#anyway I have another rec list that's just General Marvel Fics that will be posted hopefully tomorrow
just-an-old-blog · 2 years
October Fanfic Rec Prompts (Tales Edition)
So, as it says on the can this is a weekly prompt list originally made by @piratejenna encouraging people to rec their favorite fanfic and authors.
I decided to spilt this post into two, one post for Tales recs and another for all my other fandoms but anyway, while it's a bit late Week 1 was:
“Fics you’ve read more times than you can count”
“Fics you’ve stayed up reading later than you should have.”
This is in no way a complete list and it’s only the first round of recs!
Mentioned Fandoms: Tales of Berseria, Vesperia, and Abyss. Touhou Project, Fire Emblem and Legend of Zelda.
Fanfic Recs:
Tales of Berseria:
The Crowd by vandesdelca: A flash fic that revolves around the overlooked NPC of Percival while painting an early game scene in a completely new light. I found myself repeatedly coming back to this fic because as mentioned it gave me a whole new perspective for the character of Percival as well as the impact the protagonist Velvet has on the cast around her even if she isn’t aware of it. For a fic with such a short word count it’s very thought provoking
Demons Never Sleep by XiroPaine: A Velvet/Eleanor fic that takes place after a very overlooked event in the game that tethers right before several heavy hitting plot points in the game and foreshadows what’s to come. As for the fic itself, it tackles Velvet’s insomnia as well as the disregard she has for herself while also showcasing Eleanor’s caring nature and how she can flip flop between not handling stressful situations well and having to put her foot down for Velvet’s sake. It’s a very insightful look into both characters and where they were at in the story plus it has some genuinely touching moments.
Chicken Crisis by Kyumika: Another Velvet/Eleanor fic and you know what if we’re talking about fics that I’ve come back to more times then I can count then this zany little piece about Eleanor being transformed into a literal chicken. A classic tale for the ages to come. Well it’s obviously hilarious, all the characters are written marvelously IC, especially Velvet who is pretending not to care about Eleanor’s little problem. Magilou actually being bewildered for once was a joy to see as well. Truly this was an out and out pleasure to read.
Tales of Vesperia:
Have You Met His Highness? by daphnerunning: I won’t actually get into what this fic is about because I think it ruin the experience for first time readers but this revolves around a HC for Ioder and Flynn. The slow revelation of this theory and how Flynn’s perspective is completely changed upon reading it a second time definitely makes it worth checking out. It’s a very intriguing read.
Embodiment of Elegance by melodiesofrigel: This is just a really cute fic about Rita getting anxious to see Estelle at a royal ball post-canon and Judith decides trying to dress her up might help (spoilers: she really just wants to screw with poor Rita lol). Judith and Rita played off each other so well in this fic like a pair of feuding sisters and the resolution was nothing short of adorable. Just a really nice “if you’re having a bad day fic”. Also in all seriousness because this fic is post-canon there are blatant references to endgame Vesperia spoilers.
Atop the Silent Mountain by Underwaternature: Another post-game spoiler ridden fic only this time it’s a Judith-centric character study. It paints a very melancholic atmosphere as Judith introspects on her relationship with Ba’ul, her fellow Krityans and how she feels about the events of her past in general. There’s definitely a distinct twinge of hope in it though and it’s something I come back when I want to see content that examines Judith and her complicated relationship with her own species.
Tales of Abyss:
Journey by vandesdelca (again lol): So, what stands out to me in this fic and the reason why I continue to return to it is it’s uniqueness, particularly the setting. This is a LukeTear Backrooms AU, yep, those backrooms. As mentioned the setting is quite unconventional but served to be perfect for rotating between several different situations which all bring out different aspects in the characters and emotions in the readers. Sometimes it felt a little eerie, sometimes it was quite sweet, and other times it really got into the characters’ psyches, especially Tear. I would definitely recommend this fic for fans of what I would personally consider to be psychological drama.
Stay with Me by @bibliophileemily: A fic about the relationship between Largo and his wife before uhhh…spoilers…still, it’s actually quite sweet and it was nice seeing their relationship fleshed out and the letter format added a special something to it. I definitely liked how this filled in for some missing gaps in Largo’s backstory and personally speaking it really made him feel more believable as a person to me which is why I always return to it when I want some Largo content.
Missing from You by lucifaron: This is the longest recommendation on this list with a total word count of 16.5k spread across 7 chapters. A post-canon mostly Tear-centric fic where she alongside Guy grapple with settling into a new world which is still plagued with issues and doubts about whether the Luke that stands before them is the same Luke they went on their journey with. A lot of confusing feelings and complicated relationships ensue. This fic is layered in multiple different ways from the character’s introspections on how much the events of Abyss changed them to confronting some the lingering political issues like Replica abuse. It's ultimately that complexity that has me returning to this fic time and time again as it truly offers a three-dimensional experience with every new chapter.
Burn Your Doubts and Fly by Scarfinator: A Mileena Weiss x Velvet Crowe offering which is basically like putting the two biggest magnets for w/w ships in the Tales fandom together and watching them make an atomic bomb of femslash. The fic itself references several canon events and presents the idea that Mileena’s true feelings about them may have been more than meets the eye. It all culminates one night when...read for yourself. I liked the conclusion to this story and Mileena just accepting that hey, Velvet is hot and huggable and she wants a piece lol. It's a really endearing fic that I highly recommend if you are into crossover pairings.
Phew! That's a lot of fics but more recs to come soon!
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🌷Irondad Fanfic Rec List🌷
World’s Best Babysitter by @jen27ny
Summary: “The second Tony sees that Morgan’s favorite stuffed elephant grew to the size of a real elephant, he vows to himself to never ever let Scott babysit again.”
Relationships/Tropes: Scott Lang & Peter Parker, Scott Lang & Morgan Stark, Scott Lang & Tony Stark, Irondad, Spider-Sized Peter Parker, Babysitting, Crackfic
Review: This was so hilarious man I love how Peter made himself a Lego spaceship to be shrunk in, that's such a Peter thing to do
blood under my belt by pvrker
Summary: His sweatpants come off next, landing softly on the expensively tiled floor before he kicks them to the side. "What the fuck-"
It's a reasonable reaction, seeing the bright blotch of red inside the crotch of his pants. And Peter thinks, this can't be happening.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Ironmom, Trans Peter Parker, Coming Out
Review: This is so so sweet! I love the way this Peter's reaction was described, and the way Pepper treated him with such kind gentleness, and how sweet Tony was after he found out what was going on. Just too freaking sweet and nice
Like A Bear by @an-odd-idea
Whumptober 2020
Prompt 21: Hypothermia
Peter and Tony wake up sealed in a box, but it’s not just a box, and Peter’s not just a kid
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Kidnapped, Whumptober, Peter Parker Can’t Thermoregulate
Review: This story was great! The tension of Peter beginning to fall asleep and Tony panicking and doing his best to try and keep Peter warm was perfect, and I love how Rhodey was right there for Tony, waiting for him to wake up. So sweet <3
A Shrunken Spider by @an-odd-idea
Summary:  A fight with a magic-wielding foe leaves Peter shrunken and vulnerable. Luckily, Tony is there to take care of him until the spell wears off.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Tiny Peter Parker
Review: This story was so cute! I love how Peter felt so safe in Tony's hand, as well as the part with the poptart haha. I think my favorite thing was that Tony kept holding Peter even as he was getting back to normal, it was so  s o f t
When You Smile I Am Undone by @superherotiger
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Theatre Nerd Peter Parker, Hamilton
Review: AAAAAAAAA this story had so much emotion??? It was so cool to see Tony's reaction to certain parts of the musical in relation to Peter, especially the part where Philip died. I hadn't even thought of how Tony would react to that tbh, so it was almost a surprise, but it made perfect sense for Tony to react rather strongly to it compared to other parts. Loved this fic, 10/10
Worst. Kidnappers. Ever. by @jen27ny
Summary: Not sure if this has been done before? But would you consider a prompt where Peter gets kidnapped but escapes easily, his kidnappers not even realizing that he's gone. So Peter gets home and is hanging out with Tony and then Tony gets a ransom call from the kidnappers but Tony just stares at Peter who just shrugs like its no big deal.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Kidnapping, (sort of), Crackfic
Review: HAHA this fic was hilarious, I loved Peter's complete nonchalance, and I love how Tony was still worried about him even though Peter was right there and perfectly fine lol
That Would Be Enough by @superherotiger (Pt. 3 of Estranged Irondad AU, Pt. 1 & 2 linked ^^^)
Summary: Nicknames and Tony Stark seemed to come hand in hand.
With a single glance at someone he could conjure up a title that would brand them for years to come, much to the amusement and frustration of his close friends like Rhodey, Pepper and Happy. Sometimes the names were designed to annoy -the clench of Steve Roger’s jaw when he’d first called him Capsicle had been entertaining to say the least-, but most often they were affectionate. Playful. Reserved for those Tony cared for the most.
And his son Peter was no exception.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Estranged Irondad AU, Gunshot wound
Review: AAAAAAAA THIS FIC IS SO SWEET AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME. I love how you can see them slowly starting to get closer to each other, slowly building up a bond of trust and love, and it's just so wholesome and perfect <3
I Hate You 3000 by @jen27ny 
Summary: I take need a fic where Peter playfully tells Tony that he hates him 3000. 😂😂😂😂😂 I'm begging you.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Adult Peter Parker, Crackfic
Review: oh my god this was hilarious. I love that Peter trains the new younger avengers now, that's so cute, and my favorite part was when he listed all the inconvenient things that should happen to Tony haha
Cider by @tsuki-chibi (Pt. 3 of aro-ace dad and son, Pt. 18 of Aro-Ace Valentine fics)
Summary: Dating is a little more complicated when you're not interested in sex. Luckily, Peter has a great mentor.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, AroAce Peter Parker, AroAce Tony Stark
Review: You all know I'm always here for Ace Irondad and Spider-Son and this was absolutely PERFECT I love it! I know I worry about the same things Peter talks about in this fic, so it was really nice to see those two talking about that type of stuff :D
When Your Colour Has Faded (We Will Paint It Back) by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 3 of Discord Challenges)
Summary: "Peter, wha-" May started to ask before Peter cut her off, words suddenly spilling over where a moment ago there had been none.
"I don't have colour anymore. I'm dull, faded, and I don't know how to get myself back." Peter's voice was small, the almost numb resignation in it striking May and Tony to their cores. 
"I'm not who I used to be. I'm a broken pallet with dried up, cracking paint where I used to be bright, and colourful and I don't know what to do. I don't- I don't know how to get me back." The teenager's voice cracked on the last few words, desperation and despair shining in his eyes.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, SpiderAunt, Depressed Peter Parker
Review: This fic was really sad but really nice at the same time. I like that both Peter and his parental figures noticed that something was wrong, I feel like it's usually one or the other in most fics, and I like that Peter asked for help when it was starting to get too bad. We definitely need more stories about characters getting help for their depression instead of suffering through it :']
Sleepy Crawler by @jen27ny 
Summary: Hi! Thank you so much for the prompt you wrote me! I loved it so much! I'm not sure if you are taking more or not but if you are, could you write one where Peter sleeps walking into Pepper and Tony's room, waking them both up! Fluff, cuddles, super sweet moment between the three of them? Thanks so much and you are an amazing writer! I always get a smile when I see you have written something x
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Ironmom, Peter Parker Sleepwalks
Review: This story was adorable! It's so cute how Peter subconsciously (or... unconsciously?) went to Tony and Pepper in his sleep when he was stressed out
If you look at any these stories, be sure to show the author your appreciation with a comment/kudos/reblog where applicable!
Click here for more fanfic rec lists!
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sirsapling · 4 years
I got tagged in a bunch more things I didn't respond to fast enough, so UNDER THE CUT THEY GO. 
I have too many things to respond to, so I won't be tagging, but consider yourself tagged if you want to do any.
Tagged by the wonderful @bardingbeedle​
Pass the happy!🌻🌿 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
Lying in warm blankets in an cold room. Bonus points for snow outside.
A fresh Buzz cut
Talking to @bardingbeedle​
Having long, passionate rambles about the Marvel Ultimates
Hashbrowns, bacon, maple syrup, maybe a pancake, and a sausage too.
Tagged by the chaotic @s-hylor​
top 3 cities you want to visit: Toronto, again. Colorado (I know its a state not a city I just want to visit ashes AND GET SNOW). And I would like to go back to Italy again. (I also want to visit, just, all of my fandom friends but I don't want to drop all their locations lol)
favorite marvel character: Ults!Steve Rogers and then Ults!Tony Stark. Not counting stony, Anthony the brain tumor, and not counting clones, Gregory Stark.
white chocolate - yay or nay?: Love it, love it, love it.
favourite board game: God Save The Queens- A board game about Bees I invented with 3 other people at University last year for a project.
how many countries have you been to: 10, I have been very luckily graced with the ability to travel to Europe with school a lot.
(Wales, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, America [Florida, Boston, New York], Spain, Portugal, Italy, and finally Canada.)
favorite thing to do on a rainy day: Anything indoors I might usually feel guilty about doing when its sunny. Tv or games particularly
favorite holiday: Christmas. I am a Christmas slut, call me festive sapling I LOVE Christmas.
pen or pencil: Pen. I once bought 7 in lisbon at the same time bc they were perfect and I didn't want to run out.
favourite kind of soup: Cupasoup Chicken noodle, I don't really like soups tbh, I like broths, and gravy type things I make too much of and eat like a soup (like golden Currys or korma sauces)
your typical order at a cafe or coffee shop: Caramel Frappucino or an iced Mocha. If I'm gonna pay a fuck tonne for coffee I'm gonna get a drinkable dessert.
favorite ride at an amusement park: Any slow rides that show you shit, like spaceship earth at EPCOT. I’m not really a speed dude.
the color of your sneakers: RED, red shoes are the shit folks, a good pair of red converse goes with everything.
favorite pbs show (or little kids show if you didn’t have pbs):  Uh I used to watch pokemon then winnie the pooh every single night. But little little kids show I used to watch a show called 64 zoo lane with my grandma so I have fond memories
Rules: name your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
Tagged by the wonderful @ashes0909​
Natasha Romanov - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Carol Danvers - Marvel 616
Janet Van Dyne - Marvel Ultimates
Izumi Curtis - Full Metal Alchemist
Martha Jones - Doctor Who
Garnet - Steven Universe (if she doesn't count bc, space rock, Connie)
Rosa Diaz - Brooklyn 99
Ann Perkins  - Parks and Rec
Princess Caroline - Bojack Horseman
Pam Poovey - Archer
LOOK I know there was a lot of cheating here, but I don't have non marvel fandoms really, and I have a hard time remembering a lot of the TV I enjoyed.
Rules: Share your top 10 AO3 additional tags. Tagged by the mysterious @nigmuff​
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look I don't know if I have enough tags to make this a justified representation, but the ones shown are v much on brand.
Fanfic trope meme
I was tagged by the delightful @capnstars​ and @crownofstardustandbone​
slowburn or love at first sight // fake dating or !!!secret dating!!! // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt/comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut AND fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it  // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or !!!!middle-aged romance!!! // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates  // sci-fi or magic au // body swap or genderbend  // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
Look guys, I’m boring. I like domestic 30-40 year olds in secret relationships. We knew this.
And now buckle the fuck down folks because I'm about to answer 50 questions about me no one is gonna stick around and read.
tagged by @bardingbeedle​ the only person who would put up with reading this much about me.
What is the colour of your hairbrush?
I have a buzz cut, I don't have a hair brush anymore.
Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Too warm. I have been warmer than most people my whole life, and I often need to sleep with a fan on.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Working on a sketch for an MTH fill (update from the end of this: I have spent an hour doing this fuckin thing)
What is your favourite candy bar?
Bounty. My favourite candy is Reese’s Pieces but I like a bounty. Or like, and chocolate without fruit in it tbh.
Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Yes, one of my parents referees Championship Football here in the UK. I have been to a few of his games. I also went to the London 2012 Paralympic closing ceremony, if that counts.
What is the last thing you said out loud?
‘Oh, this will last me a few days’ I was talking to my mother about 1/2 a can of pringles, I was lying.
What is your favourite ice cream?
Vanilla. I am boring. But the best ice cream i’ve had was a cream/milk flavoured gelato in Florence, that shit slapped. I also like cheap strawberry ice cream when no one is trying to put strawberry bits in it.
What was the last thing you had to drink?
Dinner. A spinach, banana, summer fruits and coconut yoghurt smoothie (with extra raspberries). Its my nightly dinner to cheat more veg into my body.
Do you like your wallet?
Very much. It’s about 7-8 years old, it is faded to hell but it has spiderman and a pony ride stony pin
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What was the last thing you ate?
See above smoothie comment, but if that doesn't count, a sugar free mint polo.
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
Nope. I don't buy as many clothes as I want to, bc mens clothes in larger sizes are hard to find or expensive here.
The last sporting event you watched?
F1, I don't keep up but I watch a little with my dad every now and then.
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn?
BUTTER. They don't really have it here, and I don't go to movies much when in the states. But @festiveferret​ introduced me to it when we saw Ant-man and the Wasp, and much like poutine and Tim Hortons, I still crave it.
Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
My dad. 
Ever go camping?
Yes, I was a Scout. I have done enough camping to not want to do more, it was fun when I wasn't organising it.
Do you take vitamins?
Yes, but not as often as I should, and as much as my mother bothers me too.
Do you go to church every Sunday?
Nope, not even when I considered myself christian. I go only go to church for other peoples events, and I’m an agnostic now.
Do you have a tan?
I cannot tan. I just can't, I burn lobster red in 5 minutes outside without literal sun cream for BABIES
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Chinese food, It was easily what taught me to like more foods also, I don't eat tomato so I can't have most pizza. I love a good garlic base/bechamel, but you can't really get that here easily (yes yes I could make my own but that ruins half the point of pizza)
Do you drink your soda with a straw?
I don't drink carbonated drinks, because its like drinking pain. The fuck is wrong with all of you.
What colour socks do you usually wear?
Various colours, but I consider red on the left, blue on the right, my lucky socks. No I don't know why, but I take all exams and interviews wearing them. It’s just a thing.
Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I don't drive, but if I did, No. Theres a lot of questionable laws out there but Traffic laws aren't one of them.
What terrifies you?
Pfft, most things from spiders to rollercoasters. But more seriously, Being shouted at. Shout at me and I start hyperventilating, its a thing. Also not knowing if someone is mad at me. I’m not good at reading people,
Look to your left, what do you see?
The wallet shown earlier, and the sugar free polos mentioned after that.
What chore do you hate?
Vacuuming. It makes everything in my body hurt. I would rather clean toilets.
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
What’s your favourite soda?
See above. I do not like your pain liquid. Apple juice for life.
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?
Either delivery or kiosk, I don't like talking to people where possible, I often need tweaks I don't want to have to remember to repeat.
Who’s the last person you talked to?
Favourite cut of beef?
I don't generally eat beef, lamb, or most red meats. I love crispy chilly beef, but as anyone can point out its bc your generally don't feel the texture of the beef.
Last song you listened to?
Everybody Wants to Rule the World | Tears for Fears | Pomplamoose
I’m on a Pomplamoose kick, and I also just love this song anyway.
Last book you read?
Understanding Comics (The invisible Art) - Scott McCloud
Favourite day of the week?
Friday nights. The weekend is ahead and @loraneldin​ and I take to wrangling our beloved usual suspects through another week of Ults Book Club.
Can you say the alphabet backwards?
I can barely say it forwards.
How do you like your coffee?
With milk and sugar, or ultimately, in a Caramel Frappuccino bc I'm a bitch like that.
Favourite pair of shoes?
I have walking boots that don't make my flat ass feet feel like they’re dying. OR my black and green crocs (Fight me, they’re useful).
The time you normally go to sleep?
9-10 is what I'm working on, but I fluctuate depending on if I'm working on something or not.
The time you normally get up?
5-6 If I have a choice in the matter, but often 7-8 if I didn't get to bed at the right time. I’m more about getting the right hours in for my diet than time specifically.
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
Sunset is the prettiest, but I like to be awake to see the sun rise.
How many blankets on your bed?
One big thick comforter, because that's the uk standard, and I get too hot otherwise.
Describe your kitchen plates
Two types, big wide white ones with a navy blue rim. They are so large I never use them, and little Navy saucer plates I use a lot.
Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
I don't drink, so no. I drink apple juice or Shirley temples when I'm in pubs/bars
Do you play cards?
Sometimes, I like to teach people to play Old Maid. It’s the monopoly of card games.
What colour is your car?
Again, I do not drive. 
Can you change a tire?
I am aware I just said I don't have a car, but I do know how to change a tire. Everyone should go learn its pretty simple.
Favourite job you’ve ever had?
I have only had one job really and two job experience jobs. I did experience in a school library for a week and that was v fun and chill. I did all the jobs they had prepared for me in 2 days so I alphabetically reorganised their fiction section for the rest of the week. I LIKE ORDERING.
How did you get your biggest scar?
I no longer have a gallbladder, so I have 3 scars across my torso from that, the biggest right in the middle of my ribs. Non surgical wise I have matching scars on my knees from ripping holes in them when tripping. I have weak ankles and also I got both of those at different times.
What did you do today that made someone else happy?
I gave my spare animal crossing Iguanodon skull to a wicked artist I follow on twitter so he could complete his dino park. 
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marvelficrec · 6 years
do you have any 100k stony?¿
Massive list of 100k+ stevetony fics for your slow burn needs (under the cut cause there’s 20+ fics!!)
REBIRTH SERIES - 300k - i love
If you think of life and death on a continuum, finding the point where it tips is complicated. It cuts across all political lines and gets to the root of our humanity. It requires faith informed by years of intimacy that you’re doing what’s right for your loved one.
But Tony is just a man. And there’s only so much he can do.
(Or that time when Tony does what is necessary to survive just so that he can continue to fix things and makes extremely rash decisions; because even if Steve may have left him behind, doesn’t mean Tony would do the same. Kind of.)
Deep in the Heart of Me - 256k 
Veteran single dad Steve runs a tattoo shop. For his 40th birthday, Pepper arranges for Tony to get that tattoo he always wanted, and he winds up with the mother of all crushes instead. Jumping out of airplanes is one thing, but falling in love is something else entirely. Steve struggles with the idea of actually letting someone into his life. Tony is left trying to keep his heart from being broken while Steve figures things out.
I Said “I Love You,” What Does it Matter if I Lie to You? - 96k (its almost 100k, I love it too much to not rec)
18 year old Tony Stark is your typical teenager. Well, except for how he’s the playboy billionaire heir to Stark Industries and working on two PhDs. Oh, and 6 months ago he was kidnapped by - well, no one really knows who. Since his rescue (excuse you, Tony liberated himself), he’s also been keeping a pretty big secret. Here’s a hint: it’s shiny, red and gold, and flies. Tony’s had a productive couple of months, but the fact that his grandfather keeps trying to hire bodyguards for his “safety” is really putting a cramp in his ability to keep his secret superhero identity, well, a secret.
Steve Rogers wakes up in 2015 and finds out that he’s missed 70 years (Oh god, does this mean he’s 94?), a revelation that he handles with much less grace than usual. Mostly, Steve just wants to be Captain America again, but on his own terms and without a lot of fanfare. To fill the time while Steve tries to figure out the best way to resurrect a dead superhero, his good friend Isaac Stark offers him a job: bodyguard to Isaac’s grandson, Tony Stark - who seems to get into a surprising amount of trouble for a teenager. “There’s no better introduction to the 21st century than through Tony,” says Isaac. Somehow, Steve is not reassured.
Paved With Good Intentions (I’m on the road to hell) - 194k
When the mysterious group of vigilante assassins known only as ‘The Avengers’ are tipped off about the dirty secrets that lie within Stark Industries, Steve Rogers has his heart set on taking out Tony Stark for good in order to protect the rest of the world from his evil. He’s seen the footage, after all- Stark is a man who fights only for himself. And of course, when a job arises as chief bodyguard for Stark, to protect him from the growing threat of an ominously infatuated stalker, the opportunity is way too good for him to miss out on. It’s the perfect placement, and the perfect way to find out whether or not their tipoff is genuine.
But as Steve falls into rank as the new bodyguard for Mr. Stark and he spends time getting to know and protect him, his initial hatred begins to falter and merge into something different, something far more terrifying than the prospect of killing the face of Stark Industries.
Steve Rogers may just be falling in love with him instead.
America Isn’t Chicken - 130k - eh.
After a Civil War, death, rebirth, a takeover by Osborn, brain deletion, and the fall of Asgard, Steve and Tony might just be starting to get back on solid ground with one another. Things aren’t perfect, not yet, but they can be in the same room as each other without resorting to violence, and they’ve even managed to share a smile or two.Seems like the perfect time, then, for Tony to try and fuck it all up with a stupid game of gay chicken.
Meanwhile, as if he didn’t have enough to worry about, Tony realizes some kind of supervillainous trouble is brewing when increasingly advanced armors start popping up all over Manhattan, looking strangely reminiscent of his tech. On the other side of the world, Steve gets news that Zola is on the move in Russia, with some sort of nefarious plan at work.
Which will ruin them first? Will it be this unknown armored villain who is after Tony’s tech? Or will it be Zola unleashing his mysterious plan on the world? Or will Steve and Tony prove to be their own worst enemies, destroying the tentative truce they managed to forge with their own stubbornness?
Blue Lips, Blue Veins verse - 307k
Tony Stark is Iron Man.
Before that, he was an man with bigger heart than brain. Before that, he was an asshole with a bigger mouth than sense. And before that, he was was a scared little boy. Not that it matters. Stark’s always have had iron in their backbone.
Scatterlings and Orphans - 210k
It’s really got to say something about a guy when you can defeat Doombots, AIM, Interdimentional Yeti, SHIELD’s systemic obfuscation, Asgardian Gods, Fox News, and also kick some serious Alien ass with a guy, and still want to punch him in the head over dinner, hasn’t it? Tony’s sure that means something.
Wipe Your Tears Away - 121k
Steve likes taking care of his team. It gives him focus in a confusing new world. But one member of the team never learned that it’s okay to be taken care of. Until the night Tony gets a concussion, and his deepest secret - that, when he’s absolutely sure he’s alone, he likes to role play being a toddler - comes out into the open and affords Steve the perfect opportunity.
Sixpence In His Shoe - 103k
Steve and Tony should really read the fine print on what they’re signing. Then again, some mistakes are not really mistakes.
almeno tu nell'universo - 114k - good! nice!
Tony drives off.
Well, he wants to.
But he can’t.
Steve Rogers is in front of his car.
Steve fucking Rogers. Is in front of Tony’s fucking car.
Double Time - 123k
Cassino, Italy, December 1943. Special Agent Tony Stark, former Marvels adventurer, is sent to investigate a Cosmic Cube found by the Invaders – and it’s the perfect opportunity for him to rekindle his secret romance with Steve Rogers. But when Hydra attempts to steal the Cube, an inadvertent wish for help leads to the appearance of a Tony from the future of another world: Director Stark of SHIELD. This Tony is a man with a lot on his mind. He refuses to tell them anything about the future, but he seems to know much more than he should about Captain America. And something’s happened that’s clearly killing him inside, but he’s not talking. When Director Stark’s failed attempt to return home leads to the unexpected appearance of another visitor from his universe, all the lies come undone. Now there are two wars to fight, and the second one could ruin all of them.
Irreparable - 131k - WIP but good
Forgiveness is a journey, or so Tony was maybe told a long time ago. He doesn’t know about any of that and doesn’t particularly care to. In the wake of civil war, the Avengers remain, as do their enemies. And Tony Stark rebuilds, as always.
He destroys the phone, he burns the letter. But he can’t (he won’t) eliminate Steve Rogers from his mind.
Blank Space - 113k
During a fight with Doom, Steve is hit with a spell that takes all of his memories from his time as a Super Soldier. The last thing he remembers is going in for the Project Rebirth experiment. Now he’s being told it is 80 years later, he’s a Super Soldier called Captain America, and he leads a team of other super powered people.
One week earlier Tony finally takes the leap and makes a move on Steve. It works out great and they start dating, without telling anyone. Now Steve doesn’t even remember ever knowing him and Tony doesn’t know how to tell the guy from the 1940’s that they are in a relationship.
Sins of Omission - 155k - another WIP but good
A Post-Civil War, Pre-Secret Invasion AU where Steve is dead, Tony’s a mess, and everything sucks.
In which Tony deals poorly with Steve’s death, falls off the wagon, sees ghosts, and misses a lot.
Oh, and the Skrulls are about to invade.
Resurrection Verse - 338k
Doom brings Steve back from the dead. Hijinks ensue, some of which might vaugely be considered plot.
Even the Light is an Illusion - 102k
Death threats are an unfortunate side-effect of being Tony Stark, so he’s learned to ignore them. The problem is, when someone really wants you dead, hiding your head in the sand just kinda exposes your ass.
But it’s not just Tony’s behind on the line. Whoever wants him dead wants him to suffer first, and they’re willing to do anything to make that happen. Tony knows there’s only one way out. To save Steve, the Avengers, and the general public, Tony has to die. Of course, death isn’t always the end, and Tony does what any other self-disrespecting scientist would do: he finds a way to fake his death and avenge his own murder.
The trouble is, terrible decisions usually have a terrible price, and this one is no different. Tony has a chance to save the day, but the cost may be more than Tony was ever expecting to pay…
In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury) - 343k
Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony’s got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he’s pretty sure that he’s going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy’s still a little spotty about what is 'clean’ enough to put on an open wound. The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick.
And some things shouldn’t be a chore.
Earth-1796 - 619k
Captain America respectfully requests that all complaints be addressed to him in writing. On paper, the nice old-fashioned way, because the computer screen hurts his eyes.
Put your phone down, Tony.
Road To War verse - 177k
Tony rebuilds, modifies. Takes fragments and gives them new order. He does not create. He can’t, not anymore. Not after this.
Or: After the events of Ultron, Tony rebuilds the tower by himself and shuts everything out to the point that Pepper takes desperate measures and asks Steve to come and help.
Pulse, Beat, and Measure verse - 134k
You should always meet your heroes. (Or: Tony Stark, formerly of Marvels magazine, encounters Captain America, formerly nobody special, at a party in 1942.)
Tales of the Bots - 514k
When Tony Stark was seventeen years old, he built his first AI. On that day, he ceased to be his father’s creation, and became a creating force in his own right.
That one act likely saved his life, and not always in the most obvious ways.
Truth Behind Masks - 98k - close enough, and its good so
Steve Rogers has plenty of friends. He just doesn’t know two of them are the same man.
That’s just how Tony Stark/Iron Man likes it. Until he comes to regret it.
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fic rec list of 2019
Rules: Post links (Ao3, ff.net, etc.); specify fandom/pairing/etc; don’t answer the same fic twice - spread the appreciation; tag other people; you don’t have to answer all the questions, but leave them in the list so the next person can answer if they want.
I saw this going around and thought it might be fun to do so here we go.. This year I read an assorted mix of fandoms so we’ve got a lot of variation in here including The Adventure Zone, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Coco, Dishonored, Good Omens, Life is Strange, Lucifer, Marvel, Steven Universe, Tangled, and The Umbrella Academy. 
1. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (multiple chapters/parts): strings by pathygen (Tangled, Cassandra-centric, s3 canon divergent) which was a beautiful and fascinating exploration of how anger can twist a person into someone else. It’s dark and it builds to one of my favorite moments in any fic I read this year. 
2. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (one-shot): dance, dance (we’re falling apart to half-time) by gleesquid (Marvel, Gwen/MJ), I always want more GwenMJ fics and this one delivered on that, with bonus dancing and other Spidey characters showing up. 
3. Favourite WIP you’ve read this month: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by fishycorvid (The Adventure Zone, Taako-centric). Technically Sy finished it this month but shhhhh it counts, it absolutely counts. This fic is painful, about grief and living on after, about how sometimes things don’t work even when you try hard to make them better. It hurts and it’s beautifully done.  
4. One fic/series you’ve read which you keep coming back to again and again: A lot of fics could fit for this category but I chose Waltz of the Nian by QuickYoke (Steven Universe, Lapis character study with some Lapis/Peridot) because there were several lines that just stuck with me. Whenever I think of the character I think of those lines now. More generally, this is a fantastic character study about trauma and intimacy. 
5. Most underrated fic you’ve read this year: Such a Cunning Disguise by WhenasInSilks (Marvel 616, Carol/Jessica, Secret Invasion AU). Mind the warnings on this fic, it earns them. A beautiful work that deserves more kudos but I imagine the warnings + Carol/Jess being generally underrated keeps people away.  
6. Most underrated fic you’ve read EVER: nothing immediately came to mind and i was too lazy to dig through all my old fic bookmarks so i’m skipping it
7. Favourite whump/angst fic of the year: I got it down to two and then I couldn’t choose which one to rec so you get two recs for the price of one! Both are Marvel. another place, another time by sorrybaby (MCU, Carol/Maria, Carol/Val) because sometimes you love someone but you don’t end up together, very painful, very well-written.  the small rain down can rain by tigrrmilk (Marvel 616, Carol/Jess) which hurts in a different way and isn’t quite as painful but is also very good character work dealing with Jessica’s feelings on Carol’s sacrifice and amnesia. 
8. Favourite hurt/comfort fic of the year: I did not expect to read Life is Strange fic this year but then we got that photo of them in LiS2 and my heart swelled with feelings. I’m fortunate to have landed on this fic to read -  migratory animals by swapcats (Life is Strange, Max/Chloe) is an excellent road trip post-game fic where the healing and comfort goes both ways. It’s the perfect epilogue to their adventure. 
9. Favourite fluff fic of the year: I knew I was going to rec Carol/Maria for this category but it took me time to decide which fic and then I remembered this one existed - jambalaya (please be my baby) by carol_danvers (MCU, Carol/Maria). It’s one of my favorite getting-together fics for them and it’s full of fluffy moments. 
10. Favourite smut fic of the year: nope
11. Favourite gen fic of the year: Try Again by pprfaith (The Umbrella Academy, multi-POV) which is absolutely the type of TUA fic I wanted after finishing the show. There’s lots of hurt/comfort, lots of good sibling dynamics, lots of confronting trauma and healing from it. It’s good. 
12. Favourite fix-it fic of the year/ever: It’s not so much that I think the ending of CM needed fixing in any way, it worked really well and that final shot of Carol looking down on her home before blasting off is superb, but also I really wanted to read fics where she stayed with her family. Also fics that made their relationship romantic. This was my favorite of that type -  Lightning Crash by Monochrome_girl (MCU, Carol/Maria).
13. Favourite crack-fic fic of the year: I didn’t read any
14. Favourite sick-fic this year: I don’t think I read any this year... but I did read fics where people patched injuries up so I’m reccing brave face talk so lightly by lesbiyawn (MCU, Carol/Maria) 
15. Favourite kid-fic this year: With the exception of Captain Marvel fics which featured Monica, I didn’t read any kid-fic and it would be a stretch to call those fics kid-fic because they were more fics that just happened to feature a kid as a character? But then this is also a stretch, it’s pregnancy fic but also is it? and anyway I enjoyed it so it deserves a rec -  oh violets, you did so signify by fruitwhirl (Brooklyn Nine Nine, Jake/Amy)
15. Fic this year which you didn’t expect to love as much as you do: Jasper/Lapis is not a ship I considered reading but I love everything anistar_e writes so I figured why not read her SU fic? And I did and I was blown away by this one in particular - Favor for Your Four-Chambered Heart by anistar_e (Steven Universe, Jasper/Lapis, Never Let Me Go AU) which balances themes of freedom, self-determination, and power in a world where your only purpose is to die for others beautifully. People make mistakes but they’re allowed to grow and become better. I just really love this fic with all my heart.  
16. Fic which convinced you to ship a pairing: in oakland by hupsoonheng (MCU, Erik/Sam) which set Erik/Sam before me, a pairing I had never considered, and wove a story about two hurting teenage boys finding love over the course of a summer. It’s beautifully done. 
17. Favourite AU you’ve read this year: It was between this and the SU Never Let Me Go AU and since that one fit a different category, I decided to put this one here. Choose Your Faces Wisely by Poetry (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley). It’s a Daemon AU with some really neat concepts about the daemons of supernatural beings and some really good character stuff, which are some of my favorite things in daemon fic.  
18. Longest fic/series you’ve read this year:  I read many long fics this year but Work of All Saints by anistar_e (Coco, Imelda-centric with Ernesto/Hector/Imelda, 210k) was by far the longest. And what a masterpiece it was! It’s basically a novel with the amount of world-building and character development it does, a grand epic that is incredibly personal in its scope. Spectacular! 
19. The last fic you’ve read: I got back into playing Dishonored 2 over the break and as a result, I decided to read some fic for it. This one popped up on multiple rec lists and I can see why. tetralogy of fallot by patho (Dishonored, Emily-centric) is short, 10 sections of 100 words each, and still manages to craft a haunting narrative about High Chaos Emily’s reign. 
20. Wildcard fic you haven’t mentioned but deserves a shout-out + why: I was stuck between two fics I really wanted to mention and so I decided to rec both (the more recs, the merrier!): 
And There Was Light by ariaadagio (Lucifer, Lucifer/Chloe, 143k) which branches off from the end of season 2 and spins a long tale of existential angst, love, and navigating human-divine relations.  
Salinity (And Other Measurements of Brackish Water) by drawlight (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley) which is a shorter fic that reads like poetry. 
Tagging @startofamoment, @thinbottomedcauldron, @dmigod, @thornscrowned, and anyone else who wants to do it! 
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earlgreytea68 · 6 years
On the Anthropological Fandom Impulse
When I first got into fandom, I feel like I did it in the way that you hear about it: I watched a thing (for me it was always watching), and I loved it so much that I wanted *more,* and then I sought out fic, and then I waited to feel like I had something I needed to say about it. This is what people will traditionally tell you fandom is. 
But, Idk, as I’ve gotten older, I have shifted this. Fandom has become more of a habit, a general way in which I interact with creativity, rather than a specific reaction to *someone else’s* creative work. Which isn’t how fandom is traditionally defined but is how I do it, and I guess I’m writing this out to see how odd this is, and where this impulse comes from within me? 
Because it’s been a while -- a very long time -- since I consumed a piece of media that I loved so much I wanted to seek out the fic. I have tried. I have consumed all of the things that are big fannishly now. None of them really caught my creative spark. 
The first thing to catch my creative spark after Sherlock was in fact Inception. Not because I’d seen the movie (which I had seen, and barely remembered). But because the Inception *fandom* seemed kind of amazing. I read a fic, and then another fic, and then more fics, and then I was performing what I now call my Fandom Anthropology. I dug through historical layers, uncovering old rec lists, ending up on old LJ kinkmemes, letting them link me to other things, finding fanvids, going through meta, until I had assembled a picture of what I thought the fandom was doing, what the fanon conventions were, which pieces of canon were the most important. It was like settling into an entirely different mental location and mapping it out like a tourist. 
Since the Inception rabbit hole, I have always consistently come to a fic-reading rabbit hole not from the canon but from the fandom itself. I subscribe to authors on AO3, and whenever they update with a fic, I tend to click on it curiously. I am such that I can tell right away if I’m going to be caught by a ship or not. I’m actually fairly predictable in what I like, tbh. I’m sure you can pick up on my preferred OTP dynamic. :-) 
I read all recs sent to me, but not all of them necessarily hit me at the right time. And then suddenly something will catch me and I’ll just spend a little while devouring everything I can in that universe. I did that with Social Network RPF (which I revisited this summer and it remains delightful) and Sports Night (which was a show I’d been fannish about in the early 2000s before being fannish was the more organized thing it is today) and Marcone/Dresden from the Dresden Files (I read some Dresden Files many years ago, but left off before Marcone even entered the narrative) and for a little while I read a bunch of Raven Cycle fic (despite never having read a word of these books). There was a small attempt to explore BTS fandom but I found it a little impenetrable (I couldn’t get a handle on the characters); I also tried to read some One Direction stuff but mostly got distracted that no Harry Styles was like how he was in my head (Idek, I barely listen to One Direction, I have no idea where my very clear picture of Harry Styles came from, but I kind of think he’s a delight, he’s just my fave). 
But, anyway, the point of all of this is: I read fanfic these days not because of inherent interest in the canon but because writers I like are writing in it. And if I like the characters they write well enough, then suddenly I’ve opened up a ton more fic that I can read. As far as I can tell, I am treating fic as original writing. I come to it with little knowledge of the characters. All I know about it is its *genre.* And fic is definitely its own genre. I know the basic shape of everything that’s going to happen in every fic I click on, so I’m entirely reading because something about the characters have caught me. Not because of canon, but because of *fanon.* Because, Idk, so often it’s the fan artists who are really creating this marvelous complexity, and I feel like I’m just cutting out the middle man. And, once I’ve been caught by a dynamic, lucky me, it’s super-easy to find a million other ways to explore those characters. And the canon of them is entirely secondary to me in the first exploration, and then eventually becomes part of my excavation of what’s going on. 
Is this a weird way to do fandom? I feel like it might be. But also I don’t think it’s necessarily the *wrong* way. It might even have always been my preferred way, but before the age of AO3 and Tumblr, it was actually harder to jump between fandoms. I know you *could* do it on LJ, but I remember when I switched from DW to Sherlock, having to be like, “Hey, were are the Sherlock people on here? Where do I find them?” Whereas now it’s just all simpler to run productive searches that get you what you’re looking for. Or just asking on Twitter, “Hey, who knows anything about this fandom and wants to point me to the best fics?” 
This has been, for me, a far more reliable way to discover things I love than to sit around waiting for a canon to find me. I would never have randomly rewatched Sports Night last spring had a Sports Night fic not crossed my inbox. I would not be listening to nonstop Fall Out Boy had a random bandom fic not crossed my inbox. Fandom is the thing I use to introduce me to mainstream culture; not the other way around. 
And, tbh, I am kind of enjoying doing it this way. I guess the main thing I fear about it is that I probably miss canon the first time around, because it turns out I find myself letting the *fandom* seduce me in. So, like, I know Fall Out Boy songs, and even had friends in bandom, and paid, like, zero attention to anything fannish, until I started reading bandom fic, and then I had to perform Fandom Anthropology, and uncover old LJ posts and new Tumblr primers and long lyrical analyses (that are WAY better than any analysis of any FOB lyric on Genius, those analyses are...weird, Idk). 
So, Idk, in ten years I’ll probably finally get the huge appeal of the big fandoms today. There’s a possibility I’m bad right now, at this point in my creative life, at, like, being part of the *active* fandom formation part of things. Which I don’t say in a way to imply that I’m annoyed with myself, because I’m not. I am doing lots of original writing because that’s apparently what I’m in the mood for and life is too short to fight with the things you want to write about, and6 being part of an active fandom is a very different energy than just kind of passively enjoying a fandom. If that makes sense? And I think you just go through cycles. My most creative fic periods coincided with a lot of soul-searching transitioning in my life as I staggered into my career. I feel like I’ve finally got a bit of a handle on who I am? And that feels a little bit like it’s unlocked an original writing impulse within me that honestly had been dormant for many, many years. 
Which is all to say: Being creative is an all-over-the-place experience. If you roll with it, you never know where you’re going to end up. And the key, I think, is to learn to just go with it without judging yourself too harshly for it. There’s no wrong way to do creativity. I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do fandom, either (apart from being a bully, of course).  The universe is infinitely expanding. 
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emkayoh · 7 years
Spider-Man: Homecoming Fic Recs
Alright, I snapped y’all. I’m blown away by the quality of writing in this fandom and I want to share some of my absolute faves that I’ve found. Especially since I haven’t really seen any fic recs and these fics deserve to be spread like wildfire. So here are my top favorite reads, mostly Tony and Peter centered because of course. 
(Under the cut because this is looooooong):
How to Repair a Broken Heart by InfluentialPineapple (WIP)
Summary: The Mechanic has a lot on his plate; Thanos is coming, the Guardians of the Galaxy are marooned, Thaddeus Ross is reaching right down his throat, and a budding super hero deserves his full attention. He's also dying. No big deal. He can fix it. He can fix anything.
And he can do it all without even opening that stupid phone.
Now, where did those notes on Extremis go...?
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: Mature
Notes: Holy shit, y’all. This is definitely my favorite fanfiction... ever. Out of everything I’ve ever read. It’s still a WIP so beware of that, but I am extremely confident in the author’s ability to finish it. And honestly, it’s well worth reading even if it isn’t finished. It has some of the most spot-on characterization, an amazing plot that rivals whatever Marvel cooks up for Infinity War, and glorious writing. 10/10 I am in the fandom for this fic specifically. (Warning: Violence, torture, lots of death.)
The Long Way Round by undeerqueen
Summary: Tony wants him to hold on. Peter just wants to go home.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: General Audiences
Notes: Okay, warning... this is a death fic. But it’s my favorite death fic ever written. It’s so beautifully written in a way that keeps you hanging on until the very end and leaves a hole in your heart that never goes away. If you’re like me and enjoy that kind of stuff, please, please, please for the love of god, read this fic. (Edit: This is a whole series now!!! Even more pain abounds.)
three words that became hard to say (i and love and you) by madasthesea
Summary: Tony likes giving gifts to prove his love, but they don't usually have four paws and a tail.
AKA: Tony, Peter, and a dog named Maggie learn how to be a family.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: General Audiences
Notes: I’m crying???? I’m usually not a fan of fics that kill off May so that Peter and Tony can be a family because she deserves better than that, but this fic is the ONLY exception. May isn’t cast aside as unimportant, Tony struggles to make Peter accept him as his new guardian, and there’s a dog! What could be better than that? (Edit: It’s a whole series now!! Tears from beginning to end.)
Everyone You’ve Ever Loved by JBS_Forever
Summary: “You will lose, Tony Stark,” the man says. “You have taken everything from me. Now I'm going to take everything from you.”
(Or: A masked-man threatens to destroy everyone Tony Stark has ever cared about. He starts by taking Peter.)
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: General Audiences
Notes: I honestly had a hard time picking out a JBS_Forever fic to include in this rec list, because everything they write is amazing and I recommend all of it, but this fic stands out. It’s a classic “Peter gets kidnapped and Tony has to save him” fic, which is a favorite trope of mine lol (are you noticing a pattern with the fics I tend to like?) It’s a oneshot but it’s MASSIVE and really realistically portrayed. I love how she writes Tony and Peter and I was holding my breath the whole time. 
Astronomy In Reverse by pansley (WIP)
Summary: A year after the Winter Soldier failed his mission in DC, Bucky Barnes is doing his best to stay under the radar from both Hydra and Steve Rogers. His hope for a peaceful day-to-day life in limbo goes awry, however, when he meets Queens’ newest hero; a pure-hearted kid with a death wish and a ridiculous pair of red and blue pajamas.
The last thing Steve expects when he finally tracks Bucky down is that, not only has the man been living in Queens all this time, right under his nose, but also that, in the two years since they last saw each other, Bucky somehow acquired a kid.
Alternatively: How Peter Parker effectively fucks over Bucky Barnes, and also totally saves him.
Relationship: Bucky and Peter
Rating: Teen
Notes: I guess I should mix things up a bit and rec one that isn’t a Tony and Peter fic! This one took me by surprise. I read it because I was intrigued by the relationship tag between Bucky and Peter and didn’t know how it would work. Spoiler: It works very well. It’s so different from a Tony fic but it’s so precious. Featuring foster kid/homeless Peter Parker. Also a WIP and only in the beginning stages but I sense a really interesting plot. (Warning for attempted sexual assault in one of the chapters! But it’s very, very brief. )
Weak Spot by grilledcheesing
Summary: Peter Parker has been sent back in time hundreds of times after their last face off with Thanos to do the one thing nobody else can: save Tony Stark.
Unfortunately, he has to find a way to kill his past self to do it.
And the last thing Tony is going to do is let him.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: Teen
Notes: Back on my Tony and Peter bullshit. This author is a very prominent author in the fandom so I’m sure you’ve read at least one of their fics if you’ve read a lot of Homecoming fics, but this is my absolute favorite of theirs. It’s such an interesting (and heartbreaking) concept and it’s another one of those stories that leaves you feeling empty inside. Warning for more character death.
pretending by ace8013
Summary: Natasha reflects on what she noticed.
Relationship: All of the Avengers really, but come on I read it for the Tony and Peter
Rating: Not Rated
Notes: I’m honestly... flabbergasted that this fic has so few kudos. Pls go read it and give it more. It’s really short but so poignant and says so much with so little. I honestly love it so much. It’s in Natasha’s POV which is really interesting and the author really nails her personality. It’s absolutely soul-crushing and it will only take you like 2 minutes to read please just do it. (Warning for so much character death...)
Tony Built a Son by Footloose_Poets
Summary: Peter navigates learning to be human. Tony navigates fathering an android.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: General Audiences/Teen
Notes: Ohmygosh... this one probably isn’t surprising considering the massive amounts of fanart I’ve drawn for it. The idea is so obvious yet so unique and satisfying to read. The author does an AMAZING job creating a realistic world where Tony builds an android son to keep his loneliness at bay and keeps both Tony and Peter so in character despite the vastly different circumstances from their movie counterparts. And it’s a whole series! Every new installment is a beautiful read, and the author even created a tumblr: @friendly-neighborhood-android to post mini ficlets, art, and factoids in the interim. 
5 Times Peter Thought Tony Was Mad by caraminha
Summary: ... and one time he actually was.
Set a few months after Aunt May's death where Tony is Peter's legal guardian. Navigating a new life together and settling into being father and son is a rollercoaster - falling in love with the kid? Easy. Dealing with a grieving teenager, and trying to figure out how to do this whole parent thing? Uh... not so easy.
Relationship: Tony and Peter
Rating: Teen
Notes: Oh no more dead May. But I promise I only recommend these fics when they’re really well-written! And this is a REALLY good fic. I got so many feels reading this and domestic Tony and Peter really gives me life. Tony messes up a little but more than makes up for it, and then Peter messes up a lot but it’s okay because Tony loves him. It’s so adorable and heartwarming and I had the warm fuzzies the whole time.
Only Human by tonysta_k
Summary: When Flash takes things too far - pushes Peter too far by mentioning his fathers and what happened, Peter can't take it anymore.
Or, an au where after civil war, Steve was put in prison, Tony has a hard time facing his feelings, and Peter just wants to see his pops.
Relationship: Steve/Tony (Past), Tony and Peter
Rating: Teen
Notes: Damn. I don’t even ship Stony. I don’t like it, Steve has hurt Tony too much for me to ever see them as romantically involved, but if Stony just so happens to be in an intriguing Tony and Peter fic... fine, I’ll read it, so sue me. But wowowow did this fic hit me where it really hurts. It’s good because it acknowledges Steve and Tony’s failed relationship and puts Peter right in the middle of a REALLY nasty divorce. It’s really heart-breaking and realistic and claws at your emotions. 10/10 had to hug my parents right after reading. 
for good by Madelinedear
Summary: "Sorry, May, we can't all be best friends with a celebrity.”
May opens her mouth to retort reflexively, the words 'we aren’t even friends' on the tip of her tongue before she closes her mouth. Because they are friends, now. They’re way past that point.
Oh my god, she thinks somewhat hysterically. Tony Stark is my best friend.
(or; Tony Stark, May Parker, and the road to something like friendship)
Relationship: Tony and May
Rating: General Audiences
Notes: YES!!! YES!!! YEEESSSSS!!! Finally, the Tony and May fic I’ve been waiting for!!! To end this rec list on a fluffier note (because boy do I love angst, huh?) this fic is hilarious, heartwarming, and so in-character. It’s a really good study of how May and Tony’s relationship might evolve over time due to their mutual bonding over fiercely loving Peter. It’s everything I ever wanted in a May and Tony friendship fic and more. 
And these two are not necessarily Homecoming fics but I have to include them because they are on the list of my all time favorite Spider-Man fics: 
Weaver of Silk and Dreams by a_stands_for
Summary: Ben Parker sighed as he looked up into The Thing's eyes, so expressively human in spite of the rest of his rocky appearance.
“My fifteen-year-old nephew--who's practically my own little boy!--” he choked out with a tight voice, “h-he can't pass for human anymore. He's scared, and he's isolated, and he just needs someone else to talk to! Someone who can understand. Please."
Some alternate realities are unrecognizable, and some are indistinguishable. This one lies somewhere in between.
Peter Parker's life was derailed when he mutated into a strange human/spider hybrid, and he knows that's not the way things went down for him in other realities. Still, he's determined to forge a new path and make the best of it. Sometimes "the friends we made along the way" really is the greatest treasure anyone could ask for.
Relationship: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson (Peter Parker/Johnny Storm)
Rating: Mature
Notes: Okay so this is more based in the comic-verse, but I pictured Tom Holland Spidey while reading it anyways. I don’t even ship Spideypool tbh but I got curious. I didn’t even watch the Deadpool movie or know anything about Deadpool (or the Fantastic Four, who feature prominently in this) but still... it’s SO. GOOD. More spidery Spider-Man isn’t a thing I knew I needed until this fic, and it honestly reads almost like a fantasy. The world-building is incredible and the fic also comes with great drawings to help you visualize this strange new Peter. (Warning though: There are sex scenes. I was kinda hesitant about whether or not I should rec this because of that, but honestly the fic is worth it. I don’t usually like to read fics with sex scenes, but the plot more than makes up for it.)
I Like Birds by chinashopbull (WIP... possibly abandoned?)
Summary: Peter has Asperger’s/ASD. Yes, of course he’s still Spider-Man. Deadpool tries to accommodate, with mixed results.
Some feeble plot happens eventually, blood gets on the walls, etc. I play fast and loose with canon but try to stay true to (what I perceive to be) the spirit of the characters. 
Relationship: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
Rating: Mature
Notes: Okay, so this fic predates Homecoming so it’s definitely not about that Spidey (even though I picture Tom Holland anyways), the summary doesn’t do it justice, the way the fic portrays Tony Stark makes me sad, and it’s most likely abandoned because it hasn’t been updated since May 2017 (Edit: This totally updated after a whole year. It’s still going!!!)... but hear me out. This fic is worth the heartbreak of reading an abandoned fic. First of all: Autistic Peter!!!!! Written by someone who is autistic themselves so it’s very accurate!!!! I know I say this a lot but the plot is AMAZING. There’s an amazing side story about suicide bombers that’s really intriguing. I love the mystery element of this story so much, it reads as it’s own standalone work of fiction. Also, the slow burn is so slow that the Spideypool never happens, so if that’s not your thing, don’t let that stop you from reading this truly incredible fic. (Warning: A really, really graphic eye injury in one of the earlier chapters that’s pretty gruesome. )
IS THIS LONG ENOUGH FOR YOU?? If you read any of these fics KUDOS AND COMMENT because the authors deserve your love! Feel free to send me any recs too! You know what I like. ;) 
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Hi, you seem to have lots of opinions on fics (esp. Glowfics) and I'm reading radiance right now. So I was wondering if you have any good fanfic recommendations for when I finish c:
Ooooh okay I can do this :D I’m not sure if you want recs for glowfic or fanfic or both or what, so I’m gonna err on the side of Everything.
Cut for Much Length.
Part 1: Glowfic Collections
If you’d like another big reading project to start on, boy do I have recommendations for you.
Effulgence. I’d describe Effulgence as the paradigmatic glowfic. (Don’t be daunted to the fact that the link is to a ‘how to read’; it is not in fact tricky to read. There’s a series of links on an index page, and you can just read through each in order.) The basic conceit is that Alicorn writes AU versions of Bella-from-Luminosity into tons of different fanfic universes, and then all of them meet up and take over the universe and also cuddle a lot. The exciting other half is Kappa(/Pyth/@shitifindon), Alicorn’s cowriter for Effulgence; Kappa writes various AU versions of the Joker (yes, from Batman) who are fantastic adorable masochists and fall madly in love with the AU-Bellas (“Bells”). The shipping is so adorable. I cannot recommend it enough.
Silmaril. Probably the biggest glowfic continuity (“story spanning a bunch of worlds that meet up”) aside from Effulgence, and (unlike Effulgence) currently updating, so it’s talked about a lot in the community right now. Hence, a good choice if you want to hop right into the discussions. (Please do!!) The writers for this one are Alicorn and Lintamande, the latter of whom writes a fantastic Lord-of-the-Rings setting with a cast of Elves from the Silmarillion who are traumatized and fantastic and huggable.
Particularly Good Threads. Okay, this one is cheating, but it’s worth linking. People on the forum are trying to compile a list of recommended glowfics. Some of them are not necessarily maximally recommended to someone new to glowfic, but people put brief explanations of what they’re reccing them for, so it should hopefully still be helpful.
Part 2: Individual Glowfics
The thing about glowfics is that they tend to spin off each other – Lintamande decides to write her elf characters in space this time, Alicorn has a version of Bella who is male and a demon visit, he ends up interestingly traumatized from that, then Kappa goes “hey can we write about what would happen if that interestingly traumatized Bell met my version of a character from the Vorkosigan Saga who was from a different universe and then met a monument and now travels in a floating canoe,” and you end up with a really fantastic story which no one can make sense of unless they have read, like, a dozen prerequisite threads.
So I can’t just recommend my favorite glowfics, because none of them would make sense; and you can’t really just start browsing through the glowfics on the Constellation unless you’re willing to put up with half of them being nonsensical. Reading through Effulgence will help a lot with that, as will getting familiar with the casts of a few of the more prolific glowficcers (Kappa writes the Joker, Miles Vorkosigan, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes a lot; Pedro writes Sadde, who’s original to him; Lintamande has her various Elves). For the moment, though, here’s some glowfics that require relatively little context.
blood sweat tear: A fairy Bell meets Miles Vorkosigan. Works well without much context because Miles is figuring out what’s going on, so you can figure it out along with him.
in spite of a nail: An episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, if Bella were the Slayer and Kappa’s Sherlock were a vampire.
Lindworm: A classic fairy tale, with Bella as the heroine and a Joker as the dragon.
there’s only so much I can turn into: A good introduction to Sadde, since you’ve read Luminosity already! Getting to know Sadde will make a lot more glowfic accessible. Addy finds a Sadde.
in which a Bell is the second coming of Christ: exactly what it sounds like, and fantastic. No context needed.
Pre-Jump Earth Literature: a good introduction to Miles Vorkosigan, in his canon setting. And you get a gander at the popular Miles/Yvette ship!
Uninvited Guests are Welcome Here: another case where both sets of characters are a bit lost and explaining their worlds to each other, which makes it an excellent introduction to those worlds.
you know what they say about the young: Matilda (yes, from Roald Dahl) appears in Middle-Earth and makes friends with a very tiny Feanor. Excessive adorableness ensues.
A Table for Two: Gregor, the emperor of Barrayar from the Vorkosigan Saga, meets … Hannibal. From Hannibal. It is very satisfying.
More Than One Kind Of Artifact: another characters-explain-their-worlds-to-each-other thread. A Bell from an original world with magic artifacts meets magical-girl Edie and Emily (who are the AU offspring of Magneto and Professor X, but that’s a whole nother thing…)
Part 3: Shameless Plugging
You didn’t think I was going to let you get away without reccing you a couple of my own glowfics, did you? :D
For context: Jean is my spy/revolutionary/actor/bundle of issues/world’s worst planner. Faith is my teenage antichrist who keeps trying to fix the world by taking it over via mind control and otherwise making very bad decisions.
the prettiest song I heard: a Jean in an original universe of Kappa’s gets really, really fucked up, and then falls in love. (So many warnings. So many warnings. I am serious about the warnings. But if you like that sort of thing…)
one for sorrow (two for joy): a Jean attempts to kidnap a prince and accidentally falls in love with him in the process. Hilarity ensues.
don’t let’s ask for the moon: set in an original universe of Alicorn’s, but not much of that actually comes up. (People get magic from eclipses.) Jean rescues Adelene’s character Denice from an institution; there is adorableness.
neither fish nor fowl: Jean and Denice in Star Wars, and this time she is the one rescuing him from himself. Jean does not make a very good Jedi.
Out of the Blue: Faith and Throne’s character Theo explore vampires in an original setting. Mistakes are made. So many of them.
Incipio: Faith and Theo again, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer this time.
Part 4: Fanfic
Taking a break from the glowfic for a while! Here’s some general fanfic recommendations.
At the End of All Things: If you’d like to meet Lintamande’s Elves outside of a glowfic setting, she’s got an enormous (in-progress) story about Elves brought back to life in the modern day! It is fantastic and depressing!
The Stone Gryphon: a serious, historical-fiction take on the Narnia books, and the events in England that happened in between them. Amazing historical tie-ins, and strikes a nice balance in its attitude towards the more spiritual aspects of the Narnia books which I think a lot of fics have trouble with.
The Foodieverse: an astonishingly well-written Avengers AU … in which all the characters are involved in the restaurant industry. Captain America has a food truck. It’s amazing.
Five Places Cinna Came From: a series of Hunger Games AUs, exploring different possible backstories for Cinna and doing a ton of worldbuilding along the way.
Move Fast and Break Things: @ozymandias271’s now-complete Avengers AU, with female!disabled!Tony Stark, adorable!Bucky, and general amazingness.
Steve Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film: a story wrapped around accounts of Captain America movies, good and bad, that might have existed in-universe. I am so delighted by this kind of worldbuilding.
Part 5: Original Fiction
You didn’t ask, but I am sharing some online favorites anyway!
Worm: If you have not read it yet, you should! A gritty-superheroes narrative, distinguished from the million others in the genre by the really awesome thought that’s put into powers. Everyone thinks of inventive ways to use their powers and does it. Warning: super long. And depressing. Read it anyway! There are glowfics set there!
Goldmage: An original novel of Alicorn’s! Delightful worldbuilding, sweet and exciting and depressing, read it read it read it.
Elcenia: An immense work of original fiction by Alicorn. Very glowficcy in some ways (and lots of glowfics are set there, so that’s another reason to read it). In the first book, a woman is accidentally magically transported between worlds, and explored Alicorn’s super-thoroughly-worldbuilt original setting while figuring out exciting ways to leverage the contact. Each subsequent book takes some minor character or characters from previous books and tells their story. This has the delightful effect that you can then reread it, and when Random Dude #12 is being grumpy and unreasonable you know it’s because he’s just had his best friend kidnapped and is having to pretend nothing happened as part of an elaborate plot involving telepathic vampires (no, not a real example).
Cordyceps: Another one popular in the same general circles as Luminosity is. Mystery/horror/post-apocalyptic, and marvelous. And depressing and needs a lot of warnings -- you may be sensing a theme here.
Part 6: Other People
Other glowficcers on tumblr who might have recs for you, off the top of my head: @luminousalicorn @kelsbraintumbler @scientiststhesis @curiosity-discoverer-of-worlds @shitifindon @lintamande @aestrix @trickytalks @throne3d @marrinikari @ansiblelesbian @inquisitivefeminist @mischiefmanaged777twoofus @erinflight and I’m sure I’m still forgetting people. They are all way more approachable than you think! At least if you are like me and decide people are scary and unapproachable for no particular reason!
All y’all I tagged -- any other rec ideas? :D
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