#anyway he’s hot i wasn’t expecting her to be so surprised
gaypornluvr420 · 1 year
mentioned to my mom that i think john belushi is hot while we were walking the dogs and she was so surprised that she let go of her respective dog who then saw a rabbit and chased it down the street across many people’s yards
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buckysbabygorl · 1 month
Just Across the Hall (Part 1/2)
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Summary: Y/N can’t stand her annoying neighbour, who always seems to pop up at the worst times.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
“Hold it!”
Y/N rolled her eyes at the familiar voice, reaching out to stop the elevator door with her foot.
He quickly rounded the corner, darting before flashing her his classic smile
“Thanks, gorgeous.”
She stifled a sigh at the nickname. It was a loathsome little habit of his these last 8 months, and she still wasn’t used to it. She certainly didn’t like it.
“You need to set your alarm earlier, Barnes.” She said, dryly.
She told him this every other day, the man always rushing out of his apartment last minute to get to his morning classes.
But as expected, every other day he ignored the remark. Always darting in late, always last minute, just so cheerfully careless about the routine of his day.
It drove her up the wall.
There was a lot she didn’t like about Barnes; his cocky atttiude, his juvenile tendencies, his inappropriate comments, and the boisterous late nights with his friends who were just as awful as he was.
But what she hated the most was how Bucky didn’t seem to give a shit about anything. And everything always worked out for him.
Maybe she should stop holding the door for him, just to teach him a little lesson.
But day after day, she held the elevator door anyway, because part of her couldn’t stand being so petty.
But day after day, she regretted keeping the door open. Because then Bucky opened his mouth and her elevator ride in silence was ruined.
He leaned back against the wall, cracking his knuckles as he lazily looked about the elevator.
At the sound of the popping, she sighed.
He smirked when he caught her annoyance, knowing it was a habit of his that she loathed.
“Whatcha got on for the day?” He asked.
“Work.” She replied curtly.
Bucky hummed, “Nothing exciting? No hot dates planned?” 
His teasing had become a daily nusance, though lately they had become focused on her dating life, or lack of rather.
He chided her for being too tense, that she needed to “lighten up”and have some fun once in a while. Many a time had he offered to set her up with one of his friends, and many a time had she declined.
“No, unfortunately not,” She said. She turned to him with a fake smile, “But it’s a new day, who knows what could happen?”
He laughed at her sarcasm, shifting the hat on his head to face backwards.
“You working late tonight?” He asked.
“Hope not, if things go my way.”
He nodded, “And what’s your way, gorgeous? If you had everything go according to plan, what would that look like?”
She shook her head at his small talk, smirking as she responded.
“It would start with my elevator ride alone, in silence.”
His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, he reached out to tap lightly under her chin.
“Not off to a very good start then are you?”
She pulled her chin away from his fingers, crossing her arms as she turned to face him.
“I guess not.”
He smiled, “Well, like you said, the day is new. Maybe it’ll get better.”
The ding announced their arrival on the main floor, and she exited eagerly.
“With you around? I doubt it.”
He kept in stride with her, holding open the lobby doors for her as they left the building.
“Don’t say that, you know you love me.”
She shook her head, surprised at the confidence of this man.
“Where would I be without you Barnes?” She quipped.
He grinned, “Panty-less, probably.”
She rolled her eyes at the mention of the word; of course he’d find a way to squeeze that in before they parted ways.
He loved bringing it up; the day they first met.
Shared laundry in the apartment complex had never been something Y/N was fond of, and after Bucky moved into the building, he only made that worse.
When he moved in, he had packed poorly. Tonnes of shit he didn’t need and loads of dirty laundry; all of it piled up outside of his new apartment.
Y/N remembered stumbling over broken down boxes as she tried to manuver her way through the hall way, carrying her keys in one hand and her own basket of clothing in the other down to the laundry room.
He had taken up all the machines, happily sitting on top of the dryer as he scrolled through his phone and waited for his time to run up.
Beyond frustrated, she huffed when she saw all the machines were being used.
Hearing company, his head turned in her direction.
As he took in the woman standing in front of him, Bucky couldn’t help but comment.
“Well, hello Gorgeous.”
She was taken aback by the new face in her building, and his blatancy.
From that moment, he decided that he liked seeing her flustered. And what came after it only aided in his artillery for teasing.
“Are they all taken?” She asked, ignoring his comment.
Bucky looked down to the machines,
“Yep, sorry. My bad.”
She scoffed, fiddling with the tag on her apartment keys. “You’re kidding.”
She gripped the edge of her basket tightly, biting the inside of her cheek as she held back a comment.
She turned to leave, thinking it best to wait until this new and inconsiderate stranger was done.
“You can leave it with me, if you want.”
She froze at the offer, her muscles tensing at the subtle purr in his voice.
What was he doing? Flirting over laundry?
“I’ll just bring it up when it’s done.” 
She could hear the smile as he spoke, his words having so much effect on her when they shouldn’t have.
Bucky noticed, and he smiled brighter.
“No thanks,” she said, “I’d rather not give my clothing to a random stranger.”
She left quickly, leaving Bucky laughing softly to himself.
Oh, this is gonna be fun, he thought.
An hour or so later, a knock came at her door, and she was surprised to see the man from the laundry room in front of her apartment.
“Hi, gorgeous.” He greeted.
She wasn’t happy to see him, he could tell from the look on her face; disbelief and annoyance all in one.
“Just wanted to let you know the laundry room is all yours.” He said.
She squinted at him, “How did you which unit was mine?”
He pointed at the numbers on her door, “Your keys have a label on them, gorgeous. Wasn’t hard math.”
His smile was sinful, “We’re neighbors, ya’ know.”
“I figured that,” she said with ice lacing her voice, “Is that all?”
He reached into his back pocket, “One more thing.”
He pulled out the underwear, and dangled it in front of her, “You forgot these.”
Her eyes went wide at the garment, snatching them from his hand as he laughed.
“You dropped them on your way out. Black lace, eh?”
Embarrased, she chucked them behind her.
“Shut up.”
“Nothing says ‘Welcome to the Neighbourhood’ like the girl next door dropping her panties for you.” 
Rolling her eyes in disgust, she slammed the door in his face. She heard Bucky’s luaghter from the other side of the door.
“I’ll see you around!” He called from the hallway.
And much to her misfortune, she did. A lot.
She started her walk to the bus stop, turning to face him before she left.
“I hope my panties aren’t on your mind while you’re taking your exam Barnes.”
He smiled again, surprised she had remembered in their morning passing.
“Oh Y/N, they’re the only thing getting me through my morning.”
Tired of their banter, she turned away from him. He called after her after she’d walked a few feet.
“You’re not joining me for breakfast?”
She couldn’t help but laugh as she turned back to him, he pointed to Sal’s cart on the street, Foot Long Hot Dogs for $3
 “Street meat?” She asked, “No thanks.”
He pointed up the street, “If you keep drinking Mae’s coffee six times a day, you’re gonna get an ulcer.”
She smirked, “And you’re going to get food poisoning if you keep having hotdogs for breakfast.”
With that she turned on her heel, not wanting to be more late than she already was.
“One day you’ll change your mind!” He shouted.
She shouted back over her shoulder, “I highly doubt it!”
On Wednesdays, Y/N liked to meet up with the Maximoffs for lunch at Mae’s. It was quiet little coffee shop just around the corner from her work, the perfect halfway point between hers and theirs.
What Y/N didn’t like about Wednesday’s was Wanda’s constant questioning about him
Wanda used to hate Bucky, but after leaving her outside of her apartment too long, Bucky found the perfect opportunity to use his charm. Now she was Team Barnes through and through.
“So,” Wanda stirred her tea, “What did he do this time?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Met in the elevator like usual, said I was gorgeous, like usual. Then pissed me off, like usual—”
“He said what?” Pietro asked.
Wanda’s lip pulled, hoping that Pietro’s jealousy wouldn’t divert their conversation.
“Pietro, it’s fine.” Y/N reassured, “It’s just his morning ego boost before he hits up sorority girls.”
Pietro smirked, “It would sure be an ego boost for me.”
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the blush that formed.
Wanda smacked his arm, “Hey! Friends are off limits, remember?”
He shrugged, “Can’t blame a man for trying.”
“You have nothing to worry about Wanda,” Y/N reached out to place her hand on his shoulder. “Sorry, but you’re not my type.”
Wanda laughed, but refused to let the conversation veer from Barnes.
“And what is your type? Annoying sexy neighbours from across the hall?”
Y/N groaned, moving to leave her seat. “God, would you let it go?”
“No, I will not!” Wanda pulled Y/N back down to her seat, “you two are adorable together. Your little rom-com foreplay is nearly cinematic”
“You’re delusional. We have nothing in common, and he drives me insane.”
Wanda refused to believe it, if she truly hated him as much as she said, Y/N wouldn’t talk about him as much. Or hold open the elevator door.
“Have you ever thought about leaving earlier? You’d avoid him better that way.”
Y/N scoffed, “I’m not changing my schedule for him. If he wants to be late that’s his problem. I don’t need to be an extra hour early.”
Wanda raised her brows at Pietro.
“What?” Y/N asked.
“Just seems like a pretty convenient excuse... if you hate him so much.”
She nudged Y/N’s shoulder, luckily Pietro came to her defense.
“Well, if he ever really gets on your nerves, I’ll give him a piece of my mind. Just let me know.”
Y/N waved her hand as she finished her coffee, “No, he’s harmless. He’s just an ass.”
As she rose to get another coffee, Wanda let out a giggle. The two turned, confused.
Wanda gestured over her shoulder. “Speak of the devil…”
From the glare on pietro’s face, Y/N could only guess who it was.
“Hi gorgeous.”
God, couldn’t she get a moment of peace?
“Stop calling me that.”
She didn’t look at him as she turned, but he was quick to follow.
He saddled himself to her side in line.
“How’s your shift going?”
“Fine,” she stated, “I’m staying late.”
Bucky pouted on her behalf, and she simply rolled her eyes.
“Aren’t you going to ask about my day?” He asked.
She plastered on a fake smile, “How was your day Bucky?”
He smiled genuinely in return, “it was good, made plans with the boys tonight.”
“How exciting.” The disgust in her voice could not be hidden, and Bucky couldn’t resist from revelling in it.
She hated his guys nights, their screaming at the TV until three in the morning did not make her a happy greeter in the morning.
“You know, instead of complaining about it you could just join in the fun.”
She would never, especially considering that Bucky’s friends were just as flirtatious and loud as he was.
She recalled the night that Sam had accidentally stumbled into her apartment, while she curled up on the couch with her wine.
She had been expecting the noise and disruptions from across the hall, Bucky having already warned her that he’d be having his buddies over. Or rather, he had invited her to come hang out with him and his friends, which she declined. But she hadn’t expected to have the party come in to her apartment just before midnight. 
Sam’s face showed immediate remorse upon realizing his mistake, until he noticed the woman inside. Sam then smiled and leaned against the door frame.
“Hi.” He purred.
Her brow furrowed as she looked at the stranger. “Hi?”
The man wasn’t phased as a familiar voice echoed down the hallway, Bucky’s face appearing only seconds later. 
“Wrong apartment dumbass.”
He then looked to her, devilish smirk already prepared, “Hi, gorgeous.”
She quickly put 2 and 2 together, realizing the man that had entered her apartment was one of Barnes’ rowdy friends.
She’d heard them plenty over the last few days, Bucky had mentioned something about a reading week for their semester. Though from the chorus of loud voices and the blaring of Bucky’s sound system, she knew there was no reading involved.
She shut her book, adjusting her position on the couch.  
“Barnes, you know the rules, no animals in the apartment complex.”
At the sarcastic remark, Sam’s interest piqued. 
He oued as he tried to push himself out of Bucky’s grip.
“Fiesty,” He stated, “Let’s stay.”
Y/N chuckled as Bucky rolled his eyes, content to see him be annoyed for a change.
“Come on Romeo, let’s go.”
Suddenly a new head popped in her doorway, confused and intrigued as to what was so interesting inside this apartment that was clearly not Bucky’s.
When he saw Y/N, his face lit up.
“No, I’m with Sam, let’s stay.”
He pushed past the two, making himself the centre of attention in her doorway.
“I’m Steve by the way.” He said, charming smile quick to follow.
Her brows shot up at the forward behaviour of her neighbour’s friends, watching in sadistic pleasure as Bucky became more and more frustrated.
His jaw clenched at Steve’s attempts at flirting, stepping forward and smacking the back of his head.
“No, punk. I have a plasma screen. And beer.”
“Yeah but this place has her.” Sam argued as he stumbled in.
Surprisingly entertained by her company, Y/N decided she’d let Romeo slide in beside her.
“What are you reading?”
Bucky huffed, before Steve pushed past him and into her open kitchen.
“I can top up your glass for you.” He offered.
Bucky raised in hands up, praying to the gods above that this moment would just end already.
“Idiots! Let’s go out this door and go through mine.”
“Oh come on, Bucky. Weren’t you the one that asked me to join in on the fun?”
Bucky squinted at her, catching on to her teasing. She had never used his nickname before, which was a lovely development. What wasn’t a lovely development was how happy Sam and Steve were to be in her company.
Yes, she was pretty. Yes, he wanted the boys to meet his crazy neighbour. Yes, he wanted her to hang out with them. But no, he did not want them hitting on her.
And now she was smiling and teasing him, and he couldn’t resist engaging in their usual banter for just a few moments.
“Not sure you wanna trade Pride and Prejduice for The Yankees and the Red Sox, Y/N.”
“Oh you’re Y/N!” Steve said as he popped the cork on a bottle of wine.
The boys hummed in unison and Bucky’s smile faltered.
She looked between the three, eyes narrowed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh,” Sam waved a hand in Bucky’s direction, “He talks about you all the time.”
Eyes blown wide, she looked to Bucky across the room.
He pursed his lips, sending daggers in the direction of his friend.
No, this was definitely not what Bucky wanted.
She shifted her attention back to Romeo, “He does, does he?”
“Sam, off the couch.” Bucky commanded.
Catching onto the game at play, Steve turned with glasses in hand. Apparently had he poured one for himself.
“What Buck?” Steve feigned naivety, which Bucky spot from a mile away. “You mean this isn’t the lil miss gorgeous from across the hall?”
She raises a brow at him, Bucky breaking into a horrendous blush.
She had heard it from him many times before, but to address her as that to his friends was another ballgame.
Speaking of ballgame, Bucky was eager to get back to the one streaming on his HD TV. But sadly, Steve and Sam were in no rush to leave.
Sam decided to pile on, sliding his arm over the backside of her couch. “Yeah Buck, this isn’t the “hot chick” that drives you crazy?” 
Y/N laughed out loud before Bucky could jump to his defense.
“I didn’t call her a hot chick, I did not say that.”
He pointed at her to emphasis his innocence, but in only encouraged her.
“What else did he say?” She asked.
Steve rounded the couch and handed her a glass, eager to get her attention.
“Let’s not talk about him, let’s talk about you. Tell me about graphic design, let me pick your brain.”
She was surprised Steve knew her field of work, perhaps Bucky really had done a lot of talking.
Sensing that her focus on him was faltering, Sam quickly piped up.
“Do you always choose rose? Or does red ever suit your fancy?”
Steve’s eyes flicked to Bucky, and Bucky noticed the subtle drunken haze in them. Paired with the cheeky smirk Rogers was sporting, Bucky knew this wouldn’t end well.
“Or any other colors?”
Bucky’s face dropped, before slowly shaking his head.
Don’t, he mouthed. But it was too late.
Confusion written on her face, I’m sorry?”
Steve looked to Sam, “You know, red, pink...”
“Sexy, black lace?” Sam finished.
At the words, her face jaw set and eyes blown in fury as she took in their meaning.
Bucky held back a laugh as the color drained from her face.
“Off the couch.”
The boys jumped at her words, fearing the worst at the anger in her tone. Bucky simply smiled as the boys were kicked off, quickly realizing what they’d done wrong.
She scoffed, grabbing her book again and pointing it at the two idiots leaving her apartment.  “Where did you find these two?”
“The dump,” he said as the boys passed him, “Clearly.”
Now with the two of them alone, Bucky returned to his normal charmful and confident self.
“You don’t mind me reminiscing with my buddies about the first time that we met, do you?”
She side eyed him from her couch, angry that he felt no shame from their first encounter and embarrased that he shared it with his friends.
“Get out of my apartment Barnes. And please keep your dogs on leashes from now on.”
He chuckled, trying not to be disappointed that she was using his last name again.
“I’ll do my best. Goodnight, gorgeous.”
“Hard pass. Besides, I’d rather not be the object of focus for your circle jerk.”
“Be serious Y/N, you know I’d never share you.”
She rolled her eyes, as Bucky looked over her shoulder at Pietro.
Met with the man’s furious glare, Bucky grew unsettled.
“Why’s he staring at me?”
Y/N stirred her cup, “He doesn’t like you.”
“Why? He doesn’t even know me.”
She shrugged, “He thinks you’re trying to get in my pants”
“Why would I want to do that? Besides, your panties end up in my laundry half the time anyway, that’s half the battle won.”
She grit her teeth, head rolling back.
“God, you suck.”
He grinned again, and leant against the wall.
“So, you talk about me to your friends?”
Ignoring his comment, she started back towards her table.
He gazed after her longingly, reveling in the way he so easily got under her skin.
Noticing he was still standing in his spot, she called over her shoulder.
“Goodbye, Barnes.”
He waved in return, before directing himself to the Maximoffs.
“Bye Wanda, goodbye Pietro.”
Master Taglist:
@cuddlycalcifer @babyblue-07 @babybluereads @lonewolf471 @agni-l @niiight-dreamerrrr @julipmoon @fandomsfallnomore @elliee1497 @godspeedlover @sexwithhiddlesbatch @annestine @shower-me-with-roses @yougottalovefandoms @rebekahdawkins @gentlybarnes
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hayatoseyepatch · 1 month
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Description: Chika never believed in love, he thought it was pointless and only showed weakness. He had always seen it as an utter waste of time. So he never expected you to walk in his life, his world turning on its axis as he had one tought in mind. He needed to make you his. Character: Takiishi Chika Word Count: 2.3k Contains: Fem!Reader x Takiishi Chika. SMUT. cw: obsessive behavior, stalking, mentions of violence, panty stealing, mentions of male masturbation, p in v, fingering, mentions of baby trapping, honestly the sex is pretty vanilla by my standards. (Not proofread, it's me are we surprised?)
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Author's Note: This was a request to do a scenario with enamored Chika. I'm still getting the groove for writing for him since there's so little information on him. But I hope you still enjoy! From what we know I can't really picture him being too much of a romantic so I put a little twist on it, I hope that's okay!! (′ꈍᴗꈍ‵)♡
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Chika Takiishi wasn’t often excited by anything, something Endo had desperately tried to remedy since he had left Furin.  Showering him with anything he could possibly want, need, or desire. But none of it was ever enough, Endo’s excitement as he showered him in affection and gifts only served to annoy him. Often times to the point of infuriation, punctuating his emotions with his fist. His life had lost its spark, nothing filled him with any sort of thrill. He walked aimlessly next to Endo, he was droning on about something that he couldn’t care less about, in truth he had drowned out his voice ages ago. They had walked into the nail salon, waiting for his nail technician to seat him. His ears picked up on a noise, it was sugary sweet and filled his body with a chill. The sound of a woman’s laughter, something so ordinary, so mundane. So why did it make his face hot? Why did he want to hear more of it? His head turned to the side following the sound, his throat tightened, an odd constricting feeling that made it hard to swallow a lump that formed in his throat. Sitting in the station next to the one he usually sat was a woman, perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Chika never believed in love, he thought it was pointless and only showed weakness. He had always seen it as an utter waste of time, not like anyone could fall in love with someone like him. Well, no one entirely sane anyway. His heart raced in his chest when he looked at her though, what was happening to him? He didn’t even know this woman's name, and yet she already had this much of an effect on him. He tilted his head, narrowing his eyes as he took her in. The sound of his name being called snapping him out of his daze. His face felt hot once more, for once in his life he felt shameful for staring. Snapping his gaze to the call of his name, he glowered at his companion. “Shut up.” He barked, but unlike every other time he had called for Endo to silence himself, this time lacked the usual cold venom that laced his tone. Even Endo was taken aback by the difference in his tone, already noting that Chika’s attention was already diverted back to the woman. The corners of Endo’s lips curled at the enamored look in his eyes.
It had been a week since that encounter, and for some reason, Chika could not wipe you from his mind. It irritated him, you both had never even so much as exchanged a word. But he was waking in the middle of the night, your face and the sound of your voice in his mind as his hands slipped beneath the covers. Endo had been particularly excited the next day, the was more of a bounce to his step than usual as he all but dragged Chika to a café on the other side of town. He was already annoyed, why were they going so far? This wasn’t the café they usually went to, why were they here? It wasn’t until he heard that voice, your voice, call out a welcome that he had unclenched the fist he was prepared to hit the other man with. His eyes alight with mirth as he took you in. He wouldn’t question how Endo had found out where you worked but seeing you again tugged his lips upward in a foreign expression. From the first moment your voice addressed him directly, he was sure that no matter what it took he would make you his.
The two men had become regulars at your café, you often caught the long-haired man’s eyes on you. It made a shiver course through your spine, his golden eyes were so intense you felt like they were looking into your very soul. What you didn’t know was each night as you walked home those eyes were still locked on your form, following behind at a distance. One night in particular you could swear you heard the anguished sounds of screams no too far behind you, only causing you to quicken your pace. Someone had been following you, and that someone wasn’t Chika. His eyes following the man as he followed your route, ill intent in his eyes. In moments Chika was listening to the sounds of his screams, his knuckles and cheek were decorated with the man’s blood. How dare he try and bruise his beautiful rose’s petals. Nothing would happen to you, he would make sure of it.
The next day, Chika spoke the first words other than his order to you, With a blank expression and a bored tone he began to speak. “You should be more careful walking home alone at night.” You blinked, shocked he was not only speaking to you so casually, but mentioning your night time habits. “Excuse me?” Your words came out stuttered, taken aback by his bluntness. He shrugged as if it were the most plain thing in the world. “Someone was following you last night, you should be more careful. I’ll walk you home tonight.” Chika left no room to argue, turning on his heel with his coffee in his hand as he took his usual seat in a booth in the corner, leaving you dumbfounded at his forwardness. Sure enough though, he waited for you outside that night. Ignoring your protests to walk you home as he just began walking in the direction you normally took.
That night was only the first of many. More often than not, Chika insisted upon walking you home, the two of you in comfortable silence as he escorted you safely to the front door of your apartment building. Eventually, you had grown tired of the silence, filling it with the sound of your voice, telling him about your day. He was an excellent listener, committing every word to memory. Oh, that man who was rude to you because you had gotten his coffee order wrong? He remembered him, distinctly he also remembered the way his nose had let out the most satisfying crunch under his fist as he broke it for daring to speak to you that way.
Eventually, you had invited him inside for something to eat one night. His eyes had scanned your dwelling, the scent of you everywhere, he thought he might go crazy. Taking the opportunity of you cooking to excuse himself to the bathroom. His mouth practically watered as he saw your hamper sitting in the room. Plucking your panties from the top of the bin, the fabric still warm from having been on your body all day. Silently slipping them into his pocket before joining you in his dining room for dinner. That night he had the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced, the scent of your cunt on his nose as he all but suffocated himself in the fabric. His head swimming with the thought of how you would taste on his lips, his hand working over his shaft as he pictured the way you would cry out his name as his greedy tongue lapped at your cunt. His back arched off the bed as he fucked his fist, releasing with a loud call of your name that came out muffled against the fabric that covered his face. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could continue like this, needed desperately to have you.
It was odd for Chika to miss a day, he never missed a day walking you home. You were not sure why, but you were worried about him. Missed his presence. It wasn’t until late that night that there was a knock on your front door. Seeing a glimpse of his brightly colored hair in the peephole you threw the door open. A light gasp falling from your lips as he stood there, face and knuckles covered in blood. You ushered him inside, dragging him to the bathroom. With a damp cloth, you cared for him, wiping the red from his skin. Not asking what happened, only busying yourself with cleaning him. You were so close, his breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t help it any longer. Large hands gripped your waist, standing to his full height as he captured your lips with his own. The kiss was filled with an intense hunger from the start, his tongue bullying its way past your lips. The kiss was forceful, needy, and filled with desperation. Tongues dancing and teeth clashing as he backed you out of the bathroom and into our joining bedroom.
He lifted you by the backs of your knees with ease, walking you to where you both toppled onto your mattress. He was back on you in moments, arms caging you in as he claimed your lips once more. His mouth set off a trail of kisses until his lips pressed against your ear, breaths panting against the sensitive skin as he spoke. “You have no idea how long I’ve been dying to have you.” He groaned “I can't tell you how many times I fucked my fist at the thought of it being your cunt. I can't tell you how many times I would stay up at night wishing it was you that I fucked into the mattress. I don't think you understand how desperate I am for you” His words went straight to your cunt, he pressed his lips against your neck, nipping at the exposed skin. Bringing you close to his chest, giving you no chance for escape. Chika took his time, touching you slowly, building up the already heavy tension even more. He wanted to be impatient, he wanted to be selfish and have you in every single way he wanted, but he wasn't going to do that. He wanted to savor the moment, he wanted to take everything you had to give him.
“Takiishi, please.” Came the saccharine sound of your voice, back arching off the bed. Your hips grinding against his own in a desperate search for friction. Well, Chika thought he was going to take his time, but the desperation in your voice left no room for argument. His hand trailed between your legs, tugging your panties to the side with ease. Running his fingertips up the slick, teasing the sensitive nub. His free hand pushed p the loose fabric of your sleep shirt, exposing your tits to the cold air of the room.   Breaking the kiss as he trailed down giving attention to your chest, tongue lolling out of his mouth wrapping around the perked bud keeping eyes trained on your own. The sounds of your moans meeting his ears had his fingers trailing downward, your dripping entrance accommodating two of his long fingers easily as he eased them inside of you. His fingers set a steady pace, the sounds of your squelching heat filling the room, sounds that were just as quickly muffled by the moans that escaped your lips. He continued fingering you, and once he felt if you were prepped enough he pulled back. Relishing in the whine that slips from your lips at the lost of his fingers. Sticking the digits in his mouth he tastes your essence, eyes rolling back as he groaned around his own fingers at your taste.
Chika stands as he strips himself down, eyes locked on you as he watches you admire his form. Crawling back on the bed, his hands coming to your thighs as he nudges the tip of his cock against your entrance. Taking a hold of his length, as he taps your clit a few times with the head of his cock, effectively coating himself in your arousal. His golden eyes bore into your own as his cock probes your entrance. Sinking in, he felt weak, his body shivering harshly at the feeling of your velvety walls suffocating his cock. Groaning out as he tossed his head back, bottoming out. He waited there for a moment, sitting with his cock fully sheathed inside you letting you accommodate his size, resisting the urge to fill you up right then and there. Hands came to your hips as he growled out pulling out to where his tip was just barely visible before slamming right back into you. He sets a rough pace from the start, the feeling of your nails digging into his back mixing pleasure with pain in a way that made his mouth water.
His hand travels between your bodies, his index and middle finger rubbing tight circles as his cock never stops its assault on your cunt, overstimulating you with intense pleasure. He felt your cunt spasm around his cock, his fingers picking up their pace, dropping his mouth to your ear once more. “You gonna come for me bunny? I can feel the way that cute little pussy is strangling my cock, its okay baby go on cum for me wanna feel you camp down on my cock while I fill you to the brim.” He groans, his own coil tightening in his belly. He knew from the moment he sunk into you he wouldn't last long. Having craved this moment for far too long, but he’d hold out, wouldn’t burst until you had. He watched, hovering over you as your eyes rolled back, a loud cry of his name falling from your lips as you were tossed over the edge, walls clamping down on his cock as he fucked you through your orgasm. Your release sends him hurtling toward his own, hips slapping violently against yours as he paints your insides with a loud scream of your name. His thrusts slow making sure he had filled you with every drop he had to offer. Heart racing, as his arms wrap around you and he pulls your trembling form to his chest, as you both lay there catching your breaths he can only hope his seed would stick. Because if you were round with his child there was no escaping him, was there?  
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Dividers by saradika-graphics & cafekitsune. Writing & character banner by me. If you enjoyed it, consider taking a look at my masterlist: here.
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tweedlydumbtweedlydoo · 4 months
Glasses | Spencer Reid x reader
Summary: Spencer shows up in new glasses and it awakens some new feelings for your fellow BAU agent. 
A/N: I wrote this a month ago procrastinating studying for my exam 4 on Tuesday after I saw this GIF and finally finished it tonight. so here it is - hope you enjoy! this is NOT proofread. Sorry for any mistakes.  
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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**Aye Warning: this is PG 13 - little raunchy at the end * 
You and your fellow agents sat around the round table in the conference room. A new case had come to light, JJ gathering you all before you even had time to sit down at your desk. Fresh coffee sat in front of you and just the smell brought comfort. You glanced around the table, missing one of your agents. Spencer. Usually he beat you to work every morning, reprimanding and teasing you about it. 
“If you’d drink the coffee here instead of stopping every morning on your way to work, you’d actually be on time and beat me here.” Spencer teases following you through the glass double doors. He was in his usual work attire - slacks and a button up. His hair a curly mess. His messenger bag hung over his shoulder. 
You turned around to face him, walking backwards a few steps and made a face, mocking him, “I’m not drinking that tap water you all call coffee.” You saluted your coffee cup toward him, “I will always be late for a nice, fresh cup of coffee.” 
“Where’s Spencer?” You asked, sipping on your coffee and flipping open the case file JJ tossed in front of you. 
She took a moment to glance around the room, perplexed Spencer wasn’t here yet. “I actually don’t know.” She peeked out the window overlooking the rest of the office, “Usually he beats you here.”
JJ went on with the meeting, turning on the TV screen to show pictures of the crime scene and now the next missing and possible victim. 
“Sorry I’m late-” Spencer says, out of breath as he enters the room in a rush. “I had an appointment and it ran later than expected -” He tosses his bag on the ground with a thud, sitting down and oblivious to the surprised looks from his fellow agents. 
Glasses. Spencer was wearing glasses. Your jaw dropped at this new sight, the pen you were chewing on, hanging against your lips. You wouldn’t disagree, Spencer Reid was a very attractive man. I mean you’d admitted that multiple times, but he was also your coworker. A relationship with a coworker could create a rocky atmosphere for the BAU.
He always been an eye candy to look at, however, this new look tossed you over the edge, changing something inside you. You needed him. His touch, his lips against yours. You were overwhelmed with such affection and adoration. Where was this coming from? Immediately your mind went dirty, your face flushed with embarrassment at having those thoughts, scared someone else could hear them. 
Spencer met your eyes from across the table, a new twinkle in his eye, “What did I miss?” He’d noticed the effect he had on you, he could read you like a book. 
You couldn’t even look him the eye. God what was this man doing to you. A wave of warmth was felt through your body; spreading to your core as new fantasies come to light. A dark mahogany desk... Spencer in a button up, loosening the tie around his neck. Oh god. You sat up quickly as if you were just touched by a hot poker and composed yourself, “JJ was just telling us about the last victims who were found-” Your eyes pleadingly glanced at JJ and the screen behind her. 
“Right anyways-” 
Everyone had settled into their seats on the jet and you stood, slipping behind the curtain to grab a water bottle from the mini fridge. When you stood back up, you were met with Spencer’s chest, “Shit--Spencer.” 
“Did I scare you?” He smiles in triumph, “You’re so jumpy.” He tilted his head as he observed the change in you. 
You stepped out of the way as Spencer reached for mini fridge, fumbling for an excuse. “Watched a scary movie last night.” 
He hums in response turning to face you, the small countertop digging into your back as you tried to put enough space between you and Spencer. “Which movie?” He glances back over his shoulder, checking the curtain is closed. 
You glanced around him as well, wondering what he was looking for, but finally meeting his eyes, “oh you know.. I think it was scream?” 
He closes the space between the two of you, slipping his hands behind you and  placing them firmly on the countertop behind you. 
“Spencer!” A quiet gasp escaped your lips as his body pressed against yours. 
“Shhh...” He places his index against your lips as he leans in close, the smell of his aftershave and minty breath hitting you in a wave. His breath is hot against your neck as his lips dance along your neck. 
Your entire body submits to his touch. oh god. 
“Wouldn’t want them to know what we’ve been up to these last couple months, now would we?” 
Comments, likes and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! x 
This tag list is an old one. 
Criminal Minds tag list: @thelovelydreamer17​ , @la-vie-en-amour1 , @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 , @astra-inclinant-sed-non-obligant (possibly: @astra-x-inclinant)  , @bluerose512 , @lolychu​ , @varsityalthete
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep , @obxrafe , @abbiesthings , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
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pia-nor481 · 3 months
You know those gif of Sebastian Vettel driving the car challenges during his Aston Martian days This one and the Ferrari one where he’s backing up it’s so hot watching him doing something so simple 🤭
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Anyways I feel like he would totally be into you giving him head while he drives or fingers you while he’s driving
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[Um yes this is so hot. The amount of times I’ve had to defend myself that men (Sebastian) driving is so hot. Try and tell me that’s not hot, you would be very wrong. I did spent a long time in the depths of tik tok watching edits, I also didn’t realise how cheeky/ flirty he actually was. (I didn’t notice as I was 9 when he started driving for Ferrari, I think.) Originally I was going to go on a tangent about him teaching you how to drive but i quickly remembered I don’t even have a green licence. Anyway]
Sebastian was actually unsure about the idea of road head to start, but now he’s converted, and even expects it!!! But he deserves it so it’s okay.
1. So imagine, you’re on a very long drive probably country to country and Sebastian has been driving for hours, all yawning and maybe pouting a little bit. It’s getting dark and so she decides to rest her hand on the middle of his thigh, testing the waters. “I didn’t realise I was getting special treatment.” He practically giggled out. What he didn’t expect was to hear the the zip of his jeans before she pulled his cock out.
The moment her mouth made contact he let out a harsh sigh, almost a wince. “What are you doing?” Let’s be clear he wasn’t complaining, just the initial shock. After a few bobs of her head, his complaints were replaced with quiet gasps and moans. “Fuck, please. We’re going to get in so…so much trouble.” Sebastian was surprised with how much that turned him on, at times he struggled to keep the car in the right lane. But he just couldn’t help it, her mouth felt too good.
2. This has happened in retaliation to ^ so during a very long and boring drive through Europe, race to race if you will. Sebastian was getting restless, even while driving he wanted to be entertained. This very quickly leads to him toying with the edge of her clothes. Slowly he pushed the clothes to the side and started to rub her clit in small circles, just enough pressure to feel it, not enough to get off. He thinks she deserves to be teased. But maybe after a few red lights, Sebastian decides to let her cum, let her soak the seat of the car
[Faith my beloved, how are you? I’m so sorry this took so long for me to answer my exams have been killing me]
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spiderbeam · 5 months
the case of the red umbrella
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description: working at your local coffee shop in port townsend is usually uneventful… until you meet a pretty boy in the midst of a thunderstorm
word count: 1.6k
a/n: i love charles rowland with all my heart so yeah <3 it’s a pretty basic imagine because i didn’t really have any fleshed out ideas! so if you have rqs let me know :)
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Today is a quiet day. The humming of the coffee machine accompanies the distant sound of rain as you clean the countertop with a rag. The rain hasn’t stopped since midday— and you’re starting to wonder how you’ll walk back home when you didn’t pack an umbrella. You close your eyes, and the sound of droplets against the pavement and the roof feels louder. You’re dreading the moment you’ll have to clock out.
You hum a song you heard that morning on the radio, ducking under the counter to check —once again— if Marina accidentally left an umbrella there that you could borrow. You wiggle your hand between cardboard boxes, scrunching your nose and praying for even a broken one.
“Huh. This place is definitely a lot less creepy than the butcher shop.”
You bump your head against the counter. You let out a groan, holding the banged up area with your rag-less hand. By the time you stand up, you’re looking back at a tall, lanky boy with curly hair and a lopsided smile.
He tilts his head at you with a bemused expression. “You should be careful with that,” he mentions, before turning to look around the warmly-lit shop.
You scoff a small laugh. “Yeah— sorry. You just scared me a little there.” The boy freezes in his place, snapping his head in your direction. His eyes grow wide. “I didn’t hear the bell when you came in.”
“The— The bell?” he repeats, no longer looking as smug as he did a moment before.
“My bad, honestly. I wasn’t expecting anyone to come in with this type of weather.” You shrug your shoulders, shaking your head as you reach for a cup. “Right, anyways— what can I get you?”
You uncap your sharpie. You wait a second, two, three, before looking back up at him. He’s staring at you with a dumbfounded look. His backpack actually starts to slip from his shoulder.
You tilt your head, and after a beat, he clears his throat. He looks up at the board behind you. “Um. Yeah. Of course.” He squints, and as he’s reading what he can order, you take a moment to actually look at him. He’s pretty, you realize now that he’s standing closer to the counter. He has a sharp jawline, pretty bow lips, and an earring in his left ear that suits him so.
“Actually, it’s been a while since I’ve had coffee,” he says, and his brown eyes meet your own. You startle, cheeks growing hot. You wonder whether he caught you checking him out. From the mirth dancing in his gaze and the cocky twitch of his lips, you’re certain he did. He chuckles. “Why don’t you surprise me?”
You arch a brow. “Are you sure about that? Marina’s big on her no refunds policy.”
“You seem like someone who has good taste.” He shrugs his shoulders loosely, and his awkward demeanor from the start is gone in the blink of an eye. He tilts his head, lips curving up. “I’ll trust you.”
You look up at him. “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” you tease. “Can I get a name for the order?”
His lips part like he wants to say something else. Instead, he simply answers with, “Charles.”
“Charles,” you repeat with a barely-concealed smile. “I didn’t think anyone was being named Charles since the seventies.”
He snorts, a wide grin brightening up his face. “You have no idea.” His eyes flick down to your name tag. “But, then again, you’re one to talk…” he tilts his head. “…Agatha.”
This time, you’re the one who laughs. “That’s a nice try— except I’m not Agatha.”
“Really?” he leans over the counter. ”Because the name on your pin says otherwise.”
“It’s because it’s not my name tag.” You roll your eyes with a smile as you turn to the coffee machine and start preparing him his drink. “I lost mine ages ago, and I don’t actually feel like paying for another one out of pocket.”
“So, you’ve left poor, innocent Agatha without one.”
“Please, she had it coming,” you respond, and he laughs. You’re not about to explain to him that Agatha retired before you even started working here.
The coffee machine stops humming, and you reach for the cup before finally closing it with a lid.
“So if not Agatha,” Charles starts, “what should I call you?”
You slide his coffee cup across the counter. You tell him your name, and he repeats it with a smile. He’s about to bring his coffee up to his lips, before stopping.
“Oh— apologies,” he sets it down on the table, reaching around for his backpack. “How— How much do I owe you?”
“It’s on the house,” you say.
He raises a brow. “What for?”
“Keeping me company on a day like this.” You gesture outside, where the rain only seems to have gotten worse.
“Yeah— dreadful weather, huh?” he says, hopping onto the counter with little regard for the fact that you only just cleaned it. Surprisingly enough, you don’t find yourself caring all-that much.
“Tell me about it.” You exhale, casting a glance out the window. “If it gets any worse, I might just end up camping here.”
Charles hums in agreement, toying with his coffee cup, but not yet drinking it. “Have you been working here for long?”
“Since high school, yeah.” You lean your back against the counter, folding your arms over your chest. “What about you?”
He furrows his brow. “What about me?”
“Well, for one, I know all my regulars— and this is the first time I’m seeing you around. How long have you been in Port Townsend?
“Ah, not long.” He scratches the back of his neck. “A friend of mine has been renting a room next door.”
“She’s renting one of Jenny’s rooms?” you muse. “Huh. So you’re visiting her?”
“Yeah. You could say that.” You cock your head slightly, giving Charles a look. He raises his brows. “What?”
“Your coffee’s gonna get cold, Charles,” you tease.
He almost looks flustered at that. “Right! Coffee, yeah.” He brings the cup to his lips, and swallows most of it in one big gulp. His face twists into a poorly-stifled grimace. His voice is hoarse when he adds, “So good.”
He tries to smile at you, but you’re frowning. Charles decides he doesn’t like to see you frowning.
“You hate it,” you say, lightly kicking your leg. The one time a customer —a cute one, at that— asks you to choose for them, and you royally fuck it. “Fuck, I knew I should’ve gone with a black coffee or something.”
“What?” Charles says, voice still somewhat scratchy from the drink. He hops off the counter, now standing next to you. There’s a smile on his face that looks apologetic. “No, no! It’s brills, really— perfect.”
You shake your head, trying not to show how much it bothers you. You try to chuckle. “Come on, Charles. Your face is getting all scrunched up— like you just ate a mouthful of dirt.”
He winces, embarrassed. “Yeah, to be honest I’m not actually big on coffee.”
He’s sparing your feelings. You’re not sure yet whether you find it endearing from him or embarrassing for you. Maybe a little of both. You tilt your head up to meet his gaze, surprised to see that he’s already looking down at you. His shoulder is a breath away from yours— you could lean your head on it if you wanted to.
“And yet here you are. Inside a coffee shop, on a Tuesday afternoon, while the sky falls outside.”
“Accusing me of something?” Charles clicks his tongue, and the warm lighting of the shop catches and reflects on his earring. “There are other things to enjoy here.”
“Such as?”
“The company.” His eyes meet yours when he says that, and you find a strange warmth spreading inside your chest.
You can’t help the way your lips curve upward. “Does that line usually work for you?”
“I don’t know.” He leans his back against the counter, looking at you with a mischievous glint in his gaze. “Does it?”
You laugh at that, shaking your head. He’s grinning. “Only ‘cause you’re pretty.”
He grins wider at that. “You think I’m pretty?”
“Come on, Charles. Do you really think I give free coffees out to anyone?”
“Well, that’s good to know.”
“Yeah, how so?”
“Because maybe I’ll come by more often.”
“I thought you said you didn’t like coffee.”
Charles shrugs. “Yeah. But there’s a gorgeous barista that works there. Agatha, I think.”
You’re laughing now, louder than before. Your cheeks feel hot as it dies out. You’re still smiling when you catch Charles licking his bottom lip, glancing down at yours. Your heart stammers, but you find yourself leaning closer.
Your mouths are inches away from each other when thunder strikes, and you both flinch away.
“You should get home soon,” Charles says, rounding the counter. “I don’t think it’s gonna get much better.”
“Yeah— you’re probably right.” You hope he can’t see you blushing underneath the dim light. “See you soon then?”
“Yeah,” he says, and it’s something about his beaming smile that makes you believe him. “See you soon.”
The afternoon drags on after that. Rain pours outside, paired with the occasional lighting strike.
And as you’re closing, turning off the lights and placing chairs atop tables, you find that there’s something that wasn’t there before.
An old, red umbrella, leaning against the door.
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a/n: reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3
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angelsheartts · 5 months
Hi!! I was wondering if I could request the “hope nobody will catch us!” prompt for Angel dust x gn! reader too? Thank you love!!❤️❤️
(but i kinda hope they catch us, anyways)
#pairing: angel dust, husk, velvette, lute x gn reader
#cw: suggestive content, +18 mdni, cuss words Imao, getting caught in suggestive situations ig?? adam being adam on lutes part, drunk sex?, kind of only fans on velvettes part ngl.
#notes: just got back from vacation, and i do feel kind of inspirational to write on my blog lmao, so here it is! second part of "i hope nobody catch us". did anyone noticed it’s the lyrics from les - childish gambino?
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˖ ˚ ༘✶ ANGEL DUST .
well, it’s kind of ironic how angel dust would actually care if someone would see you both fucking, but it’s just because he actually wants to have something intimate with you, not just some porn video where you both need to act.
today, valentino had given your partner finally a day off, so you both decided it would be the best to spend it together.
as you both were cuddling in his bed, you somehow started teasing him by confessing how you watched one of his adult videos, and how much it had turned you, so it wasn’t a big surprise how you ended having him on top of you.
"that’s kinky for you to say, but keep going" angel dust said, smirking at you while already having your underwear aside "well, at first i saw how you went down on them, and-" suddenly fat nuggets was on the bed looking at you both.
yeah, so after seeing your kid staring at you both, it really made the atmosphere so not hot.
˖ ˚ ༘✶ HUSK .
i mean, husk, and you do have a pretty regular intimate life cause this man is sooo touch starved, but there’s something different about being drunk and intimate to him.
you knew you both had maybe a few more drinks than usually, but that wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?
wrong, as soon as you started to feel the alcohol doing its thing, you soon started to feel horny too.
but, who could judge you? seeing your bartender boyfriend also with the same flushed face as you was so hot, you somehow ended on top of the counter, while having your boyfriend kiss your neck.
"Oh, for fucks sake, and everyone says im the perverted one?"
yeah, hearing angel dust words made you both stop, but it didn’t make you stopped once you reached your bedroom.
˖ ˚ ༘✶ VELVETTE .
your girlfriend being a famous influencer in hell wasn’t something new to you, but as soon as you both started dating, you didn’t expect her to literally get sent sex toys for you both to try out and recommend or give your review about it.
your girlfriend was doing a live on her sinstagram, when you unexpectedly entered the room in the lingerie she just bought you just a few days ago.
of course, she had to end her livestream by saying a lame excuse to pamper your needs, and what the best way to do that with testing the vibrator who got sent to her for a review.
"velvette, ah- it‘s too much, i‘m going to cum" while sitting on her lap and putting your arms around her neck, you both suddenly heard velvettes phone vibrating like crazy, turns out she never ended her livestream and all hell just saw how needy you were for her.
after really ending the live, let’s just say that the vibrator you used got most-sold-sex-toy of the month.
˖ ˚ ༘✶ LUTE .
your girlfriend is somehow always occupied with something that isn’t you, so you might of have your ways to have her attention.
even though your girlfriend is an exterminator, you both sometimes ended up working together.
so, if dragging her near a closet to have her all for yourself was bad, then what you wanted to do in there with her would be worse.
"(name), it’s not appropriate, and adam is gonna be here anytime soon" lute said, staring at your face with her mask "yeah, yeah you say that every time, but you know how it always ends"
and yes, it was true, your girlfriend knew your true intentions when you dragged her into the closet, but still, she had a kinky side where she liked doing things you weren’t supposed to.
not to mention how hot you looked when you tried to be the dominant one.
"fuck, you're already so wet, huh? is it because you like getting me in trouble or because you want me to punish you?" she said, rubbing her fingers near your clit faster each time, "ah, lute-! keep going" "you’re a fucking mess, answer my questi-"
"DANGERTITS? bullshit, why the fuck didn’t i come sooner? legit thought you didn’t have sex, but you know what? this can get pretty awesome if i joi-“
adam did in fact not join you both, but he did make lute clear that "you both needed the original dick to even come" - adams words.
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yourgothiccqueen · 6 months
LN4 - “Formula One Sucks” Part 2
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Summary: Y/N and Lando go on their first date.
Pairings: Lando Norris x Female Reader
Warnings: Swearing, hints of sexual tension etc
Y/N glanced down at her phone, a small smile forming at her lips. There would only be one person messaging her so late at night.
lightning mcqueen: Soooo, what did you think of the race today? :)
The last thing she expected to happen after her begrudging trip to Silverstone was to end up texting a certain McLaren driver.
Well, it was more than texting really. There were calls too, every other day. Lando was a busy (understatement of the year) guy, but they’d found themselves falling into a comfortable routine of late night conversations.
y/n: didn’t watch it, was too busy washing my dog :,)
A lie, of course. Y/N had recently found herself infatuated with F1. She hadn’t missed a race. But she wasn’t going to let Lando feel smug about that.
lightning mcqueen: u little shit, you don’t have a dog!
y/n: says who?!
lightning mcqueen: you, on the phone last week!
y/n: 🤷‍♀️ maybe I was washing my friends dog?
lightning mcqueen: its okay, no need for lies - i know ur an f1 super fan now thanks to yours truly :D
Y/N felt a smile tug at her lips. Okay, he was smug. But it was kinda cute.
y/n: okayyyy, perhaps I did watch. And perhaps I thought you were rather impressive. happy now?
lightning mcqueen: very :) goodnight grumpy girl x
y/n: goodnight u smug bastard x
It didn’t take long for him to ask her on a date. It caught her by surprise, despite the ease at which they’d been chatting over the past month.
“What do you even wear on a date with an F1 driver?” Y/N groaned, flopping back on to her bed.
Piles of clothes were scattered around the room, deemed totally unacceptable for a date with Lando Norris.
“Not this.” Her friend Annie, grimaced, picking up a bright pink Oodie off of the floor.
“Yeah no shit!”
“Look, you must have something in here.” Annie rummaged through the wardrobe. “Where’s he taking you anyway?”
“Someplace in central. It’s not too fancy, but it’s definitely fancier than the pink Oodie.” Y/N pointed.
“Oooo. This could work!” Annie pulled out a relatively new, seemingly unworn black dress. “Can’t go wrong with a little black dress.”
Y/N’s eyes widen - “I can’t wear that!”
“Why the hell not?”
“It’s too…showy. I bought it on a whim. For a nice occasion.”
Annie rolled her eyes “if you’re not going to wear it on a date with a super hot formula one driver, then when the hell are you gonna wear it?!”
Fair point.
Stood outside the restaurant, Y/N felt her nerves begin to grow. What the hell was she doing? She didn’t do this sort of thing! If she’d had told herself a month ago that she’d be going on a date with Lando, she’d have laughed in her own face. This was wild. This was ridiculous. This was positively insane in fact!
Suddenly whipped out of her own thoughts, Y/N turned around.
Oh god, he looked bloody gorgeous.
He smiled at her, his eyes twinkling as he did. His white shirt was a stark contrast against his tan skin. His curly hair was slightly more tamed than usual - he’d clearly made an effort, which made Y/N’s heart race even faster.
“Hey!” She managed to stutter out, sounding far more confident than she felt inside.
“Hi! God I’m so sorry I’m late, were you waiting long?” Lando queried.
Y/N had failed to notice that he was late in the first place, having been so in her own head.
“No just got here.” She smiled. “You look really nice.” She paused, a fleeting moment of confidence. “For a smug bastard, of course.”
A quick laugh left Lando’s mouth.
“Ha! You look lovely too, despite being the world's grumpiest woman, of course.”
“Oh of course.” Y/N giggled, as they made their way inside.
He’d chosen well - it was beautiful inside the restaurant, but not fancy enough to make Y/N feel uncomfortable.
Y/N placed her phone down on the table as she sat, and Lando couldn’t help but catch a glimpse.
“Wait, why am I called Lightning McQueen in your phone?” He laughed.
“Because you’re fast - duh!”
“Lightning McQueen is red.” Lando retorted, a look of exasperation written across his face, as he made himself comfortable in his chair.
Lando rolled his eyes, jokingly.
"There's nothing wrong with red cars!" Y/N exclaimed.
“Well, I prefer orange myself. Gimme your phone, I’ve got a better name.”
“If I must”
Y/N passed her phone across the table and into Lando's hand. His fingers brushed hers as she did so. Despite their playful bickering, she couldn't help but wish she could leave her hand on his a moment longer.
God, she was fully gone and she'd only been sat in his presence for less than five minutes. He was going to be the death of her.
Lando typed into Y/N’s phone momentarily, before passing it back, a small smirk on his face.
“Lando ‘The Hunk’ Norris?” She laughed, eyebrows raising. “Really?”
“Well, it’s much more accurate, don’t you think?”
He folded his arms across his chest. Y/N felt herself begin to blush, so decided the sane response was to hide herself behind the menu.
"Well?" Lando quipped.
"Well what, Lando 'The Hunk' Norris?" Y/N spoke, glancing up at the curly haired man. His eyes bore into hers, a slight mischievous glint to them.
"Aren't you going to agree?"
"You want me to tell you that you are in fact, a 'hunk'?" She retorted.
Lando leaned back in his chair. "I suppose I don't need you to. The fact that you've gone bright red says it all."
Y/N felt her blush deepen.
"You're a cocky bastard. you know that?"
"I haven't had any complaints yet."
The rest of the date passed in a blur of midly flirtatious comments and an abundance of sexual innuendos. Y/N wasn't sure what she had been expecting when she'd agreed to a date with Lando. She'd presumed he'd be polite, and sincere and kind - which he was. But what she hadn't anticipated was his quick wit and his ability to call her out. She liked it. She liked it very much indeed.
Perhaps she'd finally met her match.
By the time they left the restaurant the sun had long set, and a light drizzle had set in.
Y/N felt the breath leave her lungs as Lando took his hand in hers.
"Thank you." He smiled, softly.
"What for, exactly?" She questioned, half unable to focus on anything except the feeling of his warm hand in hers.
"For...this. It's not often I get to meet someone who... makes me feel so normal. Someone who isn't afraid to say what's on their mind. It's nice."
Once again, a blush crept up Y/N's neck and towards her cheeks.
"Well, I am pretty incredible." She winked.
"Oh, shut up!"
"Make me."
Lando stepped forward, and in one breathe his lips crashed into her own. It was messy at first, filled with passion and unresolved sexual tension, before they found their rhythm. She closed her eyes, feeling his strong hands wrapped around her waist. His mouth molded against hers, warmth spilling throughout her body. He was perfect. His mouth moved in perfect timing against hers, as she entwined her hands at the base of his hair, letting her fingers run through his curls. She could stand her forever, she thought, with her body pressed against his, his mouth against hers.
Eventually, Y/N pulled away first, gazing up into Lando's darkened eyes. His lips were swollen and wet - she already wanted to kiss him again.
"Want to continue this date at mine?" She whispered, unable to leave his gaze.
"Say no more."
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graveyard-stray · 8 months
Me or Her. || Thomas Shelby x f!Reader
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Summary: All your life you’ve loved Tommy, and you finally thought he loved you too. But then, Grace came along and had to ruin everything.
(No hate to Grace. She slays. This is all just for story purposes)
Word Count: 2.5K
Tags: Angst + Fluff, unrequited love, jealousy, Smut. Dom!Tommy, Praise, dirty talk?, Grinding/Dry humping, Lowkey rough sex, loving tho, P in V sex, little bit of oral, lowkey desperate tommy and reader. No use of Y/N!!
A/N: Not proofread! Dont crucify me please…😰
“What is your god damn issue?” Tommy asked you, a frustrated expression on his face. You had run off during the large event the Peaky Blinders were currently hosting.
Ya see Tommy was your boyfriend, or something of the sort- as Tommy wasn’t the kind of guy you really would call a boyfriend. But none the less you were involved and had been for quite some time.
The way you felt about him was strong and undeniable. You had been in love with him for years, you never thought he felt the same. You felt even more sure of that when you saw him with Grace. You could tell clearly there was romance between them, a certain spark. It broke your heart but you would of course pretend to be happy for them.
But, after she had gone to New York you finally had your chance. After some time Tommy finally took some notice to you. It didn’t take too long for you two to start being…involved. Sleeping together, going to all the important events together, spending nights together at his place, the whole nine yards. Everything couples would do.
But the night of this party, no different than the others, who would walk through the door? Grace.
your heart sinks as you see her walking into the party, dressed beautifully and looking around clearly searching for something- or someone.
You moved closer to Tommy’s side and grabbed onto his arm, staying almost attached to him. He didn’t mind of course, simply continuing on with his conversations and dealings.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Grace coming over, in an attempt to make it clear what you and Tommy were you put your face in the crook of his neck, kissing him softly. He didn’t react but, you hadnt expected him too. That wasn’t the goal. The goal was to make Grace back off.
But, Grace came over anyway. Interjecting into Tommy’s conversation. The look on his face when he saw her shattered your heart. A mix of surprise and pleasure in seeing her. She asked to speak to him alone and he agreed, he told you to stay where you were and he would be back soon but you just couldn’t. As soon as he went to walk off with her you left the party, ran off to the room you were staying in to cry.
That’s how you got where you were now. Arguing with Tommy in the room that you so often shared.
“What is your god damn issue?” He was scowling at you as you looked at him with a mixture of anger and sadness on your face. “My issue? Your the one who went off with that whore!” You snapped back at him, your voice breaking from your crying.
He scoffed, “is that really what this is about? I was just talking to her calm the fuck down.” He scolded, still clearly annoyed at your reaction.
You stood up and got closer to him, “Oh please Tommy, I’m not blind! I saw the way you looked at her when you saw her. So glad she was back from New York. I mean come on- I just….” You explained, trailing off at the end trying to find the words.
“You just what? Spit it out.” He said demanding, looking down at you as he stepped closer to you, you could feel his breathe on your face. “I just thought you loved ME, Tommy.” You said, coldly. “Bloody hell, your being ridiculous. I do!” He responded, turning around and putting some space between the two of you.
You stayed in your spot glaring at him, new tears pricking your eyes. “No you don’t. You love her. You always have and I should’ve opened my fucking eyes sooner! I should’ve known you would never love me like you love her!” You barked at him, those new hot tears now falling down your cheeks.
“I do! Just calm down and listen to me when I say that I do!” Tommy repeated, an evident tone of annoyance in his words. “Then say it.” You said, wiping the tears from your face.
He looked confused for a moment, “say what exactly?” He questioned honestly, but with his same strong and cold tone.
“Say that you love me. I know you’ve said it to her before so your bloody capable of it. So, if you really do love me, then SAY IT.” You demanded, sternly looking him right in the eyes. Most men you knew didn’t dare look at him in the eyes, but you weren’t scared of him. No matter what.
“Your being insane, I just said it!” He defended, his tone still cold but there was a clear look of searching in his eyes. Like he was struggling to find the right words to say, to find the right way to express what he wanted to. But his avoidance of doing what you asked was a very clear answer to you.
You kept your eyes glued to his and just shook your head disapprovingly, “Whatever Tommy. I can’t keep fucking doing this, I was gonna tell you to choose between me or her but it seems you already have.” The words were like venom leaving your lips. You turned to walk towards the door, your heels clacking on the floor with every step.
Before you could go the sound of Tommy’s voice registered in your mind. It was softer now and more sincere than before. “I love you.” he said, making you stop in your tracks but not yet turn to face him. “I love you so much and it scares the shit out of me.” He confessed.
You turned on your heels to face him, “what do you mean? Why does it scare you?” you asked sincerely, the look in your eyes softer now, and more sympathetic.
“After what happened with Grace? Why the hell wouldn’t I be frightened. I didn’t wanna put myself out there again just for ya to bloody leave as soon as things got good, or worse for you to be put in danger cause of me.” Tommy explained, looking away from your gaze.
He felt your soft hand on his cheek, his rough skin contrasting your own. He looked at you and quickly plunged his lips onto yours. You were a bit taken aback but quickly reciprocated.
The kiss was deep and passionate but also had an energy of desperation in it. Tommy wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, your body flush against his own.
It didn’t take long for the kiss to develope into his tongue exploring your mouth, heavy breathing and soft, muffled, moans filling the otherwise silent room. Tommy eventually grabbed you a bit roughly and pushed you down onto the bed, crawling over so he was hovering above you, doing his best not to break the kiss in the process.
Your hands found his hair and you pulled it softly, how you knew he liked, and he groaned softly into your mouth. He ground his hips against yours, his clothed crotch rubbing against yours, which was also still covered by your formal party wear.
Tommy continued to softly grind against you for a moment as the kiss continued hastily, before you pulled away to whine, “Tommy. Need you.” is all you could muster out, the feeling of desperation making you practically squirm beneath him.
He just nodded before sitting you up and pulling your dress up and over your head with ease. You felt the cold air hit your now almost bare upper body and you could feel your nipples harden under the fabric of your bra.
You felt his mouth attach to your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin softly as his hands snaked around your back and undid your bra quickly, it was pretty clear he was experienced with this but you tried to ignore that fact as it is kinda related to what started the argument to begin with.
His lips continued to kiss and nip at the skin of your neck, shoulders, and collarbone before you placed your hands on his chest and started gently tugging at his suit jacket, attempting to get it off. He chuckled and pulled away, quickly taking off his jacket as you worked to unbutton his shirt. It wasn’t long before his top was also completely bare.
Tommy took this time to admire you, his eyes trailing down your neck and shoulders seeing the marks he left they would definitely be noticed tomorrow, and then to your breasts. He smiled a bit and kissed right above your chest before looking back up at you.
“s’beautiful” Tommy mumbled before putting his hand on your cheek and pulling you into another heated kiss. His other hand now groping your boob, causing you to moan into the kiss and grind your hips up into nothing.
He noticed your actions and chuckled, “someone’s needy.” He teased and you nodded quickly. “Let me show you how much I love you.” He whispered softly into your ear as he laid you back down on the bed, placing a pillow underneath your back to make you more comfortable.
His hands slid down your sides, eventually reaching your panties and pulling them down your legs. He leaned down and kissed your clit softly before licking a stripe up your cunt. “Fuckin’ delicious” he practically moaned before coming up and kissing you again so you could taste yourself on him.
your hands reached down and messed with the waistband of his pants making him chuckle once more, “So desperate, So needy, it’s adorable.” Tommy sweetly. “Just need you so bad Tommy. So pretty…want you.” You praised him as your hand cupped his cheek and you kissed his lips softly. “Please” you practically begged.
A smiled played on his lips as he undid his belt and unbuttoned his trousers. “How can I say no to that beautiful face?” He whispered.
It wasn’t long at all before he had taken himself out of his boxers and was lining up with your entrance. He smiled down at you reassuringly “you ready love?” he asked, he would ask if you were ready when he was feeling extra loving, because he was generally quite large and he knew this- so he wanted to make sure. You simply nodded and this enabled him to slowly push inside of you.
The soft hiss that left your mouth soon turned into a pleasurable moan as he pushed inside of you until he was all the way in. He looked down at where you were connected and groaned, titling his head back. “Fuck baby. You take me so well.” He praised sweetly.
after just a moment of letting you adjust he started moving in and out. His pace started off slow, pulling out a bit and slowly easing back inside as far as he could go. But the pleasure was just so good as he slowly fucking into you, he needed more.
“So good f’me. Taking me nice and slow.” He praised once more. Starting to slowly pick up speed. You nodded, as any time you tried to speak the words became muffled by moans and whines.
“More..please.” You were able to mumble out, a whiney and desperate tone in your voice. Tommy groaned and bit his lip at hearing you beg for more of him like that. “If you insist sweetheart.” He responds rather quietly before picking up the pace.
He steadily builds up speed till he is at the point where he is quickly pulling all the way out just to thrust back into you as deep as he can before pulling out and doing it again and again. The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin. Your moans and mumbles and his quiet groans accompanying them.
You could feel yourself getting closer to your climax, and he could too as your walls began to clench around him causing him to let out another moan. “Fuck.” he moaned under his breathe. “I’m close sweetheart.” Tommy said quickly, his hips still pistoning into you.
“Me too.” You moaned back, your head nodding feverishly. The feeling in your lower stomach was burning and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
What finally threw you over the edge was when his hand went down and found your clit, rubbing quickly circles onto it. The sensation of his rough calloused fingers on your sensitive clit, combined with him roughly fucking into you was enough to have you coming undone.
You squirmed beneath him as your walls clenched around him and you came while moaning his name loudly, causing him to let out another deep moan. “Fuck. Yes cum all over my cock. Good girl.” Tommy muttered as he kept pushing in and out of you. As you rode out of your high you grabbed his face in your hands, “cum inside. Please.” You asked him, a desperate look in your eyes.
This alone was enough to send him over the edge. He nodded as his hips stuttered and in just a few more thrusts he was filling you up, spilling his seed inside of you, this just caused another moan of his name to fall from your lips.
As he came you could hear him mumbling, “fuck. So good. Love you. Love you so much.” Where all the words falling from his beautiful mouth as he came inside of you.
You both took a moment to catch your breathes before he carefully slid out of you, causing an involuntary and sorta strange noise to leave you. He got up and kissed your forehead before grabbing a damp towel and using it to clean you off gently, dabbing your skin with the nice cool water.
After he finished cleaning you he climbed back in bed, still naked and pulled you into him. You snuggled close and rested your head on his chest. You two just sat there for a moment. Enjoying each other.
“I love you so much.” Were the words he said to break the silence. “And if it takes me never so much as looking at Grace again to make you happy then I will do it.” He promised, kissing the top of your head gently.
You leaned your head a bit and placed a soft kiss on his chest. “Thank you. I love you too.” You said dreamily, snuggling closer into him.
He wrapped both arms around you and held you close. You both had honestly forgotten about the party that was still going on downstairs. You couldn’t seem to care as you just held each other and enjoyed each other presence.
You fell asleep together that night, both naked and holding one another. The next morning when You and Tommy went to go get breakfast and were once again interrupted by Grace who attempted to speak him. Tommy just continued talking to you. He didn’t even look at her.
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I had a thought for a creator but they didn't believe they were the creator and could influence others into believing it too.
The two characters are Sara kujou and yae miko
@mastadon64 here you go!
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Godboss - Kujou Sara and Yae Miko
Kujou Sara
Cw: Sexual innuendos
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-Honestly, waking up in Teyvat, you had a hard time convincing yourself you weren’t dreaming
-(It took you tumbling down a hill and slamming into a particularly sharp rock to realize it was not a dream. Also, ow)
-(You ignored the way your blood was golden. You were pretty sure you’d never seen the Genshin characters bleed anyways. It was probably just censoring. Totally.)
-Some way or another, you ended up in Inazuma
-Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as you were expecting
-Most of the creatures were pretty chill, and as long as you avoided the people, you didn’t get in much trouble
-And then you kicked a Tenryou commission officer in the face and got arrested
-You know, jail wasn’t as bad as you expected either!
-Your cellmates weren’t too bad either- one of them asked you if you were god, which was weird, because you didn’t look anything like the Shogun, but you gave him a stick of dango and he shut up
-(You might not have been a god, but the fact that you managed to keep your inventory from the game was the closest thing to a divine blessing that you could imagine. Who needs a gnosis when you have your own pocket dimension?)
-It’s about half an hour before you’re taken from your cell for questioning
-You walk into a small interrogation room, shock igniting in your chest as you spot Kujou Sara
-Wasn’t she important?
-Was kicking that guy in the face really such a grave offense?
-“Are you the Creator God?” She asks, deathly serious
-Why did people keep asking you this???
-You’re pretty sure you don’t look too godly, garbed in stolen clothes that you’re ninety percent sure you put on wrong, a fading bite mark on your arm from when you tried to pet a rifthound, leaves in your hair. Honestly, you looked pretty disheveled, and…
-“Is that your way of saying you think I’m hot? Like… godly or whatever?”
-Considering the way the Tengu’s face turns a vibrant red, you’re either very right, or very wrong
-It’d be funnier if you were right though, so you press on
-“I mean, not that I’m not into it, but I’m feeling kinda iffy about the power dynamic here- prisoner and cop is a cute trope and all, but not all that smart in real life, I mean I get it if it’s a kink or whatever, I know handcuffs are attractive, but as of right now it’s immoral-”
-“Shut up. Please.” Sara mumbled, covering her red face with her hand. Her hair has more volume than usual, tiny sparks of static dancing between the strands
-“… I mean after I get out of prison I’d totally be down to go on a date, and if you feed me well enough I might even let you handcuff me.” You add.
-The silence in the room is heavy
-“Get out.”
-“Yes ma’am. Hm. No. Yes Mommy? Yes Master-“
-You’re cut off by an electrically charged arrow striking the wall beside your head.
-You’re released from prison three days later, now with a whole gaggle of new friends from criminals
-(You ignored the fact that some of them made really important sounding speeches swearing their fealty to you. Also the small shrine they were building in your honor. If you didn’t acknowledge it, it didn’t exist)
-You were surprised that as soon as you left, you were met with a glaring Kujou Sara, who takes your hand in her own
-“Am I being arrested again?”
-“… I’m going to take you on a date. And then I’m going to handcuff you.”
-“Yes Mommy!”
-“I Will Shoot You Again.”
Yae Miko
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-You had to admit, stumbling upon a small shrine that seemed to be dedicated to your doppelgänger was creepy
-But you had also just been Isekaied to video game land, so you were pretty adaptable at the moment.
-Or high on adrenaline.
-You pick up one of the Sunsiettas from the shrine, biting down and relaxing, until-
-“Your excellency?!” A voice squeaks, and looking up you see a very frazzled shrine maiden staring at you.
-“Uh. No?” You say, swallowing the Sunsietta.
-The shrine maiden starts sobbing. “Your excellency!”
-“Oh- no- I’m- uh- I’m like you? You know? I’m uh… a messiah? Priest? Prophet? Whatever gets you to stop crying?” You awkwardly pat her head.
-“You- you’re the Creators chosen one?” She blubbers.
-“Uh. Yeah. Totally. Stop crying.”
-“CHOSEN ONE!” And she’s crying again
-After a lot of crying, you’re led to the Grand Narukami shrine, where you’re introduced to the head shrine maiden as the chosen one
-“… Are you sure she’s not just the creator?”
-“You flatter me. I’m just gods favoritist and most specialist little princess.”
-The Kitsune likes this. Perhaps too much, but we’ll let her have her fun
-And thus, the war to get you to admit that you’re the Creator begins, hidden under the guise of her introducing you to chosen one duties
-She takes you on a pilgrimage all across Inazuma first, going to the most dangerous places possible just to put you in danger and save you at the last second, disappointed that you never use godly powers to save (read: reveal) yourself
-She meditates with you, and paints obscure markings on your face when you fall asleep, which you have to pass off as messages from the creator
-She takes you to meet the Shogun, but after leaving you alone for five minutes, returns to you teaching her poker and robbing her blind. You cited divine luck and she pretended she didn’t notice the cards stuffed inside your sleeve
-It ends pretty anticlimactically, actually
-She’s introducing you to the local foxes, when you trip over a rock and face plant into the floor
-And get a nose bleed
-Miko can’t help but doubling over in laughter at the sight of your pout as golden blood drips down your face
-“And how are you explaining this one, Oh revered Chosen One?”
-“Genetic condition.”
-The laughter doubles
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prentissluvr · 3 months
literary parallels — sam winchester
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pairing : sam winchester x gn!reader ➖⟢ genre : light angst, fluff ➖⟢ cw : small injuries, few seconds of physical fighting (self-defense), no use of y/n, you have a dad and i gave him a name (rick lol), mentions of death of loved ones, sort of case fic, kinda ignores canon timeline in terms of a few minor things but canon doesn't matter much in this fic lol, poorly edited most likely ➖⟢ wc : 3.6K summary : sam is someone from your past at stanford university, and the last place you expect to see him again is on a case. that's exactly where you find him. i plan on doing a part two for this one in the future! :))
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today is one of those days where the reality of your life feels strange, unwelcome, and somewhat foreign. it’s not as if you’re new to the hunting life; it’s just the opposite, and yet, you often feel removed from it, especially after having lived normally at college for a few years. but you were ripped back into hunting without being able to finish your degree by your father after the death of your closest cousin. 
so now you’re cooped up in a crappy motel room searching endlessly through detailed lore websites and the few books you have on you, trying to make sense of the odd patterns of killings in the small california town. that’s part of the pit in your stomach for today; the beach town, cayucos, is only three hours from stanford. 
being so close to your former university after almost a whole year brings back a whole lot of mixed feelings. mostly longing for the normalcy that you loved and lost, but also a renewed urgency to find what killed your cousin. she had been studying at a different college just an hour inland from you. when she died, you had wanted to salt and burn her body and move on. but when your father showed up with proof of odd circumstances, he pursuaded you to rejoin him in the hunting life.
the deaths in cayucos are certainly odd, but they lack the defining features that would allow you to identify the creature at fault. so, you’re searching for anything with a grudge against hot men and a killing cycle of seven years since those are about the only patterns so far. your dad is at the coroner’s office, meeting with an old hunter friend to check out the body of the latest victim.
that’s been another reminder of your brief time at a normal school with normal friends and normal hobbies. when your dad first told you he called in a friend to help, he’d asked you, “d’you remember john winchester? you met him once when you were a kid, he’s an old buddy of mine.” you shook your head and he shrugged, saying something about how it makes sense; you were young and only met him once. but the name stuck in your mind as he left, and it had nothing to do with hunting or when you were a kid on the road, stuck in motels, school if you were there long enough, or the town library if you were lucky.
that name, or the last name anyway, comes from the stanford part of your life, the one you keep cherished in the most protected corners of your heart. sam winchester was one of your few friends during your time there, and after hearing his family name spoken aloud, he’s floating through your mind all day.
he disappeared after jess, his girlfriend and one of your other few friends, died, mere weeks before your own cousin died and you left standford as well. you’ve always wondered what happened to him, the best conclusion you could come to being that he couldn’t bear her death. they were absolutely in love with each other, but you know jess would have wanted him to finish at stanford, then head to that law school he was bound to get that full-ride to. sam always had an air of strength about him, so it surprised you when you never saw him again. he wasn’t even at her funeral, and to this day, that’s your singular bone to pick with him. 
but, you can’t afford to think about him too much as you search for answers about the case. abandoning the lore websites for the meantime, you look over the police records of all the deaths that you can find, hoping to draw together any more patterns that you can use to narrow down your research. you’re jotting down a few notes, thinking you may have found something regarding accounts of a few of the men being last seen with a woman, when your train of thought is interrupted by an unexpected knock on the door.
on instinct, you draw your gun as you cross the room, looking through the peephole and silently cursing when you realize the light out front has gone out. all you can make out is the tall, broad silluete of a man thanks to the dimness of the twighlight sky.
you wait for a moment at the door, hoping he’ll just walk away after he doesn’t get an answer. but you’re unlucky, and he knocks again before calling out, “hello? rick sent me here to … help with the case, he said his kid was here. i’m john winchester’s son, sam.”
if you were in an old-timey cartoon, your jaw would’ve dropped to the floor. sam … sam winchester. it sounds just like him. trying to keep your head, you swap your gun for a nearby canteen of holy water and slip a silver knife into your pocket for accessibility. it’s too much of a coincidence for you to believe it.
you crack the door, just enough for him to hear you a bit better. “sam winchester? like stanford full-ride, lawyboy sam winchester?”
“i– how do you–” there’s a moment of silence, and you know that he’s piecing together the few clues he has; your voice and the last name you must share with your dad, the man he knows as rick. his voice is just as cautious as yours as he says your name like he can’t really believe it.
for a moment, you stop thinking when you hear his voice saying your name after so long, and you throw open the door and let him in. the light from the motel room finally illuminates his face, and it’s him, it’s really him. and the moment you think that is the moment you realize that could absolutely not be the case.
the second he turns to you from closing the door, you’re splashing holy water in his face so fast you barely catch the look he was about to give you; eyes so full of surprise and wonder and confusion and something akin to joy. you react quickly to his lack of reaction besides the normal surprise at getting splashed in the face, slashing at his arm with your silver knife to finish testing him. but he reacts just as fast as you, grabbing both of your wrists, spinning you around and pinning you to the flat surface of the door.
his hold is quite strong, but he doesn’t have the time to bear his full weight into holding you down before you react, so you’re able to manuever out of his hold with practiced ease. you lift one arm up as you yank the other down to make it so you’re able to slip down and to the side, out of his hold. then you’ve got a strong hand to his back, shoving him face-first against the door and your other arm bringing your knife to his throat.
the thought that his profile view with his pulled-taut eyebrows and the grimace on his mouth looks pretty has the audacity to float up to the forefront of your mind before you can squash it down. the whole struggle had taken mere seconds, and he resigns the minute you’ve got him pinned down.
“it’s me,” he pants, “i swear. ‘m not a shapeshifter or ghoul or anything, it was just instinct. sorry,” he explains quickly, “go ahead, test me.”
you debate saying “don’t mind if i do,” but decide that you don’t have to be teasing or snarky about it. instead, you tamp down your hesitance to hurt him, even a little bit because he still sort of feels like innocent, regular, lawboy sam to you, and you draw a thin line of blood at the spot where his neck slopes into his broad shoulder. there’s no burning, just a normal wince from his mouth, so you loosen your hold on him and step back, internally cringing at the small bit of blood beginning to slip down towards his collarbone.
“sorry,” you say, far more sincere than you would be if it’d been anybody else. this is the norm for hunters, but you haven’t quite wrapped your mind around the fact that sam is a hunter. you’d never once would have guessed, though you suppose that was the point. you had done everything you could to hide that part of your life during your time at stanford.
“it’s fine,” he gives you an awkward half-smile, just as sincere as you. “just, y’know, your turn.” you’d been so busy taking in the sight of him standing there, looking almost exactly the same, but not quite, as he had in college, that you forgot about the courtesy of testing yourself too.
“right,” you clear your throat, “of course.” without the hesitance any normal person would have, you take the knife to your forearm and splash a bit of holy water on your skin. “there we go. no demons or shapeshifters or the like. that’s good.” you feel incredibly awkward all of the sudden, still so bewildered and thrown off balance by the collision of your two words. it feels like too much of a coincidence for you to be this close to your old school, be thinking about sam winchester, a symbol of that old life, then for him to show up and flip your whole entire understanding of him. there’s just about a million things running through your mind at just about a million miles per hour and it’s starting to make your head hurt.
the movement of his hand, reaching up to hold the small cut you gave him is what brings you out of your short lived reverie.
“god, i’m sorry. let me get you something for that.” you don’t give him the time to politely tell you, “no, it’s okay,” like you know he would before you’ve turned your back and crossed the room to grab a first aid kit from your bag and some rubbing alcohol from the bathroom. “sit down,” you urge him when you turn back to him, motioning towards the table you’d been seated at when he arrived.
he complies and once again, you’re thinking about the strangeness of sharing this sort of space with him. you’re used to seeing him in libraries so big that they’re almost grand for quiet study sessions or in the dining hall with his nose buried in a book or in the lecture hall where you first met him in a gen-ed class. you’re used to seeing him on one of the grassy quads with jess by his side or him in the big, open, and fancy old university buildings. now he looks right at home in the dingy motel room, so small it feels like his tall, broad frame shouldn’t fit in here, so dim that his sometimes blue or green eyes look sort of muddy. they’re pretty, nonetheless.
you set the first aid kit on the table and pull out a large bandaid and a bit of gauze. you reasses the cut to be sure he doesn’t need any other sort of bandaging and almost sigh in relief when you see how shallow it is. sam doesn’t speak or protest that he’s fine to do it himself as you pull the collar of his t-shirt aside just a bit. you’re sure his mind’s busy with a whole load of questions for you, just like you for him. the brush of your knuckles against his skin suddenly makes his presence feel more real. whatever contact you’d had during the short-lived fight you’d had was completely surreal; you weren’t sure he was really even sam, and if he was, it would feel like a lie anyways, for his hands to be rough or so quick in a fight.
he doesn’t so much as wince when you press alcohol soaked gauze to the cut, and though the wound is small and shallow enough that you’re sure it barely stings, it still feels like a sign of his being a hunter, being used to pain. you don’t like that thought; sweet, sincere, and ever so smart sam being used to pain. as you take care of the cut, he lets his eyes wander around the room, probably taking in how familiar it is, and how weird that it’s your motel room and all of your belongings packed into a single bag and your computer screen displaying hacked into police reports and the very same lore websites he frequents to solve a tricky case.
when you’re done he thanks you with a small smile and you take the seat across from him. as your fingers had brushed over his bare skin and felt a whisper of his strong shoulders, you’d gotten the strong urge to hug him. you missed him even more than you thought. that urge doesn’t leave when you move away from him.
you make a confused face at sam when he reaches for the first aid kit and pulls out another set of bandaids and gauze. he just hands you a gauze now soaked with alcohol and nods at you.
“for your arm,” he explains, because you’ve already forgotten about that as you accept it with a questioning brow.
“right,” you chuckle softly, swiping over the cut with the gauze, then taking and applying the bandaid that sam opened for you. when you’re done you have to drag your eyes up to meet sam’s gaze. there’s tension in the room, and though it’s not bad per se, it’s begging to be addressed and you’re not sure how to even start. it seems like sam’s not sure either.
so, you choose to jump right into the fire.
“it’s so good to see you, sam,” you confess, pushing all your sincerity into your voice, “i mean, this is absolutely insane and i can’t quite wrap my mind around it, but i guess i don’t really care because it’s so good to see you. i worried about you so much after … after jess died, i mean, you just dissappeared and … and i can imagine that has something to do with the fact that you’re a hunter, which is sort of incomprehensible to me, but–,” suddenly you’re hit with a new realization. if sam’s disappearance had to do with the supernatural, you wonder if jess’s death did too. but you don’t want to ask, not right now. “oh, god, and i never got to tell you how sorry i am. i– i mean. i can’t imagine.” there’s where your voice trails off and you look to sam to be the one to say something now.
“thanks,” he answers simply, voice gentle but a little pained, rightfully so. “she was your friend, too. i mean, we were all friends. and i’m sorry i disappeared like that. i, um, well, you’re right. hunting dragged me away. it’s complicated and i’ll explain it to you later. you deserve to know what happened to jess, but– but it’s a lot.” a moment of silence allows that to sink in; so something did happen to her, something more than just faulty electrical wiring in her apartment. sam’s genuine as he goes on, “and it’s great to see you too, really. it’s so strange, i mean all of this, obviously, but it’s even stranger how close we are to stanford. i was already thinking about it, about you all on the way over, and the next thing i know, you’re the suspicious hunter throwing holy water in my face.” 
you cringe a little at that, but sam smiles a little wider than he has all night. “that’s a good thing,” he half-laughs, “i don’t care how weird this coincidence is, i’m glad for it.” his hand twitches, almost as if he’d wanted to reach over and grab your hand, but thought better of it before it could happen. “i gotta ask, did you finish your degree?” the way he asks is so hopeful, and you immediately know how much he wants the answer to be yes. he’s thinking, if i couldn’t finish, please tell me at least one of us could. that one of us poor and foolish hunter kids who thought we could escape managed to long enough to finish a degree, prove that we could make something of ourselves in the normal world. it would be so nice to see that, if it couldn’t be me, it could be somebody, it could be you.
his face falls a little when he registers the sad smile on your face. your expression is more than enough of an answer, and the fact that he wanted so badly for you to have made it makes your heart break a little, for both him and you. we deserved better, you think.
“just about the same thing happened to me,” you begin to explain, “you remember my cousin, bex?” sam nods, recalling the way the two of you acted like siblings the few times he met her, how much you liked alike when you smiled, already sad for what he suspects he might hear. “she died a few weeks after jess. she and i both grew up hunting, and we both thought we got out of it, at least for a little while. we almost lasted all four years … i didn’t think there was anything weird with her death, but … my dad showed me proof of just that at her funeral, convinced me to come back to hunting with him. she was– she was hiding something, and, honestly i’m still not sure what happened. progress on her case has been slow. real slow, so we’ve been working on others in the meantime. keeping busy, you know.”
“oh, i know,” sam sighs, and you completely believe him. you wonder for a moment what bigger things he’s digging into before deciding it’s best if the two of you stick to what’s in front of you. if you go too deep, having each other, a new kind of steady presence from better times, might start feeling too unreal again. 
you want to preserve this delicate balance, where sam is still stanford sam and you’re still stanford you, but now there’s just a deeper understanding of each other. a knowing of what it’s like to grow up with a hunter for a father, to want to get away from it all, to want a sense of normalcy, and to want to learn and become something more and say “screw you!” to all of the expections. and on top of that, knowing how it feels to get so close to the finish line, only to have it ripped out of your hands like you’re a child who’s parents think they’ve had too much candy. only it’s far worse than a half eaten lollipop in the trash because people that you love died, and it was all so much more than just chasing after a momentary sugar high. 
“i’m sorry about bex,” sam says, this time actually reaching out and placing his hand on yours for a moment. his voice is as full of empathy and sincerity as ever. “she was amazing the few times i met her. i could see how close you two were.”
“thanks, sam.” you give him a small smile because those words feel so much better coming from him than just about anyone else. with that, the air seems to settle a little, and it’s far more bearable. you’ve still got a hundred and one questions to ask and a hundred and one more things to say to each other, but to find out you have this near-exact shared experience is like having so much of the weight of loneliness lifted from your chest. and it all feels even better because you know sam. you know him already. 
sure, there’s a whole lot you missed before, but you don’t doubt for a second that the sam sitting in front of you is as kind, funny, smart, witty, sincere, adorably awkward, and good as the sam you met and came to know at stanford. in fact, knowing he grew up the way he did just reaffirms his goodness to you. it’s not easy to live like that and continue choosing to be kind and well-meaning and true to yourself. then there’s this feeling of admiration for sam, just blooming in your chest and you hold back a wide grin because the timing’s not quite right. you still can’t shake the urge to hug him.
“well,” you smile casually, if not a little rueful as you say your next words, “i think our dads will go all hunter-dad-crazy on us if we keep playing catch up. i’ll give you a run down of everything i’ve got, then we can do what dropouts from the west coast’s most prestigious school’s do best; research.”
sam’s smile matches your own, and it’s achingly familiar. “well, we can’t have those asses ruin our not-quite-stanford-alumni reuinion. let’s get to work. we can pretend it’s like the good old days, spring freshman year, all of us cramming for the way-er exam at the back of the library and getting shushed by the librarians. we can pretend john and rick are the librarians.”
for the first time in a long time, you let out a loud laugh, surprised and pulled right out of you without warning. he smiles wide at the sound and finally, without restraint, you grin back. god, you missed him.
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hippolotamus · 4 months
thought i planned for everything (just didn’t count on you) | 1.6k | E (BuckTommy)
Earlier today I promised my wife @bidisasterevankinard an incentive for studying in exchange for making her think about too many WIP ideas. Since husband @diazsdimples is also going through it with schooling, this is for both of you 😘 ps: idk anything about what certs and licenses and stuff Tommy would need. Just roll with it and be nice, yeah? Also, this is unbeta’d so if you see any mistakes, no you don’t.
Tommy scrubs at his forehead, blowing out a frustrated breath. He’s looked at the material in front of him for months now, determined to ace his recertifications. And it had been going well. Really well, in fact. He had a study schedule mapped out, accounting for his shifts and time with friends. He even left a small margin for the unexpected. There was just one factor he hadn’t accounted for. Evan.
The past few years of dating haven’t exactly gone anywhere serious. Some casual dates, one that he thought could go the distance but only broke his heart. So the expectation of having that feeling again? Of having someone thoughtful and caring, who gives him butterflies and makes him want things? Pretty much zero.
But then a hurricane happened. Actual and metaphorical. It tore through his life, upending the idea that love – or anything close to it – just wasn’t in the cards for him. And when everything settled, there was Evan. Evan, who asks how his shift was, tells him when he gets back from a call, and turns a pretty shade of pink as he blushes and says ‘I missed you’.
Tommy doesn’t regret any of it, but he does wish the universe’s cosmic timing could’ve held off just a little longer. At least until the state of California tells him what he already knows and says he’s fit to pilot an aircraft.
A knock on the door gets his attention, but he seriously contemplates ignoring it. He didn’t order anything and he doesn’t have plans. Unfortunately, the first responder in him can’t help wondering if one of his elderly neighbors needs something.
Fine. He sets down the pen he’s been chewing on and reminds himself it’s been too long since he stood up and walked around anyway.
“Evan?” Tommy asks, surprised to see him standing there. He instinctively looks him up and down for obvious injuries or signs of distress, but finds nothing. Only his gorgeous boyfriend, smiling coyly. “I didn’t forget about a date, did I?”
“No, uh, nothing like that. Because you are supposed to be studying.” Evan raises one eyebrow like Tommy is in the wrong for answering his own door after somehow manifesting Evan’s presence.
“And yet here you are.”
“Here I am,” Evan says shyly. “I know I’ve been taking a lot of your time lately and wanted to help.”
For the first time, Tommy notices Evan’s got his hands behind his back and wonders what his definition of ‘help’ is. He’s dressed down, soft and adorable in a hoodie and joggers, so it’s unlikely to be a booty call. Though not completely out of the question. And not that Tommy would complain either.
“Did you bring flashcards or something?”
“As a matter of fact…” Evan steps over the threshold, past Tommy, like he owns the place. While shy, demure Evan is a favorite, confident Evan is by no means a turn off. Especially as he whirls around and proudly holds up a set of blue, yellow and pink index cards. “I did.”
“A few nights, when I couldn’t sleep, I might have taken some notes of my own. And, like I said, thought I could make myself useful for my hot, pilot boyfriend.” He rocks up on his tiptoes, capturing Tommy’s lips for a chaste kiss before he meanders to the kitchen.
Tommy pushes the door closed, following Evan where he lays the cards down on the table, opposite the books and manuals Tommy has scattered. Evan walks to the cabinets and helps himself to a glass, filling it with water before returning. Next he makes himself comfortable in a chair, sitting slightly back with his legs spread apart.
“So, can I help?”
There’s a glimmer of mischief in the way Evan looks at him now that has his heart racing. Like helping is the last thing Evan plans to do.
Tommy gathers himself enough to sit down in his own seat and flashes Evan a confident smirk.
“Do your worst, kid.”
“I’ll start with an easy one. What is the atmospheric gas composition?”
“Twenty-one percent oxygen, seventy-eight percent nitrogen, one percent other,” Tommy rattles off.
“Well done.” Evan flicks the card down then casually leans over to untie one shoe and slip it off.
“What are you-”
Evan clicks his tongue, tutting in fake admonishment. “Can’t tell you all my secrets, baby. Next question. Each one hundred meter climb in elevation causes a temperature drop of what?”
“One degree Celsius.”
Evan simply grins and removes his other shoe, leaving him in socked feet. Tommy would be lying if he said his dick wasn’t taking interest now that he’s caught on to Evan’s game. It is thoroughly unhelpful.
“PAIP should be implemented how many minutes after an aircraft fails to give its position report or is overdue for arrival?”
“Fifteen. Got anything harder for me?”
Evan’s tongue darts out, licking along his lower lip. “Oh, you bet I do.”
Tommy takes a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure and think about… anything except bending Evan over the table. If only it was that simple.
They repeat the process, volleying questions and answers back and forth until Evan’s stripped down to his boxers, his cock obviously hard and leaking beneath the tented fabric. It’s distracting as hell and Tommy doesn’t know how he’s supposed to concentrate.
“Come on, old man,” Evan teases, palming himself lazily. “Lives are on the line here. You need to be able to think under tense conditions.”
“You’re such a brat.” Tommy’s jeans press uncomfortably on his own straining erection and he doesn’t bother to stop himself from mirroring Evan’s movements.
“Yeah, but I’m your brat.” Evan applies more pressure, letting out an obscene moan as he strokes himself. “Or I could be – ahh – if you get this – mmph – question right.”
“Fuck, Evan.” Tommy undoes his belt and zipper, creating the tiniest bit of relief.
“That’s the idea. Even – oh, fuck – wore the new plug I told you about.”
Christ, Evan’s gonna kill him before they get the chance to see this all play out. And that’s unacceptable.
“Don’t stop,” Tommy orders, stalking off to grab the lube stashed in the couch cushions. When he returns, Evan is still stroking himself exactly like he was instructed. “Good boy, Evan. Doing what I told you.”
Tommy grips his chin and crashes their mouths together in a filthy kiss, delighted as Evan makes the most beautiful whine.
“But, you – ah – didn’t answer me,” Evan protests when they separate.
“Myoglobin.” He leans close to Evan’s ear, nipping at the lobe. “Lesson’s over, kid. Face down over the table. Naked. Now.”
Evan nearly trips over himself, leaping up from his chair and shoving his boxers down. He drapes himself over the piles of papers and index cards, wiggling his ass like he’ll die if he has to go one more second without being fucked.
“Gotta say, I like your methods,” Tommy murmurs, starting to work the plug in and out, tracing his other hand along Evan’s bare skin. “But now I think it’s time for your reward. Don’t you, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, yes. Please.”
“So desperate, my Evan,” Tommy coos. “Thought you would be in control, getting me all worked up. And here you are, laid out so gorgeously for me, just begging for it.”
Tommy pulls the plug out completely, discarding it to the floor. Evan keens and clenches around nothing, just waiting to be full again.
“Don’t worry, baby. I got you.” Tommy shoves his jeans and boxers down to his thighs. He slicks himself up with the lube and smears a generous amount on his fingers, fucking them in and out of Evan’s hole. Just enough to ease the way.
“Tommy,” Evan pants, practically crying when he pulls out.
He lines himself up, gripping Evan’s hips and pushing in without additional warning. He doesn’t pause for adjustments before he sets a relentless pace. It’s unlikely either of them are going to last, but he’s not going for longevity here.
Evan curls his hands around the edges of the table, leveraging it to fuck himself back against Tommy’s cock. It’s stunning and breathtaking, the rhythm they’re creating. A symphony of moans, squelches and skin against skin.
Soon the familiar heat pools in his belly, bringing him closer to the edge.
“Ohfuuuuck,” Evan moans, purposely tightening around him.
Tommy digs his fingertips into Evan’s sides, the world around him being reduced to static and white noise as he comes, filling Evan up. He thinks he might shout Evan’s name, but he’s not really sure, nor does he really care as he slumps forward, draping himself across Evan’s glistening skin.
“Gimmeasec,” he mumbles. “I’ll take careayou.”
“No need,” Evan murmurs back. “All good.”
Tommy presses a lazy kiss to Evan’s spine, enjoying the resulting small shudder. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
He kisses another ridge, and another, before answering. “For taking notes. For caring. Wanting to help out. For being you.”
“It wasn’t too much?” Evan whispers, hesitantly.
“Never,” Tommy assures him, dropping gentle kisses over his neck and shoulders, mindful of the mess forming between them as he maneuvers to properly reach. “Never too much, baby.”
He bites back words that are too early to say, even if he definitely feels them. Has felt them building in his chest, creating a near endless chant. He wonders how long he’ll be able to smother them before they burst forth. Hopefully long enough. Enough for Evan to feel them, too. For Evan to want to stay.
“Clean up and nap?” Tommy asks instead.
“Sounds good. Earned it.”
Tommy huffs an amused sound against Evan’s skin before pressing one last kiss there. God, I hope so, kid.
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hazybisou · 10 months
🏹 the drink you spilt all over me, “lover's spit" left on repeat
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paring ; fem!reader x luke hughes
summary ; after the win against michigan state, a huge party was thrown at one of the frats. while there, remi just so happened to run into an old flame of hers. obviously they hit it off, she just didn’t seem to remember he was her husband.
author’s note ; (this takes place last year in october) once again this is getting written at night. anyways can we talk about how cute fine asf 😫🥵 luke looks in the photo above. so cute 🥰. anyways continue sending in stuff about these two that i wanna talk about them. i feel like getting ear plugs rn to block out my brothers snoring. i have to share a room with him while i’m home for thanksgiving.
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the room felt humid. well, of course it did. there must be over a hundred people in the house, maybe even more. umich football had just beat michigan state with a score of 29-7. the evening of, a party was thrown in celebration.
remi stood off to the side with some of her friends from the cheer team and some of her sorority sisters. although she was somewhat exhausted from all the shouting and stunts she had done earlier, she still went to the party. it was expected of her to be there as she‘s a part of the cheer team for umich.
she never really understood why she came to these things. she would much rather be in her bed, the blankets over her body as she binged watched christmas movies while eating ice cream. yet she was here. remi had this gut instinct saying she should be here, she needed to be here.
“remi, how come you don’t have a man?” katie, a friend of hers from cheer, asked.
remi shrugged, “i mean none of them seem to be the one, you know. every guy i’ve been with, all they want to do is fuck.”
“well, don’t you know?” eve, a sorority sister of remi’s, said. “i could treat you way better.” she said as she wrapped an arm around remi who chuckled as did everyone else.
remi gave her a kiss on the cheek. “i’m sure you can. i’m sure you all can but i dont swing that way.”
“such a shame. you’re hot as fuck.” vicky said. “i’d hit.”
remi playfully rolled her eyes. “i’m sure you would.” she looked behind vicky. “but maybe you should let someone else hit that sweet ass of yours.”
“who?” vicky said as she rose an eyebrow at remi.
remi pointed behind vicky and the group of girls looked to where remi was pointing to see a boy who was leaned up against a counter, staring at vicky.
vicky smiled at him and he turned away towards his friends. “he’s cute.” everyone hummed in agreement.
“yeah, he is.” remi smiled at vicky who had turned to face everyone. “now go.” remi told vicky who shrugged and began to walk over towards the boy.
they watched as the two began to talk.
“well, aren’t you quite the matchmaker?” katie said in a teasing tone. “maybe we should play matchmaker on you.”
remi grimaced . “yeah, no thanks. for all i know, you would put me on with McCarthy.” remi knew how flirtatious JJ could get but he just wasn’t her type.
“worth a shot.”
remi smiled and shook her head. “i am going to go get a drink. outside.” the girls gave her a nod and remi turned around to walk towards the sliding door which led outside. she made her way through the crowd of sweaty dancing bodies, and into the backyard of the frat house. she took note of how there were more people outside than inside despite it being bigger inside.
she made her way down the steps of the patio, red solo cup in hand as she made her way to the keg. some random guy had shown up with multiple kegs on behalf of the fraternity.
remi made her way to where she saw one available and just as she was about to grab the tap, someone else had gotten to it.
“oh.” remi let out surprised as she came to halt and waited for the guy to be down with it. she stood there awkwardly and patiently as she watched the guy pour beer into his cup.
he looked up to see remi standing there, looking anywhere but at him. she turned to look at him and smiled before looking back at the crowd in which was filled with blue and maize clothing. “oh, i’m sorry. were you gonna grab some?”
remi turned back to him and nodded, “yeah, but it’s fine. go ahead.” she dismissed.
“oh, no, go right ahead. i’m sorry i didn’t notice you earlier, i would let you gone first.” he explained.
“are you sure? i’m fine waiting.” he nodded. remi smiled at him before grabbing the tap out of his hand and pouring herself a drink.
once she was done she handed it back to him. “thank you…” she dragged off waiting for a name.
“thank you luke.” remi turned around and began to walk back inside to meet up with her friends again.
luke stood there with a smile on his face before snapping out of his trance, realizing remi had left and began to walk away. “wait!” he yelled over the extremely loud music as he began to jog to catch up with her.
remi looked next to her to see luke standing there. “yes?” she looked up at him. holy shit, he’s tall.
“i never got you’re name.” luke told her as he let out small breaths trying to get it back after his small jog.
remi pursed her lips before smiling. “you’ve got to earn it.” she said and began to walk up the steps to the patio as she drank from her cup.
luke walked next to her. “oh, come on. i told you my name. the least you could do is tell me yours.”
remi bit her lip slightly. “we’ll see.” she grabbed his hand and began to drag him inside. “for now, however, you’re gonna play a round of beer pong with me.”
luke grinned as he let her drag him inside towards the kitchen.
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luke and remi were drunk. maybe a little too drunk.
the pair had won at beer pong and remi declared luke as her new partner for the game. after one round, the two had left the table and made their way towards the couch where they happened to spend hours on, talking.
luke had found out that remi was in her sophomore year and was majoring in health and medicine. he also seemed to find out that she was in Alpha Phi. although the team was close to most of the girls from Aphi, he never happened to see remi. remi told him how she was a part of the cheer team and how she has loved doing cheer ever since her junior year of high school.
remi got to know luke better. she found out he was in sophmore year as well and has the intention of majoring in sports management. he told remi how he played for the school’s hockey team as a defenseman. he wore number 43 so if remi were to ever go to a game of his, she would be able to spot him.
the two were too engrossed in their conversation that they lost track of time.
luke was in the middle of telling remi a story from when he was a kid. remi couldn’t seem to stop laughing. luke enjoyed hearing her laugh as he laughed himself.
“wait-wait, so you’re telling me that your brother ripped off his braces.” remi began to laugh again, “omg that must’ve been funny.”
luke nodded. “oh trust me, it was. he got a lecture from our mom.”
remi chuckled. “you’re have very interesting brothers, you know that.”
“i’m well aware.” he told her as the two smiled.
“what about you?” luke asked remi.
remi was confused “what about me?”
“you don’t have any funny, weird story from when you were a kid?” luke wondered.
remi thought. of course there was. she just didn’t know what to say. “i mean i broke my arm.”
luke raised his eyebrows. “must’ve been a fun trip to the hospital.”
“yes it very much was. the EMT was hot.”
luke chuckled. “you had a crush on the EMT?” remi nodded. “how cute.” luke smiled.
“you’re cute.” remi said as her hand rested on the cushion.
luke grinned. “i know.”
remi scoffed and grabbed the pillow next to her, hit luke in the chest with it. “you weren’t supposed to agree.”
“but it’s the truth and i know it is.” luke replied.
remi rolled her eyes playfully. the two sat there in silence for a second. remi took the moment in. she enjoyed having luke around. although she knew after tonight she might not see him.
“hey, i was wondering-”
“oh there you are!” the two turned towards the voice. vicky stood there with her eyes wide. “oh i’m sorry for interrupting whatever,” she motioned between the two, “this is.”
“it’s fine. what’s wrong?” remi asked.
“we got to go.” vicky said.
remi grabbed her phone and saw the time. 12:32. “oh shit. um, ok. luke it was talking to you but i really have to go.” remi told him as she got up and made her way towards vicky.
“yeah it was nice talking to you too.” he said as he sat there before saying, “wait before you go, can i have your insta?”
“oh sure it’s-”
“let’s go, we’re gonna be even more late.” vicky rushed remi.
remi turned to luke. “you know what, just give me yours and i’ll follow you back later.”
luke nodded and wait for remi to unlock her phone and open instagram. once she did, she handed her phone to luke who took it in his hands and began to type out his user. he handed her the phone back.
“i’ll see you later luke.” remi said to luke as she waved bye. vicky grabbed her hand and began to walk them out of the house.
“i never got your name.” he shouted after her but she had already gone out the door.
luke stood there. “well now what?”
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remi had gotten back home at the sorority house and was now laying in bed with her pajamas on. a long sleeve and plaid pink pajamas. she had the covers over her as she scrolled through her phone.
she had opened instagram and saw a profile open. she looked at the user and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. remi looked at his bio and saw the name ‘luke hughes’. she smiled at the memory from earlier before she clicked follow and went to her homepage.
she spent the next couple of minutes on her phone before finally she turned it off and put it on her nightstand. vicky and danielle were already asleep as they had a long day tomorrow.
remi turned her small lamp off and turned towards the wall. she stared at a small photo of her as a little girl with a boy next to her. she was wearing a white dress while he was wearing a white polo shirt with khaki shorts. he was leaning down and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
the moonlight that shone through the curtain giving her a clear view of the photo. she looked in the corner and saw the initials l.h next to hers, ‘r.t’.
“huh. kinda looks like luke.”
she shrugged it off before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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remi groaned as the light peaked through the window. she grabbed a pillow and put it over her face to block out the sunlight.
“get up.” she heard. she opened her eyes and peaked over her pillow to see danielle and vicky standing there, up and ready.
“get out and leave me alone.” she grumbled and saw how vicky and danielle shrugged before exiting the room and into the hallway but not before closing the door.
remi grabbed the pillow and set it aside next to her. she stared at the ceiling for a good minute before she sat up. a little too quickly if anything. her eyes close as she brought her fingers to her temple. “oh, drinking is a bitch.”
she grabbed the covers and pulled them off of her as she got out of bed. she slipped on her slippers and began to make her bed.
remi spent the next 1 and a half getting ready. she showered, brushed her teeth, did her hair and much more.
she walked up to her night stand and grabbed her phone. she saw how she had gotten a dm on instagram. “who the fuck texted me?”
she unlocked her phone and opened instagram. remi relent to her dms and saw she had more than 4 dms from luke. she smiled to herself.
she quickly opened them as she began walking down the hallway and read the first one which was a simple hi.
she continued to read them until she got to one that seemed to make her stop what she was doing.
i think we might’ve gotten married
and before you start saying we were probably drunk i mean we got married but in kindergarten
i think we went to the same elementary
seen at 11:43
remi stood in the middle of the hallway and had a blank look on her face. some of her friends came out of their rooms and gave remi a weird look, some asking each other if she was ok.
what does he mean they got married? she didn’t remember any of that. “married? i barely remember anyone from elementary, let alone kindergarten.” remi murmured to herself.
remi got to thinking. surely, her parents must have had a photo of this supposed “wedding”. when remi had moved into her dorm during her freshaman year, her parents had given her a box full of photos from when she was a little girl. when remi moved into the sorority house, she had hung up all photos onto a bulletin board next to her bed. the photo. from last night.
she snapped out of her trance and began to text him back.
that’s crazy
there is no way my husband from when i was 4 years old is you
seen at 11:45 am
oh so you remember
seen at 11:45 am
just now yes
seen at 11:45 am
i doubt that
seen at 11:45 am
oh rlly?? ok what was the name of the school?
seen at 11:46 am
you a stalker or smth?
seen at 11:46 am
remi laughed and watched as luke told her the name. “what the fuck?” she thought out loud.
no shit
i went there too
well for a while until i moved here from toronto
seen at 11:49 am
uhh maybe it’s a coincidence
seen at 11:49 am
yknow what give me a sec
seen at 11:50 am
remi turned around and began to walk back to her room. she opened the door and made her way to her bed before she jumped onto it. she searched her bulletin board and found the photo of her and that boy. she snapped a quick photo and sent it to luke.
*sent a photo*
opened at 11:52 am
ok that’s weird
seen at 11:52 am
how so?
seen at 11:52 am
bc that’s me
seen at 11:52 am
remi’s eyes widened. “holy shit.” it all made sense to remi now. the little boy in the photo was luke. the initials on the bottom, ‘l.h’ meant luke hughes. “aw i got married.” remi smiled. she felt her feet swing in the air.
it all makes sense now
look at the bottom
r.t + l.h
you are my husband 🥰🥰
seen at 11:55 am
i’m guessing you’re my wife 🙄
seen at 11:55 am
you know you love me
seen at 11:55 am
🌚 sure
seen at 11:55 am
shut up
seen at 11:55 am
well that’s just amazing
i meet my ex wife once again
seen at 11:55 am
technically we never got a divorce sooo 😉
seen at 11:55 am
wtv 🙄
seen at 11:56 am
you’re so sassy
i like it 😉
seen at 11:56 am
ok moving on
how abt this
you give me your number and we can go on a little date
i’d like to see my wife again
seen at 11:56 am
oh i’m sure you would
seen at 11:56 am
so what abt them digits??
seen at 11:56 am
never say that ever again pls
but fine
seen at 11:56 am
thank you
also fully noted
seen at 11:56 am
how about tmrw?? at like 6:30
seen at 11:57 am
let me think about it
seen at 11:57 am
seen at 11:57 am
i gotta go
i’ll text you later hubby 😉
seen at 11:57 am
bye remi
seen at 11:57 am
remi smiled at the fact he called her by the name he used to say almost every day when he was little.
goodbye lukey
seen at 11:57 am
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omg it’s done after like two days 😱😱😣 anywyas it’s 3:41 am rn and i am too tired and have class early morning today kill me 😣 anywyas hopefully you enjoy this and umm SEND IN MORE STUFF ABT REMI & LUKE 👹👹 i love answering all the asks i’ve been getting 🥰 bye bye 🫶
358 notes · View notes
mimsynims · 11 months
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Fool For Love
part 6
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Author's Note: Sorry it took longer than usual! The first bit I wrote was shorter than I wanted, so I kept writing - and now you'll get more than usual instead haha... (Sorry not sorry about sneaking in a bit of a side ship I have, but it fit in this part and I want Karlach to have her hot blacksmith - yay HeartForge!)
Thank you for the comments! <3
Oh, and as I think I mentioned before, this will of course stray from canon but I have and will use things that actually happen in the game too (act 1/2), just FYI.
Astarion x reader/Tav
Tags: angst, pining, pining while fucking, jealousy, minor Karlach/Dammon, eventual happy ending
Summary: You thought you knew what you were doing when you let Astarion into your bed. He doesn't have feelings for you, and vice versa. Only... now you do. And you're not handling it very well, making a rash decision you will regret. Is there a way to undo it?
It’s eerily quiet when you get back to camp. Not that you expected your friends to still be awake, but the silence feels ominous.
Or perhaps it’s just your guilt making it seem that way.
You’re not sure breaking things off was the wrong decision — the jury is still out on that — but you regret how it happened. Regret being so harsh.
Regret not waiting until morning to have the conversation.
A noise coming from the direction of Gale’s tent snaps you out of your musings. Your body tenses up, readying for battle. Scanning the area, your hand drifts down towards a weapon that isn’t there. You must have dropped it sometime during… during. It aches thinking back and you can’t bring yourself to go back. Not now, anyway. 
You spot a flash of purple and instantly relax. Gale must be awake still. 
Perhaps the gods decided to be lenient after the night you had, giving you the opportunity to stomp out at least one fire you’ve accidentally started before it becomes an uncontrollable inferno.
“Still up, Gale?”
“Tav!” He smiles. “Yes, but I was about to tuck in for the night too.”
His eyes roam over you, but if he suspects what you and Astarion were up to after he and the others left, he doesn’t mention it.
“So, Gale…” You clear your throat. “I actually came over to apologise.”
“Apologise?” He sounds genuinely surprised. “Whatever for?”
“I think I might’ve given you the impression that I’m interested in more than friendship. And that was careless of me.” And apparently, you’re too much of a coward to admit that you used him. “I’m sorry.”
Gale takes a moment before he answers. “You were careless, yes. But I think I may have an inkling as to why.”
“Ah.” Of course he does. “For the record, the circumstances surrounding that… reason, have changed, one might say.” Because you were acting without thought, yet again. “Which doesn’t affect things between us — you and me, I mean. I value our friendship dearly, but–”
“Tav.” Gale holds up a hand to stop you. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
He sounds sincere, and searching his face, you find nothing to suggest otherwise. “Thank you. For what it’s worth, I did have a really nice time tonight.”
“Good. Me too.” A half-smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “I can’t pretend I wasn’t disappointed when you invited the others, but in retrospect, I think you did the right thing.”
“You’re a good man, Gale.” A hug seems inappropriate, so you place a hand on his arm instead. “I’m sure someone better and kinder than me is waiting somewhere out there for you.”
His smile turns wry. “And I’m sure you and your ‘reason’ can sort things out once you both stop being stubborn arses.”
It’s probably because you’re still a bit drunk and in need of sleep, but you can’t stop yourself from bursting out laughing. “I think we would need a miracle for that.” Gale isn’t wrong, both you and Astarion are often too stubborn for your own good.
You expect Gale to at least chuckle, but instead, his expression softens. “It seems a miracle we’re all still alive, so who’s to say we can’t have another?”
He sounds so serious you stop laughing just as abruptly as you started. The hurt from before resurfaces, because there’s a bigger obstacle than stubbornness in your way. “I think I would need more than one miracle to accomplish what you’re talking about, and I doubt that I’m that lucky.”
Because even if you would talk, he still doesn’t love you, and in your current miserable state, you doubt that he ever will. To your dismay, you feel tears threatening to spill. Perhaps you should’ve waited until tomorrow to talk to Gale, after all.
Gale comes closer and puts a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it, sympathy plain on his face. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
This conversation has taken a turn you don’t want to face right now — and with Gale, of all people — so you just nod.
“Thank you for your honesty, Tav. Now off to bed with you.” Taking a step back, Gale lets his hand drop, Gale. “We both need all the sleep we can get, I think.”
“We do, yes.” You turn to leave but not before giving him another smile. “Thank you, Gale.” You don’t elaborate, but you can tell that you don’t have to as he bows his head in understanding.
“Goodnight, Tav. Sleep well.”
“You too, goodnight.”
As you walk over to your tent to change before going to bed, you think you see movement in the corner of your eye, but when you turn your head to look, there’s nothing there.
“And now you’re imagining things,” you mutter to yourself. “No more alcohol for you until we’re somewhere safe.”
Whenever that may be.
The following days go by in a whirlwind of events, and even if you somehow would have plucked up the nerve to talk to Astarion, you never get the chance. 
First, it was Elminster showing up to talk to Gale. You’re still not convinced it was a good idea to let him into your camp — most likely not, considering the message he was here to deliver.
You know you probably should’ve waited to let Gale have the time to process, but he insisted you press on and next thing you knew, your party was in the Shadowlands, facing goblins and driders and Harpers.
And Jaheira.
Astarion has been ignoring you as much as he can since the night, but you could sense his approval when you refused to drink the wine Jaheira offered you. Perhaps you can mend things between the two of you, in time. You desperately hope so, because a part of you already misses the chats. His embrace. The connection.
Last Light Inn turns out to be a place with many familiar faces, but after the long day you’ve all had, you decide to rest before reacquainting yourself with everyone — with one exception. 
To your — and Karlach’s — delight, you find Dammon in the stables outside the inn building.
You hide a smile when Dammon lights up at the sight of the Karlach. He may be greeting all of you, but his eyes rarely leave the Tiefling, even when he talks to you and the others. It soothes your aching heart to know that things might work out for at least one of you, even if your own love life seems doomed.
Somewhere along the way, she’s become one of your best friends. She deserves nothing but happiness, and it feels like she’s one step closer when Dammon tells her that he can craft an insulating chamber for the infernal engine. It’s not a permanent solution, but it’s enough, for now, to finally allow her to touch people again.
You stand back as Karlach instals the chamber; Dammon looks at her so intently it almost feels like you’re intruding.
The chamber clicks into place.
“Go on,” Dammon says, lifting a hand. “Give us your hand.”
Circumstances aside, it’s a lovely moment, watching the two of them.
“Damn. I’m good.” Dammon laces their fingers for the briefest of moments. “And you — you’re very touchable.”
They’re both so adorable you wish you could grab the others and leave these two be. And perhaps you also wish that this could be you and a certain vampire that is currently looking everywhere but at you.
Letting go of Dammon, Karlach turns to you with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen from her yet.
“Tav! I can touch you now!”
“I’m so happy for you, Karlach! May I hug you?”
“Yes.” Her smile wavers with emotion. “Please.”
Her skin is hot against yours but it’s not unbearable, so you wrap your arms tight around her, glad to finally be able to hug your friend.
“Thank you.” She sounds close to tears. “Talk more back at camp, yeah?”
“Karlach? I need to explain the bad news too.”
You can feel a hitch in her movements and when she pulls back, her smile is strained.
She listens to what Dammon has to say, but you’re not sure she fully accepts it. You decide to leave it, for now, not wanting to dim her joy more than necessary.
Back at camp, Karlach keeps touching everyone here and there — even a moody Lae’zel accepts it, albeit reluctantly — and her happiness seems to lift the spirit of the others, too.
When everything calms down for the night, you seek her out. You can feel Astarion’s eyes on you, and in a moment of bravery, you decide you’ll talk to him after you’ve spoken to Karlach.
“Karlach? May I come in?”
“Of course! You’re always welcome into my tent, Tav.” She’s ever-moving, still brimming with energy. “Everything alright?”
“I’m fine.” You decide to get right to the point. “I’m actually here to talk about you.”
“About me?”
“It was impossible not to notice the chemistry between Dammon and you today. With everything that’s happened, and considering what the future seems to hold for us… I think you should seize the moment. Go and find him. Be happy, while we still have time.”
Karlach stops to look at you, uncertain. “You think he would want that?”
“I do. He looked just as smitten as you clearly are.” 
“He did, didn’t he?” Her expression turns a bit bashful. “I didn’t just imagine it?”
“No, definitely not. And we won’t be rushing out of here just yet, so if you find yourself inclined to spend the night with him…”
You shrug, holding back a grin. “I’m just saying.”
“Right.” She nods to herself. “You’re right. I should go right now, shouldn’t I?”
“Yes. Go, shoo.”
She laughs. “So eager to get rid of me. Planning to seduce someone yourself, Tav? I’ve seen your looks towards a certain someone.”
You don’t bother holding back the curse as you both leave her tent. “Am I that obvious?”
“Yeaaah. But it’s fine, and I’m rooting for you.”
You look around, searching for the man in question. “Does that mean that everyone…?”
“Think so, yeah.”
“Fuck. Double fuck.” So everyone knows. And Astarion is nowhere to be found. Again. “He’s not here.”
“Wanna tag along to the Inn? Perhaps he’s there?”
You’re not sure you’ll be able to approach him if he’s there but not alone, but then again, there’s probably no use waiting in camp either. “Yes, why not?”
You tell yourself that if he’s not there, you’ll drink one beer — because gods know you need it — and then you’ll head back. It’s been a long day, and even with everything buzzing around in your mind like a swarm of hornets, you’ll probably have no trouble falling asleep the moment your head hits your bedroll.
It turns out that Karlach is right, Astarion is there. You spot him right away, sitting on a barstool, a goblet of wine in his hand. But he’s not alone. He’s sitting very, very close to someone. You can’t see their face, but the way Astarion holds himself, the way he moves his hand to touch their shoulder…
It seems he has found someone else to spend the night with.
As is his right, but the pain is more than you can handle. You won’t stop him, but it’s impossible to stay and watch it happen. The jealousy would break you. As unluck would have it, Astarion chooses that moment to glance over his shoulder, and before you have time to react, he sees you.
Leave. You have to leave. You spin around and flee through the door, almost bumping into one of the Harpers. You’re making a fool of yourself, but you’d rather have that than seeing a smug expression on Astarion’s face.
Half-running towards camp, you decide it’s time to get over yourself. Astarion clearly has moved on — and so should you.
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badomensbaby · 11 days
buzz cut baby. lrh
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pairing: luke hemmings x fem!reader
summary: your boyfriend, luke, returns home one night with a surprise. your reaction, however, wasn't exactly what he was expecting.
warnings: 18+ only. minors DNI. safe sane and consensual, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, established relationship, masturbation, flirting / teasing.
words: 3,910
a/n: i hate that i have friends because what the fuck! why do i do this to myself? anyway, i love buzz cut luke. enjoy!
feedback and constructive criticism welcome. requests are open!
Copyright © 2024 badomensbaby. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
You’ve always adored Luke’s curls.
Honestly, they’re probably what drew you to Luke in the first place all those years ago. Initially, anyway. 
It was some influencer party in the hills that your best friend dragged you to as a plus one, citing there would be hot guys and a pool and live music from a top-charting band, that you’d be stupid to decline. That shutting yourself away following your breakup wasn’t the best way to cope. 
And, in a way, you’ll really never be able to thank her for that. If you would’ve fought harder, resisted just the tiniest bit more, you would have never seen those bouncy, bleached curls and dark roots in the kitchen, messing around with a keg he swore harbored a personal vendetta against him. 
His curls might’ve been the reason you noticed him, but everything that followed was Luke just being himself. Stupidly charming but awkward and fumbly, especially when you offered to help and probably got way too close. 
You didn’t know him, not really, and finding out two hours later that you were the reason the band’s frontman was late to play their short set for everyone in attendance was a smack in the face. For all you knew, you were locking lips and clenching your thighs around the long, long fingers of some Hollywood wannabe. 
He wasn’t, though, he was Luke fucking Hemmings. And he had your cum on the edges of his lips while he sang about falling in love for the first time. 
That night was so unlike you. You weren’t fond of hookups, only long-term relationships that seemed to fail for one reason or another, but that didn’t entirely derail you. 
You didn’t know Luke but that night changed the course of both of your lives for the better, you’d like to think.
It’s six-thirty in the evening when your phone rings on the island. Interrupting your jam session, aided by the scent of the roasted chicken you’ve had in the oven the last hour and a half, a picture of Luke post-concert with his tongue dragging across your cheek flashing on your screen. 
“Hi, handsome,” You greet him, a smile tugging at your lips. He’s been at the studio since seven, planning the second half of his upcoming tour and reserving hotels with his team. You’ll never understand how he does it. 
“Hi honey,” He drawls softly, a sigh of relief following but there’s a hint of something in his voice that straightens your shoulders and furrows your brows. “What’s my perfect girl up to?”
“Just making dinner,” You say, leaning your backside against the island while you peek once more through the oven window. “How’s work? You almost finished?”
Luke hums in confirmation. “On my way home, actually. And..” He tapers off, the sound of his car chirping faintly in the background as he unlocks it. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“For me?” You feel heat rise instantly to your cheeks. Luke’s always giving you little surprises, likely since he’ll be kicking off the second part of his tour in just about two months means he’s feeling a bit guilty. He had done that during his first round, as well as the band’s tour last year. Luke always hates leaving you. 
“For you,” He hums again. The warmth seeping through your phone’s speaker speaks something else entirely though, a more lustful tilt to his voice. “I’ll be home in thirty. Think you can wait in the bedroom for me, pretty?”
You glance at the timer on the oven. Fifteen minutes until the chicken is done. “I think I can make that work,” You tease lightly, as if you’d ever think about saying no. Time spent with Luke is always appreciated, as you never really know when he’ll be swept away on another tour or some fashion show abroad. “Drive safe. I love you.”
“Always. I love you.” He says before promptly hanging up.
For the next fifteen minutes, you clean up best you can around the kitchen. Not that you had left it a disaster but you couldn’t stand to see a single dish in the sink. Once the chicken had been taken out and covered to keep warm while Luke was giving you your surprise, you trek upstairs with warmth pooling in your stomach and excitement riddling your veins. 
Though the unspoken promise of something intimate had been shared, you still weren’t sure how far exactly you should go. You settle for keeping your current outfit on, a simple sundress Luke had gotten for you the summer before — a baby blue satin fabric with small daisies printed on it, back propped against the headboard and a pillow in your lap as you wasted away the remaining minutes until Luke’s arrival scrolling through Instagram. 
Your toes tingle and your thighs involuntarily clench when you hear the front door fall shut. When Luke’s voice calls out a sing-songy, “Honey, I’m home!” that echoes up the staircase into your bedroom. You toss your phone carelessly aside and sit up, cheeks warm and fingers drumming excitedly on the pillow still in your lap.
“In here!” You call back. 
The sound of Luke’s shoes thump on the staircase, slow and calculated steps that make the warmth in your stomach ignite into a full on flame. Rising to your chest and resulting in your breath speeding up. He stops just outside of the cracked bedroom door. “Cover your eyes for me, would you, doll?”
It isn’t an unusual request, given your bedroom dynamic. So, you comply, placing both hands over your eyes. “Alright, I’m not peeking I swear.” You say. 
The door creaks lightly. “Keep ‘em closed,” You hear him say, a bit closer now. “You’re excited, huh? You’re blushing all over, baby.”
“I like your surprises,” You say honestly, softly, producing a light chuckle from your boyfriend. Your heart rate doubles from the titillation that fills the room. “Is it that pretty see-through set you saw me looking at the other week? I wanted to save that for your birthday, but—“
“Open.” Luke interrupts you lowly. 
You quickly remove your hands, blinking rapidly from the change to the bright room. 
It definitely isn’t that pretty lingerie set. 
A loud, sharp gasp falls from your mouth. You reel back, eyes widened, and goosebumps trail every surface of your flushed skin. 
Long gone are the blonde ringlets and dark roots that curled around the tips of Luke’s ears. The curls that you often found your fingers sinking into for comfort, or for pleasure, the curls you’d wash on the bad days and style on the good ones. 
“You’re bald.” You blurt in a panic. 
Your brain tries, tries so hard to make sense but there’s a big piece of the puzzle missing. Something that’s been such a heavy, big part of Luke for so long. The thing you noticed first about him. Gone. Shaved down and smothered in bleach. 
Luke raises one amused brow but the undertone of his own panic is evident. A nervous chuckle escapes him. “I’m not bald. I just shaved my head,” He says. “Do you.. not like it?”
“I.. don’t know,” You answer honestly in a breath. “I.. your curls.. why did you—?” Slowly, you climb off of the bed, hesitantly approaching your boyfriend standing still near the dresser. “What am I supposed to hold on to while you fuck me now?”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Luke’s shoulders deflate, tension dissipating from them. “Y/N, I’ve talked about shaving my head before. It shouldn’t be that much of a surprise, babe. My ends were dead.”
“Yeah, but—! I thought you were joking!” You splutter, cheeks hot and furiously pink. “What the hell am I supposed to pull on now, your ears? I can’t deal with this right now.” 
“Y/N,” Luke steps toward you, hands hesitantly reaching for your hips to make contact. You let him but your chest continues rising and falling quickly while your eyes roam his short, short hair. “Getting rid of my curls doesn’t mean I’ve gotten rid of my ability to fuck you. What’s going inside your head?”
“It’s — a lot,” You say. “I wasn’t expecting it, like at all,” You reach a hand up to graze the fuzzy top of Luke’s head. It feels weird, the short hairs tickling the palm of your hand. “I’m serious though, Luke. Sex won’t be the same now.”
“That isn’t true,” Luke tugs the corner of his lip between his teeth, a habit still exhibited often despite the lip ring being long gone. “Baby, you know that isn’t true. C’mon, you don’t think I look like some bad boy from one of your romance novels?”
A smile threatens your lips but you stifle it, pursing them. You’re meant to be mad, your brain just can’t compute the sudden change, even if it was the best decision for his bleach-fried curls. You adored them. 
“Shut up,” You huff. “Don’t try to get me on your side.”
“Why? I’m having fun over here,” Luke’s fingers drum on your hips, teasing and threatening to pinch the fabric of your dress between his fingertips. “You’re really this upset about not being able to pull on my hair when I fuck you?”
When he says it like that, you feel stupid. But yes, you are, because it wasn’t something just for you. Luke loved getting his curls tugged while he ate you out, or fucked you, even from behind. He liked the pain, the urgency of it. This isn’t just about you. 
“You like — liked — it too,” Your pink lips jut into a pout. “Maybe I’m being unreasonable but yes— I’m a little upset.”
“Alright,” He hums, digging his fingers momentarily into your hips, thumbing the prominent bones there. He knows you’re sensitive. You think maybe he might part from you, your breaths bated as you hang on to his every movement. “I’ll just have to prove it to you, then.”
You swallow harshly. “Prove what to me?”
“That I can fuck you so well my curls will be the last thing on your mind,” He says, tongue trailing on the inside of his lower lip before clicking off the roof of his mouth. “How many orgasms will it take, huh? I’m thinking three.”
“Oh,” You breathe out. “I don’t know if that’ll be enough.”
“Oh, really?” A crooked grin tugs at Luke’s lips, brows raised curiously. “Four, maybe? I bet if I fuck you stupid long enough you’ll cum without a fucking touch.”
Good Lord.
You can’t trust yourself to respond. Luke isn’t a vulgar person often, and most of the time your bedroom affairs fluctuate depending on either of your mood. One night you could be draped over the mattress with Luke’s tongue tracing his own name on your heat and another riding him with slow, slow tilts of your hips as the sun comes up. It’s never the same experience twice. 
But this time — you have a feeling tonight will blow every other night out of the water. 
“Guess I should start off with an apology,” He mutters, almost missable between your ears, words lagged and not understood before Luke’s dropping to his knees before you. Wide, soft blue eyes with inky, dark lashes blinking up at you. Ringed fingers still clasping your hips. 
It takes you a moment to realize he’s silently asking for permission, as he does often, and you nod. Your tongue is so tied you’re afraid nothing good will escape your mouth if you were to make an attempt to respond verbally. Luke’s hands slowly slide along the fabric loosely clung to your thighs, speed consistent as he grabs hold of the hem and brings it upward. 
With one hand balled around the fabric of your dress, resting just below your stomach, you feel Luke’s warm fingers trace the material of your underwear. Teasing you. Taunting you. All the while your handsome boyfriend keeps his eyes locked on yours, a startled breath is knocked out of you when he begins mouthing at your clothed heat. Teeth threatening your covered clit. 
He’s always been impatient, and that sentiment proves right once again as he tugs the material to the side and wastes no time tasting you. Wedging himself between your thighs even as they rumble, even if the position isn’t the most desirable. His tongue traces every inch sincerely, writing his apology in the form of circles and figure eights and capturing your clit between his lips so suddenly it makes your knees threaten to buckle. 
You feel it in the way he moans at the simplest taste of you, the I’m sorry he hadn’t said aloud. You feel it in the way his fingers eagerly slide alongside his tongue and fill you, keeping you steady despite the desperation to fall apart right there. 
“Luke,” You whimper helplessly, his eyes threatening to fall away from yours and flutter closed in pure bliss. He loves this just as much as you do, if not more. This man was made to eat pussy. You’d bet your life on it. “God-“
He takes your strained whines and moans and ragged breaths endearingly, curling his fingers to reach the perfect spot that pulls a broken moan from deep within you. Every shake of your thighs, every wave of pleasure that builds in the pit of your stomach and threatens to crash over you, he eagerly takes it in stride. Luke knows you won’t last long but surely he’s counting on it. 
His mouth retreats, fingers still curled inside and finding every spot that makes you whimper. Luke looks fucking wrecked already, and if you thought you were in for it before, the sight of Luke spitting directly onto your clit nearly makes you cum on the spot. It’s demeaning and dirty in the best way, before eye contact is fully broken and Luke dives back in like he’ll never taste you again. 
It’s mainly his eagerness that turns you on the most. The desire he possesses to pleasure you, to worship you. You feel it when Luke begins to suck on your clit again, the dam threatening to break and drown you both. Without a thought, your hand flies to his head, grasping the back of it and holding him against you. Orgasm building and building, prickling the base of your spin and the tips of your toes, stomach tightening as he works his fingers and tongue in some kind of foreplay crescendo. 
The violins and cellos that resemble moans from the man with his tongue buried inside of you and the ones spilling from your lips build until you’re letting go. It feels insatiable. And you’re absolutely blubbering just as much as you rock through it, Luke’s fingers slowing and tongue working to lap every remnant of your release in earnest. 
Your mind feels hazy, post-orgasm, knees weak as Luke’s arm slithers around your backside to keep you upright. You spare a glance at him, when the bleariness fades from your vision, to see his lips glistening beneath the bedroom lights. Tongue dancing around every inch of his mouth to capture your taste and savor it. “I don’t know if I accept your apology yet.” You huff between broken breaths, thumb idly swaying back and forth across the side of his head. 
A look of challenge flashes in Luke’s eyes. “I figured,” He says, thumb swiping the top of his lip before dragging his tongue along the digit. Luke slowly rises to his feet. “Let’s get you more comfortable, hm?”
You nod, despite the lack of explanation as to what more comfortable really means, as you’re being handled rather briskly and bent over the edge of your bed. A small oh escapes you. 
“Get those knees up, doll. I can’t be doing all the work here,” Luke says, tapping your thighs. Sluggishly, you do as he says, now on your hands and knees, ankles just barely hanging off the bed’s edge. “Hm.”
Your dress is rucked up once more, now pooling around your lower back, underwear still pulled to the side and a low whistle sounds from behind you. “Fucking beautiful, you know that?” Luke groans lowly. “I swear to God, need a picture of your pussy in my wallet.”
You can’t help but moan. Luke’s belt clanks as he unfastens it, clattering to the floor, jeans sliding down his legs. You spare a glance, to see the material gathered at his mid-thigh. He hadn’t taken them off entirely. And for some reason, you find it hot how needy he is for it. 
“Maybe I’ll take a picture,” He continues, as you feel the tip of his cock drag slowly through your wetness, slicking himself. Preparing himself to utterly destroy you as promised. “After I’ve filled you up. Huh? How ‘bout that? A picture of my pretty girl’s pretty pussy full of my cum.”
Your arms wobble, sending your chest directly into the mattress. Only further aiding the ease of Luke entering you, slick and warm and thick as he slides in so effortlessly with a low hiss. “I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Yes— God, oh my—“ You mutter against the sheets, turning your head so that your cheek is flat against the soft material. Luke buries himself to the hilt, one hand fastened on your hip while the other is splayed and slowly traveling up your lower back to grab the fabric of your dress. Holding you in place. “Luke, please.”
“Since you’re begging so nicely, my perfect girl,” He says, pulling back only to bury himself inside you once more. It’s so wet and slick and obscene, the sound bouncing off of your bedroom walls alongside his low grunts and your sharp breaths. The angle alone is enough to make you cum, combined with the sensitivity from your orgasm. Luke continues the slow motions, withdrawing his cock only to sink back in. “What’s the matter, baby?”
“Too slow,” You grumble. “Faster. Please— for fucksake.”
“Oh, you poor thing. Gagging for it,” He sighs in faux-annoyance, but you know he’s just as desperate to fill you, to claim you and leave you a mess. “As you wish.”
The curled fist against the middle of your back presses harder, pushing your chest flush with the bed with no room for movement. Fingernails sink into the soft flesh of your thighs as Luke’s cock withdraws slowly, one final time, before thrusting so harshly a broken moan is pulled from your throat. No mercy is evident in the way he fucks you, like it’s all you’re meant for, the tip of his cock nudging that spot just barely.
Tears pool in the corners of your eyes. 
“God baby, this pussy was made just for me. So fucking warm and wet,” Luke grits out between harsh exhales through his nose. “Taking my cock so well.”
“Luke,” You reach out desperately, fumbling to grab the sheets between your fingers as your body rocks from his thrusts. He’s been intense like this before, long ago, but you’d be a fucking liar if you said you hadn’t longed for it on the occasion. “Fuck, you feel so good. Please— please don’t stop.”
“I’d be an idiot to stop,” Luke says. “Christ, Y/N, you’re fucking soaked. It’s so fucking hot.”
A sudden wave of something hits you full force. Something more powerful than an average orgasm. Your thighs quiver so harshly that they cramp, Luke’s cock nudging the perfect spot dead on and the only sounds escaping you are desperate pleas and whines that can’t be deciphered. Your head feels like jello, holding on to something that’s begging to be free. So, you do. 
“Oh, fuck—“
The pleasure is almost blinding. Your body feels so warm, on fire practically, and Luke’s thrusts stutter. “Did you just—“
He doesn’t need to ask. You did, you both know it. The way your release floods your thighs, Luke’s cock and dampens the sheets. It’s only happened twice in the time you two have been together, and squirting definitely isn’t something you’ve practiced. 
“Oh fuck, Y/N-“ Luke whines. Broken and breathy, nails digging into your hip so harshly for dear life as he buries himself inside you fully one last time, panting your name on an endless loop as he comes undone. “Fuck.”
After a moment, Luke slowly retracts, and the sound of knees hitting the bedroom floor is unmistakable. You’re in no state to move, vision speckled and blurred, while you somehow manage to keep yourself upright. You aren’t sure if minutes pass or seconds, but you jump slightly when Luke’s hands softly clasp the back of your thighs. 
“This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Luke says weakly. “Holy shit, Y/N. What a fucking masterpiece.”
No doubt he’s taken a photo or two. Or three, or ten. Luke’s just sentimental like that.
You slowly attempt to rise on shaky arms, but Luke presses his thumbs into your skin with a tut. “Hold on, baby,” He says. The words for what sit on the tip of your tongue but Luke’s actions prevent you from asking, as a sudden warmth meets your most sensitive spot. 
Is he—?
The tip of Luke’s nose ghosts the soft skin between your holes, as his tongue works to clean the mess you and he had made together. Catching every last bit, with hungry little groans. All you can do is sit and relish in it, in Luke’s desperation to taste himself inside you once more, that you don’t really register a slickness that isn’t due to your boyfriend’s current activity. 
Weakly, you spare a glance between your legs to catch sight of Luke’s arm furiously working. He’s getting off, you realize. To tasting his own cum inside you. 
Luke groans weakly against your pussy, lips quivering and he’s likely finished all over himself. The warmth that floods your stomach is preposterous. Luke backs off. 
“You were that desperate?” You ask, finally turning onto your side to see Luke, pink-cheeked kneeling beside the bed. Eyes wide and glossy as they meet yours. “You got off to eating me out? After cumming inside me?”
“Well, I—“ Luke clears his throat. “M’fucking weak for it, you know that. After I took a picture I just— fuck off.” He turns away, clearly embarrassed. 
“You’re cute,” You laugh softly, thoroughly exhausted and sweaty and way too warm than is desirable right now. “I accept your apology, by the way.”
“Figured,” Luke says. “You didn’t have time to think about my curls,” Reminded once more of the short hair that decorates Luke’s head, your lips part to defend yourself but Luke holds up a silencing finger. “Don’t even, Y/N. You know how long I’ve been dying to make you squirt like that—“
“Luke Robert Hemmings!” You gasp. 
“Just saying! More important things happening than my hair. I need to remember what I did so I can make you do that again-“
“That’s enough out of you, Slim Shady,” You shake your head, cheeks a roaring pink much like Luke’s. His jaw drops from the nickname, slinking back, cock half massed and hanging out of his boxers. “You heard me.”
Luke’s eyes narrow. Before you know it, he’s reaching for your ankles and a squeal escapes you. 
You’re definitely in for a long night. 
You may have always adored Luke’s curls, but you love him just the same without them. 
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fanficshiddles · 9 months
Hot Tub Fun, One Shot
Thank you for the prompt! Hope you like it. Changed the end a tiny bit, as figured Loki wouldn’t be bashful 😉 : crimson25 submitted: The reader of this story is a bit shy and has an unspoken crush on Loki, but he kind of knows. So Tony installs a really big indoor hot tub in the tower and everyone loves it. One day when the reader thinks everyone is gone out or on missions, she decides to partake in a dip...naked. while enjoying a most relaxing dip, she realizes she's not the only one in the tower. Loki strolls in wearing bathing suit shorts but when he sees she's not wearing anything, well now he's intrigued. His comes off. He swims over and starts off by teasing her. It slowly turns into him giving her a shoulder massage and then turns into her riding him under water. Then out of nowhere the team comes back and they have to finish silently....well as silent as they can be. Maybe they're not successful, you can decide.
You were glad of the peace when everyone went out on an important mission. You’d been desperate to have some alone time in the new hot tub since Tony had installed it a few weeks ago. The Avengers loved using it, especially after tough missions so you always had to share it with others.
Now, you were all alone and had it all to yourself.
You eyed up the hot bubbling water as you removed your clothes, revealing your bikini. Though as you glanced around, since there was no one about… you decided, why not go in the nude?
The tub was situated in a quiet chill out room where no SHIELD agents or the likes went anyway, it was just the heroes and yourself that used it. It was right next to a large glass window that overlooked the city.
So you took off your bikini and dumped it on top of your other clothes, then climbed into the tub. You let out a groan as you sank down into the hot water, relaxing your whole body. It felt so good.
You took a seat at the side by the window, it was nice to just soak there and look down at the bustling city.
‘This is the life.’ You moaned and shut your eyes for a bit, to enjoy the bubbling water.
You weren’t sure how long had passed, but you suddenly heard footsteps coming towards you. Your eyes shot open and your heart started racing, not only were you not alone now, but it was Loki. Out of everyone, it had to be Loki.
And he was naked, almost. He was just wearing shorts and had a towel draped over his shoulder. You did your best not to stare at his bare chest, though it was difficult. He was just so beautiful.
At first, he had a soft look on his face when he spotted you. Though as he got closer and your pile of clothes came into view, he noticed your bikini on top of the pile. His eyes turned mischievous and a smirk spread over his face.
‘Well, well, well. Skinny dipping, are we?’ He purred.
You sank further down into the water so just your head was poking out, your cheeks felt red hot, and that wasn’t just from the hot water.
‘I… uh… I thought I was alone, that you’d all gone on the mission.’ You admitted sheepishly.
Loki chuckled. ‘I decided to stay behind, they don’t need me for this mission… very glad I did. May I join you?’
You just nodded in response, you were struggling to keep your brain together. You were also a bit worried about your current situation, even though the bubbles and water hid everything, you still felt vulnerable.
Before Loki got in, he placed his towel down and then, to your surprise, he began removing his shorts. Your eyes widened and you quickly turned to the side so you didn’t see him.
‘May as well follow your no swim wear rules.’ Loki said cheekily as he got into the tub, as butt naked as you were.
He let out a sinful groan, that should definitely be an illegal sound, it made you squeeze your thighs together.
‘Why so shy, darling?’ Loki asked as he swam over to sit next to you, you kept yourself down in the water completely.
‘I… just wasn’t expecting company.’ You let out a nervous laugh.
‘You seem very tense… how about a shoulder massage to help you relax, hmm?’ Loki asked with a grin.
‘A… shoulder massage? Really?’ You squeaked.
The thought of having Loki’s hands on you was far too good to turn down, if he was serious. No matter how vulnerable and shy you felt, you couldn’t say no…
‘Really really.’ Loki nodded.
‘Ok.’ You nodded eagerly.
Loki twirled his finger in the air, motioning for you to turn around for him. You did turn, so you were sitting with your back to him.
‘Uh, darling. You’re going to need to sit up more so I can get at your shoulders.’ He chuckled.
You slowly sat up out of the water a bit, so the water was just below your collarbone.
‘Good girl.’ He purred against your ear, his warm breath against you made you tremble.
You trembled even more and melted completely when his large, strong hands landed on your shoulders and he began massaging you. You were surprised how good he was at it, hitting all the right spots and kneading out the knots. It was utter heaven.
‘Oh god.’ You groaned and let your head fall forwards as his hands continued to work their magic.
Loki chuckled cockily. ‘I am a god, yes.’
‘God of pleasure.’ Slipped from your lips, your eyes widened a little upon realising what you said.
Loki didn’t stop massaging you, he didn’t miss a beat. You felt his breath against the back of your neck as he whispered to you again.
‘I most certainly am. And this isn’t the only way I can pleasure you.’
You were complete putty in his hands, and he knew it. He’d known for a while now that you had a crush on him. He’d flirted with you before, quite a lot. Waiting to see if you’d make a move, but he knew that you were of the shy side, so he decided to take the lead now and see if you’d follow.
A brief moment of boldness hit you. ‘Maybe I can pleasure you, too… As a thanks for this massage.’
Loki grinned widely as he finished up your massage.
‘Have you ever had sex in a hot tub?’ He growled at you as he turned you around to face him.
You shook your head and bit your lower lip excitedly.
‘Well, let’s change that for the both of us, hmm?’ He cupped your chin and when you nodded in agreement, he leaned in and kissed you firmly on the lips.
It wasn’t long before his tongue delved into your mouth, moving dominantly yet gently against your own tongue. He had you moaning into him in seconds and you wrapped your arms around his neck as he grabbed at your ass and pulled you onto his lap, so you were straddling him.
You could feel his hardened cock pressing between you, against your stomach. He was turning you on something fiercely, though he had already worked you up with the massage.
He gripped your hips tightly and raised you up enough to position his cock at your entrance, then he slowly pulled you down onto him. You gasped into his mouth as his cock slowly spread you open, making your body accommodate him. The water was washing away your arousal so it was a little uncomfortable at first, but once he was fully in you, he let your body adjust for a moment.
‘Oh… my…’ You gasped out and buried your face into his neck.
He growled and slid his hands down to hold your ass, when he felt your body calm down with the squeezing, he began to lift you up and down on him, slowly at first.
‘Mmm darling, you feel far too good around my cock… So tight.’ He grunted out.
He was hitting all the right spots inside you, you started thrusting up and down on him, riding him as fast as you could.
‘Ohh yes.’ Loki groaned.
You froze completely though when you heard the door opening, and voices from the team echoed around the room.
Loki didn’t seem phased at all, he just smirked and took over with bouncing you up and down on his cock.
‘Loki…’ You whimpered quietly. ‘They’re… back.’
‘Oh well, let them see who you belong to now.’ He growled and gripped your chin with one hand so he could kiss you again, his other hand kept firmly on your ass to move you as he wanted.
You couldn’t stop whimpering against his mouth, even as the team started coming over.
There was nowhere to hide, they were coming directly for the tub and it would be obvious what you and Loki were doing, even if he wasn’t moving you up and down. He certainly didn’t seem to have any inclination to stop…
‘Hey guys… what are… oh no… no no no!’ Tony chanted when he realised what you were up to. ‘NOT IN MY TUB!’
‘Ewww, guys. We have to share that water.’ Natasha commented.
‘Oh god, hide your eyes.’ Bruce said as he covered Clint and Steve’s eyes, making them laugh.
‘Everyone out!’ Thor bellowed, not wanting to see his brother in that way, plus he wanted to give you both privacy.
They had to drag Tony out, as he wanted to strangle Loki for doing the dirty in the hot tub.
‘OHH YES!’ Loki cried out in pleasure as he came inside you, deliberately being a little louder than he needed to be, but it made you laugh like crazy as you collapsed in pleasure on Loki, an orgasm of your own tore through your body.
Loki remained lodged inside of you, you were too warm and felt too nice around him. He didn’t want to move just yet.
He buried his face into your neck to bite and suck on your skin, making sure to leave a mark.
‘I don’t think the others will be using the tub for a while.’ He chuckled darkly against your skin.
‘Does that mean that we can… stay in longer?’ You giggled and deliberately squeezed on his cock, making him groan.
‘I’d say it certainly does.’ He wrapped his arms around you tightly and thrust up sharply into you, as pay back, making you whimper.
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