#anyway everyone say thank you miss collins!!!
lavellun · 6 months
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Lucy Gray Baird, Coriolanus Snow and Sejanus Plinth as the three different social contracts of the philosophers Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.
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elianamarie-blog · 1 year
The Things You Give Part 31
This has gone on wayyyy longer than I thought it would lol but here is the next part! Enjoy!
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“Man, I am so psyched for this car show,” Hyde said as he, Y/n, Kitty and Red sat at the breakfast table. “I’m telling you, once I trick out the El Camino, it’s going to be—” he bent over, covering Kitty’s ears. “Bad-freakin’-ass.”
Kitty rolled her eyes at her son-in-law at his poor attempt to prevent her from hearing him.
“You know ‘tricking out’ sounds a lot like accessorizing,” Y/n said, shoving some fruit in her mouth.
“Hey, don’t ever call it that, alright?” Hyde responded and sat down next to his wife. “But, yeah, that’s basically what it is.”
“Oh, Y/n, I’m begging you to stop,” Red said. “There’s gonna be hundreds of auto parts salesman there kissing my ass because of the muffler shop and I don’t need you embarrassing me with that talk.”
“What—are you ashamed of me?” she asked with a mouthful of food, smirking.
“Am I ashamed of my eighteen year old pregnant daughter who still lives at home? No, not at all.”
Her smiled dropped as she gave her father a deadpanned look. “You’re going to miss me when we’re gone.”
“No, no. Don’t say that. You’re never leaving me,” Kitty said.
“Alright, I’m getting in the car.” Red stood from his seat and shrugged on his coat and pointed a finger at everyone. “If you’re not there in five minutes, I’m leaving without you.” Without waiting for a response, he turned sharply and walked out the kitchen.
“Ah, the honeymoon speech again,” Kitty giggled and started to walk out when she stopped in her tracks. “Whoops, almost forgot my book. You know, this new Jackie Collins romance book gives me the tingles.”
“Mrs. Forman, please. I don’t need to hear about your tingles,” Steven said, scrunching his face.
“You live in my house, you hear about my tingles,” Kitty quipped and turned to Y/n who was struggling to put on her shoes.
“Oh, honey, you might want to bring a book. Once we get there, the guys are going to ignore us.”
Y/n grunted as she sat there, trying to put on her tennis shoes. “I…guess…I can bring…the baby…SON OF A BITCH!” She stomped her foot, irritated and frustrated. “Steven, help me!” she whined.
“Alright, don’t get all squeaky on me,” he said and knelt down to slip on her shoes.
“Hey, this is partially your fault,” she said. “And can you grab me my pregnancy book off the counter?”
He chuckled and reached over to hand it to her. “You’re really going to sit there and read this?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. You know I don’t care much for cars.”
“You like the El Camino,” Hyde said, frowning.
“Yeah, because it’s your car. Otherwise, I don’t care.”
“Wow,” Hyde said and took a step back. “You know how to hurt a man’s feelings.”
Y/n chuckled. “You’re so dramatic. Now help me up.”
“Hey, guys, check out my baby!” Kelso announced as he burst through the door with Brooke following in tow with Betsy in her stroller. “Oh, and you remember Brooke.”
“How could we forget?” Donna chuckled.
“Isn’t she adorable?” he cooed and scooped her up in his arms while she babbled.
“Yeah,” Markus said, eyeing Brooke. “I can see why you knocked her up.”
Jackie eyed her boyfriend. “Excuse me?”
“N-nothing, babe,” Markus said, stuttering. “You’re still the most beautiful girl in this room.”
“Damn straight,” she said and looked at Brooke. “You may be hot, but I’m hotter.”
“Okay…” Brooke replied awkwardly. “Anyway, thank you so much, Michael, for watching her for me. Everyone was busy.” Her gaze travelled down to her daughter as she leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“Thank you for trusting me,” he replied, a look of love and adoration adorned his face. “I’m pretty nervous. I tried on three outfits.”
“No, don’t worry. All little girls love their daddies,” she responded and kissed Betsy’s face again, then checked her watch. “Oh, I’m late. Mommy loves you so much.” She looked back up to Kelso with a smile. “Bye, Michael.” She gave him a smile and walked out the door.
“Okay, Donna, I’ve just spent the last ten minutes powdering myself,” Eric called from the stairs as he bounded down. “Time to spill ‘em and feel ‘em—oh, my God, why are you all here?”
“I’m here to show you my baby,” Kelso said, showing her off like a trophy.
“Great, now get out,” Eric replied. “Me and Donna and have plans and it doesn’t include any of you. So…bye.”
 “Yeah, like what, Eric?” Jackie asked, clicking her tongue while smirking.
“You know…we just…as a couple…shut up, Jackie!” Eric stuttered. “You see, the point is…get out. All of you.”
“Wait, wait, I was hoping we could stay here,” Kelso piped up.
Eric groaned. “Why? Why can’t you do it at your place?”
“Because my brothers are home and like to throw darts.”
Eric crossed his arms and shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, so?”
“At each other.”
“Okay,” Eric sighed. “Donna, I’m going to go up stairs and change into something sexy. If you’re not there in sixty seconds, I’m going to start without you. And we both know how awkward that can be if you walk into that.”
Jackie shivered. “I remember that day.”
“Wait, what?!” Markus asked, surprised.
She waved her hand. “It’s not what it sounds like.”
He scoffed. “Oh, really?”
“No, it’s really not what it sounds like,” Donna responded.
“Hey, what’s this?” Fez asked, pulling out a bottle from Betsy’s bag.
“That’s breast milk, don’t touch that,” Kelso responded and ripped the bottle from Fez’s hand.
“From an actual boob?” Fez asked in complete awe. “What don’t they do?”
“Kelso, she’s so adorable,” Jackie cooed.
“Why is she making that face?” Donna asked, but suddenly the smell hit them all at once.
“IT’S POO!” they all screamed, scrambling away from their spots.
Kelso ran into Hyde’s old room screaming before running back out. “The smell’s in there too! It’s everywhere!”
“Kelso, man, I think you need to change her diaper,” Markus said, covering his nose.
“W-what? I don’t want to do that! That’s gross!”
“Michael, she’s your kid!” Jackie yelled, hiding her nose in Markus’s shirt.
“No, no I can’t. I’m going to barf if I do. Donna, here, you do it.”
“What?! Why me?!”
“Because you’re better with this stuff than I am!”
“No, it’s because I’m a woman, isn’t it?”
“…Maybe—I mean no—I mean…please help me!”
Donna grunted and rolled her eyes. “Men are so helpless!”
“Yeah, man, look at this place,” Hyde said, gazing around and looking at the different cars. “Chrome, tires, half dressed women…it’s like staying at Grandma’s house.”
“Awe, you poor broken boy,” Y/n mocked, patting her hand against his cheek.
“Funny,” he deadpanned.
“Alright, Salesmen, pucker up!” Red announced. “Red Forman’s ass is in the building!” With that, he walked away in the opposite direction.
“Well, I lost mine,” Kitty said, nudging Y/n’s arm. “I give yours thirty seconds.”
“Alright, Y/n, let’s start off by looking at tires and then after lunch you can help me pick out an obnoxiously loud stereo,” Hyde said, smirking.
“Wait, you’re going to spend the day with Y/n?” Kitty asked, baffled.
“Yeah, man, she’s my wife,” he answered as if it was obvious and turned back to his wife. “Alright, I’m going to go get us a funnel cake. But listen, this is a rough crowd, all right? So, if any guys come up to you and offer to teach you how to drive a stick, just say no and pull the fire alarm.”
Y/n smirked at him. “Yeah, because they’re going to hit on a heavily pregnant girl.”
“You never know, baby,” he said and kissed her cheek before walking off.
“See, Mom, I knew he wouldn’t ditch me,” she said, beaming.
“Y/n, he’s a man,” Kitty replied, shaking her head. “Accept the fact that he’s never coming back. When I went into labor with you and Eric, I sent your father to get me some ice chips. I didn’t see him for an hour and a half because he had found a pinball machine.”
“No way,” Y/n chuckled.
“But it’s fine,” Kitty said through a tight-lipped smile. “Ha! I laugh about it now…I do…I will…it’s just not that funny.”
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“Hey, where’s Kelso?” Eric asked as he bounded the steps into the basement.
“He left to go grab her teddy bear,” Donna replied while holding Betsy in her arms.
“And he couldn’t take her with him?”
“No, because he, quote-on-quote, ‘took out the seatbelts so that the car would drive faster.’” She rolled her eyes. “Then she tried to eat from my boobs.”
“Hey, that’s my job!” Eric teased and looked around. “Where’s everyone else?”
“They went home. Apparently, helping me with a baby wasn’t interesting enough for them.”
“Well, that’s not cool.”
“You ditched me too,” Donna pointed out. “You went upstairs so that we could have sex and never came back down.”
“Hey, I’m here, aren’t I?” he asked, making her chuckle. He looked around, taking in the silence. “You know…since everyone is gone. We can go upstairs.”
She looked at him as he wiggled his eyebrows. “Are you kidding me? Not with a baby near us! People go to jail because of this crap!”
“Ugh, no!” he shouted. “I meant, put her down to sleep and then you and I can do it.”
“I don’t know, Eric. Seems a little risky,” she said, looking down at Betsy who placed her little hand on Donna’s face.
“Or, it can be a little risqué,” Eric tried, but was met with a stoney glare from his girlfriend. “Well, come on, Donna, we haven’t done it in weeks!”
“We just did it the other night!”
“Yeah, that’s like three weeks in guys’ time.”
“Shut up, Eric.”
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“Okay, one funnel, extra sugar. Just the way you like it,” Hyde announced as he handed the funnel cake to his wife who was sitting on a bench.
“Awe, thank you, sweetheart,” she cooed. “Because you came back, I’m going to feed you a piece.”
“Oh, get a room you two,” Kitty said, bitterly.
“We did and look where that got us,” Y/n responded.
Kitty huffed. “Did you see Red?”
“He’s not back yet?” Steven asked, looking around, confused. “That’s weird, he was in front of me at the funnel cake line.”
Kitty turned around to see a sight that automatically made her blood boil. “What the...?!”
Right behind her was Red holding the funnel cake with two young, beautiful half-naked women on each side, standing in front of a camera.
“Say, funnel cake!” Red beamed.
“Funnel cake!” the girls said in unison.
“Oh, my God!” Kitty exclaimed. “Are you kidding me?!”
“And fun’s over,” Red grumbled.
“Well, I hope you’re happy, Red Forman because we are leaving! You two!” she screeched, pointing at the young, married couple. “Get your a-ss-e-s back to the car!”
They didn’t have to be told twice as they jumped up and made haste towards the car.
“And you two!” Kitty hollered at the women. “Get your b-double o-b’s off my husband!”
“Okay, I think she’s asleep,” Donna said, gently placing Betsy into her cradle.
They had moved their conversation into Eric’s bedroom, bringing Betsy’s bed along with them.
“Well, in that case,” Eric said, standing from his bed and started to undress himself.
“Eric, I told you we’re not doing that here,” Donna said sternly.
“What? Come on, Donna!” he whined. “You brought the tiger out of its cage and once it’s out, you can’t put it back.”
She sighed and looked back at the baby before shrugging and getting into bed. As she cuddled up to him, he threw on the covers over them. They soon found themselves melting into each other and into the mattress.
Just when Eric was about to unbutton his pants, Betsy started fussing.
“Oh, crap, the baby’s awake,” Donna said and pulled away.
“Donna—no, no, no, no, no,” Eric begged. “Hey, Betsy, go ahead and close your eyes, sweetie ‘cause Aunt Donna and Uncle Eric are going to do it.”
“Eric, you are seriously disturbed. We have to take care of her.”
“No, no. Come on she’s fine!” he continued. “The tiger really wants to escape his cage.”
She made a face at him. “How is a crying baby not turning you off?” She held Betsy in her arms, rocking her.
“Two words, Donna. Eight…teen,” he deadpanned. “Nothing turns me off.”
                                           A Little While Later…
The kitchen door swung open as Donna and Eric walked through carrying Betsy. Fez sat at the kitchen table staring at a bottle of breast milk.
“Fez?” Donna asked cautiously.
“Why are you staring at that bottle?”
“Because it came from a breast,” he whispered in awe. “Simply remarkable.”
“Okay, you’re clearly a demented pervert, so let me ask you this,” Donna said as she placed Betsy in her stroller. “Would you be able to have sex with a baby in the room?”
“No way,” he replied, knitting his eyebrows together. “I can barley do it with a woman in the room.”
“Congratulations, Eric. You’re more sexually despicable than Fez,” Donna cracked.
“Okay, Donna, here’s the thing,” Eric began, thinking his defense would come to his rescue, when in fact it wasn’t. “I’m a man, so my on/off switch is always on. Now, you can either deal with that or—switch to girls.”
“Pig,” Donna laughed.
The sliding door slid open as Bob walked in. His eyes widened when he saw the baby. “Donna, if that’s your baby I’m going to snap Eric in half.”
Eric spread his hands, palms up, confused and feeling attacked.
“Dad, don’t you think you would’ve noticed if I was pregnant?” Donna asked.
“Not really. I’m not really a hands-on kind of a dad,” Bob responded.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Donna grumbled, rolling her eyes.
“Anyhoo, I brought the hammock inside because it’s too cold outside and need someone to push me,” Bob continued.
“I can do it for you,” Fez volunteered and stood up.
“Great, thanks!”
At that moment, Kelso rushed in from the side door. “Okay! I got her teddy bear! And it wasn’t easy dodging my brothers,” he said excitedly “I got a dart in the calf.” He turned and picked up Betsy from her stroller. He held her in the crook of his arm. “Hey, baby, look.” He danced the bear in front of the baby’s face. “It’s your teddy bear and your handsome daddy.”
Betsy continued to cry and Kelso started to feel his optimism faded. His smile faded and he frowned. “Why won’t she stop crying? Is it me? Maybe it is. What if she doesn’t like me?”
“Kelso, don’t take it personally,” Donna said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “When I first met you, I didn’t like you either.” He looked at her confused on how that was supposed to comfort him. “But, to be fair you were peeing on my swing set.”
His frown turned into a smile once again. “Yeah, that was funny.”
At that moment, the sliding door opened again. Everyone turned to see a relieved looking Leo.
“Man, am I glad to see you guys,” he said. “All these houses look alike. Except for that red one on the corner where the clown lives.”
“Leo, that’s a McDonald’s,” Donna reminded him.
“Well, whatever he is, he’s funny,” Leo chuckled and noticed the little bundle in Kelso’s arms. “Hey, what’s with the baby, man?”
“I don’t know, I can’t get her to quit crying,” Kelso responded on the brink of tears.
“Here, man, let me try.” Leo reached out and cradled the baby gently in his arms. The baby continued to fuss until eventually she calmed down to her own coos.
“How did you do that?” Kelso asked shocked.
“Babies love me, man,” he responded. “It’s ‘cause I’m fuzzy.” He jerked his ahead towards the living room and turned around. “I’ll go give her a bottle.”
After Leo walked out, Kelso turned to Donna with slumped shoulders. “That confirms it. My own baby hates me.”
“That’s not true,” Fez said, putting a comforting hand on his back. “The only reason she stopped crying is because Leo has the shakes.”
“No, it’s me,” Kelso responded, shaking his head. “She barley knows me and a girl needs her father, you know, for guidance. What if she starts dating guys like Fez?!” He pointed to Fez with bewilderment as Fez stood there calmly.
“Well, if she looks anything like you than she’ll be way out of my league,” Fez said coyly.
“Kelso, if you really feel that way then maybe you should start to get to know her now,” Donna said. “You should go hold her.”
“You’re right,” he nodded and turned. “Leo?”
When they entered the living room, they were greeted with an empty room.
“Leo?!” Kelso called out, running to the dining room and den. He ran back out to the middle of the living room. “Oh, my God, they’re gone!”
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Outside of the car show, Red, Y/n and Hyde stood in front of the Vista Cruiser waiting for Kitty to come out.
“Alright, when Kitty gets here, she’s going to be pretty mad,” Red said, almost dancing on his feet. “So…I suggest we leave her here.”
“She can’t get any madder,” Y/n said. “Although, this is definitely makes the top ten of times I’ve seen her incredibly angry.”
“You’re keeping tally?” Hyde asked her.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Footsteps behind them made them all turn around.
“Kitty!” Red called out nervously. “My darling wife.”
“Can it, Red,” she snapped. “I need to talk to you in the car.” She shoved her husband in the direction of the car and he begrudgingly got inside.
“This should be interesting,” Y/n muttered as she listened.
“How could you Red Forman?!” Kitty yelled. “Steven stayed with Y/n, but you went off and gave my funnel cake to those whores!”
“I was just trying to have a little fun,” Red defended.
“Yeah? Well, you can take your fun and shove it up your—!”
A nearby car alarm started going off, catching Y/n’s and Steven’s attention. After a moment, Kitty stepped out the car feeling and looking calmer. “Alright, kids, you ready to go?”
As they pulled into the driveway, Eric and Donna shoved open the sliding door and ran towards them.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s the big rush?” Red asked.
“Uh, nothing. Nothing at all!” Eric squeaked.
“If it’s nothing than why are you sweating?” Y/n asked, closing the door behind her.
“Because we’re playing hide-and-seek with—with Betsy and Kelso and those two little rascals know how to hide!”
“You’re acting weirder than usual, what’s going on?” Y/n asked.
“He always acts weird, what’re you talking about?” Hyde stated.
Eric grabbed her by the elbow and dragged out of earshot of Kitty and Red. “Kelso lost Betsy.”
“He WHAT?!”
“What?” Kitty and Red asked.
“Nothing, nothing!” Eric said and grabbed Y/n by the arm and rushed her inside.
“What do you mean he lost Betsy?!” Y/n whisper shouted.
“I mean, he let Leo hold her and then he walked out and we can’t find either of them,” he tried to explain calmly.
“How could you let this happen?!”
“Me? Why do I have to be in charge of Kelso’s kid? I didn’t sleep with him!”
Y/n made a face at him as Hyde slid next to her. “What’s going on?”
“Dink 1 and Dink 2 lost Betsy and Leo and now can’t find either of them,” Y/n explained.
Hyde looked at Eric for a beat before he burst into a fit of laughter. “Man, that’s gold.”
“No, no it’s not!” Eric squeaked again.
“You let the world’s stoned man walk off with a human that’s not even six months?!” Y/n screeched out.
“Y/n, please, you need to help us,” he pleaded.
“Why me?”
“Because you and Donna are the only ones who aren’t dumb,” he continued. “Please?”
She looked to Hyde who shrugged and sighed. “Fine. Where was the last time you saw him?”
“Here, in the kitchen and then he walked out to the living room and that’s when we lost him. I mean, we looked everywhere around the house and he’s nowhere. We even looked in the closet and under the beds.”
“Why would he—you know what, never mind,” Y/n cut herself off, waving her hand. “Let’s go. He couldn’t have gone far.” She turned to walk back out the door.
“Where are you going?” Hyde asked.
“The Pinciotti’s,” she responded, exhausted already.
“I’ll go with you,” he responded.
“I’ll go drive down the street and see if I can find him,” Eric said.
“Okay…oh, and Eric,” Y/n stopped him. “Make sure to whistle when you call for him. It’ll get his attention faster.”
“He’s not a dog, Y/n.”
“No, I’ve seen him do that once,” Hyde responded. “It was weird. ”
The twins stared at him as he recalled the memory. Then, in unison and wordlessly walked in opposite directions.
When Y/n and Hyde walked through the Pinciotti's kitchen door, they found it empty.
“Leo?” Y/n called. She was met with silence. “Leo?”
They walked through the kitchen and entered the living room.  In the corner, Leo was laying fast asleep in the hammock Bob had set up earlier in the day. Laying in the crook of his arm was Betsy, cooing to herself.
“Oh, hi, Sweetheart,” Y/n chuckled and picked her up in her arms. “What’re you doing here, huh?”
Hyde watched Y/n closely as she held the baby close to her chest, smiling with such an adoring look on her face. He swore he’d never seen her so gentle. He found his heart beginning to swell in his chest.
“I’m so glad we found you,” she continued. “Daddy is so worried about you. What do you say we go find him, mhm?”
Hyde looked down at her with a smirk. “I like it when you say ‘daddy.’”
She gave him a disgusted look. “Really? Are you still going to like it when our children call you ‘daddy?’”
His smile dropped instantly. “Yeah, that’s weird.”
“Well, now I kinda like it…Daddy,” she said in a low, sultry voice.
He furrowed his brows at her. “Stop it.”
“But why, Daddy?”
“Seriously, stop.”
“Is Daddy going to punish me? Is Daddy going to spank me?”
He pressed his lips into a thin line. “Way to make it weird.”
She chuckled and turned her attention to a snoring Leo. “Should we wake him up?”
Steven nodded and turned to the sleeping man, shaking his shoulder. “Leo, man, wake up.”
Leo snorted awake, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. “Oh, hey, man. What’s up?”
“You walked out with Betsy without telling anyone and now they’re freaking out,” he responded.
Leo stared at him for a minute. “Hey, man! When did you have a baby?”
“Oh, hey, Brooke,” Kelso said, answering the phone in the Forman’s living room. “How’s it going?”
“I just wanted to check on you,” she responded. “How’s everything going? How’s Betsy?”
“Oh,” he started and flapped his lips together by pushing air through, he nervously stumbled for words. “She’s—she’s fine. Having a great time.”
“Oh, good! Can I talk to her?”
Kelso looked to Donna, Fez, and Eric in a panic.
“Tell her she’s sleeping,” Donna whispered.
He snapped his fingers at her, motioning she’s a genius. “She’s sleeping! Sorry.”
“That’s weird, she took a nap before I dropped her off.”
“Well, uh, we played hide-n-seek and got really tired.”
“You’re acting weird, what’s going on?”
“I’m not acting weird,” he stuttered. “Can’t a father just enjoy spending time with his daughter. Like, damn Brooke. What’s with the third degree?”
“Okay, well the thing is—”
At that moment, Y/n and Steven walked through the kitchen door with Y/n cradling Betsy.
“Oh-oh! There she is! You found her!” Kelso asked excitedly.
“What?! What do you mean ‘where was she?’” Brooke asked, freaking out.
“N-nothing! I said I love her.”
“That is not what you said,” she said.
“You know what? I’m hanging up now. You never listen to me!” he faked dramatically and hung up the phone before she could answer. “Oh, my God, Betsy!”
He grabbed her from Y/n’s grasp and brought her close to his chest. “I was so worried about you. I’m so sorry I lost you. Daddy loves you so much.”
As he rocked Betsy back and forth and his adrenaline started to slow down, he looked up to everyone else who was staring at him. “Guys, I’m a terrible father. How could I lose her like that?”
“You’re not a terrible father,” Y/n comforted. “You’d be a terrible father if you didn’t bother to look for her. Seeing how scared you were says otherwise.”
“But I shouldn’t have lost her. Something could’ve happened to her.”
“Hey, it could be worse,” Hyde said. “You could’ve left her at the Piggly-Wiggly for six hours like my mom did to me. She didn’t even realize I was gone.”
“Yeah, see? You’re not bad like Hyde’s mom,” Donna joined in.
“Yeah, I guess,” Kelso said solemnly. “Brooke is never going to trust me to watch her again.”
“Yes, she is,” Donna said, placing a hand on his back. “You’re just still adjusting to fatherhood, that’s all.”
“Yeah,” he responded and looked down to Betsy who was smiling at him. “Hey, look, she’s smiling at me!” A smile broke out on his face. “Hi, I’m your daddy.” He looked back up. “She does like me!”
“See, I told you she did,” Donna responded and glanced up at Hyde who was watching Kelso intently. “Hey, Hyde. Why don’t you hold the baby?”
“Uh—no,” he responded. “I’m good. I don’t want my Zepplin shirt ruined if she barfs.”
“C’mon, it’ll be good practice for when ours are born,” Y/n chimed in. “You’re going to have get used to it anyway.”
“No, really, I’m okay,” he said, taking a step back.
“What are you so afraid of?” she asked. “You told me you used to take care of kids when you lived with your mom.”
“C’mon, man, she’s not going to bite,” Kelso encouraged, rocking Betsy.
“I-I’d rather not.”
“Steven, what is the big deal?” Y/n asked him.
He met everyone’s eyes in the room who were now staring at him. “I just don’t want to, okay?! God!” He stormed off and disappeared into the kitchen.
A flash of hurt crossed Kelso’s face. “Is there something wrong with my baby?”
“No, not at all,” Y/n said, her blood beginning to boil. “Steven is just an ass. I’m going to talk to him.”
She followed in the direction he darted off to and saw him opening a can of soda. “What the hell was that about? You know you just hurt Kelso’s feelings.”
He cracked open the can and took a hearty sip. “He’ll be fine. I’ve done worse things.”
“None of those included his child. What’s wrong with you? Why are you being such an ass?”
“Because I don’t like to be forced to try to hold someone’s kid by everyone around me!” he shouted in frustration.
“What’re you going to do when our kids are born? Are you going to refuse to hold them and leave me to do all the rearing?”
“Of course not! How could you think that?”
“How could I not? Look how you reacted to Betsy!”
“The difference is Betsy isn’t my kid!”
“So? What difference does it make?!”
“Everything!” he continued to shout.
She waited for him to continue but he didn’t. She spread her hands out in front of her as to say, well?
He shrugged and moved his away towards the basement. “That’s it.”
He stopped in his tracks and turned back sharply. “Fine! You wanna know why? Because kids hate me. There, ya happy?”
She scrunched her face in confusion. “What? What’re you talking about?”
He sighed and set the soda down on the counter. “I told you I had to help take care of kids, but the truth is every single one of them hated me. They’d always cry and scream every time I even went near them. I don’t need a reminder of what’s to come when our kids are born.”
“Is that what this is about?” she asked, somewhat relieved. “You’re afraid that a baby is going to cry because of you holding her?”
“Well, it sounds stupid when you put it like that.”
“Steven, it’s not,” she assured and wrapped her arms around his neck—well as much as she could anyway with her stomach blocking her. “It’s perfectly normal to feel this way.”
“Yeah.” She smiled at him. “Just because those kids cried every time you held them doesn’t mean ours will.”
“Okay, but what if they cry like Kelso’s kid?”
“Betsy cries because she doesn’t see Kelso as much as she should. That’s not going to be you, okay?”
He sighed while staring at the linoleum. “What if they hate me?”
“They’re not,” she said gently and kissed his cheek. “I think you’re going to be their favorite person.”
He gave her a small smile before pecking her lips. “Thanks.”
“Anytime,” she responded and pulled away. “Now, what do you say you give it a try?”
He groaned. “Did you not hear what I just said?”
“I heard you; I didn’t say I cared,” she snarked and smiled. “C’mon, she’s not going to cry.”
She pulled his through the kitchen door by the hand with him trudging behind her.
“You have a change of mind?” Donna asked.
“I was forced to,” he said begrudgingly. “Just give me the kid.”
“Oh yeah, that’ll make her feel safe,” Y/n said. “Here, watch me.”
She opened her arms for Kelso to hand off the baby. Once she placed in Y/n’s arms, Betsy snuggled into her. She turned to Hyde who was standing nervously.
“You’re psyching yourself out,” she told him. “Just relax. Babies can sense what you’re feeling, so just make sure to stay calm, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” he said and reached for the baby.
As Y/n started to place Betsy in his arms, she said, “Okay, easy…just like that. Support her head…”
Once she was completely in his arms, he stood there awkwardly. He felt unnatural holding a baby and now was even more scared that he was going to drop her. The way he was holding her was like holding a pile of wood.
“Why are you holding her like that?” Y/n asked him, chuckling. She looked down to Betsy who was staring up at him with big, sweet eyes.
“I don’t know, I’ve never really held one before who didn’t try to get away from me,” he responded, looking down at the calm baby.
She giggled when he looked down at her.
“I think she likes you,” Y/n chuckled and tucked the blanket under her chin. “Here let me help you.” Holding Betsy under his arms, she guided his arm that was supporting Betsy’s head and tucked it closer to his chest so he supported her head better while his other supported the rest of her body. “Just like that.”
“See, I told you she wasn’t going to cry.”
“Yeah, I guess you were right,” he said gently and looked down at her once more.
“Hey, Hyde, that’s a good look on you,” Donna said, grinning.
“Yeah, I don’t know how Y/n is going to be able to keep her hands off you,” Fez teased.
“Well, if she could before, she wouldn’t be pregnant.”
“Shut up, Forman,” Hyde snapped.
“Shut up, Eric!” Y/n said in unison with her husband.
“Okay, we’ve got the napkins, the finger sandwiches, the fruit salad, the veggie platter, the water boiling for the tea, the pasta salad,” Kitty said, checking off her list. “Then we have the brownies, the French macaroons—where are the French macaroons?” She whipped around, frantically looking for them, not able to see them.
“French macaroons?” Y/n asked as she walked in the living room, holding the plate of them. “Don’t you think these are a little fancy?” She placed them down on the long dining table. “I mean, a tea party? I’m not five, mom.”
“It’s your baby shower!” Kitty said excitedly. “We need to go fancy. We got to keep our guests well fed while we entertain them.”
“Our ‘guests’ are us, my friends, Bob, and Brooke,” she snickered and turned towards the table to grab a macaroon. “It’s not much of a party.” She made a satisfied noise as she bit into the dessert.
“Well, it may be more than that…” Kitty said sheepishly.
Y/n stopped mid chew and looked to her mom with widened eyes. “What did you do?”
“Nothing! Nothing…but I invited the WOPPS…and the women in my book club…and some people from church, Sasha, and maybe the neighborhood.”
“What?! Is it a crime that I want my baby to have the best baby shower?”
Y/n squinted her eyes at her mother. ‘That’d be a lot more convincing if you hadn’t invited the WOPPS.”
“The Women of Point Place are a bunch of sophisticated, elegant women who love you and are excited for you.”
“Oh, please. You invited them because they’re rich,” Y/n scoffed.
“There’s that too,” Kitty admitted, throwing her hands up. “They’ll bring stuff that you actually need, though. You’re going to need a lot for the babies.”
“Yeah, that’s your reason,” she laughed.
“It isn’t to show off my eighteen-year-old being pregnant, I can tell you that!”
Y/n’s mouth dropped. “Rude!”
“Hey,” Steven greeted as he walked through the kitchen and slowed down when seeing the decorated living room. “Whoa, what’s going on here?”
“Our baby shower?” Y/n questioned.
“Oh, was that today?”
“No, it’s next week,” she responded sarcastically. “Did you forget?”
“No, no,” he said, shoving his hands in his back pocket. “I just…forgot to plan something for today.”
“No, nu-uh, absolutely not,” Y/n said sternly. “You’re staying here for the shower.”
“C’mon, Y/n, do I really need to be there? This stuff is mainly for you not for me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot I got myself this way,” she quipped.
“You know this party is for you to get gifts.”
She swiftly turned away from him to face the food, grabbing another macaroon. “That too.”
“So, you’re just going to make me sit here and listen to these hens cluck the whole time?”
“Excuse me?” Y/n and Kitty said at the same time, both wearing the same insulted look.
“Whoa,” Hyde said, holding up his hands and backing away. “I meant…you guys just…Oh, I think I hear something.” He turned his ear towards the door to the phantom noise coming from the kitchen. “I think Red is calling me. Coming Red!” And with that, he disappeared into the kitchen faster than either women could blink.
When the door shut swiftly behind him, he let out a breath. Eric, Donna, Jackie, and Fez were helping finishing prepping the food.
“What’s wrong with you?” Donna asked as she finished arranging mixing vanilla pudding.
“Having two whack job hormonal women in one room is like sitting in a minefield,” he responded, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
“That’s no way to talk about a woman,” Fez pouted in his cute way.
“Yeah, Fez, it’s not their fault that they’ve absolutely lost their minds,” Eric chimed in. “Hormones are a bitch. Ask Red.” He chuckled as he mixed the punch together.
“Well, I mean I would be if I were fat and pregnant or old and menopausal,” Jackie piped up from the table who was putting balloons together.
“While that could’ve been said so much better and not so insulting, Jackie has a point,” Donna said, pouring the pudding into tiny cups. “Be lucky you aren’t a woman.”
“Trust me, I thank my lucky stars every day,” Hyde replied, sitting across from Jackie and took a sip of his beer. “Ever since Y/n got pregnant, she’s a completely different person. She’s moodier, meaner, hungrier…hornier.” He eyed Eric who physically gagged into the punch.
“When you will stop bringing that up?” he whined.
“When it stops being funny,” Hyde smirked before turning the conversation back. “A part of me can’t wait until these babies are born so that I can get the girl I once knew back.”
Donna let out a mix of a scoff and laugh. “Good luck. It can take weeks before they go back to normal, and even then she won’t be.”
He sighed and looked up to everyone. “Okay, I get why Donna and Jackie are here, and Forman lives here…Fez, why are you here?”
“Oh, Miss Kitty asked me to help decorate,” he beamed.
“She didn’t ask me, noooo,” Jackie said bitterly. “Even though I planned the dances and other gatherings, but she asked the foreigner and the lumberjack!”
“I’m the kids’ godmother!” Donna defended. “Besides, after Hyde’s 18th birthday party, she saw that I, too, have taste.”
“Yeah, the taste of a lumberjack.”
Donna chuckled. “Whatever, I’m still the godmother.”
“Hey, where’s the rest of the food?” Kitty asked as she barged through the door. “The guests are starting to show up!”
                                          A Little While Later…
“Wow, thank you!” Y/n said as she opened her fifteenth present. The living room was crammed with presents for the babies. Starting from two high chairs, a diaper genie, many, many clothes, spit up rags, formula, diapers, toys, car seats, and pacifiers.
She held two hand-knitted baby blankets. “These are beautiful.”
“I made my boys’ blankets before they were born and they still have them of over twenty years,” Mrs. Fitz, the neighbor down the street, said. “I would hope you get the same use out of them.”
“We really will,” she responded and handed them to her husband who sat next to her, bored. “Look—feel how soft these are!”
“Yeah…really soft,” he responded monotoned and took the blanket from her. “Can I go now?”
“No, we haven’t finished opening up all the presents,” she whispered as Kitty handed her the next gift.
“C’mon, you’ve opened up, like a hundred presents and—wow, this is soft,” he cut off, running his hand over the blanket.
“No, you’re staying here,” she responded and turned back to the party.
“This is from Sasha,” Kitty said.
“I hope you like it, mija,” Sasha said.
“Oh, I’m sure I will,” Y/n responded and opened the bag. She pulled out what looked like two bicycle horns attached by a tube that was also attached to a big machine. “Oh, how lovely! What…what is it?”
“It’s a breast pump,” Sasha responded, chuckling.
“Oh, fancy,” Kitty said, admiring the device. “This will come in handy!”
“What’s a breast pump?” Y/n asked, looking it over.
“It’s pumps out the milk from your breasts without you having to manually push it out. It helps with the pain, too,” Sasha said.
“Oh, let me see,” Fez said and grabbed the pumps. “This holds real milk from a real boob? Wow.” He pretended to put them against his chest—and then moved forward to press them against Y/n’s engorged chest.
Before he could, Hyde stepped in and ripped the device from his hands. “Would you get out of here?!”
“I just wanted to see if it fit,” Fez whined as he walked out, pouting.
“What the—?” Sasha asked, pointing at him, confused.
“Don’t mind him, he’s foreign,” Jackie said, waving it off. “He’s one freaky, horny little dude to begin with.”
“Yeah…anyway,” Kitty said, clearing her throat and handing her a gift basket. “This is from all the WOPP’s.”
Y/n opened the basket and saw a variety of sorts. “Wow, there’s so much stuff in here. There’s formula, bottles, little baby socks, and—ooh, chocolate!”
“We put some things in there for you too, dear,” Patty, the leader of the WOPPs said. “There’s also some bubbles and candles in there, a face mask, some money to give you a head start for the babies—”
“Wine?” Elena asked as she pulled out a bottle of red.
“Oh, trust me, you’re going to need that once the babies are born,” Patty winked at her.
Kitty laughed, feeling uncomfortable. “I’ll just hold onto that. You can’t drink when you’re breastfeeding anyway.”
“Now, Kitty, that’s for Y/n Don’t you go drinking it now,” Patty said, letting out a snobby laugh.
Kitty laughed again, this time hiding her annoyance. “Thanks, Patty.”
“Yeah, thank you, Patty,” Y/n said.
“My pleasure, dear.”
“Okay, okay enough of that,” Jackie announced and reached behind her. “Open mine next!”
“Awe, Jackie! You shouldn’t have!” Y/n beamed and reached into the bag, pulling out some over-fluffed, pink and frilly dresses. “Wow…you really, really shouldn’t have…”
“Aren’t they adorable?” Jackie gushed, ignoring Y/n’s unamused look. “They’re Gucci, can you believe it?”
“Oh, I can believe it,” Y/n responded, turning the dresses around. “As sweet as this is, what if they’re both boys?”
“I thought you’d might say that, so,” Jackie said and pulled more clothes out of the bag. “I bought some for boys too!”
The outfits were even worse. Two sweater vests and kakis, two preppy outfits for two boys that were definitely not going to be.
“Wow, thank you, Jackie, how sweet,” Kitty said and took the clothes from Y/n. She leaned into her daughter’s ear so Jackie wouldn’t hear. “I’m going to hide these in the attic.”
“Better yet, bury them in the backyard,” Y/n responded before throwing Jackie a fake enthused smile. “Okay, who’s next?”
“I am,” Donna said and handed her a big, wrapped box. “This is from me and Eric.”
“This is so sweet,” Y/n gushed and opened it. She pulled out a book. “A book of baby names?”
“Yeah, I thought you could use some help,” Donna responded with a small smile.
“This is really sweet, thank you,” Y/n responded.
“There’s more,” Eric said, pointing towards the box.
“Oh.” Y/n looked back down and saw two stuffed yellow bears. One said, ‘Thing 1’ and the other ‘Thing 2.’ “Oh, my gosh! This is so cute,” she gushed. “Steven, look!”
“Yeah, I’m looking,” he said, a soft smile gracing his face. He would never admit it, but he thought they were incredibly cute.
“I saw them in the window at the baby store and it reminded me of you and me,” Eric said gently.
“I love it!” Y/n said again and leaned over to hug her brother and best friend. “I love you both.”
“Okay, last one!” Kitty said excitedly and handed her a giant box. “This is from me and your father.”
“Oh, Mom, you’ve done so much for us,” Y/n responded as she ripped through the paper. Steven helped her remove the paper as they both eagerly opened it.
Under the paper was a storebought box that said the word in big, bold letters: FISHER-PRICE LARGE PLAYMAT.
“No way!” Y/n cried out. “This is so neat!”
“It can hold both twins,” Kitty said, smiling big. “There’s another surprise in there.”
The couple opened the box and what was inside, nearly brought Y/n to tears.
“Is this my old baby blanket?” she asked, looking up to her mother. “I thought this was thrown away.”
“No, I just patched it up.” She opened it for her to show her. The blanket was patched with her old baby clothes. “I started making this the day I found out you were pregnant. Well, maybe a few days. I had to let the bourbon wear off the shock.” Y/n chuckled as she admired the well-sewn blanket.
“I kept all your old baby clothes and I thought instead of regifting those to you, I could just patch them into a blanket onto your old one for you.”
“Mom, this is the greatest gift you could’ve ever given me,” Y/n said gently and stood up to hug her mother. “This is so beautiful and touching.”
“I’m glad you love it, sweetheart. Now, I’m going to clean up the gifts and you enjoy the rest of your party.”
Y/n hugged her mom one more time before turning back to her friends. “Thank you guys so much. This was the best thing you could’ve done for us.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what friends are for,” Jackie said.
“Where are we going to fit all this crap?” Eric asked.
“Good question: I have no idea,” Y/n said, causing them both to laugh. “Eh, we’ll find a place for them. I’m not worried about it.”
“That or it’ll all become part of the background and we won’t even notice it,” Hyde responded, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Hey, Y/n,” Sasha said, coming up behind them. “Thank you so much for having me here.”
“Of course! It wouldn’t be a party without you here,” she responded as she let Sasha kiss both cheeks.
“This was lovely. Did your mother put this together?”
“Always. And my friends,” she responded and pointed to them. “You remember Jackie and Donna.”
“Ah, yes, the loud one and tall one.”
Donna gave her a tight-lipped smile. “Good to see you again.”
“Si,” Sasha responded before looking to Y/n once more. “I actually have some news, my dear.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m closing the bridal shop.”
“What?! Why?!”
“I’m moving to New York,” she responded. “I found a space there where I can open my shop there and gain more business, but sadly I can’t afford to have a place here and there.”
“I can’t believe this. Sasha, I’m really going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too, mija,” she responded and wrapped Y/n in a hug. “And I’m sorry that I won’t be able to hand over a store to you like I promised.”
A wave of relief had lifted off Y/n’s shoulders. “It’s okay. I understand, though. You got to go where the business is.”
“Exactly. But don’t you think that those kids won’t know about their Tia Sasha. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“When do you leave?”
“In two weeks,” she said. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep in touch.”
Y/n nodded before giving Sasha another hug. “You better.”
As everyone started filing out the house and saying goodbyes, the crew helped Kitty clean up the living room.
“Well, I think that was a very successful party,” Kitty said. “And we got so many gifts!”
“Yeah, with everything we have, it’s going to look like a daycare,” Eric said.
“Don’t be such a porky mouth,” Kitty said. “And don’t ruin the mood. This was such a good day.”
“It really was,” Y/n said, barley bending down to grab empty plates. “I don’t think anything can ruin it now. Even with Sasha moving.”
The doorbell rang, interrupting their conversation. “I got it, Mom.”
When Y/n opened the door, there stood someone she never thought she’d see again.
Did you like this chapter? I hope you did! Part 32 will be out soon!
Taglist: @not-shy-nanya @taysirene @maddieschampagneproblems @mdittyz123 @undead-sierra @random-thoughts-004 @lieswithoutfairytales @chloem4a1 @srhxpc @zhonglibxitch
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darksprit06 · 7 months
Chad and Ethan had been dating for over 8 months now, They have done everything you can think is possible but always thought they were missing something, that was till they meant you. Something about you had both boys on their knees for you, your y/hc and y/ec had them captured by you from the start. You were the brother of Sam and Tara Carpenter, making you the middle kid. You were kind and funny but you also could get angry fast if anyone said something about your sisters, you protected them with your life. That was something else that drew the boys to you, they knew you were gay and open to everyone but they didn’t know if you were single. They would always catch Collin Ryder (receiver on the football team) talking to you or even sometimes openly flirting with you, and you would turn that nasty shade of red. They thought you were blushing but you were embarrassed by the things Collin would say but the two boys didn’t know that.
You had just gotten back from work, dropping your bag on the ground by the door and taking your shoes off there as well. You saw Tara in the kitchen making dinner, you walked up to her and placed a kiss on her head before heading to the table and sitting down “Where is everyone?” You asked her “ Sam is out with Danny, Chad and Ethan are in their dooms, Mindy is out with Ankia and I’m getting ready for a date.” You raised an eyebrow at her “ A date? With whom?” You notice a blush start to form on her face which causes you to smirk “ It’s with this girl I met at a party…her name is Sydney” You smiled at her “ Well I'm happy for you, she better treat you right tho or she is going have to deal with me and Sam” Tara let out laugh “ Your skinny ass fighting? You have no upper arm strength anyways” Tara teased you “ Okay listen here short-stack” You joke back to her, she let out a gasp through a hand on her heart “ Oh you wound me Y/N” She smiled at you “ But thanks for the warning, But I better get going. Chad and Ethan were asking for you earlier but I told them you were at work. Might want to go see what they want” You gave her a questioning look “ Okay…I'll talk to you later. You better tell me everything when you get back though” “ I will, if you are hungry there's a dinner plate in the fridge for you” “Okay thank you” Tara nodded at you before grabbing her bag and keys, walking out the door.
You decided to go check what the boys needed, you walked to the door and put on your shoes, walking out the door. You got in your car and drove over to the doom the boys lived at, once you arrived to lock the car and headed towards the doom rooms. Once he found the one he wanted he knocked on the door, he waited at the door for a while before a panting Chad unlocked the door. Your eyes widen seeing him shirtless, only in boxers and sweating. Chad smiled when he saw you “ Y/N hey, I didn’t think you would be here this soon, to be honest” At the sound of hearing your name, Ethan pulled his boxers up and walked towards the door. Your eyes widened, even more, seeing Ethan in the same state as Chad “-” You couldn’t speak, your two crushes were standing in front of you shirtless, covered in sweat only in their boxers.
You could feel a tightness forming in your jeans that started to hurt as the tightness got…well tighter, you looked at the two boys seeing them smirking at you “ Come in Y/N, we don’t want you just standing in the hallway like an idiot” Before you could respond Ethan dragged you in and closed the door behind you, you turned to look at Chad only to seem him rubbing himself through his boxers. You kept staring but you felt a hand lifting your chin, you made eye contact with Chad “ My eyes are up to him darling” You kept eye contact with him while Chad ran his thumb against your bottom lip “ Is this okay?” Chad asked and you just nodded yes, Chad smoked before sticking his thumb through your lips “ Suck” You moved your tongue around Chad’s thumb, and you moved your head down it before bringing your head back up. 
You kept eye contact with Chad the whole time, you watched as his eyes got darker before looking towards Ethan seeing he was rubbing himself through his boxers as well. Ethan noticed “ On the bed, strip down to your boxers. Don’t go any further than that or there will be punishments” Ethan told you in a raspy voice that caused a shiver to go down your back, you walked to the bed, taking your shirt off as you did. You sat on the bed taking your shoes off before putting your hands on your belt but before you could undo it, Chad stopped you “ Let me” he grabbed a hold of your belt, slowly undoing it keeping eye contact with you. Ethan started to take off his boxers as he slowly walked over to you standing behind Chad, He wrapped his arms around Chad's waist watching as Chad undone your belt and pulled it out of the loops. Ethan undid his arms before getting on his knees and pulling your jeans and boxers down, helping you step out of it standing back up throwing the clothes somewhere in the room.
Now get on the bed, on your hands and knees” Chad instructed you “ Yes sir” You got on the bed, sitting on your knees before dropping to your hands as well “ Doesn’t here look pretty like this?” Ethan questioned Chad, grabbing onto your hair to lift your head “ He sure does Eth, how about we mess up that pretty face of his? Do you want that Y/N? Do you want us to fuck you silly?” “ Yes, yes I do” “ Good boy” Ethan cooed at you. “ Eth, get behind him. Grab the lube, have you ever been stretched out before?” You shook your head no “Throat fucked?” You once again shook your head no “ Eth, we have a fresh one, he hasn’t been touched before haven’t you?” “N-no Daddy” Ethan and Chad lit up at the name, Ethan reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the bottle while Chad took his boxers off and started rubbing himself waiting for Ethan to say you were good.
Ethan stretched you as far as he was able to before deciding it was good “ He is good to go Chad” Chad nodded his head moving up to your face, he rubbed his hand along your face “ Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop now and just cuddle and watch movies.” You smiled at the softness in Chad's voice but it was hard to answer when Ethan was rubbing his cock against your ass and Chad rubbing himself “ I'm sure” Chad nodded his head before giving Ethan a look, Ethan nodded back at him before slowly sliding in. 
You tensed up at the feeling but relaxed when you felt Ethan rub his hand along your back “ If you tense up I can’t push in anymore, relax for me and be a good boy” You whimpered at the pet name, you looked up at Chad and saw that his once brown bright eyes were now a dark brown covered with lust. He waits for Ethan to start thrusting into you before moving his cock into your mouth, the boys started to move at the same time. The feeling you were feeling was something you never felt you would feel at any time in your life, it was just too good to be true. The sounds of groaning got your attention, Ethan was groaning behind you, Chad was biting his lip and you were gagging around his length.
“ C-chad I’m almost there. Oh god” “ Same Eth, ah fuck” You were whimpering and gagging at the same time, and your mouth was coved in spit “ C-chad I’m ready” “ Same” Before you could get yourself ready Chad was coming down your throat and Ethan came inside. The boys watched as you swallowed Chad's cum without an issue, Ethan slowly pulled out of you before flopping on his back panting. You collapse into Chad’s arms which causes him to lift you on his waist, the feeling of Chad’s hard length had you wanting more but you were still sore from Ethan. Chad notices “ Not right, not pretty boy, you need to rest. When you wake up we can go again” You nodded your head, laying it on Chad’s shoulder as he walked you to the middle part of the bed. You were in between Ethan and Chad, Your body was facing Ethan, Chad was hugging you behind and Ethan was hugging you from the front.
“ You were such a good boy today, get some sleep” With that you feel a sleep with a smile on your face as you feel the two boys press a kiss onto your head.
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softguarnere · 1 year
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 30: She's the Man
Summary: “I don’t fuck with insubordination,” Speirs says simply, then marches away as if nothing has happened. A/N: Something about the "complete lies" picture has always been so freakin' funny to me, and I'm so thankful that I finally have a chance to use it in one of the moodboards now that Zenie is in an edgier era. Shout out to anyone who remembers when the working title of this fic was originally "She's the Man" after that iconic movie - this chapter title is for you <3
(Also, just in case it needed to be stated: Collins is made up! I needed someone for Zenie to beef with and felt bad for picking on Cobb all the time. It is, after all, Hot Roy Summer, and it would have been downright rude of me.) Warnings: smoking, mentions of war, language, mentions of improper binding Taglist: @latibvles @liebgotts-lovergirl @lady-cheeky @mrs-murder-daddy @lieutenant-speirs @ithinkabouttzu
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Germany, 1945
At first, Germany is beautiful, which feels wrong to admit, all things considered. Zenie scribbles the first line of a letter to Bobby over and over again, worrying that she’s not doing the views justice, then worrying that she’s not being harsh enough on the country that dragged them all the way across the world. In the end, she decides to scrap the letter. Although now that Webster is back and newly a member of her platoon, maybe she can get him to write it for her. Privileges of being a sergeant, and all.
Everyone’s hair is getting a little long, she notices as they rumble along in the backs of trucks, wind whipping their faces as they travel on and on. The beards that it was too cold to shave in Bastogne have since disappeared, but Liebgott hasn’t been giving out his signature haircuts, and no one has said anything about it.
For some people, the effect of even a little length on their hair is drastic, to Zenie, at least. No longer the cocky kids who showed up in Georgia three years before with close cropped hair, ready to try their luck with the Airborne. Most of them look like men now. Zenie reaches up to her own dark locks. What does a little length do to her face? Make her look more girlish, maybe?
If Shifty weren’t in a different truck, Zenie would point out all the mountains to him. She points them out to Babe instead, the two of them reveling in the fresh spring air as the trucks rumble along.
For a place that looks so serene, the mood within the villages they arrive in is vastly different. As they settle in, Germans gawk at them. Some don’t seem so displeased at their arrival, while others instantly turn skittish and slip back inside their houses. Zenie smiles at a little girl who passes by, staring open mouthed at her and Babe, only for the child’s mother to grab her daughter and hustle away.
“I get the feeling they don’t like us very much,” Zenie says. Her eyes catch on Janovec, who’s offering a pretty German girl a cigarette. She offers him a demure blush from behind her long lashes as she accepts it, making the paratrooper smile. If Bill were here, he would be having a time. “Most of them, anyway.”
“Make no mistake, friends,” Luz announces, appearing between Zenie and Babe, throwing an arm around each of them. “I suspect that Germany is going to be prime fraternization territory.” His eyes are glued to one of the girls in the distance. If not for the fact that Zenie knows she looks at Shifty that way, she would roll her eyes at her friend’s eagerness. Luckily, she tries not to be a hypocrite.
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So what if she’s late? Captain Nixon is doing another one of his current events lectures – or is this more of a monologue? – when Zenie slides into the square, taking a seat at the back near her friends. Shifty flashes her a brief smile in greeting. Popeye claps her on the shoulder and whispers, “You’re late!”
“Can you blame me?” She deadpans, which earns a laugh.
“You missed O’Keefe trying to sing,” McClung tells her.
O’Keefe? She squints, trying to picture him in her mind’s eye. “Which one is he?”
This earns another round of quiet laughs, though it wasn’t meant to be funny. Once again, humor has been created at the expense of the replacements. They remain good for something after all.
Up front, Captain Nixon frowns down at the paper in his hands. “Ah, bad news, boys. Rebecca Sadowski has tied the knot.”
Gasps ring out among the men. Zenie feels herself stiffen, blood turn cold. Over Popeye, Shifty glances at her.
“Noooo!” Skinny groans, dragging a hand over his face. “Not my wife! How could she?”
“Better luck next time, Sisk,” Perconte says, patting him on the shoulder.
If only he knew, Zenie thinks.
Zenie tunes out the rest of the lecture, vaguely aware every now and then of Shifty glancing at her. She tries to offer him a smile when they’re relieved.
“That’s . . . quite somethin’,” he says. “We’ll never hear the end of it from Skinny.”
She shrugs, unsure what to say. Where would she even begin? Shifty has heard bits and pieces about Beckie when they talk about home, but he doesn’t know about the Christmas party, about the last time they saw each other . . .
“Once again, it seems like Beckie got what she wants.” She cringes at how bitter her tone is. Especially when the realization hits her, there, in the afternoon sunlight, with the rays glinting off of Shifty’s hair and turning his eyes into warm pools of honey. She lowers her voice to not be overheard, “But I have, too.”
Shifty smiles, and for once in her life, Zenie isn’t jealous of Beckie.
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The families that they find themselves placed with are a real mixed bag.
After more rumbling truck rides, more wind in their faces, more singing to pass the time, the action picks up, though still not in the way that the replacements have been praying for. Instead of jumping into Berlin, they roll into Bavaria – and immediately charge into people’s homes.
A woman is yelling at them, voice shrill, the second that they kick in her door. She jumps up from her dinner table, hands in their faces as she enunciates. From a side room, a man emerges, looking embarrassed. He tries to coax his wife away from them, to no avail.
“What’s she saying?”
Webster tilts his head. “She claims that she’s not a Nazi.”
Babe snorts. “Well, I don’t think our orders to find a place to sleep discriminate on that front.”
Behind her, heavy footsteps echo as someone stomps up from behind. Zenie jumps out of the way as Captain Speirs barges into the apartment, mouth pressed into a thin line as his eyes take in the scene.
“They have five minutes,” he says.
“Sir, she says they aren’t – “
“Everyone has five minutes!” Speirs barks before spinning on his heel and heading back out into the hallway, ready to barge into other apartments and issue the same order.
They’re supposed to hate these people, but Zenie can’t help but feel bad as she watches the wife wail, the husband hurriedly shove belongings into suitcases, the little girl’s wide eyes as she watches the invaders begin to make themselves comfortable. The whole scene stirs something within Zenie. Some far-off memory of things Granny once told her begins to awaken in her mind, but she can’t analyze it now when there’s so much to be done.
When they close the door behind the family, the apartment instantly grows quieter. A collective sigh of relief passes among everyone. For a moment, the only sounds are the cries in the hallway, muffled by the thick wood of the door. Then, they set about surveying their home for the night.
“Hey, Sarge.” Babe has to nudge Zenie’s shoulder to get her attention; the title still doesn’t feel like her own. The Philadelphian tilts his head toward one of the rooms. “Got a room for ya.”
Three rooms for the six of them. Herself, Babe, Luz, McClung, Collins, and Roe. There’s no official division for who should go where, but Luz, Earl, and Babe all head for one room, and Roe starts for the other. But instead of following the medic, Collins snorts – loudly.
“Of fuckin’ course Driver gets a private room,” he stage whispers to himself.
 Everyone freezes, their migration stalled. Eyes all flick to Zenie.
She heaves a deep breath. It’s been no secret that Collins has not liked her ever since she called him out in Haguenau, but the extent of that dislike had appeared to be glares and rolled eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean, Collins?”
The replacement shrugs. “I think you know.”
“Enlighten me.”
Smile is not the right word to describe what comes over the man’s face. This isn’t a playful smirk, or even a self-satisfied grin. Collins leers at her when he says, “We all know the real reason that Driver always gets privacy is just because he’s actually a woman.”
Zenie blinks, takes a step back. Across the room, Babe’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline. Gene’s reaction surprises her the most, though, because he starts to step forward, hand outstretched to grab the replacement by the shoulder and spin him around.
He’s just done exactly that when a noise cuts them all off. McClung is folded over on himself, slapping his knee as he –
As he howls with laughter, they all realize as Earl’s face turns red and he wheezes between gleeful cackles. A little nervously, Luz joins in. So do the others.
Now it’s Collins’ turn to turn pink, though not with humor like everyone else.
“That’s got to be – “ Earl coughs. He laughs again, trying to stand straight. “God – Ha! That’s got to be the stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard!”
They all dissolve into laughs again, and Zenie finds a nervous one escapes her own mouth as well.
“I’m serious,” Collins deadpans.
“Collins, if you want your own room so bad, you shoulda just said somethin’,” Babe insists.
Collins’ face turns from a light pink to a deeper red. “Do none of you find it strange?” He asks. “Does no one else think it’s weird that Driver always gets his own room? Huh? Or that he never changes in front of anyone?”
“You act like this is a new development,” McClung says. “We all got used to Tommy’s shyness back in Toccoa. Not that you would know.” He shakes his head, gives the others a knowing look. “Damn replacements.”
“The Army wouldn’t allow anyone else this much privacy,” Collins asserts. “How come he gets away with it? And why wouldn’t he have just gotten used to gritting his teeth and white knuckling through it like the rest of us? Have any of you ever seen him – her! – even go to the bathroom?”
All very good points. To any outsider with keen observation skills, Tommy’s behavior doesn’t make any sense. Collins is right: he’s been in the military long enough that he should have grown accustomed to changing in front of other men by now. Some people have written this off as cultural differences, despite the fact that McClung and Shifty – the two other Indians in the company – are perfectly fine changing in front of the other men. Well, whatever they need to say to rationalize all of this to themselves, Zenie supposes.
“Honestly,” Luz sighs, sounding just as fed up as he did in Haguenau; part of Zenie briefly wonders if he’ll ever be as jovial as he once was – or if any of them will be, for that matter. “Collins, none of us has a problem with Tommy being shy. Why do you?”
“You know what,” Zenie interrupts before Collins can make any more good points, poke any more holes in her cover story. “If it’s that big a deal to you, Collins, you take the master bedroom. Heffron, Roe, y’all are with me.” She makes a move towards the smaller bedroom, knowing that something can be worked out with the two men who know her secret once they’re alone. But she stops halfway there, knocking her shoulder into Collins’ and stage whispering, “Whatever you have to do in privacy to ready yourself for combat, just know that this apartment has very thin walls.” Then she pats him on the back and strolls into the room she’ll be sharing with Babe and Gene.
When the door is shut and they’re alone, it’s Gene who begins to laugh first, so hard that he grabs a pillow off the bed to muffle the sound, just in case the walls really are as thin as Zenie threatened they’d be.
It’s harder to hold back laughter the next morning, when Babe announces to Collins at breakfast that Tommy is supposedly the most muscular man that he’s ever seen.
“No wonder he’s never changed in front of anyone before,” Babe continues. “I would be self-conscious, too, if I had the physique of a Greek god. Goddamn, I’ll never go against Tommy’s wishes for privacy ever again, because one glimpse made me feel so bad about myself that I wanted to just crawl into a foxhole and cry, because I knew I’d never be able to compete with the likes of him for the ladies.”
He lays it on so thick that Luz ends up choking on the milk he’s drinking, causing it to spray out of his nose. Everyone laughs except for Collins, whose face resembles a tomato. Whether from anger or embarrassment, Zenie can’t be sure.
Until later.
“Sergeant Driver.” The authoritative voice of Captain Speirs makes her automatically assume that she’s in trouble. Suddenly, it’s like being in middle school and getting called to the principal’s office all over again.
She curses in her mind but stands straight and salutes as the Commanding Officer approaches her.
“At ease,” Speirs says. “Driver, I heard that there was an incident last night regarding one of the replacements.”
“Incident, sir?”
“Some of the men are saying that he questioned your authority, and then, uh – he accused you of being a woman.” At the last word, his tone raises slightly, making it sound like a question. His right eyebrow quirks, punctuating the captain’s confusion.
“He did, sir.”
Speirs blinks. This is the closest anyone in Easy has ever seen him come to being shocked. “Well, you won’t have to worry about it anymore. Private Collins is being transferred to Fox Company.”
“I don’t fuck with insubordination,” Speirs says simply, then marches away as if nothing has happened.
She can’t help it – a smile spreads across Zenie’s face as she watches him go. I don’t fuck with insubordination, he had said. Captain Speirs, who has rumors trailing him everywhere he goes and either doesn’t notice or doesn’t mind, just transferred a replacement out of his company for starting a rumor about an NCO that he hardly knows.
Huh. What a turn of events.
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Dear Tommy, the letter begins, oh so formally, though Zenie can practically hear the knowing chuckle in his voice at the use of her falsified name.
Doc Roe brought your letter by. Seems like you left out the most important part, though – congratulations on being promoted to Staff Sergeant. You’ll make a hell of a good NCO.
Yeah, right. A man has been transferred out of the company because of her, because she didn’t know how to handle him. Fine work she’s doing here. She didn’t expect to fill Bill’s shoes, but she also didn’t expect to get off to such a rocky start.
Word around the hospitals is that the war is almost over. Hate that I won’t be there with you, Babe, and the rest of the boys to see it. But you’re going to win this thing. You guys are going to make us all proud.
Thanks for the address. Nothing will happen – you can’t fuck up now – but I’ll save it so that I can come visit you when the war is over. Guess I’ll finally get to see those blue mountains that you and Shifty are always talking about. Though walking on them with only one leg might take some getting used to.
Keep your nose clean, kid.
Your pal,
Bill Guarnere.
Only one leg. Maybe it’s just because some of the nuance is lost in the writing, but Bill doesn’t seem half as depressed as anyone else reporting that news would be. She folds the letter back up and puts it in her pocket to show to Babe later. Although now she’s got two letters to worry about writing. Asking Webster to do it for her is looking better and better. He’d probably even be nice enough to omit the incident with Collins without it seeming like a suspicious gap of information is missing from the narrative.
Because even though they aren’t meant for her ears, the rumor mill has done a fine job of spreading the word that Sergeant Driver finally changed in front of somebody. This is in no small part due to Luz and McClung laughing about the incident to anyone who will listen, and Gene and Babe confirming that, yes, the famously shy NCO changed clothes while they were in the room with him – despite the fact that in actuality, they both politely turned their backs to give her the privacy she needed while she removed her bandages at night and replaced them in the morning. The whole “built like a Greek god” claim does have several officers giving her confused looks as she passes, though.
Luckily, not everyone is as put off or as confused.
“Driver,” Bull calls over the din of men and trucks. He removes his trademark cigar from his mouth and uses it to gesture towards the edges of the town, out into the trees. “They want a patrol of the woods.”
Zenie pretends to be shocked. “What? I thought that the patrol back in Haguenau was the last one we’d have to worry about.”
Bull smiles around his cigar. “Boy, you’re in the army. What else did you expect?” He tilts his head toward the woods, drawing the conversation back again. “Grab some men and do a sweep.”
It’s less of a sweep and more of a lighthearted romp. The weather is fine and the forest is beautiful. If she closes her eyes, it’s easy to imagine that she’s back at home, getting ready to dig ramps with Granny in early spring. Or maybe back on top of Frying Pan with Shifty.
However the officers want to classify it is just fine with her. Afterword, everyone seems to be in a better mood than they’ve experienced in a while. This is possibly the easiest assignment that they’ve had since the war began. Now all they have to do is survive the rest of it. Keep their noses clean.
Zenie shares the letter from Bill with Babe.
“Only one leg?” Babe’s eyebrows raise, then furrow in concern. “Jesus Christ. Guess it was worse than we thought.”
“He doesn’t seem too upset about it. At least, that’s not the tone of the letter.”
“No,” Babe agrees. He pats down his pockets, looking for something. “Hey, got any paper? Let’s write him back. Give him an update.”
“Tommy! Babe! Hey!” Perconte skids to a stop in front of them, breathless. “Where’re the officers?”
“Don’t know,” Zenie answers.
“Why?” Babe asks.
Instead of answering, Perconte rushes off, asking the same question of everyone he passes. Zenie has never seen him all worked up; he’s usually so easygoing.
“Wonder what that’s all about.”
“Beats me.” Babe produces a pencil, accepts a small sheet of paper that Zenie finds in her pocket, and sets to work writing. “All right.”
They’ve got a solid start – Dear Bill – scrawled on the page when Captain Speirs calls out for Easy Company, orders them to ready themselves and follow him and Major Winters. Unsure, everyone exchanges looks as they grab their rifles and start out toward the woods. Zenie shoves the paper back into her pocket, thankful that one of her letters has at least had some progress.
And then it stays there, forgotten.
Because Germany is no longer a beautiful place to describe to her friends back in the States.    
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Ok team so I’m back at it again with the shenanigans only this time I’m in a bit of a RENT phase so brace yourselves
So anyways— here are a couple super important questions I have regarding my current favorite thing to think about, RENT:
1. How in the world did Benny meet Alison and how did they get together? Similarly, how did Maureen meet Joanne?
2. Mark is Jewish but is mom calls him to say they’ll miss him tomorrow, which is Christmas??
3. What did Benny do before he got with Alison?
4. What do you think Mimi studied at school before she left?
5. How did Mark, Roger, Benny, Collins, and Maureen all live together and everyone managed to survive?
6. I feel like we should get to know more about April?? Like, she was there, they knew her, she dated roger, and then that’s it… I just think we should get a little more information than that if you know what I mean
That’s all for now… I’m sure I’ll be back with more soon :) thanks (maybe I’ll even make a meaningful contribution to the internet then lol)
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dragonfly92 · 11 months
It was a few days Andy and Lonny also the drummer was coming back to LA of course Sarah was super excited thankfully she had nothing planned for that day of course tomorrow is Harper's birthday and it had been arranged that all the girls would get a tattoo of course Sarah was a little nervous but also excited at the same time, she already had one tattoo on her wrist so she wasn't exactly scared but she knew that it would hurt like hell depending on the area of the tattoo, but she knew that she would have support from the others and vice versa, right now she was chilling out with Poppy who was so playfully now and getting bigger every day but still a puppy at heart, she had a strong bond not just with the girls but the guys as well seeing as whenever they had some time off would come and see them, even if Sarah had a show they would go and support her, which she very much appreciated.
Andy had texted her the time and Location of the show, she would leave a while before the show so she could see him because it's been a few months since they saw each other face to face, she would give him the biggest hug she could possible give without of course hurting him whilst he was away Harper and Joe had been spending alot of time together whilst she was on tour, but to be fair it's understandable considering they're a couple now and have been dating for four years it's clear that their are both very much in love with each other and everyone can see that, also Hannah and CC are married they just celebrated their one year wedding anniversary which is amazing, Sarah got to spend alot of time with her little niece Maisie who kept asking about where Andy was missing him.
When she was staying with Sarah and she was on the phone with Andy face-timing him of course she made sure to be involved which was super sweet, they have a bond that no one can break to honest it was adorable but she had gone back to her parents, but she did have company of Rose even though she and Jinxx had just started dating almost everyone in the group was either married, dating or single which was only poor Andy and Sarah but honestly they didn't mind because they wanted to take their time and focus on themselves which they have done for nearly a year.
Quite a few hours had passed Sarah had been keeping herself busy by doing chores around the house, then she had a shower and was now in the process of finding the perfect outfit Poppy is staying with Jasmine, Nick and little Maise who absolutely adores little Poppy thankfully Poppy loves kids otherwise she would be going with Jacob and his new girlfriend Michelle who doesn't have any children right now, it took Sarah forever to decided on what to wear but she finally decided and checked the time thankfully she had another 2 hours before his show, so she doubled checked to made sure she had everything considering that Rose was working in the studio for almost all day with the guys once she made sure that she didn't forget anything left the apartment and got into her car driving off to the arena that he was performing in.
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Thankfully it didn't take long to get there as she put the address into the GPS, parked her car and headed inside the building sure enough there was security there along with his manager who had been told that Andy was expecting you and as soon as you walked up to security his manager is the one to speak up asking, "Hey are you Sarah collins by any chance." Sarah speaks up saying, "Yeah that's me." He needed just to be sure so holds up a picture that Andy had given him so he knows who to look for and says, "Awesome please follow me he's waiting for you in his dressing room oh almost forget here's your pass so you go anyway without getting into trouble with anyone okay."
She smiles taking the pass saying, "Yeah that's true and thank you it's sweet of you to do this." His manager speaks up saying, "Well you are most welcome oh I'm sorry should've introduce myself i'm Andy's manager blasko, guessing he didn't mention me did he?" She speaks up as they are walking saying, "He didn't unfortunately but it is nice to meet you just want to say thank you for taking care of him." He smiles at her saying, "Well he has mentioned you a few times and it's my pleasure plus he's been a pleasure to work with as well, right here we are I will give you two some space and come back in a bit seeing as the show starts in an hour so unfortunately you won't have long."
She speaks up saying, "I'm alright with that thank you." He smiles and starts walking away, Sarah takes a few deep breaths and then knocks on the door, after a moment the door opens and standing there is Andy who notices straight away who is standing there and he has a huge grin on his face neither say anything as Sarah gives him the biggest hug possible without hurting him and of course he hugs her back after a few minutes they separated and he moved out of the way so she could walk inside of the room, he closes the door behind her.
It was just the two of them he speaks up saying, "Well wasn't expecting you for a while not that I am not happy to see you here after all I did invite you and I'm guessing it's just you no one else?" Sarah smiles saying, "Yeah wanted to surprise you before the show and no one else is here because you wanted it to just be me and you also Harper is on tour Joe is with her as well but should be back in a few days considering it's her birthday soon, so what did you want to talk to me about that you couldn't do over the phone?"
He smiles saying, "Well remember on your sister and Lonny's wedding at the lake, you said you had your eyes on someone and so did I well, we also promised to say who it was but of course we both completely forgot well until now so I am gonna be a gentleman and let you go first so wanna tell me who you got your eyes on?" Sarah laughs a little still standing in the same position but Andy has gotten a little closer to the point where he holds her hands she smiles looking up at him speaking up she says, "Alright well thank you firstly well the guy that has caught my eyes and heart I have known him since I was 5 years old, always had a crush on him but was apparently too stupid to admit her feelings for him."
He smiles at her so she continues by saying, "He is the most amazing, caring, adorable guy who is always there for me when I need someone to talk too, either in face or over the phone, also he's extremely tall, has the most amazing blue eyes that look like ocean, can make me feel so much better about myself, has an amazing singing voice and he is standing right in front of me." He smiles then he speaks up saying, "Well whoever that guy sounds like an amazing guy who cares alot about you and feels the exact same way, so I am gonna take a guess saying that it's me?"
Sarah still holding his hands smiling up at him saying, "Yeah it's you always has and always will be you." Andy speaks up saying, "Well I am a genius lets see if you are try and figure out my clues I have known this amazing girl since I was 6 years old, puts everyone else before herself, is an amazing person who whenever I need someone to talk too and don't feel like talking to any of the guys I know she will always be there for me, even though she shorter than me I honest don't mind and she has he most amazing green eyes that I could easily get lost in she is also amazing at doing photographs and cares about her family and friends, the last part is that this amazing girl is standing right in front of me always has been apparently I've been stupid that it took me this long to tell her how I feel."
Sarah laughs a little saying, "Well that's a tough to figure out who you are on about but I think I might know who the person is, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that it's me?" They both smile at each other he speaks up first saying, "Well we are both geniuses yeah it's you and it's no one else, so would you love to be my girlfriend, even though it took me longer to ask you out?" Sarah smiles at him saying, "Andy I would be honoured to be your girlfriend, to be fair I'm not mad at you we both needed some time to figure things out."
He leans down and gives her a sweet kiss and of course she kisses him back turns out he's an amazing kisser but unfortunately they separated as they had been talking for a while it was now time for Andy to go and get himself ready for the show, Sarah would be standing at the side of the stage with Mel whilst her now boyfriend and brother in law would be performing, so they both left the dressing room holding hands, which is of course something that was new to the both of them once they had gotten to the side of the stage Mel and Lonny was there both saw that they was holding hands causing them to get excited there was a group hug before they both got ready to go on stage.
Whilst on stage Mel speaks up saying, "Well finally you two got together took you long enough but I am extremely happy for you, can't wait for everyone else to find out so when you gonna tell them?" Sarah who is looking in Andy's direction who was now after speaking to the fans, starts his first song and she turns her attention back to her sister saying, "Well considering it's Harper's 22nd birthday so I'm thinking the day after don't want to take the attention away from Harper wouldn't exactly be fair on her, after all you're only 22 one time." The girls ended up dancing and miming along to the songs, unaware that now and again Andy would look over and have a smile on his face, then turn his attention back to the fans the girls are having an amazing time it felt amazing and so good that her and Andy had finally officially became a couple. 
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bluesfortheredj · 2 years
A new beginning. Pt 1.
You’d caught Eddie’s eye as soon as you’d joined Hawkins High School four months ago, but his hopes of anything more than friendship were quickly dashed by the realisation that Billy Hargrove was not only just another new student, but your boyfriend too.
Luckily for him though, you were put into his class for chemistry, and all of a sudden Eddie had a new found love for the subject with his grades now on a miraculous upward curve thanks to you. When he wasn’t totally distracted by the way the sunlight illuminated your hair like a halo, or the fact that your eyes appeared to get brighter when you spoke to one another, he actually managed to work pretty hard.
“Right! Partner up,” Miss Collins announces from the front of classroom.
Before Eddie can even move a muscle you’ve bolted across the classroom and have landed in the empty seat next to him, your body bumping into his from the force of the landing.
“Looks like I didn’t have much of a choice in the whole partner thing...” he grins, completely over the moon at your enthusiasm.
“Hell no. You’re stuck with me, Munson,” you reply, straightening up and tucking yourself in to the desk.
“I think I can live with that,” he nods.
“Good! Now what are you doing at lunch?” you enquire, fiddling with the corners of your exercise book.
“Uh… I… Nothing, why?” he stutters nervously.
“Can I hang with you? Billy isn’t here today and I’m not the biggest fan of the people he goes around with in this school… Don’t worry if not, it’s fine really,” you add, not wanting him to feel pressured into helping you out.
“Of course you can!” he breaks out into a smile and you lean into his side and drop your head onto his shoulder as a silent thank you.
“You’re the best,” you whisper.
“Ahh… I’m not,” he scoffs dismissively with a wave of his hand.
You sit up away from him, causing him to turn to you to see what’s wrong, and your brow furrows seriously as he meets your gaze, “I mean it, Eddie. You are the best, don’t ever doubt that, please. I hate it when you put yourself down, you’re so much better than that, you’re better than everyone else in this damn school, that’s for sure.”
He eyes you with slight worry, but you tear your gaze away from his so he can’t see just how much you meant those words. He is better than everyone else in the school; including Billy.
“Anyway… page 93, Munson,” you say, tapping his unopened textbook and raising your eyebrows as him, “concentrate!”
How could he concentrate? It was difficult enough just being in this close proximity to you, let alone now after those heartfelt words you’d juts shared with him, whether intentionally or not. He knew Billy was certainly not someone to get on the wrong side of, but he was willing to risk anything and everything when it came to you, and if you needed him then he’d always be there for you no matter what.
Eddie looks down at his textbook but in reality he’s just staring at your hand out of the corner of his eye, watching your delicate fingers tap lightly on the desk as you seemingly skim the page you were on. Something inside him can’t resist the lure of being near you and touching your skin, so he boldly drops the hand nearest to you from the edge of his book to the desk, mere millimetres from your little finger, and admires how the many rings he wore complemented your two thin silver bands perfectly. Eddie’s heart leaps as he watches your fingers move ever so slightly towards his, and he sits in a stunned silence as you continue your tapping on the back of his hand. The two of you sit there comfortably as you each pretend to read the books in front of you, but in reality enjoying the closeness of one another and the contentment that came with it.
“Eddie!” you gasp, wrapping your fingers around his hand and squeezing, “look at the formula at the bottom of the page!”
He hesitates, not wanting to take his eyes off of your hand holding his, but eventually tears his eyes away to look at what you’ve pointed out.
“Green flames? No way!” he chuckles, relishing the feeling of your soft fingertips gently cradling his hand.
You let go of his hand, retreating back to your textbook, and it takes all his might not to follow you to continue the contact. It would be mad if he did, and definitely give away his true feelings for you, so he swallows his need and slams his book shut with a little too much force, making you jump.
“Sorry,” he whispers.
“It’s okay,” you smile.
The rest of the lesson is hell for Eddie as he tries desperately not to hold your hand in any capacity while you work closely together over the bunsen burner, using different elements to create the coloured flames as described in your book. You dance around each other, the two of you seemingly both aware of the effect the earlier connection had on you, and when the bell finally rings for lunch you happily loop your arm around one of Eddie’s as you both head towards the cafeteria.
“Are you sure you don’t mind me crashing the Hellfire meet?” you check as you walk towards the expectant faces of Eddie’s friends.
“You are our special guest for this afternoon,” he grins, extending his arm out to the chair nearest his and bowing as you let him go to take a seat, “m’lady.”
“Thank you,” you mumble timidly as the others look at you.
You spend a blissful ten minutes at the table watching Eddie in his element as him and the guys discuss Hellfire, and you’re so wrapped up in him that you barely hear your name being called by Billy from across the hall until a strong hand lands on your shoulder, causing you to jump out of your skin.
“Jeez!” you gasp, “Billy you scared the life out of me!”
Eddie looks up at him with a smile, but is only greeted with a look of complete disdain, and you’re soon being helped up out of your chair by your boyfriend, “you don’t belong over here with the freaks,” Billy states, “come on.”
“Billy,” you frown, “don’t be horrible. I’m sorry Eddie, I…” you’re guided away before you can finish your sentence, and he can only look on with a downhearted smile as you disappear into the crowd.
“I thought you weren’t coming in today,” you point out as Billy slings his arm around your shoulders and lead you outside.
“I had a change of heart… and lucky I did it seems,” he scoffs, turning to look at you, “what was that about, huh?”
“What was what about?”
“I called your name like three times and you ignored me.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose, I just couldn’t hear you!”
“Over the sound of the head freak talking about cult shit?”
You narrow your eyes at him as you stop in your tracks and fold your arms across your chest, “don’t call Eddie a freak! And it’s not a cult, it’s a game club.”
“Aww, is that his name? Eddie? Poor little Eddie,” he teases, being the ass everyone knew him to be, “are they playing their little game now?”
“Sometimes I really don’t know what I ever saw in you to be attractive,” you state.
Eddie listens from his hiding spot and his eyes widen as he hears you say those words to Billy, hoping that it didn’t turn out to be the wrong decision.
“Definitely my body,” he smirks cockily, “then my incredible sense of humour, and certainly my mouth,” he explains, ending up with his lips right next to your ear, “specifically my tongue,” he finishes before kissing your neck.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders to hug him against you, and he returns the embrace; it was moments like this that you remembered why you were with him, but unfortunately they were becoming few and far between these days, and you knew something had to give sooner or later.
“Billy, do me a favour,” you sigh as the two of you lean away from one another, “go easy on Eddie please.”
“Are you two fucking?”
“So I can’t be nice to someone unless I’m fucking them? Don’t be such a dick.”
“Fine, whatever,” he huffs as the bell rings, “I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Where are you going?”
“Anywhere but that shithole,” he shrugs, pointing to the school.
You shake your head as you watch him walk away, then turn back to the school just in time to see the back of Eddie’s jacket through the doorway, and you run inside after him, “Eddie! Wait!”
He turns to see you jogging up to him and when you stop almost chest to chest, the scent of your perfume fills his nostrils making him dizzy, “wanna skip class?” he asks boldly.
“With you? Yeah,” you pant.
Eddie takes your hand and the two of you escape the dingy building and head into the woods opposite where you’re lead to a neat little picnic table in the middle of an opening that seemed to be a secret hidden gem of the school.
“Take a seat,” Eddie encourages, continuing to hold your hand as you step over the bench and settle in.
He finally lets go once you’ve sat down then climbs over the opposite bench and smiles as he tucks himself in under the table. It was a warm day and he shrugs his jacket off to drape over the space next to him, revealing his Hellfire t-shirt in all it’s glory, and you can’t help but smile as he rests his chin on his hands and looks at you with that sweet face of his that you’d grown to adore.
“Stop it,” you chuckle, having to avoid eye contact.
“Stop what?”
“That!” you laugh, pointing in his direction as he tilts his head to one side like a confused puppy, “oh for fuck’s sake.”
Eddie laughs at your reaction and you lower your head so he can’t see your flustered expression, but as soon as you look up at timidly him through your eyelashes, he hits himself in the chest with both fists and falls backwards off of the bench onto the leaves below.
“My heart!” he exclaims dramatically, “oh my poor heart.”
You laugh out loud at his performance, and suddenly he clambers to his feet and holds his arms out to the sides, “the sweet, sweet sound that has brought me back to life!” he announces. 
He was fun, caring, sensitive; everything that Billy wasn’t, and you found yourself wishing that you could walk up to him, slide your arms around his torso and bring him into a loving hug. Before your brain can catch up, your body has already stood and hopped over the bench to make your way around to him, and the next thing you know you’re being enveloped into his arms, his fingers tightening on your t-shirt as his arms grip you like a vice, keeping you safe and comforting you. The whistling through the trees suddenly stops, time appearing to stand still as the two of you stay there in a cuddle that you both desperately needed, and you can feel his heart beat against your chest as your hands grab onto his top, never wanting to let go. This was it, it was an end and a beginning all at once; this was the moment you fell in love with Eddie Munson.
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slasherscream · 3 years
hi 💗! if its not too much, can you do something with carrie x latina & fem!reader? thank you so much!!!
carrie white x latina fem!reader ft. that's it... that's the whole concept
What an unfortunately lily white town you've landed yourself in.
You're introduced in English class and frankly, you're the first Latino person most of the kids have ever seen. It's easy to tell. You stand tall even though you know your every feature is being analyzed for signs of foreign otherness.
That day in class everyone is supposed to share their favorite poem.
The teacher tells you you don't have to join in because it's your first day but you stand up and share anyways. You recite your favorite poem in Spanish and try not to smirk at the wildly varying reactions you get.
When you sit down everyone is still sneaking glances at you. The most curious pair of watching eyes, however, belong to Carrie.
She thought you sounded wonderful, even though she had no clue what you were saying.
She wants so badly to approach you but would never muster up the nerve to do it.
Then the bathroom incident happens. This time with a twist.
Before the mess can truly get started you start screaming at the other girls who had started to surround her. "What's your problem, huh? You think you're so big and bad. I'll show you big and bad!" You shove one of the girls to the ground and that's when Miss. Collins comes in.
You initially get dragged to the office to await punishment before Miss. Collins realizes what the other girls were doing. Once she figured it out there was hell to pay, and you got off scot-free.
Carrie is still terrified to approach you, but no one had ever defended her before. She felt like she owed you a thank you, at the very least.
She wasn't expecting you to be so friendly when she goes to thank you. "Don't thank me, I did what everyone should have been doing. I'm sorry the people in this town are so awful."
You've won yourself a very shy, quiet shadow.
She wants to be your friend so badly but has no clue how to make friends. So, she just hovers around you for a week or two. You're the one to confront her and ask if she wants to hang out sometime.
Becoming Carrie's friend so early into the game lands you solidly into the category of "loser" but you could care less. You quickly learn that even one Carrie is worth more than the entire town combined.
She's the kindest, sweetest girl you've ever met.
She's hungry for the friendship you have to offer and you're more than willing to give it. You start walking with her to school. You defend her from bullies. You read together in the library. You go to eat lunch at a nearby diner instead of staying on campus where Carrie is the favorite target of unearned cruelty. Life is a little sweeter when you're together.
She avoids even mentioning her home life, but you've heard rumors. You bring her over to your house and she's a little overwhelmed. No matter how big or small your family is she didn't know a home could be so warm. Your family instantly adopts her.
She loves that your home is always full of music. She loves that the house always smells of spices. The air in her house is always painfully stale, the silence unending. Here the air is alive.
Some of the food you give her to try is too spicy for her (no matter how mild you make it) but she suffers through and eventually her spice tolerance gets slightly higher. She enjoys the complexities of flavor that your dishes have to offer. The food she's eaten before you has always been so plain. She didn't know there was anything else!
Carrie has had a baby crush on you since the first time you defended her. Her feelings deepen the closer you two become. When she realizes she's falling in love with you she panics. She thinks something is wrong with her to feel the way she does about you. She feels dirty and is afraid she'll dirty you.
She starts to avoid you and you're left sans your best friend without even knowing why.
You keep trying to get her to talk to you but she's an expert at running away. The one time you got closest to her all the lights in the hallway exploded in a freak accident and by the time you uncovered your head she was gone.
Eventually you ambush her successfully and demand to know why she's avoiding you.
She starts to cry, and you immediately go to comfort her. When you hold her, she just starts to cry harder. You don't try to make her stop crying, only hug her tighter and wait for her to stop on her own.
When she pulls away sniffling you push her hair out of her face, and she looks away. "Gonna tell me what's wrong now girlie?" You tease.
"I don't want you to hate me." She whispers.
"I never could."
"I think I'm in love with you." Well, that's certainly a shocker. She takes the surprise on your face as disgust and is instantly reduced back to tears. You do your best not to laugh as you go to comfort her again. "Oh Carrie! It's okay, I promise. I love you too."
Now she's the one to be surprised. "What?"
"I said I love you too."
"I meant as in.... the way a woman should love a man."
"I do understand the definition of being in love with someone, yes."
The two of you will have a nice long conversation about how what she's feeling isn't wrong. For a while your relationship will go on as normal. Until one day she'll quietly ask you, "Would you be my girlfriend? If I asked?"
"Are you asking?"
"Oh Y/N don't tease me!" She'll protest.
"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend, Carrie." You give her a kiss on the cheek that makes her go bright red.
The two of you won't stay in town for long. The moment you graduate you whisk her away to somewhere the two of you can openly be together.
Carrie never stops looking at you like you're her hero. You try your hardest to be just that.
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witchywrter · 3 years
“Home” (Part 5/?)
Paul Lahote x reader
Part 4
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Summary: y/n returns from college in California to her hometown in Forks to find things are not as she left them. She soon discovers that a lot more things have changed then she initially thought.
Warnings: mentions of death, car accident, verbal fighting, cussing, i think that covers it
A/N: i am literally so sorry for not updating sooner guys lmao i’m trying to update all my fics now, especially this one bc i love it. i’ll get the next one out next week. love you all!_______________________________________________
You felt so much pain as you began to regain consciousness and could make out someone calling your name.
You turned your head to the source of the sound to see a Doctor at your side, his hand on your arm. He was very handsome. Not exactly your type, but still. He looked to be around your age, far too young to be a Doctor already.
“Hello Y/n, my name is Dr.Cullen. You’ve been in an accident”
Your head was throbbing and you felt pain radiating from your stomach and leg. You looked around to find that you were indeed in the hospital.
You looked down at his hand on your arm. It was ice cold, absolutely freezing. He must have noticed you looking because he removed his hand.
“How long have I been here?” you asked, looking back to the Doctor.
“About a day and a half. Do you remember anything?” he asked kindly.
“There was a man in the road, he came out of nowhere. I swerved to try to avoid him” you said trying to remember.
“Your car flipped four times and caught fire. A piece of glass punctured your abdomen and another your left thigh, narrowly missing your femoral artery. We were able to stop the bleeding and stabilize your condition. You’re lucky to be alive, if your friend hadn’t been there to pull you out when he did, you could have died” he finished, shaking his head.
“My friend?” you asked.
“He’s from the reservation, one of Jacob Black’s friends I believe” he said.
Well that didn’t exactly narrow it done much. Your car was totaled most likely. You’re dad’s car, the one thing you had left of him.
“You’ll be okay, but you need your rest. You can be discharged tomorrow morning and the stitches will dissolve on their own in two weeks” he said has he picked up your chart and began walking away.
“Oh, one more thing. Sherif Swan called me, if you still want that internship, send over your resume and you can start after your two weeks” he said with a slight smile on his lips.
“Thank you Dr.Cullen” you called out as he left to check on other patients.
You looked over to your side to see an array of gifts on the beside table and chair. There seemed to be something from everyone. Flowers with cards from Leah, Sam, Emily and even Charlie and his daughter Bella and a big card from Quill, Embry, Collin, and Brady with all their own little messages and signatures.
The huge, brown bear sat on the chair with a red ribbon around its neck didn’t seem to have a card accompanying it.
You grabbed your phone from the side table and unlocked it. There were a few messages from friends and one from your mom. You opened up your mom’s message and read:
“Why did I have to find out from the Sherif that my daughters been in a car accident. You know what it was like for me when your father passed and the fact that you’d put me through that again is appalling”
This was followed by multiple messages about how horrible of a daughter you were and how you have no excuse for ignoring her text messages.
She had no right to bring up your dad like that. As if you got into an accident to hurt her, as if you were unconscious and not responding on purpose.
Your dad was driving home one night after a long night at the hospital when he was hit by a drunk driver. He was pronounced dead at the scene. You never got to say goodbye. Never got to tell him you loved him one last time.
You turned your phone off and set it on the side table and laid back down. Although you were out for a day and a half, you felt utterly exhausted, mentally and physically. You pulled your blankets back up and closed your eyes, hoping for a full nights rest.
You woke up to the curtains flying back, sunlight flooding the room. Your eyes stung as you were blinded.
“Wake up loser, it’s time for a jail break” Leah said in a very cheerful voice.
“No Leah, I’m not dead and feel amazing” you say in a sarcastic voice.
“That’s exactly what i wanted to hear. Seriously though, are you okay? You scared the shit out of everyone” she said, her voice taking on a concerned tone.
“Yeah, just beat up. Should be at healed up in two weeks” you say, sitting up.
“Here, I brought these from Emily’s house” she said, tossing a long sleeve, pants, socks, undergarments and shoes onto the bed.
After you changed and signed the discharge papers, you and Leah headed back to Emily’s place.
“What a bitch,” Leah said with disgust as she climbed the steps.
“I know, I still can’t believe I’m related to her” you say shaking your head.
Leah opened the front door and you hear “Surprise!” as you walk through. Everyone but Collin, Brady, Quill and Paul were there for your second homecoming.
Jake ran up to hug you, but Leah stepped in front of him.
“You wanna rip her stitches dumbass?” she said like a mother correcting her child.
“Oh shut it Leah” Jacob said, but gave you a much gentler hug than he originally intended.
“How are you?” Jake asked.
“Well I think I might fall over and die if one more person asks how I am” you say laughing. You stop as a stabbing pain shoots from your abdomen.
Sam, Emily and Seth hug you as well before you finally make it to the couch to sit down.
“What happened?” Embry asked taking a seat next to you with Leah on the other side.
“I was driving back here and I looked down at my phone for barely a second and when I looked back up there was a man in the road” you said.
“Well you know what they say about texting and driving” Seth said but the joke fell flat as no one laughed.
“What did the man look like?” Jake asked in a serious tone.
“Pale I guess, black hair, I’m not really sure. Why?” you asked, confused.
“No reason, just wondering” he said looking over to Sam who was sitting on a stool by the counter talking to Emily.
“Do you know who pulled me out?” you asked Jacob.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Dr.Cullen said one of our friends pulled me out of the car before it caught fire”
“Oh, uh, Paul did” he said.
Paul. Of all of your friends you had thought it might have been, that was the absolute last person you’d think would save you. If anything he’d probably be the one to toss you right into the flames.
“Oh” was all you said.
The front door opened and in walked Quill and Paul.
“Well I’ve gotta get back to..work” Jacob said standing up.
“Me too” said Seth as he followed Jacob to the door.
“Heal up Y/n!” Jacob yelled over his should and he and Seth left.
Quill came over and sat where Seth had just been and gave you a hug and Paul went straight to Sam without even acknowledging you.
Not like it mattered anyway.
“How are y-“ Quill started.
“Fine” you cut him off.
Through the rest of the day, people started to leave one by one as they had work, school or other things to get to. Eventually Paul said his goodbyes to Sam and Emily and began walking out the door, again without saying a word to you.
You got up as quickly as you could without hurting yourself and momentarily excused yourself from your board game that you were beating Embry in. You walked out the door just as Paul was off the steps.
“Hey!” you called to him.
Paul stopped and slowly turned back to you.
“What?” he asked rudely, not fully meeting your gaze.
Instead of responding with the same attitude, you walked down some of the steps.
“I just wanted to say thank you. Jacob told me what you did” you said gently.
“It wasn’t exactly like there was a choice in the matter” he spat.
“Could you just not be a complete asshole for once in your life? I’m trying to thank you for saving my life” you said, anger getting the best of you.
“Well it would have saved me a world of trouble had I not” he said.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” you ask, raising your voice.
“Nothing. I-I can’t do this right now, I won’t do this right now” he said, voice equal to yours now.
“No, come on Paul, let it out. Say what you need to say!”
Paul started shaking with anger and as much as you knew you should stop, your anger wouldn’t let you.
“Say. It.” you seethed.
“Paul!” you heard as the front door swung open.
You turned around to see Quill come running down and barreling into Paul, pushing him away from you. Sam came running out too.
“Get him out of here!” Sam yelled.
Quill grabbed Paul and pulled him out into the woods.
“What the hell?” you asked
“Get inside Y/n!” Sam yelled.
“You don’t tell me what to do” you said angrily
“Get. Inside. Now.” he said sternly.
You scoffed but turned on your heal and went inside and upstairs, waking right passed Emily and ignoring her as she called out to you.
Who did they think they were, telling you to get inside. Paul always had anger problems, this wasn’t anything new.
You hate him.
“Well it would have saved me a world of trouble had I not” replayed again and again in your head. You hated him for making you feel less than, for making you feel worthless.
Him saving you meant nothing. He was a dick to you your entire life and you didn’t care that Sam asked you to lighten up on him. No one bit.
As you laid down to sleep, not even bothering to take off your clothes or change, you wiped the single tear that escaped. You hated him and always would.
You were walking through the woods to get to your favorite spot again. It was the middle of the night, but Jacob asked to meet you there. The moonlight shown through the thick trees, illuminating your path.
Everything was so green and beautiful, you missed being home.
You walked a little farther when your foot hit something, stopping you in your tracks. You looked down to see a rock jutting up from the ground. It was the same one you fell on the other day. It still had blood on it, fresh and bright and not at all dried. That wasn’t right. You fell days ago, it should be dried or the rain should have washed it off.
You spun around. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, that same feeling of being watched returning. You shouldn’t be out here. Emily warned you.
You scanned your surroundings, but it was too dark. What happened to the moonlight? You squinted your eyes and saw him-it.
The man from the road, eyes blood red, skin pale as snow, hair dark as the night around him. He cocked his head to the side, watching you.
Where did he come from? Had he been watching you the whole time? Was he in the woods that first day?
You could try to outrun him, you didn’t know how far into the woods you were, you didn’t even remember how you got here. You went to take a step back but he was in front of you instantly and attacked, grabbing your arm.
You jolted upright, breathing heavily. You looked around. You were in your room, at Sam and Emily’s. You were safe. You ran your fingers through your hair as you looked out the window. It was the middle of the night.
There were things that weren’t adding up. Everyone has been acting weird, telling you to avoid the woods, saying that whatever has been attacking people isn’t animal or human, the man in the road, even Paul’s behavior has been worse than normal…something wasn’t right, you could feel it in your gut.
You knew what they told you, the warnings, but with everything that happened with Paul and your mom, you didn’t care anymore. You were gonna find out what was going on, no matter what.
A/N: hey guys! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! lots of stuff happened and i swear we’re gonna get more paulxreader interactions from now on. love you all❤️❤️
@that-animebitch @fangirlanotherjust @justdidabadthing @scuzmunkie @ccosmic-illusion
@xthefuckerysquaredx @destroyed-and-damned @classyunknownlover @hglyu @blackloveangel13
@champagnesugamama @bshelley322
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marvelgirl7 · 2 years
Here IT IS! The Final chapter of Little Wolf! Again thank you to everyone who has stayed for the journey! But a new journey is starting soon with a new story! Thanks to the amazing @the-wayward-robot we are so excited for you all to read Follow The Stars Home all about Piper and Wes we hope everyone sticks around and reads their story! 
Thank so much to my amazing beautiful @the-wayward-robot​ for reading over the Epilogue for helping me to write again for being the best friend ever I love you so much! I am so excited for our next adventure together! 
Credit goes to @the-wayward-robot​ for the Wes Gif and my beautiful amazing divider check out all her amazing work! 
In case you're unfamiliar with the Face Claims of Piper & Wes
Piper: Lily Collins
Wes: Dominic Sherwood 
Stay tuned for the sequel Follow The Stars Home coming soon!
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Little Wolf Masterlist
Warnings: Sadness, leaving home, emotionally goodbyes, 
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“Is that the last of it, Little Wolf?.” Bucky shuts the trunk. 
“Yeah, I think so Dad,”  Piper says as she looks up seeing Renee standing on the porch with a sad smile, making Piper feel even more emotional, she was really doing this, she was going to college, she was leaving the den.
Piper hears a sudden yell of her name in the distance. “PIPE!” 
Piper chuckles watching a 15-year-old Wes, his golden hair a mess as he runs toward her at full speed
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“Wes!” Piper laughs as he skids to a stop in front of her, Piper shakes her head as Wes pulls her into a big bear hug.
 Piper will miss her parents, but Wes she’s going to miss him most of all. He truly is her best friend.
 “Do you have to go Pipe?” Wes whispers as Piper’s eyes get teary-eyed, she sighs, kissing his head
“I have to, but I’ll be back before you know it, Wes.” Wes pouts but nods as Piper hugs him tightly.
 “Piper, Wes I hate to break you two apart, but you have a lot of goodbyes to say,” Bucky says gently Piper nods, wiping her eyes a bit, pulling away from the hug
Wes smiles at piper “I’m going to give your car a look anyway Pipe, gotta make sure you are good to drive.” Piper rolls her eyes at Wes but smiles as she goes to say goodbye.
Giant smothering hugs from Aunt May who didn’t wanna let her go, Smiles and hugs from both Sam, Nat, Peter tries to be tough, but his emotions were cracking a bit as Piper hugged him tightly.
 “It’s okay Uncle Petey, I’ll be fine!”
Peter nods at that, wiping his eyes. He was going to miss his niece so much. 
Tony was next, quick to pull Piper into a hug. He kisses her head and holds her for a moment. 
“I am so proud of you Piper, remember if you need anything you know I’ll be there in a flash.” He winks as Piper smiles giving him one more hug. 
Next were the Rogers, Piper walks over to Rowan smiling big at her, Rowan pulls her into a hug holding her tight “You're not my little Pipe anymore, I am going to miss our girl's night, you with your camera always taking photos.” Piper sniffles listening to Rowan
 “We can still do all those things. I'll be back for the holidays and breaks. It's because of you Auntie Ro that I want to do photography, you woke that passion in me at age 2. So thank you so much.” Ro kisses Piper’s head giving her another hug. Steve stands nearby smiling waiting for his chance to say goodbye.
“My Little Doll.” Piper laughs as Steve pulls her tightly in a hug.
 “I will miss you, Uncle Steve.” Steve chuckles as he kisses her head.
“Be safe, you know you can always call us if you ever need anything.” Piper nods, she feels so many emotions saying goodbye to everyone.
 Her eyes land on her mom. 
“Momma,” Piper whispers as she runs to Renee’s open arms. Renee holds her close, as Piper cries in her arms.
 “Shh it’s okay my Little Wolf, you’re going to achieve so much, I’m already so proud of you. I love you and you know that home is always here, just follow the stars if you ever get lost.”
 Piper sniffles crying in her mom’s arms as Renee rocks her back and forth holding her close. Renee thinks about the very first time she held Piper, then the first time seeing her again, and how she’s never let her little girl go since but now... it’s time to let her spread her wings.
 “I made this for you, It's a quilt made from your baby blanket, with different little things from your childhood, so you always have a part of us with you.”
 Piper's eyes land on the lettering from her baby blanket “My Little Wolf” right at the center of the quilt. Bringing on more tears 
“I’m so glad you’re my mom, thank you mommy for everything.” Piper sniffles
 “I love you most of all my Little Wolf, Now go say goodbye to your dad. He's gonna need an extra big hug.” Piper nods as she heads toward her dad standing off to the side of her car.
 “Hey, dad.” Bucky looks at his little girl, his little wolf all grown up. He thinks about the first time he held her, how he always vowed to keep her safe now with her leaving, he just wasn’t sure how to feel.
 “Oh, My Little Wolf you’re leaving your old man to go on your next adventure. I don’t know how I feel about that... but I’m so proud of you.” Piper jumps in her dad’s arms as Bucky holds her kissing her head, starting to cry a little.
 “Oh, dad, it's going to be okay. You and mom raised me right. I will be okay.” Bucky smiles as tears slowly fall down his face...
“I know… it’s just you’re my little girl, my Little Wolf. you want to see your kids grow up and go off to achieve their dreams but... You never know how you’re going to feel when the time comes for them to leave, just know I’m proud of you, even if I’m sad seeing you go. this will always be home, we will always be here.”
 Piper hugs Bucky tight crying in his arms as Bucky hopes he and Renee have her prepared for life, hoping she’ll be safe and make smart choices out there.
 “I don’t want you driving when it's too late, so I guess we better wrap this up.” Piper nods
 “Goodbye, Dad. I love you so much, thank you for everything.” Bucky smiles, tears running down his face.
 “I love you My Little Wolf.”
 Piper wipes her eyes as she walks to her car, everyone is standing around waiting to see her off, all but Wes who she sees still under the hood of her car
 “Wes I have to go,” Piper says, making Wes peek out from her hood, nodding sadly 
 “Your oil was a little low so I topped you off, I tightened all your bolts and your tires look good, I think you’ll be good to go. You have roadside assistance right?”
 Piper smiles, shaking her head, and pulls him into another big hug.
 “I am going to miss you my Wes so much.” Wes smiles as Piper cups his cheeks staring into his eyes, his blue eye and his beautiful beyond words half blue half brown eye. She gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
 “Don't forget me when you're busy being amazing in college.” Piper shakes her head.
 “I could never forget you, you're my best friend always and forever.” Wes opens the car door for her as she sets down the quilt her mom made and places her stuffed Wolfy on top. Wes smiles
 “I’m glad Wolfy number two made the college cut.” 
Piper chuckles as she looks at Wes, “Of course, he came from you, Wes I have to keep a part of you with me always.”  She smiles at him. Wes is her rock, her bear, her best friend. she’s going to miss him... 
Wes smiles at Piper, oh how he wishes he was just a little older. he takes one last look at her as he closes the door.
 Piper takes a deep breath as she starts her car up.
 Bucky holds Renee close as piper starts to back up out of the driveway. Renee lays her head on his chest as they watch their Little Wolf drive off.
 Wes watches with a sad smile on his face, Steve gently nudges him smiling 
“Still have that crush on her?” 
Wes smiles small nodding his head “Always.”
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Piper stops at the stop sign waiting to make her left turn. She doesn't know what the future holds but she knew she always had her family if she ever needed anything. As her mom told her, she could always Follow The Stars Home if she ever got lost.
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And Just like that! Little Wolf has come to an end! Thank you again to everyone who read and supported this story! I hope you all stick around for Piper & Wes’s story next :).
Enjoy reading my fics? Support me on Ko-Fi :)
Follow The Stars Home Coming Soon
Taglist: @hiddles-rose, @jobean12-blog, @loricamebackyetagain, @lizette50, @randomfandompenguin, @whimsicalrobots, @charmed-asylum, @marshyrebelcloud, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings, @jamesbarnesappreciationclub, @iluvsumbucky, @nohemi2500, @marvelfansworld, @the-wayward-robot, @captainchrisstan, @book-dragon-13  @film-enthusiastt, @marvelfansworld, @mostly-marvel-musings, @harrysthiccthighss, @omgbrianab,  @unknownmystery22, @moonlacebeam, @vibraniumsergeant @emmabarnes @csigeoblue, @bbmommy0902, @evanstylestan @moonlacebeam , @onlyferorder66, @bbl32 @teenagedreams-bucky, @underdevelopedangst @beckygirl95 @wonderlandfandomkingdom, @charmingmrbarnes​​
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escapetodreamworld · 3 years
I’ll protect you. Angie x fem!reader
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Request: Can you write a one shot where reader saves Angie from the Collins? Requested by anon.
Words 4,259
Warnings: Angst Hurt/Comfort Character's we don’t care about die.
Thank you to the groupchat, we really do share a mind sometimes, you'll know what I'm talking about. There's also i little nod at the end about something we talked about.
A special thank you @arewecoolio who helped me a lot with this story. Thank you for hyping me up when I thought this was going to be a terrible fic, thank for giving me tips to help it run more smoothly. Ily.
You didn't even think twice when your powerful hearing picked up on her cries. You pushed yourself off your knees where you were scrubbing the tile floors, and sprinted as fast as you could through the manor. You finally reached the servants quarters, and didn't bother knocking on her door, barging right in. What you see makes your heartbreak and anger rise and burn in your throat.
Angelique’s curled into a ball sitting on the floor in between her bed and dresser. Tears rolling down her face, as a big bruise forms on her cheek, dried stream of her blood running from her lip down her chin.
You enter her room, closing the door behind you, you take a few steps towards Angelique before stopping. You drop to your knees and crawl the last couple feet towards her, stopping a foot away. Angelique hasn't acknowledged your presents, so you're careful not to touch her, you don't want to scare her.
"Angelique." You say softly, trying to get her attention. She continues to stare ahead, straight through you. "Angie, please, talk to me." You try again, voice cracking. You used your nickname for her, hoping it will snap her out of her trance.
She continues to stare at nothing, after a few moments of silence she speaks, so quiet that someone with normal hearing would have had a hard time understanding it.
"Master Collins caught me staring at Barnabas"
"Is that why you got that bruise? Because you stared at his son." You ask, your voice so low it comes out more as a growl. Angelique nods. "Angie, you can't keep doing this, the man is going to get you killed." You explain, hoping she finally listens to you. She doesn't.
"I just need to get his parents out of the way, then we can be together." She says, completely ignoring what you said. She stands up eruptly, moving through her room, grabbing a spell book from her hiding place. she turns back to you, her bruise and dried blood gone from her face. "Cover for me?" She asks.
You want to say "No way!" Tell her he's not worth it, tell her she's not thinking clearly. But you don't, you just nod your head. She grins and leaves the room, leaving you completely alone. Just like every other time she ditches you for Barnabas. You used to be inseparable, always following each other around, well you followed Angelique around. But there wasn't a day you weren't together. 
At least until Barnabas Collins started showing interest in Angelique, after that, they were always sneaking around, doing things that could get Angie beaten if anyone found out. And you had to just sit there, praying the day they get caught would never come. A small part of yourself, hopes they do get caught, because then Angie would have to stop seeing him, and spend time with you again. You hate that part of yourself.
You admitted to yourself a long time ago that your feelings for Angie went way beyond friendship. Many times you catch yourself watching Angie while she watches Barnabas. Wishing she'd look at you like that. That intense stare, following wherever he goes.
It makes your blood boil knowing he doesn't love her, he only uses her, and Angie is to blind with love to see it. If they ever got caught, nothing would happen to him, he would go about his life like nothing happened, never sparing Angelique another thought.
And his parents, they would see that Angelique disappeared, you'd never see her again. And it would be all his fault, all because he was a man whore. The time that they get caught will come sooner or later. Angelique's right, his parents have to go. It's the only way she'll be safe. You can't wait for Angie to find a way, it could take days, weeks even, and the chances of getting caught are higher every day. You have to help her, you can't stand the thought of never seeing her again.
You sit there, on Angie's floor, trying to think of ways to ensure Angie's safety. There's only one thing that comes to mind, and you hate it, it disgusts you, makes you feel ill, but it's the only way, you'll have to kill them yourself, tonight. during the full moon.
Rising from the floor, you leave to find master Collins and lady Collins. It's getting dark, and the full moon is starting to rise. And every night master and lady Collins take an evening stroll. Everything's coming together perfectly. You would never do what you're about to do, but it's for Angie, you tell yourself. You hide in the trees near the manor, all you have to do is wait. And try not to chicken out.
 The moon finally reaches peak position, you realize with dread. You step further into the shadows, letting the transformation take its hold on you. You've learned not to fight it, it only hurts if you do. After a few moments it's done, your legs and feet are longer and you're covered in hair.
A noise alerts you to two people approaching. the Collins on their walk, You  crouch down to not alert their dog, and wait for them to get closer. Oddly before they can get close enough, a giant seahorse gargoyle falls onto them, killing them. You stand there, shocked before realizing Angelique must have found a way of getting rid of them. You run further into the wood, knowing the sound that statue made will make a servant or two investigate.
By the morning when you transform back into your human form, everyone knows of master and lady Collins passing. On your way to bed you're practically tackled by Angelique, she throws her arms around you. You're surprised but hug her back, when she finally pulls away she drags you into her room. 
"Where were you last night? I came to your room last night to tell you something important but you weren't there." Angelique asks. Worried.
"Oh, I was out again, you know, watching the stars and full moon. I fell asleep out there again." You lie. You're a terrible liar but you know how to distract Angie so she forgets about it. "What did you have to tell me?" You ask quickly when it looked like Angelique was going to comment on your lie.
It works. Angie forgets, she immediately starts grinning. "I did it, I killed them." She whispers, so proud of what she's accomplished.
"I thought you might've had something to do with that accident." You say, even though you knew she had everything to do with it. Her grin gets wider.
"This means Barnabas and I can be together." She says, excitedly. Your heart drops, you forgot why she wanted them gone, so she could continue sleeping with Barnabas. Your heartbreaks, you don't hear what Angie's saying, it all sounds underwater to you. But you do notice that she starts to leave, practically skipping to the door. She turns around to say something else to you before she leaves.
"Oh, and (y/n), maybe don't fall asleep outdoors anymore. There could be werewolves." She says, jokingly. Before smiling and leaving you alone in her room once again. Her joke ringing in your ears, you never told her what you were. You didn't want her to know, the thought of her ever seeing you in that ugly form disgusts you. You feel bad for hiding it, but it's for the best.
Despite two of the Collins dying, everything continues on like normal, do your chores, then do whatever you want as long as you're not in the Collins family's way. Of course, it's only Barnabas now. Which means more freedom, but it comes at a price, that price for you is you never see Angie, and when you do all she does is complain that Barnabas isn't spending time with her. You want to be annoyed, but at least you're seeing her when she's complaining.
That's how it goes for weeks, only seeing her when she complains to you about Barnabas not sleeping with her. You're getting mad about it, all she does is tell you how she threw herself at him again and he just sends her away. But today is different.
She storms into your room while you're reading, she's angry, something about seeing Barnabas with some girl. How they were kissing and confessing their love for each other, you know Barnabas told Angie he didn't love her, you can see how mad Angie is. It makes you angry, but not for the reason she wants.
"Maybe you should just let him be happy, he clearly loves this girl." You snap, you couldn't hold it in anymore. All that anger is finally coming out.
"Excuse me! I tell you he's cheating on me and your suggestion if I let him!" Angelique yells, her anger now focusing on you. You don't care, you're going to say what needs to be said anyways.
"He's not cheating on you! He was never courting you! He was just using you, and you let him!" You yelled, frustrated. Why couldn't she just see that he doesn't love her.
"Whose side are you on?" She asks, angrily. You growl and grit out "yours" "are you sure? Cause it sounds like you don't care about me." She says, and that weakens you. Your shoulders slump, and you try your best to take deep breaths, releasing all your anger.
Once you've calmed down you address her. "I'm sorry Angie, I do care about you. It's just, miss you, i never see you anymore." You say sadly, look down at your hands, hoping she accepts your apology. 
You hear her sigh, and feel her hand on your face, lifting your head up  to look at her. Once you look at her she rubs her thumb over your cheek. You close your eyes, relaxing into her touch. "I am sorry too, you must have felt abandoned. I promise not to do it again. I just need to figure out how to get rid of this whore that's trying to take Barnabas away from me." She says, still rubbing circles in your cheek. 
"I don't know Ang, push her off a cliff." You say, not really thinking about it, still caught up in the feeling and her warm hand on your face. But when she stops drawing patterns in your face, you open your eyes. Angelique has a wicked grin on her face, you've never seen her like this before, it scares you.
"You're a genius, my dear." She says, and you blush at the praise and pet name. But before you can say anything, she's withdrawing her hands and walks away. Once again leaving you. You sit there, staring at the door, you can't believe it happened again. She left you again, after promising. You close your door and cry.
You don't leave your room for two days, And no one checks on you. You know you'll have to leave your room before tonight, you can't risk changing into a werewolf while in the manor. But you stay in bed till you know you can't wait any longer, finally you sneak out, towards the servants staircase. But when you hear people on the stairwell, you quickly decide you don't want to see anyone and get asked questions, so you turn on your heels, heading for the main stairwell. 
You hear a commotion from below, it sounds like a man shouting. You peer over the railing, listening to what was happening. You can't see anyone but you can hear them. 
"You're a wretched woman, you're vile and evil, you killed the woman I love, you cursed me to be this monster, and you have the audacity to try and place your lips upon me!" You hear Barnabas shout, and he finally comes onto view. You're shocked by what you see, Barnabas is paler than you've ever thought possible, his fingernails are longer and sharper, almost like yours when you change. And the most terrifying part about him, he's covered in blood. "What did you do Angie?" You whisper to yourself.
You see Angelique following after him, a frown on her face, she grabs Barnabas's arm, spinning him to look at her. "Don't you see, I did this for us. So we could finally be together." She says, touching his face. Just like she did with you. A growl tries to escape your throat, you clasp your hands over your mouth. You realize in horror that you stayed too long, that the moon has risen. Backing away from the railing you hunch over, transforming, you try to stop it, hold it off just a little longer, but it's too strong.
Suddenly you hear a crash coming from below. Rushing back to the railing you see Angelique crumbled on the floor, on the complete opposite side of the room, from where she stood earlier. Barnabas slowly approaches, glaring down at Angelique, it's clear what happened, Barnabas threw her off of himself.
Barnabas lifts Angie up by her throat, you can see her struggling to breathe. And the next thing you know you're running full speed towards the two of them, slamming into Barnabas. You and him go tumbling to the floor, you hear Angie drop to the floor behind you, coughing and gasping for air.
You and Barnabas get up quickly, he stares at you in shock, you glare back. Your tense, ready to attack, "(y/n)? What has this witch done to you?" Barnabas asks, looking you over, deeply concerned about the state you're in. He reaches out to touch You, you growl and he pulls back. You can hear the coughing subside behind you, then a strained voice. 
"(Y/n)?" Angelique says, shock clear in her voice, despite how rough it was. You send Barnabas another glare before turning to Angelique, dropping to your knees before her. 
"Angie, are you alright?" You ask, carefully reaching to touch the bruising on her neck. You ignore Angie's eyes burning into your face, and focus on searching her for broken bones.
You touch her wrist, feeling for breaks. Angelique clasps her hand around your wrist, not painful, just enough to get your attention. you look at her, and you wish you could look away. "Why didn't you tell me?" her eyes bore into you so intensely, almost searching your very soul for the information she wants.
"I, I didn't want you to see me like this." You say, finally breaking eye contact. Staring at her bruises instead, until the familiar feeling of her hand on your cheek pulls you back in.
"I could have helped you." She says sadly, eyes showing the hurt she feels. You shake your head, pulling her hand away. "No spell can fix me Angie, you know that." You tell her, crying. Saddened by her concern for you. Stepping away from her, you turn back to Barnabas.
Barnabas was still standing there, watching your interaction. You send him another glare as you slowly advance on him. You can see the concern in his eyes, concern for his safety. He starts talking, rambling about what Angie did, how she deserves to burn for her crimes. You strike, your back hand to his face sends him into the wall. You ignore the gasp you hear coming from Angelique. You advance on him again, this time, once he gets back up, the fear in his eyes is gone, replaced with hate and determination.
He charges at you, and you're in a fight of teeth and claws, both trying to rip the other apart. You'll be damned if he's the survivor of the battle, you'll be the one winning this, even if it means Angelique never looks at you again, at least she'll be safe. 
Barnabas throws a nasty punch to your stomach and in your moment of weakness, he grabs you, throwing you across the room. You hit the floor, sliding, you use your claws on the tile to slow you down, the sound is terrible but it stops you from hitting the wall behind you. Your back up, running at Barnabas, he charges you too, you leap up, striking in from the air. The blow causes him to be knocked over. You are on him, hands wrapped under his neck, trying to get it to break. He shoves you off, pushing you away a few feet, you run back towards him, only to get kicked. Thrown into the statue pillar, a sickening crack is heard and you're not sure if it came from you of the statue, too disoriented to tell.
 You struggle to your feet when you hear Barnabas approaching, but he's next to you before you can, lifting you into the air by your throat. You struggle, trying to pry his hands away with your own, kicking him. You know the kicks hurt but he stays strong, choking you out. "I'm sorry about this (y/n)" he says, remorsefully, squeezing tighter. It's become very hard to see, you really just want to close your eyes. You can barely make out the scream coming from somewhere in the room.
Suddenly you drop to the floor, pain shooting through your knees from the impact, you gasp for air, struggling to inhale any. Your vision slowly comes back, you're able to see Barnabas, floating in mid air struggling to get out of the invisible hold he's in. You continue taking deep breaths, focusing your very limited vision on Barnabas, worried he'll drop at any second.
You flinch when you feel someone touch you, you jerk away from the touch, only to be pulled back into it. The smell of vanilla, and the unmistakable stench of magic hit your nose, you relax into it. Welcoming the touch you've been pulled into. You finally take your eyes off Barnabas, and focus on Angie. Taking in the tears on her cheeks, and the slight quiver of her lip.
"You idiot, you almost got killed, why should you do something so stupid?" Angelique asks, furiously. But you can see the concern all over her face. You smile, sheepishly. "You're welcome." Angie didn't like that answer, not one bit. Glaring at you, her way of saying "Don't joke." You stop smiling, You clear your throat, wincing in pain when you do. Angelique frowns, moving her hand over your throat, barely grazing it, you flinch when you feel it, causing her to pull back slightly.
Angelique carefully moves her hand back towards you, keeping eye contact. You don't flinch when she touches you this time, your neck feels tingly, then the pain in your throat is gone. "Now, tell me why you thought fighting a vampire was a good idea." Angie says, sternly. removing her hand from your throat.
"He hurt you, I couldn't stand by and watch him choke you to death." You explain to her, causing Angie to sigh.  "So you thought you'd kill him. Sweetie, that's not like you." Angie says, running her hand through your messy hair, you wince when she touches a spot on the back of your head, both of you realizing you must have hit it, Angelique starts healing it. "I would do it for you, I would have killed his parents that night if you didn't beat me to it." You say, revealing that information caused Angelique to frown.
"You were going to kill Barnabas's parents for me? Why would you do something like that for me?" Angie asks, her brows scrunching in confusion. "Why are you so willing to hurt people or get hurt for me?" She questioned, and you realize this is the best opportunity to tell her.
"I would do anything for you, I love you." You tell Angelique, looking at every little detail on her face, memorizing it. When you meet her eyes you shiver, she's looking at you the way she does Barnabas, that intense possessive stare, the look you always wished was directed at you. You can help looking at her lips, Angie notices, her lips forming into a smirk.
She uses the hand still holding the back of your head to slowly pull your head towards hers, you're so excited, you're about to kiss the girl you've been dreaming about. But before you can press your lips to hers, you remember something and pull back. It confuses Angelique, but you quickly explain.
"My teeth are a lot sharper in this form, I could hurt you." You tell her, showing her your sharpened teeth. She looks at them and laughs. "I'll be careful." She says, leaning back into. You pull back again. "That's great but I might forget and cut you. Maybe we should wait till the sun rises?" You say, glancing towards the window. Angie pouts but nods, understanding your concern.
"Thank gods, I didn't want to see that disgusting display" you hear Barnabas growl. Angie's and your heads snap up to Barnabas, glaring daggers. You growl back but Angie acts quick, Barnabas is slammed into the ground, the tile shattering upon his impact. He's then thrown into the wall opposite the two of you, and finally he's positioned again in the spot he was hanging from earlier, his unconscious body above you.
Your eyes are brought back to Angie by the always familiar hand on your cheek, you lean against her hand, a content sigh leaving your lips. Angie smiles at you. "I love you." She whispers, kissing your cheek, very close to your lips. You're so happy, but one fear looms over you, along with his body.
"What are you going to do about Barnabas?" You ask Angie, you're deeply worried about her response. Her soft smile turns into a wicked grin, the same one you witnessed after telling her to push that girl off a cliff, it's worries you but gives you hope at the same time.
"I think the town's people would be very interested in knowing about our local vampire." She says, eyes wild. She grins at you then sneers at Barnabas's body.
The plan was simple. Angie tells the town's people about Barnabas, leads the angry mob to the manor, and you stay hidden so no one sees you, and she'll be back to you by sunrise. So far it's went well, they came for Barnabas dragging him out of the house, you've been hiding in Angie's spell room, the one place no one can find, unless Angie wants them to find it. The sun is almost risen, you'll turn back soon, but Angie isn't here yet. You're worried, what if Barnabas told everyone she was a witch and they believed him, what if he broke free and killed her. What if she just doesn't want to come back to you.
You've paced the room for what feels like forever, worrying yourself into a panic. You're about to sneak upstairs to see if there's any sign of Angie when you hear footsteps echo down the stone steps. The latch on the door clicks open and the door swings open, Angie strides in, a smirk plastered on her face. She closes the door behind her with a flick of her wrist. 
"I'm sorry, those idiots wanted to try stoning him first, they didn't realize it would work, finally, they decided to bury him deep in the woods in a chained up coffin." She explains, washing the dirt from her hands in a wash bowl. "I marked the place he was buried, just to make sure we remember and so no one can unearth him." She continues saying.
You've listened silently, just content on watching her. You're so relieved she's back, safe, not one scorch mark on her. She turns around, catching you staring, she smirks and winks at you. You blush at being caught. Angelique stalks towards you, like she's hunting her prey. As she reaches you the sunlight shines through the window, basking the room in a golden color, all you can think about is how beautiful the color makes Angie look. But her grin makes you know she's thinking something very different.
Angie reaches out, grabbing your skirts pulling you closer to her, you gasp at the feeling of her body pressing against yours. Angie leans in to whisper something in your ear. "As cute as you look in the other form, this one's my favorite." She says, then kisses below your ear.
You gasp, both at the feeling of her lips and breathe on your ear and because you forgot what the sunrise meant. You're human again. You pull back so you can see Angie's face, and you can tell she can't hold off anymore. You lean forward, and Angie surges forwards meeting your lips, it doesn't take long for a whimper to leave your lips, but Angie swallows it, pressing further into you.
It's bliss, pure bliss, you've never been happier than in this moment, and you know, it'll feel like this for a very long time to come. You'll do anything to keep Angie happy, and in the following centuries, you do just that. Sure Angie is happy with you, your relationship hasn't lost any if it's intensity or love. But you're in love with a devious little witch, and she thinks it's fun to mess with the Collins family, she even asks you to help sometimes, so when she begs and seduces you into going to bite the Collins kid. You do it.
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bimsha · 3 years
Head in Her Heart (Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader)
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Warning : Mentions of Suicide, Violence and Major Character Death. Read at Your Own Risk. Don't tell I Didn't Warn You. If You Are Sensitive About These Topics, Please Refrain From Reading.
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"'Cause it's easier to keep holdin' on to something sweet In her mind the more he lies, she justifies But why?"
Song: Head In Her Heart - Nico Collins
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Tetsuro Kuroo had come a long way in his life. His love for volleyball has made him the man he was. He patted against his wristwatch a few times, he had an hour before he had to attend the meeting. He didn’t want to arrive early and sit by himself in that gloomy meeting room and not be ready to drink the stale coffee they serve in those places. Kuroo decided to cross the road and head to the nearest café. He missed breakfast and it felt like a good chance for him to grab some food. Ordering his food, he walked to the nearest table just beside the front window of the place. One of the workers brought his food and he was certainly surprised by their speed. Not every day you get to meet good workers and fast service. He smiled at her, turning back to his food when a movement caught from the nook of his eye. He turned and registered the familiarity. A young woman, possibly around his age sat by herself in the far corner of the café. Her hair draped against her shoulder as her eyes darted along with the menu in her hands.
It didn’t take Kuroo much longer to recognize her. She hasn’t changed much since High School. “Y/n?” He talked, waving his hand a bit to take her attention. She looked up from the menu and turned to him. Her eyes frowning for a second before the recognition flooded in. She smiled. The same smile he had grown to love through his high school years. She stood up and walked over to his table without hesitance. The raven-haired male gestured to the seat in front of him. “It’s been so long,” She said, her smile still painted on her lips. It was only then he realized, maybe she did have changed a bit.
“It has” Kuroo replied, tapping against his lukewarm coffee. “I thought you moved to America. That’s what the rumours said anyway.”
She paused for a minute to smile at the waitress who brought her order and thanked her. “I did move to America but I came back a few months after.”
“Oh” Kuroo wondered about the reasons. He still remembered how she was excited to start a new life back in America. In their post-graduate ceremony at high school, she looked at him right in the eyes when she confessed her dream to be a fashion designer. Kuroo wished her luck and let go of her, wishing her best. She had always been the kind of girl to follow her dreams. The kind of girl who wanted to live her dream, not just thinks of it. “America didn’t sit right with you?” He asked, his tone light. He didn’t want to build up any tension between them.
“Kind of.” She was staring at her drink, he noticed. She had been avoiding eye contact since she came to speak with him. That was peculiar. As he remembered, she always used to look anyone in the eye. There was never malice in them, but the positive energy that could light up anyone’s day. Gosh, he was being sappy again. Their light-hearted conversation continued until a man walked into their table. He looked at her and frowned.
She stood up with a smile. “Right! Kuroo this is my fiancé, Fujino Toru, and Toru this a high school friend of mine, Kuroo Tetsuro.”
He extended his hand for Kuroo to take. But the only thought going inside his mind was that: she was going to get married. “Nice to meet you,” He said in a stiff voice.
Toru merely nodded, his dark eyes giving him a judging glare. Kuroo stood his ground as he stared back at him with the same stoic look. Y/n seem to be clueless about the tense situation. “Were you two close friends?” Toru asked with a smile, aiming the question at her.
She just ducked her head that her bangs bounced over her forehead, “We were more like acquaintances. He was a good volleyball player. He was always inside the gym”
“Oh,” Toru said, raising his brow.
Kuroo simply shrugged as his response. Toru wrapped one of his arms around her leading her towards the café door. Kuroo watched them leave and turned back to his seat, only to see her untouched food and the coffee mug still filled to the brim, not a sip taken.
Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours and hours passed. Kuroo focused on his job, recruiting members and finding the fresh raw talent in the country. That was something that didn’t change all through all these years. His love for volleyball. He still adored the sport. It had been raining two days straight. He knew it should be past ten in the night when he walked to the car park in the diner. Kuroo worked late and decided to stop by the diner because he knew he’d be too tired to make his inner. The car park was almost empty except for his own SUV and some other black car. He didn’t pay any attention until he heard the voices. It was the aggressive note of a man. Curiously, he turned to them.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out who they were. Especially for Kuroo who had watched her staring out at the window during the English period. Who glanced during the breaks to catch her sweet smile. He frowned, the man was Toru. Did something happen? He thought torn between two worlds. He wondered whether he should ignore them and just leave, Y/n was going to get married and this should be some minor problem. But on the other hand, seeing the rude gestures and the loud voice of Toru, a part of his mind hesitated to go on. Only this time, he promised himself and approached the two. Carefully wearing a smile just to make sure he wasn’t intruding on them. Just spotted them by coincidence. Toru stopped to look at him, “What are you doing here?”
Kuroo put his hands up in surrendering motion. “Just saw you two while passing by, I thought I’d say hello”
He squinted at him and turned to her one last time. “I’m leaving”
Y/n smiled, “Sure and I’m sorry, again”
That’s when Kuroo noticed her swollen cheek. She was holding her hand over it as if to subside the pain. Kuroo immediately turned to Toru who was walking to his car about to call him back when she tugged on his elbow and shook her head. She was still smiling at him, and Kuroo realized what was different about her.
That smile didn’t quite reach her eyes like it used to.
“Y/n” His voice was soft as he talked, “Did he-”
“It’s okay. I did something stupid.” She blinked, slowly running her smooth fingers on her skin. “It’s my fault”
She shook her head, “Just some business problems, don’t mind it” She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the numbers.
“I can drop you at your house if you want to” He offered, trying to keep his eyes away from her reddened cheeks and tired eyes.
She blinked, “Ah, no, it’s okay. I’ll find a taxi.”
“It’s too late and too dangerous for you to ride alone in a taxi” That idiot should’ve thought about it before leaving you alone here. He didn’t speak the words out loud. “Let’s go”
She reluctantly nodded, following him to his car. As they sat inside, an awkward silence settled between them. Kuro turned on the radio, trying to break the suffocating silence. He wanted to ask her about him. Why did she look so sad? Why did she look so hopeless? “Y/n, should I stop by a pharmacy and get an ice pack for that?”
She shook his head, “It’s fine. I have some at home”
Kuroo nodded, stopping the car by the red light. “Did he-” Kuroo stopped, trying to compose himself. “Does he always do that?”
She didn’t answer right away. There was it, the smile again. “It’s not a big deal”
It is, Kuroo thought.
“It’s my fault. I’m a clumsy person” She laughed a strangled sound.
You were never clumsy, Kuroo thought.
“When did you meet him?” He took a turn as she pointed out the directions.
“It was a proposal by my parents. They wanted to find me the best husband.” There was no cynical tone. She was honest, she always had been.
“Oh,” Kuroo simply said, “You always loved your parents and never complained.”
“You remembered?” She asked, certainly surprised.
I remember everything, “Yeah,” Kuroo said, awkwardly smiling. “You were pretty popular back then”
“Says you” She rolled her eyes, “Girls flocked around you. You were a star in high school, captain”
But I only had my eyes for you.
“Anyway, enough about me. How’s your life? Any girlfriend?” Her voice held the hint of excitement as she asked.
“Already married to Volleyball at this point”
She laughed, “Weren’t you always?”
“Good point,” Kuroo said, chuckling. The conversation continued until they reached her apartment building. They laughed at their past, beautiful high school memories. There will never be a time like that in your life. Life was not too complicated back then. Kuroo waved at her as she walked in. She looked just like the past Y/n at the moment. Her smile reached her eyes.
After that day, both of them kept in touch with each other. Even met in some cafes with several of their other friends back in high school. Everyone was in different places, working with different people but when they got together again, it was the same madness they had in high school.
Kuroo didn’t know when Toru arrived at the shop until he saw him storming to their table. They had organized another get together of high school friends and two of them arrived earlier than expected. Y/n immediately stood, her fact neutral and passive but her eyes glistening with fear. “Toru” Her voice was remarkably calm.
“What are you doing here?” His eyes rested on Kuroo, “With this man?”
She smiled, “We organized a high school get together. We’re waiting for the others.”
“You lying bitch” His voice was quiet but strong. The impact on his words made several of them turn.
“I’m sorry” She murmured.
“It’s not your fault” Kuroo blurted out, “This is a misunderstanding. What are you going to do to her?”
Y/n gave him a surprised glance. Almost as if it was the first time someone had talked for her. She smiled at him, “It’s okay” She muttered, “Let’s go, Toru”
“Yes, we’re leaving” He yelled, taking her wrist as he dragged her out of the door. Kuroo wanted to run after them. He didn’t know what that man was capable of doing to her but he was frozen to the ground as he watched. The girl he once loved, still had feelings for, getting dragged by her fiancé. If this was love, it was a love made in hell. He’s destroying her.
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You knew your life wasn’t meant to be smooth. The bruises on your arms were easily covered by long sleeves. In summer, you always gave the same excuse, I get cold easily. When in reality, you were a summer child. You loved the sense of sunlight on your skin. He robbed you of your simple pleasures but you kept holding onto that man. Because you had faith that he will change. Any man could, you’re giving him chances. One after another. Just till you break. Kuroo stumbled again into your life by pure coincidence. He was the one who reminded her of the beautiful past. Those high school years you could never take back.
Toru didn’t favour Kuroo from the start. Sometimes, you sympathized with him. He was insecure about himself, about his abilities to love her. You sighed, pressed one of your hands against the bruises on your wrists. He wondered whether he would ever change. Maybe you’re meant to be with someone like this. You should’ve known before. People like Kuroo was never meant to be with you. He was just so kind and out of your league. He had been like that, always. You smiled at your crush on him back then. You weren’t the only one. Many girls in the class asked him out. You were quite jealous for some time until you learned to let go. Kuroo would never like you. You weren’t meant to spend a beautiful life.
Toru came and went and you stayed back at home for few weeks. He was growing out of his jealousy towards Toru. Jealousy is something toxic. Something that could devour a man out of his positive qualities until their vision tunnels into a murky green smoke. Toru could be a good person, sometimes. He would cuddle with you after work when he was in a good mood, if it was bad, you knew you should stay away. But several blows were inevitable. Sometimes, you wondered whether it was all worth it. Maybe you should fade away. You didn’t know when the feelings started but they seemed like they were here to stay.
When Kuroo called that afternoon, checking up on you. You realized how much you wanted to talk with someone. You have grown sick of your loneliness. You just wanted an outlet. So, you invited him into your apartment out of pure desperation. Trying to find a way to chase the demons growing stronger by each toxic word, each desperate feeling. The bell rang. You walked to the door and opened it to see Kuroo’s face, concerned and caring. You hated yourself for feeling secure in his hold. You weren’t supposed to have feelings for him. Toru was your fiancé. Nevertheless, you invited him in and saw the paper bags in his arms. “Why did you bother?” Your lips painted to a smile but he looked at you as if you are transparent. Almost as if he could see you for the girl you are.
“It’s your favourite sushi. I passed a sushi shop and it reminded me of that ridiculous party we had after graduating”
A smile instantly touched your lips as memories flooded in. It would be amazing to live in past but the sad part of life is you have to move on from those beautiful memories. “Y/n?” He called again, “You’re spacing out”
“Sorry,” You said, inviting him in. “I was thinking about the party”
“Right” Kuro placed the bags on the table. “Wanna have some?”
You didn’t have any appetite. The past few days, you haven’t had any appetite either. You ate just to survive and wondered what it felt like for everything to stop. To stop hurting. To stop loving. To stop thinking. To stop breathing. But his dark eyes made you falter, “Sure” you answered.
You both sat by the dinner table and started to eat. You nibbled at your food, pushing them against your plate. “You have changed” Kuroo observed, showing a piece of fish into his mouth.
“Everyone changes with time.” You said, smiling at him. “But you’re still the same kind guy acting like an old geezer”
“Hey” He objected, “That’s offensive. Aside from all that, Y/n, what’s wrong?”
You stiffened on your seat. Of course, he would notice. They had known each other for so long to point out the differences among them. Maybe, you didn’t ask him to come over because you wanted to talk to him. Maybe, it was because you wanted to see his face one last time. You’ve already given up. “Nothing. I’m fine. Just getting on with life”
Kuroo didn’t look like he believed it and you knew that was a lame excuse. “How’s it going with Toru?”
“It’s okay. He’s trying.”
Kuroo sighed, setting down his chopsticks. “From what I’m seeing, he’s destroying you, Y/n”
You froze, your gaze lingering on your plate. Your heart was racing. It was the raw truth. The truth you wanted to hear. A little hope bubbled inside your chest. Maybe, he’ll save him. “It’s easier though. To hold onto him rather than letting go. Everyone will be there, talking about things, talking about me. It’s a hard life”
Kuroo shook his head, “It’s your life, Y/n. You choose what you want. I think-” He was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Both of you turned in surprised to see Toru, walking up to you two. Kuroo immediately stood up. You just waited, looking at his furious face and raging eyes and wondered, does it matter anymore?
“What’s going on here!?” He let out a ragged cry, grabbing Kuroo by the collars. You sprang onto your feet.
“He was just talking with me. Toru, stop this!” Toru released Kuroo and grabbed you by your hair slamming your face against the side of the table.
“What the fuck-” You heard Kuroo yelling before pushing Toru back and punching him right on the face. “Stop hurting her!” Toru wiped the blood off his nose, switching his glances with you and Kuroo.
“Get out of my house” He yelled at Kuroo.
“No, if I’m leaving, Y/n is coming with me. I don’t trust you anymore” Kuroo was determined. You watched his eyes filling with something unknown. The same look he had when he always stared at you. The look that you weren’t able to understand.
“Leave,” You said, your voice shaking. “I’m okay, I’m sorry”
Kuroo looked at you with reluctance. “But Y/n-” he started when you finally snapped.
“Leave!” You screamed, your throat was dry. Your soul was dry. Your heart was dry. There was nothing to think about anymore. Your life had collapsed right in front of your eyes. You didn’t want Kuroo to be a part of your destruction. He deserved a better life with someone better than you. Hence, you did all that you could, to send him away. For the first time in your life, you yelled at him to leave. Not giving him any other choice than to meet your commands. You watched his hesitant eyes and reluctant steps. Toru couldn’t do anything to you rather than hurting you because he was a man acknowledged by society, murder will ruin his reputation.
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Kuroo didn’t want to leave. Even after leaving the apartment, he hung around the door deciding his next move. There was no noise coming inside and he didn’t have any other choice rather than to back down and leave it. Y/n was right, no matter how violent Toru can be he cannot cross the limits. He valued his reputation. But he didn’t want to see Y/n hurt. He walked out of the apartment building and waited for a while, patting against his pockets to find his cellphone. He should call someone and ask about his next move. He hasn’t been insecure about his decisions before but regarding this sensitive topic, it would be better if he called Akaashi or Sugawara. “Did I left it back there?” He wondered, looking over his shoulder to see the apartment block again. He shook his head running back to the building, half glad about the excuse and the opportunity. Half wondering what her reactions would be. He exited the elevator, thinking of walking to her apartment when the elevator beside him pinged close, giving him only enough time to see the disappearing figure of Y/n behind the two metal doors. Out of sheer surprise, Kuroo froze to the ground. She didn’t see him. An unknown feeling of anxiety filled his stomach as he smashed his fingers on the elevator buttons. He tried the staircase but soon find out it had been close due to construction, he raced his way to the elevators back again as the doors pinged open. He raced inside, wishing she would be okay. Wishing he would be able to save her.
His ride to the rooftop seems to take forever. He paced around waiting until the door opened. He stepped out. The cold night wind welcomed him, brushing away his raven hair out of his face. Kuroo froze: there she was, still alive, standing at the edge. Her head tipped back to stare at the eerily beautiful stars in the night sky. “Y/n?” Kuroo talked.
She turned, surprised. Her eyes filling with thousands of emotions. “Kuroo? What are you doing here?”
“Get down from there. It’s dangerous” Kuroo didn’t answer her question. He didn’t have the time to answer her question. The only thought running inside his mind was: get her out from there!
She turned back to the sky, “This world is a terrifying place, Kuroo. I don’t think I can endure it anymore.” She looked over her shoulder at him, smiling. “You’re a kind person, you know? It’s rare to see people like you. Wish I would’ve-” She stopped, shaking her head. “My life, it doesn’t have to go on anymore.”
“You still have the chance, Y/n. Come down and we’ll sort it out, please.” Kuroo knew his voice was shaking. He was surprised he had the strength to talk at all at the moment.
She suddenly turned and opened her arms, “I wish it was different for me, different for us. You can call me selfish for thinking like this. But” She smiled, and Kuroo’s heart stopped for a moment. It was the same smile. The one that reached to her eyes and wrinkled the edges of her face. The one that lighted up her face like a star. Her smile. The smile that only belonged to her.
(The smile that she gave only to him.)
"I love you"
Kuroo’s heart was racing as she grinned, “Tetsuro, keep that beautiful heart forever. You can make someone’s life better. I know it”
I want to make your life better, he wanted to say but just watched her. His whole body was frozen to the ground as she waved slightly. The hope in her eyes was nowhere to see. Her eyes were empty again. He took a step, ready to take her down from there. Ready to save her life. But, she jumped.
Kuroo would’ve screamed, he would’ve run to the edge of the rooftop to see her. But he just stood there. His arm still hanging midair, trying to reach the girl that was already gone from his life. He fell to his knees, clutching his shirt as he punched the ground repeatedly. The girl he failed to confess. The girl he loved but never was his. Sitting there, he regretted all the words he didn’t say. He should’ve tried harder. Should’ve confessed to her. Should’ve made her life beautiful but he failed.
Then again, no one could blame him. We’re all living lives filled with regret. Just one after another problems crowd inside our minds but, we’re humans. We make mistakes but our pure existence can make someone smile. Make someone happy. We can be the reason that someone’s alive.
Kuroo stood up and collected his courage. Streams of tears flowed down his tears and he didn’t attempt to wipe them away. An ambulance blared breaking the silence of the night. Her words echoed through the air around him. Her last confession. Kuroo finally screamed, letting out the agony and the pain inside his heart as he sobbed openly. Tears streaming without mercy.
It was just three words: I love you. But it can make the deepest mark inside someone’s heart. Either a pleasant beauty or an everlasting regret.
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"She has her head in her heart and a broken body Never wrong but she always says sorry Takes the pain, and throws away her pride"
Word Count : 3954
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salvador-daley · 4 years
Quarantine (Part 1)
Robert Sheehan x Reader
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A young starlet finally lands what she hopes will be her big break. But first she has to endure two weeks locked up with her annoying co-star
CW: Smut, of course. Plus a lackadaisical attitude to airline safety protocols
The flight is a little delayed, so you wheel your Louis Vuitton case into the airport lounge and order a glass of champagne. You pick a table by the floor-to-ceiling glass window overlooking the terminal concourse and pull out your book, trying to ignore that tight knot of nervous energy growing in your stomach. You hate flying and your anxiety only seems to get worse the more you do it. 
Is it too soon to take one of my pills? you think. Probably. The flight could be delayed even longer and then you’d only end up falling asleep in this armchair and missing it altogether. 
You’re so wrapped up in your thoughts that you barely register the tall man entering the lounge and sauntering towards your table, only fully becoming aware of his presence when he drops his slightly tatty leather rucksack at your feet. 
“Hello there!” he says brightly in an Irish accent, slumping into the seat opposite uninvited. “I believe we’re going to be working together soon.” 
You look up and see the familiar face of your new co-star smiling back at you. He’s wearing a designer duffle coat that could just as easily be from a charity shop and a slightly see-through sweater that appears to have been purchased from the womenswear section. You note that it bears several holes around the neckline. 
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you,” you say, extending your hand and introducing yourself.
“We’ve met before actually, at Nancy’s New Year party last year,” he says, shaking your hand, his various beaded bracelets jangling.
You smile at him blankly. You spent that entire party sucking up to a producer who would later tell you that you were “a little too provincial” for a part you wanted, whatever the fuck that means.
“Anyway,” he says after an awkward beat, “I’ll bet you’re looking forward to being locked up in quarantine when we get to the other end.”
“Oh, I dunno,” you sigh, “I think maybe two weeks of peace and quiet sounds pretty nice. I’m quite good at entertaining myself and it’ll hopefully give me a chance to look over the scripts again. What about you?” you ask.
“I’ve come prepared,” he says, opening his coat to display a dog-eared copy of the Bhagavad Gita poking out of his inside pocket.
“Hindu scripture,” you say, raising your eyebrows. “That is some hardcore reading material.”
He leans forward: “Oh, I’m sure it’s no less hardcore than…” he lifts your book away from the table to look at the cover, “Jackie Collins! Now that is hardcore,” he says, giving you a devilish look.
“Don’t take the piss,” you say, snatching the book off the table and shoving it in your bag. “It relaxes me, I’m a bad flyer.”
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You lean back and cross your legs, catching him as he steals a glance at the strip of flesh between your thigh-high boots and your leather miniskirt.
“You’ve dressed for comfort, I see,” he says, using his eyebrows to indicate your outfit.
“I’m not about to end up on the front page of TMZ in my jogging bottoms,” you scoff.
He sighs and leans back in the chair, shoving a hand into the pocket of his... jogging bottoms.
“Not everyone can pull them off,” you add quickly.
He smiles, perhaps at your accidental double entendre.
“Oh, I’m sure you could,” he says.
“Welcome aboard, sir, you are in seat 3A,” says the flight attendant, tearing off the stub of his boarding pass. “And you are in seat 3F, madam,” she adds, tearing off yours.
“Oh well, we can wave at each other across the plane,” he says, giving you a wink as he heads inside.
As he takes his seat he actually does wave at you from across the plane, wiggling his fingers impishly. You wave back and attempt to smile underneath your face mask, but your nerves are getting the better of you now. You slip one of your pills beneath the mask and try to concentrate on staying calm, every whirr and click of the aircraft setting your teeth on edge. At least the seat next to you is empty. You couldn’t cope with being sat next to a snoring stranger for the next eight hours.
As the plane takes off, you close your eyes, gripping the armrests and concentrating on taking deep breaths. After a while, you become vaguely aware of the seatbelt light turning off in the cabin.
He drops into the empty seat next to you: “How are you holding up?”
“Not great,” you say, opening one eye to look at him. “My therapist told me to take deep breaths, but that’s easier said than done.”
“Excuse me, my love,” he says, stopping a passing member of the flight crew. “Do we have to wear these for the whole flight?” he asks, indicating his face mask.
“I’m afraid so, but you can remove it if you’re eating or drinking,” she replies.
“I guess we should order some drinks then,” he says.
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As he talks, you catch yourself watching his lips and you subconsciously run your hand through your hair. You’re both several drinks deep now and you’ve lost track of how long you’ve been sat like this, heads together, talking in confidential tones in the darkness.
Every now and then he leans a little closer and that playful look in his green eyes causes your stomach to flip. Although I suppose that could just be the turbulence, you think.
This close, you can smell his coconut shampoo and hear the chinking of his various beads and trinkets as he ruffles his hair. When it’s your turn to talk, you catch him snatching glances at your lips, his smile travelling to his eyes as you swap funny stories about shared acquaintances.
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“So have you always been a nervous flyer?” he asks, sipping his drink.
“No, I used to enjoy flying, but it’s just got worse over the years,” you say, your face beginning to warm from the effects of the alcohol. “Actually,” you say, leaning your head closer to his conspiratorially, “I’ve always had this thing…” You stop yourself, suddenly aware of how unguarded you’re being: “No, I can’t say.”
“Oh, go on, tell me,” he says, in a low voice, shifting his body towards you in his seat.
“No, I can’t,” you say, shaking your head and half-covering your eyes shyly with your hand. You must be a bit drunk, otherwise you wouldn’t even consider telling him this.
“Come on,” he begs, his eyes glinting in the dim light of the plane.
“Ok, fine,” you say, whispering now, “I’ve always wanted to…,” you pause as the flight attendant passes your seats, “I’ve always kinda wanted to do it on an aeroplane,” you say eventually, cringing at yourself.
His thick eyebrows rise immediately at the revelation and his face breaks into a wide smile.
“Really?” he says, excitedly.
He looks around the plane for a second, then turns to you again.
“Well, in completely unrelated news,” he says quietly, trailing his fingers along the flesh above the cuff of your boot, “I’m going to head to the toilet. I’ll be using that one right there, just in case you need to know for any reason,” he adds, pointing to the bathroom at the head of the plane.
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He rises now, giving you a wink.
“You’re not serious?” you ask, in a hushed voice. But he only bobs his eyebrows in response as he opens the door and shuts it behind him. The light comes on above, indicating that it is occupied, and you just sit there, your heart racing in your chest now, blood rushing to your face.
You look around the plane. Only a couple of reading lights illuminate the cabin and most of the occupants are now asleep.
Oh my God, this is madness. You’re not actually considering this? You’ll be caught. You’ll be arrested. Imagine what the press will say.
You undo your seatbelt and step into the aisle, the pounding in your chest travelling to your ears.
This is crazy, you think, walking up to the toilet door. You rap quietly on it and for a second you wonder if perhaps this is some cruel prank he’s playing on you. How will you react when you call his bluff? I was only kidding, I’m not really going to shag you in an aeroplane toilet, mate. Haha, so funny.
He opens the door and pulls you inside, locking the door behind you.
“Thank God, for a second there I thought you were going to leave me hanging,” he says, pulling you close and connecting his mouth with yours.
One of his hands wraps in your hair while the other pushes your skirt up over your ass. He grabs it and pulls you even closer, pressing his erection against you. His kiss is intense, frenzied even, devouring you while his hands press your body into his.
The tiny room fills with the sound of heavy breathing as his mouth explores yours, then moves to your neck.
“Wait,” you whisper, catching your breath, “what if we get caught.”
He pulls away and looks at you: “I know, right?” he says, flashing you a wicked smile.
And then his lips are on yours again, his hands travelling underneath your clothes. He tears your sweater off over your head, diving his face between the lacy cups of your bra, grabbing you, biting your breast through the thin material.
Now his hand is travelling down, hitching your skirt around your waist, dipping beneath the waistband of your panties.
His lips meet your ear as his fingers circle your clit: “I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since Nancy’s party,” he whispers, slipping his fingers inside you. He smiles: “Oh, you dirty bitch, you’re so fucking wet,” he says, finding your mouth again and wrapping his tongue around yours.
He lifts you up to perch you on the edge of the sink, fucking you with his fingers while his mouth roams around your neck, your collarbone, your chest.
It’s all happening so quickly you barely have time to find your breath, let alone think about what you’re doing.
You wrap one arm around him, plunging your hand into his soft curls, reaching down with your other hand to grasp his cock over his sweatpants. As you palpate him with your fingers, it only spurs him on.
“I can’t fucking wait to fuck you,” he says, pulling your head back by your hair and exposing your neck to his greedy mouth.
You place your foot on the lid of the toilet and drag his sweater over his head, pulling his torso close to yours.
“We have to be quick,” you hiss, conscious of the very real risk of being caught. Your heart pounds inside your chest, like a prisoner banging desperately against the bars of a cell.
You grab the waistband of his pants now, tugging them down roughly, freeing his cock. It springs into your hand, firm and eager.
He runs his hand up your leg: “I fucking love these boots,” he says into your ear, bringing his hand up your thigh and over your ass. With his other hand, he pulls your underwear to one side and enters you, filling you with his cock.
“Jesus, you feel so fucking good,” he growls in your ear, holding your body tightly to his as he begins to thrust inside you. You squeeze your eyes shut and bite your fist to silence yourself.
Fast, duelling breaths become the only sound inside the cubicle. You cling to his body and dig both fists into his hair, meanwhile his hands wrap around your ass, drawing you closer with every thrust.
You pull his face up and look into his eyes as you fuck each other, panting wordlessly. Then he kisses you again, his tongue searching for yours.
Your mind races: He’s fucking you in this bathroom and there’s dozens of people on the other side of the door. If you’re caught, you’ll be in so much trouble. The police will be called when you land, you’ll be handcuffed, everyone will know what you did…
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” you gasp, through clenched teeth, trying your best not to scream.
He groans and you feel him coming too, his fingers digging into your ass as he deepens his thrusts.
“Don’t stop, please don’t fucking stop,” you plead pitifully.
You claw at his back as your orgasm peaks, white hot adrenaline filling your veins. Every nerve in your body snaps and fizzes and you float thousands of feet above the earth, coming back down gently, like a falling feather, aided now by the gentle rocking of his hips.
You hold each other for a second, trying hard to regain your breath. Then the silence of the bathroom is broken by your laughter, then his, your bodies shaking together with liberating vibrations.
“You go first, give me a second to fix myself up,” you say as he pulls up his pants and slips his sweater back on, giving you one last furtive kiss before he unlocks the door and slips back into the cabin.
When you leave a minute or so later, you meet eyes with a glamorous older woman sitting in the seat nearest the bathroom, her eyebrow curling in the direction of the sky as she looks you up and down. You avert your eyes, feeling the blood rush to your face as you retake your seat.
He leans his head into yours: “I think the woman in 1E is onto us,” he whispers as you sink down beside him.
You lift your eye mask and see him sitting under the reading light, his head in his book.
“I can’t sleep,” you whine, sitting up in the reclining seat.
“Yeah, me neither, I gave up trying,” he replies.
“Do you want to watch a film?” you ask, offering him one of your headphones and adjusting the seat.
“Yeah, ok,” he says, closing his book and snuggling down under the blanket next to you.
You pick something at random, some vapid romcom that will ideally allow you to drift off for the last few hours of the flight.
“I auditioned for this part,” you tell him, your head resting on his chest. “Didn’t get it, obviously.”
“Really?” he says, lifting his chin slightly to look at you.
“Yeah, apparently the girl who got it was dating the director at the time,” you say, yawning.
“Well, you know what it’s like. It’s not what you know, but who you know, and who you’re willing to sleep with,” he says.
You snap your head up: “What the fuck does that mean?” you hiss at him, trying hard not to raise your voice.
“I didn’t mean you, obviously,” he says, fumbling for his words.
“You think I fucked someone to get this job?” you ask him, your eyes narrowing.
“No, no, I didn’t say that,” he says defensively.
“You think I fucked you for some ulterior motive?” you ask, sitting up in the seat now and glaring at him angrily.
“Well, Jesus, I hope not...” he says, his brow furrowing.
“I think you should go back to your seat now,” you say.
“I didn’t… I didn’t mean you,” he says, pleadingly. But you’re not listening. You throw two of your pills down your throat and pull your eye mask back over your face, rolling over in your seat with your back to him.
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Stupid twat, you think.
He sighs loudly and rises from the seat.
“Touchy cow,” he mutters as he heads back to the other side of the plane.
“And here is the key to your suite. As you are spending the mandatory 14-day self-isolation period with us, please remember not to leave the room unless there is an emergency,” says the hotel receptionist as she scribbles quickly on your registration card.
“N-n-n-n-no,” you say, wagging your finger at the receptionist. “Not suite. Suites PLURAL. There should be two, one for him and one for me,” you say tetchily, indicating to him as he stands beside you at the desk.
The receptionist shrugs helplessly: “I don’t know what to tell you, madam. I’m only seeing a booking for one here on the system.”
“Well, check it again, there must be some mistake,” you say, irritation rising audibly in your voice.
“Madam, I don’t need to check it again, this is our last available room, I’m afraid,” she says.
You become aware of him turning towards you with a smirk, watching you with amusement as you feel your temper beginning to rise.
You plaster on a fake smile. You're not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your shit.
“No problem, I’ll just make a quick call and get this all straightened out,” you say through gritted teeth.
“I’m sorry, darling, but that’s the best the production company could come up with,” says Lynda, your agent, down the phone.
“Lynda, I’m a reasonable person, I can share a suite with someone, but why does it have to be with him?” you plead.
“What are you talking about? Everyone loves him, you’re the only person I know who has a problem with him.”
“He’s an arsehole, Lynda,” you say emphatically.
“Look, this job is a really big opportunity for you. I don’t want you to blow this by being… yourself.”
“What the hell does that mean?” you shriek down the phone.
“Darling, you know I love you, but you have to admit you can be a bit of a.. well, you know…”
“A bit of a what, Lynda?”
“A BIT OF A DIVA, ok? You can be a real spoiled brat sometimes and kind of a hothead. Just suck it up. It’s only two weeks. Just put on a smile and be nice.”
With that, she hangs up the phone, leaving you standing there in the hotel lobby, mouth agape, speechless, furious and frustrated.
“No luck?” he says with a smug grin, leaning against a pillar near the front desk.
“After careful consideration, I’ve decided that I am willing to let you share my suite, just to make things easier for everyone,” you say.
“How gracious of you,” he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I think so, yes,” you reply, snatching the key card from his hand and striding to the elevator.
“This is going to be a fun two weeks,” he mumbles, following you to the door.
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Read Part 2 here | Read Part 3 here
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nev3rfound · 4 years
in his world, temporarily : part three - s.r
brief summary: now that steve is out of the ice, your whereabouts is the biggest concern with potential enemies hiding everywhere 
word count: 1.4k requested: not by anyone, but a concept i’ve contemplated writing for a while! warnings: none that i’m aware of
P A R T  O N E / P A R T  T W O / P A R T  T H R E E 
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it isn’t me. all rights reserved. - thank you to everyone who helped regarding the wattpad situation, you’re all amazing)
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“You’re seriously just carrying on as if nothing has happened?” One of your flatmates stands up as you grab your things along with your keys.
“Yeah.” You say with a small smile, pulling your bag up to your shoulder. “They don’t know who I am, so why should I hideaway?” You question, looking at the concern in their faces as they share a look that says more than words could. "Plus it was a week ago and I've been fine so far." You add with a smirk, ignoring your flatmate rolling her eyes.
“Just please, be safe.” Your other flatmate walks over, wrapping her arms around you tightly. “I still can’t believe you actually found him.” She admits through a soft laugh.
“I know,” You mumble. “I just, I still don’t know who he is though. I feel like I’m always left with more questions than answers.” A small frown forms on your face, but you snap out from your internal thoughts. “Anyway, I better get to class. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
As you wander through the streets, heading toward the city centre you feel as if everyone is watching you. You shrug the matter off, blaming it on lack of sleep and paranoia, remaining oblivious to those speaking under hushed breaths monitoring your location.
Behind various civilians lie Agents of SHIELD watching you closely. “We have eyes on her, Sir.” One agent speaks through their comms whilst Hill and Fury track you through the CCTV in operation across the city.
“I see her.” Fury comments. “Don’t move in yet, hold off.” He instructs as the Agents share a look of uncertainty.
“But sir,” The agent starts.
“That is an order, Agent.” Fury states forcefully. “Let the girl attend class like normal, wait until it’s over before bringing her in.”
“Yes, Sir.” The agent responds, watching as you climb up the stairs into the old building, slipping through the doors and blending in with hundreds of students.
“Bye guys.” You wave to some of your classmates as you exit the building.
A sense of dread flutters in your stomach as you look around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, you reach for your phone, dialling someone you know would ease your anxieties.
“Hey, Y/n, everything okay?” May answers cheerfully.
Stepping down from the building, your eyes dart over those around you. “Yeah, I think I’m just being paranoid.” You chuckle. “You ever get the feeling someone is following you?” You ask and listen as May sighs.
“Now and then. Less now that I’m older.” May admits, a light laugh following. “But keep me on the phone until you’re back to your apartment, okay honey? Just to be on the safe side.”
Nodding along, you begin to discuss your day with May, and in turn, listen as she talks about her latest attempt at baking for Peter.
“I still can’t get over the fact you burnt it!” You laugh heartfully, unaware of the two figures approaching you.
“Ma'am?” Someone taps your shoulder and you quickly turn on your heels, eyes wide as the man lowers his sunglasses. “Do you mind coming with us? We’re from the government.” The man states.
“Y/n, who is that?” May asks due to your prolonged silence.
“Ma'am?” The man repeats.
“I, I’ll call you back, May.” You mutter, lowering your phone despite May asking you if you’re alright. “I’m not going anywhere with strange men, who do you think I am?” You scoff, turning around to walk away.
“Ma'am, we’re not posing this as an option. You must come with us, for your own safety.” The other man speaks up, standing in front of you as he reveals a badge.
“SHIELD?” You read it, looking up as the man smiles softly to you. “Agent, Agent Collins, what does the government want with me?”
Collins looks over to the other agent, nodding to him as he steps aside. “Ma'am, we believe you have a connection to someone important to our corporation and need your help. We’re only asking for a few hours of your time, and then you’re free to go.”
Hesitant, you hum to yourself. “You’ll let me go when I want to leave? As I don’t see any legal documentation forcing me to come with you.” You state, and the Agent behind you chuckles under his breath.
“No wonder he likes her.” The agent comments, catching you off guard as you raise an eyebrow.
“Who?” You ask, but Collins steps forward, motioning for you to follow.
“Come, Miss Y/L/N. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” Agent Collins states as he guides you to a black SUV, opening the door for you as you climb in and watch the view you know disappears and change into one you never anticipated seeing up close.
Leaning against the window, your eyes widen in shock. “No way,” You mutter to yourself. “this, this is where you work?” You speak up as Collins nods to you.
“SHIELD is grateful for the support the Starks have offered, and in this case, Tony Stark himself has agreed to help us with our new situation.” Agent Collins checking in his rearview mirror as your curiosity expands as your eyes wander the entrance of the property.
“Who does SHIELD have?” You think to yourself as the car comes to an abrupt stop.
“We’re here.” The other agent states as you remain seated until the door is opened. “Come on, Ma'am. I’m afraid we don’t have all day.” He tells you as you climb out of the car, clinging to your bag tightly as you walk between the agents into the building.
“Took you long enough.” A familiar voice speaks up, and your body tenses as the tall dark man approach you, still wearing the eye patch and sporting all black.
“Agent Fury. Well, there were some delays.” Agent Collins motions to you. “So, where is he?”
Agent Fury turns around and walks toward the elevator. “You told her anything?” He asks as Agent Collins shakes his head. “Well, I guess I will.” He sighs.
“I, am I missing something?” You speak up and all eyes turn to you.
“Miss Y/L/N, do you recall the events that took place last Thursday?” Agent Fury asks you as he stares you down.
For a moment, you contemplate lying, play dumb. “Soulmate day?” You question, knowing better than to play all your cards at once.
Fury looks over to Agent Collins. “Yes, on soulmate day.” He retorts. “You see, we believe you’re soulmates with someone rather unique. And if it’s true, it means you’re in danger by association.” He explains as the elevator dings and the doors open.
“Sir, I, I don’t follow.” You comment as they all exit the elevator.
“Fury, finally.” A woman's voice enters, one you recognise from that day too.
“Y/N Y/L/N, this is Agent Hill.” Fury points to the woman before you who simply nods.
“About time, come on, he’s getting restless.” Hill remarks as you follow behind her, walking alongside Agent Collins.
“What’s going on?” You turn to Agent Collins as you try to keep up with the rest of the Agents. “I’m just a college student, you must have made a mistake.” You explain and nearly walk into the back of Agent Hill as she comes to a halt.
Agent Fury and Hill turn to face you. “Y/n, I can assure you there hasn’t been a mistake. It’ll make sense when you see what is on the other side of this door.” Hill explains, resting her hand on your shoulder. “If you need us, just let us know.” She adds, a small smile lining her lips as she nods to a man stood in front of the door.
“Okay.” You mutter as the door is left ajar for you.
Quickly you look around at the faces before sliding into the room, closing the door behind you as you keep your eyes fixated on your feet.
“Y/n?” Someone speaks up, a voice you knew, but, who? “Is that really you?” He asks, fear evident in his tone as he steps closer.
Lifting your head up, you focus on the blue eyes before you. “Who are you?” You ask as a sense of familiarity crosses your mind, something tugging you closer towards the blonde stranger.
The blonde reaches out, resting his hand on your cheek as tears line is gaze. “I’m Steve,” He breathes out. “and it’s a real pleasure to finally meet you.”  
"Steve?" You mutter, looking up in awe at your soulmate for the first time. "You're real."
Steve laughs softly as he takes you in, the girl he's been waiting for in the ice for decades, finally in front of him. "I'm real, and I promise I'm never letting you go."
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
If it’s not too much to ask can we get just a sentence or even paragraph from the next chapter 🥰🥰
hehehe of course 🥰💛
“Can I call you back in a bit?” She asked, tossing her phone down onto the bed as she walked around her room to collect her pajamas for the night. “I just got out of the shower and I’m getting dressed.”
“Then why am I staring at the ceiling?” Matt asked, huffing. “You still owe me my makeup show and I have it on good authority that E is sleeping at my parents tonight.”
“No peep show,” she laughed, tugging on some loose shorts and an old Senators shirt before picking her phone back up and popping back into frame. “Did your parents tell you?”
“That shirt is hideous and no, E did,” he nodded, propped up against his headboard and looking as if he too was in bed for the night. His hair was fluffed out and dry and he was wearing a Flames shirt. “We facetimed sometime after they ate dinner, took forever to get him to hang up so he could get ready for whatever sleepover he and Brady are having. Not that he’s sleeping in the living room anyway.”
“Yeah,” she sighed, nodding her head. “I saw the picture too.”
“He’s clearly not taking it well, but how are you taking it?” He asked, leaning his head down into his pillow. “Are your nights lonely and cold?”
She rolled her eyes, getting under the covers of her blankets. “They’re fine, Matthew.”
“You’re supposed to say that you’re freezing cold and hate sleeping alone, get on the program Caroline.”
“Fine,” she laughed, looking at him. “My thick blankets are not enough and I shiver every night. Brrr.”
He just stared at the screen, clearly unamused. “I will hang up on you. It’s not nice to mock my pain. Would it kill you to at least act like you miss me? You do miss me...right?”
She held back her smile as best as she could, scooting down into her bed. “Yes, Matt. I do miss you.”
“I know, it’s kind of hard not to,” he replied, shrugging and smiling. “You and E both have the day off tomorrow, right? Got any plans?”
“He does, which is another reason why he’s staying with your parents. It’s a teacher planning day, so I still have to wake up at normal time, that way I won’t have to wake him up early.” She grabbed the remote, turning the tv on and keeping it on whatever channel was on. “And even then, I’ll probably leave around lunch like everyone else does. It’s almost finals time and I don’t have a final, I have the project, so it’s just making sure everything is set for that.”
“No wonder why you’re everyone’s favorite teacher. No final?” Matt scoffed, shaking his head. “I definitely would’ve had a crush on you if you were my teacher.”
“I’m this close to hanging up on you,” she laughed, shaking her head. “But really, I do need to get to sleep. I was just waiting to hear from Brady and see how Ethan was doing tonight.”
“Rude that you don’t want to talk to me, but okay,” he replied, trying to hide his yawn.
“Says the guy who just tried to hide the fact he was yawning. You’re not slick, you and Ethan both have the same ‘I’m tired, but I’m trying not to show it’ signs. Sneaky yawns, you both try to hide the fact you’re slowly lying down and you twitch your mouths from side to side to try and stop yourself from yawning.”
“God, Moms are always so observant it’s really annoying sometimes.” Matt rolled his eyes, laughing soon after. “But yeah, I’m exhausted. Getting back into the swing of things...has been a lot harder than I thought it would be.”
“Don’t stress about it, Matty. You’ll get back into it. You’ve lived this life for a long time, you were practically born for it.” She smiled, laying down and holding her phone above her head. “Just take it one day at a time.”
“Thanks my personal motivational speaker,” he yawned, closing his eyes and sighing. “I guess I’ll call it a night. Be on the lookout tomorrow for something from anything related to Calgary. Treliving said he sent something for you and Ethan today, so it should be there tomorrow.”
“He didn’t have to–”
“Yeah, but you’re my family, so technically you’re a part of his too– well, the organizations. I don’t know what’s in it, he wouldn’t tell me, he just demanded I give him your address. So send me a pic when you get it. Also, I know you guys are having a barbecue at my parents’ place Saturday, so don’t let Brady try and convince Ethan to root for the Blues or wear his jersey. Not allowed at all.”
“I think your parents are doing one of those Tkachuk vs Tkachuk jerseys, but I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for any schmoozing. And I’ll definitely send you a picture of the surprise.”
“Get some sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he replied, lying further down in his bed and holding his phone above his head. “Maybe then I’ll get my peepshow.”
“Maybe.” She smiled, shrugging. “Goodnight, Matty.”
“Goodnight Care,” he smiled, hanging the call up.
Caroline rolled over onto her side, plugging her phone and flipping it upside down, that way if she wanted to press snooze come tomorrow morning, she would have to flip it over and do it herself. Another thing, she wouldn’t get woken up by the constant lighting of her phone, just in case Matt decided to send her another stream of text messages and snapchat videos. She rolled back over and scooted her way towards the middle of the bed, lying on her left side and sighing heavily, reaching her arm over to her right and across the empty side of the bed, trying not to think about Ethan wouldn’t be joining her tonight and Matt wasn’t here either. And she was able to fall asleep by 11pm
But through her routine, she forgot to turn off her do not disturb button that she never turned off after her six period class ended. If she hadn’t been so worried about how to make sure Ethan was okay, even though he was in the hands of the Tkachuks, maybe she would’ve remembered to turn it off.
Maybe she would’ve seen those texts from Heather with a link to a TMZ article.
Heather Collins: Caroline, answer the phone.
Heather Collins: Blake just sent me this and you need to read it.
Heather Collins: Cari...it’s everywhere.
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cullen-collective · 4 years
(teamjacobthot) fic prompt: it’s quil and embry’s turn to cook sunday dinner for the pack and they still don’t know what to make
Thanks for this @teamjacobthot! It was a fun one! <3
They were ready. Side by side in the borrowed car, they broke nearly every traffic law as they hurtled toward their destination. Their mission was of the utmost importance, and it required that they stay focused, alert, and above all, fast. The car skidded to a stop, tires squealing on the pavement, and Embry turned to Quil, hands shaking on the wheel. 
“Are you ready?” he asked, swallowing hard. 
Quil nodded, looking a little pale. “As I’ll ever be.” 
They thrust the doors open, and Embry got caught on the seatbelt as he tried to exit the vehicle, nearly falling out onto the asphalt, which caused Quil to burst out into hysterics. He hastily undid the buckle and stormed out of the car, flipping Quil the bird as he marched toward the Safeway. 
“It’s not going to be nearly as funny when the guys tear us limb from limb for coming home empty-handed,” he said when Quil caught up to him. The other boy’s leftover giggles went silent. Time to focus on the mission: dinner. 
The pack got together, rain, shine, or other, every Sunday night for dinner. Emily and Sam used to host every week, until Jared and Kim moved in together and wanted to do it occasionally. And then Paul had gotten his own place, and then Embry and Quil got their tiny apartment, and then Collin and his boyfriend, and Seth and Jacob shared a house with Leah, and everyone had scattered all over the rez. So they rotated, and tonight’s meal was up to Embry and Quil. 
Usually they were much more prepared for this, what with Quil being the culinary genius he was, and Embry limping along beside him with his high school level hospitality class. But Quil had spent all week in Arizona on Tribal Council business, and hadn’t prepared anything; and Embry pretty much relied on him to know how many calories and food groups and whatever else they all needed. Embry was mostly good at appetizers. 
They wandered through the grocery store, with Embry occasionally pointing to random ingredients and Quil waving him off. 
“No, we don’t have enough time for me to make lasagna,” he said, sighing deeply. 
Embry shrugged. “The frozen one only takes forty minutes.” 
Quil looked like he’d been slapped across the face with a white glove. “The fact that you could suggest that to me at all is rank, dude.” 
Embry held up his hands in surrender. “I’m just saying, if we needed more time, we should have come earlier.” 
“Yeah, well, you needed a swift kick in the ass and Mortal Kombat wasn’t going to play itself.” 
“But I won most rounds,” Embry pointed out.
“Irrelevant,” Quil said, still strolling through the aisles. 
They meandered around, growing more and more panicked as the time everyone was supposed to arrive loomed closer and closer, and the frozen lasagna started looking incredibly appealing. It came to a point where Embry was putting things in the cart and Quil was removing them. They got into a shouting match in the vegetable aisle, Embry insisting that no one wanted to eat a cauliflower pizza, and Quil gathering bunches of the stuff anyway. A store employee had to come and tell them to be quiet. 
“Dude, we have to find something. They’re coming in like, an hour.” 
“I know! You don’t think I know?”
“You’ve rejected any viable option and tried to feed a bunch of hungry wolves cauliflower as an entrée.” 
“I just haven’t seen the right thing. It’ll come to me.”
Embry seriously doubted that. 
Until they came upon the seafood counter. Quil walked up to it reverently. “Embry, Embry, Embry, come here. Do you see that?” 
He was pointing at a little sign on the glass. 
Crab Legs, 2 for 1! 
“Do you know what this means?” Quil asked, his voice filled with joy. 
Embry’s brows knitted. “Bad shellfish?” 
Quil punched him in the arm, which made Embry growl and tenderly run the sore spot. 
“It means we’re having a freaking boil, dude.” 
Half an hour, forty bucks, and several missed stop signs later, Quil unlocked the door to their apartment and immediately began bustling around the kitchen, demanding that Embry bring him things from the grocery bags and directing him to make crudite that people could dip in the sauce. Embry, to his credit, just got busy doing as he was asked, instead of calling Quil a crazy Gordon Ramsey wannabe, like he wanted to. 
There was oil, lemon, thyme, parsley, paprika, cumin, allspice, cayenne, salt, onion, garlic, and dismembered shellfish everywhere. It was an absolute nightmare in the cramped kitchen, as Embry scooted behind Quil to put the toast points (his own personal addition) in the oven to toast. The crudite was all cut and lightly brushed with olive oil, and he decided to start cleaning up the mess Quil was making as he cooked. 
There was a knock on the door as he threw away the last of the shrimp shells and veins. 
“Hey, man,” Seth said, not waiting for an invite in when Embry opened the door, opting instead to head straight for the living room. “It smells great in here.” 
Jake and Leah trailed in behind him, Jake bearing the traditional two-buck chuck, and Leah with a tequila bottle. Oh, so it was going to be one of those nights. 
“What’s cooking?” she asked, setting the bottle on the table and leaning onto the kitchen counter. 
“A cajun seafood boil with crab legs, scallops, shrimp, potatoes, sausage, and corn on the cob.” Quil didn’t even look up from where he was stirring as he spoke. He took a spoon and dipped it in the sauce, coating the back of it. He took a quick taste, and then started adjusting spices. 
Jacob’s eyes raised. “How does he always make the best stuff?” he asked.
Embry thought back to their panicked run through the store, the potential cauliflower disaster, and the heavily discounted crab legs. 
“Divine intervention.” 
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