#anyway here ya go!
sentientsky · 5 months
@thebookshoparoundthecorner, this one is for u (based on this post)! sorry it’s not a full fic, but i’m sick rn and this was the best i could do with my fever lol
The night is slick—holy, hollow gasps of darkness slipping between the streetlights, pooling in oily patches along the road. His hands flex on the steering wheel, all white-knuckles and trembling fingertips. He does not breathe. He hasn’t let a single breath slip past his lips since that moment in the street only a handful of hours before. It was as though, if he could fight back against the desperation of human lungs long enough, he might hold onto what little scrap of Aziraphale remained with him now (if only in shared oxygen and lips bruised with the futility of affection).
Were that he another—were that he not a demon with a restless, wanting, greedy heart (a rose by any other name). Or, rather, if an angel with silver filament curls might love him unabashedly—as he is. Well, then the story might have turned out differently. But for the moment, he is alone, save for the chrome headlights before him and the closing of lift doors so many kilometers behind.
The road rushes beneath him, and the indigo fluorescent night opens its cavernous mouth and swallows him whole.
The tunnel is a long, winding thing, potlights spanning the length of concrete. Tunnels always made Crowley uncomfortable—their narrow, looming grasp too much like the corridors of Hell. But in the here and now, he watches the lights blur past like atoms colliding, rending apart in empty space.
And then he blinks.
He blinks and it’s as though he’s watching the birth of the universe played out in slow motion. Because, although it may be easier to forget, the hands now unsteady on the steering wheel are the same ones that first turned the wheel, that set the universe into motion; the hands of an architect, an engineer.
And for that brief fraction of a second, when all is naught but breath and movement and airy light—when he sees nothing, save for the staccato glow pressed against his closed eyelids—he remembers.
He remembers the pulsing heat of galaxies yet to be pried up from the floorboards of creation. He remembers wings bright as a solar flare, unflinching in the face of the divine. He remembers his heart in his throat—the way his skin felt like pure lightning as he first watched photons catch and splinter against newly forged matter.
He exhales. He opens his eyes.
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Y’all I wrote a book! A whole book! This is what explains my absence in fandom and fic lately, I have been hard at work for months. And since I’m self-publishing, it also means doing all my own marketing and social media and all that. Anyway, I hope you will all get a copy or request it at your local library, however you want to read! 
Blurb below the cut
Ethan Knight - sweet, Southern, striker. He spent the beginning of his career playing in Major League Soccer and with the US Men’s National Team. But an offer to play for a Premier League club - even a mid-level one like Stanmore FC - is too good an opportunity to turn down. He signs a new contract and in doing so, his ticket to a new life in London. It’s a whole new world for him, but Ethan has never let fear stand in his way, and he’s not about to start now. Especially not when he meets the beautiful legal assistant who gives him the strangest feeling…like they’ve met before. He’s more than ready to scale the walls around her heart to find out why.
Billie Axton - aloof, Londoner, legal assistant at Stanmore Football Club. Stuck in a job she hopes will one day help her with her goal of a career in law. If only she could work up the nerve to actually apply to law school. But a dream that’s haunted her since childhood makes her so afraid to fail, she doesn’t even try. Not with her goals or her love life. No risk, no heartbreak, right? Right. Not even when the hot new striker shows up with his Southern charm and his generous spirit. And that odd nagging in her heart that she knows him from somewhere. All the more reason to keep her distance.
They must navigate their feelings together, with plenty at stake - their jobs, the FA Cup, and most importantly, their own hearts.
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iwriterobots · 3 months
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leather-field · 4 months
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Alternate colors:
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andy-clutterbuck · 5 months
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RICK GRIMES The Ones Who Live
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tempo-takoyaki · 9 months
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"Have you always looked at me this way?"
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zah-likes-tea · 2 months
Nour/Lamb design is from @runningwithscizzorz
fanart be upon ye 🫵💥
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eggy-the-boy · 1 year
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I need them to sword fight next season and I need it to go exactly like this. 
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yummycrummy · 7 days
More uncle dude angst? 👁👁
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fatty4cid · 3 months
we’re leaving the planet and you can’t come!
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royalarchivist · 5 months
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jadewritesficshere · 4 months
Hold me close as you drift off to sleep
Eddie Munson x reader
Eddie spends the night for the first time
Contents: no use of gendered pet names,, no physical descriptions of reader but clothes are described, mentions of nervousness, mentions of sharing a toothbrush which leads to mentions of spit kink, no actual smut but allusions to it,
MDNI 18+ only
You slowly looked over your pajama choice in the mirror. A pair of warm plaid pants and a t-shirt from years ago that was faded and soft in the most comfortable way. You weren't sure why you were so nervous about this, you and Eddie had seen each other in many different clothes and lack thereof.
But there was something different about spending the first night together. The first time sleeping together, and by sleeping you actually mean it in the sense of the word. Snoozing. Dreaming. Resting. Snoring-
Oh God what if you snored? You bit your lip as the anxiety started to rise. You didn't think you snored, but what if you did? What if you walked in your sleep? Or worse, what if you talked and shared all your secrets (the most important being you loved Eddie, but you didn't think it was that big of a secret).
The door to your bedroom creaked open, causing your eyes to dart over. Eddie walks in, dumping his clothes on the floor. The white tank top clings to his lean torso, the ill fitting red plaid pants rolled up at the hems. Eddie smiles at you slightly before sighing loudly. You stomach turns until Eddie gestures to his pants," Well, one of us is gonna have to change."
A laugh escapes you just as your worries do. This is Eddie. Your Eddie. There is no need to be nervous.
You walk over to the bed and crawl in," Should have packed a bag just in case. You saw the forecast was calling for snow." Eddie scoffs slightly but crawls into bed," You're my weather.. guide? the weather diviner...the weather-" "meteorologist" "Yeah that! You're that. Wayne watches the news, not me. They just want you to see one side." Eddie pulls the blankets up to his chin and bats his lashes at you," You're my meteorologist and you didn't tell me. Almost like you wanted this to happen."
You smile as you roll your eyes," Yes Edward, I wanted you all to myself and chose to not tell you so that way you had to borrow clothes from whatever was left here by Steve and Robin." "Oh, I'm not borrowing, these are mine now. Finders keepers." Eddie winks at you.
Eddie reaches over and turns off the lamp, letting the room go dark. You blink your eyes a few times, adjusting to the lack of light. You can feel the dip in the bed where Eddie is laying next to you. Your hands almost touching. Hear his breathing cut through the deafening silence.
You look over at Eddie and find him already staring at you. "Sorry if I snore," you mumble looking into his eyes. Eddie brings up a finger and traces your cheekbone," Don't worry about it. Wayne snores, won't bother me if you sound like a chainsaw." You huff and go to turn away but Eddie holds your face towards him.
"Goodnight." Eddie whispers as he leans in and kisses you lightly. Its soft, sweet, and almost shy. You grin into the kiss. Eddie sighs and pulls back a fraction, lips barely touching. You can feel his breath against your face. You can smell peppermint- wait.
"You brush your teeth?" You ask. Eddie hums an affirmative, " Yup. Got my molars and everything. Rinsed your brush really wel-" "My brush?" Eddie looks a bit sheepish as you gape at him," My brush Edward? That's-! What? Eddie!"
Eddie blushes," We've swapped spit when kissing-" "That's different!" "Is it?". You roll away as Eddie makes grabbing hands and tries to keep you facing him. You evade his grasp and stare at the wall, feeling Eddie wrap his arms around your waist,"I'm sorry?"
You can't help but smile as Eddie kisses up and down your neck, apologizing the whole time. You grab his hand resting on your hip and interlock your fingers," It's okay i just don't want to think about it. I guess you have spit in my mouth-" "No I haven't! Wait, is that...Is that on the table cau-" "Don't press your luck tonight Eddie you know what I meant," you warn. "Shutting up" Eddie makes a motion of zipping his mouth shut.
You start to laugh and pretty soon Eddie is too. If you had had any nerves left, they would be gone now. You sigh, relaxing into the bed. The weight of Eddie's arm laid across you, holding you in place, had you feeling secure.
"Night Eddie. Don't let the bed bugs bite," you grin as you close your eyes. They snap back open a minute later as you feel the sting of Eddie's teeth lightly clamp onto your shoulder," Hey!" "No bed bugs here, just me. Your loooovveee bug." Eddie grins as you swat at him," Go to sleep!"
Eddie goes to roll over but you grasp his forearm, pulling his arm back over you. He smiles as he nuzzles his nose into your shoulder. He slides one leg and slots it between yours. Your limbs entangled in a more innocent way then normal. You smile softly as you lay there, trying to go to sleep.
You can hear Eddie's breathing even out as he falls asleep behind you. Knowing he feels safe and comfortable enough to do so makes you feel warm inside. You grin as you start to feel the edges of sleep start to overtake you.
Your eyes flutter open as the sun shines through the window. You look over at Eddie and try to stifle a laugh. His face pressed into the pillow with his hair a wild, tangled mess around him. The pillow slightly discolored from where he has drooled onto it. You can't hold it in when you realize the tank top he's wearing has shifted to reveal his entire pec to you.
Eddie slowly wakes up to your laughter, glaring at you slightly for being woken up. The grumpy look fades from his face as he realizes it's you that woke him up. Eddie sits up quickly, brushing a hand through his hair and only getting it caught once or twice. He wipes at the drool on his chin and gives you a big grin," What are you laughing at?"
You nod at his chest and he looks down. Eddie gasps dramatically," My virtue!" He fixed his top as he chuckles. You're sad to see his chest get covered. "Good morning," you say, hand reaching out to lightly graze his.
Eddie grabs your hand with his, thumb stroking the back of your hand," Good morning my dying fish" You wrinkle your brow at him," your what?" "My dying fish, you flopped around so much like a-" You cut Eddie off by hitting him with your pillow. His mouth drops open before he grabs his and hits you back.
Giggles and the sound of pillows hitting each other fill the air before Eddie tosses the pillow aside and tackles you to the bed. He kisses you before hovering over you slightly," Good morning." You grin back, tucking a stray curl behind his ear," Good morning.
Eddie grins down at you and you smile back. The warmth in his eyes causes your stomach to flutter and heart to beat faster. You don't know what he is thinking but can see the love written plainly on his face. You know that while this was only the first time he slept over, it definitely wouldn't be the last.
Eddie kisses the tip of your nose before jumping up," I'm gonna brush my teeth." He starts to giggle slightly making your eyes widen. "Eddie you better not use my brush!" You holler after him, hearing him cackle as he rushes down the hall," Edward!"
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olliesasimplething · 11 months
i just gotta say sumn. the way u draw ellie. it’s so extremely very. HOT. thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u on behalf of the femme4mascs community 🧎🏻‍♀️ also uhm u should draw ellie in a suit yk for scientific research
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Ask and I shall deliver
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queer-reader-07 · 8 months
crowley and aziraphale being sexy is not mutually exclusive from them being asexual. y’all do realize that, right?
i’ve seen people say “i just want them to be ace icons, they’re an old gay couple they’re not meant to be sexy!!” and while that’s well intentioned and i can see where you’re coming from, i have to disagree.
don’t get me wrong, i don’t necessarily want a sex scene in canon. i did and still do read both of them as ace. the wanting them to be ace is not the issue.
i take issue with the reasoning some people are providing. let me put this bluntly: old people can and do have sex. old straight couples have sex, old queer couples have sex. being old is not synonymous with someone not being sexually active. and it says a lot about how you all view aging and old people when you act like old people can’t get it on.
secondly, aziraphale and crowley can be sexy and also never have sex. ANYBODY can be sexy and never actually have sex. because sexy is vibe, it’s a state of mind, it’s about your physicality and the way you carry yourself. you can think someone is sexy and never want to fuck them, you can think you yourself are sexy and not go any further than that.
so yeah, crowley can look hot and sexy in his turtlenecks and waistcoats. and aziraphale can look sexy in his waistcoats and button downs. you can look at david tennant’s jawline and be enamored and you can look at michael sheen’s nose and think it’s beautiful. and they never have to actually have sex with each other for any of that to be true. sexiness does not necessitate sex.
not to mention, every time i see the “they’re an old gay couple they don’t need to be sexy!!” argument it feels very much like sanitizing queer relationships and love for the sake of cishet comfortability. too often queer people are not allowed to be sexual, or for fucks sake, not just sexual but physical with their significant others. because physical manifestations and displays of queer love make the cishet world uncomfortable. and not allowing that kind of physical love to exist in media only serves to further perpetuate the issue.
queer love and queer people don’t have to be palatable to a cishet audience. queer love should get to exist authentically and queer people should get to exist and present in however way they see fit.
and in the context of good omens i think that means letting aziraphale and crowley be sexy even if they never have sex. that means letting them be physical in their love. because queer people deserve that, especially old queer people
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andy-clutterbuck · 7 months
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pondhue · 5 months
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