#anything to protect Lena
becabeale143 · 2 years
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
don't worry clorinde no matter what this story throws at you i will protect you from the "disaster lesbian that serves only to help the mlm ship get together and show up in the background with her similarly superficial girlfriend" fanon interpretation
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
looks at my hands
I made the mistake of going into the annihilation tag again
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hardlyhardinge · 8 days
There's something about the tmagp characters' motivations, and who they're willing to sacrifice, and how the people or things they prioritise act towards them, and how it goes for them.
Celia is willing to sacrifice Sam, who loves her and who she genuinely does care about, to stay with Jack. And then there's a moment where she isn't sure she can go through with it, and she loses him anyway without having to act, and she'll probably never know exactly what choice she would have made in the end, even though she's consciously planned this for weeks.
Alice straight up abandons Teddy and Colin, who are both Not Doing Well, when they are explicitly asking her for help, to go and protect Sam, who has told her not to come after him. It's barely a decision for her - she quite clearly stops thinking about anything or anyone else.
Sam finds out that Celia betrayed him and STILL puts himself in danger to protect her. And ends up falling through the gap to another world, which is exactly what she was planning to do to him.
Gwen throws Lena under the bus the moment the opportunity comes up, purely for the sake of her own ambition, which is part of a broader pattern of decisions. And it's immediately obvious when she gets what she wanted that it's only going to go badly for her.
Idk idk it's the love and the need and the want of it all, and the ruthlessness that can come out of it, and the way they make or don't make their choices, and the consequences of it aaaaaa
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natalievoncatte · 3 months
Lena was waking up, and not in her own bed. She was somewhere warm, swaddled in a heavy blanket. Her head was pounding and she didn’t want to open her eyes. A soft mewling sound tumbled from her lips, and she made as if to blink. Her eyes felt gummy and stuck shut.
“Shhhh,” a small, soft voice murmured. “I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
“Just rest,” Kara said.
It was easy to rest. He head fell against the wall of muscle that was Kara’s chest and pillowed on her breast and Lena let out a soft sigh, shifting a bit as she came around and grew more wakeful. She was sitting in Kara’s lap as Kara leaned back against a wall, and Kara had unclasped her cape and wrapped it around her in an impenetrable blanket.
As Lena opened her eyes, she saw that Kara was carding her fingers through Lena’s hair, so gently she barely felt it.
“Your hair is really pretty.”
“Thanks,” said Lena.
A kind of confusion swept through her. Weren’t they fighting? Lena was mad. She was furious. She was world-endingly, life-burn-downingly mad at the woman in whose lap she currently sat. Kara had lied to her about the fundamental nature of who she was and… and…
Lena didn’t feel mad.
“They gave you some pretty heavy drugs when they kidnapped you.”
“Kidnapped me?”
Kara let out a little snort. “You probably don’t remember. These were the lamest kidnappers, Lena. They nabbed you and immediately called me out. I found you and bagged them before you even came around from the drugs.”
“You probably won’t remember any of this later,” Kara sighed. “I just want to tell you I’m sorry again. I’m sorry I lied. It was wrong and you deserved better. I should have given you my trust the way you gave it to me.”
Lena blinked a few times but said nothing.
“I’ll never stop saving you. I will always protect you. Even if you never forgive me.”
Lena shifted slightly, pressing a little into Kara, who was now lightly teasing the tips of her fingers across Lena’s scalp, sending light tingles through her sleepy body. Kara yawned and shrugged.
“You okay? You warm enough?”
Lena nodded.
“Alex is coming with a team, she’ll make sure you’re all right. Go back to sleep, baby.”
Baby. That word sent a shockwave through her.
Lena’s eyes drifted shut. She was very tired and it made sense to sleep, to just let it all go. She was safe in Kara’s arms.
As she tumbled towards the dark, she felt the soft press of warm lips to her forehead.
“There’s still so much I want to tell you.”
Lena sighed and nuzzled into Kara’s shoulder. She was soft and warm and smelled heavenly, not just her lavender perfume but the soft smell of her. Lena never told Kara that she wanted to smell her armpits after spin class.
“You want to smell my armpits?!” Kara choked out.
Oh. That was supposed to be inside voice.
“Mmmhmm,” said Lena.
“Can I tell you something, since you probably won’t remember this later?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Lena started, jolting a little more awake.
“No, shhh,” Kara said, pulling her into a tighter hug. “I know it doesn’t change anything. You don’t owe me anything. I’m just scared. I need you to know of something happens, if…” her breath caught. “If not fast enough.”
“Kara,” said Lena.
“Shh,” Kara murmured, touching a soft kiss to her forehead again that sent a jolt rippling through her.
“I don’t even know if you like girls. It’s just that was the real reason why I was so shitty and hid who I was. I was scared you’d leave if I told you and… and it happened anyway. I’m so sorry.”
Kara sighed.
“Sometimes I wish I could be human so there’d be no secret. I don’t know of Human Kara would have been brave enough to say anything to you but I’m a coward. It would be so easy if there was no lie.”
Lena opened her eyes and looked up. Hot tears glittered on Kara’s cheeks.
“And you know, if you lived with me, and not in that big fancy penthouse, nobody would kidnap you. I’d keep you safe and get you breakfast and make sure you eat before work and take care of you because you don’t take care of yourself.”
“Mmhm, and what do you get out of this arrangement?”
“Well,” said Kara, “I’d get to kiss the prettiest girl in the world.”
“Is that all?”
Kara’s throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Well. I could do more than kiss. I never have with another woman so I’m not sure how… but I want to…”
She brushed bright scarlet.
“I could teach you,” Lena whispered.
“Don’t do that,” said Kara. “Don’t dangle that in front of me, if there’s no chance.”
“Kara,” Lena murmured, her drugged brain grinding its gears a little, “you don’t fill someone’s office with flowers as a friendly gesture. One does not buy an entire billion dollar media empire to hang out with one person as a platonic exercise.”
“Oh,” said Kara.
“I thought you were straight,” said Lena. “It boggles my mind that you thought I was. Me? Really? Have you seen me?”
“Yes,” Kara was looking at her intently now. “I have seen you since the first day. When I saw you for the first time I felt something I’ve never felt before or since.”
“This fight we’re having,” said Lena. “It doesn’t really feel important right now.”
“I know, but you’re on drugs.”
“Will you kiss me?”
Kara’s lips were trembling. She dipped slightly as if she’d changed her mind, then pulled back and pursed her lips, pressing her eyes tightly closed.
“You might not feel this way later. It would be wrong.”
Alex chose that exact moment to kick the door in, sending a shower of splinters across the room. Kara pivoted in anticipation, shielding Lena but twisting around so they were even closer, Kara’s stunning blue eyes filling Lena’s vision.
“If you still feel this way later, call me.”
From then it became a blur. Kara placed Lena gently on a stretcher and reclaimed her cap, then trudged a safe distance away and flew off.
Alex was curt and short with her as usual, fussing over unnecessary risks and complaining sharply that Lena got into too much trouble, before sharply cutting off the conversation when it got too friendly and storming off.
Lena ended up back in her penthouse by six, all in all a fairly convenient kidnapping and rescue. She trundled inside and sat down on the couch, staring straight ahead for a while before she went to pour a glass of scotch, then thought better of it.
The night was chilly. National City never really got cold, but on a January night it could be brisk. Lena leaned on her railing and stared out at the bright lights of the city, the flow of traffic beneath and the distant sounds of life and joy.
Suddenly she felt very cold.
“Kara,” she sighed.
In an instant she was there, appearing in a faint gust. Her cape billowed out majestically behind her, hair aloft on the wind currents like clouds of spun gold. Kara didn’t look like an angel; angels looked like Kara.
“Come inside.”
Lena turned and walked back into the warmer confines, hearing the gentle thud of Kara’s boots on the balcony and her soft footsteps walking over.
“Haven’t been here in a while.”
“I used to dream of you moving in with me,” Lena admitted.
Kara stood silently behind her, shifting on her feet.
“I used to think about pampering you every time you mentioned that your rent was high or joked about a reporter’s salary. I wanted to take care of you, treat you, give you fine things.”
“You don’t have to give me anything.”
Lena turned around and crossed the distance between them. With Lena barefoot and Kara in heels, she towered over her. Lena stepped aggressively into her space and Kara didn’t flinch as Lena curled her fingers in the collar of her suit and pulled her down.
She didn’t hesitate. She gently bracketed Lena’s hips in her hands and pulled her in, bending over her to bring their lips together, Kara’s every move soft and gentle, the utmost care in every tiny gesture.
Kara was a good kisser. Lena let it deepen, feeling the heat flush in her chest and elsewhere, as Kara swept her cape around the both of them in a grand, silly, absurdly romantic gesture that made Lena’s knees go all wobbly and her belly flare with warmth.
“I could give you another chance,” Lena whispered into Kara’s lips.
“I’d like that.”
“Want to fly me home?”
“You are home,” said Kara, sounding a little confused.
Lena looked around the apartment, then rested her head on Kara’s chest. “No, I’m not.”
“Oh,” said Lena.
“Take me back to your loft. We can kiss and do the other things and then you can go get me breakfast.”
Kara slid her arm under Lena’s legs and back and picked her up, tucking Lena gently against her chest, stepped up onto the balcony railing and then off, into space. Lena’s breath caught and she tensed as she always did. She really didn’t like heights.
“I won’t drop you.”
Flying back through Kara’s window was a little awkward with the two of them, but they managed. Inside, Kara deposited her on the couch and the fussing began.
First, she made Lena put on a hoodie at the first sign of a shiver. It was old and threadbare and smelled like Kara, and when she wasn’t looking Lena buried her face in the sleeve and breathed it in.
Kara placed an order at a local restaurant and rather than wait for delivery, zipped out and got it herself.
“Do the people at the potsticker place not freak out when Supergirl pops in?”
“Actually, they give me a discount.”
She put the food in front of Lena and disappeared briefly, emerging in a tank top and running shorts, and Lena almost dropped the potsticker she was about to bite into.
Kara sat down beside her, and Lena stared at her. She wasn’t wearing her glasses and her hair was in a loose ponytail, leaving her in a kind of halfway state between Kara and Supergirl. Despite the display of her blocky shoulders and the ribbed fabric tight on her bunching abs, she looked so warm and soft.
Kara speared the potsticker and popped it into her own mouth.
“Hey!” Lena chirped.
“You were just staring at it.”
“Fine, here.”
Kara gently took another dumpling in her chopsticks and offered it. Lena looked at her askance, then leaned forward and took it in her mouth, eyes never leaving Kara.
Slowly, they shifted together until they were side by side on the sofa, Lena sort of falling onto Kara as she sank into the cushions. They were less eating and more feeding each other, which turned into Lena feeding Kara as they watched whatever came on the TV.
Kara slowly worked an arm around Lena’s waist and Lena turned, throwing her legs across Kara’s thighs.
“I’m tired,” said Lena.
“You’ve had a long day.”
“Want to go to bed?” Lena said. She tried to put her best husk into her voice but it cracked a little and betrayed her.
Kara said nothing. She smiled and lifted Lena up with ease and carried her to the bed.
Lena shimmied out of her leggings, letting them fall around her ankles, all while covered by the oversized hoodie, and her heart was pounding as Kara lifted the covers with an exaggerated gesture and beckoned her into the bed. Lena climbed aboard.
Kara crawled in after her and embraced her like she was trying to pull Lena inside her body.
“You must be tired,” Kara murmured. “It’s okay if you just want to sleep.”
“I am,” Lena whispered back.
Kara started to pull back, but Lena held on. “Can you hold me for a while.”
“Nothing is gonna get you.”
Lena closed her eyes and curled up against her, sighing.
Two weeks later, she put the penthouse on the market.
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lostlavenderer · 6 months
Current TMAGP theory that I'm lowkey obsessed with: Alice used to be in Lena's managerial position
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Starting off, we're immediately informed that Teddy and Alice have been working together at the OIAR for four years, and it's implied later that Alice has been there for longer.
In the same scene, we learn that Alice recommended Sam for the job, which Lena sounds rather delighted about. Judging by her tone, I'd say she values Alice as a worker surprisingly more than she does Gwen. Why is that, when Gwen actually really values her job and tries to do it with meticulous accuracy?
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Next, while she tries to downplay it, you constantly get small hints that Alice knows really bloody well how the OIAR works including the response department they used to have. With everything she says, to me she really carries an attitude that screams 'goofing around but I know more about this place than any of you ever will'. That's the feeling I get too when she's on about the categorization when explaining it to Sam in the first episode, too:
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It's all very 'I know exactly what happens with these categorized files and I know what does and doesn't matter'.
So. What I think, is that she used to be the manager before Lena, and that she was the one to hire both Colin and Teddy. I think back then, there was still a response department, whatever the fuck that means, and that the three of them were involved in it and went through some shit.
(Sidenote- I'm also convinced that the old response department is responsible for locking up whatever that creature in the Magnus Institute in ep10 is)
Anyway, they went through some shit together and Alice personally made sure the response department was shut down. Freaked the fuck out or maybe even overwhelmed with (Entity-related?) power, she steps down, instead hiring Lena, ambitious and clever Lena, as her replacement. After all, Lena claims she started at the bottom too:
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Yet Alice still decides to stay at the OIAR, because knowing what she knows, she wants to stay closeby in case anything like [REDACTED PAST TRAUMATIC EVENT] ever happens again, especially because Colin and Teddy are still working there as well.
(MAYBE, but this is digging really damn deep, maybe somehow Colin and Teddy forgot said Traumatic Event for some perhaps Beholding-related reason, and Alice stays to protect them from it happening again. It's why she's almost glad that Teddy finally gets another job)
Now she's just another worker who claims she doesn't give a damn. Because she's been there; she knows what happens when you care, when you let incident files get to you. She won't go there again, and she won't let Sam either.
Anyway. Ex snarky office manager Alice is canon TO ME.
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totaly-obsessed · 1 year
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Barca Femení x reader fic
-> The reader suffers from anxiety and has to go on meds again - barca girls see her struggling with tiredness.
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
This season had been exciting and it was nearing it’s end. Together with Lucy Bronze, you joined Barcelona’s women’s team last year after the Euros, Keira Walsh joining you both in September.
Now your first season at the club was coming to it’s end. And it was a successful one – winning the ‘Supercopa’ and the league after disqualifying from the ‘Copa de la Reina’.
The only thing missing? A Champions League trophy. And your team made it to the finale against Vfl Wolfsburg – your old team.
You had always struggled with anxiety but the fact that you would be playing such a big tournament against most of your national teammates and your childhood friends Lena and Jule made it so much worse.
Your anxiety had originally settled once you found your place in the club and made peace with coming second in the Euros – but now? In this position? It got worse again. Many interviewers wanted to talk to you, interested in how you felt going up against your old team. The whole world was watching, or at least that is what it felt like to you. Your anxiety being at an all-time high.
It was Alexia, who was back in group training and back on the pitch, who contacted our club’s psychiatrist after realizing, that you wouldn’t do anything against your fear.
That is how you ended up in this situation.
After talking with your therapist, you were now talking to Jonatan and the entire trainer team, to make sure that they put you on the right anxiety medication. In the end, everyone concluded, that Lorazepam would be your best bet.
Throughout the whole conversation, you said nothing – just giving consent to the pills.
Alexia waited outside the room for you, trying to see how it went but when you just stormed by her effectively shoulder-checking her – she knew she messed up.
Your feet carried you directly into the protective arms of Ana, who took a very mothering role in your life, as did most of the older players. The blonde didn’t question why you were sobbing into her shoulder and just let you be, pulling you into a meeting room, that wasn’t occupied.
“What happened?” hearing her speak German, was comforting, it gave you a sense of home.
“They put me on pills again.” And the sobbing continued. Anna cooed softly, stroking your hair hoping you would calm down. And you did.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
On your way home that afternoon, you picked up your prescription – not thrilled at all. You knew that Alexia wanted what was best for you, but you felt so betrayed that she just went to the therapist, without even asking you first. Even though you knew that talking to you, probably wouldn’t have changed anything, and your Captain knew that as well.
As the pharmacist described, you took the first pill that evening, falling into a deep slumber.
You were late.
The Lorazepam had knocked you out so much, that you slept well past your usual alarm. The ‘3 missed calls by Jonatan Giraldez’ didn’t calm you down either.
As fast as humanly possible you got up, got ready and already dressed in the training kit so you wouldn’t have to change. Luckily your apartment wasn’t too far away and ten minutes later you were already at the training facility.
Storming onto the pitch and straight into Jonatan. “I’m so sorry I overslept! It’s the Lorazepam!” In your time in Barca, you had picked up quite a bit of Spanish, learning much faster than Lucy and Keira – much to your enjoyment.
You expected to be shouted at, even though you had never seen Jonatan really angry. But he just smiled, nodded, and sent you to Alexia, who was the only one without a training partner.
What a coincidence.
The Spaniard gave you a warm smile, desperately hoping that she was in your good graces again. When met with a cold, hard face, she knew she wasn’t. Most of the drills were spent in silence, and during water break, you were off with Claudia and Parti who were teasing you about your punctuality.
“I thought Germans were supposed to be on time!” Claudia couldn’t even respond to her best friend, too busy laughing her ass off.
Strong arms pulled you in a headlock, away from the young players. “Luce! Let the poor girl go!” And just like that you were in complete control of your body again, Lucy listening to Keira like a well-trained dog.
“Are you okay tiny?”
Tiny. You hated that nickname – it didn’t even matter of old or tall you were, to Keira and Lucy, you were just tiny… “Yeah – I’m fine!”
Both of them knew that you weren’t really fine, but the training continued and Alexia was back at your side. It was silent for a few minutes, the blonde continuously opening and closing her mouth. “Just say it, Ale.”
“I’m sorry. I just wanted what was best for you, I should have talked to you.” Both of you were continuing with your tasks, facing straight forward, but the Spaniards' eyes kept glancing towards you.
“It’s fine. You were right. I probably wouldn’t have done anything about it.”
“So you like me again Amore?” a mischievous smile on her face, as she tripped you.
“I never stopped Ale, but I am seriously reconsidering it now!”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
The next couple of weeks were hard – The Lorazepam still hit you hard at the end of the day and you frequently woke up later than planned, but never too late.
Your ever caring team-mates built a schedule around you. Every morning one of them would pick you up – she would be there a little bit earlier than needed, get you up, wait for you to get ready, and then you would go to training together.
Your anxiety had gotten better, so it wasn’t all for nothing, you were actually seeing results, and the side effects were manageable.
Your club-mates still liked to wind you up (‘sleepy’ now being your official nickname) about your sleepiness but it turns out that they underestimated just how tired you constantly were.
It was one of the last practice days before your Champions League finale against Wolfsburg – after the hard training session, you always did a little bit of yoga together, trying to get the body to relax.
“Now we bring our body up to our knees again.” The instructor did the exercise, and effortlessly pushed himself up from his lying position.
So did everyone else – except for you.
With your head flat on your yoga mat, and your back bending uncomfortably, you had fallen asleep.
“Oi! Sleepy is cheating!” It was Mapi who had spotted you and wanted to be funny, but when you didn’t move when everyone laughed, she caved. A soft jacket was now draped over you, trying to keep you a little warm.
Most of the team left when they were done, aside from Ale, who was scheduled to you on that day. But instead of waking you up, the blonde sat down next to you and stroked your hair, in a soothing matter.
“Sleep well bebé.”
Just a few days later it finally happened. Barca won the Champions League!
And you weren’t just there, you assisted Patri’s first goal. The young Spaniard had run towards you in celebration “Yes sleepy! And again!”
And while it wasn’t you who assisted her on her second goal, she got it. Frido was the one getting us our win, shooting the three to two.
It was hard seeing your former clubmates but they were happy for you, especially Lena and Jule.
Having anxiety still sucked, but with the help of your friends who were really more of a family, your fans, and the game that you loved so much you made it, and it was worth it.
Maybe being sleepy wasn’t so bad after all…
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marypenelope · 2 months
Did anyone else think that [Error]'s interference seemed more. Protective, than anything else?
I mean, it stepped in right as Ink5oul was about to possibly kill Gwen, and the way it insisted that Gwen (and 'all of them') were its, but then didn't bother going after Gwen when Ink5oul let her go?
Not to mention how this occurred directly after Lena expresses concern about Gwen to Alice (in her own way, anyway), who in turn accuses FR3-d1 of having done something to her. To me that reads as Jon/Martin/whatever deciding they should probably check on Gwen, and, seeing she was in trouble, sent [Error] to save her
@chillandoblivious suggested that Gwen could possibly having been giving Ink5oul's statement rather than her own (the mentions of sharp objects and fear of infection; also since Ink5oul 'has a small inheritance', it's possible their family was at least wealthy enough to hire their own gardener). If that's the case, then really it wouldn't have exactly been feeding on Gwen, since that isn't her story - it'd be feeding on Ink5oul. And what other reason would it have to target them than to protect Gwen? Especially since it backed off once they let her go?
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baeksqt · 2 months
𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 — lena oberdorf
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lena oberdorf x gerwnt!fem!reader
summary: clueless lena has you in a tight grip
(a/n: a small piece for lena cause I miss her (ಡ‸ಡ) so I hope you enjoy this! also my inbox is finally open for requests so go ahead my lovelies)
word: 586
genre: fluff + angst (?)
The warm summer air soothed your skin as Lena laid on top of you on the loveseat sofa, hoping to nap the evening away. You could finally see each other with training camp in full swing for the international break. You run a lazy hand through Lena’s hair, absentmindedly scrolling through your phone as Lena drifts in and out of sleep. The comfortable silence between the two of you was accented by the subdued commentary of the football game on TV and Lena’s occasional snore.
You notice her eyebrows furrow in discomfort, followed by a huff as she shifts and wraps her arms around your waist. Gently withdrawing your hand from her hair, you begin to trace it down her back, taking in the contours and nuances of her musculature.
“When are you heading back to Spain?” Her question startled you slightly, the vibrations of her voice resonating against your stomach.
“Somewhere around the last week of August.” You sighed in response, knowing that there wasn’t much time between the Olympics and you heading back to your respective club, Barcelona.
“Are you going back with Alexia?” Lena then looked up at you with delicate brown eyes, a soft wrinkle appearing on her forehead as her chin poked your stomach, toying with the gold charms on your necklace.
You pout at her subtle protectiveness so cupping her cheeks, and combing the flyaway hairs from her face.
“Yeah…” you replied, pausing for a moment, “that shouldn’t change anything.” mumbling to yourself. To that, Lena swiftly sat up, letting go of your necklace as a puzzled expression formed across her face.
“You realise that she’s interested in you, right? I don't even have to be there for me to know that.” She inquired with a firm voice and piercing eyes.
“And it’s very much one-sided.” You finished her sentence as your hand now replaced hers in fiddling with the delicate pendant, avoiding her gaze as you finished her sentence. You were well aware of Lena’s feelings about your friendship with Alexia, throwing a small sarcastic comment here and there whenever you mentioned her in a conversation. Since moving to the Catalan region, you had noticed Alexia's growing fondness for you, but you had been subtly declining her advances as you already had feelings for someone else.
That someone else was now sitting in between your legs, waiting to be upset with you. Inspecting her face for a moment, hoping she’ll respond.
“I know, that doesn't sound believable at all, but the feelings aren't mutual on my end.” your pendant slipped out of sweaty fingertips, as you spoke. “So, for when you get your act together, I’ll still be here.” throwing her a nervous smile.
“What do you mean by that?” Lena fixed you with a piercing glare but a hint of softness sat behind her eyes, arms folded across her chest.
The tension in the room was palpable, the unspoken emotions lingering between you like a heavy cloud.
“Well, when you're ready to admit that we are more than friends, you won't have to worry about anyone else.” you motioned between the two of you, taking her hand and placing it back onto your necklace pendant, your heart pounding underneath.
“I can promise you that I won’t keep you waiting.” Lena’s face lit up with a shy yet genuine smile, placing a tender kiss on your lips. Leaving you with warm cheeks and a deep sense of contentment, knowing that her promise was sealed with that tender kiss.
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fazedlight · 10 months
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“KARA!” Lena screamed. I killed her, Lena grieved.
She didn’t have time to linger as Eve attacked her again, Lena throwing one last punch before she found herself scrambling out of her jet. The explosion killed her, Lena’s mind shouted, thrashing in agony, a litany of damnation that she should never have brought Kara to Kaznia in the first place. It’s all my fault.
But to her astonishment, in the dark, a figure shifted ahead - blonde and burning and bright, and Lena thought for half a second to run back for the fire extinguisher, that Kara might be saved.
But as the figure turned, somehow unaffected by the flames that adorned her like a god, Lena halted. Kara looked concerned, confused. But she didn’t look injured.
Lena’s eyes drifted lower, to the bright S now etched on Kara’s chest, solid blue emerging amidst her burnt clothing. “Kara…”
“Lena,” Kara breathed, reluctance written on her face.
Lena hesitated a moment longer, before taking step after careful step, approaching the reporter as the embers continued to burn across her body. Lena’s hand drifted to the top of the suit’s crest, just below Kara’s neck, where yellow met red. Oh.
It was too much - the whiplash of the explosion, thinking that Lena had carelessly killed her best friend, to realizing that the reporter had once thrown that’s not a great question for a Luthor to ask someone in my family back in her face.
Kara Danvers was her best friend. Did she ever really exist?
“Lena…” Kara whispered again.
Lena dropped her hand, her eyes raised to Kara’s, looking her over again. “Don’t,” she said. Without another word, Lena turned on her heel, and went back to her jet.
The flight back from Kaznia was longer alone.
Plenty of time for Lena to fume and grieve, for her to rage internally at weathering yet another deceit. Kara Danvers - or whatever the hell she was really called - had used her, betrayed her, spied on her. 
Somewhere in the back of Lena’s mind, there was a different acknowledgment - that her glide ratio in her custom-designed jet was good, but not good enough to reach the Kaznian runway when the engines had failed. That her assumption at the time that mountain updrafts had saved her ran contrary to the now-more-obvious explanation - that the kryptonian had saved her from aviation incidents three times now. 
Lena looked out the side of the window, where dawn was slowly rising. She desperately needed sleep, but was too wired from watching her best friend be blown up - and then revealed to be a traitor - and sleep was just… not going to happen. 
Lena could swear that she was seeing glints of red and blue, just behind her plane, a kryptonian possibly trying to stay out of sight while still being protective. It was infuriating.
It’s not Kara, Lena’s mind begged, trying to convince herself that the dead kryptonian was the clone she had learned about in Kaznia. It can’t be Kara.
It was with overwhelming horror that Lena watched the footage of Kaznia’s failed invasion, her brother parading around a dead kryptonian in his lexosuit arms, the supposed traitor Supergirl. 
He was a hero. For killing her. It can't be Kara. It can’t it can’t it can’t-
Trying to still her trembling fingers, Lena picked up her phone, trying to figure out what to text, what to say, anything to get a response from the kryptonian that she had shut out. Operating out of instinct more than logic, she pressed Kara’s name to start a call instead, holding it up to her ear, her stomach twisting with nausea.
But luckily, it only took one ring before Lena heard a familiar voice on the other end. “Lena,” Kara said softly
Lena pulled the phone away, and hung up.
There was no other choice in her mind. Not when Lex had regained legitimacy in the eyes of the country by “saving” it from Supergirl’s attack. Not when Lex sought to commit a secret genocide to solve the energy crisis and be named a hero. Not when Lena was the only person who would know where Lex would go.
Not when all Lena could see was Lex cradling Red Daughter in his arms.
The image was burned into her mind, and all Lena knew was that Kara was next - Lex would not rest until every kryptonian was gone. And Kara would be too kind and noble to seek anything but legal justice. But that wasn’t Lena - it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kill Morgan Edge, it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kidnap her mother from prison and poison her, it wasn’t Lena when she tucked her gun in her belt that morning.
A single bullet to the head, and Lex was gone.
Kara’s door opened just a few seconds before Lena reached it. Lena supposed Kara could hear her down the hall.
Lena ignored the shock and concern on Kara’s face as she stepped inside, making her way to Kara’s window as Kara closed the door. Truth was, she still couldn’t face Kara at all.
“I’m sorry, Lena,” Kara started. “I tried to save-”
“Don’t,” Lena said.
Kara grew quiet, flanking Lena’s side, joining her as Lena stared out onto the streets below. Lena shifted. “I thought she was you,” Lena said. “When Lex killed her, I thought she was you.”
She could feel Kara shrink, uncertain of what to say, of how to move forward. And maybe Lena didn’t know either. But she could try. If… “Is Kara real?” Lena asked, her voice cracking. “Or just a mask?”
“I’m real,” Kara whispered, prompting Lena to finally turn. And Lena couldn’t help herself, seeking the warmth of Kara’s arms, the kryptonian all too happy to wrap Lena in a tight hug as Lena stepped into it. “I… sometimes I feel more real with you than anyone else.”
Lena swallowed harshly, burying her face into Kara’s shoulder, holding back a tremble. “I want to believe you.”
“I’ll spend a lifetime trying to prove it,” Kara whispered. “If you’ll let me.”
Lena took a slow, trembling breath. “Okay.”
Idea taken from a tweet I saw floating around. If you're interested in a longer season 4 reveal, I also wrote No One and Nothing.
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comic-book-jawns · 3 months
Kara knows the looks she would get if she were to say she feels protective of Lena Luthor.
On account of not only her boss’s last name but also her boss being a 23-year-old billionaire CEO and Kara a 26-year-old English major who failed to find a job in her field, clearly.
Not that Kara can scoff at what she makes as her assistant, more than enough to be called a corporate sell-out.
The point is Kara knows how it sounds. Alex’s eye rolls paint a more than sufficient picture. But she just… she doesn’t care.
And, yes, she knows that’s an easy claim to make without actually putting herself on the line. In her defense, she tried.
Her second week on the job when she heard two fellow assistants badmouthing her boss over coffee at the lobby cafe. And while she hadn’t been looking for brownie points, of course, she could only assume she’d earned them when Lena had called her into her office at the end of the day.
Boy, had she been wrong.
In fact, it was how she’d realized the curt tone her boss had been using up to that point had actually been her idea of friendly.
“Your duty is to L-Corp, not to me.”
“But I’m your assistant.”
“Yes, because I need assistance. Not a cheerleader.”
Kara’s face had burned as she murmured her apologies and assurances that it wouldn’t happen again, and she was already backing toward the door when Lena dismissed her.
She’d been fortunate enough to make it inside the elevator before the tears started, and that was where her luck had run out.
A tan hand caught the doors just as before they could close, and Kara had scrambled to wipe her face as she was met with a warm smile that promptly turned to a frown.
“Kara? What’s wrong?”
In her state, she hadn’t registered until later that it was remarkable the CFO she’d been introduced to along with the rest of the exec board on her first day remembered her name.
She’d also been unable to do more than mumble nonsense about getting her period early, which had sort of been an achievement actually given how terrible she is at lying on the spot — to her sister’s perpetual chagrin when they were teenagers.
Not that Sam bought her excuse. Kara wasn’t that naive. Though her sincerity as she wished Kara well had been unmistakable. And then, she’d abruptly let the elevator doors go without getting in.
The next morning, when Kara walked into Noonan’s to pick up Lena’s coffee, she’d been promptly steered off course, by a hand gripping her upper arm like she was misbehaving child, toward a table for two in the back.
“Can I get anything else for you, Ms. Luthor?”
Her boss had glanced up from her phone long enough to offer a polite hint of a smile to the barista.
“No, thank you, Nia.”
Kara remembered feeling like she could hear her friend vibrating as she bounced back to the counter.
“You know Nia?”
“I know how to read a name tag.”
In hindsight, Kara knows the dryness of Lena’s tone had been playful. But in the moment, it had just felt like salt on the wound of Lena jabbing at her phone again.
“Right. Of course.”
Kara was busy smoothing the non-existent pleats on her khakis when Lena had looked up.
“I’m sorry.”
And there was that nagging instinct again when she’d met Lena’s uncharacteristically troubled gaze as she placed her phone on the table, face down, and stiffly gestured to the drink, cinnamon sugar twist on a plate and chair opposite her.
“Please sit, Ms. Danvers.”
They’d proceed to sit in silence for probably 20 seconds at most. But Kara had never been known for her patience... especially when there was food in front to her.
“Ms. Luthor, you don’t—”
“I do. I need to apologize for how I behaved last night.”
And, yeah, Kara had known her boss wasn’t exactly wrong. That she would have said the same in her place. But Kara was — well, frankly she wasn’t used to being apologized to.
Alex’s go-to apology is also a cinnamon sugar twist — in lieu of the actual apology.
“I don’t need to explain.”
There was a sheepish twist to her lips, a blink-and-you-miss-it slip of youth.
“But I am truly sorry.”
Kara had thought of her sister’s words from the night before: this is what you signed up for working for a Luthor.
And she’d smiled.
“Thank you, Ms. Luthor.”
“Lena, please.”
That had gotten Kara to blink. Even with their age difference, she hadn’t thought anything of the formality. After all, she hadn’t heard anyone address the CEO any other way. Not to her face.
“To you. It’s Lena to you.”
But Kara isn’t one for formalities for the sake of them, either. So she’d eagerly stuck out her hand.
That was the first time she had made Lena smile, bemused as she’d returned the handshake.
It was also the first time she’d eaten breakfast on the L-Corp dime. But it wouldn’t be the last.
“Coffee and a donut is not embezzlement, Kara.”
Lena had gleaned from Nia that Kara always put her own order on her personal card, and was quite on set on it not happening again, apparently having assumed Kara understood that Lena didn’t expect her to fend for herself while she was doing her a favor.
“What about two donuts?”
That was the first time she had made Lena laugh. But also not the last.
And looking out for Lena? That’s not gonna be a one-time thing either.
“Lena, you’re needed in the lab. I’m afraid it’s urgent.”
If Kara’s face wasn’t enough, the heat that instantly pools in her stomach at her assistant confidently interrupting a board meeting and calling her by her first name in front of a room of old men who don’t is quite the parry to the anxiety threatening to tear her at the seams.
Not much more than it usually is in these necessary evils. But usually she has Sam at her side, ready and more than willing to jump in when Lena asks.
“So what’s the fire?” In fact, Lena’s breathing is nearing her baseline semblance of normal as the elevator doors close. “It’s not an actual fire, is it?”
She’s only half-joking. They have a containment system, of course. But that would really be the last thing she needs right now.
Kara’s smile has her unclenching her hands, even as her breathing stutters a little.
“No. It’s nothing, actually. It just looked like you needed a breather.”
And then they’re clenching with a vengeance as she ironically exhales harshly through her nose.
She may not have gotten to where she is two weeks out from 24 without her brother going insane. But she didn’t get here by being coddled either.
Which is what she’s about to explain, Luthor genes overriding the fact that it’s Kara she’s talking to.
Until movement catches her eye. A hand. Kara’s hand rubbing in a circle over her buttoned-up chest.
“Please, right?”
Lena stops breathing altogether.
“I’ve noticed the only times Sam speaks up in board meetings are when she’s spoken to… or when you do that.”
It’s true. If by that, Kara means Lena’s purposefully poor imitation of the sign. Hell, half the time she doesn’t even do it over her chest. Brushing exposed cleavage would rather counteract the subtlety.
“And I, umm - I had a speech delay when I - after my parents died.”
Lena breathes in sharply, like she had when Sam called her out over lunch yesterday for not knowing when Kara’s birthday is.
“I used Sign exclusively until I was four.”
Kara’s voice is quiet but steady. Her cheeks are rosier than usual, though, when the elevator chimes and she faces forward.
Lena doesn’t.
“Sometimes I still do when it gets too…”
Kara glances back at her, eyebrows raised slightly. As if she’s surprised by the admission. Despite how they got on the topic in the first place.
And then the doors start to open, and Kara darts forward, fingers hovering over the close button.
“Do you want to go back up?”
Lena shakes her head.
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morganacorp · 5 months
"Everything okay?" Lena asked as she came out of Kara's bathroom, finding Alex and Kara with their arms crossed and worried looks on their faces. As soon as she was in front of them, she saw Alex's face harden and Kara's eyes became accusatory.
"Have you been working with Kryptonite?" Alex asked with a cold voice, the same one Lena knows is reserved for criminals.
"I- what's happening?" She chuckled, confused and feeling exposed. One moment she had been hanging out with Kara, some romantic vibes between them, and then the next moment she was being questioned by the Director of the DEO.
"Answer the question, Lena." Kara said barely above a whisper.
"Have you been working with Kryptonite, Lena?" Alex asked again.
"I have." She frowned and Alex rolled her eyes while Kara looked down. "But it's not-"
"You said you wouldn't make any more kryptonite, Lena. You said you'd let Kara know if you made more." Alex said, obviously angry.
"how do you know I'm-"
"We caught the radiation signature in your apartment." Alex said and Kara simply stood behind her, unable to look at Lena.
"That's impossible, I've been working on it in my lab, and I've taken all the-"
"How could you?" Kara finally broke her silence, looking up at her with that self righteous disappointment that was so typical of Supergirl.
"Kara, I'd never do anything to hurt you-" Lena frowned.
"You made kryptonite again." Kara said with bitterness, a heavy tear dripping down her cheek.
"And you just jump to the conclusion that it was to hurt you." Lena scoffed, a bitter smile on her face. "I'm a Luthor, right? You've never trusted me and never will." She whispered and walked to get her coat before her own tears made an appearance.
"You can't leave. Where are you going?" Alex said with an authoritarian voice.
"You're welcome to arrest me if that's what you think you should do, Director Danvers." Lena said simply, walking out the door of Kara's apartment.
Years of effort pulling her walls down gone in an instant, all of her alarms and protections coming back to wrap her heart in barbwire to protect it, even if it was already bleeding.
"Director Danvers." A DEO agent told Alex, bringing a heavy looking briefcase to her while she worked with Brainy and Kara in her lab. "A messenger brought this for you, it's from Miss Luthor."
"Did Lena bring it?" Alex asked worriedly, looking over at her sister.
"No, ma'am."
"Thank you." She said and the agent walked away.
"Can you see inside?" Brainy asked and Kara shook her head.
"It's lined with lead."
"Kara, you should step back in case this is-"
"she wouldn't, Alex."
"You said the same about her making kryptonite." She mumbled and moved the briefcase away from Kara. She opened it slowly and looked at the contents confused.
"What's in there?" Kara asked curiously.
"it's brilliant." Brainy said, grabbing the tiny red box that wasn't bigger than a bar of soap and looking at it curiously.
"What is it?" Kara asked and walked closer to inspect the artifact too.
"It's- Lena has perfected the nano suit I created for you by teaching the nano technology how to filter Kryptonite. This should be sufficient in case of mild exposure." Brainy smiled, fascinated by Lena's work. "This is basically her combining the armor suit with the one we made, making it the best of both worlds, so to speak."
"Oh..." Kara sighed.
"Oh... Shit." Alex whispered sadly, watching something on the computer.
"what is that?"
"her lab logs." She said sadly, showing her the screen.
"Lab Log for a personal project. Video for my personal reference only, and for DEO registration as Kryptonite will be used. Day 1 on the project to develop filtering nanotechnology for Supergirl. I will create a suit that will keep Supergirl safe from kryptonite exposure, eliminating the limited mobility on the armor suit." Lena's voice said and the camera footage showed her arranging different kinds of chemicals and other stuff she'd need. "Step one will be creating supercharged kryptonite to ensure the maximum protection of the suit. A safe decontamination protocol has been established in case of emergency." Lena explained and started the process.
"This is dated... This was the week after you were attacked by kryptonite at the museum."
"She wanted to protect me." Kara whispered, feeling her heart breaking in her chest. She had been caught by surprise and barely made it out alive thanks to J'onn and Nia, but she had to spend two days under the sun lamps to recover from the horrible beating she took. Lena stayed by her side every minute.
"What's in that box, Alex?" Brainy asked and pointed at the larger box in the briefcase.
"The kryptonite Lena made... It's a lead box." She said, swallowing hard.
"I have to fix this." Kara shook her head and flew out of the DEO as fast as she could, making her way straight to LCorp.
Lena was sitting on her white couch, looking defeated and exhausted with a drink in her hand. She didn't notice Kara at first, but when she did her face hardened, becoming a perfect angry mask made of marble to protect her.
"Please leave." She said with a cold voice loaded with emotion.
"We need to-"
"I'm moving back to Metropolis." She said coldly. "I made a mistake by moving here. The first of many mistakes, in fact." She said bitterly. "I will send all the devices and prototypes I've created for Supergirl and the rest of your super friends to the DEO for you to dispose of them accordingly. You'll realize that some of them are finished and others aren't, but what you do with the technology is up to you." She said and Kara stepped closer.
"Lena, let me talk to you-"
"There's nothing to talk about, Kara. You have never trusted me, and it's obvious that the shadow of my name and my brother will always be present between us. I can save the world by your side ten times, and yet there will always be a black stain on the white sheet: my family." She rationalized, walking to pour herself another drink.
"I trust you with my life, Lena. You know it."
"As soon as you learned about the kryptonite you assumed I wanted to hurt you." She scoffed. "That's not trust, it's the opposite." She said looking coldly into her eyes. "I'll always wake that sentiment of suspicion on you, Kara. It will always be there with you and your sister, and even your friends-"
"they're your friends too! They're-"
"they have always been your friends. I was just one more who got to tag along." She said and cursed herself for allowing a tear to escape.
"Lena, you know I love-" Kara whispered, stepping close to Lena and wiping the tear away with her thumb.
"don't you dare finish that." Lena warned her coldly with a quivering lip, the raw hurt in her voice making Kara realize how badly she hurt her. "Please go and stop hurting me." She whispered. "I'll disappear from your life and everything will go back to normal." She said, full on crying now. Kara always knew how to unlock her emotions.
"I don't want you to disappear from my life." She sighed, cupping Lena's face like it was a fragile thing. "You are my life."
"Miss Luthor, the helicopter is ready to take you to the airport." Lena's assistant said from the door, a little shocked to find Supergirl wiping her boss' tears.
"I have to go." Lena said, closing her eyes for two seconds to enjoy the warmth that Kara's hands brought to her face, the same warmth she brought to her life.
"Stay." Kara asked her softly. "Stay with me."
"Goodbye, Kara." She whispered and walked way using every ounce of strength in her body. She sobbed in the elevator ride and tried to look put together enough while getting on the helicopter, ignoring the red cape waving in the wind while Kara watched the love of her life leave her behind.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 1 year
Pretty One
Pairing(s): Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
Summary: A quiet day with your girlfriend ends with you having to leave your home when Natasha shows up in search for Yelena.
Word Count: 1,454
Warnings: Violence
Authors Note: This is based off of/inspired by the scene from Black Widow!
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You were currently laid on the sofa, snuggled up to your girlfriend. Her head rested on a pillow against the arm of the couch whilst your head was lying on her shoulder, her arms wrapped securely around you.
She had returned from a quick trip to the corner store just a couple hours ago for some basic food items when you got comfy on the cushions, and turned on some random show on the television.
You were quite interested in the show at first, but that was before Yelena began to card her fingers through your hair and caress your back with her calloused, yet extremely gentle hands.
The comforting actions from her had you dozing off. Not into a sound sleep per say, but into a very relaxed and tranquil state, so you were no longer focused on the show that still lightly ran in the background.
Yelena on the other hand was unsuccessful with paying attention to the plot at all when she had what she believed was a real life angel laying right in her arms, toying with the strap of the white tank top she wore.
Your mouth opened into a yawn as Yelena continued to play with your hair, "Tired? I know you didn't really sleep that well last night." she asked.
You shook your head, "No, just really content with you." you mumbled in response.
Yelena never thought she could make anyone feel anything other than pain and suffering after her time in the red room. But then she met you who introduced her to the world of emotions; the main one being love. The kind that everyone hopes and dreams for, but not everyone gets.
She turned to kiss your temple, "I love you, detka (baby), so much." she whispered against your head. "I love you too, Lena." you said the words back to her with just as much meaning.
A few moments of comfortable silence went by before she spoke up again, "What if we just ran away." she suggested.
"Ran away?" you repeated with a giggle and she hummed, lightly chuckling.
"Yeah, you know just go wherever our hearts take us and never look back." she elaborated on her out of the blue idea.
"Where would we go?" you questioned.
Yelena shrugged her shoulders, "Anywhere you want to." You thought for a moment before responding,
"I've always wanted to go to London."
"Then we'll start with London. And then maybe we'll go to Paris because it's the city of love, and well, you are my love." she said, making you giggle once again.
You continued to talk about that for a little bit before returning to the calming quietness of just your slow breathing and the television. This time you both had almost fallen asleep until Yelena froze. If there was anything being a trained ex assassin had given her, it was heightened senses.
She knew that something was not right, and the fact that she had you with her right now made her protective instincts immediately set off sirens in her brain.
"You okay, Lena?" you asked, feeling her body suddenly tense up.
Yelena gently sat up and untangled herself from you, making a frown form on your face.
"Where are you going?" you asked, opening your eyes to see her standing up.
"Dorogaya (darling), I need you to go into the other room and stay there. Do not come out until I come to get you myself." Yelena tells you.
"What?" you sat up in confusion.
"I know this sounds weird but I just need you to trust me, okay?" she spoke as she pulled a gun out from under the couch cushion, making your eyes slightly widen.
"What— what's going on? Is someone here?" you said in a panic, watching as she slipped on her blazer that was laying on a chair.
She contemplated her next words as she didn't want you to scare you, but she also didn't want to lie to you, "That's what I'm going to find out. But first I need to know that you're safe before I go anywhere. So please, just trust me." Yelena spoke softly to calm you.
You hesitantly nodded your head, and she took that as her cue to take your hand and lead you to the other room. She stopped in front of your wardrobe and opened the door, "Stay here, and wait for me to come get you."
She pressed a kiss to your forehead after you sat down. You murmured an 'Okay' before she shut the door and her footsteps disappeared down the hallway.
Meanwhile, Yelena made sure her gun was loaded before holding it out in front of her, "I know you're out there." her voice echoed through the apartment.
A few seconds passed before another voice responded, "I know you know I'm out here." it spoke, followed by the front door loudly opening and closing.
"Then why are you skulking about like it's a minefield?" you heard your girlfriend say.
"Cause I don't know if I can trust you." the voice that was unknown to you answered.
You could hear Yelena lightly chuckle, "Funny, I was going to say the same thing."
"So, are we gonna talk like grown-ups?" the intruder asked.
Yelena's tone dropped lowly, "Is that what we are?"
You couldn't see it, but Yelena and the owner of the unrecognizable voice were finally face to face, each pointing a gun at the other.
For a few moments you could only hear shoes patting against the floor when your girlfriends voice threatened, "Put it down before I make you."
"You put yours down." the voice shot back, "Watch your step."
Nothing but an eerie silence could be heard by your ears. That was until Yelena and the stranger decided to quit the small talk and handle the situation in a different manner.
It was clear to you that they were now fighting from the loud crashes and shouting that rang through the apartment floor. Objects were smashed, glass was shattering, furniture was breaking. You knew that your girlfriends was significantly more than capable of handling herself, but you were still worried about her.
You weren't exactly sure how long the commotion had gone on for when you finally heard the voice speak again, "Truce." it said. It scared you that Yelena sounded like she was gasping for air.
"You've grown up." the stranger commented.
'Grown up?' you thought. 'Did Yelena know this person? Why are they here? Why were trying to hurt your girlfriend?'
"No shit." Yelena responded coldly. You could hear footsteps coming closer to you when the door opened, revealing your Lena.
Her hair was tousled and she looked as if she had just ran a marathon, but it was her. She was seemingly unharmed, but you just had to make sure.
You cupped her face as she kneeled in front of you, "Lena? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" your eyes concerningly scanned her body.
"I'm alright, printsessa (princess), I promise." she reassured you.
Yelena caught you when you threw yourself into her arms and wrapped yours around her neck to hold her close, not caring about how sweaty she might be.
"Hey dorogaya, I need you to do something for me, okay?" she said as she pulled back.
You hummed, wordlessly telling her to continue, "You know those bags we have packed for emergencies under the bed in our room?" Yelena asked and you nodded, "I need you to go grab them for me, okay?"
You both knew that eventually you would have to get up and leave. With Yelena being a trained ex assassin she had inevitably made some enemies. You just didn't expect that day to come so soon.
So you knowingly complied, standing to your feet with her. When Yelena moved out from in front of you so you could walk away, you saw who you believed to be the intruder standing just a few feet away.
She had fiery red hair that was styled into a braid, and wore an all black outfit. You coward under her rather intimidating gaze, realizing that this stranger who just attacked your girlfriend had just watched your whole encounter.
You felt a hand rest on the small of your back, recognizing it as Yelena's, "Ignore her, detka (baby). She won't hurt you." she said, pressing a kiss to your hair as she gave her sister a warning glance.
Yelena gave you a nod when you looked at her for you to go ahead and leave the room. You quickly walked passed the redhead who looked at her younger sister with her signature smirk.
"She’s a pretty one." Natasha stated.
Yelena rolled her eyes, "Shut up."
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spicyclover · 10 months
Boobs in Boobland
Summary: Jealous Lance is something else
Hope you’ll enjoy it. Let me know in the comments section!
Thank you! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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The holidays suit you well. You are relaxed, you are rested, and above all, you are satisfied. Oh yes, you are satisfied. After complicated weeks, the summer holidays have finally arrived. You can’t be happier. That’s why you didn’t tell Lance you were going under the French sun for the next week. You two, on a beach, near the sea, away from the city's noise, pollution and gossip. Tranquillity is all you’ve asked for this year.
You’re sunbathing on the beach and sipping a cocktail on your second day. The orange colour reminds you of the burning sun of last night, the sweat on your skin, the salty water on your lips and the lust of Lance between your legs. Since you arrived on the sunny coast, you don’t stop. It doesn’t matter when and where, as long as the urge is there. There is letting go of what you like from Lance, which gives you uncontrollable desires.
You feel the sun caressing your skin, your hat on your head to protect your face, and you listen to the sound of the waves that will come. You hear the pages of Lance’s book turn one after the other in a steady rhythm. That’s what you love about a vacation. That need to do nothing, on a beach sipping cocktails all day. You inhale deeply before you get on your stomach. You close your eyes and feel the sleep wave carry you out to sea.
Lance gradually loses his attention from his book. He does not like to be inactive for too long. He does not want to do anything for hours; it is already the second day. He leaves his book and observes the ocean in the distance. He doesn’t want to swim. He doesn’t want to read. He doesn’t want to do anything. He sighs as he looks at you. Your breathing is slow, and you’re gone. He finds it useless to wake you up after all. You’re the one who wanted his vacation. He watches families playing with their children. He watches young people playing volleyball. He watches the waves collapse on the sandbar. Boring.
To forget his boredom, he heads to the bar. The bartender quickly takes his order and looks around him distractedly. A strange feeling of someone watching him overwhelm him. He turns around and meets the look of a young woman. She is beautiful. Brown hair, hypnotic eyes and a smile to make any loyal man yield. Lance smiles timidly before turning his eyes away. A few seconds pass before he feels a hand on his shoulder. He jumps and curls at this contact, which is not his. He quickly turns around to meet the eyes of the young woman who has just crossed his gaze.
"Lena," she says with a cheerful smile. Lance clears his throat before responding. She knows that Lance is uncomfortable, and it makes her giggle. She presses her hand on his shoulder again as she approaches him. "We could. You know. Go somewhere else."
Lance’s eyes widen at this proposition, and he looks around him, hoping to find help. The woman passes her hand lazily over his arm, and he blushes intensely. "She's attractive and yet totally terrifying." He thinks. He begets before politely refusing the tempting proposal. Lance swings her hand back toward the bar. He turns around, hoping she will go away and get the message. He grabs his phone quickly. She doesn't waste her time and goes away, probably searching for her next target. He grabs his phone quickly.
To love :  You’re never going to deviate from what just happened! Lancelove: What?!? To love :  Some girl just hit on me. 
You look up at the bar, where you can see a glimpse of Lance at the bar next to a gorgeous mannequin.  
Lancelove: Oh cool! Is she pretty?  To love :  Well, yeah! Pretty creepy. Lancelove: HAHAHA! Good for you.  To love :  Not jealous? Lancelove:  Should I be?  To love :  No.  Lancelove: Then no. I love you, and I know you love me. Why would I be scared of a random girl?  To love :  Don’t know… Lancelove: Love haha! Stop worrying. You did nothing wrong. But if she attempts something else, she will feel my fist. To love :  Hahah! Coming soon.  Lancelove: Good! Take your time. I’m talking to Chad. 
It is low of you, but you can help it. 
To love :  Who’s Chad?  Lancelove: A surfer. He’s nice!  
You smile at your text, knowing Lance too well. He can’t help but be jealous of other men. It’s not your first rodeo with this. You never mind Lance being hit on by girls because you know he is coming back home to you at the end of the day. 
To love : 
Lance’s heart missed a beat. How dare this « surfer » to talk to you? Everyone knows you’re his girlfriend. He pays the bartender before heading quickly to the loungers where you are. He hurries by your side, and you laugh when you see his eyes looking for this famous Chad. You take your glass from Lance’s hands.
"Not funny,"
"Oh yes! You should see yourself." You giggle, sipping the drink. 
Lance’s gaze comes down to your chest, which is exposed to the open. He likes your breasts. He can spend all day and all night cuddling them, but it’s his. No one has the right to see that part of you reserved for him. He didn’t spend months chasing you so you could show up on the beach, let alone on social media.
"What are you doing? Put your top back on!" He says, taking his towel to cover you.
You raise your eyes to the sky by grabbing the towel with your hand to stop him. You rest your glass on the small bedside table between you and turn to him again.
"Lance, look around. There's nothing but boobs for as far as the eye can see—boobs in Boobland. Nobody cares about mine."
"They will when they're on the cover of some sleazy tabloid." He growls in his beard. He gets up and picks up your things quickly. You look at him in shock. You certainly don’t understand this change in attitude. Yes, you know he’s jealous, but at this point? "All right. We're going back to the room." You don't argue more and put your shirt on.
He reaches out, and you catch his hand. You walk quickly to the hotel room. He does not exchange words the whole way back and even in the elevator. His hand grabs yours tightly. A feeling of apprehension invades you, and you do not know what to expect. The floors go up, and you can’t help but get a thousand scenarios in your head.
The doors open, and you walk quickly to your room. He lets go of your hand and locks himself in the bathroom, leaving you unpunished. Well, this is confusing. All this jealousy thing for nothing? Not even sex. He's just upset. This is a real bummer. You are about to turn your heels when the bathroom door opens again, and Lance looks at you. His eyes are black with desire. It’s hard to swallow when you look at what’s in his hands.
It has been a while since you've used those. You’re not a fan of this masochism. You don’t like to be held against your sandstone. You want to touch, smell, taste and see. You tried a few times with Lance to please him, but you failed to feel the pleasure he brought you each time.
"On the bed." His voice is dark. You swallow again, but you do as you're been told.
You sit at the edge of the bed, waiting for him. Lance is not satisfied with what you’re doing, so he grabs you firmly by the thigh and lifts you up before letting go in the middle of the bed. He's above you, handcuffs holding your first grip to attach them to the bars of the bed. He squeezes a little stiff, and you whimper in pain. He intimidates you to shut up.
"You've been a naughty girl." He says, rapping your shirt off. You breathe deeply. Your chest is no longer covered. You feel the breeze of the wind entering the room, making you curl. Or is it Lance’s greedy look that makes you think that? "You don't want to be a naughty girl, don't you?"
You look at him. You wait for the rest. The excitement goes up a notch. He plays a game. He knows how to make you want, how to make you come without even touching you. He knows your weak points.
"Answer me."
"No, Lance."
"No, who?"
"No, master."
From that moment on, everything becomes an intense blur. All you remember is how many times you moaned unnamed. The number of marks he left on your body, grabbing, sucking, getting hard. The overstimulation feeling you can't deny. He's the real deal.
You didn’t even take the time to go down to eat. A simple pizza did the trick. He fed, pampered, and loved you with all his being. He showed you that you belong to him and that he belongs to you. It was around the stroke of midnight that the handcuffs left your sore wrists, and you were finally able to touch him.
You spent the rest of your night loving him. In the early morning, exhausted by the scorching night, you stayed in bed. It is he who finally dragged your bodies to the bathtub to take a relaxing bath.
"I'm sorry." He whispers in your ear.
You giggle a bit, sore from the previous night. You use your strength to turn to face him and grab his head.
"I must admit. It is the first time the handcuff made me come."
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 months
Alternate Series Finale - Protective Lillian AU
When Lex takes Lena, he's quick to lock the anti-magic device around her wrist. Lena immediately feels the effect-- a weight on her chest, her energy sapping away. But she pushes through it, refusing to let her brother see any weakness. Thus contained, he's confident enough to thrust her into the chamber where he's stowed Esme without further restraint.
Esme flies into Lena's arms the moment she lays eyes on her aunt. Lena bundles her close, carrying her to sit on the bed as Esme sobs. She soothes her, closing her eyes against the drain of the device on her wrist.
"It's okay," she promises. "I won't let anything happen."
In that moment, Esme's relief is so great, and she feels so loved, that the love totem transfers to Lena. Neither of them notice the change, until Lex comes to check on it, and finds the totem is no longer on the back of Esme's neck. He quickly puts the pieces together.
"You will always fall into the light," he echoes, smirking at his sister.
When it comes time to make the trade for the allstone, Lex does bind Lena's hands, lest she try anything foolish. Regardless, Lena still hoists Esme into her arms, whispering for the girl to hold onto her, and not let go.
At the rendezvous point, Lena stands with Lex and Nyxly, watching the rest of the team gather at the far end of the bridge.
"Release them," Kara orders, her voice stern and fierce as Supergirl.
Lex smirks. "You can have the girl," he allows. "As a show of good faith."
He nods at Lena, who regards him for a long moment before deciding that chances were good he'll honor his word. After all, Esme is no longer of any value to him, now that the totem has chosen Lena.
Lena crouches, setting Esme on her feet. "Go on, sweetheart. Your moms will keep you safe."
"What about you?" Esme asks, her chin wobbling.
Lena gives a reassuring smile. "I'll be okay. I promise."
She presses a kiss to Esme's head, before giving her a gentle push towards the center of the bridge where Alex and Kelly wait. Esme walks hesitantly towards them, then sprints the rest of the way until she's swept up in Kelly's arms and shuffled to the back of the group, out of the line of fire.
"Now the allstone."
"Lena first," Kara demands.
"I don't think so." Lex lifts a small remote in his hand, and clicks a button. In an instant, electric fire arcs through Lena's body, making her scream as she falls to her knees. When it passes, Lena is left gasping, and nearly rolling her eyes.
Of course the device on her wrist would serve a dual purpose.
"The allstone," Lex repeats.
"Supergirl, don't--" Lena's plea comes too late.
Kara reluctantly opens her fist, and the moment it comes into view it flies through the air to settle into Nyxly's palm. She and Lex share a mutual grin of triumph. With a twist of Lex's watch, a portal opens behind them.
When Lex hauls Lena back to her feet, Kara cries out. "You have what you want! Let her go!"
"And let you have her?" Lex tsks. "You should know me better than that, Supergirl."
With that, Lex and Nyxly step back through the portal, dragging Lena with them. The last thing Kara sees before the portal winks out is the fear in Lena's eyes.
They shove Lena back in the same room as before, but this time, without Esme to put on a brave face for, Lena falls into the bed, exhausted. With her magic dampened, part of her life force is no longer accessible, and she declines quickly.
By the time Lillian comes to speak with her, she finds Lena feverish and pallid, her sallow skin slicked with clammy sweat. Her eyes barely flicker open when Lillian cups her cheek, smoothing the damp hair from her face.
Lillian is livid. She takes Lex to task when he comes in to visit, but he remains unfazed. "You should know better than anyone how dangerous magic can be," he says. "Isn't that why you hid all those talismans around the house?"
"She's your sister," Lillian reminds her son.
He shrugs. "And my murderer, remember."
When he leaves, Lillian remains. Because what Lex doesn't know is that his mother has pilfered Lena's signal watch. Gazing at her daughter for a long moment, she makes her decision.
She activates the signal.
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natalievoncatte · 2 months
“Lena, you’re coming with us.”
She looked up sharply as Alex stormed into her office, followed by a dozen DEO goons and a flustered, apologetic Jess as she flipped rapidly between apologizing to Lena for permitting the intrusion and shouting at Alex to get out, only to be ignored.
“Jess, it’s fine,” Lena said, calmly, though her heart was racing. “I’ll hear what they have to say.”
“Cover the entrances,” Alex told her men.
Even when balaclavas over their faces and goggles, Lena could sense their unease. The one who was unmasked -Lena vaguely remembered she was named Vazquez- gave Alex a plaintive, pained look before stepping out. The doors hissed shut behind them, and Alex was alone with her.
“We don’t have time for you to be argumentative.”
“What horrific crime did I commit this time?
“I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m taking you into protective custody.”
Lena put down her phone.
Alex produced a tablet from the bag on her thigh and stormed over, hitting play on a video.
It was Lex. Lena’s stomach dropped.
“Hello, Director Danvers,” said Lex. “I hope this message finds you well, because none of you are going to be well much longer.”
A thought hit Lena like a freight train: If I’m in danger, where’s Kara? Even now Kara would drop everything, risk everything, to keep her from harm.
Lex opened a velvet box and drew out a small device. Lena recognized it and felt her gorge rising. It was another disperser, but something was wrong. The crystal within glowed a deep, scintillating red, like a hot coal drawn from a fire.
“Remember this?” said Lex. “You and the rest of this world are about to learn what happens when you trust an alien.”
“What the fuck?” Lena blurted. “He can’t be alive.”
Alex shook her head.
Lex slammed his fist down, and Alex turned it off.
“Well worry about your brother later. He spread red kryptonite into the atmosphere. We can’t find Kara and she’s not responding to our hails. We have to take anyone she might come after into secure custody where she can’t sense you and we have to go now.”
“This shit drives her insane,” Alex snapped, seizing Lena’s shoulders. “The last time she was exposed she threw Cat Grant off a building. She almost killed me. ME, Lena.”
A cold flush ran down her limbs, as if she’d been thrown into the cold sea, and panic surged from deep down inside. The last time Lena had seen Kara it had been through Kryptonite-frosted crystal before she abandoned her in the fortress of solitude.
“Part of me wants to leave you here and let you get what you deserve,” Alex said, coldly, “but we are going to fix her and when we do she’d never forgive me for letting you get hurt. Even now she won’t let go of her feelings for you. She keeps talking about saving you.”
Lena swallowed hard. “Her what?”
“Lena, get up. For once in your life just cooperate and do what you’re fucking told before…”
Boot heels thudded on the balcony and dread could tight in Lena’s gut. It was a futile gesture but she stood anyway as Alex stepped between them.
The door was locked, but Kara didn’t care. She threw the door open, sending the lock mechanism flying across the room and cracking the bomb-proof glass on the process. Alex pulled her alien pistol and aimed it at Kara’s head.
“Don’t make me hurt you, Kara. I won’t let you do something you regret.”
Kara stared at her with bloodshot eyes, the ocean blue irises turned a bruise purple as red flashes danced across the whites, like the setting sun chasing across frosted snow. She moved with a languid, inhuman grace, at once casual and as menacing as a predator stalking prey that had no means of escape.
“Hello, Lena.”
“Kara,” Alex warned. “I know you’re in there. Come back with me.”
Kara ignored her, sweeping her aside with an outstretched arm. Alex went flying, crashing into the doors with a grunt, rolling to the ground unmoving.
“Kara,” Lena said calmly, backing away. “You hurt Alex.”
“I know.”
“Why are you doing this?”
Kara smiled at her, but there was none of her usual joy, her usual mirth, only a cold, vicious baring of teeth. Lena thumped against her bookcase and a model of the HMS victory that Lex gave her after he finished it toppled from the self.
Kara caught it and returned it to its place. She thrust her hands out, bracketing Lena as she leaned in, trapping her. Lena’s heart was pounding.
“You’re scared,” Kara said, “I can taste it in your pheromones. Did you know I can do that? I can sense your skin’s electrical impedance and see the heat bloom in your flesh and hear your heartbeat. If I focus very very hard I can hear brainwaves.”
“I didn’t know that,” Lena said, shocked at the smooth calm in her own voice.
“I knew it was a lie the whole time. I knew it was a lie from the night at the Pullitzer gala, when you really started loathing me.”
“Then why did you-“
“I didn’t want it to be a lie!” Kara snapped, jolting Lena as she pressed into the bookcase. “I wanted it to be real. I wanted finally be free of the pain of hiding myself from you.”
Behind them, Alex groaned as she sat up, staring at them with a thin trickle of blood running from her nose.
“Kara,” Lena said, very softly. “I can see that you’re sick . Let me help you. I can purge the red Kryptonite from your system in my lab.”
“Why would I want to purge it?”
“You hurt Alex. You love Alex.”
“Do I?”
“Yes,” said Lena. “You’re good, Kara. You’re so good. You’re the kindest, most merciful-“
“I’m tired of being kind!” Kara shouted, stinging her ears. “I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of taking bullets for people! Just because they don’t inure me doesn’t mean they don’t hurt!”
“I didn’t know that either,” Lena whispered. “I thought…”
“You thought nothing hurts me,” Kara said, leaning in close, so close her breath tickled Lena’s lips. “But you hurt me. You hurt more than anything. More than your brother, more than Reign, more than the clone. Dying don’t hurt as much as you hurt me.”
Lena spared Alex a glance. She was lying against the doors, holding her belly. She met Lena’s gaze levelly and Lena knew in an instant the danger she was in and the terrible truth.
She was the only one who could stop Kara.
“I know,” said Lena. “I know I did and it felt good when I was doing it.”
“Lena!” Alex gasped, “are you fucking crazy?”
“It felt good,” Lena said, trying to force the trembling out of her voice and failing. “It felt so good to lash out. I wanted to hurt someone. I want to hurt everyone. I wanted everyone to feel what I’m feeling. Especially you. I bet it felt a lot like what you’re feeling now.”
Kara’s eyes were wild with fury, moments from kindling the red-sun fire that would wipe Lena from existence.
“I never stopped believing in you,” said Kara. “I’m the only reason you’re not in a cell beneath a secret desert compound. All this time I’ve defended you and believed in you and protected you.”
“All this time?” Lena snapped back, fury kindling behind the terror, chasing it back as a fire’s light chases the dark.
She was Lena Luthor. She wasn’t going to die afraid.
“You mean all this time when you accused me of conspiring against you? When you suddenly turned cold to me after telling me how you believed in me? When you made my boyfriend spy on me and destroyed my relationship?”
Lena’s hands released the shelves she’d been strangling in twin death grips.
“I… I…”
“How was I supposed to react to learning that you were both people? After what you did? You should punish me, Kara. I’m a murderer.”
Alex gasped, eyes darting from Kara to Lena.
“I killed my brother for you,” Lena said, very softly. “I killed him because I had to. Because you never would. I’m not a hero like you. I’d do it again. I’d do it all again for you. Now I find out he’s still alive. I may have to. I will. I’ll make sure he’s dead this time!”
Kara blinked, her eyes steaming from the heat inside her as tears ran down her cheeks.
“It hurts,” Kara whispered. “It hurts seeing the truth. It hurts to know what I did.”
“I know how much it hurts,” Lean said, bringing her hands to cup Kara’s face lightly. She was shaking, feverish, her skin almost uncomfortably hot. Lena felt a touch of rising panic and forced it down.
“It hurts knowing that I broke up you and James on purpose. It hurts knowing why. It hurts that even now I can’t say it, I’m too scared.”
“I’m supposed to want you and not him,” Lena said.
Kara jerked back slightly, her eyes going wide. It was an admission without words, a confession to a crime she’d already admitted. She pressed her eyes shut and the tears flowed anyway.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know,” said Lena. “It hurts, doesn’t it? The anger.”
“Yes,” said Kara. “It burns. It’s burning me up. I can feel it in my chest, like it’s turning my ribs to cinders.”
Lena nodded. “I came back for you.”
“I came back for you. I went back to the Fortress. I was as going to let you out, accept the consequences of what I’d done, but Alex must have already found you.”
“She did.”
“She always takes care of you, doesn’t she?”
Kara blinked. “Yes.”
“It hurt the most then,” said Lena, “knowing that I’d made my choice and I couldn’t take it back. I planned it all for months. I lost myself in how good it would feel to make you suffer like I’m suffering. Then when I did it there was nothing. No joy. No catharsis. I just felt hollow.”
Lena sighed. “I fucked up. I ruined my life.”
She flinched as Kara’s too-warm hand brushed her cheek, her thumb grazing lightly over her chin.
“I would forgive you any trespass. I would never hurt you,” she said, even as she trembled with rage.
“I know,” said Lena.
“Part of me wants to.”
“I know. Kara, let me help you. Please. You’re sick.”
Kara looked at her and Lena wondered what was going through her head. Did she think it was all a manipulation, a ploy? Would she lose it and snap Lena’s neck, or whip her head with a burst of heat vision and burn them all?
“Okay,” Kara breathed.
Lena reached over and pulled the book on her shelf that opened with direct elevator to her private lab. It was a touch melodramatic, but hell, it was he office.
She gave Alex a glance, waiting for the nod before she stepped inside with Lena.
They rode down in silence. Kara fell back on Lena’s exam table and closed her eyes as Lena placed the device on Kara’s chest. The House of El rune on the machine glowed as it recalibrated itself and began purging the radiation from her system.
Lena knew it was working when Kara began to weep, her face twisting in a grimace of towering grief. When it was done, Lena carefully removed the device and brushed loose strands of hair from Kara’s eyes and gently wrapped her arms around her. Kara buried her face in Lena’s neck and sobbed, shaking the table with the fury of her sorrow.
“I didn’t mean it,” she whimpered.
“I know,” Lena whispered, smoothing a hand over her head. “I know.”
“Is Alex…”
“She’ll be fine, her people have already taken her to the L-Corp infirmary. She’s fine.”
Kara’s voice was almost childlike. “Did I hurt you?”
Lena closed her eyes. “Yeah. You hurt me. It’s okay, darling. It’s going to be okay.”
Kara’s arms looped around her, tentatively. When Lena didn’t push her back, Kara relaxed into the hug.
“I’m sorry, Lena. I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Shhh, I know. I know. I’m sorry too. I forgive you.”
“You can’t,” Kara whimpered. “You can’t just do that.”
“Yes I can. I’m so rich I can do whatever I want. Here.”
Without letting Kara go, she reached over and took Myriad, placing it in Kara’s hands.
“It’s going to be okay,” Lena whispered, as Kara hugged her tighter.
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