#ever since I learned to make gifs I have gone mad with power
fazedlight · 10 months
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“KARA!” Lena screamed. I killed her, Lena grieved.
She didn’t have time to linger as Eve attacked her again, Lena throwing one last punch before she found herself scrambling out of her jet. The explosion killed her, Lena’s mind shouted, thrashing in agony, a litany of damnation that she should never have brought Kara to Kaznia in the first place. It’s all my fault.
But to her astonishment, in the dark, a figure shifted ahead - blonde and burning and bright, and Lena thought for half a second to run back for the fire extinguisher, that Kara might be saved.
But as the figure turned, somehow unaffected by the flames that adorned her like a god, Lena halted. Kara looked concerned, confused. But she didn’t look injured.
Lena’s eyes drifted lower, to the bright S now etched on Kara’s chest, solid blue emerging amidst her burnt clothing. “Kara…”
“Lena,” Kara breathed, reluctance written on her face.
Lena hesitated a moment longer, before taking step after careful step, approaching the reporter as the embers continued to burn across her body. Lena’s hand drifted to the top of the suit’s crest, just below Kara’s neck, where yellow met red. Oh.
It was too much - the whiplash of the explosion, thinking that Lena had carelessly killed her best friend, to realizing that the reporter had once thrown that’s not a great question for a Luthor to ask someone in my family back in her face.
Kara Danvers was her best friend. Did she ever really exist?
“Lena…” Kara whispered again.
Lena dropped her hand, her eyes raised to Kara’s, looking her over again. “Don’t,” she said. Without another word, Lena turned on her heel, and went back to her jet.
The flight back from Kaznia was longer alone.
Plenty of time for Lena to fume and grieve, for her to rage internally at weathering yet another deceit. Kara Danvers - or whatever the hell she was really called - had used her, betrayed her, spied on her. 
Somewhere in the back of Lena’s mind, there was a different acknowledgment - that her glide ratio in her custom-designed jet was good, but not good enough to reach the Kaznian runway when the engines had failed. That her assumption at the time that mountain updrafts had saved her ran contrary to the now-more-obvious explanation - that the kryptonian had saved her from aviation incidents three times now. 
Lena looked out the side of the window, where dawn was slowly rising. She desperately needed sleep, but was too wired from watching her best friend be blown up - and then revealed to be a traitor - and sleep was just… not going to happen. 
Lena could swear that she was seeing glints of red and blue, just behind her plane, a kryptonian possibly trying to stay out of sight while still being protective. It was infuriating.
It’s not Kara, Lena’s mind begged, trying to convince herself that the dead kryptonian was the clone she had learned about in Kaznia. It can’t be Kara.
It was with overwhelming horror that Lena watched the footage of Kaznia’s failed invasion, her brother parading around a dead kryptonian in his lexosuit arms, the supposed traitor Supergirl. 
He was a hero. For killing her. It can't be Kara. It can’t it can’t it can’t-
Trying to still her trembling fingers, Lena picked up her phone, trying to figure out what to text, what to say, anything to get a response from the kryptonian that she had shut out. Operating out of instinct more than logic, she pressed Kara’s name to start a call instead, holding it up to her ear, her stomach twisting with nausea.
But luckily, it only took one ring before Lena heard a familiar voice on the other end. “Lena,” Kara said softly
Lena pulled the phone away, and hung up.
There was no other choice in her mind. Not when Lex had regained legitimacy in the eyes of the country by “saving” it from Supergirl’s attack. Not when Lex sought to commit a secret genocide to solve the energy crisis and be named a hero. Not when Lena was the only person who would know where Lex would go.
Not when all Lena could see was Lex cradling Red Daughter in his arms.
The image was burned into her mind, and all Lena knew was that Kara was next - Lex would not rest until every kryptonian was gone. And Kara would be too kind and noble to seek anything but legal justice. But that wasn’t Lena - it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kill Morgan Edge, it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kidnap her mother from prison and poison her, it wasn’t Lena when she tucked her gun in her belt that morning.
A single bullet to the head, and Lex was gone.
Kara’s door opened just a few seconds before Lena reached it. Lena supposed Kara could hear her down the hall.
Lena ignored the shock and concern on Kara’s face as she stepped inside, making her way to Kara’s window as Kara closed the door. Truth was, she still couldn’t face Kara at all.
“I’m sorry, Lena,” Kara started. “I tried to save-”
“Don’t,” Lena said.
Kara grew quiet, flanking Lena’s side, joining her as Lena stared out onto the streets below. Lena shifted. “I thought she was you,” Lena said. “When Lex killed her, I thought she was you.”
She could feel Kara shrink, uncertain of what to say, of how to move forward. And maybe Lena didn’t know either. But she could try. If… “Is Kara real?” Lena asked, her voice cracking. “Or just a mask?”
“I’m real,” Kara whispered, prompting Lena to finally turn. And Lena couldn’t help herself, seeking the warmth of Kara’s arms, the kryptonian all too happy to wrap Lena in a tight hug as Lena stepped into it. “I… sometimes I feel more real with you than anyone else.”
Lena swallowed harshly, burying her face into Kara’s shoulder, holding back a tremble. “I want to believe you.”
“I’ll spend a lifetime trying to prove it,” Kara whispered. “If you’ll let me.”
Lena took a slow, trembling breath. “Okay.”
Idea taken from a tweet I saw floating around. If you're interested in a longer season 4 reveal, I also wrote No One and Nothing.
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Of Traitors and Oathbreakers
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Summary: A Black in Greens territory is never a good thing, especially if that means falling into the hands of Prince Aemond
Notes: Aemond and reader are childhood friends turned enemies (with benefits). Had to write something for my favorite war criminal. The reader is the child of the blacksmith of the Red Keep (bc why make Targaryen!readers when they can be ~different~)
Hobroti jās – Fuck off
Nyke pendagon avy jorrāelan – I think I love you
Warnings: rough/hate sex, dub-con (power imbalance), biting, scratching choking etc, mentions of starvation, war, imprisonment
Taglist: @levithestripper (hmu to be added!)
Ending 1 / Ending 2 | Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
You didn’t remember how you got here. In fact, you didn’t even remember where you had been wanting to go, or who had been with you.
All you knew was that you were stuck in a cold cell, water dripping from the ceiling between short pauses of silence and driving you close to madness. When you looked out of the small crack in the wall of your cell, you’d seen molten towers you only recognized from childhood tales.
Currently territory of the Greens, and you were a Black. The name Targaryen could neither protect nor endanger you here, and for that you were grateful, but for everything else…
They didn’t let you out, whoever your jailers were. If your standing allowed it, you would have thrown the bread they gave you back into their faces and called them cowards.
But your mother had taught you to be resourceful, and your father had never let you leave scraps on your plate.
The only way for you to gauge how much time had passed was from the crack in the wall, watching the sun rise and set, but even like that you lost count after a while. You would’ve gone insane from the cold in your bones or the slow drips from the ceiling, or maybe even the loneliness, if it hadn’t been for the expression of wrath you had seen on the face of your Queen.
Your Queen. Rhaenyra. And yet, she would not risk her life, or that of any of her dragonriders to save you. You knew that when you kneeled for her in Dragonstone, and you had remembered it ever since. Yet you couldn’t help but wish that the situation was different.
Dying like this wasn’t what you wanted. It was everything you despised – the cold, the loneliness, the harsh walls around you. Worst of all was the darkness though.
You’d grown up in your father’s workshop, surrounded by fire as the Targaryens were with their dragons. Light and heat was your childhood, your comfort, and though learning the craft had gone to your brothers, you hadn’t let that keep you from picking up every weapon your father had crafted.
A gift that had cursed you later in life, bringing you into this cell.
The first time they opened the cell door completely could’ve been days or decades after your initial imprisonment. You didn’t demand answers, didn’t fight them yet, letting them drag you out and through empty hallways.
Once, you caught the smell of soot and ash, wondering whether it was from a smithy or a dragon. Were they taking you to your execution?
You doubted it. No one but the Targaryens were executed by the Targaryens themselves.
Instead, they brought you to the tubs that were in the cellars of Harrenhal. The water was hot, steam rising up from the water of the pools, and you could swear that there had never been a lovelier sight.
The guards did not bother turning their backs, so you turned yours. You had no weapon to defend yourself, and you weren’t ready to give all of your dignity just yet. Quickly, you sank into the steaming water, beginning to scrub the smell of dirt, blood and piss from your skin.
Death clung to your skin like a scared child to her mother. You hated it.
The cell had given you more than enough time to remember, but it seemed that you could not. All you knew was that you had been sent to find the host of the Northmen, making your way through the Riverlands.
Somewhere between Dragonstone and Harrenhal, someone had killed your crew and taken you prisoner, leaving you to wake up with their blood on your hands, literally.
Your bath was cut short by a young woman shooing the guards out, before helping you out of it. She was the first one to show you a semblance of respect, handing you clean clothes and a cloth to dry yourself, but she wasn’t willing to talk to you.
Perhaps they were all mute here, terrified into silence by their Lord, the Lord Confessor of the Greens. Perhaps it was yet another way to torture you.
She was somewhat gentle when she helped you lace your dress, before she left you to your own devices again. It was strange to be clean again after such a long time. The dance had left you permanently disheveled in some way.
Even before, Daemon had been drilling you in the yard, making impossible demands at you. You were the only one who made it through his snide remarks that brought grown men to tears and desperation. You would have never admitted the rewarding smirk he gave you after a long sparring session reminded you of a Green.
The woman had you follow her into a small chamber, only equipped with a small cot and a chamberpot. It was barbaric, but infinitely more than the cell you’d been forced to call home.
Here, where you were all alone, you could take in the changes of your body for the first time. Wearing a dress made the loss of weight noticeable. You’d exchanged a part of your femininity for the harshness of battle a long time ago, it was the price female fighters paid in Westeros.
The time in the cells had made the rest of that softness fall off your bones, and all that was left was sinew and muscles. You knew it wasn’t healthy, but you hadn’t had your moon’s blood since the beginning of the war, and a truly delicious meal since even longer.
Luxury was a faraway dream, a whisper of the days in the Red Keep, where the worst punishment had been your mother chasing you through the stables to give you an earful about sparring with princes and forgoing your chores in favor of riding. Where your friends had comforted you after your brother became collateral in a fire in just this castle. Where you’d witnessed Vaemond’s bluntness be his death, and where Daemon spotted your talent as you trained in the yard.
Daemon had taken you and your father from the Red Keep, under the pretense of needing a smith and the truth of wanting a warrior that would always be underestimated. A girl who could slip through the cracks in the expectations of men and then slit their throats.
That was what you were to him. And for a while, you hadn’t noticed that he’d taken your childhood, for he had raised you to glory and given you a taste of battle. But where battle was, war followed, and it quickly reared its ugly head.
A knock ripped you from the myriad of thoughts in your mind. Who would knock at your door? You were a prisoner. If anything, you should be the one knocking, begging for their freedom.
You didn’t answer, and they paused for so long you thought they actually wanted a reply from you. But then, the door swung open.
“She told me you would be here.” He said.
“Doesn’t matter.” Aemond replied. He stared at you silently, taking in the tightness of the gown, the slim shape your body had never had before. “Hmm.”
And then, he left, leaving alone again.
Aemond. What was Aemond doing here? He was Aegon’s brother, wasn’t this below him? Shouldn’t he be commanding great hosts, slaying his enemies from above?
He returned with food. A steaming bowl of stew, the smell of which made your stomach growl audibly, and a tankard of ale. It was making you forget that he was your enemy.
“It’s not poisoned.” He said.
“You’ve had enough opportunity to execute me.” You shrugged, hungrily digging into the meal. Aemond only hummed, a habit familiar to you.
He did it the few times you beat him in a spar, trying to assess what went wrong. When he heard you complain about the stench around the smith, only for the noble lord who pissed onto the walls of your home to disappear from court a day later. When Aegon taunted you for being a girl that would never amount to anything, lowborn and worth nothing, only to receive his brother’s punches seconds later.
“I’ve missed you.” He said quietly. You supposed that that was the way Aemond was: quiet in everything. Protecting, fighting, respecting. You wondered if that applied to-
No. Just because he was practically the first man you’d seen since your confinement did not mean you had to fall at his feet. He’d been your friend, and now he was your enemy. Both weren’t what people should pursue.
“You killed Prince Lucerys.” You replied.
“Just as much as his mother did.” Aemond snarled, but he didn’t sound so sure.
“She is the queen. You are responsible.”
“She has put Helaena into agony! Do you know what the war does to her? Days, spent in tears, fearing her own dreams and what may come! Helaena knows what will happen to her, and it is too atrocious for her to speak of, even to mother!”
It felt like a blow to the stomach. Helaena was strange to the ladies of the court, but she was always kind to you. There was an unspoken agreement between you and Aemond as children, that when you played hide and seek in the Godswood with Jace and found Helaena playing with the bugs in the bushes, you’d leave her alone.
“The mother that started all of this.”
“I didn’t know war made you into a frigid bitch.” Aemond spat.
“No, traitors do.” You said, throwing the insult back. His hand shot at your neck, and you wondered if he would kill you.
Days past flashed through your mind, afternoons spent swimming in Blackwater Bay and hiding from septas, mothers and knights. Sneaking Aemond into the city to buy him food from the street vendors in Flea Bottom. Teasing him for his royal stomach as he felt queasy afterwards, assuring him that you weren’t afraid when he returned from Dragonstone, a patch covering his eye. The awkward kiss you shared as teens, neither of you wanting to be unprepared for your great love you were so sure was to come.
His hand was still there, cold to the touch. Jaw set and fury blazing in his remaining eye.
“I lost control of Vhagar.” He confessed. A whisper so hushed it almost carried away into silence. “And it was me who killed your men and took you to Harrenhal.”
“They were good men. They had families, and you killed them.”
“This is war. You’re their bloody commander!” Aemond snorted.
“You could’ve killed them when they made it to battle, to let them die with honor.”
“They wouldn’t have lasted much longer.”
“You don’t know that.” You spat.
“No, but you do. Who made you into a commander? You could barely put a scratch on Aegon when you left for Dragonstone.”
“Daemon did. And I’ve been better than Aegon a long time. I just happened to be lowborn.”
“Think you can beat me?” Aemond laughed, cold and arrogant.
“Why don’t we take this to the yard and find out? It would be a pleasure to kill you.”
“Vhagar would devour you, if you managed.”
“As she did with Luke?”
Just for a moment, Aemond’s façade crumbled, and he grew pale, before he regained his composure, but you already regretted your words.
“Did you eat your heart when you grew hungry in your cell? Or was that Daemon too?”
“And when did you grow into the arrogant prick your brother and grandfather envisioned you to be?” you spat, trying to even your tone.
You felt the frustration and anger of the last few months becoming a knot in your stomach already and watching your childhood friend throw insults at you hurt more than any blade could have.
“Cunt.” He replied, his anger evident in his tone as well.
“Kinslayer.” You said, letting go of all reservations.
“You’re still a dumb little girl.” He spat. Somehow, this was worse than anything else. Aegon had always called you that, and after one particularly bad day, Aemond had come to apologize for his brother, promising to never say that to you.
The tears spilled quicker than you could stop them, but even through the blurry vision they created, you slapped Aemond as hard as you could.
You wiped your eyes just in time to see his expression, mouth hanging open as his hand touched his cheek gingerly. Before he could regain his composure, you ran into him, throwing him onto the ground. You didn’t care as you heard his body hit the ground, only trying to hurt him somehow, to show him what he had done to you.
But Aemond was at full health, and a man that was taller than you by a bit while you hadn’t eaten properly in weeks. It didn’t take him long until he had flipped you around, holding your wrists down to the stone floor.
You struggled against him, trying to kick him or knee him in the balls, but Aemond was quicker than you, pinning your legs as well.
“Fuck you! You promised me!” you shouted at him, still trying to get your wrists out of his grip.
“You want me to apologize?”
“Yes, I do.” You snapped. “You broke a promise.”
“Hobroti jās.” He replied.
“Your Valyrian bullshit doesn’t scare me.” You laughed, but you were lying. It did. He could be threatening to kill you for all you knew, and you would be none the wiser.
“Is that so, my love?” he taunted.
“Don’t call me that.” You replied.
“Why? Have a lover waiting for you at Dragonstone? Prince Daemon himself perhaps?”
“I don’t. And the King consort would not dishonor his queen like that.”
“I suppose you’re not much to look at anyway. Especially not after a stay in the cells.” Aemond cruelly spat.
Your snarl fell from your face, your mask cracking quicker than you wanted it to. Not being as desirable and pretty as the ladies at court had hurt for as long as you could remember, but it was worse coming from Aemond somehow.
“Never took you for the vain type.” Aemond continued relentlessly, driving the knife in deeper.
“As if you’re a looker.” You replied, trying to push the tears he had cried over his face for years into the background. You knew it was mean, your choice of words especially, but he was just as horrible. Yet, when you said those words, Aemond recoiled from you for a moment, giving you the opportunity to free yourself from his grasp.
You crawled backwards, trying to create space between the two of you, but Aemond grabbed your ankle, pulling you back towards him. You crashed against him, causing him to let go of you to catch himself.
Trying to take advantage of the moment, you pushed him down by the shoulders, trying to ignore the fact that he was staring at you.
“Nyke pendagon avy jorrāelan.” He said. His eye was wide, staring at you with anger and… was that awe?
“Stop with the Valyrian!” you said, punching against his chest in a futile attempt to regain control.
He smirked at you, satisfied that he was getting a rise out of you like this, and you hated him for it. You’d spent a lot of your time around Daemon, for fuck’s sake! This shouldn’t be having any kind of effect on you!
You should get up now. You could get up, your brain was screaming at you, but instead, you stayed where you were, your hands on his shoulders in a futile attempt to subdue a Targaryen.
You stayed where you were when Aemond leaned forward, until your faces were only centimeters apart.
“Go on.” he whispered. You weren’t sure what he wanted, only that, in that moment, closing the space between you felt right.
It took you about two seconds to break the kiss, biting Aemond’s lip. “I hate you.” You tried, but you heard your own voice, and it didn’t sound too convinced.
“Are you?” he asked, wiping the blood from his lower lip with a small smile.
“We’re enemies! At war. We should be killing each other, not doing… this.”
“I took too long. I tried to convince myself that letting you rot would be a good punishment.” He said.
“It is! Look at what I’m doing.” You replied.
“You drew first blood. Hate to admit it.”
“You are insufferable.” You said.
“Am I? You haunt my dreams, taunting me with what I’ve done, and now that I let you speak to me, you make my nightmares reality! I want you dead, and yet I can’t help but want you all to myself.”
“Oathbreakers are the highest of traitors, and I swear, one day your head will be on a spike in the Red Keep, and I for one will be glad for it.” You replied, but it sounded weak against his words, refined with years of study you didn’t have.
“Then why did you kiss me?”
You hated that you didn’t have a witty response on your tongue as Aemond would have.
“Give in.” he said, and by the Gods, was there ever a sweeter temptation?
“So all the blood spilled under my command will be ridiculed?” you asked.
“I am a Targaryen, blood is in my nature. What better way to honor them?”
“Than kissing you? I can think of more than a few.” You laughed.
“I don’t give a shit about kisses.” Aemond replied. When he crossed the room, you didn’t dare back away. They called Aemond a One-Eyed devil, but you had taken off that eyepatch to care for what remained far too many times not to see him for what he was.
All the violence, the fire, the insecurities. His inability to look at his reflection, the pride and guilt of being Vhagar’s rider. The love for Helaena and hate for Aegon. His lust and distaste for the crown, the never-ending spiral of paradox that he was.
But you had been made violence and fire as well, to hide your weaknesses and make you lethal.
Before his lips could crash onto yours again, you felt the horrible realization of what had happened hit you. Your hands caught his chest, and Aemond froze.
“Daemon sent me.” You said. “He knew, didn’t he? He knew you’d spare me; he knew that you’d try to kill me, and that you’d fail because I am your friend.”
Slowly, you watched as Aemond walked to the door, grabbing something from behind a loose stone. You thought he’d hidden the dagger to kill you, until he flipped the handle towards you.
“Do it then.” He whispered. Your hand shaking, you tried to take the blade. You could end this war. You could kill the biggest asset the Greens had. He was practically offering himself to you.
Yet you couldn’t level the knife to his neck. Slowly, you let it sink again, hand trembling until the dagger fell. It clattered on the ground loudly, reminding you of your guilt. The traitor you had just become.
But Aemond was already on you, hands cupping your face as if you were fragile, thumbs stroking your cheeks like a lover to be cradled, soothing the unsurety that confused your thoughts.
“I still hate you.” You whispered between kisses, but Aemond barely bothered to smirk at you.
Instead, your hands betrayed your instincts, wandering to unlace his leather doublet, still shaking from the dagger.
“I hate you too.” He replied, ripping at your gown until it tore from shoulder to hip.
“That was the only one I had.” You complained.
“I’ll buy you another.”
“You’re such an ass.” You snapped. Aemond didn’t reply, his hands wandering to the curve of your hips instead.
The cot made an audibly creak as he lowered you down onto it, and you caught the blush on his cheeks.
“Don’t like being heard?” you asked.
“Not particularly. Didn’t know you did.”
“I don’t. I just happen to be poor.”
“Who?” Aemond demanded.
“Who fucked you?”
“You thought I was a virgin?” you taunted.
“Their names.” Aemond managed through gritted teeth.
“Let’s see. There was Alyn, the city watch guard. He was my first. Then your mother’s maid, and a barkeep in Flea Bottom. A former septon at Dragonstone, he was go-“
“Shut up.” Aemond commanded, his hand on your neck again. His other hand was tearing at your dress, and the fact that he was desperate to have you made you feel powerful.
A prince of the Seven Kingdoms, subdued by the daughter of a blacksmith.
What a song that would make. In truth, you were desperate to kiss him again, to bite his shoulder while he fucked you languishly and have him pull your hair while he took you from behind. To dig your nails into his shoulders and watch his eye grow wide as he took his pleasure from you.
“Take it off.” You said.
“The eye patch.”
“No.” Aemond refused.
“I’ve seen you without a thousand times. I want you.” You said.
He let you remove it, and your smile grew as you saw the dark, glittering sapphire filling his empty socket.
“Do you like it?” he asked carefully, sounding like the young boy that had reluctantly shown you his angry, red wound the first time he returned from Dragonstone.
“Would you wake if I stole it in the middle of the night?”
“Don’t try it.” He warned, finally unlacing his breeches. Without warning, he lowered himself to your cunt, before he thrust into you slowly. You screwed your eyes shut, trying to adjust to the stretch of it, but the pain felt just right.
“Alright?” he asked.
“Just been a while.”
He nodded, before he thrusted a few more times. And then, without warning, his hips snapped forward, burying himself in you to the hilt.
Your hands clawed at his shoulders, desperate for something to hold on to, and Aemond lowered his face to your breasts, taking his time with marring the already bruised skin on your chest further.
His thrusts were harsh, reflecting the anger that was still marring his features. If there was a truly gentle side to Aemond, it wasn’t here now.
Instead, he was all rough and messy, pressing his lips to yours in a desperate attempt to soften its gestures, but all it did was make you gasp into his mouth, only encouraging him to drive further into you.
It took your breath away, leaving you biting his shoulder and neck as you had imagined, fighting him tooth and nail for control.
There was an edge to him, one you’d seen before in Daemon and Rhaenyra, and even Helaena at times. Power and magic that made the Targaryens untouchable, and it clouded his senses just like yours.
His hands were everywhere, grabbing whatever he can take hold on. Bruising, marking your flesh and you know that it’s to claim you over and over again.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes again, but of pleasure laced with pain this time, the stretch of his cock so unbearably good it makes you wonder why. Why hadn’t you done this sooner?
Had this lust been there before? Would this have happened without a war?
Was that really what it took?
“I need…” Aemond began, trailing off into nothing as he nipped your lip, mirroring your gesture from earlier. He pushed your knees towards your shoulders, driving even deeper. It makes you a mess, fall apart in just the way he wants you too.
“Don’t stop.” You begged. “Don’t ever stop.”
“I won’t.” Aemond promised, and his words spoke of the things neither of you dared to say.
“Take me. Make me yours.” A part of you said, one that you did not know you possessed.
“My fierce girl.” He praised. “My fighter, my darling. My love. Mine, mine, mine.”
His words became a mantra, thrumming with the racing beat of your heart.
Betrayal shouldn’t feel this good, and yet, Aemond made the guilt disappear into background noise with soft praises soothing earlier insults. He flipped you around after a while, hands grabbing your hips as you tried to steady yourself on the cot, hands tangling with bedsheets.
They bruised you again, lilac and purple blooming on your skin, bones stretching against it. You were hungry for something you didn’t know you wanted, and Aemond’s hands promised sweet release.
His chest flattened against your back, jaw finding your neck again and biting more marks into it, as if there weren’t already enough there. Hands tangling into your hair, he turned your head to kiss you harshly, more teeth and bite than soft kisses, but in that moment it felt right.
“Gods.” He gasped, thrusting into you with a frenzy. His hands found your sweet spot, rubbing until you found yourself painfully close to the edge. You could feel his breath on your back, the desperate savageness that accompanied his person now.
Heat bloomed in your stomach as you felt him continue, observant to your reactions. He studied you as he studied his swordplay, a skill he wanted to master. He already had, and yet, you couldn’t help but arch your back and meet his cock.
“So desperate?” he teased, and you ignored him, even as he taunted you for fucking yourself on his cock.
“You’re the one rutting into me.” You tried. Trading insults didn’t feel necessary, you were both desperate enough for each other to betray the cause you were so loyal to, and that was proof enough of your desperation.
“Give in.” he demanded. “Give yourself to me.”
“You’re mine,” you managed instead. “You’ll always be mine; I don’t care about the rest.”
He bit back his witty comeback, you knew it. It felt like a heartwarming gesture, if his hands and cock hadn’t made your spine go soft and your legs shake. He was desperate to make you cum, and that was how you knew he was close as well.
You wanted him to cum first, to lose if only in this, but with a few more sloppy thrusts, he had pushed you over the edge, your arms failing you as he followed after you seconds later.
As soon as it was done, he tried to move away from you. He let you pull him back in. You kissed him softly, slowly, as you had longed to do for a long time.
Now that his anger had dissipated, his lips melted against yours, his grip gentle and soft again, soothing over the love bites he had just made.
Carefully, he dressed you, a proud expression on his face as he noticed his seed between your legs.
“You’ll get me moontea for that.” You said.
“Or a septon.” He smirked, tying his breeches.
“What gave you the impression?”
Wordlessly, Aemond scooped you up into his arms, carrying you to the door.
“’You’ll always be mine’ was quite indicative.” He said, mimicking your gasps. Aemond carried you all the way to his chambers, setting you down on a bed that felt like a cloud.
“We can’t marry.” You reminded him quietly.
“Yes, we can. I’m the prince.”
“Precisely. I am a blacksmith’s daughter for the enemy of your faction.”
“Perhaps I shall make my own faction then.” Aemond replied.
“And make a peasant your queen? I do believe the nobles would rather have a woman then.”
“My mother would love you.”
“Since when? No doubt she knows I fucked her maid as a parting gift by now.” You said.
“That was your last act in the Red Keep?” Aemond asked. “I do admit, it might be a little difficult to make up for it.”
“I mean it, Aemond. ‘Tis no joking matter. You must either let me go, or kill me now, for I know I cannot do that to you.” You replied.
“You can leave tomorrow morning.” He agreed. “And I shall have no mercy if I see you on the battlefield. Or you can stay, and marry me at noon. The choice is yours to make.”
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at-tensionseeker · 2 years
No Is A Full Sentence
Elizabeth Olsen x Y/N
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks
Genre: Fluff, Funny (i think, based on my humor lol)
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44250676
This fanfic is inspired by Lizzie's Sam Jones' interview. I hope you enjoy!
It’s your first time going to this sushi place that one of your friends recommended. It isn’t far from your apartment, but you did have to walk for about ten minutes to get there. You wouldn’t have been if you weren’t craving those salmon nigiri take outs that your friend Jan brought to your apartment last week during your regularly scheduled movie nights. Instead, here you are standing in the back of the restaurant’s long ass line that reached their storefront because of so many people trying to buy their own food.
You put your hands in your coat’s pockets, just a failed attempt of trying to warm them. The memory of your gloves flashes in your eyes and the regret of not bringing them with you makes you want to kick yourself.
The December breeze in New York is definitely a killer. When you first moved in two years ago, you couldn’t even go outside for a full month without getting sick. The climate was new to you, especially having lived in sunny, warm weather all your life. It became a habit to buy long coats, jackets, winter gloves, and even earmuffs just so you don’t get hypothermia in the long run. Soon enough, you adjusted to the temperatures and learned how to adjust both your apartment’s and car’s heating system to help you during the winter season. It was fun.
The line moves slowly. Whatever the reason for that is, you really don’t know. Besides, you tell yourself, that you’re already in line and people behind you have come up so if you leave now you’ll just wake up in the middle of the night with those damn nigiris flooding your mind. So, you decided to stay.
You tip your toes to see if the people in front of you have moved since the last ten minutes you were there, but the sight of a short blonde hair and green eyes that met yours as she turns around for a split second stops you from breathing. 
You’ve seen that face before. Multiple times. 
In movies, in that Disney+ show, interviews, edits. You know it’s her.
You’ve been following her journey since her first appearance in Avengers Age of Ultron and has been on the ride up until her most recent successful film, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. You weren’t a die-hard Marvel fan before and even now you wouldn’t dare to call yourself one, but you quickly found yourself latched on to the franchise ever since you saw her. There aren’t any posters in your room, and you certainly haven’t gone to any Comic-cons, but you loved how she portrayed such a powerful character and has been fascinated by her ever since.
Elizabeth Olsen is standing in line in front of you in the middle of the cold New York weather, her frame clad in black faux fur coat and beanie on top of her head that really barely covers her blonde hair.
You suddenly couldn’t breathe. The air is getting colder and thinner for your liking, and you fear you’ll pass out before you could even say hi to her. There’s sweat forming on your palms and you know you can feel it, but you’re also a little confused since you’re pretty sure normal people don’t sweat in the cold. You brush it profusely against the material of your coat just to get it off or to calm your nerves. That one you’re still debating on.
The line moves briefly and then stops, and you think to yourself that if you could just muster any amount of courage, you’d say hi to her. Maybe get a photo with her even.
Should you say hi to her? What will you tell her? Do you tap her first on the shoulder so she can look back at you? Or is that rude?
The line moves again and you curse inwardly. It was barely moving five minutes ago, and now that you see a Hollywood Star in front of you it suddenly budges?
How infuriatingly unlucky of you.
From what you’ve seen, Elizabeth seems nice to her fans during fan meets and interviews so you know she’s not rude. That’s one of the reasons why you fell in love with her personality.
But this isn’t a Comic-con, is it? This isn’t some staged interview wherein you get a free backstage pass to meet your idol, no. This is literally outside of the restaurant in the middle of a busy New York street and she’s just trying to grab some food just like everyone else.
You’re still conflicted, even when the both of you finally reach inside. There’s probably about 4 to 5 people in front of you now, and you’re not even thinking about the sushi at this point anymore. Your hands still shake and sweat no matter how many times you wipe it off, and your heart beats faster than normal when you realize you’re both going to part ways sooner than you like it. It gets even harder to convince yourself to just go for it because when will another opportunity like this be presented to you in the future? Chances are lower than zero itself. A negative number if you think of it.
So when the customer in front of her finally reaches the counter, your shaky hands poke her slightly on her left shoulder.
Okay, maybe a little harder?
You poke her again, and she whips her head back to you. Her brows furrowed at the sight of you and they raise up in question. It’s hard not to look like a fool in front of a famous person, isn’t it? You probably look like a deer in headlights, but you quickly found your voice after a few blinks.
“Uh- h-hi,” you stammer. “Are you- is it okay if- I’m a huge fan of your work. Is it okay if I ask for a photo?”
You’re pretty sure she didn’t hear that. You barely let out a whisper, or is that blood that’s rushing through your ears?
Realization dawns on her face on what you mean. She shakes her head.
There is a breaking sound somewhere. You’re not entirely sure if it’s one of the waiters who accidentally breaks some glass or if it is the sound of your heart breaking. You freeze in your place, embarrassed and hurt, but mostly embarrassed because of the dumb decision you made. Instead of letting that get to you, you give her a smile and nod to let her know that you get it.
“Forgive me,” you blurt out, still smiling at her to hide the tears burning in the back of your eyes. “I understand, of course. You’re not obliged to. I’m really-“ you pause to swallow the lump in your throat. It’s just really embarrassing. “I’m really glad to have seen you in person.”
Elizabeth only looks at you and gives you a warm smile and that eases out a little bit of your anxiety of probably offending her at some point. The customer in front of her left, you notice, so you usher her forward. She gives you one last smile and orders her food.
Few of the things you didn’t notice though. Her eyes are red and a little bit swollen, probably from crying and when she ordered her food, her hands are clasped together with fingers rubbing each other to ease her anxiety. Of course you would have, had you not been too busy cursing yourself at your stupidity.
Elizabeth grabs her takeout, gives you one last look and exits the restaurant.
You take the sushi you’re not craving anymore and replays the encounter as you go your way home. You can’t believe that the first celebrity you’ll meet in New York is the one person you adore. It was surreal, to say the least, and despite the rocky meeting with Elizabeth Olsen you are still happy to have seen her smile and look at you directly in person.
You swear to God you’ll attend the next Comic-con.
Sending the news to Jan, who doesn’t believe you therefore requested that you call him as soon as you arrive, you quickly pocket your phone and sprint your way outside of the busier streets of New York. You reach the more calm and quiet area where your apartment is and begin to walk slowly.
The unfortunate encounter with Elizabeth Olsen has been the only thing that’s replaying in your mind so when you spot a crouched figure with faux fur coat and beanie once again, you couldn’t help but squeak.
You almost tripped on her actually. She’s just by the sidewalk, both of her hands are covering her ears and her eyes are tightly closed. There’s a frown and a thin line of sweat on her face and you didn’t think twice before fully sitting down in front of her to check.
“Hey,” you prod slowly. “Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?”
Flashes of hands clasped together back at the restaurant flood your brain and it didn’t take you another minute to realize that she’s currently having a panic attack.
“Uhm… Elizabeth- Lizzie? Can I call you that? I’ll call you that, okay?” You stammer. “I’m here to help you. Can you breathe slowly please?”
Elizabeth does as you tell her. You continue to tell her to breathe and that everything is fine around you. “It’s scary, I know. But it will pass, okay? You need to be in the present, Lizzie. Just listen to my voice. I’ll be right here and you’re not alone.”
Albeit her eyes are still shut, her breathing sounds less worse than before. And when she finally looks up to you, you see the green eyes you have admired for a long time swimming in pain and anxiety. It makes you want to pull her for a hug since she may need one, but you obviously don’t want to overstep your boundaries even if that means comforting her to help.
“Concentrate on my breathing,” you nod at her to encourage her to copy the rhythm you set for her.  “That’s it. You’re doing really good, Lizzie.”
Eventually after what seems like hours of doing breathing exercises with her capped with a lot of reassuring words, the hands cupping her ears drop down to her lap and are slowly rubbing her palms in another attempt to calm herself. You slowly stand up from the ground and hold out a hand for her to take.
“Are you okay now? Can you stand?” You offer. She takes it and stands up rather wobbly.
“Thank you,” she murmurs. “I feel better.”
“Right,” you smile at her. Noticing that you’re still holding her also glove-less hand, your cheeks flush as you pull it back while taking two steps backwards. You don’t want to overcrowd her after having an anxiety attack.
“Um so, are you from around here? I could walk you to your place if you want,” you tell her, not really wanting to risk letting her go alone after an episode. You know how it feels to be trapped by anxiety like that, and to break down in public places without backup is definitely one of the worst experiences ever. 
“I’m not trying to stalk you or something,” you clarify after not getting an answer from her. “I’m Y/N. I live there in that building,” you point towards your apartment. “If you want, I can jog really quickly and get my car and I can drive you home. Or not, of course I don’t want to overstep. I understand completely.
“It’s just, I don’t want you to go on your own after experiencing that,” you add. “I know how it feels and I honestly just want to help you.”
Elizabeth contemplates for a moment and answers. “That’s very kind of you, Y/N. But, I think I need to decline the offer. Being in this business, I’m not a very trusting person-“
“Of course,” you cut her off quickly. “I understand, Ms. Olsen.”
“However,” she smiles a little bit at your rambling once again. “Can I please borrow your phone? Mine died down and I need to call my sister so she can pick me up from here. And I guess don’t mind the company while waiting?”
You quickly fish out your phone and hand it over to her. You also ignore the amused chuckle from her as soon as she sees your lock screen is that of Wanda Maximoff.
“The phone’s locked. Do you want to type in your password?” She smiles, the look of amusement still twinkling in her eyes. You don’t mind though. You’d prefer her teasing eyes over the sad ones you witnessed a while ago.
“Oh, okay. Here let me just,” you move forward to type in 0216 in your phone and the blush creeps back in your face once again when you feel her eyes watching you.
Elizabeth calls one of her twin sisters. Apparently, they’re here in New York for a fashion event and Elizabeth thought it’d be nice to come with them. While waiting for one of the Olsen twins, you both sat on one of the stairs and talked for a bit.
“I want to say that I’m sorry for refusing to take a photo a while ago,” she looks at you a little apologetically. Her posture seems calmer now and you’re really glad that she’s doing better every passing minute. “I was out on my own, and a few people have recognized me on the streets and I was just trying to have a nice time for myself.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” you reply. “I wasn’t lying when I said I completely understand and that you’re not obliged to. I'm just glad to meet you.
“I should be the one to apologize,” you bite your lip nervously. It didn’t cross your mind that you could’ve been the trigger to her already bubbling up anxiety but hearing her say that crowds have already recognized her, you asking for a photo was the last straw. “I was contemplating whether or not to ask you and I did, but I know I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”
The actress waves it off. “No, honestly you were the most polite one. You were just the first and only person I said ‘no’ to who didn’t insist on getting a photo, and that set me off. Others just didn’t care and they still took their flashing phones out and pointed it at me.”
“One thing I learned from you is that ‘no is a full sentence’ so,” you acknowledge with a smile, distinctly remembering that one interview of hers with Sam Jones.
“Yes, exactly,” she laughs.
“We can take a photo now if you want to?” The actress offers after a moment of silence. “You helped me through a tough time. It’s one of the ways I can repay you.”
“It’s okay, really. You don’t have to repay me or anything. Kindness is free,” you reply, to which her small smile widens a lot more. “You’ve had a long day. I’m just the stranger who wants to help a fellow anxiety sufferer,” you joke to which she laughs lightly.
“At this point you’re not a stranger anymore,” Elizabeth says, her fingers still fiddling with each other. “I know your name is Y/N, and where you live,” she points to your building to prove it. “Those two plus the fact that your wallpaper is Wanda and your passcode is my birthday.”
She smirks at you, clearly enjoying the way your cheeks flush for the nth time that day. “Okay, you win. Yes, I’m your fan and all that. You can make fun of me now.”
“Don’t be like that,” Elizabeth laughs at your silly eye roll but waves it off. “I’m always honored to meet my fans.”
A black car pulls up from out of nowhere and Elizabeth stands up to leave. “This was really great. Minus the anxiety part,” she turns back to you and flashes that award winning smile yet again. “I’m grateful that it was you who found me cowering in the streets, Y/N. I’m hoping to see you again some other time when neither of us is either breaking down or a complete and total stranger,” you note the hopeful tone in her voice, and that makes you wonder if there’s another universe out there wherein she’ll still remember you after tonight because you’re pretty sure she wouldn’t.
If you’re lucky, this might be that universe but who knows?
“I’m glad you’re safe,” you smile at her. “See you around, Ms. Olsen.”
“That is such a formal way to address me,” She calls out, opening the door to the front seat.
“Elizabeth, then?” You suggest to which she grimaces.
“Just Lizzie is fine. I distinctly remember you calling me that a while ago during… you know,” she trails off. “And only my mom calls me by my full name and that only happens when I’m in trouble.”
“Okay, Lizzie,” you chuckle. Waving a hand up to a goodbye, the car finally speeds off to the opposite direction of your apartment. You let out a sigh and smile at the events as you walk back home.
Even when you are in bed, the memory of her voice and her smile makes you giddy. This definitely goes on the top of your list of  most memorable things that have happened to you while staying in New York. You still couldn’t believe your chances. Granted your first meeting was terrible in all ways, Elizabeth was nothing short of amazing to you. You really aren’t wrong to follow her throughout her career because of her personality. The personal encounter made you want to support her more in the future.
The morning after that, the wild array of flowers on your doorstep have kind of taken you by surprise. To add to that, you see the simple note on one of the bouquets that says 
“To my biggest fan, 
Thank you.
Wanda Maximoff”
and your heart melts at the sentiment.
You aren’t expecting yourself to be at the receiving end of this, but it’s definitely not unwanted. It most definitely isn’t, especially when you check your phone and see a text from an unknown number asking whether or not you got the package.
You replied to Elizabeth, saving her number under “Lizzie” with a huge grin on your face. She must’ve gotten the number from her sister when she borrowed your phone to call her. Who would’ve thought that asking for a photo with Elizabeth Olsen and getting rejected will lead you to this?
Y/N: Are you my stalker now? Did our roles change?
Lizzie: Ha-ha. Very funny. I just want to say thank you again for yesterday.
Y/N: And you already have. The flowers are unnecessary.
Lizzie: Did you not like them?
Y/N: I love them. They’re beautiful, Lizzie. Thank you.
Lizzie: Would you say, they’re beautiful enough for us to talk about them over coffee?
You almost choke on the bread you made for breakfast this morning. That is definitely upfront and honest. You convince yourself that it’s probably just another way to thank you for the good deed yesterday, but there’s also a teeny tiny voice in your head saying she’s asking you out. 
But why would she, right?
Deciding to not listen to any of your demons, you turn your attention back to her text. Upon rereading the text she sent for the third time now, it’s dawning on you that you’ve yet to reply. Elizabeth follows that up with another text and it makes you feel really silly because of how much your cheeks ache from smiling.
Lizzie: Maybe about Wanda also? If you want?
Lizzie: Or… anxiety issues?
Y/N: You already have me on board with coffee. Wanda talk, too. The anxiety issues, I think we should both stick to our therapists.
Lizzie: I can’t say I don’t agree on the last one.
Lizzie: So, I’ll pick you up tomorrow then? 3PM?
Y/N: Works for me, Lizzie.
Y/N: Or I can pick you up instead. I wouldn’t mind.
Lizzie: It’s okay, Y/N. Besides, I know where you live. *winky face*
You laugh at that one. She should definitely be a star of another comedy film. Elizabeth is funny by nature even though there are countless interviews of her saying that she’s not.
Y/N: Of course you’ll throw that.
Y/N: I feel unsafe now. This is unfair. I feel like I should also know where you live.
Lizzie: You will.
Lizzie: On the second date.
Lizzie: When you take me home.
Elizabeth leaves no room for questions. Your demons shut their mouths when you read that it most definitely will be a date. You want to play it cool, like coyly and shy, but what’s more to hide? She already knows you’re a fan, so you stick to that and pray that maybe… someday maybe, who knows, right? You’ll like each other.
Y/N: You’re smooth, Olsen. Got two dates in one day.
Lizzie: I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.
Y/N: Can’t wait.
You’re late. And you forgot your gloves again.
It’s another cold, almost snowy day in New York city. You love living here despite the busy times and countless people just trying to go through with their respective lives. It’s loud and lively and you used to hate that but there’s nowhere else you’d rather be but here.
You check your bag for the passes, but the memory of the glossy paper beside your gloves on your messy bed makes you internally groan. The first time you attend a Comic-con, and you leave your backstage passes. How else are you going to meet her?
Cursing inwardly, you send her a text to let her know of your situation even though you know that the event started an hour ago and she won’t see it because she’s definitely not holding her phone in the middle of answering questions. You blame your boss for sending that last minute spreadsheet, but this is your idea right? You have to suffer the consequences.
Being in line isn’t something foreign to you. In fact, it’s so familiar that you chuckle as kids, teens, and grown ups join you from the entrance. The line is moving rapidly as most people with passes (which could have been you if you weren’t so careless) have already gone inside. When you enter the place, it’s no surprise to see it packed as the recent MCU film has made tabloids and charts because of its success. You easily spot her even though you’re rows away from the front line. She’s sitting in the middle with her face scrunched up in annoyance and teeth biting her lower lip so hard you swear she wants to draw blood.
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You grimace as you helplessly stand in the back with no way to even come forward to be close to her. The situation is laughable, but the frown on Elizabeth’s forehead is enough to make you worry and act fast. You find a spot with a lot of light so you move towards that, passing a lot of people in the process, with the hopes of her green eyes spotting you even for a distance.
It’s effective apparently, because she spots you at the same time a question is asked towards her. The frown eases, she scrunches up her nose adorably towards you and you nod back both in confirmation and reassurance that you made it there, and she lets out a full on grin you know is solely reserved for you. The interviewer interrupts and you laugh at her confused state.
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“Elizabeth? The question?” The interviewer supplies.
“Right! I’m so sorry,” she laughs gleefully, head thrown back and hand covering her mouth and you’ve seen that look a thousand times before but it still gives you the same butterfly effect in your stomach. “I- uh. I saw my wife in the crowd and I got distracted. I’m sorry. What was the question again?”
“How romantic!” the interviewer swoons. “Everyone, that’s Elizabeth’s wife Y/N. Can we say hello to her?”
Your face turns red as people look at your direction and send cheers and hoots. You wave back to the fans shyly, stealing another glance at your wife on the stage as you do so. Standing in front of the light definitely has some good and bad results. You can’t believe she did that in front of everybody, but you’re not one to complain. Her PA also runs from the front to you upon hearing this and she ushers you through security. You chuckle as they bring you in, blowing Elizabeth a kiss before you disappear backstage.
“Hey,” your wife greets you after the event is finished. She skips towards your direction and plants a chaste kiss on your lips to which you happily sigh into. “I was worried you weren’t here.”
“Forgive me, my love,” you apologize while engulfing her in a hug. “You know commuting in New York is insane.”
“I repeatedly told you to get your license so we can buy you a new car.”
You smile at the worry in her voice. “I like it when you drive us to places you’re familiar with, Ms. Stuyvesant Street. And the boss left me with some last minute work.”
She pulls back to look at you. “And what were you doing in the back? Didn’t I leave the passes in our apartment?”
“I left them,” you sheepishly reply. Elizabeth narrows her eyes at you and shakes her head. 
“And your gloves too. Am I right, my love?”
The cheeky smile you gave her is enough to confirm her suspicions. “I was really late and I wanted to see you as soon as I could. I miss you this morning.”
“Charming,” she laughs and rummages through her bag for something. Curious as you are, you lean forward to look at it. “Here.”
She hands you a pair of gloves.
“I keep one in case you forget yours during winter,” she grins, proud of what she did. “And I was right.”
You want to wipe off that cocky smirk off of her lips. There are a lot of people around you but she did announce you to everyone, so really what else is stopping you? After she said goodbye to everyone, you pull her hand so she moves closer to your side.
Elizabeth lets out a squeal when you grab both of her waist. You smell her perfume that invades your nostrils and your head swims at the fact that there’s nothing better than having her close again. She’s everywhere and the background fades away like a cliche movie scene, but you don’t care about any of those. She’s here in front of you and you’re incredibly happy to know that she loves you as much as you love her.
“I love you,” you whisper against her mouth.
“I love you, too.”
It’s insane how one kiss from her makes you feel giddy. And that’s saying something after being married to her for a year now.
“You need to wear the gloves, my love,” she chuckles when both of you pull away. Elizabeth leads you to the back exit that leads to the parking lot. The breeze picks up a little bit and snowflakes fall on your heads, but your face is still hot from kissing her. 
“Why do I need the gloves when I could just hold your hand and let you warm me up?” You bob your eyebrows at her and kiss her temple as the both of you walk towards her car.
You’re lucky. There’s no doubt about that now. Being with such an incredible woman who supports you in everything that you do and loves you through it all is a bliss. You couldn’t have asked for more.
“And they say I’m the romantic one.”
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sonicasura · 1 year
I woke up from a nap to two crazy ideas. Both will have their own post but here's one of them. It's a big long hence the cut.
Monster Hunter Orion Pax
Specifically the Transformers Prime incarnation where he's an archivist. Also this is before he gains the Matrix of Leadership and becomes the Optimus we all. Orion is still friends with Megatronus.
Anyway, the archivist mysteriously disappears from his habsuite the night before seeing the council for his gladiator companion. Orion Pax wakes up to find in a strange jungle inhabited by very unfamiliar creatures: the Flooded Forest. He barely gets his bearings before he is attacked by a Rajang.
(For those not familiar with Monster Hunter, Rajang are powerful wandering Fanged Beasts known for their extreme aggression and devastating lightning charged power. A kind of monster that is best to avoid unless you want a very painful death. Not something an archivist with little battle experience should face. I'll be using my Monster Hunter OC Cheshire Masamune for this.
Raised in Kamura, he's a type of hunter known as a Rider, someone that fights alongside monster companions called Monsties. Cheshire's partner is Ainz, a Black Veil Vaal Hazaak who been his companion for years ever since their first meeting.)
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Thankfully Orion is saved by Cheshire and Ainz before he ends becoming scrap metal via super saiyan ape. From there, the displaced Cybertronian is taught how to survive in this new dangerous world. Orion Pax may have read a forbidden file in the archives and knows how to make Energon via G1 style.
The archivist learns the art of monster hunting under Cheshire's tutelage. From how to carve monster parts so it could be made into weapons or armor, how to navigate the various dangerous terrain and overall thrive than just survive. Living as a monster hunter will definitely open his eyes to more than just the corruption from Cybertron.
Speaking of his home planet, you can bet your ass that it is in utter chaos since Orion Pax had mysteriously vanished. The archivist's disappearance is the final push to Megatronus less than peaceful campaign. Entire council is in a tizzy as they try to find any sign of the 13th Prime's reincarnation.
Meanwhile Orion Pax enjoys this peculiar new lifestyle under Cheshire's care. The many cultures that this world's people share with him, rich uncensored nor forbidden history to study in his spare time, and the other unique experiences waiting to be found. He does wonder how his planet is doing but there is no way back home.
Doesn't mean I ain't hurling Orion Pax back into Cybertronian conflict. An exploration gone wrong leads the young monster hunter to a different version of his universe and other versions of him who go by the name Optimus Prime. The one with the most potential for angst flavored chaos would be canon Transformers Prime.
Imagine Orion's reaction to seeing what would happen if he saw the Council. His friend's descent into madness, their friendship falling apart, and Cybertron in shambles. Such a revelation would break him.
Optimus and Megatron are gonna be shaken by this strange blast from the past. The former is because Orion never gotten the Matrix of Leadership. He was spared fighting a massive civil war that still rages on. The young bot still has his innocence.
Megatron will be full on possessive. This is a version of his friend untainted by the Matrix and Cybertron's darkness. Even if the Orion Pax here can fight similar to a hunter, it is still that shy kind hearted archivist he met during his gladiator career. Megatron will be gunning to capture this young bot.
Orion Pax is stuck in the middle of their feud and needs to do whatever he can to get back home. Whether it be his Cybertron or the Monster Hunter world. The archivist does know that Cheshire might go on the warpath than just be worried sick for his disappearance. Oh boy.
What do you guys think?
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kiame-sama · 2 years
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One Of Many- (Yandere!BNHA x Reader)
Warnings; multiple yandere, reader has quirk, hero to villain thoughts, violence, blood, stalking, obsession, choking, near death experiences, demeaning words towards reader, sexism, casual murder, fear, mention of nsfw, threats of nsfw,
"Tell me about All for One." "Wh-where did you hear that name?" "I was reading over the history of villains." "Oh, well, he was a wicked man who could steal another person's quirk and keep it or give it to someone else." "Is he still around?" "How do you- (y/n), where on earth is all the coming from?" "Tell me more about him and I will answer your question. Fair?"
Your father sighed as he looked down at his lap, blue eyes gazing in an unfocused way as he collected his thoughts. There were so many places he could start from and he had so many questions to ask you before a thought occurred to him. The way you worded your proposal made it sound like it wasn't just about All for One anymore.
That realization sent his mind racing with possible reasons, trying to think of what you could possibly mean. He needed to remember it was also possible that you just worded it strangely and didn't mean anything about it at all. It could be very possible that you just wanted to know about the man from the legends.
"All for One is rumored to be the first among humanity who started to be born with quirks. He had a quirk that allowed him to take and give quirks, but he was not a good man. He used his ability to be the world's most frightening villain, ruling from the shadows of every villain organization ever. Some say he is gone, but others believe he has several immortality quirks that have allowed him to remain in power all this time, operating in the dark."
You listened intently to the story and your mind churned with thoughts based on the information you had received. It made sense that such a powerful quirk could easily result in a powerful person regardless of how it was used. Such an idea was the whole basis for the quirk arranged marriage idea, pairing quirks to make them stronger or merge in the child. Even beyond that, there was the potential for mutations to occur.
You had much more to think about and consider now you had been given a clearer answer on All for One and his ability. There was so much you almost forgot that you agreed to tell your father why you asked in the first place. In fact, you had been so focused on learning more that you forgot the excuse you came up with.
"Your turn. Tell me why you wanted to know."
A part of you didn't want to uphold that bargain, but you were compelled to answer after the time you've spent hiding your ability. You didn't want him to be mad at you, but you also had been thinking about becoming a hero and possibly attending a hero high school. Due to the nature of your quirk, it had taken a while to figure out and you were around ten when you finally realized you had one.
Since then you had been practicing on your own and keeping it a secret from everyone, especially your father. It had only been a few years of keeping it secret, but you wanted to help people like he always did. But to convince him, you would have to confess the secret of yours and what you have been doing.
"(Y/n)?" "Promise you won't get mad?" "... Why would I get mad at you, honey?" "Because I've been keeping a secret." "Sweet heart, there is nothing you could tell me that would make me love you any less." "But it's bad and you'll be mad." "Have you killed someone?" "No..." "Then I won't be mad. I promise."
Your little heart wanted so desperately to trust your father that you decided to believe him. It wasn't easy for you to tell your father that you had done something bad several different times and kept it secret from him.
"I heard about All for One when I looked up Quirks that could take others away... You know, ever since that crazy guy broke in a few years ago and killed mom, I've known that I'm not actually quirkless." "(Y/n), are you-?" "I'm not done yet. The guy had a fear quirk, the ability to make other people scared. I was so mad and wanted him to know what it felt like so I- I took it away from him. He broke down after he realized his quirk was gone, then you came home and- I didn't know I took it until that girl at school pushed me. I wanted her to be scared so she wouldn't do it again... She started screaming and changed schools that day." "It could have just been a coincidence-" "I've taken more and I can use all of them. I looked it up because I wanted to know if there were others like me or any heroes who could do what I can. I want to be a hero like you, but the only one I could find was him, and you said he is the worst of all villains to ever exist."
You looked down at your hands, not wanting to meet your father's gaze and trying to avoid looking at him as best you could. He hadn't said anything despite the pause, so you felt the need to fill the empty space with something. Anything other than sitting in silence with your father.
"I didn't mean to take them at first! But then after I found out I could take them and how to take them, I kept taking instead of stopping like I know I should have. It was small ones at first, but then there were more that looked so cool and seemed so helpful... I think I've taken twenty quirks in total and I have tried to give one back, but it didn't work so I... I stopped trying."
There was another long moment of silence and you couldn't help the way your eyes filled up with tears. You were terrified to think that your father was angry or disappointed in you and it hurt your chest to think about.
"(Y/n), you shouldn't have taken more once you realized what you could do. However, I don't think you did it maliciously. You are still so young that you couldn't help but use the quirk you thought you didn't have. If you really want to be a hero, I will do what I can to help you get there."
The room was quiet as Gran Torino took in the words of his past student, looking out the window at the youthful girl he had been introduced to. There were so many questions and no answers, but even so, he felt compelled to help his student. He still had a few things to ask though.
"You are certain?" "Yes." "Have you seen her take any?" "No. I've tried to not push her or upset her about it. She is a child, she didn't know the full effects of her quirk or realize just how serious her quirk actually is." "She is dangerous, All Might." "One for All is dangerous. Quirks are dangerous. She wants to be a hero and use her ability to help others, not keep them for herself. Treating her like a villain will only make her become one. All for One is supposed to be a legend, but if villains hear of her quirk, we may all learn if that notion holds any truth to it. She wants to do good and stopping her from that may just push her to do bad." "It would be better to get her started on the right path before she decides to take the easy one."
Getting through a hero course pretending to have a specific quirk was needlessly exhausting to you and almost seemed tedious. You had an ability only one other person had and you had to practice it on your own, far from your father's watchful eye. Most people took quite a few years to become a fully fledged hero, but you managed to cut that time in half. Even when others sneered at you, you continued on and ignored them, never once telling your classmates about your father.
It many ways, you felt like it gave you an unfair advantage and mentioning him would put more pressure on you than you honestly wanted to deal with. If everyone knew, they would compare the two of you unfairly and it would be harder to keep your true quirk a secret. You acted as if you had a communication quirk, able to have mental 'group calls' with others and trained your true quirk any time you had alone.
Even when you started working on taking quirks faster and figuring out the conditions for activating it, you made sure to never take from anyone at the school. You also left heroes alone due to their intense press focus and instead began targeting people on long trips. As your father was constantly moving, you would often go with him whenever there was a break from school.
On those flights with many other random passengers you would choose a handful to watch during the trip, finding the quirk that interested you most and pursuing that person. By the time they would realize their Quirk was no longer responding, you would be long gone and no one would know.
You got faster at taking quirks and refined the conditions further to take more and use less energy. It was originally quite taxing to take one quirk, and it took more than an hour of close proximity to take. Now, you had cut the time and lengthened the distance, making it both easier and more efficient.
With your true quirk and the skill you gained from the hero course, you had become a rather terrifying force. The "hero" name you chose was a play on your true quirk and your hero focused quirk; One of Many. You had one quirk you used as a hero to make yourself a hub for information, and your true quirk let you take as many others as you wished.
Your father had kept your true quirk quiet from almost everyone as well as your familial status to let you stand as a hero without his assistance. He had not once brought up your true quirk since you started your hero training and you wondered if he had somehow forgotten. Regardless of which it was, you were feeling less and less inspired by the hero world or even the world in general. Perhaps it was because of your ties to All-Might and the ease at which you could change your own popularity that made you dislike it so much. Your father helped people and was seen as the Symbol of Peace, simply revealing you are his daughter or even just working with him would elevate you beyond what you felt you wanted.
When you thought of becoming a hero, you wanted to help everyone- not just the popular or rich- regardless of fame. Even so, the society that worshiped heroes made so many fame-seeking monsters out of a good thing and the villain side was no better. Part of you felt like the entire system needed to be reworked and the focus needed to shift, but you had no idea how to achieve that goal though.
Even as you watched the night streets with a distant expression, a sense of dread much like a heavy pressure seemed to weigh down on you the more you thought about the world. By social standards of age and knowledge you were a legal adult over eighteen, but times like that made you truly feel small and like a child.
As that pressure got worse, you began to realize that it had nothing to do with what you were thinking and everything to do with the deep feeling of danger all around you. A true killer was nearby. Someone who didn't hesitate to destroy life and someone who had already taken many lives. The very presence they had sent complete chills down your spine in a way that no other ever had or could.
"A lone hero should not be out so late at night, darling."
A gruff voice of some man sounded close to you, but you could tell this scruffy and low class villain was not the source of the impressive bloodlust in the air. If anything, it seemed as if the man had no idea there was anything wrong or nefarious nearby other than himself. But before the man could say another word, long spikes akin to metal components stuck out of the man's flesh with little rhyme or reason.
The limp body was lifted from the ground and tossed aside by whoever owned those spikes, the careless nature of the mysterious presence told you that you had found the source of the danger. Standing within a dark shadow of the building roof, far from the reach of streetlights near the edge, was a man you didn't recognize. If anything, he seemed like a regular well-built businessman, but you got a different sense from him entirely.
His silver hair was neatly trimmed and seemed to frame his bright red eyes rather well, the analyzing gaze locked onto you making you feel far less safe than you had moments prior. The only sign you got that he was likely not the age he looked were the deep circles beneath his intense eyes that told of years beyond measure. This was no man to trifle with and you felt rooted to the ground despite the intense desire in you to run.
You were a deer trapped in the gaze of a silver lion with few escape routes. The thought of fighting against such a force made your stomach drop painfully and discouraged you from entertaining the thought farther. Staying still likely resulted in the same tragic end that fighting would, leaving you with only one option that your own body fought to prevent.
Running away from danger was not exactly smiled upon in the hero world, but knowing when to quit was also drilled into your head. With the kind of 'role-model' you had in a father, running was considered to be the last option, but you weren't All Might. You were not Toshinori Yagi. You were Toshinori (Y/n) and your instincts were all screaming at you to run.
"It's a steep drop off the edge of this building, even with your skills, I wouldn't recommend it."
He looked at you much in the same way a starving animal looked at a plentiful meal and your anxieties raised. If you were to jump down and try to land, it would hurt you more than it was worth, but you must have had some kind of quirk in your arsenal that could help you. The smug and almost too knowing grin on his face told you that he was confident in having you primarily trapped.
"Don't try using that quirk of yours either, a perimeter has been set up to dampen that skill of yours. You know," he took a step forward, his full an intimidating figure seeming so much bigger at that moment, "I have had my eye on you and I think you are exactly what I need for a certain... 'Project' of mine."
You felt the cold bite of rough brick against the back of your legs, knowing you were just a poorly timed stumble away from hitting the pavement so far below you. The insane glint in the red pools of malice seemed to glimmer at you in mockery along with that patronizing smile he wore as he continued his approach. All you could do was send out a signal on your phone for help and stall for time, but you doubted it would get far if he had truly set a perimeter as he claimed.
"What project?" "Well, I have a certain thorn in my side that goes by the name 'All Might'. I have the feeling you know him quite well if your continuous meetings have any meaning." "We're friends." "More than that if my hunch is correct. The amount of time you spend around him, the meals together, I would wager something more intimate is taking place."
You couldn't stop the near involuntary gag at the idea of anything intimate involving your father in any capacity. The noise was interpreted instead as your own form of mockery and this seemed to anger the man at the perceived slight against him. That easy grin fell from his lips to a more irate scowl and his eyes seemed to turn to ice as they stared for an uncomfortable amount of time.
"Is this really the time to be playing with me, little hero?" "I-I'm not, I swear-" "So you are intimate with that nuisance." "No!" "There is no other explanation, so just admit it already." "I'm not-"
You cut off with a choke, that large hand wrapping almost fully around your fragile neck and squeezing with a clear threat of what will happen if you keep arguing. It almost seemed like the man was debating throwing you off himself before an annoying buzz rang from your pocket. He fished your phone from your hero suit with unnerving skill and looked at the contact calling you.
"If you aren't intimate, why have his number saved as 'Daddy'?" "It's not 'Daddy', you creep," you choked out as best you could despite the little air the man allowed to enter your lungs, "it's 'Dad' as in-" "Your actual father."
He dropped you suddenly and you stumbled, now up on the ledge of the building and flirting far too much with the sheer drop behind you. As you choked and hacked in an attempt to get your bruised throat to keep supplying you with oxygen, there was a clear shift in the mannerisms of your attacker. The way he now looked at you seemed all too much like the way a young arsonist looked at fire, somehow feeling even less comfortable with the monster of a man.
"You aren't his lover. You're his daughter."
His tone shifted like a hiss of realization as that grin returned, seeming so much more intimidating. The way his shock turned to delight did little for you in terms of how afraid you were feeling at that moment. So close to the edge of a steep drop you would not escape uninjured, and trapped on that drop by a man who oozed malicious intent.
"That's... Even better! I had intended to leave you a broken and bloody mess to break his overly affectionate heart, but how much easier would it be to rip that smiling idiot down by taking his precious daughter as my own personal cock-sleeve?"
The revulsion and fear burning inside of you returned with a vengeance and gave you the kick you needed to work out an escape. He knew of your hero quirk, that much was obvious, but there was no way he would expect any of your other quirks. You did have one such quirk that would allow you to flee from this man.
The moment you turned and leapt, you found yourself suspended in mid-air at least twenty feet out. You slowly drifted back to the man and fear shot through you when you realized he had easily caught you even though you had believed his quirk wouldn't help him in such ways. He seemed conflicted and almost annoyed as he easily brought you back to him with one hand.
"If you struggle too much, it will drop you straight down. But you got distance and lift with that jump which should be impossible. I know your quirk. I have seen you use it and I have studied it, flying is not your quirk. Not unless..."
He thought as he stared at your immobile form, knowing you wouldn't struggle given your own sense of self preservation. If you struggled, you would fall. He knew this and you knew this, so he felt he could take time connecting the information.
"Your quirk- as observed through your school and hero days- has been identified as a communication quirk. You should not have the sudden onset of a new ability or facet of your quirk at this point in your life. There has been no mention of flying being a quirk you have or should even be able to wield. Either you have a secret side to your quirk that makes no logical sense even in a biological standpoint, or you have more than one quirk. The only way you could have more than one is if I gave it to you... Or someone with a quirk like my own gave it to you. No one has reported such a quirk or has one recorded anywhere in the world other than myself, so what is it? What are you hiding?"
You glanced from the man to the pavement far below you, running through the mental list of abilities you had, but something he said caught your attention. He claimed to have a quirk that could take and give quirks, which you only knew one other who could have such an ability. The fear of who you were speaking with dawned on you fully and practically flooded your system with screams to escape.
"All for One..."
"You know me? Now, this is surprising seeing as so few know of me outside of legends. But," he narrowed those red orbs for a moment, "your father has One for All... Could you have possibly inherited a reverse-mutation as a result? That must be it, you have the same quirk as me because your father has one of my quirks. You are like me in more ways than I could have hoped. Another All for One I can claim as my own... As my other half. And even beyond your ability, taking you for myself will crush All Might's spirit. Put an end to the nuisance and leave him open for a killing blow..."
You were barely suspended over a deadly drop down to concrete by the whims of a man who planned to do deplorable things to you regardless. Now this man knew you were a much greater threat because you both shared very powerful and very similar quirks. A fall from the height you were at would likely cripple a person if not kill them, but to a cat...
Despite how hesitant you had been when taking such an obvious quirk, you were gone and far away in the minutes it took for the person to realize what had happened. Now you looked back on that day and cheered, knowing your own foresight had saved you once again. All you needed to do now was struggle and somehow manage to use a quirk you are not experienced with midair before you hit the ground.... Right.
"Are you going to tell me what on Earth happened, young lady?" "Stop, or someone is going to think we're dating." "Is- is that why you leapt off of a building? Because someone thought we were dating?" "Yes and no." "Okay, start explaining because I can't think of any reason for reckless behavior like jumping 44 stories straight down!"
You were sitting up in your hospital bed with your father anxiously pacing in the room. The fall and the few bones breaking did little to deter you when it happened, but that didn't mean your father was any happier despite the top of the line healing quirks helping you mend. Truth was that you had been expecting your father to react the way he was thanks to the injuries you sustained for what seemed to be no reason.
You didn't dare report what had happened before you got a chance to talk with your father and you were honestly nervous even telling him. There was no guarantee that he would believe you, but you were hoping and betting on him believing.
Outside, people buzzed about All Might visiting the sick-bed of a small name hero and you knew that rumors would begin to spread like wild-fire among the staff. Outside of the room stood your father's one and only side-kick along with the pro hero Gran Torino, having stayed out of the room due to your father's request of privacy. But if you were certain of what happened when you met that man, you knew you would need more than just your father's help.
"Bring Sir Nighteye and Gran Torino in."
Your father didn't question your request likely due to the serious tone your voice had taken, knowing whatever you needed to say needed more ears. It was clear both men were curious as to why they were told to stay out only to be called in minutes later. You knew it would be best for everyone to be on the same page and you felt more comfortable doing that in the hospital room instead of some meeting room with countless potential for eyes and ears to be watching.
"Okay, Sir Nighteye, Gran Torino, I don't know how much he has told you," you gestured to All Might casually, "so I am going to assume nothing is common knowledge and lay the facts out here."
Though it seemed Gran Torino recognized you from the time you met him in your early teen years, you didn't know the extent of what he had been told. As you had never actually met Sir Nighteye, you figured he was as in the dark about you as any common person would be. Your father was nothing if not protective of you.
"My name is Toshinori (Y/n), daughter of Toshinori Yagi; the pro hero All Might. My quirk is the ability to take the quirks of others and use them as my own, though I don't know if I am capable of returning quirks to their original owners. As you all may have gathered, I fell quite some distance last night and it wasn't just for fun."
Anxiety writhed in you and you didn't even bother to look at either of the two men, choosing to close your eyes and focus on getting out what you did know. They would be able to ask you questions later if they had them.
"I was patrolling before a common villain approached me. I figured it would be no problem to deal with him and continue patrol but..." You tightly gripped the sheets beneath you, "but someone else got to him first. They ripped through the man and threw him from the building into the alleyway like trash. I was mostly cornered on the rooftop by this murderous villain and he- he was-"
You were gently shushed by Gran Torino and it was only then you realized you had begun to tear up. It had been years since you had last cried in front of your father, but you were honestly scared. All you could hope was that they took you seriously and didn't chalk it up to hysteria or something else like that.
"He had silver hair and red eyes. He was about as tall as dad- I mean, as All Might. He wore an expensive suit and talked like I was nothing more than a cheap whore. He said he had been keeping an eye on me and he needed me for a 'project' of his. I tried to send out a distress signal but he had set up a barrier to prevent it based off of my hero quirk. He claimed he knew I was in an intimate relationship with All Might due to the time he and I spend together. He didn't believe me when I said he was wrong until... Until my phone rang. He saw that the contact for All Might was named 'Dad' and believed it to be a kink before realizing that it actually meant All Might is my father. When he realized this, he- he laughed. He said it was 'even better' that I was not dating All Might but was his daughter."
You were shaking again and pushed through your fear, trying to calm yourself as you spoke. There was no other time in your life where you felt as small as you did at that moment. You had done nothing wrong, but admitting what had been said and done to you still tasted like hot vinegar.
"I tried to run with one of the quirks I had taken when I was younger and didn't know better... but he immediately caught me. He didn't even have to try too hard. When I realized he had more than one quirk I- I accidentally called him by his villain name... All for One. He laughed and said I was just like him because he had figured out our quirks are similar, or maybe even identical. He said he wanted to keep me as a second All for One and..." "Go on, it's okay to be scared, sweetheart." "... He said he wanted to hurt All Might, by keeping me as a 'personal cock-sleeve' instead of killing me like he planned. I was scared- I didn't know what to do... So I decided hitting the pavement was a better fate than whatever he had planned for me..."
You trailed off, trying to find a way to explain the extra quirks you were technically not supposed to have when a rough slam made you jump. Your father had put his hand through the reinforced wall of the hospital room, his face shadowed and his fists clenched. The heart-monitor you were hooked up to squealed to life with your frightened little heart fluttering in your chest before your father seemed to calm down, turning back to you.
"Are you certain of what he looked like? Silver hair, red eyes, tall bulky figure, expensive suit?" "Yes. He didn't deny who he was either when I figured it out. He... He made it clear he wanted to hurt you by using me and if I hadn't have broken myself out... He would have taken me away with him." "Did he use multiple quirks around you?" "Yes." "And he saw you use multiple quirks?" "Yes... He had learned about the quirk I am supposed to have and figured out through my use of other quirks that his information was false. He... He said something I don't understand. He said you have 'One for All' and that it belonged to him first." "Because it did. It is a long story, and I will tell you when we next have time, but it sounds like it really was All for One who attacked you, no one else with that description could possibly know. It isn't like him to let anyone get away easily, so you had the element of surprise on your side just this once and it gave you the upper hand. I don't think you will be so lucky next time, and there will be a next time. He doesn't leave loose ends for very long."
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desiredmalfoy · 4 years
Pairing: Draco x Ravenclaw Reader
Genre: fluff with very (I mean very) light angst.
Note: No Voldemort Universe. Seventh Year.
Word Count: 1.1k
Since I couldn’t post my Fred fic, here is a Draco one I wrote today. I honestly wrote this during my break after a random idea popped into my head. So I’m sorry if it’s not my best work.
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(Not my gif. Credit to the owner)
Draco protects his secret girlfriend in front of everyone after someone is mean to you. Ravenclaw reader x Draco
Your relationship with Draco was unconventional. You had been secretly dating him for a couple of months now. Both of you had decided it was best to keep it secret for the time being due to both of you running in very much different friend groups. You both wanted to make sure you were hundred percent serious before letting your friends in on your relationship.
Plus the both of you loved the adrenaline and risk of seeing each other is secret. The nights you spent together, bodies intertwined together just like your souls were now. Nights pressed against the walls of the corridors as you both attempted to not get caught in the dark of the night. Hair disheveled, breathing hitched, eyes glossed over with lust.
You were everything and more to him as he loved every detail about you. Completely infatuated with your intelligence and beauty. Intoxicated every time he got to hold you close. He wasn’t perfect, but you didn’t need him to be when you loved every aspect of him.
The rush of being with him was never ending. Your love for each other is indescribable.
It was no secret within your house that you shared a rivalry with a fellow Ravenclaw named Ethan Jacobs. The two of you could not agree on anything or even have a civil discussion. Always looking to outdo each other in any way. Better grades, better marks on exams, being in a professor's good graces. The two of you made anything into a competition against each other. Your conversations were always filled with snarky remarks. Just recently, you had beaten him out for top of your Divination class, which completely enraged him.
He had always known which buttons to hit to irritate you. Although you did your best to ignore him. As well as assure your boyfriend later that you were fine and you can handle an idiot like him. You had been dealing with him with him for years. Which usually stopped Draco from doing something drastic. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t send Goyle and Crabbe after him every once in awhile.
Until one day he took it too far.
This year, Ravenclaw shared Potions class with Slytherin. Which meant you were luckily placed in the same class as Draco. The two of you sent each other secret looks throughout the lesson. Or your hands would brush together when you accidentally grabbed the same ingredients.
“Who can explain to me the ingredients needed to brew amortentia”, Professor Slughorn addressed his class as he paced the room. “How about you Miss (y/l/n)?”
“To brew amortentia the ingredients to add are powdered moonstone, pear dust, peppermint, ashwinder egg, and rose thorn”, you responded with a proud smile.
“Very good Miss (y/l/n)! Prepared as always I see.” Professor Slughorn enthusiastically responded to you. You could hear Ethan mumble something incoherent at the remark. “Now who can tell me what it does? How about you Mr. Jacobs?”
“It’s a love potion that creates a powerful obsession but it doesn’t create true love.”
“Very good.”
“Which is the only way (y/n) could ever get anyone to even look her way.” Ethan added quietly as Slughorn walked away from him. That earned a snicker from one of his annoying friends. It was just low enough to be out of earshot of the Professor but enough for you to hear.
“Can you ever shut your mouth”, you turned around with an eye roll. “You know the rest of us are simply trying to learn here.”
“It’s true though. I mean look at you. Who would ever willingly love someone…no...something like you?”
The room grew uncomfortably silent. This argument was different from the rest.
“That’s enough”, Professor Slughorn finally spoke up.
“Merlin, anyone who would willingly love you must be under some sort of spell. Poor bloke. “ Ethan continued to speak, completely ignoring Professor Slughorn’s direction to stop.
“I know an annoying prat like you isn’t talking.” Draco sneered as he came closer to you and Ethan. Directly placing himself in front of you. You didn’t even have a chance to speak up.
“Stay out of it Malfoy. This doesn’t concern you.”
Draco was now properly mad at the situation. He wasn’t about to let some idiot speak to you like that.
“I’m not going to stay out of it if it’s in regards to my girlfriend.” A shocked expression graced your features. This isn’t how you imagined the school finding out about your boyfriend. But here he was defending you in front of everyone. Your heart swelled with pride and love for him. You grabbed his hand and gave it a slight squeeze.
“I reckon she has you under a love spell mate. Don’t worry, there are antidotes for it.” Ethan’s attempt at a joke only triggered Draco further. For him to even insinuate something so outrageous about you angered him.
Without warning, Draco let go of your hand and grabbed Ethan by his collar and lightly lifted him off the ground.
“If I so much here you’re still bothering her, I will make sure your life is miserable for the rest of your pathetic excuse of an existence.” Draco spoke quietly so the thrashing Ravenclaw was the only one able to hear the threat. Everyone knew Draco Malfoy kept his word. Especially if it was to protect someone he loved.
Draco let go of him, causing him to fall to the ground. Ethan scrambled to scout away from Draco while still on the floor. Fear coursing through his body and that same fear evident in his eyes.
Draco could only smirk and find joy in this. Someone so inferior learning their place brought an unexplainable satisfaction to him.
The class completely enthralled with the scene unfolding before their eyes.
“I apologize Professor for what you have witnessed. You’ll have to excuse us.” Draco didn’t even wait for the shocked Professor to even respond. He grabbed your hand once again and pulled you out of the classroom. He dragged you into another unused classroom.
“Are you okay”, he asked with worry lacing his voice. He grabbed your cheeks and tilted your head up so you were staring directly at him.
“Of course I am. How couldn’t I be when I have someone like you to protect me.” You reached for his cheek as your thumb lightly grazed his jaw. He leaned in and placed a sweet and delicate kiss on your lips.
“I think it’s safe to say everyone knows about us now.” He said as he pulled away from you. Hands long gone from your cheeks as he pulled you in close to his body.
“Doesn’t matter. Now they know who my amazing overprotective boyfriend is. They should be afraid.” You joked as a laugh escaped your lips. The vibrations of your joy jolting his entire body.
“They should be. I’m sure they’ll know what’s coming to them if they do.” He kissed the crown of your head and held you a bit tighter.
“You know I love you right?” You pulled away slightly from his body to look into his eyes.
“You tell me everyday darling.”
“Good. Never forget it.” You placed your head back on his chest. His embrace felt like home to you.
Taglist: @daisyyy2516 @id-kill-to-be-an-assassin @slytherinambitious @bonkybabe @phatcrackdad @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @instabull @gwlvr
Reminder: None of my work can be reposted anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you give credit, please do not repost!
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black-dragon1998 · 3 years
Life at castle Dimitrescu
Summarry: reader (half-human/ half-demon) living at castle Dimitrescu. her interactions with the lady of the castle and her daughters. 
Autor note: I haven’t played through the whole game (Resident Evil Village) but I have played through castle Dimitrescu and know what happens to Alcina, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela. I am not going to follow the canon universe in my fics about RE8 unless specified otherwise. The Dimitrescu ladies deserved more.
Likes and comments are always welcome.
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The sound of your heavy boots running over the marble floor almost drowned out the sound of the person chasing you. Unlike you, they weren’t running but still. Your chaser was catching up to you. In your head, you could imagine Lady Dimitrescu casually walking behind you, her tall frame allowing her to cover more distance. This all forced you to be smarter and hope to outsmart them.
In the main hall, you took 10 seconds break. Go up the stairs and to the bedroom halls or go via the courtyard to the music hall. Hearing the buzzing sound coming from upstairs made that decision for you. So you ran to the dining hall. It was winter so too cold for the girls to go outside so you only had to keep an eye out for Lady Dimitrescu outside.
Your heartbeat sped up the closer you got to the door. In your head, you had already reached the safe zone but you willed yourself to stay focused. From pasted experiences, you had learned not to get ahead of yourself when Lady Dimitrescu was involved in the game. The moment you wanted to open the door it opened, revealing Lady Dimitrescu making you stop in your tracks. falling on your ass and skiting forward.
“Well, well little one it seems I have cut off your escape route.” Alcina mocked with her signature wicked smirk. Not giving up just yet you scramble back onto your feet and try to get back to the main hall, hoping the girls had already moved on from the second floor. A hand clamped around your ankle as you reached the threshold, hoisting you up into the air upside down. You can’t help but frown that is forming on your face as Alcina lifts you to look at your face.
“we promised no powers, If I can’t shift then you guys can’t teleport.” Your frown had now turned into a full-blown pout. Alcina couldn’t help but smile at how adorable you were when you pouted. She wouldn’t admit it but she had developed a soft spot for you. Ever since Daniela brought you back to the castle after finding you in the town beaten and bloody. Her youngest daughter had chased away the Lycan that had hurt you before bringing you back. All four Dimitrescu women had became intrigued when they noticed your black blood and only hours after you entered the castle all your wounds were healed.
Almost a year had gone by since your first entered the big castle and over that time you had really warmed up to the Dimitrescu ladies. The girls liked to play hide and seek with you and when they learned you were half-human, half-demon they practically squealed. They didn’t have to be careful when they were playing. Sometimes Alcina joined you and the girls in your little games, but when she joined you always lost.
“no little one, you made that deal with my girls, not me.” Lady Dimitrescu says while letting go of your foot. You make an elegant turn so you land on your feet.
“and don’t think I wasn’t on to your little plan. Going through the courtyard where my girls can’t follow.” Alcina continued raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow at you. Having no reply, that was your plan so you didn’t have a comeback so you stayed silent. Alcina took this as confirmation.
 Before the conversation could go on Daniela materializes into the room and latches onto you. Instinctively you pull her closer and drive up your body temperature, making sure she didn’t get cold, handy perk you could do. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela liked to snuggle up to you on cold nights like this.
“did mother find you?” Daniela asks to giggle just sounding a little too sweet. Knowing what it meant if you said yes.
“you already know the answer to that darling, she always manages to find me.” You replay while following lady Dimitrescu further inside, leading Daniela to the fireplace. She was feeling too cold for your liking and you wanted to warm her up.
The moment you sit down on the couch Infront of the fireplace Daniela was immediately on your lap. Bela manifested on your left and Cassandra on your right. Before either of them could strike you warned them.
“each gets one bite. Remember I do bite back.” Each of the girls gives you an affirmative sound before they take a chuck out of you. Bela bites into your arm, Cassandra does the same but on the other side. Daniela decides she wants a taste of your blood and sinks her fangs into your neck. After a few tugs, you give Daniela’s side a little pinch telling her to knock it off. Bela and Cassandra already retreated.
“I said one bite, Dani, not suck me dry.” You grumble as you pry her off your neck, Bela and Cassandra giggled among themselves. The only thing you caught was Cassandra’s reply to Bela.
“I think Dani would love for (Y/N) to take a piece out of her. They are always all over each other.” Cassandra giggles seeing your face heat up. Instead of denying anything Daniela just throws gasoline on the fire.
“they aren’t wrong, I do love it when you leave your marks on me,” Dani replies in her most sluttery voice she could muster, making your face flush and a couple of fires pop up around the room. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the sisters who couldn’t help but laugh at your expense. You wanted to be mad at them you did but at moments like this, they looked the most human and happy. So if it had to be at your expanse so be it.
 The night went on, with the sisters talking under themselves. Dani not leaving the spot on your lap. Lady Dimitrescu came checking on the four of you once in a while but mostly kept to her chambers. As a mother, she baskets in how happy her daughters and she admitted at least to herself that part of it was because of you and she was forever grateful for it.
 When they kept on teasing you, you threatened with tacking away their toys and forbid them from going into the village the moment it became warmer. Lady Dimitrescu herself had given you that privilege and the girls knew this. The threat alone made them stop.
You basket in the silence that emitted around you, knowing it wouldn’t last long. The girls were good at many things, staying quiet and sitting still wasn’t one of them. Only minutes later the sister started begging you if they could watch a movie on your laptop.
The only electronics meant for entertainment were in your chambers after you asked, begged Lady Dimitrescu to keep them. After that, the girls were hooked on Disney movies and occasionally one of them would ask to get them something. The only reason lady Dimitrescu allowed it was because it was the only activity the girls could do without bickering or fighting.
Even though the girls wanted to watch a movie. The moment you were all installed and sat down on the bed, the girls scattered around your bed. The moment it came to choosing they couldn’t decide. When the bickering became too loud you made the decision yourself and put on Beauty and the Beast. Relaxing into your cushions in the middle of the bed.
Bela was the first to notice it and stopped bickering with her sister to snuggle into your side. Daniela was next , she laid down on your other side and rested her head on your chest. Cassandra eventually laid down next to Bela and rested her head on your hip.
 That is how Alcina found you the next morning. She was happy with how affectionate you were with her daughters. Even though you and Daniela shared a lovers bond you never forgot Bela and Cassandra. You tried to give all three the same amount of attention and Alcina couldn’t be happier. Deciding to let the four of you sleep for a little while longer she retreated to her chamber letting the maids know not to disturb you.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
sub!Yuzu | nsfw alphabet
🌹 NOTE ⇢ content for our fave figure skater, the legend himself. mr. yuzuru hanyu is 1000% dom candy and i’m here to honor it at length ⛸
— WORDS. 5k
tags + warnings. dom/sub dynamics, femdom!reader, role reversal hc, smut, kinks, cum play, spanking, sex toys, very freaky yuzu, kitten play, mdlb, crying kink, food play, prostate orgasms, bondage, some deeper stuff & angsty bits, asthma mention, aftercare
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  A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Once the cat ears come off, who is Yuzuru Hanyu not to remain in character for a while. For the shits and giggles, and because it’s cozy. Once a catboy, always a catboy, it’s the law of the land. Curling up, kneading at you for the head pats and massages, you know the programme. 
Also: Yuzu is famously soft-spoken and always finds the right thing to say. So, stimulating conversation for the cooldown. This is literally so nice. He’s unafraid to reflect everything in detail, say what he preferred, what you could change up together, what he wants to try next. The afterglow is not just physical, as in you give him something to drink, it’s 70% verbal which is very important to him as a consistent habit.
Of course, not to forget: Always gotta have a Winnie Pooh plushie ready. He embraces it readily and, as we know him, does some roleplay right then and there. Yuzu, professional cutiepie he is, is the kinda sub who treats all plush and pillow stuff as alive and breathing. You as his domme are in on the play and also treat his things as holy as they are to him. That Yuzu lets you into that world is the biggest compliment you can possibly get. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
We all know Yuzu’s godly ass and thighs. Or the staggering waist and beautiful black hair that makes him a total bombshell in his classic comb-back styles. His face is soft and expressive and so damn unique, his legs muscular and long, his back and tummy chiseled, the list goes on and on. Jesus, he has so many great features. All body parts a masterpiece. That are all capable of god-tier contortionism on top of that, gotta mention it in passing. Just so you know if you haven’t seen him bend his every limb into directions you wouldn’t believe are humanly possible. 
Interestingly though. If he chooses, Yuzu picks his feet: They are his most important instrument and weak spot. His ankles are where the magic happens. So, you taking care of them a little would mean the world to him, imagine a candle light massage. Not to worry, no-gross-alert. Yuzu has perfect and cute feet. That’s gonna be a Victorian moment, oh my god I saw his ankles. For his partner, short and simple: He likes a shoulder to lean on. He loves being touchy in general, all body parts are amazing to him. Being in a profession that’s all about the physics, Yuzuru knows about the wonders of the body.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Certified king of cumsluts, doesn’t even hesitate. The more, the merrier. If he’s not covered in sticky stuff, Yuzu would be underchallenged. It’s less about the taste, texture or any degradation, for him it’s the playing around with his tongue. Somebody wants his mouth preoccupied. Give the cat his milk. Feed him his own cum mixed with yours. He’s gonna lap at it and swallow.
Since Yuzu’s dream is a mommy domme baking him something, he just loves the smell of dough and hazelnuts and cinnamon and everything — you know what’s coming: Imagine the food play. Nuts indeed. Anything that even remotely looks like a creampie is something he wants to get his lips on. And Yuzu is not the type to be a foodie at all, let that sink in. Sexual-looking food is just too big a temptation, though. And you spoiling him that way... oh my. Surefire way to end up in bed right after. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has a butt plug collection. Once almost went on the ice with one in. The more you know. Also— this guy is the kinda type fantasizing to get absolutely railed on a bed of plushies. He has troubles suggesting it to you because he doesn’t want them to get actually dirty. But the idea gets the two of you kind of horny. Sometimes, a thought is better as a fantasy than actually executing it. You can use it for riling up’s sake, whispering it to him during dirty talk. How you’ll bounce on him and ruin him and milk him while he’s splayed out so innocently on your bed. I smell corruption kink. 
Another secret Yuzu keeps is just how much he changed his mind about wanting his partner to control everything in bed. He grew up with a pre-defined ideal type of a cute, nice skater girl who’d let the reins very loosely around him, who he can speak Japanese to because he had problems with English, who is small and someone he will protect. It wasn’t something based on experience and trying things out: It was simply expected of him. People wanted the domineering Yuzuru on ice to be that way in private, and make use of his power, be a man, savior, boss. 
The reality being: He never felt truly as tough on the ice, nor was he gender-conforming in person. In fact, that is what he became famous for, and it reassured Yuzuru very often how people would accept and actually celebrate this side of him. Which is so refreshing, and a sight to see. The side that was dorky, clingy, childish, gorgeous, and cute has always been there, but now he embraces it more as his comfort place. He has to know what he’s doing in his skating programme and show competitive spirit to achieve his dreams, but that’s where it stops.
His former ideals are something people wanted to hear, it was an adaptation of the environment rather than thinking it through on his own. So, years later — oh boy have things changed. Yuzuru no longer defines his ideal type that way, saying whoever he likes is someone he’d be with. What was a fantasy template and filter is now gone and adapted to his newfound, own preferences. Yuzu is comfortably open-minded rather than being a copy to mainstream. He found fun in speaking English, opened up to the world at large, had more girls around him who he could befriend, grew more confident in his stature, and is well aware — turns out he’s the cute one. Who needs to be taken under a wing. He likes strong-minded girls and says if he had a wife, she’d dominate him. Yuzuru secretly wants her to be in charge entirely, she owns his body and soul. Not in daily life where things are just normal and everyone goes about their business. Sexually, where he surrenders instead, and is taken care of.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
The tale of an introvert. What he knows — he hides it well. Has eyefucked a whole lot of people and is the type to lust like mad from a far distance, and nobody will ever know. Crushes harder than peppercorns in a mill. If he loves someone, it lingers in his mind every split second of the day, may god have mercy on him. And if you know him: Yuzu aims too high to keep it light and easy and clumsy. He hates being an amateur, he’s terrified of starting out something. He dreads not knowing what to do, how exactly to behave, talk, touch, breathe, respond, negotiate, prepare. That’s a hundred percent like hell to him.
Ironically, he has a natural feeling for it and he’s literally amazing in bed, has a sense for social interaction is all the way cute with something valuable to say. But what he believes is something way different. Yuzuru is a diehard, nervous perfectionist. He can only think of it as a rated performance since his mind usually has to work that way to skate well. His esteem is on a knife edge depending on how well he thinks he does. So, the inevitable: He will shy away from sex altogether. He draws immense skating passion from staying celibate, in fact it’s his success secret, but it still eats him up from the inside and makes him frustrated beyond measure. Not even for the pleasure, since he’s so ambitious that’s almost forgotten about, but for being told he did well. 
That’s how much he believes sex is a drill and capability test. And it’s sad that he thinks it’s like his skating career, racking up points for the impossible things judges want and being in a deadlock when it comes to showing his artistic side. He feels thrown into cold water if he doesn’t know everything beforehand. If he ever works up the courage, which probably won’t happen, he will pay an expert to learn from rather than let something all over the place happen with a random person or even someone he might like. 
Yes, you heard that right. He’d rather see a sex worker than ‘mess up’ his first time according to his sky-high standards. So, Yuzu’s experience remains limited since he’s so 100% do or die, and so anxious, and so torn about social interaction, he doesn’t get how his peers can be playboys and get married and flirt with someone they like and all that. He sort of has an easier time with guys, but girls... he can’t approach. To top it off, he also feels like he’d burden his first time one somebody or embarrasses himself, so he will reject and avoid suitors. Those are usually not the people he crushes so hard on to begin with. It’s bound to be one-sided and he knows, so he will abstain and focus on career and use the cheers of his fans as a substitute.
Truth is, he feels helpless and distant from sex sometimes, especially with his practice-heavy lifestyle and hyper-smart mind, Yuzuru has an intelligence that exceeds what most people can grasp. He’s alone on the ice and Brian as a coach is often the only reference person who truly gets him, and leads him well without being controlling. But that’s professional life. Sexually, Yuzuru is metaphorically: coachless. He surely observed it well when Javier (the #1 ladies man, his opposite) was still active and a social butterfly helping him fit in, but Yuzu would always be worried about his extreme fame and spotless image when introduced to someone fangirling over him. He’d rather prefer someone who comes across as a mentor and solid, loyal-to-death person to look up to. So he would do anything to have someone benevolent like that. Most girls would expect him to be the sex god and expert, but he knows that’s only half of the story and based on his characters on the ice. Yuzu crafts these to counterbalance how he really is — withdrawn and indirect. 
Yuzu is extremely calculating and selective, he scans suitors well, protects his reputation, and is mortified of failure. So, he’d rather learn it by the book and from someone he’s not emotionally attached to. In a one-night stand that might also be the case, but he doesn’t know what to expect, and he’s absolutely terrified of sudden sexual vulnerability. He himself often says he values his own struggle between feeling so weak and being strong again 
Besides: He’d have problems squeezing hookups into his schedule and lifestyle, he’d have to cut down on things and create a double life. Plus, Yuzu is famously inept with social interaction up close, he flees the noise and unpredictability. So, it’s better to have a long-term partner. If he doesn’t know something yet, he has it down in one day like the single axel. Definitely counts on his partner teaching him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
We know Yuzu’s signature move is the lean-back Ina Bauer. So, whatever position allows for an arch is the real deal (cough, taking the strap — oh my god his ass is made for it). But anyway, he can pull off anything with that stellar flexibility and core strength. 
If I think about it. Yuzu might like sitting on your lap very much. I know it’s not a sex position, I mean it can be once his inner lapdancer awakens or you use a strap-on, I rather mean... just for some sweet moments and making out. But yeah: Fathom Yuzu gyrating on your like that. Not in an outright lascivious manner or Chippendales style. The Hanyu way, with embellishments and all the grace. This is gonna be a huge turn-on and perfect foreplay position.  
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not much to elaborate here: Yep, Yuzu is true goofball indeed. Really flustered and clumsy when eye-to-eye in missionary, and yet: He’s ultra serious towards the end, there’s gonna be an aggressive staredown before cumming. The feeling gets pretty intense, his duality between silly and ‘yeah, give it to me’ is no joke.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Would probably die from inflammation if he shaved clean under those tight suits and did all these chafe-heavy skating routines. Doesn’t have a lot of body hair to begin with, but for pits and pubes, it’s alive, wild, and decently long. Out of all people, Yuzu cares particularly about aesthetics, but in this case pragmatism will prevail. He doesn’t care too much about it either as long as it doesn’t get in the way of something. Having sex with Yuzu tends to be well um well all about a hundred types of friction so any stubble would be a bad idea.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
You haven’t seen a guy in love like that. It’s a figure skater thing for sure. Since he works to portray these sentiments on the ice daily, hardly anybody can play up feelings so delicately and palpably like Yuzuru. Emotion is what his entire career is built on. He knows how to express himself directly, appropriately, intimately. Couldn’t be any more romantic. Yuzu can’t go without it. 
Very passionate, ‘for your eyes only’ kind of atmosphere. Yes, he shows off on the ice, it’s his job (although of course, that word doesn’t really sum up what skating means to him). But private Yuzu is someone you can claim as yours. He will make it clear, he wants to belong to you, he’s yours, dedicated, devotion is the entire point. Less with a slant of what some subs like, very hands-on ownership of a mistress. It’s more emotional. He’s really attached and all smitten. Your private little haven is everything to him. 
Talking about little: Yuzu can be quite a pillow prince sometimes. At least when the initiative doesn’t go back and forth as it frequently does, you often alternate with suggestions and ways of tweaking an ongoing play session. You blindfold him or tie his wrists, He might be standard tired from practice or just fascinated to watch you work your magic on him. 
He also likes music to set the tone for intimacy, who’s surprised. Prepare: Yuzu likes dramatic classical music all the way. He’s probably one of the few people who can make it more than ‘classy’ and definitely more than cringe. He selects pieces very well. This is gonna be a practice template to cum together when the music reaches its peak. Makes the whole thing full of adrenaline.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lots of fun to him. Would beat it 24/7 if the ice wasn’t calling him. Drowns himself in lube. This guy’s me-time is so rated R, Cardi B would be inspired to remix WAP to wet ass penis as an anthem just for him. A dry dick is a ruined day for Yuzuru, as is a session without teasing his prostate in whatever way he currently fancies. Once he tried it, he never went back. The intensity knocking him out is something that Yuzu thinks about all the time. Strokes like a pro, does all these little moans, can do it forever, loves the feeling, chases the high. Adrenaline junkie on the ice? No different with his hand around his cock. 
Will masturbate everywhere in the house and has to really get his head in the game to make sure he won’t ruin any carpets. So, he always has at least two towels with him. In the kitchen, in front of the TV, in the shower, the bed. Watches his fair share of eclectic porn, he gets really desperate. Especially before you started dating, Yuzu would shut himself in until the lotion ran out. Can jack off to something romantic (he starts crying) or something extreme (he loves shocking himself and ). 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Very curious about sadomasochism. Googles a lot of things that make him hard during the day. Often jawdropped by his research, but once he tries things out with you, nothing can really shock him anymore. Absolutely wants to be collared, it’s his biggest fantasy. Another little secret he has, Yuzu is decked out in skating gloves, right. He wishes he could feel you wearing them, or he keeps them on for sex himself, the lacey transparent ones. Looks especially pretty when his wrists are tied so, major photograpy material. Oh yes, Yuzu likes the camera, he can work it. The guy is photogenic in any position and can strike any angle you want. Your phone background is a new Yuzu snapshot every week already, imagine your gallery, 5800 kinky pictures.  
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
I’m gonna say it. The frozen lake out of town, late at night, condoms and lube with you. A quickie that will leave your genitals frozen. Yuzu might get stuck inside you because it’s -15 Celsius. Call that fantasy on ice. Jokes aside: Come on, Yuzu is the biggest ever hermit homebody. The couch will have a bunch of indents after your week-long fucking sessions after he comes home training. Also, at his desk while he does work for university. You ride him, Yuzu studies. Double the ambition. His dick is completely sore. The lake out of town thing might go down, but without sex. Just skating together under the stars, Yuzu doing amazing spins and spirals around you, very very romantic.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Yuzu is a crazed Sagittarius. Have you seen these men? They just want it all. Must be the influence of Jupiter. Zeus was definitely vibing that way. And yes, Yuzu has borderline unhealthy gold medal thinking in bed. He wants to be not just good but damn good with pleasing you. If you don’t have a good time and head home without an orgasm, he’ll consider himself a failure. Yuzu won’t cut himself any slack there. You’d have a hard time changing his ways into something more chill and moderate. Instead, you will see the benefits of rolling with it once you see how improvement fuels him and does make sex really mindblowing.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Couldn’t do things like slapping you, spanking. Yuzu makes for a terrible daddy dom, it’d not suit him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Cum-dripping oral mess, Yuzu is the brave kind. Totally into it, and can’t resist a good blowjob. Will act different afterwards, there’s a lot of erotic tension. “This evening again?” is what those eyes are saying.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Outstanding kinesthetic intelligence. Every inch of his body follows his intent, and yours if you have him take on certain ways of kneeling. Yuzu can do it all, whatever you want. Tantalizing, moderato, overwhelmingly fast. He can take it, he can portray it. And knows the value of a pause like a true connoisseur. Not just when he wants to prevent cumming early, also just because the moment is right. That’s why cockwarming is a staple, as well as you having him wait patiently for kisses. To top it off: If you give him a blowjob, building up the tension by doing nothing is damn effective. The ruined orgasms you’re gonna give him... delicious.
Everything’s gonna have nice transitions as well, no awkward climbing and rolling and tangling limbs. If he gets something from another room that you need, no slouching. The university course as good as the extracurricular activities. Being inconsistent with any subsidiary details? Not in the Hanyu household, he’s keeping it classy. Yuzu feels like if he makes the bridges to new positions even remotely messy, the feeling is killed and it’s as if he’d break character mid-skate. Although he’ll have to practice and refine and test a lot of things because he’s not super experienced and adapting to your own movements is an individualized thing to do, he’s a masterclass of quality, period.
Even when things get fast and heated, nothing feels off. Having that kind of body smartness also means: Yuzu learns by touch, whatever you do. He knows by the way you pull his hair what comes next. How much saliva drips off your tongue when you suck at his neck, he knows how hard you’ll to ravage him in five minutes. This guy observes things you aren’t even conscious of because his physical understanding is just so fine-tuned.
The sense of rhythm, and every skating programme of him will showcase that, unbeatable. Unless his mood is really impacted by something severe, your guy feels it in every bone. He’s an artist, after all, he listens to music all the time. Dissecting rhythms to turn them into movement is what his line of work is all about. The pace will always fit the mood. Everything is precise, but never crude. Instead, the way he moves is dictated by an inherent flow. With little accents that match right with any thrust, like putting his hands on your sides when you’re on top of him.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hit it Shakira: Whenever, wherever! He seemingly carries an entire condom factory with him. Or, to be more exact: At least three of them.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
This one’s a complicated case. Yuzu being reckless on the ice may or may not mirror in your private life. He might need some downtime, so bring out the soft domme stuff. No trial and error stuff, just going through a routine of things you love the most. On the other hand, he always gives it all. This guy’s endurance at your hands is amazing. Advanced kinds of BDSM he will not feel deterred from at all. Rough toys, anal hooks, sounding, whips, why not is Yuzu’s motto. But then again. He has such a confusing mix of innocence and feeling like he’s completely hardcore. You might end up experimenting a lot, but also not daring the leap sometimes because the mood is different. And then rather go for softer hours, where Yuzu will be all shy shy and more bursting with excitement than ever. A good, interesting mix is what I’m saying.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Yuzuru, once he gets a bit of practice to gauge the situation... Viagra on two legs, absolute unexpected powerhouse. You might end up pondering to work out a little and go for a run because this guy is in a consistently outstanding shape to say the least. Olympic athletes are literally hard to fuck with. And since Yuzu is starfishing sometimes (which is very adorable), or he’s in bondage for some time, that presents a further problem: For a second round, he’s full of energy, while you already spent energy. So, you alternate with who’s active, and the other leans back entirely. He has to remind himself since his body is programmed for it: This is no contest — the point is feeling good.
You might ride him reverse cowgirl all the way while you watch TV, and after the overstimulation fades he will eat you out ad nauseam, full course slobbering, sweeping the whole menu. That way, it’s less about keeping up with him, which would be hard for most people not doing sports at his galactic level. He understands, Yuzu knows he’s not normal in that regard, you don’t have to worry. Some exercise still doesn’t hurt, just to further increase the quality of sex anyway.
Then again: Why go jogging and do some laps wasting valuable together time when Yuzu’s lap is the best workout? And running doesn’t guarantee your stamina in bed is perfect even if it does help. You rather wanna manage how to draw out the arousal. It’s a self-control thing, with the goal of having you match up in every aspect as good as you can. In which case, you can count on him to pull it off: Have you seen Yuzu doing jumps side by side with a bunch of female skaters? Copy paste. This guy knows how to synchronize with the ladies.
Something that has to be mentioned beside that, though. Yuzu has asthma since 2 years old, and it’s often a mind thing to him still these days. He doesn’t let it stop him from sleeping with you because as always, he’s not letting anything get in his way. He has learned to live and thrive with it. But you both have to mind the possibility of an attack, he prevents it with inhalers, and the mood plays a crucial role. Yuzu being comfortable and confident is so important to his breathing, and keeping a good rhythm rather than being chaotic in bed. So, you will plan most of your sexual activities rather than improvising. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Would stuff an entire sex shop into his every available orifice. Yuzu is a toy freak, he wants to try everything. Motto: a new one every day. Well, almost. But he can afford it. Buys stuff he uses solely on himself, things you use on him, things he uses solo and you use on him, and as the cherry on top, every possible high end vibrator on the market for you. Any size, too. This bitch will browse through the latest innovations, prepare to get off. He’s obsessed with seeing you use it on yourself. Yuzu owns a separate phone just for videos of you buzzing your clit, and him fingering you for minutes and minutes. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Extremely so. Loves to be a total brat only to get put into his place. He does it so you’ll pull the chin grab on him. He likes getting choked out as a punishment as well. Yuzu also tends to be very around the corner if you will when it comes to soft subbing, he lays over expecting cuddles but doesn’t say so. Buds his head against your chest, nuzzles, and so on. Lighter forms of teasing come to him very easily. Loves to prompt. Roughhousing, banter, favorite thing.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Moderately loud because his voice is very very light, but unsurprisingly — he’s just beautiful. What a nice tone. Gorgeous whimpering sounds. And when you go hard on him, voice cracks! And really heavy breathing. What’s gonna be the most striking though is his expressiveness. We know it from the ice and interviews, and he can really amp it up even further. No need for screaming, that face will speak the volumes.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You’ll be blessed with him if you have a huge crying kink. Yuzu definitely opens the waterworks every other week in bed. Happy tears, horny tears, relief tears, aftercare tears, orgasm tears, masochist tears, romantic tears, subspace tears, he has it all. He also begs for the type of pain that makes it stream down his face for minutes. He’s touchy-feely all the way and feels like he can really connect with you that way.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His ass twitching is kind of a spectacle, but I don’t have to tell you, do I. Yuzu has muscles for the gods in there. So voluptuous, you can’t call it any other way. Big booty boyfriend, Jesus you can show him off, he loves it. Around the house, he will flaunt them big ole athlete buns in particular, acting like it’s unintended. Um, Yuzu, those are joggings. Smack it, he is sure to moan. 
And may I respectfully mention as well — this guy has some major big ass balls figuratively and literally. How else would someone be motivated to jump a triple axel like it’s nothing. Not kidding, they’re big and round and ugh. His love for tight pants doesn’t help. He knows what your eyes like and dresses just to flex the goods. Screams for more spanking and pinching if you ask me. Yuzu is definitely serving it. Well-endowed, you lucky girl.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Mega horny, ready when you are. On a scale from zero to hundred? Breaching into the 90 percent right there. Yuzu’s hormones are literally insane. On paper he’s 26, but his dick wants the 18th birthday party. Jesus is he gonna be clingy when he’s in the mood. All wrapped around you in a backhug in the kitchen or when you iron a costume of his, and that’s sexy of him. He’s not gonna hide what’s filling out those sweatpants. He’ll desperately grind up against you like it’s Christmas.
Paired with his puppy eyes and little “Do you have some time... I’ll iron this tomorrow” — instant pounce. He’s admittedly a bit hard to keep up with sometimes, though. The reason: With that level of exercise, he has major pent-up energy. That machine is definitely running. Heavy sports changes your hormones, nervous system, and especially blood flow. Now take that to the scale of his performances and regimens? That equals a firework of horny. No wonder he masturbates all the time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Takes some time. He cools down, sweats it out, chugs water. However, don’t underestimate how tired Yuzu can already be. His daily routines and competitions have a toll on him. Ironically, he’s not a deep sleeper, however. Yuzu might toss and turn and have sudden energy bursts, or ideas, or gets hungry. So, he needs his plushies, he needs a weighted blanket, warm pajamas, a hot cup of his favorite warm drink, a light snack, and you by his side. Spooning him excessively and sometimes even humming to him. Yuzu looks like a certified angel on his pillow, his well-deserved rest from everything is so important, too.
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NOTE - hope i could indulge you, thank you for reading!
© 2017-2021 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed. depictions fictional.
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bitch-for-bo · 3 years
"Worried I'll Replace You?", "No." (Ushijima Wakatoshi x chubby reader)
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Despite the fact that you and Ushijima have been dating for years, he still doesn't want to introduce you to the team. You find out that it isn't because he's embarrassed, it's for selfish reasons of his own.
When you had told Wakatoshi that you were going to be attending the Japan National team’s practice later that day, you didn’t expect him to react. Why would you? Toshi rarely reacted to anything you said in explicit ways, he was a stoic man. Sure, he was a stoic man that you happened to love, but a stoic man nonetheless.
You had been curling your hair in the bathroom mirror as Wakatoshi took his morning shower when you brought the fact that you’d be attending his practice up.
“I’m going to be there with Kuroo-san planning some advertising strategies.”
“Do you have to be with Kuroo?” Wakatoshi’s deep voice rumbled from behind the shower curtain.
“Why?” you asked, leaning against the counter and looking at the shower curtain through the mirror, seeing Toshi’s large outline through the light material.
“I don’t appreciate the way that Kuroo speaks to you. He isn’t your boyfriend, I am.” He replied before ducking his head beneath the showerhead to rinse the shampoo from his hair.
You smiled and rolled your eyes at Wakatoshi’s blunt statement. No matter how many times you told him that Kuroo was only kidding when he teased you, Toshi was still unnecessarily possessive of you.
Not that you minded. It was nice to feel protected by the powerful ace, even if that meant having to almost hold him back when he saw Kuroo playfully ‘flirting’ with you.
The shower turned off and the curtain was slung back, revealing a fully nude Wakatoshi. He stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist as your eyes followed him lustfully in the mirror, admiring how the beads of water ran down his broad, tanned back as the muscles flexed and relaxed with his movement.
“I also don’t want my teammates meeting you.” He said, walking up behind you beside you to the counter to continue his morning hygiene routine.
You scoffed lightly at that. You knew that his words held no ill intent or malice, but if Ushi would have said that sort of thing in public, and someone overheard the conversation, they would’ve thought that Ushijima was embarrassed by you. So much so that he didn’t want his team meeting you. Again, deep down you knew this wasn’t the case, but that didn’t stop the small ball of dread from making its way into your heart as you began to question if Toshi really was embarrassed by you. You knew that the only way to find out what he meant was to ask, or else you would be upset the rest of the day and lord only knows that Wakatoshi was too bad at verbal communication to ask you why you were mad at him.
“Why?” You teased, grinning at your boyfriend in the mirror despite the small pang of hurt in your chest. “Scared I’ll find someone more attractive to replace you with?”
“Why would a be scared of that? I am the most capable partner for you on the team.” He replied, turning to look at you in the eyes with an expression of slight confusion.
You couldn’t help but giggle at your big dumb boyfriend.
“Awful confident about that aren’t you?”
You just laughed more, stepping towards him and craning your neck to place a small kiss on his jaw. It was mean to bully Toshi like that, especially since he took every word you said so literally, but it was too fun not to.
“How about this,” you offered, wrapping your arms around his bare hips and encouraging him to do the same to you, forming a loose hug between the two of you as you stood in the doorway of the bathroom. “I’ll go do my job with Kuroo, but you don’t have to tell the team I’m your girlfriend. We can both pretend we’re strangers.”
You weren’t gonna lie, you really wanted Wakatoshi to introduce you as his significant other to his friends, after all, you’d been dating for almost 5 years, but you understood that PDA made him uncomfortable so you could deal with your own butthurt feelings if it meant that he was more comfortable.
“Are you sure?” Wakatoshi asked, his eyes looking down at yours, seemingly into your soul.
“Yes.” You smiled, kissing his chin, “Who knows,” you added, “it might make for some hot foreplay too…”
Wakatoshi chuckled and kissed your forehead, letting his lips rest against the skin for a couple of seconds before pulling away and detaching the two of you from your ‘loose hug’.
“When do you have to go?” You asked, glancing at the bedside clock that read 5:50 AM.
“I have to be there by 6:30.” He responded. You groaned in reply, turning back to your own routine as he moved out of the bathroom to get dressed so he could go to practice.
You absolutely hated the days where Toshi had to go to practice early in the morning. He would wake up at almost 4 AM to go on his jog. And of course, being the huge oaf that he is, he’d always wake you up with him as he tried to maneuver his bulky frame out of bed. It wasn’t too much trouble though, because usually, you would just go back to sleep. The best part was when Ushijima got back from his jog and joined you in the shower for some pre-practice ‘endurance training’.
Unfortunately, that hadn’t happened today. You had to be a work kind of early too, so you had already taken your shower and done your makeup by the time Wakatoshi was back.
You were almost finished curling your hair when Wakatoshi came to wish you goodbye, wrapping his large arms around your waist as he pulled you into one of his kisses that never failed to take your breath away and leave you weak in the knees.
After he had gone, you finished getting ready in the bathroom and went to decide on something to wear.
You wanted to wear something nicer than usual to make a good impression on the team, even if Ushi wasn’t going to introduce you as his girlfriend. It was rare for Wakatoshi to see you in your work clothes, so you also wanted to wear something that would get his attention, and if you were lucky occupy his mind all day until he could rush home and fuck you.
You settled on a black lace blouse tucked into a pair of red slacks. Kuroo had told you that the two of you would get ‘bonus points’ with the bosses if your clothes matched the team’s colors. Plus you knew that Wakatoshi loved the way that the outfit looked on you. The top displayed an appropriate yet sexy amount of skin with its black velvet bodice and long lace sleeves and the high waisted slacks hugged your curvy hips and made your ass and legs look amazing.
You looked in the mirror, admiring your ability to look professional and badass at the same time. If only your highschool self could see you now. Highschool You wouldn’t have been able to see the way that the outfit complemented your plush form. She would’ve been focused on the small yet noticeable bump of your stomach underneath the slacks, or the way that the light hit the stretch marks on your arms, making them visible despite being covered in black lace.
It had taken a long time to love yourself, you’d gone through the first twenty years of your life despising how you looked. Finally, you learned to accept who you were and with the help of your friends and family, you learned that you were worth more than what YOU saw in the mirror.
You remembered the first couple of times you went out with friends after gaining your confidence. They convinced you to accompany them to a small sports bar. You remembered that night fairly clearly, you had worn a flowy maroon blouse with a pair of high waisted black jeans and a pair of 3-inch nude heels. It was one of the first times that you had looked in the mirror and liked what you saw.
You and your friends drank and watched the games on the TVs that were situated around the bar, a different sport playing on almost every one of them. You remembered that you were attracted to a volleyball game that was one. You had played volleyball a lot with your brothers when you were young and over the years, the fondness towards the sport never died. You took a seat in front of the television, sitting next to a tall, slender red-head who was nursing what smelt like a vodka cherry limeade. Your eyes were fixed on the TV, smiling as the players volleyed back and forth, admiring the strength and power it must take to perform like that.
“It’s impressive isn’t it.” The redhead next to you spoke, looking at you with wide, analytic eyes. You nodded, your eyes barely leaving the screen to give him a quick ‘hello’ smile.
“You like volleyball?” You asked, giggling a little as the man tilted his head at you.
“I used to……” He said wistfully, taking a long sip of his limeade that he happened to be drinking through a straw. “I played in high school. I quit cuz I knew that I’d never be serious enough to play like them.” He waved towards the players on the TV before continuing, “My buddy is still obsessed with it though. He’s in the bathroom right now.”
You nodded, you weren’t sure why the stranger was telling you so much, you figured that it was kind of due to the alcohol so you let him speak, plus you were enjoying the conversation.
“That’s cool.” You smiled, bringing your own drinks up to your lips as the two of you continued to watch the game in silence for a couple of seconds. Suddenly, he looked over.
“Listen,” He said, “my friend that I mentioned, the one in the bathroom…”
You nodded.
“He’s had his eyes on you the whole night.”
As soon as he said those words, your face lit up with the biggest blush you had ever had. Your mouth formed an ‘o’ before opening and closing like a fish. No one had ever looked, let alone stared! at you (to your knowledge). You had no idea how to react seeing as this was your first time anyone was so brash with you.
“I-I’m sorry- are you sure that it’s me and not one of my friends?” You asked, still in disbelief that anyone could find you attractive enough to stare.
“Of course I’m sure!” the redhead confirmed, his eyes scrunching as he looked back at you in just as much confusion as you looked at him.
He wondered if you were completely oblivious to all of the attention you’d been getting from the inhabitants of the bar. You looked gorgeous with your long legs, your thick thighs…..hell he would’ve approached you if it hadn’t been for his best friend expressing his interest in you first.
“It’s actually kind of a miracle that you sat here.” The redhead continued, “Wakatoshi isn’t very good at talking to people. Unless it’s about volleyball, which you also like!”
The blush on your face was unrelenting at the thought of a guy approaching you. A guy that you didn’t even know if they really existed. This guy you were talking to might have been a complete crazy who had gotten a little too much to drink.
“Well, I-” You started, only to be interrupted by possibly the deepest voice you’d ever heard, coming from behind you.
“Tendou, who is this in my seat?”
That’s how it all started. In those first couple of minutes, you were terrified of Ushijima. His face was so serious. Handsome, yes, but also very serious. Tendou had acted as a buffer that first night, giving you a smooth transition and kind of teaching you how to talk to Wakatoshi.
Over the next couple of months, you and Ushijima went on dates. Every week on Friday. He would pick you up at 7 pm sharp without fail. He never talked much, he much preferred to listen to you, always watching your face closely as you spoke. He made you feel safe and listened to and before long, five years had passed and the two of you were living in domestic bliss.
The sound of the phone broke you out of your little daydream, Kuroo’s caller ID flashing across the screen.
“Where are you, Kitten? I’m at the gym. I see your super ace boyfriend here, but not you.”
“I’m coming” you replied, pulling a pair of black block heels on as you walked out the front door, “Also, I promised Wakatoshi that no one would tell the team that I’m his girlfriend so please behave!”
“Waaaah?? Girlfriend??” Hinata Shoyou exclaimed, leaning closer towards Bokuto who had just gathered the team while Ushijima was in the bathroom to tell them all what he had overheard from Kuroo’s phone call.
“She’ll be here today!” The owl-like hitter whisper shouted, excitement practically seeping out of his pores.
“I can’t believe Mr. Stone Solid has a girlfriend and I don’t” Miya Atsumu groaned, hiding his face in shame. As the team started to speculate about what she would look like.
“I bet she’s really pretty”
“Dumbass Hinata! Of course, she’ll be pretty! Why would Ushijima date her if she wasn’t!!” “The real question is, why would she choose Mr. no-emotion. He has the emotional range of a crayon!”
They all nodded at Atsusmu’s statement, even Iwaizumi, and Aran, who had been silent in the conversation regarding Ushiwaka’s mystery girl.
They all flinched at the sound of the gym door opening and sprang away from the huddle as they heard Ushijima coming into the gym. They all had quickly gone back to practicing as if they hadn’t just been gossiping like middle schoolers, and Ushijima being the oblivious idiot that he is, noticed nothing as he picked up a volleyball, wondering when his girlfriend would be arriving with her work partner.
Not even ten minutes later the gym doors opened again and in walked the coach, Kuroo, and you.
“Holy shit!” Atsumu whispered to Hinata, imaginary blood bursting out of his nose as he took in your figure.
The team was enraptured with you from the start, even Kageyama had stopped setting to look at you. They couldn’t stop looking at you, eyes drinking you in disbelief as to why you were with someone with Ushijima. And while you didn’t notice all of the male attention since you were currently talking to Kuroo and the coach, Wakatoshi did and a mix of possessiveness and jealousy burst into his chest.
His eyes roamed your body, fists clenching at how devilishly perfect you looked in your outfit. And even though Ushijima wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, he could figure out that you’d worn the outfit just to make him feel like this.
He looked across the faces of his teammates, even the athletic trainer’s eyes were on your body as you made your way towards the court, your heels clicking lightly on the glossy wooden floor.
No one was really listening to the coach’s words as he introduced you and Kuroo to the team. They hadn’t even heard the coach ask them to introduce themselves until Ushijima began to speak.
“Ushijima Wakatoshi.” He said, shaking Kuroo’s outstretched hand and then yours, staring deep into your eyes.
‘Just wait till tonight’ his dark eyes read, making something in you keen in arousal.
“Well you all know me, this is my associate, Y/N,” Kuroo said, causing you to break Wakatoshi’s gaze. It jarred the others out of their dazes as well.
“Hello.” You said brightly, smiling. You and Kuroo then went down the line of them, shaking all of their hands and learning their names.
“Are you a model?” Hinata asked, his eyes wide as you towered over him in your heels. You almost looked like a goddess to the short spiker.
“No, but thank you Hinata.” You laughed, shaking his hand gently. You shook your head in amusement and moved to the man standing next to him. A dark-haired man with a blush dancing across his cheeks and his mouth turned down in an attempted frown.
“Y-you are tall,” Kageyama mumbled, holding out his hand to shake. You merely nodded and responded with an ‘it’s mostly the heels. It’s nice to meet you’
You continued to greet them one by one, feeling extremely awkward as they one by one stumbled over introducing themselves. You wondered what was wrong with them, painfully ignorant of the fact that they were all in awe of you.
‘I kind of see why he didn’t want me meeting them’ you thought.
“Aright!” Kuroo exclaimed as soon as the two of you had given all of them handshakes and introductions were finished. “Y/N and I will just be casually monitoring the practice and thinking of advertising strategies. Anything to add?” He asked, looking at you expectantly.
“Sorry for the intrusion!” You said, smiling at all of them once again, “Please play like normal and do your best!”
Ushijima scowled, he could pretty much hear all of his teammates’ brains exploding.
It was a long but successful day, you thought, sliding your key into the front door of your apartment. Wakatoshi was home, the team was let out at 2:30 but you and Kuroo had headed back to the office for a couple of more hours before you came home.
“Toshi?” you called out into the seemingly empty apartment. There was no smell of dinner being cooked or sounds of the shower or sink running. You wondered where he had gone. Tendou wasn’t back in town, so unless Ushijima was out with the team you hadn’t the slightest idea where he was.
You flicked on the lights.
“AHH!” You screamed, hurling your messenger bag at the figure sitting in your living room. Your hands coming up to search for something else to protect yourself with. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you sighed. “Wakatoshi what the fuck? You scared me!”
Wakatoshi said nothing, a frown painting his face while his eyebrows were angrily scrunched towards the midline of his face.
“That is why I didn’t want you to meet my team,” he said, taking you completely by surprise.
“What?” you asked, confusion prominent on your face.
“I didn’t want them looking at you like that. You’re mine.”
“Woah, Woah, Woah. Toshi, they were just being nice to me. That’s all” you replied sweetly. A small smile worming its way onto your face at your boyfriend’s childish jealousy.
“You are mine.” He repeated, a bit more assertively this time, getting up and walking towards you.
“I know Toshi.” You whispered soothingly, your arms opening up and accepting his huge form into a tight hug. He buried his face in your neck, inhaling your perfume as he sighed in content at your affection.
“I felt jealous as they looked at you. Why did you wear those clothes?”
“I wore them for you Toshi…” You whispered in his ear.
“Oh. I see.” He said, his hands slowly beginning to draw firm circles in your lower back.
“Why were you jealous Toshi?” You whispered sweetly, you couldn’t stop the sly smile from gracing your face. As mean as it was, you loved it when Wakatoshi got all possessive like this.
“They looked at you.”
“People are allowed to look at me Toshi, how would they talk to me if they weren’t?”
“They’re not allowed to look at you the way they did. Only I can. Only I own you.”
You felt your stomach twist with arousal at Toshi’s deep voice, whispering into your neck. You knew that he didn’t realize the effect that he had on you when he talked like that, but you couldn’t help the want from building in your core as your thighs pressed together.
“Show me Toshi.” You breathed out, your arms tightly wrapping around his neck, pulling his face even closer to your body, “Show me you own me.” Wakatoshi obliged, groaning lowly as his mouth began pressing bruising kisses to your neck. You tilted your head back, giving his rough lips wider access as you let him guide you into the bedroom, pressing you up against a wall.
His hands were gripping your soft hips, pulling you closer to him as his hips rolled against you. You could feel the hard outline of his cock through the thin sweatpants he had on, making your mouth water.
“Shit Toshi…” you moaned, your arms trying desperately to pull his body against you. You reached down between the two of you to feel him through his sweats. As you pressed your palm to it, his hands came down and caught both of your wrists before bringing them above your head.
“Did I say you could touch me?” He growled, his tone changing from the usually even, calm tone, to one of domination.
“Please Toshi….” You keened, a light whine of frustration slipping out of your lips.
Wakastoshi didn’t move, his eyes roaming down your body, taking in your heaving chest practically begging to be bitten and sucked, your thighs pressed together around his muscular leg that had forced its way between your soft ones. He couldn’t’ stop the surge of incredible pride that swelled in his chest as he looked down at you, hunger evident in his eyes. Your pupils were wide and blown out, lips parted and gasping for breath.
‘All mine’ he thought, slowly and firmly taking your mouth with his, demanding that you submit to him. He loved how pliant and submissive your body was beneath him. He loved how you trusted him with your pleasure. He knew he wouldn’t disappoint.
“Fuck!” you gasped as he pulled off of you, allowing your lungs to breathe in deeply, relishing at the feeling of air. Your panties were sopping wet, and you were afraid that if you didn’t take them off soon, your slacks would be in the same boat.
“Please……” You begged, your hips bucking pitifully against Wakatoshi’s firm grip. You needed relief, your brain was beyond clouded with want and the only end in sight was Wakatoshi fucking you hard and deep against the wall.
“What do you want Love?” He asked, his baritone voice invading your brain, making you involuntarily arch your back towards him, a breathy plea slipping from your lips.
“Fuck me Toshi…”
Without a word, Wakatoshi tore your blouse down the front. A small surprised shriek leaving your mouth.
“Toshi! Yo-”
“I will buy you a new one. Their filthy eyes ruined this one.” He growled before reaching down and doing the same to your slacks. You couldn’t even be mad at the incredibly hot strength of your boyfriend. Your shredded clothing fell to the floor as the super ace yanked down your soaked panties, his fingers sliding through the wet folds as he groaned softly against your ear.
“Open your legs.” He commanded, gently yet firmly grasping your thighs as he guided them apart. His fingers glided over the outside of your pussy, dipping in and pressing against your clit while his other hand fondled your breasts, pinching at the nipples.
“Toshi….” you whimpered, yearning for the feeling of his thick fingers inside of you and his mouth on your chest. He seemingly understood your pleas as his fingers slowly thrust into you, stretching you out with two straight of the bat.
“Fuck!” you squeaked, not expecting the brutally fast pace that followed.
“I will not be gentle tonight. When you see the team tomorrow, they will know you belong to me.” He growled, mercilessly finger fucking you with two fingers, using a third to draw small circles around your clit.
You were gasping for air as your head tossed back against the wall. There were no words to express how you felt, even if there were you wouldn’t be able to say them with how Wakatoshi was fucking every breath out of your body.
He didn’t let up, not until you were almost to climax, your nails digging into the meat of his bare shoulders. One of your legs was wrapped around his waist as three of his fingers pressed in and out of your g-spot at lightning speed. You could feel both of your thighs shaking under your body weight, and you weren’t sure how much longer you’d be able to hold your one thigh up around him.
“Wakatoshi....please….” you cried, raking your fingers down his shoulder blades, reveling in the way that they flexed against your grip. “I’m so close!”
“Do you want me to fuck you now?” he asked, taking his fingers out of you and turning you around before pushing your top half down against your vanity in the corner of the room. You could feel your dripping pussy exposed at a new angle as Wakatoshi quickly kicked off his own pants, stroking his thick cock in his hand before stepping up behind you and rubbing it against your slit, wetting it with your juices.
“Yes, please!. Pleasepleaseplease!” you babbled, the feeling of the head of his cock rubbing up and down your pussy becoming too much to bear.
With a single thrust, Wakatoshi was completely inside of you, ripping a scream from your lungs as his cock split you in half. Usually, he took his time, but you could tell that tonight he wanted to show you that you truly belonged to him.
“Fuck.” He groaned, thrusting his hips into you at an intermediate pace. He wanted to teach you who you belonged to, but he didn’t want to hospitalize you by going full speed right away.
“Mmmm….” you moaned, “love the feeling of your cock baby.” you tried to bring your hips back to meet his thrusts but were immediately stopped by his big hands pressing them into the wood of the vanity.
He continued his onslaught, snapping his hips and thrusting in and out of you, quickly building up to a seemingly inhuman pace. He wove his finger through your hair and pulled your head up to look at him through the mirror of the vanity.
“Tell me who you belong to.” He demanded. You opened your mouth in a silent moan as your eyes were met with the sight of him fucking you into the piece of furniture. Your face was red with exertion, your hair sticking with sweat. It wasn’t a superficially erotic sight (at least in your opinion) but the fucked out expression on your face was a dead give-away of how badly you enjoyed Wakatoshi dominating you like this.
Wakatoshi groaned, the feeling of his cock pushing in and out of your tight hole as he brutally fucked you was glorious. His eyes never left your form in the mirror as he stared at the way your pretty tits and stomach bounced with each push of his hips.
Fucking you in the mirror was his favorite was to take you, the ability to watch your face, your tits/stomach, and your ass/thighs all at the same time was quite possibly his favorite thing in the world. He felt himself getting close as his eyes continued to watch your blissed-out face through the glass.
One of his hands reached down and his fingers began to circle your clit again, making your eyes, that you hadn’t even realized were closed, spring open and another cry slip from your lips.
“Ooooooh…. Toshi…:” you panted. “I’m close…”
“Tell me who you belong to.” He growled, his free hand coming up and wrapping around your neck as his lips pressed against your rapid pulse. You could feel yourself beginning to lose yourself, you were so close to orgasm that tears began to run down your face.
“You! Toshi- only you!”
“Are you sure?” he asked meanly, flicking his thumb out maliciously over the oversensitive bud of your clit.
“F-fuck YES! Fuck yes Toshi….. p-please....let me cum!”
Your body began to practically convulse as your orgasm ripped through your body, leaving your vision white as you shook with pleasure, you could feel yourself clenching around Wakatoshi’s cock as he moaned deeply and began to cum inside of you, letting himself be milked by your walls.
You cried as you came down from your high, your legs feeling like jelly as Ushijima’s strong arms wrapped around your body, supporting you and making sure you didn’t drop to the floor from exhaustion.
He gently pulled out of you and carried you to the bathroom. He set you down on the counter as he went to turn on the shower, the sight of his broad back covered in scratch marks making you bask in the glow of your orgasm even more.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked guiltily, concerned eyes sweeping your body worriedly. You let out a half giggle/ half hiccup and shook your head.
“I love you Toshi.” You whispered, opening your arms so he could pick you up and carry you to the shower with him, which he contently did, his thick biceps flexing against your back as he held your body against him under the hot stream of water.
“I love you too. You are mine.” He said as he lathered shampoo into your hair. You smiled, shivering at the feeling of his fingers against your scalp and his words of love in your mind.
“I’m yours.” You said sweetly, before turning in his grasp to return the favor.
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maximoffcarter · 4 years
Mind off.
Pairings: Wanda x reader
Summary: Wanda and y/n have been dating for quiet a while now. Both being connected by a stone makes them a little similar. With this discovery, Wanda could always listen to y/n’s thoughts, she knew what she wanted, she knew the next thing she was supposed to do, even at night she heard them. Sweet and somehow funny at first, until it starts crossing the line... 
A/n: This was specially requested by @mionemymind, I do hope you like it and you all enjoy it. I take requests, I have other ships I can also do and if you have any idea you can either use the ask box or you can message me privately;)
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The mind is a mystery for everyone; they keep memories, they keep secrets, they keep thoughts, they get their imagination from it, etc. Once in a while, they hear people say, ‘I wish I could read minds’ ‘I wish I could know what he/she’s thinking about’, but they know it’s almost impossible; but not for Wanda. The redhead could remember the first time she heard voices in her mind, she thought she was dreaming, but it was early in the morning, people walking around the building, and later on she figured out she was inside their minds. It hurt, it was annoying, she felt her head would explode, but she then learned that she had to focus on her, she sometimes sang a song or sometimes just asked Pietro to talk about something so she could use her mind to imagine it.
Ever since she met y/n, she couldn’t help but read her mind, it was soothing, it was calming, all y/n thought was about Wanda; she had started to feel things for Wanda at some point, but she was so confused as if it was right or not to tell Wanda about it. It was then when she decided she was going to tell y/n about the mind reading and controlling and confess that she had seen her thoughts. It wasn’t what she expected, she expected y/n to be mad about being on her mind or that she would think that Wanda had controlled her mind, but no…instead, they had decided to go on a date.
The memory still made Wanda happy, she was finally happy. Every now and then she would hear her thoughts, she would sometimes stay up at night to listen to what y/n couldn’t say. Every night it was the same thing, nothing different other than y/n thinking about training or another mission or even about a song, until that one night. Wanda had stayed watching the movie they were both supposed to be watching it together, she was holding y/n’s hand and played with her fingers, just like y/n would do every now and then, until something caught her attention from the brunettes mind. She normally didn’t wake her up at least a bad thought had invaded her mind, but this night, she couldn’t wait.
Wanda caressed y/n’s hand softly as she called her name, her heart beating faster than ever. “Y/n? My love, can you wake up?”
Y/n groaned softly as she turned to look at Wanda, smiling sleepily at her. “Hi there.” She yawned as she looked around the room. “I fell asleep, didn’t I?” She chuckled softly as her eyes laid on the TV again.
“Y/n…” Wanda said with a slight serious tone.
Y/n turned to look at Wanda once again. “Yes?”
“Do you really love me?” Wanda whispered quietly, almost to herself, she was afraid to speak but she had to ask because she had to know.
Y/n stopped for a moment as she stared into green eyes. “I…you…you heard t-that?”
Wanda nodded. “It’s just…you know…I sometimes can’t stop doing so.” She confessed a little nervous, now wanting to take back what she had said.
Y/n smiled softly as she looked how nervous Wanda looked. “I do.”
Wanda smiled. “Really?” She now sounded relieved, a big weight falling from her shoulders.
“Yes, I do. I love you, Maximoff.” She offered another smile as Wanda moved on top of her and leaned down to kiss her lips, y/n’s hand going to Wanda’s waist.
“I love you too.” Wanda whispered against her lips as she smiled. Maybe reading minds wasn’t as bad as she thought…
Some months had passed ever since that moment, their relationship had grown closer just like they both had. Wanda figured out that they were connected, apparently, with Bruce words, y/n had similar powers just like Wanda, and she was still developing some of them, so that meant, somehow, they were connected because of the stone. Science thing that Wanda hadn’t cared much about, it only made her happy that after all, she could really say that she was her soulmate. It had become their thing to have Wanda hearing her thoughts; if she got an idea and she was afraid to speak up, Wanda would talk for her, if she wanted to ask Wanda something but was too afraid to do so, Wanda answered without questioning it. It was fun sometimes, funny to others, until that one day that haunted y/n’s mind.
They had gone to a mission; normally Tony and Steve had agreed on not sending y/n and Wanda together, they thought that if either of them was hurt, the other wouldn’t think and would do something they hadn’t meant to, so they decided to always send them in different missions. But this day in particular, Natasha and Sam were on a mission together, Peter was nowhere to be found and Bruce was busy in the lab, so Steve had no other choice than to take the two of them with him, Tony said it wouldn’t be a problem, but he was wrong.
While in the fight, from one moment to another, Wanda had been hurt badly, not being able to defend herself as powerful as she was, this had y/n freezing in her place, not knowing what to do. She grew angry and almost did something that also risked her life. It wasn’t until Steve stopped her and Wanda got to stand up and walk away as if nothing had happened. But the thought stayed in y/n’s mind. Wanda had protected her, she was powerful than anyone, how come she had been hurt? And it had been bad because she laid on the floor for a few good minutes, which scared her the most.
Back in the compound, y/n couldn’t stop thinking about it, as hard as she tried, as hard as she wanted to shut her thoughts, she just couldn’t do it. She knew that Wanda would hear her, and it would worry, or it would bother her, but could she help it? They had hurt their lover, Wanda had protected her, she was supposed to get hurt. Wanda said nothing when she heard the thoughts, she knew that she didn’t want to talk about what had happened in that moment of weakness she had, so she just let it slip and they never touched that topic again. Until a few days later that she noticed y/n not being able to stop thinking about it and also couldn’t stop worrying about Wanda, looking at every movement that Wanda did. It was strange, it was…not new, probably, because she knew she cared, but it was becoming overprotective.
Y/n was cooking dinner since some of the team members were on a mission, she tried to keep her thoughts shut as she thought the things she had to do, looking around the kitchen.
“Don’t worry, I got it.” Wanda said as she walked into the kitchen, grabbing some plates, and placing them on the table.
Y/n stared at Wanda as she smiled. She accepted the help, always, but Wanda had been distant in the last few days, which worried y/n terribly, but again, she couldn’t let Wanda hear those thoughts.
“I told you early this morning that I’m fine.” Wanda said as she looked back at y/n.
Y/n looked up again and shrugged. “I didn’t say anything.”
“You thought it, y/n.” As hard as Wanda tried, she couldn’t help her words being so cold.
“Fine. I’m sorry.” Y/n went back to cooking until she heard everyone walking directly to the dinning room.
“Wow, y/n cooking. That’s new.” Sam teased as he smiled at y/n. Nat and Steve laughing along with him.
“Yeah, well, it would surprise you what I can do.” Y/n snapped as she grabbed the bowl and walked to the table to place it in the middle.
Sam, Nat, and Steve exchanged looks, not knowing that was going on. Steve went ahead and walked to the table. “Well, it does smell good, y/n. Doesn’t it, Wanda?”
Wanda nodded as she tried to offer a smile. “Sure does.”
By the way Wanda replied, Natasha already knew that something had happened between them, it was weird when they both fought or argued, it wasn’t common on them, so seeing them acting this way had Nat thinking what could’ve happened.
The rest of the dinner was actually awkward once they all sat down. Wanda and y/n had sat away from each other, something everyone noticed because they always used to sit together. Y/n tried so hard to shut her thoughts, she normally was so open with them knowing that Wanda didn’t mind, she was now upset that she had let Wanda listen to each one of them when maybe she hadn’t wanted to. She didn’t even know why Wanda was so upset and distant at this point, but she couldn’t push away all of these negative thoughts, her worry for Wanda, she couldn’t stop thinking about it.
She had decided to clean the kitchen and around the dinning room just so she wouldn’t have to face Wanda for now. She was alone, so at least she thought that she could think about everything now, to let her thoughts run around her mind, she couldn’t talk about it with Wanda or anyone, so if she thought about it, she thought maybe it would help someway. But then she heard a door opening and footsteps coming to the kitchen, she didn’t feel right about this, something was about to go down.
“I told you, I’m fine, y/n. I don’t know why you worry about me if I can defend and protect myself.” Wanda said as soon as she stood in the kitchen, just a few feet away from y/n.
“I can hear you. Even if you are away from me, I can still hear you. You being here does not mean you’ll shut me out of your mind.” Wanda’s eyes turned red as she spoke,
Y/n furrowed her brows as she threw the kitchen towel. “You know what? It’s not my fault you can do the mind reading thing, I can’t just shut my mind whenever you want me to. If you so want me to not think, then just stop reading my mind. Stop getting into my mind. It was cute and funny at first, but now I know that it just annoys you.”
“It does annoy me! You won’t stop worrying or thinking about what I’m about to do next. If I go to a mission or not, it does annoy me!” Wanda raised her voice but tried to stay in her place.
Y/n heart stopped as she heard Wanda. “It annoys you that I care for you?”
“I can defend myself, I’m capable of taking care of myself. You worry as if I wasn’t able to do so, as if I was an idiot who can’t fight.”
“Where the hell did you get that from, Wanda? I never said that. I never thought that. I worry about you, I care for you. You were hurt because of me, you tried to protect me, and you got hurt. And I know you got hurt because you didn’t stand up like you normally do.” At this point, y/n had tears in her eyes, not being able to deal with the fact that she was arguing for such a silly thing with Wanda.
“So what? I got hurt! That does not mean I can’t fight, that does not mean I can’t protect myself. And it’s not only that, but you also can’t stop thinking about it at night, you can’t stop thinking about the stupid missions, you can’t stop worrying. It does annoy me, it does tire me out. I can’t think for myself, I can’t focus on my own thoughts because I have your thoughts in my mind.” Wanda tried to stay as calm as she could, but she couldn’t stop talking now, she had to get all out or she would explode.
Y/n stared at Wanda for a good time, not believing her words. “I didn’t…” she looked down at her hands.
“I know you didn’t know, but I cannot keep your thoughts away, I can’t focus on mine. Your thoughts are always on my mind, you worrying, you thinking about missions, you can’t even stop thinking at night.” Wanda said calmer this time, but she could see that she had already done something wrong.
Y/n bit her lip as she tried to stop her tears. “I didn’t know…I didn’t know I annoyed you that much.” She looked down.
Wanda tilted her head as her eyes softened, feeling tears in her eyes. “Y/n, I didn’t mean-“
“No. I get it. Don’t worry.” Y/n sniffed as she wiped away her tears. “I’m not…I need to get some air.”
“Y/n, it’s late and…” Wanda tried to walk close to her, but y/n raised her hand and Wanda stopped.
“Leave me alone. Please. You also need your space from me, apparently.” Y/n simply said as she ran away from the kitchen.
Wanda exhaled as she finally felt the tears running down from her eyes. She hadn’t meant to sound so mean and harsh, she hadn’t meant any of this to end in an argument. She had done something bad, she wanted to take it all back, she couldn’t lose y/n.
Wanda had been awake all night waiting for y/n to come back, she was worried because she suddenly couldn’t hear her thoughts, she didn’t know where she was. She had wanted to go to her room, but she didn’t know if she was still upset, but even then, if she was in her room, she should be able to actually hear her and she couldn’t, not even a cry, or the sound of the TV. There was nothing she could’ve done either way, she had ruined it by yelling at her and well…by talking. It didn’t bother her or annoy her, she was still somehow insecure of herself and the thought of y/n worrying so much made her think that she didn’t believe in her, but she knew that was not true. She knew that by now she probably had ruined the one good thing she had in life.
Wanda finally decided to go check on the brunette and say she was sorry, she needed to control this and focus on her own thoughts, she had to work this out but the only way she’d do so, was if y/n was there for her, if she was by her side, she did need her. She opened the door to her bedroom and jumped as she found Natasha standing right in front of her.
“Nat, what-“ Wanda stopped as she saw blood covering part of Natasha’s body, she noticed the bruises that started to form in her face; she looked terrible. “Natasha, what happened?”
Nat swallowed as she tried to find the right words, not sure anymore if she wanted to be the one telling Wanda what had happened. “Wanda…we got an emergency call. Y/n was outside, so I asked her to come with us. But…we didn’t know they were prepared for us to get there. They fought as hard as they could and-“
“Natasha…where is y/n?” Wanda felt a big pressure on her chest as she felt tears in her eyes already.
Natasha sighed as she bit her lip. “Bruce and Tony are checking her downstairs. They were prepared specially to…” she swallowed. “…to attack you. Y/n couldn’t resist it and she…she’s not okay, Wanda. We can’t get her to wake up.”
Wanda felt her soul leaving her body as she fell to the ground, Natasha tried to grab her, but Wanda kept pushing her away. This was her fault, it should’ve been her, she really fucked up this time.
We are trying everything we can…She still heard Bruce’s voice, repeating the same words over and over again, more like he was assuring himself that he was trying and that he was really working on it for y/n to come back. It’s been a few days, Wanda lost track of days. She wouldn’t leave at least it was for the bathroom, and even then she went back to the room as fast as she could. Nat or Steve would bring food so she could eat, but she wouldn’t even finish it all. Peter tried to cheer her up, he was the closest to their ages so Tony thought he would get her, but Wanda never paid attention, never taking her eyes away from y/n. Natasha decided she would finally talk to Wanda, someone needed to, they couldn’t just leave her there losing herself slowly.
Natasha entered the room and closed the door quietly, even if she knew that Wanda would feel her in the room. “Wanda?” She asked softly as she walked to the other end of the room, sitting in one of the sofas.
Wanda didn’t even look up at her, she felt that if she teared her eyes away from a minute, she would let y/n go, her heart wouldn’t be able to handle it. She couldn’t lose her too, she couldn’t possibly bare this pain, not again.
“Wanda…it’s been days. You need to look out for yourself.” Natasha talked softly as she found a better position to sit. She looked at y/n for a moment as she sighed. “This is not your fault, Wanda. I should’ve called you, not her.”
“She wouldn’t have let you, anyway.” Wanda whispered softly as she grabbed y/n’s hand.
“Why would you think that?”
“She was worried about me. The last mission we had…I got hurt. I told her horrible things, Nat. I was tired, I was…I couldn’t think. I couldn’t focus on my thoughts and I…I yelled at her for it as if it was her fault. She only worried about m-me.” Wanda sobbed.
Natasha shook her head. “Whatever happened before the mission, it doesn’t mean it’s your fault. Steve and I should’ve known better. We should’ve protected her.”
“She can do it herself, Nat. But…it should’ve been me. Not her.”
“And that’s on me.”
Wanda shook her head. “No…this is not your fault. It’s mine and only mine.”
Natasha stared at Wanda for a minute, giving her the space to breath and calm down. She didn’t think she would get words out of her, she thought they’d sit on silence, but she was also glad that somehow she could get some things out.
“She’ll come back to us, Wanda.”
Wanda’s bottom lip trembled as she raised her hand, red light coming from it as she placed it just above y/n’s head. “I can’t feel her…” she whispered softly.
Nat knew then that Wanda was slowly losing hope and that’s what scared her the most. She then stood up and Wanda finally looked up at her. She couldn’t leave her side, she couldn’t let her go, but she also knew that Natasha only wanted to be there for her. Wanda stood up and wrapped her arms around Nat as she finally let herself break down. It was all a nightmare, now she knew how much she should’ve cherished those moments with her, all of those thoughts.
After a few hours, Nat walked out of the room to find Steve waiting outside. They both shared a smile as Nat walked to him. “How is she?” Steve asked.
Nat shook her head. “I’m afraid she’s slowly losing hope. She thinks it’s her fault. I knew there was something wrong between them, I shouldn’t have told her to come with us.”
“Romanoff, you can’t blame yourself too.”
“But you can?” Nat looked up at him. She shrugged. “We are all blaming ourselves. And until y/n wakes up, no one is going to get over it.” Natasha looked back at Wanda through the glass. “She won’t get over this, and I’m afraid this will only destroy her more.”
“We won’t lose her. She won’t lose her. Bruce and Tony are making sure of that.”
Nat shook her head. “Steve…we need to be realistic. Wanda can get in her mind, she can get in all of our minds. She can’t hear her anymore, or even feel her. What hope do we have after knowing that?”
Steve sighed as he nodded. “We can only wait.” He wrapped one arm around Nat.
“I’m sorry…” Bruce said one last time as he walked out of the room.
Wanda looked back at y/n with tears in her eyes. This was a complete nightmare, there was no turning back, there was no way she could undo this, she had left already, she was gone. How could this be happening? Wanda walked to y/n again and felt herself getting angry, something within her burning as her body became warm. This should be her, not y/n. She was supposed to be in that bed. Wanda’s lifeless body should be laying there. She knew it wouldn’t be fair to her either, y/n would be suffering just like Wanda, it was selfish, but she couldn’t bare this pain anymore. She had been here so many times.
“Why? Why are you doing this to me?” She whispered softly as her bottom lip trembled. “You promised you wouldn’t leave…you promised you’d stay with me. Why?” She rested her head against y/n’s chest as she hugged her. “I need you…I can’t do this without you. I can’t. Please come back.”
Tony walked into the room just as he heard Wanda talking. He looked down for a moment, giving Wanda a little more time, but he knew it was time to get Wanda out of the room. He walked to Wanda and placed both of his hands on Wanda’s shoulders. “Wanda…”
“Wanda, we need-“
“No! She’s all I have! I need her!” Wanda yelled as her eyes turned red, she couldn’t let go yet.
“Wanda, she’s gone. She’s-“
Wanda pushed Tony away with her powers as she turned around. Her hands now glowing red just like her eyes. “Don’t you think I know that? You said she’d wake up! You said she would come back to me! And now you’re telling me I have to give up on her?!”
Tony tried to stand up but felt a sharp pain in his side. “We did everything we could, Wanda. She’s not as strong as you are-“
“She was strong. She could do it herself. It should’ve been me. Don’t you say that about her.” Wanda let more tears roll down her cheeks as she slowly walked to Tony. “I shouldn’t have trust you. Now she’s gone. I lost everything.”
Wanda opened her eyes and tried to adjust them as she looked around the room. “What?” She sat up on the bed as she finally found Natasha sitting beside her. “What? Where…why am I here?”
“Steve brought you here after you fell asleep sitting on that uncomfortable chair. I told Tony he has to get better chairs.” Nat chuckled.
Wanda furrowed her brows. “I fell…I fell asleep? But-“ she looked down at her hands and tried to figure out what had really happened. “I-“ she shook her head as she looked up at Nat again. “Y/n…”
Nat smiled. “I told you she’d be okay.” She stood up as she motioned for Wanda to stand up too. “She’s waiting for you. She didn’t want us to wake you up since we told her how you didn’t get any rest.” Wanda’s eyes widened a little as she rapidly stood from the bed and ran towards the room. “Wanda! She’s in her room!”
But Wanda already knew this, she smiled as she could finally feel her. She opened the door of y/n’s room to find her looking directly at the door and smiling at Wanda. “Hey sleepyhead.”
Wanda chuckled softly as she walked slowly to the bed and climbed just to lay down beside y/n and wrap her arms around her. Y/n kissed her head. “I thought I had lost you.”
Y/n shook her head. “C’mon, I may not be as powerful as you are but…I can survive it.” She teased as she looked down at her.
Wanda looked up at her again. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have told you all that.”
Y/n shrugged. “You were right, and I am sorry. But…we can work it out together.” She said softly as she ran her hand through Wanda’s hair.
Wanda furrowed her brows. “Why can’t I hear you anymore?”
“I guess we both learned something knew.” Y/n smiled. “I know I have to stop thinking too much. And you, missy, need to stop getting in my mind.” She chuckled softly.
Wanda smiled again as she moved up to kiss y/n’s lips softly. “I don’t mind anymore. We will work it out together.” She said against her lips as she kissed them again. “You had me scared. I couldn’t…I couldn’t feel you and I had…I had this nightmare.” Wanda shook her head as she felt tears in her eyes.
“Hey…” y/n made her look up at her again and smiled. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I promised and I won’t break that promise.” She smiled. “Maybe we need communication in a different way, not exactly just reading my mind.” She teased softly.
Wanda shook her head as she chuckled. Her heart feeling full again as she was finally reunited with the love of her life. “I love you.” She kissed her lips again.
“I love you more, Maximoff.” She smiled.
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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It will always be you
Prequel: Stay with me
Pairing: Tony Stark x Avenger Female Reader
Summary: The snap has happened, the return of Wakanda has not been as you all expected, but now you have to face reality, and you just can't stop thinking about him, about Tony.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff.
Word count: 4101
A/N: Post Infinity War. Some of the dialogue is taken from the film. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Reader Powers: Psionic. You use psionic force to track any sentient being. You also create psychic shields to protect yourself. You can project psychic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind, causing them pain.
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Life is a continuous struggle of choices that you have to make without stopping to think for a second. It is said that hope is the last thing to be lost, probably because the choice you made almost left you without it. You must also learn that happiness is the last thing to be found, probably because the choice you have made has made you unhappier than you will ever be. Your life has been full of choices, you might have regretted many of them, but you decided at the time to make them, so you never allowed yourself to regret your actions, until that day.
Three weeks after Thanos snapped, hope was completely lost. The new facility has been uncharacteristically silent, no one has been able to say more than two words in a row, and you had barely managed to say one since your return from Wakanda. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, James Rhodes, Bruce Banner and you, those were the surviving Avengers, the ones that life had given you a second chance, but it didn't really feel like one.
You were in your old room, old because two years ago one of your decisions had taken you away from that place, yes, you were against the Sokovia Accords, that had led you to take the side of the Captain and to fight against the side of Iron Man, who had been the person who had saved you from the madness that your powers had generated in your mind. But even if you had turned against him, you knew you owed him everything. Evidently this was something he didn't understand, which led to a wide rift that had never been bridged on either side, and which led to a breakdown in your relationship of closeness.
Every corner of that room had been kept exactly as you had left it that night when you fled with Wanda. Your drawings together with the charcoals scattered on the desk, the book 'In Search of Lost Time' by Marcel Proust on the bedside table and that bracelet that Tony had given you for your 26th birthday that you had left next to the open jewellery box on the bed. It was really painful to see all of this, knowing that those facilities would probably never be what they once were, that Wanda would not suddenly appear at your door, that you would never sit around the dinner table and that Tony would not occupy the armchair next to your bed to try to cheer you up after a mission that hadn't gone so well. You didn't know whether frustration was taking over the fear and sadness or whether you just didn't know how to control your feelings on that occasion.
The days were long, each of you working in silence trying to make sense of what had happened, looking for a solution that would never come to the problem. You shared the hours, but the solitude that enveloped you was too austere to realise that there was a person by your side. You didn't know Thanos' location, however, even if you did, especially if you did, it had become clear that you could not stand alone against his entire army.
"Would you like some?" asked Natasha offering you a plate with a veggie sandwich on it, which you took with an almost soundless 'thank you'.
Yes, actually that had been your first word in five days, since you said goodnight to Bruce last Sunday, food and sleep were not high on your priorities, especially when you spent the night using your telepathic detection trying to find some sign of life that would make you believe Tony was alive, but it was useless. Your psionic senses allowed you to track any sentient being, you were able to scan large areas, but your ability did not address the entire universe.
That night your spirits seemed to be running low to the ground, three weeks without having achieved anything that would allow you to have any lucidity in your plans was too long as the situation stood. You could hear in the background a soft murmur coming from a conversation between Natasha and Steve, but you weren't really paying attention to it, it was all in your thoughts. But at that instant, an inner burst made them evaporate. A signal came into your brain, a psionic emanation that alerted you to the presence of a spaceship entering the stratosphere, with a fixed direction, yours. You rose from your chair, standing upright, capturing the attention of the people around you. You closed your eyes, heightening all your senses, taking in all the information that was coming to you, at that moment you felt it. You opened your eyes and looked at them.
"He's here," were the only words you could utter before you rushed outside. Your companions soon followed your path, asking questions to explain what was happening, but your inner euphoria prevented you from saying a single word.
That ship appeared above you as you raced across the garden, night was falling relentlessly and you could only glimpse a halo of light that seemed to direct the ship as it landed delicately on the wide grassy esplanade. The five of you paused, taking in the scene, discovering how a side door opened to project a flight of stairs. When you saw his face for the first time your lungs deflated, letting out all the air they had accumulated over a long period of time. Your body went rigid and you didn't react until Steve ran past you and approached the ship to help him down.
He looked terrible, it was evident in every facial feature and in his body movements, you knew what you had been through, but you had no idea what Tony had been through since his disappearance in New York, although you could get a pretty good idea. Before your eyes were Steve and Tony in custody, reunited again, after all that had happened, none of it mattered, at least not to you, and perhaps you had a vain hope that it didn't matter to anyone else either. Even so you didn't know how to act when your eyes connected with his, for a slight moment you wanted to approach him, offer him a hug and tell him that you were relieved to discover that he was there, with you, after all, but you chose to stay where you were, next to Natasha.
It wasn't until you headed inside that the stiffness disappeared from your body. A whispered 'are you okay' from Steve made you react again and pay attention to Natasha's words that were projecting all the information gathered during those days.
"The governments are destroyed," she reported as she projected images showing the missing, like Wilson, Maximoff and Parker, among others, "the working parts are trying to do a census, and it looks like he did it. He did what he said he would do. Thanos wiped out 50% of all living things."
Silence echoed around you, you were sitting in an armchair, somewhat away from the other members, playing with your fingers, trying not to look up, until he spoke.
"Where is he now?" asked Tony. "Where?"
"We don't know," Steve informed him from beside you, sitting at a table. "He opened a portal and went through it. We looked for Thanos for three weeks, with deep space scanners," Steve looked at you, "and satellites, and we found nothing." He looked at Tony. "Tony, you fought him."
"What are you talking about?" asked Tony from his wheelchair. "I didn't fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet while the wizard gave away the store. That's what happened, there's no fight..."
You took a breath and sighed, because you could contemplate what was about to happen right now, the nerves were there along with the negativity and failure of some of the superheroes on that planet and others, and you knew it could explode at any moment.
"Tony, I'm going to need you to focus..." Steve repeated again hoping that Tony would offer him some clue as to the whereabouts of Thanos.
"I needed you," interrupted Tony in a raised tone. "as in past tense.  That trumps what you need. It's too late, buddy. Sorry." He used a second of his silence to look at Steve and another second to look at you, who stood beside him. You took in most of the feelings hidden in his gaze, and none of them were positive or forgiving. "You know what I need? I need a shave," he tried to get out of the wheelchair, taking everything on the table in his stride. "I don't believe I ever remember telling you this..." he ripped out the IV that connected the drip to his left arm. "To the living and the dead, What we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not," he looked back at you and Steve repeatedly. "That's what we needed!”
The discussion continued, avoiding an upset Tony explaining everything he thought about the current and past situation, ignoring the suggestions Rhodes was giving him to calm down and take his seat again.
"[...] Bunch of tired old wheels!" he pointed at Steve. "I got nothin' for you, Cap! I've got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options! Zero, zip, nada. No trust - liar."
Almost ipso facto he turned to you ripped off the reactor prostrate on his chest and handed it to Steve in his hand, leaving those present virtually speechless, if you still had any left.
"Here, take this. You'll find him, if you put that on. You hide-"
After those words you gazed again into his eyes full of resentment at the past, before his body could take it no more and he collapsed in the middle of the room.
In the hours that followed, you were the shadow of a ghost gazing at him from a distance from the door frame of one of the recovery rooms in the new complex. On the one hand fearing his reaction against you when he woke up, while on the other hand wanting to hear it because you knew that sooner or later it would come but you wanted it to come as soon as possible so that you could face it. Those words she had said to Steve were harsh, but they were really nothing to what you expected might happen. It seemed absurd at the time to have entertained the idea that it might have been forgotten.
"Bruce gave him a sedative," Rhodes said, looking up at you, who were leaning against the doorframe. "He'll be unconscious for the rest of the day. Do you want to sit down?"
"No...I'd better..." but Rhodes didn't allow you to finish your words, as he had risen from the armchair next to Tony and offered it to you. "Thank you."
The door to the room ajar to offer you some more privacy. As you turned your gaze towards him you realised the fragility his body conveyed in those moments, he had spent weeks wandering through space not knowing if he was going to get the chance to return home again and yet he had been able to stay alive and find himself there. You closed your eyes and settled back on the couch, you remembered the first time you did that with Tony, he had spent too much time without sleep after the events after the Chitauri invasion, he could barely sleep because of the nightmares and he begged you to stop them every night, so with your eyes closed you concentrated and invaded his mind with caution releasing the tension you found in it and giving him the peace he needed. When you opened your eyes again, her expression seemed to have changed, she seemed to have found some relief inside her, that fact made you smile. But a knock on the door woke you up.
"We need to talk," Steve's words sounded serious.
A new piece of information about Thanos' whereabouts came as a surprise, but for you the surprise came right after.
"Wait, is this some kind of punishment or something?" you said completely dumbfounded, just outside the room where Tony was, with what Steve was proposing. "Why me?"
"Because we need someone to stay with Tony," he said calmly crossing his arms.
"Is it because I'm the smallest of the whole team? Because I could really knock you all out right now with the blink of an eye," you said crossing your arms too.
"It's because Tony needs you," Steve lowered his tone, "and you need him."
There was nothing but truth in those words. You didn't know if Tony really needed you, but what you had assumed was that you'd needed him for a long time, and you'd put a lot of things before that need, creating your close relationship to go to shit, basically.
"I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you on this mission," Steve said frankly. "And he wouldn't forgive me either if I said that happened."
You lowered your face as you nodded, accepting his words and the job you had been given.
"Be very careful," you said before Steve disappeared from in front of you to take a path that you had no idea what could be in store for them.
From that moment on, the hours went by really slowly, you took your position in that armchair again, you needed to have a clear mind, you couldn't continue martyring yourself with all the events that had happened, so you started reading 'In Search of Lost Time', that book that had been forgotten on the bedside table since you left that place. News was nil, you barely got a sign of what might be happening and you knew it would probably be days before you got it. 
Night was falling on the compound again, Tony was barely making any sign of waking up, which also gave you time to consider how the situation would play out, and various possibilities for coping with it. Some of his belongings had been salvaged from the ship, and his helmet, or rather what was left of it, stared at you from the dresser in the room. Without having a reason in mind you approached him, causing a blue light to suddenly flash across his eyes, showing you his figure in the middle of the room.
"Is it on?" a figure of a seated, completely haggard Tony appeared before your eyes. "Hey, Ms. Y/L/N, Y/N," your brow furrowed, but you approached his reflection. "If you find this footage don't put it on social media, it'll be really tearful," his words brought a sad smile to your face. "I don't know if you'll watch these videos. I don't even know if you're still... Oh god, I hope so..." there was a silence from his words, but you could see him bring his hands to his face, something inside you cracked. "I guess it's easier to do this if you know the chances of seeing you again are practically nil," something inside you made your heart shrink. "I probably should have realised this a lot sooner," he fell silent, "yeah, but I was busy trying not to hate you too much, you know, when you decided to abandon me and choose the other side," exhaustion almost prevented him from keeping his eyes open. "Anyway, anyway that made me realise how important you had been to me," he let his gaze wander, "I tried to be there for you ever since I met you and... god, this is getting too depressing," he ran his hand over his face. "I just want you to know that I wish you were here, because you're the only person I'd like to share my last hours with," he nodded slightly, you knew what he was trying to say with those words, which made your eyes water. "Don't feel bad about this, I mean, if you stay prostrate for a couple of weeks... and then move on with immense guilt..." he hid his face in the palm of his hand and closed his eyes, you wiped away a tear that ran down your cheek keeping the bitter smile you had been wearing all along. "I want you to know... when I've fallen asleep, it will be like the nights we spent together. I'm fine. All right," he gestured towards you. "I'll dream of you. Because it will always be you."
Suddenly, as if nothing had happened, his image disappeared in front of your eyes, leaving you with hundreds of feelings invading your body and mind. You looked up and there he was, still there, sleeping pleasantly, barely knowing what had just happened. You hurriedly wiped away the last tear running down your cheek and sat back down, putting your feet up on the couch, unable to take your eyes off him. Perhaps those thoughts were drawn from his most desperate moments, believing that his life was about to come to an end, perhaps he was unwilling to show them to you now that he had resumed the course of his life, so even though it was not possible you tried to send them to a hidden place in your mind.
You had hardly slept in those three weeks, your mind hadn't rested for days and you didn't know why, but finding yourself curled up in that armchair next to Tony was giving you back the tranquillity your body hadn't known for too long. It was impossible to stop your eyelids from closing, on the contrary you were willing them to do so and for sleep to warmly invade your body, no matter how long you could stay asleep. That's how it happened, making the hours pass without you even noticing. 
Like a little gust of wind, something in your body made the light enter through your eyelashes. Slowly you opened your eyes, feeling in various parts of your body a tightness due to the position in which you had fallen asleep in that armchair. You discovered that a woollen blanket covered your limbs, but what kept you alert was the bed next to you was completely empty. Tony wasn't there. You jumped up, looking around, the bedroom door was ajar and Iron Man's helmet was missing.
"Tony?" you asked, raising your voice, stepping out into the hallway. "Tony! Where are you?"
You barely heard an answer, so you were thankful those powers were within you, you stopped in the middle of the corridor and closed your eyes, your receptors picked up a signal coming from downstairs, it was him. You found him leaning on the kitchen counter, his eyes closed as he tried to stand. You ran to him, grabbing his arm to hold him up.
"What do you think you're doing?" you said, leading him to the nearest armchair in the living room.
You discovered that he had shaved, taken a shower and was wearing one of his Tom Ford suits that were so recognisable to you. That meant he had been wandering around the house unsupervised for over an hour without waking you up. You knelt down next to him.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" you asked with a worried look on your face as you contemplated that he was extremely tired. "Bruce gave a set of instructions for you to follow, you can't just walk around..."
"It was your turn?" he cut you off with an angry tone. "Be my babysitter? How did you do it? Did you draw lots?" his countenance was serious, you could still see the puffiness in his eyes and his face fully dehydrated. "Whoever draws the shortest stick gets to look after poor Stark, all right, listen..."
"No! You listen to me," you cut him off, raising your tone above his, standing up and resting your hands on each armrest "Tony, we all lost. We all fought and lost, none of us made it," your face was three feet above his. "So now all we can do is try, in some completely illogical way, to move the situation forward. And if we can't, at least look to the future by doing our best to honour those we have lost."
Silence flooded over you.
"So please don't make the situation more complicated," you continued, lowering your tone, almost begging him. "If I've stayed with you it's because Steve has made me understand some things, because yes, it wasn't really my intention to stay with you from the start, but then I realised that if anyone had to stay with you it was me. I realised that if I had to risk my life again I didn't want to go on the mission, because that would mean never seeing you again.And I've also realised that I've needed you for a long time, that I'm finally by your side and I have no intention of separating from you. Whether you like it or not." Tony cut his gaze with yours by ducking it, but brought his right hand over yours.
That gesture provoked you to bring your other hand to his face, placing a gentle caress on his cheek.
"I know there are a lot of things we need to talk about, but one thing we do have is time," you explained as Tony intertwined his fingers with yours. "So please, don't do anything more stupid and don't disappear," maybe it was the atmosphere generated by the situation, but you risked saying the next words. "Because it will always be you."
Tony closed his eyes a little regretfully, a little embarrassedly, and brought his free hand to his face.
"I knew you saw that," he added calmly removing his hand from his face. "Well, at least I've saved myself from having to repeat it in person."
"I'm not sure I got it right," you said falsely. "You know, there was a lot of interference, and besides, I couldn't really understand what you were saying, so..."
"Sorry, there was only one pass for the film," he said wryly which caused you to smile widely as you rediscovered that the old Tony was still hidden in it. "We won't know when there will be a revival."
"Too bad, I really liked that movie," you sat down on the armrest without letting go of his hand and looking up at him.
"Really?" he asked for the first time modestly, and putting aside all the irony that surrounded the situation.
"Totally," you nodded, trying to express all the many feelings through your eyes.
Silence again kept you company, until Tony somewhat uncomfortably broke it.
"I suppose you know that by now I would have kissed you and created a fully effective plan to make love to you for hours until you begged me to stop in pleasure," he stated lamely, "although I think if you give me a couple of hours..."
"All right, Don Juan," you cut him off with a chuckle, "we'd better leave all that for later, and I'll take you back to bed now."
"I think it's a good start if you take me to bed," he continued with his insinuations.
You got up from the armrest and helped him put his arm around your shoulders, even though he repeatedly told you he could walk unaided. 
"Have we heard from the team?" he asked, slowly climbing the steps of the ladder.
"Soon," you said with a halo of hope. 
You definitely made it back to the room, having made it successfully through the journey. You helped him get rid of the shoes and shirt that his pride had forced him to wear, but which now made no sense when he was going back to bed.
"See, you're finally going to get what you wanted, I'm undressing you," you said jokingly causing a smile to appear on Tony's face as he lay back down. "You rest, I'll be here. I'll always be here."
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For you (Yandere Harem x Reader)
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You... you were one of the most unlucky creatures you’ve ever known. You had once been a strong and proud yokai. The lengedary nine tail fox, descendant of one of the most noble bloodlines among your kind. One day, a shinigami asked for your assistance, claiming that a “friend” of his, needed a much stronger ally.
Light Yagami, a child that was arrogant and saw himself as a just and noble person. You disguised yourself as a normal human girl and gave him a good lecture about that little fantasy about his, when he threatened to write your name in the Death Note, you revealed yourself and told him off.
“If you think that this little notebook can help you become a god, you are mistaken. You are a human that will live and die, then whatever legacy you think you can create,will be forgotten with time.”
Your words had an impact on him, you however, had an even bigger one. He became obsessed, coming to you for advice, talking to you for hours and trying to charm you. However you knew better, you never allowed him to know anything but the bare minimum about your kind and abilities.
When Light became too invasive, you didn’t hesitate to use an old techinque to cross dimensions. The only good thing about Japan was that no matter how many universes there were, with all the crazy abilities and people, yokai still existed. That’s why you could cross over... the world you entered was weird, yet you paid it little attention, you became friends with a mortal teenage girl named Honoka, the two of you got into a lot of mischief...but one day, she began acting like a mindless puppet... and it wasn’t long before you figured out why.
That made you cross paths with Illumi Zoldyck.The two of you met after you stopped his needles easily and rescued his little brother from another yokai that had come after you, growing closer after a while and becoming friends with him and Gon. Illumi was intrigued with you and after your meeting, which resulted in a fight that ended as a draw, decided to investigate more about the nine tail fox. Seeing as having by Killua’s side was beneficial for both Killua and him.
However after three weeks, you gained the attention of another man, Chrollo Lucilfer. He watched in awe as you revealed yourself during a fight over an ancient relic that originally belonged to your kind.Chrollo studied you with fascination, obsessing over the unknown that you represented, his calm behavior never betrayed a thing about this... but he wanted to have you, keep you to himself and learn everything about you.
And he wasn’t the only one.
Illumi tried to control you but he failed again and again... and seeing as you were able to fight him without any problem, he slowly began to fancy you, even thinking of marrying you...Killua liked you and you were strong, you were mysterious yet welcoming to those you deemed worthy of your trust. Viscious to your enemies, never hesitating in battle. He... liked that.
The two didn’t meet until you revealed to Gon and Killua that you planned to leave. You had sense Light entering this realm, probably with the help of another yokai. You gave them a parting gift, the fangs of your childhood years. They carried some of your power and thus they would be protected, you also asked them to give a small hairpin to Honoka and tell her how thankfull you were to have her as a friend.
Just in time too, because Illumi, Chrollo and Light appeared and preapred to subdue you. Using your power, you once again crossed dimensions without noticing that the three males had entered the portal too, this time ending up in a dimension you had been during your childhood... you recalled that there had been one boy that had tried to mess with you... his name was.. Osamu Dazai...he was quite weird, always talking about suicide and how wonderfull it would be if you and him could die together. He... creeped you out back then and he still did, the second he saw you he wrapped his arms around you, talking about how pretty you had become, how much he missed you and how you two could die together after years of seperation....you literally pushed him aside and went to the nearest shrine dedicated to a foc spirit to settle down. Dazai didn’t leave your side, becoming a pest as he told you of his life, of his filled with bloodshed and war... being overly dramatic about it too.
“You haven’t changed a bit. I swear, if I had thought it a bit more I would have stayed back to deal with Light or Chrollo and Illumi.”
“ Light... Chrollo.... Illumi... huh?” Dazai said, his tone dropping as he looked at you seriously... you felt a chill run down your spine, yeah, that was the reason you had left from this dimension, this... tone, that gaze and that possessive aura... oh, it was making you feel sick.
“Well,well. Look at what I found.” A new voice said, turning around you saw a man looking at you two with a smirk.
“Oh great! Now who are you, exactly?” You asked and he came closer, Dazai became stiff at the sight.
“Izaya Orihara, at your service, my cute little fox girl”
You scoffed at that, another weirdo... wonderfull.
“Another mortal with a problematic attitude, at this point I might even call myself cursed.” You said, turning around and leaving the two alone. 
“Stay away from her, Izaya. I’ve long since taken my rightfull place in her life.”
“Aww, now that’s just rude. I’ve been watching you two from afar for a very long time. I wanted to get along with her too, you know. She is so cute when she’s mad, sad or excited about something.”
“So, you’re a stalker? I’m shocked...not.”
“You’re no better Dazai, my friend. I know that you’ve been after her for a very long time and that you’ve done the same things as I, if not even more.”
“What do you want, Izaya?”
“Let’s become partners in crime! See if those three males she spoke of are anything special. If they are, I am not against sharing.”
Dazai thought this over before eventually agreeing, if the men you spoke of were strong, then sharing would be the only thing left to do... and not even a day later, all five of them met, they exchanged information and formed a plan to get you. 
You never stood a chance against all of them.
They sealed the majority of your power through a contact made with blood. Thus making you something of a guardian spirit... you were tricked by them and you payed the price by becoming their precious servant.
Izaya, Dazai and Chrollo didn’t mind spoiling you and letting you go out, with the condition that you behaved and did everything they wanted. Illumi and Light weren’t really into that, prefering to isolate you and slowly break you into accepting them, Light wanted you to love him and Illumi wanted to ensure that he would always be in your heart, that his memory would live on with you even after he was long gone.
Honestly... you really did believe that you were the most unlucky creature, anyone in your place would think so... but you hoped, begged that one of them would die sooner rather than later... especially when one of them talked about a baby born from a human and a yokai, you couldn’t remember who it had been... but the idea spread like wildfire...
Once they were all dead, once they died... you would be free... you just had to hold on... you just needed to wait, even if you suffered, hope still remained in you. 
Untill then,you had no choice but to listen to what them... to become a doll meant to make them happy.
Really, you were just unlucky... because you might fall for one of them as the years pass by... and then... then you’d probably join them in death... because they clearly didn’t plan on ever letting you go.
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couchpotatoaniki · 4 years
Idol!ATEEZ: Their s/o secretly writes fanfics pt.2
A/N: This was a request from someone who wanted to read their reactions to dirty fanfics *wiggles brows* but cba coming up with more backstories, so this’ll be a continuation of the first reaction
Tag list: @lovelyrose014-blog​ sorry this took so long :((
WARNINGS: swearing, mature content, heavily suggestive
Part One
Kim Hongjoong:
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Hongjoong made no effort to hide that he read your stories. It was as he promised; the first time he read them was not the last.
He’d been filling up his rare breaks with your works, powerful words contrasting your timid nature and no matter how many times he indulged himself in your crazy mind, Hongjoong never ceased to be amazed.
You had more sides to you than he ever could imagined.
Although, there was one thing he put off for quite some time now, and that would be reading your more popular fanfics. The fan favourites. After all, being the leader, he should know what his fans like, and as your boyfriend he should know what you crave.
Hongjoong was a smart guy despite the goofy act he put on--very similar to your intelligence and geeky-yet-quiet nature. He knew that you wanted to keep him away from the dark side of your account, not wanting to scare him away (which he would never let happen). Hence why he hadn’t gone on it since he wanted to respect your wishes to some extent.
Until now.
Hongjoong swears it was curiosity, nothing more, but deep down he knew. He still needed to see that side of you, the side you deem acceptable for a whole world of strangers to see but not him.
Drove him mad.
But he was still in denial as he chanted in his head that this was only for research purposes. Bullshit.
Late at night, when pretty much everyone had gone home and he still had some work left to do, Hongjoong decided to take a well-deserved break, lying on his sofa as he scrolled through his phone.
He was doing what he had planned--he was finally doing it and nothing made the adrenaline rush faster through his veins. He clicked on the one which had the most reads, the one that was the most popular among anything you wrote, and from the title, it appeared innocent enough.
Maybe this wasn’t the one...
Then again, you were adamant that he never read it.
“Never hurt to try...” Hongjoong mumbled, despite being the only one in the sound-proof room. He clicked on it, anticipation making him restless.
Long chapter, as usual, and everything started out fine enough. No sign of anything, nothing suggestive at all.
What was the big deal about?
The next few chapters were of a similar feel. Sweet, gentle, fluffy. But he couldn’t put his phone down, something about this story had him...unsettled. It was nothing like your usually ones--with sadistic characters and an intricate plotline.
No. This had him slightly confused. It felt too kind.
Then he carried on. And then he realised.
That was exactly your intention.
The filter you had put over the first few chapters was slowly startling to peel away, into something more twisted.
Hongjoong buzzed off this, knowing exactly that the earlier chapters were a trap, a false sense of security. How you managed to poison every reader slowly, like your words were mercury.
By the time he got to the first smut chapter in the series, he was already consumed, work forgotten . Every word felt like it sucked out a part of his soul, and the heavy themes in the scenes had him in an uncomfortable situation of rather tight jeans.
Right now, all Hongjoong wanted was you. He needed you. To do all those things you wrote, to be there with him and feel the things he was feeling.
Luckily, you were always awake at this time of night.
Just a phone call away.
Park Seonghwa:
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Although he loved your shower time, there was one habit that Seonghwa didn’t like and that was you leaving your notebooks everywhere. It made his daily cleaning harder than it should’ve been.
Never did he look through them, caring too much about not invading your privacy (save for a few months ago where he accidently found out about your fanfic account on AO3). But today was a stressful day already.
All he wanted right now was to lie down with you and watch some cheesy romcoms, accompanied by some snacks. Hongjoong, ever the perfectionist, was under more stress than usual and that meant all the other members were too.
Seonghwa was the nurturing mother, and even he felt like he lacked the energy to be as such with the way things were going right now--a comeback just around the corner.
So, yes, the tall boy was quite peeved today. He needed his charger. He needed you. But you were taking your damn time in the shower and he had to pick up all your damn notebooks from the most random places.
What even was it about these notebooks that you had to buy--or try to buy--a new one every time you entered a shop? Seonghwa never understood your love for them as he had only linked the devilish little thing to his work, where Hongjoong would be composing or writing lyrics.
The last thing he needed right now was something to remind him of his job.
The stress continued to build as this argumentative thoughts accumulated in his head, causing him to drop the hardback in his hands. “Fuck’s sake,” he growled, too pissed off at the moment to notice that your book had oh-so-conveniently opened up.
When he did, however, his fiery anger cooled down at the page, which had a few words on it. Luckily for him, your handwriting was fairly neat (unlike your normal habits) so he could read your little notes.
Phrases, sentences, ideas, the plot line in general, that’s what he got from a first glance. Maybe he could have a peek, seeing as though he was exerting a lot of energy recently.
The words, the plot, everything on that page was something he did not expect. It was smut.
Surely his innocent sweetheart wouldn’t be writing those, right? He gave you the benefit of the doubt when he found out about your fanfics. But you were a sweet girl, and he had always thought you mind was as pure as your heart was.
Then again, no one’s heart is truly pure, and it wasn’t the first time you had been tainted by him.
His eyes scanned your words, finding that it was somewhat vanilla and gentle.
A sigh escaped past his lips when he found that you were still his soft-hearted princess.
Then he noticed it was an old entry. Flicked through the pages and saw that the smut scenes progressively got more frequent and dabbled a little more in the dark side of things. 
His heart plummeted. Not just because your innocence was slowly peeling away, but because he too found himself getting a little interested by it. Especially one of the last entries of that notebook, where he found himself blushing hard enough to turn his normal skin to resemble that of rubies.
Yet, he couldn’t stop.
That was until he heard your voice yelling, "Seonghwa!"
Eyes like those caught in headlights, his large hands shut the book with lightning speed. But you had already caught him snooping.
"What are you doing with my notebooks?" You cheeks a dusty rouge from both the hot water and embarrassment, you snatched away the book from his hands.
"N-Nothing! It fell and opened up and I just..." He sighed, afraid that he'd already broken your trust. "I'm really sorry..."
Exhaling softly when you saw Seonghwa looking like some sort of scolded puppy, you reached on your tiptoes to ruffle his hair. Calms him down a little.
“What,” you cleared your throat to rid your voice of fear, “what did you read?”
Now how was he going to play this? Was he going to lie and say it was only one page, or would he say that he had a peruse through the whole thing? As you had caught him already, it would not be a bad idea to tell the truth. “Um...bits and bobs. Just skipped through, really. I’m sorry.”
Smiling softly, albeit a little awkwardly, you patted his shoulder comfortingly. “It’s fine, I just... didn’t... expect you to... find out this way.”
He chuckled nervously. “Well, I’ve know for about two weeks now, about your... writing.”
Jeong Yunho:
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One problem that you have, is that now Yunho knew you wrote fanfics, you became sloppy with hiding it. Not like there was a real need to because--as mentioned--he knew about it. How you loved to write thrillers and suspense and all there strange wacky things you’d find on a documentary about dangerous people.
Though that didn’t mean you never wrote other things as well.
Your works were obviously for a certain age and above (not like the warnings you put matter because the underage ones read it anyway), so writing the occasional smut was normal for you.
In fact, you were comfortable with it. Your personal experience with Yunho, combined with the ones you read online, all fuelled your creativity. Unfortunately, now that you became more open, Yunho had more opportunities to read what you wrote.
Not like it mattered much, you thought, because the words in your google docs were pretty much ineligible from the phrases only you could decode.
Sadly, when it came to smuts (what you wanted in them and what you didn’t), there wasn’t really a way to hide what you were talking about.
So when your tall and rather innocent boyfriend took a sneak peak at your latest entry, he was smacked in the face with the bullet points on there:
Fake dating AU
Size kink
Hand kink
Sir kink
Power play
Complacent sub
(Because for some goddamn reason, every Yunho smut I’ve seen had either a hand kink or size kink...not that I’m complaining tho--)
Was this the stuff you were into? Because he certainly never never knew it. Your sex life with him had been somewhat vanilla due to the fact it only recently started and both of you were still a little too shy to branch out and dabble in other things yet.
His only thoughts until he next saw you were about this. If you were channelling your frustrations into your writing, then he could help you, right? After all, he wasn’t against trying this stuff out. It was a learning experience he was willing to go through. For you.
So when you came back from work, he sat you down on the bed, very nervous with his large hands engulfing your own. Concern would be a drastic understatement.
“Y/N?” You hummed in reply, now thoroughly scared. “I just wanted to let you know... that I’m not afraid of...expanding our experiences and neither should you be.”
Your heart dropped into the abyss of your stomach. “Y-Yunho, are you breaking up with me?”
“Wait, what?” The confusion of this situation seemed rather familiar. “No, that’s not what I’m saying. I just...” he bit his lip, still quite shy. He really didn’t know how to say this outright.
So he showed you instead.
As your eyes fell on the document of your plan for the next smut scene you had to write, your face dropped. Horror was evident in every part of your expression and he could see that.
“Yunho, I--”
“Look, there’s nothing wrong with you wanting to try some of this,” he said, before bashfully looking out the same window you had when you had been discovered. “Besides... I wouldn’t object.”
Now that the both of your faces were redder than roses, the air had become slightly more...still and heavy.
“Listen, Yunho, just so you know, I don’t often write my own preferences. But I suppose trying new things is a bad idea...”
Kang Yeosang:
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Almost a year had passed since your boyfriend had found out about your writing (through your clumsy cousin, no less) and you were careful as to what you showed him.
He often helped you through tough times like writer’s block, and understood your strange little habits. Even threw you an idea once in while whenever you were struggling to think of something or even took you out--restaurants, landmarks, whatever would help.
Yeosang was looking after you.
But now? Now, he pampered you.
That had you lowering your guard. He was being so kind, so why not let him read more?
Here’s ‘why not’:
Because he kept pushing his limits. Yeosang and you never had done anything, despite the fact that both of you were living together--by your request, since you had been in quite a few bad relationships where sex was a major factor. So, for the past two years, Yeosang had been alone in his endeavours.
All his intention was to find out what you were into. That was it, he swears. Thought it might at least curb the growing need to have you begging under him--or above him--just have a small glimpse as to what was in store. Maybe even have them as company when he really needed you.
Mission Impossible, is what this felt like, buttering you up, making you feel safe and comfortable (this came naturally since he always wanted you to feel this way with him, horny or not). You were like a fortress, always giving him more but not the stuff that he needed.
So he tried the same tactic he used to get you confess.
Truth or Dare (alone, obviously).
“Seriously? Last time we did it like this, you found out my rather embarrassing secret.”
“Just answer,” he pushed, watching you carefully as you climbed into bed next to him.
“Okay... truth,” you mumbled as you buried your body between his arm and chest.
“How about ‘dare’ this time?”
Your lips released a tired chuckled. “That’s not how this works, Yeosang...” But after a long few minutes of silence, you caved into his request. “Okay, fine. Dare,” you grumbled after saying something along the lines of, “if you wanted me to do something, then just ask.”
His lips brushed against the lobe of your ear, sending electric shocks down your spine. “I dare you to send me one of your smut fics.”
‘Surprised’ wasn’t really the word you would use to describe the immense shock that hit you like a train. “No.”
“Can’t go back on a dare.”
“But that’s even more embarrassing than having you read my normal fanfics...”
“No, it isn’t. Not to me, at least.”
“Yeosang,” you whined but as it became more and more clear that he would not give up as time passed on, you caved once more. Hesitant, you pulled out your phone to scroll through your works. What was the best one to send to him, you had no idea. “Can I at least ask why?”
“Because I want to get to know you more. All of you...” That one sentence had you more excited than you’d be willing to admit.
After all, it wasn’t just Yeosang who felt alone at nights (and sometimes days) for the past two years. Arguably, it was harder for you since you used to be very...active. Hence why you had such a selection to choose from right now--it was your outlet.
Perhaps it would be best to let him see the one that had you more bothered than anything after writing it--since he wanted to get to know that side of you as well.
Finally making a decision, you handed over your phone with bated breath. What would he think? Would he be weirded out? Would he not be into any of it?
For the boy, however, it was a completely different story; he was too into it. The more he read on, the worse his boner got until he looked physically uncomfortable.
Immediately seeing the discomfort on his face, it was as if your worries became reality. Hand reached out to snatch the phone from his hand but his reflexes were much quicker than yours, pulling the slab away as he kept on reading.
By the time he finished, his breathing was heavy and ragged.
This, sadly, had only made his situation worse. Only purpose this served was to make him crave you even more. Certainly didn’t help to have you leaning over him, soft, bra-less chest beneath thin, stretchy cotton of your shirt against his bare arm, trying to see if he was alright. Definitely had you concerned seeing his pained self.
“Are you okay?”
“Not really,” he humourlessly chuckled, “didn’t know it would affect me as much as it had...”
For some reason, you leaned further down and kissed him. Whether it was because of seeing his hooded eyes or feeling the tension in his muscles as he restrained himself against your body, you didn’t care. Relief was the first thing you felt, knowing that he was just as frustrated as you when you wrote it.
No, he was worse. You could tell by the feverish movement of his mouth against yours. You could tell by the harsh grip he had on your waist. You could tell by the stiffness poking your thigh.
Yeosang pulled away with as much willpower as he could muster, while your lips chased after his. “N-No, we can’t, remember?”
Huffing, you were thoroughly pissed off at the promise you made two years ago with him when you first started out dating. “Yeosang, look at me.”
His gaze was even more reluctant, knowing very well that it would be much more difficult to have the eyes he loved so much staring back at him with as much lust as he had clouding them. But he listened.
“That promise was there so I could get to know you and see if I want to commit to this relationship, long-term, and we’ve had two years to think it--which is long enough for me.” Each hand cupped his cheeks, pulling him closer for a peck since you couldn’t handle being that touch starved anymore. “So, screw me.”
Yeosang didn’t need to be told twice.
Choi San:
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It had been a little over a month and San had still not dropped his admiration. Didn’t look as if that was going to change anytime soon either, especially with one of your recent updates.
Your current story had a lot of pent up sexual tension and all your readers (your boyfriend being no exception) were at the point of begging in the notes of each update.
Finally, you decided to take mercy on all the poor folks and finally write that one scene which had them crying with gratefulness at the end.
As it was a long-awaited scene, it had to live up to high expectations. While you could do the most tooth-rotting fluff ever, that wasn’t your style. This scene needed to fit the vibe of your series so the whole bit flowed nicely.
The problem was, everything you wrote was ‘too much’. Too much fluff. Too much kink. Too much basicness. Too much weirdness. Too much awkwardness. Too much cringiness.
Unfortunately, this put you in a bit of a pickle and you were close to losing your damn mind. On the other hand, San--the caring lover he was--had noticed. Wanted to do something nice for you, not just because he could clearly tell it was a bad case of writer’s block and he wanted to you to write more things he could read, but because it hurt him a little inside to see you this frustrated.
Requested a day of, which he got considering how hard he had been working, an spent that day as your personal servant. First up was breakfast in bed--fried egg (sunny side up), beans, buttered toast, hash browns and a tall glass of cold, hand-squeezed orange juice. Not to mention a shirtless San in plaid cotton pants, the only coverage his torso receiving was the pink apron he had on.
Kissed you on the forehead and told you to take your time, then get ready or a day out while he made lunch.
The next two meals went by in a similar fashion, where he had put so much love and care for everything to be perfect for you. Your favourite sandwich and a fruit salad, water and a chocolate chip cookie before a walk in the park where you both fed the ducks in one of the nearby lakes.
Later was dinner--arguably the best one out of them all. Steak with roast potatoes, and steamed vegetables (much to San’s dislike, but he withstood it for you). The day’s activity had you more than tired, cheeks aching slightly from smiling too much. Then again, you didn’t even notice because all you could think about was how lucky you were to land yourself such an amazing boyfriend.
Even after dinner, he continued to treat you like the royalty you were in his eyes. Offered a nice massage to relieve the past week’s tension all pent up in your poor muscles. It was innocent enough...
Until it wasn’t any more.
Despite the cloths thrown about everywhere on the bed, neither of you had motioned to clean up and San had instead opted to run you a bubble bath. Scented candles and all. It was more relaxing than you had imagined it to be, and by the time your face rested on San’s now-clothed torso--both of you wrapped snuggly up--you fell asleep.
The man loved the sight, and for once, he actually enjoyed running after you, making sure your every need was fulfilled whether you expressed it or not.
Because throughout the day, you were the happiest he had seen in a while, and all his efforts let up to this sight: you cuddled up close with that beautiful, enchanting smile faintly on your plush lips that he had so gently attacked not two hours ago.
He found himself loving you even more; a pleasant surprise as he had thought his cup was close to overflowing.
Two days later, he found himself falling even deeper when you had finally posted your latest chapter. San found himself grinning by the end of it--a little turned on, but more happy than anything.
Because San’s magic had worked. Cured your painful writer’s block since the words simply flowed as you typed the scene that had been causing you hell.
And whole chapter was awfully similar to that special day when San decided to take care of you.
Just tweaked a little so it would be more smut than it was fluff, adding just the right amount of sweetness that allowed your story to continue to flow perfectly.
Which was why San had been more joyous than usual the past week.
You were a perceptive person so you caught the change in his usual demeanour rather quickly. The source of it, however, was beyond you (he was good at hiding his knowledge of your secret). Any reason you tried to pin down on him was a little off.
Stress? No, he was too happy for that. Upcoming event? None that you knew of, and he shared everything of importance with you. Feeling happy just because? San was the more emotional out of the two of you and none of his moods lasted this long.
So what was it?
It was frustrating to say the least, but your boyfriend wasn’t letting it out. And you don’t think he ever will.
“Oh well,” you mumble, “can’t be that bad if he’s so happy...”
Song Mingi:
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The boys had made a pact when they began to read your stories: no reading smuts with the group. This was fairly easy since they would normally be oneshots and you generally weren’t one to write them often into your series. On the odd occasion you did, you often put up a warning and explained straight after if there were any important bits.
All in all, very easy to avoid.
Mingi was a gigantic baby, and with babies, comes curiosity. A sense of need to know what’s happening. An insatiable thirst for knowledge and experience. Suppose what is trying to be said here is, is that Mingi wanted to read the explicit stuff you wrote.
What went on inside that wonderous brain of yours, he wanted to find out. But he couldn’t do that with the boys, nor did he want to. No chance in hell he was gonna be caught with an awkward boner.
Never would he live that one down.
So his plan commenced at night, when everyone in the dorms were fast asleep, he opened up his phone.
Now would normally come the dilemma of what to read, but Mingi is not that patient; as mentioned before, he is a giant baby. The first post he found that fit his criteria was the one that he read. Coincidently, that was result of your ‘experimental’ ones.
Using metallic things wasn’t something you had tried yet with Mingi, but you though you’d take it for a test run through your work to at least see it clearly how it would run if something like that was to happen. Sometimes, you found, it’s makes more sense to write it out rather to keep in your head.
On the other hand, Mingi didn’t really know that your writings stemmed from mild curiosity rather than what your really into (not that you would particularly mind trying some of it out). In his head, this was what you wanted to do.
He’d be lying if he said that the idea wasn’t much of a turn on, and the time he  spent trying not to make a sound loud enough to wake up the other members would prove that. To him, this is was your wish and he would gladly comply to it.
The next day, he decided to run along with the theme, but to also add in a few twists of his own. You often liked that, both in and out of the bedroom.
Went out to buy some new rings for you, larger ones decorated with pretty gems for his pretty baby (even though he was one himself). Handcuffs, too, were ordered online, and a silver-chain choker--he made sure to double check it was safe to use. Next up was a little metal ball--he got this idea from the pokey challenge and something called the ‘passion fruit kiss’ on snapchat. Either way, he was excited to try it.
Babies like Mingi, as mentioned, have little patience and so he wanted to try it out as soon as possible, so the moment everything came, he quickly sterilised everything and waited for you to come home.
Made sure each metal piece was cold to the touch by keeping it in the fridge, and had a rolled up black silk tie stuffed in his pocket to act as a makeshift blindfold.
Sensory deprivation was the ‘twist’ he wanted to put on, since you both had tried something similar before with ice cubes and that went quite well...until it became too cold for Mingi’s mouth and that plan had to be scrapped sooner--hence fridge, for a little bit of coldness.
When you finally arrived, he looked like an excited puppy, and you had no idea why. Until he spun you around and tied a soft cloth over your eyes. “Mingi, I’m really tired and I just--”
“Shhhhh,” Mingi lulled right next to your ear, warm breath fanning over the nape of your neck which felt more sensitive than usual, “trust me?”
Sigh escaping past your lips, because yes, of course you trusted him. And now that you felt slightly more awake from his action, maybe you were willing to hear him out. ”Baby, what are you doing?”
Chuckling that followed your question was deeper than normal. Had it always been like that or was it your mind playing tricks on you? Either way, he didn’t answer and all you had heard was the fridge opening.
“Seriously, baby, what are you doing?” Now you were just nervous, all intentions of a lazy evening down the drain as your heart sped up.
It closed, and shortly after your lips were met with his, a faint taste of strawberry attached to them. Then something smooth and cold slipped past from him to you.
The metal ball was passed between the two of you in a playful game of which only your boyfriend knew the rules of.
When he could tell your guard was down and now you became a little more comfortable, Mingi slowly took your hands behind your back.
You had not paid attention, but you should have. Cold, tight restraints pressed against your skin, shockwaves making you gasp from the low temperature. But Mingi kept on going, kissing you to ease your tension.
Two metal things, so there must be a third, right? You knew about people’s strange obsession with threes so you completely expected another cold metal object to come into play. But the question was, what?
You soon found out when a thick chain choker brushed against your neck, clasping around it snuggly. This was it. This was the third and final one. And your suspicions seemed correct when you had not felt another chilly accessory grace your skin.
You wouldn’t have, not when the coldest of all the items--the rings--were being slipped onto your boyfriend’s fingers. You were in for a surprise in just a few moment.
Needless to say, there was only one thought swirling around in your head.
Maybe he isn’t that much of a baby.
Jung Wooyoung:
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Ever since Wooyoung found out your fanfics were not about him, but his favourite K-Pop band, BTS, he had been...difficult. Moping around, trying to play for your attention a lot more than normal, not letting you have some peace of quiet with your computer.
It was almost as if he was jealous. You knew how needy the boy could be, wanting skinship with you more than he did with San. Knowing that you were fawning over men that weren’t him had certainly done something to him.
But Wooyoung knew you were no-nonsense. The complete opposite of him. It was exactly why he fell for you, and it was exactly why he wasn’t being as petty as he wanted at the moment.
He knew deep down you were his and he was yours.
Then again, that still didn’t stop him from feeling jealous, and had even gone so far as to decrease the amount he listened to BTS’ songs--especially around you.
At first, you didn’t notice the change since Wooyoung was often spontaneous so his behavioural pattern was difficult to decipher. Eventually there came a point where the clinginess increased so much, you couldn’t feign ignorance anymore.
Looking back, maybe you should not have burst his bubble and let him think that your fanfics were about him... Actually, no; either way, the moment he found out about your hobby, it was going to be hell. But now you just feel bad.
Yet, you don’t feel bad enough to stop. You never actually fantasised about being with them--it was just fun to write about. Clearly, he didn’t understand.
Your boyfriend seemed to be at his tipping point when he came back to you after a long day of dance practices that went sideways, typing away intently on your computer.
This was his time. You usually spend time with Wooyoung when he came back, but you were too busy to comfort him in his desperate time of need. Too busy with fantasising about Taehyung’s large hands or Namjoon’s dimpled smile.
Wooyoung was as cute as Hoseok and Jungkook. He had a unique laugh like Seokjin and was as flirty as Jimin.
He had all your favourite qualities in a partner so why spend time thinking about other men? He was literally right there, begging for your attention and yet, now it seemed as if you gave him none (which wasn’t true since the only thing you’ve done is become less secretive about writing).
When his attempts at distracting you from writing had fail, he tried to see what exactly it was you were writing about. Unfortunately, you had tried to hid it from his sight; the only thing that helped in doing was pissing him off even further.
Only after a tough struggle did he finally see what you had been so focused on that you had neglected him.
It was more BTS fanfic, but this one was worse. This one had him fuming--skin hot red and ears pooling out steam. This one was smut.
It was about no other than Yoongi, and by God, was it a rough.
That was how you liked it, and so did Wooyoung. Probably why he was so angry while reading about mirror sex with one of his fellow idols; you were just twiddling your thumbs in the corner, not sure about how badly your boyfriend was going to burst.
Wooyoung, no matter how mad he was, he had to admit... it did turn him on. Although, he was a prideful boy--not liking how you thought about others and more importantly, how threatened he felt while reading it.
Suddenly realising that it wasn’t enough just being all the perfect parts you liked (even if it came naturally to him).
He had a point to prove; Wooyoung could go beyond your wildest fantasies--and boy was it a wild fantasy.
Throwing your phone haphazardly somewhere (making you wince in prayer that it was not broken), your boyfriend gripped you by the wrist and dragged you across the room. You had barely enough time to realise what he was doing, only feeling a cold surface against your back as his lips ravished yours.
At some point, he broke away--lips swollen and slightly more red than normal. To say the sight had not affected you more than you already were would be a lie.
Still not giving you enough time to speak, Wooyoung turned you around so you could finally see what he had you pressed against.
A mirror.
If an idea of what he was planning hadn’t dawned on you, having his fingers tug at your clothes certainly gave you one now. His free hand had clasped around your jaw, making you look right into your reflection, seeing how your boyfriend’s lips were dangerously close to your ears as he looked at you dead in the eye through the mirror.
“Let me show you that I can be better than your imagination. Let me show you that you need to think about no one but me. Let me show you how good you’ll feel and who is the sole reason behind it.”
Yes, Wooyoung has all your favourite qualities in a partner while exceeding all expectations. That’s why you’re dating him.
Choi Jongho:
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Ever since the release of your first movie and publication of the book it was based on, your career had blossomed. Finally, you quit the job that had been draining the life out of you to work full time at the publishing company.
Everyone around you could tell you were much happier, and the one who noticed it the most was Jongho.
Sure, your eyes were less sunken in, your cheeks more red, your step more bouncy. But he could feel that you changed on the inside too.
Your smile didn’t feel so forced after you came back from work and he had asked you how the day was. Now, your boyfriend found himself talking less and listening more to what you had to say.
If there was an expression more powerful to describe how he loved this happier version of you, he would use it in a heartbeat.
Sure, there were still times when the both of you couldn’t hang out as much as you would like to, but that was always in the job description, and the both of you were more than happy with it as long as the bed had both of you in it at the end of the day, both metaphorically and literally.
Then came along your second movie deal of a completely different story. In fact, it was based upon a movie you had watched at the time, and you hated it so much that you simply redid the entire thing.
In fact, it had irked you to the point no one could even tell it was based off of something since you had changed so much of it. However, there were still concepts you kept in the story--intimate scenes, for example (even if they too were completely changed).
You wrote such concepts before, and you would continue to do so since it was just interesting to write. Jongho, however, did not know about it.
At all.
So once your second movie was released, he was in for a surprise.
It was miraculous how terrible your memory was, since you had forgotten that you had not told him about the scene that would come up as you both watched it at home just before it’s release in the cinemas.
‘Surprise’ wasn’t really the word Jongho would use when it did come up, nor would it be ‘shock’. He was... mildly curious? Not that either... Well, all he knew that whatever he was feeling was not overwhelming.
“Did you know they changed this scene?” you spoke up.
Humming, you nodded your head. “They said the original scene was... Let’s just say they thought it was ‘too much’.” Then you scoffed under your breath. “Don’t know why they thought that though. It was fairly vanilla. Just some wall sex is all,” you confessed.
Now he felt a little overwhelmed. But he was mainly amused. “I don’t remember doing that with you.”
“Hmm? Oh... that’s because we didn’t.”
Chuckling under his breath, he cocked his head to the side, the paused scene in the background long forgotten. “Have you ever wanted to try it?”
“Once upon a time. Suggested it to my ex once before but he couldn’t lift me up since I was ‘way too heavy’,” you recalled with air quotations. “Didn’t bother trying after that.” You laughed at the memory, finding it to be hilarious back then and even now.
But your boyfriend on the other hand had not. In fact, he was no longer amused.
He was pissed.
It wasn’t about the fact that you had mentioned your ex--he never felt even remotely threatened by him. It was because he had called you heavy. He called his precious darling ‘heavy’. And you just laughed.
That was who you were--no matter how mean another person was being to you, you took it as a joke and moved on. You saw no point in dwelling over the bad, and that was one of the many genuine things he had fallen for. This time was different; it annoyed him.
Sure it might have been a dumb little memory for you, yet simply hearing about it had his blood boiling.
“Get up.”
“Wha--why?” The dark look in his eye had your lips sealing within the second. As if on autopilot, your body stood from the sofa you two were so comfortably perched on.
He followed you up, wrapping his hands around the back of your thighs, which only meant one thing. “Jongho--no. You won’t be able to.”
“Am I or am I not the strongest man you’ve ever met?”
“You are, but--”
“‘But’ I don’t care.” Forcefully, he lifted you up as you yelped, legs wrapping around his waist. “See? I can pick you up completely fine.”
Scanning his face, you saw that what he said was true. He picked you up as if you were as light as a feather, no tension in his neck, face, or arms to suggest he was having a hard time either.
It had you leaning against him, forehead touching forehead, laughing even more than you did before. Smile once again etched on his face, Jongho pecked your lips, walking slowly with you in his arms.
“Now shush and let me fuck you against the wall.”
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine being the only angel that still believes in Lucifer's redemption part 2
https://charliedawn.tumblr.com/post/646303435890769920/imagine-being-the-only-angel-that-likes-lucifer 1st part
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Lucifer doesn't know what to do..He had woken up to a bunch of children poking him with little sticks, with no sign of you or Gabriel. He had no way to communicate with you and was feeling that the gates of Hell had closed their doors..He couldn't enter. Gabriel had made sure to block all of his usual accesses and even Mazikeen couldn't enter. He sighs loudly out of frustration before joining his hands and looking up, wondering if you could still hear him.
" I don't know if it will work but..I miss you, angel..I know that you thought you were doing good in replacing me, but I..I'm afraid that your decision may have altered things too much. I do not hear the souls of all those who should be suffering in Hell, and I feel empty without you by my side..You don't belong down there. It isn't your cross to bare.."
He takes a drag of his cigaret and let's out a puff of smoke before chuckling bitterly to himself.
" You know..I've noticed something. During your last visit, you said that you loved me at least 3 times..But I never thought about saying it back..In fact, I don't remember ever saying it back..Not once in 50 times you decided to come visit me.."
He seems to freeze for a moment at the realization before hitting his forehead with the palm of his hand, trying to hide his tears from the world as the guilt takes over him.
" I'm such an idiot, angel..You must feel so lost and confused right now.."
He tries to keep his cool, but it is becoming harder and harder. His hands are shaking and he feels the tears welling up at the corner of his eyes. Even his tears sting as he thinks of you, ruling Hell and scared of being caught. The thought only making him grip his hair tightly and groan in frustration. Chloe had tried to cheer him up the best she could, but..
"..She isn't you.."
He finally mumbles to himself and suddenly, his grief turns into rage as he remembers that you had defied him..HIM ! He was supposed to be the one keeping Hell, you had disobeyed his direct order, as if what he had said was of no importance..You are mad..There is no other explanation..
" I won't leave you there ! You hear me ! Can't you see the state in which I am because you're gone ?! My little angel..Your trick won't last long..And then ? What will you do ? Any demon could get their hands on you and..?!"
He closes his eyes and inhales deeply as thousands of thoughts of what those creatures would do to you..He had seen what they were capable of, and many wouldn't bat an eye before dismembering you for their own sadistic pleasure..The thought alone makes him shiver and turn his eyes red.
" If you can hear me, angel. Run. Get out of there. I don't want you to see to which extent this place is depraved, to which extent humans are. I don't want to see the faith you have for them falter..nor your love for me.."
He pauses before admitting that last part, knowing that that was his own selfish desire. He sighs loudly, he needed to get out of here and teleports himself to the nearby beach to take a big inspiration of the salty air and relaxes before continuing with a heavy heart, knowing that it would hurt you if you heard his next words.
" We should have never met, Y/N..I tend to destroy everything that I touch..You were only an innocent little angel and we both knew that, one day, this relationship would lead to something disastrous..I'm so sorry for not having reacted sooner..Dad was right..It would have been better for me to erase all of your memories, instead of keeping the first ones. They only paint a very different version of me..If you come back, I promise to give you everything back. I know that some of the memories will make you hate me, or even feel disgusted..But, that way, you will finally see the monster that you're trying to help.."
He lowers his head and nearly jumps out of his seat when he hears a voice behind him.
" Talking to someone ?"
He turns around swiftly to see you standing there with a small smile playing on your lips.
" Aren't you tired of praying someone that can't hear you ? It's been 5 years, brother..She can't hear you. She's been ignoring my calls as well.."
He only groans in annoyance when he recognizes the condescending voice of his twin and turns towards the counter as fast as he had turned around. But, unlike what he had previously thought, Michael doesn't leave and sits next to him, asking a glass of wine to Mazikeen that first glances at Lucifer for approval, which his finally gives with a slight nod of his head.
" So..What brings you to my charming little establishment, brother?"
Lucifer asks when Michael has his drink, that he gulps in one go to Lucifer's astonishment. Well..So much for the vow of sobriety..
" I know that you know where she is, Lucifer..Even though you won't admit it. An angel can't just disappear without you knowing something about it..I won't ask you where she is, I just wanna know if she's alright?"
Lucifer would have normally made a joke about him becoming attached to you, gladly invited him to leave or ignored him all together..But, surprisingly, he didn't have the will to and he sounded so genuine in his worry that Lucifer has to admit with a loud sigh.
" I don't know, Michael..As you could have guessed, every communication with her has been answered by a deafening silence..Wherever she is, she doesn't want to be found.."
Michael mimics his sigh and, for a moment, the same expression of worry and silent contemplation appear on both their faces as they stare far ahead at an invisible spot in front of them..Angels were archangels charge, not important enough to inform Father himself. But, still..Michael couldn't get you out of his head..Not that angels didn't frequently disappear, either slayed by some demon or wanted to become some guardian angel of Earth..But, this was you they were talking about. You had never left this long before and were too weak to be of any particular interest for any demon..However, that didn't mean he didn't worry about you. Where have you gone to? Knowing that he wouldn't probably find any answer with Lucifer, he decides to stand up and take his leave. However, to his surprise, Lucifer asked as he looks at him with a small mocking smile.
" You know that your an idiot, right?"
Michael frowns in incomprehension and also a bit vexed by Lucifer's insult. Lucifer that picks on his confusion as to what he was talking about, adds while pouring himself another glass of whiskey.
" You've had so many occasions to tell her how you truly felt..But each time, you were too much of a scaredy cat to do anything about it. Even when I was up there, it was so painful to watch. It's funny how we were born with the same face, at the exact same time and place..But, we are so different..I immediately knew what I felt for her the moment our eyes met, and I didn't waste my time like you did.."
Michael doesn't turn around, he only turns his head just enough to catch a glimpse of Lucifer's face when he replies.
" Is that so? Then, tell me, how did that work out for you, brother? She would have done anything for you, and you still find ways to hurt her..How many times must you fall before you realize that she is the only one to have ever truly and unconditionally believed in you?"
Lucifer doesn't respond and Michael doesn't wait for and answer as he walks towards the door..Fools. They were both fools in love with the same damn angel. Unaware to the both of them that someone was spying on their discussion..
" Master ?"
You had been so concentrated on listening to the discussion that you had failed to hear that the demon besides you was talking.
" Mmh?"
You mutter at the end, clearly not interested in whatever he was saying. However, the demon doesn't seem that surprised, Lucifer surely wasn't the most attentive angel after all..
" What do you think we should do with the rest of the murderers on level 4?"
Before you could truly think about the answer, you say out loud.
" Oh..Uh..Forgive them?"
The six eyes of the demon widen at the same time and he quizzically looks at you with confusion.
" My lord?"
The demon seems to not comprehend your demand and you want to face-palm yourself so hard..How did Luci ever managed to know what to do?!
" I mean torture them! Why are you coming to me for that, don't you know how to do your own job? Must I send you in the pit of eternal fire for you to finally understand not to disturb me?!"
If you were being honest? You loved pretending to be Lucifer. He was free and spent most of his time just barking orders on his throne. Since the humans were all sinners down there, nobody cared to do paperwork and everybody was obeying you..While in Heaven, you were just an angel, not a high-ranked one either..The only advantage you had was that power, the power to shapeshift. You usually used it to prank people of joke light-heartedly while mimicking archangel Gabriel when he would come and lecture you..Most of the other angels never understood you, and maybe this is why you had never assigned a higher post in the hierarchy? Not that Gabriel would ever let you become an archangel..You smile at the man that you had learned to consider as a big brother and a friend..It was thanks to him that you had met Luci. One day, as you were welcoming a new soul, a man that you recognized as archangel Michael came to supervise your work. To say that you had been stressed would be a huge understatement. Of course, he couldn't exactly fire you, but you knew that angels could be sent to Hell to take care of the bad souls..or worse. You remember Gabriel telling you that archangels, unlike common angels had the power to "kill" angels, or make them disappear anyway..This is why, you had decided to be on your best behavior that day, however you hadn't counted on Luci being there. You didn't ask when, in the middle of the meeting, Michael had excused himself and left, only to reappear a few moments later with a huge grin..
" So, how's the angel business doing?"
You forced yourself to smile and look back at him to list him a bunch of names you had processed that very day. Many angels did not see the point of your job..However, Luci was different. As soon as you looked up at him, his smile faltered and he frowned, as if he knew that you weren't genuinely smiling.
" Stop that."
He had ordered you and you had looked confused at the time.
" That. Don't smile..You look fake.."
You knew better than disobey an angel's direct command and stopped smiling.
" Does my appearance displease you, archangel Michael ?"
You asked, wondering if it was your face that was not to his taste or your whole appearance in itself ? He shook his head negatively before turning around and sighing.
" I thought you would be more interesting..A shame. From what I heard, you like to think outside of the box and make sure that everybody gets to laugh in Heaven..However, I've been following you since this morning, and you haven't succeeded in making me crack up even once..Care to explain why ?"
His accusative tone caught you by surprise, the great Michael wanted you to..make him laugh? That was unexpected..But, since he asked..A true smirk appears on your face as you think of some human joke that may earn a reaction from the archangel.
" Okay..Let's see..Do you promise not to get mad ?"
He arked an eyebrow, intrigued before smirking.
" Depends.."
Well, here was nothing..You had very few information on mankind and the future..Only Father had this sort of information. However, you all had been given the book of Truth that guided humanity..including the passage which talked about his son falling and being crucified to save humanity..You knew better than to joke about that, but what could you do to try to make the great Michael to laugh?!
" Why doesn't Jesus trust mankind ?"
The eyes of Lucifer widened, he hadn't expected that..
" Why ?"
You looked around, as if you were afraid that someone might hear you before whispering.
"He's afraid he'll get double crossed.."
At first, Luci stayed still, but soon his mouth etched into a grin and his eyes brightened with a certain amount of amusement.
" Ah ! I think that joke nailed it!"
His answer made you blank for a moment, but soon, you felt excited. When you had told your joke to Gab, he had simply sighed in utter despair, quickly reprimanding you on how this was no laughing matter..However, knowing that Michael could understand dark humour was the best surprise you'd had for centuries of existence.
" Listen, I have to go..But, keep up the good work and I'll be sure to check in once or twice.."
You smiled genuinely and nodded vividly, impatient to see him again.
" Ah! Here it is! You have a rather beautiful smile, angel..Try to use this one more often.."
You blushed at the compliment and Lucifer winked at you before walking away. Was that just your imagination or did the archangel Michael gave you a compliment ?! You squealed and let yourself do a little victory dance, interrupted by someone coughing loudly behind you. You turned around to see Michael standing there and blushed even more as he eyed you up and down with an amused smile.
" May I know what inspired that sudden little demonstration of happiness, angel Y/N ?" " You decided to ignore his question and ask teasingly instead.
" Did you perhaps come to hear one or two more of my jokes, archangel Michael ? Couldn't get enough ?"
Suddenly, archangel Michael walked straight towards you and lean in so close that you were starting to wonder if you hadn't made a mistake..He arked an eyebrow at you before replying quizzically.
" Weren't you informed that I was supposed to see you today ? The inspection ?"
Your eyes widened, stammering your answer.
" B..But you already d..did ? No?"
He raised an eyebrow in surprise before sighing loudly, understanding what had happened.
" You must have met my brother..Lucifer can be a little eccentric. Do not mind him. I hope that he wasn't too much of a hassle ?"
You turned around to hide your embarrassment, as you had confused Michael with his brother ! However, Michael didn't seem to really mind and only sighs before looking at the files you had made on the advantages of laughter, which earned you a small smile from him.
" I must admit, we were impressed by your work..Especially, the "twin prank". Me and Lucifer had a lot of fun in trying it on the other archangels..and even Father who laughed when we both started dressing as each other and walking around to see who would recognize us..But, what was the funniest, I must admit, was your own reaction. You created that idea, and yet had trouble recognizing it..Wouldn't that mean that we outsmarted you?"
Michael looks up at you with a mischievous grin and you can't help but smile back. At last, you had found other players among all of the archangels..Lucifer and Michael, huh ? Well played..Well played, gentlemen..
" No..Not at all..It just means that the rematch will be sweeter for me.."
You start shifting to their appearance and take one step towards Michael with a daring smile.
" See, archangel. When you try to prank the prankster, you must always expect the game to go on. Now, good luck to differentiate me to your brother.."Am I him ?" You'll both ask yourselves and I will be enjoying immensely your confusion as you both lose your heads.."
Michael, far from feeling threatened, smiles at you..You were different from the other angels he had ever encountered, that was for sure..He suddenly tookyou by the waist and watched as you blushed intensely. He then lowers his face to whisper in your ear. " I've got other ways to find out if your my brother or not.." You both hear a chuckle behind you and and look at Lucifer, smirking widely as he looked over the both of you. This is how you three had bonded: over a prank. And since then, you had never left their sides..Or at least until Lucifer's great fall..
The scared voice of the demon besides you gets you back to reality.
" No! Of course not my lord! I'm sorry..Please, forgive me..The level 4 is overcrowded and we must find a new place to put the new arrivals. Maybe if your majesty could create more space in this area?"
One of tree things that you had not predicted however is that Lucifer was a being capable of manipulating Hell's pit, as he was the one that had created it. Whereas your power only consisted in copying the physical aspects of a being, not its powers..
" I..I.."
You try to find an excuse, but nothing comes to mind, until a hand puts itself on your shoulder.
" No problem. I'm sure the lord is just feeling a bit lost after his long stay in the pitiful human world.."
You look up to find a demon with half of his face burnt down to a crisp and who looks at you with big green eyes. Somehow, he seemed far more intimidating than the other one and also intelligent as his eyes seem to pierce right through you. You shiver at his devilish smirk and quickly stand up to face him, in order to not make yourself even more suspicious.
" And who are you to tell me if I'm lost or not?! Who even gave you the permission to touch me, hmm?"
The demon suddenly takes a step backwards in surprise and kneels on one knee in front of you, his head lowered in respect.
" My apologies, my king..I didn't think that you would find my gesture so inappropriate. I am Azrath. Your second-in-command and faithful servant.."
Perfect ! You had just gave away that you had no clue that the man in front of you was your second-in-command ! You take a profound breath before taking back your emotionless mask and smile.
" I know who you are, Azrath..Your presence is just unexpected..What are you doing here ?"
The demon stands up again and you suddenly are very aware of how tall he was compared to you..His pale face contrasting with his half eaten half worm-infested chest. You have to look away in order for him not to see your eyes prickled with tears at the stench. Not that Hell smelt good in general, but the throne was so high above everything else that it was bearable, which you couldn't say for the walking corpse next to you..
" I just wanted to see if the rumors were true..You did come back.."
He seems almost disappointed for a second, but quickly composes himself and then gives you something that make your eyes widen as big as saucers..hearts..bloody hearts !
" Also, I took the liberty to gather the fresh hearts of the new arrivals..Just as you like them. Still beating."
Lord..Help me. You could see them moving and it takes all of your self-control not to throw up your own heart at the sight..However, you can feel it beating more widely in your chest..Even though you technically didn't have one, the feeling of pure horror conjured one..You force yourself to smile up at the demon and take the bag, trying your hardest not to look back at them..
" Thank you ! This is...lovely..."
This time, both demons seem to be taken aback by your words and you frown, what have you said this time?! The less intelligent of the two, noticing your confusion, takes it upon himself to answer your silent question.
" My lord..You've never "thanked" anyone before..You even forbid anyone to say it in Hell 1000 years ago.."
You understand and sweat profusely at the realization..The other demon remains silent, but the way he was staring at you suspiciously was enough for you to have doubts as to whether he was starting to understand what was going on..You had to do something, quick. You grit your teeths and yell as loud and as scary as you could.
" I am tired of this! Now, I've been gone for a while and wish to be left alone with my thoughts! Would it be possible or is it too much to ask?!"
Both demons fly away and you let out a sigh of relief. You look around and your eyes fall on a little demon that was flying by, transporting some letters. You frown, wondering what it was doing until you notice that it is going towards the gates. It must be a messenger! You summon paper and start writing a letter to Gabriel and call the little demon.
" You ! Send this to archangel Gabriel !"
The little she-demon quivers in fear, but doesn't dare refuse and takes the letter to the only communication link between Hell and Heaven. The tall and lanky skeleton that had talked to you earlier was sure to become a problem..He was far too smart for his own good..You would have to find a way to make him believe you somehow..You sigh loudly in frustration before running you hand through your...his hair..Suddenly, you smell something rotten just behind you and don't have the time to turn around before a dark chuckle sounds nears your ear.
" Archangel Gabriel, huh ?"
Your eyes widen and when you turn around, you find yourself in front of the same clever demon from earlier. His eyes seem brighter somehow and he is covered in..You have to muffle your mouth not to let out a scream or even vomit at the guts hanging from his shoulders and limbs..Oh my Goodness..The demon seems to perceive your uneasiness and hangs his head on one side, wondering what was wrong..You close your eyes and, after a few minute, open them again to see the monster actually smirking mockingly at you.
" What is the matter, Lucifer ? Did the human world affect you so much that you can't even stomach the sight of blood anymore ?"
He laughs at your horrified expression and suddenly takes you by the arm to yank you harshly forward, making you nearly fall from the throne.
" What are you doing?! Unhand me!"
You scream, but he only does a crooked smile before asking, almost expectantly.
" Aren't you going to use your wings, "my lord"?"
The way he had mockingly pronounced the two last words make you quickly understant that he was on to your masquerade and you glare at him.
" I won't let a pitiful demon like you intimidate me..I am your king and I am to he respected as such!"
However, far from feeling threatened, the demon only gets out something that you had forgotten about..the sword of Lucifer..
" The sword of Hell..Only demons or lord Lucifer can wield it..If any other etheral being were to try to use it, they would fall to the core of Hell to burn there for the rest of eternity..And one of the only weapons capable to kill even angels..Now, tell me..Still going to pretend to be our great master?"
You know that what he is saying is true..The sword is as sharp and bloody as it was the day Lucifer got rejected from Heaven..You didn't know what to do, so you admit reluctantly.
" I am angel Y/N, caretaker of humans joy and laughter of sector 45."
You were sure that he would pierce your body with the sword as soon as he would know, but the pain never comes and you open your eyes to see that the demon was now facing you. His wide green eyes were dancing around their sockets and his smile goes from ear to ear, showing his sharp and yellow teeths. He runs his tongue over them and has something in his eyes that makes you shiver in fear..hunger. He eyes you up and down and laughs darkly as you try to get away from him. However, you slip and fall. Not having any choice, you open your wings and all of the demons turn their heads towards you, the blinding light catching their attention. As soon as they see you, they all screech or roar in your direction and fly up in the sky to attack you. You start flying towards the gates, followed closely by waves of demons and Azrath that yells at the guards to cut the entrance. The two huge demons at the doors try to catch you with their bare hands, as if you were some kind of mosquitoe and you have to do multiple spins in the air to escape them. You know that their must be an entrance somewhere since the little demon messengers were able to pass. However, you didn't plan on the said entrance to be tiny orifices, big enough for the little demons to go through, but not you. You turn around to see the wave of demons coming closer..Well, looks like Luci was right..You hadn't totally thought that through..You would probably die here. You close your eyes and smile. At least, you had bought some time for Lucifer to live as he wanted among the humans for 5 whole years..However, suddenly, you feel a hand around your wrist. You open your eyes to see Azrath, dragging you towards the gates where he gets out the sword of Lucifer and cuts you with it. The burn is insufferable and you scream in pain as Azrath forces you to put your injured hand against the door.
" What are you doing?!"
You scream incredulously at his strange behavior, but he only lets out a spine-chilling groan before answering you.
" My great escape, sweetheart ! And if you want to leave, I would advise you to do as I say and shut up!"
You open your eyes wide as he starts pushing against the door, trying to get it open. You look behind you and see the demons flying in circle in the sky, wondering what their boss was doing..
" W..Why are you doing this?!"
You finally ask and, just as the door starts bulging, he answers you with terrifying smirk.
" I'm going to get back Lucifer..I've had more than enough of this place and I'm sure that if he is so reluctant to come home..then that means the human world must be a very nice place. Now, are you going to stay here with the nice little other flying monstrosities, or are you going to follow me, angel Y/N?"
He extends his hand towards you and look back at the screaming harpies and horned devils flying above your heads. You finally sigh and take his hand. As soon as your hand in his, his grin only widens and he runs outside, followed by you. You close your eyes and try to communicate with Lucifer.
" I'm sorry, Lucifer..I've failed."
On Earth, Lucifer was sitting besides Trixie that had grown into quite the young lady, as you had predicted..He finds himself smiling as the door opens and he sees Chloe come in with a loud sigh.
" Today was absolutely crazy at work..There has been some calls all over the cities..missing cats. Can you believe it?! Cats?! What are we?! The Cat Police?!"
The girl and Lucifer look up at her from the sofa while Chloe arks an eyebrow at them.
" What?"
They both look at each other with a serious expression, both nodding understandingly at each other and smile widely before looking back at Chloe with their hands joined together in a gun shape.
" You are under catrest !"
" Paws where I can see them, detective !"
They both yell at the same time and Chloe snorts..Of course those two would do cat puns..typical. However, she acts her part and raises her hands in the air.
" Oh no! You got me!"
They all smile, all the sion having left the room..But then, a loud caught catches their attention.
" Sorry to interrupt this..whatever this is..But, I must talk to Lucifer."
Here was Gabriel, in their living room..after 5 years of absence and Lucifer's smile automatically goes downwards as his eyes take a bright red tint. Chloe, sensing the danger, urges Trixie to go in her room. As soon as the girl is upstairs, Lucifer is quick to react and jumps on Gab to choke the angel.
" You! How dare you show your face again?!"
He shouts angrily, his eyes flashing a bright red. It takes Chloe to grab him by the shirt to yank him off the angel that stands up again to answer him between each pant.
" It's..It's Y/N..I..I made a mistake.."
Lucifer growls at him and responds sarcastically.
" You think?!"
The etheral being looks up at Lucifer with, for the first time in ages, an apologetic glance.
" It wasn't meant to last that long..You were supposed to get back down there a year later..But, she closed the gates, Lucifer. I couldn't come in myself. She closed the gates to anyone but the souls and now, I'm afraid that she may be in trouble, because of me."
Lucifer, far from feeling any compassion towards the angel, is bewildered by his apology and smiles in astonishment at his brother's admittance.
" Oh well..My heart bleeds for you, Gab..It really does. Not even recognizing your own brother must be terrible.."
Lucifer doesn't wait for an answer before pushing Chloe to the side on the sofa before punching Gabriel in the nose. Gabriel stumbles back with the force of the impact and raises his hand in surrender and repeats.
"I know that you are angry, brother..But, I'm not joking, Lucifer. She's in trouble."
Lucifer, astonished by the nerve of this angel that dared come to him for help, can't help but replying ironically.
" Oh! You're not joking?! Well good..Because neither am I !"
His eyes lighten up in orange and he nearly growls at Gab that gets out the letter you had send him to extend it towards Lucifer.
" She wrote me this..One of the demons is on to her..And, as I said earlier, I can't go in there. Not only did she close the doors, but you know as well as I do that I can't go in there without Father's permission.."
Lucifer snickers at Gabriel's pathetic excuse and shakes his head.
" No. I am not going to read that. Fuck off. She chose to disobey..She chose to replace me and she told me herself! She finds my job "extremely complaisant and entertaining". Even if I were to go there, she wouldn't want my help..Plus, as you said, she closed the gates! Only the spirits are allowed in..How do you suppose I get in?!"
However, it's Chloe that reacts first and grabs the letter out of Gab's hands to give it to Lucifer with resolution.
" Open it, Lucifer. You still are the king of Hell! Act like it!"
His eyes widen at Chloe's sudden agressive reply and his voice softens as he looks down at the woman and finally opens the letter to read it.
" Gabriel, my brother and my friend..It has been 5 years now that I've sealed the gates of Hell. I know you must be pretty furious, as our deal ended 4 years ago..However, I couldn't deny Lucifer of his happiness. I know that you can't understand my decision, nor why I did it..But, it's not that bad. I succeeded in blending in among the demons. I think Lucifer would be proud. However, I wanted to know if you could please enlighten me on one of the demons that just arrived in Hell. His name is.."
Lucifer's eyes widen at the familiar name and he looks up at Gabriel with shock..The name of his second-in-command was written on there, but he had deserted eons ago..Why come back now? It didn't make any sense, unless..His jaw clench and he fixes the letter intensely..Unless he had found his sword..as he had asked of him..And if it was the case, then his little angel had some serious problems on her hands..However, before he could voice his concern, he feels a vivid pain in his chest that cuts his breath off..He can feel that you're in danger somehow..But how to find you?! He groans in agony, trying to think of how to find you..until he remembers that there had been mysterious disappearances of cats in the neighborhood. He looks up at Chloe that is by his side, supporting him as he doubles on the floor in pain.
" The..cats.."
He tries to utter, but Chloe doesn't understand and leans in to have a better hearing.
" The cats..Where were they going? Where did the largest number disappear?"
" Around the old church..Why?"
He looks at Gab that instantly understands and nods before disappearing. Asrath was also known as the master of cats, this is why it had been easier for him to search for the sword undetected..He just had to believe that Gab would arrive in time. Chloe frowns at him and asks, bewildered.
" Well?! Are you going to stay there?? Go save her !"
He looks up at her with widened eyes, astonished that she would ever suggest it.
" I can't..I can't leave you, Chloe.."
Chloe takes a big breath before looking up at Lucifer with a small sad smile and caressing his cheek tenderly.
" Go, Lucifer..She needs you. We'll be fine.."
He finally nods and smiles up at her before kissing her on the forehead.
" I love you.."
She smiles with tears in her eyes and forces herself to nod.
" I know.."
And with that confirmation, Lucifer disappears as well, appearing near the old church and the pain worsens with every step he takes. When he enters the said church, it is filled with cats and he sees Gab, fighting Azrath. He looks around to spot you huddled near the cross, your face hidden behind your Y/C hair and then..he sees the blood. You were bleeding from your upper arm and he sees red. His body feels hot and overwhelmed by a new-found energy. He looks up at Azrath that was handling HIS sword against Gabriel that was struggling with fighting back. He walks towards them and as soon as Azrath notices him, he smirks and gets rid of Gabriel by throwing him against the cross that breaks in two. Gab wants to get up, but he feels a pain to his side and sees that Azrath had succeeded in wounding him..In normal circumstances, his wound would close itself immediately. However, this mighty weapon was one conceived especially to kill archangels, and Lucifer had made it with his own hands..The wound would take longer to heal and he felt himself fall unconscious. You whimper and try to help Gab by applying pressure on the bleeding wound, but Azrath notices you and stops you. You back away in fear, your wide eyes full of terror and Lucifer then sees why he had felt your pain..Azrath had carved an upside-down cross on your forehead, sending him a direct invitation..His blood is boiling in his veins as he sees what the vile creature had done to his poor angel, while Azrath seems proud of himself as he takes you by the hair and yanks you forward so you fall to your knees at his feet. It takes you a few minutes to look up, but when you do, his heart stops. In your eyes, the innocence and joy were gone..replaced by unbidden fear. He tries to help you up, but you scurry backwards and his eyes prickle with tears, as you were now afraid of even him.
" Oh..angel.."
He utters apologetically at you before glaring up at Azrath that frowns in incomprehension.
" Why are you looking at me like that?! She's an angel!"
He stands up and Azrath takes a step back as he senses the radiating rage of Lucifer that walks calmly towards him and extends his hand towards him expectantly.
" The sword. Give me the sword."
Azrath takes back his blank expression and shakes his head negatively before looking at the bloody sword in his hands.
" I'm sorry, Master..But you know I can't do that..You need to come back with me. Your kingdom needs you and this sword is the only thing hat can force you to come back.."
Lucifer sighs, knowing that he wouldn't give him without a fight. He suddenly tries to surprise him by sending him a punch, but Azrath, having premeditated it, uses the sword as a shield. But Lucifer, far from being bothered, takes the sword with his bare hands before kicking Azrath backwards. Azrath growls at him, showing his sharp teeths and snake-like tongue. He hisses, his voice dripping with venom.
" You really are going to fight me for her?! She's only an angel! The enemy!"
Lucifer glances back at you and smiles reassuringly at you before looking back at Azrath with eyes glowing in the dark.
" No.."
Azrath seems to be relieved by his answer, but it quickly fades out when Lucifer takes his original form and shouts between gritted teeths.
"..I'm going to kill you!"
Lucifer couldn't just control Azrath, he was too powerful for that..and had always been by his side since his great fall. Azrath closes his eyes and inhales deeply before looking up at Lucifer with his bright green eyes in which his pupils turn to slits and raises his hands in the air.
" As you wish, Master..Know that I never wanted this.."
Suddenly, the cats surround him and cover him from head to toe, melting into a sort of black armor. The great armor of Azrath. Great..Lucifer cracks his head to the side and grins up at his ex second-in-command.
" Always the attention seeker, aren't you Azrath?"
Azrath would have only ignored his comment normally, but this time, his comment earns him a slight chuckle, knowing that one of them would die tonight.
" You know me, Lucifer..I guess I took some things from you.."
After this exchange of ironic comebacks, they both become serious and in a flash, they are both at each other's throats. Azrath bites his shoulder hard and Lucifer slashes his face. Both of them are panting, but in their eyes the same fire burning bright..Suddenly, someone crashes inside through the window and interposes himself between the two demons.
" What is going on here?! What are you two doing here?! Hell is chaos and I find you both here?!"
Michael booms in obvious discontent, not having noticed the sword in Azrath's hands yet..Azrath takes it as an opportunity and raises his sword to strike him down.
" This is for you, Lucifer!"
He brings it down, but you use your last strength to stand up and stand in front of Michael. The three men are shocked and Michael is the first to react, he gets out his lance and decapitates Azrath in one swift blow. As for Lucifer, he quickly kneels besides you and takes you in his arms. He looks at his hand in horror, recognizing the smell and color of blood. He shakes you, trying to wake you up while crying out loud.
" No. No! No! No! Angel! Stay with me! You hear me?! Stay with me!"
He sobs and gets the hair out of your face, cradling your face kissing your face over and over again, hoping for your (Y/C) eyes to open again..Michael, after having made sure that Gabriel was alright, turns towards you and, for the first time in forever, feels tears prickle in his eyes at the realization. He falls to his knees by your side and gently pets the top of your head. He then looks up at the sky and asks for a miracle, begging his Father to bring you back..
" Dad! Please! Do not punish her even more! Please, bring her back!"
But his prayers are unanswered and the only one who seems to be affected by his words is Gab that gasps loudly as he wakes up. He looks at his wound and smiles as he sees that there is nothing left..However, when he sees your cold body on the ground, his smile turns into a pained grimace, his whole face twisting in sadness.
" Why? She saved Michael..She saved your son!"
Lucifer shouts, his eyes pointed towards the sky, not expecting an answer.
" Because, this is Michael's punition.."
They all look towards the direction of the voice, their eyes widening as they see Gab, his kind eyes looking above all of them with a numb stare, having finally understood why Father hadn't said or done anything.
" Michael, you really thought Y/N wouldn't know how you felt ? Your jealousy of your own brother..Jealousy that only grew to win the love of one being and threatened to destroy Heaven and Hell..The very same being that only wished for you two to be happy..She tried to make things right and replace you, Lucifer..Father gave her what she wanted, and what you both feared more than anything..She knew the price, but she asked HIM for your salvation and redemption."
Lucifer and Michael both stand up at the same time and open their mouths to voice their disapproval and utter outrage when Gabriel interrupts them, wanting only one thing now.
" Let's go home.."
He takes your body and looks at both brothers with tearful eyes.
" I hope you will be able to appreciate the second chance she has just both given you..You are both free."
And with those last words, he flies up with your body in his arms. Lucifer and Michael both look at each other and, without them knowing why, they both start tearing up. However, Lucifer forces himself to talk through his sobs.
" We can't..We can't leave her..She didn't deserve this..I know what punishment looks like, and she didn't deserve this! She didn't deserve to be sacrificed for our sakes!"
Michael, for once, agrees with his brother and extends his hand towards his brother.
" I know we had our differences in the past, brother..But, we need to show Dad that we are more! That we can be more than just hateful beings, if we want her back..Are you with me?"
Lucifer nods, and for the first in the History of the World, the Good and the Bad were to become allies in order to save you..
You open your eyes wide and straighten up to look around you, frowning in confusion at your surroundings. You were in the middle of a luxuriant forest with tall trees and bright purple fruits..Where are you? And most of all, how are you alive?! You look at your stomach to see that your wound has completely disappeared.
" How are you, my darling?"
You look up with astonishment as you see a tall woman with a bright green dress making her way to you. Her smile and welcoming expression make you think that she is not a threat, but you still have to ask.
" Hum..Thank you for saving me but, who are you? And where am I?"
She only chuckles at your question, as if it was the funniest joke.
" I'm sorry, my dear..Those are very good questions but, it's been a while since I've got some company so..hearing another human voice is quite exciting.."
You don't reply, waiting for her to answer your questions, which she does and you whiten at her answers.
" My name is Lilith..And this is my prison. I would say that it is the garden..but I've been locked up in here for so long that I can't remember much."
You had heard about Lilith, the first woman, the mistake, the mother of monsters..She had died so many millenias ago. And if you were with her, then that only meant one thing..
" Welcome to the Other Place! The place where angels and demons come when they die ! Of course, as not many angels or demons truly die..They stay here until Father needs them again..Come. You're the first one to get here since a few centuries..I'm sure you've got many stories to share."
Lilith extends her hands towards you with a wide smile and you look at her hand hesitantly for a few seconds before finally taking it with a small sigh.
" Yes. I guess I do.."
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cybernaght · 3 years
Guardian rewatch: episode 12
We start the episode in the Snake Tribe territory, which is supposedly still somewhere within the confines of the Dragon City. It is baffling that it took citizens of this place so long to figure out that there are mysterious beings and demi-humans living among them, it truly is.
While the scene is mostly centred around the conflict between Zhu Hong and her tribe, and the ominous warning of the war brewing, it also does a really lovely joy of showcasing, yet again, the fierce loyalty not only she, but Guo Changcheng have to the SID. This boy remains the most precious muffin of a human.
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At the SID, Sang Zan is learning to write under a loving watchful eye Wang Zheng. The once fierce and ruthless warlord is now the softest archivist. On a separate note, I am not sure how good of an archivist he might be considering that he is evidently illiterate.
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Anyway, it’s heart-warming to see those two happy together. I sure hope nothing terrible happens to them in the future.
Our actual power couple, on the other hand, have done a full reversal into the relationship they had in the beginning; only it’s somehow even worse now. Shen Wei, who properly messed his cover up during the last adventure, has his guard up as he is being questioned in relation to a case. Zhao Yunlan, who grew to see this man as a friend and partner, is no longer amused by secrets, nor intrigued by them. He is now furious at their existence, upset at what he must perceive as lack of trust on Shen Wei’s part.
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Shen Wei serves Zhao Yunlan a cup of tea with a side order of avoidance, hoping that by ignoring the subject of himself it will go away.
When in the previous scenes together they were always across the desk from each other, or next to each other, leaning in closely, body language open, there is now a rift between them. It’s awkward; neither of the men want to be here, but their needs are the opposite to each other, and neither of them are willing to back down.
Shen Wei goes on explaining in great detail his connection to the case and to the victim, despite Zhao Yunlan’s attempt to change the subject with a very unsubtle, “your body surely recovered fast”. The latter then proceeds to stubbornly talk about Shen Wei’s archaic ways, which earns him an incredulous “Are you even listening to me?” from the professor. The incredulity is wonderfully misjudged, considering the circumstances.
“I only want to hear you tell the truth”
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We rarely see Zhao Yunlan open and vulnerable. I can’t off the top of my head remember him ever being open and vulnerable with anyone who is not Shen Wei. Zhao Yunlan operates on false bravado, aggressive charm, weaponised smiles. But with this man, he purposefully lowers his guard. I trust you, he seems to say, and I always have. Why can you not trust me?
Shen Wei gulps.
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He then continues talking about the case, which is the last straw for Zhao Yunlan, who explodes, smacking his palm hard on the desk.
Shen Wei startles, looking hurt. I just… don’t understand what he was expecting. Once again, this is a man who, from Shen Wei’s perspective, has unmasked him on the first day they met. This is a man who has been poking and prodding him for weeks. And I get that it is hurtful when someone you care about does not respect your boundaries, I do, but truly honestly hoping that the same someone will just accept the relationship terms that have never even been discussed is a little bit unrealistic, especially when Shen Wei is not divulging anything.
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Shen Wei is bad at communicating. Which is, I suppose, not news to anyone.
“It seems that Chief Zhao still hasn’t given up on suspecting me.”
“Not suspicion, but lack of understanding.”
Zhao Yunlan is trying very hard. He is trying to close the rift between them: by pulling the chair over next to Shen Wei’s and settling down on it, by reminding Shen Wei how much they have been through together, by telling the man that he is being perplexing. Shen Wei, on the other hand, has raised his barriers all the way back up, smoothly explaining that he is just a normal man who ends up being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He has got a polite smile playing on his lips, his mask fully in place.
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Zhao Yunlan does not even pretend to have believed Shen Wei, he gives up on the conversation with a dejected “Fine, forget it.”
He makes his excuses and pulls his phone out to make a call to Wang Zheng to check up on the rest of the team. Just as that happens, the SID gets attacked by the magical sound waves, and Zhao Yunlan sprints into action.
Shen Wei calls after him, and then asks to come with. Considering they have just spent some very awkward time together, more or less fighting about Shen Wei lying an awful lot, Zhao Yunlan would be well within his moral rights to reject help. He doesn’t, however. Even now, the trust he has in Shen Wei  - in his good intentions, in his friendship - is unwavering.
At the SID offices, Tan Xiao is using his sound device to get past the two ghosts energy beings, and break through the safety measures protecting the Hallows. In other news, apart from being susceptible from curses or poisons slipped through the letter box, the SID HQ also does not have anything that might stop a human from breaking into it. How those people survived for this long is a mystery.
A point of complete diversion from me: I am currency watching a contemporary drama entitled To Dear Myself. It’s about young professionals in Shanghai who get their lives broken in about ten different ways; Zhu Yilong’s the leading man; there will definitely be a lengthy think-piece on it here. But the reason I’m bringing that up here is that it also has Chen Weidong, the actor who plays Tan Xiao, as a contextually neurodivergent rich boyfriend of one of the protagonists.
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It’s kind of surreal seeing him here; there’s only been about two years between the filming of those two shows, but he looks so different. Oh, and, he is very  good as well.
Back in the world of Guardian, we see Sang Zan shaking off the sound attack and attempting to stop Tan Xiao. He does not succeed as such, but manages to pull a string which activates the Indiana Jones-style set-up with loaded crossbows. It’s very silly; I kind of love it.
While evading the arrows, Sang Zan flings the Awl up in the air, Zhao Yunlan catches it. How close is the University to SID? He took about five minutes to get here! The chief gets a barrage of premonitions which include Zhu Hong knocked out in the future, as well as in the present, and a little sneak-peak into the Disaster Wedding incident.
He then proceeds to pass out into Shen Wei’s slow motion embrace.
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There is nothing wrong with this. This is beautiful.
Shen Wei checks on Yunlan briefly, but Tan Xiao goes on the offensive, which deserves him: a) a shot of dark energy right into his chest, which flings him across the space, b) the meanest of Hei Pao Shi’s death glares. This is the moment Tan Xiao earns an uncharacteristically rough treatment he’s going to get at the end of this episode.
She Wei carefully places unconscious Zhao Yunlan next to the wall, calling out his name. We can only presume that the lab has a second exit, as Tan Xiao manages to get away despite the two men currently being more or less in the doorway.
An indeterminate amount of time passes, and Zhao Yunlan wakes on the sofa, Da Qing in human form miaowing at him, his team and Shen Wei nearby. The team goes into a full debrief mode: Wang Zheng reports that she is generally able to repel sound waves, but was taken by surprise; Da Qing and Lin Jin speculate about the shield being affected by the waves as well, since an apparent Undergrounder managed to get through it.
Zhao Yunlan notes that the sound waves ability seems to be doubled, and used for both attack and suggestion. He notes that the powers can be numerous, while grinning conspiratorially at Shen Wei.
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Shen Wei quietly despairs. He probably genuinely thought that this conversation was truly over. He takes a few seconds to come to terms with Zhao Yunlan actually teasing him about him maybe being an Undergrounder, before composing himself and stating that compound abilities don’t actually exist.
Da Qing, who doesn’t necessarily pick up what this conversation really is about, but does note that *something* is up with those two, comes to his own conclusions, asking Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan to stop flirting.
Lin Jing comes up up with this.
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Thank you, Viki subbers, for notifying the audience that the word “Comrade” is also a slang for “gay”.
Lin Jing springs to his feet, saying that he needs a sample test of a human consciousness - presumably to create that clever brain chip of him which would make one immune to the wound wave powers. Zhao Yunlan very theatrically feigns a big scary headache to see whether Shen Wei would volunteer to take the test in his stead to spare him the pain. It’s an underhand move, but it works nonetheless.  
We briefly return to the Snake Tribe, or, more specifically to Zhu Hong’s Fourth Uncle asking whether she is still mad at him, while she is forcibly restrained and bound to a pillar. What is it with this show and binding people to pillars? In reality, the one bound to a pillar is actually Guo Changcheng, which the Fourth Uncle doesn’t pick up on even through Xiao Guo is not actually wearing the clothes Zhu Hong arrived in. Zhu Hong springs the trap, plies her uncle with the same wine, and then goes to regroup with the others, leaving Xiao Guo behind for the time being, because, I guess, it makes more sense for Zhu Hong to be alone when she gets hypnotised later in the episode.
Honestly, it’s easier to not think about too much about this scene, so let’s return to the main characters.
Lin Jing is just finishing the experiment on Shen Wei, who is lying on the lab bed in his undershirt, seemingly asleep. I would assume that Shen Wei has gone into some kind of a meditative trance to try and affect the way his own brain works and emulate the human activity. He does not stir when Zhao Yunlan walks over, and call him.
“Shen Wei? Professor Shen?”
Having received no response, Zhao Yunlan leans in to…
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... Count this man’s eye lashes? Admire the effects of his skincare routine?
Oh, no, sorry. Here’s the excuse.
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Thank you, Guardian, for this moment.
As Shen Wei wakes up and rises, he lets Zhao Yunlan know in no uncertain terms that he did see through his ruse.
“You don’t have a headache anymore?”
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This snaps Yunlan out of gazing at Shen Wei with barely contained lust to pretend that his head indeed still hurts. Considering that Shen Wei does not look concerned, and knowing that Zhao Yunlan’s health and well-being is his number one priority in life, we can conclude that he did know that a headache was just an excuse to get Shen Wei out of his shirt check Shen Wei’s brain activity. Our professor collects his things and leaves with a brief goodbye.
Lin Jing is staring at the readings, checking that the computer has worked properly. Noticing that something is wrong, Zhao Yunlan asks, “Did you see live pornography in his head or something?” Not that I blame his for his mind being the gutter, but also, wow Zhao Yunlan’s mind is in the gutter.
Lin Jing dismisses the idea of mind reading as a whole, and shares his findings that Shen Wei’s consciousness was unwavering, like a dead man’s. Unfortunately for Shen Wei, whatever it was that he did to appear human has not worked well at all.
Zhao Yunlan smirks.
Outside of the SID building, Shen Wei is still frozen in place, contemplating his future actions as he is thumping the Pendant of Pining.
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“Should I tell him after all?”
Yes, Shen Wei, you should.
“If I tell him, will that put him in danger?”
I am afraid the the good ship Zhao Yunlan Being In Danger sailed the day Zhao Yunlan became Lord Guardian and Chief of the SID.
(Am I again getting unreasonably frustrated with a fictional character of a show that aired several years ago? You bet I am.)
What follows in the episode is a brief interlude of Zhu Jiu being horrible to Tan Xiao, and making inappropriate comments about him and Zheng Yi. We also learn some of Tan Xiao’s backstory, which expands on his character and explains that the reasons he felt so protective of the little girl was because she reminded him of a sister he once had.
Back to SID offices.
Zhao Yunlan is doodling Shen Wei and the Envoy as he tries to reconcile the two in his mind.
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It does sound like he still has doubts that the two are the same person, despite the overwhelming pile of evidence that made him draw to this conclusion in the first place. If anything, it is quite surprising that it took him this long to figure out that the enigmatic mysterious handsome professor and the enigmatic mysterious handsome Envoy are the same person. It is also curious that he seems to think the Envoy is much taller.
Da Qing watches his friend’s mental agony in absolute bewilderment.
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Very shortly, they will get a ping for the sound wave energy from somewhere close to Zhu Hong’s home and rush to the scene to find that Zhu Hong has, indeed, been put under mind control, as she attacks Chu Shuzhi.
Here’s another piece of fight choreography for me to tear into.
Okay, good things first. I really like that the actors are doing their own fighting. Jiang Mingyang is generally looking good in combat, and his reactions continue to be on point. Gao Yuer is very flexible, and her kicks are great.
The fight itself however, is another example of the time/money constraints.
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The opening punch is… fine. They do lock arms for a split second, which indicates that Zhu Hong properly swung that in rather than stopping the energy, but they are also out of distance, so safety-wise that’s okay-ish, and at full speed it looks alright . But the way Lao Chu is sticking his thumb out and then wraps that around Zhu Hong’s wrist just gave a full body shudder. This is how one gets they thumb dislocated (which I have never done myself, but I hear is very painful) and/or gives their partner a nasty bruise. For anyone out there who needs to hear this, if you ever perform a fight, please tuck your thumbs in line with your fingers and avoid hurting yourself and others. Doing otherwise adds nothing apart from a small but completely avoidable risk of injury.
Then there is this kick-punch-kick combination.
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The three moves in isolation are good, but they don’t flow together, at all. I think, and this is pure speculation, that the sweeping punch in the middle was actually meant to follow the previous two moves, then the kick would come next, leading into Chu Shuzhi restraining Zhu Hong. That first kick (which is the same as the third kick, shot from a different angle) just does not belong there as a follow-up to the two punches. I can speculate that it was cut there because it looked cool - which it does - but it also sacrifices any hope this fight had for coherent storytelling.
Then there is a capture and a swivel, very similar to the finishing move used in Zhu Jiu/Sang Zan fight in episode 11. Zhu Hong gets pressed against the tree, and the team shows up to sedate her and bring her back to the headquarters.
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Tan Xiao and Zheng Yi watch this scene unfold at a distance, as Zhao Yunlan appears behind them. The SID chief calmly lets Tan Xiao know that he’s been abandoned by Zhu Jiu, and the other man offers no resistance to being captured.
The narrative brings us to the boxing ring, introducing us to it as Zhu Jiu’s energy farm, and then briefly cuts to SID, where Chu Shuzhi realises that they have not retrieved Guo Changcheng. The puppet master springs into action, leaving Lin Jing to wonder since when his friend is so protective of the rookie. If he paid attention, he would have noticed that Chu Shuzhi was protective of the rookie since day one.  
We then move to the interrogation of Tan Xiao, which is happening in the hospital set, with Zheng Yi tucked into the hospital bed, even through it was never established that she would need medical attention, and, considering that she would have no issues walking out of the hospital very shortly, she clearly does not. Here, we see some more flashbacks, detailing Tan Xiao and the girl’s backstory, the abuse she suffered, and the bond the two forged. The young man is admitting to all the crimes he had not committed to protect her, and Zhao Yunlan is honestly moved. He sounds almost regretful when he lets Tan Xiao know that he will still be persecuted for his crimes.
Right on cue, Hei Pao Shi portals in.
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Zhao Yunlan greets him with a customary “long time no see”, but the most acknowledgement he receives from Shen Wei is a side-eye which does not even focus on his face.
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In fact, the Envoy is doing as much as he can to avoid even turning to Zhao Yunlan. He simply announces his purpose to the room in general and teleports Tan Xiao away. It’s easy to see what he is doing. In Shen Wei’s mind, the less communication he has with Zhao Yunlan as Hei Pao Shi, the better are his chances to separate his two personalities in the eyes of the other man. That said, showing an abrupt and uncharacteristic change of behaviour is the opposite of suspicious.
Even Da Qing notices the change Hei Pao Shi.
“Lao Zhao, what did you do to upset him? You used to do small talk, not anymore?”
Zhao Yunlan smirks, replying that he knows the reason why. He then notices the little girl crying, and goes to comfort her the only way he knows how, with a lollipop. When that does not work, he gestures for Da Qing to leave with him, and returns with a familiar black cat and an adorable “ta-dah”. It’s so sweet it makes my teeth hurt.
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As this is going on, Hei Pao Shi is being his glorious over the top avenging self. For one, he is actually floating above Tan Xiao, which I don’t think he ever seen him do before. He then proceeds to throttle the young man, lifting him in the air and throwing him back on the ground.
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He does so in order to shake the sound wave equipment out of him, sure, but it is easy to assume that Tan Xiao also brought the Envoy’s wrath onto himself by his misguided attempt to hurt Zhao Yunlan earlier that day. It’s deliciously petty; we know that the best way to earn Shen Wei’s ire is by threatening his companion. And, to be fair, Shen Wei had a bad day: this is as good a way as any to get some of that ancient anger out of his system.
As Hei Pao Shi realises that the man he arrested is a simple human armed with some clever technology, and the real homicidal Undergrounder is the girl he is protecting, so does Zhao Yunlan. Even miles away, even when they are having arguments, their analytical brains still work in sync. And, as plot twists go, this one is neat, albeit not entirely unpredictable.
Unfortunately, realising that the girl is dangerous, brings along a realisation that Zhao Yunlan left his friend in her care. He rushes to the hospital to check on Da Qing, finding the ward empty. If this was Zhu Jiu’s plan all along, it’s a good one: having access to a brainwashed SID member would also spell easy access to the headquarters and the Hallows - which is exactly where Zheng Yi leads Da Qing, taking the Hallows and leaving the Yashou to go into a berserk mode as he imagines or remembers Zhao Yunlan/Kunlun saying “I will abandon you”
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Next up, episode 13: The Disaster Wedding.
Every time Shen Wei lies my brain supplies me with Why You Always Lying song. Every. Single. Time. Which means I sing it a lot around the flat, to my partner’s great chagrin.
Whoooo boy and I thought the Episode 10 recap was the crackiest one I’ve done.
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
Frozen Heart
Paring: Peter Parker x Ice power!Reader
Warning: Swearing
Word count: 3.4K
Summary: Having a frozen heart hurt others but protected you, What happens when someone warms up your heart for the first time ever?
A/N: Do you guys like these? I mean to myself so I don’t know if these are actually good or not. I hope you like it anyways!
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"Finally." You sighed as you took the hood off of your head, You walked over to the kitchen and started putting the food away. You lived by yourself for many reasons one reason is that you're too cold for a roommate. You let out a small groan at the open fridge, you always forget to close it. It annoys you but it doesn't mean anything, with a wave of your hand everything is good. 
You sigh as you get to work on your homework, You lived in a small cabin since your parents were gone. Despite being alone you were happy, you didn't really have any friends. The closest one was M.J, you two were the outcasts but you wouldn't say you were friends. A sudden knock on your door made you look up at the door with a raised brow. You walked over and opened to door to see two adults standing in front of you. You acted like you didn't notice how they shivered when you opened your door.
"Hello, Ma'am." The blonde male starts, making you narrow your eyes at them. You sighed and leaned against the doorway at the two.
"Hello, Do you need anything?" You asked as you looked at them questioningly. Why would they be here at this hour? Scratch that, Any hour!? 
 "Are your parents home?" the blonde asks trying to look over your shoulder to see inside of your house. You blocked his view of your house with a glare.
"No, actually their not." You grabbed the door, "So if you two would just." You tried to close the door in their faces but one of them put their foot down before you could close it.
"We're here to talk." 
"Not interested!" You groaned as you tried to close the door with all fo your strength, You silently curse not doing anything in gym class.
"We're looking for (Y/n) (L/n), You know her?" Your eyes widen as you looked at the two before frowning.
"Why do you care!?" You ask as you back away from the door, You shiver a little as you frown. You looked down to see the floor under your feet is starting to freeze.
"We have reason to believe she has powerful magic." They explained to you, making you even more nervous. You wouldn't call your magic powerful but it was something. 
"N-nope, haven't seen her. You must have the wrong neighborhood. Buh-Bye!" you tried to slam it again but it didn't work. The two look at each other before gently opening the door.
"(Y/n)? It's alright, you can come with us and everything will be okay. I swear." The blonde said quietly trying to make sure you don't freak out. 
It didn't work. He started to walk into your house, making your breathing quicken.
"L-Leave me alone!" You yell as you throw down your arms, freezing the floors and making it snow inside the house. You gasp as you make eye-contact with the two. Half of their bodies were frozen, making you frown but you were quick yo grab your backpack and pack important items in it. 
"I'm sorry, I really am." You muttered quietly while you were half-way out your window. You looked at them before sighing and making the ice go away from their bodies. You jumped out the window and ran into the woods. 
"H-Hey Kid, wait!" You heard the two yell as you run. When you were far enough you fall on your knees and pant quietly.
"What am I supposed to do now?" You whisper to yourself, You hug yourself as you lay down on the floor. Looking at the stars above.
You walked into the school with a small groan, you were luckily wearing different clothes from yesterday so no one questions anything. Well, except for the bitch who won't leave you alone. Ever. 
"Hey, (N/n), How you doing?" Flash asks as he puts an arm around your shoulder. You look at him with a frown as you move his arm off your shoulder and goes over to your locker, "Hey what's with the silent treatment? Don't you know that's rude?"
"Cause you would know what's rude." You rolled your eyes as you put some books into your lockers, "I've been the way you talk to kids." You started to put your gloves on but frowns as Flash takes one of your gloves, "Hey!"
"Why do you always wear these, (N/n)?" Flash asks as he looks at the (F/c) gloves, "It's like 80 degrees outside." 
"Don't call me that and Give me that!" You growl as you reach for your glove, being careful with what you do with your ungloved hand. You didn't want anyone else to figure it out.
"C'mon you can tell me, Nothing to be scared about," Flash smirks looks down at you as he holds the gloves up high. Your eye twitches as you stare at the annoying boy. You could feel the hall becoming colder and colder by the minute. You take a deep breath and look up at the boy.
"Flash, just give me the goddamn glove and you can move on with your life." You refuse to jump but to reach the glove but you seriously needed that glove. If you weren't careful you would freeze anything you held. Suddenly the glove was In your hand and you looked up with a puzzled expression.
"There you go, (Y/n). Flash just stop, it's not funny." There stood Peter Parker, the one who gave you back your glove. You quickly put it back on before it can be taken from you again. You looked at Peter questioningly as you two never really talked. You tow have talked once or twice as he also talked to M.J.
"Aw, Penis Parker helping his girlfriend?" Flash mocked as he looked over at you, "You can do way better (N/n). Good luck, Babe." He winked at you as he walked away, You noticed the way he hit Peter's shoulder.
"Thanks." You say as you both watch Flash walk away, "He was being really annoying, You know more than usual." You let out a small chuckle at that.
"I-It's nothing." Peter shuttered making you look at him, he does that sometimes and it was kinda...cute, "Why did he care about your gloves?"
"I dunno, actually." You held up your arm to look at the glove, "I guess it's because I only wear them at school?" You asked more than stated looking up at the boy.
You both look up as the bell rings, you groan as you look down at your books. You look back up at Peter to see he had a smile on his face, He held his arm out with a shy smile.
"Walk to class with me?" He avoided your eyes as he asked that, making you give a small smile at that. He looked up in shock as you link your arm with him with a sly smile. Peter gave you a shy one as you two walk over to class.
You just hoped you weren't too cold.
~~ You were walking down the streets of Queens, it was nighttime. You couldn't go back to your cabin since those men now know where you lived and after that stunt, they must be mad now!
'Maybe I can go by Parker's?' You asked yourself before mentally slapping yourself. You bearly talk to him! Why would he help you now!? You weren't the nicest to him. You were so deep in your thoughts you didn't even hear the footsteps behind you. 
"It's you." A young voice said from behind you, You yelped and looked behind you to see the mighty Spider-Man hanging upside down from a web. He was just staring at you. You give him an awkward smile.
"Yep, It's me." You point behind you, "Now If you excuse me. I gotta go! Bye!" You give him another smile before trying to walk away from the Spider. 
"No, Wait!" He squeaked out before he gently grabbed your hand to stop you. You flinch and look over at him with a questioning gaze, "We've been looking for you." 
"That sounds really really really creepy!" You yell, trying to pull your hand away from his but he wasn't budging, "Please, just let me go!" 
"We want to help you, (Y/n)."  Your eyes widen as he said your name, why did he know your name!? You look up at him with fear in your eyes.
"H-How do you know my name? Who are we!?" You yelp out trying to calm yourself before you freeze this hero. You didn't want to do that again even if you could semi-control it. The eyes on his masks widen for a second before he sighs deeply.
"The Avengers, (Y/n). I know it sounds creepy but they think you could really help the team." Your eyes widen, "Captain America and the Falcon went to look for you but they said you freaked out and ran before they could talk." You start to feel yourself become cooler and cooler by the minute. 
It was becoming too cold, too cold to be normal.
You needed to calm down, you tried to control your breathing but it didn't really work.
"Are you okay?" 
You help arms on your shoulders, making you look at the eyes of Spider-man's masks. You silently wondered whose eyes you're looking at.
"You need to calm down, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen to you, We just want to help you." You slowly nodded at him. Wondering what your going to do. As you slowly calmed down the world around you started to warm up, a little too warm for your liking, "(Y/n), what's wrong now?" He didn't sound annoyed, just worried.
"Too warm..." You mumbled out before closing your eyes gently and going to sleep. You were content with sleeping when warm.
Cold is always better for you.
You sighed as you sat down on a couch next to the avengers with Tony Stark talking to you. You shifted uncomfortably at their eyes, it was until you felt a hand gently take yours. You could already tell by how it felt it was Spider-man's, the room started to warm up as you squeezed his hand gently. 
"So, I'm gonna assume you know why you're here," Tony said as he pretended he didn't notice you and Spider-man holding hands. You give him a look before looking around.
"Uh, Because you stalked me and found out about my power?" You gave them all a look as you looked all around the room, "And I was tattled on." You looked directly at Steve and Sam, oh yea you learned their names. Expect for Spider-man he was a mystery. Which made you interested in him more.
"Basically." tony shrugged at you, making you give him a look.
"We know you kind have a handle of your powers but we think it'll be good for you to train here," Steven spoke up, making you look up at him, why was he so tall!?
"What do I get in all of this?" You asked crossing your arms while raising a brow at them. They all looked at each other before Nat looked at you with a small smirk.
"How about a place to live?" Your eyes widen and you look around the tower before looking at them with a smirk.
"I'm in." 
"Ha! Ha!" You laugh as you sent an ice blast toward your opponent, making them fall to the ground. You've been having a pretty okay time at the tower. You've been getting better control of your powers.
 "Can I have a try?" A voice rang out the room, You look over to see Peter Parker. you figured out that he was Spider-man causally actually, You accidentally walked into his room when he was just in his pajamas. (Hello-Kitty) 
"You gonna use webs on me?" You smirk toward the boy as you put your hand on your hips. The boy just raised a brow at you.
"Maybe. Unless you wanna do without powers for once?" Peter smirked at you when you just looked at him offended. 
"What do you mean by that!? Are you saying I can't fight without my powers?" You crossed your arms in mock anger, too be honest Peter kinda grown on you. Peter just smirked at you making you smirk, "Bring it on!" 
You two start to fight, (I suck at writing fight scenes so I'm kinda not going to. Sorry) You let out a breathy laugh as you and Peter stood in front of each other, panting from the hit and punches. 
"Y-your doing good." Peter pant as he smiled at you, You smile back at him. He stood up and held an arm for you, you made and linked your arm with him walking to the kitchen.
"What are you two up to?" Sam asks as he entered the kitchen, seeing you covered head-to-toe in flour while Peter was trying to conceal his laughs.
"Trying to make breakfast." You gritted your teeth glaring at Peter who just smiled sweetly at you. You pouted as you crossed your arms, knowing you had to take a shower now.
"What happened?"
"He happened!" you angrily pointed at Peter who held his arms up in defense. 
"I didn't know you wouldn't catch it!" 
"How was I support to catch it!?" You two looked at each other in mock-anger, you honestly found his funny. You tried to conceal your smile but failed as you let out a few small giggles. Peter started to laugh too making you laugh even more. Sam watched with amusement as you and Peter tried not to tottle over each other, silently hoping he'll win his 50 dollars.
"Breakfast!" You put down some pancakes in front of Steve, "Food!" You put it in front of Nat, "Whatever this is!" You put some in front of Tony, making him frown at you before looking at his food.
"I'd be careful eating those if I were you," Peter smirked as he looked at all of the pancakes. He looked toward you who was happily munching your food.
"You're just jealous I made some bomb-ass pancakes!" you chirped happily as you continue to eat your food. Your smile became even bigger as you heard Peter's giggle from next to you.
"How did you manage to make these?" Sam asks with a raised brow, he saw the mess you two made earlier. You looked over at peter with a look making him giggle again.
"We make a good team." Was all that you said before taking another bite of your food. Sam shared a look with everyone at the table.
"You nervous?" Peter asked from next to you, gently holding your cold hand. You were going off on your first ever mission. You gave a little hum, "Hey," Peter took a gently hold of your chin, making you look at him, "I've been you improving, you'll be amazing. Trust me." He gave you his dorky smile that you loved Liked so much. 
"Okay, I trust you." You smiled at him. You two spent a moment just staring at the eyes of each other. Did you ever mention how much you loved his brown eyes, they were like honey, they were so pretty. 
"hey, Lovebirds!" Tony shouted at you two, making you look toward the group, "You two are paired up together. Think you can handle it?" Tony asks with a raised brow.
"Of course!" 
"then, let's go, team!"
"wow...It's pretty warm in here, isn't it?" Peter asks as he looks around the darkroom. You were stumbling a little from the heat, it was really hot in here.
"Y-yea, it is." You put a cool hand on your cheek to try to cool yourself off. It was better than before but still not good enough, "What are we looking for?"
"The hostages." Peter answered looking around for anyone, "Karen, is there anyone here?" there was a slight pause, "besides us." You quickly turned around as you heard something, you looked and saw someone in the distance. 
"Ah Ah Ah Ah." You heard a voice sing, You narrow your eyes at the figure as you feel peter staring at you. 
"We are not doing this," you growled as you raise a cold hand, blasting ice toward the person. You heard then grunt as they tried to get out of the ice, "Go get the hostages, I'll deal with this fucker." 
"You sure?" You have him a nog and that was all he needed before he started running in the other direction. You start walking closer to the man, each step making the ice around him go further up and up. 
"What is your plan?" You ask as you stare at the dark mask. They didn't answer you making you sigh, "Didn't want to do this." You raise your hand and make a fist, tightening the ice around him, "What. Is. Your. Plan!?" You growled through clenched teeth. Instead of answering the person starts to chuckle you looked at him confused before you realized he presses a button. 
"Wha..." Your eyes widen as it started to get hotter and hotter in the room, "What are you..." You started to stumble as you tried not to realize him.
"Elsa doesn't like the heat, is that it?" A deep gruff voice rang out, making you look at the man. Your knees gave out as you fell to the ground. Your vision started to darken as your eyes start to droop, "All is going according to plan."  You hear one last thing before you fell into darkness.
~~ You woke up with a gasp sitting up in the darkroom, that wasn't yours. You look around the room and it seemed more like a void. You hugged yourself as you realized that it was freezing. 
"W-Where am I?" you ask the darkness and frowning when you heard your own ego. At least you felt better, you preferred this over that oven. You just felt like you were forgetting something, "Peter!" You yelled as you stood up and ran forward when you felt a wall you started to bang on it hard, "Let me out! Wheres Peter!? Is he okay!? What happened!?" 
You were gasping and panting as you felt tears sting your eyes. After a couple of minutes, you let out a sob as you put your forehead on the door. You felt a tear run down your cheek before it fell it froze. You let out a small gasp as the door opened making you fall forward.
"(Y/n)?" You heard a familiar voice asks, You look up with a smile as there stood Peter Parker (Out of his Spider-suit.) He looked down at you with a small voice that you loved so much, "Are you alright?" 
"Peter!" you sobbed as you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him close to you, "I thought you were hurt! O-Or something!"
"Why would I be hurt?" He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around your waist. God, That chuckle was adorable!
"I-I don't know!" You pulled away and put a cold hand on his cheek, "The last thing I remembered I was knocked out you were fighting that guy all by yourself. We didn't know what he could have done."
"Well, don't worry your pretty head about it." He ruffled your hair, making you huff, "We got the hostages out and the guy was arrested," he smiled softly at you as he gently stood a hold of your chin to look at him, "Were you really that worried about me?"
"Of course, You're my best friend." Peter smiled as you admitted that you were friends. He always tried to get you to say it but you wouldn't budge. That gave him enough courage to place a small gentle kiss on your cold lips.
Before he could pull away but kissed him back passionately, making him chuckle and pull you close to it. The kiss lasted for a while until you both pulled away, smiling at each other.
"I've been meaning to tell you but it just slipped my mind."
"I swear to god, Parker!" 
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