui · 2 years
I feel like the Noble Bell Compound is very religious and cult like. It's gotta be rough to be a woman there, like handmaid's tale vibes
Terribly rough. T_T and you are so right. It's extremely cult-like. It's the situation in which the leader (Rollo) comes in to help when all hope seems lost and everyone thinks he's an absolute saint when he builds the compound up with sensibility and sturdier foundations and walls, as well as fostering such crooked ideals. A lot of people within the compound look up to him, treat him like he's some savior or a prophet, and Rollo always seems to know best. His two righthand men are so blindly faithful to him, and Rollo appears so kind and fair with everyone, including those within his close-knit circle. He's just so forgiving, so sweet. How could anyone distrust him? How could he lead anyone astray?
The entire compound feels like a utopia amidst so much dystopia, but the people who reside within don't see what lies beneath the compound in underground dungeons, where misbehaving nuisances are kept and silenced. Anyone who tries to question things, who tries to speak out against the little paradise Rollo has manufactured so dearly, so carefully, so graciously, conveniently vanishes to who-knows-where. No one questions anything because Rollo always has a perfect lie at the ready to keep the masses calm and collected.
Being a woman in the compound is not fun. At all. :( you're treated warmly (at first) just so you'll be tricked into a false sense of security, so you'll be more likely to accept the conditions in which you will be kept (and used). But the longer you spend amidst so many other brides, the clearer it becomes that you are not in equal standing with the others in this compound and Rollo certainly doesn't seem to think you are anything more than livestock meant for reproduction. However terrible his views are, Rollo still ensures the women are given adequate protection and care. After all, he isn't a monster (so he claims). You'll live comfortably (not as comfortably as those who are more privileged, but it's better than nothing), and you're given healthy meals each morning, afternoon, and night. You live like anyone else would, but there are a few rules that permit only to you.
For one, every woman within the compound must remain a virgin. If you don't bleed or feel any pain/discomfort the first time your husband takes you, you're seen as impure, a liar, a filthy slut. And when you're labeled as such, you're treated as such. Rollo conducts pussy inspections to make sure everyone is healthy and oh-so-pure (how he gleans that from running his gloved fingers along your folds or even forcing two inside your tight warmth just to see you squirm, you have no idea. He always spends extra time examining you; the brides gossip over this, eagerly insisting with hushed whispers that the compound leader fancies you. You shudder to think someone like Rollo would ever have his eye on you.)
Additionally, every bride must always wear white. It's a soft color, the symbolism of purity. You're meant to be demure and obedient things, subservient to the men who will choose from the lot of you as if you're nothing more than candy in a jar, eaten as easily as you are discarded. Every morning, it is mandatory that the brides stand before the compound leader and, in unison, list their vows, all of which have been stamped into your memory like a bad tattoo. Every morning, you promise you are pure, insist that your only hopes and dreams are to provide for the compound, to be good mothers, to be good brides, to remain untouched by sin, to remember these vows and hold them close to your heart. Essentially, by participating in this daily routine, you strip away parts of yourself and replace them with the parts the compound wants you to have, and by verbalizing them so often you'll begin to believe them, especially when everyone around you shares the same opinions and feelings on the matter. It is the finest form of brainwashing. And to make matters worse, to cement these ideals that have been practically engraved into you, Rollo always applauds the lot of you, smiles with so much satisfaction, praises everyone for such pleasant mindsets.
Every month his voice seems less like the harshest, grating static and more like a heavenly choir because, for all you've endured and will continue to endure, he is still the only beacon of light in this dark, dismal world.
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thesupremecatmaster · 2 years
Not Without You | Chapter One
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Summary - You were on a mission when it went haywire. You were injured and when you made it back to base, your favorite teammate was nowhere to be seen.
Relationship - Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Word Count - 1,276
Warnings - Minor descriptions of violence and injuries
A/N - This is the first fan fiction I've written, Mr. Ghost has just had that effect on me I guess. Thank you to @poopypantilonies for helping me along through the writing process so far.
Link to ao3
I do not own any Modern Warfare characters.
“Bravo 0-3, what’s your teams status?” you hear through your headset. It’s the leader of Alpha team. It’s Commander Price. You’re currently in Mexico on a rescue mission to save the Secretary of Defense John P. Palcon from Hassan, and you just watched a missile head exactly to where your team was. The three men under your command were gone in an instant and you were lucky to be far enough away to only receive the throwback. 
“All of my soldiers are down, sir,” you speak into comms drearily, the ringing in your ears yet to die down.
“And what’s your status?”, he said. Fuck. What did he say? You can’t focus on a goddamn thing, your head hurts. Hell, your everything hurts.
He was practically yelling your last name into the comms now, “How copy?!”
You’re try to get a hold onto your surroundings, but everything’s coming up fuzzy. Your vision is dimming. Your last name is the last thing you hear.
When you finally came to after god knows how long, you could see a helicopter in the distance and were moving towards it. You weren’t walking though, not in your condition. It was Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley who had you in a fireman’s carry.
“Wh…what happened?” you quietly spoke as you tried to lift your head to view more of your surroundings.
Captain John Price sped up his walk so that he was in your field of view, “Finally awake, eh? We had heard the explosion from the other side of the compound,” he yelled over the loudening sound of the helicopters blades, “We made our way over and saw you laying on the ground unconscious.”
“Save your energy, kid, you’ll need it for the ride home.” you heard Ghost say. As you gained full conscious, you also became fully aware of just how much everything hurt. Your head, joints, and muscles were all screaming at you. 
You felt Ghost put you down on a cot inside the helicopter. It might just be better to sleep for now and get details later.
You woke up once more, this time in a bed. With one scan of the room, it was obvious that you were at a treatment facility. Only odd thing about the room was the huge figure sitting in the corner of the room. They hadn’t noticed you were awake. Who was it? 
You blinked a few times, heart beginning to swell as it took more and more resemblance of Ghost. You sat up rather quickly, causing pain to shoot through your torso, but you had to know. You rubbed your eyes hoping to get a better view of him. Only to find it wasn’t him. It was a nurse who had come in to check your vitals. Noticing you were awake finally she spoke, “Good evening! How are you feeling? Any nausea?”
Disappointment made its way into your mind. You slowly shook your head as you looked to the door, “No. No nausea.”
The nurse followed your gaze, then looked back at you. “Well, you’re probably still exhausted from what you went through. Please get more rest and call if you need anything.” 
You gave her a gentle smile and watched as she left the room. You turned back to the corner you thought he was in. You laid back down and closed your eyes, hoping sleep would take over before your tears could surface.
The next day, you could barely eat anything. Your stomach seemed to be in knots, you were at an all time low. In the afternoon, Sergeant John “Soap” Mactavish visited you.
“How’re you feeling lass? You took quite the injury back there,” he sounded worried for you.
You gave him your best smile as a hope of some reassurance, “Feeling a lot better than I did in field,” your attention turned to your IV drip, “They probably have me on some strong shit.”
He chuckled as he pulled up a chair next to your bed, “Well whatever they have you on hopefully, it’ll get you back to good as new in no time.”
Hearing that, you decided to give him a scare and make a move to get out of bed, but his hand was quickly placed on your shoulder to keep you down, he looked taken aback. You let out a laugh and said, “What? You said I’d be good as new in no time.”
He laughed with you before sitting back down in his chair.
You always liked Soap. He was a good person to have by your side, you sure as hell wouldn’t want him on the enemy side. “You guys miss me yet?”
He looked down at his hands, “Everyone does.”
Your mind instantly went to Ghost. You liked him the most out of everyone on task force 141. He was a good friend and an even better soldier. 
After hearing only the blowing AC, you decided to speak, “How has everyone been?”
“They’ve been doing as well as they could be, we managed to rescue Palcon, but couldn’t get Hassan,” he looked you in the eyes now, “They’re making a new plan for a few months from now.”
“Hopefully I’ll be good to go by then.”You looked out your window, all you could see was sky. “What about Ghost?”
Soap pursed his lips before saying, “He’s been distant, not talking much unless he’s spoken to,” he chuckled, “Which isn’t too out of the ordinary for him, but it’s different now.”
Soap had left after an hour or two of you two talking about various things, not just the mission. He figured it was best to keep your mind off of what happened and what you witnessed.
It had been a week since the incident, you had suffered a concussion and a few broken ribs along with some minor burns that would definitely not scar, at least according to the doctor. Your thoughts often wandered to Ghost. You didn’t have much to do other than think or mindlessly watch the shitty television in your room. 
Why had he not visited you? Everyone else has, even Laswell.
You pushed him out of your mind. Maybe he only thought of you as a squadmate and nothing more. Maybe he didn’t feel close to you like you did with him.
You took a huge breath of fresh air, freedom from that stuffy room at last. A smile spread across your face as you picked up your bag with a small wince. A car was pulling around to pick you up and take you back to base. Of course, it was soap who was saddled with this duty. He got out and hurried to grab your bags, throwing them in the back of the car. It wasn’t a long drive back to base. You climbed into the passenger seat and looked out of the window as Soap got back in and the hospital left your view. 
Around 20 minutes later, you were asked for your ID at the gate and soon after you pulled into the base, you saw the rest of your team.
Price and Gaz were standing on the edge of the sidewalk waiting for the car to pull up, while there was a tall masked figured looming distantly behind them. When you stepped out, Gaz instantly gave you a hug as gently as he could. There was still a slight throbbing in your side. You shook hands with Price when your gaze turned to where Ghost had been. Your eyes met for a moment before he took a step back and left.
You wondered how long it would be like this.
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toomanyrobins · 4 years
summary: Spencer and Y/N head into the Separtarian Sect and are greeted with trouble.
pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
content warnings: few swear words, guns, character death, violence, cult behavior
word count: 3.7k
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It had been a few months since Y/N had joined the BAU. Despite initial worries, she fit right into the team. She had joined the women for girls’ night and even helped Garcia plan JJ’s baby shower. Hotch was truly showing how much trust he held by sending the two youngest teammates on their own assignment. Y/N and Spencer were in a car in La Plata with Nancy, a CPS worker, on their way to Liberty Ranch. Spencer played the call for the three of them: “He comes into my bedroom and lays with me. He says it's god's will. I'm only 15. And I'm not the only one. Please help me!” 
Y/N turned to Nancy, “Who is the ‘he’?”
“I believe the ‘he’ that they referred to is the church's leader: Benjamin Cyrus.”
Reid flipped open the file and leaned forward so that Y/N could look at it too. She smiled appreciatively at him, “Benjamin Cyrus--No criminal record. No record at all, really. What else do you know about him?
Nancy shrugged, “It's rumored that he's practicing polygamy and forced marriages.
Y/N scanned the file as Spencer read aloud, “Do we know who the caller is?”
“Jessica Evanson is the one who the age fits, But...we can't be sure. I negotiated interviews with all the children. It wasn't easy.”
“Well, considering their view on outsiders, it would be best if you didn't identify us as FBI. Just use our real names and introduce us as child victim interview experts.” Y/N and Reid left their badges and gun in the car. The trio pulled up and was greeted by a single man lounging on the stairs. He seemed unimpressed by their presence and continued to read his book. Y/N noted that the act seemed a bit over the top and a definite attempt to appear nonchalant about their visit.
Nancy walked up to him, “I'm looking for Mr. Benjamin Cyrus.”
The man walked down the stairs, shutting the Bible in his hands, “You found him.”
“I'm Nancy Lunde. We spoke on the phone regarding the allegation.”
“Savages they call us because our manners differ from theirs.”
“We didn't come here to hear you cite scripture, Mr. Cyrus.
“Actually, It's a Benjamin Franklin.” Y/N smiled softly at the ever fact-driven Dr. Reid.
Nancy motioned at the two of them, “Y/N Emard and Spencer Reid -- they’re child victim
interview experts.”
“How far from God's word must we have strayed for there to be the need to invent a job called child victim interview expert?”
“We wish we didn't have to be here,” Y/N said.
So do we. But you are welcome, nonetheless. The children are in the school,” He pointed to the building behind him.
Nancy nodded and thanked him. The two women forged ahead, but Y/N stopped when she heard Spencer remark on the compound’s use of solar power.
“We're completely self-sufficient,” Cyrus explained, “Electricity, food, water. Ben Franklin said, ‘God helps those that help themselves.’ You look surprised.” Y/N noticed that Spencer was working to build a relationship with Cyrus and followed Nancy to begin interviews. They decide to start Jessica: the suspected victim. Y/N immediately noted the defensive posture that the 15-year-old held. Her mother, Kathy, stood beside her and looked much more submissive.
“So, what does a normal day on the ranch look like for you?” Y/N inquired.
“We go to school. We do our chores. And we treat ourselves and each other with the respect that God demands.”
“But you've never been off of the ranch?
Kathy spoke, “I brought Jessie here when she was 2.”
The young girl had a very sour look on her face and had her hands folded tightly in anger, “You've talked to lots of children in your work. Tell me, are their lives somehow better than ours? We devote ourselves to God.” Kathy put a hand on her daughter’s shoulder to calm her.
Y/N reassured the teen, “We are not here because of your religious beliefs.”
“Then why are you here?”
“We received a phone call alleging that an adult male member of your church was having inappropriate relations with the younger women here.”
“You're talking about Cyrus.”
Reid had joined them and heard the last bit of the conversation, “What makes you say that?”
Kathy tried to stop her daughter, but the indignation was clear. “Is it inappropriate for a husband to share a bed with his wife?
Y/N was shocked, “You are married to Cyrus?”
“Yes. Cyrus is my husband and a prophet. It's an honor to bear his children.
“Jessica, you're 15 years old. The state of Colorado requires parental consent.”
Y/N stared at Kathy and saw the regret in her eyes. She looked up at Reid, “She gave consent.”
Before they could continue to question, they were interrupted by members of the ranch coming in armed. They forced the three outsiders back and pointed their weapons at them. ”What's going on?” Nancy demanded. Three men came over and patted them all down. Y/N dug her heel into the man’s toe when she felt him linger. He groaned and stepped back with a scowl, nodding to Cyrus to confirm that all three were weapon-free.
“We just got a very strange phone call from a news reporter. Is there anything you want to tell me about a raid, maybe?” All three of them were shocked. Especially Y/n and Spencer since they knew that JJ had checked with other agencies before sending them in. Cyrus shook his head, “They don't know.” The men shepherded the woman and children through tunnels hidden under the buildings to a bunker filled with weapons. Gunfire could be heard overhead as instructions were given by Cyrus. 
Y/N and Spencer both saw how the guns lining the walls. She whispered, “Where did all these guns come from?”
Spencer shook his head, “I don't know. Garcia checked with the state police.” Nancy broke free of the group in the bunker and hurried up the church, thinking she could stop the raid from continuing. They heard the gunfire cease and he whispered again, “The raid is over.”
“What does that mean?”
“Either Cyrus convinced them to leave or this is over a lot faster than we thought.” When the men returned back down, Y/N realized that they were stuck in the compound again. Spencer inquired into where Nancy had gone and Cyrus explained that she had been shot by the Colorado authorities. 
“They’re pulling out.”
Reid shook his head, “Not for long.” They were stuck in the bunker while the male members of the cult all armed themselves. 
Y/N leaned over, “The team will have to be on its way now that a failed raid will be on the news. 
“With an average flight time of five and a half hours between DC and the La Plata County Airport plus the half hour drive out to the ranch, I estimate that they’ll be here by 4 o’clock, maybe 4:30 depending on who drives.” Y/N and Reid stayed trapped in the bunker, covered by an armed member at the door.
Y/N needed grounding and turned to Spencer, “What is the playbook here?”
“If the BAU is put in charge, which I imagine they will be because we are inside, they will go for the minimal loss situation. Statistically, it is improbable that they will get every member out, so they will do their best to save as many as possible. With the indoctrination in cults like this, some will be too far gone. It will be impossible to convince them that what they have been following is a lie. They’ll first try to get out 1 or 2, then 3 or 4, and then as many as possible before it goes bad,” Spencer stopped talking and looked confused, “You haven’t told me to stop rambling.”
“Why would I tell you to stop? This is valuable information,” Y/N’s cheeks warmed, “Plus you have a nice voice. We are going to be here a while until someone gets in contact with Cyrus. Best to be informed and it seems that you’re a wealth of information, Dr. Reid.” 
Despite the situation, Spencer smiled and continued talking quietly to Y/N about the tactics used. She asked him questions and let him answer them with as much information as he had. Y/N had seen him get cut off by the others before, and she understood why they did it, but she realized he probably didn’t get to share to his heart’s content often and currently they had a minimum 6 hours of waiting ahead of them. That plan was cut short by Cyrus coming back down. He brought them all up to the church. The duo were off to the side, watching as Rossi came in carrying a box. He was patted down and Cyrus spoke to him. Y/N and Spencer were both careful to keep any hint of recognition off of their face, knowing that even a twinge of weakness could seal their fates. 
Rossi let his eyes pass over the duo, before turning to Cryus, “I’d hope you let me take the children.”
“Nah, they’re our protection. I remember Waco... we all do. They stay for now. While I pray for God’s guidance. Please don’t try to force us out.”
“No one’s gonna try to force you out of here.” The two men walked to the door and Rossi left again. 
The moment he was out the door, Cyrus ordered a member to prepare wine, “We are celebrating. Everyone drinks. Everyone rejoices. Because today we are one day closer to being with him.”
Y/N watched a scene unfold in front of her and brushed her hand against Spencer’s to get his attention, “Look at Jessica’s body language. The way she looks at him. She literally worships him.”
Spencer nodded, “There is no way she made that 911 call.”
They both watched as Kathy stood up to speak to her daughter, “Look how she comes between Cyrus and her daughter. She's inserted herself between them. I don’t think Kathy is as devout a follower as she wants people to believe. Cyrus isn’t the most important thing to her; Jessica is.” Spencer squeezed her hand in silent agreement. 
Cyrus began preaching from the front as all the followers drank the wine, “Acknowledge him in all things and he will guide your way. Drink to acknowledge him and I will guide our way. We will be with him soon. We drank the poison together. Mothers… Fathers… Children, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for thou art with us.”
Y/N eyes widened and she looked up at Spencer, “What do we do?”
He shook his head, “Nothing.”
“We have to do something. These people just took poison.”
“Cyrus just told them they did. I think he's just bluffing. Just after he told them about the poison, he waited for them to start to react. Then, he nodded to Cole and he started writing. They're scanning the audience looking for reactions. They're writing down the names of the people who are crying.
Realization hit Y/N, “It's a loyalty list. So he knows who will follow him to the end.”
Cyrus spoke again, “Be still. There was no poison. Instead a test of faith. Because your adversary, the devil, waltzes about as a roaring lion, choosing whom he may devour. Watch each other for signs of weakness. You are your brother's keeper.”
After the test, they forced Y/N and Spencer back into the bunker. A guard again stationed by the door. It wasn’t long before Cyrus came back into the bunker, anger written across his face, “Which one of you is it? Which one of you is an FBI agent?”
Spencer and Y/N shared a look. “Why do you think one of us is an FBI agent?
“God will forgive me for what I must do.”
Spencer kept his face confused and innocent, “I--I don't know what you're talking about.”
Cyrus cocked a gun and pointed it at Spencer’s forehead. “One of you does. Who is it?”
Y/N knew that Spencer had built a rapport with the sect leader. She took a deep breath, “Me. It's me.”
Spencer looked at her worriedly as Cyrus uncocked the weapon. He flew forward and grabbed Y/N by her hair, dragging her into another room, “I told you not to put me in this position!” She tried to stand, but he backhanded her. She got up again, staring determinedly at him. This time, Cyrus threw her into the wall. Y/N crashed into a mirror and felt the shards cut her arms and face. He continued to preach while beating her, “Proverbs 20:30 tells us blows and wounds cleanse away evil.
Y/N remembered what Reid had said about the FBI trying to find a way to listen in, she had to stop them from coming in, “I can take it.” Cyrus thought she was antagonizing him and hit harder. She repeated herself, “I can take it.” Y/N hoped that the team understood that she could handle this fight and not blow the operation by trying to save her.
“Pride comes before the fall,” Cyrus punched her in the stomach and threw her to the floor. Y/N lay on the floor, trying to catch her breath after the last kick to her stomach knocked the wind out of her. He called for another man to come in, “Tie her up. Put her upstairs.
Kathy snuck into the room they had trapped Y/N in. She had brought a small first aid kit and cleaned the blood away from her face and removed bits of glass, “You should have told Cyrus who you were. He's a prophet. He predicted Satan's armies would come and lay siege to us.
Every inch of Y/N’s body hurt, but she knew she couldn’t give up. She looked at Kathy, “There's a name for that kind of prophecy-- self-fulfilling.”
“You don't know how dangerous It is to lie to him.”
“I know it would take a brave woman to defy him, Knowing the consequences. And that woman would have to have a damn good reason to do it. Kathy sucked in air when she realized that Y/N had suspicions about who made the 911 call that had led to them coming to the compound. She left the room and Y/N let her head fall back against the pillows, hoping that she was getting to the woman. 
She tried to track how long had passed but when the sun set, she had no measure of time. It hadn’t been long before the door to the room flew open and the same man who had tied her up entered. He roughly dragged her up and cut the rope binding her wrist. He kept his weapon trained on her and forced her into the church, where everyone else was. 
Cyrus stood at the altar, “It has come to my attention that some of our brothers and sisters have lost their faith in God. That they no longer love us. They want to abandon us. So when I call out your name, please stand.”
Spencer came up to her. She kept her eyes trained on the sect leader, “He looks pissed.” She turned to him and smiled softly when she saw the worry in his eyes, “Spencer, it's not as bad as it looks. I’ve had worse.”
“I'm so sorry,” Spencer scanned over Y/N’s body, taking in every injury inflicted by Cyrus. Moments like this, he hated his eidetic memory; knowing he would never forget the beating Y/N took to protect him. Their attention was drawn back to the members, 
“Look at who he's releasing. It's the ones who failed the loyalty test. I'll get word to the team. Wait for a sign from outside to indicate what time the raid will come.” Spencer walked away from her to speak to Cyrus. He turned and nodded to her, before she was dragged back up the room. Her arms were tied again and she was thrown on the bed. 
Y/N nodded off for a few hours, but had woken up when the sun had started to rise, cursing herself for falling asleep. Y/N situated herself on the bed and used her shoe to pull the blinds down. She knew that the glass needed to vibrate in order for them to hear her, “If you can hear me, I know you're coming. I can try to get the women and children down to the tunnel, but I need to know when you're coming.” She continued to repeat herself, when a red dot shone on the opposite wall, “Ok. Ok. I got you. What time?” The dot held steady for a moment and then moved 90 degrees. “3 a.m.?” The dot moved up and down confirming, “Understood. Reid is on the first floor somewhere with Cyrus. And, please, remember there are children here.” Y/N heard someone coming and dropped her foot, letting the blind close again.
Kathy came back into Y/N’s room. She helped her sit up and gave her a glass of water. This was Y/N’s last chance to convince Kathy to held, “Cyrus is planning a mass suicide. You made that 911 call.”
The woman shook her head regretfully, “This is all my fault. None of this would have happened if I hadn't of made that call.
“You were trying to protect your daughter. No one would fault you for that”
“There were other girls before Jessie. He--he would marry them in secret, and after a while he'd take another. And we weren't permitted to speak of it. So, when she asked for my consent, I wanted to just take her and run. But I was afraid she wouldn't leave him.”
“You wanted us to take her.”
“Well, I--I wanted to save her from Cyrus.”
“I can give you another chance. The FBI is coming here at 3 a.m. I need you to gather Jessica, the kids, the other women -- get them into the basement just before 3 a.m.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because I have faith that you are a strong enough woman to do the right thing for Jessica.” Kathy stood and walked out of the room without another word. Y/N was left with the hope that she had gotten through to the woman. 
Only a few moments later, Kathy came back. She helped Y/N sit up and removed the bindings from her wrists, “You were right. They're setting the place to blow up. I told Jessie that Cyrus wanted her to gather the women and children.”
Y/N’s thoughts were on Spencer, “Where is the man I came in with?”
“He's in the chapel with Cyrus. It's 2:45, though, we gotta hurry.” Y/N and Kathy rushed to get the women and children down to the basement, careful to avoid any of the armed men. 
Once they got to the basement, Derek and Rossi were waiting for them. He rushed up to her, “Y/N, Y/N, you all right?
“Worry about me later, Derek. They've wired explosives.” Kathy and the agents rushed everyone out of the compound. 
“Where's Reid?”
“He's in the chapel with Cyrus.”
Rossi turned to her, “We gotta get you out of here.
“No. We've gotta get Reid!
Derek grabbed her shoulders, “I will get Reid. Get out of here. Get to safety. Go now.” Y/N nodded and followed after the rest of the members. She stayed watching the building as the other continued to run. Y/N had to know that Spencer was okay. The church exploded and Y/N fell to the ground, covering her head. Once the smoke cleared, she stood up, “Reid! Morgan? Reid? Morgan!”
“We're ok!” Derek called.
Spencer ran up to her and wrapped her in a hug, “Are you okay?” She nodded and he put his arm around her, helping her to walk to get medical attention. Only once he was certain she was getting help did he leave.
Y/N sat in the back of an ambulance as the paramedic pulled shards of glass from her arms, and bandaged and disinfected the cuts on her face. JJ came over to check on her, “How bad is it?”
“Everything is sore, but the worst is cuts from the mirror he slammed me into. They said I don’t even need to go to the hospital.”
“Take it easy and don’t move until one of us comes to help you. Understand?”
Y/N smiled, “You’re already such a mom, JJ.” The blonde laughed and sat next to her, one hand on her belly.  The rest of the night passed quickly and soon the team was on the jet back to DC. Y/N sat next to Spencer on the couch, “Hey.”
Y/N gently pulled the book out of his hands and put her hand in his, forcing him to put all of his attention on her, “I need you to listen to me. What Cyrus did to me is not your fault. It was my decision, and I would do it again. Do you hear me?” Spencer nodded. Y/N smiled at him and handed him his book back. She tucked her feet under the blanket and put her head on his shoulder, exhaustion weighing her eyelids down. Spencer read to her, remembering what she said about his voice, until he was sure she was asleep. The team all shared looks at the familiarity between the youngest teammates and smiled.
When they landed, Spencer offered to drive her home. The duo ended up at Y/N’s apartment. They ordered Chinese food and Y/N let him turn on Star Trek and explain all of the science and how it was ahead of its time. By the end of the night, Y/N had her legs slung across his lap and a frozen pea bag on her bruised face. She fell asleep sometime during the fourth episode. Spencer turned the TV off and covered her with a blanket. He quickly put the leftovers and peas away, and even laid out some Advil and water on the coffee with a note for when she woke up. 
You fell asleep and I decided you need your sleep. I put the food away and the peas back in the freezer. Take the Advil when you wake up. You’re going to need it. Text me when you wake up and I’ll pick you up. You shouldn’t drive until you’ve healed.
Dr. Spencer Reid
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that-crow-kid · 4 years
i was getting kinda used to being someone you loved.
Tony Stark mourns for the son that wasn't his, and Peter Parker mourns the father who never claimed him.
Or: Tony Stark mourned Peter Parker, and Peter Parker does the same.
They were getting used to being loved by each other.
it’s both here and the first chapter is below the cut
Peter and Tony had been getting close. Tony had been telling himself that it was better to keep the kid nearby so he could keep an eye on him, but now, he had to admit he was sort of getting… attached. He didn’t mean to, of course, but the once a week lab days and the once every six weeks compound weekends slowly grew into twice a week lab days and every other weekend at the compound.
And Tony couldn’t say he was mad about it. He looked forward to 3:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays when a certain superpowered teenager rushed into his lab, and towards 6pm every other Friday when Happy would drop the kid off at the front door of the compound. Towards the… end, Tony had started picking Peter up from his school directly, relishing the extra hour and a half in the car with the kid.
They would spend time in the lab together for hours. Music would be on far too loudly, Peter would do his homework, Tony would tinker, and once Peter was done they’d tinker together, on one of their suits or on Peter’s web shooters. At some point, they’d order dinner, and eat it in the lab, the conversation light and pleasant and the atmosphere perfect. Then Peter would head out for patrol, and Tony would be left alone in the lab that seemed a little less perfect without Peter next to him in it, or they’d move to the compounds movie room and Peter would fall asleep tucked into Tony’s side halfway through whatever nerd movie the kid had insisted on that week.
Then it would repeat. Week after week. For almost an entire year, it was a routine more predictable than clockwork. And Tony, who had always hated routine, loved it more than anything.
He secretly relished the few times an almost entirely asleep Peter, after being carried up to his room, called him dad. He liked it - he liked being the kid’s father. Even if he wouldn’t actually think about the fact, even if he wouldn’t actually admit it to himself.
But of course, like all things in his life, it was far too good to last.
First, Bruce had shown up after three years of radio silence talking about magical space stones an oversized purple guy was trying to collect, whereupon he would kill half of the universe’s population.
Second, a giant spaceship descended over New York, and Peter had come swinging from his school trip to help, because of course he did.
Third, Peter had actually followed him on to the large doughnut spaceship, and they’d blasted off into outer space.
Finally, they’d run into the Idiots of the Galaxy, who’d almost blasted the kid’s brains out, before their - leader? resident dumbass? - had screwed up their plan to get the gauntlet off of the purple guy’s arm, and he’d vanished, leaving them to sit, waiting ducks on a random planet somewhere that was hopefully still in the same galaxy as Earth, but there was no way of knowing.
And then.
And then the guardians had faded out, one by one, and when he’d turned to look at Peter, the kid had slammed into his chest, clinging on for dear life.
Tony could still hear his words.
“Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.”
Tony had grabbed on to him, clinging on, hoping, praying, begging that it was just shock settling in over the kid and not what he thought it was. And then Peter’s body had turned to dust in his hands, and Peter’s last words had been an apology. For what? Tony had wanted to scream. It’s my fault this is happening.
It was his fault.
That was what echoed through his head as he and Nebula floated through deep space. The echo in his head as he took what he expected to be his last waking breaths. The echo in his head as
Steve ran up to help him down from the ship and he was too numb to be mad.
The kid was dead. It was his fault. He was never going to be able to live. How could he? How could he breathe without the kid?
The echo followed him. Peter was in his thoughts, on his mind, through everything. He locked himself in his lab, only to be coaxed out by Pepper. Slowly, slowly, he spent more time out of his lab and with the rest of them. Ever so slowly.
Ever so slowly, Peter wasn’t the only thing on his mind. He’d think about Pepper. He tried to track down May, eventually realizing she was gone with the rest of them.
When Pepper told him she was pregnant, that he was going to be a father, it hit him like a slap to the face.
He couldn’t be a father. He already had been, had already had his shot to be better than his own father, but the kid he was the father to had died in his arms a year ago on a red planet somewhere in the farthest reaches of the universe, and there hadn’t even been a body to bring home and bury.
He had locked himself in the lab. The days bled into the night, into one another, and he’d been in there for a week. When he exited, Pepper was waiting, and they talked. They talked, and talked, and then they bought the house by the lake, a house much too big for their new, small family of three, a house with 5 bedrooms. When they had looked at it, he had turned to Pepper. “Pep, look, it’s the perfect size. A bedroom for you and me, a bedroom for the baby, a bedroom for Peter, and two guest rooms” before he had suddenly realized who he thought one of the bedrooms was going to be for, before he remembered the kid who he wanted to have a bedroom of his own in the new house was long gone, dead by a titan who too was long gone.
Pepper had nodded, and hadn’t mentioned it. They moved in the next week. The room across from the new baby, diagonal from him and Pepper, was done in the same style the room Peter Parker used to sleep in at the compound had been done, three years ago. They’d even brought some of the posters from his room there, and some of his more beloved items from his room at May’s, while the rest went into storage.
Pepper didn’t say anything, just let him create this room for the ghost of a kid who wasn’t even his.
When Morgan was born, what should have been the happiest day of his life, all he could think about was how much Peter would have loved to meet her.
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aerinmelina · 4 years
Growing up, I used to spend summers with my mom’s parents. They lived in a lakeside community which was also near an ocean, and I enjoyed fishing and swimming and boating and crabbing and such as a teenager.
Anyway. During the summer between my 6th and 7th grade years, my parents bought a house and decided to surprise me by having it all ready by the time I came home from my grandparents’ house at the end of the season. I remember walking into the house - I’d been there before, because it had previously been owned by friends of ours - and my mom said we were house-sitting when I asked her why we were here when our friends weren’t. She then led me from room to room and kept asking questions like, “Why do you think they put this in here?” and “Why do you think they painted this room pink?”
I wasn’t stupid. I know that Something Was Up. I just never imagined that my parents would have bought a house at all, let alone this one.
“Maybe they’re expecting a daughter?” I said. It wasn’t a baseless assumption; the couple who had owned the house previously were young and the wife had been pregnant.
“No, it’s because this is your room now!”
My thoughts at the time?
Pink. Oh my gosh. It’s pink. Whyyyyyyy.
Hang on. Is my mom letting me move in with this family? I mean. I’ll miss my dad and brother. But like. Why this family? I like them fine, but I don’t want to live with them.
(^^That is literally how far fetched I believed the idea of my parents owning a house was. They were terrible with money. The worst. And houses cost money. Lots of it.)
Anyway. My mom was offended that I was offended because my room was bright pink when, at the time, I was going through this tomboy phase and liked all things blue and black and she knew that and she painted my room anyway in her attempt to “girlify” me, which was not lost on me at all, and which I was equally annoyed with.
I digress. I had a new, pink bedroom in a new-to-us house. With a back yard. Which wasn’t next to a metal factory, so that meant my brother and I could actually play outside without like. Worrying about getting metal shavings imbedded in our feet. (Story for another day.)
Along with this move came a switch in middle schools. My parents fought hard to keep my brother in his elementary school, but they didn’t even ask to try and keep me in my middle school. I was 12. I would have to make brand new friends. I was pretty shy. I was not happy about this. At all.
I remember going to my new school to fill out enrollment forms and such. The school was literally 3 minutes away from our new house, just up the street; I would be walking to and from school every day, something which I was actually kind of looking forward to. If I could look forward to anything. I hated this. I didn’t ask to move. Our apartment had been just fine.
Anyway. Sitting in the main office at the new school, I was given a list of elective classes and was told to number them in order of my all-star favorite to please-don’t-put-me-in-this-class least favorite. The office staff told me that because I was enrolling so late, a lot of the classes had already filled up, but they would do their best to put me in the classes I wanted to take along with the standard courses that every student would be taking. I looked at the list. Choir :), Accelerated P.E. (wow that sounded like a nightmare), Art :), Metal Shop!!, Wood Shop!!, Drama (nah), Speech (Super Nope!!!), and a few others which I’ve forgotten by now.
My list went something like this:
Wood Shop
Metal Shop
Accelerated P.E.
Speech was at the absolute bottom of my list. The office staff told me that the teacher for Drama and Speech was amazing, talked him up, and asked me why I didn’t want to take that class. I said I was shy and had a fear of public speaking. Duh. They kind of grimaced and looked at each other, then said, “We’ll do our best,” and sent my mom and I on our way back home.
I wasn’t surprised when I saw Speech on my class list a week or so later. I wouldn’t have it until second semester, thankfully, but I was already dreading it.
Seventh grade at this new school wound up being a lot of fun, if I’m being perfectly honest. I hated being the new kid at first, but made friends with another new kid who was way more outgoing than I was, and together we eventually made friends with more people. I have lots of stories to share there, but today I wanted to talk about Speech Class.
My speech teacher was, well… let’s call him Mr. Jones. He was outgoing, had clear expectations, was pretty mellow, and honestly? He was charismatic and the entire student body loved him.
I was a nervous wreck when I stepped into his classroom for the first time (and for most of the following times thereafter as well). For whatever reason, I had no problems singing solos in front of the whole school (and I did so twice that year), but the idea of public speaking was petrifying. And I even had lots of opportunities to practice that through both my church and school.
(I know I’m not alone in this sentiment.)
One of the first things Mr. Jones told us was that by the end of the semester, we would be able to deliver speeches and oral reports without using “filler words” such as “like”, “um”, and “er.” He also told us that our vocabulary would expand considerably, thanks to weekly tests he would be giving us (noooo). And we would be delivering speeches to one another on a weekly basis as well, on a variety of different subjects, and those speeches would increase in length as the semester drew on. All students were to compliment each presenting student on something they did well with each speech they gave, and critique would be solely left to Mr. Jones to provide. (Which was good, because let’s face it, 7th grade kids can be positively evil to each other.) Mr. Jones made it clear that we were not to judge or criticize anyone else’s speeches, and told us that he trusted us to keep each other’s speeches confidential. He explained that he wanted his classroom to be a safe place for us to talk about whatever we wanted; things we enjoyed, books we loved, problems we had, negative life experiences, positive life experiences, etc.
These were all very important factors which, honestly, influenced and changed my life for the better. I’ll get into that in a bit.
Mr. Jones’ class was tough. And I was terrified. I tried to drop his class, but was assured by the office that all of the other half-year elective classes were full; I didn’t have any other options. So I bit the bullet and decided to try my best. I would call no more attention to myself than I absolutely had to, I would try to not fail the vocabulary tests, and I would listen to others and provide sincere compliments. I would also - gulp - do my best at giving public speaking a shot.
I don’t exactly remember the method which Mr. Jones used in order to get us to stop using “filler words” in our speeches, but it worked. I don’t remember specific vocabulary words I was forced to memorize, but he was right; my understanding of the English language, and the number of words in my arsenal, greatly expanded. And I learned several important lessons:
Courage doesn’t mean that there’s an absence of fear. It means that you follow through with what you know is right, regardless of however much fear you are feeling.
Sometimes we are given tasks which we feel are way above our ability to manage. These are times when we must challenge ourselves to rise to the occasion.
(Going along with #2) You never know what you are capable of until you are put to the test. You’d be surprised at what you can personally accomplish.
Other people have different experiences than you; you can choose to listen and learn from their experiences, and you can 100000% do so without being a jerkface to them, too.
Teenagers are capable of respecting the people around them, are capable of empathy, and are capable of keeping confidentiality/maintaining bonds of trust. These are powers which teenagers do possess, and powers which they absolutely can control, utilize, and choose to exercise. (I was deeply impressed by my fellow classmates.)
One semester of a speech class didn’t cure my fear of public speaking. Not at all. But it did give me valid tools which I still use to this day. It gave me a lot of confidence in my capabilities to gather my thoughts on a piece of paper, organize them into a cohesive flow, and then be able to read those thoughts aloud without stumbling all over them. Mr. Jones laid the foundation for me to begin to think critically. To really consider my words before I write or say them. He drilled into my brain that I had a voice, and that it was a voice worth sharing and being listened to. Those are lessons I will never forget. And, because of Mr. Jones and everything I learned from him, I entered a career field which ultimately led to me speaking in public on a regular basis. I am a leader in my office. I provide training for our new and existing employees. I am aiming to become a manager within the next couple of years.
I’m still nervous when it comes to public speaking (especially during those times when I am speaking in a courtroom). I will probably always be nervous about it. I have been extremely close to vomiting from nerves in the past. But you know what? I’ve spoken before, I’ve survived, I’ve been successful at it, and I’ll do it again in the future. My confidence really started to blossom with my 7th grade speech class, where I received tons of practice, and that practice was further compounded by other speaking opportunities at school and church as well.
Mr. Jones was an excellent human being. He was well-loved for a million reasons. He believed in us, and we didn’t want to prove him wrong.
I believe in you, too. I say this, because I know that a lot of you need to hear it. I’m being sincere. I believe in you. You can do hard things. You can make it through.
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softjeon · 6 years
Love Bite | Character Sheet
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↳ This Character Sheet holds background Info on all the Characters of the story ‘Love Bite’ written by @cassiavioletblue​ & @softjeon​
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / Final Total Words: 126.568k ↳ AO3
In the following notes you can find every info that we used/gathered before and over the course of writing the story ‘Love Bite’ and therefore holds more information about the characters and potential story lines that we didn’t write out or just hinted at in the main story. You can find the gifset trailer to the story here.
their bodies are warm and with a beating heart as long as they are well fed; the less human blood they drink the lower the beating gets
they cant feed off of other vampires, biting is only for sexual purposes or hurting someone
silver = allergic reactions
abilities: enhance speed, healing on their own (only when they are well fed or else it takes time), heightened senses, hypnotization
draw strength from the moonlight
vampire blood is like a poison for humans that make them euphoric and go into a erratic state so they don’t feel the pain. Their saliva has biochemical compounds that suppresses the pain the victim would normally feel when bitten, instead it makes the victim feel relaxed (and if they are exposed to it for longer the victim gets euphoric)
They can be seen in mirrors (as the myth “vampires don’t reflect” comes from a time in which mirrors still had silver in them. Nowadays that’s not a problem anymore)
they can live about a week without blood, before they start to starve, after a month without blood they dry up and die eventually (the only exception is when they rest; they can fall into a energy saving mode like Yoongi does when he wants to sleep for a century or two)
can walk in the sun, it only weakens them if they haven’t drunk enough so it dries them up faster; they can get headaches from it
don’t care about garlic or crosses, it’s a lie to make humans believe that vampires could be easily detected, just like the myths that they only hunt at night.
every vampire has some kind of useful ability, but only a few have rare one’s like Namjoon who can transform himself into a bat
they can will their teeth to protrude, but it's also an involuntary reaction when they get into dangerous situations, get frightened, hungry or really aroused etc.
think that humans should be cattle/ slaves to the vampires
are mostly “new generation” vampires (in the story they are represented by MonstaX)
want to live out in the open because their belief is that vampires are from higher race and shouldn’t have to hide from humans, but reign over them.
want to overthrow Hoseok; since he wants to live hidden and with little damage to humanity; even though Hoseok uses humans as food as well
got turned in the 17th century
he was left alone after he had been turned, his maker had never been around so he could never create a bond between himself and his maker vampire. It made it harder for him to understand what was going on, so he followed his instincts and his hunger, leaving him to become a ‘monster’ as Namjoon describes it himself until Yoongi found him and took him in. Yoongi became something like his second-maker. He taught him about the rules, the king and the hierarchy of vampires but Namjoon’s came up with his morals all by myself (Yoongi will refuse to have anything to do with something disgusting as drinking from blood bags).
became head of department in Hoseok’s company;
likes routine and everything in order
has a lot of strength, with which he accidentally destroys things from time to time, so everyone in the office thinks he has aggressive outbursts and is afraid of him
can transform himself into a bat, but loses his clothes each time, so he wouldn't use it too often only if he flies home or is in danger (only very few vampires in the world can do this, because you need absolute control of yourself)
hates hypnotizing people (and is actually bad at it) because he thinks that humans should not be treated like lesser beings and that them and vampires can live alongside each other
holds on tightly to his morals and beliefs; believes that humans should have the right to refuse to not be a ‘blood bag’ and should willingly accept the offer if it’s made by a vampire. He definitely annoyed Hoseok many times before and presented him with new rules and ways of living alongside of the humans. As much as Hoseok is annoyed by it, he considered a few to make it easier for them to live in the new century. He cherishes his friend and his great mind and thinking
has secretly wished for a companion for years now; someone that wants to really stay by his side despite him being a vampire
got transferred at his own request into the city and began working for Namjoon’s department
has no family left, but finds a good friend in student!intern!Tae
is scared easily, though when he gets really angry and frustrated not even Namjoon likes to fight with him
in his mid!twenties
he always worked in economics
is a loner; he only has Taehyung and even when he still lived on the countryside he mostly kept to himself and his ex-boyfriend
Namjoon will tell everyone that Jimin is the most beautiful vampire he has ever seen
Namjoon is his companion and maker
his ability: manipulate emotions of others
will want Namjoon to dethrone Hoseok one day, so the vampires will finally have a good, caring leader
he never leaves Namjoon’s side
drinks off of other humans that allow him to take their blood (sometimes even Jungkook, if Taegi allows it) after discussing the pro’s and con’s with Namjoon for days
goofy, happy, supportive
loves to go out and have fun, but also to stay in with Jimin and drink wine to just chat about “Mr. Kim’s best features”
he sometimes forces Jimin to go out with him, so “the older” can “get some”
one night when they were both too drunk and too horny they ended up having sex; but it was giggly, clumsy and not very satisfying and both promised to never talk about it again and definitely not repeat it. It says a lot about their friendship that it didn’t get awkward between them afterwards - and this is why Taehyung knows how it feels like to kiss Jimin.
he swore he fell in love with Yoongi the second he saw him, though Yoongi tries to tell him it was only the bond reacting
always wants to do human stuff, too and therefore gets into sticky situations that Yoongi needs to get him out of like trying to do a picnic with the humans but ends up throwing it all up
very needy and clingy when it comes to Yoongi but in a quieter way; he loves holding his hand
though he is a young vampire and thirsting for blood more than others, he is really good at controlling himself when it comes down to human!Jimin
his ability: can run so fast that others are moving in slow motion to him
he was “born” as a vampire in ancient egypt
the oldest vampire to date
owns basically the whole city since he has business with all leading companies and some politicians (that he hypnotized)
he makes the rules and the vampires follow him since he’s the oldest
feeds off Jin and Jin only
his ability: hypnotizing people and vampires alike, controlling them so completely that he can make them feel the pain at his will instead of the pleasure of the poison; he is the only vampire who can hypnotize vampires
thinks humans are weak, but loves Jin with all of his heart
he is very strict with his rules, so no vampire gets exposed
can come off as cruel (maybe….just a little bit)
He stumbled across Hoseok one night when he was out in the night. He was never scared of Hoseok, nor did he knew that he was the vampire king at first when he came with him
he dislikes the human world and is happy being surrounded by people who respect him because he’s the king's personal favorite
has bite marks all over his body - and loves it
Jin will be turned by Hoseok later in his life, when he decides he has “reached his peak in his beauty” so that he wants to stay forever like this with his love
sleeps a lot and only wakes up to feed in between; he says this century is too boring for him and only when he meets Taehyung he has a reason to stay awake
one of the oldest (Hoseok > Yoongi > Namjoon)
his ability: manipulating memories of humans
he’s very possessive over Taehyung the moment Hoseok grants him ownership of the human
normally he likes to be a sub with young vampires, letting them ride out their neediness but with Taehyung he wants to dominate the younger completely.
His protectiveness awakes and something is different about this one, which he only later realizes is because he lost his heart to Tae instantly
Tae: “He doesn’t say it and he didn’t really ask me out like that but I think he’s my boyfriend!” Yoongi: *grumbles*
student, who lives a bit out of town because he couldn’t afford himself an expensive apartment in the city and somehow the houses by the hill are so cheap and beautiful at the same time, leaving him wondering why no one is living there or wants to buy it
innocent bun stumbling all doe-eyed into the danger without knowing what he was getting himself into
loves his banana milk and would do anything for it, even if it means getting bitten by vampires and at the same time wouldn’t get the “I want to bite you” hint even if Taehyung spells it out for him
the only human that was allowed to leave the mansion again, when normally humans that stumble upon them will never be released again
Jungkook definitely comes back, because the curiosity will get the better of him
might be their human friend/pet/lover ...depending on who you ask in the future ;)
Headcanons/ What might be happening next…:
Namjoon and Jimin will take the time, after the younger has gotten used to his new life, to travel around the world
Jimin is the only vampire who is really allowed to tease and call Hoseok names and the king doesn’t take actions since Hoseok won’t ever harm Jimin again as he keeps his promises to Namjoon
Namjoon will show Jimin all of the places he loved and where he was born (as a human)
they will always have one of the strongest bonds that anyone has ever seen and even when usually the ‘newborn’ bond fades out, their bond stays strong and makes them more aware of each other - which Namjoon loves, since he still has the urge to protect Jimin at all costs; their love will be eternal
Yoongi and Taehyung take in Jungkook and “take care of him”
Jungkook loves his vampire friends
One day Namjoon will stumble into the kitchen seeing Jungkook sipping on his banana milk, seated on Yoongi’s lap who only grins at the other with blood dripping down his chin, while Taehyung takes a sip from Jungkook’s delicious thighs. He will only shake his head and turn around again. “You really don’t want to go in there right now.” (Namjoon to Jimin)
Jin and Hoseok will retire one day to go back to egypt; normally Yoongi would be next in line but the other refuses so Namjoon is up for debate
Thank you for reading the story and becoming a part of it with all of your lovely comments and messages. They always keep us motivated and going and we can’t wait to share new stories with you guys. We’re currently working hard on something new and then there’s still ‘Devils Hand’ where the last chapter will be posted next week. Thank you for everything!💕💕💕
- Cat (@cassiavioletblue) &  Jey (@softjeon)
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thegooseprincess · 5 years
The 5 Times Tony Stark Was Not in the Spider Protection Squad and the 1 Time He Was
Spider eyes ARE reflective. I saw this youtube video where this guy shone a light in the grass and all these eyes were staring back. I tried to do it once, but didn’t have much luck finding any. Maybe it was too hot.
Here’s chapter 5. Enjoy.
V. The Stuff of Nightmares
             Tony clutched his coffee mug and reread the same sentence he had already read three times. It was approaching 3 AM, and he still had several sections to edit before he could be satisfied with the document. Steve had dozed off at the table beside him. The chatter from the rest of the team had long-since died down. He glanced at his phone, wondering if Pepper was still awake. A sudden noise interrupted his thoughts, and he stood to investigate.
           It seemed that the Spider Protection Squad had evenly distributed themselves across the room and were now passed out. Nat had claimed an armchair and Clint was stretched out on the floor. He hadn't even bothered to remove his shoes. The Squad's leader had claimed the entirety of the couch and was curled up with his face buried in the back cushion. Tony smiled softly, and made  a move to draw the blanket up over the kid's shoulders, but stopped short. Peter's shoulders were shaking, and Tony thought he could hear small sobs.
           "Hey, kid?"
           No answer.
           "Pete?" he tried again, a little more loudly.
           Still no answer. He knelt and reached out a hesitant hand to gently shake the kid awake. Peter gasped and sat bolt upright, his elbow smacking into Tony's face.  
           "Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark! I'm so sor-"
           "Don't finish that sentence, kid!" Tony said, a hand to his nose. He mentally made a note to stay out of the striking zone the next time he had to wake a teenager with the super-strength.  Peter looked horrified.
           "You want to talk about it? My therapist usually encourages me to talk about it. The nightmares, I mean. You don't have to if you don't want to, but if you do, I'll listen." Tony knew he was rambling. Peter rubbed the tears from his cheeks. "Or we could take a walk. I've been at that stupid desk for about six hours now and I'm starting to go cross-eyed. Walking also helps, I think and it's a nice night out."
           "A walk sounds nice," Peter said quietly.
           It was a nice night outside the Compound. The air was warm and overhead, thousands of stars scintillated, pricking a velvet sky. Peter had insisted on bringing a couple of flashlights. The pair followed a path that ran alongside a stand of trees. Peter made a motion for them to stop, and crouched down.
           "Watch this," he said, swinging his beam of light into the grass. Tony watched. At first, he had no clue what he was supposed to be looking for. Then, a sudden scintillation caught his eye. And another. And another. It was as if the stars had fallen to the ground and nestled into the grass.
           "What are they?"
           "Spider eyes."
           Tony met Peter's eyes in disbelief.
           "They reflect the light," he explained.
           Tony laughed, not sure if it was pretty or creepy. The best way he could describe it was wild. Yes, it was wild. "Since when are you into spiders? You weren't like this a few months ago."
           Peter didn't take his eyes off the grass. "I got sick of being afraid of them, so I learned about them. Studied them. It's helped a lot- I'm not so scared of them anymore."
           "Huh. Spider-Man, afraid of spiders," Tony murmured.
           Peter just shrugged. "That bite hurt. A lot."
           They lapsed into silence as they took in the sparkling grass. There were so many. After a beat, Peter carried on as if he hadn't stopped. "That's sort of what it was about." Tony didn't have to ask what "it" was to know he was referring to whatever nightmare had him in its grasp earlier. Peter shuddered. "It was right after I got bit and got my powers. We were in the alleyway and there was this shadow and... And I couldn't stop the bullet- I- I mean I could have, but I didn't. I didn't know what to do! It was all s-so fast a-and Uncle Ben," Peter made a strangled noise in the back of his throat as the tears started falling again. Tony, feeling at a loss for what to do, knelt beside him, laying a hand on his shoulder. He had known that the kid had lost his uncle not too long before Tony walked into his life. He had never tried to approach the subject with him, but May had told him that Peter had been there that night when it happened.
            "Some nights, it just replays in my mind, over and over. And I regret-" he shook his head, like he didn't want to continue. Tony knew there was nothing he could do to fix this, and he hated it. He tightened his grip on the kid's shoulder.
           "Sorry," Peter laughed half-heartedly, rubbing his eyes. "Thanks for sticking around the past year. I know I can be clingy and a bit much, but-"
           Tony cut him off by pulling him into a tight hug. "Stop. I don't mind the clinginess. And "a bit much"? Have you met me?"  He felt Peter relax a little. "I love you, kid. I hope you know that."
           "Yeah. I think I do."
           They took one more look at the glowing eyes and got up to make their way back to the Compound. Tony was deep in thought when Peter spoke up again. "Am I going to be able to keep looking out for the little guy with these new Accords? I don't want what happened to my uncle to happen to someone else. I can't sit back and do nothing again."
           Tony slung an arm around his shoulder. "I sure hope so."
           "When do you have to finish the edits?"
           "Um... 9 AM."
           Peter halted, looking a little shocked. "You weren't kidding about needing to pull an all-nighter!"
           Tony shook his head, feeling exhaustion seep into his bones. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep though. He was dreading meeting with Ross in the morning.
           "Let me help you."
           Tony was going to protest, but the kid cut him off. "You're way tired. You need someone who's had a little sleep to look over things and make sure you're being clear and grammatically correct."
           To his surprise, Tony found himself agreeing. "But you do not add anything or make any changes unless you run them by me first! Got it?"
           Peter nodded earnestly. They entered the Compound and found that everyone had shifted a little. Natasha had stolen a few pillows off the couch and Clint was no longer wearing shoes. Steve was now asleep in one of the armchairs beside the couch. Tony had to admit that it felt kind of good to have his team members back, even if it was on a clandestine mission to make sure this horrible situation didn't get any worse. He wondered again at how Clint had managed to escape his ankle monitor.
           Peter settled at the table, turned on a lamp, and began sifting through papers. They worked until Tony could no longer hold his eyes open. He didn't even remember falling asleep.  
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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starlight-parkers · 6 years
Early | soulmate!peter parker x reader
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[ gif belongs to @spideypparkers ]
author’s note(s): helloooo im back from the dead after almost four months of no posting, my own writing that is. im sorry for my absence, a lot has happened in the last few months, but i hope this fic makes up for it uwu. this was a request from anon. so i hope you enjoy.
warning(s): angst, swearing?, kidnapping, mentions of blood, fight scenes oof
rating: teen?
genre: angst to fluff
words: 3.1K
summary: he could feel your emotions, he could feel your pain, he just wished he was earlier, so he didnt have to feel you hurt.
Peter could never love anyone more than he loved you. Not only was it written in the stars of fate for you, but he had loved you even before then, before he knew what a soulmate was.
In this world, you first found out that you had a soulmate through the senses and emotions (you felt this first at the start of puberty). More often than not, you would feel sad when your soulmate was or they would feel happy when you were but when you met your soulmate, it was said that you would experience a burst of warmth and something that you would have never felt before.
Peter thought himself to be lucky, his soulmate ending up to be you, his longtime crush. He loved everything about you, from the way you laughed to the way your brows furrowed and your tongue stuck out when you studied hard. He loved how caring you were for others and how much you were willing to do to make someone else happy. He loved you, no. He was in love with you.
But sometimes, to him, finding his soulmate in his teen years was a slight burden. Yes, you were his whole world and yes, you treated him well but the teenaged super hero couldn’t help but think that there were things he was missing out on because he had formed his soulmate connection early.
The teen felt as if he had missed out on that wild, rebellious and experimental part of youth. He never got to find himself as a person, test the boundaries. Because he was bound to you. Eternally.
Now, Peter couldn’t blame you for that, he loved you and you, him. It would be unfair to do so. But being so young and watching his friends up and out there in the world made him envious. And right now, he was seriously envious of their ability to not be able to feel their soulmate’s emotions, much more intensely. After becoming bound to each other, it’s possible for the emotional connection between soulmates to strengthen instead of disappear. That had been the case for yourself and Peter.
As he trained alongside his mentor, turned uncle figure, the brunette could feel your irritation bursting through his veins and he knew exactly why you were feeling that way. Letting out a huff, the webbed-hero forced himself to work away your emotions as he practiced his moves, so he could focus more on himself but with every passing thought, he could tell that his girlfriend was becoming more and more frustrated.
Plopping down on the training mat, Peter let out an exhausted sigh as your irked emotions seemed to subside. He ran a hand through his sweaty locks as he watched his mentor take a seat opposite him after their sparring match. “You okay kid?” Tony asked, tossing the boy a bottle of water to soothe his heaving chest.
Peter nodded, resting his outstretched arms on his knees as he toyed with the plastic. “It’s just (Y/N)” Tony raised a brow as the younger hero went on. “I can tell she’s slightly mad at me for spending the weekend up here training instead of being with her”
Tony only nodded in response, choosing not to give advice from his own failed relationships (he had yet to meet his soulmate) and pressed his lips into a thin line. Sometimes, Peter wished he could be like the billionaire; live out his life for just a little longer before finding his soulmate but other times, he noticed how lonely Mr Stark got and he considered himself grateful then.
As the young avenger settled into his bed at the avengers compound, a strong wave of sadness crashed over him as it pumped through his veins. Peter knew you were upset, he hated when you felt that way especially when he was the cause behind it. The young brunette thought about sending you cute little cat videos, maybe some vines to cheer you up because he loved you and would much rather bask in your happiness rather than revel in your sadness but suddenly; there was a gut wrenching blow of pain that twisted in a spot at the back of Peter’s head and an unexpected feeling of fear and panic rose in the chambers of his chest.
Shooting up, he felt his own panic trickle into his blood stream, flowing in a circuit around his body and making him anxious. Throwing the covers off his body, the brunette teen scrambled for his phone, viciously tapping in the passcode before scrolling to your phone number. He dialled it.
It rang once. Twice. Three times.
“H-hello-?” The voice was weak, small and quivering but Peter knew it was yours. There was somewhat of a thwack and then a whimper causing Peter to clench the phone In is grip. “Peter...”
“Y/N-? Baby, are you okay? Where-?” The pause that followed had the boy tense, one hundred million thoughts running through his head. A dark chuckle emitted from the end of the line, along with more whimpers. “I don’t know who you are...” Peter growled, hating whoever it was, that was hurting his girlfriend, his soulmate. “But if you lay another hand on her, I swear to god I’ll-“
“Oh what’s this?” The voice taunted, not even intimidated by Peter’s menacing tone. “Is The itsy bitsy spider, threatening me? Now, we just can’t have that can we little dove? Tell your precious little soulmate how things are going to go down, darling.”
There was shuffling on the other end, heavy breaths filling the air. “P-pete...” he gripped the phone harder at your voice. “I don’t know how they got m-me but they want something from Mr Stark. I don’t know what, I-“
The line cuts off and the teenaged superhero drops his phone with shaky hands, leaning back on his headboard as he tried to gather his thoughts. What would he do? How could he help you? How could he let this happen to you? His soulmate? Fingers practically trembled as the brunette reached for his phone, a text message illuminating  the screen and the the room.
[To Peter Parker]
[From Baby <3 ]
Bring us the stark tech or your precious little dove gets it.
Another text followed though only mere seconds later, with coordinates his soulmates location sending him into a frenzy. The brunette shot up, yanking on the spidersuit, pacing around the room as he did so. How would he get what he needed? What would Mr Stark say? A plan formulated in his mind, he could always scale the building and sneak into the labs, maybe even disable F.R.I.D.A.Y for a while. Nodding his head, Peter lugged open his window, fear settling in his chest at the prospect of his soulmate getting hurt or even stealing from his mentor.
Just as he was about to crawl through the window, his bedroom door popped open with a click. The teen superhero half expected it to be Vision, heading to the wrong quarters again but instead he was met with the groggy face of his role model, Tony Stark. “P-Peter” the elder man yawned, stretching his back until it cracked. Said boy froze in his place, unsure of how to react, of how it looked with him trying to sneak out. “I heard shuffling, are you okay-?”
Tony glanced over the boy, confusion falling over his tired and aged features as he watched Peter step down from the window. “Mr Stark- I...it’s not what it looks like-“
That was all it took for the boy to break down, heaving out his fears and worries and the menacing situation that raided his teenage mind. After all, he was still just a kid, and yes he hadn’t experienced the wild side of being a teenager, but if anything had happened to you. Peter would never forgive himself.
Tony held the boy through out his tears, shakes and shivers, promising the teenaged superhero that he’d get his soulmate back,  even if it was the last thing either of them did. They left the compound that night with two words on the seams of the elder’s lips. “Suit up”
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It wasn’t long before the pair reached the warehouse you were being held hostage at. The air, was thick, scents of rotting wood and damp wafting through it whilst the atmosphere was tense and left a heavy feeling on Peter’s shoulders.
The place was littered with men, most of the loitering and some carrying weapons. Peter and Tony watched from behind craters, the elder hero trying to formulate some kind of plan before trying to get to you. Peter’s mind was rushing at a million miles per minute as he tried to figure out who was behind this, who had taken you. “Listen Kid, we’re going to need a plan if we’re going to do this properly” Tony whispered, from his right, but the boy paid no mind.
Then he heard it, that voice. The one from the phone. The one who had so sickeningly called you ‘little dove’
And then everything went black.
Blinded by rage, the spider-like hero tore himself from his hiding place, charging at the men who stood about, despite the desperate pleads of the iron man, who stood beside him. Peter shot web after web, towards the men, dragging them down to the ground as their leader, your capture tried to escape. Web fluid, tugged men about, slamming them to the ground by the skull, anxiety raged through the boy’s body, anger courses through his veins and he wasn’t quite sure if it was because he felt your emotions or if he was scared himself.
Tony was shooting blaster’s beside him, he was taking punches and kicks and hits all over, but he’d snapped when he heard the words. “Make sure he doesn’t get the girl!”
“Where is she?!” The brunette yelled viciously, one web later and one of the minions was disarmed, arms pinned to the wall above him as Peter marched forward, with the intent to kill. He gripped the man by the shoulders, shaking him with vigour as he felt his soulmate’s fear rise. “I said where the hell is she?!”
His voice was desperate, but his actions fierce, almost as if he had instant kill mode activated without Karen’s help. The man shook his head, mumbling apologies, pleas for his life. The teen was only mere seconds from ending it, for taking his girl. The one he promised to protect but he was stopped.
“He’s not worthit kid...” Tony tired to reason, the mask plate of his helmet sliding up. The older hero’s expression was stern, almost remorseful, as he gently pried Peter away from the man. “Go after your girl, I’ll take care of things out here.”
With reluctance, the superhero released the minion, nodding his head as he ran off through the warehouse, looking for his soulmate, looking for you. The corridors grew darker and darker with each step, the only sounds coming from the dripping pipes and perhaps even... sobs?
Turning a corner, Peter found himself at the entrance to an empty room and at its centre, was you. You looked tired, weak, hair scraggly and tangled, arms bound to a chair behind your back with your head hung low. You were crying, crystal droplets of water, streaming down the apples of your grubby cheeks. Your breathing uneven.
Peter hated to see you this way.
And it was all his fault.
There was a brief second where you’d looked up, relief flooding through your veins when  you noticed the familiar red and blue of Peter’s costume. A faint gasp tumbled from your lips, your red blew wide as you noticed him, and even the faintest of smiles tugged at your lips. Peter felt relief and even happiness filter through his blood stream, and from beneath the mask he was smiling too, you were okay.
But the moment ended as quickly as it came, the leader stopping in front of you once again. Peter watched as the man’s bony fingers traced the edge of your jawline, tipping your chin up so that you would look at him. Goosebumps rose on the plains of his skin, throat dry as he watched, hoping you got out unscathed.
“Oh little dove” the man drawled with a villainous and cool tone, making you flinch away from him. “Your silly boyfriend’s here to save you” he tutted, as you struggled to get away, whimpers burning at the back of your throat. “Too bad he didn’t follow one of my rules, bringing backup. Now we might have to kill him too.”
The man removed himself from your smaller frame, but that didn’t stop you from screaming out. “P-please don’t hurt him, I’ll do anything-“ your voice was hoarse, dry like an arid desert from your lack of water which broke Peter’s heart. The villain offered you a half hearted, sympathetic pout before grinning evilly as he began to prepare for his battle with the infamous Spider-Man.
Peter couldn’t control his next actions.
The brunette blindly flung himself into the room, slinging webs at anyone who approached him during his blind hazy fury. Casting out two webs, the teen hero caught the villain by his arms, yanking him forward so that he hit his head on the railing before him. “Let her go” Peter growled, advancing towards the man to perform another attack.
“Not until I get what you promised me”
Peter yanked him forward again with gritted teeth and fury in his eyes. “I said, let her go”
He made a move to step forward, only stopping at the sound of a blade being drawn and a gasp falling from your trembling lips. A man, most likely a follower of the leader, stood by you, a silver blade pointed to your side, as Peter held the man unsteadily in his grip.
“Make one more move and she gets it” the leader spoke, a smug tone seeping into his voice. The teen could do nothing but analyse the situation, for him, there was no way out of it. One step or false movement could end your life, could end his own. You were his everything.
It almost seemed like all hope was lost, when the sound of a blaster charging up tickled the tips of Peter’s ears, diving away, he narrowly missed the beam of heat energy that Tony’s protective armour released. There was a mumble of‘go get her kid’ from the older superheroes blast.
Launching himself at the chair you were bound too, Peter was mere seconds away from being reunited with his soulmate. All he wanted to do was gather you up and bring you home, whispering sweet nothings into your ear but he was soon stopped by a certain feeling. The feeling of pain.
It bloomed to the right of his abdomen, like a bright flower at the beginnings of spring, except more excruciating, more deadly. The teen boy fell to the ground, his eyes screwing shut and as soundless scream passed his lips. His fingers that prodded at his stomach felt no blood, but the sight he saw when looking up was even worse.
You were slumped forward in your chair, eyes wide with shock, body frozen with fear as a crimson patch grew from the point at which the blade had cut you. Your eyes fluttered open and closed as yells of your name passed from Peter Parker’s lips. He could feel it, your pain, your fear, anxiety because,
You didn’t want to die.
And he could feel that.
And even as the teen begged you to stay awake, begged you to keep your eyes open and stay strong for him, he knew he was fading away into a dark, black abyss as well.
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Maybe it was the repetitive blip of the heart monitors or the bright fluorescent lights thank roused Peter, or maybe it was the wild thoughts and memories pumping through his brain that woke him up. He couldn’t tell.
With blinking brown doe eyes, he looked around, taking in the minimalist room. White painted walls, white bed sheets, white light light, white that. Everything was blank. The boy assumed he was in the hospital ward of the avengers compound, the IV drip in his hand giving it away.
His sweaty palms lay lightly on the crisp linen sheets, probably made of the finest material Tony Stark could find, as he tried to piece together bit by bit what had happened for him to wake up in such a way. The more he thought about it, the more scared, queasy and uneasy he felt because firstly, he didn’t know where you were and secondly;
He couldn’t feel your emotions, your  feelings.
Quietly, The young Parker unhooked himself from the series of machines, bare feet padding out of his room and down the corridor as he narrowly managed to avoid bumping into Mr Stark and Aunt May, who were arguing with hushed whispers. That wasn’t important right now. Peter quickly gained access to your hospital room, with the help of Karen, his feet cold from the tiled floor, but the rest of his body warm from the fluffy PJS Mr Stark had left him with.
The boy hesitantly stepped into your room, that same heart monitor sound pulsing throughout the silence. Peter’s heart almost broke when he skim read your file.
[induced coma for stability]
Your operations were successful, you were going to survive that horrible wound but that didn’t stop your boyfriend, your soulmate from succumbing to the gray clouds of guilt. If it hadn’t been from him, you wouldn’t be in this mess, wounded with paling skin from blood loss. Your hair wouldn’t be tangled and dry, but instead bouncy and bright, your eyes wouldn’t have heavy bags under them, but would maybe have only one or two from your late night Netflix binge watches. Had he been earlier, none of these things would have happened.
Had he been earlier, You wouldn’t have almost died.
With shaky hands, Peter let his fingers brush over your hairline as he would when he held you close, his other hand interlocked with yours that lay bandaged at your side, and he leaned down with watery eyes full of regret. “I’m sorry” the bot whispered with a quivering voice, brown eyes shutting sharply to prevent himself from tearing up. Why couldn’t he have been earlier? “I’m so so sorry”
His eyes kept closed this time as he rested his forehead on his soulmate’s, whispering a thousand sorrows against your skin, barely noticing the way your smaller hand squeezed his.
To let him know, it was all going to be okay.
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pinoyscientists · 6 years
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Meet Ronald Reyes, organic chemist
1) What do you do?
I have been working on the development of efficient strategies aimed towards the direct transformation and functionalization of C(sp3)–H bonds, an essential task that is considered as a long-standing challenge in synthetic chemistry. In particular, my work deals with the realization of a highly enantioselective transition-metal catalyzed borylation reaction of the ubiquitous C–H bonds in organic molecules to yield important synthetic intermediates that are useful for the preparation of compounds significant to the chemical, pharmaceutical, and agrochemical industries.
2) Where do you work?
I am presently a PhD student (graduating this September 2018) at the Hokkaido University in Sapporo City, Japan. I belong to the Organometallic Chemistry Laboratory of Professor Masaya Sawamura who was awarded recently with the prestigious Nagoya Medal of Organic Chemistry.
Before pursuing my PhD degree in Japan, I worked as an Assistant Professor at the De La Salle University, Manila (2014-2015) and as an Instructor at the Chemistry Department in the Ateneo de Manila University (2009-2014). I had also been given the opportunity to join the research group of Professor Koji Tanaka at the Institute for Molecular Science in Okazaki City, Japan (2011-2012).
3) Tell us about the photos.
[Left:] At the Annual Symposium of Organic Chemistry supported by the MSD Life Science Foundation, Japan. In this photo, I was explaining the significance and major results of my work during one of the poster sessions of the conference.
[Right - Photo 1:] This is winter wonderland in Hokkaido University! Every winter the school campus is transformed by the enigmatic non-stop downpour of white, succulent, stunning snow. Amidst the beauty is the challenge to go to the laboratory every day during the winter-- the struggle is real!
[Right - Photo 2:] At the International Food Festival held annually at Hokkaido University. This is one of those times when Filipino students of Hokkaido University (HAFS, Hokkaido University Association of Filipino Students) unite to bring our culture to the world. During this festival, we prepare Filipino food (adobo, buko pie, kwek-kwek, etc.) and sell them at affordable prices. We prepared Pinoy-style chicken barbeque along with banana-que. With me in this picture is Mr. Kevin Garas who is taking up his MS degree. This event is one sure way to let everyone know that it is indeed more fun in the Philippines!
4) Tell us about your academic career so far.
My fascination towards the sciences started during my high school days at Bacoor National High School – Annex. I graduated high school with an intense desire to study chemistry. I got the inspiration from my science teachers especially my chemistry teacher, Mrs. Dorado. 
I pursued my BS Chemistry degree at the University of the Philippines-Diliman. My undergraduate research work under the supervision of Dr. Florentino Sumera deals with the characterization of the curing kinetics of an epoxy-amine system liquid underfill encapsulant material by differential scanning calorimetry. 
I decided to pursue my graduate studies at the Ateneo de Manila University where I obtained my MS Chemistry degree. During my stay in the Ateneo, I worked with the synthesis and characterization of some of the biomimetic complexes of Manganese, Cobalt and Ruthenium. I have accomplished this under the guidance of Dr. Armando Guidote Jr. as well as through the supervision of Professor Koji Tanaka of the Institute for Molecular Science in Okazaki City, Japan. I worked as an Instructor at the Chemistry Department of the Ateneo de Manila University while taking up my Master’s degree.
After this, I was given the chance to join the Chemistry Department of the De La Salle University, Manila. I started as an Associate Professorial Lecturer and eventually as an Assistant Professor before I pursue my PhD studies in 2015. I will graduate this September 2018. I plan to continue my career in the academe because I love teaching and research.
5) Anything else you’d like to share.
To anyone reading this, join me in encouraging more of our younger generation to consider the path less travelled, the path of becoming a Pinoy Scientist. We, Filipinos, have so much to share and offer to our country and the world. While we still strive to be a global leader in the sciences, I believe that Pinoy scientists have already contributed so much to the advancement and creation of scientific knowledge worldwide.
When I was a kid, my simple observation of how my father will boil water in our old aluminum pot ignited my interest to study more about the reasons for such simple bubbling and evaporation. What I am trying to say is that there is a scientist in all of us. We just need to nurture our curiosities and aim to help advance our country-- through our little but meaningful contribution. It is a long way to go, but with the talents of Filipinos, we will surely one day achieve this elusive dream.
Just like in chemistry, we all should maximize bonding, break the barrier, and spark the change!
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Many Republicans In The Senate Now
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-many-republicans-in-the-senate-now/
How Many Republicans In The Senate Now
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Personnel Mail And Office Expenses
How Could The 2020 Election Impact Control Of The Senate? | NBC News NOW
House members are eligible for a Members Representational Allowance to support them in their official and representational duties to their district. The MRA is calculated based on three components: one for personnel, one for official office expenses and one for official or franked mail. The personnel allowance is the same for all members; the office and mail allowances vary based on the members districts distance from Washington, D.C., the cost of office space in the members district, and the number of non-business addresses in their district. These three components are used to calculate a single MRA that can fund any expenseâeven though each component is calculated individually, the franking allowance can be used to pay for personnel expenses if the member so chooses. In 2011 this allowance averaged $1.4 million per member, and ranged from $1.35 to $1.67 million.
The Personnel allowance was $944,671 per member in 2010. Each member may employ no more than 18 permanent employees. Members employees salary is capped at $168,411 as of 2009.
Biden Administration: Heres Who Has Been Named So Far
Return of the bipartisan gangs
After months of stalemate over the size and scope of a coronavirus relief package in the closing weeks of the last Congress, a group of centrists from both parties, led by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, unveiled a $900 billion compromise plan that became the basis for the legislation that ultimately was approved by the House and Senate and signed by President Trump.
Manchin has said he hopes that model can translate into efforts in 2021.
Other Republican moderates such as Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah and Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska who helped on the COVID-19 aid package could also serve as powerful players if they decide to work across the aisle.
Progressives push for Senate rule changes
Liberal Democrats have pressed to get rid of the legislative filibuster so that they can pass major health care or environmental bills with a simple majority.
Biden has sidestepped questions about whether he supports doing away with keeping the 60-vote threshold, but several top Senate Democrats have signaled they back changing a rule that many of them once insisted was essential to the institution. There will be intense pressure on Biden and Democratic leaders to show they can pass some bills with GOP support, but if Senate Republicans stay largely unified to thwart the new administrations agenda, calls to eliminate the filibuster will increase.
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Democrat Jon Ossoff Claims Victory Over David Perdue In Georgia Runoff
Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is expected to replace GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell as majority leader and will determine which bills come to the floor for votes.
The ambitious proposals addressing climate change and health care and other domestic priorities touted by Biden and Harris will be difficult, if impossible, to advance with more moderate Democrats especially those facing competitive 2022 midterm reelection campaigns reluctant to sign onto partisan proposals. The much smaller-than-anticipated House Democratic majority compounds the challenge for the party.
Instead, Biden will need to consider which domestic priorities can get bipartisan support since Senate rules now require anything to get 60 votes to advance. The president-elect has already indicated that additional coronavirus relief will be his first priority, but he has also said he plans to unveil an infrastructure plan that could get support from Republicans.
In a statement Wednesday, Biden said that “Georgia’s voters delivered a resounding message yesterday: they want action on the crises we face and they want it right now. On COVID-19, on economic relief, on climate, on racial justice, on voting rights and so much more. They want us to move, but move together.”
The president-elect also spoke to Democrats’ potential total control of Washington.
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Trump’s Former Physician Wins House Seat
Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician who served under both Presidents Trump and Obama, has won his race in Texas’ 13th Congressional District. Jackson rose to prominence in 2018 when he gave a glowing press conference about Mr. Trump’s health.
Mr. Trump nominated Jackson to be Veterans Affairs secretary last year, but Jackson withdrew amid allegations that he drank on the job and over-prescribed medications. In his House race, Jackson has closely aligned himself with Mr. Trump. He has downplayed the coronavirus pandemic and criticized mask-wearing requirements. He has also promoted baseless claims about Biden’s mental health.
Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw also won reelection. Crenshaw is a conservative firebrand and a rising GOP star in the House.
Are Senators Chosen By Popular Vote
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Beginning with the 1914 general election, all U.S. senators have been chosen by direct popular election. The Seventeenth Amendment also provided for the appointment of senators to fill vacancies. There have been many landmark contests, such as the election of Hiram Revels, the first African American senator, in 1870.
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Do The Parties Have To Negotiate On The Rules
No. With Harris vote, Democrats could threaten to ram through a Democratic-written organizational plan that severely disadvantages the Republicans.
But Democrats may prefer negotiation to a solely Democratic plan because they may not be able to keep their own caucus in line to enact that option. Theres a long history of bipartisan gangs of institutional-minded senators who sought to play a role in shaping how the chambers rules are formed, and those senators would not support a Democratic-only plan.
Before there can be a vote No. 51, there must be votes 50, 49 and 48, said Richard Cohen, chief author of the Almanac of American Politics and a longtime congressional correspondent. Democratic senators who might have reservations about supporting the most liberal proposals, such as Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly of Arizona, wont want to be taken for granted by others in the Democratic conference.
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States That Gained Seats
The three most populous states to gain seats are Texas, Florida and North Carolina, and in each, Republicans will control the redistricting process. For the first time in decades, they wont have to seek preclearance from the Justice Department either before implementing their maps thanks to the 2013 Supreme Court decision that struck down part of the Voting Rights Act. That, in turn, could open the door for more extreme gerrymandering in these states, which historically disenfranchised voters of color.;
For instance, Republicans will at least try to draw Texass two new districts to be as safe as possible for Republicans. But they also face the challenge that Texass suburbs its fastest-growing areas are rapidly becoming more Democratic, which threatened to blow up their 2011 gerrymander. According to Daily Kos Elections, Biden came within 3 percentage points of carrying 22 out of Texass current 36 districts in the 2020 election. So in an effort to shore up Republican incumbents in some areas, the Texas legislature may be forced to create safe new districts for Democrats in places like Austin, Dallas or Houston. But even if one or both of the new seats are blue, Texass map will still likely benefit Republicans overall , muddying the question of which party truly benefits from reapportionment here.
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Democrats May Have Control At The Federal Level But Republicans Are Pushing Back Through States
30 state legislatures are now controlled by Republicans, while only 18 are controlled by Democrats.
Though the hotly anticipated Blue Wave did not sweep over the country as thoroughly as some analysts had predicted in the weeks and months leading up to the American election on November 3, 2020, theres no denying that Democrats notched major victories in both the Senate and the White House, despite losing several seats in the House of Representatives.
But that victory is beginning to be undercut by the majority of state legislatures, which are Republican-controlled, as they begin to enact stricter voting laws, pass state sovereignty bills and push through highly conservative legislation to push back against Democratic ideologies in Washington.
Many Republicans Mobilizing Against Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
Republicans keep control of the House and Senate
The bipartisan group of senators who crafted the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is preparing to take a victory lap as the Senate moves toward passing the bill in the coming days.
But a large number of Republicans are mobilizing against the bill that includes $1.2 trillion of spending and $550 billion in new spending on hard infrastructure projects, such as rail, ports, electric vehicle charging stations, and broadband.
Right after the group of bipartisan senators introduced the bills text on Sunday night, Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee gave a long floor speech in opposition to the legislation, arguing that the Constitution does not give Congress to go out and spend money on anything that we deem appropriate and that the price tag is too high.
Shame on us for making poor and middle-class Americans poorer so that we can bring praise and adulation to ourselves and more money to a small handful of wealthy, well-connected interests in America, Lee said.
Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley said that he would vote against the bill, sharing an article that called it an epic binge of green subsidies and more handouts for states and localities.
Several Republicans in the House are also stating their opposition to the bill.
No one should support something that will serve as a trojan horse for the Democrats reconciliation package, which the White House wants to use to pass massive amnesty, the RSC memo read.
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Also Check: How Many Senate Seats Do The Republicans Have
Are Canadian Senators Appointed For Life
Unlike the Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, the 105 senators are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the prime minister. Senators originally held their seats for life; however, under the British North America Act, 1965, members may not sit in the Senate after reaching the age of 75.
‘your Way Is Failing’: Tapper Pushes Back On Gop Governor For Covid
Ask any national Republican who their best candidate is to beat freshman Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly in 2022 and the name that you’ll likely hear the most is Doug Ducey.
“Good news! RINO Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona has restated the fact that he is not running for the United States Senate. It would not matter, however, because he could not get the nomination after failing to perform on the Voter Fraud in Arizona. Also, there is no way he would get my endorsement, which means, his aspirations would be permanently put to rest anyway. Again, thank you to our brave Republicans in the Arizona State Senate for their bravery in putting forward the Forensic Audit. Everybody is anxiously awaiting the result!”
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Seats Without Major Party Opposition
See also: Major party candidates with major party competition in the November 2020 state legislative elections
In 2020, 2,067 state legislative seats, 35.2% of all seats up for election, did not have major party competition. When a candidate from only one of either the Democratic or Republican parties runs for a state legislative seat, the seat is all but guaranteed to be won by that party.
Democrats contested 82.7% of all state legislative seats. 1,019 state legislative seats did not feature a Democratic candidate and were likely to be won by a Republican.
Republicans contested 82.4% of all state legislative seats. 1,032 seats did not feature a Republican candidate and were likely to be won by a Democrat.
In 11 states, more than half of all seats did not have major party competition.
In four states, more than 90% of all candidates had major party competition.
The five states with the most major party competition in the general election were:
The five states with the least major party competition in the general election were:
Seats without major party competition, 2020 State
Dont Miss: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans
Here Are The Republicans Calling For Biden’s Removal Amid Afghanistan Fallout
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The fall of Kabul on Sunday and the resultant emergency evacuation of U.S. citizens from Afghanistan have triggered a wave of outrage among lawmakers, with numerous Republicans going beyond mere criticism of the Biden administration’s drawdown of U.S. troops to say that the president ought to vacate office.
The invocation of the 25th Amendment, resignation, and impeachment have all been promoted in recent days as possible solutions by a growing number of Republican officials, who say Biden’s actions since Afghanistan fell to the Taliban call into question the president’s fitness to serve.
Here are the GOP members who have called on Biden to leave or be removed from the Oval Office so far.
25th Amendment
Multiple lawmakers have said the use of the 25th Amendment may be in order.
Sen. Rick Scott: “After the disastrous events in Afghanistan, we must confront a serious question: Is Joe Biden capable of discharging the duties of his office or has time come to exercise the provisions of the 25th Amendment?” Scott wrote in a tweet Monday.
Rep. Claudia Tenney: Tenney, who serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was less equivocal, saying it is “clear” Biden is failing to perform his duties.
Raskin, a Maryland Democrat, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought during the previous Congress to establish a commission within the body to participate in 25th Amendment proceedings during the waning days of President Donald Trump’s administration.
Also Check: Did Trump Actually Say Republicans Are Stupid
How Many Senators Will Vote To Convict Donald Trump
Now that Donald Trump has been impeached for an historic second time, attention turns to the Senate where, according to the Constitution, a trial will begin. The big question isunlike last year when only one Republican Senator voted to convict Trump on charges resulting from his phone call with the President of Ukrainewill there be 17 Republican senators willing to vote to convict Trump?
Lets start with what we know. Senator Ben Sasse is the only senator who has said clearly that he is open to convicting Trump. Senator Mitt Romney voted to convict last year when Trump was impeached over his phone call with the Ukrainian president. The charges in this impeachment are equally if not more serious, so it seems likely that he too may vote to convict. Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Patrick Toomey have also made statements signaling that theyve had enough of Trump. Murkowski just wants him out, saying He has caused enough damage, and Toomey thinks he committed impeachable offenses but is unsure whether impeachment makes sense this close to the end of the Trump presidency.
Pelosi Says It Doesn’t Matter Right Now If She’ll Seek Another Term As Speaker Beyond 2022
;In a press call, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shot down a question about whether this upcoming term would be her last as speaker, calling it the “least important question you could ask today.” She added that “the fate of our nation, the soul of the nation” is at stake in the election.
“Elections are about the future,” Pelosi said. “One of these days I’ll let you know what my plans are, when it is appropriate and when it matters. It doesn’t matter right now.”
After the 2018 election, Pelosi agreed to term limits on Democratic leaders that would prevent her from serving as speaker beyond 2022.
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Election Results : Veto
See also: State government trifectas
Two state legislatures saw changes in their veto-proof majority statusâtypically when one party controls either three-fifths or two-thirds of both chambersâas a result of the 2020 elections. Democrats gained veto-proof majorities in Delaware and New York, bringing the number of state legislatures with a veto-proof majority in both chambers to 24: 16 held by Republicans and eight held by Democrats.
Forty-four states held regularly-scheduled state legislative elections on November 3. Heading into the election, there were 22 state legislatures where one party had a veto-proof majority in both chambers; 16 held by Republicans and six held by Democrats. Twenty of those states held legislative elections in 2020.
The veto override power can play a role in conflicts between state legislatures and governors. Conflict can occur when legislatures vote to override gubernatorial vetoes or in court cases related to vetoes and the override power.
Although it has the potential to create conflict, the veto override power is rarely used. According to political scientists Peverill Squire and Gary Moncrief in 2010, only about five percent of vetoes are overridden.
Changes in state legislative veto-proof majorites State
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The laws largely focus on tightening voter ID requirements, purging voter rolls and restricting absentee and mail-in ballots.
Chart: Actually Most Of The Diversity In Congress Comes From Democrats
Record Number Of Republican Women Elected To Congress In 2020 Election | NBC News NOW
The 114th Congress being sworn in on Tuesday is being hailed as the most diverse Congress in history with more women and minorities than ever before. But thats not thanks to the new Republican majorities in the House and the Senate.
Although the new Congress is 80 percent white, an equal amount male, and 92 percent Christian, the majority of non-white and women lawmakers are Democrats. In other words, even though these paltry numbers make up the most diverse Congress in existence, its thanks largely to Democrats that its this way.
There are a total of 81 minorities that are Democrats in both houses combined and 16 that are Republicans, according to data from CQ. The 114th Congress also has 79 Democratic women and 29 Republican women, also according to CQ.
Of the 188 Democrats in the newly sworn-in House of Representatives, 78 are minorities, according to CQ. Despite the rise of new stars like Rep. Mia Love just 12 of the 246 Republicans in the House majority are minorities. In the Senate, percentages are slightly better for Republicans. There are four Republican senators who are racial minorities and 3 Democrats who are racial minorities.
Among specific minorities, there is one Asian Senate Democrat and 10 Asian House Democrats. There are no Asian Republican lawmakers in the House or Senate in the 114th Congress.
There are also two members who identify as Native Americans in the House, both Republican. There are none in the Senate.
Chart: Christine Frapech.
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overthinkingkdrama · 7 years
Many people question Sang Mi's bluntness, lack of action, and her 'lousy' attempts at making an escape; they think it's an inefficient and frustrating point, but I feel exactly the opposite. She is stunned and unarmed by witnessing her parents consumed entirely by fanaticism, she witnesses the full power of the cult's deceptive illusions, but is dismayed, is torn, is tired, emotionally drained and damaged, and is helplessly outnumbered and cornered; it's a fair representation, I think. S.M
Are there that many people complaining about Sang Mi? I guess I’ve done well to stay away from those parts of the discussion. Luckily my part of tumblr is pretty enamored with Sang Mi and Seo Ye Ji generally and spending most of its time on the Dong Chul vs Sang Hwan debate and whether Taec got screwed over by taking this role. He didn’t.
The thing about Sang Mi’s role in the story is that she could so easily have been a pale, passive damsel in distress for the entire drama. I mean the drama itself is called Save Me. The premise is that she is in need of rescuing. There are so many ways to screw this character up royally, and I don’t think they’ve done so.
I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume that from the point where the story picks back up after the 3 year time skip, Sang Mi has remained in the compound at Guseonwon, and played nice purely out respect for her mother and father’s wishes and in reaction to her twin brother’s death. She felt guilt and also grief and even though she was alarmed by the people at the church, she couldn’t ignore her father’s pleas for her to go along with it. The church was also her family’s only lifeline. They had no house of their own, no source of income, and things were only getting worse for them in the outside world. Guseonwon basically made sure of that. So I think it’s completely reasonable and understandable that she and her family would have been vulnerable to these people and once they were in it was extremely hard to get back out again.
But, even though it would have made her life a hell of a lot easier to be silent about the abuses she’s seeing, to bow the knew and keep quiet, she has continually brought the attention of the cult leadership on herself by being outspoken and trying to get people to wake up to what their seeing. I can somewhat understand why people would see this as foolish. I mean why wouldn’t she try to use some kind of subterfuge? Get the leaders to think she’s going along with the program long enough for them to let their guard down and then make a run for it. But it’s not that easy to accept that your father has been transformed into a fanatical monster who cares more about his new found belief system than he does about the safety and happiness of his daughter. It’s not that easy to accept that your mother has lost her mind and is never going back to the way she was. After all, to accept that is to accept that you are completely alone in the world. To run away is to abandon all hope of ever seeing your family again. That’s how cults work. That’s how they keep you tied in even if you’re not sincere. They breed an environment of fear that disobedience with result in losing everyone you care about and being cut off.
And that emotional blackmail stands even when there isn’t a credible threat of physical violence. In the case of Guseonwon, we’re basically dealing with a criminal organization and Sang Mi has seen people assaulted and Jung Goo murdered in front of her eyes by Mr. Jo. The leaders have made it clear that her mother will be in danger if Sang Mi does anything to stop them, not to mention that she is essentially being incarcerated at her home or at the compound.
And despite all of this Sang Mi is not weak. She is not silent. She is still trying to warn people away from these dangerous and manipulative people. She could make it easier on herself and she refuses to, because she still has hoped that she might be able to bring her family around. The fact that she is overpowered and overwhelmed by an organization that is doing everything in its power to keep her trapped and voiceless doesn’t make her a weak character. Needing help doesn’t automatically make you into a weak character. And I think the writers have done a lot to give her agency despite her situation.
The premise of the drama is frustrating by its very nature. It’s supposed to be. It’s highlighting peoples greed, apathy and corruption. Sang Mi is the heroine and definitive main character. Her story is supposed to be one of struggle, failure, and perseverance met eventually (hopefully) with success.
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Star (Spangled) Crossed Lovers: Part 4
Requested by: @sebstanismylife and Anonymous (Here (and here) are the specifics)
Pairing: Wanda x Bucky // Wanda x Steve (broken up)  (not MMF) Word Count: Warnings: Fluff, angst?
Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Wanda’s POV
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~~3 Months Ago~~
“Wanda, we don’t need you on this mission,” Steve says. Her eyebrows shoot up and she glances around the mission brief. Everyone looked as surprised as she did, “You can hold down the compound,”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. has that covered,” she says, contempt seeping into her tone, “You’re going into a civilian area, my powers are more than useful, especially if innocent people get in the cross fire,”
“Cap,” Tony chimes in, “She’s got a point. Plus, having her in the fight would make things go a lot smoother,”
“It’s not up for discussion,” Steve states with finality. Everyone nods at their leader and breaks off into their pairs to prepare for the mission. Steve glances at Wanda, but before she can say a word, he strides past her and out of the room.
“Steve,” she calls after her boyfriend as he marches away from her, “Babe, stop,”
Steve obeys her request, and she almost collides with his suddenly still figure, “Wanda-”
“Why are you doing this?” she questions, a confused frown between her brows, “I have a good hold on my powers now, I’m not going to let another Lagos happen,”
“That- That’s not what I’m worried about,” Steve sighs out, finally relaxing his tense shoulders. Wanda frowns at him, silently asking for an explanation.
Steve pulls her out of the hall and into his bedroom. He sighs in frustration as they take a seat on the end of his bed.
“You’ve been reducing my involvement with this team for weeks now,” she notes, her voice soft, “What did I do to make you think I’m not experienced enough to fight?”
Steve sighs again, “I don’t want to put you in danger,” he admits. Wanda’s taken aback,
“I can handle myself,” she reassures him,
“I couldn’t live myself if I put in a situation and you got hurt,” Steve says, seemingly ignoring her reaffirmation of her abilities, “I need to keep you safe,” he glances at her, a worried crease between his brows, “I need to protect you,”
“I can protect myself,” she states. Wanda appreciated Steve’s concern, but his doubt in her made her feel sick, “I’m not a child,”
“I just... I don’t want to imagine life without,” Steve breathes out. Wanda’s heart wrenches as she watches her boyfriend’s shoulders slump with just the thought,
“Okay,” she didn’t want to agree to sitting out missions - who knew how long she’d be stuck on the sidelines now - but she decides not to fight it. She puts her pride aside so that Steve can have piece of mind.
“Doll?” Bucky calls out, wandering into the living area,
“Over here,” she replies, pulling his attention to the kitchen. She looks up from her cooking, a sweet smile forming as she gazes upon her love, “What’s up?”
“It’s okay,” Bucky dismisses, “I can come back later,” he knew that she enjoyed cooking alone, it was a kind of mediation for her,
“No, no,” Wanda shakes her head, setting the wooden spoon on the counter, “This isn’t important,”
“I was just wondering,” Bucky says reluctantly, “If you could help me, with this?” Bucky motions to his temple, indicating his mind. Wanda hadn’t sat down to help Bucky with his thoughts for more than a month; she’d honestly forgot about it, with all that had happened recently,
“Of course,” she says softly. Wanda turns down the heat on the stove, leaving dinner to simmer and strips the apron off.
Wanda and Bucky walk through the halls, hand in hand, and are pleased to find Tony’s lab empty. Bucky takes his usual seat, and Wanda pulls one up next to him. He gives her one last glance before closing his eyes and resting his head back, his chest moving rhythmically as he regulated his breathing.
Wanda’s red energy encases her fingers and she slowly brings them to his temples. It was no wonder that Bucky hadn’t come to her sooner with his. The moment Wanda delves into his mind, she takes a sharp inhale; starting to feel what he felt.
There was such a mixture of conflicting emotions that it takes Wanda a few moments to work through them. Guilt, anger, happiness, sadness, and worry. She takes a deep breath, trying to clear her thoughts before she delves into her boyfriend’s emotions.
Wanda can help but smile to herself as she discovers that she’s the source of Bucky’s happiness, that he can’t remember a time that he’s been happier than he is right now. But Wanda senses that his happiness is interconnected with worry. Wanda’s stomach drops when she discovers that Bucky’s source of worry is her too. It didn’t take much to discover that Bucky is worried about losing her. Wanda makes a mental note to discuss it with him later.
Bucky’s guilt, anger, and sadness all share one central cause. Steve. Wanda’s stomach drops further as she delves deeper, discovering that while Bucky was angry at Steve, he also felt guilty about taking his friends girl, and sad about losing his oldest friend.
Now that Wanda had uncovered the source for each feeling, she’s able to untangle them. Hopefully, if Bucky is able to identify each emotion individually, and their cause, he’d be able to deal with them better.
Wanda takes as long as it takes to unweave Bucky’s muddled emotions, which could have been hours. But she finally pulls herself out of her lover’s mind and has to take a few seconds to gather herself.
“Thank you,” Bucky whispers. Wanda can feel him staring at her, and it’s confirmed when she opens her eyes, “I’m sorry you had to see... feel all that,” he avoids her gaze,
“Buck,” Wanda hooks a slender finger under Bucky’s chin, softly pulling his face up and making him look at her, “You don’t need to apologise. I’m here to help you with your mind. I’d rather you let me help you than wallow in all of it,”
Bucky nods, a small, thankful smile on his lips. He leans in and kisses her softly. The sound of someone clearing their throat breaks them apart.
“Sorry,” Nat mumbles, looking embarrassed, “But we’re about to go over the mission,”
Wanda nods, and grabs Bucky’s hand before following after Natasha.
“Even though we have even numbers,” Nat moves on to the end of the briefing, “We’re not going to all be in pairs. Tony and Wanda, you two will be solo,”
Wanda glances quickly at Bucky, but he’s only nodding along with everyone else. Wanda just waits for Bucky to speak up, to act like Steve used to; insisting that she sit out of this mission.
But he doesn’t. Nat finishes up the briefing, pairing off the rest of the team, and everyone files out of the room to go prepare. Wanda didn’t follow, too lost in her own thoughts.
“Doll?” Bucky’s voice calls from the door, “You coming?”
“Huh?” Wanda says, coming back to reality, “Oh, sure,”
“What’s wrong?” Bucky asks as she approaches. He could always tell when something was bothering Wanda, “Talk to me,”
Wanda sighs, “I know that you worry about me... About losing me,” she confesses, making Bucky shuffle uncomfortably, “Why didn’t you say anything to Nat, insist that I sit this mission out?”
Bucky frowns with confusion, “Do you want to sit out the mission?”
“No, no,” Wanda quickly says, “It’s just... Steve used to leave me out of missions, because he was afraid of losing me too,”
Bucky feels a little awkward being compared to the other super soldier, but he brushes it off, “I don’t doubt your abilities in the field,” he announces, surprising Wanda, “You’re the most powerful person on this team. Would I like to be by your side just in case? Absolutely. Am I going to worry the entire time about your safely? Without a doubt. But I’m not going to jepordise the mission because I’m worried about you, because I would take a bullet for you. I believe- I know you can handle yourself out there,”
Wanda can’t help the relieved smile that crosses her lips. She knew that Bucky and Steve weren’t the same man, but this just further proved that they couldn’t be more opposite. This was why Wanda fell in love with Bucky. He loved her, but knew she didn’t need to be protected. He didn’t undermine her abilities just because he loved her.
“But,” Bucky continues, “I am worried about losing you... About losing you to Steve,”
Wanda’s mouth drops open a little, “Babe-”
“I know,” Bucky interrupts, “I know that I shouldn’t worry. But I can’t help it. I try to remind myself that you love me. But you love him too... I’m just... Insecure,”
“Loved,” Wanda corrects, “I loved Steve. Past tense. I love you, now and always. I’m not thinking about anyone else. I love you, and only you,”
Bucky smiles, looking reassured. He pulls her into a tight hug, “Thank you, for loving me... Even when I’m being an insecure idiot,”
Next Part
Tags: @meep-meep22, @leahhavoc, @addictwithafandomblog, @klutzly, @hantu369mc, @redstarstan, @heismyhunter, @coffeeismylife28, @buckyobsessed, @bearded-bucky, @goldenlifevsgutter1996, @rosyfluffyprincess, @invisible2niall, @woww-za, @impala-moose, @stratmoxphere, @caitsymichelle13, @pleasefixthepain, @spn-worm, @specs15, @sebstanwassup, @wunnywho, @thedarknesswarrior, @girlwith100names, @addictionmarvel, @melconnor2007, @ipaintmelodies, @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked, @spookydoritos, @fanboyswhereare-you, @theclonewarss, @psychicwitchphilosopher, @tcmhollnd, @all-that-glitters-is-cold
Tags that didn’t work: @mo320, @mrs-stan-barnes
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xoheatherkw · 7 years
I’m So Tired (Promise You’ll Stay) - Bughead Fic
Summary: "I can't do this anymore," she continued. "I'm so tired. So fucking tired of this. I just can't do it anymore."
No, no, no. This can't be happening. She can't be breaking up with him.
She glanced down, accepting defeat. She wouldn't be the only one trying anymore, of feeling like she was the only one putting in any effort into their relationship.
Jughead couldn't believe what he heard. He wouldn't let this happen.
A/N: Ok bughead family, stick with me here! So this is based on some of the SDCC spoilers that Betty will be fighting for her man, but no real mention of Jughead fighting for her... but BEFORE I saw more info about how she's supported by her friends. So this is the result of my brain getting carried away with the idea that Betty is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, and Jughead has shut her out. While I don't think like anything like this would happen on the show, we don't exactly expect that from fanfiction ;)
OH! Also trigger for self harm. Please don't read if Betty's self harm will trigger you. Stay safe friends!
Read on AO3 / FF
(There’s a keep reading, but it’s been glitching on me lately and not actually displaying the rest)
P.S. Thanks to @writing-as-tracey and @buggiekinsx for looking over this! And @your-girl-thursday for support. <3 my bughead fam
Betty Cooper was exhausted.
 No, exhausted wasn't even the correct description of how she felt. Fucking exhausted. Yup, that about covered it. Now, Betty rarely, if ever, cursed. But she figured after the month she had, it was an accurate description.
 It had been one month since Archie's dad has been shot.
 One month of the sheriff's department coming up with next to nothing for suspects.
 Three weeks since he stabilized and moved out of the ICU.
 And two weeks since he came home and was going through physical therapy.
 She spent as much spare time as possible supporting both Archie and his dad, offering to tutor Archie so he wouldn't fall behind in his classes and encouraging Mr. Andrews when he started physical therapy.
 And when that didn't feel like enough, she made sure both Andrews men were well fed. Pretty much anything beat take-out for Archie and hospital food for his dad. After the first week of casseroles, lasagna, chocolate chip cookies, and blueberry muffins, her mother stepped in and doubled all of the dinners to send half of it to the Andrews household.
 Betty still found herself baking the occasional pastry or dessert for the Andrews household, finding the process rather therapeutic. There was something about the predictability of following a recipe that brought a sense of calmness, if only for an hour.
 It had also been one month since her mother had dropped the bomb of an older brother given up for adoption. A few days after the Jubilee, she had asked her mother if she tried to reach out to him through the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Unfortunately it was a closed adoption and any attempts at reaching out to him were off limits. They could only find him if he reached out to his adoption services first.
 So on top of the River Vixens practice five days a week (and occasionally on weekends if a big game was coming up), brainstorming with Ethel and Kevin for the Christmas dance that was in two months, being the sole writer for the Blue and Gold, and the rigorous demand of her honors classes, she had also taken up volunteering at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy once a week to help the receptionist. She was hoping to go through some of their archived files to dig up information on her brother, but so far, she discovered records only went as far back as 2012. Their archived files must be stored in a different location, and she had yet to find them.
 Then on top of all of the usual craziness (plus searching for her brother), she didn't really have anyone to talk to. Veronica was always with Archie, stepping up as the supportive girlfriend while his father went through rehabilitation. She knew that Archie had his own problems to deal with, so she didn't want to bring him into her problems. Even Kevin was busy with the debate team; they had just won state finals and were preparing for regional's.
 Then there was Jughead, or the lack thereof. Ever since the night that Jughead accepted the Serpents jacket, things had been different. He had been closed off, secretive. Claiming that he didn't want to pull her into dangerous situations that she didn't need to be involved in.
 The first week went by without too many changes to their relationship. Sure, they didn't see each other throughout the day, but he brought her over for dinner and introduced her to his foster family. They texted nearly every day, now that his foster family had him on a reliable cell service. They made sure to make time for themselves, going to Pop's every few days and him sneaking into her room twice to spend time together for a few brief moments.
 The second week went by with fewer and fewer communications, and only once could he get away from the Serpents long enough for a milkshake at Pop's. But he received a text halfway through their planned date and he had to leave. He hadn't even stayed for his cheeseburger and fries, which were delivered minutes after he had left.
 The following two weeks had been minimal communication, only a handful of her texts were answered, and they hadn't seen each other at all.
 It just felt like there was so much going on that her brain couldn't comprehend dealing with one more thing on her plate. Everything felt like it was compounding and constantly weighing her down. She wished everything would just stop for one minute.
 It was all just too much.
 She had just gotten back from an evening run, desperate to clear her mind. She ran until her lungs burned and her legs felt that they would give out. It usually gave her clarity, at least for a little while. It hadn't worked today.
 So there she was on a Thursday night, staring into an open word document on her laptop, the cursor blinking away, taunting her with writer's block. She had notes and her tape recorder strewn across her floral duvet. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't come up with the perfect conclusion to the debate team's success in the state finals.
 She dug the palms of her hands above her eyelids, willing something -- anything -- to spill onto the document staring at her.
 Maybe if she just closed her eyes for a few minutes, the elusive words would come to her. She pushed her laptop aside and laid back on her pillows.
 She took slow breaths in and out, trying to force all of the thoughts to just be quiet... just for one damn minute.
Veronica could tell something was up with her blonde and ambitious BFF, the dark circles under her eyes, the curt responses whenever she or Archie had asked what was going on. The distracted and distant look in her eyes, whenever the conversation wasn't focused on her. She could see how frequently Betty's fists closed into her palms, knuckles turning white. She even thought she saw the slightest tint of red underneath her perfectly trimmed nails.
 But enough was enough. If Betty wouldn't open up to her, she would go to the next best source: Jughead.
 She pulled out her phone and sent off a quick text.
 Veronica: is Betty okay? She seems off...
 Jughead was in the midst of another Serpent meeting. This time they were going over initiation proceedings for some new members. Viper was just discussing the two new prospects. Neither were a legacy, so they had to prove their commitment to the Serpents. Usually by securing a small dealing, or shaking down someone that owed the Serpents money.
 Jughead had been considered a legacy to the Southside Serpents, and the only formal initiation was a verbal acknowledgement to the leaders, accepting the invitation to join them. It had taken place just a week after they offered him the leather jacket. He now felt the same sense of security wearing the jacket at Southside High, as he had wearing his beanie at Riverdale High. Not saying that he gave up his crown-shaped beanie, often wearing it outside of school.
 His phone went off in two quick tones, indicating a text message. He opened it quickly, intending to turn it on silent when the words made him pause. Betty.
 Jughead: what do you mean?
 The pair exchanged a quick conversation while Viper finalized the plan for the new possible members of the Serpents. He might as well have been speaking a foreign language, from the lack of attention Jughead had for the older Serpent.
 Veronica: something's clearly bothering her, but she's not opening up to me when I try to talk to her. I figured you would know what's up with her?
 Jughead: she hasn't mentioned anything.
 In fact, he couldn't recall the last conversation they had, let alone anything that was bothering her. He tried to think back on when they last had any sort of meaningful communication, coming up empty. He was so wrapped up in catching up on classes mid-semester, then the demands of being a Serpent, that two weeks had passed and he hadn't even seen her.
 He opened up his thread with Betty.  There were five messages he had read, but not answered. He meant to, he really did. But how could he express the level at which he missed Betty through a few words? He couldn't do it justice, so he just... hadn't answered.
 Betty, Saturday: Movie tomorrow? :)
 Betty, Sunday: I miss you
 Betty, Tuesday: I'm working at the Blue and Gold. Another late night trying to wrap up this week's publication. Wishing you were here instead of my mom...
 Betty, Wednesday:  Pop's after school on Friday?
 Betty, Thursday: Hope everything is okay :\
 The most recent one was from just a few hours earlier. Rereading those messages, his heart sank even further. He inadvertently closed himself off from the one person that stood by him, the one person he trusted completely; the shining light in his world of darkness.
 It was clear from Veronica's message that something was up with Betty, and he was determined to find out.
 He opened his thread with Veronica and sent a quick, final reply.
 Jughead: I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out. Wish me luck.
 After the lack of communication on his part, he could use all the luck he could find. He said a quick goodbye to Viper, Ferret, Venom, and Junior. He barely even registered Viper's questions as he bolted out of the backroom of the Whyte Wyrm.
Betty woke to a few quick taps on her window. It could only be one person at her window. The same person that she snuck into her room a few times after curfew, exchanging hushed words and kisses late into the night. But those fleeting moments seemed years away, not weeks.
 She uncurled her fingers from her fists, feeling the dry crusted blood in the middle of her palms. Not like that was the first time this happened. Apparently her subconscious had a way of working out her frustrations while she was asleep, that her conscious brain desperately tried to keep at bay. It was nearly a nightly occurrence these last two weeks.
 She didn't even bother grabbing a tissue to clean them off. She slid out of bed and crossed her room to unlock the window. She caught the brief flash of his gray crown-shaped beanie before turning around. She didn't wait for him to climb through before she sank back into the comfort of her mattress. She threw her arm over her eyes to shield her from the overhead light.
 "Betty," he started.
 He wasn't exactly sure how to continue when he caught the sight of four dark red semi-circles in the palm of her upturned hand, at a loss for words. She needed him, and he hadn't been there.
 A whole new set of questions ran through his mind. What had her so stressed out that she resorted to hurting herself? What darkness was she dealing with, and why hadn't she confided in him to help her through it?
 She let out an audible sigh. "What do you want Jughead?" she spat. Recently, he only ever came by when he needed her advice, her voice of reason. She wasn't in the mood to deal with it tonight.
 He took the few steps forward so he was standing at the foot of her bed. Her bed wasn't foreign territory, often used by them for cuddling and kissing. But with the sharp tone in her voice, he knew that her bed was off limits. It felt as if she were miles away, not mere feet from his grasp.
 "Look Jug, can you just say what you came here to say? So I can get back to my article," she continued. She glanced at her laptop's clock in her peripheral, 11:03pm. The last thing she remembered was pushing her laptop away around 8:30pm. "Or just go back to sleep."
 She pressed the palm of her hands into her temples, attempting to massage away the dull throb. She felt a weight depress the edge of her bed and she propped herself up with her elbows, finally landing her green eyes on the piercing blue sitting across from her.
 "Betts," he began. He lightly placed his hand on her knee, applying a gentle pressure back and forth with his thumb. "I missed you. What's been going on?" The 'what's wrong' went unsaid.
 She sat up at that, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at her boyfriend. "Oh so now you want to know what's going on with me?"
 She took a deep breath before continuing, not waiting for the beanie wearing boy to answer. "Well let's see. Between midterms and assignments, extracurriculars that I can't back out of, tracking down my older brother, and attempting to comprehend just how incompetent the sheriff's department is, all while trying to help out Archie and his dad.
 "I can't even talk to Veronica with everything she has going on since her father came back to town, and I don't want to bother Archie when he has so much going on with his dad's physical therapy. Then trying to reach out to my boyfriend who doesn't even have the decency to," She did the mental math -- yup it was about ten days since he'd answered one of her texts.
"-take five seconds out of his day to answer me in the last week and a half, I'm doing just great."
 Jughead didn't know how to process what she had just blurted out, all in one single breath, which was an accomplishment all on its own. The motion of his thumb had stopped completely, reeling over what she had laid out.
 He knew he screwed up. And by the fierce glint in her eyes, daring him to challenge her, she knew it as well.
 "Wait, since when do you have an older brother?" Of course that had to be the first thing out of his mouth. And yet again, it was the wrong choice.
 "Really?" she asked with narrowed eyes, her fingertips turning white from the grasp on her upper arms. A sweet smile played across her lips, but he could see the challenging glare flickering behind her eyes.
 That look was more unnerving than anything else he had seen from... well anyone, ever. Let alone the girl next door that he had come to love over the years.
 "That's the first thing you ask?!" Her voice raised a few octaves. She took a deep breath and continued, her voice a few decibels lower.
 "You would know if you bothered to ask. But whenever I see you, it's always about how you're doing at Southside High or problems with the Serpents." Or at least the barest minimum of information when it came to the Serpents. "When was the last time you even thought about how I was doing?"
 His eyes went wide and his shoulders drew back away. Apparently he was leaning in towards her, without realizing. He had always gravitated towards her, knowing he would find solace in her presence.
 He had never seen Betty like this, never this blunt. But she was right, and he knew he only had himself to blame. He had been so wrapped up in his new school and the expectations that came with being FP's son in the Serpents, that he inadvertently let down the most important person in his life.
 Her heart was pounding louder, and growing louder every passing second of silence in her bedroom. The anger boiling just below the surface, and she was refusing to let it show. All those years of perfection that were instilled in her, she wouldn't allow herself to show it, not even in front of Jughead.
 Those little intrusive thoughts were also growing louder, tempting her to dig into her palms and just pierce through the skin, give herself back some of the control that she desperately sought. She willed her fingers to stay put, grasping even harder at her upper arms.  
 "Betty, come on, talk to me. I'm worried about you." His hand caressed the skin just above her knee, and he saw some of the tension leave her shoulders. Maybe he was getting through to her.
 "Those are just words Jug." She forced her fingers to lessen their grip, returning some of the blood flow to her now tingling fingertips.
 "I can't do this anymore," she continued. "I'm so tired. So fucking tired of this. I just can't do it anymore."
 No, no, no. This can't be happening. She can't be breaking up with him.
 She glanced down, accepting defeat. She wouldn't be the only one trying anymore, of feeling like she was the only one putting in any effort into their relationship. 
 Jughead couldn't believe what he heard. He wouldn't let this happen. His fingertips ran up her arms and neck, settling on sides of her face so he could look into her eyes.
 "Don't do this, Betty," he began. "I know I've been a shitty boyfriend, I have. But you are the one thing that gets me through every day. You are the most important person in my life, and you're the one person I trust with everything."
 "--but I'm not anymore," she interrupted. "You don't tell me everything anymore. I barely know what's going on with you because you won't confide in me. You're shutting me out of your new life." 
 His heart sank even further at her admission. Shit. "You're right, Betts. I didn't want to involve you in Serpents dealings. I still want to keep you safe. The best way I could do that was not to involve you at all."
 His thumbs lightly brushed against her cheeks and her features softened ever so slightly. "Please don't break up with me. I'll do better, try harder. Just please don't give up on us."
 She glanced back up to see tears threatening to spill from his eyes. She let out a light laugh and brought her hands up to cover over his own. "Wow, maybe we do need to work on our communication more than I thought." 
 His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He couldn't fathom why her possibly breaking up with him would cause laughter of all things. 
 "Juggie, I'm not breaking up with you. I just meant that I was tired of being the only one putting in any effort. I felt like I was trying so hard to hold into what we have, and you were fine with just letting us go. I feel like I'm being taken for granted, and I don't like it." The sincerity in her voice was evident. She pulled their hands down so she could interlace their fingers. "I want to feel like we're in this together. A true partnership."
 He leaned in, bringing his forehead to rest against hers. "Betty, I promise this is the last time you'll feel like that with me. I want all of that and more, with you. I never want you to feel alone or that I'm taking you for granted."
 He leaned in closer, giving her plenty of opportunity to back away. "I love you." 
 He allowed her to take the lead and she closed the gap between them, her lips lightly brushing against his. It was brief, but when she whispered back "I love you too Juggie," he closed the gap again. 
 She immediately deepened the kiss, bringing herself closer and her hands framed his face. His fingers danced at the exposed skin from her tank top, lifting it slightly. He pulled her flush against him, causing a light sigh to escape her lips. He took her bottom lip between his teeth, reveling in the moan it elicited. He peppered kisses along her jaw line then turned to her hand, kissing each knuckle before circling her own hands in his.
 "Let me help you clean up," he offered. He kissed her knuckles again, silently cursing himself that he wasn't there to help her when she needed him.
 She took her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded. She wordlessly reached for tissues and a water bottle, handing them over to Jughead. (She wouldn't dare risk going down the hall to her bathroom, with her boyfriend hiding out in her room.)
 He very carefully tended to the crescent shaped marks in her palms, still dry and cracked from earlier. When he finished with her right hand, he placed kisses along each one before tending to her left hand.
 "I don't need you to protect me by the way," she whispered. "I'm completely capable of looking after myself."
 He smirked. "I'm well aware that Betty Cooper is a force of nature."
 He finished with her second hand, lightly running his lips across those crescent shaped marks before discarding the tissues in her trash. "I'll always want to protect you, but I promise not to keep anything from you. Even if I think it's dangerous. As long as you promise me one thing." He placed his hand on her thigh, lightly tracing patterns into her pajamas.
 "What's that?" She leaned against his shoulder, finding comfort in the scent she missed the past two weeks.
 "I need you to tell me when you need me. Please," he emphasized.
 "You drive a hard bargain, Jones. But deal."
 He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.
 It was at that moment that a few rapid fire text notifications chimed on his phone. The way Betty tensed beneath him didn't go unnoticed.
 "Do you have to go?" she asked.
 He opened his phone, seeing a few texts from Viper, but it could wait until tomorrow. He knew he needed to shift his priorities, and he would make every effort to be present with her from now on. "No," he said simply.
 She kissed his cheek. "So you can stay?" she asked cautiously.
 He kissed her soundly and kicked off his boots (quietly) for good measure. "I can stay."
 She pulled him underneath her covers and was asleep within minutes, getting the best sleep she had in weeks.
 Surrounded by the familiar vanilla scent of her body wash and the comfort of her head against his chest, Jughead drifted off as well.
The next morning Jughead woke to a weight on his chest and legs intertwined with his own. He never woke up before her -- the few times she had snuck him into her room over the last few months of their relationship, and only when her mother had been out of town. He took a few moments to revel in just how peaceful she looked. No furrowed brows, no tense shoulders.
 Her fingers curled around his shirt.
 "So I wasn't dreaming," she muttered. She opened her eyes to find a huge grin on his face and his hair sticking out in literally every direction. She mirrored a wide grin back at him.
 He leaned in to place a soft kiss on her forehead. "Good morning, gorgeous," he whispered into her hair.
 Her cheeks flushed with color. "Can we just stay here all day?"
 He kissed her forehead once more. "Somehow I don't think Mrs. Cooper would appreciate finding us here together."
 She rolled her eyes, but accepted his reasoning. "Well, you better sneak back out the way you came in, before she does find you."
 He pulled her in just a little closer and traced small circles into her waist, making no movement to get out of her bed. "Can I walk you to school?"
 Her eyes brightened at the prospect of spending just a little more time together. "I'd like that."
 She all but shoved him out the window when she heard the kitchen cabinets opening and closing downstairs. Her parents were already awake.
 "Meet me around the corner? I'll bring you something for breakfast." She didn't even wait for an answer before closing her window.
 She snuck two blueberry muffins in her bag and took a larger than usual travel mug of coffee for the two of them to share. She was out of the house in record time and found him leaning against one of the large oak trees near the corner.
 She offered muffins in one hand and coffee in the other. He placed the muffins inside his large jacket pocket in favor of interlacing their fingers together instead.
 It was the one and only instance she could recall where Jughead willingly passed on food.
 The walk to Riverdale High was over too quickly, but it allowed enough time for him to promise a date to Pop's that evening, which was a promise he intended to keep. And a few other promises he hadn't said aloud, preferring to surprise her instead.
Jughead made a surprise appearance at lunch time and slid into the seat next to Betty. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder before giving her a quick peck on the lips. It had been the first time he'd set foot in Riverdale High since transferring, and he was here for her.
 She thought just maybe, they'd be okay.  
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My First Kiss at the Public Execution - 9
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5 - PART 6 - PART 7 - PART 8  - PART 10 - PART 11
a/n: if you enjoy this story please leave a rreply or message saying so! like my main motivation to keep writing is that people like it and I dont know if people like it if no one says so
@beautifulramblingbrains @frecklefaceb @feminamortem@anditcametopass@dauntlessmetalmom @pathybo @mimigemrose @ag-delights @abfoster1s@sparklemichele @murmelinchen @jojuarez26@purple-puddin@audreyfulquard @sharknadoslut @societalfailure​ @insertamazingwords​ @megnificent07​ @roslea​ [if you wanna be on the list hmu]
Warning: NSFW like for real most of this is smut. enjoy 👉👌👍👍😘😘
Eric X OFC // Divergent Trilogy
word count: 5,932
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who told you love was fleeting? sometimes men can be so misleading to take what they need from you
I had been silent all morning. From check in with the others in the office to the present as I pulled myself into the train car, I hadn't spoken a word. I said nothing to Eric, only nodding to acknowledge his orders for me to accompany him to Erudite. Now I stood by the open train door, watching the half decayed city whiz past as I focused on ignoring the man behind me.
"I'm getting flashbacks,"Eric commented, surprising me by how close he actually was with his mouth next to my ear. I jumped, turning around and stepping away.
"Flashbacks to what?" I asked hesitantly, as I watched him move closer.
"Don't tell me you've forgotten about the last time we were on the train together," he prompted with a smirk. I could feel my face change with the realization of what he meant, my cheeks burning with blush at the memory as he wore a smug expression. Moving in closer, he boxed me in along the metal sheeting.
"Have you really forgotten the way you moved against me, grinding your hips into mine as I pinned you against the wall," He continued, letting his hands rest on my waist. I fought to maintain my composure, gnawing on my inner cheek as he moved in, trying to ignore the feeling of butterflies in my stomach that his touch inspired.
"Or have you forgotten the sounds you made when I came inside of you?" His breath danced across my skin as I felt a clench under my gut at his words. Snapping my eyes shut I turned my head away, trying to avoid his scrutiny and inadvertently opening up my neck to him. He leaned forwards, nipping at the skin over my pulse point before soothing the bites with his tongue while he tugged at my hips, pressing my body into his. My hands rested on his upper arms, trying slightly to push him away as I knew I should when the bell on the ceiling of the cabin rang out, signalling that we were close to the Erudite Compound. Eric gave out an annoyed huff as he abruptly let go of me, moving to the exit. I was still adjusting my shirt when he jumped out of the car and I hurried to keep up.
Eric was silent and cold as I diligently followed behind him into the large, glass covered building. His eyes stayed trained on his phone, crossing the sunlit atrium without looking up. I wondered if Eric knew his way around Erudite better than Dauntless, having grown up here. It always seemed to me that he knew every shortcut through the solider faction's subterranean base but here it was as if he didn't even have to think, letting his feet guide him to his destination through muscle memory alone.
Finally pulling his eyes away from the electronic, Eric pushed open the large dark blue door to the main conference room. We were the last to arrive, having to quickly make our way around the edge of the crowded table to the two open seats in the far back.
"Thank you everyone for joining us," Jeanine began. Scanning the room, I took in the large group. There was about seven or eight of the top officials and leaders from each of the five factions. Most meetings Eric attended there were only one or two representatives, not including assistants like me.
Scooting forward to the edge of my seat I pulled out the tablet from my bag, preparing to take notes for Eric to review later. The moment I turned it on a notification popped up saying I had a new message. I was confused for a second, the only person who really sent me messages was Mae and I knew she was at work right now and unable to chat. Unlocking the screen I opened the note to read what it said. It was from Eric.
I'm going to finger you under the table during the meeting.
Quickly I looked at him, wide eyed and finding him smirking while keeping his attention forward on Jennean as she spoke. Looking back to my electronic I typed a short reply, Don't, before trying to pay attention to the meeting. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him move, shifting to check his phone.
"And so this new system will be a complete change to the aptitude tests, making them more efficient and failproof. Now to explain more in depth, is the simulation program designer Clifford Smith," Jeanine gave way, taking a seat as an older, heavyset man in a navy suit and tie took the podium. I tried to focus, but I couldn't help noticing that Eric, though seated close to me in the packed room, had not followed through with his threat. I couldn't keep from anxiously bouncing my leg as I sat, poised on the edge of the chair, trying to take down what was being said.
"Hello, as Jeanine said, I am Clifford Smith, an Erudite scientist and the head designer behind the new test," he spoke in a gravely voice, adjusting his glasses before he clicked a button on the remote he held, the lights immediately dimming as the projection lit up the wall behind him.
"First you must understand is that we have not changed the core of the test," Smith began, as the information appeared behind him, "What we focused on was the way the tests are scored and recorded." I nearly jumped out of my skin when Eric's hand clamped around my knee, squeezing as he held my jittery leg still. I froze at his touch, on edge as I waited for him to move, for his hand to shift, but he remained immobile, his palm cupping my knee. I started to relax, returning my attention to the presentation.
Try as I might, I couldn't focus. While Eric's warm grasp rested on my leg I could think of nothing else. I swayed from dreading when he would, to wondering why he hadn't. I wanted more. I adjusted my leg, moving towards him, leading his hand to slide further up my thigh. I could tell without looking that he was aware of my actions. His fingers started to drag, slowly drawing circles next to the inseam of my pants. I bit my lip, cursing myself as I enjoyed every touch, feeling the excitement he ignited within me on the train starting to bubble. I fought to keep still, knowing how easy it would be for the woman in Abnegation gray next to me to see what he was doing.
Slowly his hand drifted north, his fingers tickling over the fabric covering my legs while moving towards my center. I began to stir in my seat, parting my knees slightly as he neared my apex. I bowed my head, biting my bottom lip hard as his touch finally came to rest over my vulva through my clothes. He pushed his middle and ring fingers flat, massaging though the denim. I took in a sharp breath as he pressed against my lips, completely distracting me from my dictation. I struggled to remain silent while he moved as he pleased in the dark of the room.
With a gasp, I dropped my hand. Trying to be subtle, I slid my arm under the table and grabbed at Eric's knuckles, pulling his fingers from between my legs. I sighed, hoping this game was done before he twisted his hand, grabbing at my arm in return. Tugging on my wrist he lead my palm to rest on the bulge in his pants. I nearly yelped out loud as I felt his half formed erection underneath the zipper.
I attempted to stay in the present, paying attention to the minute, boring details the speaker was explaining in depth. I tried to listen and ignore my subconscious as it drifted back in memory, reminding me the way his dick under my hand felt when it was between my legs. I tried to think of anything besides the way Eric had felt inside me, stretching my walls to accommodate his size. Dropping my head, I buried my face into my elbow, hoping to hide my flushed expression as my hips jerked involuntarily, searching for friction.
Finally pulling my hand away, I was able to take a deep breath, righting and situating myself before I felt Eric pushing into my personal space, his lips tantalizingly close to my ear as he whispered, "You're such a good girl." He paused for a moment, letting his hand drift back to my thigh as his warm breath tickled my skin, "You can pretend you don't like me but I know the truth." His fingers squeezed my leg as he spoke, "Your body doesn't lie."
A shutter washed over me at his words before he moved, sitting up and clapping his hands with the rest of the room. I was pulled back to reality by the applause while the lights turned on. The presentation was finished, the meeting was over and I hadn't written down one thing.
"Will you keep still?" Mae demanded, clutching my head.
"I'm sorry but I'm literally trained to avoid people trying to put sharp things in my eyes," I shot back, as I continued to involuntarily jerk my head away from her attention.
"It's just eyeliner," she quipped, "I'm not going to blind you."
"Yeah, maybe not intentionally!" I countered, though trying to keep my eyelids open as she ran the kohl pencil around the perimeter, along my lashes. I groaned as she switched to the masquera, "Why did you talk me into this again?"
"Because you were being lame and mopey about mr. 'I never smile and cannot feel happiness so therefore everyone else must suffer, too'," she explained while she coated my lashes with black goop, pulling a voice as she mocked Eric. "I swear you shut down if he even looks at you, like I'd suggest that you two just bang and kill the sexual tension but you've already tried that and it hasn't worked yet, so I don't know," she rambled as she put the masquara away and started looking through her lipsticks.
"Mae," I snapped, catching her attention. "That's enough, I thought you were trying to get my mind off of him?" I reminded, raising my eyebrows as I looked at her.
"My bad," she replied, before pulling out a small cylinder, tugging off the cap and twisting the base, "I think this dark burgundy color will look great on you."
"So Jason just got off work," Mae told me, checking her phone as we entered the bar, "He says he'll be here in a minute and that he's got exciting news. Hopefully he finally got promoted."
"I'm still not sure about this outfit," I hissed to Mae, anxiously tugging on hem of the short, highwaisted skirt I wore. She had paired it with a green and black striped blouse with a large boatneck collar that dipped low in the back, the loose hem tucked into the elastic waistband of the skirt. Mae insisted on the top since it showed off my tattoo. Along with a pair of black, over the knee stockings. I opted for ballet flats, not being comfortable in heels she had tried to talk me into. She had styled my hair into an elegantly disheveled bun, making sure that none of my tattoo was obscured.
"Shut up. You look hot as fuck," she replied quickly, nudging my arm, "Anyway I spent enough time making you look good, I want everyone to see." She winked as I followed her to the bar, looking around the room while she held my hand and ordered us drinks. It wasn't long before I notice a familiar mop of curly dark hair bobbing its way through the crowd towards us.
I moved to greet Jason as he approached but he held his finger up to his lips, stepping closer behind Mae who was still distracted and facing the bar. I chuckled to myself, recognizing his intentions. Just as he reached for her I saw that not only did he have a left hand, it was robotic.
The moment Jason grabbed at her sides Mae let out a yelp, dropping my hand and spinning around instantly to slap him. I could hear the smack of her palm meeting his cheek over the bass of the music.
"Oh my god, babe I'm so sorry!" she shouted, reaching to soothe the growing red spot on his face once she saw who it was.
"Don't worry about it," he replied with a laugh, lifting his new hand to touch the back of hers, cupping it against his cheek. She pretty much screamed when she saw his prosthetic. Grabbing at his arm, she brought it closer to study. I couldn't help but smile as I watched, I felt lighter just being near two of them, almost as if their happiness overflowed into me.
The bartender set down two beers on the counter, gathering her tip before leaving to deal with other patrons. I picked up the glasses and turned towards the couple, "Here," I interrupted, handing them the over, "You two go find a table, I'll get another drink."
Moments later I had my own draft and ventured across the room, finding the pair in a booth. As I approached I notice Jason pointing at something across the room. I was just out of earshot and couldn't hear what they were saying, but Mae appeared shocked as she craned her head over her shoulder, watching something behind her.
"What you guys looking at?" I asked as I set my glass on the table.
"Nothing!" Mae replied quickly snapping to face me. She linked her arm with mine, scooting further into the booth, pulling me to sit where she had been before I had a chance to look. "Here Jason, show her how your hand works."
"Oh come on," I scoffed as I tugged my arm away, "I wanna know who you were making fun of." I twisted in my seat, turning sideways to look past the back of the booth. I expected to see some cocky, overzealous first year getting his ass handed to him at the pool tables but instead my eyes came to rest on an all too familiar blond. Eric was sitting on a low couch, talking to a friend as he kept his arm draped casually around the waist of the girl in his lap.
I felt a ton of bricks crash inside me at the sight. My hip bumped the table as I shot up, nearly knocking over the drinks. Jason moved to steady the wobbling glasses as Mae reached for my wrist.
"Mott, just ignore him," she pleaded, trying to pull me to sit back down. I twisted my arm, easily releasing her hand.
"I just, I just need a moment," I stuttered, holding my palms open in front of me, trying to ignore the overwhelming sunken feeling in my chest, "I'll be back, I just need a moment." I turned on my heel, and tried not to run as I rushed to the bathroom, keeping my head down.
I ignored my surroundings as I moved forward. Mae told me later that Eric must've had spotted me once I hurried off. Knowing Mae, she most likely made the out scene to be more dramatic than it was, elaborating that he shoved the strange girl from his lap to the floor before instantly leaping up to follow my retreating form.
I stood over the sink in the bathroom, cupping my face as I took deep breaths trying to calm down. I fought the urge to cry, very aware of the thick black makeup surrounding my eyes. The sound of the door opening caught my attention and I spun around find Eric closing it behind him, twisting the lock on the doorknob.
"I like those tights on you," he began with a smirk, his eyes blatantly trained on my legs.
"Go away," I snapped, shifting away from him though he ignored me and stepped closer.
"Your tattoo seems to have healed well," he continued as I felt his finger brushed the skin along my spine, tracing over the black ink, "Do you still want help with ointment?" he teased as he moved the hem of my collar, revealing more of the art. I shivered, feeling the cool air as his fingers continued to outline each of the geometric shapes across my skin.
"I don't need it anymore," I responded, cursing my voice as it wavered at his touch ghosting over the triangles on the small of my back.
"You might not need it," he taunted letting both of his hands cup my waist through the opening of my shirt as he leaned in, "But it sounds like you want it."
"Are you sure you wouldn't rather help the blonde I saw you getting cozy with?" I parried turning my head to the side, eyeing him over my shoulder as he merely smirked.
"Why?" he asked, keeping close, "Are you jealous?"
"I never said that," I retorted, trying to stay away from him though he had my hips pinned against the sink.
"I think you are," he teased, running his nose along the brim of my ear, "What are you going to do, cry to Rachel about it?"
I faltered slightly at the mention of her, balling my fist before I hissed, "You'll be happy to know she isn't talking to me right now, and hasn't been for a while." I used my elbow to push his chest away from my back, quickly leaving through the door. I crossed the bar with intent, aiming for the exit as I cut my way through the crowd.
The sound of my footsteps echoed off the stone wall of the hallway as I continued, paying no mind to where I was going as long as the thumping of the bass from the bar was behind me. I knew Eric was following. I could hear his steady stride as he easily kept pace, tailing me around each bend until I finally stopped to face him. I crossed my arms and didn't say a word as I watched his bemused expression.
"Did you ever question that maybe I meant for you to spot me?" he asked, standing a short distance away. "I wanted to see you mad at me," he inched closer, raising his arm to gently run his thumb along my jawbone. "I wanted to see you jealous."
I struggled to stay still, hiding the way I shivered at just his touch while I kept my eyes forward, staring at his chin. I should've known that Eric was just playing with me. Everything went according to his plan, as it always does.
"So what? You just decided for fun tonight you'd toy with me?" I snapped, slightly embarrassed by his attention as I kept my arms folded tight against me.
"It's not something I planned, but when I saw your friends I knew you wouldn't be far behind," he explained with a grin as his grip on my chin tightened, forcing me to look at his self satisfied smirk, "Besides, it's nothing you haven't done before."
"What are you jealous?" I sneered as he loomed over me, holding my gaze.
"Yes," he affirmed simply, his fingers digging into my jaw, "Because the only person who should be fucking you is me."
"I don't think that decision is yours to make," I spat, watching as his eyes clouded with anger, mirroring my own feelings.
Swiftly he turned, capturing me against the cold stone wall, his hands on either side of my head, bracing himself over me, countering in a low voice, "But I do."
I pursed my lips and scowled, waiting for him to make his next move, I knew this was an argument he would never let me win. We stood still, challenging the other to with our eyes to do something. I had played this game with Eric enough that it was getting old. Though I could feel the tingling urge he inspired in me beginning to spark, the urge that almost always drew me to act impulsively around him, I had my patience gathered so tonight he'd be the first to fold.
With an almost feral growl Eric dove forward, crashing his lips into mine. Instinctively I reached up, grabbing at his shoulders, balling the cotton of his shirt in my fists. He continued to bite and suck at my lips with an angry hunger that slowly bled into me while he clamped his hands around my wrists, slamming my arms against the stone wall as he pressed himself into me, leaving no space between us. Immobilized from the waist up by his vice like grip, I shifted my hips, gasping as I felt the bulge in his pants.
He moved his tongue past my teeth without invitation, exploring the warm cavity of my mouth. I pushed back with my tongue, wrestling with him as I unconsciously raised my leg around his thigh, my skirt riding up as I shifted, trying to better angle my hips against his. My mind felt foggy. I barely noticed my surroundings as I focused on Eric and what he was doing. Releasing my one of my arms, he dropped his hand to tug at my leg, lifting so my knee linked around his waist. Standing on the tiptoes of one foot, I was barely supporting myself as he held me to the wall.
Letting go of my other arm, he pulled both of my knees secure around him. I shivered at the feeling of his cold hands as they slid up my thigh, tickling the exposed skin above my stockings. With my arms free I reached for him. Wrapping my elbows around his neck I dug my nails into his shoulder blades through his shirt as he rocked against me, pushing me harder into the cool stone wall. He gripped at the soft flesh of my bottom as he broke the kiss, dropping his head to bite at the skin on my neck.
"Eric," I hissed as I drew myself against him, feeling his fingers drifting closer to my center. He teased his middle finger against my damp underwear before drawing back. Leaning away he lowered my legs, keeping his palms on my waist as I found my balance and asked, "What are you doing?"
"Unless you want to give the guy monitoring the security footage an eyeful," he began, jerking his head back to gesture at the small dome on the ceiling that housed the camera, identical to every other one found throughout the compound. "We're going back to your apartment so I can fuck you until you forget her name," he hissed, catching my attention.
Eric insisted that I lead the way, walking in front of him so he could watch my ass, which he explicitly stated. I fumbled as I tried to unlock the door, more aware of him behind me than of what I was doing with my hands. Once the lock click and I twisted the knob he immediately moved forward, pushing me into my apartment from behind.
My breathing hitched as he slid his arms under the thin fabric of my shirt through the wide opening in the back, grasping my breasts from behind. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he squeezed my tits, capturing my nipples between the first knuckles of his index and middle fingers. I moaned, rolling my hips back as he pinched, digging his fingers into my breast while lifting them, kneading the soft tissue as I melted into his touch.
"Get undressed," he ordered before he shoved me onto the mattress. I rolled over, shooting him a sour look while I kicked off my shoes and reached to the top of my stockings, preparing to roll them down my legs.
"No," Eric snapped, watching me with a hungry stare as I sat on the bed beneath him. "Everything but the tights." I slid my hands up my legs, across my hips moving at a tantalizing slow pace before hooking my thumbs over the elastic waistband of my skirt. I stood, steadily pushing the fabric down past my hips and knees, kicking the skirt away once it had dropped to my ankles. Now standing before Eric I crossed my arms, grabbing at the loose hem of my blouse. In a single, swift movement I brought the thin fabric over my head, tossing it to the side so I stood in front of him in just my underwear.
I could hear his groan whether he wanted me to or not. He stood before me stoic and studying my figure as I slowly slid my palms down my sides, catching the waist of my panties on my fingers, pushing them down past my thighs to the floor.
"I'm going to make you come harder than you ever have before," Eric growled the promise in my ear as he stepped closer, grabbing my bare hips and guiding me onto the bed.
"Harder than Rachel did when she went down on me?" I teased brazenly, watching him pull his shirt off. He looked livid as he crawled forward, hovering above me. He bowed his head, taking my nipple between his lips. I couldn't help but moan, arching into him before he bit down on the tender skin without warning. I yelped, my hand immediately flying to his head, tugging at his hair. Effortlessly grabbing my wrists, he pinned my hands to the mattress as he tugged with his teeth. "That hurts," I whined before he released my nipple.
"Good," Eric stated as he raised his head lifting one hand, gently running his middle and ring fingers along my bottom lip before pushing them into my mouth. I was caught off guard at first but was quick to respond, pursing my lips and sucking on his digits. He smirked as he pulled his fingers out, letting the slime of my spit trail along my skin as he moved his hand languidly down my abdomen, resting his hand so it cupped my vulva while he massaged my lips. I moaned at the feeling of his wet fingers between my folds as he touched everything but my clit. Unconsciously I shifted my hips, trying to force his hand over the bud of nerves.
I could feel the smile on his lips as he leaned forward, biting at the skin of my collarbone before he finally gave in. He drew slow, lazy circles around my clit with his middle finger as my body wiggled, craving more. He continued to bite and suck at my neck, most likely leaving a forest of bruises as he pushed his hand down, letting the two slick fingers dive into me.
"Eric," I gasped as he moved his fist back and forth at a strong, steady pace, knuckles curled so his fingertips pressed against the perfect spot along my inner wall. I rolled my head back, my eyes shut tight as I lost my thoughts, my mind focused on nothing but the current stimuli and the man causing it. Eric shifted his hand, raising his thumb and placing it so the whole pad of the finger rested on my clit before he pressed down. I could feel the coil of heat under my stomach tighten as he teased. Balling the sheets in my fists, I arched my back, pushing into his grip trying to find my end with his fingers. I bent my knees, bring my legs up, attempting to find purchase as he abruptly pulled away.
"What-?" I asked, my head snapping up to find him climbing backwards so he stood by the edge of the bed, looking down at me as he sucked on his fingers, cleaning my juices off them. I bit my lip as I watched him, eyeing his well toned torso. My gaze drifted south from his pecs to his abs to the wonderful V of his hips, the point of it hidden under his jeans. Mindlessly I shifted my hand, letting my fingers drop between my legs, picking up where he had stopped.
He quickly grabbed my wrist, lifting my arm away from my center as he made a scolding 'tsk' noise with his tongue. "Only I get to make you come tonight," Eric declared as he dropped my arm to the side, returning it to where it had been. "I want you to be the good girl I know you can be, and keep your palms flat on the bed," he ordered as he straightened, "Don't move."
My cheeks flushed, slightly humiliated by his condescending tone and my exposed position, my knees bent and open so I was completely visible to him. I tried to remain still, keeping my legs up despite the slippery material of the stockings precariously close to sliding off the bed linens.
I waited as Eric took his time undoing his belt buckle, watching me with a smug, self satisfied expression. My calves began to tremble, fighting to keep my heels in place while my clit ached, yearning to be touched again. He bit his lip and dropped his trousers, idly stroking at his now freed erection as he kicked his pants away.
"I like it when you do as I say," he mused, slowly kneeling to settle between my thighs as he ran his hand across the silk that covered my legs. He pulled at my thighs, leading my legs to wrap around his waist as he began to line himself up, probing at my sensitive center with the head of his dick.
"Please," I whined, shifting my hips against him as I kept my hands flat on the bed, reveling in the feeling of him as it bumping against my clit.
"Only because you asked so nicely," he chided in a patronizing tone before he aligned himself with my hole, sinking into me with a single hard thrust. I whimpered as my head dropped back. The sudden intrusion was painful. Before now he taken it slow, giving me time to adjust, but tonight it was obvious he had no patience.
My eyes watered as he continued pulled back and drove into me, each collision eliciting a small cry from my throat. I was lost in the moment as Eric stopped, slapping the side of my leg to get my attention.
"Lift your ass," he ordered as he reached over me, grabbing one of the pillows. I did what he said, pushing my hips in the air as he tucked the cushion underneath me. Leaning forward he guided himself, eagerly sinking back into me. I couldn't help but gasp, the miniscule change in angle made a world of difference. Suddenly his head was prodding at my g-spot harder than his fingers had. I couldn't help but grab at his shoulder as he dropped to his elbows, capturing my lips while still keeping a rapid pace. I could feel the tension building up in my belly again, I was close to a breaking point as I tightened my legs around his hips, trying to pull him closer.
I could feel his shallow breaths against the shell of my ear as he shifted. "Did Rachel ram you like this?" he asked with a hard shove.
"Well," I began, my voice hitching as he moved, "She doesn't have a dick, so no, not really." I replied, fully aware of how my response would annoy him. He dug his fingers into my skin, leaning back as he pulled my legs forward, bring my knees to rest on his shoulders rather than his hips.
I mewled as I reached up, clawing where I could grab along his ribs but he leaned forward pushing on my legs beyond their limit as he moved his hips, straining my hamstrings. I tried to shove him back, hoping to relive some of the new stress and tension on my thighs but he snapped my wrists back to the bed, holding me down while he forced his hips against mine.
"I said keep your hands down," he reiterated with a growl, continuing to jerk his hips though I was only half paying attention. Despite the discomfort, I could still feel myself rapidly being pushed closer to the edge every time he moved against me. He turned his head biting at the bit of skin on my leg closest to his mouth while he let his hand drift back to my center, thumbing at my clit.
I came hard, grabbing the sheets underneath me as I threw my head back, yelling while my inner walls spasmed around his dick and he continued to drive into me. The feeling of his unrelenting rhythm was overwhelming as I shuddered from my orgasm, the waves of bliss pulsing throughout my body. My insides continuing to fluttered around Eric's length, urging him towards his own end.
"Fuck," he hissed as he pulled back, letting my legs relax, falling to either side of him as I went limp and he stroked himself. His hips jerked as he came, the thick white fluid dropping onto my skin in ribbons.
He slumped forward, bracing himself above me with one arm resting next to my head, continuing to grasp his dick with the other hand. His head hung forward and I could see him studying my breast as they rose and fell with every deep, panting breath. He dipped his face, taking one of my nipples between his lips and pulled. I squirmed underneath him, whining and pushing back as he continued to play with my overly sensitive skin.
He finally yielded, releasing my breast as he rested back on his haunches, my knees still spread wide and bent over his thighs. I felt self conscious under his scrutiny as he smirked. I watched the way his muscles moved while he inhaled deeply, studying me.
"You look cute like that," he began, speaking with a hungry growl, his voice deep with lust as he eyed my form with pride, "With my cum spilled all over you." I turned my head away, blushing at his crass observation. "Go wash up," he ordered, slapping my leg as he rolled to the side, lying on his back.
I groaned as I stood up, my hips and thighs sore from his treatment. Gingerly I walked to the bathroom where I wetted a towel and mopped up the remnants of him from my belly and in between my legs. I could hear Eric moving around through the open door and when I returned to the bed I found him under the blankets with his eyes closed, already half asleep.
"Hey," I snapped as I climbed onto the mattress, slapping his exposed chest. "Get up, you can't sleep here." Without opening his eyes he grabbed my arm before I could hit him again. Giving a hard tug, he pulled me forward onto his chest.
"I sleep where I want," he asserted, wrapping me in a strong embrace so I couldn't move. I fidgeted, trying to escape his clutches but soon realized my attempts were futile. I eventually closed my eyes and tried to rest, fooling myself into believing this was just Eric's way of cuddling after sex.
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5 - PART 6 - PART 7 - PART 8 - PART 10 - PART 11
The lyrics at the beginning are from the song Gentleman Caller by Cursive
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deniscollins · 6 years
Climate Change’s Giant Impact on the Economy: 4 Key Issues
A government report in November raised the prospect that a warmer planet could mean a big hit to G.D.P. in the coming decades. Should the federal government pass a gradually rising carbon tax whose proceeds would be distributed to consumers as “carbon dividends”: (1) Yes, (2) No? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
By now, it’s clear that climate change poses environmental risks beyond anything seen in the modern age. But we’re only starting to come to grips with the potential economic effects.
Using increasingly sophisticated modeling, researchers are calculating how each tenth of a degree of global warming is likely to play out in economic terms. Their projections carry large bands of uncertainty, because of the vagaries of human behavior and the remaining questions about how quickly the planet will respond to the buildup of greenhouse gases.
A government report in November raised the prospect that a warmer planet could mean a big hit to G.D.P. in the coming decades.
And on Thursday, some of the world’s most influential economists called for a tax on carbon emissions in the United States, saying climate change demands “immediate national action.” The last four people to lead the Federal Reserve, 15 former leaders of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, and 27 Nobel laureates signed a letter endorsing a gradually rising carbon tax whose proceeds would be distributed to consumers as “carbon dividends.”
The Trump administration has long rejected prescriptions like a carbon tax. But policy debates aside, many of the central economic questions of the decades ahead are, at their core, going to be climate questions. These are some of the big ones.
How permanent will the costs be?
When we think about the economic damage from a hotter planet, it’s important to remember that not all costs are equivalent, even when the dollar values are similar. There is a big difference between costs that are high but manageable versus those that might come with catastrophic events like food shortages and mass refugee crises.
Consider three possible ways that climate change could exact an economic cost:
A once-fertile agricultural area experiences hotter weather and drought, causing its crop yields to decrease.
A road destroyed by flooding because of rising seas and more frequent hurricanes must be rebuilt.
An electrical utility spends hundreds of millions of dollars to build a more efficient power grid because the old one could not withstand extreme weather.
The farmland’s yield decline is a permanent loss of the economy’s productive capacity — society is that much poorer, for the indefinite future. It’s worse than what happens in a typical economic downturn. Usually when factories sit idle during a recession, there is a reasonable expectation that they will start cranking again once the economy returns to health.
The road rebuilding might be expensive, but at least that money is going to pay people and businesses to do their work. The cost for society over all is that the resources that go to rebuilding the road are not available for something else that might be more valuable. That’s a setback, but it’s not a permanent reduction in economic potential like the less fertile farmland. And in a recession, it might even be a net positive, under the same logic that fiscal stimulus can be beneficial in a downturn.
By contrast, new investment in the power grid could yield long-term benefits in energy efficiency and greater reliability.
There’s some parallel with military spending. In the 1950s and ’60s, during the Cold War, the United States spent more than 10 percent of G.D.P. on national defense (it’s now below 4 percent).
Most of that spending crowded out other forms of economic activity; many houses and cars and washing machines weren’t made because of the resources that instead went to making tanks, bombs and fighter jets. But some of that spending also created long-term benefits for society, like the innovations that led to the internet and to reliable commercial jet aircraft travel.
Certain types of efforts to reduce carbon emissions or adapt to climate impacts are likely to generate similar benefits, says Nicholas Stern, chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics.
“You couldn’t provide sea defenses at large scale without very heavy investment, but it’s not investment of the kind that you get from the things that breed technological progress,” Mr. Stern said. “The defensive adaptations don’t carry anything like the dynamism that comes from different ways of doing things.”
There is more fertile ground in areas like transportation and infrastructure, he said. Electric cars, instead of those with internal combustion engines, would mean less air pollution in cities, for example.
How should we value the future compared with the present?
Seeking a baseline to devise environmental regulations, the Obama administration set out to calculate a “social cost of carbon,” the amount of harm each new ton of carbon emissions will cause in decades ahead.
At the core of the project were sophisticated efforts to model how a hotter earth will affect thousands of different places. That’s necessary because a low-lying region that already has many hot days a year is likely to face bigger problems, sooner, than a higher-altitude location that currently has a temperate climate.
Michael Greenstone, who is now director of the Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago and of the Energy Policy Institute there, as well as a contributor to The Upshot, was part of those efforts.
“We’ve divided the world into 25,000 regions and married that with very precise geographic predictions on how the local climate will change,” Mr. Greenstone said. “Just having the raw computing power to be able to analyze this at a more disaggregated level is a big part of it.”
But even once you have an estimate of the cost of a hotter climate in future decades, some seemingly small assumptions can drastically alter the social cost of carbon today.
Finance uses something called the discount rate to compare future value with present value. What would the promise of a $1,000 payment 10 years from now be worth to you today? Certainly something less than $1,000 — but how much less would depend on what rate you use.
Likewise, the cost of carbon emissions varies greatly depending on how you value the well-being of people in future decades — many not born yet, and who may benefit from technologies and wealth we cannot imagine — versus our well-being today.
The magic of compounding means that the exact rate matters a great deal when looking at things far in the future. It’s essentially the inverse of observing that a $1,000 investment that compounds at 3 percent a year will be worth about $4,400 in 50 years, whereas one that grows 7 percent per year will be worth more than $29,000.
In the Obama administration’s analysis, using a 5 percent discount rate — which would put comparatively little weight on the well-being of future generations — would imply a social cost of $12 (in 2007 dollars) for emitting one metric ton of carbon dioxide. A metric ton is about what would be released as a car burns 113 gallons of gasoline. A 2.5 percent rate would imply a cost of $62, which adds up to hundreds of billions of dollars a year in society-wide costs at recent rates of emissions.
The Obama administration settled on a 3 percent discount rate that put the social cost of carbon at $42 per metric ton. The Trump administration has subsequently revised that estimate to between one dollar and seven dollars.
That sharp decrease was achieved in part by measuring only the future economic costs to the United States, not factoring in the rest of the world. And the Trump administration analyzed a discount rate of up to 7 percent — a rate at which even costs far into the future become trivial.
Mr. Greenstone favors substantially lower discount rates, based on evidence that financial markets also place high value on investments that protect against risk.
Understood this way, spending today to reduce carbon emissions tomorrow is like insurance against some of the most costly effects of a hotter planet — and part of the debate is over how much that insurance is really worth, given that the biggest benefits are far in the future.
How might climate change fuel inequality?
When a government report raises the possibility of a 10 percent hit to G.D.P. as a result of a warming climate, it can be easy to picture everyone’s incomes being reduced by a tenth.
In reality there is likely to be enormous variance in the economic impact, depending on where people live and what kind of jobs they have.
Low-lying, flood-prone areas are at particularly high risk of becoming unlivable — or at least uninsurable. Certain industries in certain places will be dealt a huge blow, or cease to exist; many ski slopes will turn out to be too warm for regular snow, and the map of global agriculture will shift.
Adaptation will probably be easier for the affluent than for the poor. Those who can afford to move to an area with more favorable impacts from a warmer climate presumably will.
So the economic implications of climate change include huge shifts in geography, demographics and technology, with each affecting the other.
“To look at things in terms of G.D.P. doesn’t really capture what this means to people’s lives,” said William Nordhaus, a Yale economist who pioneered the models on which modern climate economics is based and who won a Nobel for that work. “If you just look at an average of all the things we experience, some in the marketplace and some not in the marketplace, it’s insufficient. The impact is going to be highly diverse.”
Can we adapt to a warmer climate?
Despite all these risks, it’s important to remember that humanity tends to be remarkably adaptable. A century ago, most people lived without an automobile, a refrigerator, or the possibility of traveling by airplane. A couple of decades before that, almost no one had indoor plumbing.
Changes in how people live, and the technology they use, could both mitigate the impact of climate change and ensure that the costs are less about a pure economic loss and more about rewiring the way civilization works.
Most capital investments last only a decade or two to begin with; people are constantly rebuilding roads, buildings and other infrastructure. And a warmer climate could, if it plays out slowly enough, merely shift where that reinvestment happens.
But a big risk is that the change happens too quickly. Adaptation that might be manageable over a generation could be impossible — and cause mass suffering or death — if it happens over a few years.
Imagine major staple food crops being wiped out for a few consecutive years by drought or other extreme weather. Or a large coastal city wiped out in a single extreme storm.
“Whether it’s jobs, consumption patterns or residential patterns, if things are changing so fast that we can’t adapt to them, that will be very, very costly,” Mr. Nordhaus said. “We know we can adapt to slow changes. Rapid changes are the ones that would be most damaging and painful.”
It’s clear that climate change and its ripple effects are likely to be a defining challenge of the 21st-century economy. But there are wide ranges of possible results that vary based on countless assumptions. We should also recognize that the economic backdrop of society is always changing. Projecting what that will mean for ordinary people is not simply a matter of dollars.
“I’ve spent the last 20 years trying to communicate it and it’s not easy to process,” Joseph Aldy, who teaches at Harvard’s Kennedy School for Public Policy, said of the connection between climate change and the economy. “It’s really hard to convey something that is long term and gradual until it’s not.”
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doctorwhonews · 6 years
Doctor Who - The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield - Vol 4: Ruler of the Universe
Latest Review: Writer: James Goss, Guy Adams Director: Scott Handcock Featuring: Lisa Bowerman, David Warner, Sam Kisgart Big Finish Release (United Kingdom) First Released: September 2017 Running Time: 5 hours  “Well, you did find something! So what’s the problem?” “You are, Mr President! You are!” “Don’t call me that – you know I hate being called that! I’m the Doctor ...” “No, that’s the problem, you’re not – not anymore!” The “Unbound” Doctor and Bernice Summerfield   As this month marks 20 years since Professor Bernice Summerfield (Lisa Bowerman) made her audio debut with Big Finish, it seems only fitting ahead of BF’s birthday celebrations for Benny later this month to review her most recent set of adventures which occurred in a parallel, “Unbound” universe. In Volume 3 of The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield, Benny found herself stranded in another universe with a completely different version of her (and our favourite) Time Lord – one of the “Unbound” Doctors (brilliantly portrayed by veteran David Warner). To compound matters, this variation on the Doctor Who universe (or Whoniverse) was on the brink of total collapse. When Volume 4 opens, Bernice has returned to her roots and is undertaking an archaeological dig on an ancient world, hoping to uncover evidence of the Apocalypse Clock, a mythical device that could halt this universe’s imminent demise. The Doctor, meanwhile, has resumed his role as president of the universe (after initially shunning the responsibility) and is finding himself increasingly burdened in the day to day affairs of state – much to his and Summerfield’s chagrin. He is therefore happy to visit Benny to inspect her progress on the dig as a little bit of PR and to escape the trappings of office. The City and the Clock, the opening instalment in this quadrilogy, is the straightest and most conventional of the four serials which are, for the most part, quite satirical and madcap. Unfortunately, it’s also a quite plain drama, lacking the tension and suspense that you would associate with a tale about mummified, undead creatures stalking the ruins of their ancient city at night. Indeed, if it weren’t for the introduction of the infamous clock that is a recurring theme in the box set, the story would be redundant. It’s saying something when the memorable moments of this play are the cleverly written dialogue, exchanges and interplay between Benny and the Doctor (“What possible interpretation of the words ‘first’ and ‘class’ include having Karfel’s Next Top Model played at you? I wanted to confess five minutes in and I hadn’t done anything!”). A balloon ride over the ancient ruins also has Warner’s Doctor waxing philosophically: The Doctor: It puts things in perspective, rather doesn’t it? Seeing it from up here – a whole ancient town, once a thriving community, people living lives, sleeping, eating, loving and dying under all those roofs and then … Benny: The dust of ages, layer by layer, burying it from sight … The Doctor: You’d think travelling in time, I’d get used to it – the idea that we’re all nothing more than temporary fixtures, walking bones, but I don’t! Everything we’re doing at the moment – all the plans, all the panic, all the meetings, everyone thinks it’s important because nothing’s ever more real than now. The people that lived down there thought the same thing – look where it’s got them! Nothing matters, not really. We’re all just waiting for the dust to bury us! Benny: Well, I’m so glad you popped by – you’ve cheered me up no end! Otherwise, aside from terrific dialogue, the plotline of The City and the Clock – and the premise behind the clock – is entirely forgettable. It’s a pity because writer Guy Adams clearly devises the story to put Benny back into her element – yet the tale, which is slow from the get-go, never builds to a dramatic crescendo, and Benny doesn’t get to employ the smarts that make her such a terrific archaeologist. Strangely, after the “drama” of the first instalment, Asking for a Friend is a more character-based and pensive piece, as Benny and the Doctor grapple with the dilemmas of having to make compromises in a dying universe to save the hundreds of civilisations that fall outside the clock’s sphere of influence. This includes diplomacy with tyrants and zealots, and false promises to the needy. Indeed, Benny’s disappointment in the Doctor is apparently so great that at her suggestion the Time Lord ends up seeing a therapist (played by the wonderfully ebullient Annette Badland, famous for her portrayal in the first season of the modern TV series as the Slitheen Margaret Blaine). Of course, conducting therapy sessions with someone as complicated and self-absorbed as the Doctor is never going to be easy (he himself remarks it’s like “a mosquito scratching at a continent”!) – and that’s before you factor in time travel as well! James Goss, the other writer of this boxset, provides a quite compelling tête-à-tête between Guilana the therapist and the Time Lord, as they verbally spar to pry sensitive information from the other. Attention to detail is required of the listener, as each new session between the two hints at subtle, new elements from the last scene between them (in the CD extras, Goss admits that he has “borrowed” an idea from former executive producer Steven Moffat that he used not just once but twice – notably in the TV serial A Christmas Carol, and a short story called Continuity Errors from way back in 1996!). When the consequences of these sessions finally come to a head, it is only then that you perhaps fully appreciate just how alone and isolated – and hopelessly disconnected – the Doctor must be in this – and in any other – universe. In turn, put a solitary character like the Doctor in charge of executive government, and it’s little wonder that in the next serial Truant, he returns to his adventuring of old. The pre-titles sequence to this third instalment is highly amusing, as the Doctor’s attempts at heroics against amateurish evildoers and ne’er-do-wells are thwarted by their cowardice and his own reputation for being a champion (“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Is there nobody with a backbone in this stupid universe?” he moans at one point). Even when the Doctor eventually encounters a conspiracy he can get his teeth into, much to his frustration he realises he has arrived too late to overturn the appalling wrong that has been inflicted. Nevertheless, Truant is one of the highlights of the set, mixing the right levels of drama and humour, as the Doctor and Benny evade unprofessional and sloppy villains in the Silvans, who are as much incidental victims of the conspiracy historically as their purported victims. Only in Doctor Who could the titular hero convincingly pull off a getaway by stealing not only a vehicle but its effusive driver as well – or “interrogate” the chief villain over coffee and chocolate biscuits! Guy Adams’ script is probably still a little too wacky for TV, but it suits the BF audio format perfectly. The boxset closes with The True Saviour of the Universe, as the Doctor upon his return to parliament is arrested and thrust into impeachment proceedings. Much to Benny’s suspicion, the arrest coincides with the sudden arrival of this universe’s incarnation of the Master (Sam Kisgart, aka Mark Gatiss) and the emergence of a hooded figure which has been offering parliamentarians incentives to oust the Doctor from office since the events of The City and the Clock. Are they connected? Does the Master have designs on the presidency, so he can hijack the Apocalypse Clock? James Goss’s clever script challenges and upturns all the listener’s expectations while poking fun at all of Doctor Who’s conventions. Goss jokes that The True Saviour of the Universe is “a remake of Logopolis involving Cthulu and singing nuns” – which, despite sounding far-fetched, is an apt description. The Sisterhood of Beedlix, like the Logopolitans, can influence the fabric of the universe through songs and prayer that recite the power of numbers. The appearance of the “old ones” at the gateway to another universe at the climax is an old riff on the nineties New Adventures novels, which regularly pitted the Doctor and his companions, including Benny, against “ancient evils from the dawn of time” – to the point of overkill. Further, Goss has fun challenging the many clichés that fans have come to associate with the Doctor and the Master over many decades. For example, when Benny asks the Master how he survived his execution at the Emporium in the closing chapter of the Vol 3 boxset, his response is simple yet curt - “Don’t be boring!” – a subtle nod to eighties Doctor Who, in which no explanation was ever given for the Master cheating death or escaping from tight scrapes. Other quotations and dialogue subtly homage Logopolis and The Daemons, as the Master seeks to harness the power of the “old ones” to seize control of the universe. Of course, the joke is very much on the Master – and in the most unexpected way … The production qualities of this boxset, like next to all of BF’s input, is first class – as are the performances of the first tier and supporting casts. Warner and Bowerman are a fantastic Doctor/companion combo and Kisgart/Gatiss is charming, urbane and oily as the Master (although Gatiss has far too much fun as his Kisgart persona in the CD extras for my taste). The flirtatiousness of the Benny/Master combo also puts an unusual spin on the usual antagonism between Master and companion. As mentioned above, Badland is outstanding as the Doctor’s therapist, while Catrin Stewart (Jenny Flint of the Paternoster Gang) puts in an understated appearance as the aide-de-camp to the wimpy Silvan leader (Jonathan Bailey). Most notably, Hattie Hayridge (better known as the female Holly in Red Dwarf) delivers a terrific performance as the Doctor’s press secretary, deftly diverting and deflecting the tough questions about her President’s leadership in exchanges with Guy Adams’ hard-hitting journalist. Volume 4 of The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield is an entertaining boxset which isn’t afraid to be tongue-in-cheek about Doctor Who’s conventions and show a strong sense of humour and fun. It isn’t constrained by the continuity of the regular series, so it can afford to be more audacious and satirical. This means it won’t necessarily be for every fan who prefers the more no-nonsense style of the TV series adventures, or even some of BF’s regular Doctor Who output – but if you’re a long-term fan of Benny (who as a character herself isn’t above taking the piss), then you’re in for a treat. Indeed, the set ends on an upbeat note and with a paradox to boot. I won’t say what that paradox is (spoilers!) but if BF isn’t already sorely tempted to exploit the potential for a run-in with Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor in the future, then clearly the company’s heart isn’t in the right place! We’ll perhaps have a better idea of how this oxymoron may be addressed later this month in Volumes 1 and 2 of the next Benny series The Story So Far.   http://reviews.doctorwhonews.net/2018/09/doctor_who_the_new_adventures_of_bernice_summerfiel.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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