#anyway i didn't remember the movie or him too well since its been A While so was reading up his wiki earlier and man that's messed up
5hehzada · 9 months
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watched the ep with shuu earlier and wanted to draw him...thinking to rewatch the movie sometime too...
commissons are open, info here
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oracle-of-dream · 4 months
Frame by Frame
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Minors DNI
Summary: Your brother Jay invited his friend Sunghoon over to spend the night at the house. The three of you had mostly grown up together, so you knew him pretty well. Something's off with him... he keeps looking at you.
Warnings: Male Reader, Muscle Kink, Rough Sex, Brother's Best friend, Breeding, Spit play, Pet names (Baby), Soft Dom Sunghoon, Sunghoon has a big dick, Aftercare, Jaywon (briefly)
Wordcount: 3.5k
You woke up from a midday nap to the smell of food being cooked downstairs. The Sun was still shining into your window, but you could tell it was the afternoon by its dark orange color.
Climbing out of bed, you remembered your parents said they'd be out of town for the week. Probably because it was spring break for you, and they didn't want to be around when both their kids would be home again. They were way too happy to send you and your brother off to college...
You put on some sort of t-shirt before leaving your room to investigate the kitchen. There were two voices; one was Jay, your brother. The other was Sunghoon, his best friend since you were five years old. Sunghoon and Jay went everywhere together. To the movies, the gym, cafes, and even the same college too. It really felt like they were dating each other with how much Sunghoon was around, even if your parents treated him like another kid.
Stepping into the kitchen, you saw Sunghoon in a sleeveless red shirt with gray sweatpants. Jay was wearing something similar in green and black. They probably just came back from the gym. Jay had shouted something about it before you'd fallen asleep.
"It smells good. What's on the menu today, chef?" You smiled at your brother the way you did when you needed something from him.
"If you do the dishes after dinner, then it's a tomato bruschetta with salmon," Jay replied without looking up at you.
"What!? Why do I have to do the dishes?"
"You want to eat the food I'm working hard to make, then you have to contribute."
You rolled your eyes. "You hate the way I wash the dishes, you always say it's not done right and end up doing them anyway–and what about Sunghoon? He's eating too, so he has to do the dishes!"
Sunghoon was about to protest but Jay beat him to it. "Fine. Both of you start washing these dishes. If it's not clean by the time I'm done, then the dog is eating really well tonight."
Sunghoon didn't bother arguing. "I wash, you dry?" He asked while handing you a clean rag.
Your stomach was too empty to think of a good argument about why Sunghoon was the person who should do everything. "Fine," You snatched the rag from him and lifted yourself onto the counter to sit. For the next ten minutes, you dried the dishes as he handed them to you. Your mind wandered, thinking about how hungry you were. You looked over at Sunghoon washing the dishes, his huge biceps flexing as he worked over every dish. He'd been going to the gym as much as Jay, but he always had a better shape than him. His arms were incredible, his shoulders also pretty broad, and his side profile wasn't half bad either... He definitely wasn't the kid you'd grown up with anymore.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Sunghoon's eyes looking over at you, catching you staring at him.
"Y/n, you alright?"
"Y–Yeah, just still a little drowsy..."
Jay finished making the food and started planting the table. "Did you really sleep all day, y/n?"
"How'd you guess?"
"Those are the same pajamas you've been wearing for the past two days..." He dryly replied.
"Well–What did you do today, Jay?"
"I cleaned the house, got groceries, picked up Sunghoon, and then we went to the gym. Then we came back here and I cooked for the entire house."
"Three people, but okay... that's supposed to be a break and you're working like a house husband!"
Jay picked up the plate sitting at your place at the table. "So, that's a no to the food?"
"Okay–Let's not get out of hand. You started it."
"That's what I thought," Jay set your plate down and returned to his seat. He waited for you and Sunghoon to finish the dishes and join him. Dinner was pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausages, with a bowl of fruit. Jay knew you loved breakfast for dinner, and it was all prepared and set to perfection.
You all eat together, not talking very much as you focus on the food. Sunghoon was wolfing the food down like usual, making a mess.
"Hey, you're going to get food on the floor!" You pushed him slightly, "I'm not cleaning the floor if you make a mess."
He replied with a mouth full of food, "Relax, Mom!" Sunghoon has egg on his face and crumbs on his shirt.
You pinched the egg off his face and tossed it to the dog to eat. But when you looked back at Sunghoon, he was staring at you.
"What? Were you gonna eat that?" You asked.
He shook his head, "No, it's nothing."
The air hung heavy between you. Sunghoon has been acting like that sometimes around you, creating some sort of tension between you. But you couldn't think of what you could've done to make him bothered by you. He was fine earlier...
Jay cut through the silence. "Well. Sunghoon, are you still staying the night?"
Sunghoon nodded. More invested in the food now, even though his plate was almost empty.
Jay turned to you, "Y/n, you doing anything tonight? We can all hang out if you want."
You shrugged. "I don't think I've got anything for me. So I'll be around."
The three of you continued dinner without much extra conversation. You went back to your room, Jay started washing the dishes from dinner, and Sunghoon stayed in the kitchen to talk to Jay.
You watched some TikToks in your room until you got a text from Sunghoon.
SH: Hey...
You sat up in bed so you could give it more attention. Why would he put the ... in there?
YN: What's up?
SH: I hope I didn't make you upset earlier. About the dishes. You were kinda giving me daggers, so I just wanted to make sure we're cool.
YN: Of course! I didn't mean to look upset, I was just thinking.
SH: What, about?
YN: Random stuff, I can't even really remember it now...
You knew you couldn't just say, "Oh I was thinking about how good you've been looking these days. Great gains, bro!" You needed to play it cool.
SH: Oh, okay. Can I get your thoughts on something?
Your heart raced, just for a moment.
YN: What is it?
SH: What do you think about this, hot or not? Jay says not.
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You stared at the picture of Sunghoon in the gym's locker room. You tried not to laugh at his expression.
YN: I think you could work on your expression. Try smiling or something. Most guys just focus on showing their body rather than their face at the gym anyway.
There was a pause in the messages. Sunghoon didn't reply for a full five minutes...
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SH: What about these?
YN: Sunghoon, why do you need me to tell you if you look good? You've always been the most handsome out of you, me, and Jay.
SH: Well, Jay won't even look at them. But it's good to know you think I'm good-looking.
You blushed and scoffed at your phone... You couldn't tell if he knew what he was doing to you. Your body was going crazy.
YN: Well, whatever. I think the photos are all fine.
SH: Last one.
You braced yourself for another sleeveless selfie, but what you got was way better.
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You almost dropped your phone when you saw him shirtless. He was absolutely doing it on purpose. Making sure not to actually show you anything, just some collarbone.
SH: Thoughts?
YN: Yep, still looks good.
SH: Well, you can send me photos too. Let me rate you.
You caught a look of yourself in the reflection of your phone. You looked more than a little rough.
YN: Um, I don't really have photos...
SH: Then should we fix that? I can take some photos for you.
YN: Why do I need pictures?
SH: ...I dunno. It just felt fair, since I forced you to look at me. I should look at you too.
You thought about sending Sunghoon photos of yourself. What kind of photos would he even want?
YN: What kinda photos are we talking about?
SH: Anything, I'm just here to help. Just like you did for me.
You spent almost twenty minutes trying to find a photo that seemed decent enough to send. Changing your outfit, messing with your hair, cleaning your room a little bit. You settled on a candid photo of you reading a book in some loose-fitting clothes. Your shirt was almost falling off your shoulders, and your shorts barely peeked out to show you were wearing any. You sent it to Sunghoon and waited anxiously for his response.
SH: Looks good.
You frowned at his response. You really look all the time just to get that kind of response from him... You tossed your phone away from you and went to the living room to find Jay and Sunghoon. Both were sitting on the couch, using their phones. But as soon as you walked in, Sunghoon tucked his phone.
"I'm gonna hit the bathroom really quick." He said as he brushed past you.
Jay didn't acknowledge it, but you sure did. Sunghoon was acting weird again.
"Jay, have you noticed anything about Sunghoon lately?"
He shook his head. "Nope. Same old Sunghoon."
You scoffed at your brother. "Since when have you been so uncaring?"
"And since when did you care so much?" Jay raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his phone.
"Never!" You turned and stormed off from Jay. Clearly, he wasn't going to be helpful, so you needed to get to the bottom of things yourself. As soon as you got into the hallway of the bathroom, you could see the light was on, but the door was barely open. The bathroom door got messed up when Jay closed the door too hard, making it difficult to keep the door shut. A small push could open it. But Sunghoon didn't know that. You moved forward to pull it closed, but then heard Sunghoon breathing heavily.
You leaned closer to the door to listen.
"...Jeez. You're so beautiful. Y/n, holy fuck." Sunghoon softly moaned.
You moved to peek through the crack. Sunghoon was jerking himself to something on his phone, moaning your name. You didn't realize you were holding your breath watching him. His hand stroked quickly, his hair bounced lightly, and his mouth hung open with his eyes squeezed shut. His thick arms pulsed, and his veins popped. His legs shook and shifted in pleasure. You inched closer to get a better look at Sunghoon's phone, but accidentally touched the door which creaked slightly and scared Sunghoon.
"Y–Y/N! I–" Sunghoon scrambled to cover himself but he dropped his phone while doing it. His phone landed face up, showing what he was masturbating to; the photo of yourself you'd sent earlier...
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk here..." You said as you turned around and shut the door.
There was shuffling, and then the door opened. Sunghoon's face was wracked with guilt. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I..." His voice trailed off, not knowing what to say.
You turned to him. "Be honest."
He gulped before opening his mouth to answer. "I–I'm really into you, y/n. I've been like this for a while... And, I get it if you're not interested in me."
You stepped forward and kissed his cheek, leaving him dumbfounded. "Come to my room tonight. Wait till Jay's asleep." You walked off toward your room without waiting for his response. You couldn't look him in the face after what you'd seen. All you could think about was his dick and the expression he was making, replaying again and again in your mind. You stayed in your room for the rest of the night, and when Jay knocked on your door to check on you, you told Jay that you didn't want to hang out anymore.
Around midnight, the house had fallen asleep except for you. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest when you heard a soft knock at the door.
"Y/n? It's me." Sunghoon whispered through the door.
You opened the door and let Sung Hoon in. You sat down on your bed, and he sat down on the far end of it, awkwardly looking at you in the low light of the moon that dripped in from your window.
"I've already seen it, so you can't be awkward with me now." You stated, trying to start the conversation.
"I know... I just didn't want you to find out like that. It's embarrassing." He scratched his head. "You just looked so good in that picture. The moment I saw it, it was hard. And then I saw you in person. I needed to deal with it."
You shifted a little closer to him. "Well, you were sending those pictures first. I was just following your lead."
"I wasn't trying to be sexy in the pictures..."
"Well, you're bad at not being sexy. And, why would you send that shirtless one if you weren't making a pass at me."
Sunghoon's ears went pink. "Well–Maybe I was fishing a little. But I didn't think you'd send anything back to me."
"So it's my fault?"
He turned to you. "No! I didn't mean it like that. I meant–" Sunghoon couldn't finish his sentence as he watched you unbutton your shirt.
"What? Aren't you going to get undressed?"
Sunghoon looked away from you. "Wait, what's actually happening right now?"
You shyly started putting your shirt back on. "I thought you came so we could... have sex. Or something. That was dumb, I'm sorry–"
Sunghoon knelt down in front of you and stopped your hands. "No, it's not dumb. I liked it. I was just thrown for a second. We can do that if you want. But I want to take it off you if you'll let me."
You let your hands rest, Sunghoon slowly stripped off your shirt, touching you gently, caressing your skin, and breathing in your scent deeply as he did. Once your shirt was off, he tossed his aside roughly, revealing his muscular torso to you. You automatically looked away, but he sweetly pulled your chin to face him.
"You can touch me, y/n." He spoke with softness in his voice and looked up at you with warm eyes.
You placed a hand on his shoulder. It was stiff and strong. You traced his muscles down his arm until your hands met his and locked into his fingers.
"We'll go however far you want, y/n. Whatever you want, I'm all yours." He kissed your hand.
"Can you call me baby?"
He chuckled. "Baby."
Your heart fluttered at his deep voice calling out to you.
"Baby, can I touch you?"
You nod.
Sunghoon uses his other hand to wrap around your waist and lift you off the bed, moving you so he'd sit on the bed and you on his lap. "Is this okay?" He slightly leaned in for a kiss, pausing for your consent.
You nod again. Leaning in to meet him.
Sunghoon's hands traced your chest before landing on your hips. Your hands traveled up his waist and stopped at his neck as the two of you made out. Every time you moaned Sunghoon would pull you closer to him, squeezing you slightly. You could feel him slowly grinding into you, his hips lurching upward for just a moment of sensation. You arch your back, laying your ass down to meet him, earning a groan from him.
"Keep doing that, baby." He moaned into the kiss.
You pulled away from the kiss. "We can keep moving forward."
Sunghoon lets you climb off of him. The both of you face away from one another as you toss aside your pants and underwear, leaving you both naked.
You felt a little too exposed. "Actually, can I have my shirt back?
Sunghoon handed it to you, and you took it without looking back at him. You slipped it on but left it unbuttoned and open. Slowly, you turned around to let him see you.
"You look amazing with it on. Good call." He complimented.
You blushed at his compliment and lay on the bed. "Are you coming?"
Sunghoon crawled onto the bed, positioning himself over you. "Are you prepared, or do you need me to do it?"
You covered your face. "Don't ask embarrassing questions. Just check if it's enough for you."
Sunghoon smiled. "Will you lick my fingers?"
You moved your hands just enough to show your mouth and let it open. He delicately placed his fingers on your tongue and let you work them over, tossing and turning them. You got them so wet that they were dripping as he took them out.
"Jesus, that's hot." Sunghoon put them in his mouth.
"Hoon–" He then slipped two fingers into you, making you cover your mouth so you didn't slip out any loud noises.
Sunghoon pushed and pulled softly, searching around and bending his fingers. When he found your spot, he felt you suddenly squeeze his fingers. "There it is. Now, I know where to aim."
You were starting to drool with all the foreplay. Or maybe it was an overexcited thing. Either way, Sunghoon noticed and licked your cheek, drinking your spit.
"We're going to start now. Anything you need to do?" He asked one more time for your consent.
"I've been waiting for you to get to it..." You muttered.
"Oh, baby, are you getting impatient?" He teased me.
You didn't answer and Sunghoon lined himself with your hole before slowly sliding his length inside you. You held the sheets of the bed, trying to control your noises as he filled you. He was so big, and every vein and twitch felt like an explosion inside of you. You struggled to stay still while you got used to him.
"You can do it, baby."
You moaned. "Seven inches is more than I've had before..."
"Did you count my inches with your hole? How lewd." Sunghoon chuckled. "And, we're not done yet."
Your mouth twitched a smile. "Just put it all in then."
Sunghoon put his hands on either side of your hips and pulled up into him, putting the last two inches into you.
"Nine!?" You almost screamed.
"Maybe it's 9.5, but who's counting? Now, stay quiet, or Jay will wake up." He leaned down to you, sliding his hand under your head. "Bite me if you need to."
You thought you didn't need to until you felt his hips move, and then your mouth instantly fixed itself to Sunghoon's collar. He groaned as he started moving slowly but picked up the pace when you moaned. Your thighs were raised, and your legs were around his waist, shaking as Sunghoon pulled you into him to meet his thrusts. You could feel Sunghoon's muscles moving and tensing as he controlled your body. He leaned back to see his work on you and caught you staring at his chest. His pecs were so big and bounced with every thrust.
"Oh? Does Baby like my chest? Wanna touch it?"
You nodded breathlessly.
Sunghoon leaned back down for you to touch them comfortably.
You squeeze them, pinching on his nipples. You were mesmerized by them.
"Since you like them so much, I'll keep them nice and big for you, okay?" Sunghood cool to you.
"O–Okay." You moaned as you held his pecs in your hands, kneading them roughly. The sensations were so intense you didn't even notice you'd already finished once, cum painting your stomach.
Sunghoon's thrusts got sloppier, losing their rhythm as his moans got shakier.
"I'm almost there, baby, hold on a little longer." He growled, hitting a few more times before his cum spilled into you. Which makes you cum again, painting yourself with more ropes of white. Sunghoon rode out his high, thrusting a few more times before pulling out. Cum spilling out of you, onto the bed.
Your body shook and convulsed every few seconds from the rush. You were a sticky mess, and Sunghoon took care of everything. He went into the bathroom and got you hot towels to clean you. And then he carried you to your bathroom so you could do your business. While you took care of yourself on the toilet, Sunghoon changed the sheets and waited for you to come out of the bathroom with new pajamas ready.
Sunghoon tucked you under the covers. "Goodnight, baby, I'll see you in the morning." He got under the covers with you to cuddle you.
You grabbed his arm. "You're not leaving? What about Jay?"
Sunghoon laughed. "He knows. I talked to him. He should be at Jungwon's house right now doing the same as us."
"Why would you tell him–Jungwon!? They're a thing!?"
"Since forever. And Jay's known for ages that I've liked you. After I talked to him about what happened, he chewed me out for being a pervert and jerking off in the house, but he gave me his blessing. So we don't need to worry about him~"
The two of you cuddled together for the night. You drifted to sleep to the sound of Sunghoon's heartbeat, plotting about your next morning...
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lizaluvsthis · 2 months
SMG4: The PuzzleVision Movie
[SPOILER ALERT and more into the ship]
Its funny enough how i predicted spongebob squarepants in my theory
(It even also has the ship I had a true pairing with. Squidbob.)
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When old fandom meets the new fandom I'm currently in be like-
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I see how they got each other's backs...
Suprised that SMG4 has done this- because last time we remembered, Smg3 is the one who comes risking his own life to save his buddy.
Now it's giving the DEJA VU moment but this time SMG3 is the one who gets saved by smg4.
"You saved me!"
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Notice how different they act around their partner when they get saved?
Smg3 during wotfi 2023 AND in his recolor design during the 10 year anniversary.
He himself has pushed those things away or pushing out the soft stuff saying— "yeah yeah" or "I'd like to see you die otherwise"
BUT HIM? He still couldn't accept himself with the softness he's gained alot. He still calls his FRIEND. Baka.
(Hah idiot.)
One thing to say that it WAS AWKWARD SMG4 just looks at our guy. My man... my homie... buddy chum pal old fella amigo-
You. Are not. Okay. My man. (GAY PANIC SAYS OTHERWISE)
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I know its not relevant but I drew this back in march 25 believe it or not I may have predicted this as well
Me and my brain goofing around telling me what if the gays did do that.
Anyways- back when Three lets Four carry him, as much as they both hate each other they atleast had to do it somehow inorder to escape.
Yet four could ever care less and he was still grabbing his waist at that time, and Three not giving a sh-t just looking up at the sky noticing how pretty it is.
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Two siblings getting both of their fingers broken.
And its even in the right hand! Since Mario is immune to broken bones, Meggy however gets to be on the same place Mario has been in IGBP. NOW she gets to feel the pain what Mario may had felt.
And thus at the near end where SMG4 hits PV with a meat hammer or aka luigi- HE LITERALLY KICKED THE HEAD OUT- AND THE ANIMATION THAT MADE IT SO SERIOUS.
I think I understand his anger so much from this clip that everyone would agree.
Ever since PuzzleVision gave back everyones conciousness- he showed the Western Spaghetti and IGBP act of the crew on how emotional things became.
"And SMG4... who knew you could play an antagonist so well! High ranks for me!"
He felt so guilty. He looked down. He knew what PV was talking about.
By an antagonist' actions.
Just like how he was possessed by the goop itself, he started going crazy during that time and he let his anger get on to him.
He was so scared and felt pity to himself because of that. And it was all ruined because of PV himself.
Smg4 didn't want to remember what happened during that encounter and never will.
Besides on the deal with PuzzleVision. SMG4 and Meggy's traumatic experiences weren't talked enough from their problems during the movie.
So much things are happening from the show that no one is talking much about it while watching.
"Is... is it over?"
Smg4 proceedingly cried emotionally because of the torture. He was apparently too blind enough to notice now that he realized it was him to blame. He was so dumb enough and so angry that he could cry.
Three didn't even slapped him or shut him off, he lets him cry over there due to the fact that he may need to release his emotions.
Because he knows how sentimental Smg4 became when it involves with dealing his own emotions that HE couldn't even give an advice for. But could only stay quiet.
Because at what hell of a state would he even say to SMG4 when they're trying to escape from this hell of a nightmare?
Four still doesn't accept himself, and neither does Smg3 too. From everything that happened.
Our boys are suffering enough and its hurting us like hell.
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aurumacadicus · 4 months
You know what would be funny lmao
Tony hadn't been entirely enthused when Steve had showed up after a run with puppy eyes and said, "Just until his owners contact us? He's part husky, someone must be looking for him." He wasn't a dog-person. He was barely a person-person. But he'd conceded, since the dog was staying a finite amount of time, and Steve had promised to bathe it before letting it roam the apartment, and the dog turned out to be house trained already. He even got JARVIS scanning local social media to find its owners. It wouldn't be for long.
And then JARVIS had found a picture and gently informed them that 'Dodger's family had been among the casualties during the alien invasion and while he kept getting adopted, he also kept getting returned, because he kept running away.
"Oh," Steve had said, choked up, and Tony had miserably ordered a dog bed and monogrammed dishes. (He'd reached out to the owners' families, first, of course, but they'd admitted they didn't have the time or space for an escape artist dog that liked to run for hours.)
Dodger wasn't really so bad, though, Tony thought. Steve kept him very well exercised, and Dodger was a great running buddy because Steve never had to worry about tiring him out. He didn't get on the furniture unless they called for him. And sure, he was loud, but Tony found himself talking back to him as if he was a person, and Steve was apparently smitten about it, if Natasha was to be believed.
And, Tony couldn't help but think smugly, Dodger liked cuddling with him better. It was probably because Tony was around more (Steve still went on missions that could last for weeks, but he'd set up an account with a dog-walking service so Tony didn't have to worry about that either). When Steve was there, Tony tried to stay hands off, but when he was gone, he and Dodger got to sulk about it together, and it was a very uniting endeavor. So most nights Steve was gone, they'd lounge together on the couch, Tony watching old movies that didn't require too much attention and Dodger with his nose buried someplace a wet nose was particularly annoying, like on his stomach or the back of his neck.
"I'm home," Steve called, and then, "Really? Neither of you are coming to greet me?"
"You were supposed to be home three days ago," Tony grumped, not looking away from the TV. He'd told Dodger that he was giving Steve the cold shoulder yesterday, and Dodger had yelped back something sounding like 'woo woove woo,' which Tony had decided meant he agreed with him. He knew he'd break eventually, but he decided Steve had to work for it this time, especially because he hadn't wanted him to go undercover for a month anyway.
"Hydra was literally chasing me all over Sweden," Steve said, flabbergasted, as he finally came over to the couch. He frowned at Dodger. "This is no way to treat your main owner."
Dodger lifted his head, mouth opened in a grin, and let out a 'wowyow!'
"I'll remember this when you want to go out for a run with me tomorrow," Steve groused, then scowled at Tony. "And you too. I'm gonna leave him in while I run so he can just bother you."
"I'll cuddle him instead," Tony told him flatly.
Steve let out a wounded noise, then couldn't swallow back an amused huff, leaning over the couch. "Yeah, well, we'll see about that." He waited a beat to see if Tony would take the bait, but he'd been stewing over his safety for three days, so he got nothing. Sighing, he rolled his eyes and sat up a little, reaching out to lay a smack to Tony's ass, because he knew that, at least, would get a reaction.
Tony barely had time to jump in surprise before Dodger was up, barking at him. "Oh my god????"
"Dodger oh my fuck," Steve spluttered, rearing back with his hands up.
Dodger hunched over Tony's body protectively, still barking, loud, assertive noises that left them both absolutely gobsmacked. Finally, though, Tony came out of his shock and turned, wrapping his arms around Dodger in an effort to soothe him. "It's okay, sweetheart, Daddy was just trying to rile me up."
"It's not like he hasn't seen me smack your ass before," Steve exclaimed defensively.
"Maybe if you'd spanked me three days ago, he wouldn't be barking," Tony scoffed.
"Unbelievable. I didn't want to lead Hydra directly to my boyfriend and you're scolding me," Steve said in disbelief. Then he rolled his eyes and sighed, turning to head for the bedroom. "I'm going to shower. Maybe we'll both cool off."
"I'm fine," Tony said sternly.
Steve tossed an unamused frown over his shoulder. "I meant me and Dodger."
"You're both very anxious dogs," Tony agreed sympathetically, then squealed when Dodger shoved his cold nose against his throat, covering Steve's gleeful 'you deserve that!'
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chasedbyatlantic · 4 months
best friend, joel miller
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masterlist summary: IN WHICH — joel miller, the person you care most for, ventures outside of the walls with you for your birthday gift, and has the best surprise waiting for you at the nicest spot in boston.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, boston qz era!joel, loverboy!joel, female!reader, fluff fluff and more fluff, joel being an absolute sweetheart as per usual, very brief mentions of death (like twice), swearing. lmk if i missed anything!
wordcount: 2.3k
a/n: guys i started playing tlou and im obsessed. its acc bad like my obsession keeps growing and growing. make sure to like, comment, reblog and follow for more! make sure to send requests in. xoxo
It was a week since your birthday. Being a year older than before didn't really change how you felt or acted, or hadn't brought new responsibilities to your daily life (not yet, at least). The one thing it did, though, was remind you how far into the apocalypse you were. Twenty years, god it felt like eternities. This apocalypse had only brought one good thing to your life (well, two if we consider the amount of free time you had gained), and that was Joel Miller.
Joel was like your unspoken best friend, you two met years ago and had just clicked instantly. Though, at the start, it was more of a 'i despise you with everything' type of clicking, but you two had a little enemies-to-friends dynamic in the long run. You were a couple years younger than Joel, so maybe he felt the need to keep you safe- you weren't really sure, you just knew he had an almost soft spot for you.
As your birthday gift this year, he had promised to sneak you out of the walls and you two would enjoy a couple days roaming the god-awful city of Boston (Joel's words, not yours). You were excited, more than excited, it had been months since the two of you were outside the walls together.
Joel went frequently with some girl named Tess, you had met her a handful of times but she wasn't really a big fan of you. Joel and her had ran some sort of underground black market for weapons, or so you've heard.
Anyway, the two of you (you and Joel) had snuck out late last night to avoid any alert guards. You had remembered the way to get out of the Boston QZ through the sewers, but Joel didn't think you were capable of it. He had lead the two of you out, with many roadblocks and detours which took hours to leave. The two of you were just leaving the tight corridors.
"Joel," You had began, moving through years of fermented water, "I will actually die from the smell if we don't get out soon. You will be liable for my de-" He had cut you off as he turned the corner, "Stop worryin', princess. We're almost out'ta' here." Princess, you hated to admit it, but you loved the nickname. You couldn't even remember when or why it started, but you definitely weren't complaining.
You could finally see the daylight, and with no time you were jumping down from the disgusting sewers, and onto a nice spot of concrete. "Oh- my god!" You breathed in the fresh (well, sort of) air, air you haven't smelled in months. "This is great! Best birthday gift ever." You spun around with your arms out, like you were in some sort of cliché coming-of-age movie.
While you were too caught up in the moment, and had a few too many spins, you found yourself growing dizzy and tripping over your own feet. Thankfully, Joel was there to catch you. As he caught you, you had locked eyes with him for a little too long. He set you back on your feet with his hand lingering for an extra moment as you thanked him. Maybe if you weren't too focused on this, you wouldn't have noticed it.
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The two of you had been walking for a few hours now, the sun threatening to spill from the horizon. Joel had made it clear to you that he had scoped out the perfect spot, and made sure it was safe for the two of you, even though you had argued that thrill was brought when checking out new places, to Joel's dismay.
"Okay," Joel had said in a gruffy-life tone, his voice was hoarse from all the chatting, "Pancakes or waffles?" You had almost acted taken aback from his question. You found it almost ridiculous that Joel didn't know, "Are you kidding, cowboy? How long have ya' known me?" The two of you had a synced laugh, both faces being engulfed with a large smile, "Y'ur right, y'ur right." Joel had admitted defeat, "Pancakes, I know."
The two of you shared so many more laughs and questions within the next while, just before the two of you had arrived at Joel's perfect spot. He had walked into the building first, to make sure everything had remained how he left it - clickerless. It was, and he gave you the cue to enter inside with him. You had looked around, after all the hype, it was sort of- ugly.
"This is where you're taking me?" You had questioned the man in front of you with your right brow raised, and he could only chuckle in response. "'Course not, princess. Ya' know I wouldn't take the birthday girl to some sort'ta bar. I'm a classy gentleman." Joel had folded his arm, signalling you to hook yours onto his. You took this opportunity and brought your arm through his. You had held onto his bicep as he led you two up the stairs, letting go once you both reached the top.
He had opened the door for the two of you, and let you enter first. He had cleaned up some sort of rooftop terrace that overlooked downtown Boston, the QZ in the far distance. "Jesus Christ, cowboy. You really outdid yourself, huh?" You turned to eye the man beside you, an idea sparking in your head.
Right as Joel went to reply to you with some sort of snarky remark (you just knew he would), you jumped into his arms, and wrapped yours around his neck. You had muttered about a thousand 'thank you's into his ear, just loud enough for him to hear. Joel was the one you cared about in this world, the only one you've been caring about for as long as you can remember. And by the looks (and feels) of it, he cared about you too.
A little bit of time had gone by since the sweet interaction between you and Joel had happened, the both of you had decided it would be fun to explore the building a little more, more in depth rather than anything. It was a great way to scavenge for things to take back home with you, anything from a nice frame to overly expired medicines that could maybe help you in the slightest way.
You and Joel lived together, back in the QZ. When the two of you had arrived, the head of living regulations people had housed you guys together since that's how you guys arrived. There wasn't any complaining, though, from both sides. You two were living with each other outside the walls, so why have it any different inside the walls?
You were in a few rooms down from Joel, searching through a few cabinets. Your hands fell upon a little glass jar with a lid, before pulling it down and popping the lid off. The immediate scent of warm vanilla and sandalwood flooded through your nose, and filled the room. "Joel!" You had called out in a frantic tone, when in reality you were just so excited. Finally, you thought to yourself, it wouldn't smell like death in your apartment anymore.
Joel had came bursting in, "You okay? What happened?" He looked panicked, his revolver out of the holster and in his right hand. You could only have a puzzled look on your face, before you realized why he was acting a bit strange. "Sorry, everythin's fine. But- smell this!" You had shoved the glass jar in his face, confusing him even more.
Once Joel had finally processed what was going on with you, he took a whiff of the candle. "No." He flat out said, "I'ain smellin' that any longer than I got to." He holstered the revolver before stepping back, and out of the room. "Please!" You begged. A firm 'no' was heard from down the hallway by your favourite person, which had only resulted in a loud groan from you.
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“Sit.” Joel had tossed his bag on the red and white checkered blanket, it was laying right beside the edge of the terrace.  Not the edge-edge, but right before where the building had started to dip off.  You and Joel had done some more exploring, and more playing around (a serious pillow fight, where Joel had somehow won against you), before the two of you grew tired and made your way back up top.  
Joel had set up a nice, lamp-lit, picnic area for the dinner he had claimed he prepared for tonight.  You knew he was not any five star chef by any means, the best thing he could make was reheating canned ravioli (that he nine out of the ten times burnt horribly), so you were interested to see how this was going to go.  
You had dropped your backpack on top of Joel’s and (carefully) collapsed onto the barely cushioned cloth.  “Feels nice to get off my feet after the ungodly amount of walking we did earlier.” You complained, like you weren’t jumping with joy earlier to be able to get out of the walls after this long, “What did we walk, a thousand miles?” Joel could only shake his head as he cautiously, and slowly, sat down. “Quit complainin’, ‘nd pass me the bag.” You complied and tossed it to him.
“What gourmet meal have you prepared tonight?  Let me guess-” You were cut off by Joel slapping your shoulder, basically telling you to shut the fuck up. He had unzipped his backpack and took out a plastic bag, filled with- “Sandwiches!  You’ve really outdone yourself, cowboy!”  He tried his best to hold back his laughs, but managed to let one or two slip through his stern look. “Peanut butter’n banana.” Joel had told you, reaching in the bag and handing the one without crust to you.
You didn’t realize that Joel paid attention to you when you talked about anything and everything that came to your mind.  One night, when Joel had came back from his painfully long duties of halling and burning bodies at the QZ, you couldn’t stop talking his ear off.  He was probably annoyed as fuck at you, and just wanted to sleep, but you told him about everything.  Two of the many things you had told Joel was that your favourite sandwich ever was peanut butter and banana, and that you would only eat sandwiches if they had zero crust on them.  And he remembered, after all this time.
“Joel, you big fuckin’ softie.” You took a bite into the uncrusted sandwich, savouring everything about it.  You could kiss him right now, you really could.  “I cannot believe you remembered!” You had said with a mouthful.  He had already bit into his portion of dinner, raising his brow. Joel had swallowed the piece of sandwich in his mouth, “What did I tell ya’ ‘bout talkin’ with y’ur mouth full, hm?” You had shot Joel a look, only causing a laugh to escape his lips.  
The two of you talked (yes, talking and eating at the same time) for the next while.  The hours had gone by so fast, the sun now threatened to fall back under the horizon.  Earlier you had been sitting across from Joel, now you were laying on his chest with his arm wrapped around your shoulder.  The two of you were laying in comfortable silence for the last little bit, bellies full.  You had shifted around a little bit, under Joel’s arm- this caused him to break the comfortable silence.  “You enjoy today?” You could only nod your head, “More than enjoying it.  It’s been the best day in god knows how long.”
Before he said anything else, Joel had gently placed you to the side as he sat up and reached to the side, for his bag.  You groaned, previously in a comfortable position.  “Joel- come on, man!  I was this close on fallin’ asleep.” Joel ignored you as he pulled out a little box from the main pocket in his bag. He tossed it over and in your lap.
You raised your brow as you read the label, ‘Happy Birthday Princess, From Joel’.  You couldn’t believe it, this was the nicest Joel had been to you, ever.  “A birthday present?” You questioned as you looked at him, waiting for a response.  “Open it.” Was all he said.  You tore your gaze off of the man beside you, and to the box in your lap.  You carefully ripped the brown paper (makeshift wrapping paper) off of the box, to reveal what was underneath.
“No fucking way, Joel!” Your face lit up, it was a polaroid camera. This was another one of your late night rants to him, how you loved to take pictures and wish you had something to capture moments.  This man was a godsend, you thought to yourself.  You had immediately opened the box, (carefully) ripping the camera out.  “C’mere.” 
Joel had started to move over, going to sit beside you.  Within a blink of an eye, the flash went off and a picture was taken.  A grin rose to your face as Joel was temporarily blinded, muttering a line of curse words under his breath.  “What a cutie!” You had shoved the picture in his face, too close for him to see.  “This is my new favourite thing ever, I swear!  Thank you.” Not bothering to curse you out for blinding him, Joel had smiled.  “Thought I was your favourite thing?” He questioned, his brow cocked back.  “Eh,” You said, “You’re a close second.”
You two stayed the night at the rooftop terrace, you were sleeping like a rock while Joel pretty much kept watch, a force of habit from when the two of you were out on your own before.  He was relieved when the day was over, at peace knowing you had a great time.  When morning were to come, you would shower Joel in your thanks once again, for helping you have the best birthday in these twenty years of the apocalypse.  Joel was your best friend, and that’s what best friends do for each other, even in the midst of an apocalypse.
best friend, laufey
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carpentergirl · 1 year
A Few More Minutes
Sam and Tara get trapped by Ghostface... Probably not the best time for Tara to have an Asthma Attack.
Author’s notes: I was inspired by @autism-swagger post about Tara’s asthma in scream 6 kinda outlined this.
This is my first time writing so idk if its anything people will like so good luck ig.
I probably dragged this out too much.
Just Sam and Tara being well Sam and Tara. 
Word count: 3871
: )
Sam and Tara had left their apartment rather early in the morning. More like Sam had a plan to get out of the house before Tara woke up. But in usual Samantha Carpenter style things never went as planned and Tara was miraculously up already and Sam acquired her presence anyway.
She didn’t mind her company of course, she just didn’t want to pull Tara down the path she was heading. But Tara being well- Tara would not take no for an answer and rushed to get ready.
Moving to New York was not the fresh start Sam had hoped it would be, Rather her reputation or persevered reputation preceded her to the big city where everyone had their opinions. Some were sympathetic to the young woman who had tragically been caught up in a legacy bestowed upon by her estranged father who died before she was even born. While others believed that Sam was Billy reincarnated and was meant to finish what he had started all those years ago, much believing in the story that Richie and Amber had tried to create.
Sam knew little to nothing about her father besides of course the conspiracy and movies about him. That wasn’t enough for her. Of course she didn't set out to miraculously find out he was a great guy and was just misunderstood as most cliche villains would be- she knew that wasn’t the truth. Her father was no villain, he was true evil but despite that and even if she hated to admit it- he was still a prominent part of her and she was desperate for some identity outside of ghostface.
Tara during the transition was- well, again, Tara. She didn’t say much about moving. She didn’t say much about anything as a matter of fact. She was just happy to once again be with her sister. After basically fending for herself ever since Sam left she was having a hard time adjusting to having a helicopter parent. She would never admit it but having Sam be there for her, especially when she didn’t want her to be, was something she could never find the words to thank her for. Tara didn’t deal too much with her past in the new city. She didn’t want to live in the past. It was too painful to remember the town of Woodborough. Everything she had gone through and all before the ghostface attacks. She’d rather forget it all. Some people were curious but rarely cruel, or maybe she never gave them the chance to be, Tara avoided people like the plague. The only time you would find Tara in any social situation is if she was about 3 shots too gone which is what led to Sam’s alleged stalking.
But at the end of the day Tara would always be with Sam, as long as Sam would have her of course.
Even with that being said Tara found it extremely difficult to be blindly led by her older sister into a psycho’s lair. Yes, Tara knew she asked for this when she volunteered herself as Sam’s companion for the day and yes Tara could at any point leave and go back to the safety of their apartment but she’s made it this far right?
“I don’t know, maybe we should go back home?” Tara sheepishly suggested her feet planted firmly on the sidewalk outside the abandoned movie theater. She knew why they were there, she knew Sam wanted answers, she just wished the answers didn't have to be so creepy.
“T, I told you not to come, I’ll call Kirby to come and get-” “No. You’re not going alone.” The girls bantered walking up to the entrance.
The lair was exactly the same as the first time they were there. When Gale had brought them looking for insight on who the newest masked freaks were. To no avail, it was just a ganky collection of Ghostface memorable. Pieces from the killers and victims. An unsettling tomb of whatever screwed up legacy Billy had started.
Tara knew Sam had been itching to come back, alone, she saw the way Sam gawked at her father’s robe, the knife he had used to murder people. She saw Sam’s need for answers and Tara knew she didn’t understand and she knew couldn’t understand which is why she didn’t want to get in between Sam and the answers she was looking for.
They crept their way through the shrine and Tara started to get uneasy. Everything about this gave her the untimely shiver of impending doom. It was almost as if every step brought her closer to the end of her being. She slid her hands over the display cases filled with bloody artifacts to some infamous murders and innocent victims, who, just as herself, had been brutally attacked. She was surprised that nothing of hers ended up behind the glass walls to be shown off like a trophy.
At the head of the room were the costumes, the same ones that made Tara shutter at the sight of even if it was nothing more than a costume at a party. Her eyes fell on Amber’s. Someone who had not crossed the oh so complicated mind of Tara Carpenter in a long time. A weighted rope had wrapped itself tightly around Tara’s heart and given into gravity. She didn’t want to think about Amber, the worst part of Woodsborough.
She noticed Sam in the center once again examining her father’s robe, she just couldn’t understand any of this, and quite frankly she didn't want to. It was becoming all too much for Tara.
“Sam, I don't feel well.” she said taking two puffs of her rescue inhaler, cursing herself for not using her orange one earlier in the morning, the one that prevented asthma attacks.
“Okay, Just a few more minutes and we'll get out of here.” Sam said concern glistening in her eyes but she was too close to turn around now- surly tara would be fine if they stuck around for a few minutes more.
Tara nodded, agreeing that a few more minutes wouldn’t kill her, she walked around the theater trying to find more theatrical attributes rather than the homicidal ones she was far too familiar with. She wandered past the wretched museum into the old concessions rooms looking at the abandoned candy trying to pinpoint a possible year of extinction for the theater.
She ran her fingers through the dust again causing her to cough again. Tara should’ve known better than to be stirring up dust when she was already at a  disadvantage for the day.
The youngest Carpenter had been looking at an old movie’s reel, trying to make sense of the little pictures in the frame holding them up to the light. She heard something behind her fall and she jumped to attention slowly turning around. To see absolutely nothing.
I'm losing my mind. Tara thought to herself, after all the shit she’s been through, she thinks it finally got to her.
And got to her it indeed did. The next time Tara heard a suspicious noise she once again contributed it to her new found psychosis and hallucinations. Until it was no longer a hallucination she could write off but instead a menacing Ghostface who had grabbed her from behind.
Tara let out an ungodly scream before laying a blow to the reaper’s stomach with her elbow and kicking at their knee. In which she was freed enough to take a running start and right into Sam’s arms.
The two  Carpenter sisters now found themselves one again being chased down by a robed figure. They raced to navigate the halls of the abandoned movie theater trying to escape.
Tara was not faring well to begin with and definitely not now with this whole running situation. She miserably tried to keep up with Sam running- stumbling was more like it. Her breathing was unsteady, panic glistened over her as she tried to keep up. While they had only been running a few minutes her anxiety coming face to face with a reaper once again was an accelerant for disaster and was taking a toll on her.
“Sam” the younger sister gasped, reaching out for the taller girl “I-”  Tara coughed.
Sam turned to the smaller girl chopping her step, Tara was hunched down at the waist, hands on her knees as she tried to stabilize her breathing.
This was all her own fault Tara thought to herself, if she wasn’t so instant on going then she would’ve remembered her inhaler this morning. Then again if she hadn’t been there then Sam would’ve been with Ghostface alone and without warning.
Everything burned. Her lips were dry and her mouth felt chalky, usually meaning it was time for an inhaler dose and possibly even something stronger. Her throat was on fire as if it was trying to burn a way to breathe for her. Sam grabbed her wrist pulling the girl with her as she heard the clatter of Ghost Face getting closer to them.
The next time the girls came to a stop was about 20 seconds later when Sam felt the tug of Tara hitting the ground, before she had only felt the staggering of the smaller girl which was enough for her to keep Tara in tow.
“Tara!” Sam yelled for her attention as the youngest carpenter grasped at her chest in a desperate attempt to let air in.
“T, calm down. You gotta try to calm down.” Sam rubbed circles into the girl's back while trying to pull her back up and failing Tara’s legs struggling to support her.
“You can’t out run me forever” Tara’s eyes found her sister’s, filled with tears and pure fear across her face. For the first time Sam was really forced to take in her appearance. Her lips tinted white with sweaty glistening skin over the color she had lost making her look ghostly.
Sam tugged Tara up yet again, this time taking the little breath she had left. She had to do something, there was no way Sam would let GhostFace get to Tara. Forcing the smaller girl to her feet and starting running once again, as fast as she possibly could she was basically dragging the girl who could only be heard by the rapsiness of her gasps. Then she spotted it, the storage room in which she had earlier caught Chad and Tara in successfully cockblocking them… again. She basically threw the younger girl in the room and barricaded the door with a shelving unit. Surveying it for anything useful as a means for defense with no luck.
Tara’s face had taken on an unnatural tone. She choked on her coughs. No matter how hard she tried she simply could not get air in. It seemed impossible.
Her mind was panicked. She could not go out like this. So miserably choking on her own inability to properly breathe. She could not die running from the fool who thought it was a good idea to dress up as her ex girlfriend, her sister’s father, a complete psycho.
She did not survive Amber’s attack to die like this. She did make this far to die because she couldn’t remember one day’s dose of medication. She couldn’t die. She wasn’t ready.
“Your inhaler” Sam questioned as Tara hadn’t already thought of that. Sam patted her pockets and then checked  the younger girl’s she knew Tara just had. She watched her put it in her pocket. She never left her house without it. And the extra one was in Sam’s backpack- of course the one she had tossed at the sound of Tara encountering Ghostface. Sam’s face dropped as she realized the inhaler simply wasn’t there, she grabbed her phone to use as a flashlight hoping it had just fallen out when she pushed the younger girl in. No such luck.
The stutter in Tara’s chest caught Sam’s attention again. Making her give up hope on the inhaler and resort to an escape plan. She pulled out her phone once again and found the previous texting chat.
Core Four
Sam: Trapped in the theater, Ghostface has us pinned in the storage closet.
Chad: We’re two blocks away, Mindy is on the phone with 911
Sam: Tara is bad- Asthma Attack- please hurry
Sam breathed a few moments of relief before the shuddering of her sister demanded her attention.
“Okay Tara, hold on a few more minutes.” Sam cooed, pulling her in close.
Sam could hear Ghostface clattering around in the halls looking for his next victims.
“Tara, Tara, Tara..” The voice menaced.
“Making me pick up after you, did your mother not teach you to pick up after yourself- oh right.” Tara was barely able to keep the focus on anything but her desperate need for air. She barely even processed what the menace was taunting her for.
Sam tried to keep Tara calm as the threats got louder.
“Well, at least I know you won’t get very far.” He threatened. Almost as if on cue Tara had let out a violent cough causing her body to shake. Sam quickly covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle the sound and not give away their location.
Tara was fading in and out; she could only see the outlines of the things around her, and her ears started to ring on top of the pounding of her heart instead of processing the sounds around her. SHe felt the strong arms around her body and the hands covering her mouth. She needed air and these hands in her way were not productive.
Sam cringed at her primal impulse to pull her arms away from her face.
The innate instinct to protect her airway.
Sam only held her tighter stiffening up against the wall.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” Sam kept whispering in her sister’s ear as she clawed at her. She felt Tara’s heart on her forearm, beating so hard it threatened to burst out of her chest and the way Tara’s breaths were pulling on her palms erratically and the exhaled air making them feel sweaty.
All Sam could do was cry.
She never wanted to hurt Tara, She wanted nothing more than to let her go and comfort her, but she knew if she did that they’d be moments from discovery and they were at a disadvantage.
I’m so sorry was all she could say before it was a blubbering mess.
A few more seconds had passed Tara weakly pried and then dropped her arms to her sides. Her head dropped back into Sam’s shoulders and Sam felt the smaller girl’s weight fall into her. She slowly slid down the wall now sitting with Tara hoisted up between her legs. Slowly moving her hands away from Tara’s face and pulled her in closer, putting her head to her chest- hoping she would still hear her heart. Which she did. She noticed her blood-tinged lips and Sam’s hands. She sobbed as Tara continued to take uneven breaths and let out quiet gasps.
“I’m so sorry baby girl.” The guilt ate at her. It was a normal occurrence for Sam- knowing that all of this had happened because of her, if she had never found that diary, if she had never confronted her mom, if she never mentioned her real father then Tara would not be suffering the way she was.
They wouldn’t be stuck in a supply closet of a freak’s shrine of psychos.
“Oh Samantha, you thought you could hide from me.” Ghostface teased and was extremely close to the sound of it. Oh how badly she needed the others right now, there was no way to get out, and no way to protect Tara.
She heard the crunch of plastic outside the door “Oops” Ghostface muttered undoubtedly crushing the younger girl’s inhaler that he had discovered earlier. Sam slowly slid out from under Tara gently lowering her to the ground. She grabbed the rod she had found in the room earlier, it wasn’t much of anything, mostly likely a discarded mop or broomstick. But it was a last-ditch effort for Sam to defend herself. She positioned herself on the other side of the door waiting for the menace to step in.
She heard the doorknob jingle. Still blocked by the shelves.
Sam was panicking. Her ears started ringing and all she could do was prepare herself for yet another dance with the devil. She tried to remain focused on the now pushing door; it wasn't until the shelf was knocked over that Sam was zoned in and swung her “weapon”.
“Woah,” he said, catching the rod before it made contact with him.
“This is- um Inventive,” he said finally entering the room. Sweaty.
“Chad?” Sam questioned coming down from the adrenaline that had instinctively been released in her system.
She rushed over to Tara.
“Is he gone?” She questions pulling Tara’s limp body up from the ground and struggling to support her.
“I think so.” Chad said, quick to help Sam pick Tara up.
He reached for his pocket uncovering an orange inhaler. Which Tara clearly hadn’t used this morning if Chad had it. She looked down and saw the blue one crushed to pieces in the hall and shook her head.
“It’s too late for that- we have to get her to a hospital.” Sam rushed him out the door. Mindy came running up to them.
“There’s no one here” She huffed out trying to catch her breath and for the first time Sam had heard the sirens all around the building. The police must’ve scared them off so she tried to rationalize.
Chad carried Tara bridal style out of the building and straight to the stretcher. Tara was ghostly white and her lips started to tint blue. Chad shuddered at how lifeless she felt in his arms.
Sam dodged the police and reporters who had gathered around asking her what had happened.
She hopped into the ambulance as the paramedics worked on his sister urgently.
Sam sat impatiently in the waiting room of the ER. Chad and Mindy there, somehow Kirby and Gale also made it there. Honestly it was all a haze to Sam.
“Tara Carpenter.” The Doctor called out to the room of eagerly waiting family members, Sam was up in an instant.
“I'm her sister.” She begged the Doctor for him to say that Tara was okay.
“Tara went into respiratory distress earlier, as a result of her asthma, luckily we don’t believe she suffered any permanent damage to her brain and she shouldn’t have any long lasting effects but we definitely want to keep her overnight to be sure. Just a few more minutes and we could’ve been having a very different conversation.” The doctor explained. A wave of relief washed over the group. This wasn’t Tara’s first close call but it was definitely the closest in a long time.
“But the blood” Sam mentioned to the doctor, as she raised her hands as proof. “X-rays are clear, just some popped capillaries from all the coughing.” He added placing a reassuring hand on Sam’s shoulders.
The older girl rushed to Tara’s room, her sister set up a heart monitor and oxygen though she was steadily breathing again. Sam stood frozen at the foot of her bed. Kirby made her way into the room leaving the others in the hallway.
“Sam…” She started. “She’s okay. You saved her.”
“I didn’t fucking save her Kirby, I almost killed her.” Sam shook her head. Her palms striking her temples. Still stained with some of Tara’s blood.
“I put my hands over her mouth. I could feel her fighting me. I suffocated her.” Sam cried, pulling her hands into view.
“You did not suffocate her, you saved her. You did what you had to do to save her.” Kirby pulled Sam’s hands down and held them. She pulled her into her arms hearing what had happened in that room for the first time.
Kirby had basically adopted the Carpenter duo as her own, she made them her responsibility even if they all liked to pretend that Sam and Tara had everything under control.
It was easy for Kirby to come in and help. It was easy for Sam to let herself go in the agent’s presence. It was even easier for Tara to relate to Kirby and accept the advice that she would offer even if it was the same advice Sam would suggest- It must’ve sounded different coming from the older girl.
“She didn’t even want to be there, she asked me to leave and I- I made her stay” Sam continued to cry into her ‘older sisters’ chest.
It wasn’t long until Sam composed herself and put on her brave face for the rest of the group and they all gathered around in Tara’s room. Sam next to her bed of course rubbed circles into the smallest girl’s hand.
Tara had regained some color, still much paler than her usual complexion, but better than before. Her lips were once again pink and she had lost the gleam of sweat. All to the group's relief.
No one dared to leave even as the early hours of the morning threatened to trap them in the hospital.
Soon the silence was broken by Chad offering himself to get chips and snacks from the vending machines which he would later regret because
A) he used all of his cash
and B) Girls are too ‘particular’.
The group shared jokes and conversations trying to move on from the earlier events and living more in the moments they were all together. They had grown quite the roar almost as if they were in the sister’s apartment and it was a casual Friday night. Arguing over what M&M flavor tasted the best with Sam reluctant to admit she thought they all tasted the same because- well didn’t they?
First there was a cough. It came from the smallest member of the group. They all stopped mid debate, assessing the situation. They watched as she stirred in her bed sitting up frantically and coughing “SAM” she yelled between her coughs.
“Tara” Sam grabbed her. “It’s okay, breathe, you’re alright” Sam cooed.
Tara took in her environment no longer in a dark dusty theater but rather in a bright antiseptic room surrounded by the worried faces of her friends, Family.
She took a deep breath in, she was sore but it didn’t burn, she was able to breath without a fight. She relaxed into Sam’s touch.
“Jesus christ I never want to do that again.” She chuckled. After a pause of her remembering the earlier events. Everyone laughed.
“Glad to see you’re doing better.” Kirby grabbed the girl’s knee in support.
They continued the night moving onto the next candy flavor they could debate about. After of course Tara added that the blue M&M is the best tasting one. And Sam could not have been more grateful to hear such ridiculous words come out of her mouth. They were okay, Sam prayed to stay like this at least for a few more minutes.
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angelst4re · 2 years
hi! idk if anyones ever requested this, also this is my first request. i've been reading the little stories you've written for like since last night at like 8pm and its 2pm the next day. anyways! do you think you could do something where the reader has their own band(them, their brother and two friends) and reader has a 1 year old and has like been with jamie for a good few months and the kid wants to join us on stage? smthn like that! i love your stories as well, so fuckin addicting bro. <3
hi my love!! i'm so happy you like them!! okay this is absolutely adorable. i wrote a whole backstory to this then deleted it because i thought it was too long and now i wish i kept it because it feels too short :(
For the Thrill of It- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
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summary: you're in a secret relationship with jamie and there are rumours going around about it, so with the help of your daughter you let them all know the truth!
warnings: none!
note: 300 FOLLOWERS???!?!?!!!?!?? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!1!! I DIDN'T EVEN THINK I'D GET 3!!!?!!??
You began dating Jamie four months ago, although you’ve known him for quite some time. He was friends with your brother a few years ago, they were even in a band together. However, life works in mysterious ways, and they lost contact for a few years, and both went on to live their lives. Jamie became an actor, but still pursued his music career. Your brother (Daniel) still had a passion for music, and you even joined his band when you turned 22. 
Your band ended up being quite successful, having a few chart topping songs, even going viral online. You met your boyfriend at an afterparty and started dating not long after. Looking back on it, you feel like things were rushed as you fell pregnant after not even a year of knowing each other. But you were young and in love, so you kept the baby, wishing for her to grow up with both parents around- although that didn’t happen. 
Just after Gracie was born, her father left, leaving you to look after her by yourself. Although your brother stepped in to help, offering you and your daughter a room in his house, which you were more than happy to accept. But there was one thing you weren’t expecting. 
“Jamie’s going to be staying for a while, we’ve known each other since college, you remember him, right?” Daniel asked, introducing you to the blond. 
“I think so…” You say, racking your brains for any vague memory of him. “Bob Dylan tattoo? On his bum?” 
“That’s the one!” Daniel laughs, “he’s super nice, though. Trust me, I wouldn’t let anyone weird stay here while my little sister and niece are here!”
You got along very well with Jamie and became friends almost instantly after he moved in. You would stay up after putting Gracie to bed and watch movies together, he would recommend some and you would recommend some since you both had similar tastes. He would even offer to babysit for you when you and your brother would go out to meetings to discuss the upcoming tour. You trusted him, so you left your daughter in his care.
After a few months of living with your Dan and Jamie, you had realised you caught feelings for your new friend. You tried to ignore them, especially after what happened last time you got into a relationship, but it was impossible. Everything about him was perfect, and it just made you fall for him even more. 
What you didn’t know was that he felt the same way. He had planned one night for your brother to take Gracie to see her grandparents, this is when he would ask you to be his. He asked around: your brother, your friends, everyone, to find out what your favourite flowers were, and what your favourite food was. So, when you came home that night, you saw the kitchen table decorated with candles, flowers and he had cooked your favourite meal. 
After dinner, he had told you how he felt, and you told him you felt the same way, however you were still afraid of getting into a relationship too soon, especially because you knew how the media would react. So, for the time being, you had decided to keep it a secret. Although, that didn’t keep the media from speculating, especially when he came on tour with your band. You were so happy you had him with you, as it meant he could look after your daughter whilst you weren’t there. 
Gracie adored Jamie, almost as much as you did. He always made time to play with her when she would give him her teddies, he was there when she took her first steps and even helped her to walk, he would read to her when it was time for bed, he would play music and have dance parties, he was the type of father she needed, and you were so happy that he was there. One day after work, you had come home to find them both fast asleep on the sofa, you almost cried because of how sweet it looked. You couldn’t wait to see what the future held for you three. 
However, it was difficult to keep this relationship a secret from the rest of the world. The two of you had almost held hands whilst on a walk once, and that’s when you realised you needed to come forwards and say something, to tell everyone the truth, to stop hiding. The internet was currently divided into people who thought you were dating Jamie and people that thought you were just friends, but tonight you were ready to put an end to the rumours. 
While you were on stage performing your final song of the night, you gave Jamie a quick smile as he stood with Gracie at the side of the stage where no one else could see. She kept pointing at you, and you knew what was coming. You stopped singing and motioned your hand to say ‘come here’, at this, Gracie began running across the stage to you, her noise cancelling headphones falling from her head. You grinned and looked back up at Jamie, who was wiping a fake tear from his cheek. This was the first time she had ran without tripping over.
“As you all might know, this is my daughter Gracie,” You say, crouching down to her height, “Gracie, baby, do you want to say hello to everyone?” You handed her the microphone and she had a massive grin on her face. 
“Hello love!” She said, waving to the crowd, she sounded just like Jamie. Everyone in the crowd 'awed’ and laughed at how she sounded like a cute grandma. 
“It’s Gracie’s second birthday soon, and one thing I know she’ll want for her birthday is to be able to go out with her mummy and mummy’s boyfriend without everyone posting rumours on the internet… so, Gracie, who's mummy's boyfriend?” you look to the side and send Jamie a big smile.
"Jamie!" She says with a big grin, looking over to where he stood.
"Do you want to come out, love?” You ask, taking the microphone back from Gracie.
As Jamie walked out onto the stage, you covered your daughter's ears, anticipating the screams from the crowd. Jamie kissed your cheek as you stood back up, and he picked Gracie up as she reached her arms out to him. 
“Can you cover her ears quickly, baby?” You ask Jamie, who nods his head.
“So there you go. There’s the truth,” you smiled. “If you want to judge me, call me some names that I won’t say in front of my daughter, then fuck you. But to the rest of you out there, thank you for being here tonight. I love you! Good night!” 
Gracie waves to the crowd as Jamie walks with her to get ready to leave, and you weren’t far behind.
“You realise everyone’s going to be talking about this for the rest of the week?” Jamie chuckles, kissing your forehead. 
“I know, but we won’t have to keep it a secret anymore. We can take Gracie out and not have to keep a distance, we can go on dates, we can-”
“Get ice cream?” Gracie asks, playing with the bracelets on your wrist. 
“Ice cream sounds lovely, y’know.” Jamie says as he nods his head, “good call, Gracie.” 
“Let’s go, darling!” Gracie says confidently, taking your hand and leading you out, obviously she had caught that word from Jamie too. He looks at you with a big grin on his face. 
“Yeah, let’s go, darling!” He repeats, chuckling as you make your way to the exit.
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justimagineok · 1 year
2:30 - the after || part 3 - hi, mom
Summary: One too sure, the other not that much. One focused on the present, the other too stuck on the past and afraid of the future. Both of them in love with each other.
Warnings: angst, curse words, a tiny tiny bit of fluff
A/N: feedback is always appreciated! 🥰 feel free to reblog, comment or send me an ask at anytime 😊
namjoons pov
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"Jeon Jungkook I'm not leaving until you open this door!", Jin knocked on the door harder, waiting for a response, but he got none. "C'mon Jungkook!"
He stayed there for 40 minutes before his bladder betrayed him and made him go back home.
He tried to call Jungkook when he got home but the maknae didn't answer or visualize his messages, so he decided to go old school and voice-mail him.
"Jungkook, this is not funny. Answer the damn call."
"I'm gonna smack you so hard when I see you in front of me"
"If you don't answer me, I'll think you're dead or something, Jungkookie.  At least say something."
Jungkook literally send him a dot I'm a text and nothing else.
“Jungkookie, this is like, the ninth voicemail I’ve left, and I know you hate voicemails, so i’m thinking this might be the one that pisses you off enough to pick up the phone and talk to me. Because despite the number of times i’ve told you to shut up in the past years, i’m actually begging you to say something. Now. Weird how things work out, isn’t it? Anyway. Pick up your freaking phone, moron. Please. "
No response.
"I promise I wont keep leaving you this anoyng voice mails, but if you need me just call, anytime. I'll answer. I'm here for you. The members too. Take care, Jungkookie."
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"Hi, mom.", Jungkook gave his mother his best smile, trying not to cry that fast. His mother didn't answer, pulling him for a tight and warm hug only her could give.
"I am here, my Kookie.", she patted his back as she felt Jungkook break down on her arms, sobbing like a baby. Just like he did when someone made fun of him in school or when he felt while riding a bike. "Mom's here to take care of you. Things will be okay..."
"They're not.", Jungkook mumble, still hugging her. "I miss her, mom."
"I know, Kookie...", she caressed his hair. "I know."
Jungkook's mother stayed with him for Christmas since he refused to leave the house. She cooked for him and made sure he took showers, cause, apparently that was something, he gave up on doing these past few days. All he did was watch marvel movies, eat skittles, looked your old pictures, stalk your profile on social media (you didn't post anything ever since you broke up)´and crying. It was the safest cycle.
That, until his mom appeared.
"Jeon Jungkook", she gasped when saw the messy house and broken things he didn't even bother to clean up. Jungkook closed his eyes in defeat, knowing what was coming. "What the hell am I looking at, Jungkook?", his mom walked, carefully not to stomp on something across the floor.
"Your place looks like a garbage dump, Jungkook!", she put the only chair that survived Jungkook's kicks, on its feet again. She looked at him, waiting for an answer, but he just shrugged. It was just now that she noticed how bad he looked. Jungkook was much skinnier than she remembers, his beard growing unevenly, and his clothes seemed like it didn't see water for days. Weeks? Jungkook detested dust or his things being messy, so what was going on?
"This is not okay, my Kookie.", she said with a much calmer voice, pointing at him up and down. "At least you're showering, but this — this isn't you.". Jungkook looked around the room. It was really messed up, but he didn't mind it. He had all the time in the world to clean it. Not today, at least.
His mother clapped hard, catching his attention again. " When's the last time you slept well? Or cut your hair?"
"I've been busy, mom.", Jungkook shrugged again.
"Jungkook, this place reeks alcohol too.", she got closer, holding his hand. “This is not the Kookie I know. The man I know never gives up. "She assured him, and Jungkook snorted.
"I don't have the strength to fight anymore, mom. What can I do?", he asked, defeated, letting go of her hand to sit down on his messy couch. "YN broke up with me and I didn't even stay in her way, mom.", he chuckled, trying to hold his tears. "I thought that if it was her choice, I couldn't hold her. Thought that maybe she was unhappy with me. If she really wanted to be free of me, I had to let her go."
His mom sat down beside him, giving him a sympathetic look and waiting patiently for him to keep talking.
"But none of this is okay, mom.", he looked at her with anger in his eyes. "I'm really fucking mad because she decided this for both of us.", he closed his eyes, breathing deeply. "I said to her that I'll hate for the rest of my life.", his eyes filled with tears, but he held them. He didn't even any more energy on him to cry.
"But I don't hate her. And I want her here with me. I want her to choose me over everything else.", he confessed. "I'm lost, mom. I don't know what to do."
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"Y/N.", Haru called your name for the 5th time, trying to catch your attention. You hummed in response, acknowledging you were listening.  "Did you eat anything? The food I made you were barely touched.."
"I wasn't hungry.", you replied, focused on cleaning the last stain in the pan. You have been on this project for what... 20 minutes? No way you're losing to a pan.
Haru sighted, reaching out to take the pan from your hands.
"I'm not finished, Haru...", you took the pan back, rubbing the brush even harder. Haru had the kind heart to let you stay in her place after you broke up with Jungkook,  the least you could do was help her with the house.
On the day you left, you called Haru while you were driving, asking to go to her house and she agreed, not having a clue what was happening. But when you got there with your bags and the most depressing face she had ever seen, she put 2 and 2 together very quickly.
You said to her what happened, and she stayed with you the whole night while you cried your heart out. You told her about your mom's call and everything you did after that and the promise Jungkook made you before you left. There was no coming back.
She listened to you, only nodding in agreement. She didn't think you were right for a second, but she stayed with you until you fell asleep.
It's a weird thing when you broke your heart, because you suffer like hell, but anybody has any idea or any sympathy towards that because it's not visible. It's not like a death of a loved one or a car accident. You can't see it clearly. But if you watch very closely, you can see. The way their eyes get lost thinking about the moments, their lack of animosity or their suddenly change of behavior. No more lunch dates, or texting during the day. No more stupid grins looking at the screen. Nothing.
When you go through a break-up with someone you loved, it feels like you suddenly lost your superpower. You're back to being just human. You're back to being like everyone else, 'cause you don't feel like you did before. Now, every call you receive is greeted with the same animosity: none. Cause you know it's not them calling, it's not them texting or video calling. No silly memes, plans for the future, snapchats, song recommendations, sexy pics. Nothing.
Now, you're back to being one in the crowd. Maybe you always were, but before... the knowledge that you were loved and admired by the one you love made you feel like you stand out. But now? Now you're just... you.
" you can't just keep it all bottled up, you know? ", Haru tried again, reaching out and putting the pan on the dryer. This time you didnt stop her, letting her help you take the wash dishes clothes out. "You gotta let it all out of you, YN, otherwise you'll just explode."
You looked at her, who gave you a kind smile in return. Haru wasn't the type or person to be gushy or over friendly, but she damn well knew how to care of his friends. She could be brutal honest sometimes, but she knew when you were able to take it or not.
"Have you even taken the time to let yourself feel it?"
"Feel what, Haru?", you asked, defeated. "I'm the one who chose to break up.  What do I have to feel? It doesn't even make sense"
Haru signed for you to sit with her on the island.
"Feel everything that’s been happening, my friend. Eventually,  you have to slow down and let it feel real. Pretending like you're fine just because you're the one who broke things up, it's not okay. "
You nodded, holding back the tears. Jungkook hasn't called you once ever since you broke up. Haru told you about her texts with Jin, but that was all. Deep down you wanted to hear from him even if it was in the news, but  for what you had noticed, Jungkook disappear even from his schedules ever since that day. You watch the news saying about Jungkook's hiatus, but you knew better than believing in rumors. Hybe even released a note, informing the fans Jungkook was taking a quick break to recover physically from his lasts' performance, since they took a toll on him. But you knew better than that, too.
You wanted to text, call, check how he was, but you didn't do anything.
"If you walk out of that door, I’ll hate you for the rest of my life. "
"There will be no going back from this, YN."
"He's better off without me." you confessed more to yourself than to her. "I can't risk ruining his life. I did more damage as it is."
Haru wanted to say you were wrong, but she didn't. She knew it wouldn't make a difference. At least not today. Now, while you were drowning in pain and guilty.
"... but I miss him. I miss Jungkook."
song: dear parents by Sundial
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hislittleraincloud · 2 months
Tor, how do you write SO MUCH?! I’m out here struggling to reach 1,000 words and you’re pumping out 10K word chapters? Please teach me your ways 🙏
Alas, Young Jedi, I cannot teach the ways, as the ways are long and lifetime. I've been writing and drawing since I could pick up a pencil.
Reading for longer...there's a photo of me somewhere where I'm about 1 or so, and I had crawled over to a pile of Sunday papers, slid out the Comics section, sat my ass down in my diaper, and opened the paper like anyone else would open and read a newspaper...I was quite attracted to the Dick Tracy comic, and I remember seeing the words "Dick Tracy" but being unable to communicate anything about it because hello...I was a freaking baby. But my father was freaking out after my mother pointed to what I was doing and he rushed to go grab his camera (I remember his freak out too, he was so excited 🤣💕). If I can find that photo, I'll post it (it's somewhere, it was used on the photo posters printed for when my grandmother passed back in the 00's).
By the way, the science that says that babies can't have such memories is wrong. I am proof of that. My hippocampus must have been very highly developed/advanced, because I remember a shitload of things from when I was a baby, some of which I'd like to forget. Anyway.
I was also raised on Daytime Soap Dramas (aside from the usual Sesame Street and Electric Company that was for us kids on PBS). I've seen years and years of writers writing the wildest, most dramatic shit. I've watched characters come back from the dead with wild — but plausible — explanations. Daytime Soaps got and still get a bad rap, but depending on which one, the storytelling is compelling, which is why there were fans who stayed loyal to their soap (my mother was an AMC & OLTL loyalist...she didn't care for GH or non-ABC Soaps). How to write compelling stories is hidden in plain sight with those. Back from the dead? Check. Drawing out a scene for days because of the angst? Check. Cliffhangers? Double, triple, quadruple check. Cliffhangers are prevalent in soaps and probably the main thing that kept people coming back to the stories and wanting more. Media has changed, unfortunately, and there are no regular, daily dramas (well, GH is one of three surviving American soaps) that children are stuck watching because there's nothing else on TV to entertain SAHMs. SAHMs have their pick of apps, movies, and shows now, and most fans of soaps are generationally conditioned...like me, but my soaps are gone. (Fun fact: I appeared on Hulu with my dog via Skype to ask actor Robert S. Woods a question during their interactive OLTL session, when OLTL was shifted to Hulu. I was way too excited, since I'd been watching him for over 35 years. My dog, however, was asleep in my arms with his tongue hanging out...and that was caught on camera 💩). Some of it is highly repetitive, so it trains your brain to tolerate and accept the multiple variations of storyline that are, but aren't, the same.
But anyway, back to present day since ABC gutted their soaps in favor of bullshit no one watches: I write when inspired. Sometimes it comes out with strong weed (like a good Wenjax scene that I'm deliberating whether it should go into the main Afterburn story or into the Deleted Scenes). Sometimes I just write dialogue for a couple of hours. UVC was mostly dialogue when written at first (the fic wives have seen it in its halfway mark, when it was completely lacking Jon's exploration of her house).
I also write a lot of poetry and have done so since just before I met Allen Ginsberg. My father had exposed me to the Beats before, but I was too stuck in my kid head until I met the master at 14. I was enamored by him and his freeform writing, even though I was heavily into the American Romantics like Walt Whitman (such is going to be explored in the UVCniverse). But while I could write like them, I wanted more freedom of structure with lyricism, and Beat poetry (along with non-Beats like e.e. cummings and a few others) afforded me that. The bulk of my youth poems are gone/destroyed when my fucking ex and fucking building manager emptied my apartment when I was in Rome ten years ago (so if I go quiet in November, it's me mourning those poems...since I'm not like Jon or Cairo, I can't retrieve them from m brain 😞 I have a really sharp memory, but it's not like theirs... it's more like ABW's). FTR, in my youth I was also a huge Edgar Allen Poe fan, and won the class contest to write like him in the 6th grade. I might've mentioned that before. First prize was a large (the big bar type) Hershey bar. I gave it to my father bc I didn't like regular Hershey chocolate LOL. At the time, my favorite book was a very old dictionary/thesaurus/almanac combo book, and reading bits of it every day helped my writing.
Writing poetry for me is a little harder these days, but the muse is whispering a little, and 'In Three Bites' (from the screencap I posted before about the shit I'm writing) is Jon and Cairo slinging a form of poetry at each other during class via text. Poetry can be practice for bigger things, so look into just writing down your thoughts. Stream of consciousness writings, stuff like that can be poetic or it can be rambling, who cares? Write.
Write what you know to practice, even if it's a private diary entry. Expand your vocabulary. Collect thesauruses and READ THEM, and write down (with a pen/pencil on paper) the most interesting words that appeal to you and remember/retain them for future use — don't just let your teachers hand you a list to memorize (do what they tell you to do re: vocab words, but don't be limiting yourself to what they want you to learn). Learn a second language, one that is structurally atypical to English's SVO [subject, verb, object], so that you can see the world from someone else's culture. Never stop learning words that are new to you. Never stop learning like that, would probably be my ultimate advice.
But also? Fuck word counts, unless you're writing a 100 word drabble. In fact, write more 100 word drabbles. It will teach you to pick and choose your words for effective expression of the scene/thought. I don't really worry about meeting word counts, unless it starts to get long (which is where AB is, and which is why I've had to split chapters up). Half of the UVC/MG ones I listed are at under 1K words so far, but I'm not concerned about word count on them and probably won't be, unless one of them turns into a monster (I can see 'Project Drop Down' (Cairo meets Bea) taking that turn, but I can probably make that one a 10K one shot). Don't struggle to get to 1K. Just write what you want and need to. It'll go where it needs to go, especially when you're inspired. And if you never get inspired over an idea? Move on to the next one, or move to something that does inspire you enough to write over 1K of it in one go. Some people are satisfied writing 200 word 'chapters'. I am not. There's too much going on in my head to limit everything to 200 words, so I just keep writing and writing. Might be genetic, since my father's been opining to me about how he needs to type up all of his writings (and I have a Paperblank journal that I gave him to fill up, which he did 💀).
And keep writing to whatever passion calls to you. If it isn't calling, don't angst over it. It's not the end of the world if you can't get to 1K.
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theadventurerslog · 9 months
Discworld | Part 1
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The Adventurer’s Log
Release Date: 1995
I love Discworld the book series by Terry Pratchett and have done so since I was 13 when I first discovered it by taking Soul Music out of the school library. I'm currently doing a chronological reread and figured I might as well go all in and play the games too while I'm at it. Well, the first two anyway. There are three games, well actually four. Apparently there was an interactive fiction game in 1986 for The Colour of Magic, but I know nothing more beyond that and never see it mentioned. (Have to say I am curious though). For purposes here, however, three games. The first two pull events from the books, while the third focuses on an original character in an original story and that's Discworld Noir, which I would love to try sometime but getting it to run looks like more of a hassle. So for now the first two games.
That said I don't know if I'll go straight to the second one after this one or have some other stuff in between. I'll see how I'm feeling and how things are looking as I already have plans for November and I may want some short stuff for October.
I watched a friend play the second game several years ago, but I don't remember much and I'm pretty sure we didn't do the first game. What I've played so far hasn't been familiar. I'm pretty sure this is a blind play-through and if it's not it may as well be.
As for the Discworld itself, if you don't know, it's a magical flat world resting on the backs of four elephants standing on the back of a giant turtle, the Great A'tuin, drifting through space. Reality tends to be...thin. Things have a tendency to slip through.
This first game pulls its general plot from Guards! Guards! which surrounds a brotherhood summoning an actual dragon to the city of Ankh-Morpork. Dragons at this point in time only exist as much smaller swamp dragons which are far less dangerous aside from having a tendency to explode. The book is the first book in the city watch arc. The game, however, uses the character Rincewind as the main protagonist. Rincewind is a wizard, or wizzard, of the Unseen University in Ankh-Morpork. He's actually terrible at magic, but in his heart, he's a wizard. So, clearly the progression of this plot is going to go completely differently. Which I am okay with and it's nice the game could be played by someone who's never read the books. And it's drawing inspiration without stomping all over its source material and making you wonder why they didn't do their own thing, so I'm okay with it. I just need to tamp down on my own nit-pickiness for smaller details. Inspired by, inspired by. While still being recognizable. Excuse me I may have some aggravations with a certain other...'adaptation but oh no not really'. If you know you know, if you don't, don't worry about it. Ahem.
The game opens with a shot of the Discworld and the Great A'Tuin.
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Introducing the Discworld.
Then we get the summoning ritual:
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Dragon! Dragon!
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Ominous peeking through the wall. Dragon!
And I'm already wondering who may or may not be involved from the book. Like, is the Supreme Grand Master still there heading this up? Are they the same person? It's an interesting thing both knowing and not knowing the plot at all.
From here we're gifted a scene of an Ankh-Morpork street with Death waiting and a drunk ambling down the street.
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That's Ankh-Morpork all right.
I'm not sure about Death's voice, but I'm also very used to Christopher Lee from the animated adaptations of Soul Music and Wyrd Sisters (and Christopher Lee, come on, just an unfair fight really) or Ian Richardson from the Hogfather movie adaptation. They did add some effects so he's still got some IMPACT though. Still some sense of speaking in caps. And he's not a main character here anyway. I wonder how much he will pop up... How many deaths will there be? Will Rincewind have a near-Death experience?
The drunk ran into him briefly and got an ominous see you soon. Which... Yeah. The drunk proceeded into an alley and was saved from a mugging by being fried by dragon fire.
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With that grisly affair complete we move on to see the Unseen University.
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I was given another scene of the Bursar speaking with the Archchancellor talking about the rumours of the dragon. The Bursar notes that dragons don't exist unless you believe in them. Belief is extremely important on the Disc. Nevertheless there seems to be one and it's the university's civic duty to do something about it, so he sends the Bursar off to fetch Rincewind. Do you hate Rincewind, Archchancellor, is that it?
A note about the Archchancellor. He seems to be meant to be Ridcully from the books, and by the point of Guards! Guards! he certainly was the Archchancellor and have been for several books. He hasn't felt very much like Ridcully at this point though and if it wasn't for an 'unhygienic' comment I'd be uncertain if it was him or not. The game just has him labelled as Arch chancellor so I'm sticking with that instead. Except making it the one word it's meant to be. Split in two words is driving me a little nuts.
A note about this whole intro: there's been a fly buzzing around every scene from the drunkard coming on screen, then it bothered Death and continued on through the Archchancellor and Bursar's conversation. I have no idea what to make of that if it's going to be relevant or what. Complete mystery. In some ways it feels like it's just a fun guide to follow as you move through the intro, but also... why?
And finally we move in to Rincewind being woken up by the Bursar banging on his door letting him know the Archchancellor wants to see him, and I was finally given control.
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I had a few different things to examine, like the totally not-ominous shape outside to which Rincewind said:
"Yes - a mysterious shape, a sinister shape - a shape fraught with... shapeness.
It must be a plot element - otherwise there'd be a better label!"
I can't remember the exact label. I think it was something like 'mysterious shape' or was that exactly.
The wardrobe had no knob to open it with. Turns out I could have opened it then but I didn't have a handle on the controls yet. Sometimes... it pays to look at manuals! Something I did not do until a little later.
And on top of the wardrobe was the sleeping Luggage. The Luggage is also from the books. It's made of sapient pearwood and rage and will follow its owner everywhere and anywhere on its many legs. At least when it's not sleeping here anyway. I couldn't rouse it yet.
With my examinations complete and my seeming inability to do anything yet I left to go explore the university.
And got traumatized by stairs.
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I mean it's a point and click. No manual movement here. You can't die. But the Sierra stair trauma is real, especially after King's Quest IV... After my little moment of gratitude that this isn't King's Quest and the stairs cannot harm me, I started exploring.
I found my way to the dining hall and got my first conversation the UI of which was sure familiar. I had to laugh that I'm playing this after Sam & Max Hit the Road. It's the same system!
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This also made me go find a manual to see what these options actually mean and learn other controls.
So from left to right we have
Big smile - greeting
Clown - sarcasm
Question mark - question
Cloud (has an animated lightning bolt I didn't catch) - anger
Waving hand - goodbye
And then other topics can appear too.
I also found out that left clicking is for moving, of course I knew that. Right clicking examines. I'd figure that out. But most importantly, double clicking is how you interact. I also found out if you click on Rincewind you can access his teeny tiny two item inventory which is more like one item because once you get money, it sticks so you only ever have room to carry one other item on his person. The rest is for the Luggage when it's acquired.
I chatted with the wizards which while entertaining didn't give me anything too terribly useful to know at this point which is fine: mostly just chatter about wizardry and the dragon rumours. I like talking to all the people anyway. And Windle Poons was there too! He's an important character in one of the books.
In my continued exploration I found a storage room and got my first inventory item--a broom. I always get excited for my first item.
I also found a statue and a groaner:
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I checked out the library and got an aside? An instructional aside? A game equivalent of a footnote as a nod to the books' footnotes?
There were a couple of these informative bits, one explaining the Librarian who is an orangutan--he was turned into one in a magical accident and refused to be changed back--and another discussing L-Space.
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So far I've only seen these in the library.
Here's a whole page about L-Space! https://wiki.lspace.org/L-space
So a fun thing here I wasn't expecting and they don't explain at all so purely for book readers. The character giving these little lessons is Twoflower made clear by the glasses and camera, ahem, iconograph. He was in the first two books and was the Disc's first tourist. Circumstances led him and Rincewind to be travelling together and many antics ensued. He was also the original owner of the Luggage.
See? I can do asides too. Back to the game.
I also chatted with the Librarian "Ook!". And was told I'd need a library card to take anything out after much back and forth. I did get a little irked that a lot of the dialogue options led Rincewind to calling him a monkey, which is something you Do Not Do with the Librarian if you don't want the wrath of an orangutan. You do not want the wrath of an orangutan. Rincewind kept getting head bopped. Hard. It's just Rincewind of the books would know better! And he and the Librarian end up getting along pretty well. Then I reminded myself of 'inspired by' and carried on. Things are just going to be different. Not looking at anything horrifically egregious so far; it's okay. Even Rincewind himself isn't exactly right here in other ways either. Just hush that part of my brain.
I finally made my way to the Archchancellor and found out what he wanted.
Unseen University needed to be 'properly represented' in attempts to dispose of the dragon. Can't have some yokel slaying it and have people wondering what wizards are for. Then he sent me to go fetch a copy of Featherwinkle's Concise Compendium of Dragon Lairs from the library.
I ended up going back to Rincewind's room first, and with my knowledge of double clicking was able to open the wardrobe with a little magic and get a pouch of money. With the broom I was able to prod the Luggage awake and get it to join me.
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Then back to the library where I was able to just request the book. No card needed when it's a request from the Archchancellor I suppose. Or the Librarian was trying to be rid of me earlier.
I brought the book back and the Archchancellor found the formula for Recoglimento's Neverfailing Dragon's Lair Revealer. He was quick to halt Rincewind's protests as well with making sure his performance would be brought to the attention of the university board when they review his grant next year. Ah, university politics.
So the formula, which thankfully can be accessed when checking the book again, so it's always handy needs four ingredients:
A staff of tumultuous thermaturgy.
A miniature creature of excitable chitters
A container made of the strongest ferrous metal
Dragon's breath! Ulp!
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I got a voice actor joke too when I kept trying to talk to the Archancellor:
Archchancellor: "No time for idle chatter." Rincewind: "Well, sorry. As if I can help who supplies my voice."
Rincewind is voiced by Eric Idle. Heehee.
I have goals now! Good old adventure game object collecting!
Next up I'll do another sweep of the university in case anything changed, then check out whatever can be checked out on the grounds and presumably head into the city proper.
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elloitsme69 · 2 years
A/N:Reader is quite specific as this was a request from my discord friend that I decided to post.F!reader implied,but no specific mentions.
A amazing husband.
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Image source:
You were currently staying in the hospital. And for as long as you could remember,you didn't exactly have...great health.However,you still had a amazing life nonetheless with your family and friends and your marvelous novelist of a husband of 5 years and still going!Unfortunately,you had to go to the hospital to stay for a while as your health recently had not been looking too good.However,nobody was available and could not accompany you well.Although you could text your friends,there was only so much time to.They either were offline or could only have short chats.You couldn't even call them because it might be too loud and disturb others.
So,long story short,you were lonely and slightly restless.You felt slightly upset as there was nobody around to talk to or just have quality time with.Added with the check-ups and having your blood drawn,it was simply put,tiring.To curb the restlessness as well as your loneliness,you decided to talk to yourself about your feelings.Well,fortunate or not,your beloved husband,Ike Eveland,just so happened to take a day off and suprise you with a visit and your favorite food,along with a boquet of ivy(means marriage in flower language) ,roses(means love)and your favorite,camelias(means love/adoration/longing in flower language:))!Since he figured you might be bored or lonely and you couldn't get your favorite food yourself as you couldnt just leave the hospital willy nilly and get yourself something at a shop.And...he happened to walk in when you were talking to yourself about your feelings of sadness,loneliness and restlessness.Ike felt slightly upset at himself that he wasn't there to comfort you,even though he had to work.He decided to listen a bit more so he could understand how you were feeling more and comfort you in the best way possible.
And his heart broke for you.Ike felt as if he would start crying if he didn't go and comfort you right now.He opened the door and hugged you.You were shocked to feel Ike hugging you all of a sudden."Did you hear everything?.."you asked tentatively,as Ike slowly let go of you,put the boquet and your food down on the nearby table and sat down on your bed."Well,probably not all of it.Maybe most of it?Anyways,I am so sorry that you had to feel this way,Min kärlek.(my love in swedish)"He replied with a frown,grabbing your hands in his and kissing them.You felt happy that he had come and slightly flustered that he had done that.You took your hands out of his and hugged him.He wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head on your shoulder.Your face was halfway buried in his shoulder.His clothes were soaked slightly as you cried tears of joy,happy that he had suprised you this way.
Headcanons:(as a special for (discord friend))
-would deffo squeeze you so hard when u felt the tears soak his shoulder as a way of comfort
-would also be extremely worried that you were crying
-was relieved and happy when u told him it was out of joy
-definitely spent quite a while looking for a boquet that could express his feelings towards you amazingly
-Ike also memorized your favorite foods,things that you like or dislike before you got married
-Man was flustered that he basically knocked the door open to smash face first to you
-would probably do it again
-When you get discharged he would definitely bring you out on a date and give u the best time ever
-bought so much stuff for you(its fine he rich he streams and gets thousands every stream smh)
-if you get discharged at night he would cook dinner for you and have a movie marathon while cuddling
-if you fall asleep in the movie he would carry u to the bedroom and continue cuddling w u
-cooked meals for you as well if u got discharged in the day
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doodle-pops · 2 years
You have alway been a dreamer. What would be just another rainy day to others, was a million kisses just for you, sent from your love, from a place you knew you could only visit while reading, or sleeping. Scary thunderstorm? Celestial fireworks, making you wonder, if Pippin and Merry stole Gandalf's rockets and firecrackers again. Heavy snowing? Eonwë and Ossë engaging in a pillow fight and putting too much into it.
Not long ago, you befriended an old man, owning an antique shop. You visited him frequently and more than once you wished you had more sparem oney to buy trinkets you found in his shop. He always reminded you of certain grey wizzard, with the way he talked and how his eyes seem to sparkle with amusement. And he did not mind you calling him Gandalf or Mithrandir. He said he was honoured to be named after this character. He loved to make stories about pieces of his merchandise. Like about one old compass you admired for some time already.
"An odd fellow left it here. He looked like he was permanently drunk and as if he ran away from some kind of those pirate movies. He gratefully took my money and left. Only later I realized it was broken. It never pointed to the north. But that compass looked to me...you know.. like a veteran of sorts and it felt wrong to try to fix it." "I can't believe you are telling me that Jack Sparrow came here to sell his compass!" you laughed. "Off course not! He never told me his name!" the shopkeeper feigned hurt feelings. "Anyways, I noticed you like that thing and thought...since you have a birthday tomorrow, I should give it to you as a gift from me. Would you accept it?" "You are...really giving it to me?" you exhaled with aw. "Thank you so much!" you hugged the shopkeeper. You heard his laugh once again. "May it serve you well and guide you, where your heart longs to be," he winked at you.
Little did you know it would be the last time you saw each other. You celebrated your birthday with those few friends you had. You were having a blast, having little grill party in your house. Week later, when you finally had some time off, you wanted to visit your old friend again, only to find his shop closed and the shopkeeper gone. There was an announcement on the entrance door, stating the shop owner died.
This shocked you and hurt you far more than you expected. It was a wonder you found your way back home with the salty flood coming from your eyes and blurring your sight.
In the next days, all seemed to become kind of bleached and grey. Both you and your friends were busy. You felt suddenly lonely in your house - now that your friends were too busy to visit you as frequently as before.
As those days turned to weeks and then to months, you and your friends saw each other rarely. Even your day-dreaming ceased. To be honest, that was, what worried you the most. That rainy sommer only added to that. The days were dim and grey. Only when you came home, your garden offered you some respite with its greenery and colorful blossoming flowers.
You needed to get away from that, even if for a while. You decided to just have a nice weekend and take a trip somewhere. You didn't know where though. Remembering your gift from your deceased friend, you decided to use it, curious, if it would point at least to one direction, not necessarily the north. You took a map, placed the compass on it and waited.
It didn't work.
"Oh, come on, just one direction!" you moaned. "It not like I'am asking you to show me, where Himring is!" you sighed with frustration. You have always wanted to see it...or, better said Maedhros, who lived there for quite some time. Annoyed and not really expecting much, you looked at the old compass again. The arrow didn't shiver at all. It just pointed somewhere...northeast from your house. Somewhere in the woods.
"Wha.." you blinked. You made sure to mark it in the map. "Now this was weird. Well, we'll soon see if there truly is a way to Arda..." you shook your head. At least you could have an interesting walk in places you had never been to yet.
You packed all you could possibly need, along with Jack's compass and set off on your journey. First, you passed by various houses, quite similar to your own. Then, it was meadows and before long, you entered a forest. You checked once again the direction with your compass, all curious. It pointed towards a spot, where you found a narrow path, leading deeper into the forest.
If only your deceased friend could see you. You finally went on your own adventure! It was about a noon when you came upon small pond. Its waters were surprisingly clear. You paused here to eat and to wash your hands and face to refresh yourself. A few more steps further, there was a spring, with drinkable water even. You tasted it. It was like drinking liquid essence of life. You refilled your canteen here before you continued, following your compass.
After one hour or so, you came to an entrance of a gorge between two high rock massives. That was a bit strange. You never knew there was something like that right next to the city outskirts. Not even on your map. This made your trip more interesting though, so you did not complain.
The path got narrower there, and much darker, as you progressed. After some time you came to an antrance to a cave. You hesitated there and checked your compass. Its arrow pointed towards the entrance. You dug out your torch, lit it on and stepped inside.
You were walking through for what felt like at least thirty minutes, when the light started flickering, until it died out.
"Ooh, great. Just great," you moaned and started searching your backpack for your lighter. When you found it and lit it up, you noticed your compas acting strange - the arrow was whirling madly. and the whole compass seemed to start to glow. Wha..what's going ooo-ouch!" you yelped as the lighter burnt your fingers. You dropped it and still held the compass. As you spotted the lighter in its glow, you stepped closer and were about to crouch down to pick it up, when you slipped over wet stone. The ground started shaking, slightly, before it gave up against your weight. You managed only to yelp with startle, before you felt yourself sliding down fast. You curled up, trying to shield yourself.
The landing was hard and whole your body ached. You felt dizzy. But after thorough checking it seemed you were lucky enough to not have broken anything. You were just covered with scrapes and bruises. You carefully sat up, and noticed, that there was a bit of light coming from somewhere in front of you. You tried to search for your backpack and your things, but only item you found was your compass.
It was still glowing a little, pointing now steadily towards the light in the distance. You sighed. If you were to find some help and the way back home or at least somewhere safe, you would have to get out of this dark tunnel.
When you finally managed to stumble out of the cave, strong weave of cold wind washed over you. You squinted for a while, befor your eyes adjusted to the light. The sky was clear and you found yourself near the foot of tall hill with something like fortress on top.
"Wow..." you exhaled with aw. "Wait. This was not on my map. I couldn't have gone that far..." you frowned and looked around. Behind you another hill rose up, just as tall as the one with the fortress on top. on your left, you noticed more hills in the distance, some rising higher into steep and sharp mountaintops, on your right you saw green plains and golden fields. "Well, guess that climbing up that hill is the best choice now..." you checked the compass one last time. This time it pointed somewhere else. Towards you. "What?"
You heard approaching steps of hooves. When you turned around, you saw the tallest man ever. His long, wavy hair was just a few shades lighter than his red cloak. You could see armor and even,..was it a gauntlet or..your eyes widened at realization.
Despite how many scars littered his face, to you he was still handsome. You saw him frown and quickly check his surroundings. He slid down of his saddle and slowly approached you.
"Don't worry, young maiden. I won't hurt you. You look like you've seen a battle. What has happened to you? Why are you alone in here?" He seemed to have tu suppress an urge to embrace you.
"M-maiden? Me?" you blinked. "I..my compass ..really lead me here.." you exhaled. You remembered your old friend and smiled wisfully. He blinked and with a few steps he was right in front of you. He placed his left hand on your forehead and gave out a relieved sigh. You had no fever, that he was sure of.
"Are you in pain?" he asked with his best soothing tone. "A little, I..came through that cave, right behind us..there was a collapse and I slid down...it's nothing too bad, more like a nuissance.." you smiled a little, your cheeks burning. "A cave? There is no cave nearby," he shook his head. "But I really came out of one just moments ago!" you frowned. "Over there, behind those pines!" you insisted. As you checked that spot once more...all you could see was only solid rock with no cracks or niches.
Both of you went to check it - you trying to find that blasted cave...and him, checking your tracks. You both ended up confused.
He then introduced himself as Maedhros. He found your name a bit strange, but seemed to like it, it was unique to him. He took you with him up to Himring and seeing how cold you were, he wrapped you in his cloak.
Before you arrived, you have shown him your compass and told him how you got there. He was taken aback with that, because it all sounded rather abusrd, but as he inspected you, he couldn't sense a lie within you. You even seemed to like him. He decided to keep an eye on you, until he would figure out who or what you were.
He made sure your wounds would be treated, and you would be fed. He sent a search party to check the place where he found you, but they never found anything more than your tracks. No hidden cave, no trace of a landslide that could possibly hide its entrance. And no way back for you.
You were lost, with nowhere to go, having no family. All that for a wish to meet him as you told him, all blushing brightly. You had no idea how the way you looked up to him soothed his troubled mind.
Somehow, you always managed to make him smile, even if just a little. He decided to take care of you. You learnt all you needed to be able to make a living. In the end you started working as one of the librarians in his keep. That was, when you started seeing each other more frequently. What started as a friendship slowly turned into something deeper.
You became his ray of sunshine, whenever he was struggling with his shadows. He gladly welcomed you in his embrace, whenever you needed support.
One day, you were finishing your work late in the night and you found him in a corridor, pale and sweating - he must have had another bad case of nightmares. Once you managed to help him deal with the aftermath, you made a decision.
That afternoon he send you a short message, asking you to meet him in his chambers. When you came to him, he surprised you with his confession. He asked you to allow him to court you! You accepted. The timing could not be better.
"Then I have...something for you as well, Mae," you smiled at him as you handed him your compass. "I know you hate to talk about your oath. Seeing how much this oath troubles you and your brothers, I want to help you in any way I can. And since this compass lead me to you...I thought it might help you find a way to fulfill your oath without getting anyone innocent hurt. Please, accept it," you looked at him.
He gulped a few times. "How did I deserve this, sweetest one?" he took it as if it were the silmaril itself. "Do you not now?" you chuckled. "I just love you. And I want you to be happy."
Pirate's compass - girl's best friend ;) . I really should do something about that length XD.
by looooong scroll anon <(*///*)>
That was long 😖 and some imagine.
You're giving so much hope that I can dive easily into middle earth lol
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Particularly among the older Queen crowd outside of Tumblr, Roger seems to be relatively shielded from criticism and personal attacks in regards to post-Freddie Queen projects, while Brian is often painted as the sole person responsible for everything wrong with whatever the band does, though sometimes poor Roger also gets dragged in. But his loyalty to and friendship with Freddie doesn’t nearly get as disputed or dismissed as much. John’s silent approval for these projects mostly goes unnoticed. It’s strange.
Oh and I have another one: the biopic gets a lot of flack and criticism but often for the wrong and weirdest reasons. And because of that, I rarely pay mind to any criticism of it now, despite the fact that some could be well constructed and warranted.
Take 1:
Strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Yes. Absolutely, yes. I think Roger is shielded from 99% of criticism in general (hence me getting blocked by Roger stans after making a mild criticism of him/more of a criticism of his stans lmao) but I'll stick to the subject you brought up. People act like Brian bullies Roger into agreeing to every post-Freddie Queen project, which is utterly laughable. I don't think Roger is capable of being bullied lol and he's certainly not afraid of disagreeing with Brian! I don't know if people zero in on Brian's ardent defense of Queen's post-Freddie actions because we hear from him the most or because they just love hating him (I think it's both), but when Roger does open his mouth publicly, it's never to bow to criticism of the band or say Brian was the one who made him do X. Every major thing done in the Queen name right now has both of their approval.
Yes, there's John, too. Maybe one could argue that he doesn't actually approve but doesn't want to bother fighting any business decisions anymore, but idk, I don't think we have evidence of that, and he certainly still gets paid for everything Brian and Roger do in the band's name. I remember a post on here made by someone outside the fandom that asserted John didn't do borhap press or show up at award shows for borhap because he didn't approve of the movie--unlike Brian and Roger who were supposedly homophobic and selling out Freddie--and it was so, so fucking stupid that I immediately blocked that person lmao. We all know John has been out of sight for +20 years! Anyway, yeah, Brian is the face of post-Freddie Queen to some people, so they take their angst out on mainly him.
Take 2:
Strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Let me give you the reasons for my contradictory response. I loathe that film lol. I despise its sloppy, lazy writing, inaccuracies, Mary worship, Jim (almost) erasure, undermining the band's familial relationship, and (intentional? Unintentional?) homophobia in its demonization of gay club culture and simultaneous putting Mary/hetero shit on a pedestal. However, since I don't know what particular criticisms you're referring to, I can't fully disagree, because I don't discount that people probably hate it for really weird reasons. One thing I've learned in this fandom is that pretty much everything Queen has said or done is hated by someone for a batshit reason I would never think of in a million years lmao. I don't talk about the movie much anymore because it's been years and I've talked about it a lot, but I can't think about it too long without wanting to bite something.
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
Random comic issues from the local antique store: an overview, part 2/5
Batman #436, August 1989. Part of a series called Batman Year 3, part one of four. I don't have the other three parts, but I was glad to find this one (even if it's quite tattered and water-damaged) because of its very significant flashback.
It's sunset, and Batman overlooks the harbor, waiting. "It will be another hour," the narration tells us, "before the Batman feels more at home." He's there to prevent another killing after a recent series of hits on mob bosses, but despite his efforts, he's too late, and he stalks away, bedraggled and self-critical.
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Meanwhile, at the courthouse, a committee discusses the possible parole of Tony Zucco, murderer of John and Mary Grayson. Some think that Zucco has paid his debt to society and is ready to be released, and there's reluctance to hear from a mysterious person who apparently argues against releasing him every year, but the committee lets this person in.
Also meanwhile, Dick Grayson has returned to Wayne Manor to speak to Bruce, who obviously isn't home at that time of night. It's been two years since Dick left, and he isn't finding the place quite as he remembered.
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He finds no evidence in the Batcave or Bruce's room that Jason, who has been dead only a few weeks, ever even lived there. And he's getting concerned.
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Back at the courthouse, the mysterious man relates Zucco's backstory, an upbringing of violence and abuse, culminating in tragedy and choosing the wrong path. The committee cuts the story short, saying they know all this, but the mysterious man urges them to think of Zucco's victims, specifically "not the ones he killed...but the one who lived. The boy. Richard Grayson. I want you to think about him."
Flashback time! Haly's Circus. Oh, look, a random couple and their little dark-haired son. Probably not important to this narrative, of course.
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Anyway, young Dick is your typical all-American child acrobat. He practices handstands with his mom. He makes plans to go see a movie with one of the clowns after tonight's show (to get out of doing his homework!). Everyone at the circus is fond of him, even Elinore the elephant. And his dad has managed to get them tickets to the World Series! Things couldn't be better. After a family visiting the circus wants to get a picture taken with the Graysons (surely that's not going to be important later)...
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Mary Grayson takes her son aside and asks if he's happy where they are. "We're not leaving, are we?" he asks. "I never want to leave." She speculates a moment about "what it would be like to stay in one place like a real family" (and I, who grew up in a very real military family that moved a lot, would probably ask her to rephrase that statement), but she dismisses the thought and tells Dick she loves him.
And then Dick overhears a conversation between Mr. Haly and someone called Zucco, which sounds suspicious, but the Graysons' act is on, and there's no time to talk.
The little boy who's at the circus with his parents is fascinated by Dick's "incredible, impossible quadruple flip of doom." His mom suggests that he could someday do that too, but his dad isn't too fond of that idea. This probably isn't foreshadowing for anything, I'm sure.
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And...well, you know how the Flying Graysons' last act turns out. Both Dick and the little boy (whose mom covered her own eyes, not his) witness the death. They're horrified.
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And that's when Batman shows up, in full view of the crowd. He points out that the rope didn't fray, it was cut, and a distraught Dick tells him about Zucco and begs him to kill his parents' murderer. He's ready to do it himself if Batman won't.
He doesn't, of course.
The mysterious man draws a comparison between the young Zucco and Dick and the differences in their responses to parental death and the desire for revenge. He stresses his point that Zucco should not be free to harm others, and the committee dismisses him while they deliberate.
This man is, of course, Alfred, and his final request is that they "please decide justly. I fear for the sanity of the boy who may have lost too much."
The narrative returns to Dick, still in the Batcave alone, and pondering how out of hand things have gotten:
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(The dramatic reveal of that regrettable suit kind of kills this serious moment, but such was the 80s :P )
And then a final cliffhanger of Batman in a fix and that's that. A very efficient backstory of not one but two Robins, although the original audience wouldn't have known it yet. An older Tim would debut several issues later and recount his side of what happened that night at the circus.
Bonus: The "Bat-Signals" page of letters from readers includes such things as
someone complaining about a lack of Batman in a recent issue: "You already killed Robin. If you eliminate Batman then we're stuck with 'The Adventures of Alfred, the Lone Butler!'"
someone apologizing for a "harsh" letter he wrote in response to an earlier issue, acknowledging that he afterward "gave stronger thought to a different perspective about Batman's actions. I think you are right. Batman does not cross that last line nor should he. He must show himself as an example to the people and make sure that he keeps their trust. But if Batman does not cross that line, why did he want to kill the Joker after Robin's death? Does he still feel that way?" The editor replies, "Probably Batman does not feel that way any longer. Wounds heal and scar over and Batman is human." Already some Discourse on the handling of Jason's death!
someone who had read the comic for twenty years noting that "inconsistent characterization of Batman has followed economic and social cycles." Darker interpretations and plotlines came at times of war or economic hardship, while better times aligned with a lighter take on the character. The reader says he prefers the Batman of the 50s/60s, when he "operate[d] during daylight hours" and "the Batman family [was] better represented." He points out that after the death of Robin, "when Batman becomes a crazed loner, the entire supporting cast suffers. Is there no room for a lighter side in a man driven to fight crime because of the murder of his parents?"
and someone else (whom I suspect was young) writing rather poignantly, "I love Batman comics, but why did you kill Robin? I liked Jason a lot. I got all his comics. I found out in a magazine that Robin was going to die. I miss him. But why did you kill him?"
...the editor makes no comment.
Next time: fast forward a few years to early in Tim's career as Robin.
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do you think spongebob being ace is more so because of homophobia? i mean hillenburg said this in the 90s/2000s and while of course the asexual community has been around for a while but back then it wasn’t really known identity among cishet people and being asexual meant more in the reproductive way with animals and hillenburg only said it because people were iirc using him as a gay icon and/or because of angry christian parents and that he meant it in a more biological way of how sponges irl bud? i mean even today besides that one vague pride post by nick nothing else officiates spongebob bring ace besides the rule of no love interests for him
idk what to think though…thoughts? sorry i don’t mean to start discourse or anything
Probably? I remember like a year ago or so I would've said "nah" but I disagree with that now.
Yeah Sponge isn't allowed a love interest, especially not a girlfriend. So I always accepted that as proof of him being aro/ace. I know the reason was because romance didn't fit the show hence why Sandy was originally planned as a love interest but later thrown out.
I think his sexuality was never really planned. Like he's based off Jerry Lewis, Stanley Laurel and those types. Yeah sometimes in their movies they get love interests but usually they're very childish characters who don't share much intimacy with others. Stanley especially. For some reason I remember Laurel and Hardy fans sometimes shipping them with each other because they have more chemistry with each other than their wives/gfs in the movies.
But him officially being labed as asexual was usually as a reaction to some kind of homophobic controversy. Earlier in 2003 when it was found that Spongebob was popular amongst homosexual men. Or when those christian groups thought he was gay and wanted the show banned. We got the same response twice. Nah he's asexual. Usually as a joke too since sea sponges are asexual.
I think usually it was meant to save face. Just the assumption of being gay was enough to get stuff banned. Even if the creators didn't mean such. Like I believe Hillenburg really meant Sponge was asexual because he didn't find spongebob having a love interest suitable for his character. But I also believe saying it outright "he's asexual" was often to deflect whenever there was any sort of controversy. The early 2000s were super homophobic.
Besides asexuality wasn't particularly known back then like it is now. Its more clear he was referring to how sea sponges reproduce asexuality. Tying into the marine biology jokes.
I wouldn't count the nick pride post for anything because they were just doing it to throw in any cartoon character that they have that happens to be lgbt so they can seem progressive. They probably looked at spongebob like "oh well he just so happens to be asexual! We can use that"
Anyways I don't mind the ask! I think its interesting to talk about. There was a lot of stuff that I didn't consider back when the nick pride post thing happened that I have noticed now so it's worth revising my own opinions every once in a while ya kno? Plus its fun to share and hear what other people think.
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daniigh0ul · 6 days
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there are so many things i want to say about this post but i shall let it speak for itself (also! tati room reveal) ***
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Seether is neither loose nor tight Seether is neither black nor white I tried to keep her on a short leash I tried to calm her down I tried to ram her back into the ground Can't fight the seether, Can't fight the seether,
TEXT CONVO BETWEEN GIA AND TATI GIA: TATI. I am STRESSED. TATI: oh no what's up? GIA: Too much stuff to do and no time TATI: come over for a girls night!!! its friday. lets have fuuun :D GIA: You know what? You're so right. Be over in like 10 min. TATI: YAY! bring mean girls k thx TEXT CONVO BETWEEN TATI AND OMAR TATI: omaaaarrr TATI: next fri is movie night so i am demanding we watch 50/50 OMAR: hmm ok but i am bringing other movies too TATI: no war horse VANCE: I have come to rescue you from homework. TATI: I wasn't doing it, anyway. Can I ask you a question? VANCE: Shoot. TATI: OK. Well. I kinda lied earlier. Omar and I are having problems because of other people, but what I meant was, he gets mad when guys talk to me--it's why we fought over the summer. Remember? And, like, we made up--but Gia, Sam, everyone, makes him out to be this bad guy, and I don't know. Everyone gets jealous, right? VANCE: I mean yeah, sure. Have you two talked about this as a couple? TATI: Well. Kinda? But. The real issue is I hung out with a guy today, but I didn't even tell him because I didn't want him to be mad. VANCE: Deep breaths, man. My advice is to talk to him about how it makes you feel to hide talking to someone because of how he might react to it. TATI: That's so scary. VANCE: If you don't, I'll steal your phone and text him the cringiest meme I can find. TATI: Ew! Don't! VANCE: I'll send him pictures of when you were a toddler. TATI: So?! VANCE: Remember your tutu and-- (door creaks open) TATI & VANCE: GIA!! GIA: Hi! Scoot over, Vance!! TATI: Did my parents let you in? GIA: Not to be a gossip, but your parents were arguing when I came up the stairs so I didn't say hi. VANCE: I'm sure it's fine. TATI: Yeah you're practically their daughter. TATI: OK. Tell me what's been going on!! I feel like I haven't had alone time with you since like the first day of school. GIA (sighing): I have AP homework up to my ears, Yearbook and Homecoming Committee stuff, and I decided to take on hours at Thriftea. TATI: Oh my god. Do you even sleep? (Vance eavesdropping while high) (They forgot he was here lol) MARCO: Vance! Play Smash Bros. with me. VANCE: Only if I get the good controller. Later gaters. GIA: Do you think Sidney is cute? TATI: Sidney Price? Do you? GIA: Maybe. TATI: Someone has a crush! GIA (laughing): Don't laugh!
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